11.4118 kl/Y MADE COFFIN WAREHOUSE, Fear 'St, tufa doers front eke U. 8. Bank. W* ;Pr rine. Ualertaker, respectfully informs the Witte 'that h is removed Ills ready made cram tvarthatise to the railding secently occupied by Mr. R. G. Berford,dlrectly opposite his old stand, where he•is always arepared to a end promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict at• tension to all the details of the litblinesi of an Undertaker he hopes to merit pa hl it railfidence, lie witl he prepared at ♦t.t. HOUR! to provide Ilearses, Biers, C iages and every requisite on the nio.l liberal le, Ins. c a w C r o w the errantry will lir promptly attended to. reildenee is 4 in the same building with his ware liotv4e, where Lho,e who owed Inn Aerviees may rind him •t any time W. W. IRWIN JUDGE RIDDLE, 'JUDGE PA r7VN W. il. ■'CLUR[, ii&AV oAsets, sep 10 looKs. sTg'imßoAT 011.1,,,. PAMPHLETS, HORSC 'l reApert frilly informs ihrpe,,ple of Pittsburgh and vicinity, and the public generally, that lie has oprord a I a l'oring estahlishinent on Grant Rlreo, No. 3 A rthurs'e end of the SrOtrli hill Market. where los mid cii.doniers and all oilier. wh o Ilia,' favor Itlm with a call may depend on having their work done in a superior Si) le. form his long r Iperl. core In the hu•iness in t Iris rite, arid 111 many oil.ci America, he leets confident shat tin can give satisfaction to all who may pleinse to l'avor 1/1111 Vlll, their elision,. fly strict :mention to bq ries: :Intl superior evorkinari.hin he hope, to merit and rr Cr;';i l shale , of politic pal ronage. Ile Ir tends keeping on hand a supply of goods and Irim nllngs suVallefor llrr customer train: it loch will he sold at very rednt ref price.. h. B. DONAGHY. H The subscriber well a ware of the eAlellt that 11 / 1 .1 C l 'l.l. sys.ein is mac. the 1.1.4.ie la this row. ry, by advert .: par. icu la ft v by persons 1.4110 mar .10,01 y leer ailed int rulleis on Ibee trade, nim never served de hour to the Im.iness. a inl who know so mile 1 i about 1111131 llory fOlllll not (rook a sponge chilli, sad they arc barefaced e1m...4 h to advert Np Ihertiselvcs as lui lon a la mode, and by the all of old rertifien,e3. Cuts, puffs, 4 - c. cS . c such as are re1..14:111y iisrd by quarka to I sell their medicines, t hey often succeed in painting oil on; the unsuspeet cm...miler ..10011e old I.ash for the genu , the imported article. Sue.. peofne', advertisement, are I only cairn haled to gull the i 11 1 01.7 and are c o more roll !led to Credit than he fir. Ohm , yet laughable publirl,lllS about the great Bull--;err anon the Lilliputians. Which I pre - :erne almost every schoolboy has mead and laughed nt. I would suggest io !hone wit.) wish to have heir clothes made in first rale slvle to make a title inquiry and thee wilt find drat this is 1101 place where they can arcommodaled P. I) J in 7 —ate. ----------------- Headache ! Headache ! I Dr. BRUDII.:'S ..1.1.-7'l DYSPEPTIC P/lI.S. % P. P. tunic known 10 111 11,111,11 a most etrirtoriii na ry remedy for the: affliction as well as the 1111111- irocerailde fart of their curing DYSPEPSIA Will those suffering Only ask anion_ their friend,. if t hey have not known of ilie positive efecta of said ritr: , . anti it they do nut hear I hem inure warmly !waked (and deem yettly. row) ihan any other, Wen Ir•I 111P111) not bliy (Item. In these few remaik+, all fancy or imagination is excluded, arid nothing will be said iif their merits al atune 1,11, what can he fairly proved by respectable tuella ers ol Olir community. Read the following eertificate given by a re•meetid i b; citizen of A llnglieny ril v, find aerated by or.is of rs of the Court Cr Colittlilm Pleas of A Ileglieny A 1.1.M. , :..11ENY CI re, January 9. 1343 DR. BrzoniK S,, —I have for a nnittlorr of year -pant horn af tltc led with a s, vi-re roman, Headache, a r lain, front dt•ritrousmpto of -root :n.ll and bowels and at. rlton7b I h tve taken ro. th 'Net: kind of 51edirtie re , ••• rule 11.1 Ve icier derived any mate real br•tn fig tintil I used porno or v,tor lushly vuulnahle An. ii Uv-prpt u' Vitt,. 11, v, not I.llstot gone two boxes and pct (mile l'e!lo•Vt•,1 from I hat dtstrosqng C.Pilipkitrot. I 11;uvu• isui r•- , 1 , 1!1J11 ut recontinendlng your j Prtl, a- the bc.t rued win.- I have aver n.rd. lour , , I I :tin Mr, "Porno', I have no lie,ila thin in r eel if V iliC that I cOliSlifcr the SialeMents of Mr re , [l , vtin , 2 Dr. Ittoditt', a, entitled In lire most ' peered and entire coullidenyv. HITCH DAVIS. For s.tle, IC Itolo,ale and (triad al the 9 rndonian Pill Cs l :l 6 llslintent Putl , l•hurclu Its ;an 1 by alt authorised a :role thron_hnal t ire Union. .1 11 .•'V ra y Jan 9 lihtijan CA 017,r- on hand, a few barrels old yellow Corn which will he sold low, apply In jail 7 ISA AC CRUSE, Liberty 91 rrnilLLErs PA/A?' EXTRACTOR is certainly the most valuable ointment for Burns, Sores, 4'c.. ever invented: no matter how badly a person may be hurnt or scalded—this will heal them immediately, without leaving any !CAR. Every family should have a hoc in la it house, no mle should be without it.—Every one us ho has tried it recommends it. To he had only at TETT LE'S. 86 Fourth street. dec 8 'MACKEREL _ln store No. 2 Mackerel at fl 6/ per .i.VI barrel—half barrels at 31: tire Mackerel are offered at these low pr ices to close sales—Alin Codfish by the drum, very cheap, apply to SA AC CRUSE: Jan 20 148 Liberty at. That each lapel has taco signatures of Dr. Benjamin Bra uttreth upon it. Ttrit t here ntu,4 he upon each box three signatures, rtIIANDRCTII, M. 1). .% lid I hre., I.lg,na lures, t hthc— BX.NJA.MIN BR4NDRETII DR. FRANKLIN SAYS: All acute fevers ever reqtiresome evacuation to bring hem to a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by stools, which must be promoted by art when nature does nut do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed scrtipulousaes,talswit the weakness of the body is of had consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts after tne humors are tit to he expelled , but is not aide to accomplish for the most part in these disease-; and I can affirm, that I have Riven a purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly he felt, and the debility ex. 'temp, yet both one and the miter have been restored by it." The good effect to be derived front the Brandrelli Pills have to be experienced to be fully believed. By their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would ever assume their malignant form. To appreciate to the full extent ,the incalculable bens?. fits of BR A NDR ETD'S FILLS, they mast be used when the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One dose then, and their good effects will be felt throughout flee attack—lT IS TAKEN.; TIMM IN TIME that Is the great secret in the [ - ore of all appearances of disease arising from had blood, and I presume there are few at the prey. eat day, will say a net ping of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have yet to sec. °pun; that some who read t his may be benefoted by Ro 1 am rrgoertful,y. 211 Broadway, New York_ TIIE COUN7'EfIFEIT'S DEATH BLOW. The pubilc wiN please observe that tin ftrandrelli Pills are genuine uoless the hos has three labels upon it, each containing n fac sitnilie signature of my hand writing 11111 F-13. Hrandret h. These latiCs or r engra• ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex pense of several thousand dollars. P he lop —the side—and lit hollow. Ent red according to art of Congress in the rear 1841, by Fier pinin Brandreth, in the Clerk's Ofliie in he Die !jiff Court of the rot them I lisi del of New York, Dr. B. Biandreih's own office, No 98, Wood Street, Pitt i um 'zit. Only plr.re in rtti,totrgh wheiethe geonine Pills ra n be obtained. Each Ave.( whit sell. the true Erandrei h Pill, has no en9ravrd rertificate of A genre renewed epro 'we've 010.11,,, nod hag entered into hood, 11500 In sell 11011 e other Pills than Il m.se arrived rota 11•. B. or his special General Agent. Mark, the rrrtrli rate I. all rozraveol exrent the Ito( tol 'el name, Which In In I rl=oivn hand tVI lung . Ohs', vp, p He h ther e ;s an suet COO' of the 'hr,. labels on each box r n. ..!,raved thereno, Plirrili.Ser. xre 1 1 , 1! the pitsr;iving n( Ihe W. 914011 the, rerlifirale tor resiemd 0111, those on the box. nrl 27—if follow fig are fir. R. t,j.ittilit genii for Ow or 10. Vev•ial•le I'rovir.:ll Pillr, In A IleOle ny curtly, l'a , who are siippoed wills the re 0, labelled hoz,. Price 4, cents with direction.. Principal office, No. 118, Wood Slicer, Pitlediur Allegheny, NI r. Joni( CLLra. filcKeevpori, H. ROW LAND. Nohloriowit, JOHN JOHNSON. Stewart s Town, tHLINMLN k SPAULDING A Ltltlintlt AnD•Lc Clinton. E 7 twerin Timm!' sorr. W GLOROS PORTLR, ROBERT SNITTH FORTILR, Elizahrobtown,C P. Phent.. Liberty, DArricr. Ntar.LY. Prorssiorir IRw,N, Me:tenni Hill. Di et n R. room—Plumb Township. Wm. 0. 11,NTSR— M 111. [sep 10 1.131 LI'S cured by the I se or Dr. nadir:ll's Compound SI rengt betting and German Aperient Pins fir. Harnett —Dear Sir—Shortly alter 1 received the .Agency flow you for the sale of your medicine. I lor inert an action infancy will a lady of this place, who i was severely afflicted with the Pura. I'ol eight or ten yea ra this lady was stiller: to frerptcm painful attacks, and her ply-Irian considered her cape so complicated, that hr very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Throush my persuasion, she t 0 111Menced Using yotir VOID, and was perfectly cured. Yours, 4-c. JAMES R.KIRBY October :3, 1:: 111. Ilia mbersimg, Pa. r) ---, (If !ice and l: enera I Depol, No. 19. North Eighth I Street, Philadelphia. And by Snninel Frew, Corner of I Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10 IINTERESTIM.; CUR Eperformed byDr.Swayne's 1 Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginiana,or Wild Cher. Having made ti-e of this invaluable Syrup in my family, which eniirely cared my child. The By:uptown were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with toustunl cough, spasms, convulsions, ft - c, of which I had given upall hopes of its recovery until I was advised In make Hal of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the etrcels It had upon my child, and con cluding to nun ke the same trial upon myself, which en. t irely relieved me of a cough ilia( I was afflicted with for many years A ny person wishing to see me can ca at ray house in Beach Street, aliove the Market, Kensington. J. IA , Ll O.X. Dll. FWAYNF.'S SYIWP OF WILD CIIER RV. We call the attention or the public to the numerous certificates which have been in circulation in our paper and some others of thig city, highly recommending Dr. SWAYNICS Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have seen the Original certificates, and have no doubt but they come from truly grateful hearts, expressive of the benefits which they have received from that valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently need the above medicine. who ran speak with confidence of its virtues.—.caturday Chronicle. Fau.ow Crrizess:—With sincerity I would advise you. our and all, lurk sick and well, always to have a bottle of Dr Sw• YNIC'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry in your house—it is invaluable in cases of emergency, such as Spittle..., of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent Cotti:hing, which is often the cause of spitting of Moon, Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from Bight, and various other causes, producing :Feat alarm, vudden colds from improper exposure. which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means bring ready at hand;—and as I have used Dr. Sw..vms.'s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly in my family, and always with marked success—l can recommend it with confidence, as being one of the best family medicines which has ever been offered to the pliblie.—Saturday Chronicle. Sold. by %Virzi. Thorn, Wholesale 4' Retail, only agent for Pittsburgh. N 0.53 Market Street. sop 10 W I 1.1.1 A M REED, Merchant Tailor,—Respectfully Informs his friends and the public in general that he has commenced business at No. 11 Market street, second door from the corner of Front, where he holes by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. N. B. The latest fashions regularly received: the pub ic may depend on having their work executed according o the late:l[BWe. sep 10 tile public's Fervnnt, n. DIZANDR ETD, I. D A I.[.EN Khl All El:, I , :rchon.zr Broker, No. 16, Cor. ter uf Wood and Third Streels. Pittsburgh Po.— Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank ootes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Dritfis, notes and hills, collected. Pittsbu,,ch,rn, Rrll k Co., John D. Davis. F Lori , oz. J. Painier Cn., Jrrvrph Wood well, Janis %lav Philadelphia, Ale I , llr r Brom:on 4- Co., John H. !Down 4- co. Cincinnati, 0., James Nl'Candless. St. Lour. alto.. J. R. M'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq. Pre.s . t Rank Ky. ' , Pp 10 EMOV A L.—The u ol.nfkOziked itegs 1 1,111 t, It) 1111tIl 111 ILO tile public. I bat he ha. , removed from his old 010 rid, 10 t he corro•r of Penn and St. Clair siq., opposite the Ex change !Intel, where lie hat fitted op a large Ptx so PORI e WAR r Room, and now alTers for sale the moot splendid assort itket,t of Pwros ever offered in this market. Hi, pianos consist of different patterns, of snperior Rooe Wood and Mahogany, beast Molly finished and mo deled. and con.l I ueted thrOkighont of the very best ma terials, w hick, for durability, and qualit v °none, as well as touch, he warrants lo be superior to any ever seen here. As lie has en!arged his manufactory, and made arrange mews lo supply the increasing demand for I his initrti nient, he respectfully requests those intending to pur. chase to call and, santine his assortment before pit rchrt sing elsewhere, as lie is determined to sell LOWER, for cash, than any other estahlislunem cast or west of the ni,ounialns. F. BLUME. Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets Rep 10 Opposite I lie F.xeliatice Hotel. Pittsh WA ItRANTEI) GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills. Cirrmiro t - rxe.—Letler from the lion. A !Weir!. lan,Sullivan County, Coat Tennessee, Memberof Congress. W•NHINOTON, July 3d. 18:311. Sir—Since 1 have been in this city 1 have used sonic of . tour Dyspeptic mrdiriue with infinite benefit and still s faction, and believe it In ben most valuable remedy. Ore of my Ltonsilittents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Tcnneesen. wrote to me to send him some. which I did. and he fins nipirrt ed it very successfully in his practice, and toys ft is invalualile. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place," thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Or. A Carden, as a proper per.on 13 officiate, for lite sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he is willing to act for 3.rm. Ymt ran Fend the medicine by sitter to the care of Robert Kung 4. Sons, Knoxville roil my. Tennes tee, or by land t o Graham k Flonston, Tazewell. Cast l'enne , see. 1 have no doubt hut if you bail titents in , everat ',untie., in East'l'rnr essee. a great dual of di vine would he sold. I ;110 7011.2 10 lake some of it home hir my OWII 11. e, and I Patti of my friends, and should like to hear front yoll whither you tv oii id like :in agree 01 Montville. Stn livan 1 7 1, 1i111 V. EiLSI T l 'lllll.s.R.-1 11 ; 1 /..,” some of the rite•r,lianl, to at I for you as I live oral' (here. Vsurs re-pail full_V, A lir All -111 111 rLCI . I . A N, of Timm ss. For saie holesuie and Firtail, be l', CRS. A zero 111 N.l. 211. 11'01111 Firect.,elow Cincinnati, February J.. 11140. Dr. Sw•YNK—Dear sir:- Permit are to take the liberty of writing toy ou at Il.is time to express my apprchatiors. iniii to recommend tot he attention of heads of families and others your invaluable medicine—the Conspowed I 1 It . 1V I 1.1.1 All ix a Ns•r: ;404.1•11, s,f; ~...1 1, 1• , . Syrup of Prunus Virgana, or Wild Cherry Bark. In ... Tio. infallilae i tIY has in rite, Yeti Intotired my travels of late I bave seen in a great many instances whe n (bought paq it ru b s, ry, lion, i onvill.ito,. As Soon the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit. a: the Syron rubbed on the plots, the i hild will ter[ v dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughlan. Cr. This preptil al ion Nno rolc,iir, no riljear,,,,,:. an d ..;‘, .... - Wheezing, Clioaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, kn. Colton I,Varps made to order, pleasant. that Ito chilli will refuse to let its g Urns b e rub bed with It. When i ill'ants are at the age of noir mouths Orders 1 tottlig!l Ihe Pittsbur g h fo , t Office, or (ell at the 1 kr. I should not have written this letter, lament'', at rho' Mere i 3 no:lope:trance of IPUI 11. one holt le or the store of J ,- C. Painter 4- Co_ Liberty street; or L 0 2, , ,,, I present, although I have felt it my duty to add my testi- Kennedy, Wcod street; will meld with prompt niter , Syrup should lie used tu open the teares. ra rent s should 4" molly to it for some time, had it not been for a late la. I stance where the medicine above alluded to was metro tioll. Address—J. K. NI 00811 EA D ,i , Co. , . ever he without th e try rii ti in the nursery where there ! mental in restoring to perfect health an "only ChM." arc young children, for if a child wakest in the night with step I.! I v whose case was almost hopeless. in a family of my se: pale In the gums, the Syrup immediately gives case, Ity rp o pi. ; I I A I,Ks.__•l'lleic is a large cl ans of Fe males in qua i filapee. ope o m g the pores, and healing the gum , : I bereity prevent 1' I city wild fro m !heir cool timed silting, to which ; 1 .,.. "my c hild i s sa ve d f rom "I thank Heaven," said the dilating tatoth. the Jaws of death! 0 how 1 Inc Conlin f ion s , rev ers , 4,. F or sale whol,ale and their occup..i lons oblige ilmin oi 1e a ifected with costiveness; Retail by Il• P. ' .I FILI.LIIISt AiT'IlL which gives r.:e to palyilat ion at the heart on the least ex• 1 S af e r, re.lll'd ihe relentless ravager But my child is pie! w step 10 Na. 20. Wieid street, below s econ d el ti(”). Ser.' , Of heaVin, SN , Xteilliing over the w h ile head, i Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Blimp „of 1 ' light a hit sound .a n inatillit y of fi x Mg the , ix.,• k . THORN'S TEA BERRY 'l'litli'll WASH. i ' '' ' '' ' " an " ill • • . to t. • t the bow. , -I C herr y, . . '- '• I t d than Is the most valuable medicine is theta/fa a. I.,,.„. rrr,(fri .i d. Il y . :111,,,1 101 l To any ior../.11 opyrill . ioll, ; rum in,.. I 1 e , other country. , emce e in . _ave witnesse more el,. sometimes a rev, of Ylittocalion, especially after Tri Dr. Tuna Pl,--Nly Dear e ar 1 cheerfully and ~,„, 1. , r ,., , ,,, ~ . . ' one hundred cases wher it has been attended with cos. 1 toy rxori 101 l Is used, as going quickly lip I plef e su. I am using it mytelf in an obstinate al. cordially eniloace the present ittvoraolt•impo t iii it ity to re 'stairs; iempreliekle; these are symptoms which yield al turn to yOll Illy warmest planks of . gratitude fur your on I lack of Bronchitis, in which it pioved effectual In a or. otire Ina few 11 0 , t'S of the firandreth Pills The occa. rqttalteci and 111 11.zreptionalil e invent:on of your very tonna' I: eOf 11l ruedirioe would save a deal of trouble ' ceedingly onset time, considering the severity of the ease. I ran reromend it in the fullest confidence o fits superior justly celebrated Tea Perry Tootli•Wash,atul I ICLIIII:il , .. . It'll tear. of sill - I,ring. pot. Ot Iwo , or even three of virtues; I would advise that no family should be whhout I am ill duty bound ;pony that I have derived tile great• the Brandt., th rats in-a before dinner, are or ell found i t; i t i, v er y pleasant and always benericial—worth cot ;trid most beneficial effect front its frequeot and inudi . IliithlY befit li-AII II limn) , use l hem net Y ad valllaaeaaslY itl douhle and often ten times its price. The rublie are as. ale rise: and I can assure you I hat I am exceedingly hap. lids wry; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels - ured there is no quackery about it. B. Lies - eon, D. D. , py to have the Measure or informing you, that sinreiely to a prop er cMitlit ion, miller ii the spirits, Impart clear ' Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. and cordially speaking, I ran in justice recommend its fee ess to the complexion, purify theLluod, blood, and promote a ' N. V. quent use to all that unforiennie portion rf the human g en e r al ': (cella.. of heal' li and happiness. Sold by WM. THORN, wholesale 4- retail, only sweet rare throughout the globe who are now undergoing the Sold at Dr. - fl• andrel it's Office. No. 93 Wand mil el, f P' llt ^I No 'i,3, Market street. Or li s ur, t. .. sep 10 • most excruciating, pall[ for Ille want of a medicine prepa. Piiisborgh_.Priee ") cent i per box, with full direction s . ration of exactly I he sante imm re of whirl! yours is prepa — 11 . 512 K -1'1)e out}' lace in Pittsburgh, where the A BOON TO THE HUMAN RACEl—,Dise•ver red, and who have for years been suffering from the in l: EN VIS E rills can . be P olitaiiied, is the Dqctor's own Of. what will destroy Life, and you ar t a /reef *ORR, aril w h o and pernicious ilfects or worthies , Id mall lice. No 98 Wood street. are 10 .of/scorer what will prolong' Life, and the roc tooth powders and other worthless preparations. In call you Impostor." conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Toolli. W I It'l' INSTITUTE. .• There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within nu, Wash but for a short period , and yet I feel thoroughly El I'TII COURSE OF LECTR • Es. . wit h which certain herbs have affinity, and ever whioa convinced that ain the bent note known. its inestimable HE Committee no Lerteres of the IC/el Institute. they have power." virtues in preserving the teeth. (which if kept in a good for Ihe Punne t Con rse.rrspeci fuly announce to the Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment. and handsome condition, Is the greatest enilielishineht fuddle that they have made arrangements to commence which, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pale of Ilia! adorns the 1111111RO structure.) are nol to be excelled the Lectures on Thursday evening, December 1. Ihe sorenes s; thu s Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White wns. in easing arid relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and Lectures of I Ills rour,e will be exclusively Literary and R heunialic Pains, or Slimness, StitTness of the Johta,,, restoring the gums lo a healthy and purified condition, and ,e r r e „,,- fie. Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat. giving also a sweetness and flagiancy. 19 a disagreeable The Committee, desirous of making ihe Leetore Room Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en breath hitherto unknown. of the Institute a favorite resort of the lovers of Liters lareements, Tender Feel, and every description of la' Acrepi my sit erre wish for your seeress, from tore and Si ience, an w e ll as t lie fashionable, have spared Jerry affecting the Exterior of the Human Flame, nit Yours. tr , ,',. JOREPII lIRINIMER on IP sYfliOn.. In pforiNing p o p ular and talented Lecturers, cured or greatly relieved by hls never-to be ',efficient," driouo Es, COLDS nod CONSUMPTION—Th e sea boil; al home and alit rind. extolled remedy. ...i son for the above comp/ands is now at hand, tnd all I o the (*nurse of two weeks a list of I lie Lecturers will Caavirie•TS.—The following letter from Major Gee= persons who are subjected to the inclemency of the he putili,lied, and lick( l: Offer, if . era I Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Remit6' weather are r• lire informed that they ran find. S 1.11'[.. C. HUEY, dy, speaks volumes: COVER'r's BALM Or 'Ark Which IS well known to h ave C W. WILSON, Nrw Your, Feb. 9,1g42. cured THOf bOillS, WIIO were in the last stages of Con II f .1t MIN S. C()SGN AVE', Dear Sir—Witi you oblige me with another bot e o suntplion. Cl ri iticalc:: ea n be produced of its wonderful W 11. B. SCA I FE, your excellent Liniment? it is certainly the best of thm CU ref , . JOHN B. SEMPLE kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my roue TAYLOR'S RAI:SAN:I Or LIVERWORT in another remedy ' knee, about which I was so uneasy.and I have found 1/ new 9. r Committe. for Liver Complaints. Caughs and Colds. It rotors high• productive of immediate relief in several cases of met ... It reran mend e d by all wh o have used it, and is pleasant "R - 1 ABM FOR SA LE.__..Th e it edersigned offers for sale eat irijury in my family. A few evenings since. sty 14 to lake, and speedy in effecting a cure. his farm, lying in Ross 'Township 4,1 111 ilrs froni the youngest child was seized with a violent attack *fer riusx's Hominor an (, ' ,ANDY. --Tlli s is a highly , valuable city of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres of land of which which W:l9 entirely removed In twenty missiles, by reli ant! pleasant medicine ;it will effect a positive and retrain 60 ate cleared anti tinder fence, I ,nulsto 20 acres of :Ling her chest and throat freely w ith the External Rem. cure for Courrhs. Colds, Consuniption.n o d is an etrectlial meadow, 2 grad Orchards of Apple. 1 few Peach and edv. I think you ought to manufacture this Linitttett. cure for the Wrioop t s tj C omm , Thi s isa Sc, y pleas Cherry trees—l he Improvements are; ',urge fratne honse for general use, instead of confining the use quit, tut y ant medicine, all are fond of it, sad children never refuse containing 10 morns welt furnished, calculated for aTa have heretofore done, to your particular acenalntatteei. to take Al; its cure is sure and positive. The subscriber vent in. private Dwelling, A frame Barn 28 by 60, stone Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD. has a certificate of Agency direct from J. Pease d- son, basernmo, and stabling, sheda i ltd other out houses snit• DR. B. BRANORRTfI. 241 Broadway, N. Y. • . so there can to no ndstake. All persons who are effected, aid e for a tenritientf-2 good Gardens surrounded with fr-T• For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at Me are invited to call and not delay, for the niece to take 011rrnill IIIISIIPR. and a well of YACellelli tvater, with a offic - e,No. 93 Wood to reet , Pittsburgb. PR ICE--50 cents medicine is at the commencement. pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh per bottle with directions. step 1111 All the above medicines ran always lie procured at arid Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for _ WOOLESALR OR R TTAIT at 1 , ale with moreindurement to those wishing to purchase 7•UTTLE'S -NEOICA L .40 ENCE 56. Fourth street nea r pittsbeirgii, the terms will be ninth, moderate, for iI further particularsapply to tie proprietor at his Clot Clothing Store, Liberty Street, corner of Virzi!, Alley. I LAWRENCE MITCHELL. N. R. If not sold before the Ist of October next. It *ill be divided Into 10 and 20 acre Inns to suit purcha se rs. ARTHUR'S & NICHOISON - . Proprietors of tko EAGLE FOUNDRY-PITTSBURGH, 3/..4.IYUFACTUR E and keep constantly on hand at their warehouse, Liberty Street head of Wood st„ every variety of Castings, among which arc the following: Franklin, common tottnd fancy and pyramid Stoves;— common and fancy grates, newest fashions; Cooking Stoves suitable for either wood or coal, a superior artic• le (and warranted to cure smokey cliiinneys;) waggon boxes, hollowware, teakettles, sheet.irons with a getter. al assortment of ware house castings. All warrant, dto be made of ilia best materials. They also make to order et the si.ortest notice, CHILLED ROLLERS, from 18 inches diameter, down to the lowest sizes in Ise, with every other description of Rolling mill Cast. nits. c ARTHURS t NICHOLSON. Dec. 13.1842.-3 at .FIREPROOF IRON CHESTS, .Naumfatetured by Jobs Demting, Sixth street, °bob , . • 'Chad etreet,PittsbargA . Thu.:lmrelt, June IC, 1839. Mr. !MIN DENNINu.—Dear Str--Ilavii,g been present. ve , terday. al the experiment which )nu were pleased to me ke. in the presence Of a tin ether of uur business men, of i he sat'ety of y our IRON CIIESTS, in case of fire, it wives me pleasule to say, [hat so far as I was capable of pidgin...„ the lest was Lair, and lie result exceeded my expectations. The Chest was a small one, about 30 nchcs high, by ` '[Soul 13 01211 inches in trrcadth and depth, and was pia red on a block of wood almost a foot in thickness, so as elevaie it about that height from the ground; several l books and newspapers were deposited inside of it, in the manner in which !Ileirlianis and others would usually place t hein—a large quantity of light pine wood [slabs front an ndJr , iniugcaw Mill,] was 111011 placed around and ahoy it, and the lire kindled on the windward side, so a. to drive the fiance against the hack part of The fire was kepi up about three quarters of an hour, until you had gone among the spectators and received from theml heir universal answer that the test was suthrient. The chest was then drawn out of the fire, and router, and opened, and examined. The contents were all safe. and the only Injury done was to hack of one hook which appeared to be a little charred. From what I witnessed, 1 think that these rhrslsare descry lug of confidence, as a perhaps i the hest security iiil l liirchanis for their hooks and paper., which they can have wit houi building. large, thick, :111111'X I"! 11,i VC vaults. would consider them a better secarity thaa many vaults which I have seen bud( . Your iriend, SA)IUEL CHURCH. We ronrnr in the ahoy., - tateinent, haying been prey sent when Ilierhest was I eSte... /I'. Cooper, .1. 11. Shoenberger, Rebt Bell, J. I aught..., J. Painter, A. Cordell, R. 'Miller. Jr C 1.. Arm,trong„ A. 11. Hoge, Thomas Craig, 5.(7. D. Howard, J. W. Iloyt. Esti-net of a Letter from Pugh ic• A/cord, dated Cin h h,1312- J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend: We have the saiisfact ion 1 0 slate a s the hest recommendation we can give of the tit Hit} , of your Iron Safes, I hat we hay! one of t hem which was in an exposed situation in our counting room, at the time of the fire, on the morn tag of the 101 I/ inst • whirl, consumed our Pork Flume to :Tether with a large portion of the meat, lard, kc, which it contained;—and that our books rid papers which were in the Sale, were entirely unit). ed, anti were taken from it after the fire; without ever being discolored. Yours, 4, ruGli 4- AL VORD Extract of a Letter from .S./ntre Holbrook, dated St. Louis, Feb. 2.ith, DM. MR. DICNNING, Dear Sir. One of your .zreond size chests was burned a few dais aso, in a leather store-.it pre. served its eonl eras. Respectfully yours, sep 10 SLATE!: 4. HOLBROOK. L I VEI: GOM INT cured by the use of Or. Har• itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr. W i. Richard -,of Via., entirely cored of the abOVeffistressin2 disease His symptoms were pain and weielit in the !ell side, los+ of appetite, vomiting., acid eructation:, a distension of the stomach, sick head-ache, furred tongue, cnunienalwe changed ion citron color, difli cony (. 1 1 , re:tilling. disturbed resi,atiended %%lilt a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de raitgemoni of the functions of the liver. Mr. It icliard hnd il.e advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until using [Sr. Harlich's Medicine, which lerminn. rod in etre. i log a pe - feci ( - Kee. 19 North righili Street. Philadelphia. P..r sale in Pittsburgh by Sitriiiir I Frew. CONIC,' of [Mier y and Wood st reel s. sep 10 it. S. tOR•W... Ari ILLIV 11.1 51 I I:l(rN,..lrtorocys arLas. have rensovrrl i heir Iltl>rr In he regillcnrc of 11. S. Ma '(,!Kann Von WI Iwo floors ahoy, Smilhfir ti cep 111 .1 K. ri 11. E. IV J. PS IN'I UN 1 1\ ri"l'. F,k CTOItY, ..111eglie y Gity. al th he e end of i e one' r bridge. The subscribe' s having colooiefii ed Ihe nclrltll lore al Cotion Vane., Situ king Va r-r,t ti 1 0 , 1 TV:i Ile, ralloneW U:11 - 1101 Chain, ratting, .Irt• prep.ued tc fill orders at the shortest notice. c the latest nod most improved machi• itery,,ed the mail:leer who has al tended to the I,Ry for the last live years, lien are manufactu rina a a tifrrior article. J AM [s HOWARD . CO., Afannfacturers of Wall Paper, ,tiro. 18, frond Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.— Have always on hand an extensive assortment of Satin Clazed and pain PAPER HANGINGS, 'Velvet and Imitation Borders, of the !West style and handsome patterns, for papering hall., parlors and chambers. They mantitlirtnre and have on hand at all times— t Prlntinx.Writlne, Letter, Wrappinx and Tea Paper,Bon ! net and Fullers' Boards—all of which they offer for sale on the most accommodating terms; and to which they invite the attention or merchants and others, ALSO—Blank Books of ail kinds and the bestnuallty, School Rooks, rte. always on hand and for sale as above. N. B, Ragas nd Tanners' Scraps' taken In exchange. VANS' PATENT SAFETY 00A Xl4 The Ezitissisi ttf Stun &Hors rig 4-- I'VR A VELERS TAKE NOTICE—That all bone 1 provided with the Safely Guard have their shot hills printed with a figure of the apparatus— and be cacti Gil you arc nut deceived by misrepresentations or A gent- slating their bouts to be provided with the Elated,- Gmtril, when they are not I; secured mit at explosion The followinr, is a list of boats supplied with the Mate ly Guard at the Port of Pittsburgh—all except the twit first on the list have the improved apparatus with which apparatus ii Is impossible for an explosion to occur: SAVANNA, FORMOSA, RARITAN, ILLINOIS, NIAGARA, DU QUESNE, #• ORLEANS, JEWESS., CANTON, MONTGOMERY, LADY OF LYONS, CADDO, VALLEY FORGE, INDIAN QUEEN, FORT PITT, GALLANT, BREAKWATER, QUEEN arTiltSol4ii EXPRESS MAIL, DUKE OF ORLEAbe ALPS, BRILLIANT, CASPIAN, ECLIPSE, IDA, V I CTR ESS, WEST WIND. MIrIIIGAN, MA EQUETTE, OSPREY, TALLEYRAND, PENELDPE, PANAMA, POW INA, CICERO, AGNES, SARAH ANN, :MESSENGER, NARRAGANSETT, SARATOGA, AMARANTH, ORPHAN 80l MUNGO PARK, OHIO, NEPTUNE, CECILIA, ADELAIDE, J. H BILLS, NORTH BEND, GALENA, • MARIETTA, MENTOR. BRUNETTE, COLUMBINE, .. -;TEAM FERRY BOAT, The traVelitle, community are respectfully rt - quesi before they make a choice of a boat, to reflect a mome I and see whether it tot wild not he to their adveglN I and security to cltoo,tte a Safety Guard boat, both fr r passaze rittri freight, in preference looms not so guardcd against explosion—and that they will bear in mint, Beat this invention has the unqualified approbation cl fifty steam en4ine huilders—tgentlemen whose business it is 10 understand the subject, and who are entirely dill ifil CreSiCd —besides a number of certain:es fiom &demi: ic gentle!, en and others—all of which can be seen a I my office, No. 10. Water street; where II would give m pleasure at all times to exhibit my invention to any who will take the trouble to call. sep 10 CADWALLADER EVANS. JOHN HA RT. Commission Merchant, Dealer in rt. duce and American Afanvfactures, Jtfadisime, h REFER. TO Jno. Grier, Eq., Pintrhorah. Aaron Dart, C chran or R'd. .4 Jno. D. Davie, ftl*Vay ri• Hanna, it Avery, Olden er Cn. Jno. Woodbourne, E.44q.,Nladison W HITE LE,. D.—The 0111 , SC/el Pr, are now prepared to furnish painters. and others who wish to der chase pure White Lead made of the hest materials war ranted equal, Jr not superior to any OfTerrd 1011IC paablle. All older; addressed to Dunlap k Hughes,eare of 13 bilir e 4 - Co . No. 1108econd street, Pittshurett, wilt be promptly attended to. DUNLAP it HUGHES. ITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU— FACTORY. rpHE subscriber would respectfully inform the eitizems cf Pittsburgh. Allegheny and their virirlties, that be has cimmenced manufacturing the article of Lard OH and Candles. He intends making but one quality, whit* w'll rqual the heat made in the Union sad not serpaseed by the hest winter strained sperm oil either for machinery or burning, without its offensive properties, slid elle. third cheaper, TEE ABOVE IS WARRANTED TO BURN IN ANY TEMPERATURE. The seheerl her wishes to impress distinctly on the public mini that It is not necemary in purchase any new fa ngtedlamps that are daily palmed upon them as I.elng requisite to multi** lard oil in. Persons wishing a pare and brilliant nom can obtain it by calling at Ike old stand.3d street, 'tamp opposit e the Post Office. . C. ED. The attention of Wholerale dealers, Ch M urches a id respeci fully solicited. N. B,—All the barrels will bear the masuractisiwill name. 2; 1343-4 f. • ~ sI~K W DrT% f'iiW~