Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 06, 1843, Image 3
I * - ~-.' ..9Atoto mommative. MARCH 6; 1543 Dreadful : , Calamity .—An old woman, 1 1 — ears of, age, whose name we did not learn, diouiti we think it is Ramsey) who Girty's run, about a mile from the river, was on last Friday, iburnt so badly by falling into the fire that she expired immediately. On one side she was burnt (co the lean ! The husband was lying in bedfdrunk at. the time. He saw her in the grel got up and pulled her a short distance from s,he hearth and then weal to ty...d again. These are all the particulars we have heard. RQ,bbery,—A hous...: in Coal Lane oc -tupitil by Mr M'Carty, was entered on laetFriday night by some pers.on unknown, who. helped himself to all the money he etruld find and some articles of clothing, , and then decamped. Mr M'C. and some other persons were sleeping up stairs and heard the noise of the robber rifling the house,.but thought itjwas better to let him takeiheir praperty than th eir lives, and so They Made themselves as comfortable as the nature of the case would allaw. No • person is suspected. Female Counterfeiters,—We were led into ;nor in stating in Saturday's paper that the iwo women who were charged with passirig counterfeit rnoney, had been dia. charged for want of proof against them. They are sent on the hill for further ex amination. On Saturday they were re examined and after bearing the evidence pro and eon, they were fully committed to sand their trials. The name of the principal one is Mrs. Knight, and that of her aeelmplice "irrloore. Mrs. Knight says that she lives in Cincinnati, where she has two children. Accident.—k little school boy named McCleary, fell'from the second story of the 2nd Ward Public School in Allegheny one day . hat week which injured him so much.that for a long time his life was des .paired of. He is now rccovplingt. The,-PGreat Western" appeared on Sat vrtiay enlarged, better printe , l, and a little tater edited. It: is now printed by Mr. Poindexter, corner of Mttrket and Second street. ~..Thet, wig a tab. , e alarm of fire nn S,:- urtity afternoon, a liale bit of a fire „ion Friday, and a raise alatin on Tlturs,lay. Vigita lit. Tiestion r'sts in the hands liCMermen 51orrow and Stewart. An amt.' al to Judge Grit' is talked 9f. Maze' Wi. l lta Val* that 4. warlike ex?e , iiCon against the Carr. !inch: 3n4ians hat. been planned ly several small 'batik living on Vie I.4int4er„ the Shawanebe, Deletwareit,Caddos ani Kyetus. They were prr prinifor an invasion of the Carnatic)c c(4.1 itry, -solos* as the grass !.hould be tall en )ugh to en sure attbairenre In their hplseq. Mere lynching —4 tteinpt !o Mu rder.—T he Lou • isriliuJuurnalstates that a few days tiv-t, a e Pr ottsofMadismi county, in that state, eharg ei with habitually wkiipping his wife, was taken from hia house al night by some of his neighbors and isevcrcly lynched. Shortly afterwards he di. cared his wife from home to a Inn , unfrequented place, and then lietwEen twilight and dal%, at. terofted to murdcr her. She ru, , hed from him & escaped by biding in the thick nod. tgro with of the spot. The persons wound , d at the late fire itt cimati are feet recovering. Chan - the:lain, nue f the killed, evne !obis death by venturing to op en a hole in the roof of the pork house. the whip( hay. 2 sdcceeded in Mobile Lynching in Mississippi. —T he Gallatin Signal of the 10th ult., stiles that on Toes slay the 7 , h, t wo negro men, belonging to a Mr. 13cnnett, were forcibly taken from the . prernites of that gentleman, about seven ,piles south of that place, and hangetll. with 'Ont the benefit of clergy, judge or jury.— it appears that the negroes went to the , house of a Mr. Noland, a few days previous And after abusing his wife, rifled all the ittittika, drawers, &e.; about the house, and decamped. Jeterson.—The Centennial Birth Day 400hisi distinguished statesman comes (,11 Abo2A day of April, he being born on the lidy of April, 1743. Should not some • - deitmstration of respect for the memory - ofthe father of the Democratic Party spade by hie friends and admirers in Pittsburgh? Democrats think of this. ao the 4th of February, the Leaidlatuye 4tarkausas adjourned sine (lie, after bein, is seisiae three months—the longest time ,he Legislature ever set iu Arkansas. RIVER YEWS. 5 feet water in the eba.nnel. At4isnas and Departures since our lcut report &le of Pitts/p - Oh MaColonel, Cincinnati DEPARTURES. North Queen, McLean, Wellsville The river at Cmcmnati is at a “aittl, with 25 ot feet water in the channel. lite/spotted bekur that** Queen of the West is &Alia' ARRIVALS DOGE AND 302 BANK PRINTI:\G OFFICE ,• i - N. W Corner of Wood 4 .Fifth Sta. nig proprielois of ihc Moutsixo Post and SIeRCGRY ♦ND Matt crac - renza respectfully inform their friends and the patronsof those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of .7111112111111E1i 711P - Milf_lt"3llE, inam Necessary - Necessary to a Job ^rintiog Office. and that they are PR LET TER Pi e ti e fOßlN TING , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, I Bills of Lading, Circular , Bill Heads, I Cards, Black Checks, Hat Tips Books. Painphlet. lanbs of litanits, Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Bout Bills, with apr-o priate Cuts. Printed on iheshortest noi ice and mast reasonable iettus We respectfully ask Ilse pal roit:il:e of our friends and lie public in gerw,ral in This branch Cl our rillSllllr,4ll, Sep'. :39. 1242. PHILLIPS ,Fr S\ll'l'll. BLANK LEASES. A nrtv and marli improved form of Plank Leases, fcr sale at the otiice of the •Olorning Post." An Ordinance changing the place of hold ing the elec:ion for Overseers of the Poor. SEC. 1. Be it nrdaincd and enarted the citizens of Plll•oinreti. in Select and Comintin Councils ar-iseni hied, 'Flint from and after the tinie-alte 01 this Ordinance, thr election for toe Over.ieer". of the l'oor he he hl at the Ronne now occupied by John Iron=, tit Fifa i.lreet. Ordained nod enarird into a Law, in thin 27th day of February, A.ll 1843 Antis' 11'N1. Ell:11qAtl11, Preit't E J. llocti:Rrs, CC!: Cninn , nn Council. Common Council JOIIN SHIPTON, Select Coll Ile i I . Select Council, tilritch 3-34 II() 'he Ilooorahle, of the Court "I Genet:ll Qoarter Se,,ioul in . I Ire Peace, in and for ihe coun ty of \ Ilt•LOketiy. The petlitoo of NI irlslel Revel, oft!, first Lard Pilishor2h, 1,, soil coo; , .; r, re,io rtfullv showrth:— Tital he is well p , ovrl,l wo h hut: , 10 rn anti other convenience , for tho aecffloloollathth of stranzer , am! traveller., al the 11011., now occupied I.k . him a :1 tavern; ard heir a leut oats ut cool lone it II a! htkioe , . , he o r ;,y, v ow to t!.r.thl him lo kren an hot Or !Intl, of Plthlc I:oterthimmo. I.c . AEI. REVEL . The. under:ivied, ci'lZeTot 1-1 IVA reeve:folly err ifr, I hal ;'ll. - 1ia..1 N. vet, thr. :thove owned a plthe;tht cell:boo:10 fzoo,t repute for honesty and I c ooperanre,,ood m. othvi,!.th with house. MOM and riltiVrnit s .lr..... Gar I 4.11 11111 iodgi.2 of r. 1112• r: and I rnvitho ;11,0 torero Cur i 0.4 oitlu 11 , ,! , itc 'l'l, n u , K, r. J nli llr, 1•:,1 V W 10. Kl' . V, 'flmolit• r , TII• tioory S Ira , rl, .I,t I,nt,e, Pan "l', :to .11.11 \ 11 , 011. • 11/ilr Ir) th.• h ,Voriges of roc Ow, f it• ilti•liier Setts itrislif p. e, in imrt Mt the (*.tidy y rut ‘ll , ettett V. 'Flet t rt . :cum of Ch4c. Virk• of 2d W a rd, , nn g l t , th C too) , c. 1.41 ti yr) 1111 , 11 o• fly) ie.! tom: •I( t.tt tit.it r Mit euttitilo 1.41 0,1 .1 it tt..l.tti: and itilter.; ❑fi:i• ftt, 11 I 4 11 , tote , •Vnp 71 C41 , 1111V C a t,,i I t r t v . th tt I , tttr Honors tt hrt d g ant him a 1 crn-te to lisp a t , ubliu It ill-I. tjt .\t „ i y.llll' pr•jnoat•r, day 1,01.1 tit pi hy W.• the •I•c; - :;;I;;•1; , ~( 1,1 W:ir Th l• a;;;;v.; o; Or g p• 1;•• for ;(11.1 te• p • rII , Ce, lvt•11 pm% , d,41 %V 1 ,, .0.0. P. 10 ill Riot CO-V.oric;;;• es r the arrntnm.eel I -Ij,l 1. , (1g , t1g. st•nrw.; , •r, Ito trAvetet., .' (3 o ‘itid e:;v;•;;; III.•i;;•.s.;ry Wit•the, tt•i .11th". I: II Edwar tit', )). !I 130n,5 1',cn....1 1) lid:, riv, r,., T-.rc W r, ge , j. . , 11, , 1 y Johti Jo‘m. 1:11“51. Thu (7‘. :3-3! and 1.1.. a Hall on Wirk.a , trrta; well adapt Adams' patent "Hangtphy" f ar La.u th rr ercar , Nlahr , n?. a eua v..oi.,oi apa arros.‘ crop, a s'r*•T. IL I":"" 7 " 1"1 1" " L r 'u. I'oti I , 3 , 117 lio•P on NI:111.0 .tret.l poWp• 3 Irars do n , llll , 1111 2 wlurh 11 "P' .10, 100111 011 . ncarlo op 11"'" ' ' '' have 6'P" pp , llr 16.• 011i..r al pr-6enl occupied by Brown 4. e,•d 111 ' " "t• "' e, ft a vm,,a,t R. a 1,,a,1, ~,r, le o t ~I t•tong .rti , litlid il At,iiit i t tie li_ ,o "r in..: liter ate the he ' t clotted to. , t Ito -i.l too , eil lot ( J.,11 - ... 11,!: . tip !totted A ~ , ,o , f. „. rein?. ~,,,,„, . 0 ~,,„ it Iron We. ...lir lire dwett• ...iii oet, :ley way Viii 'lit it: . t„,, t,„,„_,. „ti , t o . ... i ~,,,,,,, H I it towitelop, twilit a few ''''''' er II "I".4"""e '-'re ar..., ~f 1.:1:01 ali:Ic10 . .1 10 coed. rit,l , lC , :11,1. 110 , fuet - V 01 i„--11,- . , 1111 . E r .AVI) 1) 'Z'!, G X %M. o iv, , nod OH runes of No et!. T turd st. in , --I a ods So il iii 11•4!,r0 -., or ii .7. 0 11 I Ill's FOR S.l Lll.—Four Lois inll:titt•lteider. Otte '.l lire 1 1 ,,,,,rinclOry.- -- I :,[l.l ii I'm,. lb N ere,: of 1..1,1 On 110100 . . , ' Hill. I.ols Nial'fa . ..o:e Caq1:1.045 made. 10 0 0 g. 41, 42.52. 51, :11,131, 1112 ::nil 134, in Ceoi,'.lt plan order. of Lot,. on Itolotto. 1101 A !,i, Lon. tire. 211 :tort 27. In — , pion of Lots on High trireet, near the new Court Fairbanks , Patent Platform Scales. t i.,,, For terms:ll)ply to Z. IV. RENIINC;TON. T1 , P?(! genuine m'ir'es, of nil imzeti, and 100 , 1 looproVrliSei. 111 vdrictieii,eontiin .1 ty on 11:11111 and for gale' at v..% 1 educe I , , ---- - - • - - prier , on. the writtifaetnrer. 1. IL 1,1 • A, I Nct , TON. House :tgenev. nor 2. —'• I I - , od I tietwe-rti [lo=4 mot G ,lot ,t 9. No. C Wf.st of • I lle Niarket If itCne, Penn Si. ----5 t ti \Vttril, Pi 1 I. , htir.2lt P. iratiiS:ige, 11 iitil Ileiiiitt all CC ti 4, rirril; ~.1.,,,h., having for a 1010t1ier Of years Iteert et, . 2.tizrd in ((nil i..?, cry property. tottiertiog rem. , kei TO AND KR, :11 nod wiiiii.or^_ to eX1.:L..1 lii. 1.11-.; no " o '. in liii, way, reiliect. G8..7.1 AT BRITAIN. fully wr, I”, 10 , Serl'ircS Ho 1100. e $l.-.,0t1S oWoing, Of Wilt. , r-,•...\ • trio, have rho roe of rooltrrty a 9 liver. Ours, Attiolititdrit• A I PA - • tor, o r G.,,,, than , . in roe ril V or tiotairtot, mot wino may 4.,....*.t. ,00 A .ot have teiritt re to attend to It ilteniselve-t.l O rent dwell. 1...,_--_ - 03 1 i t ",, w.irwt,0,,,,, 1 , :tr,4, Lots. 4.,-. ms,,, to fuller, - -------- , rents. dividends, Grow.] rent, .j.c. A re2ister Is kept :A;ely rot Livrirp col . where a diii•cript ion of ali priiioiriois for 1,11 wid lie en. pEßso,vs etistrini,i of ' , Podia:: for rt. friend': id tried frrie of charge, retoreorn 19 respPri ( - wk. colored In t ome toil any pall of I; ival following ;2etihrinen for whom Ihr ,111).rr,pr brio fully inu 111 IrJ 1111 1 1411. 541'4,1,1114•1' at 3'l 1131 , , [lle been agent f.ir,umr VI• ars im-I--‘lr.srs Mirliael Atkin, pared to make -to II t, obi 11 1 rts' Be is Min mitril Mreortitictt and J.tuti... S. Craft, Csq., I'd omurgh; to retidt wool,' llr dra w hi- h ;VC Inadr payal.le :LI Sl ua, t, ;11iois. John Brown, an y point throwli out the Co,ii•it col Pit' , ula. Birmingham; B. Ali I,nan, Cincinnati; Danird Potter two; two. fu, the 1,1 12.'igthe Steubenville; Joirph Millar. Lawrenceville; Jame-Jon - vs hi,!nos , . ito for's eq , f i 'l 1,1 that bin arrau acnwni: mil Ea=t Liberty; Dani,.ll3a,lwr, Alitflia township; Daniel both =ides the of r art 4411 , 11 as Si 4 I girt. D eput run, s ew i c ki o . Tile Ships 3.3)11 , 1 , 3 e above Ore :id oft he 11114 1..11 2.3 class and are conuaaudcd Ito raieful am! skillful maitt.its, 'envoi ! LiVer(4oolor.te each week ditrinil tie - e a-0, 1 ._ ror further partit Wars apply it Inv letter in JOHN lIECDVAN, 10.61 S4llllll cl reel. New V4/11:. • or to It r T ft. I UK . , at Ale3sr4 Wicer strret rti arch 3--lind 31ERCEIANTS' LINE. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH .IND PHIL.gDELPHLI B.ILT11110I?E: , INHIS Lille prepared to commence bosiorl, cm the opetittil of tilt'. canal. It l< composed (west of Col unabia) of First deco Poi-trade Boats, chartered fort he ,13;1,0(1, eat It I•oat heir; in char.:e of its re•pectivr 010 , 1er. The line has at a heavy ex.p . m-e ak. u a Po Lac's' or I - SCR •NCE from m: of the 1110.1 stibtantial and prompt , offices iuthe United State., covering all good , shipped by it, (free of expense to the owners of the goods ) Ship I pets desirous of awaiting theat, , elves of this insurance must give notice at the place of shipnicni of the value oft heir goods. The rates of frellbt will be as tow as by any reipou— silile carriers, and the facilities for giving satisfaction to customers in all respects a.e sorrrissed by na line on the canal. Shipper ,, to and 11,301 the cant a7e respect. fully invited to call, The business will be conducted by CL4.RRE & THAW, 90 Front street and Canal Basin, Pittshnr;h. J. BUTLER &. C. J ACKSON, Font of D.lCk street, Philadelphia. • W. M. AEREDITII, New Vorli. JOS. HARNISfI & S. MILLEN, Baltimore. J. &P. MARTIN, _ • Barr4burgb; Marcie 4. A.L. LOW,Zplutibia. 'a afar c ORRICCTXDDLILII. XV ALLEN ICXXXXItvZSCII/LXO - 1 111X4X111,' • PENNSYLVANIA. Bank of Pittsburgh. par Moult. et Man. bk. par Exclianse bank, par Bk. of Germantowr. " Ea , tcn lank. Lancaster bank, (Bs Bank of Clieffler Co. par Farmers' bk Bucks Co. " Doylestown bk do " Bk of N America I'llll. " Bk of Northern Liberties,•• Commercial bk. or Pa. " Far. sr Mechanics bk. Ken-ingion hk. Plutatir Ipliia hk Schuylkill Irk Soulliw3rk bk Wu tern hk. Bk. of Pennsylvailiaj - 7i Bk of Penn par Man. 4. Mechanics I.k par Mechanics bk. pat Moyamensing bk. 3 Girard ba.ik, 45 IJ. Stai nk • 50 Lutubertnens', Warren, -- Prank. bk Washington, par Miners bk of Poi isvile. 5 Bk of Montizomery Co. par Mon. hk Brownsville, Erie Bank, 5 Barri:4lll%th Far. Irk Lancaster, Bk of Middletown, 441 Bk. of Ckamirergt.urgh, 41 C rrhsle hank, 41 Bit ni Northumberland, 41 Columbia hk 4. Bridge, co. 2 Bk ~u=gnchanna Co• 10 Bkof Drlaware Co. par Lebanon 6k. 4S bk. York hank, 41 Par. 4. Movers Ilk. of Wny neshti ru Ctureitcy notev, 8 110 nrs4l3le. 2 0111111 t; Lank. iR filly,. CmilOry do firrksio back LewiAowll Towanda. MoutOplea,atO bk Var. k Mech. Lk or Stvit. 1 Belmont Lk (4 . St. Claim. a illy, } Marietta Lk. tietnitnti note,, do Corrrn , t,r11, , ,, 70 ill Ilibia tla I.k New LiR boo Itettlat,d, I I do Post ',111. , . 11 rie 11:, I•12i ink Trod, s 6k of 1 'litt;o11111: gri lA•nund 11 v ille, f ,aivrc ore 1.1( cIIAIZLES VI( K V% °osier, Macgi SanduQky, (.tfatiga, Norwalk, Xenia, Dayton, ' Scioto, Post notes, Fran.tik Columbus, Laixaster, Hand:ton, Granville, Cow. bk. Lake Erie, Far. bk: of Canton, Urbana INDIANA. Stale hk.4. Branches If, State Scrip, 40 Alt banks, 1► ILLINOIS. slate bk ir Branches, 60 Shawneelown, 70 lank of Virginia, do Valley, Far.bk. of Virginia I?Arliange bank, N. WeA:. hank her 4 -Mee. do. MARYLAND ealtirnore Flanks, Country Rankg, DEL A WARE . All Bankst, N JERFEV All Ranks, par and 211 rcacc 4 crip do I=l FOR 5.% LE OR TO IM:VT. TO LET. Tr l` Stnre :104 1111 . ,C1 .10r11 , t/i Ile l'Orfif'r het:int! 511, t)E7., opted by Mr •IS. F. _kr .I.l' , I' \L- 1 1, , Ioly lloas I i; (Or, V j,,h. 21 2 ,s• d 'n R RENT. -1 rOtecoliaele new hrlek i±:l, Calf Law. 01,11'1111 iLLL roi .ti-. 11,11 In' 1110A/.13 1, `,.11 1 1 11 1 , 10 PHI S 111:1,41. * , 4 K CV. Three Ili , . Don r I.V.eriy 4. TO LET t.' h: 3,1 elery of s h r . bili.ding by It. A. 3+:,n AOr.lnn Ore , ret..fore know. 1 . 01 . 11 Pr or Wood 7110 sth :1,0 1., In gill , or fZ 1101 I . oll'. f:1 jnn '23. To Let. s E oti Mario.t het ixcen :id and .4, A 1.1 4 1 I, Qpnritr, :roil ronve,iolll roon,l in the ,t airy 015 ,, on .1.1 I. al pri,".Cul or In the ith Ward. OR HEN7',2 Coll,lorlalle uric kholl,c,ol, Penn si. op IL pnale the residence or Mc,r4l' McCormick and J. H S!io.ln bel ger. A !so, two 3 story brit.... ohs citing liottns on Pike street at ,S 5 per month. A's. ❑ number or 5,0111 frame dwellimeq at $2, $2 50 and S 3 per month. Att), a ',rick si , re ream and dtveilin on the Canal attpinme \I r. Coe'rt imitt.r situp. Apply at the liaise Agency, near the 5111 Ward market boast.. felt 23. JAMES BLAKELY, REMOVAL, HOLDSHII' & BROWNE VE removed their raper Store from Market street to No. 61 Wood street, ooe donl from the corner of 4in, where they k-ep on hands Ihrlriimal as• sonnet of WALL PAPERS. for papering partors,en tries,eimmher. c, and also PRINTING. WRITING aunt WRAPPING PAP BONNET liOA RD: 4 , 4-c, all of whirhthev o'er for sate on accominn‘lat Mg terms. fel , 14. 1843.—dif ACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES—TRUTH IS CONVIXCING:- tlavin, been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of Inv knee, widen produced much pain, and used various nop.ica lions recommended by the Faculty—all in vain war , cured completely by t he TIRe of one bottle of Dr. Brand• reth's Linament,or External Remedy. Witness mr hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio ip Alle2honv to, Pa- Jan. 110th.11340 i Dr. Brondreth's Exterual Renirdy or Lkament; aold at iliß office, N 0.98 Wood street, Pinibur:ti, PRIZE-- s(tcents per bottle. fell B. 1 - 4 1AMILY FLOUR —Just r ec eiveda few barrel.... of Snperior Flour, made expressly for family use. For ISAAC CRUSE,I4B Lib, St I stnrr harrel3 Pup. floor. BUTTER. AND LARD. JUST received, !;'barrels fresh roll Butter, and 20 . kep dist rate Lard from Dover. Ohio. for sale by ISAAC CRUSE; • 148 Liberty at. KENTUCKY NEW YORK Cf~y ft;,lll,y, par Country bank?, (safety fund) f a I Red Bark • I to I NEW ENCLA ND. Boston Flanks, rn r I.olltlirV 1.0U151 AN A Orlra Ps: BrinkF, ”on.l, 3 , rconTo CA ROL) N A Veto 2A SMITH CAROLINA Irsant,, 115. COLUM BI A Banks. Ai.lll.l\lA Good Pro, TENNESSEE \u 11117111 G N ftk. of Si. Clair, 10 Du. if,. 111 1(1 N 111.% Conti 810 lit Eastern Exchange. Pliila•lrlppla. ; 1 New V.,rh. I, i titllorr ‘‘' 4... tern Exchange. par Par Cleveland, Z div par (;01,11 ^N I 1 rI I.V , par r 1 o rr.r r of 1.1 . ....1! 'lnn JAN) EZ , . JAMES PL't K EL Q, t.kt. 111 IE sub sc riber Jest received his supply of 111, Landreili's Garden Seeds, consisting., in part of the wing kinds—all of the last years crop 4. warranted ulne: Egg Plant, Enclsve, Kele, Pepper, rempLin, Brtncoli, }tallish, B9recOle, Leek, Lettuce. Water Alden, Musk. Nasturtium, "quash, Rhubarb, Cat bage, Salfafy, Carrot, tiiifluwer, Spinach, Celery, Oki a, Curled Crew, Cucumber, Pardey, Mustard, (white and brown) Totnaturp, Turnip, &c. &c. Together wllll.l varlet y of rot k Sweet herby ard flower tt:r Orders for Seeds, Shrutrci Tres, err. from Garden. crs and others will he received and promptly attended F. L. ISNOWDEN, No. t 4 !Abort v.llond of Woad et. HATS -W. 5 • M . DOHERTY inform their friends and the public that they have commenced manufactu ring Hats, and that thty have now ready for :ale, at their Store, 148 Liberty street, betw een Market and 6th street, an a-sort ruent of the very Hate, which C.,ey arc auxiousto iisliuse of on the cheapest and moe:. reason, able t runs. Their stock consist of the very best kinds, v:z.—lleavcr, Otter, Neutria, Castors. short Nat ped Rue• sia. Fur and Silk Hats. W. M. Doherty are both regular bred Halters, they have had extensive experience as Journeymen in the best estahlishments in the country; their (late •,ire all got up under theft own ln=pertion, and they fissure the piddle that nothing but the very hest articles on the roost rea ritialile toting will be offered for sale. sep 10 IRT LECTURE:3.--Foarth Coarxe.—The Leg• lure C3rniiiittee of the Wirt !outfit ale Itave the pleasure of laying before the pnbllc, the following Its tot: gentlemen whip have croveeme.l en Lecture, vet: Rev J IV Bakrwell, I ut roduct ory Lem u re. John L Goo, E+q, ‘N. ['roll'. 11 J Clarh. Slemettlle College • E'in IVilkint. Ynlsbn re h. E Beoutte, Jefferson CJllege. David HicL ie, 5.y .1 tusburgh. Red N trehingtoo.E-q Proff. T West. Theo. St mlnary. Francis .lohnlton. Esq., Pittotburgli. J Barker. .l to College. IV II I'i tls'nerg h. Rev James Prof. S Jefferson Collette, will ile• liver several Lecture: nn Asirationiy, enibrnrlng 'bd rise. printre—and de-fine. Heed ‘Va,liiirt ton. E4q., w ill ohm de:lver ‹i•veral I,,riairei, on file QOLjoel he triny or frrt. A rran , 4ome.l6 are in progress to enttaee Profess° , Sil. of Vole rollele,io deliver in our city, a roll course 01 . 1i•ri ores on Geoto2l: also 1. , lilt Jo.epn rt. Buchanan, on Sp . ilolo2y. oilier eminent Lecture's will be Invited to visit our city, when it may lie iii the power of the in Inetlystue I heir serviers. The LeriiiieQ ~f this cow: , w141...,he on T,iiernry and sithjecis exclusively and it i , hoped from the eniinest Lecturers. and 11,0 nrt• fo re of 11, ,, ..tc,jobg. that our citizens will Illteral ja• , ronis., , Iron I'o y should no! ts• •chitt•l ••••;•• r i il lee in licrencoura . 4elne,t ttrecienre n• (wee& (If any) will !te nnnrnpri• ale , ' to the enlargenwill of a Library, already an honor To the Illy, tert:ourve admitting a lady and e,iltiemnn, $2 , and „, :tv tie had .46ther of the enneuillee, and at C. If, gay 3- C.c., Bonk Snore, Mononaliela and E'ehange 11.0. , .4. and an 11.•71.,rd'g. Lv lures CO , IIIIIe , TP on Thursday nyenire, Dee 1. S %MI. C. lIICEY, W. W. Wll,Eit , JOITN S AVE. comniiltec. W M 11. RCA !FF.. I .IOHN,,R. SEMPLE. .01-101 T . pr t icE,Who',,,,ale and Retail Baker. Con. a. feminner and Fruiterer, Federal street, nea r the Diamond, Allegheny city. Every variety or Confectionary and Ornantrntat Coke:, .oltalne for rvedilint , v nod inities, frOtll the nest materials, at shori inure. nov IC Ls'l .111: ot John Minkel , of till , 01' Pills : burgh der'il. Persons ilitercsted wits take nrir, ieiters of ridininktration on the estnle of the said ,lccedent, has licen dal) granted he the Register of Alie• gio , ny comity. to slitsanna thinker. widow of the said dec, used; and all persona Itnvin•l claims or deinand4 Z.11111 , i the •••111e of the .aid decedent, ore recocsied to nink , known the :Awe to lier ty,ihoot delay. tier reii. I.•oce is in ll.ind -11.-et, city of ritt , htirch. FESANN't HUNKER, fci, —En-. Adni.nistratria . 1N711.1.1 NM IVA I,L, Plain awd Fancy PorPrail ''l Pierare Frame ilanskfacturer, .Vo. Fuur , lt S'rect wrgh. —l.7.invalr4 Brush,: A.r., for roar', :liVaS on hand. 1.n0ki.02 1:13s-e4, I, , omioty framed to orlev. done: the short 0 , I tl' , l . r Tllrntnrattention pa Id re,iltlitiz and jobloitig of w rry itsz 'Picot» Boats. or hotHel wPI find it t, to•ir,lvnio-•v, to call. •en 10 alety or troth 1.1 years or ay.. V Apple attar, to be tirade bertre the first of March to F I. s NOW DEN, reit 3. It 4, Latterly head of Wood rt. DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON Prresart UCH, Ocr, 23, 1842. S. D,,, oNo —O n Friday, the 30th of last month, about 9 o'ekek at nicln, the ni ng.t:roovire! and tza‘th Man urartory. owned by ray, Dilworth 4- Co. with a large quantity of dre4sed and undressed lumber, was all corm'. med by fire. The Iron isle whit h I bought of yol some time back wan in the Abo.rwrt t sposed situation during the fire, and was entirely red hot —I am ptetted to inform you it was opened at the rinse of the fire, and ail the books, papers, kc.staverl;—liti4 is the best recommendation I can give of the utility 111 . our safes n 024 r GREEN .2IPPL .1114 received from Mart,ttn, U. 401,10 s Grrcn comprkin2, ercry vartely, ht first rnic order Isis -1.: 43. FARE REDUDED.—U. S. Matt. LINE or STAGES AWD RAIL ROAD CARP, from Pittsshurgli, via Bedford, ehambersliurg, Ilarrishiirg and Lancaster, to ohla, connecting with the Mail train of Cars to N V. 4r. Only 150 miles staginl and one night mit. A the Direct line to Raltinffi; r. Fare to Philade'pliin 8,0. Baltimore, 9. Lenves dully at l o'clock A. M, Office second door below the Merchanla hotel IVood at. ENDELL, GRAFI AM, WAUGH h Co. teh 23, 1R43-1y • PrOprietarP. JOHN J. MITCIIELL—Atiorney at Law, (Ace cosier of T Smillifielel and 51h sts . Pittsburgh. in— Collection. made. A:I business entrusted to Ids care will be promptly attended to. . fch IG--1y FOR ST LOUIS, BURLINGTON, - GALENA and DUBUQUE. -.Z The light draught steamer CICERO, C MAY Master, wifl leave for the above and all inter mediate ports on Wednesday Bib Mardi. For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to feh 27 J A St ES MAY. egt. This boat is supplied with Evan's safety Guard. MOLASSES 300 BBLS.X. 0. MOLASSES; just reed per steam boat Little Brn, acid for iteie by .1. W. BURBItIDGE 4. Co. feb 27. Watnr et. between Wood k Smithfield. PROPOS 4LS WILL he rived at the o ffi ce of the City Water Wnrk3 until the 10th of March, for Ptpotyrn: the Works witn Coat fur otte year, to commence on the Am of April nett. 11011E:ftt MOORE,Sayt. Pittshurah, Jan. 24t h. 1843 —3td. SUtildiß AND SSE S. 6 imps. 0. Fur. UP 40 hble. Molassef. Jost received per. Steam boat A ahlaadir arts for sale by .1 W.BURIIIUDGE , t mar 3. Water at., between Wooikand &rot bdeld ON THE Ceti? ekrrEAE, itbETE,' viii.*no:4AL OLD ekt:TINORE ANb °nib , RDAD COMP*]!. E w line of U. S. 51,0 Coacliel for Wad king ton City, Baltimore, Pkiladelp Ala and .Ntsw York. This tire is In full operation and It avesPittrburgh daily at G o'clock A. M., via Wnsiiirurton ?a. aid national Tom] to CUmberland.connecting hare with the rail road cor s . to oil the above Travellers wilt find this a speedy and comfortable route, it twinge separate acd distinct Pittsburgh and Curn'aertand line, facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex tra coaehea furni.hed at the shortest notice, wife the privilege of going through direct, or taking cne night's rest at their option. rarsnip, I vas, Fare from Pittsburgh to Bahl niore, 11110.00 Pittshu'g to Relay house, $lO.OO Thence to Washington 2,00 12 ' 00 Pittsburgh In Philadelphia, For through tickets, appiy at our office at the corner of Exchange Joie?, or at our office at the Monongahela Rouse. L. W. STOCKTON• Fch. 3d—di r. President of N. R. Stade Co. IOHN ArCLOSICEY.theoId original, has on hand the , osf splendid assortment of Clothing ever ofTered Wee My stock Is large, and lam disposed to sell at rilio lows t pos.ll,le price. Sly mock is heavy, and as the sea. son Is advancing, I will sell at lower prices than ever. I ask only lie pleasure of a call, feeling confident that a ook is sufficient. Beware or Counterfeits. Remember hz THREE BIG DOORS. and the SIGN IN THE. YE .NF. nov 23, lfi,t L•mas OVER Stings.—The t.adies can now do away with all kinds of over shoe., can walk through the wet streets with_ thin 5110C.A, and have their feet kept perfect• ly dry; can wear tight shoes without having their corns pain them; and eau have their shoes welly twice as Infla as ever, If t hey will the CCChrated °MOP T•RIX,%IIIi , II will make leather water proof, and render it as pliable and soft as kid. It's an article well worth their notice, and one which they will all value 'non as they try it. To Ile bad only at TUTTLE'S Mamc►L AGENCY, 3E, Fourth si reel PHCP, el per hotee. Jan 9 N 0 0 T . / the estate l la , N; e n tan lo k l e i ,1 ( 1 1;1 1 it4.j e e S ta o ,e f n o d r tn i h ixt e ni e rtio City vo n f Pittsburgh, dee'd. All prisons Indebted to the estate of the said deceased, are requested to make Immediate pay ment to me nt my residence In Penn st. near Ilarbury.ami those who have rlritni are requested to present them duty probated. J P WILSON, jan 19 -Pm. .11.1,1,131 ELDER, Attorney at Law; Office in fialcetvell'g Itnildinis, learly opposite the New C nu rt Itnu Fe. nn Grant street. .er, norrmurzon CITVITLATING vso REFETENce 1. !ABB it Vof R /I hoot lent,Polit Mis Itaneou Work,. will he open every day, Sa:thath ex. cepted. "rnn, 7 o'f-tuck, A. M..nroil 9, P. M., in the Ex change Ruildln2,enrner of tat !Clair 9.lreel and Citchati;e alley. nnere Junctua I ni tendance will be given by Pen 10 J. GEM MIL PILEINGT'ON'S IJnr•ivalledl 11lacking, NIANT:TFAirt Ell and cold W 11011,431” and retail IYI SIXT(I STTLEEr one door belo w Smithfield. net 21—lv. JT. STEWART, Upholsterer and Paper Uftneei , Nr.). 49, Pin hei wreti Wood and Smithfield Ate. Husk and SI ran; . .laitrnsges al a vs on hand All orders ,x,ruted with neatness and despatch, on areommo 4alinz Irrma KEAf "• ASHING lON, A7'TORNEY AT LArr. —Office in Bears' Ralldlne Fourth Fl reef.. P i r_h AVM. E. A UST I ti, Attorney at rit vet. Pe (Miro in 4tlt st reet, oppor.ite. Flurke's Rultdlntr. Wit.t.tAx E. A t'STIN, E.g., will t..ive hisaitention to my unfinished htiFinees, and I recommend him in ihe xitrim age of my ft tends. WALTER FORWARD. fen 10-1 y DR. A. W. PAT EgSON, k73'ice on Smithfield street, near Sixth. sep 10 • 101I\ fu r rcit dilytiontter anct Cosmic el •iod Merchant, /.onterftle, hr.. will [Mend to th• sale of Real Estate, Dry Goods,D.oceries. Fnrnilore, ¢c• Reenlar sales every Ttie•May, Thursday. and Frt day mornings. xllO o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made On consicnit,hts seri 10 OYSTERS. SARDINES. ke.; served tip In the hest style at A. iluskatt's, No 9 Fifth s.teert. Suite.le apartments are atTroprialed to zentlemen nernmpanied by ladies. Atso nil kinds of Cakes nail Confectionary for patties. weddings, etc., for sale by :Inv 19—if. A. HUNKER, rilnE mcst inveterate Tootharhe cured in faro ana -1 craa-,call at l'utTLeit medical Agency, 86 Fourth to., and oht;iin a ;untie, It is warranted to cure or the money will he refunded. G EoRGE IV. LAY.A'O. Alt3rney al Law. Office Filth street. near the Theatre. Pittiourgb. ner) 27-1 y IUO3R, . 0 11.9CREREL, hdds. Prime N 0 t , ugn r. 10 Tierreg Rice. 15 Kris Shad. aqorieri 20 (MIA. N 0.3 Mackerel. Now• landing from S. B. oiler, and fur sale low by Jan J A M CS MAY. B/.00.1/S --;.5 tons Blooms in : 4 10. ft and fur ,'ale by J. W lITILBIII ()GE. Jan 2tISiI. Water wren Wood % Smith :11'Closkey!'s Clothing Stcre FRESH. ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF RE:IDY il/IDE CLOTHING THREE BIG DOORS, No. 151 Liberty street. one door from the Jackson Foundry. Tuff'. soh -criher 13 Just receiving at hie well known establishment. the largest. most varied and CHKAPEDT Pi nun. ur GOODS that has ever been offered in this city._ Every artiele was selected try in the eastern rt. ties, and purcha , eil a' llin LOWEST Cann reicee, and he in therefore enabled to sell his articles much lower than they ran he had at arty other estahllsliment• west or the mountains. His articles are all made by experienced workmen, Timm the latest manufactured goods and in the must MOI)ERN FASHION. tie feels confident that ail te•rvons who will rail et hi. establishment and examine hla stut.k will he satistied that BETTER B 4 Rig t INS ran he °Maine.' at the I Tll EE BIG DOORS. than at any similar estahllshinent In the chy, liis stm It co. Fists In part of Coals. Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Susperbiers, I Arid every other article oft'lutliwg of the be>t Sale Crum his vn rico! Quirk of cloths lie to prepared to MAKt•: CLOTHE i TO 011DFIR at the shortest notice, In a style unsurpa , rictl by any other Pittsburgh house, and warranted to ,fit. 1111, stock of Spri.og and Summer Geode 19 superior to I any previous import at torts and he has on hesitation In saying that for excellence, ' , entity and eiteaptiet-s they cannot he equalled In the west. Tire wou'd once more return tin thanks to his f 'lends and the public for the unprecedented patron. age bestowed on his e , trilrlistintent, and believing that Ide enstoinera had I , rutiii it to their advantrge to deal with him, he would retreat bin invitation to all abuse Iwho wi,h to purchase. Clothing of every Arsertption at Ilowest priees,to rail at So, 151, 1./DIORTT STRRST. I 51 • CLOS.K CY. jr,rot•serve Metal Nate In the Pavement. Feb 22 TI1(01 AS 2, COTT. lI;AAC 113 r t y st L. C. Judson, ATTORNEYATLAW, Smithfield spar 7th street. Motto—Punctuality In Luitiness and amicable set tlemente. t& 23-Iy. CILovER. AND TIMOTHY SE:P.:D always nn hand N...." 1114016 to cult purchasers, apply to T. CRUM itch 4. 149 Ltheroy st JUST Ri:C.F:l5'lll). Twelve hoses or Oranged and Leinoos. of the fines' quality. fur sale whoiv,sale arid req,il. by WS,. THORN. frh 22—tf. 53 Mackes pt. rAkt : . ntxrD A FEW MORE STILL Toothache A SAWYER WANTED APER=.O•I' .inoe: .en , to take , Olf g• (If a lar” F . x trill:lye sawnilti, with rarpial. witt h , ar f an navaniagenuo snaat‘an oo It ppiltatilOV at thir. office, ,r i mme di a te application is mach!. !lane se.4 apply, who cannot give Satt9factory rorettate Y to boneilly SRO cum pcteper. - fah 22-2 w INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. 07' Don't forget the caucus to night. Cl?'Persons who wish to contribute to this column are requested to make their favors ahort:—one page Of fool'e cap wilt be a fair length. DON'T BE MISTAKEN. Some people think that our Community Scheme is soinethinglike Rapp. This is a gloat error, and we would earnestly urge men not to condemn us on such grounds, before they have become thoroughly acquainted with all the detail. of the Scheme we advocate. People are prone to form opinions of things at first sight and then become prejudiced and re• fuse to listen to reason. In a matter prey nant with so much good to all as Inch:lstria! Association, we fondly hope that men (and women too,) will study its principles be fore giving a wholesale condemnation. A.SSOCXILTX ON. Who should be interested in the success of Industrial ..dssociation. Those who are in possession of immense wealth feel so secure that they never be • stow a thought upon the future, as et least they have no dread of ultimate want; but there are thousands, who have earned a small amount, say five or ten thousand dol— lars, whose business has been ruined by causes above their control, who are now daily sinking the wealth which in ..good times" they had earned by industry. To the fotiner dim Industrial Association has no attt actions; but to the latter,'there is every sa inducement to elver into it. By investing their Capital and Labor in an Association. 1 they secure to themselves duringlife, atilt° tltAr fanuiliekafter them, all that the earth can yield, or bat wealth can command.— There is no necessary, nor luxury, nor a. musement, that can directly or imlirectlt, administer to the comfort- and happl- , ' oess of man, beyond the reach of :web an Association.. A virtuous and booed • man makes no sacrifice in the transition from the present state of society, to that of the proposed re-organizaiion. Ile takes with him all that is good in the present sys. tem and leaves the bad behind. He tin .disoliss all those car. slur hiosall and fami! • ly which now harrass and vex him. sep 20— 1 y Nov . 5. 1E142- Upon men of small capital do we de. Pend. As- a glass they are Itiuterioi . tu all others—possessing more hone4ty, vii tue and real intelligence. Under the guidance of such men Lidustrial Associ• ation can and will succeed. Their Rum :ion is now being caled to it—many de vot e their time to maturing the scheme, and feel sanguine of its triumizhant wic ces.. Let the motto be "onward." PIG IRON, 6 A TOSS Tennessee Pig ron. For sate low to close consignment, by (eh Ii) WANTED. --A n4iimo as possible—oldies for a mini ber of St echanies; Book keepers; Clerks; Balesnoltell; -nnd Boys in stores; Schoolteachers—pi' laboring men. Women; Boys and Girls for all kinds of work—also. For coachmen: steam and canal boat men and boys—colleas tors; 4-c. Also, wanted a marten!. anood with four or five times the amount SAOIOO,IOOO 4.e for rale— twelve cheap tracts of land, and for rent. eev• era I small pieces of property.—apply at Harris' Agent? and Intelligence office. fel, 2 - Conveyancing. AXES BLAKELY...ontinises to execute all kinds o writines. -nett a% Deeds, Mortgages, Appreatleea dentures. Articles of Partnership. Lettere of Attorney. 4.r. 4—, in a neat and legal manner, and at hat(Of chargt 9 , at his old stand Penn street, hear ktits.,lo formermadi.•t house. fah. fvtcoot.....a D. Cocestan . Lora R. Counts,. COLEXAV Sr CO.,Gene: t Agents. Forwording pp! Commission Mere Mimi Levee Street, VickiMg& 51 les They reepeetrullyso t consignments. n23-1T E. 11. 'feasting - 8, lIECOTIDING REGULATOR, 'Office with Aider man Watsonoth "twit. next door to the Bank o plitthu r o; where-applications for Rectitating, Furvey ine, 'La ying-out and Dividing Landed emaies, will be received, reeds. Bonds. Mortgagru, ke. executed with legit aecniney und desnairli JUn. 261.843.-3 t WIIY are Dr. 11 ibberdtA Family Pints held In melt 111:41:e.Qtimatiort, by the misdeeds of families in ;hi? tits who now keep them constantly 00 hand? Because the effect or these Pills on the atom. art) Is such as not to sicken. Neither do they strain be liver so as to throw off black 1.14; tot they throw off the yellow bile freely. They are the hest •Pitt'ever sold for Dysyspsia.ifead Ache, Ahruntatisocke. tt;:r For , niQetv•es' peculiar to Females. they are now need ez tenrierly- and give greatest satisfaction, The .s excellent Pills are for sale in PitteburgA stir. at TUTTLICII-86 4th si• 12j eeata per box. DR. E. M ERAITT, fiENTIS P , o.ote is Sinit 111.. fold, bet rosin Second and taird Ste.. Flours of bu.lnsss from 9 A. M 1111 4 P.M. T)r. E. M. manufactures Proeelain and 'Mineral teeth. Dentists can he supplb.d by the 100 or single teeth. Blocks of teeth with a beautiful gum In full POSE. or parts of setts. wilt be made tn order at the shortest notice. by forwardine nn exact Impression of the mouth. CW. for sate a few machines with Ornery wheels for art nding and fitting mineral teeth so useful to the Dentist—sti will I , e. Fold low for ro.h. der 23. U. E. M'g•T. ALOE. P. T110.11PION• eMcBAY & TITOBITSON, G ENERAL AGENTS and Cumtotealon Merchant* ST. LO crts.,Au, Refer to; Metiers. Torbert, Royer 4. McDowell. W. 11. Campbell 4 tin. cope. Tod hunter. 4- CO. Morgatt.rrotrher 4- Co. Fi.lla. Woods, Voatman Qr Co.? F.ct topic Woods, Christy Co. Feb 4...-413ar hhAP.N.O. Ruzar. this dayrecei•ed per weenier New Vont,and for sale hy J. C. 4 A.-CORDON, An. 10 No. 12 Water at , litXL ES ritf'"'i' • zzie 'h y will ye hve al A zy.".l- dying rdter' ../;;;0 DR: E. HUVP TTRE P .`"; TT( 7 F.T_l - of ATIVIE NT. FO3 PILES, FISSURES, 4..1. To Iw had at To TEX • Aitclical ;tom RS rovElls the only a:Ent in Pittoliorga.„ Feb 22. JAMES MAY -*ex