Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 06, 1843, Image 2

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    ciety is tieble to confinement irr:tne peni,'.
telitiary, for not leas (ben five,- nor more .
than ten years; and a negro inty'offending
is to be sold out of the State nit' life. A
Feb. 23, 1843. white man who owns ahouse in ► Which any
The following persons were elected effacers l association. of the sort shall assemble , is
Coma ercial B'k of Pa. 1.000,000
of the Association for the ensuing year. \ liable to a tine of five hundred dollars or Bank of Pennsylvania, 2,500,000
PRESIDENT, impriso-nment in the penitentiary, not ex. M. & Mee.. B'k Of Phi!a. 401,300
Rev. John Black, D. 1).
ceeding ten years; a free negro for the F. & Mech. B'k of do. 1,250,00 0
same, forfeits his freedom; and is liable to Mechanics' Bank of do. 1,400,00 0
Vice Pre'ts. Rev. Jaa. Wilson, D. D. Bank of North America, 1,000,000
---------- be sold out of the State rot life,
'Dreadful Earth quali.e. Rev. Mr. Prestbn, D. D. Philadelphia Bank, 1,542,200
Ten T boost:Lod Lives Lost ! \ Treasurer.—John Shea. Western Bank, Phila. 329,250
The Baltimore Sun contains naves tßec. Sec.—Rev A W Black. The New York papers give an account B'k Nor. Liberties, do. 350,000
firma the West Indies of a dreadful earth. ICor. Sec.—Rev D H Riddle. of an attempt made of the Brill Of a Bank of Penn Township, 500,000
quake which occurred on the 8 h of Feb- l
\Laymen from the different Denominations \ wealthy farmer, named White, liv- l K.' , ensington Bank, 250,000
rusty. In Si Thomas and Antigua it was t belonging to the Assnciation. t ing at Batavia, N. Y. to poiscn all the l South Nark B ink, 250 000
very severe. In Nevis every house was' Dr wray \ Moyamenstog Bank, 25.0.000
(tow, Point Petrie Ist Gamin/ripe is to- h
Presbyt.'n Churc . \members of his family, by mixing arsenic \ - c,, .
'lisle Bank, 230,712 .
\ Moses Atwood
gaily deitrayed, airci TEN 11101JSAND ti - C odi„„, in the flour of which some bread was ; Bank of Chambersburg, 2,1i4,062
PERSONS ARE SUPPOSE() TO Wilson i Episcopal Church. made. The family, composed of Mr. B'k of Chester County. '360,00 0
—a VE BEEN KILLED 1 \ Thomas Hanna .White, his wife, and father, three sons Columbia rt e & Br. Co. 395,000
Ass, Ref'd Church. Bank of Delaware Co. 155,580
\D L Brown and five daug h ter s , and a hired man, all of
Gabriel Adams Doylestown Bank, 60,000
Ref. Pres'n Church. -whom were sick except one sun, aged 17,
Philip Mowry Far. Bank of Bucks Co.
Easton Bank, 92,220
who it was ascertained had not eaten of
John Graham 400,000
Ass. Pres'n Church. the bread. 'rhe doctor was called, and Far. Bank of Reading, 300,360
pronouncedn B'k of Washington, 120,000
Meth't Epis. Church. I the sickness to have been pro- F'
Bank of Germanton, 142,100
I doted by poison. He applied the usual
Bank of Gettysburg, 123,833
Prot. Ivied) Church. remedies, and at 9 o'cck Monda y morn• Harrisburg Bank, 300.000
ing, they were all alive band considered out Honesdale Bank, 87,500
1 Baptist Church. lof danger, although still suffering severely \ Lancaster Batik, 132.340
Cumberland Church Ift om the effects o!' the poison. i Lancaster County Bank, 75,000
Far. Bank of Lancaster, 350,000
\ Suspicion became attached to the young
1 Lebanon Bank. 70,280
man, who confessed that on Saturday he Bank of Lewistown, 197,785
procured two ounces of arsenic from a drug Bank of Middletowttn, 97.275
\store in the village and placed it in the Miners B'k ot Posville, 199,745
I m own of the bag, but would assign uo rea- Mon. PA Brim as vitle, 126,000
son for this attempt to murder his whole
\ , Irk of Montgomery Cu. `)61.65 5
Northampfho Bank. 124,685
family. No cause can be assigned except Bank ~f Northumberland, 160,000
that his family have recently become pious, Bank of Pittz•burgh, 1,137,640
and un ited with the church, and have Exchange B'k of Pivs'h, 825,730
N B ler. o &. Mari.
Bank, d o., 600,00,0
made great efliirts ID induce him to attend
k (AI. 100,000
church and family worship, all of which West Branch Bank, 100,00
he has treated with e ntempt, and would Wyoming Bank, 104,13
always absent himself during family rxero York Bak,nk, 210,90 Q
Erie Ban 101,895
The Presid.nt ha, signed the Bill passed by
Congress repealing Ote. Bankrupt Law.
The St nate rejected the nomination of Mr Prise
1111 Minieter to France -- the nomination of Mr
.i.:neuing as Secretary of the Treasuryand that
of Mr Smith as Collector of the POlt of Philadela.
The nomination of Mr Everett as Minister to
.Ctiaa was eCiuftrrned.
This information is from a te - titloman who left
Baltimore on Saterdey morning and travelled
ith members-of Congress w!to left Waihington
=sumo day.
A loafer -once promised never agrin to
call for liquor at a bar. In order ti evade
this promise, he went into a tavern with a
friend and walked up t)''the bar.—
Rig friend, then, according to agreement,
asked him softly with what weapon David
slew Goliath He looked at the b ank ar keeper,
and rep ' ied, to a laud voice, a
Protestant Association.
• A very large meeting (of the Protestant'
eilitens of Pittsburgh and Alleeheny.)was
-held in the Ist Presbyterian Church, on
Tuesday evening the 28th ult., tWeonsider
the expediency of forming a Protestant As.;
. The meeting was opened %vitt) pt.:11% . er by
the Rev. Dr. Herron.
An nddress explanatory of the olti , ct
:for which the meeting had been convened,
arts delivered by the Reverend Dr. Wit-
On Tn%tion of the Rev. Dr. Black,it was ''''
..then Resolved, tAtat it is expedient at this t.
time to form a Protestant Association. 1
• A committee appointed for that purpose
> pa rted a draft of a c onstitution — wh ich,l
a • T axing ac a ois.—.
B 11 • -Among the pets-'
--Jifter certain modifications, was adopted ! .
mad is as follows: ctses
, . tines which the Pa. Reportet mentiona as • .--- ___
Constitution of the Pittsbur zit and Atte- having been presented on the 27th, was He has of late been gloomy and tax- $19,128,957 5,31.8,558 4.632,854 14,968,520' 8,093,492
' gheny Protestant Association. I one from sundry ladies of Greene county itturn, and probably thought, could he
I • The foregoing statement is compiled from the 4,fficial returns made to the Audi
accomplish his design, he would be rid of
'Whereas, The system of Popery is 5001: asking that a law may be passed laving, a
may i their importunities and inherit his father's for Cletieral, and embtaces we believe, all the Batiks in the Commoni.vealth with
'deattoying. both in Its doctrines and pr aeti- 1 tax on Bachelors, and that the same- the - exception of the Bettis ' County Ba'nk, Towanda, Farmers and Droverr:,' anti
..:es, and also su bversive of the rights of .
assn. and so ruinous to the welfare of Da- \be increased anti in state
annually, a geometrical \ e • the •Gitard.
proportion during the period of their 1111- \ The whole a mount of hoops already The present Bank Capital of the State ia •
. •
. : : ' 519,128 , 9 57
Aims; and,The a ggregate citculation exclusive of Relief Notes is : 5,31'8,858
• Whereas, great efforts are now beina natural! lives, for the purpose {b r inging , sa nt to Campeachy to subdue Yucatan is .
• The whole a mount of Coin in all the Banks is . : •
. 4,632.85 4
- tiriade and a ith alarming succeas to propa these refractory "lords of creation" to a l about 9,000, of whom only •
3.000 are said The int mediate liabilities of all the flanks are •
. •
. : 14,968,5 20
gatn that system in the United States; and,'
proper appreciation of the merits of the to remain in the Mexican service. The i n Cash means cf all the Banks is •
. •
. •
. 8 093,492
Whereas, we believe ir to be our duty, `fairer
ortion of the vommunity, and the Mr. Southall came passenger in the This state d
int does not emta ace the discounted Notes, Bills of Exchange, Bonds,
Its the disciples of our laird Jesus Chtist,l P
ito is s u e s over all, and bleas-d for ever, duties which they ow© to their country.k
Woodbury, with despatches for the U. S. a nd Mortggee, 4.e., dac., held by the Banka, which constitute, I' f course to a large
a ,:rote A extent a reliable resource of the aevei al Banks—our object in this statement has ~.en
iaiialice on the rilianipotent agency of! Considerable amusement was afforded the Covet patent from General Tnompson,
fairly to present to the publia the Cash liabilities and Cash resources of tha Banks
- trialloty spitit, to unite for the put pose o( House in making a disposition of the me- who was met reedy reported to have left at the date named.
Aefetading the great interests of i he Clris-1 Mexico. —___
modal. A mraion to refer to the commit
iaaa, ae ri g iaa, as l ama: o pined to us by ourl
I tee on Vice and. Immortality was finally
Protestant iiirefeatters. we therefore adopt
ahefallowing con stir ution: ! plwponed indefinitely. The bachelors
Article I. The Pitt sburgh and 111rghP- may
stdcongraulate themse'ves that the re
ata Protestant Association, aaxiliary to the i
i fel mice wa efeated, as the Chairman of
American Protestant Association, shall bel
that committee entertains the most exalted
the' name ~f this Society.
Art. It. The objacts shall be: esteem for the ladies, and might, in his ef
• To give aid Atu 1 encouragement to all forts to furnialt the old maids of Greene co.
the:disciples( of Christ in the diff%ion o f ! with husbands, do injustice to the free and
Inovaleclge on the Popi.h controversy. I independent sons of that sterling county•
2:"Pu make efforts foa tbe mot e e aten- t have% lately bad opportunity of see
aisreat'airctilatiort acid study of the Holy ' e _
Setitvres. 1. Among the destitute of all tug many of the Ureeee c ounty boys, and
classes, especially among the Paaists. 2. 'we do not wonder that the ancient damsels
The ictroduction of t h e; '3lWe into all
distribute \ i
s hould desirthat e to e nsnare the
more m, fat genet ous
we yen'
stehools, tts n alas book. 3 To
-books, pamphlets, journals, in the E n glish, I ,
- 'Otettirran and French lanauages, to info , m lhearts never beat beneath the folds of a
tike.public on the heresy, idolatry. tyranny red warinus than those whom it is proposed
,end.corruntion of ptipery. 4. To enlight- to tax for remaining in a state of sirgle us, S O w i , - -- -
iiin the communit in relation to the dart- blessedness, or to gratify the malice of o'd dent, shows that with pi•,,
sere which threaten our country horn the i
maids. it can be made a source of revenue, .....
insidious designs and doings of Roman-1 ------ will in a few years redeem raany of the Wm. Clutch, ..
- ---,at through former of the former. Chick irnoo..—_
iii. This Association shall becomes
piled of such persons as are reputable for
.:_t)teir evangelical profession thead fait
pt h,fo the
Abair christien morality; who
principles of this constitution and who con
tfibtite to its funds.
IV. Quarterlyetneetings shall he
Veld for the purpose 4 pubic discussion
on the evils of Popery. and the means of
reclaiming those who ate delud by'thc
deceivableneas of its u nrigbte de oushess•
Art. V. The officers of the A ss ociation
' , shall be a President,three Vice Presidents,
'freasurer. a Recordin! S-cretary.a Cor
-rellponding Secretai y,a11.1 t,..0 Lay Ditec
tors from each denmnmation, connected
w ith this Society, together with all minis
ters of the Gospel belonging to it. These
officers shall form a board for the transac
[ions of business, and seven of t hetn,at any
Meeting duly convened, shall for n n quo
rote. The board shall hold stated meetings
Att. VI. The board of Managers at the
Oat meeting after their election, shall
-choose so execut.ve committee of three
members, who, together with tiie sect eta
ries and treasurer, ells I meet as ofvu
they fl id it expedient for the transa , tion
of siach business as may be committed to
them by the board, to which thy shall
sender an account at its quarterly meet,,
rt. VII. The duties of the board shall
be to collect i formation in relation to the
progress plans and evils of Poet` oth
ereise by all the mo.“ ptoper to
carry out the benevolent objects of this
Aislietion,and to report to it theirpr. we i d
inga annually on iss anniversary, which
*WI be on-the evehing of the Fourth of
Art. VIII. The board shall have power
toteact such by—laws as ate not inconsist
ent with this constitution, aril to fill all va.
amass that may occur between the annu
edeettetings of the society.
Aft. This constitution shall be alter
ed at the annual meetines only of this Boni,.
sty; awl by a tastj Irity ufv.two-thitds o f the
ineinhers present. and uo alteration
be wade that is contrary to the word of
Otwabyersiva of .the priataples Set
fbrihirt—Ahe 3d article. I
AlVivbich is respectfully'auhniitt4.
Chairman Committee.
John Irwin
John Mitchell
C Craig
E W Stephens
B L Fahnestock
L C Jud sun
S Bulfm d
J Rush
F. HERRON, President
11. IV. Black, Secretary.
JAfli S 11U C N N,
soi eet to the cieciS . Ott Of a tintieronl Coovretion.
Es. ?liit.tars k em IT H .1:01TORP •ND PROPRIICToRs
MONDAY, 111 - A - RCLI 6, 1513
Cindition of the Banks.
The table which will be found in our
paper tl-day, showing the condition of the
Banks at the date of their last Report to
the Additor General, will prove interesting
to our citizens in genetal. and to business
men in particular. It iscustomaryfer per
sons in looking overbank r eports,to compare
the amount of specie on hand, with that of
the' notes in circulation, and to pass upos
the Bank's condition b) the result of the
comparison. This test IS by no means a
reliable one—fot it frequently happens tha
notes in circulation form bet a small por
tion of the cash liabilities of a Bank. In
the table we puh'ish, a better test to try
the soundness of the Banks is aff.tided , in
the columns setting fotth their cash liabil
ities and their casla means.
It is g ratifying to observe that the af
fairs of the Banks of our city are in as
good :f not a better condition than those of
the Banks of any 0th.,4 State. The Bank
of Pittsburgh is, beyond q uestion, the
strongest in the Cc,mmotivvealth, or per
haps in the Union.
Cotoarn Secret Societies..—They have
u hilt is the !Nlaryland Legislature contain
ing ye; y severe penalties to be infliLted on
colored men for j ining any secret socie.
ties. Tin. bill makes it unlawful for any
person of color to become or continue to be
a rn,lnt)er of any secret society or associa
tion whatever, whether s.ich society shall
hold its meetings in or without the limits
of the State. Any free negro or mulatto
found offending against the ptovisioos of
this section is to be sold out of the State
for life; and any slave so offending is to be
sold out of the State, or punished with
Mariano lashes on the bare back, at the
discretion o f the Court. A white person
who shall instigate a negrc, to join such ao-
see First Page
40 ,
; Found. Dead. —A commission merchant A clergyman 'transported.
coitonbiet flathead. in MoLile named Sahilt was found dead on A London paper , states that a clergy , .
We have received the
,Report of J B
the 811 ital.. He had he issing some roan named Bally . , c ommitted for forgery,
Moorhe.ad, Esq. Superintendent a the Co. been tried and sentenced to
1 hip frofo"itnree-, and e has be
lumbia Rid Raid. The Report shows that tar life.. The Judge, in passing his
search being made, he was discovered sit
j sentence, acid:—"lt is my u nwelcome du
from Dec. 1, 1510, to Nov 30, Iso, -th e
_ stiff sod cold. I la: and unwelcome with great truth I may
ing in a chair at hisalesk, ,
exp-nses were 5198,619 50: Expenses ___—_—____
from Merch Ist to November - 36, 1542, ' A gentleman of •45 years of age named j call it, to pass the sentence of the. law
. up. ,
on a man holding your situation in society
were only $86.762 45. Thus showing in Bakerly, saw fur the first time in Bahia
t—a man who a ppears to have been pos•
round numbers a reductlon of, expenses in '
more on Saturday evening last, a young i s essed of distieguialied talent, and full
favor of 1542, per day 5230 37; per month a
I dy of 20 named Mary Grimly, became I capable of conducting himself tither
56,911 34; per year 582,936 08.. smitten, popped the question, and was i the prejadice or to the advantage of sof
k • dad ice
example either one way or r
~ an w 1 the lionoraitle, the Juiges of the Calla of Getter*
. marl led the same night.
This road has heretofore, been a sinking . t the other was sure to be attended with ef- al o..imrier Sr SMORS of the Peace, in acid tot' ire
---------------- county GI A lleOlerty:
concern,antl annually enibarrassad the tree- ' The so'diers wae recently visited the j f ea t—a person, my equal, whom I am The netithut of !coney Cassidy of the lot 'Wail of the
r f ; city or eitizatirt 4 h,in Sdiii COUnly, respectfully showerb.--
sury by drawing large sums therefrom to Rio Granda, found a species of plant j cernyelled to address after the Verdict
That lie is well provided with house, room and other ion
it the jury, upon evidence which has satisfi- \ i vea fences for iteaccommoilation of Mani:err audAritvetrs
pay expenses incurred over and above the which answered the purpose of soap.
'ed mv self, and has left no doubt on my!, anu bring dessiou. to ,continue in that bus** iw prays
your honors in araot him a license to kitiiiqf an Inn or
receipts of the road. But the report before is said that the Mexieans make great quan-1
t Mind i f the propriety of that vet lict. II
house of Public Entertaionsent, and he WAII pray,ltc.
us, so highly creditable to the Superinten ,cities of soap from the roots of this plant. \ shall not insult your feelings by any fur- DENBY CAESID/SV,
dent, shows that with proper management situation
thee remark; and probably the Th etr uu n ldersig n ied citizens of the Ist ward, rittsbnigh.re•
A fight recently took place near Lynch
it can be made a source of revenue, and in which you now stand, is the most poig-1
l' i l r ', ec i ica'a Y i , c e er a l 7 1 % :1 1 :• ; :t t ai k i t i ect7l,:nCednEre(i'll;etinerntBollne4 art':
burg, Va., between Egbert Johnson and'
j moat punishment for the offence you havej ten.peranre, a r.ll id we I provided with house rooisindi
conveniences for the accommodation 3 lid laiefaa or
will in a few years redeem n.any of the Wm. Chick, which resulted in the death J cammitted, and I will not aggravate it. ft!
, saangers and trAvelers, and that said tavern to oaf:wary
losses that have occurred through former of the former. Chick immediately !led. jis my duty to show that the law of Eng
- t Jarnes Crawfi.rd John Ca'dweil
land regards a'l men as equal before it,' John Thompson W. R. Gormly
and if any distinction is made. a heavier ' James B. S a wyer Henry Statrort '
punishment should fall upon him whose e d Geo. B,ialn Jamey; Matasiers .;;- .-
Samuel Keller EL Bateman • c
ucation and situation in society ought to
M. Mcceslter Fri ncis Nichralson
teach him not to break its enactments• j March 4, 1843--34. •
The sentence upon you is that you be t _ _—_--_
transported beyond the seas for the term NEW LA MODE.
A .
of your life. The prisoner, on hearing
, :,: i c e : y os ehavaerie
e n n c e e In ebe
d the l i i r r Net s shops
v t ia in
Vi re meterocora respectfully infoito tbe pribtiediat
the sentence, bowed to the court, and I
e . r,
s n te e r . iir e c h e i
e ra l I
walked firmly away from the bat, app a- to Third Ct., One door from Marker, and nearly opposite
rently not at all affected. ''.'he trial lasted the
or Post office, wbete they are prepared to elecotit alt
is in the tailoring line, In a manner usenreiseed
for twelve hours." b e any other estattlirthment in the city. Raving made
------------nrrnitacments far the inception of the must modeia style
More Specie.— Three vessels arrived at or (motions. eenttemen wititiny, clothes made in a super.
New York on the 16th inst. from London, ior style, would lied it to their interest to ;lye thisois
Liverpool and Havre, with upwards of "v i es wish the nubile to understand that this Is not In
the day; for as to style aner'isfOrkiliatiAllp they challenge
$lO,OOO in specie. There was also receia tended to rank among the fyhtome gull advert iseMents of
-.el about 5160.000 from Tampico,
. . March 4- ale.
Brave Generals.—An extract from an
official letter in the Madisonian, giving an
account of a recent battle between the ar.
roles of General Vidac and Torricco, about
one hundred and forty miles from Lima,
South America, states that out of seven
thousand troops present on both sides, not
more than fifty were killed. The two
generals fled, and it was with some diffi.
culty that Vidac was overtaken and per
suaded that his army wasvictorious. The
other general fled while the chances were
decidedly in his favor.
Public Plllain.
We have received, through the atte.ntion
of Mr. Kiays, the Report of the co:nrililt•
tee appointed at the last session of the
L e gi,lattire,. to ex amine the accounts Of
the public printers. In ghticing over
the statements made by the committee,
it is e vident that reform was greatly need
ed in this item of expendi:ure, as the loose
manner in which the law relative to Leg
islative prin•ing was constructed, permit
ted pers qis employed by the State, to
heap on charges where they had not actu
ally perform-A any labor. The H.trris.
burgh pribters, have for many years, bad
fat picking from the State Treasury, but
through the searching investigation of
Messrs. Petriken and Strong, we think
their feeding at the public crib, hereafter,
7,111 be of a more lean description.
Hon. Herry A. Wise is talked of
Minister to France.
The Circus folks seem to be doing a
great busineis at the Tremont, Boston.
A large number of burglars have been
arrested in NI) w York.
B .t N KS.
St. Domingo.—The revolution
broke out in the island of St. Domingo,
has been effectually suppressed. The de.
mand of the insurgents was fur a more
republican form of Government, on the
plan of the United States. Their Govern
ment at present, is in its operation, a des—
We will publish to-morrow, the corres
pondence between M11r• Buchanan and the
democratic members of the Legislature,
which took place on his t e.election to the
U. S. Senate
To LET —The Gr..ensburgh Jail is
now empty. Persons wishing warm and
snug rooms, had better apply to Mr. De
tar soon.—Terms, moderate—with or
without botoling, to suit customers—the
buildings are c unfortable, and boarders
can rest assured of the utmost retirucy—
and free from a nnoyance of all trouble
some visitors.—Greenriburgh Intelligenr,
We add as an inducement, that any bo
dy who takes up his residence thete, can'
leave when he pleases. Whenever he
gets tired he can break and run, without
any feat of being cotched up—unless be
comes to Pittsburgh.—Sun.
And we add, as an inducement to ma ly,
that they will get as much good bread and 1
'sparkling water' in that mansion as will
keep them comfortable, and not give them
the gout, which is more than some cat:
boast of who enjoy the largest liberty in
ordinary hc2sst___________
The following is but one of the many
good things, which are appearing almost
daily in the Boston Post:
'I saw John Neal the other day,' said
Whimple: 'John ought to be ashanied of
himself.' said Touchstone. 'he should have
entered his closet and shut the door.'
capita' IN
STO CK • I Circulation
54 352
214,00 0
SS 045
SPECIE. CA.!../1
Liabiletie •
439,213 1,076,398
25,417 873,532
16,218 85.925
611,450 1.613,025
114,656 321,846
545,474 1.664,250
863,157 2 013,469
256,930 698,860
91,305 576,166
22,607 53:33'3
84,748 214.116
130,065 483,755
5,661 68,290
42.486 125,600
41,721 139,473
41,508 229,496
20,283 90,709
47,747 125,321
7,085 65,394
14,984 60,622
48,925 299,223
29,391 200,284
33,203 64,201
16,174 89,213
58,998 189,987
41,445 264.106
2,062 22.787
69,260 370,120
25.620 161,209
29,059 119,210
23,213 55,910
2,638 129,152
31,195 56,075
7,046 203,372
42,902 99.403
54,355 154,845
7,808 277,119
34.642 149,575
391,190 531,40 S
79 313 235,566
77,541 183";368
7,677 59,179
17,670 151,626
5 503 50,669
51,191 239,367
6,602 42 516
It is rumored that Major Noah will be
appointed Governor of W isconsin. k - SUGAR RED MOL3SSES.
-I rka Wide, N. 0 Sugar.
A free colored woman was committed to 1L1J1.7 120 b 1,1,.. N 0. Stolnwe.
j:til in Raleigh, N. C., on the 20th inst., in prime order, ja:t received by S. R. itende.and for
charged with murdering a female slay... ' sot
Olaf 2. J. W. HAIM nfle Cc°, '
e Ily
Water st. between Wood and Smithfield.
MokomattitztL Putnam, 110. DANIEL AlelllE-IL, Office on Fifth situ
Pittsburgh, March 3, 1343• S .115hetween 1,;ood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh.
id e
rintlE p,esident and Managers for erecting aßr g de _l_______ l°-1Y•
140 ,,, T 1 E 0
ci.lix',A,.e!si,ll'ED —A small house wanted,the rent.
1. over the Monongahela River opposite Pittsburgh to
$lOO per annum. Apply tit_ TV?•
the county of Allegheny, have this day declared a dig
Wend of three per cent for the last sit months, whic h
I TI,E'S hi edwal Agency, E 6 Ft.urib wee, :.
will he paid to the stockholders, or their legal represen.
March 4, r .
latices on and after the 13th inst. ----- —.....---------
March C —3t.
__:____________.---.JOH' , i Tll AVP Treater.
. (IN hand and Cot . sate on aecommodatitte toriDO.Pr
111../cnsh, o r exchanged for trade or produce to state*.
NOTICE to Steam Bane Owners.—The subscriber, in sisnees: 400 cuts of 4 and 5 double purple and OW*
1.11 consequence of the difficulty of the times. has redo - . carpet chai .
n nflo dozen good and cheap winder imittb
cad the price of hie Safety Ottani for the prevention ef msorted sizes, and window glass to sung wanted` An
the erptosion of steam boilers, to $l5O per nom.
. ° T f e C .I '4 IC A c
t x i l e' es ' ,and b°v
I i is hoped that all bat owners will avail themselves '...'n7kertoinveetuint
of these reasonable terms, not only on account of the ;
: Carpets, Corn Browns and Brushes.
' ot is ite B r (4 ease des ings p-" C i c h s l o
perfect safe; y they afford, but also in point of economy. i 19A AL` II A Ralf, Agent., ,
[l o iters with the apparatus attached Will wear about , March 4.
4 . Corn. Slew 9, filth ad '
wire as long as those not provided with then'.
Mareh 6-3 m
AUCTION SALE. 50 H 50 S N. O. Suenr. '
2 MILS N. O. Mciacres . :
/IVO-MORROW morning st 10 oclock 1 vvlit Fell an ex- 40 Tierces Rice.
1. tensive airsortuient of Dry Goods Sheet from the i 20 Rids No. 3 Mackerel _
eastern markets, consisting of 1 bale 4-4 Red Flannsl,
10 do N 0.2 do.
1 case Prints, Main Look and Swiss Muslin.. French 7 Tierees Sperm Oil. Jost received per 8 B Exton*
Lawns. corded and plaid eambric,fistired, Swiss and inc• 1 shit_ and.fot, sale by 3. W. avails rixiv. it 40 .
onette Muslins, Drown Drs, Poniard Mou.lin De mar 4, Water at bvwere Woo d and e. , ,1. ,
baines„ Saxe Coburg and Repellant Cloths. Poarl Aut. -----------_
loos, black and colored Deaver S; Kid Gloves, whlte and .
red Merino Shaw's, Indiana Shawls, 36 itoz Stotks, i For 14,ent.. - - -
F OR a term of years!. TWO building lottrtiti thitbile...
curs,Suspende black SiA. Twist, asioried colored
Sewhig SiDc d a variety of other goods. of the Allegheny river, • dloining iI e rity,,O.' -
- .--4 i
3I 3: GUTHRIE, Apply at the house Meaty, Venn octet, Stbiciaso
Auctioneer. mar 2. JAMES BLASEILYI
Marsh 6—h
I 1-110,the flonorabte, the Judges of the Court . • *Poet
-11.. al (loaner Sessions of the Peace, in and-for tialtaitilia -
; ty of Allegheny:
The petition of John Cheney, of Ross Town Ship,
in Paid county, respectfully showetit
---4That he is well provided with 110113 C room and other
—ggrci conveniences for the nccommodation of strangersC
AS tl traveler C-at the house now occupied by Mimes a t tlivern
and being desirous to continue in that I usoi_mw he Prays
your honors to giant him a license to -keep an ino
713,172 0 r
hourc of.
Entertairoucci, and he will pray,
295,005 Jolt"; crtemaY kc .
33,467 The
tro tnd
Ityeeerze,dh, above named
at citizens Roes township. re.
John Cheney', the:
964,363 sIIP117iC:101,1$1 a-gentleman of-good • ePoto for honesty
206,118 temperance, and
0 11 well o tn p r ovided Lid atio
n with and l i . o o d u g s i ezo r s;: i t i n a.
7enrirvealr,ldentereasyriers, and that said tavern is necessary.
1,217,717 A • Bayne, Nicholas Good,
412,543 E. Sience, Peter Ivory,
301,5561.J01in Davis, Jas P. Jack,
72,001 Leckey, A Neely.
Geo Council, Saml &Inman,
113,035 A J Jack, John Sdlimata.
219,714 M,ch G3t
57,151 \
87,360 1
131.754 1
89 051
rim the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Genets,
_I. Quarter Sessions of the Peace, itt and for tit* Mill.
ty of Allegheny;
The petition of Cleo. Kirkpatrick, of 34 Ward Pitts . .
burgh, in said county, respectfully showettt.... -.
That he is welt provided with house room and, travelers.
\cores for the accommodation of strangers and travele.
at the butwe now occupied by him as a tavern: and be.
tug desirous to continue that business he prays your boa.
ors to grant him a lirehse to keep at inn or house fr
Public Entertainment
The undersigned, citizens of the 3rd Ward, respectfully
certify, that Geo. Kirkpatrick , the above named apsitiert,
Is a gentleman or good repute for honesty and, sefiipair..
ante. and Ls weit -provided with holm* room and cal+,
niences foe the accommodation and lodging of strairilnit
and • revelers, and that said tavern is necessary. -
John Lafferty, John ftryar,
Ehrnezer Kerr, Thomas Hunter,
• .1. K. train, William Mackey,
John Patterson,
M. Itravrify„
Joseph Allender,
Thomas Dunlop,
Peter Reptoer, Thomas E Hot.
I mar 4--3t.s
5 555
66,904 1
0 the t onorable, the Judges of the Court of
TGeneral Quarter Sea-ions of the Peace, in
and for the county of Allegheny:
Tne petition ofSarah Savage. 2d ward city nf Pits.-
bnrgh, in said county, respsctitUly showerht—.
'f hat :.lie is well pfoVifkl with house room and
0:I•er ronvenipeces for t••,t. accomnindati , n ofsttan
ger- and travelers, at the hluse now occupied by her
a s.: a lave, ti: and hcing, t'esirous to continue in the
\hosioess S C p• a , . N CO( honors to grant
her a license
to k t... pan Imo of h OtISC of Public Eatrtainments.,
A n d s.,e Will ill a ~.k.c
The u.,tiiiNicit. ( I ii izeils of the 2d wria m illiserr .
biirgh, Tespr , if illy. rt r , , f; , . I\l tr. Sarah Savage, the
above nattitt4 a t ildwant, is a person of good re
pute 1",,, h h el , y all:i ttimperance. and is well pr o
a ;ded ~, ',i t h.,n,e 0 , 0:n at.d Catik€l l .lCliCef r,. the C 4
conitnatiati n and in'ig4ig nrstratigersandtrar il-r•
and that shi 1 tavern is necessary for the secant um
datintt of the puhitii.
S. Kire,s , nn,
Witt. Holland,
Ethaqtrit Fe h rterich,
ThtmA , D. Rhodes,
John hi. [William,
rit 4 -3t •
110 the honorable, the in g.'? of the. Canit i otig
General Quarter Sessions recto, io and for the
fir the emi MN of Allee,heny
The petition of Samuel Burnsides. CC Ath Wails
of Potinuirg,ll, respecif,liy shevenih, l'iliit he is w 4
provid , d with !louse ruin and other 4 onveliieuees
for the a-coinsnoMition of ..itrmiger , and trAvelerpoit __
rite house now tte - ttitied by him as a tavern; and Ilitp ,
tn.; de,trons bi rout tete to that businets he priiir
your h-nor , to eruct it - on a lir Cot.e. to keep an intl . t r
1 1 .0:e of Politic Ifitt.r: a i un , nt. And be will titer
pray .
l'oe nadets;got d, eitlzers t.f. Finirlh Wi.rd, .4e
specantly ce, lily, tint' S lin t , ide, the tits— 0 carp
ect.apPlearet,is a geotlranall of AO ti roulte on Itane:•ty
and..tempo. once, arri ii well vrov.e.ed Wlth hwuse
Juom acid cnoveuiencet, for tire acommodutiim MO
-iitLi d t ,4 44 1 f artgerg and traveler, atathat fra ti Glynn
is.lvtle*sary for vie acetfAito , latkno et the pitolk '
k-altell, .. ''N'S a nll : - K - tang,
C. .1 - yneh, • in Hays_
W ii. Venlig, ' ' l '
John Alligao, J. W. Direirnaii
y Rici .1p
ngr,l 11, J him S. NVilwin,
J 'hi Ciro,
J. R. Murphy,
L S. Chamberlin
. Pius. March 4-3 , -
cle- _
John FOX,
John Sin th,
B P..rry,
'Arthur Toner,
Hiram Bahle.y,
Gel. Armor .