Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 08, 1843, Image 3

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    - J.
-:- • ,
MARCH 8, 1843
Oratory and Musec.—Mess. Bronson
'."'l / 4 1 % 6 11latik Nash, who have obtained much cel
ebrity as teachers in the above sciences.
ropose to commence a series of lectures
ou;next Thursday evening at the. Fifth
P*esbyterian Church.
Readings and Recitations.—Mr 0. W.
amAison, a deservedly popular actor, and
seat favorite with the Pittsburgh play
vete. gives an entertainment on Friday
es4aitig. See advertisement.
The weather here for a week past has
looked much better than it felt. Any per
, son sstio has traveled much can vouch for
The Workingmen of this county have
out a call fur a public meeting to be
beld at the new Court House to-morrow
for the purpose of taking into consideration
the expediency of forming an association.
The Trigitant.—That •'3pike is out at
last: The long agony is over on the sub•
ject of the Vigilant, as we we informed
. ; by, the amiab'e captain of the "old organ•
onion." They have concluded to give up
the engine to the Mayor, when their old
enemies; the "new orgsniza'it , n," will get
peaceable possession; they won't be roped
in this time, we presume.
Steamboat on Fire.—An alarm was rais
ed yesterday afternoon by a partition in
the tri house of the R . Clayton catching
fire from the stove. Not much damage
Jonts• .
(12" See Industrial column.
The Two hundred Million Scheme.—
giliftlifibiLthandl‘r, editor of the U. S. Gazette,
The leading whig paper in Philad Iphia,
save that Cost Johnson's plan of issuing
`,two hundred millioos of government stock,
is the most dangerous quackery, called
-, „
,:rette4 that can be presented. P. is a pre
•-•:, iiim to the states fur extravagance and
Hurrah for She Yuca(ecos.—lf that-- un
4ronnuneeable name is really what they
call themselves ! We have news from
canzipeachy to the 4th tilt, which states
that on the morning of that diy, a body of
. 150 Yucatecos sallied forth from the city
and attacked the Mexicans entrenched
upon th • heights called Emiencia
in the rear r t the c.v. arid carried them
At the point of the bayonet, without the fi
ting of a gun. The rnas:acte of the l‘lex-
Iva la . was dreadful, amounting to between
thred and fonr hund.ed—imong them
. :4 - : Trral (If the fi , st officers of th !limy, in
,"i•hidina Gen. Andraie, the eurnmaoder of
iti t r.owilery, four c,:lonelA, thr , e cat•tAins,
Our lie uieriatits, an 1 a spin San' a Ante.
'Elba gratifying event se - mres the inde.-
- ,peadeliee niche city, and the repnhlic—
Atleast for the present.—N. Y. *aurora.
The Somen , Ca sc.—lndictment of Mac
bogie for Murder. —J udge I3ett., of New
4fOrk, on Tuesday, chargril the Grand Ju
sry in the U. S. District C urt, r specliou
`'the rise of the Somers. The Aurora says
--the Judge met the case boldly, and without
' Pinching, and it is the general opinion that
: the - Grand Jury be compelled, under
r she charge, to find a true bill for murder
against - Cart. Mackenzie forthwith.
• .The decided stand taken by Judge 13, us
_upon this all-absorbing 'affair has tmparttd
interest to it, and seems to indicate
;'!tinit, a just responsibility and sense of duty
17 4,:. the country and the outraged laws, is be
trintng to be felt in the propPr quarter.-
-. Phila. Times.
Profit on Crime.—The State prison la.
LIOr of Illinois and Missouri has been sold
mid fir ten years. In the latter state, the
contractor pays $50,000 for the whole lot,'
This is really speculating in human wick•
edness. It is worth the while of the con
tractor to coax .111r11 to be dishonest, in or,.
der that he may get their services of the
State, in his bargain.—lb.
The Inevitable Fate.—A stage (Liver in
- Albany, was remarking the other day, that
fifteen years ago, he drove a stage coed) )n
a route of about fifty miles, upon which re •
sided five drr.nken tavern keepers. Four of
themhave died of drunkenness, and the fifth , '
ss in-the Almshouse.
'Readings, Recitations and Imitations.
' • - G. W. Ja twice respectfully inf:rms his friends
the public, that he will give' an Entertain
*tent at the above place, on Friday. 10th inst.,
- dintiiiging of Readings, Recitations, sad also bri •
APR./lions of some of the most distinguished actor s
.(the ace. For particulars see bills of the day.
MIL ROGIRS has now arrived and the eiscuision
*tweed bin and Kr. Samuel Church will take
Owe this evening at G o'clock precisely, , Mr,
g e gen mras detained by illness, and disap i mint•
z A ssesa„ in the means of cmorcyance.
By order of the moderators.
March 8.
DIED, on Tuesday morning...the 7th inst., at her
blitli)cfroce in Allegheny, in the 67th year °flier age
' Wu. Aux Gazzltn,widow of the late William Gaz
APO, &q
-t.-I.We Funeral will take place to to-morrow.Thnrs.
:Ailey. skit A. M., from the residence of her son,
-4 11 k I. F.Gersam, No 23 Fifth street.
5 feet water in the channel
Arrive/a and Departures maces our kat report.
ifeentivitir; Kteneteitir, St Laois,
C(444.7:L'111111A"16.1"4,1 I°l—iwynci.
N. W. Corner of Woo: hibefth Sta.
Tax proprietors or the Monacan Part and MICRCIIRY
AND AlariurAcTuarsi respectfully inform their friends
and the patronsof Italie papers, that they have a large
a nd well cboeen assoltment of
OS 011("IlinlIP*31 9
Necenary to a Job Printing Office. and that they are pr.(
pared to execuie
Rooks. Rills of Lading, Circulars
Pamphlets, Bill Heads. Cards,
Handbills, Black Checks, Bat Tips
Zlt Itinbs of Blanks,
Sla v , Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with app...
prtate Cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and mast reasonsble terms
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
be public in general in this branch of our business.
Pittsburgh, Rep'. :39,1942. PIIII.LIPS
A new and tnorh truprnved form of Rlank Leases,. for
sate at the office of the •.M °mina Post."
Adams' Patent 'llanghphy"
$V b: now been before
11 the pubic 3 years du
rrng which time several
Thousands have been sold
and in daily use, We are
confident of being Fußtnitied
in sayint.: they are the beet
Coffee Mills in the United
State., any way yen .fis It.'
Several modifications are
mrideto stilt the Gluey of
wivrs and the purses of
Sold by thegrms or dozen
at the In:1,11113o or
Malleable Castings Made to
Fairbanks' Patent Platform Scales.
These genuine• ardcles, ni ail sizes, and ninst inipr"vcil
varieties,cni,tatitly on hand and for :ate at v5l y triluted
prices ny rel... I. R. I.IVING:3I'ON,
Front het we -n flo , s and Grnnt Stii
mar 2.
Passage and Remittance s,
j _. folt‘
!it It, TrirT — akfr
New York nod Liverpqol Line.
PERSONS eesiruns of !tending, fur Iftei: friend+ to
come from any part of Great Itrita in. ere reepert
fatty informed that the sithser,ber is at as limes pre
pared to wake tut', el LAT. n this* He ie prepared
to remit ninnies by drafts, which afc . made payable at
any point throughout the United jCinifitam on pre...villa.
!ion; haying been fur the last 12 gegoll engaged In the
Intstnee=, he feels eohfident that hill arrangements on
both :Odes the Atlantic arc twit an will give ‘atirfactlno.
The Shwa coninrieing the above line, nee all nit hie p r o
class and are commanded by ealeinl and ski!lful nta4trrs,
leavkg I,iverpootonee each week during the season.—
ror furitte 7 particulars apply it by letter to
JOHN rienom
N 0.61 Smith street, New Yolk.
et !Heist . * Datzell 4- Flemings, Water street Pits'llll
March :3--2mtl.
'I , IIIS Litre is iirenare.l 10 commence litt,itirvir on I lie
of the canal. it it colopiwe•l (went of I'ol
=llia) of First Clues Portable Bests. t bartered for lie
6,11: in rliar2e of il. ti• ,, prctivr , owner .
Ttioiliiie has :it a heavy ern lakim Ix
sue . 1,011 one of the
°thee. , in, hr I.linteil Sims coyeritil all good- Illirefrol
by it. (free rf expenee to th- owners of th e goods ) Shin
per,. ,b.13 , r0.1. of nyAlln2 iltem , eiven of Ink iliForritirr
give notice al the place of shipment of the value
o f I 24 , 0,14.
The rive: of frei!lit will Ire 714 low as by any r 0 , 1 ,03-
, 1 1 .1 r. Carriers+, o,lllllle Carllilier: for 211101 ' , alba:o . lw, in
risslonner, in a l tessera are •JfIC.FI.III 11 no line nit
Ilre racal. SltiNe•fr 10 arra C ItSVecl.
folio invited to , 0 1 1
1 . 1 4 e ha=iae>s trill be eon domed by
90 rront street and Canal Pllt:rhergh.
Fool of flock wren!, Plillailelphlo.
%V. M, EREE)i r rii,
New York.
51mcb 4
riutE undersigned respectfully inform the public tha
after several years experience in the best shops in
the eastern cities. they have openedttheir New a la mode
is l'ltird st., one door from Market, and nearly opposttet
the post °dice, where they are prepared to execute all
orders in the tailoring line, in a manner unsurpassed
by ally oilier establishment in the city. Having made
arrangements for the I ectl.l inn of the moot modern stye
fasnions, gent lemen wishing elm lies made In a super .
str4•, would hind it to their Interest to give them a
We wi-h the public to understand that this is not in
tended 10 a"k among the fdtsome gull advertisements of
the day; for as to style and workmanshipthey challenge
March 4- dly
f IV).the Ibmor:Akle the Judaea of the Curt of Genet'
atOoinrier SesalonS trithe Peace, in and For the COW/
17 of Alletlieny•
Tire petition of John Cheney, of Ross Township,
in said county, respectfully eliroweth—
Thal he is well provided with linu.e room and other
conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and
travelerr, at the house now occupied by him us a tavern
and being desirous to continue in that I UMIIPe,S he prays
your honors to aunt him a licemae to keep tin Inn or
house of Public Entertainment, and he will pray, ke.
The undert.lyned, citizens of Rors town-hip. re
speentfully certify that John Clieney, Ihe !above . nnmed
applicant, is a gent iertian of good .epuie far ilOllP4ly and
temperance, and 14 well provided min I out • room and
ronvenleoces for I he nero4llmodai ion and lodging of El ran.
gerg and traveler!, and that said tavern is rie:crsary.
A. Rayne, Nien,las Good,
E Spence, Peter Ivory, ,-
John Davis, ins P. Jark,
Win Leckey, A Neely,
Geo Comell, Sam, Silliman, •
A J Jack, John Sillinian.
M rch 6-3 t.
TO the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of
General (I.'llr:et . See:inos of the Peace, in
and for the county of Allegheny:
The pcition of Thomas Walker of the 4th Ward
Pitt-burgh, in said county, respectfully shotveth—
That he is well provided with house room and
other conveniences Air the accommodation of strati.
gersand travellers. And he prays your honors to
grant him a lee,,tte to keep an Inn or house of Pub
lic Entertainment. And he will pray, &c.
The undersigned citizens of the fourth Ward Pins -
burgh, respecoully, ce.tify, that 'rhos. Walker, the -a.
bove natned applicant, is a gentleman of good repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided aria,
house room and conveniences for the accommoda
tion and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that
Bald laverais necessary for the accommodation of
the public.
Wen E. Dorige, John Ferrel, •
If, D. Dodge, James %Jaen
Nicholas nail, Joseph Watt,
James Parker,
Wm. Bruiviburst, Michael mcpuoooo.
lobirrowler, Janes Araistraog,
ear 7-341
J. & P. MAWF(N,
Ha rriAturgh ,
A.L. LOW, Columbia.
lolly C4EVEY
Geo. W. Smith,
Bank of Plusbureh. par
Merrl. 4- Man. bk. par
Exchange bank, par
Bk. of Germantown.
Easton tank,
Lancaster bank, clis 11
Bank of Chester Co. par
Farmers' bk Bucks Co. "
Doylestown bk
Bk of•N America Phil. "
Bk of Northern Liberties,"
Commercial bk. of Pa. "
Far. 4. Mechanics IA
Ken3lnglon bk.
Philadelphia Ilk
Schuylkill bk
Southwark bk
Western bk. •
Bk. of Pennsylvania, 7/1
Bk of Fenn T. par
Man. i t Mechanic. bk par
Mechanics bk. par
Moyatnensing bk. 3
Girard bask, 451
U. States hank. 50,
Lumbermen's', Warren,
Frank. bk Washington. par
Miners bk of Polisvite, 5
Bic of Monl.4otnery Co. par
Mon. bk Brownsville, 11
Erie Bank, 5
Harrislmr,sh bank.
Far. bk Lancaster, li t
Bk of Middletown, 44i
Bk. of Chambersburgh,
Carlisle hank, 41
Bk of Northumberland, 41
Columbia ilk 4' Brld2e re. 2
Bk Susquehanna Co• 10
itkof Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk.
Heitysburalt bk.
York bank, 41-
Fat . F wooers bk. of
•• Currency notes. 8
1.1 7 um I ng bank, Lit
Pitisti'rli Slate scrip 5
Country do do
Becks Co. bank, 60
Lewistown, 7
Towanda. 801
!it,. lint pleasant 6k 1}
Far. Mech. bk of Sleu.
Belmont bk of St. Clatter.
Marietta bk. Demand
do Currency noire, 1)
Columbiana 14c New Lis
hon Demand, 14
do Post notes, 1
Cincinnati specie pay.
in; hanks, 1
Mech. 4rr Traders bk of
(111110101 k of C,,ltimbuF,
Demand notef. 11
CirclPvllle, (11.1,awrence
Zane vide Lk. 11
Store rind upper rooms of the corner u
51arketatiti sth alreete, now occupied by Mr
rill'R.E. onstab e.
A 1.40, Alwo story Itrirk llous e 11 , e corer rof sth
and Union streets. Rail a'oe ft a riling lioue anti
Grocery Morn. Enquire c.f LIMES MAY.
feb. 21. 2 w
FOR RE-Yr. —A COllll\llllll4llll.W brick dwell_
huuto,winate in Coil Lane hear 7th street
Fur temp:, which will be mu lerat...apply to
jOilN ‘I . I2I.OSKEY.
Three lit. Donri LiberlY
der 30--t 1
3.1 Al , ry of the butillit.2 orropled Ity R. A.
Rano - mut n n tirtion store...-ht•retof .re known
at '• Nemo', h'it 141111 rt °Mil,' rnr ner or wood and
streets I rqu•re of R. Morrow. sth at. jnil -2.3.
To Le r.
A STORE 4• CELLAR on Matt:et !Itttvt •td and •(11
A (.?0. Iwo , pa,inn. and ronvoniont cons in the Ste
rend story opening 1,. n Hall nn 1:18 . 4,1 PI reel; well ndato
rd for Law I.(firex, or for any l oniora= treqwr.ny, a tun
Vcni , nt and ready arrt•ss froth la tov,oes,l Airco,
A L'O. a Dwelonr. Ilou , e on Mat Iset sheet containitr.
fiv • rminif ro.nforialde
ALSO, the Aiiillll 'tote room nn Third st orarts op
positc the Post office at present occupied by Brown
Raymond as a Lamp store,
A I,SO the tezto and airy office on 33 ot. at pre,ent or.
copied as the A thenetain.
ALSO, for rent, seveial small houses near the dwelt
In; house onto: etthseriher in Fitt lown,:111;1. mlth a few
acres of Land attached to each
jan 13--tf
ors l' )R SA I.E.—Four Luis in Nlanohester. One
I 1 Led a foorl h Acres of Laid on Holmes' Gill. Lots
nos. 41, 42.52, 51 54,181, IR2 and 184, In Cook's plan
of Lots, no tioline's Hill Also, Lois nos 26 and 27, In
Cook's p:nn of Lots on high streei, near the new Court
'louse For terns apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
sep 111
House Agency.
No.G west of the Market tiausr, Penn st.
sth Ward, Pittsburgh Pa.
FrllEstthserilier haying for a number of years been en•
gaged In renting cry property, collecting rents kr,
and wi.dting toe:tend his business iii this way, respect,
fully offers his seryi, s to those persons owning, or who
may have charge of property as Esetutors, AdminiFtra
tors or Guardians, in the city or sulittrts, and who may
tint have leisure to attend to it t liemselyes, to rent dwelt.
ings, Warehouses. Farms, Lots, kr, Also, to collect
rents, dividends, Ground rents 4-c. A register is kept
where a description of all properties for rent will he en•
teted free of charge, reference Is respectfully offered to
the following gentlemen for whom the subscriber has
been agent far some years past—alersrs Michael Allen,
P. McCormick and James S. Craft, Esq., Pittvlittrgli; Jas
Stuart, Esq. Ciro:loran Agent, Philad ; Mess. John Prawn,
Pirntingliam; 13. fitcLenan, Oncintinti; Daniel Potter
Steultenville;Jo.eph Millar, Lawrenceville; Jame.- Jones
East Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Nliftlin township; Dario
Depot rein, Sewickley.
(eh 23. J I MES BLAKELY.
In the 51h Ward.
FOR RENT. 2 conlibrtable bricklionemon Penn et, op
paeae tbe reeidence of Mester McCormick and J. U
Also, Iwo 3 story brick dwelling Imams on Pike street
at *5 per month.
Alen, a ',anther of email frame dwelling.; at $2, $2 50
and $3 pe• month.
Also, a brick ,d , re room and dwelling on the Canal
ha.in, noldning Mr. Coe's haw!. whop. Apply at the
Honey Agency, near the sth Ward market house.
fch 23. JAMES BL AK ELY,
HAVE removed their raper Store from Market
street to N 0.64 Wood etreet, one door from the
corner of 4th, where they ki-ep nn hands their usual as•
sorimelit of WALL PAPERS, for papering partors,en
tries,chamherv, 4c. and also PRINTING, WRITING
all of which they otTer for sale ou accommodating terms.
18 , 13.—th( •
COXVINCINn:— Having been afflicted for nearly
two years, with a hard swelling on the cap army knee,
wadi produced much pain, and usel various applica
lions recommended by the Faculty---,1l in vain was
cured completely by the use of one boule of Dr. Britoil
rei h's Linamenr, or External Remedy.
Witness arr hand JAMES TAYLOR,
Ohio to Alletheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1840.
Dr. Brandreth's External Reamdy or Liniment; sold
at hls office, N 0.98 Wood street, Plitsburth, PRICE--
SO cents per Male. reh 8.
FAMILY FLOUR—Jot received a few barrele of
Snperior Flour, made espreasfy for faintly use. For
safe by ISAAC CRUSE.I4B Lib, St.
In Store 50 barrels sop. Soar.
JOST. cseelvsl, R barrels hub roll Rutlsr. sod
Reis int rite Laud Alm Dover, Ohi4 fix sale by
'IS Llbartret
blassilon, - do
Sandusky, do
Norwalk, do
Xenia, do
Dayton, do
&lot°, 30
Poet notes, 1}
Chillicothe, 5
Fran. hk Columbus,
La.,easter, 40
Hamilton, 40
Granville, 80
Com. bk. Lake Erie, 30
Far. bk: of Canton, 45
Urbana 68
State bk.* Elranchei
State Scrip, . 40
All hanks,
F.( ate lik 4 Brandies, 60
S ha cvneel ow n, 70
Rank of Virginia,
do Valley,
Far. bk. of Virginia,
egrhanr,e bank, '
N. %Vest, Lank
Mer. Alec. dn.
Rnlifmore Ranks, par
Connlry Ranks, I a 2
All flankp,
All Banks, par and 1
Chy par
I . 7utuntry hanks,
(safety final.) a 1
Red Bark, to 1
Roston Banks, r
Country .•
Orir 3 ns Rnu kf , ...!n01• 3
Bank*, 21
W!kr LECTURES.—F,.arth Coarse.—Tl, Lea.
lure il.mitnittee of the !Vire Institute have the
plea+tire of hyln2 before the noble, the foilo.vtug Its rot
gentlemen wlie hive consented to Ltetti re, vit:
Rev J IV Eakewell, otrodttrtory Lecture.
John L C‘q. Washington
Protf, H J Clark. Meadville 1:011e;e,
Hon. Win Wilkins. Pltt3hureh.
Proff. R B Brown, Jefferson College.
David Richly, Raq., Pittsburgh.
.Recd H othingron. E"q ,
Pro'. Afez'r T ..11eBill, West. Theo. Si tulnary.
Francis JohnFton., EN., Pittsburgh.
Prot'. J Barker, Me:1,1011e College.
8 , 0 "I W H Lowrie, CPI., Pittsburgh.
Rcv James L Dinteiddis.
Pis coLu gi A
Ha rike.
Good Rnoics , 23
Alt Bank., 4
Ilk. or St. Clair, 10
Do. d0.,1 4- 11. Smith 10
Good hank'
Eastern Exchange.
Now York.
western Excbange.
rineln , qlll, par
Lmrlevfi e. par
Cleveland. Clip
Wiwi.line. par
GOLD /* :11 SILVER. par
EDWD D. a.% Z.Z.%M.
Nn 51 Thad st
1 Ni
s_+:l\ l6::?‘ S
, DS
HE subscriber has just received ids annual supply of
lil Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part ofthe
f wing kinds—all of the last years crop 4- warranted
a rags Egg Plant, Parsnip,
Beets, Enclave, Peas,
Beans, Kale, Pepper,
Leek, Pumpkin, Brozcoti,
Lettuce. Rad,sh, Borecole,
Water Melon, Rhubarb, ; Ca , bage,
Musk, t. Se'Rely, Carrot,
Nasturtium, Cauliflower, 8 piitach,
Squash, Celery, Okla,
Tomatoes, Cut led Cless, Onion,
Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley,
Corn, Mustard, (white and brown)
&e. &c. &c.
To:ether Wi 111 J variet y of Pot t Sweet herbs ar.d flower
it:rOrders for Seeds,Shrtib.; Trees, kr . . from Garden.
era and others will be received and promptly attended
to. F. 4NOWDEN,
kin 11 No. IN4 Libel' y. 11,61 of Wood el.
HATS—W. dr M. DOHICRTYIIIibrni their irletld9 and
the public that they have commenced manufactu
ring Hata, and tltra they have now ready for sitle, at
their Store, 148 Liberty stieel. between Market and 6th
street, an assortment of Ihe very b.ist Hate, which Gey
are onztoueto 11(0t1 the cited pe4l and m0:11 reason,
lible 'ems. Their stock consist of the very best kinds,
v:z.—fleaver, Oiler, Neutria, Castors. abort Nat ped Rus
sia. Fur etude-11i. Hale.
ix. 4- M. Doherty are both regular bred natters. they
have had eztensive experiences. Journeymen In the heat
establishments in the country; their Hula are all got up
under Owl, own inspection, and they assure the public
that not Inns but the very best articles on the mold rea
,t) t ta itle teram.. will be offered 'or sale. asp
Prof Meted S Jefferson Coline, de•
liver several Lecture? on Aso rononly,' , emtvratring its rise,
Prnfre.? and tle.tinv. Reed Washln.:inn,E4., witl also
deliver several Lectures on the-snhieerhe Dray select.
Arraneentent? are in pro:revs to canape Professor SS
'mart, of Yale to deliver In MIT titv, a Nu Pourre
of lectures on also M Ith Josepn IL Buchanan,
rm Nettriilogy. Other eminent Lecture's will he invited
to vlsit our city, when it may he In the power or the In
?Mute to enzav: their ‘erviees.
The treturet of this rninFe will lie on Literary rind
F•cienilfir PX.'ltt+ively nod It hoped front the
eminent :thinly of the Ler!n rer.. and the iniereli lug na
of the enlifects. that our citizens will liberally pa
ronise laudable. enterprlae. The Iron (joy .linuld
not he behind sitrer rites in her enconragernei.t 1:1w-wore
- Ind ht ernt tire. The p.orerd. (If any) w ill ! , e nopropri•
:lied to the en'arletnenl of a Library, already an honor
to the eh V.
—critiroe Tleketi. adnittrlne a lady and Gentleman,
SI, and may he had ‘)lnithnr or the C parnil lee. and at C.
H. Kay Sr V,o`e Prallt Brore, Slononallela end Exchange
!Intel?, and at R.•rfnrd't.
Lectures coalruenen nn Tliurrd3v event!' g, Pre 1.
a.tlT'L V. !WET, I
JQtIN S roso I. AVE, 1 1 '0'11:n111er.
R. SCA 1 FE.
n 24-1 in JOHN P LE.
T. PitlCE,lirwileAllt. nod Ilrtait Itaker, s:nti.
fe ,, ioner and Ftutterer, Federal weer, near the
friam , 31.1,./tlieelletty city.
Ever,/ vart.iy of Crioliirtionn , y and Oro:mow:11
•alialiie for wed , Ofi!i , and pia Iles, utannfaein ed
ttl chorl noV 16
1 4 g7'.17'1 , .: Johnllitokrt , tale of the lily to' Nils
Interritied will take w•tice
11101 lettor4 of ndoiloktral ion on the vOnle of the ant.]
th-reAritt. hag beep rPa4. gr:tritetiltv the Ito.figier of A lie•
.lltenv Comity.. to i 4 o4autta littiiker widow of the *it'd
twinned; and all persons rtnitnn or deninnds n•
enun.l lie • estat.• a I lIP said dece.tent, are requentrd to
make known the none to tier d r ay. Her re..i.
fence Is in (land ,areet, city or rituanireli.
I—Svv. Adininkirritrix
%VILMA M C. WAIL, Plain and Fancy Portrait
and Pieture Frame Manufacturer, ..Vo. 87,
Fourth Street Pittsburgh. —Canvass Brushes. Varnish
d-c., for AIA ists, always an hand. Looking
promptly framed to order. Repairing done:l the short
es t not ire.
Particular attention pant to reglldlng oust Jobbing orev
ery festrip‘lon.
Persons fitting up steam Boats or houses will fine it ti
heir lasanr•see to . sr.n 11)
iNIANTED, a boy or item 14 to 16 years of age.
• Application to he made before the first of March to
feli 3. 184, Liberty bean of tVood et.
c lIEsTs.
PITTSBURGH, OCT. 9.2, 1842
J. DENNING—On Friday, %heath of last month. about
9 o'cl..ck ut ni tit,the I% nimr.Gronvitta and r , aol Man
ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth k Cu, with a large
quantity of dressed and ladressed lumber, was all consu
used by fire.
The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time hack
was in the most espoced situation (luting the fire, and
wail entirely red hot —I ant plea.ed to Inform you It IVR!
opened at the f 10SE of the fire,and all the boolu., onperg,
kc.cave.l;—ihig le the heat rccumtnendation I can give of
the utility of your safes.
riet24.—lf TFIOMAS m COTT.
G HEEN ..appLEs Just received front kfarietid, U.
40 lima Green Apples. comprising every vrirlety, In
first rate Order. !SAM: CRUSH,
feb 4. 148 Liberty 61
18 43
RAIL ROAD C•RO, rfdßl Pdtsiburgh, via Bedford.
eilamberabura, Ilarrietatre and Lancaster, to Phlladel.
plda, count...On: ult h the Malt train of ram to N Y.
„tr. Only 150 nith sslrtain:: end one night out.
Alen. the Dirert line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philade'phia Si 0.
Leaves daily at ft o'clock A. M.
Office second door befutv the Merchants Ilotel Wood st.
(eh 23.1843 —1 y • Proprietors.
JOHN J. MITCHELL—AItorney at Law, office
corner of Smithfield end sth its Pittsburgh.
Cotiections made. A I Mildness entrusted to the
Care wilt be promptly attended to.
feh 16-1 r
FOR -ST LOWS, ntrKlANcrorl,
Tile light draught steamer CICERO,
T C May Master, will leave for the above and all inter.
mediate ports on Monday 13th March
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
fish 27 JAMESiMAY.agt.
This boat is supplied with Evan . ' safety Guard.
300 BELS.N. 0. AIOL..BSSF:S; just reed per steam
boat Little Bun, and for sale by
feb 27- Water at. between Wood 4. smithfield.
1 - 47 mt. be received at the office of the City Water
V V Works until the 10th of March, for supplying the
Works witti Coal for one year, to commence on the first
of April next.
tshurgh, Jan. 2.4 th, 1843-3td.
wins. N. 0. Sugar. . .
40 bbls. Molasses.
iest rateived per Steam boat Ashland, and rot We by
mat 3. Water at., between Wood and Smithfield
Ox Tux Oaxior Cxxirixt. litotris. Via SATIADAA ROAD
ASD RALTIDODE ADD omoAtitt. to.greourprr.
NEW lints of U. S. Mail Coaches rot iraskington City,
Baltimore, Pkilmielplia and New York.
This line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily
al6o'clock A. 11., via Washington ?a. a art natibnal
road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road
Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will find this
a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and
distinct Pittshutgh and Cumberland line, facilities will he
afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex
tra coaches furnished at the shortest notice, wito the
privilege of going through direct, or taking cue night's
rest at their option.
Fare from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, 810,00
Pittahteg to Relay house, $lO,OO 1200
Thence to WaAington 2,00
Plitsborgh to Philadelphia,
For through tickeis, apply at our office al the corner
of Exchange Rotel, or at our office at the !Monongahela
President of N. R. Stage Cu
Feb. 3d—di f
JWIN Ar cLositEr. the old original, boson hand the
r ost splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered
Wes My cock Is large, and lam disposed to sell at the
lovee t possilde price My stock is heavy, and as the sea.
non advancing, i will sell at lower prices than ever.
ask only the pleasure of a call, feeling confident that
onk is sufficient. fleware of Counterfeits, frementher
P'g.lfg NT . 23,184
1.1.131 ES OVCR SHOks.— nie ..adieA ciao now do 'sway
with all kinds of over apnea, ran walk thrench the wet
streets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept perfect•
ty dry; ran wear ttchtshoes without having their corns
pain them; and eau have their shoes wear twice as lone
as ever, If I hey will nee I heteehrated Oit.Of TANDI,V% birh
will make leather water proof. and render It as pdahle
and 'oft as kid. It's an article well worth their notice,
and one which they will all value highly,as coon as they
try it. To he had only at TUTTLE'S
Manta/Lc Atnactr, 86, Fourth street.
Frier, 91 per Mare. Jan 9
IV OMR. —1 have taken Out letters of administration
1, on the estate on John Wils.m, lace of the City of
PIII.ItOrIh, deed. All persons Indebted to the estate of
the said deceased. are requested to make Immediate pay
ment to me at my residence In Penn sr. near tlnrlotry.nod
;hoae who have claims are requested to present them
ditty probated. J P WILSON,
Jan 19._ -61 w.
iVILLIA.Af ELDER, Attorney at. Law; Offiv.r. in
flakewelra Ralltllaaa, early opposite the New
Court House, on Otani street. sup
LIBRARY of Religious, /lister Ica',Pont tral.and Mis
cellaneous Work*, will be open every day, Ea4bath cx.
cepted. "rem 7 oleloek, A. M.. ant II 9. P. M., in the Ez
ehange Building.corner of St Clair eireetand Exchange
alley. wnere )unctual attendance will he Sheen by
rep 10 1. EM MIL
Unrivalled Blacking,
ANUFAC'TUREII nod sold wilnlP+iin nod retail
LTA hIXT IT grniczr one door below Sailihfield.
net 21-1 v.
1" T. STEW KT, Upholsterer aud Pa oer Haorer,
. No 49. 1 , briween l'Vond and Smithfield
dl•. !lost< nlifi !`t raw al By!. on hand All
ord.,, will) new ne.s nod dePpalen, on neromfno.
PPP 20 1v
ATTORNEY AT 1 41p. —Office in Re:irs' R. ildin2,
Nov. 5. 1842.
- - -
WM. E. AUSTIN, Atinrni , y nt I,:v.v. r 3.
Offire In 411) strref, nppniite Rurkers 111111.1111.
WlLuau E. I.miritt. E. 1., will sive his atientlnii to my
unfinished bueinees, and I recommend him In the patron•
age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD.
rep 10—ly
DR. A. V. P PERSON ‘;`:filce on Smithfield / , !reef,
near Sixth. Pen 10
100 :` , l I'CR WORTH. Auctio.uter and Commis.
1110"..lferckant, lowistrille. KY.. will nttprol in tlr
gale of Real C-tnlm bry Onmist,a.acerims. rnral'ur., ;cc.
nerilar Kale. eve. y Tnr•rd:iy, Thursday. and Fri
dny at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made
nn roncivn.v.e , 10 wn 10
IYSTERS. SARDINES. 4,I4 gervrd np in the heti
A-1 sly+. al A. tics:amen, No 9 Piro h stem. Stilla .1p
apnrintroti mre allpropriateil to eenttenten acrompanled
toil:1111es. Also ill ki.-ls of Cakes and Conlectitmnry far
parties. Weddings, etc , (or sale by
111111 19—tf.
Toot hnehe !
IrlIE titott Inveterate Tonthrt , he ctirrd in "wo xtm
rrita --call at Tc rrt.eid medical grimy, R 6 Fourth
and oln tin alt 'We, it is Warranted to cure or the
looney will he refunded,
G EORGE W. 1.4 YNO. Attorney at Law, Office
54 FifTh street, nenr the Theatre, Pittelturgh,
sep 27-1 Y
QUOJIR, MACKEREL, 4-c-16 ltdds. Prime N 0
10 Tierces Rice.
15 Keys Shad, assorted Nus.
20 Bids. No .3 Mackerel.
Now landing from S. R. Cutler, and for axle low by
iii 23 JAMES MAY.
B LOOMS. -25 tone flioome In Store end fur pato Ivy
J3 O 21.`R13. Water between Wood 4- Smith
NUCloskeyls Clothing Strre:
No. 151 Liberty street, one dnor from the
Jackson Foutidrir.
yr HE soh.erlher Is just receiving nt his well known
eslahlklutoPot, the Inrgro. most vrirled and CHIAPITIT
trace or (moos that has ever been offered he this eery
Every arlir w:l4 seiecied by in the eastern el.
tie, and ourchaQed the LOWEST CASH PRICES, nod he ir
therefore etirOited to sell 11;s tor ties notch t0...e, than
they ran be had at any other eslabPalitnent weal of the
HI. articles are all made by experienced workmen,
limo the latest nuirinfartured goods end in the must
Ile feels eonftdent their All persons who will call ci
hiA etitablidhinent and examine hie mock will he vaifslied
that BI TTF:I4 Et 4RC 41,48 can he °maimed at tl.e
than at any similar estahlisionent in the chy.
Ilia mock ro /dos in part of
Coats. Pantaloons, rests, Drawers, Shirts.
Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders,
And every other artirte of Clothing of the i.em wyl e
Front hix varied Hock of cloths he is prepared to
MAKE CLOTHES TO OITHER at the phorteet notice.
In a etyte unsurpa , sed by say other FRlO:lush home,
and warranted ea*.
lils stock of Spria3 sad Suaracee (O s da b eeperlot to
an y prepiolll Importations and he haat no / hesitation In
Faylnr that for excellence, ',caw, an d t h sapoen they
cannot be equalled In the west.
The annAcriber would once more return hia thanka to
Ills friends and the public for lire unprecedented pat ron•
e!te bestowed on his p.ini.lishment, and bellevtog that
his customers had found it to their advantage to dear
wilt) him, he would repeat his invitation to All 11113 PP
who wish to purchase Clothing of every deseription at
lowest prices,to call at No. 151. LIVILItTY FialCaTs
DtrOhserve Metal Plate la the Pavement. CLOSK
Feb 22
L. C. Judson,
A TTORNEY AT LAW. Smortsfirld near 7th sireo.
Matta—Ponetnalt , y In business and amicable Sel
-1 temente. fe'
CtoPER Arep TIMOTHY SEED always nn hand
In lota to suit purchasers, apply to t. CRUSE,
(eh 4. I , IR Ltherly Ft
JUSI' RECK! rf:D, Tweive hoses of Orangpa and
Legnons, of the finest quality. for sale wholevale and
tett 22—tr.
A PERSON competent to tote charges( a Inrne k,n
nictensive stastapPi. with a *mail capitol. will lull* of
an advarnaneettninuatuon on application at this Mem, it
tonnediats appliention is made, Au rae illeetapply who
canna ;ire rattsfaitory mammon at to . beltlettr widow
ibb 12—fre,
iV37. TlirsßN.
33 biraket Ft
Inequality in Society the ceirehotVielplighi
We ask atteulon to the fullovvivrg from
Manlutes Essays, page 118:
"As we have intimated the great in..
quality, luxury, extravagance and comer
tion of the European aristocracies in our
large mercantile to.. ns, such as New
"folk, we are inroad to follow these
their offices of police, jailors, ace, to taps
ulate our well filled prisons, pecatentis
and houses of refuge. Little or none
all this. detection and punishment actinism§
would have been necessary, had the mosses
ITY of property, knowledge and power caw
mained the same as it was at the etal at
revolution. For though the army Wllll
therr.all disbanded, and a number of *ION
accustomed to the idleness and indolent's
of a military life, were thrown on Or ribe
lie, yet there were no robberies, or
of magnitude in any part of the finkora.
When I left Philadelphia to go to Europe
in 1799. there were only 123 eonvints le
the new jail, for the whole state of Pents•
Sylvania, 15 years afterwards there were
700, and 123 for forgery alone; so ninth
had the inequality. created by bank and
other paper...joined to the neutral Wad%
deranged the morality of the inhabitant',
This has been rather increasing than tile
minishing ever since, owing to the Meat
number of young men brought up to Stela
productive professions. tempted by the prop
ifs of the neutral trade, which left these
without the means of existence, having
learned no productive trade.
~The temptation to crime is nearly in-the
proportion of the inequality of property/,
knoe ledge and power, w hich is great in
the city of Mexico; where thieving, rob
bing and murdering are committed daily,
both in town and its environs. But Jai Ms
Indian villages, where equality exists near.
ly in its natural state, there are no locks
nor bars and scarcely any doors or win-
I dows to their houses, yet there is no Matt. ,
ing or robbing. And perhaps there ate
as many crimes committed in the town of
xico in one day, AS are perpetrated is
all the Indian villages of the Union in nue
year. Alen have paid dear f;tr eivilizae
tion as far as it has vet gone, by the owl.
tiplicstion or artificial wants, and tint
temptaii.in to crime, injustice , nd oppress
ision. The further progress of civilization
may perhaps tend to the simplification and
equalization of society, and in that case
those nr.,.w in the savage state, may per ,
hap, he nearer perfection than those who
pride themselves on a complication of
wants and passions, the satisfying of which
creatures much labor, trouble, anxiety;
and the, excess and indulgence brings dirs+
ease and misery."
Were there no other in incemeat for
men to go into Association, the fact that
wealth, knowledge and power are equally
divided am mg all the members, would bi
sufficient. There would be no necessity
for prist•ns . nor police, no need of lectures
on morals and h. , nesty. There would be
no temptation to vice of any kind. Every
evil wi.ich now degrades man would be
uttknown in an industrial Association.
6 A TONS 'rennes , ee rig hoe. For salt lo* to
rinse consivin.eni, by
feb 10
W 4NTED --A. soon as possible—places fur n nvm•
ber of Mechanics; Bonk keepe es; ks; Salesmen:
and Bove it, store*: Pchool teachers--ib• laboring men
Women; Roll and Girls for all kinds of work—al:O, for
coachmen: steam and can:,! boat men and bova—colleg.
tore; 4.c. A h.°, wanted a triortgAge on good progeny.
with four or five limes-lire amount $500,700, 1000 .
for tale— twelaceltaap tracts ortand, and for rent, letr
era! emalt pier...a of property.—apply at If orris . Agana,
and Intelligence office. fet,
J4-VE:s LAA . F.L -.ow tones to execute all lanai or
writing's, -etch a. Deeds, Mortgagee. Apprentice,
death'es. A rtic'es of Partnership. Lettere orAttorse.T.
tr. 4 — ,ite a neat and treat manner, and at halfof
..ni orai.d Penn street, nearthe sth
or me rn ,,, k.,, 1,„ 0 " .
fel,. 25
intim-As 11 Lora . Cotaxatr.
COr. FAMN 4- co..oei.yt Agenta. Forwarding a d d
rointhisaina Merrhno.s Liven Street. Vicksburg,
Ma, 1 . 11•41 , t rrn.sl2.nmenia. n22-if
U. IffrailtingS,
Also Willson, 4,h .1 reel . iterf door lo t he Rank o
Pitithuralli where uppiient lone for Vegulating, Fume,-
Laying-out and Dividing Landed emotes, will to
Pprtiti, Bond., Mortinrs, te. executed ralth te=al
accuracy and dinpateh
Pittohntah, Jan. $61.843.-3t
WHY are Dr. ilibbordta Family Pill.
hod in sorb 111.1th:eattnint ton. by the hundreds of
families in this city who now keep them conetently oc
handy Been nee the etr, , rl of theft ptila on the glom.
ern ht mitt arum in einksn. Neither de they strata
the firer so es to throw off black bile bat they threw',"
the yells,' bile freely. They are the beet *Pill' even sold
for Thlsrepaia,ffead Ache, Rttentatient. kat. irr For
•di.es.es * perulier to Fetonten. they are now used et
tennivrty' nod stye crnat sit satisfaction.
The s extellext Pills art far sal. in Pittniarril Mt.
at Trrtura...._B43 4th st• 121 cents per box.
jail 31
DR : " : R'
. EL M E lIRITT, DENTIST, 0.1 u• In sett/.
betieten Second eel TAird Sir., Hours Of
huOneen fron,D A. M. till 4 P. M.
Dr. E. M. manufaci• - ree Procelain and Mineral teeth.
Dentists can he eupplicd by the 100 or eingle teeth. Blacks
of troth with a beautiful rum In fart .eta, er Parts
of tette, will he made to order at the ehorteet noticr, by
forwarding on exaet imprecolon of the month. A Iso.
for rale a few machine', with emery wheels for grinding
and fitting mineral teeth so useful to the Dentin—tali
w I 111”, *old low for rash. dee I&
dt. 1 1'801b1P1110N,
G ENERAL AGgNIb and Coatmiexton Merchant
Refer to :
Messrs. Torhett. Rover 4- MeDowel
W. B. fampt.ell
Cope. Tod hooter. Co.
..MorrAn.rreveher 4. Co. Phlla •
rts. Yea f man 4. Co
Woods, Chrivty 4. CO, €t doh,
Feb 4 —43 m
Refer le
gbd.. N, O. 5.1.1nr. this dayrerpive4 per inoemtbinj,
Vonk.and for nit. by J.r: et A . CORDON.
der 10 Nn. 12 War*r 0 ..
' Prftget-'‘.7:itit.l.77 -.,
(3r.' Why will ye !we a; lk is pAte
dying rate?'' .4:0
Lllll- E. numpHßEps FsGsr...
_,_ PLUMBS, Ate. - -
7 . 1 . 11 / 1 14 14 /*Mint Maideal .41;estii II Zilualk at e -''.--
, ~
OW Mgr spot Se flogNirgb . - ~, p ti!,.
=M!!.. - -
1 , 1-
' - ' —...,„%• ~ .,-.4 ,‘ , ~ 71,t , ,.. , <: - ..W . - .?„ 5 .- -..-: 'i.
~ ..,..4 _ , . ~ - ;--f-..:4 , - . .,•%;., t t,t,g" '..,..";1 ... ~.).'• -,, : 44 - '
..-Q-- ~~ , ~~£