10,41.21GY MORMEITIOr TOOT. MARCH 3, 1843 The Vigilant. On Wednesday night, contrary to gene ral expectation, the quiet of the city was not broken by the quarrels of the two organ• izations. Both parties have commenced legal proceedings, one to gain what they claim as their right by virtue of the decis ion of the city councils, and the other to be revenged for the 'forcible entry, of the En• glee house. Things : in relation to the Vig ilant are now coming to a low. There will be a deal of cross firing before the close of the combat. We have heard the names of three boys Who-have for some time past been making a regular business of stealing the Post trom under the doors of subscribers, and here itform them that if they are caught at it a gain they must sufl* , r the consequences.— The wiry scamp who takes Messrs, Alger; & Maguite's had better b u lk out. The company in possession of the lint have shown some nerve in retaining possession of the Eryine and apparatus.— It has been said of then, that there are not enough members to fill the ofl-v.es, and yut those few have braved publi opinion, the city councils, and the new organization, The following resolution was passed at a meeting of the Allegheny Fire Company held on Wednesday evening: Resolved, That hereafter at fires the membi•ts of the Company will decline re • ceiving refreshments from any person, ex cept by special invitatimi; arid that it he the duty of the office's and members to prevent any person not bein:! a member, enturing a house Kith the company. Byre.—Yesterday between 12 and 1 o'clock, in the - tannery of Mr. Caldwell on the, coiner of 2n 1 and Redoubt alley,— the roef caught by some sparks falling on to it from a chimney. All the engine!, (the Vigilunt among the rest,) were out. The past ten Jays have witnessed an unusual degree of excitement, affording ;such fun to citizens of all classes. The young ones quarreling about the Vigilant, and the more grave raising a rumpus a , . bout the election of Canal Commissioners, The latter is all over, we think for the present; but the other will last some time The Weather, yesterday wa. cold in the : miming, and in . the afternoon it be , came a little m•iderate a d sun shiny. tl.n.t of the ilitrous. liarpre Itcr iard has received alto h tdition of Bunker's 411 W t.rive', (rum the pro bfic pr re of tioc Ilurpars. It is more neatly got tip ttian - any uf the cheap c: i i.ins,of that work he :mg priottd in octavo fur to on new ty pr.. It is weld at the eurprisiogly low pace of 25 cents! The Supreme Court, at Washington, hats nude a decision upsetting all the stop-laws Anti other swiiia i,ig contrivances of the Western States. Messrs Lane and IVhice, metn'wrs oldie prevent Congress fr Indiana, and one of the members fro:n North Carolina, Mr. Washington, decli le being candidates for re-election. Allegheny county is entitled to five Rep resentatives in the Legislature. by the pro pond apportionment, a. , d Philadelphia city to only four!—Phila. Forum. Well, what of iti Senator rfilliarns rerignea.—The lion . Rue 4 Williams has sent in to the legis'ature of Maine him resignation of his seat in the U. S. Senate, to take effect from and after the 4th of March next. Mr. W. is a dem. Mullen, the man who fired the rail road bridge across the Sahuyikill, has been tri ed and convicted, He was sentenced to Pout years imprisonment in the eastern penitentiary, and to pay a fine of one thousand dollars. A correspondent of the liagerstown (Md.) News rcenti ms the discovery of an ianmense cave near that place, by a party of fox-hunters, and gives a magnificent de. torription of it, which may or not be true, nth. reader pleases. A chance for a new suit of old clothes.— "'"A St, Louis paper of the ISth says: "They sun about their cold weather in the East, but if they ern 'get up' any thing to ex• coed the stock we have on hand now, we'll give them all one old clothes." RIVER NEWS. River--6 feet water in the channel Arrives and Departures since . our last report ARRIVALS. Vigilant, Keno, Cincinnati, Orpheus, Bliley, Nashville Montgomery, Martin, L..uitiville West Point, Grace, do DEN RTCRES. Walton, Forsythe, St Louie itaprnes Mail, Haldermau,• Smithere, Louisville The St. Louis Organ of the 2let says:— "The River rose about a foot during yes• tetchy and the day previous. Very little ii*ling bete. Tbe 1111ssciert, at St. Charles, is closed with ice." ", BOOZ, Atal 308 , PINTING OFFICE R cORRECTZD D.LILT, ET /ALIN EXCZANUIVirIinaIt N, W. Corner of Wood 4 , fifth Sts. PENNSYLV A NIA. Bank of Pittsburch. par :11errh. SC Man. bk. par Tux proprietors or the Moasinu Port and Mkricrav Euhan ,, 1 ,„„1„ . par •ND MaxeracTuara respectfully inform their friends Bk. of Cerntantoevt and the paironsor those papers, that they have a large ank and well chosen assortment of La nrar , tr r hank, =O T - 367-W"'IM 9 ; Rank of 1711,4ter &ITO ANTLI ® ToLcwilffliau ms- A g /A i., Necessary to a Job Printing Office. and that they are I,n ktl,:l ' ' '' N America Phil. pa:ed to execute I Ilk of Non urn LET TER PRESS PRINTING Far. Of alcrbamcs irk Kem-inzion hk. Pbtlatirlphia I:k. Schuylkill hk. Soilitivvark bk. Wcedern bk. Ek . of renn,ylvama, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bill, of Lading, CiiculaN Bill Head,, Cards. Blat.k Checks, Dui Tio u Ittubs of Blanks, P.llllTlith I , Handbills Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with app , , Mc of Penn Tl. par 1 partite Cute, Man. 4. Mechanics lik par, Printed oti the Altortest notice nail 1113 M reason:Ode I i•riliFi i Me - h air , bk. pal We felpeelfolly ask Ito pal ronai..r. of our friend,: a nd I MOY a IllellSing ilk. 3 he paidlt• in general in ibis I.ratirli at our bllgilll ,!,. 1 Girard lia.ik, 45 Pittshorall. Sep'. 39, 1. VIII 1.1.11'S .i. S\ll'l'll_ - ! 11. Stales hank. 3U ____ ._.. . _ _ _ i Ildiailieriarr.pd, %Varren, -- BITI"I'E AN I) LA IZ i). Viank. Wastilocton, par jUi 4 T received, r; harrels fresh Caller, and 20 Poit.voe, 5 kegs fit , t rate Lard from Ddver, Ohio. for ' , ale by 111: of Monigotnel v par I.!:Alan. Brownsville, Erie Bank. 3 Thubet:argil bank. 5 R vino v:1 I. I Far. lei( Lancaster, 14 RA cef M.lldielown, 4A qIIIF. Atibseliber has removed his r ee stilonal.'e T i demi', re Bk. of rltainl•ersbut7 ll , -14 1 1 Establis h ment to Ihe Motentealeela house, :e4 doter C-111,10 hank. 44 from first st. on ... mit Illiela V.w he, lit:m!il cu.-V.0,11er ,, rind Ilk of Non lot tellterla nil, 41 all others who may favor lelen wale a call may depend one Commet na bk k 11 ri.l2e re. '2 leaving their work done it a superior Style. Fume his Ink Stic-iiiiehanna Cc, 1(1 lemg experience In the loveireess in this city, and in it”onY •Rkof Di lawa rc Co. par other fashiouable cities in Europe and America. lee feels ~,'anon bk. 41 confident that in can give sat IsCarlion to all who may c,ol,,lnir:: li bk. ii please to favor him w:t la t hci • elision,. Ilv strict attention Turk bank, 4; to business and superior workmanship he hopes to uteri' F.,,,. 4. ~,,,,, I,k . o f and receive a P;lare of public patronage. Ile 'clench keepitig way „, t ,„, l i e, It s 1 on hand a supply of ..!ootis and tronininls snit a' , le lon the - •• rut rency notes, Il rusictieer train which will lee sold at 1 ery reduced prices, I ifr „,... (1 , 0 ,,. c 2 - ii- DoN Artil \-- I AV e.oning bank. IR , IV. B. Th, subscriber 1,, , ,„ g ~e!I ~warr ol 11.- 0 veto polsli'2l, sole -- , rrip 44' that the GULL syslein is practhed un lin nillniC in 1 his ('„“„ tr y d,, d o h [Mint ry, by Liiverti-entent-: particularly lo; persons who i Reeks I o bank, tell ,nay Jew!). he call e d tot milers on the i rad., IX lio never 1,,,,,,,,, w , 7 served in hoar to the business, and who kreoes so toile I Tow „d„ . 811 ahoUl II that they could not creek a -.pan,tte riot It. and I (!1111).' they are barefm.ed enough lo advrrim-e 1 hemsek, , ,i as ‘i,i- M..mo,lmi,am I.k 1i lorg ala mode. and Icy the nisi of old rert , fie - a , ,, r,ts 1 , ,,, A- Mrch. I.lc of Sleet. pujrs.kc. 4-c such as are zerroaily usrel by quark , ill teeny Rh., 11 sell their tnedici nes. they often succeed in pal using of onl lif.llllollt bk 1,..1 St. (Rails. the unstirpectin., customer sortie old trash ior the uteri I vette. 1i ins imnoried article. Seirle people's ativerlLooorms are I Marietta bk. (Irma led only calculated to :leaf the, ichlh, and are are more r•nil note 4. It lied to credit than the fie-Atwell• eel lanshable not-tic ii inns ,le, Curt' , or- y not. . Ii photo tber2reat OBl!—firer :moo: the Lilltputinns.whirli Cnltutiloalla I.k New Lis I pregame almost every schonlbov Ines read and laugh, ti holt Demand, 11 a'. 1 would A0r.....,...51 lo th 00..... who with to lair ti e-ir I d el Post p e n s ., 11 clothes made in first rare style to make a bests imptir% tt en r mewl .pees pay and then will find that this is the pace AA Lere Ike.; call I , t g bane,. 14 he ;wrote' modal ell: IL It. NI c-cli 4- Teade , s lek of J ,t, 7—:3,r. Cmc,,,,,,1.. 3 Cheap for l'ash. U.V/ON COTTON F-ICTOI?l. Prices Reduced. Short Pre/ Far, 1.0%; So 5 at 15 ctg, prr Ih :, 4 11) .11 6 ill lb} fitai :4 1, 8 ,1 :1 , 7 at 17 8 at 17i 9 at 1. 10 at 19} 11 a; 19 12 at 13 at - 2 , 1 14 at 244 1:k dill., 15 at 21 16 at 22 17 at 23 18 at - 21 19 t.l 4. 2(1 t -26 ditto 1 710 t 0 Ethl dot° 101111 1..n1..11.•w1ck al 16 tl.p , r 81111'1 , 4 • 9 ilttio (11110 1 . .111.11y .10. :A 11111 thlto .Itimo .'lllll I'o 1110 2.5 'lOlO 'ld rovt•r!,t Var. .11,,A, • WI dui ° \l'arp- mad- lo I,IIP, 0;:r I r.1..1/ , 1 , 1.11 , 1 , 11 V lit 1141, tt ;0. 1: It II rti J A r Parotier'...l.i.Ltan S Fruurdt'-. fa) BACON 1 500 Lh, naCoii, ill-1 retell viol by' was mOlll Uli 10, r.ir ',it, lit T ° 'he I I "' .1 "IL" of the 1:""' I and r0tir0.,...0 Ihr (1.! '" 1"1 (4 0 "T.." 1. E•rnui ICI di' RI lry a llall i t ‘1,,rk.1 ..treet; will ildapi it , r• I roil aAI p4l,et,t: itlr :111V bo.llr, r. q11 , r , .._ aroll ," of J•LIiLL • ihr lit IVarLi v , risk ... - C , ...,11 . 10111 1.11. , r‘t.“ Pill-bingo, in ..1,1 r —0, vh,i•7 11011-P on -11...•1 Tosii fly is it. IL pr id- I , I , , .4; c„. ,tot• ,t.tt the ficii . lll loom nn Third 91 oi, iraielLers, ,L Is . b y LLI• I, L „, tor ,ftivt. pr-Seel oe( awed lly ilrowe 14 vei ti; ...11.1.1/-. I.i ir l '" '" . "" I a' a - " a " . • bpsjor.s., g;ul s., °Chic on 1.1 al. si, pre-ent or. In keep tt of d , ir• !` h i ue ' t - ‘' he ' •P""' • 11.1,41). Inr real, .rcrrtll vna , l llotlYeS gray lilt dsrell• And lie eic.c. rat township. ith 3 few .It/fIN T('R PIN. 'toile ond , r , i?„ ,, ed •114 , wf the 11 hit gh, resin eilully ce tilt, ilia , o a .11 ,, ',t• hove VII, N I ;:etill 111411' I WI d repute 1 01 S I.OIR 1.1 li. ;rtrr'-tr r. ()lie for hone-tv and and 1- we:l l u -v A z . n ,i Arras or 1.8.0 on 11.11iner , ' h ill. Lots U,ll and erni)ol.i•in cs l i e a r eom .,, o d,_ lion it (1 lodging of -0 , 1 igor• I La% Him f,,, ts , on liohne'. , 41. 42,52. 5.1• 1, 131, I:t2 ~n 1 18.1. in Ci.-01,'s plan Hill A leo. 1.0• liciA 26 and :7. in said tavern la y lilr t h e a c , nrt nud cio.i of Cook's plan ()CLIO , on High near the new Court the public. House For tenni , apply to Z. [V. 11 ENIINcTos. 1 4 1011119 C11%1.1.y, Mel' 111 G-orge Beal(, Jun .I.;in 5 elm, Gray, \l,iruli Ind o•~-luny 1,, ~4 1 ,•nd 1;14 1,,,',11r.94 in liti. way, re peel. 11( I Lie the Jo a•.+ , •l the. t 11 , ‘ ••••rVi , t , to those pin sisits onitiing, or Who Gen-rat Qultit ter Sei,l ,11.; f'eacr, .1 ni. tint 111,•n , :ty have elm r_tv Exec ilath'i 4 rn• for the county of A. llee,oenv Into nr Goa diallc. w Ilie my or ,iihllrhF, nod who may The petition of 11. C. Pomeroy, ~rrzn, 4 T. ww ,1„ 1 „ I nol have route to ;diem] in it trot ii Nell., .11 , m, to collect in gate. count'. r,s,tectfolly sheNve , h, Toot tee ,s F Lots, rents, divi.i, ode, Ground frill,: . A mister ii kept provided with house to no and .111-T r 011VeLliell 't• , " 1 for he o o e . nin , l ti and „ al 0 . 11 1 .0 1 r l " , “: 11 ', , t h e " use an " . 0c ' lOlO3 b y hint an a lot or. ' ' l ' I It' i.el •,lentlemeti fur whim: l lhp tothscriher ha. in 1114,11,11'4 In rOttiliWe nl that ()risme. , he vita, t‘ been avint f.tr some peals iito.t__mottos ivhael your h•Otors Iti g,r int hint a 10 - eni.e to keep rot Ir p. 'McCormick nu,l J,IIIIPA P. Cf:; (1„ rdlet.urgh; Jan house of l'oblie Enterldiqinern. A lid he w , ll eve: Stuart, Esq. Et. o , , ,,f ati Atzent, Phtlad ; Mess. John Brown, pray. R. ( Pl):1.1EISOY, in; 11. !Or l'inclunini; Shun& Poller The tiodersi , on d, cititzenq 1:oss low/1011p, re- sieuhenville;Jo-epli 1l illar, I.nivrenr.eville; Jnnie.. Jones sectlidly ce , tify, Ilia' R C Poole oy, thenh own ft Ea.! Liberty; Daniel ;titter, townAinp; Daclel p eel avid. ant,is Ktiotlenial. or ;,0 1 neim'r".' 3 "v i C kl eY• ari.l tempetnner, ;111 I is well !troy tdeil tits,. 23 . I nom and conveniences for th, accomitiodatino and of ...trait:4er% and Traveler, and tl is neceits9ry for tne accoinino lawn, of the pitohiC- Thorilas Powers, J. P. W. Id indettek, !Stiller Lewir, I.` win. C.enrge Lief rr, John Bait i'n Ners, Jorieph Keel, Ileory Hunter. Joh!) (`II r. Cunt ad Loetll tr. Peter K'i tgensmith ISlarch rrl 9 ,Ihe flonorDide the Judges of the Court of Cener i al Quarter rzesslowi attic Pence, in nod (or I he roun ty of Alietheny• The petition of John Lively of Wee! Deer Township in said county. respectfully StlOWelll— l'hai Ile I. well provided with bowie room and other conveniences (or the accommodation of strangers and traveler:, at the howie now ocenpied by him as a tavern and beim: desirous to continue in that I Iselnegg lie nrays your honors to giant him a license to keep:in Inn or house of Pohl': Enteriainincrt, and he will prov, JOIIN LAVELY The under/len/11. citizen/ of West Deer township, re. sprent fully crrilfy that John l.a vet y, the :thrive named aisiairapt, 15 a eehtieman .epuie for honesty an.l temperinee. and k well pruvided with lons row,. :Ind conveniences for the accommodation and loitrii.7. i)(Firaa. ear/ and travelers, and that said tavern in essarv. John Donnell, , John Fleck, Henry Yeagle, Wtn. Htiocao, James ILtsl• tr, J. W. Bugher Julio Br John Boilhe , . mar 1.- 31.1 IN the Court of Common Ph•as of Allegheny roomy, of December Term, ICS. N 0.69. In the statterof the voluntary assignment of llutchin - son 4 Ledlie to Samuel Smith and George loedlie, All persons Interested will glean take notice that the Assignees above sewed have filed their account, and that •Ite sem will be allowed by the Court on the 4th of Match nest, unless nate be shown to the contrary.— By order of the Court. A. Ertl TTON, war 1-31. Pro. BANK N ISA:\i' 1411 Lop, ty J 11 , )t 1r; I) A %V R. G. rmly. Sammy' ii.vll,r, WLlltrun K• l'y, kV Cnas m n, Win Waddle, A. Knox, John Waddle INooster, MR. dun, r.anduky r. auzn, Norwalk Xenia, do Dayton, do scioto, 30 Post note., 1i Chillicothe, 5 Fra Columbus. 11 La..ea , ter, 40 Ilatnt!ton, 90 o.ovole. 80 COlll. bk. Lake Erie, 30 Par. bk: of Canton, 95 C?rbana 6S diq H par I.lc oi ()rnrallfllrll'rr. 1 k ircirviHr. ;11 I.a, frnrc =Ell FOR %IA: on TO KENT. TO L E T . r it r Si.., and ripper roon , r I il.r rorrcr ii .' .1 ~,. S hrkcill,l 5 , 11 ,I,trtv, lo - or or,. upled by N' 1. -1 - .. ....... ' II . I:. , Itrirk ,!,,, rorn, or I • , ^l,, a 11 , 111ce 3 v Slorr o• Ni NI AA" G.', 2 Grltcrl v Fen /2 - X coullot lan! , 1.,,v I , r trk dwrl Co.d ••.if 'Till .0 tet It•TAIN. 10,1111 Mill tn. hitti1,“ . .... 1 ,1 1',10 Jl),l\ ‘I . I . I,I)SKEV Ti.rre 1t1.2 I.l,erly TO LE7' L lll/' , I erg of orrunted I.y E. A It.iu,n.lll n 4 al. A WO e i orr,--h.•rriol.re know Lan^ earlier of Wood and Si! I . li I it R. Marrow Ciiti inn 2i. 'rep Le l. m.“l,lh,tsvrrn 3d ntl, :14 rt l I.:111:1 :111:1r Ilt4tl 111 1..--11- reD‘V 1 1 11_ 1: ZZ NI. No 51 Th rd et 'louse genc y. ]0.6 west of the Market Penn st. sth NVztrd, Pli. ,lier 1.3 v lii_ l'or flu miler of .Cats bfrn en. pmpert v, In lime 5111 Ward. FOR RF.VT, 2 comfortable briekhouseson Penn ss, op I lir residence of MersrsrP 111cCornilck and .1 11 SimPrinerzer. A Igo, Iwo 3 Miley brick dwelling liouFep on Pikr Ftreet nt $5 per month. Al.°, a number of tonal! frame dwellingi at $2, S 2 5 and $3 per month. Also, a hriek siert , room and do elllog no the Canal Bn.ln, artjAnlnt! Mr. Coe'e natter tOtopo Apply at thi !loose A gene v, near 1110 5111 Ward market holt,. fob 23. JAMES 131.A1:ELY,_ RlEllol'4l'. HOLDSHIP & BROWNE VE removed their taper Store from Market cheat to s O . 61 %Yowl el rrTi o ne door from the orner of 4th, where they k lip on hand,: their usual ns sortt,,e, or WALL riA limn:, for papering parlors, en. irie , ,Cll:llll l lPr 4 . 4-r, and also PRINTING, WRITING atilt \V Ps %PPISG rArEns. BONNET BOARDS:, 4-c, all of which titer offer for sale ott accommodating terms. feh 14. 1843.—d , f C T'S SPE.ffi FOR TILF.IISELVES--TRUTII IS CONY/NC/X(7:- thivin2 berm ittilict et! for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my liner, widen produced notch pain, end useil viriotis aproica lions recommended by the Faculty--a II in rain was cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand rei Linament, or External Remedy. Witness in" hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio up Alleatieny co, Pa. Jan. 110th.1841). Dr. Brandreth's Ectettial Remedy or Linament; sold at hid office, N 0.93 Wool street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-- 50 cents per bottle. feb R. DR. DANIEL AfeME.-11.., Office on ro,n street between Wood end Smithfield streets, rith.hurgh. der 10-1 if• A SAW APERSON competent to take charge of a lame ci tensive sawmill. with a small capital. will hear or an advantageous mtuation on application at this Mime, if immediate alMlication is made. None Bard apply who cannot give satirfactory reference as to honesty and corn peteacy. GE bIIJ INDIANA. Mate 1.k..5. Branches I; slate scrip, 40 KENTUCKY MI lianto., ILLINOIS. slate hk 4- Branches, 60 ~howneriow n, 70 VII INIA. Rank of Virginia, do Valley, Far. Irk. of Virginia Exrbringe hank, V. WPM. hank )I,fr. ,-Nine. tin MARYLAND imort, Ranks, Rankq. DELAWARE. All Ranks, NEV JERSEY All par and NEW YORK. ft..nkv. r , runntry hanks, (safcr% fond) a Pod Rark, to NEW ENGLAND ItiFion Ranks, y I.OTISI A N.l nrlea na (Santo:, 200.1. 3 NcIRTII CAROLINA iL nt, SOUTH CA ROLINA Ranks, I'IS. COLLTNIIILA Banks. 2 AL‘BAMI Good TENNESSEE l All Rank=. MICHIGAN VA. of SI. Clair, 10 no. do, k 11. 10 U\ \ k r al" Eastern Eiv ha kig 'L'hitodetpkisi. 'N ew York. I ~ I 14;1( re ii ,il, II ‘ve-tern =MIMI =ME hrelinr, par ca. D SITS ER, par M BL ELY Eit WANTED Ilti E subscriber has just received his PtiPPIY 01 Landreth's Garden F-ertis, consist ittg in part of the owing kinds—all of the last year•s crop 4 warranted nine: Egg Plant, Par,uip, Ends e, Prat+, Nile, Pepper, l'tunpLin, Rad Ali, Barrrok, Rhubarb, Cal bage, Sabafy, Can 01, Can &lower, Spinach, Ccieri Okla, Cu, led Clefs, Oninn, Letnice. Water Mrl.l, Musk. Nasturtiomt Squash, Toirawes, Cucumber, Parley, Mustard, (white and bri.wii) &c. &c. &C. To;tellser %%1111. varlet y' of Pot 4- Sweet brava aid flower seeds, Kr -Orders for Seeds, Shrubs, Tri es, fc. from Carden. ers rind others will be received and promptly attended F. L• SNOWDEN, No. IR4 Liberty. bend of Wnnd at. HATS—W. M. I)OHURTY inform their friends and the public that they have Commenced manufactu ring Hats, and Hitt they have now ready for sale. at their Store, 14`3 Liberty street, between Market and 6111 street, an a.soitment of the very best Hats, which 1 . ..ey are anxious to Dispose of on the cheapest and nowt reason, aide lerms. Their stork consist of the very best kinds, v:z.—fleaver, Otter. Neutria,Castors.short Nal ped Rus sia, Fur and Silk Hats. (V. 4. DI . Doherty are both regular bred Hatters, they have had extensive experience as Journeymen In !behest establishments In the country; their Hats are all got up under their own inmection, and they assure the public that nothing but the very hest articles on the mo-t rea sonable rermA will be offered for sale. eer 10 IRT LECTURES.—FuurtA Conroe.— The .eg• lure C.nurnirtee of the Wirt Iket Ai Mi I have the plea...tire of laying before the public. I lie following lin tot gentlemen who have eonsenied lu Lecture, via: Rev J W Boar - well, hartuhlriory Lecture. John L lion% E q. W ashingion. Prod'. N J Clark. Mvallyille College. ll'm Wr lL ins. Pirishurgli• Prod. A B Brown, Jefferson CJller,e. florid Rirkie,v,q .1111.13urgh. Reed II askierren. E.'"q Prolf. Ares'r T West. Theo. grailnary. Francis Joks‘ton. Esq., Prtisi.nrall. Prod. I Barker, Meadville Caliege. If' 11 Lowrie. Coq . Rev James L Prof arthilloch. Jefferson College, will de• liver several Lectures on Aid rononry , embracing its rile. N olves. n Revd Washington. Egq., will also deliver .iever.ll Lecture., on Ilse subject he may select. A rrangorneors are ill prO:regil to vintage rtilfewrOi Eil rn,nn, of I'n.e College, to deliver in our eh v. a full course it Irrnirea on Geolocv: also v ill; Josepn R. Buchanan, ,„ N r „, 0 1 07. y. other eminent Lecturers will he our illy, when it may he in tlle power of the In to onaale their geryiees. .... Lecture.; of this county will I.e on Literary and enl.jects parlueivelv and II io hoped from t he :,bihty of the Lectured. and the inlrre,t log Ha' lure of the snAer.lB.llint onr cilizens writ liberally pa trinnlire I bid Inniintne enterprii.e. The Iron lily shout.) not hebritnnl s., vit tes in her encouraecrnent et atience andliterature. The p.ovevila (If any) will he approprb lied to the eit'argen.ent of a Library, already an honor to the ril v. irri7nuree Tickct,, admitting P lady and at ntlernan, S?, and ,nay he had of either of Om Leihnohlve. and at C. II Ka v Cd'a Bank Store, NI ononrahela and EAehange and at RI, norli•A. LPG , o es co.rint ,, er no Thur!•finv evenirr, Dec 1. SA MI. IIUEY. W. W. W11,81)S. ICIIN S. COSfl I+ AVE, rommitiee. WM. B. SC A 1 FF., I JOIIN P. F.%II'LE 101 IN OU'I'PERWORTII. Auctioneer and Commis. eion Aterekaat, l.ouiseille, K Y.. will attend to t Its sale of Real Esia , r, Dry GOCHIA,G. orerie9, Furniture. ke dr . Regulars:lles every Tuesday. Thorsday. and Fri I T • I, 12,5 r and F "' „ r re, Federal steer , i Io near 11:. e de r y mornings. nl 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advance" made no consiignmeois wP 10 Diamond, Alieghetiv city. Evert canny or Confer! iona , y and Ornatireiltal YSERS, SARDINES. 4-r.; served up In the beet l:at es, suitable for sveiliiiio:s and panics, 111U11 , 11,1C111 ed 0 7' style al A lit:mares, No 9 Pifi h steert. Snit:v.le iron, tor best nutrn,k, at slim , limier. not 1G anal luients are atipropilaied to gentlemen accompanied ATE of John .111itiltvi. /ioe uf rim Pity of Pitts by Indies. Also all }dads of Cakes aid Confectionary for _LA der'it. Verson. interested will lake rodice p a'ties . weddings, etc., for sale by lhai letiers ul ailministraiinn on the vslaie of Ole said nr , v 19_, r den dent, 11,4% been dolt era n led lir the Repair, of Aim. gtieny (Monty, to Su-siiiiri Honker. widow of the said , 'err used; .1101 all persons liavin2 Claims or demands a• zaiti.i tile est.ile or Ili. said decedeol. are reqnested to matte k,trllvt) the :,me to lire Wi.lllolll deity. Her resi. ,ie , lce In in Hand -treel. rote or Pittsburgh. rIt:SANN '1 HUNKER, Adminlstrairix 1C24-Im (eh 1— fitv /A" Y— Fast /sir. 11. /lair D.r--color the hair and will not the akin Tilts Dye is in the tiro of a Powder which in ptaih matter of tart inay lie applied to the hair over the fifst• torniiig the ll:htentnr fee!, Atli, to dark brown: and by ,cpeai.mz a second or third night. to a jet Mark. Any re nun may. therefore. with the lea meriiiilc trouble, here his bait any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance that powder If applied to the skin trill not color 11. There Is no milorins in thi.i statement, as any one may erdstly test These facia arc Wariailied by the die i,hl who manufactures It. For mter at JUT tired. where a large asitortuictit Of Patent Mediehies Illay always he had at tither wliMesitie or retail. —Don't forget ' tint Fvetrth steel! r. W 11,1.1,01 C. WA 1.1,, Plain and Fancy Pertraii and Piet are Frame Manufacturer, No. 87, Foura Street Pt! ts bkrg h. —Catwvaes Brushes. VarolOt .for Artists. alwava on hand. Looking GlagSeS. promptly framed to order. Repairing done I the short tot 1101 ratite War attention paid to regilding and jobbing OCW cry deur riplon. Persons up steam Boats or houses will find It t, liciradvatttnge to call. cep 10 lIIRD SEEDS A f c•ti. r•upply of !WA Seeds, eon sitilio;; of Canary. fiemp,and Rape; Jost received Oy 3. F I.'SNOIN 'JEN, 148 Liiicrty I. W.RNTED, a boy of front 14 IJ years of age. Application to lie made before the first of March to F I, ScwwnEs, fro 3. 184. Liherty IIP:181 of Wood St tWM. (successor to It. M'Closkey) Veen maa Bout Maker, Liberty et., id door from Vi'sin Alley. The subacr titer respect fully informs the public that he has commented the above holiness In the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry 11I'Closkey, and that he Is now prepared to attend to all orders In his line ofbasiness whit despatch and on the most reasonable termu. From tile long experience in the manufacture of Fashionable Boole, he feels confident that all articles from hi; establishment trill give satisfaction to hie pa trolls. A she, eoi public patronage i: respect rally sollrtt, seri le RENNTSG'S PLRE PROOF IKON C H ESTS. PITTSBUROII, OCT. 22, 1842. J. Dcmmtmo—On Friday, the 30th or last month, about 9 (Fetlock at nicht.the Plantna.Groovina and Clash Stan ufaeinry, owned by Gay, Dilworth ti- Co, with a tare quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all consu mid by fire. The Iron Safe which I honzht of you some tine hock wax in the most exposed situation dui ine the fire, and wns entirety red hot —I am pleased to Inform you It was opened at the clo.e of the tire.nnd nil the hooks, papers, kr.snvet —this's the hest recommendation I can give of the utility of your rates. riet24—tf TIIOM ASt 0!: COTT. GREEN .IPPL Ju.t renewed from filarnnia, U. 40 111,11; Green Apples, romprislni every variety, In first rnte order fel) 4, 4.8 43. FARE REDUDED.—U. S. MAIL LINK or STKors RAIL ROAD C•RP, from Pittsehorgh, via Redford, rnamitentinira, IlarriAntra end Lancaster, to rtilladet. phia, connecting with the Mail train of Cara to N ke. Ottly 150 niilesetnetnr and one night out. Also. the, Direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia CO. Baltimore, 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M, Otike seeond door heftily the Merchants Hotel Wood e MENDELL, GRAHA 61, WAUGH 4. Co. Ph 23.1843-17 ' ' Proprietor.. OHM J. MITCHELL — Attorney at Law, Wks a/ corner onFtSsultbfleti and Soh cis.. Pittsburgh. Colieettoos made. Ali business entme_ ed to his cove will be promptly attended to, \feb 16--Ir FARE REDUCED. - ON IRE GREAT Crime At, Rotme. Vu NAT I 2 II A 4 neAD ♦SD BALTIXORI AND OHIO fan• RD•il:0111VANY• N • s rAtil-Vat: mk. , e41. - : S'• 4 1 , g 4' line DILLS. Mail Coaches for WasAington Cup, .1.11 Baltimore, Phi:ads/okt and New York. This line is in full operntion and IravesPittsbor7,h daily al 6 o'clock A. M., via WaShington i a. a tel national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co's. to all the ahove places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable rodte, It being a separate ald distinct Pittsbut gli and runilwrlanti line. facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex tra coaches furni‘lied at the shortest notice, wito the privilege of going through direct, or taking ens night's rest at their option. Fare from Pitisloargli to Pallintore, $lO,OO Pittsliteg to Relay house, $lO.OO 1 - 2,00 Thence to 2,00 Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, 13.00 For through tickets. apply at our office at the corner of Exchange :lotel, ur at our office at the Monongahela House. • L. %V. STeCKTIDN• Feh. President of N. R. Slav! Co. JOHN AFCL :SKEY .the old orlllnni, has on hand the oft splendid assortment of Clothiwz ever offered Wes My noel: kla rze, and lam disposed to Fell at the lowt. I possible price M y stock k heavy, and as the sea. son Is advancing. I will sell at lower prices than ever. I ask only the pleasure of a call, feeling confident that a nok is sufficient. Beware of Connterfeits. Remember THREE. BIG DOORS. and the SIGN IN THE YE if E tiov 23,184 Lamas ()VIM roots.—Tlte iAtiliYA can now do away with all kinds of over shoe•, can walk throusit the wet streets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept perfect ly drY:ean wear tiabtshois without having their corns pain them; and can have their shoes wear twice .as long as ever, if t hey wilt use t he ceehrated Ott.or TrAtta.o hill will make leather water proof. and render it as pliable and eat 611 , kid.- Ws an article well worth their notice, and owe which they will nil value hietly,as soon as they try it. To he had only at TUTTLE'S MZDICAL A OILNCT, 86, Fourth street. nice. 91 per Nitre. Jan 9 NOTICE —I have taken out letters of administration on the e4ate on John Wilson, lade of the City of Pittsburgh, dec'd. All pet sons Indebted to the estate of the said If r ceit ed, are rrmtested to make Immediate pay meat to me at my residence in Penn at. near Nlarbury. a nd those who have claims are requested to present them duty probated. J P WILFON, "WILLIAM .ELUER. Attorney at Law; Office in V Rakr'weil.Bnudinga, iearly opposite titer ew C nun Han*. cm Giant at reo. p 101IMPTISRUCGH CIRCULATING AND REFERENC E I.IIBR ANY of fteliglotor.Htstorka!,Politietl.and M is• c. !famous Works, wilt be open every day, Ba4twoh 'x. tented. 'row 7 &cloth. A. ?Conn 11 9. P. M., In the Ex • change Building,eorner of St :Clair street and Exchange wnere ,mnctua I attendance will heaven by rep 10 J. GENIMII. PIZZXNGTION'S Unrivalled Blacking, IU7I NUFACI UR ED end gold whole , nle and retail f±txrti &inter une door below Smithfield. nel 21—tv. T T. STEW ART, Upholsterer and Paper flantel, • Nn. 49. Fifth sire . el, between Wood and Smithfield II ti=k nf,d Straw Matiras.cs al Nays on hand. All orders executed with llear nes: and despatch, on acromino vatiffe terms. sep 20— 1 y READS W ASHINGTON, ATTORNEY AT L.V. —Office in Rears' Illtitdin: Fonrth street. rittsiturzn. Nov. 5. 1842. NVSI . E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, PO ohur:11. Pa. Office in 4th street, oppo.ite Rorke eldin: Wll.l.l•At E. AUFITIM,E-0., vvol niye hie attention to my untiniehed flees, and I recommend him In I he patron • age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD. rep 10-1 v 111. A. W.PATr ERSON....:".IIce on Built hfleld street near Sixth. nep 10 TlLEnlc.l inveleraie Tooth:vile rlitrei in l'wn MIN— CTtIi--cetll at TUTTLett 111 P.d Irnl kviticy. Froirtil si., and ttion 1. , a wile, It la warraiired to coic, or the motley will be refunded. FORGE W. LA YNO. Attorney et Law. Office isin. 54 Pith street, near the Theatre. Pillt*nirgli, set) 117-1 y QUO-11?, .VACKEREL, c.— Fur.rar, 10 Tterceg Rice. 15 Kegs Strad, assorted Nos 20 111,1.. No 3 Macke,el. Now landing from S. B.l_ ul ter, and for Sale low by Jan 28. JANIF.3 MAY / 00.1 IS --25 tons Blooms in gore and (or sale by W iturtnnirmt:. Mlle: . 1.0 Wren Wood .S• Sin Inn 2 ISM 71I'Closke3's Clothing Store FRESH ARRIVAL. OF NEW GOODS SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or RE.IDY 111.4 DE CLOTHING THREE BIG DOORS, No. 151 Libel toy street. one door from the Jackson Foundry. runt:: subreriber is just receiving at his well known estulitistsment, the tersest. most varied and cntsekerr sTocit. nr norms that has ever been offered in this city Every article was selected by hi ii rlf in lie eastern el. ties, and purchased a the Lowerr c•sn ?Tires, and he is therefore enabled to sell his articles mach 10 seer than they c:. Ise had at any other eatablishment west of Ilse mountains. His articles are all made by expnr:enced workmen, / from the latest ntannfar lured goods and in the must MODERN FASHION. He feels confident that all persons who will call al his establishment and examine his stock will he satisfied that B KTT ER BA RG A I NS Can he obtained at the TIIREE 1110 DOORS than at any similar establishment in the chy. His stock consists in part of Coals,Pantaloons, rests, Drawers., Shirts, Cravats, Stock 4, Gloves, Suspenders, And every Other article of Cluils.vg of the be.l style From his varied stork of cloths he is prepared to MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER at the shortest notice, in a style Unsurpassed by any othei Pittsburgh hou,e, and warranted to fit. Ilia stock of Spring . and Summer (3, oda is superior to any prr•ions importations and he has no hesitation In snyinr that for excellence, beauty and cheapness they cannot be equalled In the west. Tine subscriber would once more return his thanks to hie friends and the public for the unprecedented pat ron' a2r: bestowed on his establishment, and believing that Ms customers had found it Is their advantrge to deal with him, ha would repeat his invitation to all those who vebili to purchase. Clothing of every description at lowest prices,to call at No. 151, lanta:l'T STRXIST, JOHN N'CLOSKC,Y. Kr Observe Metal Plate in the Pavement. Feb 22 ISA AC CRUSE, 148 Liberty at L. C. Judson, ATTORNF:Y AT LAW, Smithfield near 7th street. Motto—Putictuali , y in ImAnef.a and amicable set tletnento. reb riLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED always nn hand n._./ In lois to soh purrhaters, apply io L CRUSE, fah 4. 148 Liheriy et JOST RECEIVED, Twolve hoses of Orangee and Lemons, of the finest quail' y. for ya!, whoteaale and retail. by WM. THORN. feb 22—tr, 53 Mollie at. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. TN MOM boslielsof rood quftlity Clover Seed. Also .11,$)basbels - prima Timothy fat ode in We fn Knfi I. eituse, 148 Ltherrir rt Whe offers for sale 50 traibeho Otellard Gram reed feb/.11. A FEW MORE SPILL Toothache ! ! —HS hd 1,. Prime N 0 Mr. Editor:—You pretend the arts. de on Industrial Association in Inn"— day's paper, with a deprecatory injunction against a too lia.ty opinion being formed regarding the meats of the purposed T form to be commenced by industrial operative association. Our necessity this time, render us partially toletti,,. differences in opinion tou:hing the nattitii. of new views; therefore, out of the evil produced by 'hard firma' has come fottil rational conviction that 'things as they ate must and will be .supersedcd by improved social arrangements, through which equai4 ity of useful !tabor, will secure an equalitY of the means of physical. moral and aociai enjoyments, as yet never en'ertaineci bt legislators, or put forth by statesmen in power. These 'hard times,' therefore rig I pen our understanding by giving to us mcil I five, or inclination to hearken, whets under prosperous circumstances, we should be mote inclined to sneer at such an Monied idea as that of harmonizing industrioud roil with equitable distribution, Cool and dispas,iurra'e investigation. wilt do Meal* towards satisfying the strictest religlonis4 no matter to (Allot sect or creeds, he may belong, that at this time there is trttieh the coAstruetion of society that tnnipele its metrib.es to evade the practice of that new commandment. given to Us by the great reformer 'love thy neighbor as thy , self.' Is it not our duty when so mart' are hard pressed for means of aubsiatehce ; and that too, when all things necessary to subsistence to comfort, and even luxuryes , ist in superabundance every where in out country, altho-O not available for supply to meet tl e wants of the indigent and in- , du.:trious poor, whose numbers are rapidly increasing, surely it is time now to extant , ine any benevolent and just proposition, having for its of jest the removal or arise. , lioration of the causes which produce the evi!s now endured, trace them to their sources, and if possible, adopt eff-etJai remedies. We are - told by Dr. Watts. g religionist, examplary during life, that -to believe al; things as our predecesserd did, is the r, ady way to keep mankind in an everlasting state of infancy ; and to lay an eternal bar against all the improve: , ments of our reason and our hanptnesra, Had the present age of pbilosopherssai isfied themselves with the substantial Forms and occult qualities of Aristotle, with the solid spheres, eccentties a*& epycycies of Ptolemy, and the ancient tronomers; then the great Lord Ilacntl i Copernicus, and Descartes, with the great er Sir Isaac Newton, Mr. Locke, and - Mr. Boyle, had risen in our world in vain." CO-OP ERATO% The Sylvania Assziation of Ne.v York. have sent a deputatiln to Itockiand eouaj ty, on the banks of the liudion, to stied a site for locating. cl• Some of Via working men of New Port, Ky, have formed an Association and obtaint d a charter from the,-Legislature of that State. "Now by St. th.: work g oes bravely on." A. 111.'Nfir.R 64 TONS Tcniicssi Pig Iron, For ease lossfrfk close consignment, I, ANTED --Ac sOOtias postihtel-plates for a num• er of NI cell:inks; Book kteperc; ricrac; Saleamen; and Bute in siore; School reachert.—fd7 1;00+,2 men Worm'o; Rove and Cirbi for nil kinds of ikrJrk —mica, for coachmen: Acnin and ranal boat men and boys—coffee.' iorie, 4-c. A Iro, wanted a inort7.alle on :loud properly. with foul. or five times the amount $500,71/0, 10004 e for rile— tweicechelp tract+ of land, and for met sec• era I mall pieces of property.—apply et Harris' .Igeney and Inielligenre offire. fel.2'-• - Conveyancing . . AMES BLAKELY, -otti imtes to execute all kindi Of itch a- Deertg. :11orrlases, Apprentices In. dentures. A rtirlr. or Partner:J:lp. Letters of Attorney, 4:T. 4—, in n cent and lean! manner :tad ai IWO( former char_•+, a: hig old stand Peon ale 71 , 11• 1,1 knits.. r.t. ti; Nretior.gs D. l'or.smAg Loy D (t. COLaltlk COLF:3I4 15 , " t Artenta, Forwardlnt and Commi*sion Merehnni• , :..eve e St reet, Viekshum 11 iFr They re.nobet fatty nn onsi , v,tue n22—tf E. H. Illieastings, ECORDING REGULATOR. Gillet. with Ahier XL men Watson, 4.11 pireet, next doot to . the Bei.k 0 Pitithurgli; where npotientiotte for Regotetinz, Fur•ev tor. Leyintout and ()With.: Landetl , estihre, will Le tereleee, . PerllA. Pond,. Mori :adze. 4-e. eieented with legal arrnrai.y and dipspaith P tpbti tz h , 261, $43 —3l %%THY Are Dr. ilotterdts Family Pala held in soch id.dt:entimal lon, by the litindiedi or families In thbt eity„yrtto now keep them cotisfsnily hahnl Deennee the effeet of these PIN on the stern_ rich issuch as mot to sicken. Netther do they RUM* the. !irk so Os to throw off black butt; hat they t MOW bC 'heirs/too bile freely. They ore the hest ever sofa for Dyspepsia. Ilea Ache, Rhsumatisist.itc. DV- For •nisrwes' pecuthir to Fernales, they ere *OW netts rl ten.i•ely and :line :realest satisfaction. Thee ezLellßwt Polls are for sale in Pittaerirk at TvrTt.e.'l-119 4th et. 121 ecatit per box. }au 31 TIR. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, o.#cii h. lJrfteld, belmcen Sten"d and Third Si,., flotiol of burinsss frr3m 9 A.M. MI 4 P. M. 4 Dr. E. M. manufaeitires Procelaln and litlikeril tooth. Dentists can he s . ,Opplied by the 100 nr Slngleit4th. Mirka of tenth with si beautiful hum In full cote, or parts of setts, will be mode to order at tile efiertrsi notice, by forwarding 2U einet imprecsinn br the OPOUtb• for sale a few traehines with puler:) , wheels for pri riding And fillint mineral ierifi an timidl to the Dentist—ids wiltenirl !my for rnrdi. . dee 23. BeJIAT. • . ALEX. P. 7110911.10111. /i !Baezv ac ifIECOBIPSION, G ENERAL AGENTS and Cumniksion Merchant% ST. LOUIS, Mir, Refer to: 11l aura. Tnrhett. linyrr 4 McDowell Pittahars. W. /I. Campbell 4. co, Cori,. Torlhnnier. & CO. t .• 111orzan.Crotcher 4- CO. VVouds. Yentinon k Colt St Lo u IF, Wood*, Christy 4: Co, Feb 4.—d3m C 2 btu's. N. O. Sor,ar. this dayreceired per steamer ere OP York.and for emie try J. C.l¢ A. CORDON. Ire 10 No. 12 Water et .PI . LS!. ~-.:::'V?a,to.-t...,t;;.':. (iCir 'Why will ye at this igiur dying rate?' DR: E. HUMPH.REY'S VEGETh• RIX OINTMENT, FOR PILES, FISSURES,4f.r.. To be bad at Tomes Medi is, r reittir the oft, ;rent in Tithe wet. Feb 22. For Une I odostr Fat COlllll3ll PIG IRON J ‘ME7II MAY 444 4 4