Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 09, 1843, Image 1

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TERMS.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable is
leveline. Single copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the
Sinillter or the office, and by News Bays.
Into Mercury and Manufacturer
to published WEEKLY, at the same rare, on a double
roadiam sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, la ad.
Immo. Slo:le copies, SIX CENTS.
Terms of Advertising,
Om insertion, 0,50 One month, $5.00
~. l'iris insertions, 0.75 Two monis, Cl*
Three insertions, 1,00 Three month.,
the week. 1,50 1 Four months, 8.00
_ Wit.wealts, 3,00 Six months, 10,00
-: ..ritnle„ weeks. 4,00 One year, 15,00
Cht. SrAgre. The Fmutret
-Ss months, $19,00 Six months, $23,00
eA• 'tar, 25.00 One year, 35,00
IrrLarrtr advertisements In prorortlon.
CARDS of four tines SLX DOLLARS a year.
CurT Parr Orrice. Third between Market and Wood
ntarstets—R. hi Riddle, Postmaster.
Cancer Noose, Water,4th door from Wood at. Peter.
woes lesildlngs—Major John WiHock, Collector.
urn. TugAsuity, Wood between ?kit and Second
streets—James A. Bartram, Treasurer.
Coeur TRZASURY, Third street, next door to the
Thud Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
OlrelCi, Fourth, between Market and Wood
streets—Alexander Ray, Mayor.
MintalltaNfl Excitant's. Fourth, near Market al.
Psrmstraa•, between Market and Wood streets, on
laird and Fourth streets.
NWT Eaant, (formerly Raving Fund,) Fourth, between
Iffood end Market streeut.
ex . rirtb street, near Wood.
11 miletwifOnsa, Water slreet, near the Bridge.
Rao Home.. corner of Penn and St. Clair
Illaameatrva' Borst., corner of Third and Wood.
Alutateatt Borst.,corner of Third and Smithfield.
'tap STATcS, corner of Penn creel and Canal.
• au &Aux, Liberty street. near Seventh.
filtar.aaa,Manirton House. Liberly St. opposite Wayne
itittannunrr ill Limon House. Penn St. opposite Canal,
'. 'COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office remo
offices on Grant it.. !wanly opposite
Court Douse, nest rooms to John D. Mahon,
floor. set; 10
• •H. ELLIOTT, M. D.—Office I -morel to
-ft. Clair street, between Pm% wed Liberty Sty,
larry.b. s n 10
ti ' W GOODS.—Preston 4 Mackey. obtain's and
retail dealers In enzilsh, Preach, acd Dominate.
Goods, No. RI, Market at , Pittsburgh. Pep 10
ANDLESS & DIPCLURE, Attorneys and
B i r Counsellors at Law: Odiee in the Diamond. hack
011ie old Doan lloase.Pitistntrgh. aep 10
1111110VA.L.- R. Morrow, Alderman: otR e north
Bide of Firth et., between Wood and Smithfield
et e, Pitubur2h. cep 10
JOIIN r, Wholesale Grocer Rectift hie
Distiller, And Dealer In Produce and Pltisaureb
Mannfactured Articles. Ne. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts
' earytk. see 10
VITiLUMis & DlLWORTll,—wholesale
11M Renown Produce and Commission Merchants, and
tillitent i■ Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29,
111 Rind street. sep 10
°MARA ROBINSON, Attorney at Law;
/Mee on the north side of the Diamond.netween
ahem and Union streets, upstairs sep 10
A I. DURBORAW , Attorney at Law; tenders
ills hia professional services to the public. Office cur.
Mr or Pifth and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd k Co's
store t PlusLargh, Pa. sep 10
5ean..........................J.,.N. Keats
QHSRIFF & KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper.
sJ ll'ut,•ud Sheet Iron Ware, No 80. Front st
burgh. House Spouting and Steamboat work p:omptiv
*nutted. sep 10
MO& B. YOUNGtic CO., Furniture Ware
If" Rooms, i,urner of Hand st. 4- Exchange Alley.
.-renotes wishing to purchase Furniture, will line it to
their advantage to dive us a call. being fully satisfied that
Ole maidens@ as to quality and price. Pep 10
MUTTON LIAMS.—Just received 160 choice Mut
ton Flame, well cured and for sale cheap by I Ile do
seas or Wall, by ISAAC lIARRIS,
asp 10 N 0.9, Filth at
irrikßAGA.-A supp'y or Landietti•s Fret. If Ru
-MAP la Bata, aid other different varieties of Turnip
$Oll idast received and for sale at asorcen mess at the
Dreg aad limed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN:,
isp 10 No. 184 Liberty street. head of Wood.
WEBS CILIOSEY,S Boot and Shoe Sisituiticto
ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States
east. Lades Prattella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in
Ws **abut inanner,and by the newest French patterns.
sop 10.
ORMS IS t.TICAULUS. In lots tosuit
5,000 N purehaser! , ; to be disposed orb).
No. 134 Liberty street. head of Wood.
DAHLIA ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds or st•
ery dessription, can always be . ttad at tile Drug
awl Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN,
eq 10 - 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
WM. Illtmria Animal Mammoth Onion recd, for
5111 sale at the Drug and Seed store of
184 Liberty street, head or Wood.
Per seed; jut received by
No. 184, Liberty head of Wood at
GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Sondes
Trentolasting Trowels, Edding Tools, Sldding
Wolves. Prestos Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., Put re.
siJM •ad tor sole by • F. L. SNOWDEN.
41,10 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood.
CMOICS Vaginae Hains.—Just received • swan sap.
ply of very choice eared Venison Hams, on retail
*J. Ina II lob for current money.
and Com. Merchant
WRITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and
Kentucky Blue Grass, always on hand and for
N 0.184 Liberty street, bud of Wood.
sale by
ear 10
Eturrgarrit BUCHANAN, .attortasy s L ato , ose
removed from the Diamond, to “Attornerititom,"
Asks *lea Fourth street, between Market and Wood
oep 10
4818TILATES'SLANICS, for proceedings Its ift
1.V.1L fathoming. a • r tholate law for I t „
ra/11ALE.—Lots on the North East corner of Coal
lLai re and [nth street. Apply to
no 10 BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th st.
I 688- Laadretles French Sugar Beet Seed,Just
I t received and for sale at the Drug and Belt
kit* It F. L. BNOWDEN,
141 184 Llberl7 creel, head of Wood.
14jr "......v ssLesitnionodp herstofbrs silting between Wit-
4111.001 by setemsl contest. WHOent Dlgby is authorised
sonstUis,aistisuars of tie Me in touting np the hastens
Osmoses frau . !VELLUM RIGBY.
JJ OHNSTONit STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers an
Paper Manufacturers, No. $7, Market st. sep 10-1 y
J OEIN ANDERSON, Smlthfield Foundry, Water rit..
near the Monongahela Douse, Pittsinrah. sep 10-1 y
EONARD 8. JOHNS ,, Aldertnan,St.Cialr streetoie
mod door from Liberty. ge p 10-1 y
D R. 8. R. HOLMES, Office In Second street, next door
to 111 alvatry* Co's Sian Warehouse sep 10—Iy
HUNK t EINDLA Y. Attorneys at Law. Pouring.,
near the Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y
THOS. HAMILTON, Attorney at LAW, Fifth, between
Wood and Smithfield sly., Pittsburgh. sep 10—ly
HUGH TONER, Attorney ai Lacy, North East corner
arSmithlield and Fourth streets, imp 10-1 y
Trioarson n•Pras J•11Z8 TOMO!. L.
HANNA 4. 'PURINBUI,L'S Paper Warehouse, No.
104, Wood Pt., where may he had a general supply
of writing wrapping. printing, wall paper, blank hooks,
school books, 4. e, *c. PCP 10—ly
C. TOWNJEND ¢ CO., Wire Workers and
R. ifeaufaerstrers, No. 23 Market street, between ttl
■nd 3d streets. sep 10--1 y
L NXCEI ANG F; HOTEL, Corner of Penn end St. Clair
nt reeiA. by MCKI6BIN 4. SMITH.
Pep 10—ly
wa•d tineheg ‘I - innfacturer of Iron and Nails
Warehouse N 0.25. W 41., Pittsburgh. sep 10 —ly
p IC METAL —77 ions soft Piz Metal for snie by
J. G. 4. A. GORE 9N
sep 13 No. 12 Water street
S LRS BACON AMS. 16.000 Bacon
31000 houlders. for H sa'e Aq
3. G. k A. GORDON,
N 0.12 %Voter street
ir AP. PATTERSON, Jr.. tt; rmln ha m. near Pilisburgh,
• -Pa., Allanufarturer or Locks. Ulnae. and Dolly; To•
baceo, Fuller, Mill and Timber Screws; Rouren Set evv• for
Rolling Mills, ire. pep 10-4 v
JOHN lIPICLO.SKEY. Tailor and Liber.y
V street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side.
Pep 10
JW. BURRRIDGE; k CO., 14'holcsale Grocers and
Commission Merchants—Second street, between
Wood and Smithfield els, Plitsbur:h. rep 10- , ly
JG. 4- 4. GORDON, Commission and Foresaidlnt
• Alprehantr. Water st.. Pittsburgh. see 102-1 y
IRA MS.--4 casks hams.. good article, received Per B.
Corsair, and for sale t. J. ~* A. COQ DO
pep 10 1 400 irlint-
SOO, l l 4. MOLASS
stir; 80 bbls New 0
Rep 10
SUGAR. -7 hhdr prime N. 0. Sultar. received rrcr S.
B. Maine. and for sale by J.G. 4- A.CORDON.
No. 12. Water street
50 BACON CASK S,ln order, on hand and for safe by
V *en 10 1.0. ¢ A.GOR BON, No. 12, Water a'
SUGAR AND MOLASSES . -13 hhds and 4 N. O.
Sonar, 321 this N. 0. Molasses, received Per giesnaborli
Importer, and for sale by J. O. 4- A. GOP DON.
lieP 10 N o . 12. Water .creel
corner of gth aod Wood sts
1631 PA I" BRS Germantown Lamp Mack for gale
by 11. A. FA II ESTOCK 4- CO.,
corner 61 Ii and Wood af •
200 LBS P repared ß Cl A la Ik r fur 4ti
N ia r le rrr
k CO,
corner of 61h and Wood sot
S UG 111 AND MOLASSES.--60 !OWN. N. 0. Sugar
25 btos. do. do., 100 do. Plantation Molasses, fo
sale by
.1 C. ¢ A. CORDON,
sep 13 No. 12 Water street.
7o he used In Bankruptcy proceedings, pi wed 0u
good pa per,and in the form• approved by t lie Couri ,for suit
at the Office of ihe Merrury and Democrat. Pep 10
W M. HUBBARD, I.l.ltes' fashionmde 1t0..t and
shoe Manufacturer. No. 101, Third street, between
Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh sep
11. has removed 111, othee In the corner of Fourth
street and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Gralo
streels,Pittsburgh. rep 10
MAKER, No. 7, Si. Clair sir,•ei, Pimp.
xer) 10
supply of 1.811.11e111 . P Garden Seeds, always on
hand, and for sales! lila aseley, the Druz shire of
fall 10 184 I.Dmrty street. head of Wood
J) R. DAVID WARD has Ills office and residence
un Fourth Street, nearly south of the Conn HMIs!.
second dwelling from Rossstreet. Ile will rtitliftilly attend
all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should he
made at the door above the basement. sep JO
REMOVAL—Mati hew Jones, Rather and hair
rr, has removed 10 Fourth street, opposoiei he May
ors office. here be will be happy to:wait upon permanent
or transient customers. He'solielts a share of public rem.
rep 10
31. A. WARD, DENTIST, c oon at. three
door below Irwin street, Hoerr; of business. from
9 M., until 5 P. X prier which time he will attend
to no one exreo In cases of actual necessity. He
Would further Inform those who mny think proper in
employ him. t lint he eXpecte Immediate pnyment, without
the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep 10
J OHN 111 9 1FARL XNI), Up/roisterer and Cabinet
,M..ker, Third at. betsoses Wood 4- Market streets,
respectful informs his friends end the public that he is
prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bu
reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bed.steads, Stands, Heir and Spring
Mattrasses, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering
work, which he wilt warrant equal .o any made In the
• city, and on reasonable terms. Pep 10
R ZAIOP.IIL;—The subscribers have remos, d to Wa.
ter between Wood and Smithfield streets, where
they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis.
lion business. and would respectfully solicit the patron.
age ofl heir friends. J. W. BURBRIDGE 4- Co.
Dee 3
110 Weed Street, Pittsburgh.—R, A. Sattsman.
Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, is now prepared
to receive and sell all )(lads of Goods and Merchandme,
at his large and capacious looms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and Firth Streets, Pittsburgh.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday evenings.
Books. 4.c., every Saturday evrolng.
Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted.
John D. Dam e . Seq.,
Beesley 4. ;Smith.
Hampton. SMith, .t Co,,
F. Lorenz If CO.,
J. W. Barbridge 4. co.,
S. R'S,* 4- Co.
Capt. Junes M'Gargili, Pittsburgh.
C. Dstmen, Seq.
Joon 11 'redden Esq. I
Logan 4 Kennedy. 1
I .
. J. K. Moorhead 4. Co.
Jas. P. Stuart. Req.
.. Robert Galway, Erg:
ss Capt. Ju. May,
i .
McVay. Hanna, it Co.
.. Minato Eyients. ( Wheeling.
• . 5.0. Beery. Loreinville
Smith. Bartley 4. Co Phila. -
HAM .1. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Molt street,
New York, was afflicted with Dytpep+l■ In Its roost
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head.
ache, great debility, freer, Costiveite3s, cough, heart.
horn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating,
Impaired appetite, serration of sinking at the stomach,
furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomiting'', digainess
towards night and restleness. These had continued op.
ward or a twelvemonth, when, on conanttiug .I)r.Wm.
Evans. 100 Chatham street, and submitting to Ida ever
sueceneful and agreeable mode of 'mimeo!, the patient
was completely restored to health In the short 'peep of
one month, and grateful lor the incalculable benefit derly.
ed, gladly ea me forward and volnnteered the above state
For sale Wholesale and Retail by
R. E. SELLERS, Ageo!,
No 20. Wood street, below Sceond.
Prices I
Short Rid Fara.
No 5 at 16 cto. pet lb
6 at 161 ditto
7 at 17 ditto
8 at 171 ditto
9 at 18 ditto
'l5 at 21 ditto learp't Chain . 20 ditto
16 at 22 ditto lOWA Ts In• • 25 ditto
17 at 23 ditto ,Sioeking Yarn and
18 at 24 ditto Coverlet Yarn always on
19 at 21 ditto hand.
20 al 26 ditto i i Cotton Warp. made to order.
r. Orders promptly mended to, If len at .1 4. C.
Painter's, Loan 4 Kennedy's. or the Poet Mike, addrese:
felt 27. J. K. MOOR il F:AD k co.
rir 'Oriesus Su
".hip ante by
J. 0. A. GORDON:
1500 Lhs. new Bacon. fliqi received by warms
from Ohio, for cute by
THE mbscrit , er has regnov-d his fashionahle Tintoring
Eentnintnoent in !he kionon:ahela honor, 3d door
from arc at. on •milblf,a4 si.w here hisold ruptonters and
•ll others who may favor him with a call may depends,.
having their work done in a sapertrir Style. From hie
ding experience in the iluelness In this city, and In many
other fashionable cities In Eaton* and A tnertea, he feel
confident that tin can give satisfachlun lo •It who ma+
please to favor him with Lticteeinacind etrlrt ' , tenth
to business and superior workmanship he hopes to merit
and reeelr:::!!2"'"r''llhhe
on hand a aupply of :nods anti trimmins mis s il e for the
rustomer trade which will be sold at very redoes' pu.
N 0 . The anhttolher Leine well aware of the extent
that Ihr ort.c 'poem le prneti-ril nn the pohiie in this
cnnalry, by adveytisement-; particularly by perilous who
mar putty be railed intruders on the trade, who nee,
served .in hour to Ihehuanen. and who knots so Mile
;Omni it that they could not crook • wptlnge cloth. and ,
they are ha refared enou:h to advert lee Ihernsetves a• tad
Inr• n la mode, and by the aid of old see:titters*. ears,
puff s.d.e. kr such as are Eel !tally need by quarks to
eel tin it niedici nre, they often •urreed In palming OR on
lit unsusiteri in. customer 'some old Irtish for the .ten's.
tar Inc nor led article. Stich peopie'm advert leements are
only rairtimied to left the I uhlir and are more roil.
lied In rrerfit than the they Mon, yet len:liable publications
abotil the :treat Oaf l—ioer ittnnnit the fffliyallaas, winch
Ptdsttole nimrst every erhoolttoy lute read and laughed
at. I wetitd so:lest io those who with to have their
Hallo, a made in fire. rifle alt, le to make a little Inquiry
led them wit; find that dila la the place where they ran
neennlinnd,tr,l; Q. D.
.1 In 7—Sir
Hair Dir--ettinto the hair and will not the akin
Thle Ova to in Uwe fortn of a Pored., wh•ell In Math waiter
of lam mnv he apeited to the hair over night, the fits%
niLthr turning the liditi est nr !re!, hair to dark brown; end
by repenttn: n second or third night. ton jet black. Any
iiereatt map. therefore. with the least rimnlhle trouble,
keep his (malt any dark shade or n perfeet hint*. with the
nosittive nownrance thnt the powder if applied to the akin
nut not Color 11. There Is nn enlorina In thin 'lmpotent.
as any one may enmlly teat These farts are warranted
by the rhe Os; who me nor:n . l{3[l.ll 11.
For sale at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fowl!' street • where a
forge assortment &CP:tient Medicines may always be hnd
nt ell hcr erhole•nie or retail.
••Don't forget ! 86 Fourth street !"
T O THE PUBLIC, and partite/or/a to sty former
patrons of this cityt—tlavino retired from the
practice of Medicine. I env hr permitted to lay. that it
lint h.lien to the lot of ut persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or larse a share of °hal retries' practice as my
own has hero for th Intl 30 or 41) 'eats
The experience oftt,at long period of netive life. andihe
fart of my having been twire, since 1830 aim:whited with
Dr. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of Mertleine, (In both*
period of five years,) enables me to Judge fully of the
merits of his pithy.
Po ennvenlent,so efficient. and yet so safe, did I esteem
these pills,l hat for the last five yea's In my practice for
the cure of chronir diseases.of whatever name, and those
of females In particular, I have used more of them than
nil other medicines.
Like every other medicine, this must fail in tome In
stances. hut in my hands there has been less disappoint.
ment and more satisfaction In Cie administration of this
one remedy than of all others; its good effects nometimes
quite astonishing me.
If my patient required it safe aperient medicine either
-.fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pits were just
the thing i wanted,
If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
with costiveness or Inactivity of lite liver. constituted the
disease if toy patient. the pills were Just the thing I
If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogne, the
Wilson's pills were Just the thing I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, Bushed countenance, or other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance of tbe circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the 'turn
of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
Thus, without resnJet to the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the lime I have had. it under treat
ment, particular indleatkins or symptoms arising. were
al - "sys mpg promptly and most happily met by the
That so great a number of diseases, and sometimes ap.
patently opposite ones, in which i have used these pills,
should be clued more readily by them than by any other
reniedy,may et first seem strange and contradictory, but
why tt is so is as clear to my mind as that a grist many
persons should become thinly from ta many different
causes, and yet all require that common and greatest of
ail blessings, water to quench their thirst.
In conclusion, it is due the •spotation of the medicine
and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that
the Wilson's pills are tbeonly combination I have ever
met with In my !ringworm of practice, that really poi.
eeseeeanything curative or sped& for sick headache,
Tours ke., DR. MILO ADAMS.
The above Plffs designed particularly for the sick
Rasd-Ache, Dyspepsia. Pomitipation of the Bowels ste..
prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, end foe
eate,wholeseis and retell,at his dwelling Penis
below Maths* Oct
-100 Bagaftio Coffee.
°et 4. For sale by
1 • 4- h. CORDON.
P.E.,4BE • S HOARHOUND C4XLIY.—Ttri-mr has
received ad: day from New York. a fresh supply o.
the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con
sumption; and Is ready to supply cumomersat wholesale
or retell, at his Modica . 4 1 0, e1f• 9i3 Fourth at.
nov 12
AVID CLAR , Ag't, easAisnaeht Birot.Maker,—
• Das removed to No, 34 Market street, between
Second and Third streets, where he would be happy
to see his old customers, and all others who feel dispos.
ed to patronize him. He uses nothing hut Arst rate
stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as lie gives
his constant personal attention to business, he truststhat
he will deserve and rcceite a fair share of patronage.
Pen 10
A Hunker respectfully Informs his friends end the
public that they can always !Ind the best quality of Ice
Creams. together with el: kinds of confectionery sod
fruits, in their tees on, at his estehilehment—Ko.
Fifth street, heiwe it Wood end Market.
N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with
cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished
with Breed. Rep 10
or Cash.
Len/ Rest rem
500 at 9 eta per ds
600 at 8 ditto
7(10 at T ditto
SOO at 6 ditto
900 at 5 ditto
10 ■t 191 Auto ; 1000 at 4 ditto
11 at 19
12 at 191 ditto itli°
.Candlewick at 16 eta vet lb.
13 at 20 ditto ;COT Bailin • 9 ditto
14 at 2.4 ditto !Family do
•.' :'cr•'-=',o,?"
D R. GOODE'S skiiiir aced rentals Pills. These
Plllasrestrongly recommended to the notice of
the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing
those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex
ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affections: These Pine have gained the sanction and
approbation or the most eminent Physicians in the Uni.
Hid States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and
Retail. by R. E. SELLERS, Agent .
sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second.
moral. ADAIR, Boot sad Shoe Maker, Liberty St.,
opposite the lead of ihetit Afield at., Pittsburgh.—
The subserlherhavlng bought oat the stock of the late
Thomas Ral%rty, deceased, bag sommeneed
In the old stand of Mr: R., and Is prepared to erectile
all descriptions of Work In his line, In the hest manner
and on the shortest notice. He keeps eorstantly on band
a terse ateortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and
of the best quality. Ha eoliths the patronage of the pub.
He and of the croft. WU. ADAIR.
lap 10
purrirsinTßGEr DIANUFACTORY.--Sprtirs
es! Azle. for Carriages at Eastern Pries,.
The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach.o and Ellptie Springs (warranted,) Juniata
iron A zips, Silver and Bran plated Dash Primes. Brass
and plated Huh Rands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps. Three fold Pteps, Malleable
Iron, Door Handles and (tinges. ke.,4•e.
HD. SELLERS. M. D.,olliee and dwelling In Fourth,
• near Ferry street. sep 13-1 y
The attention *f thrt.e. who have been somewhat peep.
tics! In reference to the numerous certificates published
In favor of Dr. Fiwayne's Compound Syrup t•(Wild Cher
ry, on account (tribe persons kilns unknown In this Ore
lion of the Slat e,p respectfully directed to the follow lag
certificate, the *their of whieh hue been a ell leen of this
hornueh for several years. and IF knorin as n gentleman
of integrity and reeponsehlllry.
• I have used Dr Paray ne's C w
omp land syrup oKIRSY.f Wild
Cherry for a 'moth, whh which I have been severely RI
dieted for shout four months. and I have no hesitation
In saying lt lathe most affective medirine that I have
been able to procure. It compose* all uneasiness. and
starers well with my dlel.—and mantels, a regular and
good appetite.f rar freely recommend it to all where
similarly 'tended. J. Mumma. Borough ofChamherab'e.
March 9. In4ll. ern 1:3
For oaf, be WILLIAM THORN No. 52 Market street.
• 11 Milo
P ERRONg desirous of procuring Fruit. Shade. and
orn.mentni Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadel
Dbls or New York, are um:loaned to wake application as
noon as poesible, at the Drug and Seed Store of the lab
seriber, where ran he had ratalogues, graluilonalS, or the
melt excellent sarieties. P. L. SNOW DEN.
men 21 No IR4 Liberty street. head of Vi'runl
MARBLY: N %NtIP, I II.!TOR Y.—Patrick Cawfleld re
-4 Tit Ater' fully acquaint, his friendsiand politic een•
Bratty, that he has eornmeneed the Marble business al the
rornerof Fifth and Liberty sta..arbere will he constantly
on hand. tomb stones, mantel pieties, naonontents. head
and foot stones. table slabs for eahinet ware, and every
ars toe appertaining to the business. He will warrant Illa
work to be well done, and hie charses will he moderate.
Ne fritpectrolly wilts a share of oolitic pal rolllAr.e• ten 111-
M. iro
tom' ‘4O Root Maker, Liberty at., ed door from
Alter. The vinheerther resrwelfhtly Informs the
pubilethat he has commenced the above Amine.. In the
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M`Closkey,
and that be Is now prepared to attend to all order, In his
line nfrnmuneenarlt h defpate4esend Oh the most reasonable
terms. Pram his Ion? experiente In the !motif:lmre of
Fa•hlonstlite Pools, he feel: •"-^ entelea
rrnm his estn l .ll.httient will rive sailsibetlem to his pa
akeirof public patronar it respect folly nollctr.
II /RD SEEPS A f esa snouts of Rare Seed*, eon
plating of Canar.llemo and R Oat received
h F 1 BNOWnigie, 14R Liberty st.
148 Lih.rl• wt
Portol,la Platforms &ales un wheels. to weigh 2,500 I hs, it
855 00.
do do do 2.005 nt 645 00
do do do do 1.500 at 35 00
do do d o do 1,000 at 30 00
do do do do 500 nt 25
With raising lever. on addition o(113 to each scale 00
Hormant r•eales for the tir - e or Warehouses. Flouring
Mille, kr..the same prices as IthOWC.
Alen, Willie's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements. and a variety of other counter again,
which thny will sell for from 11 t 0415,
They also manufacture Strain Engines for Flouring
Mills. Pnw 111116. Salt Works. Arc„ tionide and single
geared slide lathes Snot and other lathes for wood turning
machines (or tenanting chairs. planing mar blues. door
and sash marhines Hall's patrot horse power, wi: h or
without thraahl ns OlOrhiTlP., I superior article; cirentar
maw /MAN, ntarldnee for sawing lath. Tinner's mn•
chines and tools nre it dei-riot Inns. a too for making black
Inc hoops, a -a,,erlor article; governore for stentu englne•
141 , P." . k s. tape and dies, entree mills, bedstead or joint hots
anti tnarhinery for making the lame, cotton factory ma
eldnery made or repaired; printing press plattens turned
and printing presses repaired•
sep 22—if
JOHN B. GuTRIE, Auctioneer and Commis.
IR lion Merchant, ire.lo6,gorner W•ed Fifth at,.
Pietsbanyk: Having beennppolnied one of the Auction.
ecrs In. the City of Pitsbursh tenders his services to jots.
bers, manufacturers and dealer,. who may he dipposed
to make trial of this market. He is prepared to make
advances on consignments of all ettleable commodities,
and trusts to sati.ty correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy fend favorable returns.
Thal the various Interests which may he confided to
him, shall he admmately protected, he brings to the aid
of lila own experience in htteinese and acquaintance with
merchandise generally, the services of Mr. Samosa,
Faustrroci; heretofore advantaseously known. as an
importer and denier in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement is made.
Messrs. M. Tiernan, PrREFER
esl. of M. ¢ Id
.. Darlington 4 Peebles.
4. Roberti:hawk". •
4. James M. Cocper,
.4 James May,
.. 8.. M. Riddle. Pittsburgh
4. Win Robinson. Jr. Prep%
of Exchange Bank.
litamploo,Bmith, # Co..
.. John D. Day*,
44 Samuel Church,
4. J. K. Moorhead.
.. Jas. W. Brown 4. Cb.
.• John tif • &ORO. it CO:
Yard', Illorers.
.. John a. alms.
.. John Dalian,
IN litorelLS beebelsof mid itatilty Meer fired. £o
SO tombola pries. Timothy for We hi We In soli,
1411 Liberty et
Who afere iltr sale 80 hosheis Oreherd Grass nod.
tett tl.
Pt. Clair 'L. near I! e Atteeheny Ettnice
'mirrored Flaw
inoraeinred be
fietr Machin,
. between Ma•
ih street, two
ue flalt, Pitts
Innfieln re and
ad the foliose
3101 les( w hoc
composed of
:So. 1, Port
t• PlllfUnli
' 4l ' l lo 3.it l U
ISP 19
For publishiaz a nom Daily Paper is the City of Pitt.?
bargh, to be enttitted the
T EE Subscribers having made arrangements to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu
ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the title of the Daily Afersing Post.
The leading object of tne e•Pore" will be the dissemina•
tion and defence of the political prlnelplea that have litre*
tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their resp..olve
papers, and their best efforts will still be devoted to the
advancement and success of those doctrines.
A;i;rough, tit pOiltlel, the paper will he thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic intelligence. and brief notices of all mat
tern and occurrences that come properly within the sphere
ofa Public Journal, to make their paper suMelently in•
cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public,
respective of party considerations.
- In addition to the political and general news that will
be found In the ...4fresing Pest," the Editors will take
pains to furnish the hnsinesm community with
the Watt and must interesting Courteactst. Irretta-
SIMMS from all parts of the country, and to have prepa•
red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade
as wilt be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men in their several callings.
Ternes—The Pori will he nnidished en a large Imperi
al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
pet annum, payable In advance. It wilt also be sold by
news.boys at the low rate of TWO DENTE, a copy.
Advertisements wilt he inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
ity•TWENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post
who will be engaged on lb. most liberal terms
August 31, 1842
1.00 BUDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO, In store , and
for sale by J. O. ¢ A CORDON,
No. 12, Water PI rret.
B Y Morrii
,lean London, for sale only by R. f
Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virslh
alley Piitsburah Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is sore agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep
F A RIM FOR SA Ill.—The undeislgned offers for sale a
tract of find situated 4 miles rm. 'retool!, in the
direction or Kittanning, Buffalo • township. Armstrong
!minty. rontaining 100 acre?. 65 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of whicn are In meadow— a good square log
dwelling house and gratin barn erected thereon—an apple
orchard of 80 heating trees and a spring of excellent
water convenient to the house.
FOR TER MS apply to the subscribers residing at the
Rallworks oa the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free
sep 10
T O THE WISE. lis now well understood how
much disorders of the mind depend for their cure
upona due attention to the body. It is now understood
how entuahle is that medicine which will reams! morbid
neeemulntions without weakenin: the bodily power. It Is
now noiderstocHl that there Is a reciprocal Influence be.
tween the mind and the body. It Is now understood that
pnesinp with the Brandreth Pills will remove a metan
cholY, and even Insanity Is cored by perseveringly usinc
them. It Is now understood how much domestic happl.
ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive
It la now weft known that the Rrandreth Plitn have
roared ihourands or hopeleas and helpless persons, even
when the Om physicians had pronounced them beyond
all human meant of triter. It is now not only well
known that the Rrandreth Milne° cure but ii is also un
derstood how they cure; t lint it k ht their purifying elect
on the blood t het they re.tore the body to health.
The value (+Nile medicine is becoming more and more
manifest, it I. recommen.'ed daily from family to lanais , .
The Rrandreth Pills remove In nn ',MOM Imperceptible
mnnner an notloll* 11 , TO amlatlon. and purify nntlinviso.
rote the 1 , 4)01141ml thrlr good elects ore not fo l lnierha lin
fed by :Inv luronventenres; beins roonno,ed entirety or
reemahles they do not expose those Who note them to
danfer; and i heir effect • are an cr. info an they are ctlu•
tart.; they are daily and ~rely adininit-rer‘d to infancy.
youth, mlnlvond, sod old ern. and to women in the nurt
evillest and delteate cirri; msta nem They do not dWurb
nr shock the a ohnal functions, but rattore their - order
ant' can't:l.h their health.
Sold at Dr. itraraireth's Office, No. 91' Wood street
Pit Ishursli. Price Z 5 rents per hos, with 001 directions
M A RK--The only plate In rittsborzh where tbe R"nn.
tee Piihr ran he obtained, is the Loctor's own °Mee, No
98 Wood street.
se p 10
1110 THE LADIES —W by do you not remove that
superfluous halt you have upon ynns foreheads
and upperllp.l By calling ni Tema's, 116 Fourth et.,
and otoninlng a bottle of antifillid'S Pnudres stabiles.
which will remove It at once without street Ins the skin.
You can also obtain Courand's nubs celebrated Eau de
Befits. which will at none remove all freckle., Pimples.
•rti pi ions of the skin, and m&ke your face look per Petty
fair; and to those who wish lo assist nature by addin2
more rotor to I heir cheeks, they cam obtain come of (too
randy erlehralpd Liquid Rouse, which cannot he rubbed
off even by a wet cloth. Also mac be found a good us
wortment of PP/Amery, such as Cologne, Bears' 08. Al.
mond, Palm, Windsor; and other Soaps.
Remr . inter. of Tuttle's Medical Agency, 96 4th street.
Dee. 8, 1842
L ET Invalids read the Ibllowing account of a Salim
cured of a complication of afflictions In nineteen
days by the use o Bra ndrei h Pill,. It distinctly proves
here are herbs In nature which have affinity cure he
cause of disease. and Brandreill's Pillsare made for them
Read and be convinced. Take the medicine a nrthe rated
Jonn Slime. of Pembroke, Washington county, Maine,
being ditty sworn, gays, that he was taken violently sick
about six months since. The pains in his heed, breast,
hack, left side and ;nitiep tieing so had that lie was ins
Islet° help blmeelf.and was taken Into the Chelsea Hos.
14181 in the cite, of Boston. That after being in said
hospital five weeks,Doctor Oil:said he did not know
what was the matter with him, and that he could do
nothing for him, nor could he prescribe any medicine
That lie, therefore, was convoyed from the Chelsea HOS.
ninth° Hie Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he
was I here physieked with all sorts of medicine fora pert.
!od offour months, suffering all the/lute the (nest heart.
[rending misery.— That, besides his affection units honey
he was troubled punch with a disease of the Inner sable.
jI times be would spit a quart of phleem in the (ley; besides
this affection he had a bad Marriott', which had more
or less at tended him from the commencement of his sick.
new. That at times he dreaded a stool worse than he
would have dreaded death; that he can compare the feel.
ling to noihing twee that of knives passing through his
bowels. After suffering worse than death at the Sailor's
Retreat, on Staten Island, the doctor told him that medi
cine was of no use to him. that be mn , t try to *fireboat.
At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. That
his bones were so tender he could not hear the least press.
ere upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his Instep was
moat pallarai, that as the Doctor said he would give him
no more medicine he determined to procure some of Dr.,
Brandrette• Pills, which he did, from 241 Broadway
New York; that he commenced with flee Mils, and some.
timesineceimed the dose to eight. The first week's use
so mach benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing
what he was using, said, , now. Shaw. gent look like a
man again; if you Improve in this way, yott will Coon he
well.' That he fatted every dose of the Bra ndreth Pills
relieve him, Snit they cured him of the pain when at
stooi; that they next cured the diarrhea, aad finally the
Pains In his bones;—That the medicine seemed to add
strength to him everyday, Retold the doctor yest c :
day the 11th Instant, that ha felt himself well. an"
that he oared his recovery to Brandreths „d„
Providence, that he had taken the ntedleti: A l ey „
for 19 days; that the doctor told him If he ',fi k d k now , be
had been tabling that medicine, he she; 4 41 rim h
is stayed
another day In the hone. fin c , ..stiiiders it is his dm! to
make thisonblie statement for thelieriefit Span similarly
afflicted; that they May kohl" where to Spa a medicine
[ that wttlenre them.
JOHN SHA. John Shaw being by to, drily sworn lids 13th day W o
A prll. 111.42, did depose and tray the t the fit meal ne Piee
marl, let roe. J. D. wrtELve.Commbwictlier of Dnede
The . BRA NDRI'77( PILLS are sold at Dr. Pram.
drealAg Pribelpai nitere.2.4l.llllo4DlV4P. New York-
I andel his peinetpei °ea, Ra.lllll.weedlereem.Pitaimskr,
rite oarz,r pz.scit to
an Pittsburgh 'bate the *Mae
be obialnedi
ler 22-4wltas.
On the question of experi:ency and pro.
priety being put, some twenty only voted
against the measure; when the chairman
wtth a want of dignity I never before wit•.
(teased in a chain •an of a public meeting,
sneered at the minority, saying that 'the
vote might be considered a unanimous one,
only three or four voted against it, and we
may set them down as Catholics.' At tine,
a gentleman arose, i member, I think,in his
owh church, and intimated that I e bad rea
sons for voting as he did and was no Cath•
olie. 'Take your sea , ,' said the chairman,
with almost papal authority. Thus was
the question settled in such a summary way
as almost to preclude oprosition. True,
the Dr. called for opposition, but so little
time was given, that to speak against it Was
almost out of the question. Next c i me the•
very important question of admitting Here.
tics es members of the associa tion. The
learned Dr. who had given the opening
speech, contended strongly that no heretic.
(whom he defined to be a Unitarian or So.
cinian,) should be admitted to join.
Meeting with sirong opposition, the Dr,
waxed wroth, and declared he would rather
join an association of Catholics to put down
Soeiniantr, than admit a man who denied
that Christ was God, to join in this matreefi
that if they did so,he and his church 07 , ota id
wash their hands of the iniquity. In fact
he seemed to be as bitter agair;st the poor
Unitarians, as against the C at h o li cs; even
as much so as that arch t . ypocri te and p er .
secutor Athenasius was agt.'mat his learned
and talented rival Arity7,,- '
Enough about tl' manner of coadocting
the h me eti on ng. The fact is, I was grieved
evi . l - I. of PrOtestants, and believe se.
, ':nat the Association will be of great
to the Church of Christ. If the
meeting had been conducted fairly, if time
and opportunity had been given for the fair
and cool deliberation of the matter,it would
have been better. I have been since con—
versing with many intelligent, and dispas
sionate Protestant Christians, and they are
all of the opinion, that the meeting was
premature, and will result in evil. 1 believe
that the movement is calculated to produce
animosity between christiaa brethren, ill..
will amongst neighh , r s , friend s and Feltner. ...
citiZellf. I regent the measure as creidli. 7-.*
of sectarianism end bigotry; and leiter aP: :_,..
feats totall3 itJbveiTidre
of ail s 4al,kied ;ad'
Protestant associattoin
As a Protestant and Christian a
my duty to attend the meetingcallt
Herron's Church, on last Tuesday
for the put-pose of consulting on the
ety of establishing a "Protestant
tion" to check the progress of Cat
in this country. Believing seriot
the formation of such an associatil
result in evil, and only evil. I
giving my reasons for opposing tht
but finding such an unfairness, suc
position to carry the day whether
those who had concocted the matte
eluded it better to be silent.
Dr. Heron was called to the ti
Dr. Wilson, who had been appointk, to
liver a speech, ascended the pulpit, and
gave us five points of difference [et:veal'
the Religion of the Catholics and Protess
tants. One grand point of difference was ►
that the Catholics when in power, pereeett.
I ced heretics to death, whereas the Proles.
tents never did. This assertion I could
not set down to his ignorance, for the Di,
is a learned man, and must have read °trio,
bitter and bloody persecutions earried on
by the Church of England in the British
Islands; he may have heard how his CoO4
mower brethren in Scotland, shed the blood
[ of those who difFcred with them in Religion'
he has dinkiest, read somewhere that Cal.
lain, his great apostle in predestination, did
lac one time stain his hands with the blood
of a man who dared to differ with hire in
religiotis points: he - Might have lieattl hid
grand-father tell of the bitter and wonton
persecution carried on by our Puritan fore.
fathers in New England, when they cut oft
the ears of un. tfending Quakers and even
cut off their heads; and how they drpve this
Baptists at cart-tails through the stteelltor
Boston. How much better it would ha*
been for the Docthr to have honestly eda
know+ dged y system of religion may
be made the engine ofambitiout politicians,:
and may be degraded to subserve the vile
purposes of persecuting demagogues. In
fact his whole speech fel far below the
mighty efforts of his powerful mind. tie
concluded by urging us to reason why` we
ought to form this Associati-n to put down
Popery in the U. S.; "that Prophecy had
decreed that anti-Christ, or the Beast, as
he called the Catholic Church, was to re.
ceive her death blow, and fall irretrievably
in five years, that is in 1848. This was a
knocksdown argument, so the Chairman
called for the Constitution, which it appear
ed had been cut and dry, and was about to
put the question of its adoption, when some
one, more jeicious, moved that the sense
of the meeting be first taken about the ex•
pediency of firii.inz such a association,
!This premature and urtfait way Of doing
business, was something Ike the way in
which the abolitionists in cur city got up
the "Third Party" Ticket last fall, They
called a public meeting ...to consult on„the
propt-iety of forming an abulitioni,t Tick
et." When they met, a political speech
was delivered by an itinerant, sitenced4
ins,thodist preacher, and then all things
having been previously canvassed by the
leading demagogues, a ticket is read out to 0
the people, and while the excitement is up,
without any discussion by the people, thrifts
who had prepared everything carried tits