41 . 11 f tr.f : tiii tollyeietgeeps4tew•'''' "Premature itt-e --PRO 44 7- 1. DEP6S4B - l..ZCOtl7#4lii. i been adopted,.concurredirt, --YietTsk-eaceeseui-e-',. terine at s isiiiiekt by aPSirit.:paper: A 'nide . : - -'•;•••-'' -tteeseeeyeFeb„.•Ye'l643„ i that the cornnaitee on Finance be directed wife of the commune of Paullhan had ape' BoCvenlbuatinciliimarriete•TriGues,ettAeabyise,S,sVio.:irlilanird.,,causrsroeoant masolpleryacntiocwablien ttohecoenbvert ail mi.' patently died, and her body,. after Che I win, Keliy, Litch, Ma r aw Mason t i - I into available funds. - • twenty•four hours' customary delay, •was y treasury.. thews, Mitchell, Morrison, O'Neill, ' Pratt, I Also the follo wing - resolut e -- • ss- ave - 'me ' Stoner, Wiegans, and President.j thbeaetnthaedoepletrekda, coofnccouurnreediisinb,evizi:lßueiresolt.. _______________ ,- rem. it. sa -------"'" /pose that they shall hate the rUivilleguej"Of i ' S ' au t:. ing I Sp::: Placed p ro ceeded °l6 t o n --' Ann P ft o / . 1111f7 ORS ,' a paper currency; nom no is inonra 11m. Eichbaum, President, in the Chair. ............. J1.).-11' 1-11. The President laid before Conne'l d ' i 8 itt, epostt the papers relative to the Batters memorial from a committee of the vigilenT case in the vaults of theßank of Pittabwegb 'tehnedi:hacerft funeral rote s "all notes and thus swee P int° the greedy ma" During the way,the bearers felt something See ...____ First Puget. --ho can a end money changers, what little spa- • • - stirring in the coffin, and, in alarm, deters. Fire Company. which was read and re - ! when obtained from Mr. Wilkine andrneker __ ••en. Are there any more 1 fez red to thuspecial committee, appointed a minute thereof on their respe t . The nssumetion. Walk bt. mined on seeing 'what could have occurred. The editor of th e G astle dislikes, as well as he atelt ibsoooakrse. c tre. tzttioe , i Mr. Stoner presented a report from the/ -4 uctive They found the woman alive, having only on the 30th of January last. , may, to be luirl that the plunder project of Mr. port from a minoriti Of the ' , I Coq Juhnsor is at B itish parentage-th a t it was been in a lethargy. She was carried back Market Committee a , ecompanied by the Finance committee to whom was .refetzoi, first sketched out by the stick ' , Miners of London I • j . to her residence; but the agitation she suf- ~ • reillowing preamble and resoluti ons. Re 't e he report of the water committee as" _lnie. l , , If editor of the Gsz tte had been a pol.tician feted caused her death a few days after, port acce - . ptecf, and resolution read three ing been accented, which w From the Sl. O. Lutirein. iid 1839 and the beginnin g of '4O, ebottt the Bine .. as concurred LATEST r110351' 11 .CEIZICO. I this 'natter of Assumptien was broached in the March of Morals in Neu, Orleans.-A times and adopted, viz: in. Whereas. The great leading sets in Adjourned. PARTICULARS OF TUE L ITE BATTLE. !senate of the United Siatef ,he would not make Mr. Ratliff, member of the La. Legislature, establishing and regulating a market were By the schooner Dude, from M cameras, we /such a parade of his igneranc e , as to defy nq to introduced a proposition on the 26th inst, Ist, to provide a convenient pia ' ' te and time 1 th e Deere sse --.The., aro hard timet, indeed'''. Lave received dates tothel-11.11 ins?. prove that this i.lan cfJoin , snn'. s is a British ill to establish twelve gambling houses. in for Butchers, Gardners and Farmers to lennsmeahnhscreditors ciuld not pay his fees. That News w.s received in M tlakll kr Is by an extra vention. In pronouncin g it to be such we acted 1 New Orleans. Strange as it may seem dispose of provisions, feed, and their _vas I will do. wearier teem Gens. Wend and Contains, on the 15 h r .. . newspapers and speaker s had declared it to be so Great Pire.-Th e u. s. G,,zot e of Saturday / 4.2 We, to Gen. Arnoudia, that the Texians from 800 i rum a sd.stinct recollection that the democratic - Ito persons entertaining the most ordinary rious productions; and, secondly, for the f•e------- says.- • e reeret to learn by th e brig elarm,Cap- I 8 , puerile morals, the infamous • pro.; 1 . . - . .. tete .. - to 1000 strong, had captured Laredo, and that the , citizens to have an opp •rttsnity to procure Mexican forces wt'' , t . I I iI • • • fact . .1,- • • s ' noti on or Li. f. r, in • ; strong eneu g n i 10 attae when it was under diecasstoreand that the lois es Ville necessary supplies for their families, , them, in co - /sequ ence o f whi ch th ey h a d to fall I rem. denied nor disproved. In the address of " I " Ste 's"" at Ibis port from P ort au 'pri„ce. !position was referred by a majority of the • befor e it shall be bought up or monopoli . hack, durine which time the Texians had advan. ' 1 that jest Bailin g a destructive fire breke ii House to a committee. It does seem that zed by forestaller or huckster. And, the deem erotic &Lionel Ceneuntion of June, 1,910 before. ced ahead of them by the southern rouse towards Matamoras. w e find the sithjoincil allusoi n to the sclicrns: out iii the fewn, and f• orn the inflammabl e ma- ! gembij ez of some kind is the great lead- frliereas, Forestallers arid hucksters have teridis with which the house s are constructed, I i ~e i h,„ , i • beconlo so eumerous that during the On the reccipt.of this, G:neral Amoudia made ' , We are aware that thes e ar • plain singeestions, In some but eau we be mistake n in plaein:z th eol befits "early one half aril is , "opened to have been Cull I rig principle- - - - "dt g . part y' sprint arid summer ''• prepio /Ilion for ant immediate marA up the south !states they seek permission to gamble in sufficient room and astea-oa(mnims, t here ol.la not i aide of the Rio Gratide ; and on the fidlowin g day 1 eur •rmtelitunnts, ;tad oskiri g tt eir awakened at- sunned. (althnugh the n ezatier was very bad) he marched I tention to them, when WE SEE THE MERE 13,t%1ii:R5 s- - --_--____---- -- - , i stur.ks and paper money, and in others the growers and produc'e fm a ' ifn ' r rs 0 prOVISIOHd to or Losinres PUBWIIING TO TUE Ansit 'CAN ennui! /ILA D 0111..--1:110 Wli gs of the Indiana legisid.. I With two battalions, known as the Sappers and , they prefer the faro table and sweat cloth, offer fix sale their various articles, Minors, and continued a forced march until the a ettorhisrri oN •ilit ar 'nth Usiresn STATI•s an tl.l, lure have held a meetin g and unanimously' resoiv a.flerno,n.of he` t 2.1 ult., when they arrived at the s iIe , COMS t o (h P.m. Tilt. niorvltmAL S . TATE, As ed to • ctsinaim all personal and political contersa- las a means to 'relieve th t country' and to And, 11-bereas, The city ordinanees are city of Mier, dietant about 50 leagues front !]late- tI.k.F.TI FOR THEIR eereverneer as a condition, not - non with Daniel Kelm,' the Senato r who was e- 1 reetore the 'better times.' ample and sufficient, if properly enforced, mores. New:h a Yung already arrived that the Tex- `imply to their obtaining. further loans, hutnu, to the to protect and regulate all the above inter. _ lan, had cross/ d the Rio Grande, and wore only favorable sale, in the British markets, of their [co.( dus a whig and then vkkted for a democratic Profitable Wirkedness.-The Boston ests and objects, for which the markets 2 leaver distant from the town, they stationed stnekee and bands, now recipe there in pledge for U. S. Senator. were established. their artillery and prepared to rece ve them, and i, a - elvan" of itto"Y? ____. ___ Advertiser states that the Commonwealth at an early hour of the morni ng of the 23 ', the• • ' Such a preeesitir,: as ;t -errns to us, should Curtifrus -An exchange paper says that i 1 the i ,ef Mass achusetts -has r•eceived the past Therefore, Resolved, That the Mayor be town was slacked by a petty of of under !startle the elodi Aim, man ,en It is 0 boll : town of Nerih East (where is North ' .-Eaet?) there required to i-sue public ' 1 haul_ the command oleolone's Fisher end Green, num s attempt to connhel , (Iv! govcinm en t of lite Unitrif ; is aco for man named T t ' 1 n• d p-e li year from the Municipal Court of Boston, bills, to he put •- 7P pon.ac n i o i tice, t y . pier of the baring about 250 or 260 men ie all. fates again ro assumes /coif/a amount of elsot." I' ti - nam' who no • Id e . " . -1' 1 boat $3,0p0 ' fixesfur exacted for violation marl-et houses, that h I • aration s for his death, which he sari, it was re ! a e .t s,t e . fir lotting ordi• The attack commenced in the euburb: oe th e Such statements as this were repeatedly rnadc, of the Sunday Jaws._ naeces and resolutions will be strictly en ;city, and by daylieht the Texi•ins inad cut their and the truth of thefuet was nevi r doubted till now. forced for the future; the bills to contain 1842. Ile sent invitations Mr and wide to his I way through the Mexican troops, to where the Tea and Coffee in Illinois -The Peoria heavy places ofariillery were stationed, and then I I %reeled to hire would tube place on the last day 01 To this we would add the fellow ine extract from r . ~ . , ,„ . , • nem', io DC present on tne occasion. refused to, n t the foregoing preamble and follewing 0r ,3,..c.,, , the letter ofOverend, Gurney & C.r. Landon honk negister states that there is no coffee in dinances, and re ' • ' • solutions in city ordinan took to houses, and from the wi dews, doors, entlmg ounces on and then Ica re work, but spent his tim e i n • 1 ' ' they cut down the Mexicans from the cannon as 1 era to Col. Robinson, of this city, hat town except a little at one of the cos, ells I p t er 73, section sth. , tome ~ • !ones, trees, & e It 1171 S also been a.scer• I t ' t • • fast as they could be replae..d. In this manner tile public to say whither this "magnificent" pro ~i x feet 1 stores. The editor, in announcing this And it shall not be lawful for anyper they continued the fight from sillfeet to strer t,ficim • - - - tained that he due. a hol e fo r his grave, Louse to house, laving the Mexicans in !naps I 4, ~ six tong armro.ir Awe, in a soh rock in a • , proteststhat le )as not f ore,,taller or „ , . , ' • secluded place. The' young men is re4esented i used a grain since the hard times set in. v i s i o - „, or ' h or , f eed, ;eel o' Johnson's is not essentially a plan of the d ~,, . , , % • _. , . son who follows the• business of huckster , 'd• I piece of news, whereever they would attempt to form, and fre.i"Lon'inil Sto,,k B rokers," it! its " con relttiotl" et seller of any article of pro. queerly killed every man fruit. their pieces of ar- i leas'. i hand , to other 1 obits. ' "We d r i nk crust coffee at breakfast, and purchase, or offer to atk S'eur.l( !fiery; h ; -ut ' •3 can `q uen ee o f their superior t ° l " i It scents to fall within MIT rovine e to i'lurie if, as sane liPu " ail purchase, either them . they c old not r barge front the walls that prof, c t i eye cation wlaeh haa beep elsewer' m a tte e r• k i inn IN rh I. elle n E.__ r e , gr„ in s tore of A. M. sage tea at supper, and don't see but they selves, or by their agents, within :he limits Itid them without losing a poitiOn of their Men, t va:z.: That like FeriCr‘ol G',,verinnnent 'should insciliC r - ('cr..} & Ce., corne r or Pratt and Cheapsnie, was are about as goer!. - As for sugar, that is of the city, from t 1 , ,) of the clock in the but continued the fight from the houses, arse. "--- • •-•'' I a sufficient amount lit - three icr sent stock as . streets nod alley. with great stneeess, mull fate in I would satisfy the interest cf the several State s in destrdyed by fire last Monday. About 5010 del- just as scarce with us as the Java." afternoon 'of the dsy preceding each mar,. . the afternoon, when one: of the ❑ Texian captains i the public land,. di.trieute e , to each err•krk.lin g to !ars wort/1 o' zr tin was les!. - --- - ket day, until aft,•r market hours on said (without consulting) I • t at'''t''d a t"g fiom ""c of !their roportion, but rtscrylo l! to itself the optimi ____ _____ Rev. L'alvin Bush, a Baptist clergyman, market days, any fl•mr, meat, butter, egos, the houses, whirl] (len. Barn observed from Ito p a y those States which hove bond s ant, in tit( ir Getting Rea(lll.-IVe hear of a laree ~ 0 is changed on oath with the Cr ime of seduc- chiekens, (tried fruit, or any other article the o • • 'd • f • • ^ • ppesite side ,of the scria.e, end sent in ono of nwn bonds so as to give the halders of such fiends :, o f , ld i .• mini er int ii,o an d y o urig,marzied and . lof i horse or cow feed, from any person hie prisoners which be had taken during The day, the o tion ' of surr ni . ;fering• tl , em to the F i'er• I I s at Weedsport, Cayuga county, New to ascertain whether they had surrenek ed or not, • G.Wer p nment in ocelmil"e for ' their three ii I: ,: cn a t•r il igle, "'JO set iously contemplate emigre- . I ork. __. • which produned considerab'e excitement and cis. . , I ____________ _. the city, for sale 'or hurter; and each and tree a.nd we)), a ' If"; r marl- nein . it, 1 11 th a t We . • c , 1 • o Oregon, should due hlll which has satisfaction among the Texians. At length the 1 I s m ' ese ;no d oubt - it wfml.l Le ae‘rier!teri here b as an lin ' passed the Senate become a law. We ging, sir haring brought, the same to T. Fisk, Esq., is very successful in his every person offending, against the provi firing,"cersed on legit sides, when they sent the limn rsbl- rill . re t ' ; rnaLmetic experiments. He finds it a m uc h sions °f Ibis eectien,shall, upon conviction, messenger back with en answer to G'en.Arnpudia, -' - 8 ' ' li n . The Gazette asser ts Om! :he public hinds I ehmg would not be serprised to find upwards of i b - . , . for every such offence, forfeit and pay the that they would disemeinue the. battle it they were . ettet b us i ness thane jiting a paper. illowettlo return baff l e tyttieli terms Gm. Ito the Stales. I\ ow, ne tiara alwave solpieeed a hundred famitiee from this city and vi- I sum of twent y dollars, with costs of sit. Amaitudia informed the m be could nut agree. as he 1 1 toat those lands were tWiate e f by purch a s e b y ,• •,• • • q i • . t • I Empty Jail ---In Columbia county, Ps i Chapter 2 6 1. th, ' • cinit joining ,ie exp , r moil whie, i is to Sect Ist. Tilt ch •• May pad then in tow n from IS to 1800 infartir_y and ca. , the General al Giserinuent, or throuell formal ar ts I be and he is hb '-' 4 . ll tr' ij* , . ere y 14"„, t. /zed, to atra . lry, an d . that he . could not consid er he would be of , ~ ~ r , , , , ' -',. , ~stort next May• The wives of the men The editor of the N. 0. Bee has been ! or i grant licenses to persons followibg the bu otneeestice to his government and his fellows. Fess'33 'y sur in estates as ne d portions et them.. •_., ( . nren 3 7n The so far as we have elected S • -tate printer. I siness of selling coure-ry produce at Seconil countryme n to grunt their rrquest bat -at th e In paying for those lords, surveying them, Cr, "'' ) I same time he Was willing to alloW fair and /vino_ Sec_ the United S•ales have spenr,as was , hoe n tux heard, interpose no obstarle to the advert- The Dote etarty le R. 1. call Feener 1 l'a"d, within the market, at such place or table terms. Colefisher than asked the space of .2 Mr Benton, in one of his lumineus s icor/ es ':t ture• and 0 - . I 1., ill: , f it. n ate Lager fur :he lie. 'old Durham.' This is a ppropriate. plan- es, as may, from time to time, be di boars to call his tffiecre log:they to consult upon ' . - -- rected - by the officers - of sill - market, for about as much, ot rathe r ilikkre, perhaps, then they r change, .the sa c hject, and if not granted, h e w o /Id imenedi ' Pr.ifFssors of Animal Ma.,netiscn )lei the puronse.of exposing to sale such arti ate! Commcnee the fight again. Gen. Arnpudi a have received from them. We should like tn knew , This is • a most favoraille time fir the as i ' ' - then findin his I . y have g - iSS Sa greatand already satisfied with what ju s ti ce or eq u i fy th e St a t es e on advance . "'-' P'eritY Joist now as Temperance Lectu- I cies of country prod; ice a; they ma 1 settlement of the American possessions on with his day's work, readily consented to grant rers. Purchased , a claim to these I do ; the request; at the expirati on of winieb, tie carmen. an cells the Pacific, now that there are thousands , , Sect: 2 niat each and every person Tut the Gaxstte thinks we ought t i • letion was drawn, aeted upon arid signed by Gen- Pile Florida Indians. -Tigertail, Oeti- , i without employment and without hope. within) to be licensed for the purposes era! Arepudia arid his second in command, and sume plan "for the Relief of our suffering Cern of, arche, and other Indians, are at 'New 01.! aforesaid, shall pay the Aleyo-, for the use Colonels Fishe r and Gree and several other effi- i mo - Ith ,' It doe s not fellow that because we :It is to b. 3 regretted that in this !and' i eerie but the terms el' eeielt it is generally' belies- 1 - "ea • I , ! leads, en route %r the West. I of the city, the sum of $lO per year, and ; oppos• the article-jobbers' scheme of fraud - end in- , plenty, any who are . willing to worn for l ___ ____ ecrivill.not be respected when they arrive a• the Y , visitors, the slim of 3'74- cents „eley 'orilfrixieo. justice, we ate bound to propose another. Whaley- ! I i their bread should he c ompelled to uit the t I'larcus "'mil is a singularly fineir nate ' ! for h each day they may occupy said :. .. --e. elle .se ended th e b o t t l e o f mi en, w hi c h, i esfed 1 7 'i r else may he adopted, this one is utterly w rong ''.l-mmee of their fathers" and seek a q li ' 2 i n di vidual -he has twice been elected t 1 ttlio, ,s Markets ttohthe.telerk of the Markets, fir 4 th lour; with _ an odds of near fi t o 1, wil t a I ai s lin end impracticable. The labor of dev'sing a elan in cie i v t il.) - / Governor of Ma ssachusetts h r It i Ids of the 1) P, but so s. y one vo e. i aide.of the Mexican s of ne irly 100 killed and of In lie, iti this State, all.s prep, rly upt n the An- : e Resolved, [list Li :fie r thetat dayof A • • pril 200 wnunded, and a groat rnany of which have 'They who now eo if the c , b ut .3 A It ess timaslinic party. ‘Vlien Ritter took office the e f i ~ i such t maker in Bt nadway has pro- , I nex , no person will he permitted to °cot., 'nce died, and on the part of the' Texia es (tidy 11 f ew , cured a patent for a bustle of her ❑ inven- I as it is represented, will inn very killed and 19 wounded,l of whom has died since. St, te Debt was about $"2,000,000 (the sum Cost ' pint f ey tany place within the i diamond, or oriohe tion. It is made of bran. arid balsa Among the Ti xiens were 6 boys, the oldest of Jahnson'e plan would red uce it teal the charterin g I Years become. affluent -a condition whieli , of' yeast is mixed in to make it rise. -Ex. i i ~,nn mlp,ak%,etmdeinvts s b u e r f ro t u e n t l i o n .4),t,hl clue k diamond i the wll ich latter sva ( s )f l w 7 f 3 li e c a h r.B l : - Dann! and the i t s i • i i e n d ( Y :W il l r ' i . () ge l: t o rile4ort only, ii eof the U. S. Bank, and the systematic course of they can never reach, except by accident, Priper. plunder pursued by Stevena and his gang, inade ' t tere. / - ' • • //r the sal .of any artir'ea whatever ex- 1 a • houses, !titled 12 Mexicans from one piece of ar• , . This is the latest bran new fashion in ce • • ' • • e•ar a ! , tillery, as fast as they were stationed there, and that debt upwards of $3 ) , 0 0'1,000, and when they I Let People not o w'tho first g i ut Cr,nsirier pt it be some kin i of provisums. feed or ___ when they Peeatt curd is here this deadly fire came went out, they themselves lie-dared that there was!. the y -east. fiuits, that have at any time been brought from, they iminediately turned two of their h e ad. Ing well Clue obstacles with which they . - - withie the city. no escape from borrowings or 6 millions mo re to , rbere was a g:•eat Fire in Alton on the ' eat pieces upon the house where the !kris were must contend-let them satisfy themselves It being the meaning atel intent of the 1 fulfil their engagements. This they are justly 2"nd alt, Six buildines we 1 re burn t Stationed, and blew the cud entirely out; the boys making their retreat to the adjoiiiin g li• ;use, and chargeable with creating all the debt from which that the circumstances are such as are rep.t .____________ . la w that any article of provision, tiec., I I The Rainers are performieg in New which mny be legally brought within the in the act 01g:ening Ili - rough th i wiridow two of Cost Johnson would rein, ve the S'atc, and as his ' resented by those who are interested io , the boys were killed, which was very touch regret • city to sell again, shall not ht. any time be el m , is shown to be out or die question, let them their migration. 7 , 11,), are doomed to ail, Orleans. led by the Texianv, li /tit officaes and men. Tin. ______ offered for sale within the market. • oth'ersamon found en openio g , ;,nd ree en inenced devise son ething Letter. . counter many diffiCtiiiie S in getting there, Mr. Clay left New Orleans on the 31st Reecdved, That the mayor, clerk of mar. their destructive fi re on t e artillery, until order. W e : may any, however, that we hell. ve taxation r know •: and when they are Otero it will be impossi. ult. to visit Mobile. ket, City Police, and all good Citizelna be 'ed to cease by their owe cernmanders. rfeit enter are 1 to be far preferable to the Assumption. W e v e that it is an uneeleerne alrernative, but it is intl.: bl e d (at least for some time to come) to get ' eeee-Count e ntion on the r e quested to use all Proper efforts to bring • in . . To ---i.____._...._.7. (Correspondenc e of the Celletin.l Farmers' and Planters' Bank of Baltimore. 20's to justice all offenders against the above , rininesoatterriertairann,.4l.ekilsrtrie,rtnhe c et . e s reeattes. ~ isr t oreterehains Meta mores., I Oth Jan, 1843. I niter more becoming a great State like Petra.', back la w s. nett victims to I 1 from the Sautli and , S4killi west, and part Of the altered from l'e. Gentlemen-Thr Texan) prisoners taisen ot ;than this half -way expedient of the stork brolc,rs, / 111Th-lt 113- Th e - - Th • e Boonville Register Mr. Stoner presented a petition from wee, weo visit New York in February asd,lidatp, that ,a 'the battle of Mier, nmnberin e '212, arrived in this r which, according, to Mr. Jaws Cooper rin e or i s ; (Feee-Twenty.te-matrimonial sundry Butche re. Read and refered to the : A g a:, r ce :1 1 r e pa; cecteor s o h ir ri e w re t d h t e o lo c 7 , e usn t , Countryarc Merchants and advocates, is merely "berrowin g the credit of the: I fever, at L ineaster last week. market Co mmittee. j Western Dealers. Our experience darin g the ,cat the city or Mexico day aft r to morrow. It op week there has been an extraordinary rise ' ' years has shown us that the early buyers are poorly pro pears from all accoutre, they fought. very brave : General Government-and does not contemplate I _..,_ M.r. ilTaarra w offerred the following res. yew tor, but few house s bele. prepared for them 4a, ly, and ki led mere Mexica n sot liers. th an they or ,nay flat elract find relief f rom res p o n sib ility. iin the Missouri. Those who have li ved • Bee-som e te, %ammo:se. OCCaSionally we o'illions which were tead and referred to that viewlH" the case We have made arras' ernentsVP ti numbej se that it can be said that •eeery Teacian I • i- • It e ill barely be believed, nut of the St rte, and ,on its banks upwards of tweet find years, find such notices in the papers as the fallowinet_ mann' ac users to be suppited more extensively Witu the C ommittee on St • P r t • . ,40,_ reets, Grading. eying, killed his man.' The nufrierienl for "'d. ' ce a,kilna I goods by th e (list of February, at ivhicartime, with one many within it %en , ' be astonished to bear, that I sa , wm. a. Pearson of Indian a asks the Legislature viz them Wee ten to one, the Mex Cans being' over ; y that they never have seen such a tee- ' peeen. snook, we shall have the best assortme nt of the of that State to divorce him from 'a roisy and tur at the sum ne o.3eu, neap.. rottowtit 4 ;roods infnit v no R esolved, Tr)'' ce"'" ' CM. in this cur Brown /km. two thousand men, while the Texana did n t CS i with all this mournful e.v abrint Slate taxation and rne d flood ' J n ouato anuary. On last Thurs. • teed 230. ; unbearable burdens, but ft -P-6 000 have f ten rais- I huh rat wire' who 'palmed herself upon him and • •. ' t pi opriateu to grade Wylie st, to Fifth et. ;op and Shntln:s of an the known brantis--als. Sian.' i enclose you a copy or the capitulatio n ta ken f , 1 h ; day and Friday morning, it rose 'el'ld 1 • • • upwates, to , • • direct levies for State uses! When th e rich • . • um in cold blood that she like/ anothe r man „i. 1m Ordinance entitled an 'Ordinance re. tov !too other style', rancid"; only i kindl frame 21ete. I ccnic, and on i widths, frOin .14 Ns. to /21 alit-- from the erieare, which Gen. Fisher has in his ! c- -Y of three feet; and is quite as high as it was better than she did him, and that her children 'wi n t e. • B,est hear 37 inches 'aide at " a' el'elli. such as went les and resources of da y are considered, g,o M ai l ers of wares in the Dimond pcmsession. I am, in haste, your-, ace. I - , ties sum is tufting indeed. W itin this, the whole : during lh© last year, To all 'appearance f were not his; and threw hot water in his face" • , market was read three times and passed. worm 7.,e last em--mnst of these goody are o ''' ' meal and will h e sold tower 1. "II". than by the Jobbers Mr ree -1 ...• iWe hope the Legislature will divide them. ,' revenue of the State Was, last year, about 82000 •;q e . f , v • t • • e ore, a iga ion is open on t he retie.. The fellowine I esolution was read and so n as ha/one-Red -Tieks in erred variety from 1 toil'Z' ~,,, . CAISP OF THP. ARMY OP THE noRTH, t 000. With rigid retrenchmere and economy a ; , eissippi for the coming season. For eieht I e• .... ---le ee. referred to the Co m . nittee oh Fire Engines cents doer yard lest:tha n hut, fall. The very ' besr 7 9 ?Ica Ist Division. I ! perseverance in the same penurious spirit which I - ; [louse ICENTTNO AT CINCINNATI.-There is al, and Hose and concurred in by S. C. • at 1-21 c ents-worth 15 cents last fall. erne Merrimack Aeneeehly to the conferenc e I had with Genera ! ! rte days previa a us there had been no: most as much impudence as lard oil at igopelis. or: be ing;rvtz. ami other American caiicoee, from 1 10 3 cents) al Witham Fishea. I have decided to grant-- I dictated a reduction in the price of printing, a: ° n - , ' Resolved, That the may' c- Yard tha n last ran prlces-Gotored Canibries. Btea i frost if! the vicinity, until the 24. th, When' A • fellow cccimied a houee there for six months orieleger, cloths Sattieets and el! proinineut at -Ist. That ad who will give up their arme, will comparatively small addition to our preeent taxes, , without paying a ceet of rent money; when the ted to draw.bis warrant on the City Trees- ' 0 1 "." 5, be treated with the Con, eieration which is in ac- ' - would pay the interest on the State debt ! and re, I it was but slight. i landlord desired him to move out. Ile declined, trrer in favor -of the following Fire En• 1 t ••Ni.st:e.; L:17:flora:Ile: irGou,oilits. Wholesale Dry G d ' oo a re, cordance with the ineeaaninteue Mexican nation. I --,- : unlose the owner of the property wou'd pay him gine and. Hose C ompanies for l'wenty . toeew York ci . y, Wh o :It l - e On y for cash. lieve her °Cher troubles. 2d. That conformably to the petition which the . I! &tic : • twelve dollars. This was done, to save trouble. Dollars each; to be txpended in puttirig a rars we have not anhi one dothr on cre said General Fleur has made lt: me, all persons r 1 During Henry Clay's visit to New Orleans, he 1 The tenant then went in the same landlord's o ' ell the credit !lollop -.- - ' . a f o r the f.ilfeitai Nt . belonging to the Santa Fe .expediti e n, will receive ' agent, engaged a better house and moved into it their several apparatue in order after the t raders !ive no bad debts to ear up profit,. I,V.gt_ to i took an excursion to the Battle Ground, and som e ;rent at about i Pearl rt. micas, in cash bitsis.;.l4l7.e. severe usage they received al the fire on the !ague treatment and guaranties according That man nil! get along, f Phil. Mere . • ; hire Is not half what it is 111 credit business I, , v ( lst :If the rest. I whig doggerel maker r and writes a soe g . efonday night, Fels'y 6, viz: 2d AU who desire to avail theinselvee of these ' lauding him as a I Zero.' That's fi rst rate; we : Illassachusli. Mills. of E a -le, e Alle hen v, Nep t une, Y tgilan t, other Commission Mechants. We seu a amen 14i tgiceift, wilLenter the square and there delicee up; should not be much surprised t hear o Wary Clay Sp:ingfield, Mass., has been elected Treasurer of Engines ; Niagara and Duquesne and ;r e ount than could be done on (line. And last or o r' i 1 ...,„. „ !most of our goods direct from the manufactoriesoS "a/es their armee Igoe cheap. anti at e contented with moderate ir.44 . .. - Signed, PEDRO DE A.:4II'.LFDIA. i proclaimed in the next Presii:ential campaign as that State. Union Hose Companies. baste: speet 12 years previou s to the last two In watt i the 'hero of New Orleans." It would be as near The clerk of the S. C. presented a r e- /money cm PAPER,. Moat every Merchant It tise truth as many other assertiens they have made port from the committee on streets See., ac• I revs mmiee,toapare. Those willinut any Medi Ma es as we Mire, no lim e to waste with !NUB 100kiall ref i whet, bent on carrying a favorite urtki--• companied by a resolution. 119 haying been i 111990n/eta All jildgri I^oods bey , we have OnserVed referred back to said cor nmitteelwith in_ I itdrhand and this advertia;menti dreamed lo that structions to report an ordinance to carry 'lug "mer e:aw l : 6,l7lNa into effect the suggestions of the Resole,. commission erereean eeseren i o • n i L A :O P . n ee L the New Volc. rob t, tion, which was concurred in. ______ - Also a bill of D. t-e'. SeullyEsq.. amouet ing to 27,25 with reference of same to the committee on claims. and aceourits, cone curred in. Also the following resolution as hating been adopted, concurred in viz: Resolved, 'That the unfinished business of.last coun cils be refered back to respeetire commie. tees. ! /1 - ir -4';.-... ;~:~ =~'. .=~: 4 1 d'' —s e , iv f'- •4. li - - r- •-, - --J. tEdneation. . ..,-.. Come here, Sally, my loves now -tell me what "belt rues cs,_ . , ! , 1 Don't brifitv, tna'aat. An limrtense Petition.—A petition lihving some What—el T la! what ignoract children. Taltel your fingers out of mouth—ther--put your i rekrenee to the slave Latirner,has bee., presented hands down. Welt now, S illy, what i s put round I t , the Masse users Legislature, which contains your waist every clay? C ;me flow, look at me— I speak out—pshiw.' what ;ire you so sheepfch for? sixty,two thousand names—it was carried into Tell me, now. 1 the House on poles by two men, acid is about the 0! Mrs. Sonzle, Idi tit% think you knowed i'. 18;ze, and ia idled up in the form of a common La! whit arc nlking Altuut, chilr7 Come —the other seh a t o y ' arc waiting. Answ er me I beer barrel. directly. What is put round your wa:st every 1 (*-..t the Mobile theatre, on the night bathe lint kissed ma—onl of the. day? alk•a-a r•O•heril! it's J.J Ji e Slob's nn, Merttri ;27th ult., an alarm of fire was given, when the y Aw n sod pickles! Oh I s hat! faint! t once. i audtence made 'rush. for the doors. The conSe ,l quecce was that several persons were seriously . injured by being knocked 010.11 7 1/ and trunpled upon. on. _.‘ , SCTTON •ND SIGNOR Ds Bac►sa are now irhti Concerts iu Albany. Otkornisaioner--For Heaven's sake, say Claim? =--"no more. Will you pay this 'man hia After some altercations, Jemmy Hos kins+ agreed to take . £l.los in liquidation of all demands. Immediately the case wits over, our re— porter was telegraphed 'hy Mr. 'Thomas Tubbs, and an overturts:m3de, for the pur pose of keeping 'he Oise out of the pa pers. The reporter-referred the Worthy easuge maker to his editor. Tha Scotehrstan boasts of goi , lrtei ra w, Of !loggia paunch and cuckie kelt : Ittit sausage (neat 'nay bear the bell Frotio any filth in wide Auld Reelti Samutl Yeller said to AI tude 'Don't buy your wittLs re idy priß J But Jest AMES BUCIFIANAN, to the decision of a National Convention. DA IL Y 111.07,177 ...... Wheit'has effected inch a change in ~k id -1 1 det'.i smntiments on baniink since . the hit i§ession or the Legislature? - Then he was for holding the j Banks ,to a strict apeountebility, and restraining !?their speculating propensities within bounds that ' would prutect the people from the worst evils of _______— ______ - _7__----_,_- _---,. -ras. PIIII.LiPS .* IVII. If. SMITH, PUITORB AND yrtopniki ORS j a paper currency; nom Ito is tlp: first man to pro• .---- I pose 1 / 1 3 i they shall hate the privilege of issuing Tlll./ItbAY FEBI WAI(1 . 9, 1843. !small notes, and thus sweep into the greedy maws --=-'-- ---------1 of the banks and money changers, what little spe cio there is in circulation. B A re there any more roadhends about flarrisburgh who can 'Talk In felicit dian," or has Mr. Wagger elded to the seductive yof abundant yi facilities? I'Ve are impre•sed with the liL lief that ti uth and reason had nothing to do with this change of sentiment, for Mr. K's. former course en the banking question, evinced that lie was too inti:nately acquainted with all its evils In believe for a moment that an abundant eir , eulation of "premises to pny" could result in any thing but an additional derangement of the cur rency and an increase of the ombarrass nents of the People. The Norfolk da Herald of Fri y says:—"A stranger who had been 'knocking about' for some time, without acquaintance, or employment, put an end to his existence yesterday, in his lodging room, by ening hie throat with a razor. Papers in his possession discovered that his name was John McDonald ; that he had been a soiier in the U, S. Army, and was last from Florida. He bad an hono• ratite discharge and a letter of recommen dation." A Raise.—The Reading Press learns fiorn very good authority (hit a family, part of which resides in that Borough, has fallen heir to prpperty situated in a central $10,000,000 ! part of London, En to valued at abou Gen. Jackson's heafth is now better than it 41"fieen for thetiast five years. x .~. ,F ~~n At one o'clock the rules were suspended, and the great Latimer petition signed by 62,791 per. !sons, measuring 2 feet in dianiet.3r and 6 feet in circumference, and borne on a frame work simi. flar to an Eastern palunguin, by eight individual,: —was presented to the House by kb. Adams of Boston, and referred unanimously to the commit. toe, on the petition of Francis Jackson and nth ors. Bay State Democrat, erom Laguna—By thearrival (tithe Spanish brig Tonante, at New Orleans, on the 17th inst., from Laguna, information had been received that a party ofeighfren hundred Indians attacked a place called Champertown. about the beginning of the month, and captu•ed it. The inhabitants, author. :ties, Ste., had fled to Laguna for safety. The new steamship Montezuma was seen by the Tonante on the sth instant, at a distance of .about seventy-five miles from Laguna,. sleeting for Campcachy. Also the following res3lution es having ON Frldaymorwr,.oc l' Without re. , erve, a large lot of Dry Goods, ebra• cin: a variety of Goods. J. 9. curatia. 1 feb 9-2 t Auctloneei ...___ I FURNITURE 711 : 1 ;Z:": , '.`::7 , r m id e raey'a'14, 6 r 2); Rooms. vo. 10, at 2 o'clot.k P. M.. a valuable lot of liourebokl end kite het Furniture, b elonzing to a family about to re-, move from the city, consisting of— Peadsteads. Feather beds, Quilts, Couoterpanest.Sbeilis Blankets, ,tc, Bureaus, Bookcase, Chairs, Carpets, Tol- Glnsses, Stair rods, Pols, Rutile. Bollers;fe *s. teb R. R IUSMAN, Aga. Vino LET:—Tbree comfortable brick houses, Oil Pimp A_ street, a few rod. above the city line; each re ron.eits of five rooms, kirdien and cellar, whh•wen hr th. rear. 'Phase house; formerly rented at ef3l) arid are now °Gird at $6O: possession can be lisd immediatly Apply to the subscriber, on the corner of Woad am L. I berty streets. • RICH•p nuonts. Feb 9-1“, - ________ ... , , pm( • • FOR NEW ORLEANSi !.......varts".x--...-e----- I mmediately on the opening tat Dirk ..,.......reer , s - - - -----t.'E.---------- ;an on, the ambits nt ial ' lin /It nears r. w1L00.11*.71.1V, /firant Iroxietz, Blaster, will deilitil the a Mom and intermediate ports, oft the opeqtlg or i : 4 7 river. For Ireiglit or passage apply on board. or to; ...., BI It 31 INC RA 51 4- CO , No. 60, Wafer*: ' N. R. The Algonquin is now undersoine, mokti fe r r i wiii be ready to receive freight on Friday next-. litil*-If V.ICTS SPF..iir FOR TIIENSELVE3--"rawyour I.' CO.VVI.VCINO:--Having been afflict ed for weieny two years, with a bard swelling On I tie Ca/ Of 11111/5Z wlllcli produced much Pain, and used .arloars *pp tionv recommended by the Facul--all In I`Sellvliert Cil reel COinfileldy by tbe use or one bottle of Dr. . Bread relit's. Linatzient, or External Remedy. .1 L Witness my hand JAMES TAYLO*,,., Ohio ip APcsiteny co, Pa. lan. 10th, 1 840. r Dr. Brandreth's External Renirdy or Lieament; /mid :1! his office, No. 93 Wood atrefl, Pittsburgh . PRI tE-s:. s(t rents per bottle. - • *triir _.____________:_ y CIS?' RECEIPED—A romplete assortment of [Ca d, tee, Poi:, Bale and Dutch Overt., and SiallelS. Lids in suit aII suer--a lye, Slovei, , kliflaile on accommodating terms. Grat4 fo: ..... r, 74. - i- • ,------______ NE IV InsCOVER Y. ___„_____ -v-EVIP DISCOVERY, Oil of Tannin. It will makll.o* ill leather as good as new, and stroncae. isyfrhy few a pplciiollP. It will also wake boots, stand dies' slipper?, perfectly, water Het t, by rAbblint 'Well; It leaves a fine gloss upon the leather, and well veeopt mended to all in thefereue e to potting on over shoes.... Now you can alt leave your Indill'efilthero, eufflo t r.;at Itome,'a nit go through illeidomper Street'', -- welling your feet. The above can be obtained fit TUTTLE'S Aledieni-Ar zeneV, 86 Fourth street ------ .14nivoria4littall BUDGE. 1„, Pt'l,6ttrg6 Febrnnry 6, 1843, , i: f N election for President, Mann/ern anti Officer, of , the A Company for erecting a Bridge over the Mon ongabela river opposite Pittsbut'gh, In the Omni* of t. z n lertelly. will he held at the toll holm on Mondayogne 6th of March next, at 3 o'clock P. M. . - feb 7--3itv.t. Could Scarcely I elieve it 7 —Wheo I app/tedko 111i*Ip . zq at the corner of Chesnut and Fourth streets, fog ail* tie of Poweirr Raise!' of Anniseed, f confessed 14,4 increditfoos AR an its effects; but no sooner had I Wed ~ fon, homes than 1 became sensible it was the only pied; icine front which! could hope roller. It has effitel•llll4l/ cored me, lam notlikely to have.' tathis,o4ll6o so long as I know' where to And so efficient a reit Pai/o Sp. of nip i ggi leaf Agency' Tho above can lie procured only at TUTTLE'S ANIL ,86 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, (*Si, • - 4Lxx. Ir recoar retcHELV de. 213011011,8 Ore. • GENERAL AGENTS arid Commission Merelkons''s, Sr. LowB,AI.. Refer to: , • , , 4: X• Blessra. Torben, Royer 4- McDowell./ riilsbarif W. H. Campbell Jj• Co. ~ Cope, Tod hunter. 4. Co. j ." " . 012. " Mor gan,Crutcher it Co- i .• Woods, Yeatman 4. Co, n Woods, Christy VC°. ' st Loop, Fib 4.—fi3m CIREE.AC APPLF:S. Jost received from Mariett. ILA - 40 bills Green Apples, comprising every vartei Om rate order. r e h 4. ISA AC CllllllllB. 148 tibetfy CLOVER AND TlMOrlir SEED always on In lots to suit purcUssers. apply to F. reh 4. 14a 11Iher TED TO PURCHASE. ' W m lOO bushels Clover seed, for which the et arket priee sell! he riven. Q hbde. It 0. Buyer, chte day reealved per Weimer V York, and for sale by J. C. •A. iaogno dee 10. 21 trtioneSales. ISARC HRRRIS. Rent and Com. Mere No• 9, sth JOHN THAW, Trensorn EiE