_ - - Ittg 1 114 MAUS COFFIN wAßsnotrons, Four St. tito deers inn tke U. S. lea. Wls T? B W ,-- tA ltil ataktirentakar,respeelfally informs the public that It -1111 . Maned Ms ready made coda Warrehrruse to the 'Aiding recently occupied by Mr. R. G. Berford,direttly ammesite his old stand, where help always a repared to at • end promptly to n y order' in his trine, and t.y strict at• notion to all the details of the Nuttiest' of an Undertaker P.. !WAN to merit nubile eonfidentet He will be prepared i r tit attamenta to provide 11.111110 P, Biers. C logos end requisite on the 4104 liberal terms. Calla from the kt - r • brantrynill be promptly attended to. fits reridenee Min the same building with his ware ), r bean, where those *lin need li s ts services may And him attay Urn*. DATIN.CNCE.I: TV. tame. any. JOIIY aLLCL. D. D. IMDDLD, Rat . ROPERTIIIIOCt. D. D. • rellnle PATTON. RIO. IlVitett. Vr11.241.1111 1 , D. . IL 111 . 0L17112, Rte./01BM sena, ' 11111 411e1141111./11, am,. PLUMS R. DA.VII, *MI 10 RIO. B. P. sods?. .t 4/-02 ROOKS. STEASItIOAT HILLS. r. P4,lllPficarra. Ho fest: GILLS, 'BLANKS. VISITING CARDS, L 411161.11, ADDREAS DO., CHSCICS, RCS' NF,F , E4 00., NOTEI, HAND BILLS, SILM OF LADING, CIRCULARS, ,te..t.c. ! . ..Tetzether with every description of Letter Press Print "it Int. tarnished with 'waffles+ and despntrb. and on mode j Vats terms, at. tbe °lee of the DAY Morning roc. a; asp 10 ~.T0 THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS Te.m) TO PRODIP3E, OR VV.:RAN' ATP. DISEASE.—This lthis• of indivldnals Is very nuilierou3. They are those who work in an uohealtity atmosphere. Printers. work ''Rtten In feather mores, stone cullers, tinkers, white lead mantifaeturers, ere all mare or tea. *Oise,. to disease ae. SoFdlnz Lc the strength of their constitnoion The only "method to .prevent disease, Is the occasional use ore madleine which alvirraeis from the etrcittation all delete " glans blows. and etnel. them by the bowels. Tonics to VI! form are Injurious, as they only 7.0 l off' the evil i .day to make It more Coal. The tine of Brandreth's Pills Will insure health, liccau.e they take all impure mailer of the blond; :Ind the body Is not weakened but strengthened by their aneration, I'd. these valuable Pills , de not force, but they aii.d.t nature, and are not oppcaed. harmonize With her. (,! said at Dr. Rrandretlet 011" e. .110, 93 Wood street, - --ptieinsren. Price 25 cents per hoc, with full direction.. ~ I filißE—"The only place In Pitiehdrch wiirre the GENUINE Pills ran be oldained,l, the Doctor's own m m t , ; ? .93 Wood street. sep 10 - Tho • _ _ — C4 74 • HOTEL.—The subscriber respectfully In ur Es his old friends and the public that he has • . p Temperance Ilniel,ln fifth Street, near the Ex eltange Rank. and In the house lately occupied by Mat. thalatriek. and has noisiet! anifo34i gri,eThe Iron ,CitS mei," *here he will he very liac7.y to accommo• pt 4 , 44 c: who may please to call or. him. His table provide/ with the hest fare, and every possible , 1 14.0MriM4ation is town and country customer, and ravelers. - A few hoarderswhn wish to Indtze in their stores or of. UV!, can he taken. anti ventletnen who live out of, town Min;have their dinners daily. Re ha. large and zond et:110m. and the hest Flay and flats, and a good iloyller. and will accommodate travel. era and gentlemen who have horses. Weirder, taken ley the day. week or year. Charges ranee moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the olty. "p 10 JOHN IRONS. WXBRINfTON lIALL.—TOe su'tscrilter 11111 , opened the late residetire of Jatnes Adittats Esq., deemed. for the reception of visitors and hoarders; the Mese Is very Western-1y situated on the kook of the ()Mk t miles from the eitv— posiwssln: nil the dellzhi• ful aceousOantmentv of a country resldenre • without bele, too far dizten for pereons doing itualness in the eity: Vieltors w•il he furnished with cve , y delicacy of liiireatesort. An otnellois rang rotolarly every hoe t the Atte Y/6d of the Bridert. 01...N0 Alcoholic heverares kept. V*4411610 WM. C. nroe;. ISSOLrfrfn.N . OF THE UNIO.V—The cu .II• neeship existlne between lames E. Klbourn and said J. tine ,n I. thl. el iv dissnived by mutual consent. i•Abeeendilinns will he duly noticed. with the sitnni urea 111(Poth pertlee annexed, and Burry Flail will he continued vimito by the eubicriber until other arrangements ale per fected. For osle. 611 the , pr•mi.e4.1.50 hht.. e.hnire winte.r no Woo. ifoppltod for Ira merlin:ply. JAS. E. K I LIIOU RN, asp 29 —tr No 9, MarkPt,anA 74. Front st. viv ft, BIDDLE, Site ton Dentist, has returned to hit gill 81 :0 11 d. No 107, Smithfield Street. When! he ran ne consulted any hour during the day, get Illas profession. seri 10 tiralkioVA L.—G.rnrue A rum, Merchant Tailor, •Aktit respectfully announcer to hie friends and pa• itemssethst he has re-Ai - teed hig establishment from his bland. In Third street, to the corner of Front and sinlitifield, in the basement story of the Monongahela Howe; where he Intends keeping on hand a general as. sortesent of FashiOntible Goods, suitable for Gen• I !erpen's wren We hopes, by close opolication, to merit a share of the cruelness so Ilherally extended to him at his old stand. N. IL %sift: made arrangements in New York and Philadelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for the seeeption of Paris and London Fashions, customers matitrely on having their orders executed according to the %lest elyle. GEURGE ARMOR. 'peps 10 ELITE LIME. o stwerior for sale by J. G. 4. A. Gr , RPON, N 0.12 Wofor,trot.t. s' L• / what makes tour 'tett) so ituu,uail white? Qooth Josh's dulcini.i to hub Pother night, To make yours look so, with a grin, replied hash, 1,. roughs yotta bottle of Tooth Wash, opts the lest now In use, ao tltegentlefutks say, ' l And shine they have tried this, east all others away. lint to proveit the hest, to ma ke t he teei h shine, Look again, my dear :t% at the lustre amine. Then try t' la great tooth wash, The Teaherry tooth wash, .4 1 1. ed see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not tine. _ tried Dr."Thern's Tea Berry Tooth Wash: a acquatnied with the Ingredients of Its compo eilllfiht, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as It tione of the moat phaFant Tooth Waal re now In use. Pittsburgh Sep. 1.5,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. tkake pleasure In stating, having made use of-t Thorn's 41 . 4* Berry Tooth Wash," t ct It is one of the hest den• Mikes in use. Being in a think! form. It comb:nes neat• nen with convenience. While It ele2nses the enamel eedremoves the tartar from the teeth. Its perfume:veld/ - a Sat ranee peculiarly deslrat.te. J. P. TIBBETTS. M.D. Tke undersigned have used t•Thcon's Compound Test 'BUM Tooth Wash," and have found It to bean extreme ly phioa h t dentifrice, exercising a most sa'ntary Info. seleSOlrer the Teeth and Clime; preserving those indls pelleseMe menthera from primal O , P decay. prev ent i ng the begisenulattem of Tartar, sad purifying the Breath. liar. l 'itserks rouehly tested its virtues. We take pleasure In re. ,Atleliallndine. it to the public, heiteelng it le he the bngae, rtif the kincenow In use. RIPE rs OX. JAMES *dirt II FERBLES, HOS B scut.z.r. ntimuuto ire.INDLESS. - J. IS S CRAFT. NratXo FV.IL r, L S JOHNS. • .Me` tered and sold hv WIW . I M THORN. Apollanci• le,OKlDbernivi. No. 53 Market stove?. Pittstrerge; and :ad agile wand pa Dregglane, and Tettk l a Medico, A rts -14011.PPINI wow,. rp At ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL nd 1.04100 DaLLe . r a Jim all ef CAL An); as. TRACTOR tneethisahle, It ant only eureequieker,hul gives no additional pain. net iminres a gear. Fite is post. lively rendtied harmiens,, , ($lO has been offered Ms months to any person returning a• empty box, and gaping that an agony on anointing In not extracted F a few min utes, ye' not one from thousands of trials since has claim ed the bonne.) Parents auxin. to guard against genera injnries, and rave tine , fortune and life, and prevent their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or yen mall not pu.tnies, (it pcweessing the enviable power to replace theeellotary organs destroyed.) can do so by ob taining tills inimitable salve. Many deeply burnt eases In the city cantle seee, and one entire face burnt over and wounded three distinct times In the same spot white heal ing, yet in no case can be traced the least ciral rice or markt For all kinds of hurts its rapid soothing effects are Mao important;even more eyes. ail infiamatfons and bro ken breasts would be unknown. The toilet and nursery, 'or clearing the akin of pimples, removing chafe, etc., w ill And It indispensable. One acing only will forever moat 140 it thesovereign HEAL-ALL quality. After this no item, fiends of remittent allowing torture for months, and ultimately distorted features. ens never wipe away re proach. Justly tattered bye disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over Ere. •• Catered according to act of Congress. A. D. 1841, by conssz - Ick C0.,1n theClerk'so®c•ofthe Di.trlet Court of the United Stales for the Southern District of New York." Warranted the only gentitne Comstock k Co., wholesale Druggists. N. York, have he. come the sole wholesale agents for Mr. Dailey, in A nowt ca far 20 yenta. All orders most he addressed to them, The Rennin. only to he had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency. flk Fourth street, Nov J. CHEAVER ER SPLENDID •ESORTNENT OP READY MADE CLOTHING AT TILE THREE BIG DOORS, No. 151 Liberty st., one door front the Jacitsoa Foundry. frilE Subscriber having prepared St his establishment the largest and most varied stock of R MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the We.dern coon try, would respectfully invite the public to give him a call and examine his Goods and hear his prices before porch:wine elsewhere. His stork consists in pail. of 'WI Coats. assorted sizes and quality; 2000 pair Panta loons: 1811k1 Vests; y i:11 a large assortment of - Shirts. Bra were. Cravats, Stock*, Gloves, Supenders, and every other article of winter Clothing. His Cloths were all selected by himselfin the Eastern Markets, end pore hasrd at the very lowest cash prices. and consequently he can afford to give his customer s BETTER BARGAINS than they can get at any other house in the city. Believing In the principle of-Primer'. tug Home industry" lie has thereto e had all his articles manufactured by Pittsliorgh workmen, and he ;las no hesitation in saying that they will be found in every res pest superior to the Eastern wanufectured articles that are offered for sale in the slop shops that have recently Anchored among us. In these times when Howe Industry is ocenpying en large a snareof public attention, as it always should. the proprietor of the "Three Bit Doors' takes peculiar pride and pleasure in assuring the citizen■ of Pittsburgh that his Goods are all aten•sJactured under his own eye, by the mechanics of his own town. He does not, like some of his rivals in trade, nave his Clothes made op in a di Cant rilv, In another Slate, nor does he advertise his Stork in hills printed three or four hundred miler from here. He goes on the priticip'e that time mechanics of Pittsburgh can do work as well as any others, and he does not de. si-c to dra w money from their pockets to support distant workmen: while he asks them to support him, he does not wish .oimpuvertsh them by a drain to support far off mammoth workshops. The suficeriber would take this occasion to return thanes to his friends and customers for the nnpreceden ted patronage extended to his establ:sitment, and to re peat hie invitation to all those who wish to purchase clothing.of every description, made In the latest fashion and sold on the most accommodating terms, to cnti at No 131 Liberty street. JOHN M'CLOillit EY. 11701;paerye Metal rime In the payment. SOUTH WARD TAILORING ESTABLISH THE Subscriber most reapectfally Informs thepeople of Plttalmrgh and vicinity,and the public generally, that he has opened a 'Mooring estahlishntent on Grant street. No. 3 Arthurs's Row, West end of the Scotch Hill Market. where his old customer, and all others who may favor him with a call may depend on having their work done In a superior Style. From his long expert. ence In the htminess In this city, anu In many other fasts• ionaltle cities In Europa and America, he feel• confident shat hn can give utlsfaction to all who 17115 , Mean' to raver him with their custom. By strict attention to bit vines: and superior workmanship he hopes to merit and receive a share of pnblie patronage. He Irtends keeping on hand a supply of roods and trlmrninyasulletle for the customer trade which will he sold at very reduced primes, R. DON A HY. N. O, The subscriber being welt aware of the extent that the MILL system Is practised on the public In this country, by advertisement , ; particularly by persona who may Justly he called Intruders on the trade, who 'lever served an hour to the hi:hotness, and who know so little about it that they could not crook a spunge cloth, and they are barefaced enough to advertise themselves stint lots a la mode, and by the aid of old certificates. cats, pacts, *c. ¢c such as are generally used by quarks to sell their medicines, they often sneered In palming oil' on the unsurpect in, customer some old trash for the genu ine imported article. Such people's advertisements are only calculated to sr all the public and are n o more roll tied to credit thin the fictitious yet laughable publications about thereat Gull—jiver among the Lilliputians, which I presume almost every schoolboy has read and laughed at. I would swzaast to those who wish to have tI etc claiMe made in first rate style to make a little inquiry and they will find that this is the place where they ran he accommodated B. D. J in 7-3 tr. Headache! Headache ! Dr. BRODIE'S ANT! DYSPEPTIC PILLS. ARE now known to thousands as a most eKtraordina• ry remedy for this affliction as well as the incon roverlible fact of their coring DYSPEPSIA. Will those suffering only ask among their friends if they have nut known of the positive effects of laid Pine. nod II they do not hear them more warmly prai,ed (and deservedly too) than any other, then let them cot tiny them. In these few remarke, all fancy or imagination is evrluded, and nothing will he said of their merits at an v time but what can he fairly proved by respectable menders of our community. Read the following certificate :iven by a re.perta}de citizen of Alloglieny city, and attested by rme of the Jude. es of the Court of Common Pleas of A Ilegheny en. A mica eir.NY CITY, January 9, 1343. DR. Firtnotr. Dear Sir—l have for a number of year, part been of tlicted with a severe and almast constant Headache, a rlsing from derangement of stomach and bowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind at Merliche re commended for Its cure, have never derived any mate rial bene6t until I need come of your truly valuable An. Ii Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken gotta I ;v0 tinges and consider myrelf.perfeetly relieved from that distresung complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your Pills as the best medseine I have ever used. Yours, Respectfully, J. R. TURNER, T am acqua.n!ed with Mr, Turne-, f have no hesita tion In certtfying that 1 conaider the statements of Mr, T. respsoks Dr. Brodle's P its. as entitled to the most perfect and entire ennildenec. HUGH DAVIS. For sale, Wholesale and Retail at the Smdonian Pill Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; ani by all authorised a.. tents thronahmat the Union. Ailey eiry Jan 9 1845 jan 13-1 y- COn hand, a few barrels old yellow Corn whisk will be sold low, apply to Jan 7 ISAAC CRUSE,Llberty BARDS VON HUTCHELVA HF.RI3 P I LLS. These Pill. are eomP)ased of herbs, which exert a specific action upon the heart, give impulse or strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened and equalized In Its circulation through alt the vessels, whether °Nile skin. the parts situated Internally, or the extremities; and an all the secretions of the burly are drawn from the blood. there is a consequent Increase of every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent and exhalent, or discharging, vessels. Any morbid action which way bate taken plate I. corrected, all obstruc- Mans &re rentryed, the blood Lep orilied. and the body mune', it* *IRV Cate. ?girl ale Wholesale and Re- Lark! , R ESE LLRRS, Agent, 84111 tai ) Wood al. betow Second. CO-DALLICTS YAW EX7'R4CTOR is certainly the most vahtable ointment for Earns. dotes. be.. ever Invented: no matter how badly a person may be harm er nealded —this will heal them immediately, without leaving miry acme. Every family should have a bog In their house. no one should be without it.—Every one who has tried it recommends it. I'o be had only at ''FirFTLEII:B6 Fourth street. dee VcirIRJEL —in more No. 2 Mackerel at $6l per barrel—ha tf barrels at 34: the Mackerel are adrered at these low ortroPt to elate sates—Aiso enittivh by the drnm. very cheap. apply to ETA AC CRUSE: jaw 20 148 Liberty*. Oet 21—t f 111ENT straw:am AlMlean 111.111111 C $1141214 *eV= 11141111. 1111011 AM IN BiLittingTlllll rujs 'Th!, vegetable and truly logoesst g oo gi tdoe.rva ,„ run rue sums, and immediately stage the further rue- ORIN/ Ol DIIIIC•IS. in the bodieaof those whose powers of life arc not already exhausted. Where human means can avail, there scarcely is any eomplaint,or form of sicknesso.hat the BRA sztiurrn PIMA do Out relieve and general'y cure. Although these pills roduee a :Nowt ervscv,that effect 18 not to prostrate lie body, og with other medicines, but the frame le iislitiresigal by the re moval of the cause of weakness, the ittoiliti, the vitiated humors from the blood. Harmless in themselves, they merely - Autry N•rnaa To throw out theoicasierti of sickness from the body, and they require no shiej - ationta the diet or clothing. In fact.ilhe human beidg lefietter able to sustain with. oat injury, theinclemency all*. weather, while ander theinguenee of this infeetion desert:4in , disease eradica tine Medicine titan at any other time. The importance of Brant/reties Pith for seamen lad travelers fir, therefore,self evident. By the timely use of this Medicine how much anxiety and sickness, inlght we not pretreat. Cold, Billions of fections, Typhus, Scarlet sad fevers of all kinds, would be unknowni But where sickness does exist, let no time be lost, let the BRANDRETH'S PILLS be at once sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur (her loss of time.—To sa Raxamexato— That Brandretles Pills have stood a seven years' test In the United States. That they area vegetable and innocent medicine, yet all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic recent; infect ions or otherwise. That they purify the blood, and stay the further pro gress of disease in the human body. That. in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of ulceration had laid bare ligament and hone, and where. to all appearance, no human means could cave life, have patieut.hy the use of these pills, been restored to good health; the devo.trim; disease having been completely eradicated. That each of I he genuine has upon it THRICE. COPYRIGHT L &BELO • That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Brandi-01h upon it. That here most he upon each box three signatures, B. BR•KDRCTH, M. D And three signatures, thus:— BENJAKIN RaixDßlrn DR. FRANKLIN SAYS "All acute fevers ever require some evacuation lo bring them to a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by stools, which must he promoted by art when nines° does nut do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed scrupulousness:Omni the weakness of the body is of had consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts after Inc humors are lit to he expelled . but is not able to aceontplbth for the most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly he felt, and the debility el treme, yet both one and the ether have been restored by it." The good effect to be derived from the Brandreth Pills hove to he experienced' to he fully believed. By their timely use neither the !cartel, the typhus fever or small pox would ever assume their malignant (nun. To appreciate in :he full extent ,t he incalculable belle. fits of BR A NUR ETH'S PILLS. they must he used when the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One dose then, and their gnod effects will be felt throughout the attack—lT to TARING TIM( IN Ting !hat is the great secret in the cure of all appearances of disease wising from had blond, and I presume there are few at the pres eat day, will eny anything of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have yet to see. Hopin; that some who read this may be benellited by so doing. I am resperifally, the public's servant. B. RRANDRETtI, 11. D 241 Rrondway, New York. THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOW. The public will please observe that no Brandreth Pills are gennlne unless the box has three labels upon it. each containing a fac Murillo signature of my hand writing tins—n. Frandreth. These labels err engra ved on steel. beautifully designed, and done at an ex• pease of several thousand dollars. Remember! the lop —the aide—and the bottom. Ent red according to act of Congress in the .ear 1841. by Bet gamin Rrandreth, in the Clerk's Ofilre In the Dis tile! Court of the Sot them District of New York. Dr. B. Brrindretit's own office. No 98. Wood Street. Pittsbur:h. Only plc:cc In Pittsburgh whet rthe genuine Pills can he obtained. Each Agent who sell the true Erandreih Pi,l, ims an engraved certificate of Agency renewed every twelve months, and has entered into bonds of SSW to sell none other Pills than those received from Dr. R. or his speciniCeneral Agent. Mark, the certifi. care is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is in his own hand writing. Otwerve, on each Certificate there is an exact copy of the three labels on each box em craved thereon. Purchaser. ace that the engraving of the labels on he ce•t ihra le correspond with those on the box. The Polio%inc are Dr, RenJamin Brandreth's Agents for I he sal.. of his Vevial•le UlliVefPai Pills, in Allezhe ny cooly, Pa., who are supplied wish the new labelled ',oxen Price 25 eents %lib directions. Principal Office, No. 98. Wood Street, Pillsbor Allegheny, M r.. 1011,1 (31.•F6. McKeesport, H. ROWLAND. Noblesiown. Jowl „Muumuu. Stewarts Town. Cntcuuax Seat:Q..lmin A Lexasuzx Agnate Clinton. Esw*rta GEORGE PORTER. rdifirleVl. ROSIZRT SMITE FORM, Tarentum. Elizabet Mown. C F. Dtmni.. East Llberiy,D•FlEL NriaatT. Prtesstry I incur, Pleasant Hill. DwID R. Coat—Plumb Township. Wm. 0. flarres.— Allen's Mill. [sep 10 pi r,rs cured by the t.se of Dr. Harlich's Compound rengthentrig and German Aperient Pills Dr. Harlich Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the A:enry from you for the sale of your medicine, I formed an aroma iniance wi b a lady of this place, who was severely iitilicted with the Piles. For eight , or ten years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, Mit lie very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she rommeneed using sumir Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, frc. JAMES R.KIRBY Ortnhor 3, 1840. Chambersbugs,Pa. irrOtrice and General Depot, No. 19. North Elihtli Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10 I NTERESTING CUREperforsted byDr.Smarre's Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginians, or Wild Cher ry. having made use of this Invaluable Syrup in my family, which entirety rated my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with roustant cough, spasms, convulsions, of which I had given opall hopes of Its recovery until I was advised to make trial of this Invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects It had upon my child, and con• rluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en tirely relieved ate °fa cough that I was afflicted with for many years Any person wishing to see me ran ra at my house in BeachStrcet, above the Market, Kensin:ton. J. W mcox. DR. SWAYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY We call the attention of the public to the numerous certificates which have been in circulation In our paper and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr. SWATHE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have seen the original certificates, and have no doubt hut they come from truly grateful henrts, ex presswe of 'hit benefits which they have received from tl.at trainable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the above medicine. who can speak with confidence of Its virtues.—Saterday Chronicle. Fact.ow Crnzienst—With sincerity I would advise you, one and all, truth sick and well, always to have a bottle of Dr SwAyna's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry in your house—lt Is invaluable In cases of emergency, such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attaeks of violent Coughing, which Is often the cause of spitting of hlooa, Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causes, producing great alarm. sudden colds from improper exposure. which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means being ready at hand;—and es I have used Dr. Swam's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly In my family, and always with marked tuteeess-1 can recommend it with confidence, as neing one of the best family medicines which has ever been offered to the public . —Saturday Carosiele. SOld.by Wm. Thorn. Wholesale Retail, only agent for Pittsburgh. Nu. 53 Market Street. sep 10 WILLI I.M REED. Aferckant Tailor.—Rempeetfally Informs his friends and the public in general that be has eommenced business at No. 11 Market street, second door from the corner of Front, where be horn by strict attention to business to merit a share of OMR* patronage. N. B. Thelated faithless regularly received: the ab le may depead oa having thole work ereeotai at& tie a t o e -horst its's- pep 1, t v, grIOMN W A REHOUSE.—Wit ' 'l9, risibral — IL I Strom, Dentese Weed Arai listirkfarld sr.. wo door, from the corner of Wood street - Cos. *tinily On band an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every size and description; covered ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and Pine CoMns. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may require. A credit g Iven In all case., either orcultlemOr carriages, requested. HENRY SCARES, Uadertaker. sep 10 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL !N -STRUM ENTSI— T. McCarthy, Cut/grand lstreinal ,InStrumentl Mahar, Third street, warmly sppositr the Pest Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can hare their in• struments madeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. R. Allarticles warranted of the best quality, and jobbing done as usual. see 10 LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often termi natealn another of a more serious nature, if pro. per remedies are not reinorted to in time. In all forms of this disease, Dr. Barbell's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure —first. by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver, by the see of the Ger man Aperient PM!, after which the Compound Strength. ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those tender organs which rennire such treatment only to effect a permament cure. These Fills are neatly pat np In small packages, with fnit directions. For sale at No. 19 North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sale by Sam uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty its.. Pittsburgh Pa. sea 10 ALLEN KR Akt ER Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor nor of Wood and Third Streets, PirfsbatrlA Po. Gold, Silver. and Solvent Rank notes, bonen and sold Sight cheeks on the Eastern eitiev, for sale. Drafts notes and Mils, collected. Pielabut gh,Pa, Wm. Bell 4. Co., John D. Darla, F Lorenz.). Painter 4. Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May Philadelphia, Alexander Br Q ppon Co., John H. Brown 4. Co. Ciaciasari, 0., James M'Candless. Sr. Louis, Ate., J. R. M'Donald. Loaisville, W. H. Pope, Esq. Prea't Bank Ky. rep 10 EMOVA ederrigeell Itegx tenet to Inlet et the pUhlle, I hat he has removed from his old stand, to the cornt.r of Penn and St. Clair sty., oppoiltetite Ex change Hotel, where he has fitted Up a large PIANO PORTZ WARR Room, and now offers for sale the most splendid assortment of Photos ever offered in this market. Hl< plsnos con•E IS WARRAXTjD 7 BURN' LI? ANT TEXPZRATURE. The MOM her wishes to Impress distinctly on the MOM* 1101114 those" it Is not necessary to purchase any sew fa Wed lamps are daily palmed upon them as being requisite to bun Om lard oil in. Persons whiting a pure and hrilltma Nets tan obtain it by calling at the old stand.3d street. immer opposite the Poet Oilles. M. C; 1101111 r. The attitotioe of 1/17heierate dealers. ebtlitellesdasi Moises reeprolittlis solicited. N. Me barrels tern her the seasiboligHsoli mos. 11110—dr. eisci*wari, Farrar, 15. lilt Nn► Your, Feb. t. )$