Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 10, 1843, Image 2
tiviatitrice, The kegs were marked F. & 1 A 1 , 1 c;;..j-eitaierikN , ' , ' , 'llit , iiAT-4 ail kJ. Marshall. Mich.; cats of Hutchison, 1 . , '-- ..: t': . ._. Y fined in . a onurt . for bealutt bit! Wifietried Campbel; & Co. Detroit,' and a prone t ,__ ~ t time _she • 7 ' * •'' •• bill of ladltill, signed by the proper ofFver ; 1 -0. uugging ',l B tolli,. thtl ' - , , of the vesel on which they ‘vere shipped, tieOdett coritetion. ft e said the lay; allow giver. fur them et the Line of their strip-' ed him to hug sa much iti.d . aS 'hard as he meet, plea , ed, and the poor woman had three of the Dfts. and Hunter. Pa!mer & Co. , her ribs broken as a csinsequence. A law of 8uf1 , 19-. and Robert Hunter & Co., f should be passed forthwith against hugging. Albany, were partners in the forwarding business, and owners 6f the Merchants' . . ._ - - line The nails were received at Buffalo by the agents of the Merchants' line, horn one of their canal boats, the 'Oliver Newberry,' and with them a hill of lading, dated at Albany, Aug 1,'1335, and sined by an 'agent of Robert Hunter & Co. In this bill .of lading the goods are described as marked F. &G. &e., and c 3n3igaed to the care of Hentf r, Palmer Sr Co. Hut ter, 'Palmer & Co., Aug. 9, 1838, shipped the nails on the steam boat 'Buf falo,' belonging to their line. fur Detrni', to the care of 0. Newberry tr Co. the Defts. who received them in their ware house Aug. 11, 1838, and paid heat frei g ht end charges to Troy, N. Y. « 1 1 X1 1, w i h -their own charges fur storage &e. amount ed to about 8100. The Dells. had no knowledge of the Plfrs• e6ntract with the New York and Michigan line; nor did it appear how the goods conic to be ttasfer sod,. from that to Ltle Delta. line. In the course of the summer and fall, 1 the Eli n.. called twice at the s t o re (XI •Defts ! and enquired if any of the Plats' goods were there, des••ri , Jing them, and 'were informed 11-. ere were noire. On the day bef•re the co•omer•cfm• ro c.f this suit, the Plaint t if; hiving ascer "itained that tlitre, Tot:IL. we re in th e p,,s ses . Pion of the defendants, called and deman- Ved-therc, and the defendants refused to deliver them antic they were paid for the back freight and charges whkli they had ed7anced, and also for their own charges. claiming a right of lien on the g 'rids for anch freight and chair e s, %%hi c h the plan.- tiHs refused to pay, and reptevie I the goods. Upon these (acts the folio icing points were derided: lst. That a common carrier is bound oil receive and cony, y gut ids, only when ttf , v .fered f r carriage t.% the owner or au - 4tiitni-ted agent, :old then, u:•ori payment fer the earriage in advatwe, it'r , (1 , 1 21. If e•irrier ot , t4ra the posses,,ion • elthe goods Lordnfully, or %% i , hoot th ',risen/ of die own , r, 4 xprf ss or irrwhetl, and on demand, ref,:s: , . deliVr'r them to the owner, such nwin•r in ;y h rodcy replP• ! O n for ay . 0.141418, io• I , over f 0.161 VAltie: 31, To Josti ly a ii , ,, Inc their the f dailor tiod 'Creditor M , / , I exist het wren Lht.. owner and the carrier. Fo 4.1 Ile •Il be 'vita itted for '.hLt ;molt of the debut enught In be erf. r, ehr\ the lieu. rr.r T`RE4**)ENT. ji-A 31 11 t E 9 S . A sll. ,n 40 - is r p .11 fl Nnz*.•. se - ,r.n Y MfiIIMNG PitST. PA I Pritturs 11:111.;Y, '04(21110 1313 ~ t. I' -1 licedivg We In.pe tl:e, wilt not fwaer Mr. JAmisoN's tmlurta , nmi nt. a L Plitln Hall Alfa evening. Mr. „I's professi , nal talents iaasufficient guJr3r.ty that the pei firm taco will be worthy of a lihend pa ron age, and tits worth as a piivste citizen, should gait for him the fus.-n- of all who desire to !cal merit. We hope tosee the rNil crowiletl. canni Tionsportation• The gentltnen engaged in this business; Iv aarti,f , :u, the far , ri in Westmoreland are making preparations on a *elate, which 'county, Va . . on which General Washi.ig evinces their confidence that the c;uning ton was burn, is offerell for sale. season will he a prospcvcri one. Messrs•; Tivo men, while trying to shoot docks dickey and & Co., nf the 10 lepei,ilent on The Carmadaigoa lake, broke through Tide Water Line, have tired' d a clia— the ice; so that they got ducki eninigh with clouts warehoufe on the corner of Wayae wt. ,. shooting them, before they got . out. arid Liberty streets, and are provided with . every convenience tJ; f,icilitale 1.,w,i.,e , g . S011(1Syini)(11 hy.—Thie editor of the CharleSbrn Coin ier, iii calling altention to and to' accronniodate those alto - may pit_ a concert. says "any one can obtain admis• ronise their Lirie• • sinn by dropping .1 t ea r ~I" s y t „,,,,, 1y in tLe As will he seen by 6, it nlverCsement, shape yf a . trt , ater dollar at Cie d >or." Messrs. 11. Drvixr,. &C. A. MeArcta..rit, of the . U. S. Line hay,: ewer ed int partner- Tt.e prtiFtpeet f,f the hi , ull4 rtf f:htfr:age ship, and made extensivo et ro,raemt.tits su . co . the next ,1 e i r e filr..the fon% u:ding (if g , ods by it: 6 °`'Cli"ti,,n 1,11,21.1 t Expre-s B ;sta. sv . s: AI, 4 F I i n .." 011,, have rt These gen leqien carte. tlto first "!") lel it ti 'het ref air ..t4te emhalked in the ti hint ss uu l r n ~ „ --0 ..11.0 al ;rmed at the p'f)Spf.l f erratligPliteltt Ru nut' ltni>ae wnrk:;. - 1! d 1,13 - s „ i „ j eieet i, to. , an d ing fully tested the se , ti n sy-to d.f r, r orthe sinsekid `he tdy'e`etl thi y speak in the Ugliest to mi ~f i s su_ i n I.,mtersilic p Amite over every mode .1 transi•orta.- Cone We refer the h nl,lic to their n !vet tievnent .77te Officers ef the Smiers.—ThpNew Yak Express of Sittircl ty says:--! % The officers of the S:nners are likely to he har ried enough to s sti,f their worst v-rseru in ft. e learn that separate complaints will be ma 'e heloieilw Grlnd jury by the rePreetiVe friends of Sper(!t r. Cromtv•llt ea Small. on a charge of Nl•triler. After two Martial Law they will now probably pafs ioto thx hinds of the Civil L a w. frieods of 4r. Spencer have employed strong counsel." *Col. Me Kenney is delivering lectures, "nn.the "wi.tipg - s of the Iniiiang t vl Mr. Ritchie of . J.he _Richmond Enquirer ietitn - vs on the wrongs utchisidecliops being a . e . andidate for the Vice Presidency. owiirrace, wauld evince more ifistrorn. _oe Loo4llllliiiiriktissit'in- or the P O 4t, -- -,, f T0..,.,*, the hoeorairie, the Judges. of the Cant of thlialittsvle, General Quarter SeSSiona of the Peace, insod slant- .Asott,, , r- s pui pisPendit* rya since (or the County of Allegheny. tM a., .. - , yi , :."'.' , . .,.:: • ' 1 beart.Ate.. Fat -91110--whith-ts Dna; rt now ur_iii7'.l -, ict. Bendel, •18 doz ... 4prong a...,,..,.., The petition of Robt. Binary, of 5.h ward Pitts. burgh, iii the county afoi lynv et,aid humbl showetb that : day more than was allowed that month this --- gto N.. p i _ It, who - says - , tfwllO',a Una - ATM , ' since, - wiii sentenced 'tef. 12 doz di; 2 pron t rillay -do fritieffttianalatff iitto y,ar. It wasilin'tiitqrs'fau for the acoonotostatig n'f rravelertand rapOlit his • tell Yollea iroptisonitent in the .Western' l2 " do 4 ran Aanure d'' dwelling houid, • int !hi ward aniti car by' afore in n scow, that he thought this was leapl p I ..• ' ' I 6 " du :4 mew do do y e ar, k and act et) bold and ! enitentiary for the offence of counterfeit- , P - fa - in the-enrrent - cc-in of 'the United States, ! 4 '' said, and prays that yau k r ea _li si o a no y , j 7 b .w pr, tli h bo otim ...ploodudat of enter. the 'gals ' 100 do , grant him a ficettse tp I U " do 3 prong Ilay do 2 prong do dl '.'" miliar in their 'kiss me it you dare' bon- in which an insinoation (intended for our 19 1 •• Goodyear's 4pr ow Manure do. _ tainment. And your' petitioner, as in drug- wilt pray. - ruts I." , i 1 worthy fellow citizen,Mr. John Morrison,) I March 10. J. B. GUIHRIE,pAuc'r. ROBERT BIN 'SI,,F,Y. prince de Joinville contemplates visiting _ i is (brawn nut that a certain functionary at various parts of the United States, in the Enjoying it while it lasts,— A good l th” Court House, who aspires to the Sher- ' CARPETS FOR SALE. certify that the above petitioner i 3 ofgoocrrerrate t iffs Office, had signed the petition for Bea , ; J Room:, No 110 Wood sl. frigate Si arseilles, accompanied by th e lady in this village, says the Essex 'flans, TusT RF. CEIVED and for sale at Hausman's Auction honesty and temperance, and is well provided art dells pardon, hou-e loom and conveniences fur the accommo : Isi li: id ber an t vd l , l7 °l:: h cig;u' steam ftigate Gomer, to make arrange- , : cript, a recent convert to the Miller theory, i A large lot of Pint and Superfine Ingrain Carpets, Venitlan si ai: Carpels, Oil Floor Clow, Itugs.4e. which • Now, permit us to inform the editor of • , of strainter.s and travelere, arid, oar menu , for the reception of the Fiend) steam has cut up a rich and costly silk dress fur the i will be sold at private N.kle 20 per cent cheaper than Whiteside, S s l n id eZeSSnry .1:11:1308 HatTllfoh, . 91 Sun and his co--adjutors in thia hase ', any ever before offered in this market. mail packets. • kitchen window blinds. She says, "it's no attempt to injure Mr. Nltirrison, that the I march 7" ft A. HAUSM AN, Aar. Gen. Porter. Daniel Hamiltoo, ------------------ i - Jnhn L. McCormick, James Andrews, use to keep things to be burnt up; we might. charge is ungaalific IN false. and we ch a t -iyirsHE sate of Fresh spring, Coeds will he continued at Wm. Hamilton, Joittrffearney,..... Vessels of war Lost.—lt appears that Sainnei 11 , IcKelif, i n El 9 well enjoy this world while it lasts.•' lenge them to produee the least scintilla of 1 _IL Baurman's Ruction Reams, „ No 110 Wood st every John Yworg, Johii Lightner. in the great gale in the Gulf of Nlexico, for bargains r+ now ofreceil ,as the g o ik °tiered are en- Jerem.ah Frew, March 10-4 t ,';:i. September last three ves=els of war were lost, i Destructive Shot.—Exrriments were , tirely new, the assortment complete, and the qualities —___....... __— as they were in the Gulf at the time, and tried at Albany on Wednesday, in presence BRANDII.E'II - l'S PILLS, .orthe very be-+. , , - March 7. have not since been heard from. They ,of General Wool and M. , jor Baker. of the SrCURED BY LE l' fERS PATENT OF i BAUS RIO COFFEE , were the Eng l ish brig of war Vidor, the army, which satisfied them of the final suc- THE EN I PEP ST.Vi'lis. . 100 20 Chants Tea. French brig of war Dunois, and the Texan cess of the hollow sit it or shells, invented 'lilt; Mr,rllol.l OF PREPARING TnIE .20-11 , ‘,.-!4 Torycn. 13,0301 a,5.1.,,1imp and Loaf Sugar. D': AN DRET I I l A \ - 1 VEGETABLE EX- 29 Boles Raisins, schooner of war San .3ntonio. Nearly by Scott and Burdick, of that city. 'Clic T I. 5 1 1 . 5 , 10 '' Sof! , in Candles, on or quite three hundred men perished with shells are loaded with a cornpition desie:n. r. -avrai eot,e.t 9'h .Tone, IF4I--Patent Van'ed to if) •• • Sdarrli i n II „ il l, ~,i,..21111 January. 1.913. ILO Kegs Ground Ginzer. these vessels. The Dunnis was from Ha. ed to explode i hero at the ins•ant of strik ing 13 "i'''' . 'rit e ...xtr neH or wn.c;) thiaol , etW• 1',11,t are corn- 2 .• Nulnie. 4 s. vanna for France, the Victor from Vera any object at which they might be aintr.. , l. ~,,-,,d a r , - oc,ir , ! bc 0 .;.-. ~, k v p. , m,ii.:l 9,,,e,5;, 4 - Imh,o. LOU B.irreis GI Veil All is 17 E to Steam Boat — Toe-The su a s e r ta tt ro a Cruz for the Wet t Indies. and the siin An - Iliis Journal says the effect ot a sinple shot ' l / 4 . i , i1 , 1( 1 ) , ” ::.: 1 !; I n , 1 ' 1 , f .' 1 1 . 1 ,':,'7:; . , 3 1 "1, 11 , 3 ' ', 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ,";', : i n h e ll l . J.: l ' l ,: ii c i ; I, , Receiv..id on con.lgnmet.t and for sale cheap for rash. ..I.N ° cri T ii i, coneller of tile diffieully of the times. imsredem ti. DEVINE. onio from Ga!veston to New Orleans. upon a largo ship would be to sink her al- I , i t , 9 , i , t h e -I: state: Idne warehouse, Gaul mein, Liberty st. intiSt instantaneously, and t xpiotllng in or ' LIVINif: V 1;•;ETABLE• ; mar In, lil4 l. r... 1 the pr!re of Ins Safety (gaged for the pi-rimerlV The New York rapers have a rumor that : Th.. P,AO:r amount li • c ui , ionis of ni ,, lHineA rer- - year a body of troops it. tvou:(1 prove awful. „,,,,,, ~, I i i , ,„1.,..,i. m .„ , .., ~,1 , ,,, 1 - ,,,,, ~,,, i n , COP./11?7'NEUSIIIP. It is hoped that all twat owners will avail themselves r; fur one tear ship of the line Pennsylvania, and theof tine,e rea , onable terms, not only on riceetiiit or nor the ly destructive, 0,1, , . , , e•e C. ,, \ -1-K•nr rint.r Nonn( e ....cem my ran- ' rII! JE under*lled has* assochitcd then,rlves tot:rill • • perfect safety they ;Mord, hut also in neural or economy. ~.ln..ps of war Vincent) , s and Vandalic, are _-- rti.i 3 O, lr1••, , Iv a'l.‘rin : ?It , rat 00. T,,,, , ~,,t1 showl IL mtoin the 1,1 January, lot 1.3 43. un. .ters with t • B u the apparatus attached will wear dam t) gat out to Clllll3. Of coarse, if that. lie 7read ,lfill Education.—ln Enplisit fail iii , e WII !., ,, i , f. , ' ,..C. 'I Cf,.1.10 , -0* true liglr, der the sy 1, of Of v.iie 4- ilc inuny, for the pnspOleon. ~,tee as io,a as those not pr o vided with them.' ly inn -ecatvinig und cur wardni 4 Go ,d the case, the Pennsylvania will visi Eng• i r has devised an Improvement in the tread- TIT - , 11i.:i0.r . 1 ~;;.', oF"rilF. l'Ei WU.. ii. DEVfNE. , March i:-3m e. ENAINI r, _1 WI A...s:DRI - , ru . , PI -. 1 i.O lh • Pr!iil,,. '. roar 10. C, S. Mc'.1:".1.;1.T Y ,r--i REES' SPPLI:S. Just received rrom-Marretta,b. and for the pucpo-e of taking Mr. Everett ml". The pris - ,n-rs, at every step they m , ~- i ii ~ ~ II ,• I .1 i , ~ , r ,c., , i . , , n-an, • ‘,. :0 ~, ,v , ,rl,- -- to _________, , , .., .......'" .k 3 4- 40 b ile Green Apples, comprising every variety, ln to China. take, call up to view a letter or word, fldd Tl)rii , l'i. in t o toe a ff , ,- , ,, , d The BR t,NDfZETIT . rro :At no.ioraide the Judger of the Court of General firs, rate artier. .—'L.N 4I ' ' •:. ISAAC ORM% . : PI r.I.S '.r. , 4 , ~,... Inn , r 1,V , " V (Lin' more. rl i,il , r, ilwir Quueter Sessions of the Peace in and for the fell 4. 148, r.i.hertyik - ' are thns tati4lit the alphabet and rea dtog . „,-, ~.. ~I - l' . c f- county Ane g lLerty. Theatrical Starring.—'hire opera in too; are eve,,,iirg iii• I. 11 , 04.k311P , 4. Tit , : Sio-',, oI• . At 1) IlViffS' "PASTORS' NOTICE-Ail pe!etete hit: whilst they are at w(4 , „ By degITCP, sayB In“ , , so , :o. are daily deriving benefit Iron.' t',. , in The. Delillogi Or Mich:l , lC a wford, of 41 li ward Atte. i l k dented to Ili , ~.,,r e. ", of Robert Kt.eniie.sie,ortiNA Philadelphia, says the Spirit of the Timei:, N , cl.e nil d i,:;1.1.• hill tin-n n• 01 lie ~,,, , 1 ,silh 0 ui,,,, t0 . ; g heny city, In the corpity aforesaid, iminulY "hew eth— 0 ..r 1., w n -II - n , de..'d, are reiprested -to trinkeidvrate n cot sail - irlr a ry, • they hecnMe able t , tead a Id t „ , . 1 1 . 1 • was played 52 nights and pro 'raced SlO,. pay . mient ni the sine to the undersigned, and all pea'. rli ,, ter in the Bib'e. „,.., , 1, , ,,,,. f.,r. 111, iii.e0..iiii , 41.1 , 1 , 10 Of Iraveleld and others, „.„.. .„„!, ~,,..,,„. ~,,, t i o n ps ri I itl . :ill Oren' -11,ed- That yonr petitsoner !WI, provider, Illinotr if with p n ra in y - s ' 1 V ,iii 0... i w h , r‘• -In , : 1 , . •••it wi II .-alt it, urn. s p o r r :,:e l: . a t i i , l i ; :_g sa rl , , , r te lot d q uil3 a , g a l , i i n , aghast „ a t a i, i a i t : 4 o . ate aye'oetta , n eti:to 161. Mr. anti Mrs. Segura and Mr. Shri ~,,h it,i ,_,,, t , ~,,,,„ ‘4 . i i i , i .,, L i i ,, „,, I , „ 1 , 1 ,.. , „., ~„I , ~! nis i, d u nce1 i 1 i i: , 7. ,, 112 , 7 0 1 1 ,, , ,, i the jo a r g ., r, r , r n s t itd ii , i, :n a d ii cei.s, S.frike.—The workmen in the Limis%ille ..._ c,,,•iveit ~,... ~v , c. 0.. r... 0 ~ i,, l l . i . pa r ei,e.l I ~: ii "' : ' M 5 110'T. KEEN /1'141.; YrdihAle val r, et lye out of Ciis 53,205, and Mrs. ,to keep a politic tr.ini4e of Ijnte.t.thnuent. And your „, r.. _g t ,.,.. rtert.N attn•FhAt•IEGA . N. Wu*. 1 . Ar 0 I< , in ti.• -in.!, I..it in. Ile , / I n.,.. t', ~ ' Bailey 5027 12,1 i aving a little over S 6 UOO Kenti; cl,lan, li ,v , y lia , l a strike, and the th. ,, ~‘, „i,,,. ~,itt iii •, ~ ill 6:mil t ,r„ ~,, mire ~, other. petitioner asto duly boon), wt I pray. . allidi %El. IR at WFOfIE — :.........., I p ',- Turpsitiee, this day reeettred tad jeer is 1, , tc,,1 I.) ,;all ' 'dip • 111S1nud of II" • -, ) , 1 a. -...,-,• • ~. ;.-r ', ••:, ••;•h , ~....),,s. I vvp, Iho c.ni,a-riber.:. claw.. of 4111 ward Allegheny, 10 B r e „, L . 3 - 0 , 3 , by J- j. a. 4. A .11 b itriorfi c • In pay over 100 perfo;mcis, t e • t.,g.is ,pr it,t. - - a.,(ive n,iiiioner is of good m ,, 3 . r - ;ill i'% s helf , (trill lie can g et lir 1.4 t , 12 Water aterik ing advertising. Stc. T !MS ~ the paper " ----.A: l' n ' I T,, , ,, ,, ,, , r 1)r It an 'i-t . S t iii In 1,, , x n -r , I,pwe IThr , dmeny and fa•ltt lerar,r, and la well provl WI , ••tr•trlcieS o , 2.cl.litttietl hi - the rev ,lt. , tates, Mr. and Mrs. . I Nlas . wood hEtve a.i. -g , •, , i, f! 1"1 , ....': .'! 1-,i , o+—C re.- P. rj 'win Brawl- 'd,.lwe li bon , . room an.l rOliV , ilieli ,, for line accosirno i.. , ', a, 1 11,1-0 , .11. r.r. , -r• I n ~,,, I!. Ed l'lon and iod g in g of ,t, angers as travellers, and that vam:t Al in , i9.l, a-d work.] foi nothing, to Nitts, Burrell kito, FM 'lclrt.;:ii %% ell Ic.iown ' 7 , - • ' , A... r r k'' " 1 P'' ''' ' q •-l ' ' " 3 ' .r" t... R ' Ai . '6.l''"" is nete " a " . ii, i., ~ i I l'n .., , ~.. t.. 0; ti... ii i.. im. ti,,,,„.., - 1 .. ,1 1 -." I R, pay the opera corps, The star syst,rn is in the Unit , . . Shit e 9, 111,7,1 on iln , . itch iil:• „...., otTi ~. ~) '.. ‘‘ ..., I ...,,,..!, 1,,,,..,,, F, , ,h ' rh " 111 mcLau:b ll °. refer Hann, :it Clarit‘ville, Texas. Iler pet fortnance in " 1 DI " " d A i ''''' 11 " 1; ' h ' ti n Nr"" I: ' a" 1 " : h ' it..o, ,:wr,ny, t., ,, A an ii..v.! 1. • .I,•ai ~.t 1., -4 li- rt. c, , T.,r;F: - ----• 1 O. Tur; er, thli c ty,s.l.ne :i ears sill ci , , t o 'La Ttior de - 1 - 1,1,1 -,, .. , fl'f 1..0,1 . \ Ly v;ENTs ~p, 0 .,, . - The extctit of vrestrn Hand navi,Tation . G. .- Koos, Nesle ' g lined her a la . tio , rime, with ' ''' '';' I .''' . 11 , 1 , 3 :: L ' l ' . '"' ' l '" '' ' " 1. ' i ' V ' , ;''''' ''''',- 1, ) - - 0 inc'il i'lig the Misi.issipiii, oit t and Mis- 2 . , l'inn.. !i.,!. 'rely ( .n, ?I v. . _ the vi 5,,,,,, nio,,, Th,,,,,, ~,,.., ,11).3.:•,,,N i . ).; .1. 0 . il ..i. rit'..hurg'i. 0.1-iii rivetg, with Cluir tribut,He-, is esti- ‘l, J 0.... tl .1..., - ‘1'.... ! . , ,, oy. nated at 12,000 miles. 1 , , .t.,...• i tio , ••c ,- ii rr,: _h , [ , ,i i' 1:' I) : :1-I I. - : tr.: , .. 11. it r•'l. ri, - Nl,•'.. r. , :i r .. i' i , , • .--Pira, , nt trill. Mrg. an mantaorrss or Nmericari theatre, N. 0. nu S atty. re•rird t l l • ma,iBg?rP9q, •tri.ii• in ih.• tiintoi•• • arc, r ought to b r4t • at oleo m breccfv.!l. .4 new S:eindling Trick w i!s of wan are now put to the ,r u!rtve 4 t ternnon t invent mt•lni f swin•l•ing lin:Se who are iricavilild i,f (1.-re2iing the cheat. The latest case is that of a Jew cap Dealer in New York who Llets his caps made op by 0,1V10V.,' One "MI tri 1') gills ti hci aro in— 41 :cod to rotm hi him for work, by a ro• port kept uit that h, , is in %varit ref handy ittid, however wrll tit, y iy peifiim thrir akv.dvs h.,0 an exciise for giving tl ern tIo tnore, aid Dot to pay for %%hat, ther have dons The New York Councils have disband , ed even of !he fire companies of that city for disorderly anti riotous conduct. It k said that the people (.1 . Great Mi. lain are nime OPcanity thlu rl use of any usher rouoiry of Europe, ‘s ith the excivion Nur w,iy. Caute littr&)er lif Itorni4 r ot.la - 4; at 1:- 003 000, nil t'lat f tileep 32;ed0 000.— 1 along tFm f to he vi uittt 19 each r , the litter 2i. , the total value will be cello,o In Phil Avlphi 1, on Tuescl ty a man ,nrtie'd Chatics B-oAer, N6ile taking a colored man named Simuel .lorrs, to the watelihou-e in Cim,piroltr street, was stsh tied by him with a di:k knife in the abilo., men, ai.d Asp in the arm. JonFr fled, was arrested, and was fully committed. 4 rare occurrence.—A man was recent ly fr.oze to death Dem'voles, Ala. Five t',uu , Lind t v huniired,a rlt irs, were ced i Pnil4(l , l, lii i, un Ist Suud iy, in did of the Mi, , ,iontry Fund. l'ailictic (1,3,1 I d ilicrutes.—Grr:a excite.. well was ferently c , eat (1 i , t Rof ( hPflt,„." bY t''e :tau - or:wee rd.' sack on a unke...4 ice 11 +at 1 ,1 1.; down the f ivr r, which they_lpfne. , ( baud \ gurm,..e,l to be st child vituclPPrime li ndt - h mother ha' in this attlincrat ‘ 4i) . pt. , el to destroy. The citizen( Viten %I P I t the ( - alio n•ltort anti seized the sack, tie!! ~,, ~A I. thr y tope nud, for the purpose_ ot r tripirvpig the little victim; !tut the hurwan - e?fitierAl t ri : ter ,- Ltd by successive Etilliti`S of ' , l - ..e0 .3 1 trreO • A ! fneow!! : , 11 , 1 act hoi , pc.l a hi.c TinEa* .7 5,11 Cale. —.l London p12 ,- t ei f,tltes zr ':.;ran':.;ranrrtut ,•,•. !loos-tette ltidtes of the Court or General r r r - ; z_ i; .•:..•:.l'L r I'. r, 1! .„p h' 1 1...1 0 D IEL 2 111.1 .I.V (tarter tz , ?s,) ,- )ris of i lie Peace tin and fur the county that the two Ashantee princes t dui...Heil if, trrrsatlJtr7u .4 , ..vi) 13.41.7'1-IfORE. or 111egnenv. lii A country, under the suspic , :s . of Sir F. ',‘; E\V y()Fili AN D ric)sTo N. 11, r,toirg, or John Fleck, of - the fith ward. Cily of et.l-I , ltrgh in paid county, Inimb'y sli;vitly. -- Buxton, have returned home, where ;hen i j)Evis 1 , . ,t• iteANl:f.rr re.flweituny (olden. the pun- 'in t! your 1114111011 Cr bath provided liiinf , ell with ma Ile 'hal 110 v ha, e cool:Or-tell their ai ra opulent, le,lal, for tlle accommodation of travelers and Where. at tichet hIS been rather unpromising. i - One f„. t !„.,0,,,,.,. 1,,,. „„ ti, d.v.,• ., : 1,,ii.t.• in the Ward afore.said, and prays .. '.., Of them having seduced the-wife 0(..n Mier, 1 . .„1,,,,int; Nt, A'll is; pr ;2r . ..; on, r rniNcial,E, oci, ..tir 11111,0 , s will lie pleasoilin 2tili!:.liiiii a license 10 „ n „..„,,„,„„ . ht. ‘a I ablic House of I',oteltaionient . .rind ,our pe the wretched woman was put to tztiilt to the ' ,„1„..h,..„:,.,';;:,;,,:,::„h'„",,7:::;'.'n-,101,," k i ‘ ': o 3 : k v . r l ' 1 ' , • • • by whtet , atone , , tto .er,.t, in dale hut;,,], wilt pray. J 013 N FLECK. prt sr rive 1,1 the piker': tit der eiitunfitatt- a ~,,, t,,, , lel • I I ~•.' 1 . . ' -4 I .. . -. 1 :IP .0,0 n , 11/ re lIIt r .41 Itl, . • 111, . ..., 7,1 '.• ' . ' 1, ' _ , l ,i i ~ , V It, re..l e , d; the i We. the -oil, ri/..!re, cltizeas or ihe Falli %Yard, du f,,;,- • '''ti c,s,if macre and barbatity tno - s ek tit, it r s acut c,, ,,, .eir 0ttit , r,, , ,,,1 To .r..,1 I're,lk• o r , Le n pall ce,111y.11.,11111. , ,,1.0ve priniocer i , Of good reptile for ilwl,i• I wiwl,lna- nwoir e l'.irinli 0 P.A.: n,,.. e ,, a l-0,,,1 I 010-iv and ieillileralice. and la well provided with „, tod to r tee rtir , o,l•;Tr.lllo. and -1ifc,..4.1 1 'y 10 COll- holt, noon and converoeneem for the accolothOthe ton of -- Irmo w , ll rolyan ~... I , trangert , and travelersotna that said tavern is PCGCSVary. Ti.,' Ira” k-r.1n00.c.1 of Twenty new, Cour Section newel relitz, Ili.itl lierwi4, ['ml ~,,,,,,,,,,,i , ..„6 nq nn , he st il,in c t o l , Plir.:Ole tin ;,,, n,...i. , 1 by the Calellter who COITIM:iIid RobertGlilAs. Pet Kremer 'l'm r.a •-•'d `vr-" I'" 'w" " e'rerPris""l' industrious and James Kearney , . S Bun, -Tor, and Trucks . ' made their ,pre„rance ,a• 1. , 10 , , I r..filtlion. J.dill Yoitfuy, J.liiip , -, GlSling,, in the G 'zette cf . taut ftt,.3,1 iv, hold tit Toc cti ~,r i-tit c ,tn,ll,l,le'rv.:." of the Portable 13. '" Joseph Ilii: ' Dr. Foster, - which—thou g h profes3ing to elucidate. are ~ ,ear re,--ry ,•lo‘r nin.l- of T•an:portation, are too welt Anthony rfreogle, Atoll Beni z. Iraown in •,‘ ecr c,lo 0,r , .. 11v, , c, require cointorot• ' tir. well calculated to mistiy the whole Oral. or, it' • , . and d arn Mal ch 10,-3t. Iran ~, (hat ot ;l , e 'feta,' r, foßy,srparatlon ter. a:' 'o (.;oo ~, irly, t 0,' , .. al lendinz t brie Tra ,,, hiPnle ,, t $ -- 1:( j - 11, e I I,,,wiable, thoJedges of Ilio Court of Gen . t i t i v t, :7 , e ri n „ i t ', ,, • fi t,..; ,. . i r , : , :t u s y ntt r, !; , : o ti ,.t, t i elptlia are by the Portable Now•dn - the authors of the C;' , zette ' s Com. munieltions hr lieve that the ?cheri toil on ; Ti,,. r,,,, ,Y, r„, 0 :,,,,..,,, 114 , 2r, it advtoonee too, tilll flit titer t'Ssttantlis D! the Peace, in and fur ( - sirs, i4lll he Treat . r than the Trutict:,-reion ill lallnl well o , .ti'atrrl :Ind roe! In Summer; which ore. the. cotwty or . Allegheny a4l liavoli and Tobacco from T.iv peOlian or.) amen Clark, of the 3d ward city ~t Portarre Pplatsl ado' i!tina that n ,- ) wheel:" " N F ''''' f o'''' co " ol '''' 5w,a1,,,. Ptitshiugh, hi said county, I espeetiolly slinwrth, That 1011 is to he charged on- Trucks—of which Revise it Mc An n a v, te.tt tilttz ;,alley do,ltetween the he 1., wv.t pro , . oled with 110;1,117101111 ail(' Alti , r 1E: .11- Olvilor , fic10,1.1 , ..1 , 1d 1!1,' il4'ell.peo wh ~ carry them. nod ernittni col' the 11,colitywatfrio..ii a siran.ers iind ice Ire not entail[, Let us ux,amitio. . ~t ‘:l ' ) i'n , re-r.d 1 ”1 ,, 1 ,,, in.:1i' , h.ter,.-,is of Gar .. will ' , ra.e.:efs, at the houria ntiw uccurie,'l by hint as it The eiirri , r; ar o a l lowed to pass .30 1,103 , ~,tr. r . 1,0 p, „1.. r., 10 1 , , e pul,lel.llQ Wil not lanlifillY lIN ern; RIO butt'{ desirous to cooti..uft`i, Olio ou:- over the Road , in S I , Ntre wheeled eirf.S. p..-1.,,, . 11,-5, It • rear; your honors to griol Wilt a livens , to The t , ll on B ' ears 11.8 . milee ' Th..; , - ,r,.• now I.li r trod In rereic . ; and f ,rward Pro• 1 ,. , , , ~n lr 3 yr r • • • . ~, ~ n roll , •r uit..st.. , u,, to m e. tar. Mini. nod do I 1,1 I . k 1 ' A I / 1 ;I'l :' . I . 1 i I 11, rV, Ne W York, e.ot l'ostoo - - -:- ..._ , .., he w il: e..vr pray. _ _ . •il ti n Messrs. EDITuItS Rail Rooth NI , tive power to l l on Port. II 1 r .1: .11.11 i., 11.1, ~:',.., : . i 4.' lit:, 13::'. ~ 1:1/, l i 1,0:1, , t , y ri , i; 'it , ' ortill . lo ~, f ...... Li. c,itial mousse ior Ta- owl- rsi,,tied , f' . ll.7.l`ri' 1 ' l. `, del W 'id Pt ts• at. R , 11 11 i t: 1 , 33 miles, • :fi,.7.,25 bt•tvio r, ioI.V. r v 1.1..•-1 'Prill, , b og,:, ie,sp•i rod . ) , csitify, to.i i Janes t hies, :\l• Live p i'vrr ; I , r ti ~,, c . I , r,:rr„ . 4 7,,, ,t., 1,.,.. ~!...,,,,i1,1:, o w u ry• ant •hipi., - oa the ali v, 1.11.111 d ei , p;i•aot, is a g.o.llinosii of gond 11301 . 1 a R ,& i t. ",l . s I . ~,,1 „ ,„„. 5. ).8 i 5 .. 2 1 ‘7 , 3 •of ~ .1., i : (1, , ,1 , ,: , l' -,,,,, C , 1 .. -, 1 ` ,, ' , 1 , tr. lid . rot Ilse 1:r 11,W...h . hit 1 letiipe , anc.., and 19 well pf 31.... ', ~ !:., ', k. . . , 7 .. :..'.l I.V 1 : 6 . 1..1in. will', •idd IA 1111 11011.1, r 'o'll 4.111 CfltlVeilir.lil , l for the 07 F - or nCf oit , :m4 1 . 011'11 . 1 , 1 , , 31 1,- . 1 , :: 'l.' 1 ... . ...1.:11 'x;le. , r • .0 .I.r. ow t te r • ~ . ootto o 1.6111 All 1 1. 1,1 1.','"g, of Oa li alitgets ti ,tVi - ler9 bois e ie , i 1 way niat , ing GO 1 it, ~ o r k -,2 1 . . 13 3, '' re ,l 'l' . 6 prod' ,, o , ' ''C'''''Si:="ra :1111.1 11.41.111 d 14 ,r,, to tiece‘bili y lat die accotlitnoda: t .1-.9 fi.l%'. ' —613.52 • loth,. at Pr “.1:: - .,.:.3: fri.l2:ll all.: Cl/rIIUP. 10 3 , 11,1111 i, ~, ~i I' l ,' "I, i.. . • I 11 , 11.11. 1.1 fOrs3:1111 VIP .1111.! '.1../lilllll 11,1:1 v to l'ha a ,lo.. , illi'' '"' r'- , - •1 . , il n ' l Ih' %cl i c I trill i barged rillia, n0ti.,0 , . N.,. Y.n.a, .. • i resion wit hint a n yl Titian I , ti' , :e.l , --., ~ t Thae.a 9 NI . Ki e, for carry, 6., 63 too+ os„ ZOO I I4 °Vet% the Pork- cti.o:;, , [Jr r al.o:ll'''' . " •r ,01i,,1,,, ,, . ' r •te, R.,11 , .gin, ty - ..v i N., F., k il, N \ EI.TV, A a ` .! , ,ia., 1.1 g.. antl Colo r nb.a 124 , 1 12 , f 4,1 . . ''. Cahill P ,,, i". L'i.' ,v t , eel, ran. ,F. -WC 4 . 1:11:111 , 0IVS 01 CO tons oonvev;: , 10 1 . 1 iii ,P,„i,f tftlZe I) 1, 1 4 Tii()S Mai 'Wit; i',. .-',: ...I, .1a i.e. L i-ds y. net.. Truth Cie eltarge is 62 Aents ripr 272 m a , 1,, 1 .•'r, 1, r liii:w e t ohia. i ' Mb i it:l FI,. , 1, mor is ,(• cit t sr. Al:etils. 51,1,.11 iO--3t • 1003 ' hs. fir 11 is .fl Iles 13,11 1 lto itl i $ 75 . 00 . , ~t tcOrti O . 1 •,12 „,,a'.7-, ii . iv. Inf. ruin t1111)."P. i °tits rnakin;., , a tlifir t- otve In I.ivisr of 11.e,1 MR.. RE„sr, Bri (vs 1..- . iou :,hoot in .1 , -rtine heat • Tro "de. 1 / 0110,4 6:e.1110 Judges of the (: ,, tell of rit.rti arid a.q,aiast the Trticitii - held Pitt table ite. , , will atill am Awl lon. at N‘,. 140 liberty at, ' Genera ' , Quarter belh•lons 01 the Peace, in lir) .ts of 811,43. - -Is this QV , titscr It indi ion . 01111, rignat , otte mt , s in tii , tri, lix•nr•• 11..n...h01it fur- soil for vie (aunty t.f .‘l ' e....t heny. l moire, .te. out ...inn,ty, 'ilarrii 13th. til 10 ',(chuck. •. , of tu ilit'll t ile, , p tlisintore.sferl correspondeots T he pctitton of Winiant Broadhurst, or the 4.11 ... - ward, City of Pittsburgo, in sail county, Lututtly co , npla ni 13u1 perh ip i s GO tops , ' is more RIER, oft al Sere 11. , :t (pretty. n.l I von :oiled for I:iiiii ' thret a itir av , ragP: r. t te . ii - sititprOse . tvo all9w iv s ae. ' Tikerrvin ,, .. roosts f‘r--iti.nd-n ,,,, Nr. of shewel I ' '''''' That Its i 8 Wu]] prnvided ,with house rain and , nmwer.: 1 linniiiinrn, chow %Vind In• I r , nottlin Qinve 20 tons down and 15 tianti, - in tliiit tcass Li . T in • P ' . ' oilier ennverret.ceshq the accornrni.dattoli ufstran -1., Clltilsten4; 4 doz G ' , .I>s SilOW iii,s; i Stove and Cars only would he necessary, nOtklitt; the pike. gors and travelers, at ote house now occupied by 1 W The rdr11:1111'13 ra , t , i.la ne-- riiiir..: Sofa: 131yal and Ili: o as a tavern; and being desirous to continue exp.jnse ni 6 cars d.o vti and ba,(l %foto 3: - ) , ltatitel LanioSt 1 hrtriiitironr.Roeltitil Chair Dr , " , ' , ^" TU. 1: that bilstunevi It': prays yiasr honors to grant lion Inns goods, $32G4 ' , Joliet.: Si+tehourd: Brit:lnm ii Ware: Chinn 410 Ma 1 licci.sn to keep on ! nn or house of Public En- Tt uetage on 35 tons vvonttl b? 1343,75 . ti!it• ftel-sieads; trash Stands; honking 4111:.mev; Chi Paini. ' . tertaininent. And he will pray, t5,...e. i.it.tii lt,ellifottitn of I enten-ndenro. - l'he sale will he WM. lIROADHURST. , , , -...ve ; po•stive, nod withogt nes erre. Tering—Cnv•h,r'or ,, icy. nit', M. R. A RITTSM IN, Arm. 'rho undersizned , citizens of the 4:h ward, do ccruly, that Win. Broacinurst, the above named applicant, is a K" 11l einan of good repute or hon• esty and temperance, and is well proCided with hon-e- rdorri and convenimees fur the acewurrindu - ti , in and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that sail tavern is nccess..iry. John Fowler, W. B. Thompson, J ames p ,rtier. John Minis, James -Mackey, Joseph Kiser, Thomas Scott, S. Murry.,' '3aroes-Armatrong, .iosepit'Weat, ' . ~ .. James Anderson, jr., Jossph O'Brien. mar 10-3 t. Differepe , in favor of thecom Eitirn rtu it either wav„t,he ire ere is nffatiist the Rirtaide hunts. • As In the " charge of inntiv.i nowiT on g - tntli; we CAW nntlxiiriiista-tiffttri , ,irritoft44,446-4;isiNtlirmtcr, exec a rthit' fhtliqo tk.si44; and ttctioitteigthat'they are exempt from it, vQ cleftent . oolieif i e .I)pr 4 a glee2Fle9Aptgeo iv quiff@ VaiserlinOtitto'n orl cts. pet too it J. , m A- t.•I A: lI—C stiv:ll 0, • w 11)1 n - I' o-1 To 1) , , , ' N. 0. , ‘1 , h., ! l n,r ns 4) -IV. I<-f. Ni l 14. 1&1/1 1 . lln AL ENTEIIPIth-.E wriat E novr L 14,1 .nerchawlite and Privi4e $4,72. 10u1,,110( ti`.lE At the saheitati ai.of scternl of friends, the liincreF as a candidate for Over reez. of (Ito Pour, at the enaaity, election, and If cleated will di4eharge lii.-dtatv to ti," noble with fidelity. - -JAMES BORREDGE. - Mareh 10--dte. ;OVER SKE ROF THE . POOR. offer myee ‘ tflia'clind'clatitiir Overseer or the Plomlitrid reipectibly ask the . support of my. fa, low citizens. 'March, 10th 1843. EBENEZER KERR. trI4II,VEZ) ;;I'ATZ MEM= OV 1 , FISHER (iF THE POOR / 1 41t - 1 ttt II rtaratt'a, In • Itttl.:t t, !!, . t:nu•t nrGeneral t lie Peare • in and for the loua— tv of TI, pennon of Ja: Crnoki, of RO TOWII,IIIp. rerittetirullt . To o 11 tt D tittll4 -, vi lin and other roe ;,1,91 . 1 to rnowq , anti t ••• It ta itiity tit . rtt pied by bile a , a tavern; tt r I ' t ett c 1.. 1 , at Itti-titte- , lie 'trays votir lino 17? 141 lons a ! rou,r to hi .•c, as, !hiss or h o om: o f ro,d.e. Et.tertatliater t . And he Will WAY, . DIES CROI*S. The uniermizne.l. ri.1.7. , vs .11 ttol.tir 'rowttship. re— fully cer try, I hat Jai. Crooks, the above homy(' ap plica•tt os a geotleruau of good repute fur honesty att):l l.""Pe,TheP,utul is well provtded with hou..c room and conveole for the aredotittudat 111'1 1 , 1 17,i lit . : of strati c e r. and t r aveirr., and that Fetid tavern is haressnpy th.• the puhlic• iz t ,h e .t t:•bsun, I,,hn 3it.Ftt,l lam , •a II . Siewar+, n :11% In ke), .1,,s1,;11 31 'Far land, J•imi!s . J ,t 1 W M'Cor lc, C . M'F.t. jr flint . 10-3 =MEM R A. B US , Auer . l'hnma• Gardiner. Su , omo.tl.l.4:llcap, Henry l'ut,cs, J. , tm C. D niel Hero y KleLtr. 1. i't.lL,;•4,.;r, J k`,12 4 CT, kRi: M it Cie V P ttrick, lhi i y Wdlwoq, t By, • re 4. A ,11.. s P. , 111;) Al , l Jdlll,S ( rry• TO LET. ONE brick dwelling house, contaittinilkkgrAt& 7. it k• hall, two parlours, 4 moms up stairs, eitytta I isltad g.trret,d.ning room and kitchen. with car. rime Thil house is pleasantly located with yard in trout attd rear, on rite Canal bank. cornerof Chesnut street. leading to upper bridge, now in thee'," eu pane v , I )I r. McClurg. rout to suit the timett-- Engulfs' of Dr. Whittaker, Allegheny City. alai 8; ' I).I.VIEL AlchlE.HL, °nice pn, ‘. ern Wood and Smithfield street?, Pittsburgh. der. 10-Iy. . - The lionoran',e the Judges or -• ~f (; n e I Qii Ses,ions of ttie Pe eeiu co, the ('onn:) , of The n•2i.tion• of this • 11.11 X. . • I,nev,ear.evi•le in ,the county hy slim% That v.) or prti:ionPr lath provided himselt• ooe,ial:: or Cie ar.eJinroodation traveleNtalid v O'her4, at bin dweling home in ilia boroaght t cail an 1 p. Rc a that your tionnrs will be rpiesiseirtii :Jr?" bins a license to kdep a Public House o rEtti t e riamtnPut . And yrue pe'll:011ef RA ill duly n, WILLIAM JOEINSW,,, We, Ow s -o,..r.iiiers, riliZetti of I,lwrehervilK;4i* eVI i y the n'ini pet , ti 'tier is of go,rl repot!" for nni.rs'c and , eopera..cr., and ,n pri,videa h r u. e.so,e,,i,w, II the a. cotton it and loth . ire- of .gee= and traveie , s and that sai I intern t< necessary. . .st Kirby, J ,sPph Wainright, infirm Samuel Garrison, .hrlleS Verner, A. S. Fowler, Da , id WA. Carehesirt, - Llin 'Corbett, Jittnea O'Brien, J Sine, Joseph P. t:F.tep. Match 9-3 t. 7 To the i.onorable, the Judges of the S'no_o( General t/entrter Scs,ions: of Ate: Thitelteet 111 It 7 mid for the client. , of Allegheny: Tee pei itioo ofJ no. Lochhead 3d ward city nrfiftV borAll, in said county, respectfully oltouTtt:-,r Tient he is web pro, hied with house room , dint usher ennveme..ers Mr vie accdenrundhni. s of•treit, get , and trateter , , ;it thv hour' mew O ccupier" tirbies. 4 5 a eastern; and iO4 desirous to convene° to the business iihe prays honor to grain hiesAlit o r to keep see Inn or house eef 'Public, Epley le° And site ~Sr.c. JOHN LOCHHEAP. q , The- miders.igned ci izeies of the 3tl ward . burgh, respectfulkt, eeri,fo John Lertntewihv , nb'se named arnlirtant,is'n perann•7-a•ttnelle"t pnte fur honesty and temperance. and is - well p4 l s6- vided with home room• and row e;:i-ueet fir ti* Att: n and io tg rag nisir eareersand rt.:A.44; a••cl mat sit tavern is necesiary for the actinAider dati , 4l of the pieblez. , •• • - Edward CI-v lc, flit'eert Uantoo • - t • • Henry .sict;eodier, Joito s V.c k Johl, Butter, Ttionot,tt:h,rik Hayti Richey, Itiehlrd' Wel .??I,' ft Tittbri.isGeorAt: Kir kiiirick. i . AL , rd, 9 31 " 0 the 11 ti mule tke Jude. 4 et the Cutirlo,or G,ner,.l Qtt nottr Seeisions, o(I P?ace - jO2a 4 f,r the County of A Ileziemvi The petiiikni•tif James litighes, ol:Pi4.7liyirpr s hi l l, in the county ature-aid, i urnhly aboyirittit t tr Tent Tint petitioner his provided himsolf frith mairri.ll. r..r the aecom , n.klution of travellers and ff berg, at duel 412 heu4a in .he ltiwt4llll44 - 0111k said ,ind prays thae . iynnr tlonors sciti l -0 to 2.r.int bin a I.rense to keep :1 VO li,All3e of F.i,tert,iininent, And your p'• pier a- iri.Jilty: bon• d, wig 'Pray. J. We the i...id:scribers, c tjZ nl of Lltrtencrtvlll4; dr, cert; ry hat. the' shove pi tov.iier of ginnet pole for lioneAy and toinper-0c.., in I ts wet! pro..t aidedidittth„„,e r „, in .yeditnic.ea fet1,14., aerrnrn , ,ftwipti a no n'istr.ingers acid trigfit rkr- and that said tdvorn i. fleet 9,31 y. izaltu Sannu, l'ai'k Jo'in For 1, D 3 . .bn rbu titr.tvarf, March 9-3' OVERSEER. OF TILE PoOR e . , ..-,IP 1 i.frer My!, If LI.: , a catidid :re f”r the , e.Beir44 , 1 , Over,.epr of the I' , ~r , and reFpoildly policel , pipio)rt aim liends, . :• ~ .I,r a - 9---d e. . Ve M. s.rEvEx soot ~ . ,opt • PIG I tiON 6 TON B Trnises.ve NI; Iron. For "alefteld •-1. elope coneiznment, by WANTED --M.soon am possible--pfacepfdi sit° ber of Mrchinies; Bonk e.epers; Cler kp; and Bove in More!; Ex tool Itencbers—f4. lalorlb; men Women; N u ys and Gias hor of woste.daiKt,..llloll4 ronelmen: steam anOcarr;,l boat wen ugh boYIP-roPlillOit taro; 4'e. Mao, Willard a trroupgc rood g?F41p1,010.. will; four or five times CIT. amount $5OO, 700, 1000r„t4A, for rate—twelac Cilediryl.4 of land. And for Teat. stik.. oral proao ihieres of projArrhyr,—;pply at Har ris arid. Intelligence Ohre, folk Conveyancing.r. AMES BLAICELy, in ttei to eSerute all ktUth tt writlues. such a. Deeds. Mortwnse.. A . Ppri•nliro dentures. Articles of Parteerslo. l•ell"0" of WI 4—, in a lent n-id manner , and a ,g_ ()river ch , aLscs, ai is old stand Penn rtr , et, ner tiss. Ws. r I vaa rket house. feb, ' 4 " 1 14 I , ; trim, &el D. - VorinCor: . ::: .. ---.- • • 7 . • , 1 " 4 7 g ' C o ' l6 CoLeave. cil,e , , , N - i hen / i.; At Corrieviiiviots fofW' Poirt Lrvee Striett.yfrMbi 4 mita They imbigoeetfu iiystil 6 I eimtfiViiit.nti: 4 ' Ale i• , .. ~f- jar ,n en t: 1ir , ,,,,,.• -, y e p .... 1, 1 Finii ti r o . Two build's . ; 1. 4401 1 •ot the h river.adjoiniettette Apply at the tame Agency, Peon street, sth Witsl4 tear I. /AMES BLAt2LY 2 J 3 , 11 m IC. o'k:dr:lid, a.;~~ i ',rah IF arty, f lAMBS MA