Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 02, 1843, Image 1

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    L 1.-N0.146.
TERAIVI.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in
a/Mice. Single copies TWO CENTI3---for sale at the
sossitter of the office, and by News Bays.
The Iliereary and Illautsfact Rarer
18 patofilhetil WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double
raedhtaa sheet. at TWO DOLLARS a year. In ad.
'CHICO. Melee copies, SIX CENTS
Terms of A
op„ Insertion, 0.50
rwo lesertioam, 0.75
Three Insertions. 1,00
Owe week, 1.50
Two week*. 3.00
Tine. weeks. 4.00
Oes Senses. nee Sitaares
ant months, $lllO2l Six months, 523,00
Cie mu', 25.00 One year. 35.00
in - Lifer advertisements in prorortion.
CARlldef roar fines Su DOLLARS a year.
emir POST Orrtca. Third between Market and Wood
iltretta—R. M Riddle, PoMmuter.
CUITOK Haves, Water.4th door from Wood et. Peter
oases lusildings—Major John W Mock,
Ctrl Tas~sasT, Wood between Firi and Second
ssitreets—.James A. Sartram, Treasurer.
CoUNTT Tasaina[. Third street, next door to the
Third Pvshyterian Church—S. ft. Johnrann,Troaiiiirer.
MtTo•t'/Orates, Fourth, between Market and Wood
"treats—AM:ander Hay, Mayor.
Illaacmarr's Excrunoz. Fourth, near Market et.
BA tiK.4
Perrsauaat, between Market and Wood streets, on
Tnird and Fourth streets.
Maarnissers ' Mir AND••CTOR tit 11' AND F•1110EN DIC•
Matt Banc, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
/food and Market streets.
Maestro's's, Fifth street, near Wood.
'Man AAAA nici• noon, Water atreet. near the Rrld:r.
EICEILIiaI Horst.. corner of Penn and Si Clair.
Illsacuatcrs' illotat., corner of Third and Wood .
Altaatoas liorzt..corner of Third and Smithfield.
ratiSra - rza. corner of Penn street and Canal.
ltea..4►irk eaotx, Liberty It reel, near Seventh.
31tuaras M•xstox Sousa. Lilieriy St opposite Wayne
611041111102.1" T IN Limos Sorsa. Penn St. open. to Canal
red to eakewell's offices on Grant st., tient ty opposite
Om new Court noose, UPI( rooms to John D. Itinlion,
roll ,—First floor. 50.1 , 10
.TIIOS.II. ELLIOTT, M. I). Office reirturcd t
81. Clair Went, between Penn and Liberty Sin
t , 10
NEW GOOD& —l' remon ¢ 'Mae key w o.,lrPile nod
retail dealer, in English, Freirre, ard linnrpeiir
Pr, Goods. Nn. 21. NI rket owld.orcli w.o 10
MICA7II D LESS & "PC LURE,AItar Ile2l . 21111
. CORRiell0(11 RI LAW: Office In the Diamond. kac k
of the old Court !louse. Putehurzli. sett 10
%lorrow. Alderman; otfi e north
side of Fifth H... between Wood and Smithfield
SIC Nils's:rely. "+"1, to
•TOUN mwEvrr P, VI; licolt•insie C, rocs ftecti6
Distiller, And Ileater in Prndned and Pittsburgh
idenvrdetured Articles, Ns. 224 Liberty Street, Pace.
Imre. sdrt 10
lair ILIA MS aSt D I LW° RT
v v grocers Produer and Commis.° o
4.IIOIIIPTA In Pittsburgh Manofari tired :Art %cle..„ No. =29.
%Veto.' street. p 10
WM. 0'11.1.11.A. ROBINSON, %nor., al I,a
Write 0 Illr noel h lie Ilianetiat;.ltriwo ,
44arket and ITotionxlfet,lS, up AlalfF Fri , 10
1. DURBDRAW, Attorney at w; lenders
s hie prOfett.iatial srtvices to tilt public. Office Cu,
see of Fifth and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd
enetre.Pition.urcb, Pa. sep 10
.501111.1 B.BHIIIII/Y Jai . N. KICAN
STIERIFF & KEIN, Manufacturer; of Conner.
Tin. and Sheet Iron Ware, No 410. Front it., Flit! ,
burgh. House Spouting and Steamboat wort: voininlv
*scented. cep 10
„rips. 8. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware
Room, uorner of Hand st. Sr Exchange Alley.
Cantons wlshln: to purchase Furniture. will find it to
Viseir advantage to give us a c.all, twin! fully satisfied that
we can please os in quality and price. r , ep 10
MILTTTON 431 S.—lust rere'ved 160 choice Rlut
ton Hams, well cured and for sale cheap ny
wen or retail, by ISAAC lIARRIS,
1.9 10 N 0.9, Mtn a,
RIOTA BA.GA..— suppv of Lam:troll's Fresh Ro
ta and other ditferrnt varieties of Turnip
SP"! I lost received and for sale at RICISCCED TRICKS at the
Snag •itd Seed Store of P. L. SNOWDEN,
Pep 10 No. 134 Liberty street, head of Wood.
WEBB CIAESEY,S Boot and Shoe Dlanulncio•
ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to tho U. siji,..
Lank. Ladies Pronelia, Kid and Satin Shoes made ; n
he iientestinanner,and by the newest French materna.
sep 10
51000 MORUS MULTICAULUS. in lots tosuit
purchasers; to be disposed of by
No. IR I Liberty street, head or Wood.
DAHLIA ROOTS. Flowers and Flower Seeds or ev•
ery description, can always be had at the Drug
and Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN.
1 0 184 Liberty street, h,•ad of Wood.
XIII LSS.llfl.. Arthical Mammoth Oeion :=eed, for
• gale at tie Drug and coed store of
U 4 Liberty street, head of Wood.
4(H) LOS.
seed; jest reteiyed tw
No. 184, Liberty *wad of Wood .t.
GSOWN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Paltry Spades
Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, /Sodding
*Wires. erasing Knives, Craning Shears. etc., pull re •
selved astfor see by F. L. SNOWDEN.
sop 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
CHOICE Venison Hams.--Just received a small sup.
ply at very choice cured Venison Hams, on retail
irsolMill tots for current money.
and Corn. Merchant
WIIITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and
Ifisatucky Blue Craw, always on hand and for
N 0.184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
sate by
sop le
Elii7r6ll ,• BUCHANAN, .itterseps at Law, office
removed (runt the Diamond,•to •••ttorney'sßow,"
sedettof Fourth-street, between Marken and Wood
al npets *en 10
materredvrewuLANKs, for proceedings In At
fund nailer the fate law, for sale at this Office
loos SALE.—Lints op the North East corner of Coal
/1: Lane and Ili:h street. Apply to
M' 10 116$J. DARLING ro.v. Market, near 4th st.
100 French Sugar Beet teed. Just
reee•vra aid far gate at the Drug and Seed
184 Liberty natter, bead of Wood.
Store of
imp 10
eputeersitiy beretotbre existing between WIL•
LI A M RIGBY awl BENI AMN uoreweak Wills day
liweised by weteal,bweieet. tDjlYatw EU:byte setborised
teese.tbesigaeutse 0146414 ts ie settiiirrest the busbies:
pt tise stab*. Witatialit RIGBY,
et, IR • lISMJ. T.B l )I'llW ELL
One month, $5.00
Two monir, 6.00
Three months, 7,00
Four months, 33,00
Six month., 10,00
One year, 15,00
JOHNSTON 4. STOCKTON, Bookgellera, Priittere an
Paper Ma nuraci titersalo. 37. Markel at. rep 10-ly
JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Miler st..
near the Monongahela House, PittsLure'. Op 10—ly
LEONARD S. JOHNS, Alderman,St.elair street, se
cond door from Liberty. Rep 10—ly
DII. S. R. HOLM ES, Office In Second street, next door
to Mulvany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse cep 10-1 y
SHUNK 4 FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st.,
near the Mayor's Office, rimshorrlh. sep 10-1 y
11111 A MILTON, A i torney at Law. Fifth, between
.1 Wood and Smithfield me_ Pittsburgh. sep 10—ly
HUGH TONER, Atio,nev at Law, North En , t corner
or Smithfield ❑nd Poor!) sirretp. sep 10-1 y
HANNA 4. TfillNßlJl.L'fil raper Warehouse, No.
1114. Wood s!., where 'nay he had a general supply
of writing wrapping. printing. wall paper, blank hooks,
school hooks, fre, 4.r. pep 10-1 y
jr, C. TOWN3C.ND Wire Workers. and
Araerojeteeorere, No. 23 Market street, between 2EI
and 3d streets
• XI - MANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and Ft. Male
.i,eets, tly IlleK I BRIN k SMITH.
rep 10-1 v
wa•d Rushes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nalla
Warehouse N 0.15, W3od pep 10 —ly
IG METAL —77 tons soft Pitt Metal for sate by
. _
4 - 1 [to dri LBS. B %CON HAMS. 16.000 tbs. Bacon
SI" Ur UP Shoulders, for sae by
3. G. fr A. GORDON,
v.n 13 No 12 Water street
IA S. 4 ATTETIAO:sI, Jr.. Ilirmin:lmm, near rottalsureh,
.Pa., if anura , tors, of Lock.. Inners and Bona; To-
Intern. Potter. %lit' and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for
!tollingHs, 4-c. sep 10—le
JOIIN MINCLOSKEY. Tailor and Lie, yi
ct~eet,between Sixth :Inn Ylr,in alley, South !Rid,.
cep 10
y URt` R I E tc' ttolcsa le Grocers and
CP Commission 1 4 elm nts— Second in rect. bet wren
Voort anti Stott. ttlieht si F.. Pittsbur..ol. se p 10— 1 v
G q COll DON, Commission and Forwarding
eV . tVater st.. Pit !Om sep 1(--1y
FT 1M?-4 caalsa Innis.l gond inlet., received ner S
B Corsair, and for gal..: by 1 . dr A. COB BON.
No. 12. IVater street
k 1 1101..tSSES --40 Mots New Orleans Su
LJ :n , ; nit's Sew Orleans Molas.es; for 141le lo;
SUG A C .-7 'Olds prime N. O. Sala', referred per tA
R 11.1ne. :Ind for sale by J. (1. dr A. COR noN.
sf . l. 10 No. 12. Water stree
BACON' CASICg,in order. no Innd rind fnr g:4l. Ity
17V twp 10 3. G. k A.Gonnos. so. 12. `~rnlor p 1
SUGAR ANn mol,AF•st.: 4 .-13 lihtls nnd 4:11V•lo N. 0.
Su.zae. j 2 1,4, N.lll. '0 01.15‘0., reerive.l per S.eanthoAt
I mporter, and for sate I.y J. a 4.• A. (01
I , CP 10 No. 12. Water rt.rt
aI.CLA_ LA C D 01 L. f.,r eatr by
. 3. I-, 1-•-•• •-•••—•-..,...,••
corner of 611) and %%Mod At,.
sep 10
11631 PA PERS GernElotown Tamp It for vole
-1- by B. A . FA II N ESTOCK 4- co.,
rorner of fish pool %Vona 10s
00 I.IIS Preparrd Chalk, for sn , e hY
II NE 1'(111( A- CO
COT ner ul 6111 and %Vona pt
ItC n AND NlOl. Nt.SES —6ll Itlltin N. O. Sol•pkr,
33 hid.. di). J,.. likt do. Pla I.ldt ton NI nla••r..
sale I
gel, I.;
IN` 111.041 111 BAIA, ru ptcy roceedinv., pr hoed on
2ood italwr,nrrd in Ole fm approvrd by ihe (2011rI.(0,
; ,t the far, of the %Terror , ' nod Dervocrnl. Yep 111
Xi/M. 11111; ITH A [ill, lasltionaltlr loot and
Fh . de Malllll..f . ltirer. No. 1111, Third st reel. , r 1 tyre,
Wood and Smithfield strertg. %tit tep 10
has removed his office to the corner of Inert ii
at rev! andlTherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant
streets, Pittsburg It, rep 111
MAK ER, Na. 7, St. Clair street, Pitts.
ft. A .
PCP ill
Fopply of Landtet It's Carden Seeds, always on
Icand, and (or sale at IliF agency, t he Drug store of
184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
DR. i) A VII) WARD bat Iris odic, and residence
on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court lions.,
second do elltte from Root street. lie will faithfully' attend
all calls pertaittin: t o Irk profession. Night calls should he
made at the door alrove the basement. sep 10
REMOVAL —Matthew Jones, Barter and Hair Dress.
es. has removed in Fourth street, opposilethe May
ore office, where he will hr happy to:wail upon permanent
or transient citsinmers. lie sulk:Usti shale of public ran
ger' 11)
Wll. A. AV AR D, DENTIST, Penn st. three
door below Irwin street, Sours of business, from
9A. M., until SP. , after which time he will attend
to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He
would further inform those who may think proper to
employ him,lliat he experts immediate payment, without
the necessity on his part of sending in tilts. Pep 1
JOHN 111 , FA ILL tND, uph./.(..., .nd Cahiaer
M-ker, 7'hird at. between Wood 4- Market streets,
respectful inflrats his friends and the public that he is
prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, nu.
reams, Chairs, Tattles, fledmeads, Stands, hair and Spring
Mattrasses, Curtain,, Carpets, all , orls of Upholstering
wort:, which lie will warrant equal .0 any made in the
city., and on reasonable terms. rep 10
RE J5l OVA C r .. T e subdcrlbers have remov , d to Wa.
ter bet wren Woodard i4ti Il eld streets, where
they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Cornints.
Mon busineso and would re+pert fully solicit the. pal ron.
age of !heir Wends. J W. BUIZBRIDCEik Co.
Dec 3
Ile Word Street, Pittsburg/is—R. A. Hangman.
Auctioneer and Coniniksion Merchant, is now prepared
to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandize,
at his large and capacious looms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and Filth Strecis, Unishurgh.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday • f each week.
Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy 'nicks, on
Tuesday, Wednesday. and Thursday evenings.
Books. tc • every Saturday enentng.
Liberal advances made on Condignments when wanted
Meg6ts. John D. Davis,
Basatey Smith.
Hampiow.Fasiih, ¢ Co
F Lorenz 4 c 4... 1
J. W. Biirtiridge Jr Co.,
F. M'Ree ik Co.
Capt. James Mnargiii, Pittsburgh.
C. I humeri. Esq.
Joon M fa/deo Esq.
Logan dr Kennedy.
J. R. Moorhead 4. Co.
Jas. P. Stuart, E.. 4.
Robert Galway, Esq.
Capt. Jas. May,
Ma.Vay, Hanna, 4. Co.
William Symms. Wheeling
S.G. Henry. Losiaville
- Smith, Bagaley it Co Phila.
sap 10
HHIGBY--Ne. 121, C JW estland resist
. Struts. Pittsburik, has on hand a complete as.
sortmentof Queensw are suited to the city or country
tiade. Also. • choice selection of pure white and gold
band DINING ANDTEA WA RE, in large or small sets,
or separate pieces to suit purchasers.
A cask of 46, 60, or 84 piece sets, superbly painted
and gilt English China Teaware, at very low prices.
Toy Teaware, plain, and rich painted and gilt. fres
1,00 to $5,00 per set
Children's Muss or every description.
White China Shaving Mugs.
Granite Dining at d Tea Services, in white and with
splendid American scenery printed in hive and black.
A larg,e variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast S'tts,
imported to match. complete,
Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the
Derbyshire Potteries.
Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties.
Window Glass, of every size.
Patent Rockets, Tubs and Keeler,.
Stone Pipe Heads. (tc..
All of which are respectfully offered to the pub.
lie on the most favorable terms. Jan 26.1842-1 Y
1 00 ""Ri'
oet 4.
For sate by
1 ¢ A. GORDON.
PEASE'S 110-4RHOUND CA ND —Turns has
received thb, day from New York, a fresh supply o.
the above celebrated cure for Coughs. Colds and Con
gumption; and is ready to supply curdomcrs at wholesale
or retall,at his Medical Agency, 86 Fourth at. 4,
pep 10—i9
nov 12
DAVIT) CLARK, Ar't. fualliowable Boot Nakir,—
Itai removed to No, 34 Market street, between
Second and Third streets, where he 'you'd be happy
to nee his old customers, and all others who feel dlspos.
ed to patronise him. He Imes nothing but brat rate
stock, and employs the beat of workmen; and as he gives
his constant personal attention to business, be trusistitat
be will deserve and rtcelve a fair share of patronage.
•en 10
No. 12 Water stre.et
FRUITe. lt•E t:R EMIL 4. CO:SIPE:A:n(INA R Y.—
A Hunker respectfully Informs his friends and the
public that they can always find the hest quality u( lee
Creams. tosether with al: kinds of confectionary and
fruits, in their •er.on. et big! esuatillolintent— No. 11.
Fifth street, het wc it Wood andillarkrt.
N. B.—Parties soppiled on the shortest notice. with
cakes. or in his line. Alpo families furnished
won Rread. ite n 10
HAM J. CLEM ER , residing at 66 Mull street.
New York. was amirted with Dyspcmla in its most
aerravated form. The symptoms were violent bead.
riche. great debility, fevet, costiveness, crough, heart.
horn, pain In the chest and %Initiate') always after eatint,
impaired appetite, serration of sinking at the s! °mach,
furred I nausea. with frequent vomiting., diaziness
tow•rds night and 'muteness. These had continued up.
ward of a twelvemo n th. when. on consulting Dr. Wm.
Evans. 100 Chatham sirect, and submitting to his ever
•urcessfil I Ind agreeable mode of i real meat, the flatlet':
tya• completely restored to health in the short spare of
one moni h and grat , fol tor the tnenletll3ltle benefit aerie
ed. tiadir ram. forward and yolanteered the above state
For sale %Vhotestile and Retail I,y
J. 0. ¢ A. GOft nos
So, 12 Wuter
o i otfee.
R. E. SELLE4B, Igen , ,
No 20. Wood at rrri hrlow Frennet
Those whn would o nth 'really to reduce
heir fliwr.se for incht, •hoill .1 certainly purchase one of
the ahoy.. named Lamps, as by their use there .8 ■ clear
caving of at least twat fords n( the ettoen.e over OlLand
the Itch! ottlained front this Is pure and brilliant, and
wholly (tee front smoke or .ll•ayreeahle smelt. We would
herr state than Cares Patent 1. , the only one worthy the
allellllon oilier public. all II in the only one that Is appli
aide to every varirly or pattern or Lampe, and the only
one that will '.urn Lard to eta., al any letooteraturewf cold
sold eatveral ihotienntlY . and whh nearer an mention,
u.i them Naar et itre.v.ed, theilloehres 6izl~ly pleas
rd with them. sod folly ennviLerd of the vent eeonOtTl
by their ter, as well as their yuperint ity over either oil
or candles, in retTn,A to c lea ohne.. and Ned.
The above named lamp. eno be find only at
B R WA' ¢ R A Y.MoND's,
'Third !I rrer, nrnrly npno.nn the ro•t Office.
ron•r.nrly on hand ninannin Metal, Tin
01 •ar iflltt pattern..
lamp, soul at In:: rltifarl urr F.' prl. r•
‘Cr tnk. pl, 3-nre in °lief Ine Io the public the hums
rectifir:ile, which is wohxcrit , ell In by maw, respetla
We. the undersigned, have i; led and are nosy nsiag
Parr'- Palrnl 1.7101p1i. for burning I.:1;t1 or other animal
fat, and o.e have iio he-ilai ion in saying that they give an
eN,rltrill 11:10—equal to any of the ordinary 11.1,1 , 11 of
112litIng a hoof,. at about one-third the cost. and wholly
free lion! smoke or other disagreeeble smell. Vr take a
pletintre m teeom mending these lamps to the nubile, as by
their tar !here is a :real =a•ing over either !perm
or lard oil. or even candles; and we believe ;hem to
be more cleanly and less troublesome than either.
To be had al BROWN 4- RSYSIO/11/ . 8 only, Third street
nearly opoosile lb. roil Office.
Rev. W. W. Bakewell, James [loon,
" A. M. Bryan, Charles Parlion,
" John M'Cron, C. Verieer,
N. G. Conine, Wm. Craham,jr.,
" Robert Dunlap, F.. Trout
Dr H. D. Sellers. Win. Douglass,
" E D. Cazzam, Henry Atwood,
" Will. M. Wright, Isaac Cruse,
Robert H. Kerr, Esq., Deor:e W. Henry
A. Beckham, Robert McPherson.
Thomas Ouston, John S. Shaffer,
George Miltenberger, Wm. Eirhbaum,
0. P. Fhirast, J. B Turner.
A. SI Wm. Martin,
R. M. R itidle, Post Master henry Barigerser,
R u hert Gray, JAIIIPP S. Clark, of thc Amer
Allen fi rawer, lean
A. F. Marthenti, John 111.17amptivIl
M. tztackhouFe. 1.. A thereer,
Rotiert Johnston, Jaines Mellin,
N. R Just received, an improved Patent I.anip. for
kitchen use. 1101 19 — dlw vy'r
TO THE PUBLIC, and particidarty to say forme
patrons of this city:—Having retired from the
pract ice of Medicine, I may he permitted to say, that it
has fallen to the lot of but few persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or larae a share of obstretrical practice as my
own has been for the last 341 or 44) years.
The experience 0(th:1114311u period of active life,and ihe
fact of my having been twice, ginre 1830. associated with
Or. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, (in both a
period of five years,) enables me to judge fully of the
merits of his pills.
So convenient, soefficient • and yet so safe, did I esteem
these pill,, that for the last five yeats In my practice for
the cure of chronic diseages,of whatever name, andihoge
of females In particular,l have used mare 01 them than
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine. this most fail in some in
stances, hut In my hands there has been less disappoint.
ment nd more satisfaction In tic administration of this
one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes
quite astonishing me.
if my patient required a safe aperient medicine either
...fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pw.ls were Just
the thing I wristlet
If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
with costiveness or luactivity of the liver constituted the
disease if my patient. the pills were Just the thing I
If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the
Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flushed con ntenance, or other
difficulties, Indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the •torn
of lire,' the Witeon's pillswere Just the thing I wanted.
Thus, without resro_et t• the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the time I have had hinder treat
merit, particular indications nr symptons arising. were
al-•aye mo..t promptly and most happily met by the
Wliaon'e pills.
That so great a number of - diseases, and sometimes up.
parent ly apposite •nes, in Which Ibave need these pills.
should he cured more readily by them than by any of her
remedy. may at first seem strange and cont radictory, hot
why ills so Is **clear to my mind as tint a great many
persons should become lhlrety from i.e many different
tallitall. end yet all require that common and greatest of
all Mesta* . os. water to quench their thirst.
In COUCIII17•41, Mk dna the •eputation of Vie medicine
and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally. that
the ‘V ilson's pills art the only combination I have over
met evtlh In my fongcoorse of practice, that really poll•
mores a nythint curative or apeclete for sick brankethe.
Ymirs ke..
The above ?ills designed particularly for Hie leek
Haed.Aehe, Optpepebt,Conetipetieu of 'he Ilewela 4e...
breasted by the proprietor Or. a. •. Wagon. and Oar
male, wholesale and mall. at Ma Awaiting la PeasigaNnd•
below Uarbary. 4130
DR. GOODVS Celebrated Female Pills. '1 hese
Pills arestroney recommended to the notice of
the ladles sac safe and efficient remedy in removing
those complaints peculiar to their sex. from want of ex
ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affection's: These Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the lin),
ted States, and many Mothers. For sale Whole7nle ri•d
Retail, by R. E SELLERS, Agent,
sep 10 No. 20. Wood Si reel ,lielow Second.
WM. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Libit*ty St.,
opposite the head of Storith,field et., Pittaburgh.—
Tle subscriber having bought out the stork of the tate
Thomas RatTerty, deceased, has commenced business
In the old stand of Mr: R., and Is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work In Ills line, In the best manner
and on the shortest notice. He keeps cor stonily on hand
a large assortment ofshoe flndines of all descriptions and
of the best quality. He soltelts the patronace of the nub•
Tic and of the craft. WM. ADAIR.
sep 10
and Arles far Carriages at Eastern Prises.
The el aborriber4 manufacture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach,C and Eliptic Springs (warranted,) Juniata
Iron Axles, Filver and Brass plated Bash Frames, Brass
and plated Ruh Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Bandies and Hinges. dre
D.PIELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling In Fonrilt
• neer Ferry streei. mei" 13—ly
The attention .ft ho•e who have been somewhat seep.
heal In reference to the numerous certificates published
In favor of Dr. Etwayne'a Compound Syrup rf W ild Cher
rv, on :termini °filae persons helr! unknown in this see
lion of the State. Is respectfully directed in I he follow ins
cerilfir•le,lbe writer of whirl' has been a ell 'ken of this
tunnuah for several years, and I. known a• a gentleman
of Inie:rity and resiinsibithy.
To the-treat, Mr. ). KIRBY
• I hove eyed Dr Swavoe's COMP and tflyroo of
Cherry Oar a ravish. with which I have 1 4 , a severely n
flirted for shout foor month•, and I have no hesitation
In MI vin! that it lathe mold effective medicine ihnl I have
heen able in procure. It comonees all uneasiness. nod
wee+ well with my 'Del.—nod mantalnv a ',fliar and
rood rinpellie. I ear freely recommend it to all °There
similarly afflicted. I.M IN RIME. Rot ough of Cha mbervlOc.
March 8. 15W. net
rorsale by WILLIAM THORN No. 5.3 Market street.
PERSON? Oestrous of proeurlnx Fruit, :.ad o . and
Ornamental Tree*. or Shrubbery, from Phltroiel
phis or New York, are requested lo make application as
soon a. posh .le, al the Drur and Seed Store of the
sertl,er, where ran I e had rstAlogile", xratuliousl v, of the
mom exeelleni varieties. F. L. SNOWOF.N,
sep 21 No IR4 Liberty 'Steel, head of Woo,.
MA RIME MI ITF - r‘ - )r: v.—rat rick Ca ts , field rc
s (reel Hilly megoalnla hit frlend• and the public zen
era Ily that he has commenced tite Marble Intaltteee so the
corner or Fin h and Liberty ctt., where will he rnotdaolly
on hand. tooth tdoneth mantel pleeett, monnotenttt. brad
and fool mow... talde slate for cabinet Warr. and every
art lei. arsperi, ifll .12 to the lul alnHI . Re will warrant Ids
wort: lobe well done. and It r baraes still Ise tomlerate
He rerrtedlrull stzs a :hate of nobler pal rrinage. sop 10-
7 -,•„roci i . x . r i rip,ll.P..p r w,r. !TT prraß• or Tim ettil.
' vrti the.- wwfr (rom I hi% city, have nppoinlecffinfWlTO
Prowoo. No. 49 Market et.. hoiwoen 3rd anti 41I1,••
rent, for .f.o .rite of the. dliforotitlndoor Paper mariirar_
Inowf I v ?brio, wlwro Iheir friend. end entoomerg will ol
t tea e, find a rrtorinr enrols' of paper, !nth nrt Cap anti
P .1 Wrillor, olnio rind faint !Inert Wrappinf and Ten
paper, Flmone I P.,a rd., and P. Inlln. Prince nrdify,rent go
ere and Tialit ire, all of Ivlllch will lw sold on the mo'.l
areomninrintin7 term..
lior.n•ntr 41- Parormr, mannfaerorers and Importer. or
%Vali I'ape•s and Border:. keeps ennw a nits on hand r•ce .
' Frni re, Parlor and Chamber Paper., of tiro
'nisi style, and mord Imndrome nalterns, whieh :hey
will •ell tow and on areommodatinr, terms. wholesale
r retnli, no• lit—lf.
Porta..h. Platform Scales on winds, to weigh 2,500 lb!, at
$55 00.
do do do do 2,005 at $45 00
do do do do 1.500 at 35 00
do do do do 1,000 at 30 00
do do du do 5110 at 25 00
With raising lever. an addition of $3 to each scale.
Dormant Fealei for the nee of Warehouses, Flouring
Mills, kc..the sante prices as above.
Also, While's Patent ('ouster Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements, and a variety of other counter scaler,
which they will sell for from S to $l5,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Mills, Saw Mills. Salt Works, kc„ double and singe
geared slide tat hes,foot and other lathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door
and sash machines. Hail's patent horse power, with or
without Ihraching machines, a superior article: circular
saw shafts, PletellleßF, for sawing lath, Trotter's ma•
chides and tooli ofaildescriptions,also for making black
Ing boxes, a .unerior article: governors fur steam engine.
stocks. laps sad dies, coffee mill,. bedstead or ininl hots
and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma
ehinery made or repaired; printing press platten; turned
and printing presses repaired •
JAMES MAY, Agerr.-
sap 22—tr YOUNG k BR ADBURY
JOHN B. GUTIIRIE , Aue.tioneer and Commie
Sion blerchant...K•.lo6,corsier re Wood 4- Fifth st•.
Pittsburgh: Having been appointed one of the Anction•
eery fen the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to job
bers, manufacturers and dealers. who may be disposed
to make trial of this market- He 14 prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities.
and trusts tosatkly correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy land favorable returns.
Tidal the various interests which may he eonlided to
him. shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid
of his own experience in business and acquaintance with
merchandise generallt, the servkes of Mr. Satinet.
Fsesntrrnes; heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement Is made.
Resit. To
Mew*. M. Tiernan, Preet. of M. 4. M
Darlington 4. reemes,
Robert Galway,
James M. Cowper,
James May.
t• R. M. Riddle. irktobergh
Wm Rohinson. Jr. ?reel
•• of Elehange Bank.
gammoo.lgrorth, 4 Co.,
John D. lads,
J. IC. Moorhead.
W. Brows 4,G.
Jabs 11 Stews. • Co:
ankh 4. Bigelow.
• Yard!, 4 111 Nem y Phltadel'a.
ao, John d. klild!e•
Jobs Dateell, seplo
LIArMILY PLOIII—.Iset received a few Sarre* of
,17 Ssperier now, mule espeseely for fawn" ses.nrcre
suety ISAAC C105E,148 Lie, SI.
Is SSweallosseelit ow. Seer,
St. Clair at— near it e Ailealitay itridrie
For publishing a near Daily Paper i■ the City of Pitis
THESubstreberp having made arrangements to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mereu•
ry Into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the title or the Daily dif”rniegs Post.
The leading object of Inn "Post' will be the d:stremina
(lon and defence of the political principles that have here
tofore been maintained by the Editors, In their respective
papers, end their best effortrswill still he devoted to the
advancement and success of those doctrines.
Although. in politic's, the paper will he thoroughly
democratic. yet the F:ditors hope. try giving, an honest,
candid history of pawing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat
ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere
ofa Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently in
cresting to entitle It to the pat ronage of the public, it
respective of party coitiderat ions.
In addition to the political and general news that will
be found in the ...Morsinyg Post," the Editors will take
pains to furnish the business. community with
the latest and most 11,tcrepting COMMLRrtIt. INTELLI
MCNCIC from all parts of the country, and to have prepa•
red such accounts of the Markers and the State of Trade
as will be advantageous to our !Merchants and 6USIIIeSS
Men in their srveral
Terms.—The POST will he published en a large imperi
al sheet aline paper, (manufacture I especially for this
Journil) at the unusually low rale of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum, payable In advanre. It will also lie cold by
newsboys et the low rate of Two CENTS a copy.
Adoertisments wilt he iri,eried at the lowest rates
charged by the oilier daily papers of the city.
y•T wt . ENTY nrrlve lads are wanted to sell the Post
who will he engaged on the most liberal terms
Autusl 31, 1842.
00 MIDS. KY LEAF TOBACCO, in stnre nnrt
for sale hy J. 11. 4. A C:011.1)0N.
sap 2) No 12. Water street.
rff Co. Loudon, for mule only hf S. IS
B Y Itlnerison
Wirkerpi.nm, corner of %Vood street and Vlrgli
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. win
is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sap 10
FARM FOR ni LE.—The undersigned offers for AalF. a
tract of land tinuaied 4 mile; frt.... ereepoil, In the
direction of Kittanning, Buffalo 'township, A rmEtronr.
county. containing 100 acres. 65 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of whiten are In meadow- a good square log
dwelling house and cabin Nam erected thereon—an apple
orchard of BO beating trees—and a spring of excellent
water convenient to the house.
FOR TER MS apply to the NuKeeribere reAbilne at (he
Sail works on the Pen o.y Ivania Canal, I ni:le above Free
TO TILE WISE. -11 00w well tt ittierstood how
much disorders of the mind depend for their cure
upon a due ;went ion to the body. It Is row understood
how ealnsbie k that hie which whit remove morbid
accumulations Milton! weakitnim: the bodily power. It is
now usderslood that there to :1 reriproca I influence be.
wren tile mind and the body. It is now U1116 , 1'610011 that
purging with the Bra iitlrctli Pills will remove a melan
rholy, and even inssbil y is cured by pnrseverittely ustrol
them. It is now u tidcrsi ood how much drimestie he ppi•
nrss depend, upon the healthy coodit ton of the digestive
It is now well known that the. P.randreth Pills have
cured thotteands of Itopelrcts and helpless persons, even
111 Li) niatt ninny"7.7rtpt." - ' I P - TrIITCW - 1 wrett
known that the (Ira ndreth Pills PO cure lint it is also un•
thirst ood how i hey caret that It Isl.! , their purifying efleet
on the blood the, they restore I lie body to health.
The oahteoftie medicine is becoming once and more
mauifent, it i• recommen tett daily from family In lamily
The Bra rid ret It Pills remove in an almost imperceptible
manner till 110X1011. :writ mulatinnQ and pug lie and titylzo.
tate the It tood.a nil their •.:itod effects are not rounietbalan
red by any inconveniences; !win: composed entirely of
vezetaltles they do not en pOne those Who live them to
dantter; and i heir eirects arr certain as they are saht•
lan; they are daily and safely admitti-tersd In infancy.
1 . 011111.111:111110011. and old ay.. nod to women in the most
critical and delicate ClrCllnista rIC,F. They tin eel diVlllll
or shock the animal fuorti4/1111, nut reStOre their order
and establish I heir health.
inprored Hoy
, nufnetored Le
heir Machin,
. between Din•
ih flrrrt, two
we (Inn, Tina
norneinre nod
,nd the follow
composed of
Soltlst Dr. Brs Office, No.9t, Wood street
Pit !Om r2h. Price 25 cent. per bog. with (WI directions
R K --The only Mare in Pete More le where the go'nee
itie Pills ran tie obtained, is the own office. No.
9R Wood street. sep 10
To TlIF: LADIES —Why do you not remove that
superfluous hair you hnve upon you, foreheads
and upper lip, 7 By calling at Toy - re.e's. AR Fourth st.,
and obtaining a bottle of Gotirand's Poutlrea
which will remove It at once without offer:lent; the skin.
You can also obtain Cottrand's huh , celebraled Fast de
Besute, which will at once remove all freckles, pimples,
eruptions of elle skin, and ern..l, your face look per gully
fair; and to those who wish to res , ist nature by adding
more color to I heir cheeks, they can obtain sonic of Con
rated's celebrated Liquid Ilme2e. which cannot be reild,rd
MI even by a wet cloth. Also may lee found a good as.
sorgeornt of Bet fn 'leery, such is l'ologne, Bears' Oil, Al.
mond, Folio, Windsor; and other Soaps.
X. 1, Port
de Platform
ale! oil %Wiz,
tig It ;13U4)
ou toda,at *65,
em , either to Tut Medical A gene y, 4! li Areet
Dec. 8, 1212
LET Inv.ilids read the following account of a Salto'
cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen
days Ity the use of Brandret It Pillj. It distinctly proves
there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be
cause of disease, and Brand relli's flits are made for them
Reed and he convinced. Take the medicine a ntlhe cored
Jou. SHAW, of Pembroke, Washington county, Maine,
bring, duly sworn, says, that he was token violently sick
about six timid lis since. The pains in his head, firma,
hark, left side and instep tieing so laid that he. was non.
Me to help hints&f, and was taken into Ihr Chelsea Hos.
pital in the rile of Boston. That after boo_ t o said
hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said he did not know
what was the matte, with him, and that he could do
nothing for him. nor could he preverfte any medicine
'That he, therefore. was conveyed front the Chelsea Dos.
Filial to the Sailor's retreat on Staten island. That he
was there physicked wit h all sorts of medicine for n peri
od offuur suant hs, suffering nil the lime the most heart.
rending nilarry.— That, besides his aflection °flits bones
he was Ironlied much with a disease of the longs: some.
times lie would spit a quart of phlegm in the day; besides
this affection be had a bail Diarrhea, which had mor e
or less attended him Nom the rommencenientof his alrk.
neon. That at times he dreaded a stool worse than he
would have dreaded death: that he can compare the feel
ing to nothing save that of knives passing through his
bowel.. After suffering worse than death at the Sailor's
Retreat,on Staten Island, the doctor told him that medi•
tine was of no use to him. that he nitt..l try to stir about.
At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. That
his bones wire so tender he could not hear the least press
ore upon the elbow or upon the knee, that hie Instep was
most Teetotal. that as t lie Doctor said• he would give him
no MOM medicine he determined to procure Rome of Dr.,
Brandreth's Pills, which he did, from 241 Broadway
New York; that he commenced with five pills, and
tlmesincreasedeased the dose to eight. The first week's use
so mach benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing
What he was urine. raid, , new. Shaw, you look like a
man again; If you improve in this way, you will soon he
well.' That he fmcd every dine of the Brandreth Flits
relieve him, first they cared him of the pain when at
stool; that they neat enred the diarrhea, and finally the
arsine in his bones;—That the medicine seemed to add
strewth to him every day. Retold the doctor min..
day the 11th instant, that he felt himself welt. and *NO,
that he owed his recovery to Bran/Oohs Pills ander
Providence. that he had taken the medirineievety day
for 19days; titat the doetor told him If he had known he
had been toting that medicine, he should not have stayed
another day In the house. He considers it Ishii dot/ to
make this public statement for thetenriSt 0(01 similarly
afflicted; that they may know where to find a medicine
t hat wHienre them. JOHN SHAW.
John Shaw beingly me dole sworn thls 12th day
A pril. 1842. did depnee anti say tha i the foregoing state
ment i true. J. ft P7FiEELEß.Comeatasioner of Deeds
The BRANDItZTH PILLS ■re sold at Dr. Dine.
drerlee mine ipa °fire. 2411. BRetID WAIT. Near York.
andel Ma principal Aire. 1 , 10.98 Wood anat. Pithiarlito
he OJVL7 PL.SCE la Pittsburgh where tbsipooalso COM
die etiolated I 091:11-41/20.
~~':- .
burgh, to be eetitled the
I , VIII. F Ptill.lP BAKER
~... ~.,
Proceedings In select Connell;
FZQUART 27, 1843•
Present—Messrs. Bakewell, Brunot, Gal.
way, Jackson, Kerr, Kincaid, Laughlin.
Lee, Ogden, Sheriff, Trotten, and Mc.
Shipton, President.
The petitition of Mrs. Kinzer, for a roue
ter's salary due Ist July, 1842, for ringths,
bell, was read and referred to 'committed
on claims and accounts.' Concurred in by
C. C.
Mr. Jackson presented a report from tht
Fireman's Association, giving an estimate
of the wants of the different Engine and
[lose Companies, as follows, viz: The Ea—
gle to be rebuilt; the Allegheny, 2 new
wheels and 300 fee,, Hose; the Du.
quesne, 200 feet (lose; the Neptune 200
feet Hose; the Niagara, 500 feet Hose; the
Vigilant, 300 feet Hose, and ninety dollars
repairs. The report wls read and sent to
C. C.
lie also presented a report from the Spe.
cial Committee, to whom was referred the
two commtF,ications relative to the occu.
pancy of the Vigilant Engine, &c. The
committee report tha' they have carefully
examined the matter had consulted the Fire•
man's Association, and received from them
a resolution adopted by that body, request—
ing Councils to do liver the Engine. &c., to
the legal meriale.rs, E. S. Neal, B. T. Mor•
gall, R. E. Sellers and others, (which res.
°lotion accompanied the report of the Com.
mittee) and conclu led with the following
resolutions, viz:
"Resolved, That the Select and Common
"Cauncils, reposing confidence in the opin.
"ions and judgment of the d, legates of the
"Firemen's Association, are willing to re.
"possess those, whose names accompany
"the resolution passed by the Association ,
"signed E. S. Neal, B. F. Morgan, R. E.
"Sellers and others."
"Resolved, That the Mayor is hereby dig
"rected to give possession of the House,
"Apparatus, Furniture, &c. of the Vigilant
"Fire Comp any, so soon as application is
"made, to Captain J. 1). McElroy, and the
'members of said company as reported by
"the Delebates of the Fireman's Associa.
The Report was accepte I and the reso •
luttons read ihree time. and adopt-A, Sent
to C. C. who concurred.
Mr. Lee, from the Special Committee
to whom was referred the Petition of sun.
dry citizens, praying that the place for
holding the election of Overseers cf iho
on appointing the Elou,e now occupie I
.lolin Irons, in Fifth street, as the piece
where said election shall be held in (inure,
The resolution haviti2 been r,ad, was chan
ged into the form of an Ordinance and read
three times and passed. Sent t,i C, C, who
Mr. Tt.t.ten presented a Report from the
Market Committee, on the Petition front
the Butchers relative to rent of Stalls, un
lavorthie to the Petiti , tiete, whicl► virde
read and accepted. Sent to C. C. who coq•
Mr. Ogden presented a IZeport from Com:
tnittee nn Chi us and Accounts. cchich was
accepted, and the following itepeitition.
offered by the CulimiLtee, read three
tittles and adopted. Sent to C. C. ‘t ho con.
"Resolved, That the May , :r he and he is
"hereby authorised to draw his warrant on
"the Tressurer in favOl" of the following
'persons, out of any ninnes in the Treas.-
"Of y not otherwise appropriated, and
"chafe the same to the contingent fund.
"viz: Thomas Scott 522,3 Z; S. Moore $lB,
"25; D. N, White 835,50; D. S. Scully
"87,25; B. Larkin, 53: Lewis M'Farlaml
"81,50; John Hering 81,25; and John G,
"Baekuferi $4."
Brunot from committee on Fire En•
glues and Hose presented a report, favora- •
ble to the resolution offered by committee
on city pr ray, last session, on the sub,
ject of admitting boys, as members of Fire
Companies, under the age of eighteen, and
concluded by offering the said Resolution
for adoption.
The report was'accepted, the resolution
read and laid on the table.
He also presented a report from same
committee, favorable to the petition of Ni
agara Fire Company for Hose, and conch].
tied by offering a resolution, appropriating
$375 for that purpose.
The report was accepted, and the rase.
lotion read once, and laid on the table;
Mr. Jackson offering as a substitue a reso
lution embracing all companies, which, af:
ter several amendments, was adopted as
fol:ows, viz;
"Resolved, That the sum of Sixteen
" hundred dol!ars by and the Fame is here.
" by appropriated to repair the Eagle en.
gine and prepare Hose Tor the different
" engine and hose companies, as presented
" by the association, and herewith annex—
" ed, and that proposals shall be received
" by the President of the association, for
" repairing the engines and f'e•nishing the
" hose, viz; for rebuilding Eagle engine
" not exceeding $600,00; :300 feet of hose
" and 2 new wheels for Allegheuy;2oo feet
of hose for Duquesne; 200 feet for Nep.
" tune; 500 feet for Niagara; 300 feet foe
" Vigi:an t."
Sent to C. C. who concurrea in the
adoption of the resolution.
Mr. Sheriff offered a resolution in favor
of Earseman & Blarkstock, for certificates
of loan at ono and two years, which was
read three times and adopted. Seat to C.
C. who concurred.
On motion i 4 Mr. Sawyer, this "Cirfil- -
wee relating IA itiftilett 4,1481441541012,
ita Diemo-A Market" inoweikkilob DP. *ll4
~' ~,ti~