Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 03, 1843, Image 1
_ ~~ ~T^ PUBLISHED BY THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, 1. N. W. CORNER OF WOOD k FIFTH STS. DIILLARS a year, payable in advance. diagie copies TWO CENT—for sale at the asuater of the office, and by News Ba Gys. Mercury and Manufacturer St, WEEK I.Y, at th e came o ffi ce, on a double limeediumai attest, at TWO DOLL.% RS a veer, in ad. vanes, gie to copleA. SIX CENTS 1 ------------ Terms of Advertising. FAR SQUARE OF TW ELVE LLC E 8 OR LESS: Orlosertion, 0.50 I, One month, r.,00 we Insertions, - 0.75 It Two moili ?, (4.00 Three Insertions, 1,00 i Three months, 7.00 One week. 1.50 Four months, A.OOO 3,00 Six months, 10,0 Thee weeks. 4.00 One year, 15,00 Two weeks. YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CiII•NOCAIILS AT ttttt CRT. Oat Sfliarit. Ta.• Sqicarel 911.11111elthS. 11.11.00 \ Six month!, Cie year, 1.5,00 One year. Ir-7 -Large r advertisements in prororlion. CARDS of four lines SIT DOLIAIIa a year _ill ----• PUBLIC OFFIOES,&C Cite POST °Fries. Third between Market and Woof Streets—R. NI Riddle, Postmaster. i; a rra* Hass, Water, Ath door from Wood st. Peter men brildis:s—Stakor John Willock, Collect or. loom TassAsorty, Wood between First and Second streets —James A. Bartrarn, Treasurer. CoVIITT Tals&11111.T. Third street, next door to the Third Presbyterian Chnrch—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. s vcrt's Orrtcg, Fourth, between Market and Wood streets—Alexander Hay, Mayor. OillitacllC(T's Element:ißANKSs, Fourth, near NI miter vt. PurrssueriCbetween Market and Wood streets, on Tnlrd and Fourth streets. Maw-ewers' k M.silrirscrralcrt.s' •Wo FARISERs' PS. tout BOT., (formerly Savin: Firnd,) Fourth, between Mood and Market streets. Vacuos's, Fifth street, near Wood. Monorrosmat.• Must, Water s treet. near the Bridge. Ric %%%%% Motto., corner of Penn and Se. Clair. Maaertorrs' Horst., corner of Third and Wood. Astr.atc•fx 1101st—corner of Third and Smithfield. 1413vvels.e. corner of Penn <tree; and Canal. s ~,,,,,, Liberty street, near Seventh. e Wayne lamberts M (loose, Liberty St. OppOsit Rsoauttuks-r M k NAo% Horst, Penn St. opposite Canal. _ __—_--------_____ --- ill 013ERT W 00 DS, ATTORN EY AND 11.110 COIJNSELLOR AT L A. W .—Offire remo red to Saltewell's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite Oa ‘ new Cool House, next rooms to John r).'l Mahon, fog ,--Find floor. mp 10 -------_--___ ------ :Jam,----- 11. street, M. D.— Office removed t, St. Clair street, between Penn and Liberty St, /Pitt:bare. s p 10 W GOODS. —Preston dr Si aci;eF, wh.lesnle and N retail &Merl In Enlish, Frviich, at d Domestic len 10 Pry G 0048.140. !11. Market at , yrCCAseNDLESS 3VCLURF, Attorneys and ounlors & at Law: Office re the 10 Diamond,i back a the OW Court Douse, Pittsburgh. twt 11E '4OV - It. Morrow. Aidermnn; efit e north side of Fitt Pep 10 h 11., between Wood and Etntithrield N a , Pittsburgh. EDIT r ? Wholesale Groccr [Aortic% iog OP Moull,r, And fle.4ler in Produce and Pitibhurtli 11111alsaf.actureil Irticlt,,, No. 224 Liberty Stree Pirts ,r•il 10 4.11011•14.01 . VI • 1111,1 I)ll.Weit 111 & DILWORTII.--vowie,or d /,revert rfaelllCC and 0141,16Kr:ion 111erclinnl.,. al9, n Airi! In Pittsbitr:li Matitifactit re • d article:, S er Wood rtrert Grp 111 ‘tiornev at Law; fh Ofhce on the.nortlisitte of the thamond,hrtween Matketand Union RI TrVAA. Up I" re _r , q , 0 A I.puftaolix, Attorney at Law; enders • tits 111:0ietwialtal services to Office cor ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Move Lloy.tir io Co' store,Piltstaamtt, Pa. 9,11 laws R.Stisyturr.. ...... ............ KK•s & 56..ioufaet wirers of Copper POOP Too, sod Sleet Iron Ware. No 130. F row st s "argil. House H/1001111: and Steamboat work p..ornpov otetaled sep 10 T5lOlll/.11 5 YOUN • •F it. urniture ..SCIS t. TOOI4O. Taos.Youritt. 3c co., F Wale Rooms, uOrucr of Hand st. EltiilltiVe Alley. Tun a Witthim% to pureintie rind it to their advanti%e to to call. beinf .oitafied that we caG please as to quality and price. sep 10 IVIIITTON ItlllS.—Just rece'Aretl 'e &1460 ehoice Mal mo HIM.. Well cored and for sate cheap by sh imo or relail,by_. IBAAC lIA RBIS, No.9,Fittlt st sep 10 nomA II A.G A..— 1 so pp' y or Land, erh's Fresh Ku la Bxga, and Whet ditforent varieties of Turnip Sea t.last received and for sate at ItCDUCILD PRICES at tlie Drug and Seed Store of F. L. SNOW DS, set. 10 No, 184, Liberty street, 'lead of Wood_. VVEBBCLOSEVO Moil and Shoe filanufacio. ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the tr. sl a te. ank. Ladies Prunetta, Kid atid Satin Shoes made in he neatest manner, and by the nevirest.Frenc.lt patterns. aep 10 MORUS MU A EMUS. In lots to suit 5,00 u purehasern; to I•e dispoPert oCby F.L. SNOWDES, 110• 184 hdterty street, head of Wood. OAHU A ROOTS, Flower* and Flower Seeds of ev ery feseripticra, can always be had at the Don sag Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood se. 10 50 Litt '.',"‘",,uewo.,'„ngnaunad"lene'dui.",°,:rbe Ootrion Seed, for \i .. • F. L•.SNOW DE, JOHN WFARL IND, Upholsterer and Cabinet see II lB4 Liberty sheet, head of wood. dif.kcr, Tkird st. Dittoes* Wood 4 Market streets, .----------' —:---:-------.----wii—r -1,0-7,-;"ri 6-Esi. rerrocciNl inf•trnts his friends f and stlie pu_hldiebothald he is 400 LlBoSe:seNett"; jujstEßreScEeiYved h y ' i r 'prepared e„ui cti t i o i r e; e i e , n l t , e l all ei orders i e a d n a r s I 4: n a d s s ,.. il i ai t r . a n a (i s a p . , i n u ,,, - • F. 1.. SNOWDEN , • Mattrasses,t;urtain, Carpels, all ~ ,,a rts of Upholstering Sep *A • No. kB4, Liberty head of Wood st • I wort:, w lie • t th e I ' it It , will warrant equal •o any made in ... scp 10 dri_AROEN TOOLS, consisting or N oes• Fancy Spade* 1 615, an d ail reasonable lerms• 'kW Tcaesatantlos Trowels."E•ltHog ToolA, 86"1" ' 11E.MOVALthe A uhicribers have removed to ft's• VAiVll. Pniniug Eulve4, ['main.; .Shears. etc., lasi re. I v eiled ant torotate by - . • F. L. SSOWDEN. ; ter between Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis. sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. _ \ sion businci,s and would re.pert fully solicit the patron age Of their friends J. W. BURBRIDGE 4• Co. Dec 3 ICUOICE Venison Sams.—Just received a small sup- , era( very choice cured Vertigo's Hams. on retail in lIIIIIII,iI 101.1 for current money. ISAAC II I, [IRIS, Agent, 1 CO:MLIMIFIRCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, No 110 Word Street, Pittsbarpl.—R. A. Hausman , **pi° and Cop. Merchant ."."' ____ Auctioneer and COOlfrli,FioO Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all isinds of Goods and Merchandise, WIIIT6.Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grarr and at his IaTIP and rapacious towns, No. 110, North East KeatackY Glue Graw. always on hand and for 1 \Corner of Wood and e‘nt, Streets, Pittsburgh. F. L. SNOWDEN , Regular salesyf Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and No. IU Liberty street, head of Wood. other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Ervreit $t ButnimslAN• Aitor..vi at Law. office Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles. on removed from the Diamond, to •, Attorney'sßow," Tuesday. Wedne.sday , anti Thursday . evenings. *badly tide o [ Fourth street, between Market and Wood Soaks, kc— every Saturday cc , ruing. streets sap 10 , I Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted Ras - Estancia. Messrs. John G. Pauli, F 44., Racaley s r fl•rnith. tt Hampton. Smith, k Co. tt F Lorenz g. Co., • J. VP• Burbriege k co_ t• F. M'F.ee k co. Cant. James *Margit!, , C. I hmsen , F.sq. , lona M'Fadden E. Logan k Kennedy. J. A. Moorhead k Co. Jas. P. Stuart, Esq. Robert Galway, En; Caps. Jae. May, McVay,Hanna, it Co. Williste Symms, B.G. Henry, lksiti.Bapdey at co sale by imp 10 Fort SALE.—Lots on the No, tit East corner of Coal Lane and street. A pply to imp 10 BENI. DARLINGTON, Market, near 40 st linirkbßS Landreth's French Sugar Beet Seed just reeedend and for sate at the and ' Seed • F L •SNOWDEN, • 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. tore of .ep le IIL4SOLUTION OF PARTNEBSELIP.—The I copartnership -heretofore existing between WIL• A / IVAN IlltGiri and HES] A. 611 S HO CVV ELL is uthwized this day by mutual con fe flt. Wil bia at C Dishy is a OAP lir ibe stsoauste ot (helm in ooldeog op the bosineas itf 16140. aIai,_WILLIAII 111110 BY, - It . • UN. TAUrBWILL• - r T Rf,N 3. 1813. AG/STILATES'EIL.kNKS, for proceedings hi Al. "taelliatant under the late law, for sale at Ibis Office. 01INSTON 4- sTocKToN, Bookaellere, Printers an Paper Manufacturers, No. 37, Market rt. sap 111-1 y OHN ANDERSON, Smield Foultdry, Water t.. nen the Monongahela Hou thfi se, Pluto urgh. sep 10- s 1 y LEONARD S. JOIINS. Mderman,St.Clair strect,se cond door from Liberty. scplo—ly R.S. R. 1101.14 ES, Office in Second street, next door to Mulvany Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-15, S IIUNK ¢FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth l 10- near the Mayor's Office, Plttsltrgh, sep - 110 S. liA M I LTON , Attorney at I,:tw. Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sta.. Plttsbureh. pep 10-1 y UGII TONER, Alio , nev at Law, North East 10— cornly er of Smithfield and Fourili erre!. sep THOMPSONH k Prp.•.. ............... ...I•MIZA TPRN Br IL. MNNA /1- TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 304. Wood st., where may be had a eeneral ‘uppty (.1 wri , in% wrappinz. printin,g. wallpaper. Illank hooks. 10-1 Y school hooks, 4-c, C. pep ----- 1 - 11 C. TOWS-V:ND k co., Wire Workers sad i 1k,,, .ilasstfaerarers, N 0.23 Market street, between 2tl and 3d streets sep 10--1 y 11XCII ANG F. HOTEL, Corned`' Penn and T sml it Clair _/ at reel ?, by td IBBIN . sep 10—iv BROWNSVILLE JUNI Manu AT A IRON W nd RKS—FA ward Hughes. facturer or Iro ns Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Waod st., Pittsburgh. sep 10 -1 y IG METAL —77 ions soft Pit MO at for %ate by J. G • 4. A . GORD _ _ No. 12 Water gtreet sep 13 3100 LBS. B %CO N BAM S. 16.000 Ills. Bacot , .0 ShoulderA, for sa e J. G. A- A. GORDON , No 12 Water street rep 13 ——— I AS. V' ATTERSON. Jr.. Birmingham, near rittsliurgh, .P —Pa.; Manufacturer of Locke. Hinges an 801 l r; To. I.acco, Fuller . ?dill and Timber Scre w s. Houtend sett Sco-- Iy rews for Rolling Mille, 4c. JOAN 311CLOSK.F,Y•Tatioralw Clothier, 1.0.er. y rued, between Sixth alto Virgin alley, South ride. Sep 10 w tiratutincE A. err, Mink Grneere and JCommis!inn Mr. chlot._ r e e t. b e tween Wood and Smithfield sis.,Pntshur.;ll. ireplo - 1 y Gk '• GORDON. Commis4on and Forvrarding J I, Morchams, Water st—Pitisburgh. 10---ly I1A!1g.-4 casks 113fIlS.R good articlr, cr.-rived per LT B Corsair, and for salr by J. .4 A. GORDON , No. 12, \Vaier street asp 10 SUGAR & 1101...55F,S --40 Iddis New Orleans Su t.. nr; 301.1.1 s New Orleans Molasses; A for sa IIDON. le I.v sent° 1. G. 4 • GO SUG A R.-111.1s prime N. 0. StI2RT. receivedper S. ,er,BIOM nine. and for sale by 3. G. k A. connos. -- . No. 12, Water street rt ft BACON CASKS,In order, on — hand - and for sale by ifi s l: T 5(...; ::Ttep.lo 3. G. k A. G ORDON. No. 12, 'Valet it 12 N i D bi Ni .z ol o A k : I S . E i S 6 .. -- ,, i 3 „. 1 ec(tivseadnped 4, Steen Itoporler. and for sale by J. G. k A. DOR nns . No. 12. %V al sr street Pep 10 8E1L.9. I. It 11 011.. for tate I.y B. A. M% k cc) , tor Ite r or ;it awl Wood id I. pep 10 163 , _ 1' APERiz Germ:ooown 140ep Mark for O 0: 1. by B. A. r A 7.: E:4TOCK 4. C „ comer of Fob and Wood. ----- ete.d4llo I.ltS Prepared Chalk. for sa le hy A. A- F %Ills:Eta rockt. k. ter. , l - lot p 111 r,,,ne, a tit I, It ii,l Woos b , . _ SUG 1 ft AND \IOI.‘SSF.S.-6tl Wills. N. O. Solar. 25 tails. do. 40., DIU dn. Plant:Ulan Molaec•. for *ale by J GGORPON . sett 13 No. 12 %Valet st ice'. BLA N Ii I'ETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.- 1 n be n , n(l in Bankruptcy proreettin:tr, ;orbited on tz,oorl pa per.arrd in Ote fame; approved by I he Coo rt ,for vale al the Other of t lie Mercury and Democrat. eel , 11l .._-_--___—_—_—_—__ HUBBARD, fashionatde hoot ant 6110 e M 3 11111.1.0.11 fer. No. lot , Third s• reel, net wee it gen ie Vood rind Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh BUCKMAS'FER, AT'RNE AT LAW, . has removed his oilier . to the c itliorner rd . Fourth street and Cherry Alley, between gtmtield and Grant streets, li itu,hurg ten 10 insD - kV ID SAN DS, IN ATC II 45; CLOCK • M AKER, No. 7 , St. Clair Wee', Pitts -11_,.. burgh. DEALER IX WATCRES,CLOCKS.BR EASTPDYS FINGER It LNG S, C iIAINS. KEYS,CO.MBS, Apc. 1 oep 10 -LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A fun supply of Lantheih's Garden tgeedt, always on hand, and for sale al big agency, the Drug oore of F. 1.. SNOWDEN , 184 Lihcriy street, head of Wood sep Dn.l)%vll) w It ha• his office and rmidence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second dvt front Ito-s.ttreet. lie will faithfully attend all rails pertainin; to his profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. sep le ------- RF,SiOV Af..—Matt hew Jones, Bart , er and flair Dress er, has removed to Fourth street , opposit et be May ors office, where he will Im happy to:wait upon permsnen or transient customers. lie solicitsa share of public net pep 10 WM. A. I . V A RD, DENTIST, Penn et. three door below Irwin street, flours of business, from 9 A. M., until 5 r. )I , after which time he will ottend to no one except in cases of actual necesity. He would further inform those who may think proper to employ hint, that he experts immediate payment , without the necessity on his part of Aendin: in hills. Pep 10 ilr 111GBY—Tra• 121. Corscr of Woodowd Front SStreets, Pittsburgh, has on hand a complete as. sortmentof Queenow are suited to the city or country Dade. Also, a choice selection of pure white and gold hand DINING ANDTEAW ARE, in large or small sets, or separate pieces to suit purchasers , A cask of 46. 60. or 84 piece sets, superbly painted and gilt English China Tiniware, at very low prices. Toy Tcaware , plain, and rich painted and gilt. Prow 1,00 to $5,00 per set . Children's Mugs of every description. White China Shaving Mugs. Granite Dining at 4 Tea Services, in w hit and with splendid American scenery printed in Alta n nd black. A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast STAB Imported to match. complete , Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties. Window Claim of every size. Patent Buckets, Tubs end Keeler,. Stone Pipe Heads. it c. ke. 4-c. All of which are respectfutly offered to the pub. tic on the most favorable terms. Jan 26.1842-1 y lon -8., R.:3corree. N., oct 4. . PEASE'S HOARIIOUND CANDY.— Tor - rut has received Ibis day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con sumption; and is reedy to Ripply cuqomersal wholesale or retell, at his .Metlicat Arose!, 36 Fourth st. CLARK, g't shis kieuable Boot Maker. ittis removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where lie woad be happy to see his old customers. and all othrrs who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. He uses nothtn: hot first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his constant personal allenlion to business, he truststhat lie will deserve ar.d rccei•e a fair share of patronage. ern ItUIT6, ICE t;I:F.AM. ir tI'irECTION A RY.— A Hunker respectfully informs friendeand the public that they can always find the hest quality of lee Creams. irreether with al: kinds of confectionary and (ruits. in t heir tee. , on, at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, helwc it Wood and Market. N. B —Barth,: &uncoiled on the shortest notice, with rakes. or an) thin: in his line. Also families furnished gen 10 wire Bread EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILL LS.—nitun II AM J. CLEM ER , residing at 613 Molt street, New York, was afflicted with ttyspep , la In its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent hex& ache, great debility. levet, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain In the rhea and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sersation of pinking at the stomach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, Altai ness towards night and iestleneSS. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Writ. Evans. 100 Chatham reel, and submitting to his ever tuccessful Ind agreenhle triode of treatment, the patient tas completely restored to health in the short space of e mouth. snd grateful for the incalculable benefit deriv. gladly come forward and volunteered the above state ir sale Wholesale and RetallE. liy R SEII.I..Ett 9, Agent, No 20. Wood st reel, below Ftecond. ARR'S PATENT LAMPS, FOR BEIRNINO ) R hole who would wish greatly to reduce their expeuse for light, shout i certainly purchase one of the above named Lamm., 3i by their use there is a clear saying of at least two.' herds of the expense over Oilmnd light obtained from this Is pure and brant and , i Le wholly free front smoke nr disagreeable smell. We would here state that Carr's Patent is the oniy one worthy the attention of the public,as it is the only one that Is &poll ,al.lc to every variety or pattern of 11.:101110. and the only one that will tirn Lard wet 1., at any temperntureof co or lent. Wr have, in the shorts space f three mouths, <rod several iltousantiov and h scarce an exception, 'hose using client have expressed themselves highly pleas rd with tool fully ronvii.ced of the great economy hy theirme, ns well as their superiority over either oil ur rnoriles, in regmd to eleanlinevs and light. The above named lamps can be had only at Third stner,nearly opposile t Ire Post Omer. Where is kept constantly nn hand Britannia Metal, Tin , n4l Glihrs Imnips,of VIII inlle paileriiii. Glass lamps sold at manufacturers' prir es, s . e take nlt.satire in offering to the public the follow . certifirnle, which is subscribed to by manY resPecte ...., ide citizens. We.the undersigned. hive tried Ind are W her animal now tIPIII2 arr', Patent Lamps. for burning 1414 or C fat, and we have no hesitation in saying that they give an excellent light—equal to any of the ordinary modes of lighting a home. at about one.third the cost. and wholly free from smoke or other disagreeehle swell. We lake a nlensure in it commending these lampo to the nubile, no hy their UPC there is a CU/It saving Orr•f either sperm nr lard oil, or even candles', And we believe them to 1.0 more cleanly and less troubleoome titan either. 'lO he had al Ilsowo Q R •Y MOM D'S only, Third street, near's. ortnostir . On' l'ost Office. Bev. W. W. Bakewell, James Boon, " A. M. Bryan, Charles !son. " John M'Cron, C. Yeager, N. C. Collins, Wm. Graham, jr., " Rol H. Dunlap, E. TrOVIIIO, Dr D. D. Sellers. Wm Douglass, •`E D. Gazgam. Denry Atwood, " Wm. M. Wright, Isaac Cruse, Robert H. Kerr. Esq., George W. Henry A. Beckham, Robert Mcrlverson, Thomas Ouston. John S. Shaffer, Geor2e Miltenberger, Wm. EichhauM , G. I'. S hiras, 3, 8 Turner. A A. !II ilk., Wm. Martin, B. 1M . I: ',ldle, Post Master Henry Brgerwer, R o hert Gray, Jan i e; S. Clark . of tho Amer Alien K ramer, icon lintel, A. F. Marthens, John M.Camplwil al . Star k iIOIIRC. 1.. A Iherger, Robert Johnston, James Mellin, N. B Just received, an improved Patent Lamp. for nos' 19—dim k wlf kitchen use. TOTIIE PUBLIC, and parties/arty to sty former patrons of this sity:—ltaving retired from the practice of Medicine, t may he permitted to say, that it bait fallen to the lot of I ut few persons to have enjoyed I so liberal or large a share of °het mutest practice as my own has been for the last 30 or 40 years. The experience of that tong period of active life, and the fact of my having been twice, since 1830. associt with Or. R. A. Wilson, In the practice of medicine,u ateb lly of oth a period of five years,) enables me to judge f the merit P Of his pills. So convenien, so effitent, and yet so safe, did I esteem ills, dial t for the c last five yenta in my practice for these p the cure of chronic diseases, of vvhatever name. and those of females in particUlar, I have used more 01 them than all other medicines. Like every other medicine. this must fail in come in stances, but in my hands there has been,less disappoint. 1 meet and ntore satisfaction in the administration of i hie one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes quite astonishtng ow. If my patient required a safe aperient medicine either *fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pt.ls were just the thing I wanted. Ti a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined with costiveness or inactivit of the liver, coa he st itute thingd thel disease 11 my patient. the p y ills were just t wanted. If I treated a case the an erantenagogue, the W lson's pills were inst the thing I wanted. I I f palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or 01 her difficulties, indicat In: a disturbance of the circulatory and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the .turn of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thing I wlinted. Thus, without resp..!et to the name, a diva* might happen to wear at the time I have had It ander treat meat, particular indicatkins or symptons arising. were aPways most promptly and most happily met by the Wilson's pills. That so great a number of diseases, and sometimes ap. parenity opposite ones, in which I have used these pills, should be cut ed more readily by them than by any oilier remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but why it is so is as clear to my wind as that a greet many persons should become thirsty from 41 many different causes. and yet all require that common and greatest of all blessings, water to quench their thireL I n conclusion, it le due the ,eputation of the medicine and the nubile, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that the Wilson's pills are the only combination I have ever met with In my longcourse of practir.e.that really roe eesrmanything curative or specific for sick headache: Yours/4'c.. DR. MILO ADAMS. - The at,ove Pills designed particularly for the sick Haed.Ache, Dyspepsia. Constipation of the Bowels 4-e.. prepared thy are proprietor Dr. A. A • Wilson. and for `below and retall,at his derellieg ia rests greet, ibeiew Ilartiary. Oct . I _ rimburgh 1 Whiedireg LWOW/ 111 e MAIL DR. GOODE'S Ce/ebrared Female Pills. These Pills arc strongly recommended to the notice of the ladles as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to theirsex, from Want of ex• ercise, or general debility of the y.item. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the Hui. lei States, rind many Mothers. For sale Vt'hole<ialc and Retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 No. 20. Wood St reel, below Second Wl1I• ADAIR, Boot awd Shoe Maker, Liberty St., opposite the head of Smithfield et., Pittsbargh. — TLe subserlhor having bought out the stock of the late Thomas Ra ff erty, deceased, has commented business In the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all descriptiona of work in his line, in the hest manner and on the shortest notice. fie keeps cor stantly on hand a large arsoriment•ofshue findings of all descriptions and iof the beat quality. lie solicits the patronar A e of the pub• lie and of the craft. WM. DAIR. sep 10 pITTSIIITIIGH MANUFACTORY.—Springs and Axles for Carriages at Eastern rriees. The subecribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hnd Coach,C and Eliptic Sprines (vearranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Sliver and Brass plated Dash Frames. Brass and plated Bub Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps. Three fold Steps, Malleable ron, Poor handles and !tinges. frc joNry a• COLEMAN. St. Clair st.. near ri e Allegheny Bridse• — i?or sale by • k A. GORDON D.SELLERS,M. D.,olfiee and dwelline in Fan rt -1 • - near Ferry street. sep 13-17 LOOK AT THIS. The attention tftho e who have been somewhat scep• i. Octal ift reference to the numerous certificates published In favor or Dr. Swavne's Compound syrup ff Wild Cher ry, on nerotmt of the persons being unknown in Ibis nor nion of Ihe Sini , , is respectfully directed to the foilowl,tg certificate, the writer of which has been a eitiscin of this borough for several' years, and is know n as a gentleman of integrity and resttonsitillii v. To the Arcot, Mr. J. Kirtror • I have nerd Pr PSV:IVIIe'S Comp and Syrup of Writ Cherry for n congli, with which I have been severely a 1 fl feted far about four months, and I hive no hesitation In saving that it is the most effective ones that I have been a bur to procure.lt cinnitoses all citit'ss• rind ' agrees well with my diet,—and MTlll3lll} a ivr:a la r ant Band appetite. 1 rar fr...h, recommend It to all oilier similarly afflicted. .1. I‘lllllr ICIL . Borough of Chandsersii'e. March 9. 15140. ..1 , 2_l For sale by WILLI AM TllOlll , l No . 51 Market street _ . FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMPNTAL TREE . 3. inogns'oss dementia of procuring Fruit. Shade. anti Ornamental TreeP, or Shrubbery, front PililatiPl phi' or New Yor k, are requested to make applient ion as coon as popoilde, pi the Dru/ and Seed Fiore of the cub scriber, where can he had rataloviet+. gratult °wkly. of the panel excellent Pariet les. F. I. SNOWDEN cep 21 No 184 Liberty et reel fiend of Wow, MA n nit.: M k NUFACTiIft F.—Patrick Cawfield re street faits, aronailita his friends and t hr public . ~ ..en• erally, that he has commenced the Marble blight...ss at the corner of Fifth and Liberty .4.3..whern will he constantly on hand. tomb stone+, mantel piece;. moon !twills. head and foot clones, table slabs for cabinet ware. and every article apnerlaininty to the business. lie will warns rat Ills work tole well done, and hi, charres will he moderate. He rented fully asks a chart of ouhlic patronage. cep 10- - ' -- 1-1 ANNA Trritivitosa,7.-ractentweria• he triad CLIW. Toe P•rell gtPllhenVille. Ohio. howl - of memo- v,.11 the, ' , lore from thi.eity, have appointed tioldthip 4. Browne. No. 49 Market rt., between 3rd and 4.h. a-• penis for tt.e tale of the different tindmof Paper mar.tifar- - tared t y them, where their frirroltptd whoyprei v9A94l4iidieffhitif siuT faint lined; Wrappint and Teo paper; Bonnet Priority, and ri loin! Paper of different yes and ttnalities.all or wh P ich will la• told on the moat areornmotintios 1101.DP1111P h Banwas, manufartorers anti Imnortert of Wall Nine..< anti Rorotere. keep• continuity on hand eve. e ry variety of Entry . Parlor and Chamber Parwra. of th la , •al ttvl,n noel most hrartAPOTr pattern., which they will ...II tow and on accommodaiinr, term., wholecale r retnii. not 18—tf. Porta . .le nit form Scale! , oil wh, els, lo weigh 2,500 Ms, a 355 00. 110 do do do 2,005 at 1g.15 00 do do do do 1,500 at '35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 00 do do 500 at 25 00 do do With raking levet s an addition of 33 to each s cale. Dormant scales for the tre of Warehouses, Flouring, Mills, /cc—they:line prices as above. Also,White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Voting's improvements. and a variety of other counter scales, which they will sell for from il to $l5, They also manufacture Steam 'Engines for Flouring hi ills. Saw SI ills. Salt Works, efcc„ double and single geared slide lathes,foot and oilier lathes for wood turning machines for tenanting, chairs, planing machines, door and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or without thrashing machines, a superior article; circular saw shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tinner's ma. chilies and tools anti descriptions.also for making black Mg boxes, a superior article; governors for steam engine. stocks, taps and dies, coffee mills, bedstead or joint hots and machinery for making the same. cotton factory ma chinery made or repaired; printing press plattens turned and printing presses repaired• JAMES MAY, Agett• sep'22,—tr JOHN 13,, GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis. sloe Merchant, No. 106, corn cr of Wood 4. Fifth sta. PittsbacgA: 'laving beenappointed one of the Auction eers frit the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to Jol - bers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed to make trial of this market He is prepared to make advances n consignments of all saleable commodities, and trusts o to sati“y correspondents by quick sales, and speedy sand favorable returns. That the various interests which may he confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the a id id of. his own experience in business and acquaintance w merchandise general's, the services of Mr. an &Latest Eaessrrocs; heretofore advantageously known, as importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with 1 whom a permanent engagement is made. Ruses TO Messrs. M. Tiernan, Preet. of M. Jr M o Bank. • Darlington .4.• reehles, i • I RobertGalway , • James M. Cooper, I •• James May. I •• R. M. Riddle. } Pittsburgh .. tourn Robinson. Jr. Pres't I •• of Exchange Bank. o Bamptoo,Smith, 4. co. .. John D. Davis, •, Samuel Chur , b, 3. K. Moorhead, Li Us. W. Brown 4. co. .., Doha H Brown. 4 co. •• Smith 4 Is tgaley. Lt Vardly 4 (Titters, ,i John B. Biddle, John Dalaieti AMILY FLOUR—lust received a few he . of V SepOW' PICIIt. male expressly for faintly ass.nror sakt by : ISAAC CRUSSJAS St ip Stare 5D terillk el* SOW. - - • PROSPECTUS For publiehing a new Dai Paper in the city o f Pitt, burgh, to be ly entitled the DAILY MORNING POST. THE Subscribers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu• ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish n daily paper with the title of the Daily Jl!vrning roar. The leading object of the "Post" will be the d:ssemlna tlon and defence of the political principles that have ',erg. tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and their best effort R will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those dorines. Although, In politics, the paper ct will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest, candid history of paosing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of nil mat ters and occurrences that come properly within the snhere of a Public Journal, to make their met sufficiently in cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the publics ir respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the ~ .Noshing Pont." the Ftlitors will take pains to furni , ll the lotsinesss COM moult y with the latest and moot interesting Commertet•t. I NTICLLI . CENCE front all parts of the country, and to have prepa red snell accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business Men in their several callings. Terms.—The Port - will e polshed oil a large imperi al sheet of fine paper, (ntanhufactdiured especially for this Journal) at the unsfsnally low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annunt,payable in advance. It will also be sold by newa.hoys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Advertisements will be inserted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. Mr -TWENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post II be engaged on the most liberal ternts THOS. PIII I.LIPS, W. 11. SMITH. Angus! 3L 1842. 100 WIDS.KY LEAF TOBACCO. in More and for sale by J. C. A CORDON• Nn 12,Wnier street BY Morrison * Co. London, for Pale only by Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and U. Harwood, Deaver La. wbo is rote agent for Western Pennsylvania. srp 10 FARM Pt ift SA I.l2.—The undersigned offers for sale a ' tract of land situated 4 mile; frtini Freeport, In the direction of Kittanning. Buffalo 'township, Armstrong cittinty.rontaiiiing 100 acres, 1;5 cleared and under good fence; 10 of whicn are to meadow-. a Bond square log dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—au apple orchard of 80 heating trees—and a spring of excellent water convenient lot he house. FOR TER MR ;tinily to the suliscrthera residing at the Saltivortte on the Penn-ylvanin Canal, 1 rn:le above Free port. sep 10 wm.4 Pllll.ll BAKER. oved Piny art wed be NI arta ttt tweed Din street, two flail, Pitt fartiire and the follow cale.m ho am; aged 0 al). No. 1, ror e Platfor =II weigh 350 U utiti,at e 63 YOUNG 4 BR ADBURY T o Tit E RlSE•—ltmt now well it nderstood how much disorders of the mind depend for their cure noon a due attention tot he body. It is row understood how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid accumulations without weakenin; the bodily power. It is now understood that there 1.; a reciprocal influence be. twern the mind and the body. It is now understood that purgine with the Rrandreth Pipe will remove a melan rholy, and even insanity is cured by perseverintly usinr. them. It is now understood how much domestic hoppi' urns depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive organs. It is now well known that the Brandreth Pills have cured thou+ands of hopeless and helpless persons, even when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond all human means of relief. It is now not only well known that the Brand reth Pills so cure but it is also on. derstood how they cure; that it is by theirmirifithurrift.r d to ~n'Yre'rftlfc medicine Is becoming more and more manlfest,it Is recommended daily from family to family. The Brandreill Pills remove in an almost intrwrc.titit ,b. manner all nosh - mf accumulations and purify and invigo• role t he Itiood.and their good effects are lint counterhalan red by any inconveniences; being composed entirely of vegeinhles they do not expose those who use them to danger; and their effects are as certain as they are Ralik tarv; they are daily and safely adminhderad to Infanc os y , youth. manhood, and old 3 , ,te. and to women in the mt critical and delicate circumstances. They do not disturb or shock the animal functions, but restore their order one cttablish their health. sold at Pr. firasdreth's Office, No. 91, Wood street, I' it Win vdt. Price 25 emus per hos, wh full directions. id A R K--The only Mace in Pittsliurl,b where the goon. line Pills can be obtained, In the, Loctor's own office, lo No 98 Wood street. sep fro THE LADIES —Why do you not remove that .1. •supertiuous hair yon have upon your foreheads and upper 11p , 1 By calling at TOTTLX ' S , BB Fourth st., :hod obtaining a bottle of Gourand's Poudres Subtle,. which will remove it 'at once without MAT' ing the shin. You can also obtain Gottraud's Wily celebrated Eau de Beaate. which will at once remove all freckles, pimples, eruptions of the skin. and make your face look per ectly fah . ; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more color to their cheeks, they can obtain some of Gou• rand's celebrated Liquid Rouge, which cannot he rubbtd oil even by a wet cloth. Also may be found a food as• FOlimeni of Perfumery, each as Cologne. Bears' 011, Al. month Palm, Windsor; and other Soaps. nemcmher. at Tuttle's Niedit al Agency, 86 4th street EMCEE IIR AN DiZr • rll PILLS. ET Invalids read the following account of a Saito' II Oared of a Complication of afflictions in nineteen days Iv the use of Brandrelli Pith. It distinctly prove* there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure b.: cause of disease, and Brandreilt's Pills are made for them Rend and be convinced. Take the medicine andhe cured EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RHEUMATISM DIARRIICEA, AND AFFECTION OF THE Li/NO Jous SHAW, of Pembroke. Washington county, Maine, Wing, duly sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick about six months since. The pains in had, breast, hack, left side and instep Ming so had th is het he was nun Melo lieip hintself,and was taken into the Chelsea HOS. Mint in the city of Boston. That after being in said hospital five weeks, Doctor Oils said lie d a di t d not could know what was the matter with hint, andhe do nothing for him, nor cnUla he prescribe env medicine. Thai he, therefore., was conveyed from the Chelsea Hos. pital to the Sailor's retreat nn Staten Island. That he was there physicked with all sorts o medicine for a heart. peri. od of fe,ur months, suffering all the li f me the roost rending, misery.— That, besides his election of his bones he was troubled notch with n disen , e of the lungs: some. times ho old spit quart of phlegm in the tiny; besides this affectio w n u he had a a had Maritima, which had more or teen attended him (tom the commencement of his sick. vThat at times he dreaded a stool worse than feel. he .d have dreaded death: that ee ran camp:ire he ing to nothing save that of knives passing throngh his bowels. anffering worse than death at the 's Retreat, on Staten island, t he doctor told him that Sailor medi• tine was of no use to him. that lie 10U4 try to stir about. At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. That his bortea wt re so tender he could not hear the least press ure upon the elbow or upon, the. knee, that his instep was most painful, that as the Doctor sea be would give him no more medicine he detmined to procure some Rrandreth's Pills, which er he did, from 241 Broadway New York; that he commenced with five pills, and some timesincreased the dose to eight. Tite first week's use so much benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing what he was using. Bald, now:Elliaw, you look like a man again; if you improve iti this way, you will soon be well.' That he fatted every dose of tits Brandreth Pills relieve him, first they cured him of the pain when at stool;that they next cored the diarrlicea, aad (lastly the pains in his bones:—That the medicine gemmed to add strength to hum every day. Retold the doctor yester— day the 11th Instant, that he felt himself well. and also, that he owed his recovery to 11,endrettis T lift, tinder Providence, that he had taken the medicine et da for 19days; that the doctor told him if he had known he had been i2llin; that medicine. he should not have stayed another day in rim house. He considers it labia tint! to make thispublic statement for the benefit of sit similarly fflicted; that they may know where to find a medicine then JOHN SHAW. John Shaw being by me duly sworn title 12th day ti , men? l. IR4. depose and .ny that the foregoing st•le. is Irne. I Li WHE,r.LEß,C.curnissioner Deed_, IitALVD.RETII PILLS are sold at. Dr. Brun, dreth's principal , ffire, '24 I . BROADAE.fir. New Yofk aad at his principal Aber. N 0.98 Wood issliscOrittellwrzh ,. the OJIiLY F is Tithsbutgb WttereT e lle ap.ot rlte llets. (Maimed; •' • • -• • Kitlade* 1 • ! sep 70 ICE TWO CENTS. DAILY MORNING POSE Small Sot es.—lt is earnestly to be ho ped that no measure will. be adopted bi the Legislature calculated either to in crease or p e rpetuate the nuisatice of smolt notes in Pennsylvania. So far at least at this portion of the State is concernerteucli a course would be uncalled for, and puha lic opinion has long been fixed that the filling up of the s.raller channels of circa. lation with paper is nut the rightful temp' dy for the evils under which we labors Especially would it be wrong, when it is evident that all things are working to st wholesome cure, to have recourse to toy means likely to retard the healthful pram cess and to protract the duration of the disease; but if we are to commence again in the old way, with sacrifices and conceal' sions to a false principle—the often Weil but perpetually filing delusion of "relief' . —we at once throw away all that has been gamed through experience and aufferitage There has been enough of noxious atiratl 4 lents, let us recover soundly and effectual; ly from our financial debauch, without re* sorting agaia to the cause of our prosy's: 'on.— Pennsylvanian. Cold heather. —Friday last mat a 'co Friday' at the Jorth and East,to say notla• ing of places nearer home. At Aguata,.. Nle., the mercury fell 17 below zero, and, in some positions, 22. At Troy, N. 17 . 4 twenty-four below zero. At Norway, Nle., thirty one below zero. But this is nothing to what took place on the Hotta. atonic Railroad, where the boiler of the locomotive froze up, while under a full head of steam ! Ihe particulars of the phenornonon are thus stated in the Nor. walk Gazette: 'Extreme cold.—W e understand that the weather has been so intensely cold,, during the pa-t week, on the line of the Housatonic Railroad, that the water in. the boiler of the locomotive actually con gealed while the engine was in operation, and the train was bronght to a dead stand I It is riot often that the weather is cold enough to produce such effects.'.—Jour' na/ of Commerce. We learn horn the New Orleans pa. pers of the 15th instant, that ou the pre. ceding day that city was filled with vari• cus unpleasant rumors in relation to our affairs with Mexico, in consequence of a , report brought by the Galveston steamship that she passed off the Balize the U. S. re venue cutter Woodbury, from Vera Crone tldlaMEkliAffircCiriMiwTsll9, inna turn home, acc-mpanied by Mr. Southall. The renort_ b o vvavr_glid_r.nt hnict-kaessaaaast. credence, more particularly, as though t he vessel bringing it arrived early in the morning, nothing had transpired to con. film its truth up to a late hour at night. Young Mercer's Case. —As might -be • su9posed, many vague and unfounded ru. • niors are afloat; concerning the conduct of young Mercer, both before and since the .•• melancholy affair for which he is now in -. custody, and awaiting a trial. We advise .. ... our readers to be very careful how they ' give credence to any of tnem, arr'd to sus— , , pend ju,lgreent upon them all for the Ores... ..,-, ent, at least. Of one fact we cliti;.asiiire • • .... • • - 7 ge l our readers, which is, that the conducv_er4 . : -. 1 conversation of Mercer since his corn IF•i,,,p" ~.,..- 4 . tal, has been guarded and judichsas. liAt 7 week we will give a fair and unbilit .itri .". 1 '; •:, view of the circumstances connect el l ' 13%, the whole affair, and, we trust:will As " ' ;',„ able to disabuse the pubic miqd upbe lkttC . :7. . ~ultiect. —Camden Eagle:. , The Quo lfarranto.—Thii-;question rata". ••. -,• • ed by the special demurer filed to the Sher.' 1' ' ill's plea in the above case, n !licit was . sir . - 2ued on Saturday in the Common Pleas, ._ was decided yestertiay m ornirrg: - . U. seems , that the counsel for the Slit.OWom - Oly 04\ 4 pled that officer's comtnissisn, alytte,itatte- lime making project of it; and thif t i that this was all that was.reltfuirt4V.: IA • pleaded until some facts were aVtlitt It: i the Commonwealth tending to ' lilver . the commission had been illeg 4014' The Commonwealth argued at ,iitirs • facts in relation to the appoitCtineti - ,...„*A1- . . have been set forth, such as residpKfg' •• &c. The Court however decided.tbai - * ; • plea was good; and required the Cunticti4"-•• wealth to answer over.—Sp. of the Terftfl; ' . 111:7•To those gentlemen, who go a T out exalting Mr. Johnson's great two hundred millions scheme, it may not be pleasant to learn that "the Expounder of the Constitu. Lion," Daniel Webster, is hostile to that plan. In his great Boston speech he said: 'Once abroad I did hear it mentioned by. %American citizen: I told him the pro ject. was wholly unconstitutional, ancLver4 er could be accomplished; in short, the . consent of the people to make a new cop• stittition for the United States would be necessary."— Lane. In -- The Senate of Maine have voted to make the property of railroad companies taxable: as real estaie. The House have voted to receive the State's share of the distribution fund. Accoring to the report of the Chief * Engineer of Detroit, Michigan, there have been nine fires in that city during the put `year., which destroyed property, to lb* a... 7, mount of 83200. . The ship Kentucky reilently went from New Orleans to Boston: d*clrargej cargo; and returned oitevrOttrarer,ln forty, one days; by far the -fisrlikest trip skeet. pads. Ar y~~ ; ., _ _~. ~'Y ~.5+~v,'.1'. I%lexlco.