Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 15, 1843, Image 1

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    VOL L_NO. 133.
- 1110 S. PHILLIPS 66 W. H. SMITH,
eamq._PlNE DOLLARS a year, payable in
",iitirittai: Single copies TWO CENTS— for sale at the
.4insliter Of tbe office, and by News Boys,
Vile Mercury and Manufacturer
pabilabed WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double
lostedllre sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad.
raw. Single copies, SIX CENTS.
..... . Terms of Advertising.
'Ake 'lnsertion, o.sorit m e month, $5,00 00
Tire issertiOns, 0.75 Two mos, 6.
titres Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00
Owe week, 1.501 Four months, /1.00
„two weeks, 3,00 Six months, 10.00
weeks, 4.00 One year, 15.00
maseozints. AT TITAABORT..
One Spare. Toe Squarer
Poi months, 813,00 I Six months, 03,00
OA! year, 25,00 One year, 35,00
~ irrhargnr advertisements in prorortion.
' ...' t';, ll . KOS of four lines St% DOLLARS a year,
P U B I. le OFFICE S, &C.
Ctrs Fort Orytcs. Third between Market and Wood
areeti—it. M Riddle, POittnaSter.
Currot Huss, Water,4tb door from Wood st. Peter
son's buildings—Major John Wlhock, Collector.
CITY TiligesUßV, Wood between First and Second
illteeets—Jaencs A. Bartram, Treasurer.
Slonarre TasesrlitT, Third street. next door to the
r h hd f i esbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
M eroit's Ovrtct, Fourth, hetvveest Market and Wood
streets—AtClander tiny, Mayor.
EXexisliCie, Fourth, near Market st.
• •
Prressurtou, between Market and Wood greets, on
Tnird and fourth streets.
Ilisararorrs' Lan MA.NarACTOßgs'F•lltlitcßie
roam Rear, {formerly Saving Fu nd,) Fourth, between
Wood and Market 'meets.
Excaamot, Fifth street, near Wood.
Nollottaktif.L• 1/0135%, Water street, near the Bridge.
Ilica.eataz Horst., corner of Penn and 81. Clair.
Ibisiseasscrs' llortet,Corner of Third and Wood.
Duca), Umrse.corner ol Third and Smithfield.
SrA.llO, corner of Penn 'treed and Canal,
Uttrra9.Beacan Er.atdr., Liberty street, near Seventh.
!Amuses Malestna Douse, Utterly Sr opposite Wayne
Ratess.natrist MAarlort Douse. Penn St. opposite Canal
COUNSELLOR AT L A.W.—Otfir e r ptno
tea to Bakeweli's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite
ISO near Conrt House, next rooms to John D. !Mahon,
11101•.—iflrgt floor
ao& ELLIO'rr, 11. D.-office rdno oed to
St. Clsir street, bettoeen Penn anal Liberty Sir'
, 10
NTgw G oaDs....._Preston 4- Mackey, Wnvlrsale and
1.11 retail dealers In En:lish. French, an d Domestic.
Dry Goods, No. ?.1, Market M. . rittldmrcli. !Pp 10
MrCANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and
Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond. lick
Or the old Court fl ou se , Pitishurgh. sep 10
11,13110 V A.L. - Morrow, Alderman; aft e nor
X. side of Fillb at., between Wood and Smithfield
it ark 10
ph P Mahn vl
TO II WDEVITT, wrico..sate toter Rectic,it.y
MP Distiller, And Oealer in Produce and ?Wilbur:zit
Manufactured Articles. No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts-
Omsk. sell 10
WHA.we H. C.
WILI.I•Nti ~1, 1 S. DILM. , OIIII
411 r. DILLWORTH.--W helesele
Grocers Produce and Com iniesionercltant
n and
illeatlera to Pitis,bursti Manufactured arttcle,,
sep 10 N.
Weed street.
WAS, 0"11.A.R.4. ROBINSON, Attorney al 'aw;
0A1 , !.e oil the nort lade of the Wainoisd.hetw
ket and Union at reed, uts stairs Wp 10
Al. DUIRBORALW, Attorney at Law; tender: ,
• hit nro(esaional Services 10 Litt public. Office cur
ier of Fifth and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd 4- co',
plorA,Pitlsioaralt. ('a. set , 10
Joan &Sumner • . .................. 1 KA. N. KILO%
O.IIEIRIET & I{ E Vili, ttlanufacturers of Copper
Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware. No. 80, Front et ~ Fitt F.
burgh. House Spouting and Steamboat work,cep 10promptly
' _..-------------
Titolass B YOUN -. FRANCIS 1.. YOUNG.
Trii.OSA B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Wnre
',truer of Hand st. k Exchange Alley.
remelts swishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to
their advants4e to give us a call, tieing fully satisfied that
we eau please as to quality and price. sep 10
MUTTON HI A.MS.—.luat received 160 choice bl ut•
ton Hants, well cured and for ante cheap by 'he dn.
ISAAC HARRlpalet retail, by
nett Ho.o, Filth ci
UTA B A.G A.. storey of Landreth's Fresh Cu
t& B1:II, and other dittereot varieties of Turnip
Seal. Put received and for tale at 11.1CDEICID VRICILII at the
Drag and Seed Sture of F. L.. SNOWDEN,
Pep 10 No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood,
VI/EBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe Manufacto•
ry, t o. 83 Fount' Bt., next door to the U. States
Sank. Ladies Nanette, Kid and Satin Shoes wade
Be neatest Inanfrer, arid by th e newestyrencli patterns.
sep 10
MOR11: 4 MULTICAULUS. in lots to suit
51000 purchasers; to he disposed of hy
No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
and Flower Seed of ev
ery deserlpt Ow. can always be had at ti s le Drug
awl Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN ,
as* 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
50MIS. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion seed, for
sale at the Drug and Seed store of
ifi Liberty street, hrad of Woad
for seed; pal received by
No. UM Liberty head of Wood le
GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades
Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding
Knives, Praising Knives, pruning Shears, etc., just re•
eeived and (or vale by F. L. SNOWDEN.
sep 10 IR4 Liberty street, head of Wood.
Art BOWE Venison liams.—Just received t small sup•
1 0 .,J ply GI very choice cured Venison limns, on retail
small tots tor current money.
and Coin. Merchant
WHITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orcbard Gra.ss an.
Ketitsety Sloe Grass, always on band and Ibr
N 0.184 Liberty street, bead sit Wood.
sale by
imp 10
EISTEIL ¢ sUCH AN AN, Attorneys at Lax, office
removed from the Diamond, to “Attorniey'sßow,"
sitady side of Fourth street, between Market and W o ood
sep 1
NrISTRATES'BLANKS, for proceedings In it
eashotsit ender the late law, far sale at this Office
FOR BALE .— Lots on the North East corner of Coal
Lane and 1112 h street. Apply to
10 BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th st.
100 LB3. Laadreth's French Sugar Beet Seedjust
received and far tale at the Dreg and Seed
184 Libetty street, head of Wood.
Stirs of
leo 10
ASP . eopartnership theretofore existing between Will,
WM RIGBY and BEM A 111 IN HOPEWELL is thisday
411101thitlalry tetanal consent. Willits' Dlgbrili 'valorised
t- 9 wore tile dirsautra 'trilateral le settling •p the lestesst
Otbill am. wMU A N BitißT.
;110-7P IENJ. r.wwswins.,
JOHNSTON 4. STOCKTON. Bookseller*, Printers gni
Paper Maou feeler/as No. 37, Market st. sep 10-11'
TORN ANDERSON, F_lnntlifleld Foundry, Water it..
near the MonongahPla Douse, Pittsturgb. imp 10—IY
LEONARD S. JOHNS, Alderman,St.Clair stree,sc
cond door from Liberty. scp 10- .1y
DR. S. R. HOLM ES. Office in Second street, next door
to Melvany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse cep 10-1 y
SIIUNK 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth et.,
veer the Mayor's (Mee, Pittsburgh. sep ID-I y
THOS. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Firth, between
Wood and Smlthflehl sta., Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y
HUGH TONER, Attotnev at Law. North East corner
Of Smithfield and Fourth streets. sep 10-1 y
TROXPIIION• ............ TURNDUI t.
HANNA ¢ TUIINFIUI.I.'S raper Warehouse. No.
104, Wood Rt., where may he had a general .upply
of wri‘lng. wrapping. printing, wall paper, blank books,
sehoel hooks, 4-e, fre. sep 10--ly
C. TOW N3END ¢ CO., Ware Workers and
R. .Maanfaeturers, No. 23 Market si reel, between 2d
and 3d streets. Sep 10-1 y
EXCHANGE HOTEL, Comer of Penn and Ft. Clair
st reels, by McKII3BINI 4. SWIM
pep 10-1 Y
ward Manufaciurer of Iron and NnOR
Warehouse N 0.25, W 3041 si., ?Mem rgh. Sep 10 -ly
IG M EVAL —77 tons sort Pi: Metal for sole by
No. 12 Water et reel
1 1 - 111/1 LBS B ‘CON HAMS. 16.000 lbs. Bacon
efi Al Shoulders, for ss'e b y
J. G. - A. GORDON,
No. l'2 Water street
JAS. PATTERSON, Jr.. R.rminglkain, near Pitishureli,
-Pa.. Manufacturer of Locks. Hines and Bolts; To
bacco, M ill and Timber Screws; Housen Screw. for
Rolling Mills, !cc. rep 10—ly
JOHN 1111CLOSKEY• Tailor rind Clothier, [Aber. y
slieet, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side,
sep 10
JBLTEMIDC.L: 4. CO., Wholesale Grocers and
Cotnmission Merchants—Second street, between
Wood and Smithfield ste.,FiltsburOt. sep 10- 1 y
G . GORDON, Commission and forwardin
el . M”reliantl , , Water et.. Pitisliurgh, Pen 10---1 y
la A M casks hams, a good article, received per S
Corsair, and for sale by 3.G. 4- A. GORDON,
sep 10 No. 12, %Valor street
Irhd, Nrw Orienov Su
2:nr; SO obis New Orleans Moles.eg; for gale by
sep 10 I. G. 4- A. CORDON.
SUGA Iklid; prime N. 0. Solar, rereiveil per S
B 11Ialne, and for sale J. G. 4. A. con DON.
cep 10 No. 12, Water sires
50 RAYON CASKS.In ordpr. nn hand and for
imp 10 ].G. 4- A.CIORDON. No. 12, Water st
Q . I.JG AII 'A NI) MOI, ant N. 0
S(l7,n E. 32 Ii is N. 0. M Mawr, received per Sten mboa
I wpo , t.r, and for rale by J. C. gs- A. Gm:
pep l 0 No. lVal , r rept
5 BBLS. LARD all.. for clip b y.
B. A. F.lll NV.STOCK A- CO
COT ner of 61h and lVood
1,631ERS Ge r i3 ma k n o F w A n n I N .n E n s i
0 17 , , 1 .1( ro t: r t ; e
corner of 641 i anti %Vont! to.
200 L 136 Prepared u Ch A n . lk i. f A o H r e sE ale s b i T oric
carner of 6th untl Wool
-25 Ws. do. do., 100 do
sale by
cep 13
1 o Ile used in Bankruptcy proceedior.Q, prinled on
Bond paper,arot i n I'IP form., approved by the Cuurt,for *tale
at the °threat' the Stercory and Democrat. cep 10
Will. HUBBARD, Ladies' fashion: Ode hoot awl
shoe NI oul4ctu rer No.lol. Third is , reet, itct wee,'
Wood and Swi thlield streets. P itt.shu rgh set , 10
. has removed his other. to the corner of Fourth
street and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant
streets, rittshurgh. pep 10
MAKER, so. 7, Si. Clair street, Pine•
sep 10
supply of Lambeth's Garden Seeds, always on
hand, and for tale at his agency, the Drug store of
184 Liberty street, head of Wood
DR. DAVID WARD hat his office and residence
on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House.
second do elling from Rosestreet. lie will faithfully attend
all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should he
made at the door above the basement. sep 11)
ESIOV AL —Matthew Jones, Barber and Hair Dress
er, has removed to Fourth street, o poositet he May
or. Mire, where lie will he happy to:watt upon pernismen
ur transient crust umers. Fie solicits a share of public pat
Sep 10
WM. A. NV A RD, DENTIST, Penn et. three
door below Irwin street, Hours of buslites, from
9 A. IC, until 5 r. Is , after which time lie will ettend
to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He
would further inform those who may think proper to
employ hint, that he expects Immediate payment, without
the necessity on his part of sending in bills. cep 10
JOHN lIVFARLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet
effi JIX-Ler, Third st. between Wood 4. Market streets,
respectful ititirais Ilia friends' and the public that he is
prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, ISu•
reaus,Chairs, rabies, Bedsteads, Stands, Hair and spring
Mattrassen, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering
wora, which he will warrant. equal .o any made in the
city, and on reasonable term.
REMOVAL;---TZ subscribers have removed to Wa
ter between Wood and Esnitlifield streets, where.
they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commie
sion busine,ts and would respectfully solicit the patron
age of their friends J. W. BURBRIDGE4. Co.
Dec 3
110 Woed Street, Pittsburgk.—R. A. Bailsman,
Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, is now prepared
to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandize,
at his large and capatious moms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and fifth Street*, Pittsburgh.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture. Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenin:s.
Books, c. owe ry SaLtuuday castling.
Liberal advances wade on Consignments when wanted
Messrs. John D. Davis, Esq.,
ita:aley ¢ Smith,
.• Hampton. Smith, 4 , Co.
~ F. Lorenz 4. Co.,
•. J. W. Burbridge 4. Co,
o S. M'Ree 4- Co.
o Capt. James arGarglil.
o C. I damn, Eng.
« Joon M'Fadden £eq.
« Logan 4- Kennedy.
.. I. K. Moorhead 4- Co.
.• Jas. P. Stuart. Esq.
•• Robert Gaiway,En:
o Capt. Jos. May.
•• McVay, litmuna4 Co.
Wltllam Symms. Wbeeibmg
o 8.0. Henry, Loalsrlfte
o Smith. illapley Co Mtge.
sop tit
HIGBY—Ne. 131, Corner of IVoodand Front
ILA. Streets, Pittsbi.rah, has on hand a complete ass'
sortmentof Quccnsw are suited to the city or country.
trade. Also, a choice selection of pure while and gold
hand DINING ANDTEAWARE, in large or small sets,
or separate pieces to suit purchasers.
A cask of 46, 60, or 84 piece seta, superbly painted
and gilt English China Teaware, at very low prices.
Toy Teaware, plain, and rich painted and tilt. rkelr
1,00 to $5,00 per set .
Children's Mugs of every description.
White China Shaving Muss.
Granite Dining a; d Tea Services, in whits and with
splendid American scenery printed in blsie and black.
A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Sets.
imported to match. complete,
Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the
Derbyshire Potier IPS.
Flint and Green Glass, In all their earl,' ice.
Window Glass. of every size.
Patent Buckets, Tubs and Keelers.
Stone Pipe Heads. 4.c. 4.c. kc.
All of which are respectfully offered to the pub.
I lie on the most favorable terms. Jan 26. 1842—1 y
n Bags Rio Co ff ee.
M IOV oct 4. For sale by
.1 • A. GORDON.
10IpEASE'S 110.9RHOUND CANDY.—ToTru has
received this day from New York. a Cush supply n.
the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con
eumptlon; and is ready to supply cusiontersat wholesale
or retai at his -414dicat Agencn St.; Fourth at.
env 12
bAVID ci aK, :lit. reasAionsbie Boot Maker,—
Ilas removed to No, 34 Market street, between
Second and Third streets, where lie woo d he happy
to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos.
ed to patronize hint. He uses nothing but kst rate
stock. and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives
his cont.taitt personal attention to business, he trust...that
he wilt deserve aid rtcelve a fair share of patronage.
.en 10
A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the
public that they can always lind iha beat quality of lee
Creams. Meet her with al: kinds of confectionary and
fruits. in t heir +en, un, at his establishment—No. 11.
Fifth street, heiwc Ai Wood and Market.
N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, Willi
cakes. or anything in ilk line. Also families furnished
with Bread. Ben 10
HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Mott street,
New York, was afflicted with Dyspep4ta in ha most
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head.
ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
horn, pain in the chest and stomach always after eating,
impaired appetite, secsation of sinking at Illesloniach,
furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, dizziness
towards night and restleness. These had continued up.
ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr.Wni.
Eva 11.. 100 Chatham street, and submitting to his ever
successful slid agreeable mode of treatment, the patient
was completely restored to health in the short space of
one month, a rid grateful tor the Inca lculable benefit deriv
ed:'.ladly came forward and volunteered the above. state
For sale W holesule and Retail by
would 1413i1 ErCally 10 reduce
their expense for light, shout d certainly purchase one of
the above named Lamps, as by their use there is a clear
caring of at least 'wird birds of the exneuse over
the light obtained from this is pure and brilliant, and
wholly free riot, yitloke or di,;.5 recd hie smcll. We would
here state that l'arr's Patent is the ottly,one worthy the
attention nithe public, as it is the only one that is appli
cable to eVefy irly or pattern of 14101119. nnd the nrly
one that will i•u rn Lard WKI.L, al any temperature of cold
or heat. I‘'e bare. in the snort space of three 1110111115,
cold several titmice lids! and with scarce an exception,
hove u•ing them have ex lire-sell I hen:selves highly pleas
ell with them. and bully convict - ell 0! the great economy
by their 11-0, an well so t heir superiority over t ither nil
or candles, to to cleanliness and light.
The above named Lamps can be had only at
BROWN k r,
Third strcei, nearly opp nine the Post (Mice.
xv here I. kept eon,' ant y nn hand rs, itannia Meirrl. Tin
and Gut-s Lamp...if rations patterns.
Gin=s Minus sold at manufacturers' pri! en.
-6U hlda. N. 0. Su;
/ G. k At. GoaDoN,
No. 12 I.Vater carer
), NUAburgh
R. E. SELLEiS, Agent,
No 20. Wood st reel, below S,Cnnd
We tette ptcri-ore in offerinc to the politic the 6,l'cm
:7. ceriificule, which to suliseriltiti to by 111211 s, reettecla
hie citizrtis
We the undersigned, hive Ih - led anti are now th.log
Carr'. Patent Lamps, for burning 1.a , ,1 or Whet - animal
fat, and we linvx no hesitation in saying that they glee an
excellent light—equal to airy of the ordinary mnd.•s of
lighting a Iron Re. at about one-third therms!. and wholly
free It on, .make or other disagreeelde smell. We hake a
pleasure In teromniendlng 1 hese lamp. to the nubile, as by
!heir use there Is a great saving over ,-It her eperni
or lard oil, or even candle.; and we ',clic., them to
be more cleanly .31111 icon trolliliFPOllle than either.
To he had al Barovir A.YXOK o's Only. Third street,
nearly opirovitr- the Post Office.
lieu. W. W. Bakewell, James (loon,
" A. M. Bryon, Charles Pauleon,
" Jnhn M'Cron, C. Yeager,
N. C. Wrn. rallam, Jr.,
" Robert Dunlap. E. TlOVitio,
Dr If. D Sellers, Win. Donal:lPA,
" E. D. GRZZAM, Henry Atwood,
" Wm. M. Wright, Isaac Cruet.,
Robert H. Ken, Esq.. George W. Henry
A. Beckham. Robert McPherson,
Thomas Onston, John S. Shaffer,
George Miltenberger, Wm. Elchhaum,
O. P. Shims. 3, Ii Turner.
A. Miller, Wm. Martin,
R. M. Post Master Henry Bargesser,
R o bert Cray. James S. Clark, of the Amer
Allen Kramer, lean Hotel,
A. P. Slariberrs, John M.Camptrell
M. Start:house. 1.. Alherger,
Robert Johnston, James Mellin,
N. B Just received, an improved Patent Lamp, for
kitchen nee. nue 19-4 iltv k wif
TO THE PUBLIC, and particularly to ray forme'
patrons of this city:—Having retired from the
practice of Medicine, I may be permitted to say, that it
list fallen tot he lot of I ut few persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or large a share of obstretrical practice as my
own has been for the last 30 or 40 Years.
The experience of that long period of active life, and the
fact of my having been tw Ice,since 1830. associated with
Dr. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, (In both a
period of five years.) enables me to Judge fully of the
merits aids pills.
So convenient, so efficient, and yet so safe, (lid I esteem
these pills. that for the last five yeats In my practice for
the cure of chronic dlscases,of whatever nimi. andthmie
of females in particular, I have used more of them titan
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine. this must fail In some in
stances, but in my hands there has been tens disappoint.
ment and more satisfaction in the administration of this
oi.e remedy than of ail others:its good effects sometimes
quite astonishing n".
If my patient required a safe aperient medicine eh her
—fore or after parturition, the Wlison'a pits were just
the thing I wonted.
I (a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
whit rostivennsa or inactivit y of the liver. constituted the
disease of toy patient. the pills were just the thing 1
If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the
Wilson's pills were just the thiog, I wan' 4,
If palpitation, headache. flushed countenance, or of her
dtfficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the 'turn
of life,' the W pills wrre just the thing I wanted.
Thus, without resw.et to the name, a disease mlsht
happen to wear at the time I have had It under treat
taenl, particular indications or symptom; arising. were
al"'aya moat promptly and most happily met by the
Wilson's pills.
Thais° great a number of diseases, and sometimes ap.
parently opposite ones,in which 1 have used these pills.
should be <sued store readily by them than by any other
remedy, may et first seam strange tied contradictory, but
why elks sous sacker to my mind as that a great many
pe►aoosahould become thirst) , from r.s many different
eneses.end yet all require that common and greatest ~f
alt blessings, WOW to Quench ureic t lust.
In eorteWsitse.itia rise awe apatetiiin ef the medicine
and the public, to say desideilly and sneonditionally.t hat
the Wihon's pitisareineenif eamhknatlonf have ever
met with In my iongcouras of peaetiee,that Melly pray
mimes anything enrativtor speci6c for sick headache,
Yours {'e., DR. MILO ADA MEL
The above Pills designed partleolatty thy the sick
Baed.Ache, Dyspeptia, Constipation Of the Bowels Ate-.
prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, and for
saleortattesate and retail, at his dwelling Ili Penn street,
Wear Ilfarbury. • . Oct 1
DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pith. These
Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of
the ladies as a safe and ed_icient remedy in removing
those complaints !lei:oh:it to their sex, hon. want of ex•
crcise, or general debility of the .) , Sian. Till \ obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affections. These Pills have gained the ,atict ino and
approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Uni
tad States, and many Mothers. For sale Whole ale and
netait. by R. 1 SELLERS, Agent,
sep 10 N 0.20. Wood Street, below Second,
WM. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Libewty St.,
app . writs the head of Smithfield at., Pittriburgh.—
The subscriber having bought out the stock or the late
Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business
In the old stand of hi r. R., and Is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work In his line, In the best manner
and on the shortest notice. He keeps cor stantly on hand
a large assortment ofshoe findlngeof all descriptions and
of the best quality. He solicits the patronage of the pub•
1k and of the craft. WM. ADAIR.
sep 10
and Axles for Carriages at Eastern Pric - es.
The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach, C and Eliptlc Springs (warranted,) Juniata
Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated Huh Bands, Slump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps. Three fold Steps, htalleahle
ron, Door Handles and Hinges. kc.kc.
JONES & rorr.mAN.
. Clair st., near it e ileghcny I rider.
Ty SELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth,
I near Ferry at ;eel. sep 13-1 y
The attention •flhn-e who have been somewhat 5C1.11.
tint in reference to the nOrneroug eettiaeole , published
In favor of Dr. Syravne's -Compound Syrup r•fWild Cher
ry, on account °rifle persons helnz unknown in this sec
tion of the State. I 4 respectfully directed to the followlne
rertificale,l he writer of whirl' has heen a en izen of this
hos - well for=everat years, and i , knot% n as a gentleman
of Inlet:rill; and responsfhltit v.
To the _Vent. Mr. J. KIRBY
have used Dr Swavne's Comp umi Syrup of VVtlil
Cherry for n cough. with which I have been severely of
fllcted for about fon r months, and I have no hesitation
In saying that it ist he most effective medicine tbat I have
been able in procure. It compose* all uneasiness. and
agree* well with my diet.—and mantains a regular and
good appetite. I car freely recommend It to all other*
similarly afflicted. J. Mittatea, Borough orcharnberA.'e
March 9.1:140
POI 53'e by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street
PERSONS deornno of proruring Fruit, Shade. and
Of f1:1111 . e111, , TrePS, or Blirilliberv, from Philiv.iel
plia or Nr‘v York, are regneoied to make npplirntion ns
Coon an possible, ai the Nut and Seed Store of the nub
orriber, where can be hind ratalogueo, -_ratuiinoclr. of t tze
roost excellent .arteiir, P. T.. SNOWDEN,
wit No IR4 T.iberty Creel, lieu of Won.'
XIA MILE M NITF.AcTORY.—Patrick cnp.field re.
Int spec:l fully:acquaints hl. frien . ris and the gen
erally, that lie has commented the Marble hot:Mese at the
cornet or Fink and Liberty VW here will he constantly
oil hand tomb stones. mantel pieces, monuments. Brad
and fool stones. table slabs for cahiuer Barr. and eVrtv
art We:time:la Ming. In the litt:hiess. He will war r ant 1,j.,
work to Ire well done, and his charges will he model ale
i He respect fully asks a share of public patronage. sop 10.
ff env PAIICR MILL. SLPllhetiVille, Ohio. having rem:,
•-vert flowstore fro' Ills city, have appointed tioldship
Ilraviets, No. 49 Market it., between 3rd and 4 1 h. A
gents roar tine sale of the ditierent kinds of Paper manufac—
tured i v them, where their friends amt cwitomers will al
scat% find a ri•grtar imrplv of paper, such au Cap and
r Main and faint lined: Wrapoine and Ten
it rknper; Prim ct POA rrip, :And Printing Parer of afferent si
%PS and qualo les, all of which willpti sold on the most
accommodating terms.
llotostur Rsowne, manufacturers nod importers of
Pane-s and Borders. keeps constantly on hand eve.
ry variety of Entry,Parlor end Chamber Papers. of the
irons! Si vies and most handsome patterns, which they
will sell low arid on aecotomodating term's, wholesale
or retail. nos
ortaiile Platform Scales on p, hi els, to weigh 2,500 Ibs, at
$55 00.
do do do do 2.005 at $45 00
do do do do 1,500 at 35 00
do do do do 1,000 at 30 00
do do do do 500 at 25 00
With rain level's an :tddition of $3 to each scale.
Dormant scales for the ure of Warehouses, Flouring
Mills, kc.,the same priced as above.
Alen, While's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements, and a variety of other counter scales,
which they will sell for from 8 to $l5,
They also manufacture Strain Engines for Flouring
Mills, Saw Mills. Salt Works, irc„ atmliie and single
geared slide lathesfoot and other lathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting, chairs, planing marhines, door
and sash machines. 'tail's patimt horse power, Wilil or
without thrashing machines. a superior article; circu lan
saw shafts, machines for cawing lath, Titteter's ma
chines and tools ofall descriptions.also for making black
ing boxes, a superior article; governors fur steam engine•
stock's, taps and dies, coffee mills, bedzicad or joint hots
and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma
chinery made or repaired; printing press plattens turned
and printing presses repaired.
JOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer anti
sion Merclia nt, No. 106, corner of Wood 4- Fifth sts.
Pittsburgh: Ilavin2 beenappointed one of the Ariel ion•
eers lot the City of Pitsbursh. tenders his services to j&.
bets, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed
to make trial of this market• fie i; prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities,
and trusts to sal.C.iy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy !and favorable returns.
That the various intere. , ts which may i.e confided to
h4m, shall be adequately protected, he bring, to the aid
of his own espertence in business and acquaintance with
merchandise generally, the services of Mr. Siam.
F A msfarroca; heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engarenient Is made.
Mews. M. Tiernan, Presl. of sf.
Darlington * Peebles,
• James M. Cooper,
•• James May,
R. M. Riddle. Pittsburgh
Wm Robinson. Jr. ?met
of Eschange Sank.
Hamplon,Rmlth, ¢ co.,
t. John D. Dash'.
• Samuel Charnel,
•, J. K. Moorhead,
•• Ja•. W. Brown 4. Co.
•• joint H. Blown. 4 Co:
.• Smith 4 fligstey.
Yardly 4 u Amer',
.. Johns.
•• John Woolf,
vathr FLOUR—Snit received a few barrels of
- 111sperior Flour, Nikade 'expressly for faintly use.'"For
sale lop ISAAC CILUSE.,I4IB Lib, 14.
In 'sore 50 barrels sup. dour.
For publishing a new Daily Paper in the City of Pitts
falliE Subscribers having made arrangements to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu
ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the title of the Daily -Morning Posh.
The leading object of the ‘ , Posy" will be the d:ssemlna
tion and defence of the political principles that have here
tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective
papers, and their best efforts whl still be devoted to the
advancement and success of those dbei rifles.
Although, in poiitie,., the paper will he thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an lion. st,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence. and brief notices of, mat-tern and occurrences that conic properly within the ihheie
of a Public Journal, to make their paper sufficient) , In
cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, Ir
respective of party considerations.
In addition to the political and r,enernl news that will
be found in the '...lllorwing Post," the Editors will take
pains to furnish the inisineFss community with
the latest and must IntLrestina CoMnEe( I•t. INTELLI.
ovirriE from all parts or the country. and to have prepa•
red such aecounti , of the Markets and the .9.tate of Trade
as will beadvantageous to our Merchants and BusitieFs
Men in their several callings.
Terns.—The Peer wilt be on a hirge tmpert•
al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per an num, payable in aJyartre. It will also be sold by
new•s.boys at the low rale of TWO CENTS a copy.
Advertisements will he Inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
ENTY active lads arc wanted to cell the POST.
who will be engaged on the most liberal terms
100 DIMS. KY LEAF TonAcco. in More and
for ' , ale by 1. G. 4• A GORDON.
No. 12. Water sirret.
BY Morrison k Co. London, for sale only by S.
Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgil,
alley Pillsburgh Pa. nod H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western Penns) lvania. sep 10
FARM FOR SA LC.—Tlie undcisizned offtrs for safest
tract of land situ:tied 4 mile; freepoif , In the
direction of Kittanning. Buffalo 'township. Armstrong
county. I . ollfailling 100 acres. 65 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of whicn are in meadow- a good square log
dwelling house:m - 1 cabin barn erer.ted thereon—an apple
mcbard of 80 hearing trees—and a spring of excellent
water convenient tulle house.
FOR TER MS nnnly to the euhsrrihere residing at the
Saitworks on the Petin”.lvania Canal, 1 nt.le above Free
TO THE WlSE.—iiis now welt understood how
much disorders ofllre mind depend fur I heir cure
noon a due :Mem lon to the body. It is now understood
how vtduahle is that medicine which will remove morbid
accumulations without weakening the bodily power. It Is
now understood that there is a reciprocal influence he.
I ween the mind and the body. It is now understood that
porgin2 with the Brandretti Pills will remove a melon
ch"I.V, and even Insunity Is cured try perseverinitly
them. It is now understood ho NV much domestic happi
ness depends upon the healthy condition of the ttbzestive
mproved Ulav
;nufactnred he
Itctr Machint
It sire PI. two
ire flail, Pitts
inufacture rind
ind the follow
y composed of
No. 1, fort
hie Pltform
trines uu wh'l,,
u elglo 33Uu
uuuds,ai 560.
I sap 10
burgh, to be entitled the
Aw4usi 31, 1842
It is now well known that the Brandi Oh Pills hate
cared thousands of hopeless and helpless persons, even
when the first physicians had pronounced I hem beyond
all human means of relief. It is now not only well
known that the Brand reth Pills so cure, hit it is also um
derstood how they rare; that it iatry their purifying eflcet
on t he blood I het they restore the hotly to berilth.
The value of the medicine is becoming more and more
manlfest,lt is recommritried daily from family to family.
The Bra nitre! li Pills remove in an al nost imperceptible
manner all notions accumulations and purify and Invigo
rate tire Itiood,and their good effects are not counterhalan
ced by anv Inconveniences; being composed entirely of
vegetables they do not expose those who use them to
danger; and their effects are as certain as they are salt'-
, tam they are daily and safely atlntinb-lend to infancy,
youth, manhood, and old age, and to women in the most
critical and delicate circumstances. They do not distorb
or shock the antitrust functions, but restore their order
and s.tt oldish their health.
Sold at Dr. Braadreilt's Office, No. 9:1, Wood sorrel,
Pittsburgh. Price 2.5 cents per box, with full directions.
M A 11K--The only place in Pitishorzli where tile :eau.
me Pills can he obtained, is the Loctor's own office, No.
93 Wood street,6e p 10
9'lo THE LADIES —Why do you not remove that
superfluous hair you have upon you, foreheads
and upper lips 7 By calling at Tuvrut'a, B 6 Fourth st.,
and obtalning a. bottle of Gouraud's Poudres
which will remove it at once without affecting the skin.
You can also obtain C;ourauci's httly celebrated Eax de
Beaute, which w ill at once remove all freckle, pimples,
eruptions of the skin. and make your face look per ectly
fair; and to tbo<e who wish to assist nature by adding
more color to their cheeks, they can obtain tome of Gou•
raid's celebrated Liquid Rowe, which cannot be rubbtd
' off even Icy a wet cloth. Also may Ice found a good as ,
sorincent of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Bears' Oil, Al.
mond, Palm, Windsor; and other Soaps.
Reatcinher at Tuttle.' Medical Agency, 86 4th street
Pre. 8, 18 12
LET Invalids read the following account of a Sailor
cured of a complication of -afflictions in nineteen
days hy a lite use of Brandreth Pills. It distinctly proves
there are herbs in nature whirl, have affinity core be
cause of disease, and Bra nd ret it's Pills are made for them
Rend and be convinced. Take the inedtcine andbe cured
lons SHAW. of Pembroke, Washington county, Maim,
being duty sworn, says, tint he was taken violently sick
about six months since. The pains in his head. breast,
hark, left side and instep being so bad that he was una.
hie to help 14mtfelf, and was taken into the Chelsea Hos.
Mint in the city of Boston. That after being in said
hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said he did not know
what was the mallet with 111 m, and that he could do
noticin g for trim. our could he prescribe any medicine.
That he, therefore, Was conveyed front the Chelsea Hos.
Inhale's the Sailor's retreat tot Staten Inland. That he
wastheie physicked with all sorts of medicine for a pen
oil of four months, suffering all the lime the most heart.
rending misery.— Thai, besides tin atiection of Ms bones
he was troubled much with a disease of the lungs: some.
times he would spit a quart of phlegm in the day; besides
tills affection lie had a bad filarrhcca, which had mor e
or Ices attended him front the commencement of his sick.
nests. That at times he dreaded a stool worse titan he
would have dreaded death; that he can compare the feel
ing to nothing save that of knives passing through liits
bowels. Alter suffering worse than death at the Sailor's
Retreat, on Staten Island. the doctor told him that medi
cine Was of no use to 111 m, that he utast try 10 stir about.
At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. That
his bones were so tender be could not hear the Hist press
ure upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his Instep was
most painial, that as the Doctor said he would give him
no more akedwine he determined to procure some of Dr.,
Itrarulreth's Pith., which he did, final 241 Broadway
SiE , W York; +kat he commenicod with five pills, and some-
Ittavtincreased the dose to eight. Tire first week's use
to mach benefited him, that the doctor. not knowing
what he was using, said, now Shaw, you look like a
man again; if you improve in this way, you will ions
Well' That he fo,und every dose of the Brandreth Pills
relieve him, firsithey cured him of the pain when at
stool; that they next cured the diet rives, aad finally the
pains in his bones;-_—.That the medicine seemed to add
strength to him every day. fietold the doctor yester
day the 11th Instant, that he felt himself well. and also,
that he owed his recovery to 11 , andrethe Pills under
Provtdence, ihat : lie had taken the medicine &rely day
for 19days; that the doctor told him if be had known he
had been toting that medicine. he should not have stayed
another day in rite house. Fie considers it is his duty to
make thlatinblic statement for the/tenet of all similarly
afflicted; that they may know where to find a medicine
that will enre them. JOH% SHAW.
John Straw tieing hy me duly If worn this 12th day q
April.lB42.did depose and say that the foregoing elate
usent le true. J. D WH BELEB.Commbtdoner of Peed*
The BRANDRETH PILLS are sold at ]Jr.*ram ,
ificetWa principal Otte, 241, BROAD WA T. WSW Tor
find at his principal other. N 0.98 Wood street .P I tisharab;
los ONLYPLACZ la Pittsburgh where the ocrialea,eaa
be Waltzed f rep 12--dwto.
Russell's Planetarium.
-There is a grand invention with the abovil
title, now exhibiting in New York. It
shoats the movements of the whole plane;
tary system, and is justly called it tot
wonderful invention, The following is ifl
accurate description of it,
Whoever has an opportunity to examine
,this splendid representation of our plans:tail
system, will at once be convinced that it
would be no easy thing to do justice td thi
'conceptive powers and contriving facultievi
of the inventor, who has presented it in ili
the harmony of its arrangement with ad
mach elegance and finish. Indeed therti
can be no exaggeration in saying that a nd
conception can be formed of its scientißti
value dr true Merits ; unless , by ocular in;
spettione and it will not be difficult fa
thosii who will examine it 'in Its gigabtia
and indescribable details, or behold it irelt4
majestic appearances' to become satiated
that nothing of the kind, so perfect in plait
and in boldness of execution; has beefi of
yet presented in this countryz•-niir anY
thing a' worthy of universal attentioti:
'alt is an immense piece of scientific Mei
chanism, and of cyclopsean fabrication; all
made of highly polished steel and bilis,
and solid cast iron; all silvered and gilded;
and beautifully decorated with elegint
paintings represen'ing some of the moot in:
teresting recorded facts in the science of
astronomy. The zodiacal table, butiPtirte
ing the w toile machinery, is more than si*.:
teen feet in diametet; the orbit of Uremia
embraces an area of sixtt -six feet in ohmit !.
ference; the number of wheels, cogs 'itotl
piniotts regulating the motions of tha me.
chanism amounts to nearly 600, and tha
mass of the whole weighs nu less than taiti
tons.' Some idea may perhaps be formed
of the magnitude, finish and complexity of
this masterly piece of niatitre American skill
and genius,' when it is khocrn that thjfty
years of assiduous meditathin, aidnolia la
bor and unabated perseverance haire beef;
required and employed by its venerable an.
thor, Mr. JAmEs RussELL, a son of New
Englanfl, to bring it to perfection; and thii
perfection will easily be conceived by the
fact that the mo-t important and interesting
elements of the solar system, the most ina
tricate, even those that at first-would seem
inaccessible to mechanical . xecution, such
as the inclination and eccentricity of the
planetary orbits—that all are there reptea
vented with the most minute details and ea
actress, and tLat the propelling politer
which sets hi motion
,this vast and aston•
ishing combination, is originated by a single
crank requiring hardly one pound weight
—producing no more noise than the 'tick*
ing of a miniature watch.'
In taking a general survey of the plane-.
[titian . ' the whole solar system is at OEM
exhibi ed to the beholder in the must hat.
monious and graceful aspect. A largesky
blue cupola, 66 feet in circumference, span
gled with nearly 600 glittering gilded stare
of different magnitude, rept eseniing the
northern constellations to the equator, and
in their respective positions. is suspended
above, at about 20 feet of elevation, cover_
in over the whole instren,ent, presenting
thus a correct, and at the same time elegant
i nv t,ii, oi i‘f the real canopy of heaven. Ae
armillary sphere 13 feet in t ircunifet ence,
representing the tropical, equatorial 'and
polar circles, Kith the equinoxtal and eels
sticial cailtires exit ottipasses the orbit of the
earth. A belt 16 degrees in width repre.
settling the signs of the paha.: and the ev,,
liptic, or path of the earth round the sun,
encompasses the sphere.
In the centre is the Sun, represented by
a large ground glass globe turning upon its
own ax s; a large reflecting lamp, from ip'
side, casts upon the wit. le instrument a
brilliant stream of light. Next is seen Mer•
cury swiftly revolving round the Sun, act.
pearing and disappearing asif immersed and
swimming within its dazzling light. Nest
comes Venus, of pure silver, glittering as
the real morning and evening star; and next.
the Earth, cart - ) ing along in her career the
Moon, which revolves around her. Neat
appears Mars, with a reddish hue, such se
seen in the field of space; and next the foul
telescopic or ultra zodiacal planets. Vesta,
'Juno, Ceres, Pallas, revolving at pretty
near the same distance from the Sun.
Circumscribing the orbit of Pallas comes
next the planet Jupiter, surrounded by its
four brilliant moors; each revolving around
it in an independent orbit, Then comes
the majestic Saturn, 'the most gorgeous a
bode fitted by the hands of God in the field,
of creation for intellectual beings,' surround
ded by its marvellous double eccentric rings
which swiftly roll around it. perpendicnlar
to its equator, and, accompanied in its slow
mrtion, by seven radiant satellites. And
to complete this magnificent reprrisentatioss
of the system to which we belong, at the
extreme verge of the planetarium is the yet
hypothetical Herschel! or Uranus, silently
wheeling in its immense orbit, carrying 1,.
long with its six doubtful satellites, which
revolve around it like those of Saturn an 4
Jupiter, in their independent orbits.
Each of the celestial orbs has its proper
,inclination upon its axis, and as the Nord,
'ein axis keeps constantly pointing to the
same given point of the sphere, correspond
ing to polar star of ech planet, the wa.
done and interesting phenomena of 14
snsons are il:usured in the most striking
manner, Besides the sideral revolution,
each planet has also a proper t zi I indepen
dent motion, or revolution epon its axle,
by which are plainly illustrated the filla •
cious daily phenomena presented by•the
seeming revolution if the Bun, and ftask ,
stars around the Berth. The sategiteeor
Jupiter;Satern and Herseheli, beiddes pp. ,
volving in their. independent orbitti turn