Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 04, 1843, Image 2

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s u bj ec t to the decision of a National Coovernion.
See First Page.
Protestant Association.
'We will publish on Monday, as a matter
'of public information, the constitution a
dopted by this recently organized associa
tion. As ours is a political journal, nut
pledged to the dissemination of any exclu
sive religious opinions, the request o f t h e
association f . or all "protestant" papers to
insert their proceedings, does not aoply to
our paper. But as the extraordinary. and
as it is regarded by a large portion of the
Community, illiberal object of the so-ie,ty,
fine created much curiosity, we think our
readers of all denominations, desire to get
:some information of its procee lings.
We have been requested by some mem
bers of the Church whose doctrines are to
be assailed by this combination, to permit
them, if necessary, to reply to the charges
that may be made against thorn and to ex-
plain such doctrines of their Church as
may be misrepresented. As public jour.
a nalists, willing to do equal justice io all.
we will cbeei fully comply with their re
quest, if their articles are kept within a
proper length for the columns of our paper.
Stale Flock.—A great improvement
has taken place in tl.e stocks of s.veral
of the states. The stock of New York
bearing an interest of 7 per cent. Ilhich a
short time since was with much difficu'ty
- ---ar-cupids a
un of 6 'to 8 per cent. r nern an
ret, premi. „
the state to the Democrats, and the corifi
aence created by the return of faithful
public servants.are the main causes for this
improvement in the credit of the State.
U. S. Debt. —The present amount of
the debt of the United States is as follows:
Stock debt, 512,000,000
Treasury notes outstanding,
Feb. 1,
• Pennsylvania Ranks —We will pub ,,
listi in our paper of Morday, a highly in
teresting statement on the Banks of this
State, allowing the atn,unt of their capital
stock, notes in circulation , speci e, aggre.
gate cash and aggrepte cash
Maryland. —The Maryland Legislature
has two bills tinder consideration, contem,
plating an amendment of the Constitution.
One is an Etct to change the constitution and
form of government of the State, so as to
change Anne Arundal county to be called
Howard county; the other is an act su to
change the constitution and form of ,gov•
ernment of the State as to provide for the
election of a Sheriff in :‘nd for Baltimore
c - )unty, and a Sheriff in and for Baltimore
Let the word Pass—"a man may whis
tle in the streets of Boston !" In that city
jittely a watchman arrested a man for
wbistling in the streets at night, thinking
DO doubt to make him pay fur it. But the
next day he sued the Charley for damages
and the Court recognized his right to
whistle, and made the watchman 'pay for
the whistle,' This is important.
Female Counterfeiters.—T he Su of
yesterday states that two women were ar..
rested by the Police on the chaige ofpass
ing counterfeit money; but no proof be
ing found against them they were dischar
ged. Their names are Christina Night
sad Mrs. Brown. Upon Mrs. Night be
ing searched, about 30C dollars of coun
terfeit money as found in her possession.
his supposed that these women are the
agents of acl.n of counterfeiters located
some - place unknown.
The Oregon fever is raging in Illinois.
We begin to thiak th-y might as well give
it up for this season, as there is no prospect
dr ibis bill passing. Many Pittshor ghers
will be sorely disn ppointed.
Robbing the Dead. —The body of a
drowsed man taken fr,Jrn a dock in Bos
ton, a day or two ago, was robbed of about
IMMO while it lay on the wharf.
'Died for want of a doctor,' was the
verdict cf a Coroner's Jury in New York
the other day.
Miss Juli aria Hogg was one of the loveliest la
kes at the Bowery I Her.lll.
Such pork might tempt a Jew to renounce ;he
orsilijkia of his fathers.
Total *amber of persons in New York city pri
,aO4l, 1.64
Steamboat flutni.—The N. Y. Plebeian says
abosteauabeat Sandusky, which has been laid up
iv OA creak since last till was burnt on the 27th
igNitippased to be the work of an incendiary.—
' t • t! _
Lediriaitiit 90,008 dollars. '
Isis* E. Holmes, Detn.,is reelected to Congress
Crory tits city ofeharkston, S. C. •
A vvrttz-r in the . 11 Arrostrong tomtit rat"
mentions the Non. WILLI** Wittioss as
a:imitable candidate for Governor iS4 4•
It is unnecessary for us to say that the en
tire democracy of Allegheny, and indeed,
of all It ester') PennsylvaNia, would unite
on such a candidate with the greatest bar
mony, and such a nomination wou'd heal
up all the little feuds that have for some
time past peen making their appearance in
different quarters of the State. From in—
dications already made, it is evident that
the party must be careful in nominating the
next Gubernatorial candidate, to select a
man who is not connected with arty faction
or clirpie that would endanger our success,
and one on whom the whole party can unite
with harmony, There are many such
.'good and true men" in the State, and
foremost among Item is WILLIAM WIL
KINS, of Allegheny,
Harrisburg Correspondence.
HARRISBURGII, Feb 28, 1843
—A bill to apportion the State into
C , ngressional Districts, has ibis day passed second
reading in the House, son been orcit red to be
tran•c:ibi•ci by a majority or 16 votes—yots 52
nays 36 The following is the arrang«nent of th e
several countici--
1 2 3 and 4—Phil's City and Counie.
5 —Pelowale and Momguinery Cd. wit ies.
6 —Buck: and Lehigh.
8- -Lanca.ter.
10—Northampton, Monroe, Pike and Wayne•
11—Columbia, Idrz2rne and Wyniniog.
12—Bradlorrl, Simprhanna and 'flop.
13—Lycoming, Northamptor , Union Laud Chin.
! 14—Dauphin, Lebanon and
15—. Adams and Vurk.
16 —Cumterland, Periy and Fi anklin.
.I ) „7—Centre, Juni ita, if untindoti and Mifflin
S-ur`.-.., "- •srui.Suincract.
19—%‘ Dedttird ann
'2O —Washingion ani Bearer,
21 —Allegheny.
22---V•ii,ngn, Mercer and Cra+% ford.
23—Eric, Wu:ten, M•lican, EuttLr and Jcffcrs
24—Butler, Arm trong, Leriana arid
U r ron the whub, this is a pretty fair Rill. With
11 731,327
out some extraordinary cntribination of interests
should be arrayed against this Bill, which is not
n anreh .tided, it will puss the Ilousc on final
rcudi, g t9-morrow. What its fate will be in the
Sun de, I know not but we apprehend th,t it
will not puss that body, in its present shape.
Business in New York —lnc feeling am .nz
our New Yolk friends is somewhat 1:0-t•er. Tie
Com. Advertiser Itiaturday sacs,—•The srasrn
is fs , t approaching when the merchants ()idle
south and somh west make their purchases for
the spring trade, and solie activity has been given
to business from this cause. But us yet the abun
dance of mon-) has not occasioned any revival in
trade or creuied a. better fceli 1.,: in the commune.
ith re, , zard to our pr )spee's. It has, howevc•,
h tri the cfff. , c: to awaken a very cols' lerablc !Tee-
elation in stun., and cau•cd a material iuip•ovr,-
c tcn c , pecidry in the .re favorite deac:-iptiona
.0. some yPcunUs. Tlit: hay been fostered and
r u c, uragrd hy the •I nAiuly or [he banks to sn ve
interest. The large arrivals gre the banks cool)
&we( t., rxpand IHerally, at d the 10,1119 and dis-
coo it. have been materially increased within a few
weelt.. We have Geared of loans upon storks of
cur o•an state with a margin of 2i per cent only•
nn operation Kind), however benctietal it may ,
prove Cur the moment, is in our vie .1 , derli i:).'d to
produce an injurious rtlcec.
The Crescent City says: `IVe know of
one family in this city, whose children have
been kept from school for more than a year
on account of the expense, and yet the third
silk dress that one of the daughters has had
to fitunt and rn tke herself ridiculous in
would have paid the entire tuition of her
little brother and sister for a year,'
We know not one but many families, in
this city, whose expenses for mere sho►n
would keep a poor family comfatable,and
yet they cannot pay a debt of one dollar.—
To them it would be a lasting disgrace to
appear in a plain dress,but they think nnth•
tug of a duo from a tailor or a mil liner.—
[low they get market money, or rather
marketing, is a mystery which we cannot
solve. Many live on a small allowance—
they would rather ornament the body than
nourish it with food. How false pride plays
havoc with s.n - ne poor fools! We pity the
person who prefers fashionable clothes to
Mexican News.—By the arrival of ihe
revenue cutler Woodbury, says the New
Orleans Bee of the 16th instant, we have
received files of Mexican papers of a late
The suppression of all the liberal pa
pers has g iven just umbrage to the people
of Mexico, and allows little intelligence
to circulate through the country, but such
as may promlte the views and interests of
Santa Anna.
The government is raising a very large
army for some purpose or other—its des
tination uncertain, either Texas or Cam
peach ;I-
A Mexican brig of war had been wreck
ed, about thirty miles from Vera Cruz,
with the loss of six lives.
The steamer Regenerador left Vera
Cruz, fur Campeachy, on the 28th ult.
She was to return immediately in compa
ny with the steamers Montezuma and
Guadeloupe to carry down about 800 more
Next (Sew nor.
Fabe Pride
• I A 'lc et
In initfaancoit pub =no ttte large
meetitigief thi.Dernocrats of the city and
vicinity was hell at the old Court House,on
Wednesday evening, March Ist, 1843.
The meeting Ras organized by calling
Mr. Richard Hughes to the Chair, and ap •
pointing A. McElwaine V. P.,and John M.
Snowden and Tilley Potter Seeys.
On motion of John Birmingham it was
Resolved, That a committee of five be
a ppointed to draft resolutions exmarssive
of the views of the meeting.
Whereupon the Chair appointed
J. I.3irmingham, D. Lynch, Brown Irwin,
J. W. Burrell, and Edw. D. Gazzarn—
said committee. The committcelreturned,
and !Lade a majority report, as follow :
No. 1. Resolved, The: the principles
of Democracy have been trampled under
foot by same of those we have elected to
carry out our principles: Therefore it be•
hovel us to take time by the forelock, as
sentinels on the watch tower of eq,tal
rights and privileges, to sound the alarm
that the enemies of those rights may be
met and defeated attire outset, as experi
ence has taught us the folly of slumbering
on our posts until the enemy has posses.
sion of the Fortress.
No 2 Resolved, That inasmuch as it is
contended that great and beneficial refotrn
has resulted from the new Board of Canal
Commissioners, inexperienced as we
know them to have been in relation to (Ca
nal matters,) and taking them us a crite
rion, we are fully warranted in saying no
evil w 11 result to the State from the an
nual election of a Canal Board by the
people, but on the contrary much good.
No. 3. Resolved, That we disapprove
of ;he meddling propensities that the Ares
ant Board of Canal Commissioners have
thought proper to exercise in trying to
saddle upon the democracy of Peonsylva ,
uia a succes s o r to David R. Porter.
No. 4. Resolvrd, That we, as Demn
crats, oppose the sentiments xpressed by
J. K. Nloorhead, Esq., at the Washington
0 - 44 " House, some time ago, that he
as so..n ak0.... t.ay nankin°.
as by raising Corn; or words t o this
in the reedit time we do not deny Mr. M.
the right to entertain and rxpress those
opinions, hut claim an (vial right also of
expressing our decided dissent to such ob
noxious and anti-democritic doctrines.
Resolved, As democrats of the Key
stone State, we recommend the piesent
Legislature not to authoriz the Banks of
:he State, to issue small notes, or notes of
a less domination than five dollars; the
Relief issue al 1941, being both unconsti
tutional and una holesome.
Resolved, That as Democratic republi
cans, we approve of the act passed by the
present. House of Representatives, enti
tled "an apt to reduce the expenses, and
provide f)r the electi m of Commi ss io ners
by the people." And that in the event of
such a bill, being vetoed by the Gover
nor, that we hereby instruct \Vin.
Karns, Esq. to vote hir, and use every him
orable exertion for its passag-.
The minority repot-, was made by Mi.
G. nod an inflimalmy speech made by the
minority, and replied to t-y Nlr. Lynch—
the meeting then called fir the adoption of
the report of the majority, which was put
by the Chairman and carried, the meeting
then adjourned.
John M. Snowi!en, Jr.
'I illy Potter, Sec'ys.
lii pursuance of public notice, a wetting of the
Democratic CIIIRIMB of Pittabuigh was held in the
old Court house, on Wednesday tuning, March
bit, which organiz id by appiiiiitin:r Pilchard
Chairman, A. McAlwiiine Vice Preal.
and Mr. Flinn, Secretary. (hi motion of John
Birmingham, it wit. , /?eso 7 tied, That a committee
of five be appointed to dolt reimbitions t zpi essive
of llie sentiments of the whereupon the
Chair appointed the fillowrig eiimotittees—John
!brining :ham, Wesley Burrell, D. Lynch, E. D.•
Gizzain and Brown Irwin.
Mr. Birmingham presented a Report from the
maj , rity, alter which Dr. Grsz,tam made a report
from the minority of. the committer.
A ftc r all animated d'actissium a motion to adopt.
the Repmt of the majority was made, but before
this was pot, an aiiimidment by Mr. Gazzarn was
offered to strike out the Report of the majority,
and insert that of the minority. This gave ri-c
to a protracted discussion which lasted till the
pri siding officer vaca , ed the chair. Ama ion to
adjourn to the market h-ruse, was then put and
carried. The citizens having immediately assem
bled in front of the mark.q house, aganized by e,
lecti"g John Ferral, in, and M. K t ic , jr ,
E U. Cif ,7.Lain then addressed the meeting in a
few words congratulating the I.),4Thierats of
Pittsburgh on the determination ti n y evinced, not
to be hatiLA in the free expression of their of in.
i..ns by the noise of a desperate faction; or the
irielc; of a managing politician. lie then moved
the adoption of the folloiving resolutions, which
were earned with enthusiastic unanimity,
Resolved 'I hat a Law giving to the people the
the power of eltcting Canal commissioners at ihe
next ge oral el,ction in Oe'obcr, would be appro.
vrd of by this meeting; but we are decidedly op•
imsed to the attempt ri,,w making by eel laic mem•
tiers of Assembly to place in their own hands
the power of appointing the Board of Canal Con
Reaolved, 'flint we recommend to the Legis!n
ture not to authorize the banks to issue small
notes, or notes of a le%s denomination than five
dollars, and we consider the Relief ii.sue of 1841,
as both to constitutional and injurtotv.
etoived, That we recommend to all the late
office holders whose n' counts are unsettled, to
rquare off their old accounts with the public be
fore they ask to open new books with people, or
attempt any pohtiedl movements to regain not , of•
flees for tio ruselves
It was then in ved that three cheers be given
l'or this ,iznal triumph of the people over the man•
arzernent and tricks of the hackneyed politicians,
which rno•ion was carried. Three hearty cheers
being then given, the meeting adjourned arse die.
M. Kane, jr., Sect'y
Another Forger.—The Rev. Dr. Baily,
a distingnished English clergyman, has
lately been convicted of forgery in Lon
don, and sentenced to transportation for
the B Itlinore Bute' •
- *IONTIJR-fittMetit tr. S. coNGRESS,
• lIRCOaD StelqoN.
aIIIIING F eb.2B, 1843.
After the disposal of a host of petitions
and private bills, the hills to reduce the
rates of postage, was taken up, and order
ed for a third reading.
The bill s. , ttling the title to the Pea
Patch Island in the Delaware, was also or•
tiered to be engrossed.
The House bill reeking appropriation for
certain fortifications for the current year
was taken up and passed.
The Indian appropriation bill, and the
navy pension bill were also pass'sd.
The hills to extend the charters of the
banks of this Distr ct, was next taken up
and debated
The Senaie was in session last night till
neatly eleven o'clock. The whole time
up to half past ten, was occupied by a de ,
bate on the bill to authorize a contract f;if
a his.ory of the debates of Congress, by
Gales and Seaton. No definite action was
had. The temainderof the night's session
w: a devoted to executive business,
The first thing the House did this morn•
ing, was to adopt a re.-olution to m , et at
10 o'clock for the remainder of the ses.
sion! NVlatt amazing promptitude! How
zealous for the speedy transaction o f bosi
ness, now that but three days remain?
one of the ostler who, waking up
after a drunken frolic, shouted 'here Tom:
Dick, Harry, run, b'ood and thunder, lock
that stable door, fur the horse has been sto
About three bushels of privbte bills
reported. As these bills now come in by
the hundred, the only plan'is to measure
inst e ad ofentinting them.
Mt. Nleliennan reported a bill to test
the practicability and uttlity of an invent
Lion for extracting snags from the ?dissis•
Alter the hi I had been read, MeKennan
sad if the bill should be committed, as
was usual, to a committee of the whole,
the probability was that the bill would not
see day-lightgagain at this session. As
dictrifirrw the appropriation asked was but
a thousand and as the invenii
would save the government mittrrirt-if dol
bars, he hoped the House would take up
the bill and pass it.
Mr. Smith, of Va„ ohj irted. He said
if this bill should pass, the House would
he flooded with applications asking money
for testing every invention under the sun.
Mr. Underwood from the district Com—
mittee, to wit:eh had been referred the Sen
ate bill to modify imprisonment for debt
in the District. reported the same without
amendment. Ile hoped the house would
pass it forthuith.
Mr. Holmes, of S. C. moved to amend
the bill by adding a section providing that
'no female shill be imprisoned on mesne or
final process.' The amendment was hp
stantly agreed to, and the bill was return
ed to the Senate.
The civil and diplomatic approptiation
hill having !wen reported from committee
of the whole last evening, w ts now taken
up, the Tiestion being on concurring in
the amendments of the committee.
The amendin , mt appropritting 85000 for
a commercial agent t. , ) thi Isthmus of Da.
rien, WJ reference-In a canal or rail road
across it, was rejected.
The arneadment sending a commereia
agent to the Sandwich Islands, was con
curred in.
sir. 131tts moved to amend so as to pro-
hibit the President from sending abroad
any foreign min:ger without the consent
of the Senate. It was rejeced by a large
After the ccncurrenee of the House in
numerous important amendments oldie
committee, the bill was read a third time,
passed and bent to the Senate.
Last evening a message was received
from the President in answer to a resolu
tion ceiling for copies of correspondence
and despatches relative to the 'right i)fvi , ito
it' question. It is published" at length in
the city papers.
It is understood that the nomination of
Mr. \Vise, as Minister to France, was sen
in yesterday. It is said Mr. P7ofrit will
go to Brazil. As for Mr. Cushing, he will
probably go as Minister to China. provis
ded he escape the lock jaw in conjugating
the Chinese verbs. hi: aid he is taking
lessons from the learned Hong Foo Thub,.
squibaig. Probably Mr. Wise is not well
versed in the pronunciation of French, so
lie will have to Mesmalise Ling Louis, in
arder to 'estalish a communication.'
It is said tlost Mr. Irwin will he a ppoin.
ted collector of the port of Philadelphia.
to a Factory.—Mr. Le wis Chand
ler, of Schuylerville, Saratoga county, N•
V., lost his life on the 22d instant, by a
strange accident. His hand being caught
by a belt in a cotton factory, he was carri.
ed with great velocity over the drum, and
dashed against the ceiling with such force
as to kill him instantly.
Triumph of Conscience.—Captain Jo
sera' Hoskins, of Barnstable, (Mass.) re
ceived through the Post Office, a few days
since, a letter containing fifty dollars,
which Oie writer says is principal and in
terest of what he took from him wiongful
ly some fifteen 'years ago.
The printingestablishment of the Mount
Pleasant Register has been sold by the
Sheriff for 105. dollars.
A fellow named Rees has been commit._
ted in Philadelphia for robbing a hen—
Immense flights of wild pigeons, suppo
sed to be visitors from America, recently
appeared in the vicinity of the lakes and
hills of Cumberland, England.
/110 r` norito4:the jailiparaor the eritifrterVenerai
-I. quarter Sesepsers of the Perko, in fortfog r at c "" -
ty of Allteibeny:
The petition of. Gies. Kirkpatriek, of,StiL Wait. Phis—
burgh,, Ih said coasts. .sepettrollYkh°weth""'
That he is well provided with house room and convent.
ences for the ticeowniodation or etranTers nod travelers.
at the !warm now °erupted by him as a tavern: and be.
ing cher irous to continue that hu,tincrrs he prays your hon.
ors to grant hint e iit . ense to keep an Inn or house of
Pettit , ' Ertertainment.
The u ndersigned, cltizetta 'lithe 3rd Ward, respectfully
certify, t hat Gen. K irkpat rick. the above named applicant,
Is a gentleman of good repute for honesty and temper
anl'e. nd Is well provided with house room and co nve
niences for the accomntodation and lodging of strangers
and' ravelers, anti that said I:iveril is necessary.
John LatTetty, John Bryar,
Ebenezer Kerr, Thomas Hunter,
J. K. Irwin. William Mackey,
John Patterson, M. rawdy,
Joseph Allender, Thomas Dunlop,
Peter Tleymer,•
Thomas Elliot.
mar 4-31.*
To ihe honorable, the Judges of the Court of
General Quarter Sea ions of the l'eace, in
and fnr ihec,rint. of henr
Toe petition of Sarsli Savage, 2d ward city of Pitts.
burgh, in said county, respectfully showeth:—
'rnat she is well provided with house room and
(Idler eonvemences for the accorrinindati-n of stran
g rs a d travelers, at the house now occupied by her
as a cavern; and being desirous to cont•nue m the
business s.ie prays your honor; to grant her a license
to keep all lon or house of Public Entertainments.
And sire will prat ,&c
The undersigned citizens of the :II ward Pitrs
burgh, respectfully, rerlifv Alrs. Sarah Savage, the
abuce natne.l applicant, is a person of good re
port. for honesty and temperance, and is well pro
vided with hroie roo m at d rain e , iences rrr tin! c •
ce,,,,ami uti ii, ll and to !gong 0181t4ogo, and•rlV •
;I A that sai t tavern is necessary for toe accommo
daunt) of the pittd,-..
S. Klcv,lo John Foy,
11Mlan.1, John Stn th,
Edward Fenderich, B perry.
l'ln•tul , D. Rhnoes, Arthur To •er,
j,m o fit m,cglinin, Hiram B
Gen. Vaud .gi if. Geo. Armor .
3lareh 4 --:tt.*
the Ilimoraide, theJu gl.B of the, GM, t of
General Quarter Sessions Peace, in arid for the
fir the county of A 1 1 , ghtirit,
The petition of Samuel Burosidet.. •if 4 It Ward,
of Pir tsbure,h, respectfully sheweth, Tout :sta as well
prov , ded with house lout and ‘,ll l r r otitertiiittnites
for the a e totooßtmon of btr.iiiger- and at
the twing e now ob-o d iel by him as a tavero; and he
ir); desirous t conbnire in that business he plays
your httn .rs In grim him n hreme to keep an Inn r
init.,. of Put,lic Enter ainment. And lie will es ei
The toirleisigord, eitizeiis; of Fourth Ward, ,e -
soemhilly ceitify, thm. S. Lim nsides, the abm e nam
ed appliritin.is ii geotleinanol good repute for hine-ty
and teinpeianre, and i.: well provided with house
100,11 ;11 , 11 C ,1 1 1 effielices for the ilce , ;inttiociatto t i and
lodging of strarii4 , .r, mid traveler, and that :aid t.vern
l' """.."- '' - '-e / ,e, Al:C.11;110 latir),§ lif the puOlic.
A. C. hell,
I,llTtr l , -1.1;....,
C. Lynch, Win flays,
Win. liming, J. R. lklm.phy,
milli ithaan, J. W. D. em.en
Richard Hays, JAI') S. %Vdson,
John Carr, L S. Chamberlin.
Pots. 313rch .1-3-.
FINO the lionorahle, :he Ja,l4es of the Court of C,,,rer•
1 at Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the
county orAlle,;hruy;
The petition of Henry Cassidy of th e Ist ward of the
city of riftionirah,in said county. respectfully show•elh--
That he is well provided with Manse room and other con
veniences for the accommodation of maiezern mid I r weirs
:MU bein g de,irou ; to continue in that business li, plays
your honor: to grant him a ticemm to keep' an Inn or
Imuse of PUI.I'C Entertainment, and he will pray. 4.c.
The undersigned cltiz, us of the lit ward. l'ittstmrchme
specs fully certify, that lie iry Cassidy, the flamed above
applicant, in a gentleman of fond repute for honesty and
iemperance, and in we I provided with hous e root,' and
conveniences for the nceommodation and lod g ing of
',rangers and Irsvelers, and that raid tavern is veces,ary.
.lathes Crawrord John Cu dwell
John Thompson w . R. i;ormiy
Junes R• Sawy, r Henry Staffort
U. n. B,Jame'AlcAla:ters
Gamut! li , •llcr H . Batem t
it. McCosker Francis Nichol on
V E undersignrd respectfully inform the public lb❑
JL after several years experience In the hest shops in t
the eastern rities they have opened their New e la mode
in Third so, one door from Market, and nearly opposite
the post otTice, %virtue they are prepared to execute all
°Mots in the tailoring line, in a manner unsurpassed
by any other establishment in the city. Having, made
arrangements for the t ereption of the most modern style
fashions, gentlemen wishing clot lies made in a super.
for style, wouid find it to their interest to give them a
We wish the public to understand that this is l
not in•
tended in tank among the fitkome gull advertisements Or
the day; for as to style and workmanship they challenge
March 4- d ly. SCULLY 4- MONTAGUE.
Y 11111 S Line is prepared to commence busineFs ou the
OpClllll7. of the canal. It i-; composed (West of Col.
timina) of First Class Portable Boats, chartered for the
:-eascin, each 'oat hem; in charge of it.; respective owner,
The line has at a heavy expense taken a POLICY or IN
srretmre from nue of the most substantial and prompt
offices In the United States, covering all goods shipped
by it, (free of expense to the owners of the goods ) Ship.
pers desirous of availing, themselves or this insurance
most give notice at the place of shipment of the value
o f I , )vir good,
The ra•es of frei2hl will he, as low as by nny re.gpon—
earrie.s, and the facilities for giving satisfaction lo
rn , innier+ in all respects are sorpassnd by no line on
the ea na l. Shipper to and from the east a - e respect.
fully invited to call.
Fite business wilt he Conducted by
90 Front meet and Pittehurgh.♦
Fool of D.,ek si wet, Plifindelphla.
W. M. idEREDITH, -
New York.
AI arch 4
ti OUSE WANTED —A small hou=e waived Abe rent
not 10 exceed #lOO per annum. Apply at "TUT.
TI,E'S Medical Agency, SG Fowl) *tree!.
March 4.
(Is hand and for sale on accommodating terms, for
1 1.../cash, o r exchanged for trade or produce in suit cnn.
-100 cuts of 4 and 5 clouhle etirple and yellow
carpet chain. 300 dozen good and cheap window sash
assorted 9i7.4 , 5, and window glass to suit.if wanted An
:sort merit of Cs Axes, Shovels, Spaden. Dung York",
Pakenvpos.Te., Krltles. and other castings; Country
Carpels, Corn Grooms and Brost's..
4- Corn. Mer: 9, fifth it.
March 4
50 lifirv't N. O. Sular.
230 tuns N. 0. .Mc;a.Ees
40 Tierces Rice.
20 fildti No 3 Mackerel.
10 do No 2 dn.
7 Tierees Sperm Oil. Just received per S B Express
Mail and for sale by J. W. BERBBIDGE 4- Co'
mar 4. Water at between Wood and Smithfield.
For Rent.
FOR a term or years. Two building liaison the hank
of the Allegheny river, adjutant& the CA, line.
Apply at the house Agency, ?can lomat, 5111 Ward
:larch 4, 1813-3.*
Ball hnore
A. L. LOW, Columbia.
100 Mids. N, 0 gum..
120 bbis. N. 0. Molasses.
n prime order, just received by S. A. Areade,ana for
sale by J. W.BU&BiUDCB 4 Co.
mar 2. Water It. bet—lisMlM-Wa" a"
DISSOLUTION. —The partnership her
Intz between William 0 Leary a • atriek
ny.trnding tinder theflrm or O'Leary, Muleaiirt
WaR disgolved on the tOth lost, by mutual consent.
The hooks oldie Arm will remain in the huisduda.
Id &surly. who will receive all debts dud to sin!
c !alms against the concern. and is authorized to use the
name of the firm in closing the business.
Pittsburgh, February 28,1343.
P. Moly:ley will continue the mannfactnre °Mot
Glassware, and hes removed to the wereltoom norm*
occupied by Little it co. , corner of Market iseslWeter
eis„ where he is prepared lo furnish his friends IlMetBll.
tomere of the late firm with every variety orGlasimranr
on the mo.t accommodating terms. mar 2-3 t.
TO the Ilneetable the Jl , riges of the Connor Gen.
eral Quarter Semont. 3 fth,l Prate, in and kr
the county of Allegheny.
The petition of J.. F. Curry. of Jefferson,
township, in said county, respectfully showeth, That
he 13 well provided with house room and othegarni.
veniences for the acrotnmodathm of strangers and
travelers, at the house now occupied by him es a
tavern; and being deeirons to continue in that bush.
ness, ha prays your honors to grant bim s license*,
keep an Inn or house of Public Entertainment: and
he will ever pray. J. F. CURRY,
The undersigned, citizens of J. fTerson town•
ship, tespectforly certify, L F. Curry,
the above named spplicant, is a genticmen of good
repute for honesty and temperance, and is well pro—
vided with house room and conveniences for the ac•
cotumodatio❑ and lodging of strangers and rraveleiis,
and that ,aid Intern is necessary for ,he acconimo
ti u. o; the pub it
11. B. Wallace,
.I.no•ph Curry,
James Irwin,
Jacob linroer,
J 0 seph NVII•on
Adams' Patent "Itaughphy" us e
HAVE now bees oefbr e
the noble 3"yeatv du
ring which time. several
Ilio.isandq have been sold
and in daily Use, We are
confident prbeing sustained
in sa y they are Ike beat
Cutree Mina In the United
Stale+, any way ynu•fix it.'
Several niciJificati
madeto snit •the.tney of
wives and the purees of
Sold by the goon or doyen
at the manufaetort-...
Malleable Ca<dfaigs made to
These genuine ari Ides. of ad Slae s . and slossailarlialred
• - errfelle:•, - e-welant ly on hand and for sale at very redllitta
prices by the mar. ti fact u ref'. L. R. LI VI NGSTON.: , ,
mart. --if Front between RO4B and Grant sta.
Passage and Remittance
4.. ;
Ilk z„, • .
New York and Liverp poi !Am..'
PERSONS eesirons of sending for OM; f r jeadv e
come from any part of Great It ril ain. are rena.
fully informed that Ilre subscribers are at all Iloomprg:
pared to make such engagements' They are prepare*
to remit monies by drafts, which arc made payable_at
any point throughout Ilie Coiled Kingdom on pet:l4l4w
lion; having heen fur the lasi 11 years engaged lle.lll*
business. they feel confident that their arrangementivite
both sides the Atlantic are mien as wi./ give .ntirfaettee.
The Ships comprising the above line, are all of 'beat*
cla.s and are commanded by careful and skillful masters,
leaving I.iverp °Wooer! each week ratan! 11 . e seLtakia.,;-•
For further particulars apply ilby letter to
N 0.61 South street, New.Ynt It.
at Messrs D 117.014 Fleming's, Water street PiEetigh.
March 3--`2md.
pliothe flounrahle Jtolzeet or The Court of General
Quarter Seelionl of the Peace to and for the couisly
of Allegheny.
The pri it ion of lames Fteroinir, Ist ward of the
A 11r .;belly. in paid county, humbly abewetil:
That your piditioner hath provided himself wily wa•
ierials for the neeoinniodai ion of I r.iveiers and others, at
his dwelling house in the City aforesaid, add .pfiairs
that your honors will he pleased to :rant him a Ikeneffe
keep a Public House of Entertainment. - Ard burps
thinner, as in duty hound, will pray.
We, the subscribers, citizens of Alieighene city de
certify, that the above petitioner Is of mid repute Ittor
honesty and temperance. and is welt provided-Nib
howe room and conveniences for the aeeommodatideitf
strangers and travelers,and that Raid tavern ig - neerillXillt.
Luke Deo:slat+, D. D. Scott.
J. A Artemey, Robt. MiChesity,,
Joreph Briggs Gen. M'Cliesny,
J. Stewart. W. R. Phillippi, ,
J..s.ph Abraham, Vm. Carson,
D. C. knit, 11. E. Rhum, •
March '2,-3t.'
To the ffonoratde, the ;Mee" of the Court of • f
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, In and forte eu
ty of Allegheny.
The petition of Michael Revel. of the fiellfWfird
Pittsburgh, in sold count v, respectfully slioweth:—
That he is well provided with house roatu . Aar
conveniences for the accommodation of le
travellers. at the house now occupied by !limas ■ n;
and belts lodates to coninute in thui•huslnersksrptars
your honors to grant him a license to keep an Jae or
house of Public Entertainment, And kelvin pritutt.
The underFittned, ei , leena of the lee Ward, Tilts:
buret', respectfully car flfy, that P.liehael Rojtrely Abe
above named applicant, is a gentleman of goad r
for honesty and temperance, and . Is well . proiehresti
house room and convenience. fir the aceommedatlort
',Agin: of strangrrs and travelers, and that mild tares*
is necessary for the accommodation of the mad*.
Thomas Cassily, Conrad Koehler.
John Kelly, Edw. Firzimons, •
W m. Keliv , F, G. Rook,
Thomas Kerr , John Turpin,
Henry Stafford, James Luken,
Patrick 'Trainor, James Winton.
mar 3-30
/11'0 the htrtorsh!e, the Judges of Ike Quirt orsh' e, of
General Quarter Sessions of the Pckce, in and
for the County of Allegheny. - .
The peti , inn of Chas. Vick, of 3d Ward s . Firth
burgh, i. the csernty arm esaid, humbly shows*, the,
your petilinner pioviled himself-with material*
I:4 'he accimmindat'on of travelers and other., attires
he township and county afore
-s[lo, and prays thrit your Honors will be plehtheirlf
g, ant him a 1-cenie to keep a public hon-e en
taiument. And your petiuouer, as in duty banal!'
will pray.
We the an ibers, eiiizens of raid Want, irk
certify that the shove petitioner re orgood repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
liou-e room and conveniences fur the accommuda_
tine and lodging, of E.ti angers and travelers, and +t
said tavern ts necessary
Matthew Patrvk, James Min, . -
Edwarii Kr Ily, Wm. CRUM.,
B. Burns, Bernard Dricberty,
Wm G Imore, bare Walker, , ,„
Beii K. Palmer, Henry Walker,. I iii e"
John Johnston, Thos. Elliot.
March 3-3 t.
1/10/1/8 morning at 10 o'clock, a large sasorisuent *Mr l i
Imods ; consisting of filanieltr,"Pitbilit
Merinos, Prints, Wow!, and Black Pheiting,llllMMitia .
forts, Merino ono Wool Siniiris. }SOW.- Plitr'eliA
Cloths, Cassimeres, Snifters, Black 01141 vilacirri Z
Spool Cotton, Sturnder., 4.e.. te,. '
A lso, at 2 o'clock ! -13 !Kau Leams, arhea *Mt: •
mar 3--1 t
Phillip L'ith in.
Samuel Glenn,
Rubt Meettukel f
Isaac Sickinan,
Pre-1: I 'Vial.
Simuel zeed.
Platform Scale*.