„II aIAUE COFFIN wAttEmouse, Four It; two if tors Jrow eke U. B. Bank. Wet Ts 4 4 4 .le7wlsirtaksr, respectfully informs the public that h waremored hip ready made coffin warehouse to the )41We:recently occupied by Mr. R. G. Berfordolirectly . iippwritehM old stand, where he is always prepared to at • aad promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict at• bullion to all the details of the business of an Undertaker be hopes to merit public confidence. lie will be prepared at A1.4110aR9 to provide Hearses, Biers, C lades and Seery requisite on the m 0.4 liberal terms. Calls from the Wintry wlti be promptly attended to. Ms residence is in the same buildinir with his ware +rinse, where those who need his services may find him atany time W. W. IRWIN, JUDGE RIDDLIC, SWIMS PATTON w. a. it'cLoßa, vac R►RRII, 43,FR SOCKS, S'rf.: 4 lllllloAT BILLS, PAMPHLETS, HORSE BILI,S, ISLANKS, VISITING c ‘ [ms, LABELS, ADDI:P. 4 S DO., CHECKS, ID:AIN F,S , 'S DO., NOTES. 11.1. Ni) P.I 1.1.5, BILLS OF LADING, Catetif.AßS, „tr, erc. Togellaer with every deEeriprion of Letter Frew ['tin' Jim furaiihed wit Ii tie:lines. and ,10 , 0n1,11, and on 'nude rare terms, at the office of tiv.: IL, ily llorntng Post. seri 10 T 1 THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND To PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—This Chasm of individuals is vet y numerous. "Pticy arc l hose Who pork in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers. work men in feather stores, stone cutters, linkers, white lead Manufacturers. are all more or less subject to disease ac cording to the strength of their constitution The only method to prevent disease, is the occasional use of a medicine which abstracts from the rirculat ion all delete riot's humors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonic: In any form ere injurious, as they only ,it off the evil day to make It more fatal. The use of Brandreth's Pella will insure health, because they take all impure matter out Of the blood; and the body is not weakened but strengthened by their operation, fur these valuable Pills do not force, but they assist nature, and are not oppcsed. bat harmonize with her. Bold at Dr. Rrandretti l l,. Office, No. 03 Wood street, Plll.hurgn. Price 25 cents per hoz, with foil rlitect MARK—The only place in Pittslntren whore !he ENUI N E Pills can be (114 a me& is the Doctor's own lice. N 0.93 Wood strop!. scp 10 NEW HOTEL.—The subscriber rr.spectrtiliy in fares his old friends and the public that he has °penes a Temperance Hotel, in fifth I,Zlreel, near the Ex change Bank, and in the house lately occupied by Mat thew Patrick, and has hoisted and con 3. en,• , The Irrin Cite foie'," where lie will he very hap; v to accouuno• date all who may please to call on. him. His table shall be provided with the best fare, and every po s .,iiii e accommodation to town and country customers and ravelers. ' A few hoarders who wish to lode in their storep or of. ACM can he taken. and rent lenlen who live out of town can have their dinners daily. He has large rind aliid stable -, , and the hest Hay nod OMR, and a rood Howler, and gill accommodate travel. ere and gentlemen who h tve holites. Boarders taken by the day, week or year. Charge= more moderate than at any respectahle Hotel in the cil v. sap 10 JOIIN IRONS. WASIIINGTON HAIL L• —T opened the late_ residence of James Adams, F.t.q.. deceased. for the reception OF visitors and hoarders; the house is very pleasarillv situated nn the hank of the Ohio, 2 miles from the cite—iins,essing all the delight. fel accompaniments of a coon' ry residence, without being too far distan for persons doing busliiPan in the City. Visitors will he furnished with eyei - y delicacy of the season. An Omnibus runs revitarly every lino i the Alle glieny end of the Brid2e. N. n.—No Alcnhufic beverages kept. ThissoLurrox OF Till: U.V70.%'--Tile f ..t nership existinx between Lino , E. li•lhourit and Wyk% J. Morgan IN 11. k dny iii-solved by mu tual The COnditiOns will lir duly noticed, wall the Silltniiirrs or both parties annexed, and BA rry tell! he rnotinned open by the sulizcriber until other arrangement_ ate per Peeled. • For mile, on the premi:rq, 1 ",0 WA: c hnir, wine rr n p plot. irtippll.rl for omm-di:Op! , JS A.E. K I I,HOUR N. gep 29—lf No 9, Marko!. and 7.1. F, St BI1)1)LE, SurLrcon Dentisf. has returned his old st . ,mt. No 107, Smithfield Street, where ite raa tie consulted anv hour dung the day, on hie sep 1n jri ENIOV rwor. :Nlerrliant Tailor, 1 1, relprollo!ly :lotto. ..J., to his friend.: nod 0:t• lloti tie Iran relies I IN es'a'AislooPot from los Old stand, to 9'lnrl:tieet. lo I r of Prom and Salit Ilne!td, 111 the 0, V of i it.. NI onon2llteln tiOuse: where ll , ' uitend. 10 . c0i02 on li.lllii sortme.it of vo.hiouable Good., suitable for Geo t einen's He hone,. by close arinii,ition. In merit a -hare of the ousiness t=o liheratly el iendi.it I n hi m at hi- o ld -nand. N. O. Baying wade an air:cult:los in Spry York and Philadelphia, with i he, most I . :1,111°,10de for 1110 reCeillion of Paris and Landon Fashions, customers may rely on hawing their orders exeroird aecordiog lo the tniest style. GE 4 JRCE .111510 R. ` wept 10 175 BRI.S. N 111 TE MAI E. a superior arle le, lor vale by J. G A.G^IIIION, N o . 1-2 %l'Filpr -Berl. La l what makcc our , cpll, so nnu-ual,y w hito Quoth Josh's dulcinia to him Collier night, To make yours look so, with a grin, replied loch, rVe brought youa bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, 'TI. the hest now in so the gent lefolks say, And slime they hate tried this, east all others away But to proveit the best, to make the teeth shine, L o ok again, my dear sal, at the lustre of mine, Then try it great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's ig not fine Having trled Dr. "Thorn's 'rea Berry Tooth Wish,' and become acquainted with the ingredients of its compo 410011,1 cheerfully say, I consider II one of the sa fest. It is one of the most pleasant Tooth Wash es now in use, Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT', Denti-h. 1 take pleasure in stating, having made tine of" Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," tl et It is one of the heat den traces In use. Being in a liquid form, It comb:nes neat ness with convenience. While It cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds a fragrance peculiarly desirable. .1. P. TIBBETTS. N.D. The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Ten Berry Tooth Wash,"and have found it to bean extreme. ly pheasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary influ. mice over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those Indis pensable Members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay. lag thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure In re. commending. It to the public, belieeing It to bet he best ar ticle oft he kind now In use. .W ROBERTSON, JAMES P JACK, itorr H PEEBLES, CHAS B SCULLY, DARRAGH, Wit irCAN'DLESS, JAr Iik,PORIMID. JAS S CRAFT. 11l ILWO WALT, L a .rou.ks, Prepared and sold by WILLItat THORN, Apotheca• it snit Cientist.."Ne. 63 Market street, Pittsburgh; and at all the prtnelfa Ittagglats'iaadTutthes Medical Agee. c , fourth street. sop REV. JOIIII BLACK. D. D REV. ROBERT DRU , E, D. D REV•Cit. D REV. JORTVFI [ERR REV. J•ERS DLVIS. REV. R. P. SWIFT WM. C. HERS ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL. 10,000 T s .R D / .B .4 L L L S E . r e t n s d m e a l l o i sti cA ccris p fu d l i p T x ! TRACTOR inestimable, It not only cures quicker, but gives no additional pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire Is post tively rendeted harmless. ($lO has been offered six months to any person rerouting an empty box, and saying that alt agony oil anointing Is not extracted I. a few min i utes,yei not one from thotom ads of trials since has claim ed the bonus.) Parents anxious to guard against genera inytries, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or t yea small pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable power to replace thecellutary organs destroyed,) can do so by ob. tinning t`tis inimitable salve. Many deeply burnt cases iu the cit c ran be seen, and oneentire face burnt over and wounded three distinct times in the sa ine spot while heal ing, yet in no case can he traced the least cleat rice or .nark! For all kinds oh hurts its rap'd soothing effects are also important ; even sore ryes, all inlianintions and bro ken breasts would tie unknown. The toilet and nursery, 'or clearing the skin of pimples, removing chafe, etc., will Bml it indispensable. One using only will forever estal. lush it the., sovereign HEAL,ILL quality. After this no rice, heads of families allowing torture for months, and i utiiimiiely ili.norted features, can never n inn away re proach, judiy uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting I:1 t rin , fin ~er fire. • Entered according to act of 1:no".. A. D. 1841, by coto.: , cl, 4- Co , in the Clerk', offw... of ihe I_o , l rid. Court of the United States for tile Southern District of New York." %N'arranted the only genuine. colusiock k t 70,, wholesale Druggists, N. York, have be come the ,o'c wholciale agents for Mr. Dailey, in A in4rl ca for 2)) years. All orders most Ix addre,Fed to them The genuine only to be had at TUTTLE'S Medica Agency, 86 It street. Nov 15 Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory 1 - 1 rd Oil, wniranted in burn nt any leinemiure, and equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, wit how its titreligive co:linter, :.rid one third cheaper, titan. iiinctiired by the subscriber at the old Varlet. Third rt., nearly opposite the Pont ()Mc, M. C. EDEY. jin 4,1843 _ •• . ? RICE ' S •, • . ''ool3 olFeliffr ) rpHis is a safe and certain mtre for Court', Colds Asthma, Sore Throat. Pairs and Weakness of the Breast Whooriag Cough. Iloarser , eAs, Irritation of the Throat, and many diseases Imittimz in the Consomption Try it —mt'y i per roll—prepared and sold Whole sale and Rctall by 11. 'l'. PRICE, Confectioner, Fed. ral si...hlieglicity City, and the principal Druggists of Potts. burgh. Be suet' you ask for Price's Compound Cough Candy nov 17=f. VOR 5.91. E on arrommodal 'no terms— "- 1000 quarlor anoer= assorted. 10 dOE r. acne. =hovels and spades. 150 p=• heap paper hantiiio.. 500 rota carpet chain. 20 doz coo n broom, 250 doz win dow sa=h and alacs to suit. Nails and brads, hay forks and grain sliovelv FPI , I. OBERT PORTER., ./tt.,rney at Lato.—Othre he tinnier of Fro to and Smithfield sta. i.er. 10 SOUTH WARD TAILOIcING ESTABLISH ;11ENT. most respectfully inforins thepeople of Piltsluirgli and virinitv,anil ilie public generally, hal he has Opened a I:Writing ewahlishrtient on Gram .beget. N.. 3 Arilturb's Row. West end of the Scotch Hill Markel. where his old customers and all other- who nine favor hint with a call may depend on having ilieti work done in a cape nor St) le. From los Inn: raper i. enre In the lin:ines: in thi4 city. and in many oilier fa,ll - eitie4 in Europe and America. he feels eimfidei.l -hat lin ran give satva'artion to all who may pirate to favor him with their custom. lii rinlrl all cut ion to lin sioess and superior ivorkinan , hio he liope„ to merit and receive a share of public patronage, lie it lend:: keeping on hard a supply of goods slid a . ile for the rustomer IraJe which will be sold at very reduced priees, N. B The ttule , erilier being well aware of the silent that the GULL system k prartked on the loth' to in this country, by advert isemen -; p. irticu Ln I v by person<ty 1, 0 mat. jlO iv he ralliot intruders .11 Ille trade, who never served an hour to the and who Isnol, so 011ie about Ii that the, could not crook n <pnnge cloth, and they :Ile barefaced 'mooch to adv. 1.1 ke themselves as ai• !or: a la mode, and by the aid of old cerf fica , tJ. Cuts, puff r 4-e such as are cei erally used hy quiacka to sell their medicines. t hey o lien succeed in paltoinc Otf on unsu=pectin, customer some old trash lor the :mot toe imported article. Stich people's advertisements are only calculated to gull thel oldie and are , n more roil led to credit than the fictition4 yet lauchalite publicat ions aholit thereat On.ll—ire' among the Lilliputians, which I ro,stime almost every echoothoy ha= read and lunched at. I would , livzesl 10 1.110. e who wish to have II sir ClOllO lt made in lira rate soy!e to make a little inquiry and they %M I; find that this is the 10:Ice where they ran arrommodated B. D. J rn 7-3 in Headache! Headache! BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS 4 p E nnw k no, n to l lid., asp Inns , ecti anrdi !la • ry rnnedy for affilettml n. %ye , ' as the ineon troyertilder,rt .rthe,r DYs"Ersi A WOI 'twee salfrorkez Only a.k amn7l2 their fi lend, if they hive 10,1 known of the posit,re rff rrt: of nail fills. acd it they tin lint hear !nem more warmly mai.ed (and de.erredly tool than any oilier, then Int them net boy illy!!. In these IoW remark., all (alley Or ion Is 1' Hurled, and nothin2 will he Faid of their merit: at any time lint what can he fairly proved by re.pectahle mealier. of unr ronnpuni!y. Ilead Ike following rertifirair :liven by n re , pertnbl, rit ,z,_,, of kiinghpny city, and aIII Ir,l Inc n , .r of I Ilepillgr. ri of the Court Of eniyuvioln Pleas 0C Ilegbroy rn. ALLICGMLNY (110, .1.1111.1.1ry 9, 1343. DR. linoptx. . . Dear Sir—l have (or n number 01 yen,- pant tiers af flicted with a severe and almasa constant Ileadaehe,a rising from il,•ran;emenr a-lomat-II and bowels and al. !hough I have taken nearly evert . kind of Medicine re coin...oiled for its cure, have never dei 'veil any mate. real benefit until 1 used some of your truly valuable An. ii Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite two boxes and consider my-elf perfectly relieved from that distresting entoplaint. I have no I t e.roniion in recommending your Pills as the best medicine I have ever u-ed. Yours, It espertruity, J R TURNER. 1 ant arqua.Med with Mr, have nn besila• tinn In certifying that 1 consider the statements of Mr, T. respscilns Dr. Brodie's P Its, an entitled to tile most perfect and entire confidence. HUGH DAVIS. l'or sale, Wholesale and Retail at the Brodonian Pill Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; onl by all authorised a gents throngliout the Onion. Alle'y city Jan 9 Jan 13-Iy. COR On hand, a few hartels old yellow Curn which will he sold low, apply In jin 7 ISAAC CRUSE,Liberly st. BA ItliN VON HUTCH ILLEI HERB P I LLS. These Pills are composed of hell', which exert a specific action upon the heart, give impulse ,or itrengili to the arterial system; the blood is quickened eqtialized in its circulation throipoh all the vessels, whether of the skin, the parts situated internally, or the extremities; and as nil the secretions of the body are draw n from the blood, I here he a consequent 'acreage of every secretion, and a quickened action of th e a t,li t . iit . and ex halent, or discharging, vessels. Any morbid action which may Itzve taken plate is corrected. all (instruc tions nre V( AlfTeli, thg blood ispunfted. and the body restates ti 31'. agate. For 3 ale Wholesale And Re taibY R E SFLLERS, Agent, sal 11:1 w 2 ) Wood at. below second. Irr DALEErS rarx EXTRACTOR is certainly the most valuable ointment for Burns, Sores, 4-c.. ever invented: no matter bow badly a person may be burnt or scalded—this will heal them immediately, without leaving any acsn. Every family should have a box in ( * heir house. no nne should be without it.—Every one who has tried it recommends It. To Le had only at TUTTLE'S; 86 Fourthstreet. dee 8 34 4C/LICREL —ln store No. 2 Mackerel at $6/ per harrel--batf barrel, at Se: the Mackerel are offered at these low prices to duce sake—Also Codfish by the drum, very sheep, apply to ISAAC CRUSE: lan 20 148 Liberty st• ISAAC 11A11111S, AV. and Com. Merchant. Nn 9. Filth .nrePt B. DON Nr.lll. suoinuorts masa ansanwr sarsitthass. - 'BEN.) AIIINIEANIMTH'iI PILLS. Tkis igetibleAStell'lllii Innocent medicine. ron sus Tat $1001), andieniontfatly Nuys the further rim- SIRSIIII OF io the bodies or thole whose p owers o r life are not already exhausted. Where human means can avail, there scarcely is any complaint,or form of sickness,thattlie BILANDRETILI PILLS do not relieve and general i y cure. Although these pills produce a KNOWN arrict - r,lbst effect is not to prostrate the body. as with other medicines, but the frame is invigorated by the re moval of the cause of weakness, the morbid, the vitiated humors from the blood. Harmless in themselves, they merely ASSIST NATURE To throw out the occasion of 41EkIlf• from the body, and they require no alteration in the diet or clothing. In fact. I he human body is better able to sustain with. out injury, the inclemency of the weather, while under the influence of this hMerlion destroying,disease eradica ling Medicine than at any other time. The importance of Brandretb's Pills for seamen and travelers is, therefore, self evident. By the timely use of this Medicine how much anxiety and sickness, might we not prevent. Cold, Billions of fections, Typhus, Scarlet snd fevers of all kinds, would toe unknowiti But where. sickness does exist, let no time be lost, let the BR A NEMETH'S PI I.LS be at once sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur then loss of tin e.—TO BE REMEMBERED Thut Brandreth's Pins have stood a seven years' test in the Untied States. That they :.re a veg,itable and innocent medicine, vet all powerful fog the removal of disease, whether chronic rec. - nit infections or other wise. That they ptaify the blood, and stay the further pro. gress or diseette in the human body. That, in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of ulceration had laid bare ligament and hone, and where, to all appearance, no human means could save life, have patients by the use of these pills, been restored to good health; the devouring disease having been completely eradicated. That each of the genuine has upon it Tata ex cc:wren:air LABELS Thai each label has two gignatures of Dr. Benjamin Brain] rein upon it. That there must he upon each box three signatures, D. BtIND[LTO, M. D A ntl three signatures, thus:— BENJAMIN BRANDRETH DR. 'FRANKLIN SAYS "All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring them to a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by stools, which must be promoted by art when nature does not do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed Ferupulousnessabout the weakness of the body is of bad consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts after tae humors are lit to be expelled , but is not able to accomplish for the most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been so low 111111 it could hardly he felt, and the debility ex creme, yet both one and the ether have been restored by it." The good effect to be derived from the Brandreth Pills have to be experienced to he fully believed. By heir timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would ever assume their malignant foe in. To appreciate to :he full extent ,t he incalculable bene fits of 13RA S DR ETD'S PILLS. they must be used when the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One doze then, and their gond effects will be felt throughout Ile attack—lT IS TAKING THICK IN IlidrlL that is the great secret in the cu re of all appearances of disease nrising from bad Wood, and I presume there are few at the prey rut Any, will say a nyi of those Ante:lnes which affect the hotly when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have yet to ace. Hoping that some who read 1111% may be benetilled by so doing. I am respectfully, the public's ser•anl. B. BnANDRETII, M. D. 241 Broadway, New York: THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOW. The putelc will please observe that no Brandreth Tills are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it, each containing a fac similie signature of my hand writing thus—H. Brandreth. These labels are engra ved on steel, beautiftilty designed, and done at an ex pense of several thousand dollars. Remember! he lop —the side—arid the bottom. Ent red according to act of Congresi in the )ear 1841, by Bet jalnin Brandreth, in the Clerk's Ottire in the Dis Dirt Court of the cm thern District of New York. Dr. B. Brandreilr's own ether, No 98, Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Only plt.ce In Pitt.siturgh wheie the genuine Pills can be obtained. Each Agent who 661 11w true Era ndrie h Pi.l, hat an engraved certificate of Agency renewed every twelve months, and has entered into bond. , of 85011 to sell none other Pills than these received from It B. or his special General Agent. Mark. the certifi cate k all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is in his eon hand writing. Observe, on each certificate t here Is an exact roily of the three labels on each graved thereon. Purele,ser. see ill tt the engraving of t on the re•t ificate correspond with those on the box. The following are Dr. Ilenjamin Brdildreth's gents for the or hi. Vegetable Universal Pills, in Alleghe ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the rein labelled hoses. Price 25 rents with directions. Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pith:bur Allegheny, M r. .1011e1 CL.uin. McKeesport, 11. ROW LA ND. Nohleslown, JOHN MiI?ISON. Stlewnrts Town. VTIEI.IOI4II ¢ SP•VLDLNO A LEXANDER A SPALIC Clinton. EEWARD THOMrenx.Wflklnthn rgh. Geoßate PORTZR, Fairview. ROBERT SMITH FORTKR, Titrrntlllll. Elizabeilitown,C F. DiruL. East Llherty, DA NUM PRKSRLEy Inwirr, Pleasant 11111. Divan R. Cot:ix—Plumb Township. Wis. 0. IieNTER Allen's Mill. Nep 10 LPS cured by The l ae of Dr. Dartirh's Compound Forenzthening and Ce.rmnn A perie t Pills • Dr. Ilartieli—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the A !miry firm, you for the sale of your medicine. I honied an arqsaintanre wi h a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. For right or len ': l n. this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her pltvnician considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom presciilied medicine for her. Through toy persuasion, she commenced using vont. PIIIP, and was perfectly cnteil. Yours, Esic. JAMBS B.KIRBY October :3, 1240. chambershug, Pa. 1 - I - Office and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth F.tr,et. Philadelphia. And by Fannie! Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood otreels Pittsburgh. Imp 10 NTERFATING CUR.Eperforwed byDr.Sicayse's I Compound Syrup of Penni/it Virginianu, or Wild Cher. ry. Having made use alibis invaluable Syrup in my family, which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, 4-c, of which I had given upall hopes of its recovery until I was advised to in.tke trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the cdects it had upon my child, and con• eluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en. tirely relieved me of a cough shut I was afflicted with for many years Any person wishing to see me can ca at my house iu Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. Witt ox. DR. SW AYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CDERRY We call the attention of the public to the numerous cert Ificates which have been in circulation in our paper and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr. Syr/orates Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they come from truly grateful hearts, expressive of the benefits which they have received from tl.at valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the above medicine, who ran speak with confidence of its virtues.—Saturday Chronicle. FELLOW CITIZEISS:—With sincerity I would advise you, one and all, both sick and well, always to have a bottle of Dr Sw►vtta'sCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry in your house—il Is invaluable la cases of emergency, such as Spitting of Blood, .Asthma, attacks of violent Coughing, which is often the cause of Spitting of blood. Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causes, producing great alarm. sudden colds from Improper exposure. which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means being ready at hand;—and as I have used Dr. Swwsa's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly in my family, and always with marked success—l can recommend it with confidence. as being one of the best family medicines which has ever been offered to the public .—Sstaeday Chronicle. Rold.py Wm. Thorn, Wholesale k Retail, only agent for Pittsburgh. N 0.53 Market Street. sep 10 WILLIAM REED, Merchant Tailor,—Respectfully informs his friends and the public In general that he has commenced business at No. 1,.1 Market street, second door from the corner of Pront, where he hoses by strict attention to business to sr.erit a share of public patronage. N. 8.. Thelaust fashkona regulirly received; the pub ic may depend au having their work executed according o Lisa latest Wyk. eep 10 tricorrui MI A RIIMOMSZ.—.IIfe, 19, Resnik Strut, Between freed rued &WOW its. wo doors from the corner of Wood street. Coo smutty on hand an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every size and description; covered ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may requite. A credit given in ail cases, either of coM ns or carriages, requested. HENRY BEA RES, Undertaker. ven 10 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL. IN STRUM ENTSI— 7'. McCarthy, Cutler and Surgical Instrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Druggists calk have their In• struments madeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also [tatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect fully solicited. N. B. Allarticles warranted of thebest quality, and jobbing done as usual. sep 10 LIVER COMPLAINT.—'Phis Ake:Ise often term! nairsin another of a inure serious nature, if pro. per remedies are not rest orted to in lime. In all forms of Tills disease, Dr. Ilarllch's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pill?, will perform a perfect cure —first by cleansing the sinnineh and bowels, thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the Ger man Aperient Pills, after which the Compound Si rengt h ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect a permanent cure. There Pills are neatly put up In small packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19 North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sale by Sam uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sts., Pittsburgh Pa. scp 10 ALLEN KRA M ER , Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor. nee of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa. Gold, Silver. and Solvent flank notes, bought and sold Sight cheeks on the Eastern eitie , , for sale. Drafts notes and bills, collected. Pittsburgh,Pa, Wm. Bell e r CO., John D. Davy, F Lorenz. J. Painter f Co., Jo,eph Wood well, James May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson fr Co., John 11. Brown f co. Cimeinnati, 0., James M'Candlesa. St. Louie, Mo., J. R. M'Donald. Louieoille, W. H. Pope, Esq. Presl Rank Ky. aro 10 REMOVAI"—The undersigued Iwgsieuve tu tow, the public, t hat he has removed from his old stand, to the corn r of Penn and Si. Clair si 5., opposite the Ea change flotel,where he has fitted up a large Pismo FORT/ WARN Room, and now oilers for sale the most splendid assort meld of Pisani. ever offered in lids market. Ills pianos consist of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beauttifillly finished and mo dried, and constitteled throughout of the very heat nun terials.whlch, for durability. and quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he has en!arzed his manufactory, and made arrange meuts to supply the Increasing demand for this itistrii ment, he respectfully requests those Intending to pur. chase to call and. xamine as.•ortment before ptircha. sln/ elsewhere, eh he is determined to sell LOWCR, for cash than any oilier establishment east or west of the mountains. F. (SLUM E. Corner of Penn and 8%. Clair sireat, , , cep 10 Opposite the Exchan2e Hotel. Pilishnrah. Pa WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills. CKltTtrtraTcs.-I..Mier from the !Inn. lan,Sullivan County, Bain Tennessme.Meruhmof Congress Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used come of your I) Yt t f""n t tc medicine with Infinite benefit and salts faction, and believe it to ben most valuable remedy. One of rny gonstiluents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell connty, Tennersec, wrote to me to ,end hint some. which I did, arid he has nipinyed it very successfully in his practice, and says It is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, yonr agent at tills place," thinks you would probably like an agent In Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you cninntission him lie is willing to act for you. You ran send the medicine by water to the rare of Robert King k Sons. Knoxville county, Tenor,. net., or by land to Graham 4' Ilonstrni. Tazewell. East Tennessee. I have no doubt but if you had agents in several enmities in East Tennessee, a great deal of medi cine would he sold. lam going to lake sonic of it home for my own use, and that of my friends, and Ahould like in hear front you %A-heftier you would like an agent at Montville. Sullivan County. East Tennessee; Y rail get e n t ire of !be merchants to ad for you as I live near there. Yi.ura re.per tinny, ARRAII AM m N, of Tennessee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by K E SELL. ERS, Agent, No. 20, Wood et reel Seennd DR. WILLI Aat EV A NS'S SOOTHING -1 1,1 This infallilde remedy has preserved hundred,. when thought pant recovery. f,mll convulsions. As SDOII as the Syrup is rubbed on the pint , . the child will reel s. er. This preparation is so innocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, I hat lin child will refuse to let its gams he rub bed with it. %t'hen inlantsare at the age of four months tho' there is no appearance of teeth. one bottle of the Syrup ehould be used to open the pores. Parents should never be without the syrup In the nursery where there are young children, for if a child wakes in the night with pain In the gums. the Syrup immediately gives case, by opening the pores, and healing the :urns; thereby prevent in: Consu ;inns, Fevers, 4'c. For Sale Wholesale and Retail hy R. E.sELLErts. No. 20. Wood street, below Secood TIIUR N'S TEA BERRY TOO W ASH {K —ToDr. Toon s,—My Dear sir: I cheerfully and cordially embrace the present layout b'e opportunity to re• turn to you my warmest thanks of gratitude for your tin equalled and unexceptionable invention of your very justly celebrated Tea Bert v Tooth.Waslt, and I levi I that I am in duty hound to say that 1 hive derived the great• est and moot le•neficial effect from Its frequent :tad mode. ale use: and I can assure you that I am exceedingly hap• py to have the pleasure of informing you, that sincerely and cordially speaking, I can in Jmttice recommend its fee quent use to all that unktritinale portion of the human race throughout the globe who are now undergoing the most excruciating pain for the %, ant of a medicine preps• ration of exactly the same nature of which yours is prepa red, and who have for years been suffering from the in jurious, destructive and pernicious effects of worthless tooth powders end other worthless preparations. In conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth. Wash but for a short period, nod yet I feel thoroughly convinced that It is the best now known. its inestimable virtues in preserving the teeth, (which if kept in a good and handsome condition, is the greatest embelishment that adorns the human structure.) are not to be excelled in easing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and restoring the gums to a healthy and purified condition, and giving also a sweetness and fragrancy hurt disagreeable breath hitherto unknown: Accept my sit cere wish for your success. from Yours. truly, COUGHS. COLDS and CONSUMPTION—The lea. 8011 for the above complaints is now at hand, cnd all persons who are subjected to the inclemency of the weather arc respectfully informed that they can tied. Covear's Bat.at or Lira whirh is %ell known to have cured TIIOrRANDA. who were in the last stages of Con. susspiion. Certificaies ran be produced of its wsnderful TAYLOR'S BALSAM OP LIVERWORT is another remedy for Liver Complaints. Caughs and Colds. II comes high recommendedly by all who have used It. and ;a pleasant to take, and speedy in effecting a cure. PEASE'S HOARIIOLIND CANDY.—TIIIS is a higkly valuable and pleasant medlcine;it will effect a po.ilivt and certain cure for Conglts Cold a, Conssaption,and Is an effectual cure for the Witooetno Cocotte. This is a very picas ant medicine, all are fond of it. and children never refuse to take sI; Its cure is sure and positive. The subscriber has a certificate of Agency direct from J. Pease 4. son, en there can be no mistake. All persons who are etTerted, are invited to call and not delay, (or the time to take medicine is at the commencement, Alt above medicines can always be procured at WROLES•LIC on R ['TAIT at TUTTLE'S MEDICAL AGENCY. R 6. Fourth street ARTHURS & N ICHOLSON • Proprietors of tk EAGLE FOUNDRY-PITTSBURGH , MANUFACTURE' and keep constantly on hand at their warehouse, Liberty Street bead of Wood at,, every variety of Castings, among which are the following: Franklin, common tound fame and pyramid Stoves;— common and farcy grates, newest fashions; Cooking Stoves thimble for either wad or COM, a superior le (and warranted to cure entokey ebimneys;) waggon hoses, holtow•wa re. teakettles, sheel.irons with a getter. al assortment of ware hour castings. All warranted to be made of tha best materhls. They also make to order at the shortest notice, CHILLED ROLLERS, from 18 inches diameter, down to the lowest linen In -use, with every other description of Rolling mill Cost. ARTHIIRS t NICHOLSON. Dec. 13,184.—5 ail WARRINGTON, July 3,1. 111311 I. t!"4,•AS I rn,Oct. 2 1842 JOSY.PII FIRIMMIER IRE IMP IKON CHESTS, Mealigutsrai bya, VANS' TAVIIIIIT 7 ' Jams Sistk strut. shim* 0 - takell .1:4 1 TA. Xiirtisiet tII maw etrost,PittakergA Mr. lofts DEMMtNO: Dear Sir--Having been Present, yesterday, at the experiment which you were pleased to make, in the presence of a number of our business men, of the , afely of tour I RON CHESTS, in case of fire, it gives toe pleasure to say, that so far as I was capable of judgim, the test was fair, and the result exceeded my expectations. The Chest was a small one, about 30 inches high, by about 13 of 20 inches in breadth and depth, and was pia. ced On a block of wood about a foot In thickness, so as to elevate it about that height from the ground; several books and newspapers were deposited inside of it, in the manner in which Merchants and others would usually place them —a large quantity of light pine wood [slabs front an adjoining Saw Mill,) was then placed around and above it, and the fire kindled on the windward side, sons to drive the flame against the back part of thechest. The fire was kept up about three quarters of an hour, until you hail g.otte among the spectators and received from them their universal answer that the test was sufficient. The chest was then drawn out of the fire, and cooled, and opened, and examined. The contents were all safe, and the only injury done was tonic hack of one book which appeared to tie a little cnarred. Front what I witnessed, I think that these chests are desert , ing of confidence, as affording, perhaps, the best security to Merchants fort heir hooks and papers, which they can have without huilding large, thick, 1111(i expensive vaults. I would consider them a better secirity than many vaults which I have seen built. Your friend, SAMUEL CHURCH. - We concur in the above statement, having been pres sent when the chest was tested, . . W. M. Cooper, J. H. Shoenherger, Bak Bell, J. L aughlin, .7. Painter, A. Cordell, R. Miller, Jr. CL. Armstrong, A. If. Hoge, TAomas Craig, S. O. D. Howard, J. W. Hoyt. Extract of a haler from Pugh t r al/vord, dated ON cinnatr,.29th. .11,1,411,1842. J. Denniag, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend: We have the sa. slat ion to slate as the Pest recomtnendai ion we can give of the utility of your Iron Safes, that we hay..! one of them which was In an eiposed situation in our counting room, at the time of the fire, on the morn. hug of the 101 h inst • which committed our Polk Home to gether with a large portion of the meal, lard, ,!I•r, which it contained; —and that our hook.and papers which were in the Safe, were entirely unitijti, eft, and were taken from it after the fire; without ever bring discolored. Yours, 3cc. PUGH 4- A L VORD Extract of a Letter from Starer 4 , Holbrook, dated St. Louis, Feb. 24tk, vt_n. ltt a. DEstst‘o, Dear Sir: One of your second size chests wns burned a few days aeo, in a leather store—it pre. served its contents. [testier! fully yours, Nep 10 SLATER 4. HOLBROOK. LIVEN COM PLA INT cured by the use of Dr. Dar itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr. Win. Richards, of Pittshurgh, Pa„ entirely cured of the above distressing disea4e His symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, loss of aepei ite, vomiting, acid crucial ions, a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache. furred tongue, countenance changed Ina citron color, diffi milty of brew Ling. disturhed rest, attended with a cough, great debility. with other symptoms indicating great de rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard= had the advice of several physicians, but rereived no relief. until using Dr. flarlich's Medicine, which Icrmina. led in effecting a pet•ferl elite. Principal Office, 10 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. For sale in Pict?itut ‘ :ll ity Saltillt I Frew, corner of Litter Iv and %Vaud :writ , . rep 10 I=ll MAC; R. AIV II A3l 11..r05,./IttornegA at Lam. ila VP removed their Offiry to the n•unlcorr of H.S. Ma _tarn, 011 Follrlh A, Iwo door! above Smit lifielit Feii 10 J. K. NloonnvAn. G. E. W 0110:it. J: UNION COTTON FACTORY, Alleghe y City, at the end of the uppr r 1.6(12P. The subscribers having commented the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yarn, co . l on Twine. Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting, kc.and rile prepared tc fill orders at the shortest notice. llavinr.. selected the latest nod most improved machi nery,and employed the manager who has attended to the Hoeg ['At-Tony fort he la:: five years, they are ma nufaetu• ring a superior article. Cotton lVarps matte to order, Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the .uore or 4- C. Painter 4. Co., Liberty street; or Logan 4 , Kennedy, Wood street; will meet with prompt. alten. tion. Address—J. K. it1001:11EA D 4' co. sep 1:-1v Pro EM is a large class of Peniales In his City who from their continued sitting, to which their occti tons oblige n hein,are affected with costiveness which gives rice to palpitation at the heart on the least ex- ertion, sense of heaviness extending, over the whole head, intolerance of light and sotind .an inability of fixing the attention to t• mental ooertilines; rumbling in the how• :',•:1(1011, especially rifler meals o hen am exertion is used, as GOlrir, quickly up stairs; lempreneklo; t hese are symptoms which yield at once to a few doses of the itrandreth Pills The occa. sional use or this medicine would save a deal of trouble and year , of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth Pdlsfusn before dinner, are ofen found highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously in this way; Ihey aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels In a proper c.ondit ion, enliven the spirits, impart clear. 111, , Fi in I lie coin plex ion, purify the blood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. 111 - andreth's Office. No. 98 Wood street, Pittsbureh_Price 23 cent 4 per box, with full directions. MA RK —The. only place in Pittsburgh, where the GENITINE Pills can he obtained, is the Doctor's own Of. flre.No 98 Wood street. sep 10 WIRT INSTITUTE. FIFTH COURSE OF LECTURES THE Committee on Lectures of the Wirt Institute, for the Fourth Course ,respect fully announce to the publ'c that they have made arrangements to commence the Lectures on Thursday evening, December 1. The Lectures of this course will be exclusively Literary and Scientific The Cotomiltee. desirous or making the Lecture Room of the Institute a favorite resort of the lovers of Litera. lure and Science, as well as the fashionable. have spared no exertions in prrirtidng popular and talented Lecturers, both an home and nhroad. I n the course oilwoweeksa list of the Lecturers will be published, and tiekcis offered. SAM'.. C. HUEY, W. W. WILSON, JOHN S. COSGRAVE, Wlll. B. SCA IFE, JOHN B. SEMPLE, rinv 9. r Committee. FA Rat FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale his farm, lying in Ross Township 41- miles from The City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres ofland of which 60 are neared and under fence, m 15 to 20 acres of meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apple, A few Peach and Cherry trees—the improvements are a ..trge frame house containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for a 'l'a vein o. private Dwelling, a frame Barn 28 by 60,/tone hasem”nt, and stabling, sheds t nd other out houses suit. able for a tenement:-2 good Gardens surrounded with currant bushes, and a well of excellent water, with a pomp in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, I here is no place now offered for sale with moreinducement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for further partirularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAWRENCE MITCHELL. N. U. If not sold before the Ist of October next. It will be divided into 10 and 20 acre Intl tosnit purcha sers. tlas 10 JAMES HOWARD * CO„ Manufacturers of Wall Paper, No. 18, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.— Have always on hand an extensive assortment of Satin Glazed and p'.aln PAPER HANGINGS, 'Velvet and Imitation Borders, of the latest style and handsome patterss, for papering halls, parlors and chambers. They manufacture and have on hand at all times— Printing. Writing. Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,Bon net and Pullers' Boards—all of which they offer for sale on themost accommodating terms; and to which they invite the attention of merchants and others. ALSO—Blank Book, oral% kinds and the best quality, School Rooks, etc. always on band and for . ..sale *Babas*, N.B. Ragas nd Tanners' Scraps' taken hiezeintlige. Pittsburgh, June 18, 1839 TRAVELERS TAKE NOME—That all boob provided with the Safely Guard have their sista hills printed with a figure of the apparatus— sad be ears ful you are fiat deceived by niisreprerentatiOwO of A gents mai ihg their boats to be provided with the Wet) Guard, when they are rot e r secured aisle at esploabia The following is a list of boats supplied with thailhalb ty Guard at the POr. of Pittsburgh—all except the tore first on the list have the improved apparatus with whit! apparatus it is Impossible for •o explosion to occur: SAVANNA, FORMOSA, RARITAN, ILLINOIS NIAGARA, DU QUNE, , ORLEANS, JEWESS, CANTON, MONTGOMERY, LADY OF LYONS, CADDO, VALLEY FORGE, INDIAN QUEEN, _ FORT PITT, GALLANT, BREAKWATER, QUEEN awrat sown, EXPRESS MAIL, DUKE OF ORLEANS ALPS, BRILLIANT, CASPIAN, ECLIPSE, IDA. V ICTR ESS, . w' EST WIND, MICHIGAN, NIA rQUETTE, OSPREY, TALLEYRAND, PENELOPE, PANAMA, ROW INA, CICERO, AGNEs, SARAH ANN, MESSENGER, NARRAGANSETT, SARATOGA. AMARANTH, ORPHAN BOY MUNGO PARK, OHIO, . NEPTUNE, CECILIA. ADELAIDE, J. H. BILLS, NORTH BEND, GALENA, MARIETTA, MENTOR.. BRUNETTE, COLUMBINE, 'STEAM FERRY BOAT, . The traveling community are respeetfully before they make a clime? of a boat, to reflect a mute I and see whether it would net he to their 114111111121 • and security to choose a Safely Guard boat, both ice passe:re one. freight, in preference to one not so yarded against explosion—and that they will bear la salmi , that this invention has the unqualified •pprohatiest (I fifty steam engine builders—gentlemen whose Wetness it is 1., understand the subject, and who are entirely Ohs inierested—besides a number of certificates ft ontlielentl: le smitten en and others—all of which can be pees s I my office, No 10. Water street, where It would stye a pleasure at all times to exhibit my invention to any who will lake the trouble to call. sep 10 CADWALLADER STAICIL JOH 1 , 1 HART, COMMIS/I*S A/era/nit, Dealer he Jer el duce and American ifavwfaciares, Malian!, is— R ETRIt TO— 'no. Grier, Erg., Pillaburghs Aaron Hart, Jame; Cochran of It'd. •• Jno. D. Davis. bt•Vay Jf Hanna, Avery. Ozden If Cn. •• Jno. Woodbourne,.Esq., Madison WHITE Lk:P.P.—The sunscriters ors DOW ;stewed to furnish painters. sod others who wish tei dor. chase pure White Load made of the ben gpateriahl ers", ranted equal, if not superior to any °Marti tothe 'edit's. All older. addressed to Dunlap¢ Hushea,cara of Mite, 4- co . xo.llo socond tarsal, Pit tahorg h. will he priuripity attended to. DUNLAP 4. HOCII6B. Ciacimeati, February 15. 1146, Dr. SINATNIII—Dear sir:— Permit me to take the liberty of writing to you at this time to express my appritistliew. and to recommend to lhe attention of heads of fewillie and of here your invaluable medicine—t he Compound Syrup of Prunus Virsiniana, or Wild Cherry Bark. la my travels of late I have seen in • f rent many inelandet the wonderful effects or your medicine in relieving din. drew of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing, Wheezing, Clihrikmg of Phlegm, Asthmatic atlaoks. 4e. 4-e. I should blot have written this letter, bowery ,at present, although I have felt it my duty to add my leell. mono to it for some lime, had It not been for ■ tale lg. stance where the medicine above alluded to was inst fib mental in restoring to perfect health an •only child," whose ease was almost hopeless, in a family of sky so. qualniance. thank Heaven," said the doatlag math. er, •my child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 how I feared the relentless ravager But my child is gale! ts safe!" Beyond all doubt Di. Swarne'r Compound Spoil •f Cherry In the niost valunble medicine in this Of any other country. lam certain I have witnessed more thaw one hundred cases where it has been attended with ecot. plele suceese. 1 am using it myself in an obstinate at. tack of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual in a •i. ceedingly sitort time, considering the severity of the ran. I can reromend it in the fullest confidence of its superior virtues; 1 would advise that no family should be without it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth double and often ten times its price. The public are as. sured there is no quackery about it. B. JACRION. D. D. Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian kinereir, N. Y. Sold by WM. THORN. wholesale 4• retail, only ornOt for Pittsburgh. No. 53. Market street. aep 10 ABOON TO THE HUM AN R ACEl—..Dieeroer what tea/ destroy Life. and you art s /real atom. • Discover what will prolong Life, and the rnwhil trill call you Impostor." "There are faculties, bodily and istelleetwed, *Ohio se. with which certain herbs have affinity. and ewer lOW they have power." Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Linhiaset. which, by its extraordinary powers, abetracis Mu Sr Sorenera; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White ironior. Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Malts, Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Bore Thresh! Croup. Cuntractrons of the muscles, Scrofulous erw largements, Tender Feet, and every description of be Jury affecting the Exterior of the Human name, are cured or ;really relieved by his nevemt• be erfficintlip extolled remedy. CYRTIMATT..—The following letter from Major Carr era , Sandford, as to the qualities of the Externs! Illookr dy, speaks volumes: Dear Etir—Will you oblige me whb another bottio, your excellent Liniment? It Is certainly the best of the kind 1 have ever Peen. It has cured entirely my sorer k nee, about which I wasso uneasy,and I have fouled ill produotive of immediate relief In several earn of ester. nal injury In my family. A few evenings slate, aiy youngest child was seized with a violent allseketfCroorr, which was entirely removed in twenty lig immitts, by rube; hing her chest and throat freely with the Eztersal Been. edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Utilletent for general use, instead of confining the use ofll, Ilf you have heretofore done, to your partleolar aequaliWatteift. Yours truly, C. W. 13ANDFOltD. DR. B. Ba•moarra.24l Broadway, N. Y. r•For Pale at 241 Broadway, New York, and • MAIN office ,No. 28 Wood street ,Pitiabetry b. PR ICII,-0 Melo per bottle with directions. Otplo PITTSBUIiI,GH LARD OIL MANU- FACTORY. TUEsubseriber would respectfully Worm Oa elitism of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and their vieititles,rehalt he has cemmenced manufacturing the article of Lard Oil and Candles. He !men& mating but ens whkh will equal the hest made In the Union and not mirparlied by the best winter strained sperin oil either for muebtaery or burning, without Its 'offensive preterite,. and one. third cheaper. TEE ABOVE IS WARRANTED TA BURN IN ANY TEMPERATURE. The sabscri her wishes to Impress distinctly on the public mind that It Is not necessary to purchase any new tangled lamps that are daily palmed upon them as beteg recirtsiteto her. the lard oil In. Persons wishing a pare and l'ilinent Het can obtain it by calling at the old stand,3d street. nearly opposite the Post °Alec N. C: The attectioa of Wholomat dealers, ebonite' sad Waists respectrally solicited. N. 3.—A1l the bartelairla boy tit arkaaamolgialli mum. ha 2 13411-,* ME= Nsw Toes, Feb. 9, 1449,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers