btiPPIPC * IiVA REHOUSE, Four fro deers frost gA. V. B. Bank. Ifni Tr 47t4lker,ripipectrnily intorma the public that h Ss removed his ready made coffin %vatMu:nine to the 3,lllding recently occupied by Mr. R.G. Bercord,dlrectly oppolitehis old eland, where he is ctivays prepared to at• land promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict at . tent lon to all the tletallaa rhnbaiinescs of an Undertaker he hopes to 'rent patiliceonfidence. Ile will be prepared , at •L1,00C119 to ilf 0vi,1.1 I earWa. Biers, C. iages and every reqet , vhe on the moss ilt.rrOi tef mi. Calls from the conntu will lie promptly attended to. ilk residence is in the same building with his ware • holm., where those who need hts services may find him at any time. Rrir6R14:401.3 W. W. Lewis. minx, itiotott, JUDO* IPirTO5, W. 6. er'cLcritz, It &O Ueßßte, itep 10 ii•O'D '..irti`llll."Sid.l ......._. ,•_,: so- )K s, • STE VLIROAT BILLS, -- PAMPHLETS, HORSE PILLS, BLANKS, VISFFING CARDS, L ABMS, ADDRESS ,DO., CHECKS, RUSI NI E. 5.9 no., NOTES, - !AND RILLS, BILLS OF LADING, CI ItCUL ARS, 4-c, /cc. k . ' Tozether'with every description of Leiter'Pieas Print Inc,fitrailted with neat nem and despatch, arid on mode --.-- • 7 1111kierniti, at the niftce lit' the D.• ily Morning Post. . _,. .. 111,140 .1 . . . , ...., _ . ......,. 014108 E. WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO - 01; ACC RA VATE DISEASE.—This ciao Or4OAhrltilies is very 1111111(4'111M Th,y arc blase Who Work in nn unhealthy atoosuhere. Printers, work• men in feather mores, stone callers, bakers, while lead 4Mlitillfacturerg, arc all more or toss subject to disease c• cordine to the•lrengt h of their constitution. The only trnetitorito prevent disease, is the occasional use of a medicine which abstracts front the circular ion all delsle _liolls humors, end expel., them by the letwels. Tomes - any, form and injurious, an they only 7.01 °tithe evil :day to make it more Coal. The use of fl.andrelli':: will Ins ure health, Itecatt.e they like all impure mat ler Out of the blond; and the body. k not weakened hill ' . .`JiWengthened by their operation, Gtr these valuable Pills Ala not fOrce, bat they asrit nature, and are not opposed, ,411wItitnimonize With tier. ffrifd at Dr. BrandrethN Olire, No. 93 Wood street, AtltiAturxn. - Price 25 cents per hoc, with Cull directions. ARIK-=-Tai only place in Pittsbarsh where the f_DTNE.PiIIs can be obtat tied, is line . Doctor's own ( , f. N 0.28 Wood street. sep 10 HOTEL.—The subscriber respectfully in .i/11.4arxehL.old friends and the public. that he has fifth Street, near the Ex- ObilrjOilarlit, and In the house lately occupied by Mat ilti►'Pptrick, and 113 A !totaled ant ron it en, “The Iron Chtfliolel," where lie will be very happy to accommo daw all who may please to call or. him. His table seeti he provided with the heat fare, and every potkible 11113MOMModation to town and country customers and A --ftgrlera. few boarders who WWI to lodge In their stores or of. Aces. can betaken. and aentleinen who live out of town eti• have their dinners daily. He has large and ;tomd stables, and the best flay and flats, and a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. era and gentlemen who have horses. Boarders taken by the day, week or year. ("barer. , more moderate than at any respectalite hotel in the coy. rep 10 ion,: IRONS. WASITINGTON h as opened the late residence of .lames Adams, rso., r ti* . - - ;;; A•ceasiti. for the recoptinn of visitors and hoarders; '::[lie house is very•ly nit the hank of the ;Ohio, 2 miles from the city—pmssessinz all the delight fhl nerminoanimeills of a .country residence, without MI:111 rof iwr , kins I.ll , ine,:c to the city. Visitors will tie furnished with every delicacy of the season. 1:- ....., ~z /k .-;ro,r- ' Mn Omnihus runs revilarly every lieu gheny end of the Brift2e. N. B.—No Alcoho!ic beverages- kepi. .sep 10 tV SI ISSOLUTION DP THE U.N7o.V'—The fop ,rt. —, - : , nersitip existlny. between latio,l E. K•lhourn and .4, • ' , : i.., D 4.4 ,, - , '.D4Vid J. NI ore,an Is this day di• , snlyed by multi:o consent. WV The conditions stri he duly noticed, with the t.ivinturrs Of bath parties annexed, and Barry Hell will be cztatinhett - .... '_ , ,lkpee by the subscriber until other arrangements arc per ..rested. Fore e, On shn prelnke., 110 ehrtlre winter np plea. Ifloplied for Imrunf in:el v. JAS. E. KI L N, septa—if No 9, Nlarkci,aild Frn,.l ,t 411606 1 "J A pt 731. BIDDLE, Sert:reott Drterittt, hag teloreekl In hl3 nil \o 107, Smithfipl,l F 4 l r ePt *here he enti tM co.tst.ilted any hour Juliet; lite rl,k‘, on hire nrnfe ion. 4.41, 1 11 110 V t Armor, Mere reSpOCinl:iy :03001111Ce, in i, friend,. and tra ''trans, that fie ha+ re front his old -Land, in Tiiiri <1 reel, io the corner of Proill and Sinillifi..lll, in !he sore of I n M °ming:theta where he intends 00 're ••••iie ra I as Ilertineill of Pasitionythie for Ceil ivi Br. p. • He hniies. moornni ii•at 1 , 1 meritrt are of II Ily \ at • 1,1 :Vlll , lll , in Vew York and riiikkit4l,ll6l, will' I 6, 1}.) , /.lpotopeln, of Part.: i„111,i , !! P:1 , 111011., tielytitily their I.lrd , r , rX. • I - 1,1,1 ar,•ardin_ to the late.i yle. Cr.IiRCE fl . crept 10 ' • '''' .. . LIBI,S. ‘ \ lIITG 121 AI E, a •ti: vri.:. , 1 ,, 11.,101' fiale. by J. G. &- \. G' 'lt I)ii N , '.....* %. .1.1.. ' ' ll W l —„_ Nn 12 Wa ,, r , l r , .‘ .1 . Le 1 what Makes your teeth so Whitt.? Quoit. Josh's dulclnia to hilt' Collier night, To Makeyours look so, with a grin, replirif Josh, ry e b r ought youa hottle of Thorn,' Tooth Rash, Phs the best now In use, so the vullert,!ks say, And since they have tried this, cast all otters away. Bet toproveit the beat, to make Ike teeth shine, Look again, my dear sal, at the lustre ofmine. Then try ti Is great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, And see Vans Tooth Wash of Thorn's Is not fine. Having tried Dr. "Thorn'''. Tea Berry Tooth Wash,' and become acquatt" with the ingredieuts of its comma. sltlpe, I cheerfully say, 1 consider it one of the sa fest, as Ailiene of the most pleasant Tooth Was! es now In use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1542 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. - 1 take pleasure In stating, having made use of- , Thorn's Tea Berry - Tooth Wash," ti r.t it is one of the heat den. 'daces in use. Being in a liquid form, it coruhfnes neat ness with 'Convenience. White it cleanses the enamel Ind nemeses the tartar frum the teeth, its perfume yelds a frairaiee peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M.D. TM undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Ten Berry Tooth Wash,"and have found it to bean extreme. ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary influ. meet erectile Teeth and Gums; preservin ,, those indis pensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation otTartar, and purify lag the Itrealli. Hay. ing thoroughly tested its virtues., we take pleasure In re. imMtireinding It to the public, belieein,g it to be the hest ar , tisleof4he kind now In use . ItROBERTSON, ROll'T II PEEBLES, C 81114011 J dl AWORREAD $L RINOWALT. Pc/trotted and -00 d by WILLI.% SI TtiOttN'. A yatheca• :, r ty and Chemist, N 3. 53 Market street, Plitabargh; and it alli he prl nelpa Droulete, and Tattle's Urdkal Agen. es, Eta rtb aAreel. Nip `," ~` ,5-,- ~~ _. REV. JORN BI.A.CE. D. D. RRV. ROBERT BR CM D. D. RLV. COMM WiLLIAMR, D REV. JOSEPH KERR, RICV. DAVIS, C. HER; JAMES P JACK. CHAS 9 SCULLY, .11Mitilf.DLESS, JAS S CRAnt L S roam*. . ' • - ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL 10 7000 TRIALS.. 4L Ly a d o an d ec L es p ar : 1 1 1 p r E in x. TRACTOR inestimable; It not only cures guieker,bul gives no additional pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire Is posi lively rendcied harmless. ($lO has been offered six months to any person returning an empty box, and i‘aylng that all agony on anointing is not extracted I , a few min utes, yet not one from thousnuds of trials since has claim ed the bevies) Pa reets ilex ious to guard against genera injuries, and save time; fortune nod life, and prevent their offspring, from being disfignred by burns, or even small pox pustules, (it posseseing the enviabie power to replace Illecellutary organs destrayed.) ran do so by ob inining tils inimitable salve. Many ileeFly burnt cases In the city can be seen, and oneentire face burnt over and wounded three distinct times in the saute spot while heal ins, yet in no ease ran be traced the least cleat rice or markt Forell kinds of hurts its rapid soothing effects are also important;cven sore eyes, all intimations and bro lieu breasts would he unknown. The toilet and nursery, 'or r•learing the skin of phoplecremuving chafe,ete., will tint It indispensable. One using only will forever estal • !Ishii the govereign HEAL ALL quality. After Oils no lice, heads of families allowing torture l'or months, and ultimately distorted features, can never wipe away re• ;proach, justly littered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph ever fife. •• Entered according lo act of Conare‘ , . A. D. 18411, by conist - xl; S C0C0.,10 ilie Clerk's oflic, of I tic Dlqi rlct Court of the United Slates fur Die Southern District of New York." Warranted the only r:enttinc. Comstock RcCo,, wholesale Drogalst 9, N. York, have be come the sole wholesale agents for Mr. Dalley, in A !her' ea for 20 years. Jr 11 °Mei s most he addressed to them; gennine only to he irk," at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, 14t3 I", , lrtli street. Nov IS P. CONS7'.I.VTLY on hand a superior article of Lard Oil, warranted in burn at any tentocmitire, and equal to the 10,t «inter strained Sperm Oil, without its ofy.,nzme qualities, and one third cheaper, man. ulacttired by the subscriber at the old rtand, Third ft., nearly opposite the Post Office• M. C. P.DCY. Jan 4.1843 • 13 R C „Gii-CAND !TUNS is a safe and certain en re for Coughs, Co:'? AstAma, Sore Throat, Pail, and Wenloom of t4r Breast Whoo!.i.u: Cou:h. Ijoar,rne.,, Irritation of the Throat, and wady diseases leading in the Consornprtoe "I'ly it —on's' 6,1 nor roll—prepared and , old oale and Rctail by H. T. PR ICE, Confectioner, Fed, rah st„Allegheliy City, and the principal Dru;;;iqts of I'd Is Be - - mre you ask for Price'a Compound Cough Candv uov 1 7 FUR RALF on accommodating termlooo ._ quarter augers a—a - irted. 11 dog r. ;1%14.