Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 28, 1843, Image 2

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    Sesidcao.tgeneral knowledge of - the trade and
- . ,
reciprocal mterests of the-contracting parties, the
negoeiater ought to be oreeimly acqtainted 'with
then' scoveritl kinds of industry & to discover
their wants, to calculate their resources, and to
weigh with nicety the . state df their financer, and
the proportionable interest of money; nay, further,
be should be able to ascertain the comparative
population end wealth of each country, together
"with the-price arid" uality both of first materials,
and alsofir the labor - 11:tatowed upon them: for
thilliturpolielia should enquire into the operation
lektery'nlass of merchants and manufacturers
concerned in the trade; should consult their ex-
Imitations on each of their several branches: and
• collect their hopes and fears on the eff..et of such
commercial resolution, on the competition of ri
ved nations. A good treaty of commerce, inde
pendent ul the art of navigation is pronounced by
_gee who well knew the extent and difficulty of
We 'abject to be a master piece ofskill.
Edens' political remark', 1787, as quoted in
Ittrulloch's Commercial dictionary.
When in addition to these obstacles, the diffi
culties presented by the peculiar nature of our
Institutions, the variety of the products of our
.Widely extended territory, and the restricted pow.
of.the National Government are considered,
tae li l likintnittee believe it would be next to impos
sible:to select any person as Envoy, who would
combine the corifideoce of all plrtions of the
Union, and who would ba qualified to cope with
the astute politicians of Europe, furnished as
they would be with all the minutia of statistics,
which their forms of G,ivernment enable them at
ill times to obtain, and tht.y fear that however
carefully the treaties might be prepared it would
be found when too late, that though the appear
ance of reciprocity might be preserved, yet the ad
vantages of the arrangement would be found on
the sidoof the European negheiator.
From the recent discussions in Congress it ap
pears doubtful whether the rlciprocal Treaties
now -existing in relation to navigation have pruv-
ed advantakeens, and therefore the Committee
copsider it v; ry uncertain if the proposed measure
would be beneficial to that portion of their fellow
• ,•
ettizenti. who are engaged in foreign Commerce;
*bile they believe that our internal trade would
MA derive any advantages therefrom, but on the
1, contrary, as so large a portion of the expence in
' by the State of Pennsylvania in the con•
-, s „.faiiiiktion of her public works, has been for the
pose of facilitating the transportation of her
• teed and Iron to a goad m .rket, it is not unrea
,Aiikei.kble to infer that any measure which would
toitd to increase the foreign competition in those
. irticles would prove injurious to her welfare, by
• postponing to a still more distant period, the hope
of obtaining relief from those financial embarras
ments which all regret to ritnesp„
Your Committee are a ware that strong induce
ments are held out to the wheat growing states,
to sustain the policy of reciprocal treaties, under
the idea that large quantities of Grain might then
be profitably exported to Europe, and especially
to Great Britain. This view appears to your
Committee perfectly delusive, or at least much
exaggerated, fur the following reasons among
First—The Corn Laws now in operation there,
although somewhat modified in unimportant par
ticulars from those of 18:7, still impose a duty in
tome cases as high as 60 eta. pr bush. uponW heat,
& effectually exclude all foreign grain, unless the
price averages $1 98 100 per bushel, at which
late the duty is 24 per bushel. The Land hold •
ere, who entirely constitute the (louse of lords,
.and have a large preponderance in the House of
Commons, may possibiy yid! to the pressure
(rpm the manufacturing districts, but the strug
.gle will be violent and the consequences would be
ruinous to ate British agriculturists.
Secondly. The supply of foreign grain requir•
ed for the consumption of Great Britain is much
less than is generally supposed. In the year 1840,
when wheat was in great demand, the total im
portation for . home consumption was about
19,000,000 Bushels, equal to about 4 weeks sup
ply of which, however, only 2,430,000 Bushels
were from the United Slates. The total con•
sumption of Wheat for the same year was 2.08,•
000.000 Bushels, without including the portion
maneamured into starch, &c. so that the whole
Ot the Wheat produced at home would not fall
Tamil abort of 230,000,000 Bushels.
Thirdly, Foreign Wheat when wanted, can
be obtained lower at several places on the Euro
pean continent, thin in the United States, inde-
pendent of the cheaper freight and shorter time
required to brine it to Mallet.
In the year 18411 the British Government m ide
particular enquiries through their c msuls on this
subject, and the following statement is extracted
from the published report-:
Cost per bushel. Fr , ight to
15 cents
St. Ntersbutgli $1 17
Odessa . 79
Stockholm 90
Dantzig 1 20
- liainburgh 1 05
,-,Paletmo 1 11
ourthly. The Colonial policy of Great Britain
TA 4 ' 24 "ritill4event the admission of Wheat, and other
prdiWites from the United States upon sorb
toultikieje allow a fair competition; for n , ,twith%
4ititdingAlte boasted libera , iht of Sir Robert
'OH`sinew Tariff; the colonial Th u le . 14 atilt pro
te#,by discriminating duties of at. least -me
half, and in some cases; double, ht..sides the ad.
vantages of the monopoly secured by the celebra
tee 1N acts, which th nigh mod:tied in
lame ilbspects. still constitute the basis of the
maritime code of Great Britain.
These consideratit;na, and whereof IL ss motne..t
such as _the prejudice of Eigland in favor of
Wheat Of their own-growth and provisions oft!teir
own fattenin4—the increased consumptioa of po•
Woes in the manufacturing districts &0., have led
your committee fu the conviction th it the benefits
to be derived by the Whe4t growing frail
the adoption ofnonlinally reciprocal L , cattesov old
by no 'mans compensate for the in, .ry that tin
portant interests would sustain fun the loss of
the home market,—the necessary co to q uenc•: of
the destruction of our manufacture-: while the la
bor now employed in that branch ofindustry would
be inevitably driven to the cultivation of the soil,
sad thereby diminish the demand,at the same time
that the supply would be increased.
With regard to the southern portion of tho
IttO the committee would observe that Cutton,their
great staple, is now admitted into all parts ofEu.
rope at a very law rate of duty, viz: to Great Brim
lain at 70 cents per cwt.—to France at $1.87 per
lttO lbs—to Austria 30 cents per cwt.—to Rus:ia
50 cents per cwt., and to B4lgiuin at cents
per Cwt; and there is little or no probability of
these governments increasing the duties on a raw
=starlet, of which the importance to their own
population is constantly augmenting,unless indeed
ibis experiments now in progress in British India
should succeed so tar as to supply the mother
imatey. in which case the ceaseless vigilance of
aalosial Jealousy would soon interltre to prevent
Lee sfaaofeeturers from obtaining from foreign
cations as article ethic!' her own dominions could
Tlra prodeetion of Sugor is confined to a corn
palatially small didrict, and the uncertainties of
tire drop, and other causes would prevent the plan
ters from competing in foreign marke's with the
supply from warmer and more available climates,
arm if colonial monopolies were not in the way,
aid insisted renders them more dependent upon
provetioa at home, than almost any branch of
jt would appear then, that the only portion of
fat agricultural interest I kely to derive much
losairk-from the propos !d arrangerneot, would be
the Talmo growing states, and especially Mary.
Lad sad. Virtual*.
rtis part will sapid* Ow anzi,;ty sikawa upon
• ;
1 12
.. 1 '46
I 111
this question .by the re c resematives 01 tbat sec.,
lion, wf ich has been manirested by the calling of
a Cony n ion of tobacco &rowers and the email•
thorized interference of Duff Green, but it should
be remembered, that all the nations of Europe la
bor , under embarasements in their fiscal rel,.
tions,—that the ingenoity has been more than
ever- exereised to devise some now source of tax
ation, and as all others have failed, the British g
vernm-ut has been driven to the experiment of an
income tax—the most unpopular or all—and nev
er before resorted to in time of peace. Under
these circumstances your committee cannot be.
here that any ot these nations would forego the
immense revenue they derive fro.o Tobacco un.
less they oatained in return some privileges
which however equitable they might uppear,coo Id
trot be surrendered w.thout fatal c msequences to
one, or all of the great interests of our country.
In considering Lhe effect which the proposed
mea•mres would probably- , have upon the manu
facturing interests of the Unicn, your Committee
fear that their remarks , may be attributed to sel
fish motives,and are aware that the leading argu
ments in favor of a protective policy aro so famil
iar to the Board of Trade, and the other citir:ns
of western Pennsylvania, as to render it unneces
sary to repeat them: they canout, however, in jus.
Lice, wholly pass them by, and although they do
not flatter themselves with the hope of presenting
any new views upon the subject, they would re
quest the candid atiention of trio Board to the few
übservati ms they offer.
From the earliest period of our existence as a
nation, the duty of government to protect all the
great interests of the country was declared, and
ill one roc th , first acts of Congress, s inciioned ty
the approval or Washington, the encouragement
of manuFacturcs was distmeily ricogn The
situation of the U.iitest States .13 the only neutral
maritime power, during the wars of the French
Revolution, by directing the public atteriti in to
the carrying trade ef the world, rendering all oth.
er interests fir a time sulpurvient to the cotnrner -
cid, to which, however, by the unjustifiable con
duct of Ithe belligereut puwere, in issuing paper
Blockades the famed Orders in Councils, the [her
En & Milan Decrees, &c , was cramped and fet.
tered and finally driven from the ocean. The
remnant of the capital eitiple3 ed in comme:eo
which was saved from loreign aggrossi-n and ra
pacity, was compe:led to seek new modes of in
vestment, and thence grew up the manuracturcs
sf the eastern States, and ail , same persons who
were ut one time the mast bitt r in their denim.
Mations of protection became its warmest and
most able advocates.
The tariff of 1816 introdueed ani enacted by
southern influence gave fresh i npetus to AMeris
can Industry, but it was not until t e passage of
the Revenue Bills of 1824 and 1828 that manu
factures in general were firmly established, but at
that time the leader of the South, having found
that all the ten fits of the mea , ure did not enqure
to his own section of the Union, became the
violent opponent of the policy he had previously
labored to establish, and twin that period until
the,present the ceaseless energy of southern poli
ticians has been din cted to the destruction of
the manufactures of the country, and the r‘durt-
Cum of the Mechanics there employe° to the con.
dition to the pauper labor , is of Europe and Asia,
or the degraded slaves upon their own pLinta •
The Committee c ,noot for a moment enter
tain the belief that this, interest which has thus
grown with the growth and strengthened with the
strength of the nation can evi r be tamely surren
dered to the control of foreivr powers; fur this
the true issue presected by t,,e resolution under
c ms duration, and that too in the m , st object iooa
hi., form, for it provides that the r ciprocal duties
so imposed shall in all cases be ad valorem duties,
whirrexperience has provcd to be totally insur
e. tnt caber for protection, or revenue; ani that
the only due mode of preventing the evasion of
the legal duties is by subjecting the itaap)rte ;
tide Jo a sprcifieduiy.
This policy is clearly condemn-A by NlcCuls
loch, who although an advocate of flee trade,cor
really observes that' it is an abuse and pervertion
",olCommercial Treaties to make them instiu
" ments lon rcgslating duties. or prescribing Cus.
tom House re4ulations."
One of the injunctions of the Father of his
Country was that "in peace we should prepare for
war." This p eparation surely cannot consist
merely in the construe:ion of Ships and Duck
yards, nd the erection of Forts an I Batteries, hut
to be in any degree eff ctual, must embrace the
means of procuring, from our own resou ces, and
withm our a.en borders, a speedy unfail rig sups
ply of r Clothing, Ammunition, Cordage, and
all ih3 o'Aier reqoisites :or th , t equi?inent of a Na•
vy and Army, and these supplies can never be
procured when needed, lithe establishments requi
red for their production are suffered to fall into
decay, and the artisans employed in them driven
to other avocations.
$ 1 32,
1 09
1 01
1 31
On the general impedance of fostering the ri. ;
sing manufactures of our country it is not deem•
ed necessary to enlarge Too policy undevia
tingly pursu :d by all nations haf been to import
nothing from abroad that could be produced at
home, and however the political theorists of the
day may dilate upon the Utopian advantages of i
tree trade, nu European government has ever'
acted upon ihis principle, nor ever will. It is true
that as co:nmerce changes her course, a trade
which was for nerly prohibited may in sonic de
gree be thrown open, arid as the progress of lab ir
saving inachi:iery may enable the Briti.h artisan
to compete with the hand labor of other nations,
the duties on some branches of manufacture rosy ;
be reduced, but still, through every variation of :
policy, or change of administration, ADEQUATE
the leading principle of the legislation of all civil
ize.d governments, and if the United States were
to desert this p dicy, it would be to surrender the
g re a t interests of the nelson helpless and unpro
tected to the mrcy of EuropeaMcapital and labor.
The Co nmittee comdder the proposition of in
tanational Tariffs equal'y exceptionabla on the
nvre ground of Revenue, as by (heir adoption the
control over the national finaneci would be to a
great extent 10,4” d with foreign powers whose
i:dercsts must in all cases ha widely diti,rent
from oar own, and may st.m.-times be directly ad.
verse. The frequer t alternations of commerce,
even a deficient harvesi,--the dise.,very of some
new raw material—or the further application of
machinery, may entirely derange the relations
existing between ourselves arid other nations, and
thzreby tender a dissolution or modification of
such a reciprocal treaty a necessary measure of
Although your Committee believe the propos
sod arrangemmt would conflict with that provis
ion of ilia Constitution which confers upon the
House of Representatives the exclusive power to
originate Revenue Bills, they do not consider
themselves qualified lo express a derided opinion
involving more acquaintance with constitutional
law than they possess.
As the period for the dissolution of Congress is
so near as to prevent the decision of this question
at the present session, your committee do not
think it necessary to make any appeal to that
body, but would recommend the adoption of the
following resolutions, and beg leave to be dischara
ged fro:n the further consideration of the subject
J. FREEMAN, }Committee
Resolved, Thal it is the deliberate opinion of
the Board of Trade, that the alteration in
the Revenue Laws, which the adoption of
the joint resolutions recently offered by the
Hon Mr Merrick in the Senate of the United
States would effuct,woulif be highly injurious to
the Domestic Indust.ty of the Union, and esre.
cially detrimental to the weir° of Pennsylvania.
Resoked, That the friends of American Agri
culture and Manufactures be reqoested to take
this matter into considerati .4 and adopt such
means of presenti••g our opinions to the next Cots
gross as they deem mast adsis.ble.
Ile olved, That all the newspapers of the city
- friendly to the cause iifNational Industry, be re
quested to publish the report and resolutions.
After the presentation of petitions, Mr.
Evans from the finance commit.ee, report
ed the House bill, making appropriation
for the payment of Navy pension, the bill
providingfor the fulfilment of Indian treat—
ies. and the fortification bill.
Mr. Evans then reminded the Senate that
but one week now remains of the session.—
Hence, it would be obvious that there was
but little time for the despatch of the mass
of important" business before them. Ile
therefore offered a resolution providing that
on and after Monday, the Senate shall meet
at 10 u'clork, A. M. The resolution was
laid over.
Mr. Benton offered a resolution, which
also lies over, calling for the remainder of
despatches to the Secretary of State from
Mr, Webster.
Mr Bayard moved to take up his resolii..
tions to expunge the 'expunging resolu
tions.' but the motion failed.
The Senate then took up the bill to a.
mend the Bankrupt act so as to exclude vo•
luntary applicants, and to make it necessa
ry for a debtor to receive tlie assent of a
majority of his creditors, before taking the
benefit of the act,
Mr. Berrien took the floor and made a
long speech against the total repeal of the
After divers things of no interest had been
disposed tf, Mr. Campbell, of S.C., moved
to take up the bill to repeal the second sec
tion of the act providing for the apportion
ment of representatives. The section re
ferred to, provides that all representatives
shall be elected on tt e district sys:etn, and
Mr. Campbell's bill proposes to repeal the
section so far as it relates to the nexC p on •
The bill was taken up, and Mr. Camp
bell made an explamitory set speech there.
on. It was about as interesting as a dis
sertation on vulgar fractions.
Mr. Fillmore followed and moved the
previous. question.
Mr. 'Forney moved to 14y the bill on the
table. The nmion failed by a vote of yeas
71; nays 116.
The motion for the previous question.
Was then secontled,after which the bill was
rejected by a vote of yeas 90; nays 91.
Mr. Steenrod moved a reconsiderati in of
the vo:e. The motion failed; yeas 93;nays
The bill to regulate the taking of testi
mony in cases of contested elections, was
next taken up,and passed by a vote of yeas
105, nays 82. It is precisely the same as
t h,! hill o f list sessio n , which was sent to
the President, but which was not acted (w—
-on by him for want of time. It provides
that no member shall take his seat one, FS
he shall have been elected on the District
The House then went into committee of
the whole, and took up the Civil and Dip.
loniatie appropriation bill fur the current
Mr. Merriwether mowed to strike out the
item of $l5OO for the salary of Secretary
of the President to sign Land Pa'ents.
A debate on this inoti n was pending
when this was closed.
Last evening the harbor bill was debated
in committee at some length. Many ludi
crous amendments were offered. Mr.
Holmes moved to insert 'five millions of
dollars for a canal acrooss the Isthmus of
Mr. Roosevelt moved further to amend
by inserting $lOO,OOO for elearing Out Hell
Gate in the East river, New York: These
are f,tir specimens. Finally, the bill was
reported to the House, iind by a large vote
rejected. A motion f reconsideration is
Last evening, the motion of Mr. Barton
to recommit the naval appropriation bill
with instructions to strike out the item for
the Africaleguadron, was rejected. The bill
was then returned to the House.
From Havanna.—The New Orleans
Bulletin has dates from Haianna to the
7th instant.
The Noticiso informs its readers that
the arrival of the Prince de Joihvile may
be daily looked for from Rio do Janeiro in
the the de Marseilles, accompanied by
the steam frigate Gomer, which are to
proceed to various points of the United
States to make arrangement! for the re
ception of the contemplated French line
of mail steamers.
• The papers contain dates from Guate.
,rala to the 17th December. The ac
counts confirm the previous rumor that
the State of Costa Rica had at last con
sented to the federal Union of the other
States of Central America, to which she
was invited in October last. The princi
ples of the new federal government f)rm
e4by Guatemalh, Honduras, Nicaragua,
Salvador, and Uosta Rica, are declared to
he those which shall best tend to the gene
eral defence from extraneous assaults, and
also secure the enjoyment of life, liberty,
and property within.
An eminent physician has recently dis
covered that the night mare, in nine cases
out of ten, is produced 'from owing a bill
to a newspaper man.'
Noah Sinclair, a young man died a few
days since at Meredith, New _Hampshire,
a raving maniac, after attending Miller's
The Legislature of Delaware are about
to make defaulting a criminal offence. At
present Os only a breach of contract.
Front the Balthei,re Bun
SECOND -eawton:
WASHINGTON, February 24, 1843
- • • Feiß PRBBIDBNT,' " •
Subject to therdects'on of a National Convention.
• See First Page.
Canal Transpol tation.
As the business seasoa on our public
works will soon commence, we think it
well to remind flour Merchants and wes
tern shippers that by the late reduction of
tolls made by the board of Canal Commis
sioners, that the State now teceives but 27
cents and 8 mills toll on a barrel of flour
from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. This re
duction will enable the transporters to carti
iy it for 87 : i cts. per barrel, and at the
sam time have more than a libiTal
compensation for their investment/ and la
boor. Under this arrangement it is fair for
us to look with confidence for the greater
portion, if not the entire flour trade of he
/vest, to seek an eastern mArket thro' the
channel of our public works.
As was shown by a statement published
in our paper some time since, the tolls on
every article of merchandize have been suf
freently r..duced to give the Pennsylvania
improvements the preference over every
other route of transportation. On the ar—
ticle of Coffee, a reduction of nearly one
half has been madr; the toll at the present
reduced rates being but 23 cents 7 mills
per 100 punt's, on the main line of the
improvements. The charge for transport
ing this article should not exceed 50 cts.
per 100 lbs. from either Baltimore or Phil
adelphia to Pittsburgh. As Coffee is an
article of immense tonnage to the west, and
the National Transportation Line propo
ses to carry from Baltimore or Phi!adel
phia to Wheeling via the Southern route
for 70 cts. pet 100 lbs , the board of Canal
Commissioners, with commendable zeal
fur the interests of our public works, has
reduced the tolls so as to enable the Penn
sylvania Transporters , to deliver it at
Wheeling at GO cis. per 100 lbs. This
fart shows to shippers the decided advan•
Cage to be gained in. p itronizing the Penn
sylvania improvements, and the certainty
that no other route can convey goods with
the same despatch, wil', we think, convince
all, that On it interests in every p int of
view,wi:l be served by employing our route .
The National road transportation is but
little better than what gamblers would
call a system of "bluffing off." If the
statements of then agents are true, they
cannot carry goods and save themselves at
the prices for which they ate now offering,•
but they expect to divert the trade from
the Pennsylvania route, and then they can
arrange the prices to suit themselves.
We think Our brethren of the press in
the west, would sr the the public interest
in their several neighborhoods by noticing
this matter, and giving publeity to the
facts above stated.
The Dead.
The Troy Budget of the 18th gives the
following list of persons killed and wound
ed by the landslide which occurred in that
city on the day previous. The list is in
complete, hot it contains all thit had been
discovred up to 2 o'clock of the day of pub
Ann Wilber, aged 23 years, Adneri,:an;
Thomas Kelley, aged 40 years, Ireland,
\V, stmeath co:Elizs KAlloyle,aged 30 yr's,
Ireland, Queens co; John Caldwell, aged
4 years, Troy; Margaret Granan, 30 years
Ireland, Kings co; Jane Brazell, aged 4
years, Ireland, Kent co; David Day, jr., a.
ged 4 years, Troy; Infant of D. E. Day, a.
ged 8 week's, Troy; Jane Sanford, aged 23
years, Troy; Elizabeth Kelly, ag•d 30 yr's,
Ireland, Westmeath co; James Brazell, a
ged 2 years, Troy; William Graner, aged
10 weeks, Troy; Catharine Brazell, aged
26 years, Ireland, Kings cn; Michael Dunn,
aged 25 years, Ireland, Queens co.
The following persons were taken out a
A chill ul Z. P. Birdsall, Jane McCollum,
Mrs. Gardner; two children, names not ass
certained; James Burnett and wife; Mrs.
Dunn, leg broken; John Clark, but not ea•
pected to survive; Maria Denniker; Mrs.
David D. Day and two children, one in the
mother's arm; Mrs. Caldwell and two chit..
dren escaped through the chimney. One.
of Mr. Birdsall's and another child dad not
been found.
From Port an Prince.
The brig William Nelson, says the Pia
ton Times, arrived yesterday morninglrom
Port au Prince, bringing dates to tilt 2d
inst., which port she left on the 3d. cou•
ri'r arrived four days prior to her sai:ing
from Aux Cayes, with the information that
the liberal party had revolted and liken up
arms against President Boyer, And that
there was•every indication of a re/elution.
Great consternation was catued in Port
au Prince by the announceme , and busi
ness was in a great measure speeded.
Several vessels which h just arrived
~~~ -
MMll4l' - tiffa
could not lila cargoes and 'bad nut
entered at the Custom Lioue, -although the
law of that cou ntry renders it imperative for
them to do so within 24 hours after they
Hopes are entertained that the rebellion
will be quelled, and that business will soon
go on as usual.
The London Morning Post, of the 3d
inst., speaking of the Oregon Questigp and
Linn, says, "as to Mr. Linn him. , elf,
however, if lie be the individual who dis
tinguished himself, some time ago by his
eccentricities at a boarding house in Lon'
don, the prevailing idea is, that the gen—
tleman is not in a state of mind to ensure
success tohia legislative movement." 'lt's
all yery fine,' but who let,;‘the
A German, while intoxicated, was run
over by the train of cars near Cumberland,
Maryland, on the 16th, and died next day.
Foreign Items.
The "interesting situation" of the Queen
is the principal topic of the London newE.
The extensive range of buildings, occu
pied by Messrs. Clayton and Gladstone,
Messrs. Acland & Co., and other parties,
in Brown Street, Norfolk street, and Essex
street, Manchester, was destroyed by Ere,
on the 28th ult. The daritag.! done is esti
mated at fifty thousand pounds, which is
said to be covered by insurance.
That Rev, and notorious plot under, Sir
Harcourt Lees, announces in Sawader's
News Letter, that he has °iu•ell founded
reasons fu► believing" that the, shot by
which Sir R. Peel's private Secretary lost
his life, "was not intended fur Mr. Drum.
mond but for the Premier."
Sir J. Cockbui n, M. P., who ac !identaliy
broke a blood vessel, and whose life was
endangered in consequence, is now stated to
be conva'escent.
The Elegant town mansion of the Earl
of Ifillsborpugh in Upper Grosvenor street,
London, was, with its contents tota!ly con
sumed by fire on the 2Sth ult. Loss ten
thousand pounds.
It is stated that the Pustage Convention
la , tween France and England has been sign.
ed and exchanged in London.
Mi. West, the Queen's State Coachman,
died on the 3d inst.
The Count , ss of Mayo, has succeedea
the Countess of Sheffield, as the Lady in
Waiting on her Majesty.
Lord Melbourne, who has been danger
ously ill, has recovered, and will in a short
tinie be able to resume hie attention to pub
lic business.
Alessrs. Parker, Shore & Co., Bankers
of Manchester have stopped payment.
Their habilities are stated to be six hendred
thousand poun'is sterling.
The Anti-Corn Law League have been
holding meetings, collecting subsctiptions,
and enforcing their Vic we, during the last
month, in almost evcry large town through•
out the kingdom.
The new and beauti ul steamship Either
nia, is co•r•pleted and will take her place
in the Ruyal Mail line early in the Spring.
The marriage of the Crown Prince of
Hanover, it is now determined, will take
place in the third week of February..
The Belgian Minister of War has deci
ded that lectures on scientific subjects shall
be delivered for the staff officers of the re—
giments of infantry and cavalry.
According to a Russian Journal, there
were not less than thirty-one vessels lost
in the Black Sea, duri-g the month of No•
vember and the first for night of December.
Tire Duke of Burcieugh, it is said, has
acquired a territory in the British American
colonies, and is, about to send thither as
many of his tenants in Liddesdale as will go.
It is stated, that the British Queen steam
er was so much clamiged 3 in her last voy•
ace, that it will cast a considerable sum to
repair her. In rase the Chambers will not
grant a sum sufficient to repair her, the
Ministry intend selling her in her present
rpo th e Fl utt erame, the Judees of the Court of Genera I
Quarter Sevions oft he Peace, in and for the coun—
ty of Aileghenp
The !militia., of J, H. C trless 4- Cu„ of the 2d Ward
Pittsburgh, in laid county. respectfully shoyyeth:—
Ti i i t t he Is will provided with house r inn and other
yonyenicticea for the accommodation of strangers and
travellers, at :he house now occupied by him as a tavern;
and bests Jetirous to continue In that busineys he prays
your honors to grant hint a license to keep an Inn or
house of Pliilic Etityrt ainreent.. And lie will pray, ttc.
M The indersigned, c i , izens of the 2d Ward nig--
burgh, reqv!ci fatly rer ify, that Jail. Carlos if Co., the
above tinned applicant, is a gentleman ofgood repute
for liomsly arid temperance, and is well provided with
home Nom and convenience. for the accommodation Ind
lodgint of strong, rs and travelers, and that said tavern
is necessary for the accommodation of the public.
John Birmingham, Eci w Upstill,
Geo Whitfield, James Burns,
Jag M'Creery, Henry Manson,
John M' Williams, A 11 , m Brown,
T D Rhuc:es, John Fox,
JAmes Adams,
ITO the h - morable, the Judges of the Court of
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and
for t h e County of Allegheny.
The petition of Francis G Shirck, of Pitt town
ship, in the county aftireaaid, humbly showeth, that
your petitioner bath provided himself with materials
fn the accommodation of travelers and others, at his
dwelling house, Ft the township and county afore
said, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to
grant him a license to keep a public horse of enter
taionv•nt. And your petitioner, as in duty boomd
will pray
We the subscribers., citizens of said township, do
certify that the above w•titioner is of good repute for
honesty and tempi - duce, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the accommoda—
tion and lndging of strausers and travelers, and that
said tavern is necessary
Jacob Bye,ly, Thomas Daft,
Wm. fluffier George L Reid,
Jim A ndregg Jacob Tomer,
Uenry Stimple, Win. Aiken,
James Wilkinson, Yost Ruth,
D White, C. Darragh,
Thos. Haffey. feb Sta,
feb 28,1843.
The Bostonians talk of erecting a monu
ment to the memory of Corn. Hull.
auttion Salto.
g-IN Tuesday next, at TO o'olock, I will sell a
IL/large and ex] ensive apsortment of rry Goode: —Cons.
prising., Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinetta, Calicoes, Bonnet
Silks, Shawls, Hdk'fs, Brown and Bleached Shirtidgs,
:Aiwal Cotton, g c. ,
At 2 o'clock, P. 111 BoxesComposh lon CLIO*,
Codfish, and a variety of
Household Furniture
feb 27—ltd
__As o
4 r- ......---. - FOR ST LOUIS, RURLINUTON,
,L.„ 0 1., ...
vei ,: • •
aez , -- -t• The light, draught steamer CICERO,
T C MAY Master, wilt leave for the above and aft Inter-
mediate ports on Monde) the Eili,March.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
fell 27 J A MES M A V, agt.
300 BBLS.N. 0. .410LASSES;jaat rec'd per steam
boat Little Ben, and for Fate h 7
tab 27 Water et. between Wood 4- Smithfield.
WILL he received at the office of the City Water
Works until the 10th of March, fur supplying the
Work= with Coal fur one year, to commence on the first
of April next.
ROBERT 510 0RE.Se?‘•
Pittshurgh,Jan. 24th.,1843-3td.
Cheap for Cash.
. Prices Reduced.
Short Reel Yarn. Long Real Yarn. .
No 5 at 16 - cts. per lb. 500 at 9 clatter ds.,
6 nt 16} ditto 600 at 8 ditto
7 at 17 ditto 700 at 7 ditto
8 at 17* ditto 800 at 6 ditto
9 at 18 ditto 900 at 5 ditto
10 at 193 ditto 1000 at 4 ditto
II at 19 ditto
12 at 19} ditto
11 at 20 ditto
14 at 20} ditto
15 at 21 ditto
•16 at 22 ditto
17 at 23 ditto
18 at 24 ditto
19 at '25 ditto
26 at 26 ditto
0;y- Orders promptly art
Painter' , , Logan rk Kennedy
fell 27:
110 the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of
General Quarter Sessions of the Petra r ier all -
fir the county of A llegheny.
'The petition of Peter lvwy, of RITSR Townbhip, in
saii: comity, respectfully sheweth, That he is well
provided with house room and other r onveniences
for the it , commfgla firm <lst rang ers and travelers, at
the house now.ce I/pied by him as a tavern; and be
ing desirous to continue in that business he preys
your honors to grant him a license to keep an fun t r
house of Public Entertainment. And he will ever
The undersigned, citizens of Ross t. , wuship, re—
spectfully certify, that Peter Ivory, the above named
applicant, is a gentleman of fiord repute for honesty
and sempe , ance, and is well provided With house
roam and conveniences for the accotnmodation and
lodging of strangers and traveler, and that si'd over!)
is rvressary for the accommo lation of the public.
Robert flare, . Corp ad Red, •.
John Da.
David Reel,
Caspar Reel,
Jon Pkitkerto,l,
feb 2.7.1943-I.*
lo the t I onto able, the Judges (tithe Con rtforGen
eta! Quarter Ssssions of the Neace, in atid.tor
the county of Allegheny
Toe petition of Thornas Brant of Jt ffersoa
township, in staid county, resiec . folly showeth. That
he 1 , well provided AA ith house tooo and other cots.
sentences for the arrommorlat;tin stran..ers and
travelers, at the house now oceopied by ant as a
tavern; anft
,tiOrons to cintinue in that buil.-
ha prays you honors t.t grant hint a lirense IP
keep au Ito or ho...se n l Nubli^ Ett . ertiti,on.itit: And
he w , ll ever . pray. THOS. 13RANT.
The undersil,med, citizens of Jeff non town•
ship, tespectfoily certify, [ha , Thom is Brant,
the above rained iii , p;i , ant, is a gentleman of geod
rernte for hone,ty aril temperance, and is well,pro—
sided with bott<ri room aad cmivettiences for this ac'
commochtion an hedging of ttratigeta awl tr4veleta l
and that faiii ta , ern is necessary for , he arcommodaa
ti 111 of the putri,-. .
James Lobbe,
Francis B:air,
John Nl , -Nutt,
James Blair,
Jonathan LRrge,
Jesse Lnbbe,
Same-I Heath.
/110 he Honarahle Judges of the Court of Geberal,
JL Quarter Sessions of the Peace In and for thei efunly
of Allegheny.
The petition of John Trilby, of East Deer townwhip
Allegheny county, humbly sheweth:
That your petitioner bath provided himself with ma.
terials for the accommodation of traveierp and 01110r11, at
his dkieltlng tionve in thetownship aforesaid, and prays
that your honors will be pleased to _rant hint a license to
keep a Public. [loupe of Entertainment. And )eur pe
thinner, as in duty bound, will pray.
We, the subscribers, citizens of East Deer lownebtin do
certify, that the above petitioner Is of good reptile for
Loti e sty stud iiiiipessore. and is Iveti provided with
house room and conveniences for the accommodation of
straniers and travelere,a rid that said tavern is occessag.
Samuel Dickey, H. S. Fri ik,
Thos Beall, Joseph Adams,
Jacob Rhine, John Young,
Eiiw McKee, James Fieyer, . .
Jacob Ha.siiburgher, John Oberly,
Auveit BA -11, August. Fiel,
Feb 27-3 t.
T 1 RE NOTlCE—that f have applied to the 001111 of
Common Pleat of Allegheny county, for the .beneflt
of the laws made fur the relief of the insolvent detOstr.v.
and that said Court have appointed the fourth Monday
of March., at the Court House, in the city uf Pittsintrgb.
for the hearing orlon and my creditors.
feh 27, Auc. Sr BODE7q, Iniikerprr, Tarentumi
WANTED. --As soon as possilde—places fur a num•
her of Nteclianics; Bookkeepers:Clerks; Selenium,
and Boys in store?; School teachers—for lahoring iner‘—' -
I , Vomeo; [toys and C irk for all kinds of work—also, fort
coachmen: strain and canal !mat men and hove—collet-yr
tore; 4-c. Also, wanted a mortgage on good prenesiy.
with four or five times the amount $500,7(0, 1000
for sale—twelve cheap tracts of land, and for rent, isepe .
eral small pieces of property.—apply at Harris' Ape
and Intelligence office. feh
TAMP CURE FOR ASTHMA, and that for Coups-
Colds, Consumption, IXboolilo Conti, Croup, Bronchi.
Ils, and every other disea=e of the Luritts or Throat It hit
sure to produce the most decided benefit, It Is recom•
mended by thousands whn have tried it, and all saw that
Ilk the best remedy wilhout any exception, for sill Pul
monary Diseases that liar ever been known, for It ALWATR
dives RELIEF, and CURES when every other means Wave
Only give it a fair trio/ —We ask no more ofney ORIN
than to give Dr. Jayne's Expectorant a fair trial, and If
it does not cure the various diseases for which it Is re.
commended, sooner and more elfectuatty than any *thee
medicine that has ever been offered to the puhite, the
proprietor in willing to undergo any penally however,se
vere, the politic may see proper to impose upon blot.—
It has. it will, and it can cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma ii -
Bronrhitis, Bleeding from the Lungs or Threat, Whoop
ing Cough, Croup. and a very forge majority of the meat
boneless rases of Consumption, when phy,lcians and their
prescriptions fail to do tiny good. Again we say. oily
try it. It will not narm you, but it must and - edit AA
ood. It is prepated only by Dr. D. lams,, No. Uksionlipi:
Third et, Philadelphia. L.
. ,
ry- For sale at the Franklin Head Printini MaeAlio'
et, Pitieburelt. Pries 111200 per bottle.
Icandiewick at 16 Wiper lb.
Corn Basing • 9 ditto
Family do. • 112.1 ditto
ittarn't Chain • 20 • dii to
ICorn Titian • 25 ditto
!Stocking Yarn and
'Coverlet Yarn aliva,va on,
Cotton Warps made toortler.
ended 10. If left at J. - C•
or the Posit office, aildreu:
J. K. MOOR II EA D 4• Co.
Jon Mclioighr,
JamPs M'Aleer,
John Marrow,
Robe' t bfcMasters,
John Haines,
Paul Cita.ter,
John Payne,
Gabriel Castor,