FEBRUARY 2S, 1543 4n Earthquake in Pittsburgh.—We Id suggest that the next meeting held in this city, be to Consider the propriety of getting up an Earthquake in this city. We think that the honor and dignity of the ~.*Birmingham of the West' requires that she should should keep -pace with other cities of the Union in all great movements. .':eincirnuai, Louisville, St. Louis, Charles. :loin, Annapolis and other places of less isep9rtance, have succeeded in getting the show, ' which, if I% e credit their pope's, passed off remarkably well. We know Hof no event that would be more interesting than a meeting for such a purpose, partic . ularly if it. be be conducted as the one was .on Saturday night last. The Miller delusion with all its attend— ant evils from what we understand, is a• bout breaking out in this city—being its first 'appearance in the west. We are told that one of the 'Brothers' preached at the Liberty street Church last Sunday night to a crowded audience, and will preach again this evening at the same place. We may expect to hear of some of our smut seiste citizens beentning converts to the Miller doctrines, and what the conse quences will be we cannot disine. W e hope that all who do go from curiosity to hear what he has to say, (and we are told that he is very g;)orl at talkh , g) will try and keep their s-ns' s about them. The weather on Sunday was warm, and the snow all disappeared luring the day, but yesterday morning it became cold agaig end snowed for a few minutes. It froze last night. cheap new Works. ---__Berford has received a new novel by Jame!, entitled ' Ft rest Days," which was publi4ed in London in three volumes; it is furnished here in a handsome form, for 25'centa ! ! Bulwer's "Last of the Barons," the la test of his lilerary efforts, which wa , pub- lished a short time ago in London in four volumes, is also offered for 25 cents! It is eseless to recommeod these works to pat• vonage, No productions, id these cel. brated writers., of the usual size of novels, would be dear at 25 rents. So the public seem to think, for tl e lush to f ecute them is unexamplte. Those who wish to purchase should apply soon. CITY COUNCIL The Councils at their meeting last night m tde the oppropria:ions for the fire com• .stinies recommended by the Firemen's Association, viz: GOO dollars fur the Eagle, - 800 feet pf Hose for the Niagara, &c. T t be Vigilant yue.vion lies ;it I;ist Iv en settled. e "rev; orgailizlli , n'' guts b r. The shinplaster but passed awl is now a law. h autho r izes thp• issue of 40,000 donuts of "scrip" to complete the Watts., Works. It passed in C.C. by yeas 17,nays G. ..2 Hoax after all.—The story about a *nub Lynching Bill Johnston in lowa, *hitch we puhl shed a few days ago, ap pears to be a hoax. The Utica (N. Y.) Democrat says: 'lie has cot been in that part of the country, but is still a resident at French Creek in this state, where he is quietly pursuing his lawful business in the enjoyment of ,rood health r• n.l a sound body. We saw him a few das and conversed with him, and as we are *CI acquainted with hi; indentity, we pro aqunce the story a ho x, as regard , him.' RIVER NEWV: River-8 feet write r in the channel drrivalt and Departurrs since our last report ARRIVALS. Mingo Cilia; Divinriev, Wlt cling, Mirrisburgh, Smith, Luoisvii!e, Princeton, Kt3s, - do Dresden, -- , Marietta. D P RTUR ES. Express, Pa rk in.ott, Cincinnat I DEMOCRATIC MEETING. Tie Donotrate arc invited to attend a meet in:, 'to le held at the Old Court House on Wednesciay entiting next, (March 1.,) at 7 o'clock P. M.; fur Illie - parpose of taking into consideration the c!ec tiun Canal Commissioners by Vie people; ae -also an expresocri in re2ard to an issue of small Dotes by the banks of the State. Peb 29. Sigurd by Many Do2nocrota. TUS7' • RECEIVED, Twe:ve boxes of Oranges and J Lemons,9l the finftt guutiry, for sote wholesak and retail, by lab 22—tf. .CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. StoreSs bashetsof food quality Clover Seed. Also A,Nbashels prime Titnothy.for sale in lots to suit. 1, CRUSE, 148 Liberty st Who offers for sale 50 bushels Orchard Grew reed. fob St. 117:RE is a tremendous rush for Mr. ESTEE'S 11G177NEI ACADEMY, and still there is room . /UM these who with a heautifal style of penmanship, will fossils time is availing themselves of Mr. E's tin— NvttYed as his stay in this city is limited to 2 ae.2 weeks. • There will be a class of Ladies, to commence a series of keens at his academy on Monday nest at 21 o'clock, M. Gsiwiewien's class will meet as UNDO, at 7 o'clock, ?.M. Ladies can receive lessons at their residence, if dasired. Tables IS. Trinioast the academy, ,S 3. Ogkee over flr. Kramer's Exchange, corner of Wood apt Third streets; entrance on Third street. A vsod style of Pennmanship is w arrantod to the alien. the pupil. (eh 25. L. C. Judson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Smithfield near 7th street. .Notts—runclualily in business and amicable set illenteate. le'. 21-Iy. Conveyancing. JAXES BLAKELY. - .outtnties to excLute all kinds of wrillnes. such as Deeds, Mortgag es , Apprentices In dentures. Articles of Partnership. coopers of Attorney. Wills. Ate. 4—, in a neat and legal manner, and ai balf of 114 r ebariva, at his old stand Penn street, near the 51,11 . . Vialitasirket beige. " —feb, _ THORN, 3.: Mat ket st THE LAST CALL W=MiladiWd BOOR .AND i OB . PRINTI G OFFICE N. W. Corner of Wood.“1 - fth Sts. Tat proprietots of the MORNING POET and Ittertcuay •so MANUFALCITIIIR respectfully inform their friends and the patronsof those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of Off 031/1318 r3lC"ilir3lL 2 •3111 E sa - l a k m 0 e ff m- 1211 , 5/A 5- 2 m: AivEri Necessary to a Jub Muting Office, and that they are prt pared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books. BIIIR of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Cat Tips• itittbs of Blanks, Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with app•' priate Cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms %We respectfully ask the patronage of nur friends and he public in general in this branch of our business. Pithstursh. Sept. 39. 1842. HI I LLIPS k. sMtrii. V 0 the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of General Qqarier Sessions of the Peace, in al , d fur the county of Alleaheny: The peition of Julio McGee, of the Township of Pine. in Said rounty, r spertlully showetn— Tnat he is well provident with noose room and other conveniences for the accomon deition of iirait gers and travellers, at the house now ncupie I by hint as a tavern; (IA being desirnus to rontinne in that business he prays your honor , to g , ant hint a 'cense to keep an lon or house of Pubic Entertainment. And he will pray, &e. _ _ The undersigned citizens of the 'row n .liip of Pine respectfully certify, that John McGee the above named applicant, is a gentleman of go ,, d repute for honi.stv and temperxece, and is well iwivided with lodise loom and conveniences lor arcommodd— (inn and Mdzing of sb anger , and tiavelers, and that said tavern is neces s ary for the a conmmdation of the Gibson, Jag. A . G.bson, Its 'has A , ,sl , n, lVm. 1I jr. 1,V,0 Etnio , tt, IV m. Tel) m eI , ,John 1., Pan.el Vogel, J teob Deer, Jolo. FO4l-I iientv Dee, . John 1811. ir„ the Ilan •ratt;e the Jtidge nt ihe Court of General (.4,,a , ter Se-sons of the Peace nt und f.r the ('otury of Allegitenv l'ne petition °lino. Shaffer of ‘Viikins township in tiie c imity aforesaid, :tomb.)• iiihoarth— That y'u, petitioner t,aUi pioviileil himself with materials f r the nerninnyalati , iii of titivelers an dwriling It.ot,tt in the towtiship afore. said, and prays bat your lioniirs wi,l be plaa•ett to grant hint a license to Pordic lioti , e of Ens trd• taiiimv tit. Arid your p titmner as in dry bo.id iv di I). ay JOHN SIJAFFKR. %y e , the subscrdp•rs, Cltle ns bf NVi:kin , townshiP, do net tif t ; 'hat the above pe itioner is of g iepitte for hnnesty and ti inperance, and %%ail providad ~it h 11„itse 1 0,,0r and contaidences for the accnmmo lain aunt lodging of stra4er, and 1 avr;lci'S't an 1 that said taveril is I,ecessdry Robt Doon d-on, John 111:Nall Ab, aham S hart ‘i„.(,,r Ad in) W Robt N fry, James D. tn,.s.er, Ruin. G. allaol BUTTER AN I) L A HD. JUST received, 8 barrels flesh roll Ituiler. and 20 kegs' li.nt rale Lard iron. !my. T. oink), for sal.. by ISAAC .0, 23 141 J 3 4 . Is ,;3- FXR E REDI:I/El/ :4 MAIL 1.1,1.: or I.'7lol,ll eSn It %IL P.0.1.111/...•R1,1, Cr/1111 1',11.01/Iflzll , V/.1 1/1•1/1 . ,11 I'ilalll/1..1.11111j, ilarr,hora a,tl Lalicncler, to phia, roo ro , r ling tv lll,lhr SI it $ Cars In N V . a,•. 150 111111 •lBvllll /111 d one 11/01/ 1•111. A 1,0, 'lto Direct 111 , 1! to ltaplum re. ['arc to Piiitadwpilia $lO. Ea i more, Ll•aves ct,t ly ai 8 u'c'ork A. M. Ulllre serottrl door hitittw the Slerrhatitit Hotel lAt,oili.t Ml:] JELL, GRAHAM, ‘VAUGH k reb 2.3, 18.13-1 v PrUpllllorS M Patrick's Day Celebration. The nth; „fit - eland will celebrate the anni ver.ary of St. Is'd Day (1711 Ma) ch ) at the Waqlting'on fi 011 N J. 1111'ICIIELL--A itoruey roroer of Smithfield and 5111 . Unishurgh. col,ciion , made. A I nusifiLss entrusted to Ids care will I e prompt ly attended 10. fen IS--1 r-• PITI'SBURGII Looking Glass Manufactory, 11 use Furnishing Wareliuu.e, 10-1 Wuud :•_;:ree , , near sth SubFeriber harts^ touts letud his arraatzentents At tits ,zeir stand, Is Raw prepared to offer to his a he public, a tare and ewttplete atisortatent of Loolstatt CoaFses, and Iltotse.furnishing Ilurcware. (at priers to suit the times ) Pier and Maul , ' Clii,es In Gilt and TOOlogriny Prantee, orthe most appruved and superka orknian ship. Todet 1, 2. 3 4 and 5 drawers. Common, stained, fluted, and p liar framed Glasses stilt:lWe for Merchant a. (nr tho,e wan( cheap gla,drs.) Japanned Waiter-and "Prays niall colors and patterns. Ivory handle Knive , and Forks, in sells or dozens, and Bone handle Table Cutlery. Knives and Forks, do. s Urittania Metal 'I en nod Coffee Setts Hsu' perior quality.) American tblannfarlu 7 t , do, In Fells, or single pieces. German Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Fiver plaird and Bras. Candle.' Snucreis do. Briilawa Nletal Lamps, for burninz Sperm or Lard Oil Elra and Wire Fire Fende,. (ra, inns patterns.) Fire. Shovel, and Tong., Dar dl. r•ti,, , With a variety of ot her article= 100 1111111CrUI1P to men tion, all or whici, will lie offered at tltc lowest rush pri Portcart,Mir.iarnreond other Franlllll done al 1.1,c Myrtle:A notice, reparriorx of all Linde attended to. Look. incGlacn piarns try the 10010 r Mng,le liehl. Prints for Fru. wiuy f.on-tautly on Laud. fer, TN OF. HILLIER. din L hs. new Bacon, jiwd received by wa2ons I abut" from Ohio, for sale by 31 C. SSES.—I 6 barrels ItIOI39.SCF. For Fgt.! by .I‘ME. I MAY BLANK LEASES. A new and much improved form of Blank Leases, fcr sate at the office of the "Morning. Pont." A SAWYER WANTED. APERSON competent to take charge of a large ex. t eneive aawmili, with a small capital. will hoar of an advaniageousaituation on application al this office, if immediate application is made. None nerd apply who cannot give satisfactory reference as to honesty and cum. pctcriry, feb 23-2tv FACTS SPE9K FOR THEMSELVES—TRUTH 18 CO.VVIXCING:— Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a bard swelling on the cap of my knee, which produced much pain, and used various applica lions recommended by the Faculty—all in vain was cured completely by the rise of one bottle of Dr. Brand. reth's Linemen!, or External Remedy. Witness m' hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Ahegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th.1840. .Dr. Braodreth's External Remedy or Linament; sold at his office, N 0.98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-- 50 cents per borne. felt 8. 1 R. D..IXIEL. .114eMESL, Office on Fifth street between Wood and Smithfield streets, rituburgb. dee 10-1 y. CILOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED always on hand le lots to salt purchasers, apply to t. CREteliti; - totr , l. Libes4 it PAIN 117,GEP, AT , •3lwin, Pc Pr Pa, jr Jacub I I arhly 1.-h 1P41:1 Coin or rrangeme.it BACON ISAAC cf1U: 4 1 7 ,, 143 Liberty BANA ORRICCTZD DLILY• DT ALLEN KAAMII • CLCUANOC JRO[tR• PENNSYLVANIA. Bank of Pittsburgh. par Mere!). 4- Man. bk. par Exchange bank, par Ilk. of Gertnantowr. •' Easton lank, Lancaster bank, din ii Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers' Irk Bucks Co. •• Doylestown bk do Bk of N America Phil. ' Bk of Northern Liberties,. Commercial bk. of Pa. • Far. 4. Mechanics hic Kensington ha. Philadelphia lik Schuylkill hk. .. Southwark bk. • Western bk. Bk. of Penn3ylvatilo, 74 Hl of Pcnn 'l's. par Man. 4- Nlechanice bk. por Mechanics hk. par Moyamenoing bk. 3 Girard ha,k, 95 U. States hank, 50 hunibermehs% Warren, -- Frank. hk Washington, par Miners hk of Poi isvile, 5 Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. tk Brownsville, Erie Bank, 5 Darrist.nrali hank, 5 Far. Ilk Lancaster, I 3 cf Middletown, 4. Ilk. of Chantherel.urgh, 43 Carlisle hank, 43 Bk of Nortlinntlierland, 43 Columbia hk Brhlae cc. 2 Bk snsquelianna Cu• 111 itkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon Irk. 43 Cell ysburah Irk. York hack, 43 Pat Drovr, I.k. of y r!gtil b, tt •• Citirency notes, 8 Irionesdnie• y on! lank. 18 Pitistr.Ji :state izi - rir 41 Conntry do do 6 Berke (o honk, 60 Lewistown, 7 Towanda, 81): M uot pleaqabt bk 14 Far. k Mech. bk of 'Stec. bet, ville, itultriont bk of St. Claire. Marietta I,k. Demand 1101e51, do Correnr y notes, 1 Coln mina Iva Lk New Lie Lon Itemai.d, do Post not,. ',lint - intim; sp,•rie pav• lii hanks. II Mech. 4- Traders hk of Cincinnati. 5 Clinton I.k of Coln:ill/us, Demand ncireil, I Circleville. (11. Latvreneo Ca4liter) Znne=vitie I.k II FOR SALE OR TO RENT. TO LET. M/11' e Store rind tipper rooms of the corner i 1 Marl:eland 5111 Etretts, 1101 V °erupted by Mr • B . E. i'onsiali Ir. A 1. 4 0..4 vv., story Brick !louse nthecorner of 5111 and Union street... suilit'ite a t I tin! and GrOrrry SIM,. Enquire tf J. 9 SI Et: B 1 AY. felt. 21. 2 w I. jcompk. FOR REXT. —A comfortable new brick dwell in Co.il Lane, near Ttb street L 4, terms, which will he tO TO LET riviE 3,1 Awry of the litti l ding orrupied by IL A 2.. Itati , ilin pi as an Auction store.— b ere. of..re know. a, Lon ? . corner of Wood and 5 1 11 91r. els I. gume of ft. 31o:row. 5.1.... jan 23. To Let, A STOIC E S. CELLAR on Markel lictwren 3d :Ind Oil hirrels A I,St), tvo .pariocts and eonven iottl raon,, in the gee and Qlory opening he a Hall on !klarket at reel; NTII adapt rd for Lan: oftice,, or for arty latsanrit , reqtitritt4 a roll v , tli ,, r,t rp.ith , access front u itustnegot street, A a livvehine Fitue•te on Nlatker reet rontainim five rutin, comfortable kitchen. Al."“), i I ?ITO,. 100111 on Third iL, nearly op postic the Post office at prnsent occupied by BTOWII Raymond as a Lamp store, ALSO the light and airy office on ',ld at. at present oc. chaled as the Atheneum. A LSO, for rent, several small houses near the dwell. ing house of tier , snhscrilker in tilt township, with a few acres of Land attached to each. Jon 13—tf EDWD D. GAZZAM. To Let, Fiore room and dwellinc on Market st, now or Nip rd Lc 'rhos Campbell gf Co, A poty to Jai 17, hill. /AMU , BLAKELY. g OTS FOR .9.,\LE.—Futtr Lots In 111nitelie-ter." One Ind a Coatili Acres of I,aiti nn Hotton:o Ii ii!. Lois nos. 41. 42,52.f . 3. 54,181, 182 and 184, in Cook's Wan of on flultne%t 1101 Also, Lois 110,1 26 and 27. in rook's p•all oI 1•01. 011 High lrep;, near the new Court For term= apply tu Z. W. It EMINGTON. sett 111 FOR SALE JI.VD SUBSCRIPTION'S REEIVF.D, The American Pioneer; an excellent %Townie p.b. devoted to the oltprt or the Logan Ifiotorecal Sociay; or to rottectintt and publishing sketche s relative totbe early setl lement :11111 succe , slvc improvements of our country, —fur my country I rejoice in the Power of Peace "—Logos, Toe above excellent work, Edited by John S Milhamis, E.g. Cincinnati. fur sale at 8.2. for tile flit volume, and continued in monthly Nos and subscription. at $2 per Annum received al Harris' A tten• cy and Intelligence. Office. ritottnirttli, January 26, 1n43. House Agency. N 0.6 west of the Ntaxliet House, Penn st. nth %Yard., Pittsburgh Pa. subserther haying for a number of years been en. gaga(' In renting et' y properly, collecting rents eS•e, and wi•=liiii2 to extend his htisl hens in this way, respect. fully olfi:rs his seryiers to those persons owning, or who may have charge of propeyty as Executors, Admittistra tors or Goa. dians, in ire dry or suburbs, and who may not have lri.o re to attend to it themselves, to rent dwell. logs, Warehouses, Farms, Lots, 4-r, Also, to collect rents, dividends., Ground rents A register is kept where a (lerf ipt ion of all properties fur rent will he en• tried free of charge, reference Is respectfully offerrd to the following 2eniletnen for whom the SlOSCriiter has been agent for some years past—Messrs Michael Allen, P. Mcenrmick and James S. Craft, Esq., Pittsburgh; Jas Stuart, Esq. Eat -opean Agent, Philad ; Ursa, John Brown, Birmingham; B. McLenan, Cincinnati; Daniel Potter Steubenville; Jo-eph Millar. Lawrenceville; Jame.: Jones East Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; Daniel Deput ion, Sewickley, feb 23. JAMES BLAKELY. In the sth Ward. - El OR REST, a very comfortable, roomy dwcl'in house, now occupied by W. J. Totten, Esq., at O'llara near Penn street, at a large reduction from las year't: rent. A190;2 comfortable Mick dwelling bonsai , on Penn Ft opposite the residence of M mists I` McCormick and J. H Slioenberger. &L°, a frame dwelling house on Peon et, adjoining the store. A leo, two 3 story brick:dwelling houses on Pike street at $5 per month. Also, a number of small frame dwellings at $2, $2 50 and $3 per month. Alb, a brick Wire room and dwelling on the Canal Basin, adjoining Mr. Coe 's hatter shop. Apply at the )louse Agency, near the sth Ward market house. fch _ JAM ES BL A K ELY, ILE!IOVAL. HOLDSHIP & BROWNE - lIA VE removed their Paper Store from Market street to dip, 64 Wood street, one door from She corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their u =nal as sortmeut of WALL PAPEES, fur papering pariors.en tries,ehamhers. ke. and also PRINTING, WRITING and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS, fre, •Il of which they ofßo for'trals tot atemeintodatlog lama. feb 14. GM LIST. Wooster, 14 biassilun, du Sandusky. do Grano, do Norwalk, do Xenia, do IDayton, do j Scioto, :30 Post notes. 14 5 Fran. kk Columbus, 14 Lancaster, 40 Hamilton; 90 Granville, 80 Coto. bk. Lake Erie, 30 Far. bk: of Canton, 45 Urbana 68 INDIANA. State bk. 4. Branches 14 State Scrip, 40 KENTUCKY All banks, ILLINOIS. slate bk 4- Branches. Sha w nee, own, VIRGINIA. Rank of Virginia, do Valley, Far. bk. of Virginia, Exclianc,e bank, V, Wesi, hank er. 4-711er.. dn. MARYLAND. Baltimore Banks, Country flanks, DEL %, WARE. All Ranks, NEW JERSEY All Banks, par and 1 NEW YORK. illy II:Inky, par rtmniry honks, (safely rithd) a 1 Red Park, to 1 NEW ENCLA ND. / Boston Banks, 'Country LOUISIANA. Orfeao= na 200i1. 3 NORTH CAROLINA n kq, 2 . 4 SOUTH CAROLINA Ran 2} I=l ALABAMA Good Bank, I'ENNESSEE An Banks, or S. Clair, 10 no. do./ H. Sino h 10 \ ADA (Good hanks. Stn 10 Eastern Exchange. i Philadelphia. i Sew m PAW York. i haft ore, i Ramon. I Western Exchange. Iciscinuatl, par Loulsvine, oar eleveland, i illf Wlicelillf, par ,GOLD i" '.I n SILVER, par JO/IN II'ULOSKEY. Tlare lII_ fluor, Liberty 4 No 51 9'h .rd 0. 0 WS - • .1 1 / 4 t , /olQtr,4 C.A•x) UHE subscriber has Just received his annual supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part ofthe owing kinds—all of the last year.s crop 4• warranted noise: parag s Egg Plant, Parsnip, Bee's, Endive, Peas, Beans, Kale, -Pepper, Leek, ruin!)Lin, Bro - ..c01i, Lettuce, - Rad,sh, Borer()le, Water 'Melon, Rhubarb, Ca' bilge, Musk, .' BalAafy, Carrot, Nasturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach, Squash, Celery, Okla, Tomatoes, Curled Clef 6, oninn, Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley, Corn, Mustard, (white and brt.wn) &c. &c. &c. Together with a variety of Pot 4- Sweet herbs and flower seeds, 4)::r Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, tr. from Garden. ers and others wilt be received and promptly attended 10. F. L. 4NOWDEN, jin 11 No. 1::.1 Liberty. bead of Wood at. BUFFALO ROBES, BEAR SKINS AND FURS 'UST received. 3.000 Seasonable Buffalo Rubes of if• ferent qualities from Extra No. 1 to 3. A lot cl Bear and Cub Skins, 11.000 No. 1 and 2 Muskrat Skins, A lot of Otterand Raccoon Skins. All which areotTeredat reduced ces fo cash or ap proved notes. Apply to A. REEI.EN, at the American Fur Co, Agency, Oct 12 -3m Corner o!' Front and Ferry st HATS—W. Sc M. DOHERTY inform their friends and the public that they have commenced manufactu ring flats, and HILL limy have now ready (or :.ale, al their Store, 148 Liberty street, between Market and 6th street, an 3 , ..sint went of the vary best flats, which t::ey are anxious in dirrpo , e at'on the cheapest and ino4: restson, able terms. Their itinek ennslot of the very be,' kinds, Otter, Scut ria, Castors short Nat ped Rus. sia, Fur and Silt: Hats. .V. 4- N. Doherty are both I cgular bred Batters, they have had extensive experience as Journeynten In lie best estaidislinients in the country, their (fats are all got up under thelr own in , tpertion, and they assure the public that nothing but the very best arlicfre on the most rea sonalOe terms will be offered ''or sep 10 WIRT LECTURES.—Fourth Course.—The Lec ture C.onintitee of the Wirt Institute have the dcasure of laying before the public, the following Its ,o 1 !entlemen who have consented to Lecture, vtz: Rev J W Eel:risen, Introductory Lecture. John L liar. W ashingion. Prod', fl J Clark. Mead aille College, Hon. Was Wilkins. Pittsburgh. ProlT. B Brown. Jefferson David Ric Air, 4sq., Pittsburgh. Reed It ashington, Esq , Protl"..entz'r 7' Aft Oin, West. Theo. St minary. Francis Johnston. Esq., Pittsburgh. Prat'. J Barker, Mentlvllie College. WC=qP italmrgh. Rev James I. Dir Prof Iticli'd S NlTtillocli. Jefferson College. will de liver Several Lectures on Astronomy, embracing its rite, progre.s anti destiny. Heed Washington. Esq., win also deliver several Lectures on the subject he may select. Arrangements are in progress to engage Professor Sil Horn, or Tsle College, to deliver In our eitv,a 6,11 course of lectures on Geology: also v ith Joseph R. Buchanan, on Neurology. Other etninettl•Lertureitt WIN he invited to visit our city, when it may he In the power of the in stitute to erursge their SerViers. The Lectures of this course will be on Literary and ... 4 ciertrlflc subjects exclusively and It is hoped from the. eminent ability Of lie Lecturers. and the int erestinz nit tore of the subjects. llint our citizens will liberally pa tronise this laudable enterprise. The iron City should lint be behind sister cities in her encournaement credence and literature. The rnoceeils any) will be appropri• rued to the enlargement or a Library, already an honor bi the eh y. irrCourse Tickets, admitting a lady and gentleman, s 2 , and may Im had of either of the Cemmisire, nod at C. H. Kay 4. co', gook Store, Nlonongaltela and Exchange llotels, and at 'Jr rford'i,.. Leriuref commence on Thursday eventrg, Dec 1. SANCL C. IItTEV, W. W. WILSON. I JOHNS COSCP AVE, }Committee. WM, 11, SCA I FE. n 24-1 in JOAN sr.mrLE. T. PRICE, Wholesale and Retail Raker. Con. . feetioner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near the Dianiond,..ellieglieny city. Every variety of Coufectlona•y and Ornamerrtal Cakes, suitable for weddings and patties, manufactured from t he beet materials, at short notice. nov 16 S7'.97'E of John finlike', late of the City of Pitts burgh dee'll. Persons interested will take notice that letters or• administration on the estate of the said decedent, has been duly granted by the Register of Alle gheny County, to Susanna Hunker, widow of the said eect nsett; and ell persons having claims or demands a gainst the estate of the said decedent, are requested to make kilo" the same to her without delay. Her real. Bence is in Hand street, city of Pittsburgh. fell 1-6 w 11i XthalliENOJV" IN Clih:.1118 l'Er —East I Ilia Hair s t he ii it and will not the skin This Dy in the Corm of a Powder which in plaiti matter of tact bk he ;whed to the lialr over night, the first. night turning the Itglitest or greg hair to dark hrnwn; and by repenting a second or third night, to a jet black. Any permit+ may, therefore, with the least pos.:ililc trouble, keep his hair any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance that the powder if applied to the skin will not color it. There is no coloring in this statement. as any one may easily teat These facts arc warranted by the the clot who manufactures it. For sale at I'ILITTLE'S, 36 Fourth sheet. where a large assortment of Patent :tledicines may always be had at either wholesale or retail. Den't forget ! 86 FAgrth street !" %VILLIAM C. WALL, Plain and Fancy Porfrail and Fieture Frame Oianufacturer, -Vo. 87, Fourth Street Pittsburg h. —Canvass Brushes. Varnish ere., for Artists, always on hand. honking Glasses. kr Promptly framed to ortler. Repairing done t t the short est notice. Particular attention paid to re:llding and jobbing orpm ery dePerip.lon. Persons fit tint! up Fleam BoatP or houses will find It ti heir:idyll:it - le to call- pep 10 FOR ftENT.— l'arm of about 25 acres of 1.am1.21 miles from the city, with a frame house and stable, and suitable for a dairy. I nqulre f2O- II A RR! S' Gen. Agency it Int. Office. WANTED.—A good Coal Digger, to go down the Ohio River for a few miles. Also, wanted, Ida ref , for a number of Gardeners, Laborers•, Boys, ke.. at 120 HARRIS' Gem Agency it Int. Office, 110 P !RD SEEDS A f est. supply of Bert Seeds, ron .1.31 slating of Canary, Hemp.and Rape; Pet twelve , ' fell 3. F L. SNOWDEN, 14R Liberty st. WANTED, a boy of from i 4 to I 6 years of age. Application to be made before the erg. of March to F I. SNOWDEN, fell 3. 184, Liberty head of Wood et hl : STEELE, (successor to H. M'Closkey) Fash• toaaAe Boot Maker, Liberty st., 2d door from Vi-gin Alley. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that lie has commenced the above business in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M'Closkey, and that he is now prepared to attend to all orders in his line ofbusinegs with despatch and on the most reasonable terms. From his Ion! experience in the manufacture of Fashionable Boots, he feels confident that all articles from his establishment will give satisfaction to his pa• trans. A share of public palronaze is respectfully solicit. ed. sep IO DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON- CHESTS. PITTSBURGH, Oct. 22, 1842 J. Denntso—On Friday, the3Oth of month, about 9 o'clock at ni2ht.the Planing.Groeiving and Sash Man ufartory, owned by Cay, Dilworth ¢ Co, with a large quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, wasall Conan. med by Are. The Iron Safe which T honghl of yeti some time back was in the must exposed situation duties the fire , sad was entirely red hot —I am pleased to inform you it-was opened at the close of the (freaked all the books, papery, ke.savekt—thls is the best recommendation I tan give of the utility argots N a m or t 24—if THOMAS m COTT. GRENA' 4PP.L 88. jet reeehrid from Marietta. 0. 40 Mgt Green Apple:, comprising e'ery variety, in Ant rats order. ISAAC CRUSE. tb 4, 148 Mime, at. SUSANNA HUNK FOR RALE OR BARTER.--10 dozen good Woolen Socks. 50 stmall Wile of twine. For We low for cash or barter to suit 1.11 IRRIS. Feb t I AO and Cnm. 11111...en't, sth FARE REDUCED ON THY GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, via N•TIONIL ROAD ♦ND RALTIMONIC ♦ND OLIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY N"line of U.S. Msil Conches for Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. This line Is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. AL, via Washington ?a. aMI national road to Cumberland, connecting, here with the rail road CO'6. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate aid distinct Pittsburgh and Cumberland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex tra coaches furnl•hed at the shortest notice, wito the privilege of going through direct, or taking cne night's rest at their option. Fare from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, 810,00 Pittsluf'g to Relay house, $lO.OO 12,00 Thence to Wwohincton 2,00 Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, 13,00 For through tickets, apply at our office at the corner of Exchange hotel, oral our ors it the Monongahela House. L. W. STOCKTON , Feh. 3d—dlf. President or N. R. Stage Co. A FEW MORE STILL 10H.V . ArCL°7SKEV. lbeold original. has on hand the ost splendid assortment of Clothing, ever offered Wes My stock is large, and lam disposed to sell at the lowt. I possible price My stock is heavy, and as the sea. son Is advancing, I will sell at lower prices than ever. I I rk only the pleasure of a call, feeling confident that a ook Is sufficient. Beware of Connlerfeits. Remetnher h". 3 THREE, RIO DOORS. and the SIGN IN THE VE AM NT . . nov 23,184 LADItS Ovrii I , nor.s.—The i.adies can now do away, with all kinds of over shoed, cnn walk through the wet streets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept perfect• Iy dry; can wear tight shoes without having their corns pain them; and can hove their shore wear twice as lona, as ever, if t hey will use the ceehrated Ott. nr Tsmcw hieh will make leather water proof, and render It as pliable and soft as kid. It's an article well worth their notice, and' one whlrh they will all value highly, as soon as they try it. To he had only nt TUTTLE'S Algoma!, AGENCY, 5'6, Fourth street Nice, el per hott'e. , Jan 9 NOTICE. -I have taken Out letters of administration on the estate un John Wilson, hoe of, the City of Pittsburch, clee'd. All nelsons indebted to the estate of lie paid deceased, are requested to make Immediate pa v• mint to me at my residence In Penn at. near Mart:try. aid those who have claims are requested to present them duly probated. J P WILSON, Jan 19...-Stw. WILLIAM ELDER, Attorney at Law; 01Zee in Bakewell's Bonding, searly opposite the ri e w Court tionsp. on Grant street, pep PITTSBURGH CIRf7ULATING AND REFERENCE LIBRARY of Religious, Flistot ical,Polltical and Mia• cutaneous Works. will be open every day, Sabbath ex. ceple,l. "rota 7 o'clock, A. 111.,uniil 9. P. 51., In the Ex change Building, corner of St IClair street and Exchange alley. wuere junctual attendance will begiven by aep 10 J. CEMMIL. PIZ EINGTON'S Unrivalled Blacking, MANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and retail SIXTH Smarr one door below Smithfield. or! 21—tv.- I T. STEW A RT, Upholsterer and Paper Hanger, LIP No. 49, Fifth st rret, het %seen Wood and Smithfield dts. Husk and Straw Mattrnsses always on hand. All orders executed with neatness and despatch, on acrommo• sating terms. sep 20— I y REAM; 4811INGTON, 47'TORNEY AT LAM —Office In Bears' finllding, Fourth ntreet, pltt.horth. Nov. 5. 1842. REEN APPLES.—Just recd from Belivernon, 56 W.:. of Ronianile applel, which I sell for 50 cents per barrel. ISAAC CRUSE, jail 20 143 Liberty et, CORN „tIIE4/..--130 bu-nels fresh around sifled Corn Meal, In barrels containing 3 bushels i at 75*.nts per barrel. In store —Family Flour by the bumf. jan 20 ISAAC CRUSE. WN. E. AUSTIN', Attorney at Law, Pittahurgh. P. Office in 4th turret, opposite Surkelt WILLIAM E. A rstiar, E. 1., will give hie at tent ion to my unfinished husiness, and I recommend him to the patron age of my rrieuds. WALTER FORWARD. rep 10—ly W. A. W. PATTERSON. ~ ':Tice on Smithfield street, near Sixth. sep 10 JOIN BUTTER WORTH. Auctioneer and C 011117168. sion Jllerchant, I,aisoille, K Y., will :mend to rho pale of Real Eptate, Dry Goods,Gtoseries. Furniture, Regular pales eve. y Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri day ntorningP, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances mode on conPicn P 10 O - SARDINES. .tc.; served np In the beet style at A. ilumaca's, No 9 Fitch steert. Suita%le apartments are appropriated to gentlemen eceompaaied by Indies. Also all k tads of Cakes a3d Confectionary r. parties. weddings, etc., for sale by nnv A. HUNKER. Family Flour. 00 RAJ: ft ns Exirn Family Flour. Pci received 1 and for sn'e by J. W, BURRIIIDGE, k Co. Water Street, between 'Wood and .Smitlifield. Jan. 16th.113.13. GEORGE W. L4KIY - 0, Attorney at Law, Office N. 54 Fifth street, near the Theatre, Pitteourgh, rep 7-1 y SUO. ill?, -11-9CKEREL, hdds. Prime N Sugar. 10 Tierce' , Rim 15 Kegs Shad, nsiorted Nos. 20 Bb's. N 0.3 Mackerel. Now landing from S. B. Cutter, and for sate low by jan 211. JAMES MAY. B LOC. IS.-25 lons Blooms in Store and for sole by J,W BURIMIDCE, Jan 2 1643, Water between Wood 4• Emit JUST received— -20 dozen goad Corn Brooms, 5 do C S A xes, 150 11, fresh Roil nutlet; 500 ruts Carpet chain; 4 dozen Socks; 1. HARRIS, Agent and CommisEion Alerehant lll'Closkey's Clothing Stere FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF READY MADE CLOTHING THREE BIG DOORS, No. 151 Liberty street. one door from the Jackson Foundry. ! HE subscriber is just receiving at his well known A establishment, the largest, moat varied and CHILPIEST STOCK OF 000DS that has ever been offeretrin this city Every article was selected by hintelf in the eastern cf. ties, and purchased a . the LOVVEST CAPE PRICKS, and he is therefore enabled to sell his articles much lower titan they can be had at any other establ!shment west of the monotains. His articles are all made by experienced workmen (tom the latest manufactured gouda and In the most MODERN FASHION. He feels conlident that all persons who will tall •l his establishment and examine his Block will he satisfied that BETTER BARGAINS can be obtained at the THREE BIG DOORS than at any similar establishment In the thy. His stock consist. in part of Coals,Pantaloons, Pests, Drawers, Shirts, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders, And every other article of Clothing of the best style From his varied stock of cloths he is prepared to MAKE CLOTHES TO OR DER at the shortest notice. In a style unsurpassed by any other Pittsburgh house, and warranted f o Ills stock of Sprite! sad Summer Grads is superior to any previous importations and be lass no hesitation In saylny that for excellence, beauty and cheapen , : they cannot be equalled In the west. The subscriber would once more return his thanks In lily friends and the public for the unprecedented patron age bestowed on his establishment, and believing that nircustomets had fund it to their advantage to deal with bim. be would repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase Clothing of every description it lowest vines, to call at So. 151 1 Lbulin smut. - . • J O 2IIIIII I CLOSKEY. fgr Observe-Meal Plato in the Pavement. Feb 22. ~;,~, r,;~ 4..-~y~-:; .1.. ~~ ~ :./.P OUR ASSOCIA rioN. We think that it will not be questioned that the carne of all human Misery arises from inequality in society. Where the magnificent mansion of the rich stands bo. side the shanty of the poor, there can be no true happiness. Were ALT, doomed to live on acorns and clothe themselves with skins. comparative peace of mind would be enjoy. ed. It has been, we believe, conceded by observing men, that the Indians enjoy more pleasure than the civilized whites. Thew. ly reason for this is that, in their organitz• Lion of society,ho wever:uneulti clued it msy be, more equality of condition exists than in our present civilized state. In Association, the great object to be gained is the perfect equality of itt mem bers. By "equality" we do not moan the "right to vote" in the election of officers, or the "right of trial by jury," which ire about all the equality vouchsafed to may the present state; but we mean the nah right of man to all he earns by his Now he is deoied this. In England, has been estimated that the-actual produie does not gee men there the onesfortieth the value of hie labor, and we may say he gets very little more in this cotett, Tte principal cause of it is thi4: men cannot enjoy the produce ofeschttehe era labor without first letting irri • ,eitiV•!''t.V the hands of the speculator; who; at : calling is what the world calls "digniie must have a large pieftion the(tiatetact„. —sufficient to pay the banker, upon iibtate capital he is dealing, and to maiatsia hi self in luxury and splendor. -Thus 11A14611 producers of all wealth robbed; thought); know it not; and remain ignorant of I* reason why they, who create everyttieg, get almost nothing. In Industrial Association, this grand « feature of the present social system is blot. ted out. Speculation will not be tolerated. A man who makes a pair of shoes can call them his awn, and when he deposites th m • in the Community store house, he ass K^r take out a full equivalent atever he may desire. As the civilized world is now, men d 6 not , t .` enjoy what they earn; but, as the world ought to be, (and Industrial Associations will make it so.) men Will enj all. they earn. Some folks say that men eannot go into Association without sacrificing their intle.. pendence! This is not only ridiculous. but it is not true. Independence is enjoyed only by those who have some guaranty that they will never come to want, and where is there a man in all Christendom that can I °lst of th'st It may be that John Jacob Astor can, now that be is tottering on die verge of the grave; but his son who is to inherit his fortune, dare not. A I, !ember of an I ndustr'al Assnei ition is rich er than he, and undoubtedly more indepen dent. Ntcnor.aa D. COMEX N. •••• • • •• • • LOYD R. Eoista*w COLEMAW 4 CO. , r7e te•t Agents, Forlfrardinalltd ronentiselan Merrhami Lryee 5.1 reef. Intkiburg. Miss Tbev re+rmrifiallvsn tet ron<l:ptriprifs, E. U. ileastings, R ECORDING REGULATOR, Office with Alder man Watson, 4th street, next door In the ikeltk,e ritt.hor2l,; where applications fur Ilevolating.,BlVveY- Int!, Laying out and Landed estate* *hi Ete received, PeI•JA, Morignees. 4.e. executed er4lll IWO ncenracy and despatch Pint:l.'l,2h, inn 261,843.-3 t WHY are Dr. flibbertPo held In such hlgh:estimatlon.:try hill*Olto or families In this city who now keep them etabittititly oft. hand? Decease the effert or th en Piateli:thit stole ach Is such as not to sicken. Nether. they smile ! the 'lvor so as to throw off black bite; hut they he yellow bile freely, They are.this bestsPiteifirtir sold for Dyspepsia, Plead disk!, RAsestatiste.4. 11:,- Yes • • d igeß. re peculiar 10 Females, shay are ban used at tenidyclyl and give strafes( satlifnetion; Tee e excellent Pills are fee sent in Pan/lir/A. sity. ' at Trvxces-86 4th at. 121 gents per box. Jun 31 D R. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, Olin to Salt h. Amid, hawse's !Wend and Third hit/., Hours e business from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M. Dr. E. M. manufactures Procelalrt and Mineral tech. Dent islet ea n he supplied by the 100 or Angle teeth. lillorlitt of teeth with a beautiftil gum in full sets, or part• of grits, will he made to order at the shortest nollee,lty forwardine an exact Impression of lha month. 4 Its, for sale a few machines with emery wheels for grinding and tilting mineral teeth so tiwtful to the Dentisa—alt willbe sold low for rash. dec 23. U. if. M.KAT. •LIX. P. THONIPICIO• I,2IIIcICALT dr. TUOMPION, G ENERAL AGENTS and Commission dierchaate„ ST. Lours, Ara, Refer 10: Messrs. TUrbett, Boyer 4 , McDowell/ ritisbem. . 4. tt W. H. Camphell Co. t , Cope. Tod hunter. 4. Co. Phila. t. Morgan. Crutcher it Co ,. Woods. Yeatman 4 - Co,/ e t 1 4 , 0 , , tt Woods, Christy 4. Co, Fen 4,—d3m a ' yliT ANTED TO PIIRCH,ASI4 100 bushels Clover iced, for which the 61i sat market price will he given. Refer io Blthar. N. O. garu, this day received per steamer NAM Vora, and for sale by J.C. 4. A. GORDON. dee ID Ne. 12 Water at dying rate?" ... c* 444 4 4 DR: E. HUMPHREY'S VEGETA ALE OINTMENT, FOR PILES, FISSURES, 4•r.. To he had at Tam IdedlealAgeoey. Be PoutlL li the only agent*Plitletrurgb. Feb 22. Toothache r I BL scot Inveterate Toothache toted htFltek,,piete4lPV::: 4 '" - VITIP-eatt at Terns** aiegkett Aseticy. and 6main • iftll/10. h ill warranted hi trio ...„ . • 1; 4t- • "t , 4 1't S 'AL" ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers