Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 01, 1843, Image 2

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    ple electing their own officer , and are
therefore in favor of the - election of Canal
•Cormnissioners by the people, yet we
consider the act of the present House of
Representatives in attempting to seize
to`their own hands the power of appoint—
'ing these officers as an arrogant assumption
on their part, and LS an act brought about
-by faethris, intrigues, and traitotious corn
Resolved, that as tax pa) ing citizens of
Pennsylvania, and as citizens of the wes
tern metropolis, we feel a deep interest in
the 'success of our public wet ks, and in all
that concerns the carrying :rade, and have
ing witnessed the incessant efforts of fac
tions and reckless politicians to disturb the
public mind in regard to the conduct of
the present Canal Commissioners, we feel
bound to warn our fellow citizens through
out the State, that the real object of these
persons is to derange the public bu-iness,
by the sudden creating of a new 13.)ard of
Canal Commissioners, tin ou g h them
of new and inexperienced officers on the
several lines of the public wotl;iz, which
policy, if successful, just, us the Canal is
being opened and toe spring bw-iness com
mencing, must result disastrously to the
State, injui ionsly to the mercantile corn.
munity, and disgracefully to the Demo
cratic party in whose hands the State Gov
ernment is r:ow placed.
.Resolved, That as Democrats honestly
opposed to :II kinds of monopolies, w.,
view with indignation the effot is making by a
few disaffect.- d Democrats to give to the dis.
ciples of Joseph Rilner and Thaddeus Ste
VCAB, who hold seats in the present Legia
heure, the power to appoint a WHIG AND
ANTIMAS ,, NIC Board of Canal Commission
minority Report.
Resolved, That this meeting recommend
to the Legislature to pass a law rroviding
for the election of Canal Commis inners by
the people at the ncxt general election in
October next.
Resolved, That for the Legislature to
take the power into their own hands of ap
pointing a Canal Board without the know
ledge or consent of the great mass of the
people, is an act of Ull War t antable usurpa
tion and dictation on their part, character.
istic however, of the present federal mein•
hers of ;he Legislature, and of recreant
democrats, who are wiling to batter for
Office themselves and their professed p in.
Resolved, That thi7 meeting highly ap
proves of the reform and reiret.chment in
troduced into the miaagement of the pub •
lic works (luting the past year, and that
we approve of the conduct of the Canal
B uard,m prosecuting to conviction and sup•
dangerous menopolies and emnbinatiuns
whiel) lately existed in the Transpot Ling
Rrsolved, That this meeting protests a
gainst the action of the Legi,lature, giant.
ing to the Banks the pill:liege of issuing
small notes, and t hose (h./not:rats who vote
for, such a bill, should be liehl up to the
acorn and contempt of every limiest demo
Portion of the Canal Bill—Offered by
Mr. Ferrall, as no amendment to the two
foregoing ri.pott sand together with. them
adopted as the sense of Ma meeting.
Sect. 4. That from and alter the passage
of this act, no supervisor ur su per Mu- n•
dent on'any of the canals, railroads or Oth
er improvements of the commonwealth,
shall receive more than 82 per day; no en
gineer upon a lo co •h o tiv e noire than 61,75
per day; no hire/rim mote odni 51,50 per
clay, except the pliaripal forearm Ili the
mechanical department, oilto shall n o t re•
than 52 pet day ; no despatch
,eeitage went collecting money liont pas.
sengers, or otherwise more than 51,50 per
day; the collector at Philodelploa shall re
ceit,,e $1.200 per annum; the collectors at
tither offices where the toll s sh a ll amoun t
to $50.000 awl upwards, shall receive $9O
per month; at offices where the tilts shall
amount Ict nO,OO and upwards, the col
lector filial! re c eive $7O per month; and
all other col'ectors 50 per month, ard th a t
there shall be hut one collec:ot at each
.collector's office; and no collector I
: C
ceive any compensation or allowance f
clerk hire, and no officer 00 the canals of
this commonwealth shall receive COM fiellm
cation when the navigation of the said ca•
nals shall not be in operation; Priivilet/ .
That no collector, so pet vi s or, sum intend•
ent, weighmaster, clerks, lock tendets, or
other officers and haods, sl:a I receive arty
pay when not employd: .1n t p rov id e d,
That no super intenden', snpeivisot or nth
er officets, except lock tenders, employed
on an y of the public works of thii com
monwealth, siva.' receive pay lor any day
they shall not actual y have Been employ
ed in the service of the comm mwealth,
and that each and every account shall be
rendered tinder oath or atilt inaLi:m. .lad
provided farther, That no person Shall be
employed in any capari:y upon any of the
railroads and canals belonging to the coal.
monwealth, who may he directly or indi
rectly interested or engaged in the busi•
cress of transportation of m-oschandise and
produce or passengers, u po n the same;
perform the duties
sad if any per.loo shall
of more than one otYci or appointment, he
slvsll reeeive the pay and emoluments of
one office or apeointrrient only.
Sect. 7. That from and after the passage
of this act the pay fir hire of clerks owl
secretaries in •he office o' the Carnal Com
missioners. shall he 51000.
John r. Cunnoliy,S-r'y,
E. NORTON, Prest
.E. D. Gazzam, Sec'y 2d org'ii.
G. W. JACKSu\. Vice Prest
John Ferral, Sec'y 3tl organization.
Ths following resolutions were offered
by Major Lynch as a substitute fin. the
reports of the majority and minority.
Resolved; That. vre approve of the act
passed by Lb* mos* - IHOUSS of Repre4
sentatrfes entitled an act to retWe'ttia ex
pensoe, and ptairide for . the idifiCtitiii-of a
Board of Ca*Conircistaioners,
Resolved, that, in fui opiniens tho-iiirgu
ments used by the opponents of said bill
are anti republicans, and inconsistent with
the principles 14 Democracy, and a ruse
to deceive the pe , y'e, and retain the pow•
er of appointments in the hands of one
man, instead of the s VERE!GN PEOPLE, to
whom, of RIGHT, it b
Resolved, Thai in as much as it i$ con
tended that great ard beneficial reform
has resulted from the appointment Or the
new Board of Canal Commisioners, inex
perienced as we know them to have been
ir. relation to canal 'natters, and takina,
them as a criterion, wP are fully warranted
in saying that no evil will result to the
Commonwealth from Cie annual election
of the Cared Boa d, but on the contrary
much good.
JAMES 13 IJ Cll tN 71,
to the decia'en of n National Convention.
wEDNE-:Dxy. owl! 1. Nl3
See Page
Caisol Toll.
fu e,ur arto lc yestc7d,ny c.mal tr , m , i)Artetton
wc 'mole en rror nit tile aliment of tolls eitArg-ii
on Fleur en I (1. II e. I In- sum 01,1
itir!o th e e l r ,r g ,., for on ttive power, trinekag•e
and the till on boat. Tee stit'ition there
nrmtes make the Hiartres on Coffee 3 . 1. 1 ., rent, per
100 lbs. and on Flour .51 cent.: 6 mills per Write'.
nrst statennernt erne tine tolls on the articles
alune.und might be suppo•ed t , p flaunt t o otr o o -,, et .
alt the charges by the slate, ir not otherwise in
The inte Veinal:mile Met ting
We insert a paper signed by several
gentlemen who were officers of the late
meeting at the Washiogtom lktel. l t
contains,in th e main, a cot rect account o f
the doings on that occasion, but we must
correct one error into which the writes
have fallen. The proceedings given,
were not, as far as we could see, adopted
by the meeting. It is prDbable that if the
opinion of those present could have been
properly ascertained, a large majority
would have voted fir Mr. Ferral's amend
ment—that is, for both sets f resolutions.
and the portion of the Canal bill te'ating
to salaries, annexed. But it is impossilde
to say that the ao endment did pass—
there we, nothing done after the adoption
of Mr. McCullmigh's motion to adjourn
sine die, although there were two attempts
to re organize the meeting aft •r that resl.
lution passed.
It may be proper t.iiremark her, , , that.
the statement of a , - nornin, , y, paper whiHi
reported the proceedings, that the distur
bance in the meeting was caused by biek
erings of Messrs. Morehead and Lynch,
is entirely without foundation. There was
no matter of dispute other than that whi; h
was discussed; the proptiety of giving to
the Legislature the power to appoint a
new Canal bard ilimedialely. The
whole dem oc ratic party of the Slate as-
scuts to the justness r f:he project nt elec
lug Canal Cormnissi.ifiets by the pe;ple.
Proceed, Hg. of Connri Is
NVe received the proectAings of the last
meeting Of Councils at too late an hour
yesterday evening to get them in our col .
umns of this morning; they shall appear to.
morrow. On glancing over them we find
that the vote on the passage of the resolu
tion author izing another issue of SlO,OOO
of city shinplasters has been omitted. We
understand that the yeas and nays were cal
led and taken on this question, and the vote
should certainly accompany the other pro
If it is an oversight of the we
hope they will correct the mistake this
morning by furnishing us with a list of the
yeas and nays, or give some i.thcr expla.
nation for omitting to record the tote on a
matter of such deep interest to the citizens.
I,l] Pr•ividcnce had
dertittNl that t' e gre tt end of a!I iturtga ova , io
come about lattt Wrdric)).hy, ;Ind preparations
were made to meet it. Over one hundred patt,ted
the night in the burying ground, o r the west side;
SJIDC of whom, if report•spealia true, were dress
ed in their ascon,i,n ropes. Thoy went (here to
witness the re,torrce'i.in ot - their friends, with
whom they expected to rise int ) the ektil.t.
Th., sun shone forth bright as usual thu nett
morning, anJ re 1 oil home to get
A man near Bangor, Maim:, a few days since
procured a pint of ruin in exchange for several
yards of cloth, not hasing any money, and after
Irinking it, started for home. lie soon became
benumbed, and sack down. lie was found nearly
&ad, and though he was resu4eitated, be has lost
both feet, and become a pauper.
More of:Mill , riBin—Murder and Surride.—The
Y Aurora svgs that the wire of Jonathan Gar•
risen, of Newark N, J, who has f,r some time
baen laboring under (tic Miller delusion, pn , trr
day, after d..stroyi! , ,g the lives of her two youngest
children, aged one and three years, by giving them
arsenic, put an cud to her own existence by the
same means, Mrs Garrison was the mother of
tire children, three of whom she had sent to her
relative before administering the dose to
the others'.
The river at Ci ncinnaii is st.ll rising and 'Le
weather pleasant. •
T'iour is sailing . at $2 0 50 a 2,56. Whiskey'
Litererd prffeet:* g
York paper Gaya - that there is in that city
the fosiiiFtemaitis of a - ,ygqiis)9,..; : br Liz
zard, 70 feet long ! a gigantic reptile be.
longing, as geologists say, to a period of
the earth's history w'ien it was unfit for
creatures of a higher organization. These
remains were found in the teritory forma
tion of Alabama, on the plantation of Judge
Creagh, in Clark county, by Mr. S. B.
Buckl3y, a native of this State, who was
engaged on a botanical excursion. They
were brolight to this c.ty last A pril.—
:Some idea of the appaling magnitude of
this ani.bal may be form 2d from the fact,
that its fossil remains till fourteen large
boxes! Some of the !argot vertebrie weigh
perhaps each one hundred pounds, uimin
ishitig down to the extremity of the tail,
the last of them being not larger than a
man's fist. On the vertebra and some of
h e other b, , ries, their still exists, in a per.
feet state, the periosteum or covering of
the bones, their substance being more nr
less fossilized into carbonate of lime. All
the teeth, covered over wilh their enamel,
are still perfect. The head arid jaws are
3ix or' tight feet long, and the ribs have a
length ,if six feet. Dr. Hai Inn, of Phila•
delphia, took to London, several yeaas ago,
a few of the hones of a similar a lima], ub
tained from the same place.
Apt ~nndin; Aq.ron Diti,:uvery
A writer in the Western Literary Mes
senger, a pub ication belonging to some
of the Lilies of the west., (v%e baldly kauw
which,) has the fill ,wing in relation to
the approaehin4 destruction of the world
Flom it, it will be seen that we must go
for certain, and thatMillcit is not such a
fihatic after all. We Foie, however, that
peorle will not he ri i ,tuned
'lt is a solemn fact, as a scientific friend
has proved to oar contietion, that the
earth is n9u , I , iur milli rt of mt/eS nearer
the Sun than it Peas a finv snmilt.s ago.
and that it 14 moving in its orbit some
seventy thousand miles a day faster than it
did at that ti tie ! These are facts, and
somewhat s:;,ruing ones too. Is the
eart h to fall in upon the Sun. and so he,
burnt p? Such is now our 119nEst
Can the recent mild weather b 0 attributed
to the Earth trio(,* s ) near the great foun• '
lain of s.d ir heat ? Cto fuller Miller'g
predieti tu ha tru. , ? and etc th facts a•
hove stated proof of its truth ? Watch and
be really.'
ShJeking A:farrier ()Alva bifanty by their
Mother.—The Ilamerlhan Journal gives
thedetails of arlr a lful m tr.le Janet, c
mitte I in the p Irish of LI Irvin. Wiragret
Hughes, vi ra, liasle t n I ha I b !en tuns
10! f- •i was delivered of twins on or about
the Ist January, which, it is conjectured,
she arid her daughter thre,v intit an old
co II•pIt cline hi. .1 I e—v dap aft •r.va ril the
daughter told one of her neight»ls !hat
she had dreamed that one of their children
had fallen int, the pit, an 1 slid it would
be better to have it filled up, fearing an•
accident might 'wen-. it 4 , •i' , 113 the
daughter in'enJed employinz a person to
fal it nu, gave risr; rd a
th:it 3 , onethin, xvas wrung, upon which E.
Itrna=a imis...tble, an,l others, were in-
duced to examine the pit, where to their
horror, they found the bodies of tw o fine
newly blrn [mile infant children. Evi
Bence as to the criminality of the two
prison[ rs was taken, and Lytth were corn
mitten to take their trial,
If tines don't soon get good it ivi!l not,
be for watts of an abundance f 013 hard,
It will be observed that the Acadia
h r itt.Ot over about two rrii'lions of specie
her last uip , and al cost every vessel that
no c i.vos on our slimes, brings a are
quantity of the tiamo article. Aliout 55,••
000,000, has arrival in Naw Orleans
within a few months, and it is still pour.
ing in from all quarters.
But the folowing information which we
..ake from the New York Sun is yet more
frevently see notices of the kind
in exch:inge pipers, but this appears to he
the best:—".l vein of gold four feet thick,
fiorn which two hands in three days raised
or.e hundred bushels of oro worth 810 a
bushel, has been discovered by Dr. Ste
phen Fox near Meckleubmgh.
Attempt to steal a Female Slave.—The
St. Louis Evening Gazette of the 17th
gives an account of an excite nent created
in the town of Jacksonville, 111. by an tt•
tempt male by an abolitionist named Wit_
~on, to run off a negro girl belonging to a
Al's. Lisle, who was on a visit there.—
Wilson got the girl into a buggy, and was
making for Chioago, but was pursued.
over aken and brought back and arraigned
for stealing the girl. The slave was sent
to Missouri, whither Mrs. Lisle had re—
Cold weather in Galena.—The Gazette
of the 10th says—' We have had another
touch of col] weather, such as a Green
lander might notice, when out of other
conversation. Last Monday morning, the
thermometor stood at twenty-seven below
zero, 4E4 en Tuesday morning at thirty
_ .
.L 41, Atiiti biker' Cif:the-18th says: •On
Muted ay eight betiveen eleven and twelve
o'clock, we were visited by another earth
quake, which, many of those who felt it
think the shock and duration greater than
the one which occurred a short time ago.
The apparent agitation or vibration, says
one who was awake at the time, was from
west to east,and then appeared to be three
throes or shocks succeeding each other at
veryshort intervals a:co.np tnied by arush
ing noise. It was sn violent as to make
the shutters and sash in the win,lows rat
Cure for afoundered Hirse.—A, person
who has tried the means recommended,
mays that the worst f mn:lered horse can
b...t cured by the following process. Take
a pint of hog's lard, put it in a vessel and
make it h oiling hot, clean his ho wfs
set his foot in the lard. heat it for each
foot, boiling hut; take a spoon and put the
fatovir the hoof as near the hair as possi—
ble, and he g ilt be fit for use in three hours
if it is done ea , ly in the morning. It is
better to remove hi= sh >es, bat he may be
(toted without d.inc,r so.
Seerttury ol the Treasury
A Washington correspondent of the
Spirit of the Times, says that the frcque nt
calls and re-calls made and made again for
repot ts, (some of them of trio trifling a na
ture to mention,) by both Houses of Con
gross, have forcer/ the Secretary to retire
in disgust from the th.parttnent 80 , m
as practicable. Not that he is willing to
desert the Cabinet, but the constant irrita•
ti,in of his mind, together with the ill ste..e
of his health; demand a lit Ie respite from
the•bustlirg scene attemlan t on an office of
such responsibility.
From aeana• aivices to the Sth inst.
nave been received at Sivaunah, but they
furnish no news. Several buyers had
nearly swept the market of coffee suitable
to the United States. The stock of ()Id
sugar had been abs irbe,), with the excep.
ti, )o o f s o m e 30 1 .'0 boxes, which were in
course of shipment for liamhurgh.
The Democratic editors in Roston are
feeling the go al effects of their victory in
that State. One of them had two hats as
presents, last week. He could afford to
give a poor devil Il l s old one.
To.) 3ieet.l Vie win 1. —The wind of
Tuesday SW-q); tw ) sh , ets or mannicript
from (i3e, ()low oili withhuv3. —Pic.
['tie win l prohablyt o-wired them.—
If n ,t. it w. a very ream miss 1!) itS duty
—.V. Y. Aurora
g )iag ~fr «•is a tok n of uneasiness
rho Provi 2tti micle of the 17th
Another "toar, or rather h,iil siorm,
is kipaa V'iu t I.>rs; ta,l that this Is the
play sot ,tpart by the N11;1-rites f tt the great
h irtitag ui (I iv.
(7,'s, it wnul I i.'e,t) we are ti) sr.) otr in an
icicle ilu:e in 1... r
nivg.r.tcpftt! roo 14-giilator. of N.2vc
Jers:v have passe I a n e w Emma=o Itrwt lan
Tito; area lv inci(l4 l )l..!k vdrds in that state
sac L'h! announcement in
an x +'i iu„ Pap, r•
tel emirolv ter rul . ii:l* ,, lsawl, and try
I 1.71 alvni
Hi c-t t') 13 . 1' lin .N ,v 0110 'lli. it I 4
.. 10 I , Savo 3/i//.
r:Ltre w>> n yi? ut Cif: —lll )y wine" a
L te gr at (I.) ne+tit.., fe3tivil
r frseph 1-',lnney has taken charge of
We It )Aester EveniAg Post —a very well
writt , fn cntral X. 1: Awora.
It will h• a penny papt r of course.
Our beaux s,iould n t go a sleighin g
without bdle3. wu believe there
is a fine u ' ainst it,— Plrbeian.
Its a foe business, no mistake.
Ir. Adams' petitiun e nild filt be re
ceived by ;he [louse, not however becau se
it Was not long enough.— Penn. Freeman.
If th it was nut the cause we hope it may
be long + !lough belote it is received.
Pad Grout has been appointed measu
rer of grain in New York. This is be
cause when a member of the Legislature,
he made such Awry speeches.
Th.! court house at Belville, 111., with
all the county records, Wai burnt a few
days ag ).—Exellange paper.
We think that in BeNino they migh
have given the alarm in time.
The ;:ity of Nlemphis, Tent% seems to
have received anew impulse and isspiing
ing up ir2to a Great and populous empori
um. —N. F. sun.
That's because they had an Earthquike
there recently. There is nothing like
them to make a place spring up.
Elimore Williams wiut built the first
brick house in Cincinnati is dead.—St.
Louis Ledge;.
So are Romulus and Remus. These
persons, hoWever, died some time since
A man was arrastad at Petersburgh
Va., on Tuesday of last week, for abduct_ ,
ing a colored lad from North Carolina. He
offered the boy for sale at Petersburg, bu t
suspicion being Backed, and inquiry instil,
tuted i , it was found that the negro was
) ;) it 1;);-)^.1r.r)
A piper dero—
•• • ..-
Aa OW La4oll4le •.. 7., 00 ft • ...
L' ,• on thel
241 itelt:, - immediately iiitilh and: 4 1141 i , the f Might GALENA and DUBUQUE.
.. . . -.
brit. rwtre will rial oeeborase oktheslitionises,! '
, light draught steamer CICERO.
The T
C MAT Master, will leave for the above and all inter
and that not inbabitod—tionserinently no ere was I mediate ports on Monday the ea h March.
hurt. Mount Ida seems to be ainking to. a dead 1 For freight. or Damage apply onboard,or to
level This is prophetic of the decay of the clan- I T l.l ti! 7 boat Is ito lied with Ev 'e A S Sl fefy.Gtrd.
6jCs—perhapA. i
The city of slempLis, Tennessee, is improving
The steamer Eme!ie, which we noticed as be ,
ing in danger a few days ago in the 114aslatei.p i si-4
was extricated rud reached St Louis in safety.
Shot.—Mr Joseph Gray, a butcher, was shot by
man named S Thomas, nn Wednesday in Lou
isville. "'he wound is considered dangerous.
O n %ednesday a small boy presented a
hundred dollar check at the counter of the
Dry Dock Bank, in New York, which was
given to him by a stranger to draw the
money. The teller suspecting the check,
it was found to be a forgery. Search was
made for the rogue, but he was missing.
On Monday, the 13th instant, the house
of a colored woman, Smith street, Jamai.
ca. L. 1. was entered while the family
were absent. The rogues, after making a
fire and warming themselves, and eating,
drinking, and rumaging the house, from
the cellar to the garret, ovet turning almost
every thing i 2 the way, decamped with
six dollars in money and several valuable
articles of chilling.
IVhe Court of Common of A Ile:belly courtly •
of D , rerolier Term, 1209. No. (i 9
In tile iirtiter of the voluntary aos - ivirnent of Machin
snit i fr Led lie to Samuel Smith and Ceorge Lrdlle
All persona interested will pieace take notice that the
AssiiNoriek above named have tiled their account, and that
•be kaitie will be allowed by the Court on the 4th of
11.irch next, unless canoe he shown to the contrary.—
By order of the Court. A. SUTTON.
mar 1--31. Pro.
911 0 the lloq.tral.le, :he itiligeS of the Court of Getter
._ al (Flatter 9rFsions of the Peace, in and for the
county of Alle:hetty:
The petition or Ito!it !ltehrttrey. or Witkin3 towniht p
in said eon •ty, re , tpect fully shover! 11--
That he ix well provided wit ti house room and other con
venience. for the aceommodation of slanrlers and traveirs
!wing de-irons io continue In that husleess It- prays
your honor: to grant him a license to keep air Inn or
house or ruin is Entertainment, and he will pray. 4.c.
The undersigned rit:z, ns of Wilkins township, re
spect fu;ly cart try, hat I °hi Mebatrey, the above named
a ',pi kart', in a gentleman of eood repute tor honesty and
tempera nre, and in we I proviled with house room and
conven , ences fur the aur ,, minorlation and lodging of
saan2ers and travelers, and that said tavern is Lie:Teary.
John Shaffer, Jaows r) ,, mpster,
A. Adam ‘Valtet,
. Thniotia , n, John JP'‘nston,
John Boecher, Joh n
Jame., AL ( :.
R.,bert Graham,
mar 1-3 t .•
I'llo the tionorahle, the Judz.es of the Court of General
Quartet Sesiioni of the reace, in and for the coon
iy of Allegheny:
The petit of Robert ❑instey, Fifth :Ward Pitts—
burgh, in cold count V. e.pectluliy showeth--
That he is well provided with house roc mond conveni
enres for I he accon nitidation of rtranvers and travelers.
lionse now occupied by huh as a tavern; and he..
11,g to continue that business he pra) s your boo.
ors to grant 111111 z lireuse to keep an hill or house or
T he II lidertlgned, eit izens nit he sth Ward, respectfully
certify, that Rohr. ttiuelev, the above named applicant,
is a gentleman of gnort 'repute for hoirecty and te''per•
nn.e.a nit is well provill6.l rvillt house room and caner.
for the accutrutiothalon and lo.l;ing of strangcrr.
and r a Vf!iers, and that said tavern Is necessary.
IZohert Whitende, Limes Hamilton,
([Co. Porter, Daniel Hamilton,
rutin L. 110:flunk k, James Andrews,
11'n, llnnrittnt,, John Kearney,
John Lightner.
John Von IP.:
m Gate?,
mar 1--3
Filo Iha honorable the J udges of the Court of
Gei.ei Q,iiarier Sessions of the Pea-e in end
C,r the l'oon'y of Allegheny
Tile of Cathiti ine flo , ark, of East Deer
town.„Jp, to u.e c allay aforesaid, butub:y showeth—
That y in; petitioner bath piovi,leil het self with
m.i•crl,l4 no , ieriuninodaii in of travelers and
winos, at het dusthing liuose township store•
said, and prayt. that t (tor 111111 TS will be pleased to
ens- to keep House of En
nt And a= ioily
will r , ,y. CA 110 SACK,
IV.:, tue sithrwrihtns,cinzens trf East Decr tirwriiia t ir,
ria eel tif; hat the above ire , ttioner is of g..od r epar
ror li.liesty and Pr 'utterance, and it us ell pros , ded
rely) house i wan and conveniences for the accomuirr
riairntr and Iralging vt stranAers and travellers; tin i
that said I.tvi rat is lit eessary.
August B rilenr James Nlitchell, •
John Ptriy, John M'Coriniek,
Jelin Y. , ..g, Jos :8en,,,,,
-. L. Brow ii, Jas M Hanna,
It S Prink, IL McDonvld,
Jacob Ravel.) , lona Keen.
G b 25.
TO the 11,nm-tittle, the of ihe Court of!
Ge,;elal Cludret Session of the Peace, in
act' frr the county of Allegheny;
The petition of James Young of the Borough of
Letwreoce,ille in said t °may, respectfully taloweto
That hr is well prat ideal vvivi house room and
other cciaseoleoces for the accomm :dttion of strait
gersood iravellers, at rite h nice onopie l by boo
as a t.t vel n; and neing desirdos Vt cootinue in that !
hosiiiess he ways your honors to giant him
to keep en I n n or hon=e Of Public Eater tainoteu t .
And he will 11.4 y, &c.
Toe onder,igoeni eit.;z..ns of the 11,roogli of Law
rence% ilie r rsp , wildly ce lily, that Jas. Yuuirg.uie a•
hove named applicanr, is a gentleman of go ,d repute
for lione,ty and 'coy, raocc, and is well provider.' wilt,
house . emu and cooveotemes fir the aecominod-i
-lion a•.d lodging of stranger,. and It avelers, and that
said tavern is necessary for the accommodation of
the public.
J W. Decker, ,1,,1i0 Linton,
Joseph ‘Vainright Hunter Laughlin,
Francis Som. James K ingan,
Jeremiah F eming, ‘Villtatn Keinp, ,
Thorr as Kirby, Dalthavvr May,
G. Gosinn, JAin Stine,
feb .9.5-3t.*
rpio.iht tionoroble. the Judges of the Court ofGener
.l. al Quarter Session 3 Utile Peace, in and for thecoun
ty of Allegheny:
The petition of Jahn Lavery of West Deer Township
in said county, respectfully showei It—
That he Is well provided with house room and other
roaveniences for the aCCuMMOdaliila of strangers and
traveli-ri. at the house now oceupied by I.lm as a tavern
and being desirous to continue in that 1 usiness be Prays
your honors to giant him a license to keep an Inn or
house of Publiz Entertainment ' s:id he will pray, frc.
- - -
The undersigned, citizens of West Deer township, re.
specutfully certify that John Lavely, the above named
applicant, is a gentleman of good .epute for honesty and
temperance, and k well provided with house room and
conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of m ran.
cers and travelers, and that said tavern is necessary.
John Donnell, Dacuel
John Fleck, Henry Yoagle,
Wm. Duncan, James Hasli•tr;
J. W. Bugher
Wm. Waddle,
John Brown,
A. Knox,
John Rougher, John Waddle'.
mar 1.-30
ROBERt nissr.r.t
We the solute; titers, citieens nr-F aid township; #o
certify that the above petitioner is ofgoixt filtnor for
honesty and tetnperance, and is well provided with
house room and ennvenieneeg for the accounnotlaw
tiou and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that
said tavern is necessary
Jacob Bye.ly, Thomas Daft, • !
Wm. Huffier George L. Reid,
John Anriregg Jacob Tomer,
Henry Sample, Wm. Aiken,
James WelkinsJ.u, _Tog Ruch, .
J D.W. Widte, • • C.• Darragh, ' ''' 4 7.
Thos. Ha ffey. frh 23. --.
1500 Li- — o7ll:Z i p , r n sal u e s b t y reeeite4 4 1: 414
148 Liberty gh
300 BBLS.N. O. .410L4SSES; just rec'd per steam
boat Lillie Ben, and for sale by
Water et. between Wood 4- Smithfield.,
WILL be received at the Mike of the City Wider
Werke until the 10th of March, for supplylnt the
Works with Coal for one year, to commence on the Arst
of April next.
Pi] t,liurgli, Jan. 24tIt. 1843 —'3td.
Cheap .
Short Reel Yarn.
No 5 at 16 ems. per lb
6 at 16} ditto
7 at 17 ditto
ti at 17i ditto
9 at 13 ditto
10 at 191 411110
11 at 19 ditto
12 at 191 ditto
13 at 20 ditto '1
14 at 20} ditto
- 15 at 21 ditto
16 at 22 ditto II
17 at 23 ditto
16 at 24 ditto r
19 at 25 ditto
211 tti 26 ditto 11
0••• Orders promptly Att
Painter' , ,Logati 4- Kennedy
Feb 27.
110 tl.e Honorable, the Judges of theCo:ion of
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and
fu - the county of Allegheny.
The petiti,,n .1' Peter Ivwy, of Ross Township, in
ytlr rntlnty, respectfully sheweth, That he towel!
d will house !Tenn and other ronvenienres
for e. - mnoorlation ( - strangers and traveler's, at
'he orse row , upied by him as a tavern: and be
ing det.irrit ,, to cnottume rn that business he prays
your bon , rs t.) grant him a licent.e to keep an Inn r r
house of Public Entertaintnent. And he will ever
pray . PETER IVORY.,
the nodersigned, citizens of Ross township, re—
spert roily ce , tify, thnt Peter Ivory, the abot e named
aPPli"ant. 18 a gentleman of good repute for 'honesty
and tempe.ance, and is well Frovided With house
. mho and conveniences for the accornttlaittlimS4lnd
lodjog of strangers and traveler, and !hat said tavern
is n- , e , sary for the accommodation of the public
Robert I fare, C.tto ad Reel,
Lim Di , i , , Jon McKnight,
David Reel, Daniel McKever,
Caspar Reel, James Al'Aleer. ..- ~.
Nicholas Good, John Morri , w a ,
hVin Piker trt. Joieph McKnight,
W, 27. 184.3-31."
1 1 0 the I Initoinble, the Judges of the Court of (;en
eta' Quarter Ssssinns-of the PrAce,la and for
the county of Allegheny.
The petition of Thomas Brant 01 Jrffertion
township, to said enmity, respemadly showeth,, That
he is well nro,. bled with house r oom and other,erm,
venietiees far the acrotnmndittnin of strangers, aind
aravelers, at the now rientipied by him as a
t kvero; and bring de.iroms to ermthme ,
ries., he prays your honors ti, grant n linihrte to
keep an litti or house 01 Entertaihment: acrd
he will ever pray. TilOS. B11:14NrS
The undersiened, riti•roms r f Jrfr-rson oisitro•
ship, lespeeifillly ee, illy, that Thomas BPigit.
the ;lb/ named 31);j•-ttnt, is a gentleman (trend
ref. cite for horn-ty an I temperance, and is Well ern—
vid,d with knit-e rail mid einivenienres for the sc•
r0 t i,n ) , ,d.,,i,,t) nil Imlgi. , t; of str;ti‘ge,s and travelers,
-tad that said to or is Iltuescary (or ,he accomniodas
cirri h; the phi) i•.
James Lobbe,
am. s Cl iir
Jorritha” La•ge,
Jesse Lobbe,
Janulrl littAth,
V Oi he Flonorhl.le Jud2es of the Court of Grirel,
Quarter Sessions of the Prate iu and for ike,clitthly
of A Ileghsny.
The ;will ton of John Trilby, or East Deer townsVp
411,2.11eny county, 1;011114 eheaeth•
That your pelt inner bulb provided himrell whit ma.
for the areoininodalion of travelers Rad: HIM! at
Ills dwelling linu , e in the township aforelialifoind fl'rept
that poor Iloilo, will be pleased to gran: him a licemoe to
keep of Elite, tai merit . And yoar,pe
it inner, ns in duly hound, will pray.
tC•, the vit!incriliers, citizens of East Deer township, do
certify, that the above petitioner iv of good teputit for
! onet y and temperance, and is well provided with
•horse room and conveniences fort he accommodation of
qt ra mei, and travelers.and that said tavern is PCC aaaaa y.
Samuel Dicke., 11. S. Frick,
Tito. Re tit, Joseph "Atitims,
Ji , ..b Rbi”e, Jul ;; r Y (mpg, '
E.ky Alclit-p. J; co, F. 6., r, -•
Ja , li 11, s , iipirglier, Joi] I)b.rlr,
Ati,,it 11 , (i .11, ta , gust Fi-1, - . •
Fe It :17-3r.
fi_lLl IKE NOTICE—UraI I have applied to the Cowl of
Common Pleat or Allegheny roomy, for the benefit
of the laws made for ihe eller of the,inroteent dittos.
and that said Court have appointee the fourth ItiroOday
of March, at the Court House, in the eity...,f
for the hearinit of me and my ereditois.
fco 2i, .Itm r Innkeeper. Tareultim•
1 ,11 I ill. ilituraliie, the J1111:71,1;1 the Court of General
Quarter Sensions of the ['vane, is nrsti'qic One ciTha
ty of Allegheny.
The Petition of J, IL C.trie.nn * Co.. of the 2d Ward
Pillchurgh, In said county. respectfully showelh:— '
Tlrit ha in well providd with houEt romp and other
conveniences for the accommodation of straligelli and
travellers, al the house now occupied by hint as a tavern;
and Itch lesirotis to continue in that business he pis.Ws
your linaors to grant hint a 'license to keep ah IA or
house of Public Entertainment, And he will pray4c.
The undersigned, ci:izens of the 2d Ward Plittir
hurch, reitpnctfolly cer ify, that is El. Carlos* Qt. ! the
above named applicant, is a gentleman ofgood repute
for honesty and temperance. and is well protrleltld fittli
bone room and conveniences for the accommodatbit kruil
lodging of at rang , on and travelers, and that said taverts
is necessary (or the aceommodation of the public.
John Elirminzhetn, Edw Upstill,
G,, , u Whitfield, James (Innis,
J a g Mrreery, Henry Manson,
John M' Wild:lms; Alhn Drown,
'l' D Rhodes, Juhn Fux,
James Adams, Juno Smith,
E reb 28, 1843.1-
E go tlie h , ito.:th;e, the Judges of the Coutiii: . .
General Q . J/21 e r Sess ons of the P,ece, in and
for the County' 01
The i eti,ion of Francis G of Pitt town
ship, in the c..unty atotesaid, hnmbt showeithrt
your petitioner bath provided himself withma fi,*
fnr the aecommodat:on of travelers and others; lOM's
dwelling house, in the township and county arore
.cai.l, and prays that your Honors will be pleased la
grant hint a license to keep a public house of reed
!Aliment And your petitioner, as itt duty boned'
will pray.
or Cash. .
Long Reel Toro. '
500 at 9 ctliter ds.
tit 8 • ditto
700 at 7 ditto'
800 at 6 ditto
900 at b ditto ,
1000 at 4 ditto
;Candlewick at .16 al per lb.
!Corn Batting 9 diUor,
!Family 4 do. 12; din*
Carri't Chain 20 dints
'Coen Twine 25 &tin
Coverlet Yarn always on
Cot on Warps made t• order
endrd to, it left at' 3. c
or the Poo office, oddreis
I. K. MOORHEAD 4 , co.
P. obr t M cMailet
.1 , 0 , ri Halite",
Paid Cit.tter,
Gabriel CitiAtfit,
Michael Sriep,