----. --- 7 -------" .---"-------- - -....".". on rtiOlivii , Jr`. Mt. Galway amended and : i Pro: ‘PRESIDIOIT I ' laid on the tabl... 'JAMES k . nt nUeit ANA N, The cleric of . she C. C. Ares ied the e.r..i c e t to the rlecta't II of a National Con vration. _ . , . referred to following bill, hy,,al; c, "coin- ',„,.._. cnittee on claim'efticcounts." The bills were read, and reference by C.C. concur red in, viz: John M'Williams, (for tin box for city pipers) $1,25. i John W. Lynch, (posting bids 2nd ward =----=-- Special election) 81,00 G. E. Warner & Co (Lumber) $7,50. _ A. A. Anderson, ( Prinun : 4 and Binding) Mt rt Isburg Cur respondence. $36,425. i Harrisburg, Feb., 25, 1813. • Sheriff & Tate, (Hydrant at Neptune Gentlemen:-0:t yesterday aliernoon, Engine House) 58,00. 'the 13111 to incorporate a company to com- He also presented a bill of..folin Mzij"r,l l ,l,. te t.,10 Erie Extension of the Pennsyl for coal furnished for use of Courier's,' . _ was taken up in the House. amount $1,62; by C. C. ordered to lie paid.l7" Cm ' ai i 1 / 11 VI e Si, as a good deal rif interest. maid- Read and order of C. C. concurred in. lie also presented the fdloa in g, as fListed in re'ariou to ir, and much specula adopted by C. C., whi , _ih was teal and lion indal4ed as to the problY e effect this Concurred in, to wit: canal W t,lid have 111).111 Pennsylvania: lm. " Whereas, VLI ious fires have recently provements. Some contended th -it it 4$ occurred, which can only Le triiced to " the attempts of Incendlioes, I would become tributary to the New York " Resolved, That the Mayor be author ' " ized• to isue a pipe amation offering a "reward of ore hai•dred do hits, f): the " discovery and conviction of any person " who may have been engaged in any of "the recent incendiary attempts in this iii t.,, 21- He also pi escnted a Repait from Corn , minee on Foe Engine and flost lavotabh• to the petition of the Eagle Fire Co., ith a re.solutinn aprropiiating 8500 to said Company. Adopted by C. C , Read and laid on the table. He also returned the R ,, solution ado,,t ed by this Council on the 10th i: propriating 820 to each E an.i 11 , Company. By C. C. revorninitt , ,1 to the Committee ‘i id) 'inns to 'moo INt,l the expen,:e incurred by each Engine Company in placi u tW.r apoll - 41/gi in r pair, aril report at next meeting" was read and cluicurrt 0 it). He also returned tl by this council on the 10. h inst., appro }miming 8100,00 for rel.airutig I?..ctoty -t., as concurred in by C. C. Also the "Ordinance supplementary to "an Ordinance passed 4th June, 1841, "entitled an ONlinancc providing lA . OW " completion of the 11ClV Wi:Cr EIS eaSS4'd t5 , 1:11 ft)1111K in 4 amendment, via: Ftr ike out in the of the first the word '•thrce," and insert "five." The amend tient ()IC. C was to id and coi,cut tied in, and the Ordi trance inssed. Adj turned Tile vote un t!le he al, )ve ordinanc, , in the ecnun ti Coliticj ‘Vfizi a 4 fothiws: Yeas.—N ssrs. Ham iltoli, Hays, 1-I.,\A-ird, II ley. Litch, O'Neil, Pratt, St. , ner, Eich Nlagraw, Tha Red fiver „f bile \Vashifiqt,lll, (Ark.) :t. 1613 It bernrnes viinful and duty tu record mi.! u i Ow In ESL Ica: fill and calamituus evr bale' um. Red river counlry. In consequence t falling weather, or the melting of the sit r‘v in the fl/ uUtt— tairi the sources of Red rive.' I ave been supplied so abundantly with water that our hitherto quite grn le Sift'a n has been so flooded that all its bo , turns lie buried beneath the heavy mass of movin 2 water, Whose appearance was so sudden and rap. id that it has borne resi-tless d4rwn every ventage of human industry --cotton cotton presses, corn, cattle, horses, hog s , &c.—in one wide and general ruin. In common %%hit every stream on the globe, Red r iver has h-eri sehject to occa sional out parti inundation,; but during the period of hall a century there w as ne e . er known such an 4/VC r lICIMOUZ 11.)( , d .as that with which we ate now visit d. At Fort Tows ;n, on the :245 . 1) ult., the river rose 15 feel ;h in ever befits known, spreading over the whole b t:om, destroying tie war,dele.e at the loildre landing, and sweepin g in i, n e r,tet n ii n grave all species of aniwation. From a letter, pehtely furni-h, d us, it appears that Jonesh.e.ough 14,4 w land, an 1 Bet lin, in Texas, rove ln•err v.e.ohy inun dated, some 4,1' the h w . asi oil away , and many of the inhar,:tfints (hewn. ll. The letter further :IMt. 4 , ILO • he.v ne&roes escaped from,rough on a raft; arid when passiri , ,; it; residerwe Col, James 11. Johnson, ti. '."), with his family, On the could render them nit assistanc e; a,,1 soon f,nt%isia;tu.— Tire passing. they h, and a a H one. Orleans held an imue use meeting recently, wild scream, roil :if, a t' which resolutiorks, setting forth elo. cept the roar of the t , 11e11'. Amid the genera, Trent ter hs, the eardin:,l principles of the css, Captain Crooks, of the steam' oat Hewer, pro4,2,rfe- dertincron. party, %Isere adepfed. They ded to Mill et vek, and tendered the suf . - c"ngratulate the people on the co nmero-e. ferers every possible succor i n hi s power merit of the first truly democratic adtninis -going from place to i d ice, p eking up ration that Louisiana has ever had, and the survivors from the tops of the houses and trees, thus rescuing fro m predict rly:t much good will result to the a w t" gper.state fro its tt ise management cf pub is ons rave some s-ventr-five or a hundron per- m to affairs. The following is O , IP of the reso- S. Some were necessarily left jib in the cane and timber, tit re was lotions adopted, and the condernnatiou it no possible way of reaching them; their contains of the anstocnti c restricti -n, that cries being heard above the noise of the is element. Six families of Indians, 14 placed on the right of suffrage by the stat e Constitution, will be resporfded to by miles from this side of Jonesborough, are reported as I est; arid Colonel Milam up every honest republican in the Kentucky, with a lady. htv niece, and a , Resolved, That the provisio n in our sir. McKinney, perished. sl a te constitution, which limits tile natural It is thought that over a hundred lives and political rights of each man to have a ' have been lost between Fulton and Jones-, voice in the Legislature, whose laws are to p borough—how many, we as yet cannot hind him, to those who possess property with certainty predicate, as our sources of iof a certain kind or amount, or who pay a information will not alway s justify an im" tax, is aristocratic, unjust, and ought to be ',licit belief. Owing to the great number ithi ,,i s h,. ( l, of settlers on the bottoms of Red river,l thelees.of property and human life must ' he iimmenae; yet, we. would fain to believe natio great as is genet ally repotted, for wt MhAir that the accounts given us have Ikeirsisegretateg. DAILY MORNING-POST. 1-3Eg. FM Irii,xm•roit:.ANTO PR .PRII_I 1.‘);(7t1 itrytovemetits, ih citiz that State 'ccre lu geL control the company, and ht ye the regolltion ul the tolls upoo A tritttiott wits rn flu rett to , tt cludil the Fratik'it: h'w At the ilti.l,tve !news, hich the Cyrrip.%t:y %void i be re t I ti II f C:l2 —)!r. I,LyAr3 decla- f I,t he ‘‘4,llld owltiti2; to do %vitt) it. in case 'Alt, was thloi:terl.- 13uf.re any il , trisive was ha.l, the 11. ruse To 41,iy th e c.mtmlenlirm Of the vc...) message W3E resu:i.ed. .Mesbrs. Ituutraf /I Sharswood nn..l ii mem k, against it. Mess's. Lowry, Karns, tme o r others, sustai . , di . The V“lt. 1111,111 the rvCutl9lderBiii)ll Vi't , ,t'd liili k% as w!iich —yeas 11, nays ‘l2—eilo 4 a In.:lj irlry of note ill Idvor of ihe leto! bus the cioii/ N - ete, of the .er0:1 , 1 uhjeCti,u) tb;. , heen sustained, Thy Rig the Nichol.i.oo Cowt h as passed bciiii llous s of ihe lute, olds the t_.; iv- auurro„, oh, Tho clerk of Ga'knit: county, Tenn , ine,riwcalot up a the (he lat.„! .... , ,rititted no less than, one hundred and six- Jholsoil, and apidie, statute of iirr.it- ty artrtiage licenses during the past year. ation tc the claims of ii;s heirs and (idler Onto ifflbedded in the earth near the creditors. It farther rerptiles the taxes nwtg of flowerq, inetease their fragrane,! , ;p-ti IR',fIS claimed under warnro, v , iry tnyreepti , ,lv. form Nieledsoa to Irr rt bef , ire A fellow has been fined in Boston fo r , aiitizr a lady's bonnet. Bank! up: Law :i'ep,tied repe:lin, 2 , the !;:tukrupt pis,eed itee , .c,4111._; of the Tioy di-aster, were without a:oen'im"nt. eft ert , Nos b , iried at one funeral, in the Ce,tlio!ic made to amend ihe b H by suhstitntieg church ‘ard. the pt , sett: law, a new leir exHuiling unt a ry appbcan!;, maliiuLt the core: el d A country editor, employed in setting uca m ray the ci, , tht,,r, ner „, s3ry ty,e•, colbcting deb's, carrying on a farm, (are ()Ibis children, v%ith the if, enable a debtor to lake ;he benele. ol taking measles, is not expected to have paper the art. Mr. Walker rn :Ved amend the amendment so as to include Bank,, but ,''lithelyoriginal. his mntion was lust, and the vote hein2 , to. The ladiem of Plii:adelphia, (rime of lhein ) talk ken an the to tin rriestion it passed I.y a , 1 parting wit', their jewelry to make a fund for !he rtyrnent t,l the State debt. On this subject vote of :31 yeas to 14 nays. the N. Y Commercial reniarks:— . l liev have a .I._ll:itiL:es in the clOolt.ct. 111 , ,ri, us tx.tinple in the c"ricliirtt of the lote Queen re,i,„t on was still t„( Pross , a. I) iripg lie darkest. it' liJd o: the Mt. Forward s to the F gist,; Ili ;2 li!‘ stritzuh• of Europe ay.iinst the sliver of cent on Ft iday last to t the eff ect v,,,.,1, ~,, v. ;1,11 the o-oud Cuisican Wile U.:van from yesterd iv. We see it :taut'. that the::::,!-:",',L,r'.,::,til,!el,/;',:d"d'iansa.lates—bIlletEdchequer bier: wire appriiiit:;ient of Mr. :Spencer 11) the r4liett kiro j Min, ihe Qiieen ' s p tripped off her j g ewel ' s and vacar, , d hs. Mr. F orward Was sent to i h e emptied lier richest caskets into the national tremmry—iiniimdritely afterward appearing in Senate en Saturdoy fr eorCrtita'in. ornarneots or s,rnple east. iron. The ladies , f t' , e ( oort irid mdtlit') emulated the example, and, the There are FOIIP dottlos whether the Sen - tte itopzdtan was -.iv. d. will ri , rifirm tli- ill, as Mr. Spe ccr's rccontiv, s cr rr givat of. f ence n) thp that imti% lhe latest rt• futr s s t there is nn (imii,l but James Maths n Por te! stlerred 11r. "ITetteer in the fliee of Sccreary of \Var. If this be true, we infer that the difficulties betu ei•n Presid ent T% ler and Mr. Clay are ahattt heiu r r recoil edi•il, and th it the attpaintment of \lr. Por. ter tvint, eve :open an d a vowed f; ion I I 11r, ('Hy, i an indirati , n (d- c the Pr,...ident to, %% aid; iii= late rire.to, The 2thake may be perfectly cured with. Out pain by the Freach specific.- -Sunday Mercury. • Wa walider itthe.apecitc.is hard 2 We; if no* we will try it lthwith. See kettst Pau,,r,l resisted fa . NP E strao diner . `y.=.: We hit* ofierilnyard offrov getting into a .persOn's throat, bit the following beats everythihg. the Pie beta!) says—"A subscriber has shown us a w o derful :affair inched. It was no less thai a stick of oak, about six inches in dis arneler, apparently of about ten years I rowth, which he had split in twain in t het orniog. Out of the centre of the stick there fe.l a toad, alive and kicking; and the point nf his body, as it was embedded in the oak, was full and apparent. How this animal contrived to sustain itself is a question which we may well leave to the profoundly scientific." Wolves have become dangerous in New .Irunswick. A gentlemen was ieeently chased by forty of them. A chill with two hea ls, was born In Ildirtwore on Sunday last An Irish paper says that Dr. Lardner is starving in Philadelphia. and that Mre lielvyside, his wife. has eloped from him This is news, indeed. A m .e!ing has been held by ti 'e citizens of Rochester for the suppression of gam. 14 , ,iher Hines says he Hill never preach in such a house as the Milerite Temple of Roston. It ain't good enough. The VATlle HI property destroyed by the and slide at Tniv is es'imated at 8,000 dol -1 ns. Senator Woodbury is to deliver a Lec ture l dire the Free Trade ast ,. ociation of N. V. on the 9th of March. .1 13 , tchc•Inrs, 131 1 tuck place in Ba!timore n the 2:3ifist. Ticke!s The marriage ceremony o f the hithaus he exhibited at the American Muse— U7:l, AT. I- trir.y failier died a few weeks )11.(in restiva!s, all i)vor ,)1(I INla,sachusetts. N w, from liati•aona states that the Prince de J.,A,ri:le was cxpecl:‘,) there soon, on board the A nex Lod-'c of Uld F', Eows has been con siructed in Charl Slon, iniss. These fellows ap. ;mar t b., tziiinz it in order every where. But what sayti the Deacon? sign.—r o &we an Editor deferring cd,torials to make room for new advertisements. T.;e Pi !ayunr, in giving an aceount oldie late r riot., says, •Sheriff Porter was severely wwlncled in Cie rumpus. The New York Auro. ra Fays that the sheriff's wound was in the brea.q." If we reckon with the ancient;, that a genera • !a-k y , ars, then in that space eight I nn lrrd milli 11, of liarnan beinzn are horn and (In; ronscri,mnlly seventy finer thou-and a d thir• nine [mist be droirpinß off every day. Max Rohrer, i.. giving concerto in Hacanna. U" is a bttrer but not. a bore—that's a iliffer• The Boston Bulletin sajs that it is generally re rt ,, ri T'Ller Mines, one or the lealers ni th, Miller party, has purchased a large Selman- c.cr ' , a r t ! The nose has been placed by Providence di rectly over the mouth, to pass judgment on the food a sort of sanitary sentinel—a kind of qua ran. tine otli •er, to prevent the entrance into part of all thinzs that are wisafe and unfitting. —Asylum .107177701. It I, ft n guilty or a deflection of duty. It pr.rmils Messrs. Whiskey, Brandy &c. to with gut bring Tiestioned. EorqlgoieikPs—Ttie Troy Whig [tar'' , hue, 'he late and Fri,r land Edith. from Mount the acti n of water accumulated under the LL.i, and not io ut , dermit in? The city council- of 13altimore are about adopt , ling a new• plan of cleaning the street. in that ci. The Albany Theatre has been closed, arid the building hasbeen hired by tbe,l i dilleritei to bold forth in. - - • The' Ravel Faintly are etill in. Haven na eg*lltifiWnlay, !'eh, 26th. I' LOSION AND 60SSIV MANY VALUA BLE LIVES!!! Yes'erday, about 5 o'clock P. NI, the cictensiv: Pork Picking establishinctit of rld. sirs. Pugh & Alvor 1 , corner of vv , bout streets, %lids dfSCOvetCd lo be oft fire. Tic firemen repaired to the spot with their usu of ala-r.ty, and while eugl ged in cootbatii,ig the destructive element, ninny on the roof of a sindllor building connected with; the loam on a dreadful extpl ,:ion to ik place, oc • casioned, it is conjectircd, by the combustion or gas, generated by the ti c inside the builildig, which w.if eery elos-. The roof of the small hue %vas lildwn off, and the walls of the iithe^ thrown outward, nay the ti.einen and spectators under the tit ins, while some of tho , o no the rod! . sunk into the or were prceip , ll , ed to the, ground, solo- , wit:oeit tom riot injury. At th fl ones for the lira lime hurt out Tile cute H o airwa: so veat, Lit p on the (w 1 I Walmit street, ho we'e standing rs of barrels of pdrli, were 'brown ri, :Hid part of ill, tipper tier of barrel; were tbrown 11;,) , T1 .die or two, whtisc It nibs were. bro. ken lir thorn Sit , I 1 wLs the c , in-I. , rinitinn created by the 5h , ...k or the elidosinri—W rich was hcer , l end r It iu dl-lane part:; the city —that several minutes cl ip•ed biihire the siectiitor4 ri covered from the pante. A• si•tanrc waa then given In Cie sufritr- CN, ~.11•12ttcr❑11, 1 . 1.1-4 0100 su Cife.ldr,ol' 111.1 .1 it: lf %V .111 led ttt it sliri..cly tJe rci• try I:11'111:1 s!i'irt row., may yreenter. The :J.( Le al appedr.t.lei. the ruins iiihrAci that an iinnicie•ie tu-ce is iip-rated. 'rue up:ier part the build nz do t n ia the story tves thrown intii Cie deer', iverin4 ‘V .0. and Canal 111 i ribs i kg, ,)' lir !, Not mlnc c .)1 whit h VV• ,I, will b.: iu. . %Ve no ler,oand 1:w and its cu Il,•ntq ruly 31...isares IP: 1 , 9 (I7LO/t If! tal:c.l to a , ccrtai I and lay 6 , fur , pubic: ac cati , c uud tx A deep, ;J1).1./11110 . , an I moari:t . ,,l nervati li,;' C those resr•n••d iron] Own:, mir ma.( i o , l'rg int and cii'. , i - pn-idrz i•1117.,!11.1 in al , t d for tilt , lr iit'itt , pin( s , ci4l (I.l,lloies. inV 1.. s f. di it a• •Ik it a,:ow - au; u t',er of . cxlerit or elnuts t,n,, divens4 lion. No such art •rentliurr anti trogttal evr r.:‘er occurr,d la our er, , if u; • +-xce,rt the ex; , l stun on boar) the st , , , tuth oat y.•ar, A rommltlco, icc learn, ;lop i3ted I and I; rc , 1- d r, •111 ill, i if, II Ull,l 1.1 lite j,k, I the r.rWI 11(1,1,1ini rye r..- I 11,' t!i , • 311 • . , •n I la, 11:a.t1 and w,fi :1 It tvii: be s coral days b faro lb. par ield,rs (f tl is terrib'i• ara a,•••-'aia • ! and Inc 11 , 1 r or r the... qtr.!rei.4 :.d r.t are Li I :Tl,l s o ,, n dial of t!, !. S Edni tri II 'l . .)yltir, fir 0A; ; 11r. Col. 11 ) ,.. n (Thilml.r. Pri i, (' If. 'lin If! '1)1111 , rr S!,ITt: bully •: . j ire I. 4 .; ; pi! 111. - 1 1 1+." * it I C Jily Iri v, 2:14in,1 1., v.. I) hurt urr 0 ‘ 1 ; , :".11i1,1.11 r, Nhg ly ' , jure I. .1, •i,!l Tref!, r1,.rl ;17;11 bro!t.., inj.ce.l i N\ ils .n. nn I • I'. i^i,•.)t “irt. MEM ,-..t ,- .: ..! Gerrierntm—lt is wI , It r f ;In t that ire Ceti cam - itt-..., p ! t ! 1 . it .1.44 e , 4llr p i Itv .! rdin i , . r4I ,r, • . 114.1.4(1 lhat the in titer tit.g t have b.- nc , .t, t ; .-s-u - I a-- ie matt ot 1 totes Flettott.t. 141 ward or tit, ett of 1.4/ tht, tot!) tr* ant Slal4:4ll4•Tur !,:is me by tit- E ll rui ‘ilq•euritl., IU ;aid ( ouutv, laituhly showt•th. - u rin e 11 own ; p ~,,. ~: ow '27,;) m::•., hot a.: there i '('liar your uo:itioncr 11,v h pravi,l‘.l howa II IA iill ma bas bet n a gar. , :trd s- ,1,-otent hroug i It l'ore Ole u antak Itir tho.,•roakmodAtion aftr.iveters and othor:;, at po lie, we d. COI it Heil to 2 . 1 v • art rotpt :hot li,s tivvolor4 hou;e iii Iho Coy alare,al,:, hat hour; ,viol e l n p o ray;statet:Hl oflacts t: they occurred and op ,eal to g r an ' hint rno.,rt to th--,e trt attend ince lor the correct:it:A, „C the fd.. h-1' 1 P " •!". 11"'" of " " le " am-mo " I • -s "' l "" pe lowing rei , rt. 1, f10./f4r,.19 al duty bound. will war. J k‘lt.: , . PTE•IING 1 In pur,tiatire of' a call, the De-nut:rots met at ~ t . , .4.. e, the - , attsrrita-, ritizen, or A ;U•tt0,11,4 Cite ' de 4 ;he W , IS' 14 111:14411 II let 03 the evening of t'ai :25t.:1 , orttiv, 'Jill lie a 140,414 fa ti.ianer I- or good repul - e for in-t , „11l re the in , t•ltrl;:. , was org 111tZ ii at d v try tr01t.,1%. and trill:le.-1W 0. and is well pro,' I,:Vil WWI rally It nr, an 1 'then but very le c t. , .......re 11l attend in-ma. meat and ell ivenut•lutut, for Ili,' auserntasioa,:llen of air„ , ,),,,,,, 10 t. 15) b y ap „„ iititig i?, ) , !) „ 1,,,,,,, , frantu , •/4 , .iuta trarifier , ,ana Thal Fail tavron I. uctes,ar:t. son CUatrtnan, George V J 444k•rrl, k'tee )'r. -..'t f• t , " 1) " ,, - t 1 , , , D. IL t , t-ott. a... 1 J dirt T. Cotinaltv Seereta , y. %Viten nn rtto- j • A ,•k" 1 " i " . • Ra i n.llle.le , t t inn him t, lin.% inz rotrundive ,% ere appointed to i ''''' ' 1 / h . ' --'-'.' t•. t. 1 1 . ..1ie....y, report rt•-•‘,: t i i--rt-. I;-r the a, tt-tti ef the (11.:14 .2, • I ' S ''' o '• kV. R. l'nt'llopl, J ..... 1 1 ‘itrith i ii, Wm 1,..l t. , el, etc: C. Barnett, E L) G,ti.zam, 'Filly i'otter, Al. Cane anti l; \V It trues, who 1,1 o , to 11 in .I .44] repor-- I). . ), ; '.--I'' I!. E. It Hi ” .. led a oj ttr m y and minority srl .d reselut t•m ,i z, •• tH i -'—'' '. _____________._ which were read and arlvoc.tt• dby Cu' gatioleatatt 4 ii i , ) i „ ij ,„ „ „dd.., 1 .,,, .I„ „,., ~t' t , (7,,,,, t „- Who pr.. i-ottl'ett (hero, all, r who II D.t.i.l Lynch hf- 1 Getter iii,/o I. ter Se-,. tts Teocrt, to and for lthr fur , tt as on arneadment (411),tit red-o-t, td the r, :11-cw,,,iliry olltce, Ike 'Act as passed by t'e. II .ll,t. or LI p•TI,- pem, . 0 ..11t. t' p ~,,,, v, , r:z.):,; T.,..".:hi, ) , re., foativ.,,' enti led an 'Aet to it duce the I..x , en l , .u.. c o o y, r •ii,,e:ll.lly slie‘Ve 11, 'Coal be Is oils see, anti itrovide for On. C CC.I al 41: a Lloard of i i' wel d w.. 11 !untie to ell -rod oth r r otteenieti a.., , Canal ettionti,sioner6;' alter ,t hick much angry, tor rte a-e , mtno kw,. i.c.., ~. , , .r. and 1. hi, e.e. s, •tt i dishrderly and personal reeriat n t ton on the sub- t .e he ;se time ec .mied .t . y li, it a. a t i ere; out I b.. 1 4ret took Wart , -, when Mr. Henry McColl iegn No ini, desinalS E ‘'ol.l. tine 1.1 aka tut-me.,: he urays ved for an adjournment, wit ea iv.., .....eundeil and your It it . r. , 1 i grunt lOuta la eate to keep an Inn , r the evin,tien put by the Cliairtnan , whir) antloUl.:ed !loose of Puke.' Enter. tidttir tr. And hi- will ever I it to have been (1. cided in the allirmative,and the P' l Y • R. I' Pt/III:ROY, aforesaid others left their sea's. Trot tinder...lga , rl, ttli ,. /.... , .1 i1n..., r. tvti , nip, r e- On rnntion, the meetinir re•ergin.ced by elect- ' , "" ljull Y c " it ' l l''' l '"' /`• C i. '"" e " ) Y ,ll.e ab ''''''''" irig, Cartt. John BirmingTham, President, liar if ed appli •ant,is a genaenlan 01 en. if Irenee tor li eter•ty Leitch Vice President, ttnti•ll -j ths Fulton, M,. till r' . "'i'e' , -'nr , ' ant i• '-` "II Prov , ried wall it "'se ‘,. till II and C .11 , ealtalCes ti•rott.t soil onoloitain ti , an ; chael Tracy and E. D. Gizz 11, S--cret a ri , s. .. ter which, rcs dtrions, amen uncut-, So:, wsre el ' d ir i 7: : . " f ' ir- f th i; i ' r. a " : l , ' , ", , ' , ` , ' i v i y , " „ '/, I "' i "" d if vet" fermi by scv.ra! gentlemen. It wa. , rn,-v.d to ;ten r , , l l'it i t;:tr - - . 1 . -. 7 l'. , we r r. t. . i' ' c ' ' J. P. W,'llll..itl..P'cllt'-•'‘. lir! whole to Itt.-r to a root ,n Ii - to he a'poihturi fif ii , i , , , L ,,,,, ,. Pull p E-tt is. by the meetmg, and who were to reteirt to an ad. (;, ,,, in b ,,, fi L P 0 vets, i filer, J•tbir Ilan .l . I (.s-1,1) Keel, r, e journed nuICC;Ing t 9 be held at the Old Cmirt hoe iit Mond ee t•ti .n.rtz, the iltith final., which mAm , W .] ii, i .„, ii i „,,,, r, .1..i1l C.irr. was Eh rmairlca by stritsing out Mml it , an ..l in--1 r--' c„„,„,1 1,,,,q1,,,.. Peter Ella4ensunith. ling Wiotrot-alay everting. the Ist Alareh, w hom 1i,,,,., .4 _3,. the que•tiun was pit to the meeting and almone red by the President to have brio carried in di- T o !,," 11 ...0 a'ae, me Jed ill- of the ('cart of affirmative, when the t frwers left their scat., tie .c. al (4, ~r et S''S-:f1 5 i 'Le Peace, in It'lliin en inotem Coe Ineel.tigi ,vas again or. •it •i fer toe curt :r) of Al,e_yen): goo iced by appointing Ed ward Nertou t t the The pe , ninn ~r JWA 'Ford a Cl' Ille ISt Wr.rd Mien. and John Farrel ...lecretary. A 'notion was Piti..lmeg.i, in tail ..t.iimv, r.9l4n.,filliy tdioweta— fig-alit made ant =r C 0 ',I d0"1 , foi an ar!j nirnatent i but I Tti:lt tie is wt-lt pro% id-' I it .1. , tonstat room an the chairman then declared that he would nut put , (niter "-ttlytm.ru 't - rit - i I.- t"" , 11 n d deli ot or -ir an. the question, /14.3 he had taken the Cdhtir for a spe- , gi - rililfl ' 1 Is'eliers, a' lUIC il u •5,2. II .W , •C ;pie I b.', it.ill ail purp)se, and 15 , 14. - ; (ICIt4I - 1111ned f., CLI 17 out , i , at. , lerii; and b,,a.., „ ,leca• ion la r . ...tinue in PI.II that object, when On motion in t - turkjorer' (or the t", , inas , l ho pray; yo.o• lioaor• i i g. ant hop a ice. se mic of the 11 iris , ;, tits meeting broke up A ItiteUl 'I" ( ...' . p an 1 " 11 0 I, ' ore or Pet. or Eete. taiument takin7, any derisive action on the subject bc nre "11 h e w ill ltriiy, Sr:, them. JOHN BIRMINGHAM, As one of the Prestdentq D. LYNCH. As (me or Pie Vice Presidents orti--, YOUNG, MICIPL. TRACY, Secretaries. New Publications Grahams Magazine for March is receiv. ed by Belford. It is equal to any of its predecessors, in the elegance of its em bet ishments, and the richness of its literary contents A dam Brown, the Merchant, a new' work by Horace Smith, by the anthor of Bratnbletye anise, and other popular works oOction,is also fur sale at Berford's It is pu,blished on the cheap plan end is sold at 25 cents. re '' , An Ordinanco itTplemeitr yto an i 3- SUGAR sIND AfOLISSES. . 'IC , - .. na n re — passed 4th J utie;: 18.1.14 -.entitled 100 hihll.l,Nl,l,oN°°o4'3.l.l,l.olatirs. - all Ordinance providing for the cool •In prime order, just received by B. B. Areade.and for tion or the tiew Water Wrdia. . sale by J. W. BURBRIDGE 4. Co. A V IIER.E.4S, ;be Cit Councils have a l various times mar :2. Water st. beton:el% Wood and sib • - authorized an ex ['proton eof inure tf an one Ituir• . deed and and eighty thati , arel dollars Mr the purchase of D I S SOLUTION. —The partaeretdp betedofora' ti_ sites and rothdritet Mil of 1,11,1 i,,,, machinery and nth- in n bet we ea William 0 Leary anerralrieli ',lSt's- . Cr apparatus to complede the new Wale: Works. of a ny, trading, under the Eirm of O'Leary, Moivaortele4 -- sittlident ex enl lo furieddi Ilse increasing population of wit' ill , '"" " rile 'oth ' tit " b y mutuut " null "' Inf, not only the City and ent irons with all ample supply of good was The books of the arm will remain in the bomb of r. Claims against the concern, and is authorised to MI tae for (19 , 1 ,, 5i lc use and manufacturing pur,,o• M nlvany, who will receive all debts &retro' ead.pety all SCR, lint also for the sprerly and etfrclual elllnguiFbitierit of tirm.., I hereby rout rilintllig la a great degree to the sa• name of the arm in closing the business. Ilihrity of the City, 111111 1110 pro-perity of it • inimbita rits. Anil WM. O'LEARY. P. AILTLVANT. e pitislittrgh, February 28. M 43, - ..• etch accord. . .. ,, iitlent, will yr I re. P. tiluivany will continue the mantriecterrt at Mal , intrisand Molars to render the Glassware, and has removed to the warettensv e foirstitvire "ilea( available fur public it , e. Snit to My- Oct upied by Little 4-Co-, corner of Markel am. Wafer ..,.! prnherly owned by the City, rind now rirrii : Md 5:,..,. %viler, lie is prepared to furnish his hien& roiltill. liy !he'd,' Winer Warta an llv h tell Is lit, when cold, fur isiiiie r ., of the late firm with every eerie', of GraillWarle n kli the means of eonsiderably reillic 11 2 the di I, unite oil the most accommodating lerins. mar2-3t. Cc y And /I herrl>, lie ~,,,q,e , ~,,,, ~,,,,, o r ~,t,i -..... _ =EMI =EMT w , • JOHN 'rite on,l,rs„ , ! ,erl cn,z , ns of Ills tiost Warn Pats• burgh, resprcuully cestify, lla , John Tnr p n - hove nani,l applicant, is a gentleman f•Igood rPi , tve ;or hnur.ty arid tempera..c ,, , and i 4 well pr..vided wilt, hcfNe 10,01 ami cant - eniPnr.es ro.. .11, a,ro oll nod rpm arn kriging nfst,angnr, rs. an I tl , stpl I,v to is n• y ror the ae ni a , d / 0 of (; .r 2••• , Jahn • John S e6n, R 111.41 Gray, M , rell 2-3L4' 11101 i RIS (S. 11.11VORTIL A LL persons indebted to the above firm, are requested to irninediz,te seti lenient as the partnership about to be dnisolved, and R. Morris•l4 leavinc Allegheny. All accomils not brrore the 20th March, will be given to the proper authorities for collection. MORRIS 4. HA WORTH, February 1843. Druggists, Allegheny City. . The hnslness lei') he conducted as heretofore by J. Ilaworth, after the let April. mat 2--3 t Irhereas, the aumunt expended lout preyed inadi (pile to the completion of important work, which accords :Mg In Ilse estimale of the : s uperintendent, will yet re. quire 111 sum of forty thousand dollars to render the previous investment available for public use. ;,nil to Crate the iircproy owned by the Clly, and now rirenpiol b yWarta ani u'ltieh trill, u•lien cold, fur nick the nieafF, of ronsiderably retitle in: Out do lit iirthe Coy And /T here, ;, lle pre=ens shit nr Ks renders i: riecess.ity Mat cocsilleialiie eirrlion F F shOWd !ie made and crier flees incurred su that I lime completion 'tiny he arretera I ell. TO. rF-fore Se,'. I lie it mild Hied and vti:ice,l by he e itiZeil , or pilt,tior g h, 1,, .... , elOr and t:oainion assimibled, ThAt for Hie r por,rt olcninplelimJ the new Wilier lt'iirk-t the layor of the i•iiy tie ;nil horize d to hrerrOte Ihe 'Minn! f.irty thousand dollars, and to Issue col tfiratrs or the under !he seal 11i the corpora:ion, Of rtfonr fit, )1,11 et! dollar, Or intOr,, hearing 311 mien si of six per CrilF. pci annuli, will, h Interest shall lie payable at lire Treasilier's Oilier, in 11,. presence, nail 01:111 riot be re.leenieil wit hint I on.efil aft lie bottlers before line bear day of May, ei2litheeit Minified and six!) five. See: 11. fie it ordained kr., 'I oat if any 0111,, eon- I ram., lir lalimers rmp oyrd nn grid shall prefer to have the amount Irwin: in than f'tr wnrlt 1101, Or lorlerial, rFiroi,liod so paid, then the c-rtiflealCS f o r the loan 6rrein non ()rise(' may fur th e , ame in the Slm • form and manner. .ql ' Prt. to Ibr ,a,nl, f l•. l l l l ari , ),lS and reili•eniable in rile ,an-r, Is:4%ller as is di. cord in the Ordinance of the Jilt June, 1841,10 whirl) this Ortlina nee is a.;+pluvetllart• 111. Thal In addition to lire Ou'io, dr volviert , • :4(11 10 t.i0T01100•, 011 111.4 :he (J r (0, 0 ,, 0( Jun,. litai, ,11 it:1111144n :0 (hover 11:.•.ile:111e11:111:111111111-:7,11.11 Hie/ 4•1,4.4 the 4111 Iy 1:: :lie rlll Trell,llrer, 111111,11:“ 1,1,14,411:m W.:11111.0111 1 : 11P1 1• 4 :4/:1 rlrelrtre, 1,4 ;I:141 414 tP . , 311 Cs r d 1 , 11 - 11 i,•,. ul. ()nlirm, ii.ay Lein I roln Tr,•;‘ , llry on ((1C1r).71,111'.1,' in l'3Cll n• ,• slr's 1 :1C 1 ,011 4 :1 the r l ' • I. 4 , 4 ,1 111 1' ,4 1.1.'0: 11:44 :1 11 ,11111 rrir:rl : IV . 1.1: 111,1 4 , ncruu r; ;rid in'and the Sfiiile are here 1. 1,, L2 , '11 I,rr ,r -1 / 1 11 13 ,1: 4 . 1 allII l / 1 1-ed It, Ire 11orrO,v. ••,1 :tlore, .1 (), .I.t r? 1,1 ,1.0 a I, 2(11 day of V. hrtiar ) , I) I;`, . I.IInKR , A LCc. Slue . AR, Soler, I 'our I An ()r,tinince Supl)lt . wentary to an ()Mt n:ince in reference to the A I.:, 1-t ~, to I lit• Ivo 16« p•slv,. of \ 12 , 11 trli, It sra. 11-11011 ij r" whir 'ph the 9itt /13 v of II i•refo-t. •, I, Re it orilai.it•ii :1114L P li.k Select ar , l c. l t! , ❑ ', - ...bled, it Litt', (,rthe ,:o•n oerc 111 ' ltl nt hit 1 , 1"•IC of -lal Cirtiiiia.ire Ii k / 1 11; 31.1 , • 1:i /:, so far I Falllo tur lie. city coutin— or'd• arnl i• - vit. , ll for tiid re;:til.ititin ae 1 , :mvernitit•lll 01 NI ht n'i.leT•tal 110,,114 I erejo roil iced,-11,11 he coostrivid l orrlto7al airy fllVllu a cre ‘, l lll day of Atiiy, Se:-. 11. He It .rd Th 1 From aid :icier the pa-- (Inlinzt. e. I,i . •;1.:111 r• , 11 e .hall Cona n====l SE''III. He it ord, ,, ird ,S-.• 411 11'1 , 4 I,lll,eled IJI/IN Ili 11... I al e!t e g.:ven I,•e rele•e, i't• :111 • I/ :9 •1•,1,:,',!!!!! w. a I Ord'o. .!:., !"! diV! d.d1.11.d. d f !..1 it Liar, ...'y day GI k I) I':;; 1 !1!.•.\R Cl".; _ to I Ito to of (;totto. l l Uu St,!SI ih• roarP In and for lh county. W R. G rmly, m uc I lieu r, William .1 1111051 Wint o n, Crias. Ii catkin, 11'.11 . CI C.11P...1U ,Pr cs't .10 IN S:I lON, r.—'t 11 irch 2 to i:—,Aor,o or 1 , “1.\ '• t;•,, V.lll h V- The petition or Robert Binsley. Fifth Ward Pitts— sa,tl coon, v, resptlet fully showeto.... That he to writ provnted with house coo mond eoneui: the arson mottatiort of stranvern and travelers at the hooso now ocoot:Oed by hint as a tavern; and be. ing ht iron? to footirme that ho , ittess he prays your bon. , ors to zrant hint c here to keep an Inn or E house Of PotOir ntet I ate noott Roncrtr HINSGEY. The n oder, itzmil, fit izen3 °Nile sth Ward, reepectfally cert try, that Rohr, nitislry. the above named applicant, is a gen , tinnan of go.rd repute for honesty and an P. nit is welt proc;Miiid with lihnee room and mein c, ro, the arcotworldition and tor4ing orstrangera aad 'inv. !pr.:, and ilia( said invert, is necessary. Naherl Whiloriade, James Hamilton I:ea. Pittner, Daniel Hamilton, John L. McCormick, .13 Ines Andrews, John Kearney, Julio Vann:, e,,atnuel bleKelvy, Win Gob a, Job,, Lightner. mar I-3t aim liunor;,lde the Judaea of the Court oftgetuelt.. : " al Quarter t'essions uf the Peace, in and for UsitettUll''` . y Allezheny• 'riot petition uf Jahn Lavely of Wesi Deer Township in Raid county, rviiiptiCtrUily PiIOWELIi Titat he is well provided with 11004 C room and Wan' colventenres fur the accommodation of strangers ate traveler.% a: tile lion 4e now occnnicrt by him sr alavein and loiin2 tit . ..4011S to rorittline in ilia! I ustness he pray{ your IlOn nrN lu giant loin a license to keep an Inn Or hou:ze of l'ubliJ Enteriattininut, and he wilt prat, JOHN [Avow. 4 The undersigned. cil lien., of West Deer towrislilp, re c , fpeent folly certify that John Lovely, the above name* is a nti.l:ettian ofgood .epute for hcmestyand tentperitwe, and is well prhvidad with Loose MOm and ronvr,, lencea for the ac.:ontiuudation and lodging oroitiim t : _era and iravderr, and that said tavern Is neress ~, airW, J.,13n D tota l APAolv,, Jolm Fleck, Henry Yeagle, 11` m Proleao, James Ifaslett, J. W. Bugt.er Wrn. Waddle, -• • John Br nvn, A.. Knox, Jnhn Boughw, Jolla Waddle. • f mar BLANK LEASES. , A new and much Improved Dual of Blank Lesetw*lli *ale at the oiftee of the ...Morning Post." rgio die II onhrable the Judges of the Coati !el tAnarter Sessions of the Peace i*aa r r the Co ,, try of Allegheny p't:tHri Nicholas Good, of ROM ;...• c lily aforesaid, humbly showetiv--.:' al. petitioner bath provided lialtselt with 1,4 the rn:comanodatinn of trlyelere imps diing 110 , 1,0 in the towbehip afore slid, and prays that wit Honnrs witi be pleated to , gran , . d lICCUS , . to keep a Puolic Douse of Leo ter ta lettivnt. And pair petitioner ai in daty boon* .iy. NICHOLAS GOOD. 11 e, i c ftlihFCr be re, citizens of Rose Township,. ( L i ee:t: •hai the at-ore peitinner it of ginetreipoW for Inniesty aod I. mperance, and is well provided e uh ;“itise and LOllVeLliences for the accommo. a ,, rt id strangers and tinvellenr, , t ,,, t said tavern is uteessery. m it. R . G.,;i1i,„„,, Neely,herry Peter I v,r Jadnb Colebaugh, I ;en (3 , o;ie r, C b - rr Nairn , Peter Ivory, jr, Tho n is gm lox, Robert flare, jr., ii.. 1 I tit ro v, l:mlidd Reel, 'l3-31* , the (2( on 1164 via! Clitarter SP4S;.,tiS dic ( ' taCe 7 in and fur c ;) 0C.U~••~hc,~•. e ; etition of J. F. ( - wry, of St &non , lid c.otott , res cctf.ll y showeth, That hr i• %ye ith hotnte toniti and other oath. .1 I a•: oininodrtion of strand,ers and :it :hr Inio..e now i , ecorijed by him as a t !11l ! it in.; ile , irong to continue io that Nisi , he prt‘a vonr httriors to grant him a !keep, in an In:, or iln!.se of PuLlic Entertainment; and ne I; ever prty. J. F. I UR ,. .. u RY rsi_;neti rit:Z.ll9 ix J. ffr,rSlioNr ~1 1• „2,1).-c .f„ :y cvi il k, I:ka. f. F. Card. t a!mv , at.p i - ant, is a gentleman ofgood r t n e I.r ant tetop.onno,.., an d i s . well Piro- , id, d with tout e nann and conveniences for the ar. manma tami I loa a h gof strattgers and li.tvelers. ~„it than tail it ei a In twee:iv-try for the arcommodsa ..; f b I". ==l .r ‘vdl,,L James I rw lacf,f) f I rep !;I Ir_'--3!." roa sn• 1.01"1:1, BURLINGTON. • _ GALENA and DUBUQUE. • - li2lit draught simmer CMAy Mister, ‘vill 'ea rn fit, utr :tbovp and DV hair ?, port- op Mrin./A, Mir March. v r rte•ii.lit or p.l .-.1.40 a pply on board, or tn• _'7 A Al ES Si A Y. agt: Thr- boal i= -:ip ,Led with r.v:ln't3 safety Guard. . ...:01....5.55E5; just ree'd- per Memel Pi/Ulf Clime C, n, nf.(t for I , nle by J. %V, FS I: RR IDCIE 4- Car, s?. bctweeta %Vootl* PROPOS 4 I, S 1,3 re, 331‘33331 tl,r,,ptlier of the City Water 471 IV,:r3:, nrtil the 101 h of slarch, for Aupply Ins the mit❑ r 13.11 for one year, to row ioeore on the firit A p ril 33e. xi. ROBERT biOOßE,gu;•t ttiml2ll. la.. 24 ;1, /843 —3td. 3 N the . cowl .) 1 c0.. , ,0n1 , 1, 1 .4 of A llealteay county. or 11..ccm... ! .. Tern.. 1;L 9. N 0.69. 1.. toe 1....it...r0t voluntary assignment °Machin. ion 4- 1,4•11;it• to 6anitni! P.. W I and Ceorac Letille. Ail liersiiiis iiiterested will pira , e Oahe notice tliatipil . Af ed have tiled their account, and that be allowed by the Court on the .114 of )lark next, unless cause be shown to the contrary.— ily order 01 the Court.. A. SUTTON. mar 1-3 i. Pco. ruon.rahle, Jodge.; of the Court orGener- K. al 1 2. tarter S, - „:ions of the Peace, la and (or the rowdy of a lie hefty; Ton petit via of I:0A Mehaffey, of Wilkins township in said roil it y, respect folly Fhowelh— Thal lie is well provid e I will house room and Other 00- re ' , mew:vs f or the anceni itio,!.fi ion of .itanaers and travelni brl it de:iroa s IO r 01,11,110 in I lint lin:questa hi: prays .11" r;nithitt, !.:',17,r to keep an inn Of It,. tie of Public Entcriiiiiitio.nt, and he wilt pray.tte.;. ROBERT M.EHAFFEIE.,!, Time undersiznril riflzt as of With ins tovranhap, re spert fittly certif,. lino it oil. Mehalrey, the aboVelasisird .1114w:tin, a cf•othentan of good repute honesty and ranee, and is we I provided with hou.se room and roilyrn , etireS for the necontutodallitin and lodging or a, rain. , er, and t.velers, and that sald tavern is necessary.. lo',„n chaffer, James Dempster, A. It4ibidt, Adam Walter, •n, lohn Johnston, Jm,h.m intuit Plol, 11. I J. 1 1 .1 .11,Kok J Laco,k, Robert Graham, 1-3t.' Filo !he Honor:110e, the Jud.:es of the Court of Geogral IL QM:IW.! St . S.WIII of the Peace, in and for the cods. ly of A Phillip irt, Sainriel G,enn, AlcCti lsaac Sickniati Pre.-<k !ruin. -- Samuel Zecri, MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers