logip 10 1 V . -s ix , - P - ava a.aaglax.ua, 'ROOKS. STEAAIROAT BILLS. HORS.Fi RILLS, BLANKS, VISITING CARDS, LA 118 LS, ADORE=S DO., Ite l f I N ESS DO., NOTES, HAND RILLS, LADING, CIRCULARS, ke, Together with every description of Letter Press Prim wilh neat noz.. , and despatch, nud on mode gate terms, at the office or the Daily Mornin: Post. her/ 10 r?i~~ r w ^ i ~~ ~. TO THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS. TEND TO PRODUCE OR AGERAVATE elan of individnnle la very numerous. They are thrtst wbo work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work men in feather atoreg, stone cutters, hakert., white lead Inarturncluireret are all mort or lean aukiret to digratte ac. oordine to the strontgllt of their constitution. Thu onto method to prevritt disease, is the occasional use of a , Medicine which abstracts from the c trenlation all delyie -;rioun humors, and erpelv them by the bowels. Tonics Ott, any form are injurious, as they only :at off the evil day to make it inure fatal. The use of Brundret It's Pills will Insure health, because they take all Impure mai ter ante the blond; and the body Is not weakened Inv ddrernthetted by their operation; fir these valuable Pills ' $o not force, but they assist nature, and arc not oppcscd, but harmonize with tier. t - ' 4 Sold at DrArandr,ttlet Office, No. 93 Wood Oriel, Piti.burro. Price 75 cents per hoc. wit ii full Ihr_rt MARK—The only place In ritioffir2lt wilLre the GENUINE PUN ran he nbtainett.l3 the Doctor's own 11. Ate, N 0.98 Wood Ftreel. rep 10 NEW HOTEL.—Tbc subseriber ruspertfully in fures his old friends and the public that lie has opener' a Temperance Hoiel„in fifth Street, near the Ex ehinge . Bank, and in the house lately occupied hy Mat Patrick, and has lintsted anf ronii gn,..The I,oli 1: ' 1 ; ctly Hotel," where he will be very Itacr.v to acromitin. date all who may please to call or. him. Ills table • • *hall be provided with the lie.t fare, and every possible sled*MmiSdallon to town and country customers and _ ravelers. - A fbw boarders who wish to lode in their store., nr of. flees, can he inken, and eentlemen who live out or town can have their dinners thWy. He has large and gond stables, and the best flay and rr, - Oate, and a good llostler, and wi!l accommodate travel. Atra and gentlemen who have horses. Boarders taken by the day, week or yeer. Charges amore moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city. rep 10 JOHN IRONS. W A.SHINUTON HALL .— Toe subscriber opened list late retidenre or Jamey Adams. FRI., ..deceased. for the reception of visitors end tmardere; the house is very pleasan•ly situated on the bank of the Ohio, 2 miles flirt, the cite— pos::esginz all the delight• -NI accompaniments of a country residence, without beteg too far (Winn for pertains doing hualneta in the city. Visitors will he furnished with every delicacy of 'the season. 'An Omnibus runs regularly every hoe iheny end on he Brid=e. Alcoholic beverages kept. sap 10 WM. C. HERM fISSOLUTION O F THE UNION , —The cop.iri• • nership ezieting between James E. Elbourn and David J. ‘torgan is this day dissolved by trmlurtl consent. 'The conditions will he duly noticed, wiih the signatures of both parties annexed, and Barry Ilan will be continued open by the sub=criber until other arrangements ate per fecied. For sale, on the premises. 150 libir. choke winter ap- Vapplied for Im:red's:etc. .1 ? A.E. K I LEM RN, asp 29 —if No 9, Markel, end 74. Pro., st 1 .,. WM. BIUDLE, Surgcon Dentist, has rammed to his old stand, .INo. 107, Smithfield Street, where he can he consulted any hour during (lip day, 06 his prafPision. sep 10 ItEMMY.% L.—Genr:e Armor, Merchant Tattor, respectfully announce!, to his friends and pa ng. that he has re roved hi= e.tal.lishment from his 08 stand, In Third street, to the rnmer of Front and gestltsfleld, in the hasement story of the Motionvilirla Hesse: where he intends kecnioq, on hand n IZencral as. , - -.9rortmant of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gen. wear. Re hopes, by close npslicat ion, to merit a share of the lousiness xo liberally extended to hint at his old stand. N. R. having made arran!enients in New York and Philadelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for the reception of Paris and London Fashions, customers ismy rely on having their orders executed according to the latest style. GarlICE ARMOR. feet 10 175 NILS. v 4 HITE LIME, a saperior ari irle, for sale by J. G. - A. G^ROON, No. 12 Waler Qtraol. La I what makes sour Teeth eo unit:nary whin.? Quoth Josh's dulcinia to Inns Col her right, To make yours look so, with a VA., replied fasts, I've brought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, '-' 'TM the best now in u.e, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have triad this, cast all others away. But to proveit the hest, to snake the teeth shine, - Look again, my dear cal, at the lustre of mine. Then try tl is great booth wash, The Tcaberry tooth wash, And see if this Tooth Wash of 'Thorn's•ta not fine. Efairing tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea. Berry Tooth W3sh,' an d "woo° acquamted with the Ingredients of its compo• - 41tIes.1 cheerfully say, I consider It one of the safest, as It-sane of the most pteasant Tooth Washes now In use, Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. "take pleasure in stating, having made use of" Thorn's Tel Berry Tooth Wash," ant It is one of the best deu- Irlikes In use. Being in a liquid form, it combines neat• stew with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds a fragranee peculiarly desirable. .1. P. TIBBETTS. 111. D. The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found It to bean extreme. dr pleasant dentifrice, exercising, a most salutary inilu. see, over the Teeth and 01M15; preserving those Inas- Aslint‘ble members from premature decay, preventing the sieessaulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay. lag thoroughly tested Its virtues, we take pleasure in re. emnatearting It to the public, belieciag it to be the best 2r. Ur% Of I be kind now in use. ROBERTSON, JAMES P JACK. AOJI'T A PP.F.BLEB, CHAS B SCULL r, C DIRR4G ;rm . JWCANDLESS, - J JII MOORE& fib, JAS S CRAFT. Jf.Lffe WALT, L S JOHNS, and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apotheca• choggi. No. 53 Market street .11 Pittsburgh; and Id 0 011 1 1 4 1 1Primills Dmilllidtei 004 TatttsalLoilcal A gen NA . % strooll. ae &NM faIISROVSE, Four U. B. Baia. Wm Tr littorals the public that h I eottn warehouse to the M r. R. G. Berford,direetly le always prepared to st ilts line, and by strict at business of an Undertaker trite: lie will be prepdred reel, Biers, C 'feeds and oral taints. Calls tram the tiled to. e bundle: frith Ma ware his sendleee may find him rt. 'win BLACK. D. D. •.V. 11.011 MT DEMI, D. D. ILLDICILL WILLIAMS, D, ==l V. JA.MRS IC. DAVIS. RSV. E. P. sant". t the Alter Fire Shovels and Toags, Hand Irons, ke, With n variety of oi ber articles too numerous to men- Imo, nil of which will be offered at the lowest cash pri N.R. Portrair.lllolaroreond (ober Frarnln.:done at the Pliortept notice, repairing oral, binds orrroded to. Look. IneGlaaa plaies.by tne box or siolVe Ugh!. Prints for Fra. ronerantly on nand re h 23 now known-to I houka tols asn most extraorilion. /IL ry rem , dy for this affliction weil as the Inuit,- t roeert Poe fact of their:curios fiI'S"F.PS lA. Will thoee stifferinz only ask a urnnz their friend* if they hive uel known of the positive effects of said l'ills. nod if they do no! hear them more warmly orrii.-ed (and deservedly ton) than any other, then let them net boy thew. In these few rent, rkii, all fettey or imagination is excluded, end nothiti^ will be Paid of their merits at ate !lute but what C.to he fairly proved by respectable meinl ers of r rmernuniiy, Read the following certificate given by n respect:o4e ciiizo-n of Illoglieny city, anti attested by 0,.e of liteludg. eA of the Court el Cot:into') Pltas Ileglielly co. ALLEGHENY CITY, Lino try 9,13-13. DR. BRODIE, Dear Sir—l have for a number of yen, past been af flicted with a severe and alavho conitant Ileadar he, a rlsine faun rl , raneement or , inmach nod howck and a l. thou:, I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended for Its Nate, have never derived any male. Hal benefit unlit I used runny of yonr truly valuable An. it Dvsneplic MIN. I have inn take.s wine holes arid con,ider rhy=clf . perfeeily relieved Irma that flusiresqng complaint. I have no he,ta , i.in to recommending your Pub an the bent medicine I have r yen n-ed. am arqua.n:ed %vitt' Mr, Turo,-, I have lot hesiia Ono In certofying that I consider the of alements of Mr, T. re.osetinl Dr. It, odle's Pits. of entitled to for moat perfect and entire confidence. For P:IIP, and !load at the Rrodonian Pill Estahlistinient Pat.litygli Pa ; ani by all anthorieed e get)!a tint:ll'2l.nm the Union. Alle'v city Jan 9 Vrl43 Jan 13--ly. CORN ; _ On band, a few barrels old yellow Corn which will be sold low apply In pill 7 ISAAC CRUSC,LIberty st. BARON VON fIUTVIIELE:3. HERB l' I LLS.— These Pilts are composed of het Its, which exert a specific action upon the heart, give impulse or strength to the arterial system; the blood Ls quickened cod equalized in Its circulation through all the vessels, whether °Nile skin, the parts situated iniernally,or the extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are drawn from the blood, there is a consequent iaerease of every .eecet ion, and a quickened action of the absorbent• and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place is corrected. all obstritt. Liam are rsztevell, Utz blood lap urtfied. and the body mimes a k mA.,:k.fat atate. Fora ale Wholesale and Re. taliby R E SE LLERS, Agent, sap IR ) Wood at. below Second. ity-DJILLEY'S 1 4 .81. N EXTR4CTOR is certainly the most valuable ointment for Burns, Sores, 4-e.. e ver Invented: no matter how badly a person may be burnt or scalded-this will heal them immediately, withooi leaving any (to- Every family should have a box In their house, no one should be without it.—Every one who ha• tried it recommends it. Tolle had only at. TU'IsTLE'S; BS Fourth street. dee s zoKEREL —ln more No. 1. Mackerel at gin - per barrel-41f borrels atsl; the MackereCone afevad . at these low pikes to.e.kma ales—Also Codfish by lb* demo. very cheap, apply to EA AC CRVIE: Jan ,20 Ha Liberty -sit• ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL 101000 "I ail itieemitfid prove n i Z i i 4a: r n S d AIAGWAL PAIN EX. TRACTOR inestimable, It not only cares quicker, but gives no additional pain, nor leaves a Far. Fire is posi. Lively matted harmless. (110 bas been offered ell month} to any person returning an empty box, and saying that all agony on anointing is not extracted h a few min utra,yei not one from thousands of trials since has claim. ed Ihe bonus.) Parents an x low to guard against genera fninries, and save time, fortune and fife, and prevent their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or even email pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable power to replace thecellutary organs destroyed.) can do so by ore mining tliis inimitable salve. Many deafly burnt cases lathe elty can he seen, and one entire face burnt over and wounded three - distinct times in the same spot while heal log, yet in no case can be traced the least cleat rice or markt For all kinds of hurts its rapid soothing effects are also important; even sore eyes. nil infiamations and bro ken breasts would be unknown. The toilet and nursery, , or clearing the skin of pimples, removing chafe, etc., will I find it Indispensable. One using only wilt forever estal Mali it thesoverelgn HEAL ALL quality. After this no Mee, heads of families allowing torture for months, and ultimately dt.tortcd feature'', ran never wipe away re prone:ll..473lly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over fite. t• Entered areordin2 to net of Congress, A. D. 1841, by rom ,- .1 - Ick 4- en ihe Clerlo,4 °tine lii-trict Court of the Untied States for the Southern District of New York." Warranted the only 2enuitir. Comstock 4. Co., wholesale Drugrrisis, N. York, havehe. rome the so .e whole,.ale lizents for Mr. Dailey, in Amer{ ea for 20 yenta. All orders most lie addressed in therm The genuine only tole had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency.street. Nov 15 Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory. Ai_ 4 -:-. ::_. z ..• `,-: '' - . --- - - •.:- - 7 - 7-4 -',-- 7z -' r --- ' ~,,----- --• --=.:,._ •-•, .. -__ 7... e".- ~., - ..,,, ,i ,, t . _. -7 • 1 - 4:•ZE,2 €0.3. ........ ~, :,.„ . _ ___:,•-• . ._ 1 CO...V.ST.9.VTLYnn hand a superior article t.f. Lard Oil, warranted to I.urit at arty trnionraltire, and equal to the hest 'winter strained Sprirto Ott, without qua.ities, and one third ctraper. roan. ulactured by the rAnlmrriht, at tine old stitiol, Third st., nearly opponhe the Post Oiri , e• M. C. EDEY. Jul 4.1843 FRlCe's IIGH-CAND 1111118 is a Rafe and certain core fur Coughs, Colds Asthma, Sore Throat. Pains and Wrokness of the Breast liooti 4 l, Cough. Iloarseuess, Irritation of the Throat, and many tlistrarws Inntling to the Consomptiou Ti it —nil y l por roll—in - nu:ire,' and loud Ihtlinle sale and Retail by 11. T. PRICE, Confectioner, Foil.. tat al.„Allegitany City, and Cie 4incipal Dr117,7,i,ts of Plug. burgh. Re .rure you ask for Prir,', Compound Cough Candy. !toy 17—f f. FFURSALF: on acconinipilating tenni.— 1000 quarter ati.lerA assorted. 10 rinz r. s. - .hovels and spades. 150 pa cheap paper lianlings. 500 rniararant chain. iloz cni n brootu.. 250 doz win• dow 5a..11 and glass to suit. Nally and tirade. hay forks and grain irhovelii. ISAAC 11.411r115. Agi. and Coin. Merchant. Frii 1. No 9. Fifth meet. ROBERT PORT 1;;R, Attorney at Laeo.—Ottice Oti the corner of Froth and Smithfield stn. err. 10 3,10-.3iSF:S. 113 1m rrelf Molas,lec For Flle ly JAME 4 MAY P 1 TTS BU RGII Looking Glass Manufactory. And !louse Furnishing. Warehouse, 104 Wu, d Street, near sth THE Subscriber bavins romrkted his arraneements at his nem stand, now prepared to otter to his ff,e,,d•, and the Tomtit!. n !arse and complete acsurintent of Lookins. Glarsios. and llonselorill,liing Ilarn ware. (at prise le suit the hates ) Pier situl Mantel GInECOi in COI and Mahn:may Frames, ofthe most approved and superior workman. ship. Tollnt Classes with 1,2,3, 4 and 5 drawers. Coffman. stained, fitted, and p liar framed Glasses sultab'e (or Merchants, (nr tlio.e want in cheap !linters.) Japanned Waiter. and Trays o(al' colors and patterns. Ivory handle KniveQ and Forks. in setts or dozens. Buck and Bone bundle Table Cutlery. Carving Knives and Forks, do. Dixon** Britannia Metal lea and Coffee Beu■ Ina• pPriflr (1110`ly.) American tolantifaciu Trio, In setts, or single pieces German e'ilver Tim and Table Spoons, Silver plated and liras, Candles' ickv, Snuffers do. firitiania Mrial Lamp., fur burning Sperm or Lard CH/ Bras. and Wire Fire Fendmir, (various patterns.) _ _ Headache! Headache! BRODIE'S A.V . TI DYSPEPTIC PILLS Yourg, Besportfuny, J n TunsErt 1. :: . . - : ,- . : , ' , . 7 . - ...:.:i'f-.-'-':'1 ; 241 Broadway. New York. THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOW. The puddle w1:1 please observe that no Brandrelb Pills are genuine Unless the box has three labels upon it. each containing, a fae similie signature of my hand writing t fins-- B. Mandrel h. Therm labels ar vcd on steel. beautifully designed, and done at an ex• pease of several t 110111141111 dollars. Remember! he top —the side—and the bottom. Ent red according to act of Eongrest in the year 1841, by Rot iambi Brandret It, in the Clerk's Offire In the Dia IJict Cuttert of the sot than Mullet of New York. Dr. B. Brandret les own office. No 118, Wood Street. Piitshnrch. Only plc.ce in Pittsburgh Wiese the genuine Pills can be obtained. P.aeli Agent who sell. the true Era ndreth Pl 1. has an engraved celliarlde of Agency renewed every twelve months, and has entered Into bonds of 8500 to sell none other Pitts than those received from . B. or his special General Agent. Mark. the certifi cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is In Ills own band writing. Observe, on each certilicale there Is an exact copy of the three lakes on each twx en• zrave4 thereon. Purchkser. see th it the engraving of the labelson the ce•tificale correspond with 11u141 on the hoe. The collowine are Dr. ReitPlain Rrandrellea %gents (or the sal, of his Vegetaiie ITNIVtrFaI Pills. in Alleghe ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled boxes. Price 25 cents with direclions. Principal Othre, No. 98, Wood Sireet, Pittshur Allegheny, Mr. Jogs CLAM McKeesport, IL ROWLAND. Noldesiorvn, JOHN Jouttsom. Stewaris Town. Crumisisror R SPAMDINO A LINANDICIR Asosu Clinton. EtWARD THOMPPON.Wilkinsburgh. GNORON rONTIGI. Fairview. R Mitt? ItNITH PORTER, Tarentuns. Elizahei blown, C. P. num.. Fast Liberty. DAMN L NILOIXT. NM/MET IRWIN. Pleasant 11111. Dsvto R. Cootr—Plumb Township. Was. 0. Illoirreit— Allen's Mill. [sap 10 THOS. A HILLIER Pt I,l'B cured by !he i se or Dr. thrlich'd Compound Sirenvbenms rind German Aperient Pips Dr.l - larlich—Dear. Sir—Shortly after I received the Agency (tom y,,ti for the sale of your medicine, I lot med an accinaintanrc wi• h a lady of this place, who was sere, ety afflicted with the Piles. rot eight or ten cars this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persitasino, she commenced using your Pills, and Wall perfectly cured. Yours, kc.. JAMES R.KIRBY October 3, 1840. Chambershug, Pa. I — r Office and General Depot, No. 19. North Etghth Street, Piilladeipida. And by Saumel Frew, corner or Liberty and Wood streets Pittsburgh. sep 10 INTERESTING CURE performed byDr.Swayae • e Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginiana,or Wild Cher ry. !laving made n4e of this invaluable Syrupin my family, which entirely eared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, 4-c, of which I had given opall-hopes of Its recovery until wa, advised to make trial of this Invaluable medicine. Afire seeing the effects it had upon my child, and eon• chiding tcrmake the same trial upon myself, which en tirely relieved me of a cough that f was afflicted with for many yesrs Any person wishing to see me ran ca at my house in Beach Street, ahove the Market, Kensington. 1. Wtt.rox. We call the attention or the public to the numerous certificates which have been In circulation in our paper and some others of this eity, highly recommending Dr. SwAyse's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—VVe have seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they come from truly grateful hearts, expressive of the benefits which they have received from tl.at valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the above medicine. who ran speak with confidence of its virtues.—Saturday Chronicle. FELLOW CIEIEIEIOE—With sincerity I would advice you, one and all, Loth sick and well, always to have a boil le of Dr SWAYER'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry in your house—it is invaluable is eases of emergency, such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent Coughing, which is often the cause of spitting of blood, Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causes, producing great alarm, sudden colds from improper exposure. which arp often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means being ready at hand;—and b.l have used Dr. SWAYEEII Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly in my family, and always with marked success--t eaa recommend it with confidence. as being one of the best faintly medicines which has ever been offered to the public.—Saturday Ckraiticte. Sold by Wm. Thorn, Whoferule k Retail, only oxen; for Pittsburgh. N 0.53 'Markel Street. sap 10 WILLIAM REED. Merchant Taller,—Respectfully Informs lila friends nod the public In general :that be has commenced business at No. 11 Market street, 'lewd dour from the corner of Front, where be bores by • t attention to business to mettle share or. public latronaga. N. 8. Tbe latest fashions regularly received: pub. le useplepubl es Mein Welt work neeeted aseordhog 4> tie 140004V1e. asp 10 ;~' r~ ~~ , itmaymis Agmaleast,.wicac saustisaaa. • -opu i gitist 111 1 1ANDETU'El PILLS. krThlavegetibWartd trelibunpatnt medicine, rosi n*, Tag 'Loon. and imoredialeiyoltays the further rais- GRIM or Disease. .tbeho . dieadfAisose 'whose powers of ill /IT rroiaiready extiadated. Wherei.human meaei can there maze - els , iii any sontOlaint, or form of sicauess, !bottle itaanaincrs Puts do Out relieve and generally cure. Although Chile pHs produce a sows ervcc-r,that elect is not to PrOstrate lbe body, as with other medicines; bat the frame Is itivigoratedh7 the re• moval of the cause of weaknitia, the inorbid,tbe vitiated humors from the blood. Harmless in themeelves, they mete!) , AINISTN Arms To throw out the occasion of sickness from the body, and they require no alteration In the diet or clothing. In fact. the human body 'abetter able to sustain with. out injury, the inclemency of the weather, while under the Influence of this infection destroying,disease eradica Hog Medicine than at any other time. The importance of Brandreth's Pills for seamen and travelers Is, t herefore, self evident. By the timely use of this Medicine how much anxiety and sickness, might we not prevent. Cold, Billions of factions, Typhus, Scarlet Ind fevers of all kinds, would be unknowni But where sickmvs dots exist, let no time be lost, let the BRANDRETIPS PILLS be at once sent for, that the Remedy may bw armlet!, without for Cher loss of time.—To or REMLMBERICD-- That Brandreth's Pills have stood a seven years' teat in the United Slates. That they area vegt,table and innocent medicine, yet all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic recent; infeciious or otherwise. That they purify the Wood, and stay the further pro gress of disease in the human body. That. in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of ulceration had iaid bane ligament and hone,' and where, to all appearance, no human means could save life, have patients hy the use of these hilts, been restored to rood health:the devoitring disease having been completely erad leafed. Thal each of the jenu Ine has upon it TUREY: COPY/11011T That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjainin Itrandreili upon it. That there must t.e upon each box three Al:nature.i, It RIR.I.I4I:IIINTH. M. D And three sip,nnturev, Ihue:— BENJA!tIfI LlRaxnnicTn DR. FRANKLIN SAYS -.%llactr- fevers ever require some evacuation to I.ring Item to a iwrfect crisis and solution, and that even by stools, which must be promoted by art when nature does not do the business' itself. On this account, an ill tinted .c.rittiulousaessabout the weaknesk of the body is of had consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts alter Inc humors are tit to be expelled , but is not able to accomplish for the most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse Isar been so low that it could hardly he felt, and the debility ex reine, yet both ot,e and the (tiler have heen restored by it." The good effect to be derived from the Rrandrelli Pills 'nice lu be experienced to be fully believed. Ry their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pot would ever assume their malignant loth. Tu appreciate to ;he foil extent ,the incalculable Ilene. fits of lIRA NEMETH'S PILLS, they lutist be used when the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. Otte dose then, and their good effects will be felt throughout the atirtrk—lT 18 TAKING TLIICSI IN TIME that it thegreat secret In he core of all appearances of dircaso arising from bad Idoodoind I presume there arc few at the pres. row day, wilt say anything of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have yrl to see. Hawn: that some n•lto read this may he benefit tett by so doing. 1 em resnertfuPy. the public's servant. B. BIZ A NDR ETII, M. D. DR. SW AYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY ~}' y k t~ ti,.~.'4.~ _ r _.' ".E-U,~.,a' :~ ry+ ' i~ ` -m .IT~`il.. 'LzM - YtG ~73y tstir . l . olPFlN WAMSMOIHNL—Jr.• 19 .. Aura ' "i.-. 1 arta, Between Wind sal Switallslit Os. We doors from the easier of Wood street. Con. atitly on hand an assortment 0(100 ready made COFFINS, of every size and description; covered ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black ~,,Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins. AIZ - 0, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may requite. A credit given in all eases, either orcutlins or carriages, requested. HENRY BEA RES,. Undertaker. sep 10 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL IN STRUM ENTSI— T. McCarthy, Catferand Ssrgtral instrasrest Maker, Third street, swirly sispesits the Post Wks, Pittsiergh (SIGN OP THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their In • struments made by the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Sclesors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. Allartleles warranted of the beet quality. and Jobbing done as usual. Sep 10 LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often tenni natesin another of a more serious nature. If pro. per remedies are not retorted to In time. In all forms of this disease, Dr. liarlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure —first by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the Ger. man Aperient PAW, after which the Compound St rengi h• ening Pills are taken 'olive strength and tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect a permntnent core, These Pills are neatly put up In small packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19 North Eight Street, Philaael ph la. Also, for sale by Sam uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sts., Pittsburgh- Pa. Fen 10 ALLEN Frchanre Broker, Aro. 46, Coo ser of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.— Gold, Silver. and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold. Sight chechlk on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. Pittsbargh,Pa, Wio. Bell Co., John D. Davis. F Lorenz, J. Painter* Cn.. J.,eph Woodwell, James May Philadelphia, A I...xatider Bronson j Co.. John H. Brown 4- co. Ci rien ti , 0., James ACCandless. St. Louis, Ale., J. R. 11I'Donal,l. Louise/1/e, W. 11. Pope. Esq. Pres't Bank Ky. Nei/ 10 p E. I 11 tirsdersigfTeti lirgsleA se lu lois, to 111, the putillc, t hat lie has removed from his old stand, to the corn. r of Penn and St. Clair stc., opposite the Ex change flotel, where lie has lilted up a large PiAsto Fomi tr. WARN Roost, and now offers for sale the most splendid assortment of PIANOS ever offered in this market. HIA pianos consist of dirferent patterns, of snpr•ior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and ino dried. rind consti ucted throughout of the very he.i ma. terials,which, for durability, and quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen herr. As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made arrang,e menu, to supply the increasing demand for This - instru• meta, he respectfully requests those intending to pur. Phase to can and examine life avortment before pit rcita. elsewhere, as he is determined to sell LOWMR, (or cash, than any other establishment cast or west of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, sett 10 Opposite the Exchange lintel. Pitlsbar2 P.I. WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills. ntIITIFICATICS.—Letter from the fon. A hien, M'Clel tart,Sullivan County, Cast Tennerree, BlembetorCongress WASIUNGTON, July 3d, 1838. . _ Sir—Since I !toys been in this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with Infinite benefit and salts faction, and believe it to bra mast valuable remedy. One of my zone!' t nentS, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Tennessee. wrote to me to send him some. which I did, and he has mployed It very successfully in his practice, and says It is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place," thinks you would probably like an agent In Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person 13 officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he is wilting to act for yoo. You can send the medicine by water to the care of Robert Kinx ir eons. Knoxville county. Tennes. see, or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Tazewell, East Tennessee. I have no doubt hut if you hod agents in several counties in East Tennessee.' great deal of medi.. eine would he sold. lam gain!: to take some of it home for my own use. and that of my friends, and should like to bear from you whether you would like nn agent at Rltintville. Sullivan County. East Tennessee:l can get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Ycors respectfully. ABRAHAM M'CLELLAN.of Tennessee. For sale ‘Vholevale and Retail, by R. E BELE ERB. Asent, sep 10 No. 20. Wood slreet,t•elnw F.rond. DR. WILLIAM EV•NS'S SOOTHING SYKUP.— This Infallo.le remedy has p , pd hundreds when thought past recovery. f , otri convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gum., the child will rem v. er. This preparation is so innocent, so efficacious, and go pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums he rub Ited with It. When itilantgare at °wage of four months the' there' is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used to open the pores. Parents should lever be without the syrup in the nursery where there are young children, for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gurus, the Syrup immediately :Ives CAW* by opening the pores, and healing the gum.; thereby prevent• log Convu Mons, Fevers, itc. For Sale 'Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SF.LI.ERS, Agent, sep 10 N 0.20. Wood street, below Second. 'THORN': _TEA BERRY TOO I'H-WASH OTo Dr. Timax,—llly Dear Sir: I cheerfully and cordially embrace the present favoraii.e opportunity to re• turn to you my warmest thanks of gratitude for your nn. equalled and unexceptionable invention of your very Mstly celebrated Tea Berry Tooth• Wash, and f fed that I am In duty bound to say that I have derived the great. est and moat beneficial effect from Its frequent and mode. ate use: and f can assure you that I am exceedingly hap py to have the pleasure of informing you, that sincerely and cordially speaking, I can injustice recommend ITS fre quent use to all that unfortunate portion of the human race throughout the globe who are now undergoing the most excruciating pain for the want of a medicine preps• ration of exactly the same nature of which yours is prepa red, and who have for years been suffering from the in jurious, destructive and pernicious effects of worthless tooth powders and other worthless preparations. In conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth• Wash but for a short period, and yeti feel thoroughly convinced that It is the best now known. Its inestimable virtues in preserving the teeth, (which II kept in a good and handsome condition, Is the greatest embellshmeta that adorns the human structure.) are not to be excelled in easing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and restoring tne gums to a healthy and purified condition. and giving also a sweetness and fragrancy to a disagreeable breath hitherto unknown: Accept my sit erre wish for your surcesF, from Yours, truly. JOSIPU BEKKER. COCIONS, COLDS aed CONSUMPTION---Thc sea. son for the above romplaiuts is now at hand, rnd all persons- who are subjected to the inclemency of the weather are respectfully Informed that they can tied. COVERT'S BALM or Litsl: which is well known to have cured Tuorsvcos, who were in the last stages of Cnn• ssiniptirn. Certificate: , ran be produced of its wonderful cores. • TAYLOR'S Batsax OF LIVERWORT is another remedy for Liver Cowintaints, Caughs and Colds. It comeshigh• I y recommended by all who have tb.ed It. and is pleasant to take,and speedy in effecting a cure. Pluses lioattnontrn Corny—This is a highly valuable and pleasant medicine; it tvi❑ effect a positive and certain cure for Corghs. Colds, Consuniption,and 13 an effectual cure for the WROOPING Corona. This isa very pleas ant medicine, all are fond of il. and children never refuse to take rd; its cure is sure and positive. The subscriber has a certificate of Agency direct from J. Pease sem, so there can be no mistake. Ali persons who are effected, are invited to call and not delay, for the titre to take medicine is st the commencement, All the above medicines can always be procured at Witotzsanc OR R ZT MT at TUTTLE'S MEDICAL AGENCY. 86. FotrtA street EAGLE FOUNDRY-PITTSBURGH, MANUFACTURE and keep constantly on hand at their warehouse, Liberty Street head of Wood at,, every variety of Castings, among which are the following: Franklin, common t mind fancy and pyramid Stoves;— common and tarty grater, newest fashions; Cooking Stoves :minable for either wood or coal, a superior artic le (and warranted to cure smokey chimneys* waggon tinges, hollow-ware, tea.kettles, sbeet.ircins with a gener. al assortment of ware houso castings. All warrant. dto be made of tha best materials. They also make to order at the sLortest notice, CHILLED ROILLERS, from 18 loam* diameter, down to the lowed Amex in •use, with every other deeeriptiois of Rollie; telli Cut. Ws. AltratiltB t NICHWON. Dec. is, ite.-3se LA NcAsTuß,Oct. 2d, 1842 AHTHURS & NICHOLSON. Priprietors if tie Fitt nod, litoN (11111151%, Jimitigfachirsil Iv J.i* Dmatie, Size& titrest; deev. "^' ritkait street, littshirth Pittsburgh, June IF, 1839. Mr. JOAN DENNING:—Dear r--liavibg been present, yesterday, at the experiment which you were pleased to make, in the presence of a number of our business men, of Ille . safely of your IRON CB ESTS, in case of lire, it gives me pleasure to say, that so far as I was capable of Judging, the test was fair, and the result exceeded my expectations. I The Chest was a small one, stout 30 .201 , 4111 1 00 by about 18 or 20 inches in breadth and depth, and was pla• ced on a block of wood about a foot In thickness, so as to elevwe it about that height from the ground; several books and newspapers were deposited inside of it, in the manner in which Merchants and others won id usually place I hent—a large quantity of light pine wood [slabs front an adjoining Saw Mill,] was then placed around and above it, and the fire kindled on the windward side, soar to drive the flame against the back part of timeliest. The fire na- kept up about three quarters of an hour, until you had gone among the spectators ea& received from than their universal answer that the teat - was The chest wasthen drawn out of t4e.fire, and cooled, and opened, and examined.- The contents were all safe. and the only Injury done was to the hack of one book which appeared to be a little criarred. From what I witnessed, I think that these chests are desery ing of conlidence,as affording, perhaps,the best security to Merchants for their hooks and papers, which they can have without building large, thick, and expert -lye vaults. would consider them a better sec.wity titan many vault:. while!' I have seen bud:. Your friend, SAMUEL CHURCH. We concur in tile above statement, having been arcs scut when the chest was tester,. W.. I. Cooper, J. H. Shosoberger, Rob! Bell, J. 1 aughlio, .1. Painter, A. Cordell, R. Miller, Jr. C L..Brmstrong, A. H. Hoge Thomas Craig, S. G. D. Howard, J. Waloyl. Extract of a Letter from Pugh 4 Aloord, dated Cia cianatt,29th afar, A,1842. J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend: We have the sat Israel ion to state as the I eat recom mendat lon we can 2ive of the utility of your iron tFafes, hat we hava one of them which was In an exposed situation in our mllolll'4 room, at the time of the fire, on the morn• ing of the 10th just, which consumed our Pot k Home to ember with a large portion of the meat, tard, kt, which it contained; —and that oar books:lnd papers which were In the Safe, were e.titlrely uninlitted, and were taken from it after the fire; without ever being discolored. Yours, 4-c. P.UG 11 tit. AL VORD Extrietirf Slater llolbrook, dated St. Louie, 1 / 1 4tilth, 1341. Ma. Demamigi t near Sir: bite of your second sizechests was hurtled a few days a g o, in a leather store—it pre served its contents. Respectfully yours, se p 10 SLATER 4. 110LBROOK. YBIi I;OSIPLA INT rur itch's compound Strew/throb,: and Aperient fills. Mr. Wm. Richards, of l'itt.hur2h, Pa., entitely cured of the shovedistressing disetere Ills symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, toe' °carpet lie, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache, furred tongue. countenance changed foal citron color, diffi culty of breathier. disturbed rest,atlended whit a cough, great debility, with other symptoms imilrailng great de. rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice of several physicians, but received nn relief. until using Dr. Munich's Medicine, which termina. ted in effecting a pe•feet cure. Principal Office. 19 North Eichth Street, Philadelphia For talc in Pitieburgli by Sarnutl Frew, corner of Litter ty and Wood street!. Fep 10 It. F. KAGRAW CEO. P. 114 MILTON. MAC: R W 11- If A MILTON, Attorneys at Law, have removed their Offire to the reeillenrc of 11. S. Ma erave, no Foto rt`t st, Iwo doom above Srnit Mit hi veil _J. K. MOORHEAD. G. WARNER. J; Paverrit. UNION COTTON FACTORY, Alleglie y City, R 1 the end of the upper bridge. The PUDRcribera having conth.ern ed the at:lnured tire of Cotton Yarns, .Stocking Yara,Ccolon Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Ratting, kc.,and ale prepared to fill orders at the .honest notice. Having selected the latest and most Improved machi• nery,and employed the manager who has attended to the Hors FACTORY for the last tive years, they are manufactu ring a superior article. Cotton Warps made to order, Orders through the Pittphorgh Post Office. or leR et the aiore of J 4• C. Painter Co., Liberty street; or Logan 4• Kennedy, Wood street; wilt meet with prompt audi tion. Address—J. K. RI OORHEA D 4. co. pep 12—ly F lo ' , BMA LES.—T here is u forge class of Females in this City who from their continued sitting, to which their occupxt lons oblige I itein,a re a !reeled wit It costiveness which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the leas. ex et tion. sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the attention to aoy mental operations; rumbling in the how• els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; iempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few dosesof the Brandreth Pills The occa. Tonal te , e of this medicine would saves deal of trouble and year. of suffering. One, or Iwo, or even three of ; the Brandreth Polls Just before dinner, are of en found ; highly beneficia l; many itse them very advantageously in this way; ney aid and assiQt digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condition,entiven the spirits, impart clear. nese to thecomplexion, purify the blood, and promote ; general feeling of health end happiness. Sold at Dr. B-andreth's Office. No. 98 Wood slrcet, Pittsburgh—Trice 25cent.; per box, with full directions. MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of. flee. No 98 Wood street. sep 10 WIRT INSTITUTE. FIFTH COURSE OF LECTURES THE Committee on Lectures of the Wirt Institute. for the ['mirth Course,restiecifu'ly announce to the pubro that they have made arrant:entente to commence the Lectures on Thursday evennio, December I. The Lectures of this course wilt be exclusively Literary and Scientific. The Committee, desirous of makioff the Lecture Room of the Institute a favorite resort of the lovers of Literm tore and Science. as well as the fashionable. have snared no exertions in prom rino popular and talented Lecturers, both at home and abroad. In the course of two weekx a lies of the Lecturers will be puhliched, and tickct7o:r..red. sAM'L. C. HUEY, W. W. WILSON, JOHN S. COBGIiAVE, WM. B. SCA [FE, JOHN B. SEMVI.E, nov 9. r Committee. FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale his farm, lying in Ross Township 41 miles from the City of Pittshurgh, containing 119 acres °Claud of which GO are cleared and under fence, t mlsto 30 acres of meadow, 2 gcod Orchards of Apple, t few Peach and Cherry rees—the improvetnents are a ..trge frame house containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for a Ta vrrn e. private Dwelling, a frame Barn 28 by 60,stone basemstit, and stabling, sheds I nd other out houses suit able for a tertentent!--2 good Gardens surrounded with currant bushes. and a welt of excellent water, with a pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there Is no place now offered for sale with more inducement to those wishing to purchase near Plttsbnrgh, the terms will be made moderate, for fOrther particularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virrin Alley. LAWRENCE MITCHELL N. B. If not sold before the Ist of October next. it will be divided into 10 and 20acre Inca toanit purcha sers. Jae 10 JAMES HOWARD Nanitfactneera of Wall Paper, No. IS, Wood Street, PittsiargA, Pa.— Have always out hand an extensive assortment of Satin Mated and p!otin PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders, of the latest style and handsome patterns, for papering halls, parlors and chambers. They mannfaeture and have on hand at all limes— Printing. Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea PaPer,Boll net and Pullers' Roards—all of which theyoffer for sale on the most accommodating terms; and to which they invite the attention of merchants and others. ALSO—Blank Books °rail Made see the beet Vent?, School Roots. Ole. always on hand and kr so* aribtrew. N. B. Napa ad Taraters'ikraps' taken laintithitags. ~"~` TRAVELERS TAKE NOTICE—That all heed provided with the Safety Guard have Stair Ant hills printed with a figure of the apparatus— and he me_ fitl you are nut deceived by miarepresentatialla et A rents stating their boats to be provided with the Patel Guard, when they are sot I! i secured 'gals al erptettits*_,„ The following i.e list of boats supplied with theil.lll — Guard at the Por*. of ritisburgh—all except tie tips first on the list have the improved apparatus with which apparatus it Is Impossible for an explosion to occur: SAVANNA, FORMOSA, RARITAN, ILLINOIS, NIAGARA, DU QUESNE, ORLEANS, JEW ESS, CAW] ON, MONTGOMERY. LADY OF LYONS, CADDO, • ' VALLEY FORGE, INDIAN QUEEN, • FORT PITT, GALLANT, BREAKWATER, QUEEN CF THE SOUTH EXPRESS MAIL, DUKE OF ORLFAIIS ALPS, BRILLIANT, CASPIAN, ECLIPSE, IDA, . VICTRESS, WEST WIND, MV:IIIQAN, MA I:QUE'I TE, OSPREY, TALL EYRAND, PENEL")PE, PANAMA, POW INA, cum°, - AGNES, SARAH ANN, MESSENGER, NARRAGANSETT, SARATOGA, AMARANTH, ORPHAN Elair- MUNGO PARK, 01110, NEPTUNE, CECILTA,n • ADELAIDE, J. H. BILLS, NORTH BEND, GALENA, MARIETTA, MENTOR. BRUNETTE, COLUMBINE, - -4TE A M FERRY BOAT, 'the traveling community al• respectralty before they make a choice of a boat, to reelect a meows' 1 and see whether it would not be to their advastalle and security to choose a Safety Guard boat, Ws kr passage and freight, in preference to one not so guerilla. against explosion—and that they will hear in Wes,. that this invention has the unqualified approhatlissislK fifty steam engine builders—gentlemen whose bassiauwiW- It is to understand the subject, and who are estirely di* ' interested—besides a number of rertifica:es from ',;.,- tc gentleu en and ol hars—all of which can be see ~ - .lf = my office, No 10. Water street, where it would g ,: 1 )• WO are at all times to exhibit my invention to .4•••• ibE wild will lake the trouble to call. c '• pep to CADWALLADER EVArsw.,•!"v! e of Dr. Har TORN H A RT. Commissiou Merchant. ..Dealer in rr duce and Americas Manufacture*, Medium. iuu. R EFER TO In°. Grier, &q., Pittsburgh' Aaron Hart, ‘. Jame.= C..chran of R'd. Jno. D. nail!. 111`Vay k Fianna, Avery, Ogden 4. Co, .. Jtio. Woodbokrne, Evq., Madiron WHITE LEP. D.—The suhseril ers4VIIP now prepared to furnish painters. and other. who wish hit dor chase pure While Lend made of the brim waterkits war raided equal, If not superior to any offered bathe poldio. A addressed to Dunlap 4- H tiehesota re of P 4- co . NO. 110 Second street, Pittsburgh, will be prompUr attended to. DUNLAP it . HUGHES. Dr. SWAYNIC—Dear Fir:— Permit me to take the Meet' , of writing to you at t blir time to ex preAs my at prchatime and to reconituend to the attention of heads of falai/kw and where your invaluable medicine—the Conspogred Syrup of Prunus VirgMiami. or Wild Cherry Park, In my travels of late I have seen in a great SIB nq instances the wevierful e ff ects nf your medicine in relieving chil dren or very obstinate complaints, such as Coughlin', Wheezing, Choaktng of Phlegm, Asthmatic attack., ire. ke. I should not have written this letter. howevsx, at present, although I have felt it my duty to add my testi mony tb it for some time, had it not been for a late ie. stance where the medicine above alluded to was maitre. mental in restoring to perfect health an "only child," whose case was almost hopeless, in a family of my qualnianee. thank Heaven," said Ms dusting moth. Cr, umy child tailored from the jaws of death! 0 how retard the relentless ravager Set my child is safe! ■ safe!" Beyond all doubt •Dr. Swaymes Compound Syrup of ; Wild Cherry is the mostvatualiki medicine In thts or aoy other country. lan certain I tyre witnessed more Mill one hundred capes where it has been attended with eon. Mete sincere. I am using It myself in an obeffitite it. tack of Branciitis, iu which It proved effectual Ina ex. ceedlugly sitort time, considering the severity of the GM. I ran reromend it in the tallest confidence Olt' superior virtues; I would advise that no family should be without it; It is very pleasant and always henefitial—worth double and often ten times its price. The public. are as. cured t here Is no quackery about it. R. Jacnson. D. IL Formerly Favor of the First Presbyterian Choral, N. Y. Sold by WK. THORN. wholesale 4- retail, only agent for Pitusboreb. No. 53. Market street. sep JO ABOON TO THE HUMAN RACE!—.•Diaesoer what will destroy Lire. and you are a great sum "Discover what will prolong Life, and the world will call you Inaportor„" "There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within no, , with which certain herbs have affinity, and over whisk they have power." Dr. B. Brandrelles External Remedy, or Liniment, which, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain or Sorenms: thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White Swellinp, Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints, Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat. Croup. Contractions of the muscles, Fterofolous ea. largements, Tender Feet, and every description of in jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Fiume. are cored or greatly relieved by his never•to be ' , efficiently extolled remedy. CZATITICATE—The following letter from Major Celt. era! Sandford, as to the finalities aide External Reme dy, speaks volumes: NIVr YORK, Pei , . 9, 1842. Dear Sir—Wit[you oblige me with another bottle at your excellent Liniment.? It is certainly the hest of the kind I have ever seen. It bas cored entirely my soars knee, about which I was so uneasy,and I have found It productive of immediate relief In several cases of exter nal injury in my family. A few evenings since, sty ynn ngest child wasseized with a violent attack ofCrottp, which was entirely removed In twenty whittles, by rn►i ; bing her chest and throat freely with the, Cliental Rosa. edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment for general use, instead of confining the use of it, as yon have heretofore done, to your particular acqoalmatteet. Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD. Da. B. BicAnnarrn.24l Broadway, N. Y. rc‘For rale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at Ida office ,No. 93 Woodratreet,Pittsburgh. PRICE-50 Mita per bottle with directions. neat° PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU- FACTORY. TE subscriber would respectfully inform the dangle JL cf Pittsburgh, Allegheny and their vfriellies, that be has emmenced manufacturing the article of Lard Oft and Candles. .He intends making but one quality, I.binit will equal the beat made in the Union and not surpoosed by the best winter strained sperm oil either for nmehileery or burning. without its offensive weenies. sad sale third cheaper. TEE ABOVE 18 yr.eut.e.,wrzare BURN IN ANY TEMPERATURE. The suttees' her wishes to impress distinctly on the public mind that it is not necessary to purchase any new (angled lamps Wit are daily palmed upon them as being requisite to bursfihe lard oil in. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant tight can obtain it by calling at the old stand,Sd street, measly opposite the Post °See. it. C. EDW. The attention el WAshisis *Alen. elterelieellei - crania, reeptifetty OotlON* N. 11.—A11 the beim,* wilt *gut the same. ' Mt' Ciueimusti, February 15, 1340
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers