~,_.-.- w-~.--, .49.46111fif ENOBLIMIC6I -116111 M. ' 10. 1843 Paper 7Upes.—We have been exeeel tney gmnoyaiihy the operations of persons who make a business of stealing the Post - from-the doors of our subscribers. Yester• day, one of our patrons who sleeps in his atorik, happer.ed to be awake when the pa yer was left—it was pushed cadet the door. In a-frw Minutes after he heard a rustling I,',laoilse. He got up and opened the door itultly, when the petty purloiner started bakand dropped a ern )ked piece of wire. withlattich he was carrying on his business. 'Yon ditrot get it that time,' said our friend• 'Na. Not that time, said the thief, with impudent coolness, and walked leisurely away. We 'ball take unfailing measures to de tect these mean maurauders. and they may test satisfied that when they are caught, they All be punished to the full extent of the law. Circus.,Mr. L. D. Ross a deserving enetriber of the Atophitheatrical Company, tares bervefit this evening. He has brought out a very attra'tive bill and de . ouressis bumper. We canoe, near getting a Curry ing for 'baying tliat the members of the Washington could not 'take their engine home. They got horses !rnetely for convenience. Shot Himself.—A young man, says the Chronicle, of ab out 18 years of age,named sat*os," resident of Findley Township, shot himself through the heart with a pis tol a day or two since. The Allegheny river is running full of -leer The Motwarthela is closed above the ishiatte. Counciis, at the meeting Ise Tuesday night, appioptiated 20 dollars .11ritliitelt of the Engine Companies that was thettre. Fire.—A house was slightly in jril by fire about 10 o'clock on Tuesday 'eight. On Butler street Allegheny city.— _ll4-seliele the Uncle SAT' was there. The p , airie lien, or grDuse, is. now sent in the finest condition across the mountains from Missouri to Baltimore. DUQUESNE GREYS You are notified to aitlnife meeting fobs. held --aist.lNindnesday evening the 15th inns„ at 7 o'clock ' : 411.11ke. Armory, for the purpose of nominating 4:aagiiiiiiters . for the no t e VCaptain. to serve for the ilMitstitired term of Cap'ain John Herron resign "' lied: _ nrJer. Feb 10—ti TEMPERANCE G.W.The T. A. Society of the sth %Yard, . Win bold its regular weekly meeting this, Friday ...weeping Fehr 10th. at half past 6 o'cties in the •C-TrlaskitiveChureh Penu street Mninirs Williimq J. „Molten, William Mathews and nthers will address - 4 44 meeting. Co no one Come all and here them. William Crawford jr. secy. FIREMEN'S SSSOCI.RTiON. A regular quarterly meeting will be held at ifin Allegheny Hall, Fourth at. on Monday even bag, February 13th, at 7o'clnck. DAVID HOLMES. Secy. lOth 1843.-3 t At an ttnnnal Meeting ofth Allegh•-n Fire tkorsapitny, held on Monday evening. the 6 h invent, lin the election of officers, the following persons Axiom way chosen to verve for tho ensuing year.— , ~,..iPrisettlent--Ales. Richardson. Vies Preskient—James B. Sawyer -- -Trunieret—David Holmca. %.: 0 1, 0 111e eretary—C. J. Agnew. . —Day itl Lieutenants-Ist, Jos. 13. Murray; 2.1. Ed w Grew irsigineers--161; Isaac Wright; 2 i. Henry Paul Son. 3d, Wm. A Wrighler; 41h, Richard Dullon. lime Directors—lst, M. MeSteen; 2d, Wm. C. Meredith; 3d, Wm. Evans; 4th, 1V W Splainv; sth, Jett. Paul; 6th, C. F. Irwin. Plug Guards—J Meta and M Necfy. AA Xs Men--Chat tee Snyder and James Chalfont. Election Corn iiittee—Wm J'Ankrim, Wm C ..-.llllmletlitil, an) Wm K Nimiek. Delegates to Fireman's Association—) H Fos figrA_D Holmesoind J B Murray. lrtre Wardens—Jac-4r Myers. II Richardson, ', - 1111:fiprool, G W Bradley and George Youngson . 2 - 04 s motion, it was .iliksiolsed., That we hereby acknowled4e the re ceipt of a pamphlet from the •Saint Lo l l s ' F i re Company, of Stint Louis, Mo., co/veining a view oftheir handsome Engine House, /tad a list of INebofficers. iterolred, That as an assurance of nitr appre ciationfof the eompliment,and as a slight token of out high consideration and esteem, we calve a Card lobe framed, un Which shall be inceri tied a capf of tbeim resolutions, and names of the cfficers ot the Company, and that the same be presented to iitet 'Paint Louis Fire Cor.ipany.' 2lepialred. That the Captain of this Company be iiiiriseted to carry the foregoing resolutions into of eillost• Resolved, That the forgoing resolutions sod list deers, be published in the Morning Chronicle, toillhwaing Post of this , city. C J AGNEW, See. Elticsii Forritn, President P T. It amak 16ard,—Ata meeting of the Duquesne rim Company, held at the Hall on IfundAy esc udos. tie 6th inst., the blowing officers were du ly, elleeted for At ensuing y ear: "President--lemes A Battram. Pies President—John Irwin. , • o .4llllmonotary—John F Seibert, ,lopm . —lames A Bartram. in—John T Whitten -9111111,.. Ellll=ll6l C. GLENN, Je., secy iver, James C Bushy. Lock, Joseph &Word, W aster, J W Pope. Hartley, N f ) Paterson. an, J Langstaff; R C Rein Gordon. C Barclay, Joseph Oliver A Bartrais, John Irwin, %NW, Mao. Stew ' # ll ”t l Clrif'o , * mort t- trl/91:004 celebrated Tca,barry Tooth :inert can be obtained at Turret's Medical Agency, 864th at BOOS AND 308 PRINTING OFFICE, N. W. Corner of Wood 4 , fifth Sts. Tam proprietolsof the MORNING Posr and MERCTRY •RD MANOTACTVRER - respectfully inform their friends rind the pal ronsor those papers, that they have a large and well chciaen assortment of ..maziome .7111L - W.112•011 431 /a. ND /EMI OMEMZI WhaeliageElGSZ Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are pr.( pied to execute LETT! 3 I,IIT , F, ,, I { T!!!TING, Rooks, Pamphlets, Bain of Lading, I Circular , Bill Head., Cards, Black Checks, lint Tips All faiths of 131ank5, Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, mitt app..° priWC CUls, Printed on the shortest notice and most renson2hleierms IVe respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and he public In general in branch of our business. Pittsburgh, Sep'. :19, 1842. PH I I.LI l'S SM ITII, A 0001) FARM FOR S3LE.--.% fine Farm contain ing 170 acres, handsomely lying on the west. hank of the Allegheny liver. three and one half miles above Freeport, it ha , about 60 titles cleared and a good frame dweling house rind a small log house, stables and good fint9rovenients. and In a good neighborhood. It has p'enty of coal and limestone, supposed plenty of ,alt wa. ter on it. It will be sold together or divided to suit pur chasers who can make a good payment in hand, and a good credit on a part. For particulars enquire at Harris' General Agency and Intelligence Unice Feb itz!)-Pleven other Oman Farina for sale as above. ESTATE of John Ilunket, late of the City of burgh der'd. Persons interested will take notice that letters of administration on the estate of the said decedent. has been duly granted by the Register of Alle gheny County, to it manna Hunker widow of the said eectnsed; and all per•mits having claims or dent:lnch a• gainst the estate of the said th.cotent, are reott , sted to make known the sine to her ‘rdltottl delay. tier rest. 'knee is in Band street, city of.Pitt,tittrg h. 517.5AN5.% HUSK CR, felt I-6w, Adotinioratt ii. DIHEROJIENON CHEMISTRY—East ("ilia Hair Die—colors the hair and will not the skin This Dye is In the form of a Powder which in plait, matter of tact may be applied to the hair Gem night, the f1i,..1. night turning the lightest or zrey hair to dark brown, and by repeating a second or third nigh!, to a jet black. Any person may. therefore. with the least pos,ililc trouble. keep his hail any dark or a perfect black, with the positive assurance that the powder if applied to the skin will lest color it. There is no coloring in this statement. as any one may easily test These facts are warranted by the the e:ist who manufactures it. For sale at TUTTLE'S, R 6 Fourth street, where a large assortment of Patent Medicines may always he had at either wholesale or retail. "Don't for,grt ! R 6 Faurili street !" For Sale. 300 RUSFIELS dried Tennessee Pearhe , : of A ulterior qualify, received per steamer Emtiia, for sale FORSYTH A- Co. fen 2-101. PUBLIC S.ILE OF FL.IT ROAD IRON. Fold on Friday.tho 1711, (lay of r u:try nest,'al the liarrislittri: (1.(itol, a , llarrWturg , , l'ettna•, Omani 250 low , nal hat tail road lion. Fair to continence at 10 o'clnt.!:, 1. 11. 'fern tilde kiwis non tiny cf rale. Ily CR CEN, SlOO4 E h RUCK A FELLOW Fare Reduced, ON the great Crntral Route via , t=7:N.'"rV . Salom! road and BalliutosstAnd Ohio • 4 1‘It42tfrs:-.... Rail road fare from Pittsburgh to Rat tintore, ten *Olaf's, ($10) Pittsburgh to ithit,,,b.t r oo ; , thirteen Arkl44 F.tiOntrtri, to Relay house,sl 1 : !tient.- to rim+ dollar., total (tl:3)—for ttirnolit tickcts apnlr it 41it r cairn in Monongahela floits,, or ;,, the corner of the rich:lnge Buildings, 3d—dtf. L. W. S . :Fell:1'01e (I`iiy Dailies ropy) Prerigent or S. R. Slafee* • WILMA At C. WALL, Plain and Farrry Portrait and Pieture Frame Manufacturer, So. 87, Fourth Street Ptttsburgh. Rruelles Varnish c. , for A rtiste, alws‘ son hand. Looking Masses. promptly framed In order. Repairing done t t the short est notice. Particular at ieniion paid io regilding and Jobbing °fey ery dearrip , ion. Persons litho; np SleaM Boats or hooves will bad it t. heirailirant r+t, to call. pep 10 AGOOD cheap Tavern ttiand for rent low--the only . Tavern stand in the vicinity of Cast Iliirtielii—el:lll miles this side of New ;Admit, In Columbiana county Oblo—adjarent to reveral other Villages—and in a ra• speetable neighborhood, oil the leading aisle road through Olito—the Tavern hone is .arcs and ci•nvenient —a good gar len and large food stable •.'-c. For term=, which will be low and accommodating to a gond tenant, apply to John Anderson on the premises, or at Barris' Cenerat Agency and I tite;ligenre ()Mee. Jul 19. UR. m mutirr, D EN'ThST ? Office ,n field, beirten Si.cond ahaf Third Sin., flours of business from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M. Dr.. E. M. nianufaciurre Procetnin and :Mineral teeth. Dentists can he supplied by the lOU or single teeth. Blocks of teeth with a beautiful eon' in full sets, or parts of setts, will be made to order at the shortest notice, by forwarding an exact impression of the mouth. A lan, for sale a few machines with emery wheels for gri ndine and atting mineral teeth so useful to the Deatist—all willue sold low for c.ash. doe 23. ANCHORS AND CHAINS FOR THE LAKE STE.IMER. pROPOSALSwiII lin received until Wednesday, the Rib day of February next for the making and fhi. nishing for the 11. S, Iron Steamer, building at this mare the A nrhors and Chains dtscribed as follows, viz: three Rower AncLors, Iron Stocks, cacti weighing 2700 potind•. One Stream Anchor, Iron s'ock, weighing 900 pound.. One Ked4c Anchor, Iron stock, weighing 600 pouills. One Kedge Anchot, Iron stock, weighing 400 pounds., Two Chain Cables, 1 3 8 Inch Iron, 150 fat horns each. One set . Shrouds, / 9 16 do. 150 fathoms. 8-16 do. 50 do. All to he made of the best qua Iron, agreeable to instructions and spec‘firatbnx ,visich will be furnished, and to be subject to such Inspection and proofax the Du ream of Equipment may require; In be delivered at Erie, Pa., on or before the first day of July next; the proposals to state the price per pound, delivered free of every other expense to the Government. For further information inquire of the subeetther nt the Iron works, corneror Front and Short sts„ or at the Monongahela House. IJA Wl', N. A. jan 28—e013F, WANTED. a buy of from 14 to 16yeat4 of atTe. Application to be made before the first of March to F L SNOWDEN, 184, Liberty brad o f Wood $t CARDS)! CARDS!! 113115SINESS CARDS enameled, assent d ,17,re; Vieiiingeards, Playing cards, asvoited qnufities A full apply of the ahltve received this day at the Washington Joh Printing Witte, 3 doors west of Major Iron's Motel, Sih street, Also; Entersurt"tt Spellers., Colib's Reader, MeGuffey's Eclectic Reader, and Printing and Writing Ink. feh 4-31. NEW DISCOVERY. STEW DISCOVERY, Oil of Tantlitl. Jt will make old /111 leather as good as new. and eireng as ever by g Risr applications. It wlil nice make boots, shots. and ht. dies' alippers.perfectly water itch, by rabbiug it well t la. It leaves a fine gloss upon the leather, *ad Is resorts meaded to all in p, eference to potting on over shoes..... Mew you can all leave your India rubbers, letedilleintdes 4-c.: at home:trod go through tbeidanipeetstreets without wetting your feet. The above can be obtained at TUI TI..E'S Medical A gency, RE Fourth / street feb. 7, FACTS SPEAK Foil TBE , vs.gz.V.ES:-TILUTIi IS CONVINCING:—Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap °lmp knee, which produced much pain, and used various applica tions recommended by the Faculty--all In vain—was cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand : reth's Linament, or External Remedy. Witness mr hand ;JAMES TAII.X/OR, Ohio tp Alice/betty to, Pa. Jan, 10th, 1840. Dr. Brandreth's lecterns] Remedy or Liesswet i rmhl at his Mice, No. 93 Wood Argot, Pittsbersb. MI tents - per bottle. reb 8. BANS NOTE . AND ,EXCHAVO c ORRI.CTSD DLTLT• ■T ALM. 11141111111, SUZAN*, 1101111• PENNSYLVANIA Bank of Pittsburgh. par March. 4. Man. bk. par Exchange bank, par Bk. of Germantowx " Easton ank. Lancaster bank, dim , Bank of Chester Co, par Farmers' bk Bucks Co. it Doylestown bk do Bk of N America ('Till. Bk of Northern Liberties, Commercial bk. of Pa. Far. 4. Mechanics bk. Kenel nglon bk. Philadelphia bk. Schuylkill bk. Soul liW3rk bk. Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 9 ilk of Penn Ti. par Man. 4. Mechanics bk. 5 Mechanics bk. par Moyamensing bk. Girard ba.,k, • 50 U. States bank. 50 Lumbermente, Warren, -- Frank, bk VVaildligton, par Miners hit of Poi isvile, 7 Bk of Moni:mmery Co. part Mon. bk Brownsville, 11 Erie Bank. 51 ilarristuargh bank. 7, Far. bk Lancaster, 111 Rk c,f Mlddlelown, 691 Bk. of ChainiKersburgh, 64 Carlisle hank, 64 Bk of Northumberland, 61 Columbia bk ¢ lirid. , 2e co. 2 Ilk Susquehanna Co- 11 Rknf Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 61 Eell ysloirth bk. 64 York bank, 61 Orover4 bk. of Waynesbur2b, •• Currency natal. 74 Wynniin; bank, 20 Slate •Arrip 3 6 Country do do 7i 13erks LO. bank, 65 Lewistown, = 9 Towanda. Muuntpleasani bk 2 F'ar. k Mech. bk of Steu.. Ivan V it le, Delmont bk 0' St. Clair!. Ville, 2 Marietta bk. Deibund notes. 2 do Citrreory notes, '2 Columbiana bk New Lis bon Demand, 2 do Post nova, 2' Crincionati specie pay• banks, Steel'. k Traders Id: of Cinciun::lt. Cliutuu Lk of Columbus, Demand rioter.. Circleville, cll. Lawrence Ca bier) Zanesville I.k. FOR SALE ORTO RINT. /110 LET --Three romforiahle MO( hansom, on Penn JI sireci, a frw rud. aliove the city line; each house consios or fiv.! rooms. kitchen and cellar, with a well fn the rmlr. Them house; formerly runle.l at =l3O, and o re nosy u9'rtrd :11 sliM VOW ICSAOII can he imd Apply to llm.uMcril.cr,on the corner"( Wood and Lt. hems nlrr is. RIMEL) HUGHES. (Eh Houses to Let I rilo L f:T. an 4 p0.5,,00n g .Vllll 011 the fire( dal of .4p1%1 eeii, a Frame Dwelling Douse, containing 4 room.‘, litehen, cellorF, and gal tiro, nn latterly :greet. A1-o,a very brick Howie on O'flarn atfeet, 110 W OCTIII)1(1 by J.ll'. Toren_ Al4O, 2 three vt..rs talc lc Demers nn Plke A leo, veveral frame Dwelling I lunees suitable for squall AlPri,2ltnutll brick rivrrilint 11011111FS, in the rrar of the offirr• 01 nr r.M C'tli nn 5;11 etrect Ale. 2 Piill4liin: I.ntg 0 , 1 I lie twik of the All r Ve, w ill Ire 11.1 on an In provin. irose at a lOW rrot. Ty • Tlir o . ,ve 'louses are utfrreil at reduced renig to awl Ilse times. ceti A IVY *0 J OtIE-1 111,AKELN For Sale or Rent, ON accommodating terms. a good, well finish• ed two story, white p.neilled Stone hon.', with a fine Cnr.len, Shrubbery, ere.. and I arms of ground under the bent cull lent lon, with a good stable and out building!, excellent rump or Water at the door. and a good spring of cool water in the cellar, and every pos. adds accommodalinn for a reepectablr family doing bu siness In Plit,liurgh, as it Is hut I k miles nut on the Miner/Mlle turnpike, and will he sold or rented to a goad tenant. Right filtfli4 of good land for meadow or farming can he had with the above If wanted. The a bove I, the premises which Mr. Alex. Wilson now neco. pies—for particulars enquire of J NO. HERRON. feh I—tf. M;nersville. FOR RENT.--A comfortable new brick well. eas Ina liouve,silnate in Coal Lane near 7th street For terms, which will be triorierate.apple to JOHN St'ULOSKEY. Three Big Maori Liberty at. de; 30--kr. BIIRGAINS! BRRG.diNS! inl will hell for can't or hailer, FIVE nQUSE4, on the 4th el reel road, in the city Of Pitleburgt. 'Three of then) ate hrirk and two Creme, Tin. frames are wel! calcitiated for int.ine?9 bonier, twine close to the Court house, They will he P o I d toerthrr or separately to suit purcitarno. For further frartieulare enenire no tie premises of JAS,MORRIS, Jan 7 1843-11 M Proprietor, TO LET. riinp: 3d dilory of the building occupied by R. A. 1 Hangman as an AUCIiOII siore.--bereinfore know') as Low , Room.'• rorner of Wood and 5111 mircei., Inquire of R. Morrow. 511 i 6t. Jan Zi. To Let, Ilwo STORES on Marrket it, between 3d and 4th streets ALSO, two spacious and convenient rooms in the sec ond story opening by a flail on Market street; well adapt• ed for Law offices, or for any business requiring a con• renient and ready access from a business street, ALSO, the small store room on Third at., nearly op. posite the Post office at present occupied by Brown 4 Raymond as a Lamp el ore, ALSO the light andalry ojbce on 3d et. at present oe. cltted as tito Atheneum. A LSO, for rent, several small houses near the dwell log house of the subscriber In Pitt township, with a few acres of Land attached to each. jan 13—tf EDIND D. GAZZAM. Nn 51 Third et, 'to Let, ril IIE store room ant dwelling on Market st, now be. turned I.y Thos Campbell 4. Co , Apply to Jan 17,1842 JAMES BLAKELY. 4R.1 FOR SALE,--About elesen small, middle F sized and large faiinsitir sale at from 6 to 60 miles from Pittrshargh, and at prlc , es varying froM 10 to $4O an aere—peraons wanting to purchase farms. will picas tali anti examine the record at HARRIS' jail 25. Gen. Agency Intelligence office, . OTS FUR SA LE.—Foor Lots In Manchester. Out .44 4 and a fourth Acres of LAIL! on Holmes' MIL Lots nos. 41, 42,52. 53, 54, 181, 182,and 184, In Cook's plan of Lots, on Holiitei Hill A Iso, Lots nos. 26 and 27, In Cook's plan of Lots on High street, near the new Cowl. tionte. For terms apply lo Z. W. REMINGTON. sap 10 _ FOR /MIT -VW SUBSCRIPTIONS it.EEIVED, The Ametlein Pioneer; an excellent Monthly Pub gewpeed to . the object of the Logan Historical Satisty; or ietotleeting and puttihthing sketches relative to the early settlement and successive improvements of nue conetry, ~f or my country I rejoice in the Bower of Peace"—Logan, Tne above excellent work, Edited by John A kiillianus, Esq, Cincinnati. for sale at *2. for the first volume, and 2d conttritied in monthly No and subscription, at $2 per annum received at Harris' A;en• cy and Intelligence Office. Pittsburgh, January 26,184,1 NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT. irenaine Nerve 4} Bone Liniment. invented by 3. 8.. Cochran, has Keen used for theeure of Rheum. turn,Glandular Swellings, Bruises. Spraina,Chafea, Caw. Burna,Beelds, and varions other complaints, fine eibt years. with unparatieteJ Fuceris. Wean be had wbole sale 4 netall at the Drugstore of E. L,SNOWDZN. fib 3. • 148 Liberty, bead of Wood is. Wooster, 1 ' blassilon, do Sandusky, do Geauga, do Norwalk, do Xenia, do Dayton, do Scloto, Post notes, 2 10 Fran. IA Colam a as. 11 La.,easter, Hamilton, 40 Granville, Ell Com. bk. Lake pd., 3 Far. bk: of Canton, 95 Urbana 68 I INDIANA. State hk. it Branches 111 State Scrip, 40 KENTUCKY. All lank!, 2 ILLINOIS. State Lk 4• Branches, 60 Sim wneetown, 70 vinGINI A Hank of Virginia, 1} do Valley, 14 Far. bk. of Virginia, 16 Exchange bank, 14 N. Wee!. bank 14 Mer. /-Mee. do. 14 MARYLAND. Baltimore Banks, par Country Ranks, 2 DELAWARE. All Banks, par N EW JERSEY par snd I All Hants NEW . YORK. My ft:, likv. par Country hanhs, (mtely rithd.) a 1 Red Bark, Ito 1 NEW ENGLAND. Boston Banks, COUtliry LOUISIANA. ,Orleans Flank!, 2n0.1. 5210 NORTII CAROLIN A Banks, 2} SOUTH CAROLINA PM COLUM 111 A ALABARIA GOod Yanks. 20 ',triltNN ES'S EC. MICHIGAN Bk. of St. Clair, 10 Do. do./ 4. 11. Smith 10 CANADA Good bank*. 810 10 Eastern Exchange. Philadelphia, 4 New York, i Baltimore, 1 Roston. , i tVestern Exchange. Cincinnati, par ;Louisville, par Cleveland, A dir Whet.line, par 1 G01.1) PND sit.vr.R. par - - PRINTING INS. —.ThissUbscriber has Just Meet. Ted an assortment of Book and News PRINTING INK, from the old establisher' manufactory of Charles Johnson. (formerly Johnson 4. rfurant) of Philadelphia, which lie warrants to be of the first quality, put up In kegs of from 10 to 15 lbs. to suit purchasers. He Intends to be constantly supplied, and all orders accompanied by cash; will be punctually attended. JOHN KNOX, Washington Printing Ot6se,3d door west of Maj irons' Hotel, sth at. Jan 10-31 w. . c IWS c. o lik-- 0 ) THE subscriber has just received his annual supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds. consist lug in part oftlie owing kinds—all of the last years crop 4• warranted (hemline: Asparags Egg Plant, Parsnip, Beets, Endive, Peas, Beans, Kale, Pepper, Leek, Pumpk in, Broscoli, Letti,ce, Radish, Borer:Ole, Water Melon, Rhnbarb, Ca' bage, Musk, ~ Balmily, Carrot, Nasturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach, Squash, Celery, Okra, Toinatoes, Curled Cress, Onii , n, Turnip, Cucumber. Partley, Corn, Mustard, (white and brown) &c. &c. &c. Together with ~ varlet y of Pot kr Sweet herbs and flower seeds, fta`Orders for Seeds, Shrubs, Truss, ft. from Garden. era and others will be received and promptly attended to. P L. 'SNOWDEN, lan 11 No. 184 Liberty. head of Wood at. $lO Reward. STO'EN from the stable ()film rubscriber Hying three miler west of Brownsvilie in Washinm or, co. on the night a the sth inst—e dark brown horse, with a star in his forehead, shout 16 hands high. S yeti rs otd.lhin in flesh, no shoes 1111 behind, slightly lame in both t: j ut ' fcei.har a sore or scar on the left Jaw, no whet marks rccolteeted, The O.tore reward will he riven for the home and thi r i, or five dam's. for either delivery of the to the snhscri• het, or to Julio Davis, near Pittstiorrit. as It In pi rong•, Iy warmer-led that the horse was taken ill I hat direction. Jan 16--3 w. JOSEPH ittIFFINGTON. BUFFALORPBEs,BEAR ;-lilNs AND I. Ults 'CST received. 3.000 Seasonable Ennio Robes of if• ferent qualities from Extra No. i to 3. A lot (Bear and Cub Skins, 11.000 No. I and 2 Alttakrat Skins, A lot cfOtterand Raccoon Kkins, All which areotreredat reduced ces fo tail' or ap proved notes, Apply to A. BEELEN, at the American Fur Co. Agency, Oct 12 -3m Corner or Front and Ferry at HATS—W. ttr M. Doacavyinform their friends and the public that they have commenced manafaciu• ring Hal% and 'bra they have now ready (or sale. itl their Store. 143 Liberty street, between Market and 6th street, an assortment of the very best Rats, which C.a.) are anxious to dispose uf on the cheapest and most reason, able terms. Their stook consist of the very best klnik, via:—Heaver, Oiler. Neuiria, Castors. short Nai ped Run. sia. rur and Silk Hats. W. k M. Doherty arclolli regular bred flattery, they Gave had extensive experience as Journeymen in the hest eltabliplimentp In the country, their Hata are all got nh tinder their own inspection, and they assure the public ittat nothing , but the very hest articles on the most rea imitable terms will be offered for gate. pep 10 LWEIF.R FOR F.SLE plank, hoards. weather hoardine and Scantling. A Iso, While oak hnr.rda of varions len:tl s and thickness, wheel arms for hork , ts, 'trace*. *c.. of sa rtnut lergt I) anti si. 7.CA, by wholesale or retail. Apply to 21. r .Isl4l --2111 ~}`:~IPF.IfRNCE. MIR ACT and gall!milt School Papers jui received " frnm New York and Philadelphia. 3060 of the Youth's lesurreeanre Adenra•e, for January 1, 181•; an exerdinnt and cheap paper, f o r families an I youth, wit h a ei.ddwilt School, Sizrotts the Plert:e 4•r. at 12 cis per yenr, or I ccut each. Temperance Hymn Coos., wastlinoon Darpt , Temp , ranee Lyres. Sanas ke. 300 Concrrettlanal Total Abstinence Society Speeches, and Dr Sewall', Ptates and Pathology. Temperance Lee. lures. Fait's% 4•r. and Temperance Medals. 500,Temperanee certificates for adults and youth: 1000 Smatliathballt School Books from 1 to 11 cents each, 500 Tosaperance and Christian Almanac, (or 1843.- 300016nsiish, Cerman. Welsh and French tracts, and b eiN•ty.of eery cheap Sabbath School Books, and D.iy Retinal Books• Paper and Stationary for sale on scram. dal ns terms. in any quantity to cull purrliaPerP. Jan 23, 1313. 19.1 At; Alent and Cron. Stettin. Nn9, 5.11 et reel IPIXTER CLOTHIXG. BEAVER AND PILOT CLOTH COATS, &e P.lnelatiy, Tailor, No. 40, Liberty St. 2nd Door above Virgin .1211ey HAS completed a general assortment Of Winter Cloth. log, consisting in part of dlmond nod plain ticavrt cloth frock and overcoats; heavy floe and common pilot cloth velvet trimmed,and plain; every description of dress and frock cloth male. fashionable colors and fresh clot Its plain and fancy cassinet pants, cloth and satinet do. of superior quality; every description of vests suitable for the season, and will I e sold low for rash. Persons wish. ing r.!(havafashionattle garments made of the best materi al will find them at th is establishment. Making warren led equal to any In lite c:ty. A full stock of goods are on hand to make to order. Messrs. B. Putinity and Thomas McCanre arc nt this establishment and will be much pleased t o haves call from their several friends. Good Ms insured or no vale. Pittsburaii, Gee. 10842. to WIRT LECTIIRKS.—Fourtk Course.—The Lec. tureCominittee of the Wirt institute have the pleasure or laying before the public, the following Its 101 gentlemen who have consented to Lecture, viz: ' Rev J IV Baketooll, Introductory Lecture. Joke L Clow, Esq, VV ashington. Prof, Ii J Clark, Meadville College, lion. We. Withiet, Pittsburgh. Proff. B Brows, Jefferson College. David Richle, . 4 1.4., Pittsburgh. Rea H aslerpgton, Rom , Proff...4/eer r West. Theo. RI minary. Francis Johnston. Esq., Pittsburgh. Prof. J Barker, IHendellle College WHLorrit, Efirp,Pittelmrgh. Rev. Jame* 1. Diseide lie. Prof. Rieh'd 8 ittl'Culloeh. Jefferson College, will de liver several Lectures on Astronomy, embraeing Its rise, progressand destiny. Reed Washington, Esq., will also Ohm several Lectures on the subject he may select. A rilingements are In progress to engage Professor Sil Liman, or Yale College, to deliver in our cif v, a full worse of on Geology also * hit J °wenn H. Buchanan, on Neurology. Other eminent Lecturers will be invited to visit our city, when it may be In the power of the In si lime to mime t heir services. The Lectures of this came will be on Literary and Scientific snirjects exclusively. and It is hoped from the eminent ability of the Lecturers, and the interesting na• tore of the subjects, that our citizens wilt liberally pa tronise this lendable enterprise. The Iron City should not be behind sister citteein her encouragement ofscieuee and literature. The proceeds (If any) will be approprl• aced to the enlargement of a Library, already an honor to the elfin- 10..Cottese Tickets. admitting a lady and gentleman, #2, and may Imbed of either of the Getnntittee, and at C. 1.1, Say 4. CA Nook State, Monongahela and Exchange Hotels, and at Berford's. !Antares commence on Thursday evening, Dee 1. M'L C. HUEY, W. W. WILSON, JOHN S. COSO a AVE, }Committee. WM. B, SCA IFE, I n 24-1111 JOHN R. SEMPLE, FRESH ARRIVALS! TuTTLE has this day received from New York, a fresh 'reply of Hewes' Nerve and Bone Liniment, and Indian Vegetable Eitair,s, positive cure for Rheuma tic., Gout, Coottect.i Cords sad Limbs—also • OP OUriralf . I Polars Bailits, for completely and perma neatly eradicating superfluous hair from females' upper lips, the hair concealing a broad and elevated forehead. the stubborn beard of moo, or any tied of superfluons rrifffill is a safe and certain care for Cesiike.,Cabla hair. Price $1 per bottle. 1. Asthma, Sara Throw. Pries sail Illsaiviiii 4 a; Ghnonsurs Zan as Bionde,or True Water of Beauty.— Breast fraa•ming Cost, A. Ifeararrass, hirifilLl4ll Afr Me' This Preach Ostler:Woe thorcarrhly esterrninates eatiow- nowt, and many diseases leading to the Coverraspflan• bow; PreektMe 111 plelf„ ROM. Bletebes.and all caterwaul' Try 11-. only 6e. per rolt--prepa . set:apid aped' gilloggo t rtuptions whatever. Realising delicate white lands , aliened Retatiby R. T. Pt telt, _i:neligillredeiVeil ', 2 ol l :binsalasars, end eliciting a bealttryintrentle bloorn...- Illt-Alletbiwy City, IllittLibn timicipid-fivoseets ot Pitti: Mom saweral other veleabie armies, too nun:wrong is - rbers4l. . ....... anentirm., This garretss , sold only at - • "t - :;. - 4•Llit oulik.,o 4l 4lo l * , ffhf P 1.511%. . ~C 5 1 14.,, ',:r l lsSili CoUth Cstitt... nZif ',VMS' et -YED/C,44.-IGZIW, Vl4Ol ' --z !.7 l kir 1 . 7 .- 4 6 . -- - , ..-....., 1 ,.. -. vo. ~.. JAMBS C. CUMMINS . . - Me -4 .!.r.e• - A!',. 12: :1, • • - • WALL T HE llALlMlng subsvibers WALL calf !be attention of their I riends and the !Whitt generally, In their pm. !KW assortment of Paper Haaripes, wish contains a large and extensive variety of patterns of the follow' descriptions, which upon Inspection will tie found to he ofsuperlor quality and finish. Unglazed Wall Papers, of aildescripttons, for pa feting rooms and entrles,ut 25 cents per piece. Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for papering rooms and entries, at 37i cents. American Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for halls; Fresco and ether staler for parlors and chanthers.on flne satin glazed grounds. Frenei Well Paiute*. Decoration and Fresco patterns, in plain and rich colars,ford and silver paper. Pelee< and Imitation Borders. Landscape Papers, In setts, for papering hotels, halls and dining rooms, at reduced prices. The Board Prints, Statues, Ornaments, ,te. Window Blind Favor, plain andAgured, : f different co lora. Western merchants nnd others are respectfully invited to call and examine their stock and pt Ices, off which lint a liberal discount will be given for nail. From long experience in the I.uslness, they are able to manufacture papers In a superior manner, and as they are determined to keep up the character their papers have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re• ceive the encouragement hit het to so liberally extended, HOLDSHtP 4. BROMINE, No 49, Market street, between 3d and Pittsburgh, Sept. 19, 1842—dawif 4th A FEW MORE STILL Jorrx ArcLcsrEy. t he old original, has on hand the r ost splendid assortment of Clothing ever nflered Wes My stock is large, and lam disposed to sell nt tile lowt. I possible price My mock is heavy, and as the sen. son Is advancing, I will sell at lower mires than ever. issk only the pleasure of a call, reefing confident thiit a nok is auffiefent. Retvare of Counterfeits. Remember h.: , THREE BIG DOORS. and the SIGN LH THE VIC WE now 2:3, 184 ',Antes OVER ttuoss.—The Ladles can now do away with all kinds of over shoes, can walk thronsh the wet streets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept perfect• ly dry:can wear tight shoes without having their corns pain them; and ran have their shoes wear twice as lons as ever, if they will use the ceehrated Omar Town.witich will make leather water proof. and render it 113 pliable and soft as kid. It's an article well worth their notice, and one which they will all value hlghly,as soon as they try It. To he had only at TUTTLE'S Meateit. AGENCY, 36, 'Fourth ST reel. el per hott'e. Jan 9 Non CE. -1-have taken out tellers or administration on the estate on John Wilsdn, late of the City of deod. All pet sons Indebted to the estate of the said deceased. are requested to make immediate pay• ment to me at my residence in Penn Cl. near Ntarbury. a nil those who hnve claims are requested to prerent their) duly probated. J P WILSON, Jan 19_-61w. MC —.l •SF:.S.— 16 barrels Molasses. Fot sale by JAMES MAY W/GUAM ELDER, Attorney at Lttw; Ott; BakeweWs Ruililinga, *early opposite thee in Court lIMIPP. on Grant !greet. pep e New BUCKWIIEAT.--ilereiverl from Harmony 15 half barrels Buckwheat Fitour,suitable for families. for Pale by ISAAt:CRUSE. Jan 5 143 Liberty s.• In store, Fami'y Flour, a superior artleia for Bakers WANTED 9000 BUSHELS OF FLAX SEED. for bleb the higheit prireln ^nigh will he ;rivet 1 MES DICKEY 4. co Agt I. Mechanics 'Line corner urLiterty and Wa yn ireeto Pittsburgh. act '42. 1110DITTIMIURGH CIR , AILA TING AND REVERENCE MDR A R Y of Rrlielon, litstorica!,Polhical.and Mis• crllatteous Works. will he open every day, Sahhath ex• crpted, "tern 7 o'clock, A. 141.,uni1l 9, P. M., In the Ex• change Baildlng,corner of St Ciair strvetand Exchange alley. wove ?nnetnal attendance will be given by rep 10 J. CEMMIL. PILIEMT}TOWS Unrivalled Illackin7., NIA NUFACI UR ED and told wholesale and retail: I.YISIXTII STRELT one door below Smithfield. net 21—t,y. 3 -- "MtIEWA RT, Upholsterer and Paper Hemzet, • No. 49. Fifth at reel, between Wood and Smithfield dts. Husk and Straw alanra•sea always on hand." All orders ,•xeeisted with neatness and delved), on aceotomo sating terms. Rep 20— 1 y OBERT PORTER, Attorney at Late.—Office 111, on the' corner of Forth and Smithfletd sta. Cep 10 REAMS; IN AS HI GTON., ATTORNEY 47' WW. —Office in Bears' Rsilding, Fourth street, ritighnrsh. Nov. 5. 1842. RENA" AP PLY:S.—Just rec'd from Roilvernon,s6 bhls. or Rosbanile apples, which f sell fnr 50 cents Or ba rrel. ISAAC CRUSE, kin i 0 143 Liberty (PORN JIMAL.--/10 huMels fresh eround tubed i:orn LJ Meal, In barrels conlainiim 3 bushels, al 75 cents per barrel. In mare —Family Flour by the hiirr.l. Jan 20 tit It AC CRU.AhI. E. AUSTIN, Attnrney nt Law. Pitteburgh. Pa. Office in 4th street, opposite Rurke's Witt's,* E. Arms, Esq., will give his attent inn to my unfinished businees, and I recommend him to the patron. age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD. rep 10-1 y Dit. A. W. PATTERSON. , ,Iice on Smithfield street, near Sixth. fleT 10 JOil N RiI"I"FER VVORTII. *Auctioneer god Commis. 'ion ..ilercirant, Louisville. Kr. will attend to the sale of Real Estate, Dry Donda,Grocories Furniture, 4.c. 4.c. Regular sales every Tuesday, Thursday. and Fri day mornings, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash ad vances made on consignments. sego 10 YSTERS, SARDINES. 4`r.: served up in the best N.JF style at A. Husaza's, No. 9 Fifth Steen. Suila'ile apartments are appropriated to gentlemen accompanied by ladies. Also all kinds of Cakes and Confectionary for parties, weddings, etc., for sale by nov lA—l f. A. HUNKER, Family Flour. 10a BARRELS Extra Family Flmir, Jul received Ur and for sa'e by J. W, ClitHßloo , 4.• Co. water si rcet, between Wood and Smithfield. Jan. 161h.1843. HT. PRICE, Wholesale and Rel2ll Baker, Con. . feriioner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near the Dlamond,vtitegheny city. Every variety of Cnufecliona•y and Ornamental Cates, imitable for wevidtnes anti parties, minalitetureilt from the heat rrintertnis. at short notice. tier 16 GEORGE o'. /.4 VIT), Attorney at Law, When Nn. 54 Firth street, near the-Theatre. ritteintr:b. Rep 27-1 y SUGAR. .MACKEREL, hdds. Prime N. 0 four. 10 Tierces Rice. - 15 Reim Shad, assorted Igoe. 20 Bliis..No•S Mallitetiri- Now landing from 8, B. Culler, and for sale low by put 28. JAMES MAY. B LOOMS. -25 tons Blooms In Store and Air FR le by J, W 1 1 1.111BRI1XIB, Jan 2 1843. Water between Wnod 4. tsuoth JUST received--20 dozen good Corn Broom,, 5 do C S Axes, 150 fresh Roll Cutter; 500 cuts Carpet chain; 4 dozen Socks; T.HARIMS, Agent and Commission Merchant FOR SALL'on accommodating term,— 1000 quartos augers assorted. 10 doz c. a. ales, shovels and spades. 150 rta cheap paper hangings. 500 ruts carpet chain. 20 dos corn brooms. 250 doz win• dow sash and glass to suit. Nails and brads, hay forks and grain shovels, ISAAC HARRIS, Agt. and Com, Merchant. Feh 1. No 9, Fifth street. Pitittss • • - - Na'OI74MOUOI'IMIMOI 1842. 1 4 , `" • Pi sage and Rtratltrances to esdrvoes Greet litritids sad .1 , ./and.! 111 filflE subscrifiers litivolg concluded their arrangement 1 for extending their huldnes.,are at all times prepit• red make arrangements for bringing ont passengers by Chips of the first class. A incrlcat. built, and commanded by careful and ex pear -need men, whe nra well and raves ably known in the trade. Thls Line being the eldest oat of the port of Sew York, It Is hardly necessary to say that the nrrancemenra are mature and complete. tad from the fact that avessellssentout everysix days, is, is evident that no urni necessary delay te passengers east;: occur, A free paseat!e per steamboat (Irvin lrelsnd Scotland, can be engaged. nod when those settled for dm. cline corning out, tbe money Is always refunded tw the *: parties from whom It was received, tvli boat deduction. Apply to SAMUEL THOMPSON'S, I Old established Passage 0ffiee,.1.73 Peoria. G. GR I W co., 10 Coree Piazzas, Liverpool. Drnfts and exchanges at sight, and for any amotret can be furnished on R. C. Clyon rl• CO., Bankers, Lon. don, n Crlinstlaw 4. Co., Liverpool; the National 11 , .nk of Scotland; National Bank of Ireland; and Northern Banking Co. Apply to PETER R ATTICIA Chatham street, near the Fourth street road, opposite - the Welsh Church. doe. a Sat -, Tv?. DANIEL Offi , e nn Fifth street ..lUstwt ween Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. der 10-Iy. %v M. s vtiei.e..tor in H, l'lrCllorikey) Pest. i o.t ;oir Pout Ain ker, Ltherly sf., 2d door front Vi - _in 'ley. The suhscriher respprtlittly lt , fortos the pillaie that lie Itn.i commenced the shove buitmvits In the shop formerly occupied by NIT.. Henry M'vkisltey. and that he Is now prepared in :wend to Rfl order!. in MS line ofinbabiess ,vich despatch a %tilt the timer rertsetnaldo terms. Flom lit 10n.2 exnerienile In the Inntinfactere of Fashionable Soros, lip feria confident rho/ qII aritelea from hl:4 eslnlillqlinient will 2 Ive satisfaction to his pa. Irons. A Sllllll3 01 pte.,lic pntrunage IS respect fedi; Follett. ed. Sep 10 ItE PR SU CHESTS. PITTSBURG/I, OCT. 22. 1812. J. DENYING—Pit Frid a y, thn3Oth of fast month, Mum& 9 o'clock at 0,2111.111 e Pliii.lne.Ctooirlol and 1 4 ash Unit. nfactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth dr co. with it feral quantity or dre2sed and undressed lember,waa med by fire. The Iron Safe, which I Itou.thi of yon tocitstimitilAttlt was in the mast exonted tittiation doting the tire. anti was entireic rc4l hot am pleated to inform you It was opened at the close of the lire,and 4til the books, Ram, kc.savpd;—rlil+lB the heat rccoottuentiattott I can glib of the utility of your sae.. neon 0,t24-11" TH r)5l As scorroet Anneemi (V% 1.1..h5b 1 r HEDVTEAU IiartArEfFACTURED at Wm. L E U Cahoot IT Shoo, No, 69 Sarood at, bet *e'en Wood ao4lmitht• field. where R Ironer& it.poriment or Purialuniii k ay had at rettuted prlcea Ent cash. superiort , y 0( flwf redPie3di. consist In fibs rastenin•js. winch for dursqlif v and Pa Se In nutanS up and [skins down, to not og:l:inert by any pillar nave la um . .—and 10211 r‘uch es 070[04 ronsull l beir 11 1011116fOrt In Shia.* nightly 2lnn.hers it sllould I,e reit lo llob o relt Mat nit dunes of the bug family tire_fazissed as; leji . ibass nistetlinv. _ • .• - jCor far Connors. 010 r !el P. or darts fur atlley lON N FOl% LER, Patentee."' We, the u.atersizned. dueertify that we have eretrin ed the :shove rte4tettEl Pastel ipp, anti harp no bettbsikm t tpronouortnz them the best now it] use—cotnie4: up (IL 'Atrt tar representadon In tile above advertisement. Wet, Graham Jr-. Jose'', Coheir, NVni, rvin. 'aro!, V01:4e., John Cetergi , Singer, noel. —3ra. lepocAs ...• • • • ••• • LOYD it COINIWIr. C Of, EjtjAr4. co„r7i. 1.1 t .1 :0m v. Ft,rwaratiiiit commissior. !Herr ban':.rove ill tett, VitkoNen r . Mitts TliPv re:prifigli% I • ..*i trle 1111.41 Pittsburgh 'Lard 011 It/Irrtufactorr. - •••••It \.... .... _.- . . , . • -.. ..;'. - --- I_. -- ......o. • ...i... - . s;:, , . ..,,,...•:„...*._ ,ik. . . '-' 7 . . -7-'4, 0r,.. 4.4„ • . - _ ..... -". ''. _.•,OlNv .- vil ' "1 ..-1- - MIS . ._1 ,. ...,x1.1;e7 ' •- -... l'''.; titi • - CO -P1.1_71. y.. 11 1,i. , u1 F t y: rior A rticle,)l Lard /- OH, ''Arranged nt auv tetho , t-tttre. aid rrithll to the minter Plrained !perm 01 1 . WHIOIII ittt ofrelot!ve qualitrs, tend bee Third rt.eap,”'. man. rar r'd I , y the netmeribe r at the old slant,. Third it. nearly ~p , 0 , 1 1..2 the Piet Office. II C. EOEY. jan 4.1843 HEWES' NERVE .4ND BONE LIN. LVENT. W E afil w ic u l u e l d d w a i d t v h if- G e s a u " t P R ' l ,r e 9 u ", n s ivr r s,n hm , S ni ftr i t : nn b a l Contracted Cords and Limbs, aim any stiffite>4. oC the back nr body, which inay by brought on by Cold. nr Exiionure to the Weather, to call at To?. Tut's 86, 4th e•tr , et, no i procure a belle of the above Liniment, which will give Irnmcdiale re. let and rff, ct a certain cure, of (ZTUTT has Ow) a frat rate aa•c,rtment LIC enon &fora and Virpin iaChew in e Tobacco. . REM FAIRER, 86 FOURTiI STREET." 18.1842. lobo . I kIETJL.-50 ton, Pie Mvial in ■an.e.nnJ ro e aale by J. W. Purtnntrice k in. Jan 23. Watt•.: at. bet ikt.4.a,‘Voret Smlttlleld E. U. "feasting*, RECORDING REGULATOR. °Roe With Aides. wen Wu'son, 4ih eh - vet. next door go the Peak rifitiyergh; where spuheatin h e fur Reeutatteg, Fur Try. lue, Laying out end Uirldluz Lauded estates, will be received, Pe de. Bond., Mortgari, ezetettd wlik legal arrorany 111.111 dinvnlrh. riito.ntsh, Jun. 261.843.-3 t . , - HY are Dr. Mb, leeway r to held in such highee.7timatlon, Yy the treadmill' Of families In this eity who now Awl" them ronsteut , y Op hand? BeCa LI Se the effect of these Filly on The room. ach I. such as not fn /Jam Neither do they strata the Ilrer so as to 'brow orkbirek bite ; I - al trey th , orv or the yellow bile freely, They are the best .rix eve r vnial for Dyspepsia, Head deka, Ratruntatisear4'o. CCP" For , aisewes' peculiar to Females. they are vow used ex. tensively and give treat es! Plltistaet lon, Thee excellent Pills ars for sale 14 Pittibnezh May, at TrTTLE . II-4,6 41h It 121 rems per but. NEW LINE 01117. CHEF,. MA Zit COA - FOR 1,45111.N0T0N CITY, BALTIMORE, PlfiLlt DELPIII.9 .41XD XE w Tor/Jr. rr 'fits line In full operation, anit h ones NEW ors` daily at 7 o'cloek,A 61, via Wanbirmon ra,ard Itta Notional Road, to Cumberland. r.ionectrng 11 era whit Wtfifftoadeo.s to all t h e ohova pintas. Travelers will Mollitia a rpeedy and comfortable r 04.0, Ili in: 2 11,1116 rale and distinct Pitt.horch mid Comitarlai3O hem fan* ties wilt If itlfbnled which which , ha,. not bran h;rr lofa,. pt fetes Paerrearers op ao4 oat OM narlegabela nuara t lblerehante.•A marital. add Rsittallkol Ifogals. or at any bourn la Sae sletnWy pf oats* plat :,a Salsa coathea furnished at .1 he 'bor. e.l notler t st*llt rrlviletteof going throogb ditto, or of ruk my all. ai Ark 6stif,a, - _ FcTiolui soilt,„olitto.odicfr - toc-ftt Clete torootirattrook• OS gt qtalX* 1101 0;441 Put ogiee lc Wooook4/frorios tittot: to titt • L * 0TEXAC.71.6 1 4. , Prettikot ot Olt Mit!ttost itoott ColoPoato,. St/if - stow bet. , 1r • 44,41.41 P MEM A c i r 44. A s : 4 4 9 . ti :j , f „, . OMNI