~ -~,,,u.r,. r-..~-. ~_ ~ ~ . . r ~ .: ~, ' VOL 129. PUBLISHED BY "THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, Ar. 11. CORNER OF WOOD 4.* FIFTH Sr& '-'l4reliMill.—FlVE DOLLARS a year, payable in likeskt copied TWO CENTS—for sale at ilha simailf of the office, and by News Bays. 7 1 , 10 alteroury avid lialatafacturer W FMK IS, at the same °Mee, on • doable asedlem sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. varies.. Slnsle copies, SIX CENTS. • • Terms of Advertising. PCS SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: ton"tolnsertion, 0.50 One month, *5,00 !}en haimtiOns. 0.75 Two moms, 6.00 'Three Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00 4 .ollissillelt. 1.501 Four months, 11.00 : Timsijortifki. 3.00 Six months, 10,00 Tie tirtsll. 4.00 One year, 15,00 .YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. Cita 141111AlLE aT Pi ILLIBURI. qie spurt. 7tio Spares !is eoliths, $13,00 Six months, $23,00 11)0e rim 25,00 One year. 35,00 Troilirr advertisements in prororiion. .....••••••.0t lour LIMB grx ...—LLLICI a year. PUBLIC OFFICES,&C• CAT Parr Crites. Third between Market and Wood tareeda—l. M Riddle. Postmaster. OMNI goose, Water, 4th door from Wood st. Peter. Weil ballikbegs—Major John Willock, Collector. '. cm' Tossups'', Wood between First and Second :iikeets—.fames A. Bartram, Treasurer. led TiIkOURT. Third street, next door to the n Pteabyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. :- Miltamt's Orrice, Fourth, between Market and Wood r-- -Alexander Hay, Mayor. ...., : - 11lhiltostairr's E><cu►sae. Fourth, near Market st; ',' . BANKS. Pereesusau, between Market and Wood streets, on Tolnland Fourth streets. Mssrxaors • sap MANVFACITILZIIe &In FLIVITRIe Ds. Omni "MM. (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between Woad and Market streets. estsanoz, Fifth street, near Wood. MOTELS. illatsamsamurt.b, Boars, Water street, near the Bridge. se Horn., corner of Penn and St. Clair. Illinitemsara' floral, corner of Third and Wood, Assisancat thitru.,corner of Third and Smithfield. 711VinIPSTATtl, corner of Penn street and Canal. 'lrklitaa-Espt.z, Liberty street. near Seventh. litcoms.lilsarmon Houss,Liberly St. opposite Wayne ...'ll‘4oollollfr,Marbvtori Boole. Penn St. oppbsite Canal. X7OO DS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. —Office remo llolusweti's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite .ittriixPosirit House, next rooms to John D. Mahon. Flrst door. sop 10 -AINI• H. ELLIOTT. M. D.- Office removed to - -Oh Ciair /trait, between Pawn sad Liierty 7:0004404.1. • p 10 .. tirortocies.—Preston dt Mackey, whulessle and *ail dealers In English, French, aid Domestic 81, Markel Pittsbnrsh. see 10 ,111011PANDLESS & .IPCLURE., Attorneys an. 'ANIL ilkosnwellors al Law: Office in the Diamond. hack riPt tbit COllll lloose.l'ittstaargh. step 10 R" Oir A.L. —R. Morrow. Alderman; WTI • north aide of fifth M., between Wood and Smithfield Ms. riltriborth. Pen 10 j• Ilt WDEN ITT, Wholesale Grocer ft ectif Ing 101,01ter, And Dealer In Produce and Pitisburgh 111001010anifil Articles, Ng. 224 Lilltriy Strati ep 1 , Pitts ro ~. t r mi, in M. Wtt.stsiss lons S.' Eh ;MORI II etLLIMILS lilt DILWORTIL—Wholesale . ' Grocers Pcoducc and Commission Merchants, and IS . AM rittsburgh Manufactured article& No. 29, I,lllotsti•et. ........v. k e p le r WIIIMUL ROBINSON, Attorneyst Law on the aorta Nide of the Diamond,betwee that end Unicarat fees. upstairs eep 10 • 1., PUIRI3OII.AW, Attorney at Law; tenders at s rvieed to the public. Office COT ".'Ariti his P r°f"Pkin- above D. Lloyd 4. Co's Oar — Vat) and Market Streets. sep 10 Awe. nutmeat). Pa. 'joss B.Straatmr J. N. KLAN QUERY F F & K EA.N , Manufacturers of Copper. • 116. Tin. and Sheet Iron Ware. N 0.130, Front it., Ftits *lash, House Spouting and Steamboat work pcomnity iseertre. sep 10 ' inseams 111 YOUN • Flt• Nola L. YOUNG. IrrloB, B. YOUNG a L CO., Furniture Ware — mss, ft,orncr of Hand st. Ic Exchange Alley. ....retinae wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to !',4llelSidVaittalge to give us a call, twirl fully satisfied that -111rOto pilaw as to quality and price. sep 10 N AMS.—Just rece!Yed 160 choice Mut tea Rama, well cured and for sale cheap by ;he do etall,by ISAAC lIARRIB, 50.9, Filth it A BAG A.—A supp'y of Landreth's Fresh Ru• 't* BI:ft. and other different varieties of Turnip fes4,ilit received and for sale at airmen , mess at the Prilic sad Seed Store of F. G. SNOWDEN, so, 10 • No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. VirEBB CLOSEYO Boot and Shoe Manufacto ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door toStates tattle. UAW Fennell', Kid and Satin Shoes made in atatentasaafter, and by the newestyreach patterns. Sep 10 ORUA MULTICAULUS. in lots to nit 51000 M purchasers; tote disposed orb, F. L. SNOWDEN. Ro. 184 Liberty street. bead of Wood -tip le IniRPLIA ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of re. Ai! :very deserlptlon, tan always be had at the Ding IOC*" store of F. L. SNOWDEN. ertyll 0 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. *501.118. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion reed, for Mae at the Drug and deed store of F.l. SNOWDEN. Ana LAS. NEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, 0 1117,F1F for wed; Jost Trimly('la by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184. Liberty bead of Wood at. jeLAILISCA TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades ?Ur Tramptenting Trowels, gilding Tools, Budeting Itsbros.frusteg Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., Just re. Vend and for isle by F. L. SNOWDEN. *OBB 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood. /61/1011CSIRealson Hama.--Just received a small sup ist very choice cared Venison Hanks, on retell to rosall tetsfer surreet money. ISAAC HARRIS. Agent, VIVINFF II Dudek Clover Seed, Orehard Grass and ltestaeky Blue Grass, always on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN, salt 10 10.1114 Liberty street, bead of Wood. 11111111 SUCHANAN, Aftersory• a Lae. °See removed front tita Diamond, to “Attorney'sßoar." gaily silkier Fortis aroma, between Market and Wood Mesta sop 10 AifteTtATEWSLANIKB, for proccoliari In le. t ander notate law, far safe at this Mae. liALß.—Lins on the Norttt East corner of Coal •::11sInte sod fllgh street. Apply to io awn. DARLINGTON, Marini, *Bar 4 t h K. LSA. Landreth's French Sugar Bcet Seed,Just rotelved and for Isle at he Drug and Seed F. L. SNOWDEN, - 184 Liberty et reel , head of Wood. N Of PARTNERSHIP.—The - 11WWWIlniblp bereteroce irslitlai between WIL - sad MINI AM IN lIICIPLIIIMLL lethis day • , • isal cousesL WIIU Dishy to sallositesil re of ties &wile' a lednesli WILLIAM MOT. - ..Sllfl. T.IIOIIIIIIVMS4 184 Glberty street. head of Wood and Coin. Merchant MEM 11[~CNIN~ JOHNSTON 4 STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Manufactruers4 No. 37, Market er. sep 10-il TOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Pounary, Water at., al near the Monongahela House, PDbAntgla• SEP 10-1 LSONARD S. JOHNS, Alderman, St. Clair streetote coed door from Liberty. eep 10—ly DR. B. R. HOLMES, Mite in Second street, next door to Mulvaay k Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-ly SHUNK It FINDI.AY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth at., near the Mayor's Omen, Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y THOS. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sty., Plttsborth. sep 10-1 y HUGE TONER, Allot nev at Law, North Eaki corner ordmfthfield and Fourth street!. gen 10-1 y THONPION MANNA HANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No. 104, Wood at., where may he had a general 'Ripply of writing wrapping. printing, wall paper, blank books, school hooks, ke, /re. sep 16—ly RC. TOWNAEND d• CO., Wire Workers and . Moietifearrors , No. 23 Market street. between 2d and 3d streets. sep 10--1 y EL, Corner of Penn and Pt. Clair MeHIBBIN 4. SMITH. 11 .4 1XC11 A NOE NO _EA m rests, by Pep 10-1! BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward Rushes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25. Wood at., Pittsburgh. sep 10 —ly IG METAL.-77 tons soft Pig Metal for sale by 3.G.} A. °GROIN No. 12 Water street 3 00LBS. B A CON HAMS. 16.000 Itra.Saeon 10 Shoulders, for sale by J. G. A. GORDON, N 0.12 Water street JAS. PATTERSON, Jr... Birmingham, near P iltsbursh, -Pa., Manufacturer of Locks. Hinges and Bolls; To• Immo. Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for Rollin Mills, j.c. sep 10-1 y TORN IrCLOSHEY, Tailor and Clothier, Lther.y Stint, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, sep 10 JW. BURBRIDGE 4. CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants— Second street, between Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. sepia- ly G. 4 A. GORDVi. Commission and Forwarding a/P • Merchants, Water st., Pittsburgh. sep y HA MS.--4 casks hams. • good article, received per 9 B. Corsair, and for sale by J. G. 4. A. GORDON, seri 10 No. 12, Water street S UGAR * ASSES.---40 Muis New Orleans 8a gar; 80 Ws New Orleans Molasses; for sale by Pep 10 .I. G. k A. GORDON: SUGA R.-7 bbd4 prime N. 0. Bazar , received per S R. Maine. and for sale by J. G. lc A. GORDON. Imp 10 No. 12, Water 'tree 50 BACON CASKS.In order, on hand and for sale by sep 10 J. G. it A. GOR DON, No. 12, Water at SUGAR AND MOT, ASSEB.-13 hhds and 4 Lb). N. 0 Sager, $3 bbla N.O. Molasses, received per bleamboa I porter,and for sale by J. G. 4. A. GORDON. sep 10 No. 12. Water street 5 BBLE). LARD OIL, for grate by 8. A. FA H NESTOCR 4. CO.. Dm 10 corner of 6th and Wood or 1631 PAPERBGermantown Lamp Whet ferAirle by B.A. FAAINESTOCK* rep 10 corner of 6thand WO4llll l P. 200 "8 riciesbryocK 4 co sap 10 . corner of 6th aed Wood eft SUGAR AND MOLASSES.-60 bllds. N. 0.- 91111615. d0.d0., 100 do. Ptantaikm Illolusarv. •ale by Pep 13 BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— I o be used is Bankruptcy proceedings. printed on good pa per,and In the forms approved by i he Court los tale at the Office of the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10 WM. FIUBBA.RD, Ladies' fashionable hoot and shoe Stanufactu rer. N 0. 101, Third street. between tVood aud Smithfield streets. Pittsburgh sep 10 BUCKM ASTER, AT'RNEY AT LAW, . has removed his other to the corner of Fourth street and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant streets,Pittshurgh. !Pep 10 24! D AVID SANDS, ATCH & CLOCK MAKER, No. 7, Si. Clair sircei, Pitts ,‘kripp . burgh, DEALER IN WA TCII ES,C LOCKS,BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, 4e. sep 10 ][ANDRETIPS GARDEN SEEDS.- A fon supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at Ns agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, rep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. DA. DAVID WARD ha+ his office and residence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second dwelling from Rossstreet. He will faithfully attend all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. sep 10 REMOVAL.—Matthew Jones, Bather and Hair Dress er, has removed to Fourth street, opposite the May or+ office, where he will he happy to:wait upon pernianen ur transient customers. He sulicitsa share of public nat ronsv.. sep 10 WNI. A. WARD, DENTIST, Penn et. three door below Irwin street, Hours of business, from 11., until 5 P. st„ after which time he will attend to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He would further inform those who may think proper to employ him, that he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep 10 JOHN M'FARLAND , Upholsterer and Cabinet ..ker, Third at. between Wood 4. Market streets respectful infnrms his friends and the public that be is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bu• venue, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads. Stands, flair and Spring Mailman', Curtains. Carpets. all ports of Upholstering wort, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable tertns. rep 10 REmontp.—.The subscribers have removed to WA ter between Wood and Smithfield sirects, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis sion business, and would respertfully solicit the patron. age of their friends. J. W. DURESS IDG E 4 Co, Dec 3 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, xe. AM Weed Bores, Pittsbargh.—R. A. Bausman, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, is now prepared to receiveand sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandise, at bis large and capacious rooms, No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and Flab Streets, flttshergh. - Regular sales of Dry Goods. !Furniture, Groceries and other articles. on Mondays and Thursday of each weak. Himlware,Outiery,Drif Good., and Fancy articles, on Tuesday, Wednesday...l4Thursday, evenings. Books. ¢e., every Saturday evening. Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted. iterzasster Meters. Soho A Davie, Esq., .. Rapier 4. Sealib. .. Hampton. Smith, 4. Co., ti F. Lorene ¢ Co., J. W. Herbalist. f Co.. u 8. Prl'Lee # Co. •• Capt . : James M'Gareli. H. Mmes. KM .. „lope artraddeu Seq. Lopn 4. Kennedy. .• 1. K. Moorhead 4. co. •• J as . P. Stuart, Req.' Robert Galway, Elm: Capt. Mat,. I. if Way , Eilmesat'it' Co. WlMa* *roes. WWlleg “ B.G. Usury,• Lesehrrills U, B Meth, IlegatilY •CO leen HIIIGBY—Xe. In, Corner of freedom! Frond . Streets, Pittobs.riA, has ots hand a complete its• sortnsentof Queensw are suited to the city or countrr trade. Also, a choice selection of pure while and gold band DINING 11ND TEAWARE, in large or small se* or separate pieces to snit purchasers. A cask of 96, 60, or 84 piece sets, superbly painted and gilt English China Teaware, at very low prices. Toy Teaware, platn, and rich painted and gilt, Me 1,00 to ti3OR per set. Childr - th's Mugs of every description. While China Shaving Mugs. Granite Dining at d Tea Services, in white and with splendid American scenery printed In bias and btaek. A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Sets, Imported to match. complete, Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties. Window Glass, of every size. Patent Pockets, Tubs and Kcelers. Stone Pipe Heads, 4.c. 4.c. All of which are respectfully offered to the pub. lie on the most favorable terms. Jan 26. 1842-1 y I. OA Bags Rio Coffee . For sale by ert, • oct 4. ; • ¢ A. GORDON. =EI ROARROUND CANDY.—Ttrrn,r has 1 received this day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con gumption; and is ready to supply customers at wholesale or retail, at his ifsdica/ Agency, Sti Fourth at, nov 12 DAVID CLARK, Air% ettilionatri• Boot laker,- 11 as removed to No, 34 Market aireet h between Second and Third streets, where he won'rkt happy to see his old customers, aud all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. He uses nothing hut first rate stock, and employs the beat of workmen; and as he gives tits constant personal attention to business, he truststitat he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. PPP 10 ICI CREAM. t CONFECTIONARY.— A • Hanker respectfully informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best guiltily of lee Creams. together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their ereson, at his emahlishment—No. 11, Fifth street, heiwe n Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shf:rlest notice, with cakmi, or anything in his line. Also families famished with Bread. Des 10 EV A POPS CAMOMILE . PIL 15.—A BR A - HAM J. CLEMER, residing at 811 Molt street, New York, was afflicted with 1) yspefille in Its most aggravated form. The symptoms Were violent head. ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, Depilation of sinking at the stomach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomiting., dizziness towards night and restleness. These had continued up. ward or a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Wm. Evans.looChatham street; and submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to health In the short space of one month, and grateful tor the incalculable benefit desist. ed. gladly came forward and volunteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. 6. SELLERS, Agent, No 20. Wood street. helow Second. J. G. 4. 01.GORDOti, No. 12 Water street Pittsburgh 1 1 PITTSBURGH, FEBRUARY 10, 1843. CARR'S PATENT LAMPS, FOR BURNING LARD.—Those who would wish greatly to reduce their expense for light, shoul d certainly purchase one of the above named Lamps, ashy their use there is a eine saving of at least twa4 birds of the expense over 011,and the light obtained from this is pure and brilliant, and wholly free from smoke or disagreeehle smell. We would here mate that Carr's Patent is the only one worthy the attention of the public. as it is the only one that is ■ppli cable to every variety or pattern of fAmps, and the only one that will turn Lard weta., at any temperature of cold or heat. We have, in the short space of three mouths, sold several thousands: and with scarce an exception, those using them have expressed themselves highly pleas ed with them. and fully convit.ced of the great economy by their use, as well as their superiority over either oil or candies, in regard to cleanliness and light. The above named lamps can he had only at . BROWN Sr RAYMOND'S, Third street ,neeri e opposile the r post here Is itottomsueolsiP Satins% Metal, 'tin *tars Lasops,of vat ions patterns. Giant lamps mild at manufacturers' prices. We take ntrasurs In &refills In the public the follow ing certificate, which is subscribed to by many reopecta bie chizena. We ‘ the undersigned, hive tried and are now using Carr,: Patent Lamps, for burning Lard or o:her animal fat, and we have no beettat ion in saying that they give an excellent light—equal to any of the ordinary modes or lighting a house, at about one 4 hurl the cost, and wholly free Isom amoke or other disagreeeble smell. We lake a pleasure in recommending these lamps to thin public, as by their uric there is a great roving over either sperm or lard oil. or even candles; and we believe them to be more cleanly and less troublesome than either. To be had at littown ft •TMOIRD'Ilonly, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Rev. W. W. Bakevvell, James 'loon, " A. M. Bryan, Charles Poe!son, " John M'Cron, C. Yeager, N. G. Collins. Wm. graham, jr., " Robert Dunlap, E. Trevino, Dr H. D. Sellers. Wm. Douglass, " E. D. Gomm. Henry Atwood, " Wm. M. Wright, Isaac Crum Robert H. Kerr, EN., George W. Henry A. Beckham, Robert McPherson, Thomas Onston, John S. Shaffer, George Miltenberger. Wm. Elchbaum, 0. P. Shires, J. B Turner, A . Miller, Wm. Martin, R. M. Riddle, Post Master Henry Bargesser, R 6 hert Gray, James S. Clark, of the Amer Allen Kramer, lean Hotel, A. F. Marthens, John M.Campbell M. Stack !muse. L. Alberger, n oncrt Johnston, James Mellin, N. R. Just received, an improved Patent Lamp. for kitchen use. no, 19—di w d. wtf TO THEPUBLIC, and particuisriy to my forme r patron• of this city:—Having retired from the practice of Medicine, I may be permitted to say, that It has fallen to the lot of i.at few persons to have enjoyed so liberal or large a share of obstreffical practice as my own hasbeen for the last 30 or 40 years. The experience of that long period of active life, and the fact of sly having been twice, sloce MO, associated with Dr. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, (in both a period of five years.) enables me to Judge fully of the merits of his pills. SO convenient,so efficient, and yet su gee, did I esteem these pills, that for the last five yews in my practice for the core of chronic diseases, or whatever name, and those of (emetics In particular, I have used more or them than all other medicines. Like every other medicine, this must fail in some In stances, but In my hands there has been less disappoint. ment and more satisfaction In the administration of thi• one remedy than of all others;tia good effects sometimes quite astonishing me. if my patient required asafe aperient medicine either ...fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pi.ls were just the thing I wanted. Ira dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined with costiveness or Inactivity ofthe liver,eoestituted the disease of my patiest, the pill' were just the thing I Wattled. If i treated a ease,requiring an emmenagogue, the Wiison's pills were just the thing [ wanted. If palpitation, headache, flushed eountenance, or other dtelculties, indicating a dtsterbance of the circulatory and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the 'turn of life,' the Witson's pills were just ttse thing I wanted. Thus, without ratipzet to the name, a disease might bappen to wear at the time I have bad it under treat 'neat, particular indications or symptom' arising. were aktays newt promptly and most happily met by the Wilson's pill.. That so great ■ number of diseases, and sometimes op. patently opposite ones, In which I have used these pills, should be muted more readlty by them than by any other remedy, may at first meta strange and contradictory, but why it is so is asclear to my mind as that a great many persons should become thirsty from se many different causes, and yet all require that common and greatest of all blessings, water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, it Is duethe reputation of t`m medicine and the palltie, to say decidedly and unconditionally, t hat the Wilson's O'Mara theonly combination I have ever met with In my longeonrse of pmeticc, that really pos• eesemanything entativeor specific for sick headache. Yours ¢c., DR. MILO ADAMS. The above Pills designed particularly for the sick Haed.Aehs. Dyspepsia. Constipation of the Dowels de., p etc pmptister Dr. D. 4 A. Mean, and for; sie,wbeisrele and retail. at his dwelling in Pees rdreet, Oct 1 ~,.. , , DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of the ladles as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex ercise, or general debility of the system. Thry obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous These Pills have..gnined the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the tint tail States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and U ail 1. by . R. F.l. SELLERS, .pent, Illep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second. WM. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe .Maker, Liberty St., opposite the head of Smithfield of., Pitt sburgh.— The aubacrther having bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business In the old stand of Mr: R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work In his line, in the best manlier and on the shortest notice. He keeps corstantly on hand R large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and of the beat quality. He solicits the patronage of the nab- Ilcand of the craft. WM. ADAIR. sap 10 priTsmrß.Gur lIIANUFACTORY.—Springs and Axles far Carriages at Eastern Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach,C and Eliptic Springs (warranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass "end plated Hub Rands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable iron, Door Handles and Hinges. JONES & COLEMAN. Si. Clair si.. near It a Allegheny Bridge D. SELLERS, M. D.. °Mee and dwelling in CIL. near Ferry street. sep 113—ly LOOK AT THIS. The attention sf tho-e who have been somewhat step. lie& in reference to the numerous certificates published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of WilrlCher rjr,On account of the persona being unknown in this sec don of the State, is respectfully directed to the following clertificale, the writer of which has been a citizen of this heentigh forseveral yotamand IF known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. Ike Agest, Mr. J. KIRBY. ( have used Dr. Bwaywe's Comp and Syrup of Witt( Cherry for a cough, with which i have been severely of flitted for about rime months, and 1 have no hesitation In saying that It lithe most effective medicine that I have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and agrees well with my diet.—and mantaltis a regular and good appetite. I can freely recommend It to all others efinitarly afflicted. J. Mtanicg, Borough of Cliambersb i g. March 9, IR4O. pep /3 roviale by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES 113101CRSONS desirous of procuring Frail. Shade. and Ornamental Trees. or Shrubbery, from Ploladel obla or New York, are requested to make application as peon as possible, at the Drug and Seed Store of the stilt scriber, where ran he had ratalogum gratuitously. of the most excellent Yarietles. F. 1.. SNOWDEN. sep 31 No IR4 Liberty street. hood of Won.. MARBLE NI ANUFACO TRY.—Pntrlek Caw field re. Pont fullyaequaints his friends arid the public, zen erally, that he haseommeneed the Marble business at the come:sof ?inn and Liberty sts.,where will he constantly on haild.t.onsh atones, mantel pieces. monuments, head and footeitoners. tattle slat* for cabinet ware, and every artfelenXtertalnlng to the boslneis. He will warrant his work Woe wet done, and his eharfes will 1* moderate. He edniketrifilly oaks a stia re of priblie patronage. sep 10- H4Arxdft 4. TURNBULL, Paoraticroaa viva CLIP!. IL. Vow PArka Mu.t.. Steubenville, Ohio. having TEM°. VPd theirstore from this city, have appointed Holdship 4. Browne. No. 49 Market et., between 3rd and 4th, ,t• gent• for me sale of the different klndsof Paper marnfac— fUrell t Y them. where their friends and customers will al wily) find a reentnr supply of paper, such as Cap and P , rittny, latnnnd faint nook Wrappissr and Tea fmpi . , and Prim's', Taper ortftffereot iri ses and qualities ,all of which will be sold on the most accommndatlng terms. HoLesetir k Panwrie, mnnuficturers and Importers of Walt Papers and florders.kreps constantly on hand eve. ry variety of Entry, Parlor and Chamber Papers, of the latest styles and most handsome pattern., which they will pelt tow and on accommodating terms, wltblesale or retail, nov 18—tf. Portage Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2,500 Mr, at $55 00. do do do do 2,005 at $45 00 do do do do 1,500 at 35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 00 do do do do 500 at 2.5 00 With raising levers an addition 0 . 83 to each scale. Dormant scales for the ii•eforkParehonses, Flouring Mills. tc., the same prices intti4olre.• Also, White's Patent Collate, Bade, with 0 . Young's improvements, and a variety ef other counter scales, which they will sell for from 810 $l5. They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mills. Saw Mills. Salt Works. d•c„ double and single geared slide lad hes,foot and other lathes for wood turning machines; for tenanting chairs, planing machines... door and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or without thrashing machines, a superior arilele; circular saw shafts, machines for sewing lath, Tinner's trim chines and toots ofail descriptions, also for making black log boseska superior article; governors for steam engine. stocks, taps and dies, coffee mills. bedstead or joint hots and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma chinery made or repaired: printing press plattens turned and printing pusses repaired. LAMES MAY. Agent. sep 22—tr YOUNG 4. BR A DRURY JOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis. Mon Merehoni,Ne.lo6,corver of Wood 4. IVA oto. Pitl.iargh: Hiving heenappointed one of the Auction eers rot the City or Pitsburgh. tenders his services to Job bers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed to make trial of Ibis market- He is prepared to make advances on consignments of ail saleable commodities, and trusts tosatisfy correspondents by quick sales, and speedy (and favorable returns. That the "'Wens interests which may he eonfided to him, .bait be adequately protected,he brings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise generally, the services of Mr. SAMUEL Fattearroca; heretofore advantageously known, as an importer and dealtr in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement is made. Ftsran co Mears. N. Tjnearreto, reel. of M. 4. N. ' Bank. " Darlington 4. Peebles, • RobertGalway. " James M. Cooper, " James May, • R. M. Riddle. i• Pittsburgh Win Robinson, Jr. IPres't of Exchange Bank. • Plampton,Smlth, 4- Co., John D. Davis, •• BamuelChtrreb, • J. K. Moorhead, • Jas. W. Brown Co. Jobe H. Brawn. 4. Co. Smith 4- fluidity, Vardly Jf tillvers, John S. diddle, • John WWII, mummy nova—Jost received's few barrel, of Sepertor nose. matte expressly for family use!Tor ask by - ISAAC CRIIISS,I4B Llb, St. Is Store 50 barrels ear. ewer. For publishing a new Daily Paper in the City of Pills DAILY MORNING POST. THE Subscribers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Daily Morning Post. The leading object of tne "Poore" will be tbeditssemina. lion and defence of the political principles that have bete- L.:trove been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, In polities, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honc.st, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat ters and occurrences that conic properly wit bin the sphere of a Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently in cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, ir respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the °Morning Post," the Editors will take pains to furnish the business community with the latest and most itittresting Coramitact•c Irrrettd isms from all parts of the country, and to have prepa• red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as willgtaslvantageous to our Merchants and Dullness Men In their several callings. Tirrags.—The POST will be ptiblished en a large imperi al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum, payable in advance. It will also he sold by newsboys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Advertisements will he inserted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. Cc!irTW ENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post, whit will he engaged on the most Hheral terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W.H.SMITH. August 31, 11.12 100 HIIDS.KY. LEAF TOBACCO. in store and for sale by J. G. k A CORDON, No. 1.4 Water street. BY Morrison 4- Co. London, for sate only by S. N Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh l'a. and Fl. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sec, 10 FARM FOR SA Ltd.—The undersigned offers for sale a tract of land situated 4 miles fro.t, freepost, In the direction of Kittanning, Buffalo 'township, Armstrong county, containing JOU acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of which are In meadow— a good square tog dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple weber(' of 81) bearing trees—and a spring of excellent water convenient tothe house. FOR TERMS apply to the subscribers residing al the Saltworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free port. TO THE WlSE.—itis now well understood how much disorders of the mind depend for their care upon a due attention to the body. It id cow understood how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid accumulations without weakening the bodily power. It fs now understood ilmt there to a reciprocal influence be. mind and the body. It Is now understood that purging with the Brandreth Pills will tentove a meter] choly, and even insanity is cured by perseveringly usinp, them. It is now understood how mach domestic happi• ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive organs. It is now well known that the Brandreth Pills have cured thousands of hopeless and helpless persons, even when the first physicians bad pronounced them beyond all human means of relief. It is now not 'only well known that the Brandreth Pills so cure, hit it is also on• derstood how they cure; that it is by their purifying effect on the blood that they restore the body to health. • - me, WWI of ate 'medicine fir beconvlng more and more manifest, it la recommended daily from family to family, T7uStrandreth Pills remove Iw an almost imperceptible manner all noxious accumulations and purify and invigo rate the ltiood,and their good effects are not counterhalan ced byway Inconveniences; being composed entirely of vegetables they do not expose. those who use them to danger; and their effects arc as certain as they are salu tary; they arc daily and safely adminh.tertd to infancy, youth, manhood, and old agc, and to women in the most critical and delicate circumstances, They do not disturb or shock the animal functions, but restore their order and ct tab' ish their health- mproved Play vinfaetnred be IPir Machint between ftla h street, two .re Vail, Pius mfactore and ,d the foflow Igscales(whol. composed of Ida!): No. 1, Port tie Platform tales on w lees, weigh 35Uu mods,ai stis,* Sold at Dr. Dritsdreth's Office, N0.9:1, Wood street, r illshltrall. Price 25 cents per box, with full directions. MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh where the gena• ine Pills can he obtained, is the Loctor's own office, No. 93 Wood Street. sep 10 FPO THE LADIES —Why do you not remove that auperiluous hair you have upon you foreheads and upper lips 7 By calling at Trrrhea, 86 Fourth st., and obtaining a bottle of Gourand's Poudres elubtles, which will remove it at once without affecting the skin. You can also obtain Couraud'a ti oh , celebrated East do Beasts, which will at once remove ail freckle., pimples, eruptions of tits skin, and mire your face look perectty fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more color to their cheeks, they can obtain some . of Gou ratid's celehraled Liquid Rouge, which cannot be ream(' oft even ay a wet cloth. Also ma♦ be found a rood as. sortment of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Beals' Oil, Al. mond, Palm, Windsor; and other 6uaps. Renwmber. nt Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th street. Dec. 8, 1842 LET invalids read the following account of a Ballot cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen days by the use at Brandreth Pitts. It distinctly proves there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be. cause of disease, and Brandreth's Pills are made for them Bead and beconvi nred. Take the medicine ;tone cured EXTRAORDINAR Y CURE or RREUMATISM DIAR RHCEA, AND AF FECTION OF THE L GNUS:. JOHN Fruw. of Pembroke, Wishi ns ton county, Maine, being duly sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick about six months since. The pains in his head, breast, back, left side and instep bring so bad that lie was una. !Veto help iiimself,altd was taken into the Chelsea Hos. pital is the city of Boston. That after being in said hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said he did not know what was the mallet with him, and that he could do nothing for him, nor eould he prescribe any medicine. That he, therefore, was conveyed front the Chelsea Hos. pital to the Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he was there physicked with all sorts of medicine for a peri od offour months, suffering all the time the most heart. rending misery.- That, besides Ida affection of his bones he was troubled much with a disease of the lungs: some. limes lie would spit a quart of phlegm In the day; besides this affection he had a bad Diarrhten, which had more or less ati ended him (tom the commencement of his sick. ness. That at times he dreaded a stool worse than he would have dreaded death; that hectic' consparrthe feel. lug to nothing save that of knives passing through his bowels. A Her su tiering worm titan death at the Sailor's Ret rent, on Staten Island, the doctor told hint that medi cine was of no use to him. that lie mu't try to atleabout. At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. That his bones wtre so tender he could not bear the least press ure upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his instep was most painful, that as the Doctor said he would give him no more medicine he determined to procure some of Dr., Brandretles Pills, which he did, from 241 Broadway New York; that he commenced with five pills, and some t imesitiereased the dose to eight. Tile first week's use so much , benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing what he was using, said, •novr,Shaw. you look like a man again; if you Improve in this way, you will soon be well.' That he found every dose of the Brandreth Pills relieve him, first they cured him of the pain when at stool;that they next cured the dial rhcea, sad finally the pains In fits bones;—That the medicine seemed to add strength to Mtn every day. He told the doctor yester day the ID h Instant, that he felt himself well. and also, that he owed his recovery to Brandreths Pills under Providence, - that he had taken the medicine levet) , day for ISdays; that the doctor told him if he had known he had been taking that medicine, he should not have tayed another day In rite house. He considers it is his dolt to make thispublic statement for the benefit of all similarly afflicted; that they may know where to find a medicine that will cure them. JOHN SHAW. John Shaw being hy me duly sworn thisthh day of April, 1842, did depose and say that the foregoing state meat is true. J. D. W H EELER,Commtsaioner or Deeds, The BRANDRETH PILLS are sold at Dr. Rica dreth's principal office, 241, DRoADmir. New York and at his principal <dee. N 0.98 Wood lenaigyr Ittetettib: lb* OAIaPPL-ICIC la Pitlabargh Mitre Iblieratriae ea* sep • •_. Phitadel'a I unto PROSPECTUS' burgh, to be entitled the WM. k PHILIP BAKER BRANDRETH PILLS PRICE TWO CENTS• DAILY MORNING POST• Prom the Baltimore tie- TWENTY.SETENTII U. S. CORGRESIS. IZCO (D 1113610 N WasumaToN, February 6, 1843 SENATE. The mot fling hour was occupied by the reception of petitions from all quarters, te• lative to almost every subject; they were alt appropriately referred, which, considat ering the advanced period of the session, will, I presume, be the last of them. Mr, Choate found fault with an editqriai article in the Globe of Friday, relative to himself. He made a question of veracity. Joint resolutions from the Legislature of Maine, in favor of the repeal of the bank rupt law, were presented and ordered to be printed. Mr. Archer moved fur a re•consideratinft of the vote by which the Oregon • Bill was passed. Mr. Linn raised a parliamentary objec tion. After some conversation. the ques tion of re consideration was laid over_ tilt to morrow. Mr. Talltnadge, in pursuan* of notice called upon his exchequer bill. He ex. plained that the various postponements of the bill were at the instance of other Sena tors, and n by his desire. lie then went into an elaborate argument, chewing the necessity for the immediate action of Con— gress on the currency question. The bill was then laid over, and the bill 'to prevent the running of private expres. a s and the conveyance of mailable matter out of the mail' agait. taken up. A debate arose, but when this was clo• sed, no decisive action had ben taken on the bill. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Speaker took the Chair an hour eat Her than heretofore, the time of the dal. ly meeting having been altered from 12 to 11 o'clock. Owing, however, to an ex ceedingly high wicd but few members had arrived. Those present made the most of their opportunity by crowding in petitions and other businerts of miscellaneous char acter. Mr. Cowan, from the committee on claims, to which were referred sundry pe titions asking. Congress to restore to Amos Kendall his persimal liberty. .ma le a re. port accompanied bfa bill in favor of the prayer of the petitions. The bill having been read twice, Mr. Cowan proposed that Friday next 'should be set apart for its consideration. He said it was one of the clearest and strongest ca see calling for the immediate consideration of the House, he had ever seen. He felt 4;4 confident that no gentlemen of either par. ty, afte.r reading the - report, could for a moment hesitate to grant the relief sought. It was a claim on which there could be no question, and it called For the prompt in. terposirion of the House. It was one of. strongest claims the committee had eves had under consideration. Yj - - Mr. Davis, of Kentucky, said that inatfat much as there were several legal quee-i - Lions involved in the claim, he would pro- pose that the bill be referred to the judi• ciary committee. Mr. Cowan said the gentleman was mis• taken. The subject invohed — no legal question. The question was one of plain and clear justice, which any man of corn. mon sense might understand and decide upon without a moment's hesitation. The question was, whether a p'rblic officer in the conscientious discharge of his duty should he afterwardtsued and made to suf fer in his private capacity. Nogentleman would, he was sure, hesitate a moment in deciding that an officer, by bis zeal, to fur ther the interests of government, ought not arterwards to be permitted to suffer by the loss of his personal liberty or. otherwise. The intent of the officer was to be consid. ered; and if it was his intent to.protect the interests of the government, whether his act was strictly legal or not, was no mat-. ter, the government ought to protect him. Wes not the government officer sworn to protect the interests of the governmenti and if Mr. Kendall, when Postmaster General, consequently believed that is acting as he did, he was protecting those intereta, upon what principle of justice could he be made responsible in his pri vete capacity. He repeated that a strong. er or clearer case could not exist. After further discussions of a converse+ tional character, Mr. Cowan referred to the verdict of the jury which set forth that the act in question was, in their belief, performed by Mr. Kendall in the conetitu tional belief that he was discharging his duty to government. Finally the whole matter was referred to a committee of the whole on the state of the Union. Mr Boardman, from the committee on. public buildings, reported a bill to reduce the salary of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, from $3,000 to $2,000 per aci nuin. The bill having been read twice, the question on its engrossment was pressed. Mr. Bowie protested against- such hot haste. Here, said be, but a few minutes ago, a hill for the relief of Amos Kendall. was refused consideration on the ground that members wanted time to examine it; notwithstanding :he member who reported it said it was one of the strongest cases that could exist;—and now a hill cutting down the salary of a public officer, was reported and attempted to be carried through, without any time for confiders+ Lion, or even the ;fading of tba report ! Hs for one could not consent tosuch a pre. caeding. He *so not against reartina‘ meat, but why AWN* this one ofacsiril
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers