Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 06, 1843, Image 1

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5,,4r. 61 Norma OF WOOD 4. FIFTH BTH.
DOI.I4IIRS a year, payable in
'ilninadd. Single copied TWO , CENTS—for sale at the
wihritstrof the °thee, and by News Rays.
Tie Mercury and Illanufaturer
pebilslied WEEKLY. at the same office, on a double
teeditten sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In ad.
Imam Slagle copies, SIX CENTS.
Terms of Advertising.
-.eft thiertlon, 0.50 I One month, $5.00
rive tftsertions, 0.75 Two moots. 6,00
Three Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00
Ostriweek, 1.50 Four months, 8,00
Two weeks, SIM Six months, 10,00
Three weeks. 4.00 One year, 15,00
Two Squarer
Six months, $23,00
One year, 35,00
in prorortlon.
Douala a year.
' One Square. _
flit months, 513.00
Otte year, 25.00
• irr'Garaer advertisement
CARDS or roar lines Six
Cat Porr Orrice. l'hird between Market and Wood
streets—R. Id Riddle, Postmaster.
Cosios (loon, Waterotth door from Wood et. reter-
Inotos bulldieks—Major John Willock, Collector.
Cm' Tim/Amur, Wood between Firm,. and Second
streets—James A. Elartram, Treasurer.
COUNTT TRILICRT, Third street, next door to the
Third riestlyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
MAY01:8 grricz, Fourth, between Market and Wood
gheets—Alexander Hay, Mayor.
AIICROXANT'S EXCUA.I4Oe. Fourth, near Market et.
Plemortott,between Market and Wood streets, on
rnini and Fourth street?.
MVIL - 11,0fire 4.11 P MANOPACTeRDNe AND FARt(111.11 . Dr•
Mir BANE. (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth. betwren
Nood•and Market streets.
• Eacmartot. Fifth street, near Wood.
Mornrn►nsta lionse, Water !creel, near the Brid g e
EKcith.Ncis HoriL, corner of Penn and St. Clair.
.11ifitiltcaairea' flout., corner or Third and Wood.
A inclitcior 110TiL,COrner of Third and Smithfield.
..,11strats Sri:TM corner of Penn Qtreei and Canal.
• iirts
Eats, Lilierty 'tram. near Seventh.
'Cum M►rator Ilouse,Liheriy St opposite Wayne
RiLoADIIMUrr M klinOrt lloVez. Penn St. onnoilte Canal.
IL COUNSELLOR AT L . W.— Offs e remn
test to itakeweles offices on Grant at., neatly opposite
ti. New Court House, next rooms to John D. Mahon,
DTI ,—First floor.. %Pp 10
VMS. H. ELLIOTT, M. n.-office removed to
St. Char street, bettceen Penn avid Liberty Ste•,
5 p 10
NIEWGOODS.—Preston er Mackey. wh.lesale and
1 7 ‘ - ‘4 , -nidill deniers in Engtish, French, ar d Domestic.
Dry . acad.. No. r.l Market nt ,P litshitrah rep 10
MCA.NDLV3S & 11PCLUR E., Attorney's and
Counsellors rtt Law: Office In the Diamond, back
ill the old Court House, Piltsintrgh. sep 10
1/"16*A16. —R. Morrow, Alderman; e north
aide of Fifth st.. between Wood and :Smithfield
Ma. Rittahnrzh. sPP 111
TOIIN ItIrDEVIT I', Rho! ale Grocur Rent if% !ug
trimilfrr, And Dealer in Produce and Pit , slmr::ll
Miinatiedured %nick+. V. 224 Liberty Street, P•fts
bibrzlk. PeP 10
VINZIA +I. WILLI • ill• len,. S. 1111.W./11.111
ILLIALMS & DILR'ORTH.--tvh•,h•.„,
V„. Canters Product and Commie oon Merchant and
deters In Pittsburgh Manufactured article : , No. 29.
Wood street. >rp 11,1
O'H-4,12-4. ROBINSON, Attorney at latw;
Office on the north stale , pilhe Diamoinl,hetween
dlarket and unttitt stretta, **airs Hp 10
ADURLIORVIV, Attorney at Law; tendert+
• ilia prOdWdornat services tonIL public. Office cur.
Ser of Fifth and Market Stteeis. :Above D. Lloyd 4- Co's
otere,Pittal , urgh. Pa. sep 10
Jona 8. Stistiii Jas. N. Klux
QUERIFF & KEAN, Slattufaclurers of Copper
NJ' Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware. No. 80. Front ,
House Spouting and Steamboat work p.-onirolv
118011 A/ 111 YOUN
MHOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware
AL Roomy, (Amster of Hand ea. 4- Exchange Alley.
Persons wishing to purchase Furniture. will find it to
their ativantage . to give uv a call. being fully satisfied that
we ean please am to quality and prir.e. sep 10
MUTTON 11A.MS.—Just received 160cliolce Mut
ton Hama, well cured and for vale cheap by the do
aim or retail, by
amp 10
RvrA BAG A.-1 auttp'y of Landietli's Fresh Ra
ta Baga, and other different varieties of 'Fund!'
Fee:, just received and for sale at ItlitteCLll PRICED at the
Drag and Seed Store of F. L. SNOW DEN,
Pep 10 No. 134 I.therty street, head of Lout.
JEBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe alanuiJcio
ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to States
Bank. Ladies Prunella, I{ id and Satin Shoes wade in
he neateetnianner, and by the newestFren,h patterns.
•ep 10
flan MORUS MULTICA ULUS. in tots tosuit
•111.1 pu rchasers; to be dtspond of by
No. 184 I.therty street. head of Wood.
DAHLIA ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev
ery description, can always he had at the Drug
184 Liberty strret, head of Wood
and Seed store of
eep 10
50 LDS. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion recd, for
sale at the Drug and seed store of
184 Liberty street, head of Wood
for seed; just received
_ _
No. 184, Liberty head of Wood st
GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Floes. Fancy Spades
Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tool.. Budding
Knives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re•
teisted and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN.
seplo 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
t IPMGICE Venison Hants.—Just received a small sup
Oro( very choice cured Venison Hams, on retail
small lots for current money.
ISAAC II iftRIS. Agent,
and Coin. Merchant
WRITE Dutch Clover Reed, Orchard Grass and
Keatucky Blue Grass, always on hand and for
N 0.184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
sate by
Mp 10
EygrEß ¢ BUCHANAN, Attorneys at Law, office
removed from the Diamond, to “Attorney'sßow,"
shady side' Foar%h street, between Market and Wood
striate seplo
MA.GISTBATES'BLANKS, for proceedings In Al
tacks sat ander the late law, for sale at this Office
FOR BAWL—Lots on the North East corner of Coal
Lane and IRO street. Apply to
gulp 10 BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th st.
100 LIIS. Landreth's French Sugar Beat Seed, jest
received and for sale at the Drug and Seed
184 Liberty street, head of Wood
Store of
sop II
opartaershlp heretofore existing between WIL
else*Woe by o steal consent. William Dlgby Is autherlced
so eiglas id:eaters of the Am leoPettltng up the business
of Mid ees tun. ` y WILLIAM RIGBY,
. ,
.. ' ,•--:.--,.- , ',
. 4..
_ • . • .._. ..
.... 1 :,
M 0 ,
_ .
- ' t
—• ' 45. , '''.'' - 11 1 -4 -'
• ,
t - 4k : -
... , .
0 T e.,
_ .
onNsToN 4 STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers an
Paper Manufacturers, No. 37, Market et. sep 10-ly
J OHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Fouudrs, Water st..
near the Monongahela House, Plttslurch. sep 10-1 Y
L EONARD R. JOHNS, Alderown,Rl.Clair strrct, se
cond door from Ltherty. sep 10—ly
D a. S. R. HOLMES, Office in Second street, next door
to Mulvany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly
THOS. HAM I LTON, Attorney at Law, Fin h, between
lA'ood and Smithfield ids.. Pittahurah. sep 10-1 y
HUGH TONER, Alto. nev nt Law, North Ea=t corner
of Smithfield and Four , h street,. sep 1.0-1 y
HANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No.
1114, Wood st., where may Its had a general supply
of writing wrapping, printing„ wall paper, blank books,
school hooks, 4`c, erc. sep 10-4
C. TOWNSEND CO.. Wire Workers and
R 4. . Manufacturers, No. 2.3 Market street, between 2d
and 3d streets. sep 10--ly
I:IIXCiIANCE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and S , t. Clair
streets, bye MOH BBIN 4- SMITH.
sep 10-1 Y
ward Mahe.. Ma nu fact urPr of Iron and Nails
Warehouse N 0.25, Wood sep 10 _ly
FIG M ETA 1..-77 torts soft Piz Metal for rate by -
J.G. 4- A. GORDDN,
No. 12 Water street
310 BICON HAMS. 16,1H)0 lbs. Bacon
00 Shoulders, for 'tee by
J. G. irr A. COR DON,
No 12 Water ,trret
TAg. PATTERSON, Jr.. R rminham, near Pittsburg!),
-Pa ►l aon facinr.r of 1.0ek4. Flinv, and Boils; To
bacco, Puller. M HI and Timber Screws; lioufen Sriewq for
itre. •ep 1(.1-11,
OTIN II'CLOSIi EY. Tallnr a 'ld 4 A Ihirr , Lihrr.y
tit ieet , betwveli Sixth nut] Virgil' alley, South gide.
set) 10
Vs . BUR FS f: I !IC li'twott 4a 1: ',wen; and
J Commi, ,, Oon 51,,171171n1 S,ronif r,,.1 Iveon
Wood and Szolitlitield sIF., Peltslntr•'h. Iwo 10— 1 y
G GORDON, r.onttnis , inn and Forwa.rling
a) . Water .t„ l'itislmr7.ll. .41) I v
cn.l4 ha n... a cond article, received per
B Corsair, and for sal, b♦ J. G. ¢ A GORDON.
OP 11 10 Na. 12, later street
S UGARtc. 1101,15:=1..5.' Mid. New ()Heat, Fn
!lir; SO ulds Sew Orleans MolaAre:; for !rale
sep (0 1. G C11:1)Oti.
SIM A P.-7 hhd: prime N. 41 :141r, received nrr R.
R !thine, and forsale by J C k A cnn I H )'.
Xep 10 No. Water street
BACON CASKS, OM,. on nod for ,de i.y
sep 10 J. G. 4 A. G R 1 it
SUGAR ANI) 5101, hiZS t.h.isand 4 Iddr N. 0.
Stl:74 r. 32 bids N. 0. Moralise.. received per Sionniboat
Importer, and for sale by J. G. ¢ A. 1101101,N,
sen 10 No. 12. Wafer rot
_•"" 11131,5. 1,./1: I) 011.. f.,r hv
fjP B. 1. F.lll NF.,, , TOrK
corner of .11h and %Vooll
' , Pp 111
1631 E IL S Ger li nvi , nt o r tv ‘ 7 l l . .a r n , a 1 / 44. fo r r t
) 41 to
gabirko 1.1 t • -• Prerunril 1:1,11'.., for cc,. i.v
NWILY I. A.FA II Nil: , it I: 1- I Y),
I.ep 10 r. rr I,er ref 611. 4ls
\I) mot.‘sziEs —till blots N So•lnt,
1.-.7 25 100... do. do., 100.1 n. for
hv J G I.coßows:.
sev 13 No. 1.2 Will., siren.
_ •
o br u-,11 in liaokrootry I.rocredio:.. (if 11Ited oo
quodpnioor.and io t'ir firnn avoroved byt he Coo rt for
nl the Offirt• of the 'Horrors' nod I/Pn•orrat. *el. 1(1
%%TM. 1115813ARD, fatillonable
.lior Mantii:,c.itirrr. No. 1 1, 1, Thud s. lett, 14 101irell
‘‘'ond attA Sielit Wield !(reds. I'iltuorph Fep IY
. o v hi 4 (Miro to Ihr ot net sof Fou.ol
sircel ll , ul I'llorry 4 Ilry, betwern rmilhfir Id mfl Grant
streeto,l'ittshurgli. 4ril 10
El AVID M.V.NiDs, %I. .tl'Ull A: CLOC'
ri- LP lIIA li ER, No. 7 , r4i. Clair 51,,,, l'lti,
bk, buqth,
FINGER RINGS, Cli..t:INS, K E I'S, C 0,3185. 4 , c.
Eep 10
supply of Land. till's Garden Sertio, always on
hand, and lot saleut hioagrncy, the (1,11; At ore of
Felt 10 184 Libert t• Fi reset, lend of Vt'ood.
R. DAVID WAII.1) h, hrh,, tr-idence
11 on Fourth Street, malty smith 01" 11,.. Coort 11
second (I% ell in: from llii.s.dreet. Ile ire ill fditlifolly ni lend
all I'ii ll4 I,crlalall, lo proceriiioo. Night call, -doloid he
made al the door above the Inseo,,nt. ...e l l 10
RENIOVAL —Mat IleW intirffl• Fla o.e , and flak Drew
cr. has removed lo ['mirth el refit , opposil el Ire May
ors office, w Pure he will 1.. , happy tol.wait upon permanent
or transient customers. lie solirtisa slime of public rim
imp I
WM. A. NV.% I), DENTIST, Penn rt. three
door below Irwin street, Ii oars of business, from
9 A 1111111 $ v. w . nfier which lime lie will silent'
to no one exrent in ca=rs of actual neressli y. Ile
would norther inform those who may think proper to
employ 10111,11 ml lie experts immediate payment, Without
the necessity on part of sending in bills, rep 10
JOHN 111'FA RLA N I), Upholsterer and Cabinet
Al-ker, Third at. between Wood ..111a rk et streets,
resprcl Cul int - wins his friends and the public that h e l a
prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Bu
reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and Spring
IVlattrast , 7es. Curtains. Carpels, ,orts of Upholstering
wort:, which he wilt warrant count .o any made In the
city, and on reasonable terms. srp 1p
REMOVJIL!--Tlic subscribers have remov, d to wit.
ter between Wood and Smithfield streets, where
they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and CORIIII1S•
slon busine,s. rind would respect fully solicit the patron.
age of their friends. J. W. BUR It R I DG E 4. Co.
Dec :3
110 Word Street, Pittsburgh.—R. A. Bailsman,
A uct loneer and Cooiniersion Merchant, is now prepared
to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandise,
at his large and capacious looms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets, Pittsburgh.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday evenings.
Books, 4.c., every Saturday corning.
Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted.
Messrs. John D. Davis. Esq
Septic,' 4- smith,
Hampton. Smith, 4. C o .
F. Lorenz f Co.,
J. W. Burbridge 4 co.,
S. M'Eee ¢ co.
Capt. James M'Cargill,
C. Ihn3sen, Esq.
John Id 'Padden Esq.
Logan 4 Kennedy.
J. K. Moorhead ¢ Co.
1. Jas. P. Stuart, Esq.
•. Robert Calway,.Esq:
at cart:. Jas. May.
Meltay,Haaoa, it co.
" B. G. Beery, Loairrlite
Batith.Balaley Co Phila.
HUNK 4. FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth st.,
near the Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. sep 10--1 y
1 00 B o a c q l s:.lo Correa.
received tole day from New York. a (relit supply o.
the allots celebrated cure for Coughs. Colds and Con
gumption; outd is ready to supply customersat wholesale
or retail, at his *Medical Agency, 86 Fourth at.
nov 12
DAVID CLARK, lief . eta Atonable Boot Maker,—
flag removed to No, 34 Market at reet, between
Second and Third streets, where he would be happy
to see his old customers, and all others who feel dispos.
ed to patronise him. He uses nothing but first rate
stock. and employs the best of workmen; and as he give,
his constant personal attention to business., he truststhat
he will deserve ar,d receive a fair share of patronage.
A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the
public that they can always rind the best quality of Ice
Creams. together with al; kinds of confectionary and
fruits, In their season, at his establishment—No. 11,
Fifth street, betwe n Wood and Market.
N. B.—PartleA supplied on the shortest notice, with
cakes. oranything in his line. Also families furnished
with Bread.
Sep 10
HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Mott street,
New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in Its most
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head.
ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
burn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating,
impaired appetite, serration of sinking 3t the stomach,
furred tongue, nausea, wilt frequent vumltings, dizziness
towards night and restleness. These bad continued up.
ward of atvvelvemontli. when, on consulting Dr. Wm.
Evans. 100 Chat ham street, and submitting to Ills ever
.tuccessfol and agreeable mode of treatment, the patient
was completely restored to health in the short space of
one month, and grateful tor the incalculable benefit clerk , .
ed. gladly came forward and vain nteered the above state
For sale ‘Yliolesale and Retail by
Cheap for Cash.
Prices Reduced.
Short Peel Yarn. Loh, Reel Yarn ,
No 5 at 16 c.f.i. rirr lb I 500 at 9 clatter dz
6at 16i. ditto I 600 at 8 ditto
7 at 17 ditto 700 at 7 ditto
8 at 171 lino 1101) at 6 ditto
9 at 18 ditto 900 at 5 ditto
111 at 191 ditto ' 1000 at 4 ditto
11 at 19 ditto ______
12 at I 1 ditto Candlelvick at 16 eta p , •r Ili,
1.3 at 20 ditto root Bailin • 9 ditto
14 at 201 ditto Family do. • I.:i ditto
IS at 21 ditto Carp e t ChM ti • .Zt) ditto
16 at 22 dill., .420t•n Tat foe • 25 ditto
17 at 23 d,,,„ siockinz Sara and
13 at 21 (lino Coverlet Yarn alw•yi on
19 al 2; duo •hanl
ni dui° !rutin', Wurpr made to order
Orders promptly attended 10. t: left at J ¢ C
4 Kennedy's. or the Post other, orhlres,
(eh 27. 1. K %10()R 11 F: D 4. Co
J :0111./T.hr new Raenn, ju.t rect•lved by waruns
from ()Ilia, fur We by
T-: sir ren,nv Tmj c ,,i t , g
B in the ollor.:a i,e;a 34 dour
(r ...no, 11111.1.1 111.1. lisle 110,01 d c mummers Ind
;0 other. who may fluor him will' *call lA*y depend on
brie nor I. done 10 a superior Fry ie. From b.c
t r oerlenrc In the Itn•lnoxa In Ibis rily, • nt; In oniony
other tiKhlnnl,7.l• riltr• in Comp.. and .4 /tittle:l, hr rer.•
rm.fidrnl that It,, r.,,n 541151 . .1,11011 I. 111 V. III) may
01.14*0 to favor bins wait flit it rnaihn, Ks al eti•ou na
to business and irlilWrior wortintstiallii IM twisof Io merit
anti rccriv” a shireer pii•lrr pat rOnnate. He v lrno ke e ping
on h., n.l mittopidy Of t Antic a 0.11411 i Aniliz tin. 1.1( the
r 1.14 Urger width Wllllw sqL.I al very r.olof rd pea
N R •41hatt 1 1 .er weN I% Ir• .1 - I lir r , rtit
,1,81 stir not Iltr pill, tr. to tht•
country. I•y ,rtyyrii.ennyhr•; rurtirols I' I by persona %tor
rna. Joe. rifled thunders en the trade, who nee,
.roved en Pour ro the t•u•lness • and who k noy so tittle
lit it that Mcv mold not ero.l a rplle:e Cloth . and
it.y ,Ir r hamfared enouvdi to advert tee thent..lvrit ow 141
tore ala mode, and fry the Rid of Mel ctrl Vrat ruts •
puffs. spell as are err trolly nerd I.e rui,veke io
ve!l their oirdir or+,l hey often uer red In rain Ant off' on
, Fi- un.u•pr•rttn. rtie , omer Morn , old WWI lor 16r ;rho
Inc lm WI, Ma arucie. Such pe•otrip's advert keno tile are
outs ralrllille4l in x .411 the I tulle :111A are • ri more I nil
fled to credit than lire fir t ithou yet inn:trahle pit liens ions
ghoul thevevt Out: •rru- among the Lilirpatti.in • , WDgh
I ir...orhe ntroo.t every oriroothov li;or read and lorreird
at. I is•olitrillli:aellt to 11. , 111e wish to have It eir
rioting made in firs! rare style to woke a ill:le intitu r y
sod they w 11: find that this is the pl;lrr ti hype they can
he accommodated: B. ft.
J to 7 :hr.
Dit/IFXO.Ih/EXON IX CiIk:MISTR Y—East Isd, a
Die---colois the hair and will not the skin
This Dyers in the form of a Powder witch In pi/libellous.?
of lael may be applied to the hair over ni.711 1 , the limo,
night lumina Ibe lightest or grey hair to dark brown: and
by repsatitt:: a $.1.01111 or third night, to a Jet black. Any
perso n may, therefore. with the lento possitrlc trouble,
I, rep his hair nny dark shade or a perfect black, with the
positive assurance that tire powder If applied In the shin
trill not color I:. There is no roloring in this Flalemenl,
as any inc may easily test These Carle arc warranted
by the the Vial tvbn mn ntifirtures It.
For at TUTTLE'S, $l3 FOll tit; xI eel, wtrere
large ar”orlmrtit or Niirni Ntedwirten may always hr had
at tither St Irotesa lP or
D.n't fo , go ! %;ti Fourth slrrel !
rilio THE PCB/IC, and particularly to my forutr ,
1_ patrons of this city:--flavlng retircd hoot the
prnr tiff• of St,thrtoe. I luau kr pi ,111111.11 1.1 way, that it
ha, fallen to ;lie lot of Fill fen• pennons to ilaVe
40 111, fa I or large a %hare of ol siren irat [oat - lice as my
own ha, horn for the lasi A) or 40 r.:str+.
The experience olt hat long period of active life, and t he
fact of my Itaving been twice, Pine(' 1830. a9aorinted with
Dr. IL A. Wilson, In the puncture of medicine, (In built a
period of live return.) enahles me to judge fully of the
merlin of Ills
chtivenieni, so efficient, and yet go Fa' e did I esteem
these p111.,l hat fort he last five yenta in my tract Ice fur
the core of chronic diseases, or whatever nom,, and 'hove
of females in particular, I have used more of thew than
all other medicines.
Like every oilier medicine, this most fail in some In
stances, lint In my Minds there has been less d kappoim.
merit and mart. satkfart ton in the admirilsi ration of tlila
one remedy ;Ilan of alt others; 11, good etfccts sometimes
plop nstonkhing
If my pal lent required a safe aperient medicine either
.fore or a fler pa ri urition, the Wllson'it pi.ls were Plst
the thing I wanted.
If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
with costivenrss or inactivity oft liver, consi hilted the
diseased troy patient, the pills were Just the thing I
If I treated a cage requiring an emmenagogue, the
Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or other
difficulties, indicating s disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the turn
of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
Thus, without regpact to the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the time I have had it under treat
merit, particular Indications or symptons arising. were
almmys mgt promptly and most happily met by the
Wllson's pills.
That PO great a number of diseases, and sometimes rp.
parently opposite ones, in which 1 have used these
should he noted more readily by them than by any other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but
why it is so is as clear to my :nind as that a great many
persons should become thirsty from be many different
cause:Land yet all require that common and greatest t,f
all blessings, water to quench their thirst.
In conclusion, Ills due the • enutation of the medicine
and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that
the Wilson's pilisare the only combination I have ever
met with In my longcoorse of practicc,that really pos•
oeseesanything curative or specific for sick headache :
Yours fie., DR. 5111,0 ADAMS.
The above Pills designed particularly for the Melt
Flied. Ache, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Bowels kc.,
preyed:ll by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson. and for
salembelasale and retail, at Ms dwelling in'Penn street,
bekew bfarbury. Ott 1
For sale by
No 20. Wood street. 'Wow Second
1: 4 % AC 1 . 111' , E,
14:1 Ldvriv et
DR. GOOD EIS Celebrated Female Pilla. These
Pillearesirongiy recommended to the notice of
the ladies astir safe and efficient remedy in removing
those complaintspeculiar to their sex, from want of ex
ercise, or generaldebility of the system. They obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affections. These Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation of the Most eminent Physicians in the Uni
ted Slates, and tn.ny Mothers. For tale Wholesale and
detail. by R. E. SELLERS, Agent
SOP 10 No. 20. Wood Street,lielow Second.
W in. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St.,
opposite the head of Smithfield 0., Pittsburgh.—
The subscriber havhig bought out the stock of the late
Thomas Rafferty, deceased, 'has commenced business
in the old stand of Mr: R., and is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work In his line, in the best manner
and on the shortest not ice. He keeps tor stantly on hand
a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and
of the hest quality. He solicits the patronage of the pub•
lie and of the croft. WM. ADAIR.
sep 10
and Axles fsr Carriages at Easters Prices.
The subscribers mannfacture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach, r; and Made Springs (warranted,) Juniata
Iron Axles, Sliver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brasa
and plated Bub Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Boor Handles and Hinges, 4-c ,4-c•
St. C'lltir gt., near e Allegheny Bride
- -
HD. SELLERS, M. D.. office and dwelling in Four th ,
. near Ferry streel. sep 13-1 y
The attenlinn 'ftho•e who have been somewhat seep.
Heal in reference to the numerous certificates published
In kvor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Willi Cher
ry,on account of the Iter.orm twine unknown in this per
lion of 113 e Slate, is refeerl gully directed to the following ,
reit Irmete. the writer of - which hue he aeh izen of lids
hoiongh for several years. and is known a gent!eman
of inte:trity and reapunethitit v.
re the Areet, Mr. J. KlnnY.
have used Dr . Swavne's Crimp and Syrup or Wild
Cherry for ri entmli. with which I have been severely
Aided for about four niontiv•, and I have no healtnt lon
In anyliva that It lathe moat effective medicine that I have
been able to proenre. It compoyen all unenslnety. and
11:f et'. well with my diet,—a nd mantaina a trenlar and
rood :lapel ite. Tear freely rerommend It to all other,
similarly afflicted. .1. MlNtetcx. Borough orChamhereli'ai.
Match 9. 1140. p
Ferrate by WILLIAM THORN So. 51 Market street.
DERSONS desirous of procuring Fruit, Shade. and
111: Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadel
phial or New York, are requetted to make application as
soon es poselide. at the Drug and Seed Store of the sub
scriber, where ran be had ratalognee, gratuitously. of the
moat eirellent .arietles. F. 1.. SNOWDEN,
rep 21 No 184. Liberty et rept head of Wnoci
lAt A R PLS. M • l'Or, Y.—pal rick Cawfield re.
1 s pectfullva rqualnis his friend. and dhe public n.
era tly, that to has commenced the Mertde husinrs. al the
enertrr of Fifth and Liberty sus., where will be constantly
nu hand. boini..ton• manic! Mere.. monuments. head
and foot stones, table slabs for ration n arr, and every
article anrssrlalnin% to the business. He will warrant Isla
. work to he well done. rind his char , :rts will be moderate
He reaped fully asks a share of tint,: is ttmrottn2r. rep 10-
VI7M. STEF.I.E. r.ucre.sor to M'Closkey) rash•
tam dr Pout Maker, Liberty st., id door f:om
Vi -2 in %Hee. 'rho itni.serWe r respert fully informs the
punt.' that he ha% rant.ttenred n r above litt4inr.tx in the
.hort farming, orruniort he Mr. Henry M'Closkry.
and that be Is new prePared to attend to all order• In his
liar ofloglitness with de.patch and oil the most reawinable
l o lams. rrowil•its tony e tocrleurr in the manufacture of
Vs.trionsilde Pont*, he feels confident that all ;mkt",
from his egratdishment n ill !lee satisfaction to his pa
Hon.. - 4 441a1100f piddle natronave I. respect folly .ollett,
13 111 b SUREDS A f es:, suonl v of Ilerl Seed., eon
gad* of Conan .Flemn 3,1 I! ane: }.1.11 ref -deed 17
fob 3. r I. SNOWDEN, 148 !Miens at.
Portatele Platform Seale, nn a lee vts, to ‘l,teigli 2,500 Ike, al
355 00.
U d o 110 1.0(1(1 at 00
do do do do 500 at 25 00
With raising levee no adds] ion of 1 3 3 to each scale.
Dormant .curs for the me of Warchomes, Flouring
Mills, rtr.. the same prisra as above.
Alsn,%Vitite's Parnt Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
Improvements. and a variety of other cOUillef scuica,
which they wilt sell for from 8 to $l5,
They also manufacture Stearn Engines for Flouring
Mills, Saw Mills, Salt Works, ke„ double and single
grated slide lathes,foot and oilier lathes for wood turning
machines for ienanikg chairs, planing machines, door
and sash machines. Hall's patent hone power, with or
without thrashing machine!, a superior ariirie; circular
saw shafts, machines for ran big tall, , Tifinm's ma•
chine , and tools nfall (reser iptlorts.also for mak lug black
ing boxes, a •ttnerior article; governors for strain engine
stocks, taps and dies, Coffee mills, hod:Mead or joint hots
nod machinery for oinking the same. cotton factory ma.
eitintry made or repaired; printing press platter's turned
and printing presses repaired
Rep 22-11 fOUNC 4- BRADBURY
J ouN R. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Comnits
sinn Merchant,...lro.lo6,coraer of Wood 4- nftla rts.
Piitsbarept: Having been appointed one of the Auction
enrsio, t he Cityof Pit.burgh. tenders his services to job
bers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed
to make trial of this market• He 13 prepared to make
advances nn consignments of all saleable commodities,
and trusts to satiqy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy 'and favorable returns.
That the various interests which may be cnnflded to
him, shall be adequately protected, lie brings to the aid
of Ills own experience in business and acquaintance with
merchandise generally, the services of Mr. Sxmcgt,
FAIINESTOCK; heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer In Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement is made.
Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pres't. of M. 4. m.
Bank. ...
o Darlington 4- Peebles,
r , Robert CalWilYl
r• James M. Cooper, I
James May.
M. Riddle. } Pittsburgh
r'i'm Robinson. Jr. Pres't
rr of Exchange Bank.
Hamplon,Snilth, ¢ Co.,
John D. Davis,
Samuel Church,
J. K. Moorhead.
" Jas. W. Brown 4. co.
John H. Brown.* co:
Smith 4. !Noisy.
Tardly 4. :liver.,
John S. Riddle,
, 4 John Daldiel I ,
IN.Store 85 bushels of good quality Clover Reed. Also
.150 bulimia prime Timothy for sate in. lots In suit.
y st
Who offers fbr sale 50 bushels Orchard Grass reed
fel) 22.
T HE Subscribers having made arrangements to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Blercm
ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the title of-the Doily Morning Post.
The leading object of the "Parr" will be tbed:ssemintt
lion and defence of the political principles that have here
tofore been maintained by the Editori, in their respective
papers, and their best of will still be devoted to the
advancement and success of those doctrines.
Although, In politics, the paper will he thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all plat
ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere
of a Public Journal, to make their papet sufficiently In•
cresting to entitle it to the patronage of ihe public, ir•
respective of party considerations.
In additioo to the political and general news that will
be found In the ...Mornin g Post," the Editors will take
pains to furnbik the Inisinesss community with
the latest and most lottresting Costamteita. Irtrat.m-
Grecs from all parts of the country, and to
.have prepm
red such acconnts of the Mat : kern and the State of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men in their several callings.
Terms.—The POST will be published en a large Imperi
al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Jourim I) at the unusually law rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum,payable In advance, ft will also be sold by
news.boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy.
Advertisement, will be inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily wipers of the city.
IrrT IY ENT Y active lads are wanted to sell the Post,
who will be engaged on the most liberal terms
August 31, 18.13. W. H. SMITH.
100 DUDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO, In store and
for Sale I v J. G. 4- A GORDON,
No. 12. Water street.
X ' orison it Co. London, for sale only hg S. P.
11 Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Vkgli
alley Pittsburgh l'a. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10'
F A R M FOR S A I.C.—The undetsigned offers for sales
tract of land situated 4 miles i'reepoit, In the
direction of Kittanning, Buffalo 'township. Armstrong
county. containing 100 acre•, 65 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of whicn are in meadow— a good square log
dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple
orchard of 80 beartng trees—and a spring of excellent
water convenient to the houre.
FOR TER MS n ppl y to t lie subscribers residing at the
Salt workn on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free•
sep 10 WM. 4. PHILIP BAKER.
r 0 TIIE WlSE.—itis now well understoodhow
JL much disorders of the mind depend for their cute
upon a due attention to the body. It is cow understood
how vninable is that medicine which will remove morbid
aecninulai ions without weakening the bodily Power. Ii Is
now understood that there is n reciprocalfinnuence be.
[weer) the mind and the body. ft is now understood that
pitri:in: with the Brandreth Pills will,tentove a melon
choly, and even insanity is cured by perseverimAy
client. It is now understood how much domestic happi•
nee depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive
It k now well known thnt the Brandreth Pills have
cared thousands of hopeless and helpless persona, even
when the first physlcians had pronounced theta beyond
all human means of relief. It is now not only well
known that the !trend ret h Pills so cure but it is also un
derstood how they cure; that it is by their purifying effect
on the blood that they restore the body to health.
Tier value of the medicine la becoming moreand more
manifest, it is recommended daily frowi flintily to family.
The Drandreth, Pills remove In an almost Imperceptible
manner all notions arcumithstlons and purify anctiovlgo
rote the btood,a lid their nod effects are not counterbalan
red by any inconveniences; being composed entirely of
vegetables they do not expose those who use them to
danger; and their effects are as certain as they are salu•
tare; they are dolly and safely adrainistersd to infancy,
youth, manhood, and old age, and to women in the most
eritleal and delicateclrcumstaners. They do not disturb
or phoek the animal functions, but restore their order
and ettabtlib their health.
Enproved Plav
innfaettited he
:heir Ma hint
between Ma•
Jh street. twn
ler !Lail, Pine
nitraTittre and
nd the follow
COinpused oi
Sold at Dr. Rrastireth's Office, No. 93, Wood street
Pittsburgh. Prire 25 rents per box, with full directions,
MARK—The only place in Pith :burgh where the gene .
toe Pills can he obtained, is the I.uctor's own office, No.
5 ,
98 Wood rret.
sep 10
0 THE LADIES —Why do you not remove that
superfluous. hair you have upon you* , foreheads
and npper lips? By tatlins at Torgues. 86 Fourth at.,
and obtaining a bottle of Gouraltre Poudres
which will remove it at once withttet„ alreei tug the skin.
You can also obtain Gotitaud's tatty Celebrated .Ear de
Reaute, which will at once remove all freckle., fdlllPles,
eruptions of the skin, and make your face took per'ectly
fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding
more color to their cheeks, they can obtain some of 0ou•
rand's celebrated Liquid Bonze, which cannot be ruhtted
otf even by a wet cloth. Also may he found a good as
sortment of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Bears' 011, Al.
mond, Palm, Windsor; and other Soaps.
Reno miter. at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th street.
Dee. 8, 1842
Nu. 1, Port.
le Plullurm
'alt's oil .4 , 1,1.,
unds.tit lb3,*
do 2,005 at tl5 00
do 1.500 t 35 00
ET Invalids. read the following account of a Salim
ALJ cured of a rotnplication of afflictions in nineteen
days by the use of Brandresh Pills. It distinctly proves
there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be
eatiae of disease, and Brandreth's PRlsare made for them
Read and be convinced. Take the medicine andbe cured
Jona Sitsw. of Pembroke, Washineton cou ntY, Maine,
tieing dilly sworn, says, that he was taken Violently sick
about six months since. The pains In his bead, breast,
bark, left side and instep being so bad that lie was ann.
hie to help himself, and was taken into the Chelsea Dos.
vital in the city of Hastnn. That after being in said
hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said he did not know
what was the niatiet with him, and that he could do
nothing for him, nor could lie prescribe any medicine .
That he, therefore, was conveyed front the Chelsea Hos.
phalli) the Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he
was there physicked with all sorts of medicine for a mi•
od of fear months, suffering alt the time the most heart.
,rending mkery.— That, besides his affection of his bones
be was troubled much wilh a disease of the lungs: some.
times he would spit a quart of phlegm In the day; besides
this affection he had a bad Maritima, which had more
or Ices attended him front the commencement of his sick.
ness. That at times he dreaded a stool worse than be
would have dreaded death; that he can compare the feel.
lug to nothing save that of knives passing through his
bowels.. A (ler an Print. worse than death at the Sailor's
Retreat, on Staten Island, the doctor told him that medi.
eine was of no use to him, that he tnu.t try to stir about.
At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. That
his bones wt re so tender he could not hear the least press.
Ore upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his instep was
most painful, that as tile Doctor said he would give him
no more medicine he determined to procure some of Dr.,
Rrandreth'e Pills, which he did, from 241 Broadway
New York; that he commenced with five pills, and some.
times increased the dose to eight. The first week's use
so much benefited him, that the doctor, mt knowing
what he was using, said, .itow, Shaw, you look Bite a
man again; if you Improve in this way, you will loon he
welt.' That he found every dose of the Brandrelli Pills
relieve him, first they cured him of the pain when at
stool; that they next eared the dlarrhtea, sad finally the
tiling in his bones;—That the medicine seemed to aid
strength to barn everyday. Retold the doctor yesten.
day the 11th Instant, that lie felt himself well, and also,
that be owed his recovery to Brandreths Pills under
Providence, that he had taken the medicine levety day
for 19. days; that the doctor told him if he had known be
had been taking that medicine, he should not have stayed
another day In the house. Ileconsidera it is Ms dot/ to
make this public statement for thebenefitof all simllarly
afflicted; that they may know when to find a medicine
that will cure them.
► seroo
John Shaw hetng by me ditty sworn this 12th day o
A pril, 1842, did depose and say tha t the foregoing state
ment is trite. J. D. WHEELER, Commissioner of Deeds
The BR.ANDRETII PILLS are sold at Dr. Bran.
dreihso principal office, 241. BROADWIT. Neu► York
and at his principal race. Na 9$ Weed orort.Plttsboth„,
the o.rvz. riu.scx In rittabergh where the Itemehte eau
be obtained, re p 22-4,2 n.
For panelling a nese Daily Paper in the City of Pita
burgh, to be entitled the
The Black Tongue.—We have heretofore noti:
cod that a disorder to which the above name is
given was causing a fearful mortality in some of
the towns in this and the western states. A !eta
ter published in the St 1-41:118 Republican, dated at
Point Pleasant, New Madrid county, Mn., states
that the disorder isspreading with fearful violence
in that vicinity, and that during three or four
weeks within a space of eight miles 69 person*
have been carried off by it. The following des
scription is given of the disorder;
The disease here is not always Charteterigetf
with a swelling and blackness of the tongue,
(which, when it dees, has proved fatal in See oat
six cases,)but the visitation or inflammation some
times seats itself in the joints, the ankle, knee, or
hip, and frequently in one side of the head and itt
one eye, which swells, turns red, and shortly be.-
fore death, like the tongue, turns black. In some
instances tie malady seats itself in some of the
vital organs, lungs, liver, Ste.
. Tnis county is well supplied with medical gee.
tlemen of science and talents, but thus far the die.
ease truly appears to baffle all skill, or perhaps is
unmanageable. The disease frequently runs it■
course in a few hours, the patient is taken off, or
pronounced by his physician past danger.
P. S. Something singular, and worthy of re
mark, is that the blacks, whose numbers eonsti.
tuts a large portion of the population of this
countyatave so far as I have been able to :learn•
been exempt from the prevailing epidemic.
another Suicide by a Bank officer, The New
Orleans Bee of the 16th inst. sayer
'Tile city was thrown into great consternation
by the report yesterday, that Mr. Lavergne, Pres
ident of the Consolidated Bank, had made way
with himself.
Rirly in the morning he crossed the river, and
visited the latnily burying place, in the rear of
Algiers, where he stabbed himself with a sword
cane or poignard.
He was brought over to the city end expired
about I o'clock. Mr. Lavergne has ever main.
wined a reputation fur probity and honor, that e.
von in these days of snail:clue and distrust, rumor
has forborne to asperse.
He was a man of the most sensitive tempers.
tnent—and it is thought that he fell a sacrifice DI
thsgrompting of a nice sense of honor, wrought
ttpoYit - by the calamities that have befallen the in
stitution over which he presidcd.'
The Millerites.—At a Mil Jerk," meant In
Prov:dence last week,the minister got the eudittaile
worked up to such a pitch that they were every
moment looking for the end of all thing's, which
he told them would be announced by the hound of
a trumpet. A waggish boy, taking the hin'..pro ,
cured a common fish horn, which he blew. with a
perfect tempest of wind, thereby producing-such a'
climax that some of the fanatic mass' were frowns
with fear.
A Sly For.—The Rev. Sam lion Paul, on re.
ceiving the presentation to the church and parish
e 4i rr
of Broughton, near Esti_ rgh, •preached a fare
wtll sermon to the ladi Ayi,and tiA a little to
the surprise of his fair au. story, especially &seem •
bled to hear the valedictory address, gave out
this text,—'And they fell upon Pants neck and
kissed him.'
Paosittr Nfir Lea, has, ftis said. discovered an
error in his *fooling up,'which postpones the gen
eral cor.tisgration_a.hnnje thousand years; but
the , e was no erier S , he s9jculation of Pease
dr: Son, of 45 "Ifivi'siOn7feer. when they prophe.
tied that their Horehound Candy would prolong
the lives of thousands. It has done so, and is des -
tined to produce more substantial benefit. in the
way of curing pulmonary complaints, than: any
other pfeparation of the same class invented.— .
For sale at Turns's lfedical Agency 86 Fourth
Street. • e
Tng DI 7 TERENCE.—Detin Swift remarked, with
much truth doubtless, that in the establishing of
colonies, the Franch commence with a fort, the.
Suniar.is with a church, and the English with a
The wives of Ma lagascar say, that those ail.*
dren that are horn in.tht.: month of March awl
Aprii„in the last week of every month, and on all
the Wednesdays and Frideys of every amok, ought
to be exposed to perish with hunger and cold, or
be devoured by wild beasts.
Gorm.—The Philadelphia Chronicle says Con.
poral Punishment is the most (lest rvedly unpopas •
lar non-commissioned officer of the Navy. •
•La, husband! you talk of my inconstancy baforet
marriage; but Woe I not always been constant
eter marriage? : "
'Yes, my dear—and that's the=w4st•of It; fon
if v on would only be inconstant nfier,:tuarrisge,
might get rid of you!'
-, We were amused with a remark thiit We heart)
in the street last nigh*, Hallo Bill, Said a fel
low to one of his tieey companions who wool
standing against a 'dß}, post, 'is that your post!'
'Not _exactly,' said the tip.ey one, 'but 1 have a
lean upon it,'—Louisville Journal.
Brutal.—A drunken sailor at Mobile, on Fri.
day last, rode a horse into the river off one of Oro
wharves, in a frolic. The poorterse was drown •
ed, but the drunkard escaped with V ducking, and
a dislocated wrist.
Typograplucal Error.--An advertisement in a
late New York paper, calls for 'a healthy young
man with a fresh breast of milk.'
More signs.—A shower of steel dust took place
n Missouri, two weeks ago.
Acquitted —G. W. Veasey, late editor of Ih3
Phila. Express, who was charged with forgery.—
He was discharged by proclamation.
James L P Onok, formerly a wealthy merchant
of Boston, but who had met with reverses in bu
siness, committed suicide in Roxbury a few day.
Mujor Geo T Ward, is a candidate for the of
fice of Deltgate to Congress from Middle Florida.
The election takes place on the first Monday in
May next.
Commodore Perry has been appointed to the
c3mmand of the African Squadron.
Recuicitation. —At precisely 2 hours eller 12 on
the 27th alt., the old South clock of Bostommeoe
two. So says the Post.
The New Orleans papers head their intelligence
from op the river, 'News from above.' Probably
this is because it brings thorn 'glad tidings of
greet joy_' News from below,' is a term seeress
ly less significant to apply to ntanv of our wicked
advices from N. Orleans —Ci,,. Met.
-•What is it makes iced eakev, MiCk;"Och! Larry
but i"s you that's stupid? Don't they bake them
in-eiowld ovens to be corer—Berton Bulletin.
Cept Schinley, who married the Pittsburgh
heiress, bad two wives before. Ile is now rest•
ding at Surinam, as Judge of the Slave Commie.:
lion Coutt:—/V, Y. Pkbeialk