Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 11, 1843, Image 1
=Eli •-:!;;r 77 .:t _ I._NO. 130. 7 _ . •-...-- . .1 . PUBLISHED BY • "TrfOS 'PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, ~iir. W. CORAriR OF WOOD f FIFTH ITS. .-"liirlia&lS.,---FIVR DOLLARS a year, payshie in .19111/lanoe. Single copies TWO CENTS—for sttle at the lilkoffice, "its of the and by New. Boys. . _ ~,_,‘ , i „ p .11ffercitry algid Illtannfact surer i 410101ted WEEKLY, at the same office, on a doable ,senVilnpisi sheer, at TWO Dom.:l,ns a year, in ad. 4" a* e. Single copies. SIX CENTS. - . - Terms of Advertising. rte &kVA RE Or TWELVE•LINF.S OR LESS: N'' . 4 --'insertla j a, 0,50 I One month, $5.00 Arit 0 ItrlF tin os, 0.731 Two monis, 6.(K) TihisieArriertions, , 1,00 Three months, 7,00 1000$11111, -- - ' 1.50 1 Four months, 8.00 * Two . B. __,....t.r 3,00 Six months, 10,00 Tlareeivii4 l o4, 4 , 4,00 One year, 15,00 L Ytt4Y DY . ERTISEM ENTS. lessiaatit T rtiksunc. Ohmsliguslei: • - Two Sqltflref .Ikreaitles. - 1111.00 eorillis, 123,00 kae year. 415,00: One year, 35,00 1177,1 4/ • r ailverreseenents in prornrtion. —, ,....134Pai1nk0f Sew, lines Six Dous.sas a year. PUBLIC 0 FFI C ES, &C. Pose orrice. Third between Market and Wood 4spres.—t.ll Riddle, Postmaster. "Astaarrea House, Water, 4th door from Wood st. Peter. AlOsitaleellOwaa--411alor John WlHock, Collector. CiLIPIONSAINVIT, Wood between First and Second Bleamiles-thmes A. Bertram, Treasurer. .. , 411soloMt Tat/sooty, Tbird *tree', next door to the •Anillisittilhrosliwtorian Church—S. It. Johnston, Treasurer. • .:11tatralalensitca, Fourth, between Market and Wood '4llltveete..Atexander Hay, Mayor. iisitcsaires Ebtriumas, Fourth, near Market at; BANKS. , .Firsevassaiss,between Market and Wood streets, on Ilded sod forirth:tnreets. filltracsorss'avin ManovicTIIRICRS' .aD fle. Min' Siam, (formerly Saving Fend,) Fourth, between Wood and Market atteets. • fillsostisdit, Fifth street, near Wood. UOTELs. ii‘ii:01110/1611T.I.A. HOUSE, Water street, near the Bridge. Menu., corner of Penn and St. Clair. *ire'NOTLL, corner of Third and Wood. "liratieisealtilerat..corner of Third and Smithfield. 71- 'l6/IrriltITATZl l ; corner of Penn street and Canal. !Winos Miens, Liberty street. near Seventh. .i.;111411.11k$ M.LWROTI Mouse, Liberty St. opposite Wayne Allitelfaimantirr MOVAION House. Penn St. opposite Canal. • OVERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND 41; 'COUNSELLOR AT LAW. —Office remo• - teitoltalteweit's offices on Grant at., 'malty opposite - tie new Court /louse, next rooms to John 1). Mahon, '1154 ,—First floor. Imp 10 110 4 3.11. E LucrrT, 1).-0ffice rewsirocal to street, between Pelt"' and Liberty Ste, p 10 E ' MOODS.—Preston ¢ Mackey, wh.lesale and laail 4caterp In English, French, acri Drestie goods, No. Sl, Nlarlnst Pilinhorgh. pep 10 MAIMANDLESS hi "[ICU:ME, Attorneys and 1. 1 ".1.•-OtsanteHors al Law: Office in ittit Diamond. hack setlseMld Lonrt flonse.Piti shnrg h sap 10 ItzvirovA.L.- R.. MorroW, Alderman; ma e north ' • aide of Fifth st,„ between Wood and Smithfield Pittahiergh. nen 10 ionti 11VDEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectif hog fa Distiller, And Dexter in Produce and Pittsburgh 71114perestatred Articles. Xs. 224 Lieerty Street, Pitts sep 10 . txtr i t' . • it II; WILLILXII /Ciii 14. DiLivoas it '"WIsLIAMS & DlGlVORTH.—Whoiesate Mriecera Produce and Commission Merchants, and `&ootra im Pittsburgh Manufactured article;, No. 29, 71Iteed suttee. - sap 10 --- ♦'AIiIG EPHA.R A. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; VT °Mee on the north side of the EllantonChetween WW I / 4 K and UNION streets, up/1124V Serf 10 I.•oußnortA.w, Attorney at Law; tenders kis professional services to the public. Office cor• iserrsirlth and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd ir Co's iitorihr.ittaba rel. Pa. sep 10 KM 111: Streams JAS. N. KIAN 11.111111ERIFF & KEAN, mauuraeurers or Copper: Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware. No. 80 , Front sFitts . House Spouting and Steamboat work promptly sep 10 .finer/is a YOWI • !ILA NCIB 1.. YOUNG. rini°ll. B. YOUNG lit CO., Furniture Ware Rooms, uorocr of Hand st. ffr Exchange Alley. rehabele wishing to purchase Furniture, will find It to thekadvaatage to give us ti call, being Cully satisfied that we auk please as to quality and price. sep 10 MUTTON AlMS.—Just received 160cholce-Mut too Hams, well cured and for sale cheap by the do ten or rmall,by ISAAC HARRIS, • sell TO N 0.9, Fitth st RxrTA BAG - A. 4— supp'y of Landreth's Fresh Ru ta Saga, and other different varieties of Turnip Pouf. just received and for sale at RLDUCID raters at the Drag and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN, rep 10 No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. VWEBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe Manufacto ry. No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States Bank. Ladies Prunelia, Kid and Satin Shoes made in he neatest manner, and by the neweat . French patterns. aep 10 810RUS MULTiCAULUS. in lois to suit 51000 purchasers; to be disposed of by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. rk AUGI A ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev• AP! thesaription, can always be had at the Drug id Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN, ,sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. &lIL LDS. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for CPI" sale at the Drug and Seed store of F. L SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 400 L f fl o S r . se N eli eW lu i st E .t ß et SE ei L a S b W y SWEET by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184, Liberty head of Wood at GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes . Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding -Knives, Pruning Knives, rruning Shears, etc., just ce rtified and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN. mepllo 184 Liberty street, head of Weod. MCBOWE Venison Hams.--inst received a man sup ply of very choice cured Venison Hams, on retail kg won lots fur current money. ISAAC HARRIS. Agent, and Com. Merchant WRITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and Kentucky Blue Grass, always on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. esle.loy 'tap 10 VYSTER BUCHANAN, .Aitorneys at Law, office XI removed .(rum the Diamond, to ••Attorney'rEtow," diady Mlle of Fourth street, between Market and Wood MOWS Bert 10 ALGIBTRATES'BLANICS, for proceedings in At IVA Ostinswists under the late law, for sale at thin °thee FOR SALE —Lots on the North gain corner of Coal [Alleged Mel street. Apply to pep 10 REM. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th at. 'Xn"' ss. Landreth's French sugar Beet ered.just ILF. I received and for late at the Drug and Seed *fate et F. L. SNOWDEN, Se 10 184 Gaiety etrett, head of Wood. DIONIOLIITION OF PARTNERSHIP.—The copartnership heretofore existing . between WIL " 610 11 1 WM eV srad-BENJ A MIN HOPEWELL is this day mama consent. William Digby is authorised * , nature of the iii at in settling up the business .411 . 11 ,6. ita. WILLIAM MET. ~t B EA/. T./IL/PEW/WC IMIEF IF : - I '.:DAILY . N.TINING POST J • ---- 011NSTON STOCKTON, pooksellers.rrialers aryl 4. Paper Manufaclitterta No. 37. Market at. Rep 10-1 y JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water et.. near ihe Monongahela House, rlttelurgh. cep 10-1 y LEONARD 8.301188, Alderinan,St.Ciair streci.se cond door from Liberty. gep 10-1 y DR.S. R. HOLMES, Mike in Second street, nest door to Muloany f Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-1 Y S.DUNK 4- FINDLAY. Attorney's at Law, Fourth st., near the Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. sep 10-I y rptios.IIAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfleld stn., l'lttshursh. set) 10-1 y t UGIT TONGA, Arlo. nev at Lnw. North Gait corner of Smithfield and Fourth strretp. sep 10—ly HANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No. Phi, Wood st., where may he had n general supply of writing. wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank books, school heoks, 4r, kr. sep 10-1 y R C. Tows3END ¢ CO.. Wire Workers and L„ Manufacturers, N 0.23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. sep 10--1 y rtXrti ANG E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair IA at teem by McKIBBIN d SMITH. rep 10—ly BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS—Ed ward Hnthes. klanufaelarer or Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25. W3ott at., Pittsburgh. sep 10 —1 y F Wm ETA L.-77 tons soft Pig Metal for sale by J.G. 4- A. CORDON, 3 LBS. BACON HAMS. 16,000 lbs. Bacon 1000 Shoulders, for sa'e by J. G. 4- A. GORDON, +rep 13 No. 12 Water street AS. PATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, IN -Pa., Manufacturer of Locks. Hinges and Bolts; To bacco, Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws; Houses Screws for Rolling Mills, sep JOHN M 9 CLOSKEY. Tailor and Clothier, !Aber. y street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side. sep 10 JW. BURBRIDGIE it CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants—. Second street, between Wood and Smithfield Mg., Pittsburgh. rep 18- ly y G. t A. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding di hit•rchants, Water Cl—Pittsburgh. sep (TAMS. --4 casks hams, a good article, received per S 1.1 R. Corsair, and for sale. by J.G.4- A. GORDON, seP 10 No. 12, Water street SUGAR R . NIOLASSE.S.--40 lib& New Orleans Su aae; $0 hbls New Orleans Molasses; for sate by sep IR J. G. 4. A. GORDON: SUG A R.-7 Ithd‘ prime N. 0. Saar, received per S. B. aralne. and for sate by J. G. 4. A. GORDON. sep 10 ' No, 11, Water street 50 BACON CASK El, In order, on hand and for sale by aep 10 J.O. k A. OOR DON, No. 12, 'Toler at SUGAR AND MM. ASSES.-13 hhds and 4 title N. 0. Sur:tr.:32 bhl, N. 0. Iklolasses, received per Steamboat importer, anti for sate by J. C. k A. GOTI DON, sep 10 No. 12. Water street 5 MILS. LARD OIL, fur sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK h CO., up 10 corner of 6th and Wood sts 1631 PAPERSGernmntown Lamp Black for sale by B.A. FAHNESTOCK 4. CO., COrtlf:r of folt•mi Wood at:. 200 LHS Prepared ß C . ll: . lk F ,f A u tiN r sa E le s b r y ocK CO . rep 10 corner of 6th and Wood at. SUGAR AND MOLASSES.--60 hlids. N. Q. Sugar, 25 hihts. do. do.. 100 dn. Plantation Molasses, for sale by Sep 13 BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, AC.- 1 o be used in Bankruptcy proceedinv, printed on good paper.and in the forms approved by t he Court,for sale at the Office of the Mercury and Democrat. rep 10 Will. IIUBLI,kRD, ladies' fashionable hoot and shoe Manufacturer. No. 101. Third s , reel, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh aeo 10 BUCKM ASTER, AVRN EY AT LAW, N. has removed hie odice to the corner .of Fourth street and Cherry Alley, between emit h field and Grant strects,Pittsburgh. sep 10 hit (D AVID z CLO CK e _ MAKER, N 0.7, St. ( -1 I r i burgh, DEALER IN WATCHES,CLOCKS,BRF.ASTPIXS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, jrc. cep 10 LANDRETIPS GARDEN SEEDS.— A r 4.11 supply of Landrelh's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at his agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, rep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. DR. DAVID WARD has hir office and re , idence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House. second dwelling from flossstreet. He will faithfully attend all calls pertaining to hi. profession. Night calls should be made at the deer above the basement. rep 10 REMOVAL—Mau hew Jones, Barber and hair Dress. er, has removed to Fourth street, oppositethe May nr.nffice, where he will he happy to:wait upon permanent ~, Transient customers. He solicit's share of public pnt• T4ll_^. set) 10 I l iVll. A• W A RD, DENTIST, Penn st. three door below Irwin street, Hours of business, front 9.. 11., until 5 r. r , after which time he will attend to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He would further inform those who may think proper to employ hint, that he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep 10 JOHN 111 , FARLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet .hl.lter, Third St. betweea Wood it .Market streets, respectful inf•irms his friends and he public that he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Bu reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and Spring Mattrasses, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering work, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms, pep 10 REMOVAL,!—The subscribers have removvd to Wa. ter hatween Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis. sion business. and would respectfully solicit the patron. age of their friends .1. W. BUR.BRIDGFA- Co. Dec 3 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, No. 110 Word Street, Pittsburpt.—R. A. Bailsman, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, is now prepared to receiveand sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandize, at his large and capacious looms, No. HO, North East Corner of Wood and Filth Streets, Pittsburgh. Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Books, 4-c., every Saturday evening. Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted. RICTERENCICS. Menus. John D. Davis, Esq.. • Dnsuley it Smith, Maimpton, Smith, k Co., F. Lorenz 4- co.. J. Bnrhridge k CO., • S. PerKee if Co. •• Capt. James ibl'Cargilt. Pittsburgh C. Thmsen, Esq. n Jonn irFadden Esq. i• Logan 4- Reane dy. J. K. Moorhead Co. I • ins. F. StllOrt. Emq. Robert Galway, Erg: Capt. Jas. clay, 4} Co. WiUlis3ymms, - Wbeelliog B.R. Beaty. - Lotrierville " to Smith, Based" 4 Co nue. se" 2 .` 'l. P . No. 12 Water street J. G. Q A.GORDON. No. 12 Water al reel PITTSBURGH, FEBRUARY 11, 1843. inr 111GBY—No. 121, Corner of fi'sdated Front LI. Streets, Pittsburgh, has on hand a coariplete as sortnientof Qucensware suited to the city or country trade. Also. a choke selection of pure while and gold band DINING AND TEA VyARE. in large or small sets, or reparate pieces to suit purchasers. A cask of 46, 60. or 84 piece sets, superbly painted and silt English China Teaware, at very low prices. Toy Teaware, platn, and rich painted, and gilt, hem 1,00 to $5,00 per set. Children's Mugs or every description. White China Shaving Mugs. Cranite Dining aid Tea Services, In white and with splendid American scenery printed in blue and black. A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Etreakfat Sets, imported to match. complete, Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties. Window Glass, of every site. Patent Buckets., Tubs and Keelers. Stone Pipe Heads. drc. If c. All of which are rcepectfully offered to the pub. lic on the most favor:olc tcrinm. Jan 26.1842-1 y Oin 138. s It to coiree. Oct HOARBOUND CA.YDY.—'l'orrcr has 1. received this day from New York. a frrsh supply o. the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con sumptlo - n; and is ready to supply cuktomcrsat wholesale orretatt, at his JUedienl AgencYt St; Fourth st. nov 12 DAVID e RK, AO, geashimitabie Boot .Maker,— Ilas removed to No, 34 Market <trc t, between Second and Third streets, where lie won'd he happy to see his old customers, and all others aho feel dl.pos. ed to patronize him. tin uses nothin: hot first rate sleek, and en- '01:4 - the Dint Of workmen; and lIP he glvei hisrw,r, persotpl atteolion to business.. lin I rnsit that he will arai receive a 'Atir share of patronage. yen 10 It% CREAM. CONFEt;TIIiNAIIY A flu Mier respectfully Informs his friends and the public that they can always find the hest quality of Ice I Creams. ingettif , with an kinds of confectionary arid (ruits, in their ve,..on, at hie- esiabilirkinpht-- No. 11. Fifth street, hetwe tr %Scat:sad N. 8.----Part suppliattilneii.o.itti. MItL cakes, or anything In his flaw . „4.114 Ilinits with Bread. I° V AN C A MOM) I.)L' •'4 Mkt J. CLEMER, r• be, Matelltheer- New York, was affiklieit - oykpepla. in lei alma aggravated form. ..:The;aymp i r a were violent heap ache. great c ith•npits, coosh. bet burn, pain in the cheit4.tirglithalway!oer eating. impaired apacthc. Secs t ttlestowkacb, furred longue, nau red, with Z ., ' irnl,.vom ins; mini nevi towards night and tesileneS.. li-F : :1141ad continued up. ward of a twct einfmth, %vb., , on r olieaiting Dr.Wih. Evans. 100 Chat strew, and king t o hi s el k, successful Ind :Agri , ,ihle tiii.h• of tmaiment, the patient was completely ..ect wed to health to the short space ct one moat h, and rat” fu I for the inealcuistAde beneticobteker; ed..la dI y came. forward and V.IIII nieered alai e.• For sale 'Wholesale a'hd Retail by' R. E. BELT.F,RIr, Artn , . No 20, Wood street, below fircomi CARR'S PATENT LAMPS, FOR BURNING LARD.—Those who would n ish ' , really to reduce their clpense for light, should certainly purchase one of t h e h b eee na m ed Lamps, an by their tine there is a clear saving oral least twa.t birds of the expense over OiLand the light obtained front this Is pure and brilliant, and wholly free from smoke or disagreeable smell. We would here state that Carr's Patent is the only one worthy the attention of the politic. as it Is the only one that is appli ratite to every variety or pattern of I.:imps.and the only one that will t.nrtt Lard wr.u... at any teuiperature of cold or heat. We have, in the short space of three mouths, sold several ihmisaiidc and with scarre an exception, those u•in: them have expressed I hemselves 1117,1t1y pleas ed with them. and fully convinced of the great economy by their we, asure!! as their superiority over either oil or candles, in resard to cleanliness anti light. The shove named lamps can le had only of BROWN ¢ RAYMOND'S, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Where is kept constantly on hand Britannia Attila', Tin and Glass Lamps, of cartons pattern,. Glass lamp.; sold at manufacturers' pricer. We lake pirn,aitre in &reline to the public the follow ins certificate, which is subscribed to by many respects hie citizens. Vt'e.the undersigned., have tried and are now 11 , 1112 Carr'e Patent Ls roe burning laid or r 7 her animal fat, and we have noliesnation in Paying that they give an excellent light—tonal to any of the ordinary morirs of lighting a hottre, at about one 4 hint the coal, and „ holly free tom smoke or other diragreeeble smell. ‘Ve lake a ritenstire in tir tont niendlng lamps to the public, as by 'heir lire there is a great >meiuy river eithe'r 'Tenn Or I:irri nil. or even candle; and we to lie mere cleanly mad Ten, trou , oesonti• I Ilan either. To he had at Mao's 4- it esmorto's only, Third street, nearly he Pflq I .11 . .er. Bev. W. W. Brikewell. James Bonn, " A. M. lirt.an, Glierles racism, " John M'Crnn, D. Yeager, N. G. Collins, . Wm. Graham, Jr., " Robert Dunlap, Dr 11. H. Sellers, Donglare, " F. H. Gezzam, Henry Atwood, " m. 11. Wright, Isaac Cflitsr, Robert H. Kerr, Esq., George W. Henry A. Beckham, Robert McPherson, Thomas , Ouston, John S. Shaffer, George Miltent.erger, Win. Fir libation, 0. P. Shirae, J, II Turner. A. Miller, %Vie). Martin, R. M. Riddle, Post Master Henry Pargeeser, It,tiert Gray, S Clark, of the Amer Allen Kramer, • ;can Hotel. A. F. Marl icon, John IM.Crtrophell M. Stack house. 1,. A 11 , ertter. Rohm! Johnston, James Mellin, N. H. Just received, an improved Pntent Lamp. for kitchen uve. tatv 19—diw wif TO THE PUBLIC, and rarticrlarlo to my former patrons of this retired from the practice, of Medicine. I may he permitted io say, that it has fallen to lite lot of iut CC NV persons to have enjoyed so liberal or large a share of obstretrirril practice as my own has been foi the last 30 or 40 years. The experience of that long period of active life. and the fart of my having been twice, since 1830. associated with Dr. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, (In both a period of five years.) enables me to judge fully of the merits °chi.= pills. So convenient, so efficient, and yet so see, (lid I esteem these pills, that for the last dve years In cry practice for the cure of chronic diseases,of whatever 11011lii, and those at females in particular, I have used more ol them than all other medicines. Like every other medicine. this must fail in some in stances, but In my hands there has been less disappoint. ment and more satisfaction in the administration of this one remedy than of all others; Its good effects sometimes qttl,e astonishing me. If my patient required a safe aperient medicine either .fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pt.ls were just the thing I wonted, If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined with costiveness or inactivity oftlie liver, constituted the disease lf my patient. the pills were just the thing I wanted. If I treated a ease requiring an emmenagogue, the Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted. If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or other difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the turn of tlfe,'-the Wilson's pills were just thething I wanted. Thus, without resp,aet to the name, a disease might happen to wear at the time I have had It under treat• ment, particular indications or symptons arising, were al - rays moat promptly and most happily met by the Wilsott'S pills. That so great a number of diseases, and sometimes ap parently opposite ones, in which I have used these pills, should be cut ed more readily by them than by any other remedy, nay at first seem strange and contradictory, but why it Is so Is as clear to my mind as that a great many persons should become thirsty from ss many different causes, and yet all require that common and greatest of all blessings, water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, it is due the .eputation of the medicine and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally. that the W noon's pills are lheonly combination have ever met with in my longways* of practice, that really pos cearesanything curative orepecific for sick headache-. Yours 4c:; DR. MILO. ADAMS. The above Pills defined particularly ter the sick Med-Ache, Dyspepsia, Cons Upsilon 45111!re !towels 4e., prepared by the proprietor Dr. 11 1 .-4-11fDecist. and ref sale, wholeea ie and retell. at itht street, below Ilitatbary. 110 " . Oct 1 DR. GOODE'S Ceiefireted Fermate Pins. These Piltsarestrongly recommended to the notice of the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physieinna tit the Uni ted Suttee, and many Mothers. rbr sale Wholexnte and Retail, by jl , t. SELLERS, Reent. imp .10 Nd. 20. Wood Street, below Second. M. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., opposite the aced sj Smithfield et., Pittsburgh-- The subscriber having bought out the stock of the tate Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business In the old stand of Mr; R.. and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in Ms line, In the hest manner and on the shortest notice. He keeps corstaiLtly on hand a large assortment (astute findings of all descriptions and of the hest quality. He solicits the patronage of the nub. lie and of the craft. WM. ADAIR. sep 10 For sale by • 4- A . COR DON PITTSBURGH MA N UFA CTORY.--Sprinze avid Axles for Carriages at Eastern Prices. The subscribers manuiarture and keeps constantly on hand Coach„,e and Eliptic Springs ( warranted ,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Rands, Slump Jo ists, Patent Leather, Silver and 811199 Lamps, Three fold Flaps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges. ¢c.,4-e. L re E r t: y S,: r f f.e . ~ office and dwelliseneplnl3lyFotirth The attention •flho.e who have been snmewhat.frep tical in referenre to the numerous certificates published in favor of Dr. Swavne's I.'ompound Syrup (,1 Wild Cher ry, on account of the persona helm; unknown In this see lion of the Slate, is respectfully directed 10 the following certifienie.the writer of which figs hero a eh Izemeof this hontr7l2, for grveral if linclAn as a gentleman of lotep - ity and reflatrrti , li , .iv. rs tar .9re•fr 1, Mr. I. Kinn,. • flume tisod Comp lied Syrup of Wild tor a con2li, s with which I have been severely nf• • led for'rilm • or fpor,asontle4, and T hire no hesitation kiyine that it is he most effective medicine that I have n able to prornre. Tt composes all uneasiness. and reef well with my diet,—and mantalnft a regular and appetite. 1 . cAn freely recommend it to all others ladli , rry afflicted. J . !MINNICK, Borough orChamberah'i. Morel, 9. 11'41. pep 23 For gale by WI (AAA ITTBORN No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADY ; • ANT) OgNAMPNTAL RSONS dertirous of prosurins Fruit. Mande. itsd Ornarkentnt Trees, eirlehrtthherf,Xrom Pklladel phla or New k, Are requerted to make application:2s • • n an possible, at the Dart and Seed Fiore or the rub acriber, where eon t•e had catalogue., rratoltoualy, of the most exselient .artetlss. F. L. SNOWDEN, sep 21 No dad Liberty attest, head of Won,' MARBLE Al ANHF.St7TOR V.—Patrick Cawfleid re. sped hilly acqua ints . his friertds and the public ern erally, that he has come - tented the Marble htisincse at the corner of FiPli And Lirrrty sts..where wilt he constantly on hand. Watt, tisonrajmantel pieres, monuments, head and foot stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every ?trticlea pta.rla inlne to the business. He will warrant his work tope well done, and his charges will be moderate. He respectfully asks a share of public patron:l:e. sep 10- TVA NB (ILL, rittorafrroas or Dor Cwt. Tom Parra Miti.. Steubenville. Ohio, bovine ream. ved their atore from 'Wacky, have appointed Efoldahip P.row•ne, No. 49 Market et, hetweenSrd and 4ih,a• rents for me role of the different kinda of Paper manufac— tured i e them, where their friend,' and easterner", will al • way. find a regular !mealy of paper. Ruch na Cap and P at Wriline, plain and faint lined; Wrappine and Ten paper; Bonnet hoard., and Printlne Paper of different al- MY and quail; ;ea , all of which w 11l be sold on tiro most accommodatine term.. 1101,nante k Itnnwse, nianntarturere and Importers of Wail Pa pe.'s nd horde's. keeps cnmonntly nn hand eve. ry variety of Entry, Parlor and Chamber Papers, of the trot'sl to vies and most handsome nalternA, which they will sell.inw and on accommodating term., wholesale or retail. not 18—t1". PortaNe Platform scales on win els, to weigh 2,5001115, at 355 On. do do do do 2,0115 at ;45 00 do do do do 1,5110 at 35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 00 do do do do 311(1 at 25 00 With raising levers an addition of $3 to each scale. Dormant scales for the ❑•e of Warehouses, Flouring Mills, 4•c—the same prices as above. A Iso,While's Palcol Counter scale, with 0. Young's improvements, and a variety of other counter scales, which they will sell for from 8 to $l5, They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mills. Saw Mills. Salt Works, kc., double and single geared Slide lathes,foot and other lathes for wood turning machines for'tenanting chairs, planing machines, door and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or without shushing inachine, a simerior article; circular saw shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tinner's mn• chines and tools "fall descriptions, also for making black ing boxes, a superior article; governors for steam engine• ,tocks, taps rind dies, coffee mills, bedstead or joint hots and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ins• chinrry made or repaired; printing press platten' turned and printing presses repaired JAMES MAY, Agent. sep 22-11 YOUNG 4. BRADBURY J OHN R. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis sion Merchant, N 0.106, ravagers/ Wood 4- Fifth ars. Pittsburgh: flaying been appointed one of the. Anction• errs foi the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to Jo', bets, manufacturers and dealers. who may be disposed to make trial of this market• lie Is prepared to make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities, and trusts to satisfy correspondents by quick sales, and speedy (and favorable returns. That the various interests which may he confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise generally, the services of Mr. SAMVIL Fannarroca; heretofore advantageously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagetnent Is made. REFICR TO Messrs. M. Tiernan, Neel. of M. f M. tt Bank. " Darlington 4- reeks. 4 4 Robert Galway. ~ James M. Cooper, " James May, ~ R. M. Riddle. i Pittsburgh Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres't 411. of Exchange Bank. Hamptoo,Smlth, 4 , co.. John D. Davit, 4. Samuel Church, .4 J. K. Moorhead, Jas. W. Brown 4 Co. •• John B. Brown.* Co: ~ Smith 4. B 'gritty, .4 Yard', 444 Slivers, Philadera. John B. Riddle, • John WWII, sep IO 11241 WILY FLOUR—Just received a few barrer of floperior Flour, mode eforessly for family use." Tor alate)py ISAAC CRUMI4B Lib, Sr. Is Start l so barrels .up. door. JONES k COLEMAN. St. Clair IL. vent' IP e *net heny Bridge LOOK AT THIS TREE: , Improved Play nuferi nred he them 31neldnt between Pln• h street, two err (tall. Pitts stmfaciute and land the follow ing t , cales(whoi_ ly composed of metal): No. 1,- Port able Platform zt On Wh'is, O weigh :3511U puuutls,at 363,. 00. PROSPECTUS! For pabliskixt a non &ay Paper in ttis City qf Pitts burgh, to be entitled the DAILY MORNING POST Tfl p,Sabltcribery having made arrangements to merge ibe American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Marco ry Into one Journal, have concluded to publish • daily paper with the title of the Doily :darning Post. The leading object of the "Pour" will be the dlssemina. lion and defence of the political principles that have Imre tofore been maintained by the Editors, In their respective papers, and their best efforts will' still be devoted to the advancement and success of those doct tines. Although, In !willies, the paper will be thoranchty democratic, yet the Editors bone, hy giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat• tees and occurrences that some properly within the sphere ore Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently In cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, respective of party considerations. in addition to the political and aonornl news that will be found in the "Morals' Pust," the . Editors win take pains to furnish the linsinesss communit y with the latest and most hittresting COMNIEReIat. Jars:LEA• nisei from all parts of the country, and to have prepa• red such accounts of the Markets and tile State of Trade as will beadvantageous to our Merchants and Business Men in their several callings. Terns.—The POST Will he published en a large Imperi al sheet of fine paper, !manufactured especially for thi: Journil) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum, payable in advance. It will also be sold by newsboys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy, Jdoertisemenis will be inserted at the lowest rates charged by tae other daily papers of the city. fill-TWENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms Aupsi 31, 1842 lon MIDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO. in store and UP for sale by J. C. 4 A CORDON. Pep 13 No. 12, Water street. BY Morrison k Go. London, for sale only by S. N Wickersham, corner of Wood street end Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10 FARM FOR SALR.—The undersigned Oirkre for sale a tract of land situated 4 miles from tereepott, In the direction of Kittanning. Buffalo 'township, Armstrong county,containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of whico are In ineadovv— a cowd square log dwelling houseand cabin barn erected thereon—an apple otehaftrot 80 hearing trees—and a spring of excellent MAT convenient tothe house. FOR TERMS apply to the anhstrihers residlog at the Battworks on the Pen n.?ylvania Canal, 1 toile above Free port. TO THE WlSE.—ftis now, well understood how much disorders of the mind depend for their cure upon a itlinsattention tothe body. It is now understood how vat'S'able4,l43at medicine which will remove Morbid accumulaticrnaVvlthout weakening the bodily power. It is now understood that there is a reciprodal influence be. tween the mind and the body. It is now understood that purging with the Itrandreth Pills will remove a metals choly, and even Insanity is cured by perseveringly twine them: It is now undrrstood how much domestic happi: ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive organs. It IF now well known that the Brandrelh Pills have cured thousands of hopeless and helpless pertoits, even when the first playsicians had pronounced them beyond all human means of relief. It is now not un/y well known that the Brundreth Pills no cure, hut It is also an. derstood how they cure; that ft is by their purifying elitet on the blood that they restore the body to health. Thevalue of the medicine is becoming more and more manifest,it is recommended daily from family to family. The Brandreth Pills remove In an almost Imperceptible manner all noxious accumulations and purity and metre rate the hiood,and their good effects are not iounterhalen eed by any luconvenienees; being composed entirely of vegetables they do not expose those who use them to danger; and their effects are as certain as they are salu tary; they ore daily and safely admintetersd to infancy, youth, manhood, and old are. and to women in the most critical and delicate circumstances. They do not disturb or shock the animal functions, but restore their order and artahlish their health. 'Sold at Dr. Brand reth's Office, No. 9:1, Wood street Pittshor2ll. Prire 25 rents per box, with full directions MARK--The only place In Pitt , liurzit where the genu ine Pills ens he obtained, is the Lector's own office, No 33 Wood street. sep 10 T O TEE LADIES —Why do you not remove that superfluous hair you have upon your foreheads and upper lips? By calling at Torrt.s's, R 6 Fourth st., and obtaining a bottle of Gouraud's Poodres Subtler, which will remove it at once without affeci lug the skin. You ran also obtain Gouraud's fluty celebrated Eau de Settee, which will at once remove all freckles, pimples, eruptions of the skin, and make your face look perectly fulr; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more color to their cheeks, they can obtain some of Com rand's celebrated Liquid Rouge, which cannot be rubbed otT even by a wet cloth. Also may lie found a good as , sortment of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Rears' Oil, A mond, Palm, Windsor; and other Soups. Remember. at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th street. Dee. 8, 1842 BRANDRET/I PILLS L ET invalids read the following account of a Sailor cured of a complication of afflictions In nineteen days by the use ofßrandreth Pitts. It distinctly proves there are herbs in nature whirls have affinity cure be• cause of disease, and Brandreth's Pillsare made for them Bead and beconvineed. Take the medicine andbe cured EXTRAORDINARY C UHF: OE RHEUMATISM DIA RRH(E4, AND AFFECTION OF THE LEING , Jona Shaw. of Pembroke, Washinsion county, Maine. being duty sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick about six months since. The pains in his head, breast, bark, left side and instep being so had that be was tuna. tile to help himself, and was taken into theChtts a Hun. filial in the city of Boston. That after NA in said hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said he did not know what was the matte, with him, and that he could do nothing for him, nor could he prescribe any medicine That he, therefore, was conveyed front the Chelsea Hos. pita' to the Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he was there physirked with all sorts of medicine for a pert od coffees months, suffering all the time the most heart. rending misery.— That, besides his affection of tilt hones he was troubled much with a disease of the lungs: some. times Im would spit it quart of phlegm In the day; besides this affection he had a bad Diarrlictia, which had more or less attended him from the commencement of his sick. nest.. That at times he dreaded a stool worse than he would have dreaded death; that tie can compare the feel. Ing to nothing save that of knives passing through his bowels. After suffering worse than death at the Sailor's Retreat, on Staten Island, the doctor told him that medi• cine was of no use to him. that lie mug try to stir about. At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. That his bones wtre so tender he could not hear the least press. ure upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his instep was most painful, that as the Doctor said he would give him no more medicine he determined to procure some of Dr., Brandreth's Mlle, which be did, from 241 Broadway New York; that he commenced with five pills, and some. times increased the dose to eight. Tile first week's use so much benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing , •what he was using, said, inow,Shaw, you look like a man again; if you improve in this way, you will soon be well.' That he found every dose of the Brandreth nits relieve him, first they cored him of the pain when at stool; that they nepcured the diarrhcea, aad linatly the pains In his bones;—That the medielne.seemed i* add strength to him everyday. Retold the doctor yester day the 11th instant. that he felt himself well. and also, that he owed his recovery to Brandrethe Pills under Providence, that he bad taken the medicine tovety day for 19 days; that the doctor told him if he had known he had been tatting that medicine, he should not have stayed another day In rho house. He considers' , le hie dnt:e to make this public statement for the henefit orall similarly afflicted; that they may know where to find a medklne that will core them. JOHN SHAW. John Shaw being by me dot' , sworn thiSllth flay of A pril, 1842, did depose and <ay that the foregoing state merit is tree. J. D. WHEELER.enmmlostenstr or Deeds The DR.ILVDRETZI PILLS are gold at Dr, Bran' dreth's principal Mire, 241, BROJDW:Sr. New York= and at Ali principal *Mee. No. 92 Wood itreted,Pitiaborgb„, the ONLY PL.ICZ in Pitttborgh where the gent:line can ba obtained! cep 22 dtv2m. ~_ T . =+;ate 'RICE TWO CENTS THOS. PHILLIPS, W.U. SMITH. WM.* PHILIP BAKER MEM TUE LITERARY POST. From cm N. V. Freoniiik'd Ritt% MANDY ANDY, an Irish tale. By SAMUEL LovEla. Now that Griffin and &min] are gotta. to whom their nationally in religion gave decided pre eminence in the nationalty ttC.: their writings,and leaving out of view Edgeworth and Lady Morgan, who tnatTl::.: , be considered as having retired front-iht field," Lover is the most Irish and the:taft* objectionable of those writers-,who,ooogh. of the ct eed of the Saxon, make Ireland and Irishmen the subjects of tl!eir Though his love of fun s , metima leads bird into caricaturing, among inhetithings, that. tere connected with the relitnun of hi., court , trythen, yet it is always easy to rq!,) that. the misrepresentations are much more Ono result of a lively hutior, than of a bigotted and malignant disposition. On the other hand, with a rare knowledge of theArisli character, and a keen Sense of the tidied lons, he has a true Irish heto-t, overflowing with love of his eaintry and he and with honest indignation oppressions to which she and the'f' been long, and are still, subject. In the ta`e now under notice are combi.4 r.ed all.his faults and merits. The hero, Handy Andy, is a half-witted fellow whose " infinite awkwardness, inimitable facility tic blundering, and incomprehensible - ty, are perpetually leading him into - More and queerer queerer scrapes than ever fell to -.the,:. lot of any twenty other men, acid form thet .... - thread upon which are hung many episoderi and narrations; wheels within wheels. One 'pasktge affords so good a specimen of Lover's versatility of talent, his broad humor, and the strong, stern colouring of his graver narrative, that we extract it. The principal personages in the scene are: Squire O'Grady, reckless, vindictive and savage, a tyrant at home and abroad, and a type Of a class of Irish landlords, Won.. tOnately too large; in politics a turn:coat and a Tory; and Edward O'Connor,whoso patriotic sympathies with the, people had won for hilt: their love and the time-bona. red cognornan of Ned•o'the Hills.' Tho whole passage is an admirable description of AN ELEeTioN RIOT. 'The business of the interior was now suspended . fir a -time by the sounds of fierce tumult which arose from without.— Some rushed-from th i s c urt house to the platform outside, and - beheld fly crowd in a state of great excitement, beating back the, police, who,had.been engaged iikene deavoring to seize the persons and tt;ings which had offendcd O'Grady; and the po lice falling back for support on. a party-of military which O'Grady had prevailed on the sheriff to call out. The sheriff was a weak, irresolute man, and was over-pe.... suaded, by such words as 'mob' and 'riot,' and breaches of peace being about to be committed, if the ruffians were not check ed beforehand, The t<isdotn of preventive meaBures was preached, and the rust of the hackneyd phrases were paraded,which brazen-faced and iron handed oppressors are only too familiar tti The peopkr were now roused, and thor oughly d-feared tlio police, who were for ced to fly to the lines of the military party for protection; having Effected this object, the crowd retained their .position, and did hot attempt to assault the soldiers, though a very firm and 101%81111g front was presented to them, and shouts of- defiance against the 'Peelers' rose loud and long. A round of ball cartridge would coal their courage, said-O'Grady. - The English officer in command of the party, looked with wonder and reproach upon him, asked him if HE had the com mand of the party. No, sit; the sheriff, of course; but if I were in his place, I'd soon disperse the rascals. Did you ever witness the effect of a fuel lade, sirl inquired the officer. No; sir, said O'Grady, gruffly; .but I sup— pose I know pretty well whakit means.' . For the sake of humanity. sir, I hope you do not, or I am willing to believe you would not talk so lightly of but it is sin.. gular how much fonder civilians sr° (:f ur— ging measures that end in blood . ,than these whose profession is arms, and who know how disastrous is their use. The polite were ordered to adwiet3 a— gain and seize the 'iingleadets;'th(v obey ed, unwillingly;but being saluted k: - 40) some stones, their individual wrath was oxtired. and they advanced to chastise tins mob, who again drove them hack ; sod a nearer approach to the soldiers wfis tri: , de by the crowd in the scuifile which ensued. Now, will you file? said O'Grady to the sheriff. The sherifi, who was a miserable, cow— ard, was filled with dread at the threaten— ing aspect of the mob,.and wished to have his precious body under shelter before hos tilities commenced; so, with pallid lips,and his teeth chattering with fear, lie exclaim— ed: No! ri,! no!—don't fire—don't fire; don't be precipii ate; besides, I hav'ut read the Riot Act. There's no necessity for firing, sir, I should say, said.the Captain. 1 thouzht not, captain; I hope not, Cap— tain, said the sheriff, who now aSgurned a humane tone. Think of the effusion of hlood,my dear Sir! said he to O'Grudy,whe was grinning like a fiend ail the time; the sacrifice of human life; 1 couldn't, -sir; I can't, sir; besides. the Riot Act; I bav'nt it about me; must be read,you blister O'Grady. Not alwar, said O'Grady, fiercely. But the inquiry is always very. itiete'r ttif;; -. ter, it it is not, a.r-; F'sbottld not tits • 4 _