Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 01, 1843, Image 3
DAEICaff nrOXII'EMF PIDOW. MOCH 1, 1843 Millerite Ptectchittg.li was stated in our pa terBay that there was a convert to Miller— ism preaching in the Liberty street Methodist Church. We find that the statement is entirely errroreous. The Rev Cyrus Black, a z , mlous and efficieat minister of the Meth iihst Episcopal Church, has boen preachini , there for several ev. enings past, and since his coming a revival ha: taken place, and the church it nightly attended large numbers of people. Some remarks ol Bit ofil last Sunday evening create I the impression that he approved of Miller's theot y, and the rumor 1134itid its way into our columns. The sport in the Councilo is rich. It ;s a en. , rictus privilege to be a member just now. Their deliberations are certal.ily when the wh;gs are about to vote in f,vor of a ''m'easure that they know to he erong, and they ''try to.prevent the people from finding it out. It is . a great pity that they do not meet in a room "'ergs enouzh to artao:n o rdaro I.l^ cit'7.l.ns; who ..eariaialy have a ri Ott to partake in the sport of Their public servants, Arrelectinn will Fhortly he hid for OverscerF of the P, nr. There ore p'en , v of •ot.i talking bout coming tint: ma ,, r of ih-m two pre-time] want hi get into the 01A they nay he a, blc In keep not nt the Po-r 11-I , e. There will 14• nn difficulty in making a trot„! sckrtion. There wag an alarm of fire cn Nlonday evening Fireman's Chronicle .FOR FEBRU RY, 1843. FAT,RF Rlic nr•Nr—rd I,t. 31.4 th G'h, 71h, 9th, 14.11, 20'11, 2 1 21.21 th, 26111, 27 1 1. FIRE W. 21—.% chimnry in the sth ward, no ~pater thrown. 6 h-11:1we , ...n 8 ,r,l IT, n fire br)l. out in the Second Ward Allenherni City, lint was extinErn;.he‘i withont moo!) dam liVi:s.hingtnn and rii l Sam on the growl( co water thrown. SAME. NIGHT—ab , ill P 2 n firehrolie nut in the Drug stQie of fI S F. c". in Mar.. iet street. The wind heii,g high, and the weatl. of intensely cold the tireme.a exi.rieneed much ', difficulty in getting a s utlie:eney water to sup• lirreht , engines. The flames :Tread ratialty and ,be fire could not be extingoislud unlit tt hvt de : strayed the following property:-11 S Vii & co's Drug Store, the and 3rd st( ry of \V- M Mitshall's list store, bitai k and Shoe 'Store. Aulay Bros% ti's Si of st.re; aid the Dr, ' Good Wore of F,rd and Smith, and toe store of R 11 Palmer, were crinsidera , oly dai; a .ed . .The building belonged to Tilos IN tilt .tn.-, The 'Allegheny, Poore, DuguLsilt. Lag's and I.Vssiiingtnn thrt.w ate!. 7th—About 1U P i\l a Itoese uu Illitkr siren' , Allegheny, sit lily injured. Suitt throe water. 9th—Betscen II nd t" PM, a tia:itc stale s_on 3rcl,bets sett Varlet and Feirk ,was do-dr-tyed. Allegheny, Vi Hat t and Dt:quisne threw r, ster. 1.3:11-13 , I.:A it, it S and 9 o'ne:ock lie care house o .11e,srs it , el: L. 11 r elm', un L b rty street, was ,Ii:1111s train rd. 'rite Afleglicny, ilr gle Hose, V.gi!,,io and une were no gro:lnd. No water the n. 15111-13 , 1 ween 6 an -1 7 o'c!ock,P INI n linage in 4. , , s ic t n , ar was sightly icju -red. The Vigilant, .11.T:het - Iv anti lii wsl.o we r ton the ground. Voridint Mose then wa _t„,„2.2d—About 9 o',.‘c't, 1' M, a IV in the warehouse of 10111 , \V510,,;,, 11 S ti t with l's colitt n's, p ,ceo he 4.iazing to A won 1 J en.s :s rest ucrd 1. , c,.. P a int situp wa• , r.,vt k 1 F.. 37 111 . 1,11ISCA wi re si rinosly lnjnr , d, mad At,egheny,,Ni ,a.ir a, D. .q SiTtune engines threw witer. The inn and Udele Sam hr , m .11 cg' , ny were al•a .on the gr. und, 24th—Between 9 and n'etoc'i, A :11, the :\ 1.1111 d school lions? in Irwin store' wits t.lignik injured by fin; n i water thrown by the Etig to -25•11-13.2twern 8 and 9 o'cl ick :in wa. .eaused by the burning of a pie of nn the bank of the Monotualiel r river. RIVER IVEWs. River--6 feet water in the channel Arrival, and Depar tuns Pince our last report A51.1.1.d, T. .her, New ()dean , . Poe, Wh,•ding . Swlftsuro,Rohio4on,Ciociniali Little B It, Summons, do M o nignmerv, Grp!:lz, SI Look DF,PARTutIEi. Mingo Chief. Devinnev, Whe!i! , g MOSSr rg, r, n, SWlftstlrc . , Robins CELEBRATION OF ST PATRICK'S The “”der•i;,,,,.d r.l A ,„ Trlgtertfill tei In' invite the f rend- nick' a.itt .3 i,mq Liberty, wa! ont , o of pi, iv, In a ',nil, lie Slipper to be given ni the I lo!v1 of M Iv. pg.l 'Sweeof, in A b.g ,erly ri,v, nn th , v‘ea , l.g of he 17th of Mach at cad cmitile light It , s t e , ,nf the Comm it , ee n lies in o rrilit 1)t cou-letia expres,iona of Hi . 1 , al > o irit , ,ts Il n ing a te,(l,my .toeonftia with the 0,41.i,ms of the lea-ling panes of the dey. 'John Anderson, John Freeman, Jahn BtriMngMitn, AV: H. Smith, 3hn M'Deritr, 11. . Magraw, M. irCuibmgh ST. PATRICK'S DAY Al a meeting ix the friends of Ireland and Diehmeri h ld at the liVii,hington Moe!. Ihe Inc , t ° tins rill organized by appointing John M. Snow 'jerk. Chairman, and B. Hogan,Seey. ,e,rt motion, the foll..wing gentlemen were op- ; .pointed Committee of Arrangeir era for thy. pqr ,,giniiis of. celebra•ing ihe anLiversary of St. Pat• itick's Day. **jail ml Kingston Copt Rohl Porter Stsim Birmingham E D tiazzsm Jobn'Sarver John T Co .no!ly '.rniiins TTamill :las At.derson jr Keller Capt Jas Boyd ,Wm McElroy Jame.: Trainor jtuigh . Pulry Patr McKenna ,Was Relit Duffy .1 Dignam Henry Caesidy JObK.CPIMick, . M O'Brien w H Oliver. Resolved, That the comn-it,,,, of Arranac -Aillie wet at the Washington Hotel on Thursday 'sett. at 7 o'clock P. M. * Resolved, 'That the festivities of the eveninz not - be interrupted by the introduction of Any :political sentiments calculated to mar the Onnviviality of the celebration, JOHN M . SNOW DEN. j, ~ Men. Feb. Oth 1843. B. Hon MS. Se& V. DEMOCRATIC 'MEETING. tieDearbitrite are invited to af.t.cnd a mectin; lieldikihaClld Court House on Nvednesony everting gest, .(March 1.) at 7 o'clock P. M ; for tairretiposeoftaking into consideration the elec. elloweitOMPl.'Commisaioners by the people; se bo'eolnipreilliOn in rogarvi.tri an ismer of Mall 'Ulf bias a the Stale; ' • Signed by Many Derritocrirev. • BOOK AND OD _ utsr. PRINTL\ G OFFICE cORRECTDD DAILY. DT AALXII ERJYDB. CICHADDI N. TV. Corner of Wood +Fifth Sts. PENNSYLVANIA Bank of Pittsburgh. Par Merril. 4 , - Man. bk. par Eachanttc bank, par I Bk. of Germantown. Easton lank, j Lancaster bank, Bank of Chester Co Fanners' hit Bucks Co Doylestown bk do Bk of N America Phil. Ilk of Northern Libeities,, Commercial bk. of Pa. • Far. Mechanics bk. • Kensington bk. Philadelphia bk. • Schuylkill hk, • Souiliwalk bk. i lVettlern bk. Bk. of Pennaylvania, 7d Ilk of f Fenn "Ft • par Man. - Mechanics bk par Mechanic , : bk. par MOyaIDDDSIDg • I Girard haat:, 451 Stales hank. Luniberutei.s t , Warren, -- I Frank lot Washinton, part Miners ink of Pot tsvile, 5 Ilk of Mont ornery Co. par Mon 1•14 Brownsville. 11 Erie Bank, Dar risimr2h Ic.nk. 5 Far. ink Lancaster. I s Ilk (‘tidelet.wn, 4A Ilk. of Cham'atrs , urgh, 41 41 IBE REIM:DELI S. M stn. Liss or *III.ES AND Carlisle hank, itsti. Bono C A ns, from B tbutialrgli, via lirillOrd, Bk Si Nortlinntherland, r o ki ID bk Bride cc. Chanhersbur2, Ilartmaior7 and I.:nca4ler, to PDIIII,I mD "• phia, cootie, ling n tin the Mail liii of Cars to s Y. li nk . Only 150 miles stacirvz and one night out. Bkof Delaware CO. Also. the Dilect IMP to Baltimore. Leh: icon bk. Fare to Philmte ohm $i 0. c e ir sins rah bk. Baltimore, 9. York !i ns a Leavcs dad) . at R o'Cork M, Far. I I:. of Odico second door be, he :time halo; Iln'el Wad y neshu, h. lk 2.M EN 111:1.I.. ;1.111 111, WAUGH Co •• Col rency note (rt. 3, A.;41 ' r. rDtD•lorg, 111)DDQt110o ,1111,1t..z Tim proprietolsof the kloustsus POST and St caceev •vn MANUFACTURItit respectfully Inform their friends and the paironsof 'hose papers, that they have a large a nd well chosen assortment of 4riscimaiit raciliC3o l, 3l9 , 82,t\Y ."EMI CM3EiIARIIiEANUM22:A/Al;5 - . Necessary 10 a Job rrinting Office, and that they are pre LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Pamphlet- Handl ilk 1.411. itinbs of .13tanit5, Stage. Steamboat, and Cooat Bud! Bills, with priatr Cut,,, Printed on the shortest notice and [past rent:on:Ode tornis liVe respect (oily 11 , 1, tile patronage of our (~'rids and lie public to nencrai in Prannii of onr tinniness. Pitt'ur:h. Sep . 39.11142. NIII.LIPS SMITH. B ti' Elt A N I, .1 1{1). JUST received, 3 hat refs flesh roll llnitcr, and 20 keg: fitt.t rate Lard from E,.ver, 01110. for wale he ISAAC CRUSE. 23 148 Liieuiy 18itV7c.;•t,--''^-,;::, 43. St Patl.ick's liDay t'clel)a•al ion.. Thc jr t I . ‘vtil c• rrce tic I ;:;„, I ,., tr i „ ver- Da , 7 h .IL7 eh )a' 11. e NV,t , l,ing u t fi.,tLl 111,uut;0p,..,171 hk J(ji/S J. Law. a:l,c f,r,er of and Slh -Is r 7131 1 ,.. A I .WSIIIUSS e,,tr,,,lt•ti I r i p, T ,, m . t hK ~; sc. Chill, care w,ll I e prompt: In,. (ell I I;__ v• M'Citilivtigh, (:. JamP. reulon, Ilf!li, Wil 1 n!, John B IPx Riesh.ll , ir,gtt pared to execute OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bill. of Lading, rlicular , Rill Fiend , , Cud?, Mar k Check•, 110 'Pile I' 1I 1 z.BL . It , 11l I note.. 1 i do Curry° , v notes. 1; Looking Glass relannfactory, l'orritnionna I k Neu; Lis And 11 , use I' urni.ll,:g W a rvliou , e, 10-1 IV,, ,d i' l , nit 11,,,,1r0. It ! do Past w 0 ,..., 11 Street, near stl , . 1 c'im tolent , eerie pa y• /1111 E, Su'irrorilorr haring coral lull d hit arrarrerriointri , it,, , ~,,,, . li li. at h, I, etr stand, I: noun urorrarrd to oiler to Iris , 11 ~,,,, 4. . 1 . ,:,, ,,,,. ~ k or flint d.. and I i.e pallia - , a liirtor and rortrplete ir.viorirrivni 1 (~,,,,,,,,,,,,. 5 of I,ouhrnt; Glasse: and ilorrror curnpirri:, Ildruwdri.. (•lhow, ~, or 1 . „ ,,,,, ‘ , ~,,, :. prier's to sa,t the 11 ,,,,, ) Dr•nrarril note,- I i Louise-irn Pier and liliturel Giu,rev in Grit and V n '''''' a " j rocivville, All. Lawrence ravel:tort Er , Illes, 0: tile nio,t,toprove,l and super tut %, Ur kiliall- , .. n., „, er) 14 %V Prorlrtrz. par chip. i 7..rnri.vrop I k le,G01,1) ' '4ll SILVER, par _ ' .lll 1,2, .1, 4 and 5 drawers. Common, FICO net]. Iloied, and p Har f ramed etrilah`e for ercharos, (or W:111n,2 Cl eap la {moved 11'a Cr- nit,l"l'rn and part Ivory Imv.lM I:Mve= alai k.. or .! nilrk aad ftnnr Lar.ll ,, T:11 , r I 'lllll - I'. Docoo"8 Promo, NI Hal a uffil C.frt,! S, A wers., 111 , 4115, of fdf..,!t. Otdoolo :=llvvr T.:l and T.l'tiC Si h•rr p': rd and Ura:z.r-c • In. Mclal Sperm nr f.ttr , / Vo, 4 , %Vit( riff , Fund,. S. (Vat 100, i t ict'Cll, 1 7 1 r. • chncricc and '!anti I nn.. $ r, %Vi , ll a V:trielv of 011:Or1.0 1 ,110,e,0n. to non, 411 ochkli:cli i .11 it,: v-I r,ll N.V. P.lrtrati,Mi , il't% c,•11,1 ,ihrr Frgulin2 do ,r• :ii ti r '''''''' l ''' " , e , ' , ;1' ,1, 2 01 ',l! 1,1,,,14 'l'l,l ',I to. 1,..k ' 7'() LET. ,;..,. p,i t, , I)r Fl.l rrl'n :II el. ry of the hoCrl I,z o, ~. 1,1 'y fl. 1 T11 1 )7. A nif.r.iEn. i.. .- Nc;ltil'!:- , Lon!. Pomo,' ri)rii, of lVoo I :0 , 41 -,, Or , ri , I , no", of ft. Nlorrolv, TOII Ft. run 2i 11 1:10 -III::: t,,,:;intly on land ~, r. •h 2, 14. (1 • elitidSo ll l t7 . 7 . (+12,V1 . , I...zir 701 ‘lnc. y and amicable MIME ALSO, two ?pa , in', and r0nve..14,1 ro 1,5 in Ihe ger and -tory openoia Lc a Hall on adap, c.l for Lau; ottire , , or far Noy e q nirinz and rend, fr", a reel, 131, A T., E A SE:S. AL-r), a liksi•l4l,2 l !oo,F. on Alarkel :tree! coolainin ; : A new a ,, d nntrh i•n o rnv,l form of Wank LS.— Laurels );u11,,t? For sale I.? btu,. town no Third 91 , nrarlp 01, ASA\VYEIt \V A N E I). pri,te p.,1 11111" r an occupied by ETWA . I I rt:m4oN c to u.kc rhar.le of a tar , ' l'N 1:1 " r"""i a' a will n amull cn pi:al . will I.o:ir A "e and airs' office On 3d • ;01 .olvao• S'lliation oil :ipplicatioll at this office, cbpird the ‘ln. ' nen'n N oi „-. oe ,d „ op! , A's), te.il yti several grt t l (Image: nror kr dwell ! L oi;11,• Fitt township, with a few act pe , of Land Ullaf lied 10 earls. jai 13--t1 LID1VI) D. G IZ7. IM. Vn T m l '1•11 rd c,sv I ilfrire• 111 I', y .11111 C.lll 1 . 01 22 11.1_ , IcTs ~ P l-:.qIC Fort 771E.11NE1.1"/ , S--TRUTII !SI ~ n Lel, IL I co .‘,-;-;.\-ci.,-(; _ 11..,,•,,i,..•„:,0.10,41 fu, ~,,,1, . I,s ~ vt• 0,,,0 0 if hill II ,Nl't 1,11 0, he rilp 01 111 yk. e e, 7 I T : F: •" i '' re r "`"" '''''' 6 "" lin ': "" l ''' 4" "'"". o ' , 11 , rd I V Tlio. , Campbell* r 0 . A !In , v 111 W , IC , I prwlti, •cl 100 , 11 pain. ilia 11-vni vlf lot, :I 77 1 11 a • ) . .io 17 I :1%2 1 I'%llE -1 It I. ‘1 . 1:1.Y. no 1 , recollilily , l , il I.v 1110 F.lf 11'1) -. , 11 111 V:1111 IV:1 ' ellrPfl ,011111'./ . 111, I,v 11 r 11, or 001 . I,ollle of lir. . grand. y 1) IS I'o gS \ LE.—rour LW , in 1I:11,110-1er, 11,,, relli' , Latiam , ll , . Or Ex , !nal 11eft,,Iy. 1 4 :.1,1 , twill Irres of I.nmi on Iliolmes' MIL Lot.: 1V ii n.,.. lb , hand .1.) \I ES TA V 1.( ,R, ~,, 41, 42. i 2. 51, 54.131,182 and 151, in 17C01:r. Wall 016017 A 1 , e211f 11 V en, Pl. Jan. 1015, IR 11). of 1,,t.., on Dpi me's Dill Alen, I.ol+ nmi 2ii and 27. ill Dr. 11r:1.1 , 1,1W: Ex 11, Ha I (true ,IC or '..i•taloroi, ....1.1 , 01]1. , , pin m . Lot ,„,, if ie... 1 ,...,.,. n.;“ 1 lir Ile,/ I'ol7l "”" ifiti....' N' 9. ' .( ""' t '"" e '' rill ' in " g" ' I'i" (Ea- (loose Fur t„rni, apply lu Z. W. R C Nll NC; TON 511 rents per 1.011,0 feb g , I , 11l R ]) i VIFI 1 r 11F .11 I itil , I. olt Flith -Tr , ed: — Itltver, 1..,,,,t1 an d Stuitl , lleld Firl,l , , ritlat.tirlol. 11 1 - 4 1 HR S 11 -I: - 1 -vn sul?'“-'nf." 7 ' lo -\ - -s REF' lll'r r), 0 R. - - • ' -' - • - ( I,- 10-1 y . i_ . 1 11.• \ ~,,,,,, 1'i,.,,, , ,; ;tr. ex( ,14.,,i \II 1,1111‘,.1 . ‘,1 I . 1te..11011, cl , vo2ll•gi I.) 111.• t,` j•I L 0. I .in 1,0 :an 1110 f,lral iri 1,,)1 ,- r:/: .9.\ - 1) 17.110771 Y S F F:1) illWilkF nn tin,' S" , ” 1 "; pit''' ' ol ''" ".!‘" ,l PW I I-. 1, i , i: , k"phn n 1,1 ,11 y.' 1.._., If, 1014 to 500 1•11.11,,, , 5, ai,pi . io I. CIII.ISE, • 1 " 111, 1 '. 1,11, " I ' l ' ' l ' lll 11111 1 , u' r''''''lcr s 111 .1 11 " y ,"" 1114 111 1..1.4 I.l'l I.l l .erly ,:t ,cur ,-,m .1,., •• C., my 1.1111n:r v I rfj ire in the 1'0,,1 of — , e " /.ozan, "l'i e ohove exuelletli work, R. l, led 1 , , Jr)) ., 1 - .5.• 1 . O ItF. f I:I { . lll. Thk'n Pp linXi'S of Oreegi, and ' j o h„ F. m i 1;,,,,,, C...q. Cli,llllll , I. (1( ....lir ;“ i''. fur 0( the (Luce)yr., oy. I . ot - 50'0 ‘ ,11111 .' , .Mz11 ,111 the fir-t voletne, :led '2l n ,, 11.11111,1 in ill ,:Itll/P ...\ ~ ~e (1 I,VNI. T1101:N, ~,00 1 r,',0 1 10n.:,t $.! pnr nn:1011 re'reiveil al Harris' .Agen lch :::—,f. 5.3 Iklat kf-t .1, , „„,1 i o toli,:em r (111'0... ' Pith.l , lll - 11, .11111 Int V '...!)! CLOVER ANI) TIMOTHY SEET). ISlow 1!5 1111r15g vvid v Inv, Seed. A Is-, 1,11,11 et, rim° Tlinolliy for :1!C in In t. I! I: , -I': I.o.ert v el %Vim nfrcr. for . vi l e !“) 11141,4 , rr rd Graii Feed fen fill: LAST C , ;LI,. a:3y have elrarL!e of propc•ty as Executors. Adam:L-Ira ri„l_lit FA E is a treiriendno. , rush for Mr ESTEE'S I att or 47.tia 'doing, iii the cOs or -tiburli s , rind s, who nciv Wft !TIAN? AcAnEmy, aw l mill there to neon wit. have lekure to ;Mend to it theinselve , ..ln rent 11,rull ~, 1i .,,,,, w h o „.i,a a .„„a„tii„i nit te of ~,,, will , llip, nits, Il'arelionses, Farms, Lots, ,c . r. Also. to collier will lose nn iiitie ill ov.,itin2 ti ~,,,te!ves of Mr. E's on — eras, dividends, Ground rents 4 , . A re , leoer is kepi rivalled ins' ructions, no h•F• -ray' In Illls Cly I- liori'ed 10 wilt re a description of all prottrrltes for rent will I. en 2or 3 weeks let et fro, of ehar.:ze, reiereore is resperirnOv °O'er. it 10 There will lie a chats of Ladies. '.O coninien , e a se: ies 1 the follot, leg zeollemen for while , the soh..erioer has lfle•mon, at Ills academy on mond, y next at 21 ri'i lock. been anent It!" runts tear! past --Iler , rs ?In hurl Allen, r t . M. Gentlemen ' s rhos mill me et ~,.. n.,,,ni . at 7 .)', - !ork, p. Mecormirk and J.lme, S. Craft, Eno., rlllst.itr,l , ; Jas P.M. ladles can receive lessons at thr ir reFi.lerice, if I Stuart, Esq. Eu odea a A vrit, Philail ; Mess. John Brown, desired. Tuition $.l. To it ion at the ;Leadenly, 6.3. Ilirodoolatio; 11. Mcdenne, Cincinnati; Daniel Potter Ofhre over Mr. diratuer ' s Excharie. curlier of %World Sienlie„xiire: do rah Millar. Lawrenceville: Janie-Jones and Third streets; rotranie cn Third street. E l yd danriv; I).inivi Rasher, NI iffilin township; Untie] A good style of Penernansiiiii Is k‘arr,lnted to the iii leo. Depot ion,Sewickley live pupil. let , 2 1 . fell 2.1 -- --- - - Tif F . , WHOLE \VORI,I) SIIOULI) KNOW In the siii Ward, riIHATDr.../AYNE'S EXPECTORANT is a CER F OR RE.VT, a very comfortable, roomy darel Ind 4 T• 41.1" CURE FOR ASTH.II.B, and that for Celliths house, now occupied by W. J. Totten. Ern •, on Colds. Consumption, ‘'W !looping Cour:ll,l'room Bronchi. O'Hara near tent) street, at a large reduction from last ;Is. and every other disease of the Dinzu or Throat it is year ~ rest. sure to produrri the most docilled benefit. It is recone , Also,t! cninf , rt able brick d WPlling 'muses on Penn Pi . mended by ihot , ands who have tried it, and all say that opperAle the rcsltence of Messrs I` McCormick and .1 11. 41r:the best remedy without any exception, for all Pub 5t,,, , ,,,,,,.. p l enary Dispases that La= ever been known. for it A Lw ASS Also, a frame dsrelling house on Penn st • adjoining the elves nEttre, and cutir.s when every other means hhve stare failed at $5 per month. Only glee it a fair trial —We ask no more of any one. • , Also, a number of small frame dwellings at $2, 32 50 than to 2iye Dr. Jayne's Expectorant a fair trial, and if , and $ 3 per m ,„ 1 :, it does not cure the various discos, s for which it is re. Also, a brick stnre room and dwelling on thin Canal commended. sooner and more effectually than any other Basin, i adjoining Mr. 'Joe's hatter shop. Apply at the medicine that has ever been offered to the public, the 1 House Agency, near theSth Ward market house. proprietor is willing to undergo any penalty however se. t fc b 23. JAMES BLAKELY, acre, the public may see proper to Impose upon him.— 1 . . It has, it will, and it can cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma, i RENIOVAL. Bronchitis, Bleeding from the Lungs or Throat, W hoop• lag Ceugh, Croup, and a very large majority of the most HOLDSHIP & BROWNE hopeless cases of Consumption. when physicians and their H AVE removed their Taper Store from Market prescriptions fall to do any good. Again we sac. only ,11 street to So, 61 Woof street. one door from the try it. _lt will not narm you, but it muat and will do !corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their usual as good, Ufa prepared only by Dr. D. iAllias, No. 20 south 1 sortmebt of WALL PA PERS for papering parlors, en Third 01. Philadelphia. i tries,ehambers, .tc, and also PRINTING, WRITING gzr For sale at the Franklin Head Printing °thee, 3d i and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS, fie; 0, Pittsburgh. Price 31,00 per bottle. ' all of which they offer for sale of accommodating terms. lib 27-31: i Rh 14,1843. dif • Wa 71:t Com nr Arran,enie'd J \ 1;-. 1 \I -\ N1,11 , 1t2 l'nst BANK dl par nricnn lk.lloinntid FOR SALE OR TO RENT. TO I,E7'. rr r ar.luppi•l rount• 1,1 11. r cortcr 5 , 11 1,,,.y or, lived by Ali A I err the Conllcr of Grw-try I L(1(1 r( ( Foil it F.VT. -A ~,,f0,13W, nf , v brwg • :"tE jr, , •ar 711, cvvi 10 Thr., r.. Door; ecy To Lc?, Sl'l F I? I, 113,1,0 I.rt‘sren ad and .1 Ilotvw. A gencv. Nil. 0 west of the Nlarl.et Iltous , ', Penn st. sth %Vard, l'ittshttr,lik Pit. PrIII: Anb,rnLer liavina Cur a nuinher nf )ear. Leen en -112,d In renti , 2 cLv pr,perty, eoliert;ng n• 1 1,, ~1", ' and WI-11111.:, 10 VXI, lid 111 , t/11 4 ',IirS: in thk way, fc.pe,L 11111 V 01;1, 111,, 51 1 1 11 :1 ,11,1 10 those 11[1011 OW I.lllr, or 011. A I wo :3 , , or 3 lionFes. on Pike street Wooster, Ma..ttlun, Sandusky, I:conga, do Norwalk, do Xenia, do Dayton, do Scioto, 30 Post notes, 11 5 Pram. kk COW tubas. 1 La..caster, 40 Hamilton, 90 Gronvifie, 80 Cool. bk. Lake Erie, 30 Far. bk: of Canton, 45 l'rlittna 63 IND! AN A :late bk.Q• (It:lnches ,;tateSCHp, 40 KENTUCKY. hanks, 1 ILLINOIS 7ziaic hk grancilC9, hi: w nevi ow n, iii VIIIGINIA Hank of V ir!zolia , 1 Far. bk. of Voffinia. 1 Exr ha ~:e 1 N.l.Ve•o, Lank 1 Nler. 4.• 1 AI AR VI.A Rain kg, Con nl ry Bank DEL VA 12 L•. 411 Ranks, Nr.tV JEr,-E\ All II:, nud 1 NEIN' lOCK. ;1. pa! ry 1,111 I,s. (,11. v 1111. d.) j 11 I 10 I N fat' N 1,) 'l3o , inti 1101,1", P t OMR= 1.01 I=l,\ N Inricn itati 70,1. I;111.1N rz()I"Il! k 11111.1 N 1:1 I IS. ALIIIIMA I•ENNESSEfI flalnk.. 4 1111111 C AN Bk. of St. Civr, 1(1 Po. do.l Smith 10 DENIM ;cod ha II nlt, 1 n P.IISIer It Exchnugt. Nr•w NThrtc. ail Pniorr, Itri.,oo tVr , tern Eseliange• par I 11111. Z on .I.IM ES M. A Y ❑1 pre,ent or J NI ES RI, K ELI r illi" ';Z: i,, ,,,l iS 0 . , it% -, --.7-LS): _Laidig UHL: strits , ritter has Just rr•reived iiie an twat supply of Landreth . - Garden Seed., ( nit...line, in Dart of the owing kinds—ali of the last yr•arir crop warranted mine: arag Lees, E 4 z Plaint, Pulnptiili, Lettuce. Wtt.l.l NI , Musk. •• IZlnit irb Sriktly, , Ca tt.ill , )wer, Culei Oni• n, Curonlber, Na l v :11witard, bi, ~,) Nastur TOll. WOC., riirmp, (*, ro , &c. Srt . To , :ether ,‘ I varlei y of Poi 4 . Swrei at d Mower Order=for Seeds, Si ,Tr es, j-.. from Garden. els and others w ait 1, received and promptly attended F. 1,• SNOI% DEN, No. 1::4 1.11,rt t,, of of Wood Ft. fiC'E'l LO -KIN SAN D I.IT KS JCST ruottlvrtl. 3.1100 Flemmtlattle Puffalo Rolicx of if' fort.nt qualities from Extra No. I to 3. A lot; flirar and CM; Sat.., 11.000 1 aml 2 111,,Israt Skim, A Ito i I Bile, .11111 Itstrrottit All ;x*o , ll rtn.o•fmt-tat ro.l;trod ce fo ca=t) or ap l ot,v;•;1 ; ot; I , ; 1. IIEELEN, at tlio %tneriran Fur Co„Allottry, (1 , 1 12 -.lot Corttt, Prnrit and Perry 51 - - - _ - _ I. I tolorm I hoir ft lcwla and plildir I hal I hey 113 Ye tit riwz n”.l 11,1 I !icy II:1V , flow ready (or ' , ale, Hi I r I.o , erly het ‘1:1,1,, , t arid Gill ni Ihr vrry 14,1 Whir! lI.Py .11zp“ , e of 011 I6r. rl•Pa s.o•.k t lit 1:1.111-4, rerr, Ne.u. i.t, Ca-lors anal N.l) pe!..l I:114 1 7 11 r nod SI L 11:1,:, ey ththerty hulk tittiitar bred they tut ve had PXII.II,IVi• PXOPrIVIIre Mt (hp ( 4, 41 ,• 4 1:1' , :i,111111`111F in the couittry, 1111!Ir Ilulc are nll cot uti under turir oleo In'W'r(iris, 1111th pllillif that euthui? hut the very hest articles on ilie ittie4 run -othihle in(' offered .. eir 1() INT I,l;l'll,l{l.:S.—Fuurflt Course . — t,... lure C ”tillitlit• of t•he flirt fnnlitule have lite of ivi 12 1,..f0re the politic, Ihr following Its .0t (.111101;1Po who h:1 t`'• rtiii , e , ited la Lecture, viz: [try .1 If' Thrlicr.,/;, I t.tru.ltictory Lecture. ,/u L (Jour, 11, n.1'1 , 12 1 0 , 1. II .1 CI zrf, ' Meadville College. Ito , . Ili a N'.f'r /M. Pri:lor. , :o. p,or A Ii Frarer, Je'rers - nt College. , Need it r. 5 7' .31cCili, West. Then. niitiary • Francis ./T,h,t•ton. Proff .1 Bael.er. Meadville College. If' // Lovrie,ll!,l R .Inmem I, I , r s - .1.f/e. l'rof It rh.!!Vol College, will de livrr one A.drotioniy, einliracleg ite rife. or. — re— ,ind de-ii ,, v. Erinl his. ,will alp, 1„ - •,,, to 'lilt, nit the mat , select. IT. STENV.I.72T, I ,toror and Pilo,' FinflC.•l, are in , 11 , ,:ag 1. •. 9 • N o ' en ‘‘ . "" d and tisk and straw liatiraz=eA ill no hand All dpluvo li r in on, cliv.a NI; politer , ail d;s• : silo t• ith Jnarpn R nu , orders exrcitted with neat nei.s and despatch, on ascot:lino 'a‘luti! Irons_con 20 - Ne•tt otol7v. CH her sititiient Ler IMP,. will he invited in visit our v. N0 . C . 1 l't IV lie ill 1 / I f . row , r a The In <l it Ule READP, X% 0. 0 11%G lON, then2,l^e the, stlirlco?. .4 7 TORNEV AT 13" . . -Office in Briarq' ftnilding The Icrturt , of 11,1 4 course will lit nn Literary and I Fool, TT street, ', 1.. , .5. 1842. et-:nsi,Voly and It is It(rieil (iron the ~f oi,s Lesion., and the interesiiiig Tin •,. , u,I: , 11. -,I nor ri.ivniQ Pa r. r this 1~,n,1,i , er tert,ii , The Iran ('ity . should , 1,, hsr trf acieeri . ; Thep creed , (If not') .ll :11.1` ,,, ef I alad to, of a 1.11,1":1ry, /dread, nn honor 11 in TO. I Tri-rnor , Te kids titttulltint , tl Indy and Tr iiilnoinn. $2., nod Tony 4 Ti TI .111 , 1 , 11r!t 0111Ie Brook Sio,e, slotion . :atieln and larilavgr .1.04 ,4 , and at florf-rd', Per I. '4 , 011. C. !IVEY, ly. IXII.S(IS. JOIIN COSGI , . AVF„ Com Miller NI FI, SC 11 FE. JIM': g T• Ilaher, Con.' I reetioner and Flutterer, Federal street, near lire ' Illattior.d,Al'ezlietty rll v. Every vartri v of ro,a, a , d nod vittif•ri, ittatittfactit ed front lira nov 10 LI Sl. - 111: John Hunker. late of 1111 . City Pitts I t Persons interi-sted will Like m tier I hi,' le, h ra ni adinittiAt ration on I ire e•la , P of Ihe dryedent, 13/14 inert del) granted by the It e•2l,•et of tie• Inc Comity, to Flila 11'13 Ilunkrr. iv ld r. tolir Ill` 4.11,1 all per-on, !Elvin , / elating lir a. 1 tin I , t.tte of the =aid deeei'enl, are retiti ,, lrd In known the s tine to her Iler rest. e 14 in Iland sltret, Ci 7 1 , 1-13tv jpiy.wo (A' C ; !/ Pi{ 1' - ft jf,rlr. 1110 Ii ar ju l will nni the s'o, Use n ut roe 10.1514:f :I POlVilor I loch Its iv lee a 10 the 11.4, OVI•1" IPI.;10 , , I i1.c11110 , -Lnr , n wrorld o I !I'll,: ti 12 I.' .10 bar Irc ri110:11`,!: airsoll k'll.ll 11. c Lerfi Iris ha l; any dark shade or a yeti . . 11 1.1:Irk. will, :111,1t ..-SII1301 . 1 . 1i1:1i ll.r Itll,Vdt, if a pri' I , •d ID tie ,riri nor ..11:111' • .I“ r„lnru In ' , :111 -. 131 1 ' II ;INI Om' uric ea d hit ihe rhr i 1,1 %, 1.0 11.3 , 111 ' .1 , IMO' , It. I'LL ' S, ;if; Fi 111 phret, ‘vhcre ;I 1 '.1,1011 may always tie had flori't foor,,C L I• 1 lV A and F.vory l'urtrat , an , : Pieta re Frame -11dnutacthrtr, So. 3 Ptt I I per L.Ol, NMI." i• 11 ror ort 11,1. Li C 0 , ...0 1 ki 11 wiled to order. Repairing, done Lt Coe short es I rt.d l':,rtictottr nt ention p:, ikt inreeiWrusand }oliblue. 'y Pry Or,eripAoo. PerPon. tit 'tenor Boat, or hoo , ep W rind it It 11 , 1 , 1 d V:110 -, !f , to (311. Pep 11) ,T)IC it i ar „, /VS Of Irite, wish a frame house and slnhlc, and silo:00o for 3. till rV. I rigour ut 120- 11 1I II IS' Cm'. Agencylo. Office. WA.ArrED.---A 1111,14er, in ,?o down the Ohio !liver for a , vw iniln9. A 1,40, wanted. pta 1,1 , , a 1111111er of C.nrlnner.. 1,;,11111,N, at (ID) Rld' Gen. A tlI. (Miro, 1111 RD SE P: 1)S Af r supply ot SiS11(1:', of Canerw, Ileoto :led !tope; jitzt reet•ived 10.3. F L SNOW )EN, v t•t. I .II.A^TE/i, o boy of t tom 1310 ye , i ,s 0 3 OV. Application to he mode before the first of March to F I, SNOWDEN, PK Liberty bend o f Wood st I. J t.EELE, ( ,„ e..e,:,„r to 11. Al'Closke)) rash. VV tom de Root Maher, Liberty st., 2d door from ley. T t.e stiltscr.her resp'cllltlly i 0 . 01'1119 be 'undot t hat lie has comittenned the above loNittette in the shop formerly or-copied I.y 11r. Henry !kl'Closkry, and that he is now prepared lo attend to all oiliers to his title ofousittess with (let:pair. It and nn the most reasopalite terms. From his 1002 experieme in Ilte manufacture if Fashionable Boots. he feels confident that all alilrle* from Ms rstalaisionem o ill give satisfaction to his Da Irons. A sitsle of pultlic patronage respect folly solicits ed. sep 10 ffENNING T B - FIifePROOF IRON J. DENNING—On Friday, the 30th of last month, ahem 9 o'clock at til , 2ht,the Plaalng,Grooving and sash Man ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4 , Co, with a large quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all Conan. Ined by fire. The Iron Safe which I hou zht of yon some time hack was In the most exposed situation doting the fire, and was entirety red hot —I am pleased to inform you it was opened at ihe close of the fire,and all the books, papers, ke.saved;—this is the hest recommendation I tan give of the wilily of your safes. ort24.—lf TIMM Aft te COTT. CAREE-ft APPLES. Just received from Mnrletta, 0. 1 4-11 40 Mita Green Apples, nom print ne every variety. IS first rate order. ISAAC CRlllge. Ith 4, 148 I,ooerr7irt. Pl' )PI, lira ca'i, Bort-cote, ( i b go ( 11 I I, SCS.INN Atiintm.'lato.x bui, 10 It irk 6re.wo; 111 Alt Cal-,s arc ,varlaal F.urf h girert C II ESTS. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842 OR SALB OR EARTER.-10 dozen good Woolen Socks. Sr) smell hallo of twine. F.w sole low ror , caeh or harlar to soil I. fl , RIIIS, Fr', II Ag't nhri At,.~rl; • l.sTh FARE REDUCED ON TIM GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, via NATIOMAL ROAD ♦ND BALTIMORE. ♦AiD 01110 Rac ROAD COMPANY atl4: E:*'of IT. S. Mcil enrielsoe for Washington City II Baltimore, Phi:arlelphia exact -Wm. York. This lir e Is in foil operation and Iravesrittsburgli daily at 6 o'clock it. M., via Washinulon ?a. auA national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co'n. to all the aliove places: Travellers will find this a 9pePclv and comfortable route, it 6,lng a separate art Piiishingh aad cum . .erland line, facilities twill he a fen ruled w hlrh have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex Ira coaches fund-hell at tie shortest notice, wito the, privilege of g( through direct, or taking cne night's rest at their option. Fare ft out Pit ist.m.gis to P.aliiniore, 810 Oh Piusho'g in Relay lionse, $10.60 12.00 Thehre to Wit4liiiit!lon 2.00 Po !stair:tit to Philadelphia, 13 00 For through tickets, pri'y at our offiro at the corner of Exchange ‘'.-lot el, or at our office at the Monongahela f,. W, STCCICTON' Felt. 3,1--411 f. Prreideot of N. R. Stave Co. A FEW MORE STILL 101 IX .11,l'CL^Sli"F:Y. the old or/inol, hntr nn hind the • r os't rylendhl ass - ortmenr of not ever ntfered Wes 111 v rineli is larlte, and lat rhsirnFerl In sell at the low,. I po..i.de prise runek 1" , . !wavy, and or the sea. snn hrodvancinz. I will sell nt lower pricer !hart ever. I tisk rmly the pleatnite of a call, feellna enncident th..t n onk Rewireof ronnierfelt.. Rernen. l rer r THREE RIG DOORS. and the SION IX THE P. T . nov 33, 134 LADIrSOVIER SHOkS.—Tile e.nfliP , ran nosy do awns , with all kinds of over shoes, esti walk throll2h the wet sheets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept pert i ri• It' dry: can weartiaht shoes without linviim their enrns pain thew; nit ran have their , Mor r• wear twice 11 4 100_ as ever, if I hey will t*e the reetirated Ott, or T•9114,t , high Will make !Pallier water proof. and render ii as ph alle and son 85 hid. It's an article well worth their rnalre, and nue %Oih li they will all value highly ,an anon an tley try ft. TO he had emir at t:TTLE'S VDICAL A GENCY, 96, Vow lii Qirrei j-nt, 9 nt, I . V. °TICE. —I have tattoo not letters of admini , trallon II on the e , taie on John W;I•too, la.r of the City of Pitt-lairh. ..1. Ait ora.our. iod,lttol to I). er•ta'eef ;bp itecra , ed, are rrottr'slod to mat, inooedi.o.• par. nu ns ;n lite at MT residence in Itran near Ntat I.ur v. a hour 5 51,0 have elaim4 are requested to prevent :horn Iltzly probated. J P WILSON, fan 19_ -Blw. WILLIAM ELDJP:n. Attorney at Law; 0111 , e tit BakewetrA R l tinsv, warty opposite the New C. nu rt Howse. nn Grant street. srp ITTSIt U 11 G CI it ^M. 4TING AND REFERENCE Lin RARynillelizionsJimicnica,,Poli,leal.aliti Mis• c.llaneons Works, wtll I.e open every day, Sa.,hatii r‘x. repiegl. "lon, 7 o'4 loch, A ttl..noi ii 9, P. M. in lire Es• change Unilding,corner of St ,Clair strt.ct Exchall2r alley. W flere ,11111 , Il4;l1 anendance ry il l be given. by Fen 10 1. EM I TTLICINGTON'S Unrivalled [Hacking, NIA •17F:1(71 VI; ED and sold whole,llo and retail I .1-Tn. Stxtrt SillLer one door below t3rnittilield. 1 net 21—iv d' - '1 BEEN .01PPLI:S.--Ju. , r- ',I 140:Ver11,111, 5 tir hblz. of n 0n,31111P apple, whirh I fel for 50 cenif CORN 31 1;', A I,._—RO hu-nrk rrt.;ll fzronna sif'ocl Corn 'ilea% barrol? containio7, 3 loiAlwiF, at 75 rents per harrel I orc —Family Flour by the harrr.l jut 20 7 E. A us-•r tN, Attorney at Piltonrch. Pa . ofTwe In 4111 Siff PI, Burke s Wtr.l txm E. A rirtr. witt ....Ive his attention to my unfinished I,ino , s, and I rorotnnwort Hun in the patron. age of one friends, WALTER FORWARD. ep to-iy . %V. 'ATI EF SON .2 . dice on Smithfield sireet near Sixth. Felt 10 W.1 -VT ED --As -not] ns prissilde-- plates for a num. her of ecimnirs; Book keepers; Clerks; Saleetneni and Ili, 0 in since-: School , caram. , —fo• laboting men— non and t; irtA to, all kinds of work—also, for roar It tflen: and tan boat men and boye—eoltbe in,: W7llll^a a 010,12,14. olfl !mot property. with fur or floe t ,$5011,701), 1000 fr... 4 lit - sTERS, 3.9 RDI.VE.S. -e.; net v,•11 tip in I Int• 1 - ,or twe!as•clie tract. of lam', and for rent, rev- Sly le al A 11, Nare's. :Co 9 rinh oenrt er.,l email Mr nes of proocrly —apply at (huts' Agency apartment , are aopropri.o,l In cent'emen accnitipanicd 't and 1,111 , 11)2 , 11re ollicn. %b 2. I, v !Air,. loads of Cakes and Confectionary for 1 wedding,s. etc . for Cale by tine 19—i f 1 9 111 . C . B 1 IK I' -4.l,iinties In exerute all kinds br rn. - - " • • a- Deeds. fil.ortgag,co. Apprentice} In• demi] us. Articles of Partnership. I.mirre of Attorney; 4.c. in a seas and legal manner. and 31 half of charg. 0, al Isis old sintid Penn street, neer the sth tt'a. d nor Is. , Molt , . felt, 25. Anct ranger and Commis. eV 'ion .11crchnnt, Lonineilte. K Y., will ailpntl t o Ili. F.-I , l'e, thy Gorld?,,C • oreries. rni. oris, &y. VVe. y • Thu rs.day. and Fri day inornin2:. al 10 o'c'cic A. NI. Cash advances wade Coll,i.lllllll`,is ' , CI) 10 Toothache ! I iora TOolll3rliC rulyd in rwo UlLi--Cll'l at Tr vri.t:s medical Au, girt', gli Fourth a tle, tt I; ‘varra tiled to cure or the 11101100 will Iv ri 41 -1 V.(42(;1 U. /..1 \"(:'. nt L aw . ofr ,„ 1 1,7 f 11,1 r the Theatre, 1'0h:ow gh, .IMCKP:REL, hdds. Prime N ()• i 10 'Esc re Ri c e. 15 Er:, shod. nww , inriewl Nos. 20 ltwik No :3 Mawlicrel. I i Now laud log Irmo S. IL w oiler. and row sole low bow . I.ot ZiL J 111 ES MAY. lons Blooms and Ikpr •711 v I , y J v VA: It BIZ I I r 1.t•I wee. Wood 4- sloth o• It B Luo.i/.!•• - j."l receive.i— 1511 14 fn•sh [l.ll 5110 rill. chatii; 4 dlacti k- NlPCloskey's Clothing Slcire FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or REaDF :11.111E CLOTHING THREE BIG DOORS, No. 151 Libelly strert, one door from the Jarkson Foundry. V n I - : rult.rriber N just rect. vine at bin well known ~5 i a i 0,,i,„,,,,t, Ito ; 1a,,, , i. ino,t Sari,' and cut.seostr „ i 0 , K OF ~,,,,D4 film ha , cry, - bccn ( , •Fered in thig cry Evert aI;;, le wa+ se'rch‘d by him- , If in Tile e:is , er., ri. ties, and pit rchm-ed a the I nwysT rA9II Prtire.l, and he 'a Ito.r, i . „, yoal,o,i t,, , I II II:. :arlfrit, niticii 10, er !ban they ran be had at ;uty other c•tabl',..lllhrht west or the mountains. FIN articles are all made by experienced workmen, fi mil Ihe lalect mann fa , tilted :twds and in the must rkI()DERN FASHION. He teems confluent that all persons who will roll at hi: ratahlkhlnent and examine his aim It will he sstisro.d that BETTF.It B %RG %INS ran he ohtained at tl.e THREE RIG DOORS than at any similar elitalillslttnent in the city. ' Ills stork ro•:siFts In part of Couts.Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders; And every other article of CM:WeI of the heat style From lIIS varied stock of cloths he is prepared to MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER at the shortest notice. In a style nntmrpased by any other Pittsburgh house, and warranted In fit. 1110 stock of Spring cod Summer (Reds Is superior to any prrvion. importations and he has noltesitatlon In saying that for excellence, beauty and cheapnet . s they cannot he equalled In the west. Tire stib;criber would mice more return his thanks la his friends and the pubqe for the unprecedented patron a , :e hes.owed on hit egralilkliment, and believing that his ens - looters had fmitrl it to their advantage to deal. with him. he would repeat his invitation to all tly.se who wish to purchase Clothing of every desetilptkrnat lowest prices, to fall It No. 151, lailalTT Primp?. - . JOHN WOLOOKEY. gerObservei Metal Plate in tbe Psvisipigt. Fob 21. • - _~'. -.c ~ _~: IS'A CIWSE 14S Libert y Ft Is %AC =IMES LITARRIF , Anvia and roturni.,ion O 7 Our friends talk of holding a publiii meeting in the old Court House DIM Sat' urday night. We hope that men of every class will be there. Fourierism—To-morrow we *lll give a synopsis of the scheme of Industtial Art sociution as advocated by A. Brisbane of New Yolk. OUR ASSOC' A VION One great objection urged by many tO the scheme of Association is, that "some Will not work," but will loiter about mere pensioners upon the labor of others. ti, Association, labor would be as degrading and repulsive as it now 41, the argurnenS would have some weight. There is cer-. tainly no pleasure or amusement in labor' when one is imiielled to it from dread of the lash or of starvation. In Aslodation, however, the whole face of things in rola% Lion to industry would be chrngedi what wen now look upon ss s drudge and* tiisgi ace, would in Association be deemed an honor and an amusement—it would sua ilerc de the gaming table, the ball alley arid the dance. Lulus! ry would beeOme attractive. The man who, in good health, could remain idle i i e social community where a'l were equal and bound together by the almost indisiohible ties of interest. wou'd, indee I, he an anotwoical curiosity. We do not believe th.it such a man exists. The objection is therefore, weak and uuetile. What can be done by Association. The following statement will be interik eating to our friends as giving conclusiv i evidence of the po , v , Associated La bor. The practica; - ,i,ity of the scheme hal been tested in New England, New York. Georgia and other parts of the wor'd, and from the accounts which lave been pub.. bshed of their progres , ,n e think that those wiseacres who sneer at it as visionary, n ay as well shut up: "I' is stated, in a corn nuhication from Gen. A. H. Brisbane, of Georgia, that he has constructed a railroad in that State 79 miles in length, with 150 laborers. and on% ly a cash capital of $15,000, the laborer's being the owners of the road. The cash was applied to the support of the work. men. The road tormects the Ocmulgee and Flint rivets. The cars are t.l run fur a while on wooden rails, which have been laid doiin, and with horses, at the rate ten miles an hour, untd, out of the [ rafits of the road, iron rails can be substituted. In addition to this, the st..ckholdr.rs of the road o wn large tracts of of land. Thirty of these stockholders Here poor Irishmen♦ who had been thrown out of wait, and whom G n. Brisbane collected in Charles ; ton, S. C. This road was commenced in 183 q." I'IG IRON. I I to) -4 Toss Tentiesste Pi: Iron, Cur sale low id 1 c10, ,, e consignment, by t",.1. 111 Nv , ,,01,As I). COI EMAN C .• CO./7, r.etil Farwnrdlnt and I. Nier I.lla ye.. reef, Th , v ro-1 , , , e1ft:1tt.91 ~1 n!3-If E. U. lacastivigs, 1111 Erni:DING ItEGI.;LATI)It. Oillce with Alder tl'af,on, 4th ,tret. next door in Ilia Batik la here apnlicntnr . ma fur Survev• Ln)ing Out and Dividio: Landed males, Will be ri CeIVC(I. reed". Bond', Mort:Dvs, ezunt , ed with 1•01 nrcnincy atui desratrl. "iii.hnt , 2ll. Jan 261.84.1 WilY rare Dr. 11 ibberdN Famlly PMs heti! in -11 , h 1}1. 1 1i:e-iiniatinn, by the hundreds of families in ltd+ city who now kenp them runzlointly OR Devil use the eft', el ni three MIN on the stows. as lint to sicker?. Nettlier do they stralst 'icor rt. in throw off black hilt ; tut they throw or • the ellon 1.110 freely, They are the he , t •rito ever Pol for Myspepsia, Head Ache, Rheumatism. te. fry. For •ni:ca•re' peculiar to Female., they ore now Wed 6X Tei‘ 4 llirly' _we erroleet solisfartinti, The e excellent Palle are for sale in Pitt.iurth Indio at TcrTta•s-86 4th ct• 12i cents per box. 31 M gßitirr, DENTIST, Office in Saiti. field. betweel Seenod and Third Stt., noun a t.ll , lnese films 9 A. M sill 4 P. al. Dr. F. 111. rumours/lures Procelnlo and Mineral teeth. Ilesoisis can he stspp!,,,llsv lIIP 1011 or single tret h• Mocks of teeth with a lienullfill nine In full eels, or parts of FrllO. will he made In order et the chorse•t notice, br forw.srdiss2 :An curs issi;sre,Sost of Ilie month. 4 NO. for Fab. a few S %Will rowel , wheels for 2 rinding ale! (iota: mineral !frill so useful to the Denilst—all W;111 , 0 cold Tow fur rash. der 33. E. VI . RAY. ALEX. P. THOMPSON. triLcitikir dL TICOIVITSON. GENERAL AGENT: , a A Coromi.sion M•eeryarkt., sr. LOUIS, .*l.. 1r fer 10. Merpro 'Fothrlt. Royer 4- A!,noweii ritisbarg. .1 W. 11. cao,pi..ll 4- to. cope. - Nd hunter. S. Co. lkfor 7 an,eruicher ¢ Co iArowls. tealsnan tonic node, Christy 4 CO. Frh Rrfer In ft ANTED TO PCIR HASF:, 100 i.o.heirreiover eyed. for which the h lewd market price will be riven. N, O. Sonar, this dayrectiived per ' , earner Now York, and for sale by C.k A. CORDON, dee in Nn. 12 Water it . - 3V:111t . S1.1 . ';:f!.'7:;01":T;B.S1t1: ; gj- "Why will ye live at this poor dying rate?' 444 4 4 DR: E. HU MP if R F,' S VE GE T 4 • BM OINTMENT, FOR PILES, FIS.FURESoIke. TO be had at Tg aye; lleikal Nte61..16 Awn* ow the yell *vat ilk TO 22. JIM MAY 4 Login R. Cocctukit