.~ :.: . ,;' '=" ipou PUBLISHED BY PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, -• W. CORNER OF FOOD FIFTH STB. '''siripta49.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in easireee. Bin& copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the .eleittitr of the omce, and by News Rays. Tate Mercury and Manufacturer 'illirolinffiglaied WEEKLY, at the same office, on a &labia iiilam Owe, at TWO DOLL tftB a yam, in ad. Waite's; Slagle copies, SIX CENTS. - Terms of Advertising. .-211 SEIIIARE OP TWELVE LINES OR LESS: bonitos. 0,50 One month, i1.i.00 Insortlons, 0,75 Two moots, 6.00 ~. TN* Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00 One wont. 1.50 1 Four months, 8,00 Two weeks, 3,00 Slz months, 10,00 Three weeks. 4,00 One year, 15,00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. • - missozists LT rtiIIVORIC. . ' Ono Illissrs. nos Squares Mu iihrbs, $lB.OO Biz months, 813,00 Oise mat. 15.00 One year. 35,00 Larger advertisements In prorortlon. , ' ICA RDS of four - Ones Stz. Dot.t.Las a year. 0 FF I C E S, &C. Cult Posy Orrice. Third between Market and Wood M' Riddle, Postmaster. ernmen Hoosa. Water, 4th door from Wood st. Peter- Nee blaildings—Major John Willock, Collecior. Vane Taassuas, Wood between First and Second eireetts—James A. Bertram, Treasurer. Cotter! TILZILIIMILT. Third street, nest door to the T)d you / OrylCt bitd Fiesbyterian Church—B. It. Johnston, Treasurer. Fourth, between Market and Wood innsetie—Atexander Hay, Mayor. Jileacnewr's EICSAIRGR. ANKS.Fourth, near Market st. B Ttrestsottas, between Market and Wood streets, on Taird and "mirth streets. Mearsorrs • &NV 14 vs:tents' sea ?Lemma' Ds. imam Law. (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between ao4 Market streets. MtMterititea. Fifth street. near Wood. HOTELS. laoseetsmacts. House, Water street, near the Bridge. ELCIIATICIR Horst., corner of Penn and St. Clair. liastoatorre Horn., owner of Third and Wood. -'-'4llMfirlcan Hoect.,rner of Third and Smithfield. llama Sexes. co co rner of Penn street •nd Canal. spaaaseratatat, Liberty street. near Seventh. Ilbramas Mangum House, Liberty St. opposite Wayne Ilatetamsearr A.ItAtOPI flootre. Penn St. opposite Canal isitpowenT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND I IMP COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office remo red to eateweirs offices on Grant st.,nesily opposite ~ .4 4 114 lievr Court House, neat rooms to John D. Mahon, 41111,,,---Virst floor ' sep 10 IITIOS. H. ELLIOTT, M. D.— Office removals IL IL Clair street, beluga Peas and Liberty Ste, • t+ lo .:16,11, burgh. TILTISW 00003. - Preston 4. Mackey, ah4.tesate and Lel Wall dealers In Enzlish. French atd Domestic Goods. No. SI. Market pt ,Fittahrtrek. , seP 10 WIDANDLESS & WCLIIRE, Attorneys •nd Ooonsetlors at Um: Of fi ce in Ors Diamod hock Olin old Court flouse.Pitteturgh. sep 1101 R..olorrew, Atdermam; e north side tif Ptah It., between Wooland SmPep h 10itfield IV( PrDEVITT, Whougate Grocer ReetMlny MtbMar, And Dealer In Prodnee and Pltiableesh 01110altf0ciarellArtkies, No. V. 4 Liberty Striet..Pitti• imp 10 . . Wtt.i.tans Inns g. Dttwoltin ILL/MIS 4k DILWORTIL--Wholesale Grocers Produce and Commission Merchants, and dealres in Pittrbargts Manufactured aiticles, sep 1 tio. 20, ..street. 0 ,W.R. O'HARA. ROBINS° , torn : • - "FT °ace on the nort bitide of the Diatnond.betwen , and Union to reels. op eta tys imp 10 DURSORAW, Attorney at Law; tenders - his professional services to the public. O ffi ce cur jingler infthand Market Streets, above•D..Uoyd k Co's sep 10 - 11110ii,Plitsbaralt, Pa. ,„.•,,..---------------- adsiffi-M. Symms • . ...................... .. J •s. N • Krill re, RUFF & KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper. ; :Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, No ( 90, Front st ~ Flits. .. ' . House Spouting and Steamboat work promptly sep 10 ur liFtlD YOUN • FiLANCIS L. YOUNG. OS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware Rooms, uorncr of Hand It. Ir Exchange Alley. %Mona ',Oohing to purchase Furniture, will find it to tlgalr,draistage to give us a call, being fully satisfied that Ira Ceti pieaae ao to quality and price. sep 10 gluTroN HADIS. —Just receved 160cholee Mut. ton Hams, well cured and for sale cheap by **redo. Ma Of rotall,,by ISAAC lIARRIS, N 0.9, Filth s sop 10 t. fUTA. BAG A.- A supp'y of Landreth's Fresh Ru ta Saga, and other different varieties of Turnip 'Oeief,just received and for sale at SNOWDEN,R ZD UCT.I) raicsa at the liteig and Seed Store of F. L. op io No. 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood. EBB ej,OSE ----------- Y, f o Soot and Shoe Manufacto ry, No. 63 Fourth Bt., next door to the U. States Rink. Ladies rfUllelia, Kid and Satin Shoes made in kilo eiratedlesaorter,and by the newest French patterns. "" 4410 ----------------. 11)004/0EDS IdULTICAULUS. in lots roam IP purchasers; to be dis F posed of by . L. SNOW DEN, , • Mg 10 No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood IrILIA ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev. Orrieserlpttou, can always be had at the Dtug store of F.L. SNOWDEN. Oegrie 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. .IMIIIOI,IIII/1.4111n01e Annual Mammoth Onion _ WIMP sale at the Drug and Seed store of P. 14. SNOWDEN 184 Liberty street, head of Wood Atha* um. NEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, WU for seed; Juu received by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184, Liberty bead of Wood at. in 10 ;[MIDI TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels. Edding Tool.l, Budding trailres, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., Jost re satreli=aad for sate by F. L. SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.- 7'. ICC Venison Hams.--Just received li sup . Oro( very choice mired Vealion Hams a , on ' retail Hirelbieitts for current looney. ISAAC HARRIS. Agent, .I#lo and Corn. Merchant igV"-------L-----ftITS Dutch Clover Seed. Orchard Grass and "IriiStscity Sloe Gran, always on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN. No. IS4 Liberty street, head of Wood. sakiibY to • It 4. BUCHANAN, dreeriteys at Lew, office rilir"lnsdaomod Cron the Diamond, to • A ttorney'sßow," rraAly aide or Foorth street, between Market and Wood MAIM ands 10 WtGISTILATEWBLANICS, for proceedings to At aiknaritt coder the tate taw, for sate at this Office BALE.—Lou on the Morin East tor p or o f c o o Frtaits and High street. Apply to BAP 10 BEN). . DARLINGTON, Hated., near 4th u t . LBS. Laadreth's Preece elegar Beet teed. Just 1 1 00 received aed for lOUha P. t Drug and Seed L. SNOWDEN, ISA Liberty street, bead of Wood. friknoUTlON or rAßTNrAmmr. — The eimputotirehlp hereioftire between WIL OM Mew mid BENJAMIN sorawELL this day giIiiMIOMV/Imitrat etieseot. Mika Mirky is itothortzed pie_ 101Matitte of the Atie eattlog op the blueness iM WILLIAM 1110111% SKIM T.IO,IIIIIILLi DAILY .. NORIVING - POST lIIIMICI OHNSTOM it STOCKTON, IlookseilemPrinters and H lllGBY—ltro. 121. Corner of Wood end Prong Struts, Pittsburirk, has on hand a complete as- Paper Id armrest tuerw No. 37, Market st. sep 10-1 y sortmentof Qucensware suited to the city or country ' ' • agni Geld Foundry, Water t.. wade. Also, a choice selection of pure while and gold near the Monongahela Horairittslurytk. sep 10-1, 'band DINING AN DTEAWARE, in large or small acts, or separate pieces to suit purchasers. A cask of 46, 60, or 84 piece sets, superbly painted and gilt English China Teaware, at very low prices. Toy Teaware, plain, and rich painted and gilt, from 1,00 to $5,00 per set. children , * Mugs of every description. White China Shaving Mugs. Granite Dining at d Tea Services, in white and with splendid American scenery printed In Aloe and black. A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Sets, imported to match. complete, Fire Proof stone baking plater and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Glass, in all their varieties. Window Glass, of evrry size. Patent Buckets, Tubs land Keelers. Stone Pipe Heads. ire. e. fre. All of which are respectfully offered to the pub. tic on the most favorable terms. Jan 26, 1842-1 Y LEONARD S. JOHNS, Aldirisso,St.Etalr stree l t, se rood door from Liberty. sep 10—y DR. R. R.l4otird ES, Off Ina In Second street, nest door to NI alvany if Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly S.HUNK it FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth 0-ty st•, near the Mayor's Ofilee:Flttshttrgh. sep 1 THOS. H AMILTON, Attorney at Law. Fifth, betvieen Wood and Smithfield etc, Pittsburgh. eep 10-1 y HUGH TONER, Attotnev at Law, North East corner of Smith field and Fourth streets. sep 10—ly TROMP/OFt R&M It• TOMMBOI L. [II 104, 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No. 104, Wood at.. where may he had a general eupply rR Writin wrapping. printing. wall paper, blank books, school books, lf e te. sep 10-17 RC. TOWNAEND ¢ CO., Wire Worker. _ Martufaetsrers, N 0.23 Market street,bet ween 2d and 3d streets. sep 10-1 y L'IXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and Pi. Clair st reela,by hIcKIBBIN it SMITH asp 10—ly BROWNSVI LLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward Hushes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25. Wood st.. Pittsburgh. sep 10 —ly IG METAL —77 tone soft Pi: Metal for sale by J. G. tr A. GORDON, No. 12 Water street 31000 LBS. B %CON DAMS. 16.000 tbs. Bacon Shoulders, for see by J. G. A. GORDON, No. 12 Water street TAB, PATTIMIBOI 4 , Jr.. 11,rmin ham , near Pmsbureh, Pa., Manufarturer of Locks. Infirm and Bolts; To. hare°, Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws; !loosen Screws for Rolling Millsote. Iced 10-- I y JOH N IVIPCLOSKEY.TaIior and Clothier, biber.y stteet, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, T . W. BURBRIDGE 4= CO., Wholesale Grocers end Connnlssion Merchants— Second street, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,l"losburgh. sep 10- 1y G. 4. A. GORDON, Commission and Forwardi • Merchants., Water at., Pittpirtir:h. sep 10-1 y A MS.-4 casks hams. a good article, received per S H B Corsair, and for sale Ity I. G. tr A. CORDON, scp No. 12, Water street .Att. k MOLASSES.--40 laid. New Orleans 8n gitr: 80 bbls New Orleans Molasses; for sale ivy SeP 10 J_ G. k A. GORDON: SUGAR.-7tinds prime N. 0. &lent', received per S B. Maine. and (argyle by J. G. 4. A. GORDON. sep 10 G . 12, Water stree 50 B ACON CASKS,In order, on hand and fors sale by seplo I.G. A.GORDON, No. 12, er st SUGAR AND MOL 11,r35E.5.-13 Ithds and 4 bids N. G. Sugar. 32 hid. N.G. Molasses, received per Steamboat No.l Importer, and for sale by J. G. kA. Gor.DoN, Water street sep 10 _ 5 RMS. LARD 011,. for tale by B. A. FAIINESTOCK 8 1 . CO.. corner of 6th and Wood Its 1631 PAPERSGermantown Lamp Nark for Pale by B.A. FA HNESTOCK ¢ CO.. corner of 6th and Wood s'e. 200 LISS Prepared ß el A talk4o ri r N il e e s b r Y ocK 4 CO . corner of edh and Wood s SUGAR AND MOLASSES .- 6U Wide. N. 0. Sugar, 25 bbla. d0.d0., 100 do. Plantation Molasses, for sale b y J. G. k A. GORDON, rep 13 No. 12 Water street. BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, .lobe useii in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on good paper,and in the forms approved by t he Court ,for sate at the Offire of the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10 WM. HUBBARD, fashionable boot and shoe Manufacturer. No. WI, Third ' , reel, bet ween Wood aud Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh sell 10 BUCKMASTER, AT'RNEY AT LAW, N• hag removed his office to the corner of Fourth street and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant sireets,Pittsburgh. Pep 10 DAVID SANDS, RATCIEI & CLOCK MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair wee', Pius. burgh, DEALER IN WATCIIES,C LOCKS,BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, 4c, Imp 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A full supply of Landteth's Garden Seeds, always on band, and for sale at Ills agency, the Drugstore of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. DR. DAVID WARD hat his office and residence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second dwelling from Rossstreet. He will faithfully attend all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. sep 10 EMOVAL —Matthew Jones, Earlier and Hale Dress. Cr. has remove. to Fourth street, opposilethe May ori , .itlice, where he will he happy to:walt upon pernianen , or transient customers. He solicits a share of public pat Sep 10 WM. A. WARD, DENTIST, Penn st. three door below Irwin street, Hours of business, from 9L. It., until sr. after which time he will attend to no one except In eases of aci nal necessity. He would further Inform those who may think proper to employ him,that he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep 10 J MIN M'FARL4ND, Upholsterer and Cabinet .111-ker, Third st. between Wood i• Market streets, respectful informs his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Bu• reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Bair and Spring Mattrnsses, Curtains, Carpets, all Forts of Upholstering work, which be will warrant equal to any made in the city, and on reasonable terms, scp 10 RE M 0 Vil L : --1' h e sub3eribers have removvd to \'a. ter between Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis sion business. and would respectfully solicit the pat ron. age of their friends. J. W. BUftBRIDG E 4- Co. Dec 3 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, N. 110 Word Street, Pittsburgh.—R. A. Bailsman, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell alt kinds of Goods and Merchandise, at his large and capdtious looms, No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and Fifth 'Streets, Pittsburgh. Retolar sales of Dry Goods. Furniture, Groceries and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Books, kc., every Saturday evening. Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted. ME= RZYZIZINCII/. Messrs. Jolla D. Davis, Req., Bagaley 4 Smith. Hampton. Bonin, 4 Co.. • F. Lorenz fr Co., J. %V. Burbrldge f co., r. B. td*Kee 4 co. u Capt. James M'Gargill , Pittsburgh. u C. !Omen, Esq. • jone arradden Esq. •• Logan 4 Kennedy. J. K. Moorhead f Co. o Jas. Y. Stuart, Eq. u Robert Galway, Erg: Capt. Jas. May. illaVagalaaaa. it Co., .• William Symms. Wbeeiles u B.G. Beaty, LogineUle Smith, lagaiey Cis PhDs. 100 Bags ft Coffee. act 4. •kere and PEASE'S 190.8RHOUND CANDT.—Tcrrrt.a has received tbis day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con sumption; and is ready to supply cusiomcriat wholesale Wrest', at his Medical Ag ew?, 36 Fourth at. nov 12 DAVID CLARK, .41't. easkionable Boot Maker,— nos removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he wou:d be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. Ile uses nothing, hut first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as be gives its constant personal attention to business, he truststhai he will deserve and rcceive a fair share of patronage sep 10 ,tUITd. ICS uIOEAM, dr CONFECTIONARY. — . A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the ,übtic that they can always find the hest quality of Ice creams. together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits. in their •eeson, at hie estahlishment—No. 11, Fifth 'greet, betweli Wood and Market. N. B.—Partims supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. 9r anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. sap 10 VANS CAMOMILE PILL LS.—ABRA HARM J. CLEM ER , residing at 66 Molt street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head• ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain in the cheat and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sevsation of sinking at the stomach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, dizziness towards night and restieness. These bad continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Wm. Evans. 100 Chatham street, and submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of one month, and grateful for the Incalculable benefit derly. ed, gladly came forward and volunteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. 'SELLERS, Agent, No 20, Wood street. below Second. CARRiSPATINTLAMPS. FO' BURNING LARD,—Those who would wish greatly to reduce their expense for light, should certainly purchase one of the above named Lamps, as by their use there Is a clear saving of at least two-t birds of the expense over 011,and the lieht obtained from this Is pure and brilliant, and wholly free from smoke or disagreeable smell. We would here slate that Carr's Patent it the only one worthy the attention of the public, as it is the only one that is 'poll cable to every variety or pattern of Lamps, and the only one that will born Lard wr.t.c, at any temperature of cold or heat. We have, in the short space of three mouths, sold several thousands: and with scarce an exception, those using them have expressed themselves highly pleas. ed with them. and fully convir,ced of the great economy by their me. as well as their superiority over either oil or candles, in re; and to cleanliness and light. The above named lamps can he had only at BROWN ¢ RAYMOND'S, Third strret . nearly opposite the Post Office. Where is kept constantly on hand Britannia Metal, Tin and Glass I.nenps.of varions patterns. Glass lamps sold at manufacturers • prices. We take pleasure in offering to the public the follow. ing certificate, which is subscribed to by many respect& bie citizens. We.the undersigned. have tried and are now using Carr's Patent Lamps, for burning Lard or other animal tat, and we have no hesitation in saying that they give an excellent light—equal to any of the ordinary modes of lighting a house, at about onedhird the cost, and wholly free from smoke or other disagreeeble smell. We lake a pleasure in recommending these lamps to the nubile, as by their nse there is a great saving over either sperm or lard oil. or even candles; and we believe them to be noire cleanly and less troublesome than either. To be had at BROWN 4' R kimono's only, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Rev. W. W. Bakewell, James !loon, " A. M. Bryan, Charles Paulson, " John M'Cron, C. Yeager, N. G. Collins, Wm. Graham, jr., " Robert Dunlap, E. Trovltio, Dr. H. D. Sellers. Wm. Douglass, " E. D. Gazzam, Henry Atwood, " Wm. M .•Wright, Isaac Cruse, Robert H. Kerr, Esq., George W—Benry A. Beckham. Robert McPherson. Thomas Ouston. John S. Shaffer, George Miltenberger, Wm. Eichbaum, 0. P. Shiraz, 3. B Turner. A. Miller, Wm. Martin. R. M. Riddle, Post Master Henry Bargesser, R o bert Gray, James S. Clark, attic Amer Allen Kramer, lean Hotel, A. F. Maribene, Ma oho 1111.Camptieli M. Stacklioure, L. Alberger, Robert Johnston, James Mellin, N. B. Just received, an improved Patent Lamp. for kitchen use. now 19—dlw 4- wit TO Tli. PUBLIC, and particular/1s to my former patrons of this city:—Having retired from the practice of Medicine, I may be permitted to say, thnt It has fallen to the lot of but few persons to have enjoyed so liberal or large a share of ohstretrical Practice as my own has been for tilt last 30 or 40 years. The experience of that long period of active life, and i he fact of my having been twice, since (820, associated with Dr. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, (in both a period of five years.) enables me to judge fully of the merits of his pills. So convenient, so efficient, and yet su safe, did ! esteem these pills.that for the last five yenta in my practice for the cure of chronic diseases, of whatever name, and those of females in particular, I have used more of them than all other medicines. Like every other medicine, this must fail In some in stances, but in my hands there has been less disappoint. meat and more satisfaction in the administration of this one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes quite astonishing me. If my patient required a safe aperient medicine either ...fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pi.ls were just the thing I wanted. If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined with costiveness or inactivity of the liver, constituted the disease 31 my patient. the pills were just the thing I wanted. If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted. If palpitation, headache. flushed countenance, or other difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory and secretory systems. annoyed my patient at the .turn of life,' the Wilson's pins were just the thing I wattled. Thus, without restuet to the name, a disease might happen to wear at the time I have had it under treat meat, particular indications or symptons arising, were always moat promptly and most happily met by the Wilson's pills. That so great a number of diseases, and sometimes ap. parent', opposite ones, In which I have used these pills, should be caved more readily by them than by any other remedy, may at fi rat seam amnia and contradictory, but why it is se Is as clear to my mind as that a great many persons should become thirsty from as many different PUMA, and yet all require that common and greatest of all blessings, water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, it is due the reputation of the medicine and the public, to say decidedly and encondltionally, that the Wilson's pillearetheouly combination I have ever met with In my longeourse of practiee.thst really pow eesresanything curative or specific for sick headache, Yours* e., DR. MILO ADA MB. The above Pills designed particularly for the sick Hard-Ache, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Bowels prep/rod by the proprietor Dr. 14. A. Wilson. and for rate.wholessie and retail, at his dwelling is Penn street. Wow Martrary. . Oct DR. GOODE'S Cele brated Female Pills. These Pills are stronsty recommended to the notice of the ladies as a safe and eflicieut remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their Pes, from want of ett• ercise. or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and connteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the Uni• tied States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and !Wan. by R. E SELLERS, Agent, imp 10 No. 'AL Wood Street, below Second. WM. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., opposite the head ej Smithfield st., Pittsburgh.— The subscriber having bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business In the old stand of Mr: R., and Is prepared to execute all descriptions of work In his line, In the best manner and on the shortest notice. He keeps corstantly on hand a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and