Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 21, 1843, Image 1

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41. VC)L I.__NO. 138.
IIIiaMS.—RIVE DOLLARS a year, payable i n
•rimming. Biaste copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the
IssitstlosOd L e office, and by News Boys.
Tie' mercury and Manufacturer
le published WEEKLY, at the same office, on a &wide
saallent *Wet, at TWO noLLAns a year, In ad.
Vaasa. Single copteA, SIX CENTS.
Terms of A
01111 Insertion, 0,50
Two Insertions, 0.75
Three Insertions, 1,00
One week, 1.50
Two weeks, 3,00
Three weeks, 4.00
Oil Square. Taco Squares
Mt: months, $lB.OO Si: months,
Oae year, 25,00 One year,
(rrLarger advertisements In prorortion.
PA REIS or fear lines Six DOLLARt a year.
err POST Orrice. Third between Market and Wood
idiedts—R. at Riddle, Postmaster.
siert Room Water, 4th dour from Wond st. Peter
lees hatildinp—Major John Wlllock, Collector.
MIT TIMMIORY, Wood between First and Second
etesete—James A. Bertram, Treasurer.
Coaxer TILIMIVILT, Third street, next door to the
Third Pteahyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
lilluvous Omen, Fourth, between Market and Wood
lareell—Alexander Hay, Mayor.
mterwer's Excn•aae, Fourth, near Market st.
Plrrskokaa.between Market and Wood streets, on
ruled and Fourth streets.
Maars►wrs' M.A.Ntr•CTORIRS ' •ND FARXVIS' Dr
►e!tr 111. Mi.. (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
Wood and Market intents.
Erctt►ttor, Firth street, near Wood.
1101' EL S
Moilamiantus boost, Water street, near the Bridge.
Etc ttttt Honer., cornerof Penn and St. Clair,
Maim. nnnnn ' Hnrat., corner of Third and Wood.
Aartatckst Ilerat.,corner of Third and Smithfield,
Matto StATtS. corner of Penn street and Canal.
Eaot.a, Liberty street, near Seventh.
MILLSILIt 811.1411014 Littelly St opposite Wayne
llasaaattrarr Marmon Houma, Penn St. opposite Canal
.COUNSELLOR AT LAW.-01fice rem°
tell to Bakewers (glees on Grnnt et., neatly opposite
tun new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mallon,
gni r—First floor. !Pp 10
TOB. H. ELLIOTT, M. D.—office remered to
SC: Clair street, between Penn and Liberty Sl s •,
Pius burgh. s p 10
NEW GOODS.—Preston 4- Mackey, wholreale and
retail dealers in EnVish, French, ar.d Domestic.
Dry Goode, No. I. Market et , Pittel,nrelt. yep 10
NrCANDLVIS & 11PCLURE, Attorneys and
Counsellors at Law: Otlice in the Diamond, back
or the old Court Douse, Pittsburg!). Pep 10
'RE 110 V FL Morrow, Alderman; offi emithli north
side of Filth 51,, belween Wood and txeld
Ms, Pittsburgh. F p 10
TOILIN :IVDEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectifying
Distißer, And Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh
Manufactured Articles, No. 224 Liberty Street. Pitts
faqirh. sep 10
WILLIAMS & DILWORTH. -- Wholesa l e
Grocent_Producc Aud COM miunion Merchants, and
dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29,
Wood street. sep 10
WM. O'HARA ROBINSON, t iorney at Law
Office on %lir north side of the Iltamotod.l.etwee
agaTket and Oak's streets, Up sinks sep 10
DUR.BORA.W, Attorney at Ls tv; tender,
A• hie professional services to the. public. Office cor
ner of Pifth and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd ¢ Co's
sicire, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep 10
SHERIFF & KEAN, Manuittcturerre.of Copper
Tin. a etd Sheet Iron Ware, No. au, Front et., Fitts.
burgh. fluiiert Spouting and Steamboat work promPliv
executed. rep 10
VBS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Warr
aoom x , t,orner of Hand tt. 4- - Exchange Alley.
resour wishing to purchase Furniture. will find It to
thelividvantoge to :ive us n call. being fully satisfied that
wen ;please as to quality and price. sep 10
murrox A.:llS.—Just received 160 chutte Mut
'ton Hamm, well cured a E.d ;or sale cheap by ih. do
ten or retail, by ISAACIIARRIS,
Pef 10 N 0.9, Flit h st
RITTA BAG A.— ts u pp' yof Land i's Fresh Ru•
Ilnarand other different varieties of Turnip
Pee I, just received and for sale at REDUCED melts at the
Drug and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN,
sap 10 No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
WEBB C L OSE Y Boot and shoe Ma nulacio
ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States
Bank. Ladies Cumnella, ii id and Satin Shoes made ;n
he neatestinanner, and by the newest yrench patierns.
sep 10
5,000 purchasers; to be disposed of by
No. 184 Liberty street, head of Voo
DAHLIA 800 TS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ea
ery description, can always be had at the Dru .
and Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN.
es, 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood
50 1.03. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for
Bate at the Drug and seed store of
184 Utterly street, head of Wood.
for seed; just received by
GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of floes. Fancy Spades
Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding
*olives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., Just re.
teivad and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN.
Usti 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
CHOICE Venison Hams.—Just received a small sup.
plyo4 very ehoire cured Venison Hams, on retail
To small lots for curtest money.
'sap le ' and Com. Merchant
WHITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Crass and
Kentucky Slue Grass, always on hand and for
No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
his by
sip 14)
ortirse 4. BUCHANAN, Attorneys et Law, office
removed frontlet Diamond, to “Attorney'sßow,"
etenly Minor Fourth street, between Market and Wood
►ly,eta sep 10
••MAGISTILATES'ULANKS, for proceedings in Al
tesitillotat linker Melee taw, for gale at this Office
pit SALE.—Lots on the North gist corner of Coal
Is!me and Iltsh street. Apply to
eep l 0 BENJ. CIA RIANCITON, idarkel , near 4th st.
law Les.
stresi La ysd ird a r e et d h;: t Fz i n e ch a r i tima
he r Dreg t and deed .4lui d t
Stan st P. L. SNOWDEN,
MO it - 184 Diderty street, head of Wood.
eoparteendelp heretofore existing between WIL
dissolved by einteal consent. William Distiy Is authorised
t• ose tbesignaterti of tie tars to seuriog ep the business
of Owl We Ofin. WILLIAM BIBBY.
dvertising. .
One month, V.,00
Two manta, 6.00
Three months, 7,00
Four months, R,OO
Six months, 10,00
One year, 15,00
No. 184, Liberty lisad of Wood s
.„.-.• , _,..
• ,
. .
, . ..
jOH NSTON ttt. STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers an
Paper Manufaettheraa No. 37. Market st. aep 10-1 y
N ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water st..
Jnear the Monongahela House, Flitst.urgh. eep 10-1 y
LEONARD b. JOUNS, A Iderman, St. Clair street, se
coil(' door from Liberty. • scp 10-1 y
R. S. R. HOLM S, Office in Second street, next door
to Malvany s r Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly
QIIUNK. 4• FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth at.,
near the Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. sep 10-ly
V OS. 11 A M I t.ToN , A t torney at Law, Fin li, between
Wood and Smithfield sts..Pittsboreh. sep 10-1 y
RUG II TONER, Attotnew at Law, North Ea=t corner
of and Fourth strettitt. sep 10--1 y
HANNA 4- TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No.
1114, Wood st ~ where may be had a general supply
of writing. wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank books,
school hooks, 4.e. 4-r. Prp 11)—ly
TOWN3ENII 4- CO.. Mire Workers and
„ Manufacturers, No. 23 Nlarket street, between 2d
and 3d streets. sep 10--ly
EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair
st reels, by Mct IBBIN 4- SMITH.
nep 10-1 y
ward Hushes. Mannfaclurer of Iron and Nails
Warehouse N 0.25. Wood et., Pittsburgh. rep 10 —1 y
IG METAL —77 on soft Piz Metal for sate by
J. G, ¢ A. GORDON,
No. 12 Water street
set) 13
LBS. BACON HAMS. 16,0(103 lbs. Bacon
,000 shoulders, for sa'e by
J. G. /1- A. Gonnos,
No. 12 Water street
B. PATTER . 3ON, Jr., ftlrmingham, near Pittsburgh,
al B.
Manufacturer of Locks. Illnees and Boltg; To
bacco, Fuller, Mill and Timber screws; nommen ScrewQ for
Rolling Milk, Sr e. sep 10—fy
JOHN iII'CLOSKEY. Tailor and Clothier, Liber.v
sheet,between Stith and Virgin nlley, South side,
sep 10
I W. BCRBRIDGE 4. CO., Wholesale Grocers and
Commission Merchants— Second street, between
Wood and Stnitlitield sts.,Pittsburgit. sep 10--1 Y
J G 4 A. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding
➢L•rchantp, Water at..Fitipt.orgh. Pep 10--ly
LI Ahi S.-4 casks hame.n good article, received PPr S
11 B Corsair, and for sale by J• G. 4. A. GORDON,
- Q,DGAR k M 0 LA hints New Orleans Su
1..7 car; $O bbl.A New Orleans Nolas.er . .: for sale ley
sep 10 J. G. k A. GORDON:
SIM A 8.-7 hhd; prime N. 0. Sd..!ar, received per S
R. and for Fain by j. G. 4- A. GORDON.
511 FIACON CASKS.in order, on hand and for sale by
sep 10 J. G. k A. GOR DON. No. 12. Waler ei
SUGAR AND 5101, ASSES.-13 lib& and 4 blibi N. O.
Sipzar, 32 bids N. 0. stokis.,:, received per Steamboat
1 mporter, and for ,ale by 1. G. 4 A. GOEIDON,
seri 101.s;0. 12. Water .0 rem
MILS. LA n n 011.. (or Rate Ic y
FP() 10 rot ner oeedh and %%Mod oc
1631. PAPERS Ge o F , A • o
n I N A F n ,s t I)
iT ft ) l ( a c r k k fo
c r o aa le
!ten 10 fflrfler of tit 11 and Wood OP.
91110 L. Prepared Chalk, for WI,
R. A. ?All N rocK k co
rep 10 corner of 6th and Wood 'gig.
SUG \lt AND SIOI.,StiF.S.--60 hhde. N. O. Soar,
25 10,1 F. do. do.. 100 do. Pinot:llion :Molest,. for
n he used in 11.inkrupley proceedings. printed 011
good pa per,und in the forms approved by the Court .for 'Lair!
at the Othre if ilie Mercury and Democrat. eel, DI
11(731. 111:1311ARD, I.ldies' fashionable boot and
• shoe fil anu facturer. 101, Third s , reel, net Wer'll
Rood and Sinn hfield streets.. Pittsburgh sep 10
L • timr removed his ottice to the corner of Fourth
street andltherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant
streets, r t,, , hurgh. scp 11)
ILIKER, No. 7, St. Clair swel, Phis
Lp rah,
sep 10
supply of Land teth's Garden Seeds, always on
hand, and for sale at his agency, the Drug store of
184 Liberty street, head of Wood
DR. DAVID WARD Itaf his office and residence
on FOll Oh Street, nearly smith of the Court House,
second dwelling from Ross 51 reet. He will faithililly al lend
all calls pertaining to hi. profession. Night calls should be
made at the door above the basement. sep I()
11EMOVA I. —Matthew Jones, Barber and Hair Dress•
er, has removed to Fon rt h street, opposites he May
ors office. where he will he happy tot . wait upot? permanent
Ar transient customers. He sulir its a share of public oat
cep 70
‘l7 A• W A RD, DENTIST, Penn M. three.
door below Irwin street, Hours of business, from
9 A. M., until 5 P. r., after which time he will attend
to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He
would furl her inform those who may think proper to
employ him, that he expects immediate payment, without
the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep 10
JWIN M'FARLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet
.1/..,ker, Third at. between. Wood k Market streets,
respectful inf•rrms hls friends and the public that he is
prepared to exeritte all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Bu
reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and Spring
Mattrasses, Curtainc, Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering
work, which he will warrant equal .0 any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10
REJIIOP4L;—The subscribers have remov.-d to W.
ter between Wood and Smithfield streets, where
they will coniintie the Wholesale Grocery and Commis
sion business. and would respectfully solicit the patron.
age of their friends i. W. BUR DIZ IDG 4- Co.
Dec 3
110 Word Street, Pittsburgh.—lt. A. Bailsman.
Auctioneer and Comink.ion Merchant, is now prepared
to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandize,
at his large and capacious looms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets, Pittsburgh.
Regular sates of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy ankles, on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings.
Books, frc., every Saturday ev aft rig.
Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted.
Messrs. John D. Davis. Esq.,
•• Bagaley dr Smith.
•• Hampton. &nil h, 4co
•• F. Lorenz 4- Co.,
J. W. Buchridge 4- Co.,
S. M'kee 4. co.
Capt. James MVargiii.
C. Ihmaen,
Jonn M 'Fadden Esq.
• Logan ¢ Kennedy.
K. Moorhead 4- Co.
•• Jas. P. Stuart. Esq.
• Robert Galway, Ent:
Capt. Jai. May,
•• ilex's', Hanna, 4. Co.
William Symons,
• S. G. Henry,
Smith, Bopiey it Co.
Cep JO
No. 12. VVater street
No. 12. Water s treet
No, 12 Water si [co
RtrIZINf Es.
c 1W - hefting
MGBY—No. 121. Corner of Wood gad Frent
11. Streets, Pittebs.rgh, has on hand a complete as.
sortmentof Queensw are suited to the city or country
trade. Also. a choice selection of pure white and gold
hand DINING AN D TEA WARE. in large or small acts,
or separate pieces to suit purchasers.
A cask of , 46, 60. or 84 piece sets, superbly painted
and gilt English China Teawarc, at very low pt
Toy Teaware, plain, and rich painted and gilt. from
1,00 to $5,00 per set
Children's Mugs of every description.
While China Shaving Mugs.
Granite Dining aid Tea Services, in white and with
splendid American scenery printed in Mge and black.
A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Sets,
imported to march. complete,
Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the
Derbyshire Potteries.
Flint and Green Gins!, In all their varieties.
Window Glass, of every size.
Patent Bucket., Tubs and Keelers.
Slone Pipe Heade. kc. kc. 4r.
All of which are regpectfully offered to the puh.
lie on the most favorable t..rtrT. Jan 26, 1842-1 y
V 4) Ha RIO COtrCe.
oct 4.
1113 EASE'S BOARHOUND CANDY.—Turrcir has
I received this day from New York. a fresh supply o.
the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con
sumption; and is ready to supply cu.tomersat wholesale
or retail, at his -Medical Agenc
1 , , 9,5 Fourth at.
nov 12
I)AV I CLARK, 11 et, et shionabie Boot Maker,—
Ilas removed to No, 34 Market street. between
Second and Third streets, where he wou'd be happy
to see his old customers. and all others w Ito feel disport.
ed to patronize hint. Ile uses nothing hut first rat•
stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he glees
his constant personal attention to business, he tryst hat
lie will deserve at.d receive a fair share of patronage.
Rep 10
A hunker respectfully informs his friends and the
public that they can always tlnd the best quality of Ice
Creams. together with al; kinds of confectionat y and
fruits, in t heir tweron, at his establishment—No. 11.
Fifth street, hetwe n Wood and Mkiket.
N. B.—Parties supplied on the iritortest notice, with
cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished
Bread. 111,4)10
HAM J. CLEM ER , residing at 66 Mott street,
New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head
ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
hurn, pain in the chest and stomach always after eating,
impaired a ppetite, sensation of sinking st the stomach,
furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, dizziness
towards night and restleness. These had continued up.
ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Wm.
Evans. 100 Chatham street, and submitting to ids ever
successful sod agreeable mode of treatment. the patient
was completely restored to health in the short apace of
one month. and grateful for the incalculable benefit deriv.
eti, eladly came forward and volunteered the above state
For sale Wholesale and Retail by
R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
sep 10 No 20. Wood street, below second.
LARD.—Those who would wish greatly to reduce
their expense for light, shout d certainly purchase one of
the above named Lamps, by their use there Is a clear
saving of at least iwa4 birds of the expense over 011,and
the light obtained from this is pure and brilliant, and
wholly free from smoke or disagreeable smell. We would
here state that Carr's Patent is the only one worthy the
attention of the public, as It It the only one that is appli
I cable to every variety or pattern or Lamps, and t he mtly
one I ha I will earn Lard writ., at any temperature °reedit
nr h ea r. We have, in the short space of three mouths,
sold Qeyeral IlimiA:11111s! and with scarre an exception,
those usinz ;tient have expressed themselves highly pleas•
ed with them. and fully convihced of the great economy
by their it-e, a! writ as their superiority over either nil
or candles, in regard to cleanline's and light.
The above named lamps can lie had only at
Third al reel, nearly opposite the Pont Office.
Where lo kept eonatatilly on hand Britannia Meta?, Tin
and Gincs I,a ntp.r, of variant. pat te•na.
Gia , a tamp- "old at menu fart urrrs' prh CP.
We inks pleamvre in ofteriti.2 In the public the fonow
inz certificate, Which is snleicrihed 10 liy many re.pceln
bie fi1174.04.
We.the undersigned. have tiled and are now using
Carr's Palen' Lamps, for burning. Laid or oilier animal
fat. and we have nn Itexitalion in saying that they give an
excellent light—equal to any of Ur nu dinary modes of
lighting a bons.. at ahont onelliird the Cost. and wholly
free It 0111 smoke or other disagrereble smell. We lake a
pleasure in recommending t hese lamps In the toddle, as by
heir tine there i• a great saving over either opPrin
or lard oil, or even candles; and we believe them to
lie more r Irani v and less troublesome than either.
To be had at Rsowis R•vmosn's only, Third street,
nearly npoii-rte thi l'ost
hey W. W. lidkvwell, James !loon.
" A. M. Brvan, Charles Paulson,
" John M*Cron, C. Yeager,
N. G. Collins, Wm. Graham, jr.,
" Robert Dunlap, E. Trovillo,
Dr 11. D. Sellers, Win. Douglass,
" E. D. Gazzam, Henry Atwood,
" Wm. M. Wright, Isaac Cruse,
Robert H. Kerr, F.sq., George W. Henry
A. Beckham, Robert McPherson,
Thomas Onston • John S. Shaffer,
George Miltenberger, Wm. Eichhaum,
0. P. Shiras, J. R Turner,
A. Miller, %Vm. Martin,
R. M. Riddle, Post Maitter Henry Rargesser.
R o bert Gray, Dimes S. Clark, of the Amer
Allen Kramyr, limn Hotel,
A. F. Marthens, John M. Camplicll
M. Stark house. 1.. A Merger.
Robert Johnston. James Mellin,
N. B. Just received, an improved Patent Lamp, for
kitchen use. nov wlr
TO THE PUBLIC, and particularly to will former
patrons of this city:—Having retired from the
practice of Medicine, I may he permitted to say, that it
has fallen to the lot of hot few persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or large a share of obstretrical practice as my
own has been for the last 30 or 40 years.
The experience of that long period of active life, and the
fact of my having been twice, since 1830, assoclatcd with
Dr. R. A. Wilson, In the practice of medicine, (in both a
period of five years.) enables me to judge fully of the
merits of his pills.
So convenient, so efficient, and yet so sa(e, did I esteem
these pills, that for the last five yeais in my practice for
the cure of chronic diseascs,of whatever name. and ihose
of females in particular, I have used more of them thnn
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine. this must fail in some in
stances, hut in my hands there has been less disappoint.
meet and more satisfaction in the administration of this
one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes
quite astonishing me.
. .
If my patient required nsafeaperient medicine either
.efore or after parturition, the Wilson's pi.ls were just
the thing I wanted.
if a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
with costiveness or inactivity oft he liver. const noted the
disease of my patient, the Oils were just the thing I
If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the
Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the •turn
of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thin I wanted.
Thus, without resp2et to the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the time I have had It under treat
ment, particular indications or symptons arising, were
always most promptly and most happily met by the
Wilson's pills.
That so great a number of diseases, and sometimes ap.
parently opposite ones, in which 1 have used these pills,
should be cured more readily by them than by any other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but
why it is so is as clear to my mind as that a great many
persons should become thirsty from tai many different
causes,and yet all require that common and greatest of
all blessings, water toquench their thirst.
in conclusion, it is due the reputation of the medicine
and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that
the Wilson's pillitaretheonly combination l baths ever
met with la my tongcourse of practice, tbat really pos•
ceases anything mtratirreoc wrzeitie for sick headache.
Years 4e., Da. MILO ADAMS.
The above Pitta designed panicalarly kir the sick
Wised-Ache, DPsPePall.Conalintdon a I ke Bowel+ , ktc-.
prepared by tike proprietor Dr. It. A. Minos, and for
sate, wboiesaie and retail, at kis d wel ling in Penn street,
inky', ■artery t. Oct 1
DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These
Pills arestrongly recommended to the notice of
the ladies as a safe and etlicient remedy in removing
those complaints peculiar to their sex. Rom wan' of ex
ercine, or general debility of the system. Tlit•!, obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affections: Thee rills have gained the Salu tion and
approbation of the ittoFt eminent Physicians in t6c Uni
ted Staten, mid many Mothers. For sale W hole:rale and
aetall. by R. E SELI.ERto. Agent.
Pep 10 No. 20. Wood St reet,lielow Sccond.
11. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St.,
opposite the head of Smithfield st., Pittsburgh.—
sublerlher having bought out the stork of the late
Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business
in the old Walla of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work in his line, in the hest manner
and ott the shortest notice. He keeps rot slant ly on hand
a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and
of the hest quality. lie soli:lts the patronage of the nub•
tic and of the craft. WM. ADAIR.
For sole by
and Axles for Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The subscribers mannineture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach, C and Mimic Springs (warranted,) Juniata
Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated Dub Bands, stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door handles and Wages, ¢c oke.
D. SELLF.RB, M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth
• near Ferry street. scp 13—Ty
Tbr attention , fiho e who have been somewhat prep
tiral in reference in the numerous cerlificales published
in favor of Dr. Swavne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher
ry,on account of the persons being unknown in this err
Lion of the State, is respectfully directed lo I lie following
certificate, the writer of which hen been a citizen of Ibis
borough for several 3.ears,and is known as a gentleman
of Inte;rity and responsibility.
To the .44Teml. KIRBY
' I have used Dr. Swayne's romp nod Syriip of Wild
Cherry for n cough, with which I have been severely of
flirted for about four nionths, and I have no hesitation
in saying that it Whr most effective medicine that I have
been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness. and
agrees well with my diet.—and mantalns a regular and
good appetite. I ran freely recommend it to all ()then,
similarly afflicted. J. Mintier, Borough of Chambersh'g.
March 9. 1 R4O. sep 23
For ante by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street.
VOIDERSONS desirous of procuring Fruit, Shade. and
1 Ornamental Trees, or Shrnbbers., from Philadel
phia or New are requeited to make application as
soon as nnsQllde. at the Drug and Reed Store of the sub
scriber, where can be had ratalogue•, gratuitously, of the
noon( excellent riet ieq. F. L. SNOWDEN,
sep 21 No 184 Liberty mi rest. head of Wont
A f ir Aft RLE l %NOV ‘i !TOE V.—Patrick env:field re
:l.l cprclruilynequaints his friends and the public arn•
era lly, lint to has commenced the Marble business al the
corner of Fifth and Liberty sta.. where will be constantly
on hand. tomb shines. mantel pieces. monuments, head
rind foot stones. table slabs for cabinet ware, and every
art fele a rlivenlainlnllo the business. Ile wilt warrant his
work to be well done, a nil his chafers will be moderate.
lie respect fully a•k• a Ora re of "(tittle pat roan c. cep 10-
I TUR.NT (71,1„ PROPRIKTOR I or TOR ri.lX.
von PArtn 111161.. Stenhenvllle, Ohin. bovine remo
ved the, store from this city, have appointed liolliship
h Browne. No. 49 Market st., between 3rd and 4th, s
eems for tr.,. sate of the different kinds of Paper marnfar-
I tired them. where their friends and Nutt omens will al
w * Oym and a rraular supply of paper, such as ran and
P st plant and faint lined; Wrapping and Tea
Parer; Bonnet Poards, and Printing Paper of different si
res and qualities ,all of which will be sold nn Ilse most
nccommotintiml heroin.
si. Clair q t.. b e n, e .Aitesheily Bride
lloe.o•tur k Rrtowse, mnntifarturers and importers of
%Vali I'llpPrF and Borders. keeps ronstanily on hand eve.
ry variety of Ent rv. Parlor and Chamber Papers , . of the
!m em style. and most handsome patternk. Which iitry
will sell tow• and on necniiimodallm7 terms. wholesale
or retail. nov 18—tf.
Porta! , lo Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2.500 it .s, at
335 (10.
do do do do 2,005 at 845 00
do do do do 1.500 at :35 00
do do do do 1,000 nt 31) 00
do do do do 500 at 25 00
With raking levers an addition of $3 to each scale.
Dormant scale; for the me of Warchonses, Flouring
Mills, 4-c.,the same prices as above.
A Ism While's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements. and a variety of o 1 her counter scales,
which they will sell for from 8 to 315,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Mills. Saw Mills, Salt Works, 4.c., double and singe
geared slide lathesfoot and other lathes fur wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door
and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or
without thrashing machines, a superior article: circular
saw shafts, machines for sassing lath, Tintier's ma
chines and tools ofall descriptions, also for making black
ing boxes, a 5 ulterior article; governors for steam engine
stocks. taps and dies, coffee mills, bedstead or joint hots
and machinery for making the same. cotton factory ma•
chincry made or repaired; printing press plattens turned
and printing presses repaired
sep 22—t1 YOUNG k BRADBURY
JOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commix
sion Merchant, No.lo6,corncr of Wood 4- Fifth its.
Pittsburgh: Having beenappointed one of the Auction
eers foi the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to jut ,
hers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed
to make trial of this market• Ile is prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities,
and trusts tosatisfy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy land favorable returns.
That the various interests which may i.e confided to
him, shall be adequately protected, he brines to the aid
of his own experience in husiness and acquaintance with
merchandise generally, the services of Mr. SAMULL
FsEttsswrocz; heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engaffement is made.
Messrs. M. Tiernan, Preset. of M. k M.
Darltneon k Peebles,
Robert Galway.
.• James M. Cooper,
James May.
••H. M. Riddle. } Pittsburgh
Wm Robinson. Jr. Preet
of Exchange Bank.
Frampton, Smith, 4 Co
John D. Davis,
Samitel Church,
J. K. Moorhead,
Jag. W. Brown Co.
John H • Brolvn. ¢ co
Yardly 4- !hirers,
.. John S. ithtlf!e,
.. John Dahnell,
FAMILY FLOUR—Just received a few barrels of
Superior Flour, made expressly fbr family use.rFor
'slob? ISAAC CRIII3EO4B Lib, it
In Store 50 barrelti sup. Sour.
For publishing a new Daily Paper in the City of Pitts
burgh, to be entitled the
rilllESubscriber3 having made arrangements to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu.
ry into one Journal, have concluded to pubtkh a daily
paper with the title el the Daily Jtheruing Post.
The leading object of the "Pon!" will be the dissiiminn•
lion and defence of the political principles that have here.
tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective
papers, and their best efforts will still be devoted to the
advancement and success of ilintie doctrine..
Although, in politics, the paper will he thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope. by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat
ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere
of a Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently in•
cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, ir
respective of party considerations.
In addition to the political and general news that will
be found in the "Morning Post," the Editors wilt lake
pains to furnish the hosinesss community with
the latest and most Interesting COMMERCILN. Irrecta
ceace from all parts of the country, and to have prepa•
red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men in their several callings.
Terms.—The POET will be published on a large imperi
al sheet of line paper, (manufactured especially for this
Journil) at the unusually low rale of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum, payable In advance. It will also be sold by
newsboys at the low rale of Two CENTS a copy.
Advertisements will he inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
n—TWENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post.
who will be engaged on the most liberal terms
August 31, 1842
100 MIDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO. in store and
for sate by J. G. 4- A. CORDON.
No. I2,Waier street.
Co. London, for sale only by S.
Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgil.
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western Pentisy lvania. eep 10
FARM FOR SA LlC.—The undet signed offers for sale a
tract of land situated 4 miles from Freeport, In the
direction of Kittanning, Buffalo 'township, Armstrong
C./II nt y • containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of whicn are la meadow— a good square log
dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple
orchard of 80 bearing trees—and a spring of excellent
water convenient tothe house.
FOR TERMS npply to the suhseribers residing at the
Saitworks on the Penn , ylvania Canal, 1 colic above Free
TO THE Wl`E.—lsis now well understood how
much disorders of the mind depend for their cure
'mons due attention tot lie body. it is now understood
how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid
accumulations without weakening the bodily power. It Is
now understood that there is a reciprocal influence be.
ween the mind and the body. It is now understood that
purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan
-holy, and even insanity is cured by perseveringly using,
them. It is now understood how much domestic happi
ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive
ores nc.
It is now well known that the Brandreth Pills have
cured tlmusands of hopeless and helpless persons, even
when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond
nil human means of relief. It is now not only well
known that the Rrnndreth Pills so core lint it is also un
derstood how they cure; That it is hy their purifying efleet
on the blood that they restore the body to health.
The value of the medicine is becoming more and more
manifest.it k recommended daily from family to family.
The Brandrelli Pills remove In an almost imperceptible
manner all noxious accumniations and purify and invigo
rate the biood,and their good effects are not roe nterha lan
ced by any inconveniences; tieing composed entirely of
vegetables they do not es pose those Who use them to
danger; and their effects are as certain as they are SHIII
- they al'S daily ana snc:" . .; t?tir....7:".!...:;7.6 10 infatity,
youth, manhood, and old age, and to women in the most
critical and dehcat e circumstances. They do not disturb
or shock the animal functions, but restore their order
and sistabli , h their health.
Sold at Dr. Brnsilreill's Office, No. 9:1, Wood street,
Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents per box. with full directions.
MA 111 C.--The only !dace in Pittsburgh where the genu
ine Pills can he °Wattled, is the Lector's own office, No.
98 Wood street. sep 10
ri-io THE TADIES —Why do you not remove that
superfluous hair you have upon yone foreheads
and upper lips? By calling at 'Pc rri.es, 86 Fourth st.,
and obtaining a bottle of Gournud's Pnudres Ellubtles,
which will remove it at once without affecting the skin.
You can niso obtain Gouraud's it uly celebrated Eau de
Beanie, which will at once remove all freckle', pimples,
eruptions of the skin. and make yroir face look per petty
fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding
more color in their cheeks, they can obtain some of Gou
raud's celebrated Liquid 110117. C, which cannot he robbed
oil even hy a wet cloth. Also may be. band a good as.
sortment of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Bears' Oil, Al.
mond, Palm, Windsor; 111111 other Soaps.
mproved Play
inurarltired be
Ih,•tr Machiiii
fth street, two
ore Flail, Pitts
inufactore and
3titt the follow
ly composed of
No. 1, Port
Able Platform
ales on
,u weigh
,ounds,at $63,•
ether. at Tunle's Nledit al Agency, 86 4th 3treet
Dec. 8, 1842
LET Invalids read the following account of a Sailor
cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen
days by the use of Brundret It Pills. It distinctly proves
there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be
cause of disease, and Brandreth's Pillsare made for them
Rend and be convinced. Take the medicine andbe cured
JOHN Posts', of Pembroke,Washinston county, Maine,
being dilly sworn, says, that lie was taken violently sick
about six months since. The pains in his head, breast,
hack, left side and instep being so had that lie was tins.
hie to help himself. and was taken into the Chelsea Hos.
pital in the city of Boston. That after being In said
hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said he did not know
what was the mallet with him, and that he could do
nothing for him, nor rould he prescribe any medicine
That he, therefore, was conveyed from the Chelsea Hos
pital to the Sailor's retreat in Staten Island. That he
was there physicked with all sorts of medicine for a per) ,
oil of four months, suffering all the time the most heart.
rending misery._ That, besides his affection of his bones
hr was troubled much with a disease of the longs; some.
times he would spit a quart of phlegm in the day; besides
this affection he had a bad Diarrlicea, which had Mere
or less attended him (tom I he commencement of his sick
ness. That at t Imes lie dreaded a stool worse than he
would have dreaded deal h; that tie can compare the feel•
trig to nothing save that of knives passing through Ali
bowels. A Ber suffering worse than death at the Sailor's
Retreat, on Staten Island, the doctor told him that medi
cine was of no use to him. that lie tnnA. try to stir about.
At this time he waa suffering the greatest misery. That
his hones were so tender he could not heat the least press
ure upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his instep was
most painful, that as the Doctor said he would give him
no more medicine he determined to procute some of Dr.,
Brandreth's Pills, which he did, from 241 Broadway
New York; that he commenced with five piths, and some.
times increased the dose to eight. The first week's use
so much benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing
what he was using, said, 'now, Bite*, you loOk like a
man again; If you improve in this way, you will soon he
well.' That he found every dose of the Brandreth Pills
relieve him, first they cured him of painthe a.a
the wheitst
stool; that they next cured the diarrhcca,
lining in his bones;—That the medicine seemed to add
strength to him every day. He told the doctor yester.
day the 111th instant, that he felt himself well, nod also,
that he owed his reeovery to Brandreths Pills under
Providence, that he had takes the medicine (direly day
for 19 days; that the doctor told him if he had known he
had been taking that medicine, he should not have stayed
another day in rho braise. Reconsiders Kis his dray to
make thionuhltrystitement for the benefit-Mall similarly
afflicted; that they may know where to find a medicine
that will core them. JOHN SHAW.
). Philadera
John Shaw being by me duly sworn this 12th day n
April, 1842, did depose and say tha t the foregoing state
me nt is true. J. D. WHEELEft,Cortunhistoner of Deeds,
The BRANDRETH PILLS are sold .at Dr. Bran_
dreth's principal (Afire, 241, BROADWAY, New York,
and at his principal Ake, Nn.9B Wood stroet.Phisbergb,
the ONL Y FL:ICE la Pittsburgh where the Amid,' eau
be obtained! septt=dWtha.
I seplo
[Franc the N. Y. Coatinftretel Advertiser of Thursday.]
From England.
Soon after one o'clock i we received files.
of English papers, brought by the packet
ship North America.
Our latest Liverpool papers and lettcre
have not reached us.
From China and India.—The overlent)
mail reached London on the 7th. The
British forct a from Afghanistan, undet
Gen. Pollock, had reached the Puojaubi
with but little serious interruption on theit
march, although they were several tune*
I atta•iked, and lost some men. In one of the
attacks their loss was 12 killed and 49
wo 11 nded.
1 The forces under General England had
also reached Scinde. Both generals de.
stroyed the fortresses they passed ou-theit
march, and laid waste the country. Gen*
'era) Pollock blew up the great bazar at Cik
Ibul before he evacuated that city;
The Governor General had issued ordeft
Ifor the release of all the Afghan prisoner**
including Dost Mahood and his wives.
He had also issued orders terminating
the functions of all political officers in•Seinde
and Beelochlstan. Only a military esteb%
lishment was to be kept up in those- courts
tries, Sir Charles Napier having the corn%
There was to be a magnificent review by
the Gov , rnor General, on the meat exten•
sive scale, at Fernzepore. It was to out ,
shine all former exhibitions of Anglo Indiatt
splendor. The returning army was is
march ihtough a triumphal arch, there was
to be a gorgeous pavilion erected, &e.. &C►
The Governor General was making ar
rangements on an extensive scale fur irn ,
proving the navigation of the Indus ant
the Sutledge. A number of steamboats
were to be kept running, and the roads be
longing to both rivers were to be improved )
China.—The Hong Kong Gazette ot
September 29, announces the abolition of
the hong merchants' monopoly. The cap•
tured junks had been restored and trade had
been commenced between the English and
Chinese in the Yangtso Kiang.
Bodies of British troops were to be stab
tioned at Hong Kong, Kooloonsoo and
Tho Dublin Packet gives the most on•
qualified contradicton to tb6 report that
Lord Elliot would succeed sir Charles Bag.
ot as Governor of Canada. Lord Elliot will,
it says, retain his post as Chief Secretary
for Ireland.
Lieut. Col. Malcolm, bearer of the Chi'
nese treaty, (ratified by the Queen) left Ion;
don fur China on the sth of January,
The Globe of the 6th, eveniag, gives as
wilt be seen by the extracts,
.a sad account
of the financial condition of Great Britain,
in its leader.
The Morning Herald of the 6th of Jantv
ary gives the fullowi , ig in its leading col—
t einns!—
We have reason to believe that the Earl
of Aberdeen has distinctly caused it to he
made known in the proper quarter, that no
concession can be given by .he British to
the French G.,vernine;it with regard to the
ob!igations iiiiimeed by the right of search
treaties ut 1831 aod 1833. The noble earl
has, we ate told, peremptotily declined even
to negotiate on cte subject.
We have also reason to suppose that Rus
sia, Austria and Prussia have approved of
the cour:e taken by the British Govern
ment on this occasion.
Further, we understand that the French
Mini ter, who substantially holds by the in •
b,rnational engagements imposed by those
treaties, proposes to calm Lila opposition
likely to be offered in both chambers to the
right of seach by gradually diminishing the
number of cruiser licenses hitherto granted
by his government.
The picture which the Globe presents o(
the finances, as shown by the last quarter's
revenue, exhibit a c elicit of nearly one mil.
lion of pounds.
On the year there is a decrease—.
In the Customs, of -£324,275
Excise, of
Stamps, of
Taxes, of
Crown Lands, of
There is an increase—
In ihe post office of k 150,000
Miscellaneous of 481,673
And .there is the two
quarters property
This is the real deficiency in the reve.
nue of this year; but it is reduced by a God
send, as impress and other monies, 4,157 0 ,
253, and repaymentof advances , X 171,912.
The London Globe of the evening of the
9th contains a letter from Madrid of the
31st December, from which we extract the
The -qtnericein Squadron.— The squad...
ron Of the Un:ted States of America, which
had so long remained stationary at Port Ma.
hon, has removed, for what they call win.*
tt'r quarters, to Genoa, although there is
hardly any winter in the Mediterranean,
and although the port of Genoa is far retire
distant from their scene of action—Tangiers
and Morocco—to watch which the nowr
French port of Algiers is much more come
veniently situated.
A rnisunderEtinding with the authorities
and inhabitants. arising out of the email._
nation of a man, occasioned the removal•
The Americ,n Ambassador here has Dour+
ling whatever to do with this squadron.whia ,
receives its ordets from the Navy T •‘•