Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 27, 1843, Image 3

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    FEBRUARY 27, 1343
Smokers and Chewers, see Tuttle's aa-
There was an alarm of fire last Saturday
evening, caused by the burning of a pile of
shavings on the bank of the river.
Rotother—Yestdrday afternoon about 5
o'clock there was an alarm, raised by some
looferb in Wood%treet. A member of the
Alieghery was tun over by the Reel while
turning the corner of 4th and Market.. Not
aiirktuply injured.
Butler street, Allegheny, is covered
with water. Strangers sometimes mistake
it for the canal.
.Biver-8 feet Water in the channel.
Arrivals and Departures since our last report
Fulton, Forsyth, Dies , Orleans,
Little Pike, Mason, New Orleans.
Weston, Littleton, St Louis
Belmont, Poe,
Tlie River at Louisville was full of ice
on the 21st inst. The mail boat was una—
ble to get further up than the Six Mile Is—
land. In a few days, says the Kentucki
an, the river wi l again be clear of ice, and
with the resumption of navigation we may
anticipate tin improvement in business.
The Louisville Kentuckian says that the
Rainbow made the trip .from New Orleans
to the mouth of the Ohio, in 4 days 12
houra, met the ice of the Mississippi below
New Madrid a piece, and that of the Old.)
at Paducah. She was compelled in conse.
quence of the heavy ice, to build a crib for
her bow at Stnithland, and lie by every
night till her arrival.
The, following from the Peoria (Ill.)
I:Theratic Press will be agreeable infor
tuition to our steamboat proprietors.
Freight Boats Wanted.
Soon after the navigation opens there
will be an cniversal chmand on the Illinois
river for steamboats to carry out the im
inetiii-ipiantities of produce that hive ac
cumalated oz its shores within six manths
7r: 7 far-the liver last fah was too low for
laid% boats that could take freight at living
prices and hence much of the wheat then
in store is still on hand, In addition to
wheat, there are large quantifies of 11. , rk,
lard, flour, &e. which our merchants are
anxious to get r , fl at the earliest possible
opportunity. This is not the case in Pe
:,..Ofirkeeltione, but at the towns above us arid
• so also below. At Pekin, we are told there
a about 4000 barrels o' flour waiving to
lieshipped in addition to their usua, quan
tities of pork, lard &c. Many of tlp rner
chants, apprehending a scarcity of steam•
brats to. take freights, are eudeavorilg to
procure flat, boats, but we suspect it will
tab impossiiile to g, t off all the IP od:/‘ 4 ~ t •
even half ofit, by that means. Sreanib,,,: s
-‘ll}riled that want freight should look to tbs.
,Lothario.—Ah! dearest Anna, (or you'
love I'm dying,
Rind at your feet 1 lie.
Anna— I eve you're lying.
VP A DAUSMAN, Aunrtierteer, jnat receivedA4o from Eastern markets on consignment, and is
ejew Opening at his Auction Room*, No. 110 Wood an,
rases French, Britteh and .4nterican Dry Goode, I.le
k or which trill lie commenced on Monday neat,
Fek.27.ar 10 a', lock, and trill be continued every day
antllall are 6014,
~TBIL issesetesent in part consists of
MIKAHack, Brown, olive, 4- Italian Sewing Silks
, ... inirisible Green Cloths White and 17 . 1 d Spool Cotton
illtaitlCJl• Fancy Cassitheres Blue, Black, Drah and amour
Bina and Blue elallinet.s Led Pwecit l'iiread
Grog named do Black BreAs Silk
Shia ltibb'll do Pi once Bilk lid kis
11011111:40-Lpinei" Kentucky Jeans
14Q1d0e Critnerien ['lints Ila•d Tine.
Lisinsin - illalrria Hooks and Eyes and Combs
Dish Linen ' Gloves and Hosiery
PhijoirilM44l. ad • Mosquito Sequin%
leelkAliffiags c a ,,,.. 1 woo ) s.iarienders
Tslikiiifirssilos Cotton HtliCis and Shawls
II raidal'atila dll oda Check and Ticklngs
Blee and fancy - Pantaloon Linen Shirt Collars
Drillings Boots, Shoes and groaans
Brews 4 Blended Mailing Brass and Wood Clocks
With a variety of oilier seasonable !Uereliandize
feb 24-3 t.
JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boles of Oranges and
Lemon., of the finest quality. for sale wholesale and
retail. by W6l. THORN,
feb 53 Market si.
64 TONS Tennesit.e rig iron, For sale low to
close consignment, by
$b 10.
T•N Store 85 -bushels of !Food quality Clover Seed. Also
01 -- .1.50 beads prime Timothy for sale in loi; In suit.
143 Liberty st
Whq offers for sale SO bushels Orchard Gras= Feed.
^ feb 22.
peetfully informs the public that he has opened his Bar
tier shop in the house formerly occupied by Mr. J. s.
Moorhead on Wood street,between sth and Virgin alley.
VIP Shaving and hair dressing done in a satisfactory man.
set. A share of public patronage is solicited.
Fed 21.
THERE Is a tremendous rush for Mr. ESTEE'S
TYR (TING 4C4DEMY, and still there is room.
AN those who wish a beautiful style of penmanship,
Will lotions time in availing themselves of Mr. E's lin—
rivalled Instructions, as his stay In this city Is limited to
tsar , 3 - weeks.
. There*, wlll be a class of Ladles, to commence a series
°Clemons at his academy on ltl onday
11011 al 21 o'clock,
P. Gritpuernen , g ems, will meet as usual, at 7 o'clock,
Ir.W. Ladles can receive ;canons at their residence,fr
jlegfred, Tuition 15. Tuition at the academy,s3.
Office over Mr. Kramer ' s Exchatree, corner of Wood
*d Third streets; entrance on Third Street.
'A good itivr^, or Pennmansh o is warranted to the alten
SPA POO. - ie.) 23
• L. C. Judson,
A TTORNET AT LAW, Smithfield near 7th street.
Jfetto—Puncteallty In tuslneas and amicable set
♦lemllalw. re. 2 y.
I.SAIER BL,IgE.LY ••• 'ineeg t,. . nn ,r
%,„„, ~;„,, , ;
dengems. •Ari If . I`, 1.: , r , 1 t , - ,, tlt. I (.1.. ~ "..
k • , in a ~eat and logal manner. and at baif o i
former ebarvf, :It his old stand Peen street, itedr Lae sth
Want market house. ft 14 24.
N. ry Corner of Wood 4- .Filth Sts.
Tax proprietors of the hickanixo POST and MAROONS
AND MAXILTACTORAR respectfully inform their friends
and the palronsof those papers, that they have a large
and well chosen assortment 01 '
0. - 411C1113.38 riit''ILYIME•I7M,
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are pre
r e exe cute
Books, Bills or Lading, I Circulars,
Pamphlets, I Bill Heads, Cards,
Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips•
Zit Mobs of Btankfi,
Slags, Steamboat, esti Canal Beat Bills, with app..
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
he public In general in this branch of our business.
Pittsburgh, Sep:. 29. 1842. PHILLIPS ¢ SMITH,
TO :he Ilonorabie, the Judges of the Court of
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in
and for the county of Allegheny.:
The petition of John McGee, of the Township
of Pine, in said county, resperttully showetrt
That he is well provided with house room and
other conveniences for the accomm.idelion of stran.
gets and travellers, at the house now oc.ipie I by him
as a tavern; and being desirous to continue in that
business he prays your honors to grant him a mense
to keep an Inn or house of Public Entertainment.
And he will pray, &c.
The undersigned citizens nf the Township of Pine
respectfully certify, that John McGee the above
named applicant, is a gentleman of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the accommoda
tion and lodging of stranger , and ttavelerQ, nod that
said tavern is necessary for the accommodation of
Thos. Gibson,
Wm. It jr.
Wm. Mcp .noe
I Vogel,
Join. Fogel
John Sh(.effin,
ripo the Hoe , rat.):e the Judges of the Court of
_ll_ General Q•uu ter Se•siens of the l'ea-e in and
fir the (Thorny of
The petition ofJoo. Sheffer of Wi.kins township,
in the c +linty aforesaid, hninh]y 5110 , 4 eth—
_vow petitioner hate provided himself with
materia 14 for the accommodati,n of travelers and
intim s, at his dwelling hoosc in the township afore
said. arid prays that your iinnor d will be plev•ed to
grant him a !miens, to keep a l'uoli House of En
oirta-iiitnent. And your p •fitiooer as in if , oohoionl
will pia'' , JOHN SHAFTER.
We, the 910)517111)`'''S, \ i.kins t,,wnship,
do cell hat the at).ve pe.itioner is of g and repute
fir honesty affli I to ranee, and it %veil nrovoi , d
~ith ro•.tn and cow.ellienres for the Rrf.i , llllll , l
lotion and lodging of tarangrri ar.a t avriiers; an I
Mat said tavern IN IIeCeSSaTV
R , .bt
Ishii 31uNi,11
Ab,nham f. , ,,,harr. IltrPr l'a,,'i :,.ttli., jr.
J., ,, tr% ill, (or J , Itn) AdAln kVa!ter,
rt,,h, Meilaffy, 1,,,,es 11, tni,s.er,
Itobt. G,:ilia,,t Jacob I hirkly
F,•I) !•I.4th. 1.--,-13
TUST received, 8 barrel, fresh roll Flntirr, and 20
kegs first rate Lard from Dover. ithio, for ,i!e by
148 Lil e , ly it.
._BAsS 43.
r,FFE RDI7III - .0.-1.." 1,-oe t , r" ,- raors A so
tt Att. LoADIAes, 6.1111 FII l•Slitl Vi.l di. it,
1:11:1111),PIA11,4. 11;irrtshilr,! Lanc.o.cr , to itiolacle;
pith, eo , .neritog %%Ito o.e Stall I caot of Cars to N
(telt, 150 001. , 51t0z0,.: trod nr,p night tow
Also. the Ittleet hoe to 1310tmoue.
Fare to Fotla,le ite.a $lO.
Lenets daily al A o'c'ock A. M.
(Mite t-erand door the Set, !Hint; IWO W.ld A
telt 23, 13.13-1 y ' PrOpriflOrS.
St PatricWs Dar Celebration.
The Frond. id Ireland will the arini-
Inrsary "ISt. Peri .k'a Day ( 7,h Mat ch jat the
Coin of Arrangement
J CIIN J. MITCHELL--Alinn.ey at Law, ulli c
c.cner of Smithfield dmi sth ,is .P01.51,01'01.
n' - ' l 'ofieclions made. NI otldllle3S CIIIrtISIrti 10 hls
ear,! wit I.t. Promptly at.emied to.
rm, 16--Iy.
I'l I'l'.' Buit(4ii
Lookag Mass Manufactory,
And Huumt. Furnishing %vareliouze, 101 Wond
Street, near sth.
11111 E Subsrrier having tong feted his arrangements
at his nerestand, Is now prepared to otrer to lii
friends, Rod the (sulk. a large and complete ri.sortment
of ',oolong Glasse. and ilooselurithiting Ilaraware.
(a 1 prises to suit r, ri me .)
Pier and Manta (liaises In Gill and Mahogany
Fraines, of the niodt , ppruved- and superior workman-
Toilet 6.125 " h I 2, 3. 4 and 5 drawers.
Common, stained. kited, and p liar framed Glasses
iniitalt!e for Merchants. or those wanting cheap glassy - s.)
Japanned Waitersandfrays oral, colohs and patterns.
Ivory handle K nives a N Fnrics, in setts or dozens.
Bark and Bone haitrilerable Cutlery.
Carving Knives and Folio, do.
Dixoo's Brittania Metal len and Coffee Setts mi.
petiOr (la pity.)
American Marinfael u ;di in setts, or single pieces.
German Silver Tea and Tide swim
Silver plated bind Brass Cattiest icks, Snulfets do,
Britton ia Metal Lamps, for likoing sperm or Lard Oil.
Brass at.d Wire Fire Fenders(variout patterns.)
Fire Shovels and Tongs, Man Irons, Q c,
With a variety or oilier artlclutoo numerous to men
tion, all of I,v !itch will lie offered alo e lowest cash prl
N.B. Portrait, Minialare,and otheivraming done at the
shnriest notice, repairing ofall hinds•ttentled to. Look.
intiGtass plates.by toe box or single IIAI , Priers (or Fra.
ming constantly on hand.
fen 23
1500 Lbs• new Bacon, just recnied by wagons
from Ohio, for sale by
MC.-...ISSES.-16 barrels Molasses.
For sale by
M g M A
- -
Anew and much improved form of Blank Ltses, for
sate at the office of the ...Morning Post."
PERSON competent to take ehargeof a lard% ex .
nsi ve sawmill, with a small capital, will he, o r
an id‘antageous situation on application at this offic , i r
itomeitiatg application is made. None ovd apply tiro
cannot givc satisfactory reference as to honesty arm cr.,
pet OCY.
/It 22-2 w
ACTS SPE.9K FOR TAIRAISELVES—TRUTH IS Alen, two 3story brlcicilwelting houses on Pike street
CONYINCLVQ:- Having been afflicted for nearly at
‘ l.4'".ti per month.
Also, a number of small frame dwellings at $2, $2 50
two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee, nd 33 per month.-_,
which produced much pain, and used various applies
Also, a brick store room and de oiling on the Canal
.tlons recommended by the Faculty—ail in vain sm, s i
~.4 1 , 1 , 1 1, , , 23a . d jaining Mr. Coe's hatter shop. Apply at the
cured 'ompletely by the use of one bottle of Dr. . Brand
-1 ttrese Agency, near the sth NVard market house.
ret It's Llearnent. or External Remedy.
Witness mr hand JAMES TAYLOR,
Ohio 1p A bertheny to, Pa: Jan. 10th, 1840. _
Dr. Branikreth's External Remcdy or Linament; sold i It E 110 VA 1,„
a$ his of-ice. N 0.98 Wood street,- Pittsburgh, PRICE-- i HOL OSHI I' & BROWN E . '
Bft rents per bottle.
felt 8.1 TIVE removed their Paper Store from Market
in k RTIS.4OViEL .17c VF! 4 I. CH`,. tin P.r, „ ,tr. et - *Pet to N.,. nl. Wood _, reef, n., ' 4 ot r.• .m ...
- Ytmt- t-.n Emit and 1-iit6'Detri at rPGF, l'i“ : , 11, - ;!1 ' "
11.. t. :tl-1y,.. ,
4. • ~i : I "•' I N.G.
in LOVE R AND rI,4O7'HY SEF—D always on hand, a " N'ING „ .PERS, SONNET HOARD: 4 ,
lots to snit purchalera, apply to I. CILU:SE,I a ll "( ` 14 4 . , !Nay offer Car ts,!!.• accommodatingterms ,
fob 4, 148 Liberty st 03 b i 4. „4q,,-.a..
priate C'",,
JOH :s , T Ali-GEE
Jag. A , G.bson,
Chas. Austin,
%Vol. Emmitt,
John Elori , k,
Jacob 1),e,,
Henry Deer.
Feb. 2.4th,1841
R. (.. Alt:Murui,
14 °',i6eriv cl
co iti o t i r, oat!, irt AUX* 111X/MIX, iieStAtal watts,
Bank of Pittsburgh. par
March. if Man. bk. par
Exchange bank, par
Bk, of Germantowc "
Easton tank,
Lancaster bank, dia
Bank of Chester Co. par
Farmers' bk Bucks Co. "
Doylestown bk do
Bk of N America Phil. 1 .
Bk of Northern Liberties,"
Commercial bk. of Pa. "
Far. 4. Mechanics! bk.
Kensington bk.
Philadelphia bk.
I Schuylkill bk.
Southwark bk.
Western bk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania, 7i
Bk of Penn Tl. par
Man. 4.• Mechanics bk. par
Mechanics bk. par
Moyamensing bk. 3
Girard badk, 95
U. States batik, 50
Lumbertnens', Warren, --
Frank. hk Washington, par
Miners bk of Pottsvlie, 5,
Bk of Montgomery Co. par
Mon. hk Brownsville, 1 . 11
Erie Rank, 51
Flarrislmrssh bank, 5
Far. bk Lancaster, le'
Bk of Middletown, 411
Bk. of Chambersburgh, 41
Carlisle hank, 41
Bk of Northumberland, 4i
Columbia bk if Bridge cu. 2
Bk Susquehanna Co. 10
Rkof Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk. 41
Get t yslittrgh bk. 41
York bank, 41
Far. 4- Drovers bk. of
Waynesburgh, 81
•• Currency notes,
Fionesdale, 2
I'Vynnuo.l bank, 18
Pitlsh'gb State Sr rip 41
Country do do 6
Barks to. bank, 60f
Towanda. 80
Far. 4. Mech. Lk of Stcu.
Belmont Lik c.r 9t. Claim.
Marietta hk. Penland
notett. i
do Currency no t' ji
Columbiana bk New Lis
Loo Demand, 11
do Post notes, i
f:ior ',mad specie pay
banks, le
Mech. 4- Traders Lk of
Cincinnati, 5
Clinron bk of (2,,lurnbus,
11 , niand nore 6 , 1 ;
Circleville, (H. Lawrence
Crt , llier) 11
Lk. 11
S..iore and upper room of the corner
Ilark..l (1 , 1 51h e.treeta, now occupied by Mr
H. E, t'onstal,
, At wo s tory Itrirk Iloug^ on the corner 114'5111
and 1:..i0n strf..ls. • U fur n I)iVlliny llousP and
Entotre of JAMES MAY.
frh 21. 2 to 41.
FOR R A telflifoitalde
in_nonso, , elunie In Coil Lane near 70 slreet
Lift For 14`rillS, which vvii, lie moderate. apply to
I1\!/F. 3 , 1 e!‘ ry the buililine orrhpled by R. A.
11.1125iii,iii a. an Anr,ioo know
3, router flood :1.1 sth
of R. Moiriiw. stha, jail 21.
To Eel,
STORE CELLAR on Market between 3d and 4,13
ALSO, , wa , p7p.inl, and convenit.nt rooms in the gee
and ,to,y opr,tne 1:v a Hall on lldrket itreet; well adapt.
rd 1%, Law for aoy t•uginr,r, rrqiiirinz a t u n
vool, ,d al:11 re.olv aeros4 (non. a haßinea: street,
A 1.- , t ), a I,,vehloe llouz:r. on Nlarket street containir,
five rooms ¢ entaintrlnide kii then.
ALSO, tlw ..omit gime room on Third et., nrarty op
pnsue the Poo (Arc ai pc , .seni occupied hr Brown 4-
Raymond as a Lamp store,
A LSO the light arid airy , office on 3d st. at present oc
clipierl a. the At he nett m
A LSO, fur rem, several small houses near the dwell.
house of Eh, ,ahsrriher in Pitt township, with a few
erre. 111 Land attached to eACII.
I lii I ;--11-
'0 o Let,
111 BE , tore room am Jwellln un Market Pt, now oe
JL Cllll.'llll' Thos Campbell 4Co , Apply to
j.tn 17,1342 J AMES BLAK ELY.
y oTs run 5.% lE.—Four Lot. in liinnehe.ier. rine
„tt o (mirth Acres of Laid on Holmes' Hill. Lott
1'1.'1.. 41. 42.52. 53. 54, 181, 182 and 184, in Centel plan
of Lot., on liohne*: Hill Also, Lots nos 26 and 27. In
nok's p'an ocLoteon High street, near the new Court
ifun.e For terror apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
Pep 11l
The A melte:in Pioneer; an excellent 'Monthly Pub
lication. &voted to the object of the Loges Historical
Soe,,ty; or to collect' nx and publishing !kelt ?IN relative
to the early set' Irment and successive improvements of
our country, “for my country I rejoice in the Rower of
Peace "—Logan, Tree above excellent work, Edited by
John El Millianus, E.q. Cincinnati. for male at $2. for
the I'll'st volume, and 2d continued In monthly Nos and
subscription. at 32 per annum received at Harris' Agen•
cy and Intelligence °Moe.
Pitt , Murch, January 2G, 111413.
House A gency.
No. 6 west of the Market House, pent' st.
sth Ward, Pittsburgh Pa.
rrivE subscriber having for a number of years betn en
gaged In renting cl'y properly, collecting rents
and wi=ling to extend his business In this way, respect.
fully offers his cervices to those persons owning, or who
inlay have charge of property as Executors, Administra
tors or Guardians, in the city or suburbs, and who may
not have leicure to attend to it themselves, to rent dwell.
Warehouses, Farms, Lots, 4-c, Also, to collect
rents, dividentle, Ground rents itc. A register Is kept
where a description of all properties for rent will be en•
feted free of charge, refere tire Is respectfully offered to
the following gentlemen for whom the subscrfner has]
been agent f..)r some years pact—Messrs Michael Allen,
P. McCormick and James S. Craft, Dig., nishiegh;JiLi
Stuart, Esq. Eivopean Agent, Philad ;Mess. John Drown,
Birmingham; B. filtaLenan, Cincinnati; Daniel Potter
Steubenville; Jo•epit Millar, Lawrenceville Jame• Jones
Earl Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Dlifflin township; Daniel
Depot ion, Sewickley,
feb 23
In the sth Ward.
r j OR RENT', a very comfortable, roomy dwelling
house, now occupied by W. J. Totten. Esq., on
O'Hara near Penn street, at a lurge reduction from last
year's rent.
A Iso, 2 comfortable brick dwelling houses on Penn et,
opposite the residenre of Messrs P McCormick and J. H.
Also, a frame dwelling house on Penn et. adjoining the
Wooster, 1i
kfassilun, do
Handnirky, do
Gawp, do
Norwalk, do
Xenia, do
Dayton, do
Scioto, 30
Post notes, li
Chillicothe, 6
Fran. Mk Columbus, 11
La,,coster, 40
Hamilton, 90
Granville, 90
Corn. bk. Lake Erie, 30
Far. bk: of Canton, 45
Urbana 66
dlate bk.¢ Branches Ift
state Scrip, 40
All banks,
Slate bk it Branches, 60
Shawneetown, 70
Bank of Virginia,
do Valley,.
Far. bk. of Virginia,
Exchange bank,
N. Weal. bank
Mer. 4. Mee. do.
'Baltimore Banks,
Country Banks,
All Flanks,
All Banks, par end
City Banks. P.
Ccunlry hanks,
(safety fond.) j *
Red Bark, io
Boston Banks,
Country t•
()Oen hc nkF.
Rank., 2.1„
Good Etrink,,,
All Bankq.
Rk. of St. Clair, 10
Do. do. J fi. Smith 10
C 1S A 1).1
Good banks. 81010
Eastern Exchange.
Philadelphia. A
IN•sr York: A
Baltimore. i
Roston, , ;
;'extern Exchange.
11:inclniintl, par
Loui,whle, Oar
Cleveland, i dig
%Ylpielinfr, pn r
Three By: Door., Libert y. it
Nn 51 Th,tl
111111 subscriber has just received Ws annual supply of
IL Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part of the
owing kinds—allot the last years crop 4- warranted
Egg Plant, Parsnip,
Endive, Peas,
Kale, Pepper,
Pumpkin, Brosco!i,
Radish, Boratele,
Rhubarb, Cabbage,
Sabrafy, Carrot,
Cauliflower, Spinach,
Celery, Okra,
Curled Cress, Onion,
Cucumber, Parsley,
Mustard, (white and brown)
Water Melon,
&c. &c. &e.
Together wl tb d varlet y of Pot 4- Sweet herb and Bower
Ky-Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trv.es, fc. from Garden.
era and others will be received and promptly attended
to. F. L• MNOWDEN,
Jan 11 No. Liberty. bond of Wood st.
JUST received, 3.000 Seasonable Buffalo Sobel of Ih
Invent qualities from Extra No. I to 3.
_ A lot cf Hear and Cob Skins, -
!LOOS No. I and 2 Muskrat Skins,
A lot of Otterand Raccoon Skins,
All which areofferedat reduced ens fo cash or ap
proved notes. Apply to
A. BEELEN, ratite American For Co, Agency,
Oct 12 -3m Corner of Front and Ferry at
HATS—w. 4- M. Doincrcryinform their friends and
the public that they have commenced manufuctu•
ring Flats, and thnt they have now ready for sale, at
their Store, 148 Liberty street, between Niarket and 6th
street, an a,sortment of the very best Hats, which e.,ey
are atisintbi In dispose of on the cheapest and mos: reason,
able terse. Their stork consho of the very beet kinds,
v;z:—heaver, Otter, New ria, Costors,eltort Nai ped Ftus
Fur rind Silk Hats.
W. ri• M. Doherty are both regular bred Halter', they
have had extensive expertenceas Journeymen in the heel
e•rtalttishmenlv In the (molar their Halo are all got on
under their own in=pection, they assure the nettle
that nothing but the very I 0 t
article' on the most rea
gonnhte 'ern, will he offered for sale. cep 10
W IRT LECTURES.—FouriA Course.—The Lec.•
C.munittee of the Wirt institute have the
pleasure of I.lyine before the public, the following Its rot
gentlemen who hove consented to Lecture, viz:
Rev J Bakerell, I iitrodurtory Lecture.
John L Gov, Esq, ht' ashington.
Prot, II J Clae.h, Meadville College,
Ilan. Wilkins, Pittsburgh.
Proff. A B Brawn, Jefferson College:
Dared Richie, 4 sq. , Pittsburgh.
Reed If ashindrfon, ,
Prod. T West. Thco. Sr minary.
Francis Johnnton. Esq., Pittsburgh.
Proff. J Barker, Meadville College. -
W Lawrie,Esq..l'ittsbnrgli.
Rev. James L .1,-iddie.
Prof ft.c.10,1 D rirCoPuch. hirerFon Collerie, will de
liver several Lectures on Asirotionly, embracing its rise,
progre.s and destiny. Reed Washington. Esq., %ill also
deliver several Lectures on the subject he may select.,
Arrangements are in pro:rress to eaasge Professor fill•
• .
limbo, of Yale College, to deliver In our city, a full course
or lectures on Genlosy: also v ith Josepn B. Buchanan.
on Neurology. Other eminent Lecturers will be invited
to visit our coy, when It may he In the power of the in
st Uwe to engage their services.
The Lectures of this course will be on Literary and
scientine subjects exclusively and It Is hoped from the
eminent ability of the Lecturers, and the interesting na•
lure of the sithjeets, that our citizens will liberally pa
runise this laudable enterprise. The iron City should
not be behind sister cities in her encouragement efsclenee
and literature. The ptoceeds Of any) will be appropri
ated to Cie entargement of a Library, already an honor
to the ell y.
Kr—course Tickets, admitting a lady and gentleman,
82, and Ina y I.e Ilatt of either orple Cenim hive, and at C.
H,Kark Co'A Rook Sto,e, Monongahela and Exchange
Motets, amt at I',
Lectures COuitilcure on ThUrftlar evenir DeC 1.
tAAM . L C. !IVEY,
JOIIN S. COSE h AVE, Committee,
n24-1m E.;F.MPLE,
fIT. PRICE, Wholesale and Retail Baker, Con.
feetioner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near the
Dl:munch dilegheny city.
Every vartety of Confectionary and Ornamental
Calm., ' , unable fur weddlnee and parties, manufactured
rrom the he.t material',, at short notice. 1101/ 16
E STATE or Joint 'Hunker, tate or the City or Pills
burgh deed. Persons Interested will take notice
that letters of adininioration on the estate of the finial
decedent, has been duly granted by the Register of Alie•
glieny County, to Sti•anna Hunker. widow of 'lie said
/leer need; and all persons having claims or demands a•
gain , t the estate of the said decedent, are requested to
make known the acme to her without delay. Her reel.
dente is in Hand street, city of Pittsburgh.
felt 1-6 w. Administratrix •
Hair Dre--colots, the hair and will not the skin
This Dye is in the form of a Powder which in plath metier
of tact may he applied to the hair over night, the first.
night turning the lishtest or fray hair to dark brown; and
by repeating a second or third night. to a jet black. Any
person may, therefore, with the !cast possible trouble,
heap his halt any dark shade or a perfect black, with the
positive assurance that the powder if applied to the skin
will est color It. There is no e.itorlng In this statement,
as any one may easily test. These fact. are warranted
by the the nlst who manufacturer it.
For &Ile at TUTTLE'S, 96 Fourth street, where a
large aseori anent of Patent Medicines may always be had
at either wholesale or retail.
"Don't forget ! R 6 Featra street P'
ILLIAM C. WALL, Plain and Fancy " trail
sad Picture Frame Jdansfacturer, No. 87,
rood, Street Pittsburgh. —Canvaes Finishes. Varnish
fe..thr Artists, always on hand. Looking Gins:les. kr,
Promptly frainod to order. Repairing done at the short
eat notice.
Particular atiention paid to rey,llding and jobbing orev
ery deserip,ion.
Persons fitting up Plum Boats or houses will And it ti
leirailvant-lp in rail. tirp 11)
FOR. RENT.— email farm of about 2.5 acres of
Land,2l mites from the city, with a frame house
and stable, and Plitt!) le for a dairy. I moire nt
120_ HARRIS' Gen. Agency it lot. Office.
W ANTED .—A good Coal Digger, to go down the
Ohio River for a few miles. Also, wanted, pla
ces for a number of Gardeners, Laborers, Bays, kc,. at
C2O lIARRIS' Gen. Agency ¢ lot. Office,
BIRD SEEDS A r esn supply of RsrJ Seeds, con
slstir4; of Canary, Ilemp,and Rape; just received by
fel) 3. F I. SNOWDEN, 148 Liberty et.
WPAP Y p r il E ra p,
Application h
n 1 to u t of ema r e °' be n before lrel'i 1
6 years hefireto of
llarch g t e o .
164, Liberty head of Wood a.
W hf. STEELE, (successor to H. &Petoskey) Fash•
ioaa'fle Root Maker, Liberty st., 2d door from
VI - gin Alley. The subscriber respectfully informs the
public that he has commenced the above business fn the
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry hreloskey,
and that he is now prepared to attend to alt orders in his
line of business with despatch and on the most reasonable
terms. From his long experience In the manufacture of
Fashionable Boots, he feels conntient thnt all articles
from his establishment will give satisfaction to his pa
troos. A share of public patronage is respectfully
ed. seri to
PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842.
J. DIMCNo—On Frn , nv. theallth of Inxtmonth,nhout
9 o'clock nt niitht,the Planlre,r.Groovlnir and r;asll Man
ufnelory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4- Co, with a large
quantity of drex . sed and undressed lumberovas all consU.
med by fire.
The iron Safe wt I hotl^ht or von some tine hack
was in the must' exir.-Pd eituai inn during the firr, and
WWI entirely red hot_.[ am plea.rd tw ieft•rm roil( W*s
nnoneil at the rlosienf,lhe ere nrd oti the
'tat :
F:FX :APP./. . , • •
40 bele Green Apples, compn: - .- - :ne vr:; vr.r(ety,
Brat rate order. ISAAC CRUSE,
feb"4, 148 Liberty at.
No. 151 Liberty street, one door from the
Jackson Foundry.
V HE sutricriber is just receiving at his well known
establishment, the largest, most varied and CIIZAPEST
STOCK or Goons that has ever been offered in this city. _
Every article was selected by himself in Ilie cavern el.
ties, and purchased ai the Lowssr CLSIS PItICIS, and he it ,
therefore enabled to sell his articles much lower than
they can be had at any other establishment west of the
His articles are all made by experienced workmen,
nom the latest tnanufartored goods and in the moat
He feels confident that all persons who will call at
his establishment anti examine his stock will he satisfied
that BETTER BARGAINS can he obtained at the
than at any similar establishment in the city.
His stock rousists In part of
Coats, Pantaloons, Pests, Drawers, Skirts.
Cravats, Stocky, Gloves, Suspenders, ;
And every other article of Clothing of the bm.t style
Front his varlod stock of .cloths he is prepared to
MAKE CLOTHE:it TO onnen at the shortest 'mire:
Ina style unwirpagsed by ally other Pittsburgh
and warranted to fit.
His stock of Spring. and Summer Grods is superior to
any previous importations and l.r, bas an Ite9itattonin
rapine that tar exertleAre, leanly and cheapness they
cannot In equalled in the west.
The. snh.e,iher wind mitre enure return hit thi•lks to
:Ow f 1h• p„l' 1. 1— . 1 r 11• •rrr4. r•t •n rr
cry; T
VOA SALE OR BARTER. —lO dozen good Woolt
Socks. 60 small lung of twins. For site low for
cash or bailor to nit 1: 11 kRRIS,
Feb !1 Ail and Corn. Mi••eh't, sth st.
' Ft - 21117:31
NOr line of U.S. Mall Conehee for Araokington Cif!,
Baltimore, Pkiladelphia and ,Trow York.
_ .
This line Is In full operation end leaves Pittsburgh daily
at 6 o'clock A: M., via Washington ?a. and national
road to Cumberland, connecting .here with the rail road
Co's. to all the above planes: Travellers will find this
a speedy and comfortable route, it beings separate sad
distinct Pittsburgh and Cumberland line, facilities will be
afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex
tra coaches furnished at the shortest notice, wit° the
privilegr of going through direct, or taking cne night's
rest at their option.
Fare from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, $lO,OO
Pittshu'g to Relay house, $lO.OO 2 12
Thence to Washington 2,00 '"A"n
Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, 13,00
For through tickets, apply at our office at the corner
of Exchange Elotel,orat our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON!
Feb. 'President of N. S. Stage Co.
10ff CLI7SrET. the old original, has on hand the
r ost splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered
Wee My flock Is large, and lam disposed to sell at thu
lowstpossthre price. Mystoek is heavy, and as the yea.
son is advancing, I will sell at lower prices than ever.
ask only the pleasure of a rail, feelin7 confident that a
ook is sufficient. .Beware of Connterfeits. Remember
VS 'ME NT . nov 23, 184
L►DIIs Oven Sturm—The Ladies can now do away
with all lands of over shoes, can walk throw/It the wet
streets With thin shoes, and have their feet kept perfect.
I .Y dry; can wear tight Awes without having their corns
Pahl them; and rats have their chars wear twice as loon
as rver, If they will use the ceehrared Omer Taala.whtrh
wilt make leather water proof, and render it as pliable
and soft as kid. It's nn article well worth their notice,
and one which they will all value highly, as soon an they
try it. To be bad only at TUTTLE'S
61 trucAt. AOINCT, 86, Fourth street.
F'itte. Al per hall's. jan 9
NOTIC E. —I have taken out letters of administration
on the estate on John Wilson', !ale of the City of
Pillsburch, deed. All ;nelson! indebted to the estate of
the !told deceased, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to me at my residence in Penn at. near Illarbury.And
those Will) have claims are requested to present them
drily probated. J P WILSON,
Jan ye.
ILLIA.kf ELDER. Attorney at Law; Office in
nakeweira 'warty. .opposite the New
C ourt Gone. nn Grant strect. • srp
Li BR ARV of Relieous,flisforteal,Politleal,and Mis
cellaneous Works, will be oaen every day, Sa:ihaih ex.
cowed. - ,rim 7 o'clock, A. M . .nntil 9, P. M.. in the Ec.
change Bnilding,corner of Pt !Clair street and Exchange
alley. wnere ?unctua I attendance will be given by
pep I() J. OEMMIL.
Unrivalled illacking,
MA ‘IJFACT UR En and sold whnleinle and retail
SIXTH Blurt one door below Smithfield.
oct 21-2 Y.
T T. STEW.% RT, Upholsterer and Paper Ranter,
. No. 49, Fill h street, between Wood and Smithfield
dt.. flunk and Straw Matirasses always on hand. A ll
orders executed with neatness and despatch, on aerommo
sating terms. sep 20— ly
ATTORNET AT LA Fr. —Office in nears' Unnfilng,
Fonrfh Greet. pit t.hu reh. Nov .1. 1841
REEK P PLY:S.—Jug! reed from Keilveruun, 56
btu.. of Romanite apples, which I sell for 50 cents
per barrel. ISAAC CRUSE,
jan 20 14R Liberty O.
C ORN all EA L.--80 hu.nelx fresh around gifted Corn
Meal, in barrels containing 3 bushels, at 75 cents
Per barrel.
In Fiore —Family Flour by the barrel.
.E. At TlN,Attorncynt 1.3 w. MIIOI3I-21.
Office. In di h strsPi,opniviiie Enrke's Minding.
WILLI A M E. A usTtio, will :Live his:Mention In my
unfinighed Itu.iness, and I rectimniend him in The
age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD.
rep 10—ly
D ID, A. W. PAT r ERsON. 'Rice on Smithfield street.
near Sixth. sep 10
J OAN fitiI'VERWORTII, Auctiofteer and CONIIII it.
0111 sion Aferchant, I.ouirville, K Y.. will :mend to tit
sale of Real Eoate, Dry Goods,G , ocerie. Fornitnre, ere
ke: Regular sales eve. y Tuesday, Tim rad:ly. and Fri
day mornings, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made
on consisninents
YSTERS, SARDINES. if e.; served up In the best
style at A. fluntica's, No 9 Patti steer(, Sullterle
apartments are appropriated to kentlgnzen accompanied
by ladtes. Alga ati kinds of Cakes and Confectionary for
parties, weddings, etc., for sale by
nay 19-1 r
Faini4.• Flour.
100 b RIMS Extra Family Flitur, Jo., received
and foraa'e by J. W, BUR It f , ¢ Co.
Rater Street, between Wood and Smithfield.
Jan. 16th, 1843.
G EOROE o'. LAYNO. Attorney at Law, Offwe
No. 54 Fifth street, near the Theatre, Phissur:h,
sea 27-1 y
SUOJIR, ,MACKERIL, hdds. Prime N 0
10 Trerces Rice.
15 Kegs Shad. assorle.l Nos.
20 Rh's. N 0.3 111ackerti.
Now landing from S. B. Cutler, and for sale low by
Jan 22. JA VIES MAY.
8 L00.1115.-25 tons Blooms In t , tore and for sale IT
inn 2 1843. Writer between Wood k Smith
J UST received— -20 dozen good Corn Brooms,
5 do e Axes,
150 Ih fresh Roll Riitteir;
500 cols Carpel chain;
4 dozen Socks;
Agent and Commission Merchant
Ill'Closkey's Clothing Store
41. varroto.nd t0 ..... „.c.c.e.a." -- ut the
,f) - s o .beeprelifithai Plateria the Paiemetit.
a m oney will
Feb tie :l'
- •
~' ~~
Of those Who map read the articles which op*/
in this column, and that is, that they will not prod,
flounce judgiment against 112 Wore they boon
heard, and thoroughly digested, our argotnalallik
It will be some time before we eau propertul*
fine our petition."
"fV" - t,
t7 " l:2 ' l 'i
The Industrial Association of this Mystics",
yet in embryo, bids lair at present to Westin
what its friends anticipate: A ecinititution
been dialled, which, though imperfect td rerseW
of its details, and probably in some ads pritsillP
plea, seems to give general satisfaction. Air***
as it can be fashioned properly toe pistil/04*
will be laid before the people. In the maid taill*
we deem it a fitting opportunity to present in Old .
article, a brief statement of one of the principle*
upon which the Association is to be reunited.
The grand obj-ct of the contemplated Ara/Cita
lion is to secure to all its members the necessary
ies and et:idiom of life, which they eels enjoy—a
their bodies not worn down by excessive toil and
their minds unbarrowed with dread r the fetnres
Tho,plan of the orgarizition, so far as we On
derstand it, is this; Suppose , for the sake of illns‘
(ration, that 100 men, with or without timilield
join togeih( t and each ono pats into the amnion
fund 500 dollars. This would be amply sufficient
to bu v land, build houses and to commence sock
branches of manufacturing as might be (WOW"
practicable in the outset. Each member gived
his labor to the Association in such departsterit
of inlostry-as may be most suitable to himself atld
prr.fitable to the Association, Then, of courts,
at the end ofeach year—the capital a2jUistik t v bed -
jog equal—eatilispdSber would receive en sync(
dividend of the profits.
But, it will happen, that many Who Wish in
join, and who may.. be absolutely necessary, wilt
not have 500 dollars, or even its equivalent. lit
this case, they wit[ give their note to the Assitichs
ation for 500 dollars,which shall be placed to &it
medit on the books. Then others will , lie able lei
ply for two, three or more shares i¢ addtliAtj !a'
ti.eir own, which will supply ths4life 8F &ci s
three or room .if those wheeze linable tt i taistithe
required sum. Thus the requisite antottni would
be raised and the Association enabled"to go on
wi , h the ertterprisc.
Still, (lied vithnds will be equalow no interest
will he &towed on the capital of thegiehenceibise
bers. As scion as the Association'begonias Aida
the original capital pa in wilt be referidtd_pirbst.•
ever rho amount may have been, without cam+
peusation,fiir its use.
Tomorrow sortie other features of the Scheme
will be noticed.
Religion fn Association.
The only obstacle that appears to
be in the Scheme of Industrial AssociiP.
tion, is, that men will quarrel about their
religious opinions. In a snial community
where only one sect is olerated,bitter and
unrelenting animosities will be the inevita ,
ble result. But in our Scheme all opiniolie
are tolerated and none enforced—each
member having ritll liberty to worship his
God in his own way. And a spirit,9slib
erality will be inculcated in the outset-4
liberality characteristic of the true Chris.
tian alone.
Under such a discipline we cannot Cott+
c •ive bow' antbickeriigs can exist on the
subject of religion. A man of [rue intelli
genee will not quarrel with a friend or
neighbor, merely'ber•ause he does - not be•
lieve as he:hirtuielf does; di we assume that
there will be none but truly intelligent heft
in the Association, as bigoted ignoramuses
will not abandon the present social system
for any other until the great mass of the
neople take the lead —the ignorant are
always behind in great reforms.
We lay it down, then, as certain, .that
the harmony nfthe Association will not be
endangered by wrangling on rel•gious sub
Cotrisiol.....• • LOYD R. Cotsm•ro
C OL E.M.R.V 4- CO.,Gener t genis. Forwarding an d
conirno,ion 51erehanua Levy., Street, Vicki burg,
Miss l'hry restipeifullyso tel t roncttl,mpnra,
E.H. lifeastings,
R EconniNG REGULATOR. Office with Alder
loon Wanton, 4th street, next door in the Ranks
Pitt.lior2ii; where aorilirrition ß for ReVilliliog. Some,—
"x. 1. , 13,i0g out and Dividing Landed esiales, will be
feeds, Bond.. Mort;agre, fr.. executed whh hint
Rerursey Rod dnpwreh
riMihnrehi Jan. 261,843.-3 r
WHY are Dr. Di bberiPs Family Pith"
herd in surf] I mallon, by the hundreds .of
families in tide pity wit., now keepiliero coosiently
hand? Beeanse rile eb t rrl of tbtroPlfis as. the nom.
erh is purl' artior to sicken. Neirber Ow they 'grain
the liver so as to throw cfr Oka 1,11 f: hut they. throw oT
the yells* blip her They are the best aPill'ever sold
for Dispepsie,llesit Jae, RAeutestient.4 - For
.eieeeres' peculiar to Femalee. they art now lard ex
tensiv.l7;:nad rive ere:litret rat lataetion,
Thee excellent Pills ere far sale Pitt. burgh only.
at To - rtLee--E6 Chet. 12i cents per box.
Jan 31
c: meicartr, Dratnit, o .ffiesia tp field , between detood riir4 i
$1.., nottro Of
I , n4topso CroOf 9 A. M:1114 4 P.
Dr. E. M. manufacturer Protelain and Mineral teeth.
Dentists can he sepr.ll.4l by the lOOoreingleteeth. Blocks
of teeth whit a 'beautiful aunt In fall PAP. Or Parts
of setts, will be made to order at die shorirtit notler,bsr
forwordine an exact impression of the IMWith. A IS,
for Pale a few machines with emery wheels far grinding ,
and_ filtine mineral teeth so userul to the flentlet—all
wilt b., rota low for rash.
des 23.
H. D. leicAr.
•tm P. 711011P110111•
FIVEcRA.IT 8 11 11071117110 N,
G ENERAL AGENTS and Como;lttaton 14 0 rehaalls.
Refrr to
ST. LOUIS, lb,
Messrs. Turbett. Rnv 4- McDowell.
~ W. H. Cluntibell 4- ro.
, 4 Cope. Tod homer. 4- Co. ir i ij a
" Noreen. Protcher k Co. ' 4
.. Woods, tealman k Co,/ st L o w,.
~ Wbods, Christy 4. Co,
Feb 4, —dam
100borbris Clover toed. (or rrtdch the hlgiest
market prire will be given.
jag Wlf.. N. O. Sor.ar. [Ms dayrerelved per ream er N ew
•Q Vork,and for sale by 3. G. 4* A. GORDON,
Are 10 No. 12 Water Pt
.4 Why will ye live at thi s p ior
dying rater _LA
F.... t,