Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 04, 1843, Image 1
OL 1._N0.148. PUBLISH ED BY 'THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, Jr. W. CORNER OF WOOD 4- FIFTH STS 'rESAIIS.,—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in advsnee. Single copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the Gaunter of the office, and by News Bays. The Mercury and Manufacturer as pabNalied WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double . medians sheet. at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. mums. Single copies. SIX CENTS . Terms el • PER SQUARE OP TW Oait Insertion, 0.50 Twit Incertlons, 0.73 Three Insertions, 1.00 - , llllPoei week, Two weeks. Tbrise weeks, YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS CIICANCIZABLZ AT Pt ILAIIVRIC. Owe Square. Two Syttar et ats moinks, 813,00 1 Six months, ElNie year, 2.5.00 One year. Int!Garger advertisements la prorortion. CARDS of four lines Six DOLLARII a year. PUBLIC OFFICES,&C. Ctrs Pose Orrtcs. Third between Market and Wood streets—R. M Riddle, Postmaster. 1.N71T0U110117111, Water.4th door from Wood st. Peter- MR - n' 14Ings—Major John Wlllock,Colleclor. Curs Tacasoas. Wood between Flr,t and Second Streets—James A. Bartram, Treasurer. CouirrY TIILesAVISY. Third street, nevi door to the Phitl Fieshyterian Church—S. it. Jonneton,Treneurer. Matrol'aOrrica, Fourth, het treen Market and Wood streets—Alexander Hay, Mayor. NZICII•WeI Escaaeas. Fourth, near Market et. BANKS rsersaoson.hetween Market and Wood streets, on ?mini and roan* streets. 'l,o4te afn M Karr ACTURKSS' •513 FAR KERS . DIC• PONT ItAxi. (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, betwaen ',oat and Market streets. rscassinc, Fifth greet. near Wood. HOTEL 4. PllfillMlClOlitol HOUR!, Water el rent, near the Prlligr I:Kewanee floret., corner of Penn and St. Clair. 1. WT3 ' HOTEL, corner of Third and Wnod. AMIZRICAII ficrim,corner of Thin, and Sinn hfield. ,:rrILDSTATIVI. corner of Penn vtreel and Canal. Srt Eatat,s, Liberty 'trent. near Seventh. MILLER* Illoratoic novae. Utterly St. opposite Wayne BRokomiurr &I Penn St. onno4lte Canal U 01113ERT WOO DS, ATTORNEY AN D ILL COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office rein° red to Baliewell's (Ares on Grant Pt.. neatly opposite ORR new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mrthon, r ..plr•t door. step 10 HO9. 11. ELLIOTT, M. D.—Office remove I Ma ' St. r street, between Pe.... sea latterly al, Ilasksvek. s 10 ria W GOODS. —Preston 4- Mackey, wth,/esate and 131111P .. 0M 1110.10 r• )401 Entish, French. at d Domestic. PO Goods, No. SI, Aktkei ,if tattn re !I .c I , 10 IirCANDLESS & arcLutug, Attorneys an. tlonnwllors al Law: Office in The Diamond, I.ack Oral* old Count lloase,Pilis‘mrib. sep 10 WIIOV R.. Morrow, Alderman; offi e north slide of fifth 11., between Wood and Smithfield 7st icPittsburgh. ,n-tt 10 Wholesuietlinr.cr Recii(dn: 11114ttlIer, And Dealer In Produce and PittAburzh illamirarDired Arliele.. No. 224 Liberty Street, Fitt, '111":Iih• Pep 10 int Mist H. Wit.t.tots lens! Dit,woßin tagi & DI EAV 0 RTIT.-- WertlC,o's PrOdifrr and Colnavi.ooti ni,rri,.lll,a, and i1e1t144 . 4 is Plolllo2rth M:lollfatitifed o. 29, Grp 10 eod 6[f eet . . A.ROI3INSO ROBINSON, A tior sat Lary; °Minn on the north ..r I lie Diamond .he tween Aunts and Illoolna rreht, tin st airs Fey 1(1 DURIBOII.A.W, li norey at Law; teudrr . bit profes.lonalll.trVites to I Itc public. 0 tficr cor set et Pittli and Market Streetr. above D. 1.t0y,1 4- CS' i/Lawn.Plitaburxh, Pa. v.. 10 sews S.Ssaratry QUERIFF- & KEAN, M.ll,,lfacturer.s of C O pp t r. 7 1 1 1 1 E , Tia. and Sheet Iron Warr. No gu Fr , ont Pt 1 beret. House Spoettns :001 Stcambuat work p.ompily sleistuted. sep 10 • FILA Nets 11. YOUNG. resillas a room 111WS• B. YOUNI. air CO. Furniture Ware , - leas, tArtter of Hand xi. k c lineExchane Alle to y. riltelleMl wishing to pttectia4e Furniture, will tholletillVaaloge to give us a call, bran? fully sat If:tied that Ave tae please as in quality and price. sep 10 AturroNA.MS.—Just rece , .ved 160 choice M do ut wcll cured and for sale cheap by 111 , . .104 0 hy ISAAC 11 1 tRCIS, asp 10 N 0.9, nit -at. ----------------- UT A BA.G A..— % sunp'y of Landreth's Fresh Rt R o la 01:3, and other ‘iitfercat varieties ot — l'urnio MIS ',poi received and for sale at nal:write' rums at the Drug and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN, MP 10 No. 184 Liberty st reet, head of Wood. -- --- ------------------_-_ _ Mini CLOSEY,S !toot and Shoe Mnnuf.min• IVY . rf, No. 83 Fourth St., nett door to iii- U. Staten 1116.1 K .Arisidw reddella, Kid and Sado Shoes made ;n 0111.-Iratomaner, and by the newestyrenth patterns. "7-,. SIORUS 111ULTICAULUS. in iota tosuit OW- purchasers; to he disposed of by F.L. SNOWDEN, 'ffis, 184 ►.therty street, head of Wood- soots. Flowers and Flower Seeds of filielmitiptioa , tan always he had at the Drug ‘lolllloo6.4llMitOr F. IL. SNOW DEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. lot Illinois Anneal Mammoth 01110151 recd, Ailie al the Dreg and seed store of F. L SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood 400 tAIS. NEW ERSEP SWEET POTATOES, fee seed; pat received F. L. SNOVV DEN. Ne. 184, Liberty head of Wood A. GAIDIVI TOOLS, consisting of Does. Fancy Spades fraressolanting Trowels. E d ding Buddin: taitares, !rasing Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., just re. IMitiorli moil for sale by F. L. SNOW DEN. fighle 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. - _ drilifiOWS Venison ilains.--Just received a small sap '• vitof very choice cured Venison Hams, on retal' ITromabot iota for Current money. ISAAC H %RMS. Agent, and Cony. Merchant .WIIIITE Hach Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and Kentucky Blue Crass, always on hand and for 401.14 F . L. SNOWDEN, N 0.111.1 Liberty street, head of Wood. w isinrge 4t. BUCHANAN, Attorneys at Lazo, office fives the Diaasond.. to A ttorney'sßow," WS*ltd FOnirtio street, between Market and Wood imemir nest 10 144allETILATES'IlLA9KS, for proceeding* in At • oisiziala under the late law, for sale at this Office loot SALIII.-.L.ois on the North East corner of Coal Lana an 4 lath street. Apply to -MIN/. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th st. 100 L 11,13.; La r l a te ad tti;: r F i r a e i n e ch a • t s t a i ur p tl n c i e::S n e d ed quit fleshe reed F. L. SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty street, head of %'ood. litera ibr "kill = ON OF P AATN siap~shd, berstdfora acisUag between Wit,. iIIINGAIr SaItIANIN ROPBWILLL is this day entreat. William pith' is authorised IBesipatars et tie if al 4a settliag op the business ?MAMAS WOOL LENT. T.lifitiWi'LL dvortising. LVE LINES OR LESS: One month, V.. 00 Two moms, 6.00 Three months, 7.00 Four months Sit months, One year, J • .. N. KrAN D-A.IILY MORNING POST JOHNSTON 4. STOCKTON. Bookaellere, Primers an Paper Nanufaelurera 7 No. 37. Markel rt. pet) 1.0-1 y JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water et.. near the Monongahela House, Must urg h. sup 10-1 Y LEONARD S. JOHNS, Alderman, St-Clair street, se cond door from Liberty. pep 10-1 y S. R. HOLM ES, Of In Second street, next door to Mulvany ¢ Co's Glam. Warehouse scp 10-1 y StIUNK FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourths', near the M6yor's Office, Pitt sttrzh. sep I 0-I y TH".II AM I LTON, Attorney at Law, Fif th , Itetween Wood and Smithfield sta., Mitaburgh. sep 10—ly HUGH TONER, Alto , nev nt I.nw. North Flat corner al - Smithfield and Fourth ftirretp. sep 10-1 y FIANN A 4- TURNBULL'S raper Warehouse, No. 11- 104. Wood et., where may he had a general supply of wrltin: wrappb.2, printing, wall paper, blank books. school hooks, tc, fre. PC p 10-1 y C. TOWN. END 4. CO.. Wire Workers and Afansfacrarers, No. t„) Market sireet, between 2d and 3d streets. sep 10-1 y EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair pt teen., by Mel( !NUN 4 SMITH. pep 10--1 v BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA lIttIN WORKS--E 1 ward ll;vzhes. Manafarttlrer or Iron and Nails Warehouse seplo —I y -77 lofts sort for sate by A , A .G0111)1N. No. 12 IVater strrrf V IG NETAI 44 /Anil LBS. B (N)N II A MS. 16,000 44, illy shou , d,.,s, for R e by k A. Gun Dos, No 12 ‘‘'aier street PATTF.ft'iON, Jr., ft , rioinzliato, orar rill abureli, sl -Pa.. Ma onfririoriir of Lorks. Hioi.v, and flollq; To- Karen, Fnller. M ill anti Thither Screw.; II oust, Sr riiwri for Rolling MUk. ¢c jOIIN WCT,OsKEY. and sliert, between Sixth :inn Virgin alley, F.ontli T %V 11(1111131W; ,S. I'4 , boll -rile and Mr. r lid S.t.em %Vl:it'd mit] Steil( Wield F., t' I. G - cot; Dos:, and Forw3itlin 61 Water .rp 10-- 1 y LTA MS.-4 en.l:m fool. :Irllrle, rere.veri per FL Al fl rorcitr, end for Ralf l y I,C tr k. G()RDifiN. grp 10 Nn. 12, Willer Orr,' - Q(7G A R s 11101. , 1SSES 11,n. (trle3no Su n r 111,1 s New 0111.:111.1 ^.*•• • • Sep 10 1 %, GORINIS. SUG A Ithtia prime N rar,terelvell T. , S. ‘l,, i nf ., and for J G. A. A. GOR 1/0! , 1. Pert 10 No. 12, Water .beet BACON I_7 ASK o•rler. nand and for gale by a if) J.G.k %.GOrt DO V. No. 11. 'Vat., it Qlll AR AND 1101 A SSES.-1.4 Mid, anti 4 10-1.. N. U. Sunr, 32 htog N. 0. Mobtac ,4 , received per Sten toorlat Importer, and for 'rate by J. G. ¢ A. Gor,of cep 10 No. 12. Water tore,' I.A RI) 01 L. f ,, r val." be R. A. F Ali N l'.! , 1"(1r1( rot ofr Or Atli asiol Vl'oo4 /11.. eel) 10 1631_ rm.E.r.,Ge,..„00w0 Lamp Hark lor sale R.. 1. FAIlx F:Q"l'ool< 4- (70., oep 10 rnt TIP, "1 su , a... 1 Wix,.l (400 L .“: 4 4'rrimr; 1713:11k. I,lr onle by it. F N t"' K - ro SUG It At) ‘SSES hloik N. 23 hhi > do. du., IU4 do. P1a,,t.t11..0i Isa le hs p 13 BLANK PETITIONS, N(YrlcLs„k( . .- 1,, lie /if t00ri0..1..,z-, 0. I, d o', girod paropr.:l.l Grrot• al.pr,,vod It, I .nte at Ilie litYve of tile n wep I111;1311A11.1), Litite•' I.ll4llltmal.tr - I•ewl ;tl.ll eine• ntil:ifttirer . NO. 114 Third s'r. rt,lrlfrlll %Vogul awl :41011hti.ld si rret.. Plot 0011 r2II tcp 10 111.7C101 ASTER I AT'RN EY AT LAW, Mtn, in Itio corner of Fourth sl reel an(ll7lterry Alley, Itetwern : 4 tnithlield and Grant streets, rep 10 &VI S DK, V. .V 1 11 45f CLOCK " , o. 7 it. Ciao, .Ic.cr ring. burgh. D EA4A 12 IN If TC I: S. CLOCKS. RR A STP INS FIXCIKINGS, C . CILMEIS. rep 10 ETIPS c t ROES SEEDS.- A lull supidy of I,andleih'e Garden Srede, alwayi on hand, and for Fair al h;tt agency, the r), wz,,tire of F. 1.. laNTOW DEN, Fro 111 184 T.lLCriv o reel, head of Wood. Dlt. DAVID %VAUD ha, re-ocncr on Pullet It St reel. ova ii on , le of the Coup Howie, vecurill du elliniz from Itosstreett. lle will faithfully a, lend all C . :111,1 pertaining tc, hia profession. Night calm should be made at lbe door above the bneewent. Sep 111 REmovAi. —Mailhew Jones, B.lrl.ei and Hair Dress er, lino removed 10 Fourth street, Oppc.ile the May ors office, where he will he happy to:wait Iliallifvermarten or transient ctlslurtieri. tic soliriti a share of public nut 31. A. NV A RD, DENTIST, Penn st. three door below Irwin street, Hours of business, from 9,. M., wail 5 r. , niter which time he will attend to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He would further Inform those who may think proper to employ hini,that he experts immediate payment, without the necessity on his pail of sendin: in hilts. rep 10 JOHN 111 , FARL ND, Upholsterer and Cabinet .11f.sker, Third at, beisoecis Wood 4 - Mari. et streets, respectful Informs his friends and Ilie public I hat sue is prepared In PNCCIIIe :ill orders for Sofas, Sideboard= Ru• rea us, Chairs, Valdes, liedsteads, Si a nob', flair and Spring Matlratwert,Currains, Carpets, all sorts of Uplink:term: wirk, which he will warrant equal ,0 ally rondo in the coy, and on reasonable terms— sep 10 EJIIOVAL!—Tite subscribers Wive rrmov d to 11 . ter between Wood and Smithfield sl reels, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery nod Commis• slon buitinette. and would relied fully solicit the pal coo. age of their friends. J W. BURBEI IX; E k Co. Dec 3 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, No. 110 Word Street, Pittsburgra.-11. A. Bauman. Auctioneer and Co•ntni ,, gion Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Mereltandtze. at 410 large and capacious tGnats,No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and Filllt Streets, Pittsburgh. Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture, C roceries and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Good., and Fancy a rtoclrs, on Tuesday. Wettnesßay, and Thursday evenings. Books, ¢c., every Saturday ev ming. Liberal advances made on Consi:Jonents when wanted Ricrintzscr.g Messrs. John D. Davis. Esq., •• Bast'ley 4- Smith, Hampton. Smith, 4 Co. F. Lorena 4. J. W. Burbridge If Co., •• S. M•Fee 4. co. Capt. James M'Gargill, •• C. Ihmsen, Esq. ~•• Jonn M'Fadden Esq. •• Logan 4. Kennedy. •• J. K. Moorhead 4. co. .• Jas. P. stnart. Esq. •• ;ober% Ca tway , Enq : •• Capt. Jas. May • McVay. Hanna, ¢ CO. WIBSam Symms. Wheeling •• S.G. Beery. Loatioiritia SoOtb.Maapattry 4. Co Rep la—ly S,/,11.t /../ I ss ten p 1 y mot err of f ili and Won.' P" r. r.4IRU.)X. Pittsburgh - ''PITTSBURGH, MARCH 4, 1843. .10(1 Bazsßio Coffee, Ur oc.l 4. PE-ASE'S 110.9RHOUND CANIS Y.—Toi - iutleie received NA day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con eumption; and is ready to supply cusiontersat wholesale or retail, at his Medical Agency, S 6 Fourth at. nov 12 DAVID CLARK, .Ig't, deashiowable Boot Maker,— flas removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he would he happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel Marina ed to patronize him. Ile uses nothin: hut first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he give.; his constant personal attention to business, he truststhat he will deserve and rtcelve a fair share of patronage sen 10 ItUlTe, ICE UItEAM, At CONFECTIONARY.— A Hunker respectfully infortns his friends and the public that they ran always find the best quality of lee Creams. together with n 1; kinds of confectionary and fruits. in their sePI on, at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, hetwe it Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything to his line. Also families furnished with Bread. sep 10 EVANS'S CAMOMILE ' LLS.—A BRA. HAM J. CLEM ER, residing ►t 66 Mott street, New York, was of with Dyspepsia In its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head• ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart. hurn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating, Impaired appetite, set•sation of sinking at the tontarh, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, dizziness towards night and restleness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consultiug Dr. Wm. Evans. 100 Chatham street, and submilling to lilt ever .tuceessful and agrecahle mode of treatment, the patient completely restored to health in the short space of one month, end tratefol for the lora lculaltte benefit deriv. ed. ORM. , clime forward and •ifinideered the above slate ror tie Whole.ale and Retail 6y R. E SELLE4S, Agen , , No 21).1Vooti street, below Second Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON KICTORY. Prices Reduced. Shari Ertl Earn. Lang Reel Yere. No 5 at 16 et,. per lb I 00 at 9 Me per dz. t; at 163 ditto I 6451 at A ditto 7 at 17 dote, I 700 at 7 ditto 8 at 17; ditto 8(54 at 6 ditto 9 at 1.: ditto 900 at 5 ditto 10 at 193 ditto 10(0 at 4 ditto 11 a: 19 ditto -- 12 ■t 191 ditto Candlewick at 16 rl, perlb. 33 at 20 ditto Cnm Rattle; • 9 ditto 14 at 211 e ditto Family du. •ha ddlo 1:. at II dltto Carp% Ginßill Iti at.lldtna 4:24.1,7;„" ;71 r 1 17 at ;,t.l tul 14. AI 24 dptn i'overltt Yarn always on )9 al ditto hand . 2fl Warp.. made to order. Order• prom go !y ..eroded le. if left at .1 C Lo:ri 0 Kennedy'.., or *lx Port *Mee, addrr, feh 27 j K . Miwit ti E a - Co. BACON. wan near flacon. 04 received by wagons J NJ from Ohio, for pale hv Removal. I , IIIIF. •ut•srt!i er remnir d his Fantilonaltle Tintorinir E•tnhtlslsmeot in the tionnni!ahr:n house. 34 door hon. (lest .t . on •mo htiel.l 111. w here literild rtleinonera and 0i1.4P14 n ho mac f itrnr him 10 , 1111 a rail May depend on havin: i belt work done in t anytertnr late W. Firm his I n: excretion's , in the business iu this elle, and in many ni her tan hinuabte ril ten in Europe and A herrn . he fret' confident that hn rsn vire sallefneiltin In ail wise may Ph ex to favor him the lr ermines• P. Aries Iliention to I•uslness and Popr - inir roorka,nn•hlp he hem*, In merit and receive a ahare..l lathhr pat roost... Ile if lend keeping on 1.0 n.l I rin , thints suile , le for the run glitter Ira.le mink It will he sold at very reaticend pr l: r• . yilt Tl, . 3 0,,rr0.r, Lein: ly.el V% 71 le ..1 Ihe ?Vent that the ct wv•lrro t•rnett•rd no the in lino rotintry. by ad••fli.Prilenl . , part trolarltr by ',tone. who 'inn j.roit , tilled lot 'wires on the trade, vitiO cry.; r to the Int.ine.no, and wlur k non. an tulip n!..411 i , that Ihr, mold not creel a .parole cloth. they re . ..Ire eonitih to mitre My. lii 'or , a In mode, and by the ald of old etrtifieeft. tor,. pwff.. 4r.f l r •torti a• ere used quark. In their rnedir. ffir•. they spurn vtierneri In palming off on ungoetirrrisn. riroionter POW , Old /W 1 for lilt ffeeu ine ifniior , ed art yin. Site 14 people'', advert iren.eots are only r,fruweri In foil the I nasty and are, n more roll lied to r redd Min I lin I'4E4 amour yet lam: habil publications abort' the :real flan—leer among She Lilliestiees, wbir h I pr.-some almond every othoolhiri hesseesa and laughed if. I worth! sin...zest to those wile id* to have II ell clortir• made in first raillitylk inks • little Inquiry and limey tail; not Ihil this is rho plate whets I bey tan arennimodalcd: B. D. J In 7 lawrxomExox IX cligNirrir—rist /Adis Heir Die—eolol■ the hair and will not Ike akin This Dye is lothe form o( a Powder which In plait, wallet of tart tnny he applied to the hair over night, the first. night turning the Ilghtest nr reit v hair to dark brown; and by repeat in; a second or third night, to n jet black. Any Perron may, therefore, with the kcal possible trouble, Leer hi. hair any dark shade orrn perfect Mark, with the positive alraliranee lint the powder if applied to the skin rill not Wm , it. There is no coloring In Ibis statement, ns any one may candy teat These farts are warranted by the the r. int who manufactures It. For gale at TUTTLE'S, Al; Fourth Street, Where ■ large a”Orlinenl of Patent Medic:lnca may always he had at either w holet , :i le or retail, 4,0 , 0 ferza ! 86 FiAtrth strfti TO TILE PUBLIC, and re:Hies/arta to is 7 former patrows of this city:—llaving retired from the practice of Iliodieinst. I mar he permitted in ray, that it has fallen to the lot oft tit few persons to have enjoyed so liberal or larze a share or okttretrital practice as my own has hero for th• lam 30 or 40 years. The experience ()film' tong period of uctive life, and the fact of my having %teen mire, vincr 1830. asaociated with Dr. R. A. Wtlxon, In t he po net ice of medicine, (In both• period of rive years.) enaltles me to judge fully of the olefin. , of his pills. Sio convenient, so efficient. and yet sit ea'r, did I esteem three plus, that for he last five yews In my practice for the cure of chronic dise.aace, of whatever lhoge of females in pal ticular,l. hove need more of ibetn than :di other medicines. Like every oilier medicine. this must fail in some in stances, hut In my hands there has been less disappoint. meat and niece satisfaction in r lie administration of this one remedy than or ail others; its good erects sometimes quite moniihdling I r my patient required a safe aperient medicine either ~ f ore or after parturition, the Wilson's pt.ls were Just the thing I wonted. I( a dyspeptic acid condition ethic stomach, combined will. costiveness or inactivity (tribe liver, cow Ruled the disease . tf my patient. the pills were Just the thing If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogee, the Wilson's mils were just the thing I wanted. If palpitation, headache, noshed countenance, or other difficulties, Indicating a disturbance of the circulatory and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the 'turn of life.,' the Wilson's pills werejust the thing I wanted. Thus, without resp.iet to the name, a disease might happen to wear at the time I have lind It under treat ment, particular indications or symptons arising. were always mcp.t promptly and most happily met by the That so great a Itemiser ofdlseases, and sometimes ap. parent ly opposite ones, in which I have used these pills, should be caged more readily by them than by any other remedy. may at first seem strange and contradictory, but why it Is so Is ad clear to my mind as that a great many persons should become thirsty from ha many different causes, and vet all require that common and greatest id all blessings, water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, lila due the .eptitation of the medicine and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally. that the Wilson's pills are theonly combination I have ever Wet with In my longeonras of praetice, that really pos• eaves anything caratissoe Wank for stek he.adatlis. Yours kc., DR. NILO ADAMS. The above Pills designed particalarty fir the sick Hoed-Ache, Dyspepsia. Constipation of the VIOWSIII prepatad by tape propeledor Dr. It. A. Wilson, and for sate, wbotosais and rata% It his Oreille; In PeAD Istrant s below Marhtrry. Oct 1 DR. GOODEPS C'elebrated Female Pills. These Pills areal rongiy recommended to the notice of the ladies an a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex• crcise, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract ■ll Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Unl• tad States, and many Mothers. For sate Wholesale and by R. E. SELLERS, Agent sep 10 No. 20. Wood t3trcet, below Second. For safe by • ir A. GORDON WM. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe .Maker, Liberty St., opposite the heed of Smithfield al., Pitteburgh.— Tbe substriber having bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business In the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in ills line, in the hest manner and on the shortest notice.. He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and of the hest quality. He soHeits the patronage of the pub. Ilc and of the craft. WM. ADAIR. pMNBITFIGIII MANUFACTORY.--Spriags and Arles for Carriages at Eastern Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coaeli,r and Ellptlc Bprincs (warranted,) Junlaia Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Braes and plated Huh Bands, stump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Fier's, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, kc D.SELLERS, M. D., office and dwellimi in Fano!' IL • near Ferry $t eel. gen 13-1 y The attepitinit ifiho-e who have been xornewhat seep deal in refilVetire to the numeral,. certoticate• published In favor of Dr. Swaynten Compound Syrup of Wild Cher re, on amount of the per - eons belt.? unknown in this .rc lion of the Stale, Is retipectlutly directed to the followlea rert Ideate. the writer orwhirli has hem a Mitten of loonuch fo vvvv eral Yeorit.abd in know n •• a gent'eman of tntetrity and rennonalhith v. Ta the Mr. J. KIR I have tubed Dr Ftwarne'. Comp and Syrup of Wi'd Cherry for a enitela, with which I have Iteen iieverely n I flirted for stout four month., and I have no healtatiOn In .nvint that It latter most effertive medirine ihni I have been able In procure. It commutes all nuemittene. and Agrep• well with my diet,—and mania Inv a regular and rood appetite. I car freely r.,nnienend It to all other. nhottart• •IWted. J. Mtaatca, Borough of Chaim her. l ..a. MarehltjA4o. 23 For tate by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 lat __— FRUIT.TREESURN AMIVNTAL --gi -lilt; 1100ERSONS derirone or procuring Fruit. Shade. nod Ornamental Trees. or Shrnbher►. frown Philadel pHs or New Y., k, are regnaw.etil to wake application as erten •r posidide. at the Drug and (Need Fiore of the rub 'craw., where can he had raiatoroe•. gratuitonat►. of the tenet eat-tenpin .artielirs. F. L. EkNownr.N. "KT 31 No lil4 Liberty Wire head of Wood M~RRI.P. N ISUPAt'T.lCy.—PatrickCawfleld re• spec' c acquaints his friends and the public urn eratty, that he has commenced the Marhle hrtsine.• al the corner of Fifth sad Liberty gto..where will he constantly on hand. tomb stone.. mantel places. monnments, head and fool stones. table stabs for cabinet ware, and every art Itlfarelerl4lnlng to the business. He will warrant hid work to he well done. and hi. elta 'fell will he moderate. He reorwci fully ask* a tin r • of °Odit pat ronnze. nen 10. WSTERILE, ontrreesur to H. IleClastkeyi 10.4 . .10 Root Maker. Liherty el., 2111 dant f:9111 VI-_in %ill'''. The onhaerlhor reepertfully Informs the not.fir I hat an has commenced the shove htt•iness In the .hon fornwele accented by Mr. Henry herinatey. and that he* now prepared to attend to all ornery In his lin•rt finsaittems wit h desrmich and on the stmet rraskulablis Prom hi. tont. etrerlenre In the inrinntoclnr• of raehmnal.le nom., he feels conedent that all tinkles from his firtnbill.hm,nt 0111 ?iv, .sttsfaolon In his pa Irons. A *hereof' inintte patrona:e i• respect fall) sollco, rd. see 10 ig!RD SEFDS 1 (elm nap r of Pori reeds, ron •linift; of Cans.) .11,nn 3n,1 R ate: }net fob 3. P I. P!IICIVWIE N. i4R Lihertv vt. , U 7 t'RU 4 E, 1441 L.b.rliv B. DON ACIII SONE?. S COLEMAN. St. Clair 7t., near s!e Vieeherty Bridge LOOK AT THIS ro , Wile Plat form Scale* Ott Obi cts, to weigh 2.50011.:, at $55 00. do do do do 2.005 al 4.15 00 do do do do 1.5110 nt 35 00 do do do do 1,000 nt 30 00 do do do do 500 nt 25 00 With mining lever• an addition of $3 to ench Peale. Dorinnid Peal e ■ for line ore of Warehouses, Flouring NI Ills. it r..llre Name priers as above. A Iso,White's Patent (*minter Scale, whit 0. Younes improvements. and a variety of other counter scale'', winch they will sell for from 8 to $l5, They also mantifaelare abeam Engines for !louring Mills. Saw Mills, ttalt Works, double am 4 tingle geared tillrle lat hes,foot &together /other , for wood turning machines for tenonllng chairs, planing machines, door ■nd sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or siinhont thrashing machines,a snperior article; circular sae shafts, machine+ for sawing halt, Tlnner's mn• thlneF and tools oral; descriptiormalso for making black log boxes, a .upertor article; governors for strain engine stocks. lops and din, coffee mills, bedstead or joint hots and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma• ciiinery made or repaired; printing press platten, turned nod printing presses repaired - JAMES MAY, Agent • cep 22—tf f DUNG 4. BRADBURY TORN B. GIUTHRIE., Auctioneer and Commie s/ slort Merchant, Jtes.lo6, corner eJ . Weed Fifth atit. Pitt/rase:A: Ravine heennppointed one of the A nctlon• eersfrii the City of P itsbu rah . tenders his services to Jot • tiers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed to make trial of this ertarket• He Is prepared to make advances on consignments of all snleahle commodities, and trusts tosatisly correspondents by quick sates, and speedy land favorable returns. That the various interests which may he con fi ded to him, shalt be adequately protected, he Sling, to the aid of his own experience In business and acquaintance with merchandise generally, 1 141 services of Mr. SAXUILL Farms - room heretofore advantageously known,,, an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement Is made. RIFER TO Messrs. M. Tiernan, Preal. of M. ¢ M Bank. •• Darlington .1. Peebles, •• Robert Galway, •• James M. Cooper, •• James May, R. M. Riddle. Tittsbargb Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres't •, of Exchange Bank. Harnoton,Smith, et Co., John D. Davis, •• Samuel Church, J. K. Moorhead. •• Jas. W. Brown co. •• John H - Brown. 4 , co: Smith 41 II %airy, Verdi! a• Slitters, Phlladel'a •• John 01. • John Hallett, I sep 10 CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. IN Sore 85 bushels of good quality Clever seed. Also ilabostiots prime. Timothy for Nieto lots tomtit. I. Claim, 148 Lie/417 et- Who Wert ter sale 50 bushels Orchard Grum reed. feb 22, For publishing a nein Daily Paper in the City of Pitts DAILY MORNING POST. THESubscribers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu• ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Deity -Morning Post. The leading object of the "PosT" will be I he dissemina tion and defence of the political principles that have here. tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, In politics, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligente. and Mier notices of all mat ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere ofa Politic Journal, to make their pope, sufficiently in• cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the "Norxing Post,n4llire Editors will take pains to furnish the business-a community with the latest and most intcrestine Coxmencist, lirrstad 10tIMZ from all parts of the country, and to have prepa• red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business Men In their several eallingc Teresa.—The Pour will be published on a large imperd al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum,payable in advance. It will also he sold by newsboys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Adverthessent• will he inserted at the lowest rates cliartied by the other daily papers of the city. 1):y-Ttl* F.N 'l' active ladr , are wanted to sell the Post. who will he engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W. 11. SMITH. Au:uo U , 1R42. LOO rHIDS. KY LEAF TOBACCO. in store and Ur fur sale liy J. a. 4 A GORDON, No. 12, Water street BY Moirisun CO. London, for sale only by S. IN Wickersham, enrner of Wood Greet and Virehi alley Pittithitrgb Pd. and IL Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is i.ole ar,teni for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10 A BM Fort SA L C.—The undelptignedpkiWaii.in the tract of land it '• - 4Vettiltrotti "township. Armstrong 4i " cl , l° . l :oiliatittWg 100 :term 63 cleared and under good fence; 10 of %Oiler) are In meadow— a rood egnare log iIVVPIIIIIg !MUM' and ratan Inns erected thereon—an apple cur hard of 80 hero tog trees—and a spring of excellent water convenlrnl to tke hott.e. FOR TF.ft MR apply to the anhavribers regidlng at the goltworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free port. TO THE WISE. -I us now well understood how much disorders of the mind depend for I heir cure upon a due attention tonic body. It Is row muterstood how volushte Is that medicine which will remove morbid aernmulations without weakenin: the bodily power. It Is now understood that there is a reciprocal influence he. tureen the mind and the body. It Is now understood that pur:lng with the Brandreth Pills wlil remove a melon choty. and even insanity is cured by perseverlm:ly nsin2 them, It Is now understood how muchAonteyife burnt ness depend upon the healthy condition of the digestive orearts. It in now wing known that the ilrandrelh PUN have eared tboaeand• of hnpetens and helpless persons. even when the firnt plivniciano had pronounced them beyond all human means of relief. It in now not only well known that Ike ftrandreth Ppin so cu re but ii n n i si , o n . deratood how they cure; t (tat It fah? thew porifyin: effect on the blood that they remote the hotly to health. The value of the medicine In becoming , more and more mardhart.it In recommended daily front family to family. The Rrandrelh Palle remove In an almost Imperceptible manner cannot iMi• ereumulation• and purlfy atgttnvigo ratethe Mood.ond their !and erfects ore not rountolvtlan red hy any inconvenienrrn; twine composed entirely of veretattlen thee An not expose those who one them to <la ntp-r; and their ' , tree:- ire an certain no they are sari• tan; they are la tl anti cutely admlnts.lerod to Infancy. ynn tt, m i nhomt, a n d oil and to women in the most miles! and delicate rlrcumsta neer. They do not disturb or shock the onimnl funetlonn, rerore their order and at tab:l.h their hra!t h. motored t•lnv tnntartored I. heir Mechem between ma n .irref. two lef. !1011, Piste Inflictor, and of the forow igocwles(er rotni.oecd 01 131): fanlelit Dr. Oilier, No. 9'`,, Wood otrert r I glut Price 25 cents per box, with MI directions. M only Ware in Poi sliurzli where the rem' me rill. ran be ohlitilicd, the T.octor'is own office, No 93 Wood 'tree. Rep 10 MO TILE LADLES —Why do you not remove that superfluous hair you have upon your foreheads and upper Ilp. 1 fly calling at Terme', 86 Fourth :old obtaining ■ bottle of Gouratsd's Poudres eubtles. which will remove it at once without afieci log the skin. You can also obtain Gout:mint linty celebrated Ealll de Fee e, w bk. h will at once remove all freckle , , pimples, muutinns of the ykitt, and make your late look per ertly fair, and to those who wish to as•lst nature by adding more color to their cheek., they tall obi aln sonic of Gou celebrated Liquid roue, which cannot be rubbed off even my a wet cloth. also may be round a good an. rortment of Perfumery, such an Cologne, Rears' 011, AI. mond. Palm, Windsor; and oilier Soaps. Remember. at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th street. Dec. 8, 1812 :So. 1, Port Ie Platform ales va N It . ls, W Cig It 35W luoticat ET Invalids read the followitis riceount of a Saito' JLA cured of n complication of afflictions In nineteen days hy the tiae 01 firandreth Pills. It distinctly proves there are herha in nature which have affinity cure be cause of disease. and Brno/reties Pillsare inn& for them Read and he conviaced. Take the medicine andhe curet EXTRAORDWAR Y CURE OF RHEUMATISM jJfd R IICR4, AND AF Fig:CT/0X OF THE L UMW /one Snow., 01 Pembroke, Washington eounty.Maine, being linty sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick about six months since. The pains in his head, breast, back, ten side and , nstep Icing so bad that he was non. Me to help himself, and was taken into the Chelsea Hos. [Atilt in the city of Boston. That after being in said hospital five weeks, Doctor Olin said he did not know what was the mallet with him, and that he could do nothing for him, nor could lie prescribe any medicine That he, therefore, was tonveyell from the Chelsea Dos. pitnl to the Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That be was there nitpicked with all sorts of medicine for a peri. od offer' months, suffering all Ilielium the most heart. rending misery.— That, besides his allect ion of his bones he was troubled much with n disease of the lungs: some. limes he would spit a quart of phlegm In the tiny:besides this affection he had it had Dlarrlorn, which had more or lessaitended him flan) lite commencement of his sick. new. That at limes lie dreaded a stool worse I han he would have dreaded dealt); that pecan compare the feel ing to nothing save that of knives passing through his bowels. After suffering worse than death at the Sailor's Retreat, on Staten Island, the doctor told him that medi cine was of no use to him. that lie mu-t try to stir about. At this time he was sufferingthe greatest misery. That his bones wire so tender he could not hear the least press ure upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his instep was most painful, that a. the Doctor said he would give him no more medicine be determined to procure some of Dr., Brandreth's Pills, which he did, from 241 Broadway New York; that he commenced with five pills, and some. timesinereased the dose to eight. Tile first week's use so moth benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing what he was using, said, fnow,Shaw, yon look like a man again; if you Improve in this way, you will soon be welt.' That he found every dose of the Bra ndret II Pills relieve him, lint they cured him of the pain when at stool; that they next cared the diarrhcea, sad finally the piles In Ids honer.—That the medicine seemed to add strength to him every day. De told the doctor risk'''. day the 11th instant, that lie felt himself well, and also, that he owed his recovery to Rtandreths Pills under Providence, that lie had taken the medicineievety day for 19days; that the doctor told him if he bad known he had been taking that medicine. At should not have stayed another day in rim house. - He Nis his tint,' to make thispoldic staininent for Ihebene fit of all similarly afflicted; that they stay know whew'e to find a medicine that will titre diem. JOHN SHAW. John 81,8 W being by me duly sworn tills 12th day April, 1842, did depose and sae tba t the force:dm! slate. meet Is tree. J. D. Wit P.,EI,T.R. en romissioner of Deeds The BRANDRETII PILLS are gold at Dr. Aran. drew! principal Aka. 241 . BRC.iVW4 Y., New Yerb sac Me miser/lei Ake. N 0.98 Wad itresi,,TttWA; the P/XLY'PL4C/I,in Piumbergb w berg, tbe gewithit eat be obtained tie? 211—dwitn. PROSPECTUS burgh, to be rotated the WM. k PHILIP BARER BRANDRETII PILLS PRICE TWO CENTS• DAILY MORNING POST• How to do Good,—A quaint writer, tin• der the cognomen of Chas. Quill, gives a short and easy method of doing good, which will be found as ef f ectual a one as could be adopted. He says, 'why do you begin to do good co far uJ? This is a re% ling error. Begin at the centre, and work outwarde. If you do not love your wife, do not pretend to such love for the people of the antipodes. If you let some family grudge, some peccadilly, some undesirable gesture, sour your visage towards a sister or a daughter, pray cease to preach banal. cence on a large scale. Begin, not next door, but within your own door; with your next neighbor—whether relative, servant. or superior. Account the man you min the man you are in bless. Give him such as you have. 'How can 1 make him or her happier?' chis Is the quostion. If a dollar will do it, give the dollar. if advice will do it, give advice. If c'..asti4Entro6 will do it, give chastisement. If a look, a 3m le, or warm pressure of the hand, or a tear will do it, give the look, hand, smile or tear. But never forget that the happiness of our,world is a mountain of golden sands,* and that it is )our part to cast some contrib utory atom every moment.' There Is as mach phi'osophy and sound morality, beep. tifully expressed, in these few words as there is in a volume of sermons. Let every individual practice the rule laid down. add ..ee how soon the opplrtunities for doing good will present themselves, how nluch more satisfaction he will feel himself, how much better he will be -• • • ~ tit avert It are those which are.of _ tenest passed over with inattention sod yst the whole happiness of our lives, !M AE those connected with us, .depend essentially. upon their faithful performsneer:- TheY show the true temper of our virtue; and'is they are good or badly performed, promote or destroy that peace and peret tratisfac. lion of mind, in which tree happiness con sists. A Ferocious Dug Mesmerized.--The nesmerizers in Ireland appear to go ahead of our American professors of the scienced At a late meeting of mesmeric authoritief4, (as reported in the London Medical' Times,) it was stated by Dr. Elliotson, the president, that 'the Duke of Maribor• ough had informed him, in a letter from Ireland, that, while at the Marquis of Ely"s seat, in that country, and stroltiar Ott NA the morning, he came upon a ferocioes dog. chained in a farm yard. His Greep thirst not approach the brute; but standigg at a respectful distance. he mesmerized him and, going up, actually embracedthe sleeping brute. The dog remained in the sleep for thirty minutes.—Transcript. Millerisrn in Lyzerne County.—The Miller theory has gained many cravens in Luzerne county, A store keeper na• med Gaylord, residing about six miles be. low Wilkesbarre, gave notice a few days ago, that his store was at the service of the public, -free 'gratis and fur nothing." The Deputy Sheriff of the County attend. ell, by request, to hand out the goods. When the Journal's informant passed the store, a large crowd was in attendanee consisting chiefly of o'd ladies with weli crammed handkerchiefs. The stock o 1 goods was in the way of rapid disposal--• excect the crockery, for which there was little demand, most of the people seeming t o think they had enough of the article to last during the term. As to the progress of Millerism it is said that a great many of the people seem to be "coming into the measure!" One or the greatest crimes okth clergy it is said to consist in neglecting' to de. flounce in the most pointed terms, the sift of cheating the printer.—Ex. paper. Let us press upon them, amid pe'rhips they, may put a atop to it. The Philadelphia Mercury says a Yeti- . gious monomaniac in Pottsville, on Wed: nesday morning of last week, undressect himself completely and went up on' Young's Hill, back of the borough,experet. ing to be translated to Heaven. He wait. , ed in vain for the descent of the sheet of glass. but the ground being covered with a sheet of ice and snow, so benumbed the poor fellow that it required all the skill and experience of Dr. Halberstadt to restore him. _Erects of Fasaticiam.—On last Friday ; week, the wife of a r•espe'ctable mechanic of Newark N. J., while laboring under derangement of mind caused by the doctrine, administered arsenic to herself' and two of her children, one aged three years and the other twelve months. Bey. fore she committed the rash act she sent her three e'dest chi'dran to her aunt's, in the neighborhood. One of the children died at 12 o'clock, the other at 2 o'clock and the wife died about 6 o'clock. A London paper of the Ist, says the first partetof American beef, cured to suit the English market in particular. was lam. ded a day two since in the lgrdathir. tine flock, =Zia