semess la -*el from taking any, even the least part, in plop:toting my.own elevation -to the ' l sresidency. I have no ambitious longings to gratify, conscious as I am that t have already received more of the offices and honors of my country than 1 have ev er deserved: if I know my own heart, I should most freely resign any pretensions which the partiality of friends has set_up for me, if by this I could purchase harmo ny end unanimity in •the 'selection of a Dernocratie.candidate. Besides, however proprr : it may be that, candidates for inferi• -oroffices should Make personal efforts to secure success--A am deeply convinced, • that the highest office under Heaven, ought to be the voluntary gift of the only free people upon earth. No man can Aueelir claim it from the people as a matter vuf xight. It ought to be their own sponta lattous gift to the most worthy; and this a 4orie can render it the crowning glory of a well spent public life.—This alone can •preyent the- danger of our . Institutions which must ; Jesuit from the violent strug gles of personal and interested partizans. The principle's of the man, whom the pen ple may thus delight to honor, ought to have borne the test of long and severe service, and ought to stand out in such bold relief before his country, as to place all • doubt in regard to them at defiance. In my opinion, the candidate who would ei ther intrigue or personally electioneer, for the Presidency, raises a strung presump tion that he is unworthy of i'. Whether - it be probable that a man resolved, under . - the blessing of Providence, to act upon these principles will ever reach the Pres- -- idency, you can judge bettet than myself. An inquest was held in New York, on I ought, however, in justice to myself to ' Observe. that whilst this is my fixed puts Wednesday last, on the body of al un ,toose„ Ido not feel the less gr ateful to those known man, who was picked up in the Iltink and partial friends who have deemed , street insettsible. On his person were utehy of the highest oce. because I wort ffi I found papers bo which it was discovered MIR never attempted to enlist them in my I • that his name was Matthew Christie, and •le sup port. that he was admitted a member of the Odd "- With these views plainly presented be . Wore the Democracy of Pennsylvania, ifthey Fellow's society at Pittsburgh. He was Should resolve to offer my name to the Na- ' genteely dressed, thoogh it is apparent *mai Convention as a candidate for the that he had been reduced to poverty. • Presidency, with that degree of unanimity which can alone give moral force to their confit mations. recommendation , I feel that I (light not to It gives us p'easure to state that the coo iteract their wishes. Should they de- nomination of W, W. Irwin as Charge to termine differently, this will not be to me Denmark did not meet with the unwel . a cause of the slightest mortification. come reception given to those of Wise and . One remark:l am impelled to make be' others. He was confirmed. fore closing, this letter. The principles and the success of the Democratic party Hon. C. Blythe's nomination was also so immeasurably transcend in importance confirmed as Collector at Philadelphia. the elevation of any indivi foal, that they J. C . Spencer, Esq., was confirmed as ought not to be ji•oparded, in the slightest Secretary of the Treasury. degree, by partiality for either (4' the can Ev-ry eindidate who has been Mr. E. Everett is onfirmed as Minis. named, and hundreds of individuals whose ter to Chilla• names have not been menti ,ned, would ; It is said that Webster is to go to Eng• ably and faithfully administer the Govern- land and that Cushing will take his place. raent, according to these principles. No ---------------_ e, "tight to suffer . How they talk!—On the subject of the good Democrat, therefot his feelings to become so enli-ted in favor Oregon territory, the London Times holds of any one candidate, that he could not the following terrific language; 'Let us yield his cheerful and cordi.d support to henceforth put no confidence in the Amer -any others who may be nominated by the icon protestations or in Webster vows; let Nstional Convention. With sentiments of grateful respect, us not negotiate with a people devoid I remain ymirs, sincerely, of the commonest principles of h mot; we .1 AM ES BUCF - TA \ AN. must act• and before we have any tricks D. - Crispin Owl H. 13. fVright. Esquires, , . and other Demwratic Members of the pl•led on Oregnn, let us send a fleet Legislature of Pennsylvania. of heavy-armed and well-manned steam boats to pretest our rights in the fertile Compare the folio:vine lines fro n the ' ,! and valuable valley of the Columbia river.' pen of Martin Van Buren t.., the expedi ents ! ----------------- ents and humbuggery of Federal Whigge- l The razor strop mat, is the greatest ry. Every lino is pre patriotism and 'lion' they lave now in Philadelphia.— c o mmon sens e. Wile will not encbirse ill his strops are said to possess the wonder 'Relief is n ot to he found in expedi fill virtue of g.ving a sharp smooth edge to soar. I n d e btedness cannot be lessened by the ,iul est piece of cutlery after a few rubs. borrowing more money or by changing the - firm of the . debt. The balance of He is going to Washington and we hope trade is not to be turned in our favor by h e may give the (lull wits of some of the creating new demands Ilium us abroad. members, a few rubs b- fore they return Our currency cannot he improved by the home. creation of new banks, or more issues fzom ---------------_ those which now exist. Alth.itigli these New (lay Paper. 'devices sometimes appear to g ive tempo- Proposals have been issued in Balti. rail relief they almost invariably aggla- more, to commence the publication of a vale the evil in the end; new paper in that city, In be called the ".1 The Lispenare ty tit case. merican Whig,"which will advocate the e. - In this, as in ail other matters, our desire is to !action of Mr, Clay to the Presidency. IL sestet and speak the truth. We have reason to will be shout as successful in its underta believe that litany of the published s tatements are to • ng, as the "'Midnight Cry" is in persua untxoe, and all, or -nearly all, greatly rviggera led. The following may be relied on as suasion- ding time public that the world will be de tiffoye lin April. The one event ie just as titans true:— Anthony Lisoenard, Sen., died in 1806, leoving probable as the other. some hundred* of lots is the 5 h end 8 It Wards, which he devised to his a my, xothony and Leon ard, his d3u ! hter Sarah, (A a. Stew.,r) and hie grand daughter, Mrs. Li.unestor. By the death And intestacy of her brother linthony, his other sister Alice, the slhject or all this controversy, ' became heir•at law to a four-.h part of his estate; which the reader wi!l perceive was a sitteenth part of the estate of the leer Anthony. This - sixteenth she cenveved in 1808 to her brother Kennard and her sister Sarah in equal urlivided shares. Governed by the old g entleman's wi l l MA Alice's emaveyance of 1808, tho estate was . .divide tin 1810 and 1811. a s ((mews: say to Mrs. Livingston f i ve-sixteenths , to Mrs Stewart five and-a-half sixteenths. It is nco, of e,iurs , , our im p ai rs to say ant- thing in this article about the 'merits of the controversy; hilt it must be obvious, that if Alice's deed and will be set hside and the above sixteenth he, a it muar, a warded to her ten bike at law, ,here must be a very t reat nuothet• of persons de r' Y affected be:ide the Sten-art jinn Ile. Whoev-r may he the p v seut owecrs of Leonard': share and Mrs. Livingwoa's share, ore atr-cted to the a „aunt of one.sizieenth of every lot is fee. For, su iposina, the present ciai St manta as it is slid, will only proceed against e cart it might be exrcting iori moth from the Stewart side, who form vl X -tvnths o ee f A li ce hire at taw, that they will remain perfy ol t parts of the estate vhich Leonard and Mrs. Lill, ineston eet, :0104 the equal share which fell to their mother (Mrs Stewart) is attached by Le n :rd's heirs. We repeat, then, that the trestion in its bearing= and consequen , C4 reaches far he youd Mr. R o bert Stewart. It reaches e very bower 'of a lot -or Int•, to the ext-ot of oneesixteenth of iss present value...N. Y. Sun. try. 4. London paper says that a man who for many years carried on an extensive business a "..garasgats, alter eleven years' study, has succeed 4Sp in completing some machinery, wh;ch will, whoa brought into use, he imagines snpere 1;1 ! lb. m id o f steam power. It may, he think., be "moiled to ctixtks of anv description, requiring no windins ne. nr,en put together, and will continne ring so knvits tau ®ate rials lila. -• ~-. 4 _- y.:F:w FOR rizatasare J A MME fir - 1131.1 su t j ect to the daidim of a Natjoast- Convention. DAILY MORNING POST. TIES. PLIILLIP9 A W. ii. !Milli, 1.DiT0R2.6.110 PROPILItToRS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8:1843. see first Page. Queer Amusemestfor Ladies.—A. traveler in Azores gives the following description of the kind of amusement enjoyed by the girls of that country. At a pleasant water fall, half a mile beyond, were three girls, who, having come there to fill their pitch ers, amused themselves and us with the sp I a io the tn tit liharal Nihon. From sprinkling with their hands and co• queting with the water, they passed to ladling whole pitchers full, and, whirling them over each other until they were soak• ed to the skin and their thin wnite garments adhered as closely to their figure as the draperies on Cin2va's d timing girls.— They made the rocks and wood i ring with 'slighter; and, having, at length, soaked each ()Our to t'teir• hear content, filled their red pitchers, and, balancing them on their hea Is, stepped from rock to rock and down the stony and steep lane, with all the grace that belongs to intural and unfetter ed womanh and. The sum of 52.286 42, has been disbur• sed in a proper manner, to the poor of Baltimote, during the past winter. The city councils of Cincinnati tave appropriated of money to the widows and orphans of those whu weft: , killed at the late fire. • It is said, by wise calculators, that six millions of dollars is the total annual a• mount of the cost of all the newspapeis üblis'ied in the Uni States• Law Suits.—lt is stated that upwards of forty thousand suits at law were derided in the vat i'uts tours of Virginia, during the past. year Seventy thousand d dlars in specie anti v f•d at New Orleans on the 17th ultimo, ii different ves•el+. A powerful re-liirous excitement is oiler atinT in Pottsville, PA., at the present time A report has arrived from St. Thomas that on the 4th ult., an earthquake took place at the Windward Islands, and that part of -the Island of Moneorat had disap peared. An English steamer had been Ben m ascertain the extent ef calamity in t h a t and n eighhorina , islands. The Han. Matlt A. Cooper, Inti" - ! to* put in noroinatiou for the off►ce. of floret• nor of Georgia. .1^".^•••• _ Weigiyolsitlaw, Gloir4.4opinissfitas va rious notestrom Mt .Ininatissillieisra. Tyle'r and the votes ititl"the Setistie upon their nominations. It would seem, that just in pro— pot tinn as the President's good opinion of the nomi nees was heightened, they sank in the estimation of the Senate: To the Senate of the Unitee Slates: I nominate to the Senate Henry A. Wise, of Vir ginia, to be Euvoy Extraordinary and 'Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to the Court ()this Maj-sty the King of the French, in the place of Lewis Ca.s. resigned JOHN TYLER. WastiorcTorr, February 27, 1843. Ytta s—Messrs. Archer. Buchanan, Cal howl' Choate, Ctitilbert . , EV11,1413, Fulmn, Kitts, McDuffie, Stit.geon, Tallmadte, and Walker-12. N`" —Messrs• BRgbY, Barrow. Benton, Berrien, Clayton, Conrad, Crafts, Crittenden, Dayton, Gra ham, Henderson, Hunlington, Kerr, Mangum, Merrick, Miner, Phelptt, Porter. Simtanns, Smith nf . Indiana, Sprague, Tappan, White. and Wood bridge-24. To the Senate of the United States. In submitting the name of Henry A. Wise to the Senate (IQ. the mission to Fi aoce, I was led to fin so by considerations of his high talent, his exalted ehatacter, arid ;ries'. moral worth. The country. I feel assured, wonlrl be represented at Paris, to the petal') of Mr. Wise, by one wholly unsurpassed in exalted Patti Main and well fitted to be the repressor tative of this cauntry abroad. His rejectionna byfi the Senate has caused too to rreonsider hi: fil:at now; arid I see no cane to (3')liht that he is rtnin,nt ly qtralifitql for the station. I feel it, therefore, my duty to renominate hint t I notnioate Henry A. Wise, of Virginia, to be En-oy Extraordinary and Minster Plenipotentiary to the Co irt of hi, Maj,•etv the King of the French, in place of Level- Cass, r esigner'. JOHN' TYLER. Mancii 3, 1811. YEAg—MN•srs. Ca:limn, Cuthbert, Fulton, King, McMillin. Sevier, Si urgnon, and Walker-8 N Ayt4—MeS• fa • Archer, Briv,hy, BAT. OW, Bays-d. Benton, Geri ien, Clayton, Conrad, Crafts, Critten den, Evans. Graham, lienderann. Hirmingtnii, Linn, M.inguni, Merrick, Miller. Morehead - , Plll . Sun man., of Indiana. Sprague, Tappan, White, nod Wondbridge-26. Another brief message sgsiu n)rniiiate , l Mr Win.; and the following vote shown the irsaa— Cuthbert and Walker. NAT.— Nie4ars• Alen, A ar.r, Baghy, Barrow, Bayard, Bentnn, Berrien, Clay'on, Conrad, Craft 4, Dayton, Graham, llenderaon, Hooting. Vol, Lion, Minig , im, Merork, Miller. Morehead, Phelps, Porter, Savior. Sitn.non:, Smith of In.liana, Sprague, Tappan, White, and Woodbridge-29. To the Senate of the United States: I nominate Cale') Cooling, of Maststellocit , c, to he Secretary of the Treasury, in place of Walter Forward, resigned. Wastruarirov, Nlarch 2, 1641. YEass—Mes=rs. Bates, Buchanan, Calhoun. Chwc, Cuihheit, E an., Fultuu,,, McDuffle, Mcßobe. is. Rives, Sevier, Si., germ, T a nms t dre. Walker, Wilcox, Willknts, %Vundbilry, and White —l9. NAya—Nlestrs Allen, Archer. Flaghy, Hirrniy, Bayard, Benton. Be' rip.), Clayton, Courat Crafts, Crittenden. G. sham, lienderso.i. (Twain ion, Kerr, \Linn, Mangum, Merrick, Miller. Mwehead Phelps, Porter. 5i m .1),,4, Smith of loliana, Sprague Tappan, and White—t 7. To the Semite of the thlifert StAtts: In spibitiatioe to Non .he mole of en'e% (711ThifIg lig Secretary of the T.oisiity, I rii.l so in 11111 vit. \V of his coostuninate his ti,ai iestioned trintism, and full r.waeity to wit'‘ horor to h.ontel and a dea.ta,te to the roont , y, and itirsortant anpertai tlog t t that depart ment of the Geverorttent. 'r.,e r,A d ect which I Irtt . e for the wt-dote of tie Senate iIRI rewind m • ti g-tio, Rine , . his tojectioa, to recnowitler Ills •rite tied his ifirilifi-viona. This fel:tow has satisfied inn C , 111(1 ntt 113 , 0 a m - l-e able advis.c ia the „r public affairs, • r Ike country a mor-• fa , thfol nircer. feel it, the. Jam, to he my ditty to renominate him. Caleb Cuighing to be SPerrtary of the Trear thz• place of Waiter JO FIITSVHNa,TYLER. Dwd MARCH . 3, 1843 YT,ke.—..MegcrF. Bilen, Ca'hiun, Cotll' , ert, Fla , 0.1, Rin g Menu i e, Rives, Sevier, S;urg...oti, and Walk• er —lO. NAl,—.Mrss.p. Allen, Archer, B tgby. Barrow, Raverd, Benton, Berrien, Clayton, Conrad, Crafts, Critten.ien, Graham, Ilenderann, Hervinron, Kerr, Linn, Mangorrt, Merrick. Miller. Morehead, Pm tvr, Smith of Indiana, Sprague, Tappan, While, and Woodbridge-27. To liv! Se!nale of the United &cars: I nonninwe G len Cushing ns S'ci eta etai y ol the Treasury, pace of NValter Forward, r rci 0 ,0 JOIIN TYLER. Mardi 3, 1843. YEAS—MPsFeig. Cuthbert nod Waher-2. NAYe—Messrs. Alle.n, Archer, Bagby, Barrow, Ba ard, Benton, Berrien, Claytln, Conrail, Ct art-. C. Menden, Dayton, Grahain. Heade. a Hunting ton, Kerr, Linn; Mangum, Mertick, Miller More,. fiend. Poi ti•r. Simmno«, Smith of Ind ;Ina, Sprague, Tappan, White, and Wouithr dge-2.9. The Town Council of Liverpool, Eng land, have decided, by a large majority, to refuse to the children of the Roman Catho• lic poor, secular education in the public schoold. CONGRESS. We leirn from the Baltimore Sun Ilia , on Thursday evening, she bill making ap propriation for carrying the Washington treaty - into effect was passed without a.. mendment. The bill authorizing the re-isoe of Trea sury notes, was also passed with an amend ment. . . The civil and diplomatic appropriation. bill was likewise passed,with sundry amend menu. Close of the Session.—Last night brought with it the close of the session and the end of the existence of what should live in his tory as the 'Hard Cider Congress,' a body which began its career under promises of the molt glorious character, and now yields up its breath amid the derision of the whole country. It is useless at present, , to enter into a review of its doings, for ev• 1 ery one is aware of how eompl-tely the golden anticipations of 1 . 10 have been falsified, and of the trusAincholy failure which has been the result of the 'change.' The whole matter, hativever, contains a lesson of wisdom which, it is to be hoped, will not be without an impression upon the public mind, and we may at least say, that the assertion of the *Roman, Consul,' that men's promises and ,perfoi mantes sel; dom correspond with each other, has re ceived - another striking. vertfication,—. Palle:l4a fan. -~ ~ - .:--n•.- ISEIS ..... RLIIIiirIiPPIrMiMEETING - 1 ;INDittiiiNDllatt - TI - D* . -. At- n rneteiHog of the voters of Pitt town- • shitarat titehadse of_Conrad Freivogel, on CARPETS FOR SALE. ta---...:.. ... . , . Saturday eVening, the ' 4th-. inst.; David - T lIST RECEIVED and fur sale at Bausman's Anctioa Lynch Esq. was called to the Chair, and i , _ - er Rooms, No 110 Wood st, ..... A large tot• or Fins and Superfine Ingrain Car , Venni:in stair Carpets, Oil Floor Cloth, Ragsolte which ThOrnas A. Rowley and Robert Bruce, jr. t IL - sott earryina Merehandize an d Produce to and from will be Sold at private sale 20 per cent tberiPee thee appointed Secretaries. The object of the ..1 1 Pittsburgh, Philadelpiba, Baltimore, New York and . an ti ' , a ev re e h r 7 liefore o ff ered In.thla market. _ meeting having been st.ited by the Presi• BOittill, by the reansylvatila Banal and Rail road, on R A. RAIISM AN. dec. entirely temperate principle s . dent, viz: the nomination of township offi- - Stock of 111111111 e consists of new large Tidewater hoots cers. The.following persons -were then built expressly for this route, with all tile modern int• ripHE vale of Fresh Spring, Goods will be eontlromed ft _t. Bassnunt's Auction Roosts, tio 110 Wood at eatery nominated for the several officers. provetueols In boat building; of a aupetabundant supply d this . . eat 10 a and ''' At A - iss of fi rst rate carrion the Portage Railroad ; and a full sup. After the nominations had been made it r ay liargawin'sAis, now oliered,as the g o de otie ni red te ncl e o n : ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boats he.. _ tirely new, the, assortment complete, and the outulthes was moved that this meeting adjourn un- tween Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which win be of the very beet. i conducted by sober, inditsi rious and experienced captains tit Monday the 6th inst•, at 4 o'clock P. , and superintendents, Charges will be paid on all goods March 7 . - M. I intended to he shipped from Ph t a burt ll to Philadelphia, ,-- -- I n pursuance of the above adjournmentinammore, New York or Boston, and consPzned to James For Rent. , , Dickey 4- Co., Canal Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne FOR a term of years. Two building lots cis thebaiik the citizens met , proceeded to vote an d Nis. and will be promptly attended to and forwarded with of the Allegheny river, adjoining the (I,ty line.' the following is the result; those marked despatch. Apply at the house Agency, Penn street, sth Ward, thus * are the candidates nominated: All Goods and produce intended tope shipped from mar 2. JAMES BLAKELY. Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Burt- ------- TO LET . --- FOR JUDGE. tan Canal, and consigned to Hart, Andrew and McKever, , John Scott 31 E D Gazzam 55 will be received at their warehouse, first wharf above ~ ONE brick dwelling house, coniainhtv. a lute John Herron 2.5 John Aiken * 155 Rare street, Philadelphia, and shipped directly' from • :,.. ~a hall, two parlonre, 4 moms up- tles, With ma thence without additional handling or expense; a. line of 'E ' e Jibed garret.dming room and kitchen. with ear. James Shidle 3S Boston packets connects with the line at this pain , - riage house, te. Thus house Is pleasantly toeated with INSPECTORS. Shippers nre invited to examine the stock of this tine yard in front and rear. on the eaaal bank, corner or and judge for themselves, before shipping by any other. Cheviot street, leading to, upper bridge, now in these: - los Woodwell * 102 Jacob Tomei * 187 as their interest will lie advanced by shipping by it, the cupancy t.,f Mr. McClurg, rent to suit the times—Enquire G Lucky 82 H Fairy 41 proprietors being determined to exert themselves t o the oi Dr, Whittaker, Allegheny City. war 8, CONSTABLE. utmost of their .ability for the Interest of their custo- J Richardson * 152 J McKelvy fliers and rosperity of their line. 107 P OVERSEER OF THE POOR. tostirance can be effected cheaper by this Ilse than any To ,Ify Fellato-Ditizer 3:--1 offer myeelf as a rand). W Wiley 16 J Irwin 21 other, as the route is considered the safest date for the office of Overseer of the Poor, and if elected PROPRIETORS. will fulfill the (tulles of the olive faithfully, to the rest AUDI fOR. 57 , Hart, Andrews or McKever, from Philadelphia nod Bal• arm! ability, rendering a strict _ account of all messy JW D White * 77 Saml Caskey timore to liollidaystitirg. received and expended. ROBERT P. sTEEL. J Hutton 33 13 Kane 47 Henry L. Patterson,froin Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh March 7.--tot Wm Arthurs 72 AGENTs. . Hart, Andrews ,i• McKever, Philadelphia. l' ro the It .not able, the Judges of the Corot of TREASURER• ~ Elder, Gel.ton 4- Co., Baltimore. , IL. General Quarter Sess:ons of the Pence, in thin I. Patterson, Hollidaysburg. Thomas Jones 71 John Rea* for the County of Allegheny. SUPERVISOR• 129 • Henry lessee Patterson, Joh tutorial. The petition hf Mrs. Murray, of Pitt Town. James Dickey Co Pittsburgh mar 3. .4,10. Vi the county arm esaid, humbly showeth, that it. . J din Greenough 70 John Peter on 12 Wheeling Times, Clticinnali.Fmquirer, and Louisville. - " • • your pen. toner bath poyi . led herself' with materials GI, Rice 26 Patrick Develin 45 Kentuckian, wi i ti i cach 1 twert with tlte b amountof s3,nad .. r iu the arcommodat . on of travelog and others, at her Simon Smith 42 Aaron Hartupee 26 s s e e n r4 d i a n i c t lw cri c l ft te r paper al t h e ill to t he Y. advert s dwelling house, i.l the township and county afore . J Brush* 79 Robeit Shaw 14 A DAIINISTRATORS' :PO'L'ICE —All persons i T i .. ta u t, and preys that your Moors will be pleased to giant her a license to keep a public house of:Afar- A Alex Wils•rn 36 Rodolph M clerks 67 ts. delited to the estate of Robert Keenan, late of West [alum , nt. And your petitioner, as in duty &mud Deer town , llip, deed, are requested to make immediate '4 SCHOOL DIRECTORS. p.,yrnent (lithe same to the undersigned, and all per "„, . Pnl• Robert Nelson * 89 Henry Lytle 21 sons having claims ugainst said estate are notified to J Wilson 58 Robert Black 45 present the !erne duly aothenticated. M A nc . T. K EEN AN, Adin't. G Gumbert * 119 J Lippincott 65 mar 8-6 i w. BERNARD FLANEGAN, Adel' N Craig 67 Alex Black 43 - J Dickey 15 Thomas Newell 24 TOWNSHIP CLERK. 1 C Cummins * 120 J Sutton 52 J A Irwin 106 Assessor. \V S Thompson 145 Rubt Gallagher 125 ASSISTANT ASSESiOR. 'l' A Rowley * 171 Rohl Fleming 122 J . Chambers 160 Oa motion, Resolved that these proceed ings he published in the Mot uing Post Chronicle, and other city papers. DAVID LYNCH, Ch'n , RuitT. BRUCE, it„ g Sdeys. A. 'OWLET, JOHN TYLF.R ........ • 111....- ALLA A N Dt:lt. w. 10:31.11;ic, At a meeting of the Bar, held on Mon day, the tit(' List., James Findlay, Esq. was appointed Chairman, and Wilson McCandless, Esq., Secretary. The death if Alexander W. Foster hay ing been announced,the f o llowing R e sole• lions wer* offered by R. Biddle Esq.: Resolved, imat we learn with deep re gret the death Of our venerable essocia:e and friend, Alexander W. Foster, Esq ,I ' whose long career at this Bar was distin-1 gun:died by profound and varied learning. and endeared to us by the many virtues of Ins private life. Resolved, That in token of i espeot fur the memory of the deceased, we will woar iii , customaty badge of inotrining for ibir- ty days. Resolved, That A. W. Loomis, \V. H. Lowrie, and H. H. Van ,Arnvir:ge be a Committee to present the proceedings of this meeting to the several Courts in wh_ch the deceased was a practitioner. JAMES FINDLAY, Ch'n. WILSON MCCANDLESS, Sec'y. The foregoing proceedings having been presented to the District Court were or dered by Judge Grier to be entered at large on the minutes, and the Court forth• with ad'ourned. In view of the probable decimation Of hostilities by Great Britain against the United States, we respectfully suggest that Commodore Mackenzie and Lieut. Gansevoort be i. - nmediately despatched, in the Somers, armed with that 'knife' and a lull complement of belaying pins, with express orders to capture and bring into port, dead or alive, Sir Robert Peel and Queen Victoria, safely sewed un in those •sacks,' to 'keep them dry & comfortable.' P. S Should the prisoners become re.< fractory or exhibit any 'infernal expression' about the eyes, they are to immediately hung at the yard aim and no questions asked- —N. Y .17arora. , rilo the Honorable the Judges of the Court of i General (twitter Sessions of the Peace ill anti WASHINGTON, Feb. 27, 1813. , fir !he County of Alleghen): Tne petition of John Garber, ante Boiough of Robbery of the Secretary of State.— ' L o h w , encevi.le, in the county aforesaid, humbly allow. About half past.two this morning, the et private mansion of the Secretary of State 1 That you: petitiouer bath provided himself with was entered ht. a couple of villains who rnatetials for the accornm-nlati to of travelers and succeeded in escaping therefrom, oth : irs,at his dw elling host -c in the township afore , 1 , , an d hi9 prays a li after securing articles of great value.— re i n t:t e t y t i o n ( k . , e l p i. t o, ni t ir , g ,, t w li i c i I be il° u p I e a s f eil E t o g s. ra l Among them was an elegant Tuacan vase, tertainrnent. And your vtitioner itc in ita . iy hound presented to Mr. Webster by the citizen , will pray- . JOHN SARBER. of Boston; two silver candlesticks; a_adere,,cevute, gold d i N e Ve, r the ii subscribers, Lileab,, citizens of L knife and fork, and silver inkstand. A for e h'ailiieYi:ty . h at I. mu ' : r e a p ;e l" a n n e d r is is o t4 f • g etl " pr l epute vid..d ftmale servant, sleeping in the basement with house room and couveitientes fur the aCcoornmo was awoke by the noise and gave the alarm. da t ion and lodging of strangers and travelers; ani through the that said tavern is necessary.' The house was entered A. S. Fowler Wm. Johnston jr. window of the back parlor at the east Henry Snowden, Hugh Thompson, side, at which place the ladder was found Jrreminh Flen.iug, Joseph S. Fracas, tinned himself until the robbers withdrew 1 3 AMICI COpel3rl l , I Abraham Ba.einan. A. McLaughlin, mar 8-3 r with their booty. .Failing to obtain sea- I sortable aid, he was only able to alarm the 1 scoundrels by leveling a few billets of wood at their heads, which occasioned so great an acceleration of speed, in older not to be overtaken by the heels of justice, whose guardians in the shape of the city watch were abroad, that they found the articles of their plunder too embarrassing for their rapid and successful flight; consequently the vase and two candlesticks were drop ped at a short di4tance from the house, and they escaped with the gold knife and 1 fork and and silver inkstand.--Cox. N. Y. Express. - The DPrnocrats of Connecticut are ma king Congressional nqminations. The New Yorkers acetalking of erect tag a - statute of Washington in the Park. 7 :7z-q'7 B ELS. Spirits Tar/mains, this day received au for sate by .1 G. 4- A. GOEtDON, warl2 Water street. 'pc) the honorable, the Judges of the Court of Gener• at CLibarter SeSSIOni of the Peace, lit and for the county of A Ilezheny: 'Die 11E1010(10f Isaac Tailor, of Versailles Township, in said county, respectflolshocvelh — That lie Is well provided erns house room and other con— veniences for the accommilliftion of stringers and travelers and being desirous to continue in that business, he prays your horrors to graut lit a license to keep an Inn or hi ipe of Public Entertainment, and he will pray tc. ISAAC TAYLOR,. underaignmi of Versailles Township. re speci floly certify, that Isaac Taylor, the above named applicant, is a gentleman of gond repute tor honesty and temperance, and la we I provided with notate room and conveniences for the accommodation arid Icalginglif s.ratigers and travelers, and that raid tavern is uscmary. I curb K ister, Win. Michael, Stinchcornbe, J,,hii A. anbiliso John S inehemnbe, John ifos e ll, Ez•kielJacob Kunkle, I Z. Patterson, John M , Guily, B. Carpenter, NV in, Wallace. )(larch 8, 1813-3.* tne llunurahle, the Ju g,s of the Can't of General Ltitai ter Sessi ins of the Peece, in and 'ir the erinntv of N. iirgheay The petitim Car; enter. of Versailles sliewedi, That be is , t ell p,iiv , tl..d with home iu , in and utlt , r ;or The a e,uttintalation tfatratiger- and te , t stera,...; the house now' trc °pied by hull rks s tat era; and he w& d “iroit , to trathtitue , In that nit , utes-, het plays you: It IL grim ltim aid to t.erla an I i‘r of Eott•r•ai itn-ni. Andhewilletet, pray. BEN). C NRI ) .ENTEtt. '1 Ito trodt-ts.go't d,t-it•seus nl Verstuil s 1 0 % 111 ,1 1 1p re. :‘,;eciltilly cc Ma- 13 car pent r, theabtnenem ,l auph aitt,ia a getitknlatt 01 giat,tl repute fur h mett6ly cm 1 tt,ltpetattce, and is well provided house oust and cons patience* for like aeCkklilinothliikuk nnil lodging of strangers and traveleis,aad i d t , vet o is necessary for the accommo , lation 01 toe puulid. Larkin Stincheombe , , Wm. Michael, .1 cob 3. S Kottltri, J. Stindiconibe, Thos. Getninal, E. ltrecr, Joan A. Rohm* in. Z. Puce son, \Yin. I)ry, Iseau Taylor. Win. Wall e. March 8-30. rgio the Honorable, the „Indlean( the court of Genera Quarrel' S.:salons of the P. ace, its and for the cone ty nl Allegheny: The peinton of James M'Aleer, of ROes'fowAshlp,ii said county, iespeclfully showetn_— Thal lie is well provided with house room and convent ences for the :seems modation of strangere and travelers, at the hose now occupied by bin) as a tavern: and be. ing desirous to continue that hostiles, he prays your hors. ors to grant him license 10 keep an Inn or house of Public Entertainment The undersigned,eltisens of Ross township,respeclfully certify, that James WA leer, the above named applicant, is a gentleman of good repute for honesty and temper• • an:e.iind is welt provided with house room and convc. toences fur the accommodation and lodging of strangers and , ravelers, and that said tavern is necessary. Conrail Reel, John Morrow, John McKnight. John Plankerton, Edward M'A leer, Balthazar Good, R. Morrow, Cornelius Keenan, John Morrow Ir. Joseph Urad'ey, Peter Ivory, Andrew McFarland. mar R--31.* 1111 0 the Honornitle Judges of the court of General JL Qum ter Smsions of the Peace., In and for the Cont' ty of Allegheny. The Petition of John Reed, of the Borough of Lawrenceviile. In the county aforesaid, humbly sheweth, That your petitioner bath provided himself n ith materials for the accommodation of travellers and others, at his dwelling house In the Borough afore ] said, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him a Beenei? to keep a Public House of Sntert ailment. And year perZilloner, as in duty bound, vgll ever pray. JOHN REED, We, the subscribers, citizens of the Bogough of Law• rencevilie, do certify. that the above named petitioner is of good repute for honesty and tempeyance, and is well provided with house room enreonveniences for the ac. commodation and lodging of strewn; and travellers, and that said tavern is necessary. .. Wm. Johnston jr, John Sarber, Wm. Halthaus. Henry Snowden, L. lArebrut, Saosemuel Cop atnright, elind, Jph W F. Stine, " Jeremiah }lending, A. Wl.eughlie, Hunter Laughlin, A. H. Decker. mar 8,—d34... . . C=E= JAMES M'ALEER R, A. BA CNN AN, Ater We thesubscribers, citizens of Pitt township, do certify that the above petitionar is of c ide s 'reptite Tor honesty and temperance, and is well provided with . hou•e loin and conveniences for the accorumoda— tints and lodging of strangers and travelers, ami that said tavern is necessary Thomas Farrow, George L Reis, Thomas Hafrey, E.lw . D. Gazzain, William Detheridge, Alezir Millar, Ji.hii Gumbert, James Ross, ~ --,..asissesson J. D W. White, Rod. Maerk William Wilson, James C. Cummins. March 7-31. , . /1110 the Honorable, the Judges of the Court or Geeintil quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the eon*. ty of Allegheny. • The petition of Henry Rea, of Pitt Townslilp IR said county, respectfully showeth:— That he is well provided with hot:lse room and other conveniences for the accommodation of strangers lad travellers, at the house now occupied by him as a lavers; 'and belt g Jesirous to continue in that business he prays your honors to grant him a license to keep an Inn of house of Public entertainment. And he will pray, fO. HENRY REA.- The undersiped, ei , izens of Pitt Townsfilstolit— spectfolly cer ifs, that Fleury It a, the above named ap— plicant, is a gentleman of good repute for honesty slid temperance. and is well provided wi th hotp-c rows. AM conveniences for the accommodation arid lodging of itlilligg gt re and travelers, and that said tavern is necemiasy , the accommodation of the public. Brown Irwin, James C. Caminito 1 James ftivitardSon, Win. Arthit,S, . Jamb Tonier, Henry Stimple, , A B. Cut ling, John Aiken, A BI i. k, R .bert Williams, , Dan'it.l 1, , itz, lames Cart). BIM - fllO lite Honorable Judges of the Court of azms • i IL Cln.uter Sessions of the Peace in and for th, , mint, of Allegheny. _ The petition of William Gardner, of Lower St. trialr Tow ti,hip, in said county, humbly sliehlreth: -- 'that your petitioner liar h provided himself with tni• mints for the areommodntion of travelegs an/ others..iik his dwelling house tti the township aforesuid,and gips ts that sour honors will he pleased to grant hint a Uvulae fig keep a Public House of Entertainment. .Ind p3llll' pgi thinner, as in duty bound, will pray. NVILLI A NI fiA R DNER.- We, the suhscrihers, citizens of Lower St. Cialetp A dio certify, that the nbove pethlonet is of good report - 6v - I.onesty and teniperunee. and is well itrotrided with house room and cuncen , enees for the accommodation of strangers and travelers,and that said tavern is pee - eatery. Daniel Haugh -y, William McGinnis, John Gall, John Wallace, Jeremiah Dunlavy, - - • Alexander Pope, Stuart Wallace, J P. Roes, James Richardson, ' V. A. Rxed, Toomas McCall.- , • Match 7,-3t.• Thomas Snodgrass. r I NO the Honorable ttie J o dges (lithe Cm:trineGen eral Quarter SSS81"115 afthe Peace, in. enefur the county of Allegheny The petition of Win. Milholland.of Levert St towilehip, in said county, respectfully showeth, Mre he is well provided with house room and other ecia► veniences for the acrotnmodat;on of stranger" We travelers, at the house now ()mulled by him Mt a tavern; and beiu, desirous to continue in that ness, he prays your honors to grant him a licepai•to keep an Inn Jir house t•i Pudic Enter miument;Apd he will ever pray WILLIAM NIILIIOLLAND. The undersigned , citizens of Lower St Clairtawn• ship, tespectfillly certify, that Wm. Milb4lo; .! , the above named applicant, is a gentleman or`pod repute for honesty an I temperance, and is well pro vitPd with house room and conveniences far die*. contrandation and lodging of strangers and trayc and that tail tavern is necessary for the accom filo of the ptib:ic. - ..., John McClurg, Geo. S. Hays, Thorn,. Blarkamore, Henry Giffin, . ..r. John Moray, Jams Mill.niter, ' John llrawdy, William B .ggs, William Meredith, Caleb Foster, 1 JAn D. 5111er, J. F. Ross William Chess. Mardi 7-30' SUGAR .qND 1110L3SSES. 10a nlnis N. 0 Sugar. Ur 120 bids. N 0. Molasses. In prime order, just received by S. R. 4rcede,and s ale by J. W. BURBRIDGEt 00, why 2. Weter st. between Wocntand Stnitrrilthj. DR. DANIEL hic.,IIEAL, O ffi ce on Finb deed between Wood and Smb Wield streets, Pitisbursb. der- 10-Iy. 'TICE to Steam Boat Osoners.—The iteje'' . .N consequence of the d ifficull y •1 the times, hateradu• ced the price of hue Safety Guard for the preveatims the erp!asion of veal,' boilers, to $l5O per boat. 1 t is hoped that all twat owners will avail tetwww.ip Of these reasonable terms, not only op .accousit Aires perfect safety they afford, but also In point of eecestiller, Boilers with the apparatus attached. will won INA wice as long as those not ptovided with them. March 1-3 m C. WAN* 50 H 2s H o Dtt urt N l. ,: s . So l ;ar, moba.tes 90 Tierces 20 Bids No 3 Mackerel, 10 do No. . do. r 7 Tierees Sperm Oil. Just received per 8$ 141uf • Mait. and for sale by J. W. 1111113EUDG,g. .144 mar 4. Water al between Wood and Smol t ik • HOUSE WA NTED.—A small house vralutslAwellalel Jl.ll.nut to exceed $lOO per annum. APP/3" ikir k • th W" TLE'S Medtcal Agency, 86 Fouret. Mat : eh 4, • 1 110 hand and for sale on' ateoinmodalhi: teelint4or , 11....1!e.i50,.0r elOanged for trade or produce to anti eon. signers: 400 tall of 4 and ii dorlian purple all!/; itill ~ _OM, carpet - eiairf. • 300"dozeii good sod Oat , viodcw . 4l4 l , 4 1 Gaglad sigeo,sits4or.indow.glaro44 ring 114 tosi avoktlrpt. pi r e S Nxes....VoSnis , 4 4 . 14 0 0• - ' jlakeovons„Te... Katie*. a= 4, 011 . 01 .4* , ...., ... Carlini*. Cartr *sows g 44 ~.. ~ . . ElMACiAllittri. alkagt4 .... .. . ..:.• ' Morels 4. it Cliateller WWI% t "" ' • . • =MSS ~ i~~ _. f7 -;:`.7.,.Z.• a, : MRS MVitit AY, 0111 MI ::~:~ .
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