7 7•! .. .. -4 ,,pistress.—Notvrithstanding people ap pear to be-cuing aloreg well considering the unusual hard times which have befal len/all classes of people, there are many casns of distress in families truly appalling, which never reach the public. False pride prevents ' thousands from making known their situation to those who might render them relief. We have heard of one man who, with his family, a few weeks since, leflcthis ci•y for the west, in hopes of bet tering his condition, who confessed that for three months he had not tasted coffee or tes..and but seldom bread. It is a true saying that "one half the world does not know how the other half lives," The New Yotk Sun, in noticing the at tempt of borne of the politicians of this State to revive the exploded antimasonic hum bug, says, "By the way, a correspondent writes to us that he has recently received several letters from the vicum:zed Mor gan; and that the Masonic mat tyr will soon reappear among us 'large as life and twice es natural.' The Pennsylvanians had bet ter defer their meeting till he arrives. He would be a highly available candidate for them—say for Governor, State Treasurer, or something of that sort." Another pretty (of course she is pretty) segar girl, in New Orleans, has eloped or sloped to parts unknown, nThe friends of Calhoun in Miehiaa are going to have a State Convention. The report of the i I health o" Cum Porter is contradicted. ~___Several shocks of an earthquake were Felt at New Orleans on the night of the 15th inst. There was another at N.ish vile on the 16th. at 11 P. M. The Whige will tr,!asure up their wrnric, ,, -they will lay up wrath against the day of wrath.—[New Bedford Mercury. They had better lay up a little money and pay M.njor Irons. A learned at , rney ..f Nt. w Orleans has taken for his motto the Latin w , ,t s which he tnus render: in En 2 fish —Sue 'em k U. S. SUPREME COUR T—INIP• I IITAN DECISION AGAINST STA L k WS. The Chiefirwite of the Sti d reflle. Urpirt of the U. S. hag given 'he opinion ni the (..o nt in re...- ti to the stay and valuatHo laws which h.,ve bet n adopted in several in the states. This d Pion genies the iocaliditv of fiese laws, es;.eco , Iv ..ao against creditors wi hu it the s! site. 'l' ,e di. Cision of the C ,unt is Witted in he I , lloe.ing c:,_ tract of a letter from Waslito !lon. Ceiirilt Justice Taney deliver d the n • iid the Court this morning.. (Thursday) upon e .s. inr Bring validity or'the st• y ti.dt v ses. the enactmen , of is so resoci, to at the Sou'h and Nest, as an t t t zs d of debts with, , ut il,e p men' or tii !in. The eats (Bronson rind K•ngz e) cornea from the Court Circuit in hlin iii, vvh jit ig s caul I not agree. Th following arc the oants tit_ Tina the el' cree m this c .se shoold din ct the premises to be Hold at pu'tlic sued m, to the highest biider, with tut rce it I to the l t ; the state, of 19th F.-bruary, 1841. which eiv.•H the right of redemption to the mot tgag•tr ior t weir months. and to the judgment cred,ters fir fi 'tem .months. . 2L That the decre should dire-tt the sale oft he mortgaged premise- , w thous being ;mined by three householders, and without requiring Iwo th . rds oflhe amount of die said ;minutia!' to be bid cc. cording to the law of Feb 27, 1311. The Court elaborately are TIOR Hiso, the pi s. tion of the constitutionality of Th. SP law., en 1 pronounces them unconstitution4l. Iu this c.m elusion, Lye of the six sitting members a blue Court concur, and Judge Thompson, of Yew York who has lately left, has litteuise expressed hie agreement with the others. The Case came be bre the Court on a written argument from counsel oo both sides. Judge 'McLean &Ts not agree with his brethren, either as to the m ater of the necessity exami ning the ermAitutional question in this ca4e, and especially in the absence of oral arguments of counsel, nor in the decision against the constitu tionality. RIVER NEWS. Arrival* and Departures since our last report. I: ARRIVALS. North Queen, McL-an. New Orleanu, DEPARTURES. Montgomery, Greg;. Cincinnati Princeton. Kingg, do The Steam boat Amazon, Capt.Moc ri- Pon, bad s hole knocked in her side at Neely's Landing, but was sufficiently re paired in a few hours to proved on her trip. The Queen of the South is sunk nppo site Shawneetnwn. The Yazoo i 3 at a tolerably high stage , end still rising. We should nut be at all ma:prised at an extensive overflow this *Ping: DEDICATION The Temperance Ark in Allegheny city, will be opened for Divine IVors!iip nn next Sabbath. Preaching atijOh A. M., 3 P. M. and 6. P. M. TTlydßett E. Smith will preach the opening ser mem. The public are invited to attend. By nr el-r of the Board of Trustees of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. J MoELDOWNY, March 3. Secret,trv. ST. PATRICK'S DAY The Committee of Arratirement for the cele bration of St Patrick's Day at the Washington flitel met on the 2nd in pursuant to notice. On astation,the followinz Commiltees were appointed: • Committee of Incitation. Geo. Jackson, Hon. %V. Pm ter, . ,Thos. Hamilton, E. D• Gazzirn, M. Tracy, J. K. Moorhead, Keller. . Ceamittee on Toasts, Wm. Mc}'roy, Samuel W. Black, Jelin 'Taylor, John T. Connolly, Wi - firtgatr. . Committee of litritstion will meet at the I tir*VagtottAtiletl;cin ta in rilaythe 4th last'. at 7 'cloak P - 11 March 4. .11100 H AND .1011 . BANK NOOK *NORICUM A NoiC1141,1„, PRINT' G OFFICE' cORRECTID DAILY, DT ALLEN MOM; IrXell.11X1r1.411(01Ctill . ,A 1 N. Tv. Corner of Wood iltfila Sts Tun proprietors or the. MORMiNG Porr and M cactus Myrrh. h Man. bk. par AND MANVIACTPRES fettpettrtllly inform their frien d s Etchange bank, par ' .. and the patronsor those papers, that they have a large Bk. of dermantowr. ' and well chosen assortment of Ilaoon l ank, Lahcastrr hank, dis 'l4 falf 40/01Ellt 71C"IlinlEm 3E' . ' Bank of Chester Co. par trucks Co. ~ IND) &II OUZETAPARZAUMSII/&7;:l , ra""" . " do /, oylestow n lit, Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are pet ' 1 pared to execute Bk of N America Phil. .' ' Bk or Northern Linet ties, - 5 Far. ,f Mechanics bk. LEI TER PRESS PRINTING ,'cumsnrrrial bk : " r Pa. 1. OF EVERY DESCRIP'FION. I Kensington bk. Books, I Bills of Lading, I Circulars, Philadelphia bk. .'' Pamphlets, I Bill Heads, Cards, ! Schuylkill hk. .• Handbills, Blank Chocks, Bat Tips' Southwark Irk. Western bk. 211 Mubs of Vaults, 11 k. of Pennsylvania, ii Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, Wit apvo ilk of Penn l't . par pricite Cate, Man. 4 . Mechanirs bk par Printed on the shortest notice and most reasnnable terms Me , hanlrs bk. par We respeci fully ask the patronase of our Wendt; and Movamensing Irk. 3 he public in aenerat in I his brrltlCh of our 1,11P1111,11. Girard lia..k, 45 Pitisbureli, Sep'. 39, 13.1.2. l'llll.l.ll'S 4 - SMITH. lU. Slates hank. 50 •---------- --------- Itimbermens . , Warren, -- Au Ordinance Supplementary to an Ordi- I Prank. bk Washirorton, pnr , Fitters bk f Pot le ' Tvlle nance in reference to the Night Police. 8k " ,7:40ni ° ,gomery . Co. par VI/ Il ti l. , :RF e . :.: ,, s r . , A of d t o i t i i , bi N li t a e s lit e xisted e as extent l t i o ic t h he was e,ia of E Mon. rie Hir,ku Bank, Brownsville, 11 5 linked under an Fit...linen. ein with It this Is 3 sunplemenr, Ilarrlslitirgh bank. 51 passed the But day of May, A. D 1842: therefore Par. bk Lancaster, 11, Sac, I. Be it ordained and enacted by the CH izens of Bk of Middletown, 9A 1 Pitishurgh, in Select and Common Couorils rissemblrel, Bk. of Chatabcrshurel, 41 Thai all Laws and Ordinances on I lie sul•Jeci of the Nil ht Carlisle bank, 41 Watch which were In force at the date of passage of I Ilk of Northumberland, 41 the aforesaid Ordinance of the 9th May, 1841. so far as t Columbia bk k Bridge co. 2 they are applicable, l)e and the same are hereby c (win— Bk Susquehanna Co• 10 tied, and revived for the regulatiol6 and government of Bkof Delaware Co. par the Ni,lit Police. Provided, Tarnothip g herein con Lebanon bk. 41 rained, shall be construed to repeal any Ordinance pas•red Celt ysluirgh hk. 41 since 9th day of hlay, 1842 pork hank, 41 Sec. 11. Be it ordained 4- , .. Tic ,t from anti after the Fa i. k provers I.k of passage of this Ordinance. tile Nigh% Police shall cons Is, w ay „„b„, 2 li, HI o f twelve members; the Bdtlilloll,ll mettibe to be appoth „,, c„,rency totes. 8 led a , soon as It rail he conveniently dune by the Mayor l hone-dale. 2 and Police Cormithice. W e renting hank. 114 Sec . 111. Ile it ordained .i-r . That all tiars collected r ms h.,,i, ..,,, t ,. ~,,f, in . 411 arol now the Lands of the Mayor loi pitr,Bionre 01 111— COO ',try do do 6 1 formation given lo the Night Police, shall be dial used of Berks ( o hank, CB / in the same manner as if they had he • collected tinder Lewistown, 7 the laws and ordinanc,, hereby reyivcd a eirl continued. Tuw.„,(ia. 811 Ordained and enacted into a I,lw, In Couocihr, tic; CHID), twenty seventh day of February, A It 1843. Mountpleasam bk W Al. Ell: II It 1F %I, Prf•c'T r",. k Merit bk of su.u. li F. 1. ROBERTS, CI k t'ilmiirri Council. ' ~,„„vine, 11 Cuoisnolti 1'•,11., - ii. .1011 N SIIIPTON. I',e-'t A hex. MILLAR , irk Select Council. Select Council. March 2 .11 An Ordinance s• pplementary to au Otd.- uanr•e passed 4th June, 1841, entitled nn Ordinance providing for the cornple Lion of the Flew \\?at..-r \l 7 r.t ks. V IIVRF:AS, the (11, t'ottnel.:te,vr ~1 trariote , t.rne. not hormed alt P 1 11.'1111 , 1,1 a 01 . 111 , 1 r, II at, ni e 111111 tired and t Ikon- , and for the purcha., of .files ;Ind call-drort lOU 111 Istit!illn::+. v a Till (/I h_ er holm rttlet to roallolvh. Il,r urw %V.,',— I'o , k, or a ettflietent ex'eot In e iue r, a-111•• the City and rtivirni, will/ an ample ‘ueid ot ttotto Pal ter, not only for itootesticu4e T,Or ses, but atoll f.,r the epee,' y tad rd', dual rXI 1(1.6,11,..1.m,, Or flreS.lllyrelly i I a _re.? /11•IrPe In !filmy (Alio. ,thd the pro-perlil or it • itilt,.hnato.. And the arnlinal r ;pen/it'd tulle I 0 the conevle 1100 of 111,- , 111.11,11,1 W ryurk, %, tic it a , curd leg to the r•F , limale 4,r Ilie will yet re. quire 111 0 0111 Of lnrly 11c1H.aand tl , : , :trs to rrndet previrms ottvestm , rei:ev.lital.'e pellatir uFr, Old In 111, e”nte properly owned II) t and now °frill.. d I . IV t Ile W..rt s a n 1 tv hicit wilt, IS fur oc+ll the nicao4 "r ron,lftcr:ll, y the lleht ( , 1 I be (7/ , y And lihered! ,I; I. pt. :el 1'14,1 Cl uS reotters II ncre , ,ry I Wel 1,1e111,,, Ile [Wide hid ifice- incur 1 hal lo: r,G)re SI, I It, ,1 or if cti voe I by Ihr ri'l/erls of Pit iu s elrol am! l ' ironino That fir tile of eionoleilort he hew IV.iier W , H.% 111 e Thrynr of the 1 - 'l% he a iii hot dto hot row he - *lto ill lot ty :mil In 1 , •111• C l- 11111 die. , 'Or the 5.3111 e Und• , r the ize.ll of Ihe COrI.OMIIIIII. ill 1111. 4111011111 of 0„, doli,r, lieario,: au 111'ef nit !e.l r. lit. pe .11.111111, ‘• 111. I, ,hall te,ti./11 , .. al 110. ()111 ,1,1 , I•.lll,lore , efire, ;Ind shill! ow hr r...ir•rn C 4 WV 11. 111 °Olio hoiderio before 1 11,1 day of- May, et2liiheeit ridro 11 AIM Ptxt y nye. Ste lie it Irda i nett %'r., That If any of ill • rnn tractor. .ir !aligner,. rmpley ell on Still ‘Vater shell prof ' , In loive the limo] .' . wine_ln'het. f'lr work done or tirtterta In rni-11,1 pail, Ihrn the i' ri Ora ie. fur the loan hot ein 111111 r,ri'rd may he fir the -Arlie AUlllli M Illef l l , ll ,l llllrlll 1111,1 ma otter, -u jot . ' lo 1TV.1 1111111 11, 1 4.11,-(l , •efunli . e the 111:17,1e , 11,1 i- di ri vied in the 11 1'111o:ince Of the 4111 June, if:4l, to whii Orilinanrr ,ol.forotentnry. SE , '. 111. ' n11:11 111 .111i1110 - 111 10 the dime- drvhlved upon the rile Tree-nrer :Ind the Conn Mil ler no IV:llr.r. by thr said Ordinance of 41 ' June, '341, in real' , o the cer I Ificate, I herein 110/17.erl . inote..ver be the du ly of the ,ii i Trea,uter u Mt, the in,prrinm 011 he lion Hillier on Finance, to ratirel and de-troy all i, , tietl ill pursuance of Ho. Ordinance ‘‘. Men may be in ;lee city Treasury 011 I ht . - 22nd day of I)erentll, r tr ..e year, is render au :tcr e arrounl of Ile eel llficah, so deslrnyrd 10170 , 1111 il: w 1,1. :10111131 rf ;10,1. IV. That re vrnuca and properly al the City be and the same are here by pleilued fur the slim cloy aitt tiort.ied to hr. harrow ed a , aforesaid. Ordained and ellne:ed inin a Law, in Coriorils, 27th day Of February, A. 11.18.13. House A gency. No. 13 wrst of tile market !rouse, Penn M. sth yard, Pittsburgh Pa. PIAUI: ilft,rriber havtao for a number of years been en• viged In reining cl'y property, collecting rents ,fir, and wt-hinz in extend lint Mist mass in this way, respect. An Ordinance changing the place I , f hold- i wily oiler.. 111., services In those pet SOUS OVlellillg, or who ing the elrc• ion for Overseet ' of the ' : o " ; :: ,i,re:73h 4 : 7o , , or itn ir l o ti i , ec e t . v i,,, nt or E zt x o ec ii t ,i t , nrs a , n . , l l d . T h lt o tis m ir , a y Poor. . i not have lelgtlre to attend to it thetnselves. to rent dwell. QEC. 1. Re it ordained and enacted b: . Hue. du izens or 1.v,, waro,o,is.4, Fdrms, Lots, kr . Also, lo collect ).7.7 pit taliti rel. is Select and Common COMIC-HA naseni• 1 rents. dividends, Ground rents kc. A re.:l,,ter Is kept tiled, That from and after the passa2e of this Ordinance, , where a description of nll proper] letu for rent will be en• the election for use Overseers of the Poor he held at the feted free of rhar•ze, reference Is respectfully offered In house now UCCllpied by JI)1111 Irons, in Fifth street the frillowitu: ,letillemen far whom Me sithseriher has Ordained and enacted into a Law, in COIIIICII9, ill , ‘ been a2ent fir some years pas_-Mestirs Michael Allen, 27th day of February, A. D 1843 P. McCormick and James S. Crab?, Erg., rillPhfir7.ll:JaAl Attest. VIM. L:11113Ali:11, rte.% . Smart, Esq. European A:ent, Plillad ;Wes. John ftrown, E J. ROBERTS, Crk C 0111,1•00 Council. , Pirmingliain; R. MuLentin, l'lnclituall; Daniel Poller Common Council JOHN Slit Pi Pres'L 1 rai,uheoville; Jo ...ph Millar. Lawrenrevllle; Jame , Jones A xxx. NI mita, Ci'k Select f;otincll.l East liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; Datiel Selert Connell. March 3-3 u. 1 Deporron, Sewickley. 1., 1. onra - r , . (I'k Common CO1111( . 11 A 1.;:x. Mu LAR,C ;electl'uu r, R. 1)-9-WEL. JI/chlf7.lL, ()flirt. on Fifth strett notween Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. der 10—ly In the nth Ward. FOR It ENT, 2 comfortable brickhouse , on Penn at, op posite the residence of Itlcssrs(P McCormick and J. II T 0 the 1 - 1,,,0 atar,, the Judges of the Court of . Shoennerger. General Quer. et Ses•inas of the Peace, in Also, two .3 story brick dwelling !louses on Pike street ,iv , l fair the county of Allegheny: , at $5 per month. The petition of John Titrpin of the lst Ward Also, a number of 0111;111 frame dwellings at $2, 32 50 Pilkhargh, in ‘itht (minty, resperatnNy showeth— I and $3 per month. Toot he is wril provided w ,to i,ou.e room and Also, a brick st ,, re room and dwelling on the Canal other cnoveoieo,....s no- the are mi ii .d ,th,o of Aran,. Fia•dn, mikAniim. Mr. Coe's hatter shop. Apply at the ger...and travellers, at the Ith o ese now neathe iby him Hoti4e. Agency, near the sth %Yard market house. as Ata , era; caul heing ilesir ,u, to continue in that fch 23 . JAMES BLAKELY, business be prays your howir• , to grant liim a teens,. l -- to keep a t , Inn or 1,,,,i- e of P,),1 Entertainment. And he will rr. , y, &c. It E .TII OVA L. HOLDSHIP & BROWNE JOFIN TUR PlN.ii - AvE removed their raper Store from Market The and •r-Ognerl oil zees of the first Ward Pitts. 11 street to Na. (34 Wood street. one door from the hit • gh, respect! idly ce lily, that John Tut' p n ,the a. I corner of 4th, where they k. ep on bands theirusual as hove named applicant, inn gcntleman of good repute Port inept of WALL PAPERS, for papering parlors, en• for hone-tv and temperance, arid in well provided will. tries,chatnhers. ¢r., and also PRINTING, WRITING house t nom and conveniences for the uncoil-mind and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. 4 - c. !lot. a.• d lodging of angers and tiavelers, nod that I , all of which they offer for sale on accommodating terms. 14. 1843.—dif said tavern is neces-any ur the a cummodatioo of the public. Thomas Cassiiy, George Heal( , John Kelly, John Setin, Ralph Gray, M reh 2-3 t.• BLANK LEASES. A new and much improved form of Blank Leases, for •ate at the office of the "Morning Post." MORRIS ,k WITFORTII. ALL persons Indebted to the above firm, are requested to make immediate settlement as the partnership is about to he dissolved, and R. Morris is leaving Allegheny. All accounts not settled before the 20th March, will he given to the proper authoritiet , for collection. MORNS 4. HAWORTH, February 1843 • Droplets, Allezheny City. The business wt.! be conducted as heretofore by .1. Raworth,after the let Aprll. j mat 2--3 t.. INN? El CH RAUNI Comm in Council JOlrs; Sill I - 10S. Pref.% Si 11,i Counril Nlarch W R. G•irrnly SnmuYl William Kelly, Imes Wintim, Chas. Rankin, PENNSYLVANIA Bank of Pii Isnur.h Belmont bk of St. Clairs. Mar ietta lik. Drina od In Cur re`4, y 1 . 011)111binna i•k N w Lip lion Deitint.ll, 1 4 do l'osl not I' R. spveie paw hanks. Traitor, lilt of 5 Demand note, I (IL Lawrence ra,/errr 1 I,k 11 LOI{ SALE OK TO It E TO LET. 4 .1 ril . , Sinre and tipper ronnl4 of the corner o I V ';' ~. .1- 6 1 ,, Is -, all., :On I.t reel', now occupied by NI r '• ' 11. E. ,•0q..ta...e A •-•,I. 1 , ‘vn v fir,k flonge.) n !he rnrnrr of 5t h ton •Irevl4 1., a 11. , tv, and "f JANI El 4 SI A Y rel. 21 tv 4-msk FOR R E.VT. - C 001 1 .011.11111. ortv hark dtvt.ll_ 10 2 . ;,t 1 ..•,....11 L i r 10 C... 1 I.arir n-ar 7111 .Irret Fur Icrnr.. which *ill Irr 1001,01,•.:ITIp1v 10 JOHN 11'1 - 1,1 1 : , ti CV. Three Rig floor. Litwri MEM TO LET. rirPP. 33 sir ry 01 I lie 1.11'11in: orrniltsl by 8. A Ilan U , . nNf an A lir . gm. .•,sii.f..re know!. a. SesinlllCP LOW! Itunor, • soros, of Woos' and 51 it rei• 1 eiittete 01 I:. Mt, 1 . 00 1 . ic6 s 3 inn 23. To Le r. .' ,- 1 -0 1+1 . : CELL.II2 on 111arket het wren 3d and 4 , h N rt,ll A I.SO, Iwo iiivacion• arid fOOll.ll in the err rind lis a Hall on rk. I•t rer.i; well :Oar' / .. .1 fill I,IW “fli. •••,. nr qinn,: a c o n r.•iiii•ot arid fro., siren!. A a fits,' 11 , 211.11i , e on NlatAfi . I rert live room. roolfortaftle AIIr Lo n. A I.T'l). IlteM111 , 11S!".e room on Third 'it nearly op po.dr- Iln l'ord orbrr at pr.,1.111 orrupied l,y Brown Rar mood n , a I.a -upri, ni and airy Writ: , On 3.1 sl at iire , riit or as the ‘lllet.etito ALSO, for relit. cever:il small !muse? near toe. dwell, j or honer „01,...1i10.-rther in rilt townahip, .11h a few acres or Land attached to earl, F.DWD D. C ‘ZZ AM. Nn 51 Third pn 13 if s,‘ F our i m i s in 11),nrItr-lcr. 01, I I and FI fourth Arm of Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots titi!.. 41. 42.52. 5:1. 54.1131. IR2 and IR4, in think's plan of Lola, on Holton'. Fllll Also, I,ol+ 000 26 and 27, In Cook's p!:1. Or Lot* on Hight street. near the new Court douse. For terms apply to Z. W. ft EMINGTON. peril° 1 1 I) 23 FACTS SPE.IIr FOR TIJEMSELVPS--TRUTH IS CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the can of my knee, which produced much pain, and used various appiica lions recommended by the Faculty--311 in vain was cured completely by the tree of one bottle of Dr. Brand ' reih's Linament, or External Remedy. Witness m+• hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio ip Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, IRV. Dr. Brandreth's Extei oat Remedy or Linament; sold at his office, No. 9I Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRI fE-- ! 5(1 cents per bottle. feb 8. - VAR ILY FLOUR —Just rereived a few barrels of Superior Flour, made expressly for family use. Fur sal,. by ISAAC CRUSE, 148 I.ib, SI In Store 50 barrels cup. flour. BU'ITER. AND LARD. JUST received, $ barrels fresh roll Butter, and 20 kegs fist rate Lard from Dover, Ohio. for sale by Wooster, Massilon, Sandusky. Grattan, Norwalk, Xenia, Dayton, . Scioto, Post notes, Chillicoi he, Fran. 14 Columbus, Im..caaler, Hamilton, Granville, Com. bk. Lake Erie, Far, bk:of Fenton, Urbana INDIANA Slate bk.¢ Branches 11 Sinie Scrip, 40 K ENT LICK Y. All banks., ILLINOIS Mate bk 4 Branches, 60 shawneptown, 70 VIRGINIA Hank of Vlrp,lnia, 1 do Valley, Far. hk. of Virzinle, Exchange hank, N. Wes!. honk 1 Aler. ttriler. do . 1 MARYLAND Baltimore Batiks, COIIDIry Ranks, DELA WARE AB Banks, NEW JERSEI All Banks, par and 1 NEW YORK. (10 , R:.itkr, par Ctattilry hanks. (gaiety a 1 Red Bark, Ito 1 NEW ENGLAND. Roston Rankg, p; Votniiry '. LOUIS! A NA ,flrder nq ItankF, rood. . SORT!! CAROLINA SOITTII CAROLINA nIcP. 2 I'IS. COLUMBI A ALIIIAM A Good Flank., TENNESSEE l AII Bank!. Rk. of Pt. Clair, 10 Do. dn../ H. Smi'b 10 \ 11){ Gnarl hanke. Rio 10 Canteen Exchange. Plirrallelplrla. I rEiew York, A 'Nitta:ore, i rmirrn. i ,%%'e.tern Exchange. leincirtr, a ll, par Lour/write, p ar cir.ret.roll. I dia Wherlia r . par GOLD ^ i D SILV ER, par JAMEA FILAREI.I ISAAC cause, 118 Liberty at .. .*qi‘% '*.A‘, ----1.,, -.50., Itt\ ).-'' OPCAsYSE OS ........ , i i / 11HE subscriber has Just received his 3 runntil supply of 11. Landreth's Garden Seeds, cousist ow! in part ofthe owing, kinds—nit of the Inst year.n crop 4 warranted nine: Egg Plant, Parsnip, Endive, Peas, Kale, Pepper, Pump) in, If nc.coli, klaithsti, Berecole, Rhubarb, Cal barge, Sal.tary, Carrot, Cauliflower, Spinach, Celery, Okra, Co. led Cu ese, Oni , m, Cucumber. Parsley, Mustard, (white and brown) Leek, Lettuce. seer M Musk. Nasturtium, Squa:l), Tomatoes, Turnip, Curl] , &c. &c. &c Together u lihr varlet y of Pot 4. Sweet herb, aril flower r'Orders for Seeds, Shrubs - , Trres, tr. from Garden. era and others Will be received a nd promptly attended 1•'. L. tiNOVVIIIEN, No. 1:4.1LP...try. trend oflVond st. H ATS-W. 4 M. DOMILIITY inform their friends and the public that they have commenced manufactu ring flats, and thct tiny have now ready for sale, at their Store, 148 Liberty street, between Market and 6th street, an a•sortinent of the very hest Hats, which I"..ey are anxious to dispose of on the cheapest and ntost reason, able terms. Their stock consist of the very best kinds, vin:—fleavcr, Oiler, Neutrla, Custom short Nat ped Rus. ala. Fur and Sift Hats. vv. e r 111. Doherty are both regular bred Halters, !hey have had extensive experience.as Journeymen in theltest establishments In the country; their fiats are all got up under their own inspection, and they assure the politic that nothing but the very first articles on the most ren sonatilr terms will be offered for sate. rep 10 VWERT LECTURE.S.—ForrIA Cour..e. —The Lee. lure C.munotee or the Wirt bratitate have the ',teem:ire of laying before the public, the foliourinz, gentlemen who have euiteerited to Lecture, viz: Rev J IV Bak - etriPtt , I otroductory Leet u re. John L Gorr, nehlnvon. Protr, H J Clark. Hendv.tte College, 800. Win Putvbureti, Prot!". d B Brown, leffereon College. Desk Rechie, , Pittsburgh. Reed 14 ei,lijngion. E4l , Prof'. aftrr'r 1' Ale 0:11, Weet . Theo. St mina ry. Franrts John•tow. Req., Pittsburgh. ProtT J Barker, Meadville College. B Lawrie, 1", , q Rev Janes L fli,tamddie. Prof !titled S Je•6rrton College, will de liver several Lectures on Ain rononiy, enitmari tie its Fire, proirre.s and destiny. Revd Washington. Esq., will M.) denser several Lectures on the stibject he may ...ler?. Arrangements are in progress to engsge Professor Sil ',man, of YMIC Collele, to deliver in our tit v, a fun ....worn Or Iprinrre on Geolo•y^ oleo v Ira /maim R. Ruchanan, on Neurology. 0111nr cmlnent To‘r IMP.. will N. invited In ♦lSil Our rely, when it may lie In the power of the in ohme to engage rheir aervicr•s. The Lcrinrec of tilts r nurse will lie Literary and Scientific anhierte eirlueively and It is Import frnin the entineot ability or lir Lectnrer.. nod the Inlereici inz na -1 ure of flie eithiecte. 'hat Our citizen.. Will liberal/V pa -1 ronny. Ilti. lanriahle enternii,o. The Iran lily afinuiti nni he le In tier enriltiragemei,i an , : literature. Tho (freed: (if lily) will .4! afifiropri alert In the en'arconient of a Library, already an honor in lb. env Dz7-I'otiror Tirkell. admitting a Lady and zr tettlan, SI. and mat. he had elf either of the Centotiller, nad at C. H. Ka v ¢ ro'r Rook Store. Mononvaltela and r.‘ehange flotr , o, and at Rerford'e. I,er tures commerce on Tlturtdav •ventre, Dee 1. 1 4 ..‘ MI, C. lICKY. W.W.WII.Sf)N, JOICV S COSi; I , AVE, committ e r. NI ft, SI'A I FE, I n.24-1m JoHN R . tar MYLE, T. PRICE, Wriole.ale and 11..140 Baker. Con. le.. , lniter ;4.1 l'iukterer, Federal sircei , near he Di:. dflircheily ri.c. Ever, var. iv of I'oo6h - floozy y and Orrmineninl 9Jilafole for Joni I ..otics, sbalitinaelti , ed tool the lint ahor, enure. nov 16 1 1 1,57'.4TE 01 Johr flunk,. late of Itie City KA bort°, der'o. rerettn3 itileregled will take 01.1 ire I hal lestero of adttaini.lration on the ealnie of the .al , l dre,olent. has IN9•11 dui) granted hy the RefIS,YI of A lie zhelly County, to Sti , anna Bunker. widow of the ~ec, Rohl; and all peranna havln2 claims or deenonda a z:101.1111e ePt;lff• of lire .ald dreetleal, are regurptleti to make knnan the %Ante to her svol 1111 l 1 ebony, per deore I. to hand Areel, ell y of l'iiivbure.h. reh I —l;w I 1.1.1 M 17. WAlL.find rune ! , Pyrtru a find Pirture Frump ,Alanufacturrr, So. 87, Fourth Street Pittsburgh. —ranvann Rllllsllr, Vartikli 4 c., for Ari irlu, tlwnv• nn linntl. [Amain: t; kr, moinot iy framed to order. Repairl ft: door; I the Filmn t not ire. Partirolorittlention paid to re:llding and Johlmtg of" , .v rry de•rrip,lnn. Per.nroi fiiilnt up ?team Roar■ or bowie, will find it tt liviradvan, - I.ln c.:111. .en 10 .-9.lrTEn,:i boy of tram 14 to lti yrlrs of fize. A pplirolion to le made herore the flrFt of March in F 1. SNOW DF!kl, 184, Liberty toad of Wood fit. DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CH EsTs. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 23. 1849. .1. Detratso—On Friday, the 30111 of last month, about 9 o'elork at rttlhi.the Planlne.Groovin and sa s h M an ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4- Co, with a large quantity or dre•red and undressed lumber, was all consu med Ity tire. The Iron Rafe which I bought of you gomP time hack was to the most exposed situation (lupin!: the tire, and .wag entirely red hot —I am plenged to Inform you It wan ripened at the close (if the fire, and all the hook", pipers, 4.c.griveit;—llll.lls the hest recommendation I can 'give 01 the utility of your safes net 24—If GREEN APPLES. Jug received from Marieiiii, O. 40 bids Green Apples, comprist ne every variety, in first rnie order. ISAAC cnuse, rch 4, 148 Liberty st FARE REDUDED.—U.B.MAtt. Linz or ST•ors Atm Rate RoAn Cans, front Pittvrhurgit, via Bedford, Charnherviturg, flarrivhorg and Lancaster. to Philadel phia, connecting with the !Hail train of rnre to N V. 4'r. Only 150 milev.tagine and one night out. Also. Ihe Direct tine to Baltimore. Pare to Ehilade'phiu 10. Baltimore, 9. LPRVeII daily at A o'clock A. M, Office second door herow the Merchants Hotel Wood st MENDELL, GRAHMII, WAtIGUI k co. feh 23, 1843 —1 y " Proprirtong JOHN J. MITCHELL—Attorney at Law, office corner otTSmithfield and sth sta., Pittsburgh. Kr Collections made. A:I business entruslnd to his care will he promptly attended felt 16-1 r FOB ST 'LOUIS, BURLINGTON GALENA and DUBUQUE. The light draught steamer CICERO T C MAY Master, will leave for the nbove and all inter mediate ports on Wednesdat Bth March. For freight or passage apply on board, or to feb 27 J A NI ES MAY, agt. Tin:: boat is supplied with Evan's Safety Guard. MOLASSES 300 BBLS. N. 0. .1110 LASSES; just rec'd per 816133 boat Little Brn, end for Pale by .1. W. BURBIIIDGE ¢ ro. Water et. between Wood 4- Smithfield• PROPOS4LS WILL be received at the office of the City Water Wnrksuotil the 10th of March, for supplying the Work. with Coal for one year, to commence on the first of April next. ROBERT MOORE,So?•t Plitshurgh, Jan. 240,1843-3 W. SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 6 x HMV. N. 0. Sugar. UP 40 bbl,. Notassest. Jost retested per Steam boat Ashland, ard for sale by S. W. Bull DRIDOE tt Co. mar 3. Prater Bt., between Wood and Smithfield St!S.ANN A iIUNK CR, Adminkirnirit ?: COTT. PARE REDUCED ON 111IC GRIAT CENTRAL ROUTE., via fkrittmeim nolio AND BALTIMORE AND Omer BAIL ROAD l'OPitAt.t. ..) E W lone of U. S. Mail Coaches far IV asAitriiton City. Baltimore. PkiladelpAia and New York. Thm tine is in fail operation and leaves Pittsbn rgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M , via Washington :a. a nd uatiunal road in Cumberland, connectung here with the rail road Co's to all the shove places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, /I ',ether separate sold distinct Pittsburgh and voin',erlonil line, facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Es tra coaches far ni.lied at the shortest notire, wito the privilesr of sting through direct, or taking cite night's rest et their oplion. Fare from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, .310.00 Pittshieg to Relay iIOUPI., moo Thence to Wrishineton 2,00 i 12,00 Pittslmre' to Philadelphia, 13,00 For through tickets, apply at our office NI the rorner of Exchange &del, o rat our offlee at the Monongahela House. L. W. STOCKTON , Fel,. 3,l—dt r. President of N. R. Rage Co. A FEW MORE STILL TOHN . rCL^SKET. the old original, has on hand the r ost splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered Wes Illy ;lock is In Ile. and lam disposed to sell 2100 rowt. I possible prise Illy stock ii heavy, and as the sea. son ivailvancinz, I will scil nt lower prices than ever. I ask only the pleasure of a rall, feeling confident that a ook is Parlicipni. Rstviirs of Counterfeits. Remember h 3 THREE BIG DOORS, and the SIGN IN THE YR VE nOV 23,184 Lsntss Ovsa Pitons.—The ..adleA can now do away with all kinds or over shoes, can Walk thron4h the wet streets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept perf.ct• ly dry; can wear tight shoes without having their corn■ pain them; and can have their Oros wear twice 23 1222 as ever, If they will nse the eeehrmed Oir. or 71111111,Whirh will' make leather water vont. and render It as pliable and soft as kid. It's an article well worth their mdice, and one which they will ail value highly ,as soon as they try It. To be had only at TUTTLE'S MCVICAL ASZACT, 86, Fourth Creel. rdee, 3 I per bell r. Jan 9 OTI CE. -t have taken out letters of administration 1.1 on the estate on John Wils.m, late of the City of Pittsburgh, de 'd. All pet imns indebted to the estate of the said deceased, are requested to make immediate osty• tnent to me at my residence in Penn st. near Alarbory, and those who hove riiinie are requested to present them duly probated. J P WILSON, Jan 19..-6tw , .ILLIII,If ELDER, Attorney at Law; Otfi , e in Bakewell's icarly opposite the New C nom [louse. nn Grant strevt. seri PPITTSBURGH CIRCULATING AND II EPERENCE LlBBARVorßeligious,HietorlealiPolltieat,endMi s ctllaneous Work.. will be open every day, SaWralh ex. reined. - Tom 7 o'clock, A. M . ,unlit 9, P. M.. in the Ex. change Duilding,corner at St 'pair ntrretand Exchange alley, a nere 7ttinctual attendance ...lli begiven by rep 10 1. GEMMIL PIZEINGTOWS Unrivalled Blacking, TUFA NC:FM:7 I:RED and Fold whnle•mle and retail .1."11. Sart, f. 4 TACCr one door below Smithfield. net 21—iv. T. STEW A ler, rphnl,terer and raper Finnze , , •JP • So. 42. Pin h rr , het wren Wood and Smithfield A 1 . ,. H ti:k and St raw Vlattra,es nlwriya on Mind. All nr‘h.r, eTeemed with nea I ness and delmatch, on acrommn :al Inc term, 'ten 20— 1 y R %V ISUINGION, ATTOR-VEY AT LAW. —Office in [lnane Building, Fourth ttt rye!, Pill,bur2ll. Nov. 5. 1842. vm E. Ar eT N. A tOrn, y a t Law. Pi' i"htt rg 11, Pa. Office in Sill Ft reel, Oppn.ile Rnrke 9 110111111 z. WiLLIAIK E. A rITIN'. F:•41., win glve hla attention to my unfinished Inp.ine,g. and I MCOTTIMPnii him to the patron age of my friend. WALTER FORWARD. 10—ly D t . A. W. I' AT I'ERSON..."Iire on Smithfield street, near uir, set. 10 111 N nu" . l'Elt WORTH. 4.n - boosts uwd C4ll4llliS, al *ion .1/,c4ang, Louisville. K F.. will niiend In Ili. sale of Real F,..ta•••, Dry Gnoils.G.nreries. Fn r n re, kc• salr, eve , V Tur•day, Thursday, and Fri day, inornin2s. at l 0 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances mode st'n 10 13 - .S7'PRS. SJIRDLYES. /ice.; cuved up in the hest le at l I lt,R ER'S. Nn 9 Fifth steers. Son a'.le apartment. are :Ivaco!" idled to gen 1 lenw acr Ann panied I.y lathe+. Also 411 kinds of Cake• aid Confectionary- for pa i Lien. wedding+. etc , for vale by tiny 19—if. Toothache ! ! /1117 E .ncsi inveterate Tontbarite eured in rwo coca--call at Turvt,a's medical Agency, R 6 Fourth si., and nidate a hurtle, it is warranted to cure or the money will he refunded, EORGE W. LAY.VO. Attorney at Law, Offire Na. g.l rffl'i street. near the Theatre. Pitty'onr,7ll, •rn y 6.1C'G.111. -ILICKFREL, 4 . c.--.16 folds. N 1.7 Sti;ar, 10 Tierces Rice. 15 K e Shad. assorted NUS. 20 BbiS NO. 3 Mackerel. Nu* landing from zs. R. totter, and for sale low lly 28 J MES 51 AY. 113/.0u.1/S --2Vtons B :-, Ly looms in 3 t . n l t r ; a li n i d Tß fo n e r 7 in le c in - 4' St 13. Writer between World k Smith ll'Closkey's Clothing Str . re FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF RE3D .31.1 DE CLOTHING THREE BIG DOORS, No. 151 Liberty street, one door from the Jackson Foundry. rrinE suhscilher is Just receiving at his well known 1 establishment, the lergest. ninst varied and CIIZAPEST 51 rice or tenons that has ever been offered in this city._ Every officio wan selected by hitn•etf in the eastern ci. ties, and purchased at the LOWEST cavil Pettus, and lie is therefore enabled to sell Id!, orilties ranch lower than they ran he had at any other estahl'shinent west of the monntains. Him a rtiele4 are all ittad. by experienced workmen from the latest manual, three! goods and In the must MODERN FASHION. Pe feels confident that all nersons who will call at hi: est abliehnient e nd exntnine his mock will lie whirled that BETTER BARG 4INS can he obtained at the THREE BIG DOORS than at nnv similar establishment in the ritY, Ili+ stork t emsists In part of Coals. Pantaloons, rests. Drawers, Shirts. Cravats „S'tocks, Gloves, Suspenders, And every other article ofCloilnr,g of the best style From his varied stock of cloths he is prepnred to MAKE CLOTII ES TO OR DER at the shortest notice, in o style unsurpassed by any other Pittsburgh house, and warranted to fit Ills stock of Spring and Summer Grads In !nperinr to any prrviou4 linnottnilons and he has no hesitation In aaylnr that for excellence. leanly and rheapnera they cannot 'be egualled in the wear, Tire vitli,criber would once more return 1111 thanks to his friends , and the public for the unprecedented patron ace liegtowed on hls e . dahli-hment, and believing that his customers had frond It to their advantrce to deal with him, he would repeat hiA invitation to all Mope who wiA to pureha , ze Clothing of every erscrtnitoo at lowest pricey, to call at No. 151, 14 BeRTIF Sracer. JOHN M'CLOSKFX IrrObeerve Meta! ' Male In Hie Pavement. Feb 22 • L. C. Judson, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Smithfield near 7th -Wetto—Punctuality In bumness and amicable set tlemeniv. fir' 25-17. NLOYF.R AND TIMOTHY SEED always on hand In lota to suit purchasers, apply lo I. CRUSE, Pet, 4. 148 Ltharly st JUST RECEIVED, Twrive Noses of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quality. for talf whole•ale and retail. nv WM, THORN, feh 2Z—f. 53 Market st. A SAWYER WANTED. APERSON competent to take charge of a Parre. ex tensise sawmill, with a small capital. will hoar or an advantageous situation on application at this elite, of immediate application i. made. !tune owl apply who Cannot jive Satisfactory referesee as to honesty aura cow pelem.y. feb '22-2w We will in a few days publish some startling facts on the subject of labor-me ving machinery—fiat* which will satisfy every thinking man that in the present or• ganization of society, it is a curse, and that it can be rendered a blessing only in Assn ciation. We earnestly ask the attentiort of all kinds of people to this sub'ect. For f-ar that some might be disappoints ed, we will state that there will be notions ing this evening at the Old Court How*, as stated by us a few days ago. Due notice will be given of our made' ins. We want every person to attend. liourier's Scheme vs. Our Scherrit. The difference between the scheme' cif Industrial-Association, as advocated by the Fourierists of New York,and that pros posed by the friends of Association in ON city, is material, and deserves a brief 80-. Lice in this column. The grand . cdaject of our fr ien is in New York and ontseives in the same, the difftrence being in tbre de tails of orginization. We proceed to so• tics a few points. Fourier 's scheme provides for a '(ergs and elegant Edifice, composed gif a control. two wings and two sub-wings,' tu be eted• ted in the centre of the Domain, in which all the members are to live, each family in a separate apartment. In our scheme, each man has his own house, built in the centre of a small fib wet garden, in which he lives, preserving his family relations as at present. It would present the appear , ancu of a ram anti : village, wherea conies• led and happy people are united togethee l.y ties of mutual interest. In Fourier's scheme, the properly of the Association is divided intosharee. cads member having the privilege of buying is many shares as he desires. In our scheme each member represents one share and no more, no matter what may bi tha Nampa of capital he puts In Fourier's scheme, a member %Ili owns stock ma) recover three dividends —one on his stock, another on his labor, and another on his skill or talent. In our scheme, each member receives but one dividend, and that on his labor. No extra compensation will he allowed to a man who, by mere accident, has been enabled to furni.h more ctpital than sume _other members; nor %ill a person of more than ordinary skill or talent b?, entitled to any more than the common laboter. - - In Fouri , lr's scheme the ro.mbers are compensated fur labor by wages as now; but in our scheme the whole wages aye. tern is repudiated. Want of room prevents us from enlar— ging on these points, but we promise to refer to them separately hereafter. A. Fir NICER PIG IRON. 64Inse TOS6 con T . unnesi f te gn,t, Pig Iron. Pot. rile lop fen 10 VV ANTED soot. ar poialhle--oldeetilbt a *um. her of Mechanics; Book keeper"; Clerics; saiesamag nod Boys in more,: Schoolteachers—roc labotini wee Women; !toys and Girla for all kinds of work—also, for pond - men: steam and canal boat aidn mid boys--40111te torn; kr. Al.no, waffled a mortgage on good property. with four or flee times the difionitt $5OO, 700. 1000 ¢e . for rale-twelvecheap tracts of land, nod for rent, Wry. erat rmall pieteg of property.—apply eV Harris' Ageney and I ntelllgenee office. fi r, _ . on veyancing. 41,11F:S BLAKEL y, , toiltineles to execute ail kinds of writhieg. • !yr h a , Deeds. [4ll.ortgages, Apprentices 10. • Fes, Articles of Parteersbip. Lettere of Atiorney. demo 4-•, in a Meat and legal manner • and at Prairie chargt s. nt his old stand Penn ttreel , neat Meath rormernuarket feb.2B. Nirtiotme:D: CoLem &Pi LOYD H. CoLIIII4IIII. C Ol. E AUX 4. CO.,Genera Agents, rorevardbl set Comthllsion Merchants Lt. vee Street, Vickst6rn 51 iss They reopectfaityso "tct t constearnents. nll-41 E. H. iffeastings f RECORDIMfREGULATOR. Olfice with Alder watt Wawa, 4uh greet, nest dotir io oh• Bank •• rithl,nro: ethers apnhentione for Reenlallhg. Purvey- Layinrout and Dividing , Landed estates, will be received, Peed?, bond!, Mortg2tec, 4-c. executed with tripte arenrary and despatch. nittchntzh, inn. 261.813.-3 t WHY are Dr: - Hibbard Family Pllla !mid in Ittiehllgli".'estimation„ by the hitt , dreds of familien In this thy who how keep then) coes•terttty OR handl Because the effect of these Pills on the stool :1(.4 Is such ea not to sicken. Neither rirrthey strata the liver so as to throw off black bile: . Mit 'bey throw of the yellow bile freely, They are the hest 41ifil' eV* r void for Dyspepsia, Head deka. RAntiosacisms.eg. 10 -!or •aisernes' peculiar to Females, they are sada altd ea teneivety; and tine greatest satisfaction. Th. e excellinet Pills are for sale in. Pittsburgh Nay. at Trrrts..6 4th at. 1121 rents per Lot. Jan SI Du . E. IV ERRIlet, DElttitr, oje. is st■rri. Meld, betteaa• Sseintd •ad Third Sts., Ho•'e Of bitilrisse from 9 A. tit till 4 P. IN. Dr. E. Pd. manufactures P 1 .66.4141 lad Miner•l tomb. i3cntist■ can he supplied by lite 100 bt *lngle leoth. Block• of troth With a beautlfhl ram fri roll 'eta, or part• of setts, will he modern ortibr at the shortest notice. by forwrirdine nn exact losprenion elf the tn•oth. tho. for sale a few inaehine* with emery wheels for grinding and tituate folders' teeth so useful to the wi l i be .01,1 low for rn.h. dee 23. 11. b. WKAT. ALPS. P. TOOMMIll• tincit 4 THOBEEPAION, G ENERAL AGENTS and Commission Si!Profilist:4 ST. LOWS. /4i. trfcr to : Mews. Tnit.ett. Doyer 4. McDowell. Pittsburg. , t R. Cannibell ro. " C.P , .Todhunter. k Co. n Mnr:sn,Prutcher ¢Co- 6ih ' tt Veatman ¢ col et Loom. 'oods, Christy k Co. Feb 4.—dam Rcli r lo • b. Sugar, This day reeeived per reamer New 100 Yont,and for sale fry .it A. GORDON. Are 10 N•. 12 Miter et ' , ye tyre at this paw. dying lute?' DR: E. HUMPHREY 'S VEGETR BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES, FISSURES, 4 , 1. To be Trod at TIMILi'M bledie2l Azeoey, R 6 Muunk.sle the oettycaent in Poistnigb. • Feb 22. INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. ASSOCIATION JAMES MAI',