Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 08, 1843, Image 3

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F.SBAVARY 9, 1843
• Q 7. No Mail from East of Chatnbers
"lithk, yeatorday, the enow having cut off
-41 communication on the rill road.
Great Fires
O, P yesterday morning about 1 o'clock,
ii-s+i broke out in the block of large brick
mkt houses owned by Theinme Wil
:it I'
i6r4 s Sq tree " tSa.t the
e t
oc'lrrignienratoef'd in the Drug
Liberty and
st ' Mr. Hugh Fleming, and the flames
Were i t arrested until the three buildings
*ere rendered useless. The contents of
the Drug store and Idershalra Hat stare.
ii risie:kitaily lost. Mess. Black Sr,. Alleles'',
*it idium, succeeded in saving the most of
Itblek-stocks of Shoes.
fire fire continued to burn from 12 o'.
Ilaitek 'until .6. the heroic efforts of the fire
xoen who were on the ground, prevented
',palling havoc. The night being exces
_tidy cold the Engines, Huse, &c., were
Zen so as to render them almost useless,
At 4 o'clock, the Durriesne and Alleghe,
tiy *ere the only Engines able to throw.
Toe Ivroch praise cannot be awarded to
those undaunted firemen who "braved the
ekniesto" and turaed out to save the prop
erty ortheir fellotrcuizens from the de
structive dames yesterday morning. There
were baldly enough to man the engines,
but theirow who were on the ground
worlseotlike heroes. We cannot blame
(hose who remained in their beds on such
a mien, for the office of a fireman is a
*ankles, task—bot coffee and newspaper
. 4 1 1 Krtices being their only reward.
" .3 111tateely a awl, save firemen, were to be
"lean in the neighborhood of the corner of
bitoket and Liberty streets ye.sterilay
scescing. Oceasionally a curious ativen
ilereslruld make his appearance for a
inekameet end then "scoot away" at once
iiitkitia angers in his mouth.
Nearly all the Hose in the city was fro.
assn, . There is great dander that much
will be inc.
he adding night yet, tvgi, the night before last
Al! persons ague that it was a screamer. Per
whu have predicted that we were never to
tire any more cold weather in this part of the
otAintey, acknowledge that they have been dec iv.
ed. Every thing froze from this water in the
!, 81 One half the
tamps -in .town went out.
The thanks of the Firemen arc trndeted to the
itvittrehinittit who admitted them into their st..re
audios yesterday morning..
. Whtl.w. the matter with the "Ditger"—s!:c
4itivet get over.
Look Out.—lt is thought that when the ice nn
the hunt out buildings thaws the walls will turn -
. The Duquesne company are the moat mnde , t
area in town—we never heard them boast pi—
/IWO, at the fire yasterday morning lbw proved
their worth by "deeds of noble daring."
• Washington man proved unequal to the
UAW' taking their engine home. They got h 4...
The members of the Allegheny ten ler their
flicare thanks to Messrs Barr, M, Connell, Camp
.boil, Miss Dickson, and others, for the very liberal
supply -of refreshments furnibhed them at the late
For the Morning Post.
Messrs Smith Phillips:—ln Satorda)':i paper
yon say "the Court of Inquiry in McKenzie's
.eese have unanimously acquitted him."
This is . a mistake. The Court has rip such pow
er. It can neither acquit nor condemn. The du
ties of a Court of Inquiry consist in taking cvi
dance merely, mid teporting it to the Secretary of
the Navy. The opinions even of the Court, as to
the propriety of dismissing the complaint, or put
ling the accugei upon his trial by Court Martial,
cannot be given, unless requested by the Secreta
ry. If the opinion of the. Court was asked for in
the McKenzie case, and it W 35 favorable to him,
the President or the Secretary of the Navy must
have been of a different opinion or a Court Mar
lid would ant have been ordered. The verb pur-
Piste of siszvening the Court of Inquiry having been
oserrtairt 'whether there was sufficient grounds
to Nave hfcSermie on his trial before a Court
litrl sr not.
The act of Congress is in the following words—
• 'ourte of Inquiry may be ordered
resiecat o r the United Statts, the Secre
ry of the Navy, or the Commander of a fleet or
squadrons: Provided, such Court shall consist of
more than three members who shall be commis
.tinned officers, and a judge advocate, or a person
to duty as such; and such courts shall have power
to intamice witnesses, administor oaths and pun •
Mit aostatuit in the same manner as C mrts
.got•sueh count shall merely state tac ts, and
trot tiire . their opinion unless expressly requited
so to do . in the order for converting; and the party
Winds* conduct shall be the supject of inquiry shall
two permission to cross examine the witnesses."
—River-6 feet water in the channel.
There were no departures from, nor ar
"%hi to, this port yesterday. Navigation
int remain suspended for a day or two
more on account of the ice.
GABER' APPLES. bun received from Marietta, 0.
40 Mils Green Apples, comprising every variety, in
PS late order. ISAAC CRUSE,
4. 148 Liberty at.
MIFIC R LND TI N 07711" SEED alvvaya on hind
IN to wit purchasers, apply to I. CRUSE,
016,41 1 148 Liberty st
Me bushes Claw sced, for tebleh the highert
peke will be givee.
11140.31. flaw, ibis slay received per steamer New
•;+ - aid for sale by J. C. It A . 'GORDON.
Oat 11%. No. 12 Water it
--- ''.'-'7•••',7=7'T.-37,7,77.''',7:;7,7•':T:''7::r,-•-77.77.:,Fr77.::-,.:''''t.,'.,i.;:'f,.l.t•-•-.44;-*'•7777 7-
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. ~,
. ,
~.. M ~~-~,a~ : .
THO ales celebrated Tea borrk T;o1,11 will • RANA NO tit AND roccu.ANAG
can be obialned at Ter - rLa's Medlcel Agency, 86 4th st
cORIUTTID DAWN it ALLEN musts, Escinater
_ _
N. TY: Corner of Wood 4- Bpi Ste.
TEL proprietots of the...alms:No POST and MERCURY
•so M•xur•czcal respectfully Inform their friends
and the paironsof those papers, that they have a large
and well chosen assortment of
earli-JIME "MIC • 111V311PlIECI go
MD AA% Walrgra Xada ; EMU&
Necessary to a Jub Nita ing Office, and that they are prt
pared to execute
Rooks, f Bills of Lading, Circular.,
Pamphlelt, I Bill Reach:, Cardi.,
Dandbllla, I Blank Checks, I flat Tips•
Stage, Steamboat, aallCanat Boat Bills, toitA app...
pr lore Cate,
Printed on the elinrtest notice and most rrasonableaerms
We repeeifully oak the patronage of nor Merida and
ite public an general in 'hie branch of our hualiievs.
Pithborgh, Sep!. 39, 1842. PHILLIPS 4. SMITII.
A GOOD VAR II FOR SALE.--A fine Farm contain
...IL fog r7O acres, handsomely lying on the west
hank of the Allegheny river, three and one half miles
abort. Freeport, it ha• about 60 nros cleared and a good
frame tiwe ling , louse and a small log house, stables and
good Iniarovements. and In a good neighborhood. it has
Went) , of conl and limestone, supposed plenty of salt W 3 '
ter on 11, It will be sold together or divided to suit put
cha , eri who tan make n good payment in hand, and a
good credit One part, For putieulars enquire at Ilarriz'
General Ageory and Intelligence Office. Feb 1
tfy-Elevon oilier rhea,. Farms for sale OR nhnve.
E STATE of John Hooke'. late of the City of Pitts
burgh dec'll. Persons interested will take notice
that letters of administration on the estate of the said
decedent, has been duly granted by the Register of lie
:betty County, to Susanna Hunker. widow of the said
~ee, aced; all persons having rIJ tills or demands 11-
pinsi 1110 estate of the said decedent, are requested to
make known the same to tier wit how delay. Her rest.
defier is in Hand street, thy of,l'itt,burp h.
felt I-6w.
EA ^ O.4fENOA . /Ar C /.23/ rsTRY —E.st ledi a
Die--coln,s the !ilk and will not Hie skin
This Dye Is in the form of a Powder which in Math mailer
or tart may be apt lied to the hair over night, the first,
night turning the li2ltte,t Sr grey hair to dark brown; And
by repealing a second or third night, to a jet black. Any
person may, therefore, with Ilie least possible trouble,
keep hits hair any dark shade or a perfect black, with the
positive 11AfIlrat:ce that powder it applied to the skin
will net color it. There is no coloring in this statement,
as any one may easily te.rt These farts are wart anted i
by the rite r Ist who manufartut es it.
For gale at TtiTl'l,E'S, lift Fourth street, where a
large asrortmetit of Patent Nledicines may always be had
at either wholesale or retail.
•• Don't fnryrt ! R 6 Aura strect !"
For Sale.
3011 BUFHELS dried Tentte.sve reacheftortmperior
rialoy, receivcd per sicarnpr Emir m, furcate
ro, 2__ lot
PUBLIC .3. , 1LE OF FL.,'IT 8. , 1R RAIL
W ILT. be Coln on Friday,tbe 17 , 11 day of February
next, at he Ilarriiintrg depot, at ilarrb.burc.
Peol,a-, about 110 ton= flat bar rail rand Iron. sale to
commence at To o'cloo., A. M. Tertm: ?lade known on
day cf sale by
Jan 31.
Fare Reduced,
ON the Treat Central Raolto 'Via .
NT !,,na I road and Baltimore at. rt Ohio
llnil road rare from Pitii•hnrsh..to Ral
limorr, t •tr 11.4! irr. (g !p! phtiadriphia
thir:t.en dollar!: r,11.1,1.1 eine itowrrsl I; lttcnc.• to
Warlilitglon City two dollar., total (81.37--fitr thrott.:ll
[kiwis natty at nor afire In Monongahela 11011,e. or as
the enrner ()Mt l'xch..nge
Fet , . 3,1—/Itr. L. W. :FTC CI: TO V•
ts rap) ', ) 'rr!ltkr , l of N. R Co.
D ISSOL Cr/10.N - —The p.l iership hereitiforc sio
ing between the e.alairriliets doing buyine ss n a
Car peniers and builders, under the law of Reed .5• A ng•
'icy, is title day Jisiielved by militia' consent. All
claims aeains, the firm to be presented to and paid I 'y
Writ. Reed and all sums due to the firm In be paid to the
said Reed, who alone in authorized to use the signature
ofthe firm in settlement if the hurt nes:.
Alle4heny City, January 2;0 It 11143.
Ici) —3t.:
‘VILLI.A 11 C. IV A LL, Plain and Fancy Portrait
and Picture Frame Afanufacturer, No. 87,
Fourth Street Put...burgh. —Canvas firasl4es Varnish
e., fur A nisis, always on hand. Looking I;lasses. 4 r
Promptly framed to order. Benairing done; I the short
eg I not Ire.
rrirtirillaratientiOn paid to regiiding and jobbing or , iv
Pergonsfiilinz lip Stram Boat. or houses will find It 1.
Noiradvan , -^.P 10 call. •
A GOOD cheap Tavern Stand for rent low--the only
Tavern stand in the vii inity of 1:2 4, 1
milesthis side of New Lisbon, in Columbiana county
(146 •—•adjskeent to reveral other I'illages---and in a re•
spegAan neighborhood, nn i he leadin2 state road through
Ohio , •the Tavern house is large and cenveiticnt_a good
gnnititind Irir2e food stable 4-c. For terms, which w ill
ha low Ind acrommoilaiing to a good tenant, apply to
John A tt„„rimn on
Agency preinlses, or at Harris' General
at. Intelligence office. Jan 19.
Th e Ak i lean Pioneer; an excellent 7ilontlilv Pub -
lication. devot i
to the object of the Logan Historical
Socist a; or to c.
ecting, and publishing sketches relative
to the e arl y aelft tent and successive improvements of
fir con ntry. " Ic Ni "—Logan, Roster country I rejoice in the Roer of
John S Alillianus, e nbove It.xcellent work, Edited by
the r u- t vedame Cincinnati, for sale at 4+2. for
subscription, at ' an " 1 conlinuedln moot lily , Nos and
cy and Intelligence 5t2 at ,
• 'nouns received at Harris' Agen-
Pittsluiren, Inimary 2h4143.
TIST, Office , n Smirk.
NJ field. between SecnnlE-N
business from 9A. M. till 4 ra, Third Sig. Douro of
Dr. E. M. manufactures Pri,
Dentists can he
euprott,u by the ?in and Nlineral teeth.
rum or Pingle teeth. Clockx
of teeth WO a beautiful
of setts, will he made to order aC, full " Is, or parts
forw shortest not Ice, byardin! nn exact impression 0.
for sale a few tnachines with emery tle moult. 4/3n,
so useful
!iil litr gri tiding
fluk mineral e brita
will be sold low for rash
LAKE STE 3 ft.
PROPOSAL.S•viII he received until Wra
RIII day of February ill xt for the makilay. the
nishing, for the IT. S, iron Steamer, building atm' fur.
the Anchors and Chains described as follows, place
Three Bower Anchors, Iron Stocks, each weight,
pound, 700
One Stream Anchor, Iron cock, weighieg 900 ?min
One Kedge Anchor, Iron stock, u sighing 600 imam,
One Kedge Anchor, Iron stock, weighing 400 pounds;
Two Chain Cables, 1 3 8 inch Iron, 150 fathoms each.
9 16 do. 150 fathoms.
One set Shrouds, 0-16
do. 50 do.
All to he made of the best quality Iron, agreeable to
Instructions and spee , Grati:ins which will be formatted,
and to be subject to such Inspection and proofav the Bu
reau 01 Equipment may require; to be delivered at Erie,
Pa., on or before the first day of July neat; the
ploposala to state the price per pound, delivered free of
every other expense to the Government. For further
information inquire of the subscriber at the Iron works,
corner of Front and Short sis„ or at the Monongahela
House. S. HART, N. A.
Jan 28—dt8F,
IVANTED,a boy of from 14 lo Hi years of age.
•V Application toile made before the first of Marchto
BUSINESS CARDS enameled, astorta Ozer;
VistlingCarde, ~
Playing cards, asKirted qualities.
A full supply of the above received this day at the
Washington Job Printing Office, 3 doors similar Major
Iron's Motet, sth street.
Also; Emerson's Spellers. Coblitakethr. PlicEdfferlt
Ectettic Reader, and Printing and Writing Int.
feb 4-31.
1100.11 AND JOB
ie Den' it:l—all
dec 23.
18.4, Liberty bead of Wood it.
Rank of Pit Morel. par
March. 4. Man. bk. par
Exchanec bank, par
nk. or GermantowE "
gallon lank.
Lancaster bank,
Bank of Chenter CO.
Farmers' bk Rocks Co
Doylestown bk do
ilk of N America Phil.
Rk of Northern Liberties,"
Commercial bk. of Pa.
Far. 4. Mechanics bk.
Kensington bk.
Plilladelphin bk.
Schuylkill hk
Southwark bk. ti
Western hk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania. 14
Bk of Penn 'Ft, . par
Man. f Mechanics bk. 5
Mechanics bk. par
Moyamensing lik.g''
Girard WA, 50 1
U. states bank, 60 1
Lumbermente, Warren, --I
Frank. hk Wasithislon. par
Miners bk of Poliivile, 7
Bk of Mont.zomery Co. par
Mon. bk Brownsville.
Erie Bank, 5
Harrislmra,h hank. 91
Far. bk Lancaster, 21
Rk cf Middletown, 71
Bk. of Cbambersbeegh„ 71
Carlisle bank. 7
Bk of Northumberland, 7
Columbia bk ¢ Pridre co. 2
Rk Suctiltell3lll,Tl Co• 11
Ilkof Delaware Co. par
Lebanon lA.
Cettyslnorth bk. 7
York hank, 7
Far. it Drover!, bk. of
. •• •, Currency notes. 8
llntiezdale, Ss.
IV om inr bank, 20
Pdtph'2l) Slate Srrin, 5 7
Country do do 8 1
Berke Co bank, 10,
11.,untptea cant hk 2
k mech. hk or steu.
hrII viitr, 2
Belmont IA or Bt. Lairs.
Marietta hk. Demand
notes, 21
do Currency notes, `2 ,
Columblans hk New Lis
bon Demand,
do Post noes,
Cincinnati specie pay•
Ins banks,
Medi. Trailers bk or
Clinton Lk of Colttagmas,
Demand notes,.
Circleville., OE Lawrence
Houses to Let :
filo LEr, and poi•zCSSI on given on the arm day of
1 ..ito .1 next, a Frame Dtsellint; House,, - contain in 4
ronot , , kitchen, cellars. and garden, nn Liberty Teti.
A t , o, a very corn torta Me brick 11“ use on O'Hara street,
now occupied by J. W. Totten E•q.,
Alen, 2 three dry brick Houses on Pike street,
Atso, several frame Dwell , ng nooses suitable for email
ra9ol 1 4
•_.. .*" ' 'a,ol.‘.ick dwelline Houses, la the- reas.o( the
. ..
lltieMeal on sthstreet
. trting Lot s on the bank of the A tlegheny
eit i ; file lei on an improvine lease at a low rent,
' . irj - The, also_stti boners are offered at reduced rents to;
Ig o
sun the times
feb 4-1 w
Apply in J %MU. FILAKELI
For Sale or Bent,
T . ON areommodating terms, a good, well littisb
.. - . .i• E . : ed two sto, v. whtle p•oci:le,ltMone 11mi,, with
Jr . a n o e Gargles, Shrubbery, .i.c.. and II aeres of
ground omit r 'lie best rnitivationovitli a Bond stable nut
out ho ild ingQ, e x• - ellent Pump of tit ater at the door. and
rt good goring of coot water lit the i•ellar, and trery pos.
eihle acrommodation for a respectable family doing lot
sine,,; in Pittsburgh, as it is but i/ °Mrs out on the
Mitiersyllie turnpike, and will he gold or rented lo a
zOnd lenant. Eight acres or good land t'or meadow or
farming ran he had with the above if wanted The a•
hove is the premises which Mr. Alex. Wilson new cern.
pie••-•-for partieulars contsire of PIO. H ER nos.
felt 1-, r. 51i nersville.
FOR RENT. —A coin fortahie new brick
O t. ri. Inc hulls, situate In Coal Lane near 7th street.
OA For terms, which will lie trtoderate.anply 10
dee 30--if. Three Rig Doors Liberty et.
FOR SALE, --The Storciiiitisc and Lot now
o , eunied 6y M Dalzel, situate, at the corner o
Diamond alley and the Diamond. in Dm city . .
Piits , iiirizh For terinOrnonly to M D.llzell on the
or John Snythw, Cashier. dec.
finl will hell fur" cash or barter, FIVE HOUSES,
nu the 4th street road, in the city of Paishurgh.
Three of them are brick and two frame, The
fr4mes are wet. cateulated for lousiness houses; hg•lng
rinse to the Court house, They will he *old together or
separately to cult pu rchacer ,r, For further particular*
enco ire on the premiscs of JAS,AIORMS,
Jan 7 18.13—t I M Proprietor,
rptlF:3d story of the building occupied by R. A.
Bau.mon as an Auction !dom.—heretofore known
as -Nesinith's Long Room,' corner of Wood and sth
si reels Inquire of R. Morrow. Sib at. j an 23.
or Rent,
r HE dwelling hinige,knuwn as theCtinlon Collage,
JIL sun:lied on the lower hank Allegheny ells, fronting
Bank lane. pos=cesion given on theist rlav of A prll next.
G. R. WHITE ¢ co.
Market street.
j.f , 16-cl:3w
To Let,
9I WO STORES on Marrket it., between 3d and 4th
1 F i ree is .
A LSO, two spacions and convenient rooms in the sec
and story opening by a Ilan on Market street; well adapt+
ed for Law offices, or for any business requiring a eon•
yenient and ready, access from a husiness street,
ALSO, the small store room on Third at,. nenrly op.
paste the Post office at present occupied by Brown.
Raymond Raymond as a Lamp store,
ALSO the fight and airy office on 3d at. nt present Ot.
eluded as the Atheneum.
A LSO, for rent. Feveral malt hou,es near the dwell.
ing house of the solwetihee in Pitt township, with a feyv
acres of Land attached to each.
jan 13--tf DOWD D. GAZZ 151.
No 51 Tilted st,
To Let,
lIIHE store room ant' dwelling on Markrt st, now or
cowed l.y Thos Campbell Cn , Apply to
jan 17,1842 JAMES BLAKELY.
ARAI FOR SALE,--About eleven small, middle
sized and large farms fur sale at from 6 to 50 miles
am Pittil.l,argh, and at prices varying from 10 to VP
.ncre--persons wanting to purchase farms. will pleas
ind examine the record at HARRIS'
Gen. Agency a r Intelllgeoceoffice.
1_43 FUR .9A LE.—Four Lots In Manchester, One
nos. (.1 a fourth Acres of Laid on Holmes' Hill. Lots
of L 08,524 53, 54,181, 182 and 184, in Ccok's plan
rook'sltolme's Hill Also, Lola nos. 26 and 27, In
House. of Lots on High street, near the new Court
rep 1(1' era's apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
i t school', TO LET.
L utheraiin the basement glory of the English
feb 4 , -eh, 7th in Enqnire of
C YEAGER. TOR Market at.
B. Cochran, haelione Liniment. Invented by J.
!him, Glandular Swelhsed for the cure of Rhetima-
Berns. Scalds, and 'altruism Bpraine.Chafes , Curs.
years, with unnaralleilemiter complaints, for eight
safe tt retail at the Drug It can be had whole
BIRD SEEDS A feadirty, bead of Wood so.
slain; of Canary. Mcyfr f go,fi ton.
feb 3. F L ENG. ..,APC jut reeeirld by
3;'£4B Liberty at.
I Xenia.
Poet notes, 2
Fran. hk Columbus, 2
111amilion, 35
Cont. bk. Lake Brie, 35
Far. hk: of Canton, 50
Urbana 65
slate bk.* Branches 2
State Feria, 50
lAll banks, 2
iSiate hk ir Rrancbes, 60
Shawnestown, 70
Rank of Virginia,
do Valley,
Far. bk. of Virginia,
Exchange bank,
N. Weal. bank
C M e a
I n 't o friM r A e e cR.
Banks, lo
Country Ranks,
All Banks,
All Banks, par and
Chy Rh Iki.
Country banks,
Red Dark, I to
Flo Mon Danko,
Country ..
Or(tang RankP.uvn.l. 5,11 0
Cuod Books,
XII Belau,
r.k. of St. Clair, 10
Do. ar . J k• 11. Smith 10
C:nod honk•, 811)10
Eastern Exchange.
A .
New York, ?:
Boston i
Western Exchange.
leinclnnaii, par
!Louisville, par
Cleveland, i die
Wheeline, par
GOLD ' , ND FIII.VF.R, par
W IRT LECTURES.—Foariet Course.—The Lec
ture Clutintitee of the Wirt !esthete have the
pleasure of laying before the public, the followtng Its
ge ni lemen who have consented to Lecture, viz;
Rev J IV Bakewell, Introductory Lecture.
John L Goes, Esq, Washington.
Prod', H J Clarl . , Mend7iile
Hon. Win Wilkins, Pittsburgh.
Proff...l B Brown, Jefferson College.
David RicAie, Pittsburgh.
Reed Wasltfogrion, EN ,
Prod'. T Xcaill, West. Theo. Sr mtnary.
Frances JeAnAton. Esq., Pittsburgh.
J Barker, Meadville College.
W .11 Lowrie, Esq., Pittsburgh.
Rev. J4AICB L Diewiddie.
Prof. Rielt'd 8 M'Culloch, Jefferson College, will de
liver several Lectures on Astronomy, embracing Its rise.
progressand destiny. Reed Washington, Esq., will also
deliver severnl Lectures on the subject he may select.
Arrangements are in progress to engage Professor Ell
lima'', of Yale College, to deliver in our city, a full course
of lectures on Geology: also v lib Joseph R. Buchanan,
on Neurology. Other eminent Lecture's will be Invited
to visit our city, when It may he In the power of the In
stilute to engage their services.
The Lectures of this course will he on Literary and
Scientific subjects exclusively and It is hoped from the
eminent ability of she Lecturers, and the interesting na
ture of the subjects, that our citizens will liberally pa
tronise this laudable enterprise. The iron City should
not he behind sister cities iu her encouragement cfacienee
and literature. The proceeds or any) will be nppropri•
:tied to the enlargement of a Library, already an honor
to the city.
ic)-Courae Tickets, admitting a lady and gentleman,
32, and may he had ofeither of the Cemmlitee, nod at C.
H. Kay 4. Co'a Rook Store, Slonomtaltela and EAchange
Hotels, and at Berford's.
riIUT7'LF. has this day received from New York, a
JL fresh snpply of Hewes' Nerve and Bone Liniment,
and Indian Vegetable gni ir,a positive core for Rheuma
tism, Cuut.Contracred Cords and Limbs—also
Gotteattes Pears Weil*, for completely and permit
pently eradicating truperfirtout hair from females' upper
lips, the hair concealing a broad and elevated forehead.
the stubborn beard of man, or any kind of superfluous
hair. Price It per bottle.
Ceverours Zaa da Beata', or True Water oh Heaney._
This French preparation t horoughly r.stermlnates
near. Freckles, Pimples, gores, Blotches, and all cutaneous
e options whatever. Realizing delicate white hands,
ner.k and arms,and enCiling a inissithyjuvertile b100m...
Ali*. several other trainable article*, too numerous ie
mention. The genuine sold only at
n2ttf TUTIVICIS .vEnrc..qz, AGPNCT, 4r!:
i i
pun:vita MIKs-,,,Theimbseriher luts,Just-reeei•
treritin mailoitrirent of tionk and News MINTING
INK. from the old establisher' unnafactoiy of Charles
Johnson; (formerly Johnson- 4. turant) of Philadelphia,
which he warrants to he of the fir.t quality, put up In
keg* of from 10 to 15 lbs. to nut purchase's.
He Intends to be constantly supplied, and all orders
accompanied by cash; will be punctually attended.
Washington Printing Oflice,3d door west JOH of Ma} l O rons'
Hotel, sth et. ,
Jan 10-31 w.
O t
Ztv`Y v L,dig
T RS suhseriber has Just received his annual supply of
Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part orate
owing Muds—all of the last year•serop t warranted
Asparags Egg Plant, Parsnip,
Beets, Endive, Peas,
Beans, Kale, Pepper,
Leek,, Pumpkin, 13rosco:i,
Lettuce. Radish, Borer°le,
Water Melon, Rhubarb, Cu . bilge,
Musk; " Salsafy, Carrot,
Nasturtium, Cauliflower,..„ . Spinach,
squash, Okla,
es Celer, r, "'
Cul led Cress, Oni , m,
Turnip, Cucumber, Pardey,
Curt, Mustard, (white and brown)
&c. &c. &C.
Together with. varlet y of Pot 4- Sweet herbs and flower
I;r4r Orden for Seeds, Shrubs, Tr, es, kr. from Garden.
ers and others will be received and promptly attended
No. 184 I , therly.lpmd of Wood et.
810 Reward.
QTO'.F.IV from the Stable ()film Ruh=criber living three
rucks Vi est of Brownsville In ITa4hitivor. co. on the
niebi of Ihe sth dark brown horse, with a star
In his forehead, about 16 hands high, 5 rs
in flesh, no shoes on !whim!, slightly lame hi both 1 idd
feel. has a sure or sC3I on the left o , her tunas
The a ovr reward will he riven for the horse and
I.ltielsn nye dollars for either delivery ref l lieu) I Ire rtubscri•
Irei, Of to OC.Ir PittAttir,th, at: it if F , (011g•
ly susproed chat the hor,.e W:l4 taken In titan dirret Inn.
J CM' rec..lvrd. 3.000 Seasonable Cunha Rubes of it•
Otrrut ottnlities from F.xt ra No. 1 lo 3.
.4 ot,f near awl Cub Skin 9,
11.000 No. 1 and 2 Nlnskrat Skin!,
A lot crOitr.r nod Raccoon Skins,
All which areottered at minced ces ro en,h or an
proved voles. A pply to
A. FIEELIEN, at the American Fur Co, Agency,
Oct 12 -3m Corner V Front and Ferry st
H ATS—W. 4.• M. DontenTvinforro their friends and
the pithlic that they have commenced mona:scut
ring Hats, and thrl they have oow ready for rate, at
their St,iore. 11.; faberty street, between Market and 6th
street, an assortment of the very best fists, which
are agaionsro lislose of on the cheapest and nos: reason,
aide ierms. Their stoek contd.! of the very beet k Inds,
vie.—Resver, Otter, Neu' Ha, Castors. short Nab and Rui
sin. For rind Silk Hats.
%V. 4- NI. nolisrly are both Ilguilar bred !loiters. tioy
have had extensive experience as Journei men In the hest
PNlahlisliment, In the country, their flats are all got lib
under 010. own Itivectiorf, and they asidire the piddle
that nothing but the very lieot Artie les on the 010,1 tea
oottablet tering will be offered !"nr !tale. stip 10
iI.VEIER FOR &ILE —Poplar plant:, boards.
weather boarding and Scantling. A 100, White oak
boarvdo of various length; and thicknevo, wheel arms (dr
. 1 1e2rtli.i.ii. hue k•d tc.. of Vari.ll.l/ teNlll and 3..
zoo, by wholeoale or relail„A poly to
), •r, 215t.1R43 --2 m
, •
TACT and izahliath School Papers J,14 received
frnm New York and Philadelphia. 3000 or the
Youth's Temperance A droert , e, for January 1, 18 13
an excellent and cheap paper, f u r familes atti youth,
with a 9.,hhutti School, Signing the Pled2e kr. at 12 cis
per year, or 1 cent each. Temperance Flynn, Cooks.
WasitineAnt, Ilarp':‘, Temp ranee Lyres, Songs 4-c, 300
coo2r,ssinnal Troal Abstinence Society Speeches, and
Dr Seivall's Plates and Pathology. Temperance Lec.
toren. Pah'es, Ite. anti Temperance Medals.
500 Temperance certificates for ndull,i and youth: 1000
Small Sabbath School Books from 1 to 1 'I rents each,
SOO Temperance and Christian Almanacs for 1843-
English, Cermatt, Welsh and Prem.!t tracts, and:,
vart.ry of very cheap Sabbath School Books, and 0.,y
School Books• Paper and Stationary for sale on accom.
Qatitra terms, in any quantity to c ult purchasers.
Jan 23, 1313. ISAAC HARRIS,
Agent and Com. Mercirt, No 9, 5111 street.
Tftilor, No. .19, lo•rty St.
2nd Door above Virgin *Riley
H AS completed a general assortment of Vvi,itei Cloth.
ing, consisting hr part of dimnarl and Mai.: !warm
cloth frock and overcoat.; heavy line arid common Mint
cloth velvet trimmed,and plain; every description of dre , s
and frock cloth coals, fashionable colors and fresh clot
plain and fancy cassinet pants, cloth and satinet do. of
superior quality; every description of vests suitable for
the season, and wilt le sold low for cash. Perrone wish.
ing fashionable earments made of the best maim t
at will find them at this establishment. Making warran
let equal in any In the c:ty. A fuil stock of goods are on
Ira nd to make to order.
Messrs, t 1 Donaghy and Thomas Nierance arc at this
eataldishment and will be much pleased to haven call from
their several friends• Good flis Insured or no
Pittsburgh, Dee. 1,1542.
• '
Leelures commence on Tliuredav evenir, r, Dee L.
iv. W. WILSON.
JOHN S. COSCR AVE,}committee
frHE sablie•ibers e espectruilly coil the aviention of
1 their friends and the public zeneraliy, to 'heir lire
sent assortment of Paper L'angiirge, whirl, eantain- a
large and extensive variety of patterns of i., c foiiowt
descriptions, et Licit upon laspectlon will he found to be
ofsopetior quality and finish.
Unglazed Wall Papers, of aUdescriptions, for pa,iering
rooms and entries,nt 25 cents per piece.
Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for
paperingrooms and entries, at. 371 cent ,.
American Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for
halls; Fresco and other styles for parlors and
chambers.on fine satin glazed grounds.
Fren:h Well Papers, Decoration and Presco patterns, In
plain and deli rolors,roid and silver paper.
Velvet and Imitation Borders.
Landscape Papers, in sells, for papering hotels, halls
and dining rooms, at reduced prices.
Fire Baard Prints, Statues, Ornntnenfs,
Window Blind Paper, plain and figured, of dliT'etent co
Western merchants and °there are respectfully invited
to call and examine their Mock and pokes, ofr which last
a liberal discount will be given forcash.
Prom long experience in the iusiness. they nn able to
manufacture papers In a superior manner, and no they
are determined to keep up the character their papers
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re.
ceive the cacao ragmen' hit het to so liberally extended.
No 49, Market street, between 34 and
Pilighnrgh, Srpt. 19, 19.12—dawtf 4th
1 0 I-LN ArCLr;SKEY, the old original, has on hand the
• r splendid tittortnietti of Clot hingever offered
Wes My 'dock is 13 qte, anti lam disposed to sell at the
!owe t possible prim Mysiocic is heavy, and as the sea.
sonla :tilvancitte, I will sell at lower priees than ever. I
ask only lie pleasure of a call, feetint ronlident that a
ook Is suMeient. Bemire of Counterfeits. Renumber
VE.1172 NT . nov '23.184
Limes Ovia :410as.—The i.adies can now do away
with all kinds of over shoe• ran walk rhrnu.h the wet
streets with thin shoes, nod have their feet kept perfect.
ly dry; ran wear tightshoes without having their corns
pain them; and can have their slur s wear twice as long
as ever, If they will 11... e the cerhrated ()icor
will make leather water proof. and render ft as pliable
and colt as kid. It's an article well worth their notice,
and our which try will all value hl;;ltly,as soon as they
try It. To lie had only at TUTTLE'S
M mesa. acescy, 36, Fourth street.
Frier., $1 per Ito% Ce. 11n 9
0 adminlanlinn
.7" . 1 1 C he. F.: h e
n e I; o l( cstat l7 tlveitil.e,l,:erlsao,pf
of the t' ry of
Pit 1.1,u rah, tleCtl. All petvonv rodebted to the estate of
the gild dreeased. are rerptested to make iminediate pnv•
went to me at my residence In Penn st. near Nlttrldary. a IA
those who have claltni are regoested to prevent them
duly probated.
kin 19_ -Gtw.
111 C ~.1 S ES. —l6 barrels Molasses
IL For sale by
• •
W ILLIAM F:LDER, Attorney al Law; Oaf
Bakpwell's Raildlrizs, !early oppoelie thee in
Ccm rt Ilonse. on Grant El reel. • L . ! New
B UCK W l E \T._-Received from lia r Y 15 bill
harreri Buckwheat Flour,suitahle f Illeo, for
Fah: lor
jan 5
143 Liberty
In store, F4,t,i'y Flour, a superior article for linkers
%1 A NIT°.
'2 1
000 R . U.Sf i
K'llih E.D e
2 i:or , hich the
JAMES DICKEY 4- (.:0 Agt.s• s st 'l
Mechanics Lille «Mlvr of Lt erie a ti‘i Way ii I reel 1, l'
- -
°et '42, •
111Trsttunc !I t 'IR r' LA TI SG A .N: ft It ErElf ESC E ; I.II.I_ , VUF-ICrURED at I , l'ut. LEV BURNS retool
il. LIB II AiiY of 11,01g1011Q, iiillf 04 ka',Palil ira ?And Mtg. ;IT 111 F.thou. No. 69 •:.lecontt at. batmen, Wood and filaakils
e, Ilanrons Works, will he open every day, Sai.ihath ex. ficld. whete a general aaaortmeot of Furniture way be
rented. "ram 7 o'clock, A. M..uniii 9, P. M., in the Ex. ! had at reduc e d prices for rash.
... - -4:
change linitilin2, corner al St Clair str,ct and Exchange : The ruperiorliy of thus,. Redstrarls. annadA la Is!.
alley, a acre ninctoabziltenda rice will lie
.21yril by l fasterimlis. whtch for iitaret•llit y and rase In puffins cipif-.1 , •'1
pep 10 ' j . G Eli kilt, : and inking down. 19 not rq ialted by tiny other now M. -4411 r
P ILEINGTON'S , ti-c-acd to nit furh ft 4 WilUlli Clllollii their ntivn comfort:lt -'''
Unrivalled (Clacking .44.:!..,!'
iln :hily slit.iihers it itrould t . e . renwnibere4-iba k:. i:•,' - ' - ' 4 '
, 1 ...ii e!a u eir niziif
the Cu, faulty are ta
- :tanatlon: trimie.4 .4. 4 1,' ''
VIA NUFAC't UR ED and sold Wh ol o - 331 , 1 and retail: l fjsten sse.
nn_.. .
_. .
1,1 Siren Brauer one door l.elow Stuliblield.
i r. - Bights for Couiil les. ni - Itleil. or S. flocs for - waki - .i !- .-
net 21—I Y•
JOHN FOWLER, rtitenta 174" .: -,
31 7- Ir, Il i WO' A ter, tiplifiA4!ter and Poner f — TE — ini - e - i, : I.l' e, the u••derstsned. thtecji try that wit Pave eilterilli:'l4; it ',,,-
.. No. 49, Pint, al rrei, between Wood and Smithfield 1 ed men! , rvii Bedstead Fame,. hige,and have nci hifigitalkik , 7" 4.„ . .
dts. Rack and Straw ltattraees al.-flys an hand All !t 1 pronouncing them the best now In crise.—enntial tali.: -.. .
nrders parented wish neatness n iid despatch, on nerommo ' in. 'lto the represenletitun In the atioroeetiveithereHrut, • 1 1 ;;;',..; !
,mlins, terms.
rep 20-- 1y Wm. Graham Jr.. Joseltheoltnrt. . .....'S.i., "'
. ...' -
Wm ruin' Jacob Voaden, sr - '." ~, It -,
11.1/ OBERT PORTER, .Itterney at .Law.--01fice , in , ' ~ ~,,
/. It. on the corner of Forth and Smithfield sin. sep 10 I ' —"I " I—ll ' ''' flange' Singer,
notl. —Sat.
_.-5... _ ..
AT7'ORaVEY AT LAW. —Office In Rears'
Fonrth si rept. pit tsha rzh Nov. 5. 1R42.
hhls. of floa,anile apples, which I }lel I for SO cents
per barrel._ ISAAC CRUSE.
143 Liberty fa,
CI ORN 31 I ti=nek fresh ,round etfird Corn
Meal, In barrels coniainiaz 3 lalithelgol 75 cents
per barrel.
In store _Family Flour Ity the I , :trr , I
Jan '2 0
• • •
M. FL AUSTIN, Aitnrney nt Law. Ph 1. .F . hi1r211. Pa
Office in 4il, street, norinoin firke'r
LLIAk( E. A Vlrrlp. Eqi., will 21ve to my
unfinished linsine: , A, and I recommend him in t he iiritron•
nge of toy friends. WALTER FORWARD
een 10-1 y
R. A. W. PAT PERSON. ':Tire on Smithtteid
near Fixlll.
sep 10
J OIIN lillT I'ER WORTH. .luetiontar and Commis.
'ion _Were 'rant, Louisville. A' r. warn 'tend to Ih•
We of nen! EAa , r, Dry Gond: 4 ,( l loreriers. rornhorP,
h e
nceolarsales eve! y Tose.day, Thorsday. and Fri
day mornings. al ]O o'clock, A. M. Cash advances mnde
nn consizn meats.
OYSTERS, s-InDLY'Es ke•; .ervrd tip in the hest
style at A. HUNKER'S, NO 9 rinh steert.
apartments are appropriated to gentlemen accompanied
by ladies. Also all kinds or coke. and Confectionary for
parties. weddings, etc., for sale by
!Inv 19-1 f.
F:►niily Fl
100 RA R R r.t.s Extra Faintly Flour, inc.t rr.relvod
and for sa'e by 1. W. BUR RR! nr;E, 4. Co.
%Val er Bt met, bet w.en Wood a rid Su, It hfi~ld.
Jan. Itith. 1843.
LI T. PRICE, Wholesale and Retail Raker, Con.
feetioner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near the
Diamond,.dller.Meny cit v.
Every varlet). of Cottfectiona•y and Ornamental
Cakes. aultatoe for weddings and parties, mantilbelnred
from the best materlalv • at abort notice. • •
. _
EORGE W. L.R.IWO. at Law, °Mee
Firth street, near the Theatre, Pittakirgh,
Rep 27—ly
Quo.fin, MACKEREL, itc.-16 Mids. Prime N. 0
10 Tierces Rice.
15 Kegs shad, assorted Nog.
20 01.1 s. No.:1 Mackerel
Now landing from S. R.Cutter. and frw sole low by
Jan 2R.
B LOO.AIS —25 tons Blooms iu Since and for sate by
Jan 2 IR-13. Water between Wood 4- Smith
J UST received— -20 dozen good Corn Brooms,
5 do 4: it Axes.
150 lb fresh Roll Butler;
500 cots Carpet chain;
4 dozen docks;
Agent and CommiscJos Elerchant
F OR SALE on accommodating terms
-1000 quartor mixers assorted. 10dos c. s. axes,
shovels and spades. 1.50 ps cheap paper hangings. 500
cuiscarpet chain. 20 doz corn ' , roomy. 250 doz win
dow sash and glass to suit. Nails and brads. hay forks
and grain shovels, ISAAC
Act. and Coin. Merchant.
No 9, Fifth yi reel.
FriFITS is a safe and cerinto cure for Coupe, Cohlo
listhita, Sara 7.Viroat, Paid,* gad Weak - ease of tho
Breast Whooping Conga. Boarsonsso, Irritation of lA*
Throat, a tidinitay dieeasia leading in the Consestpilan
'Fey It—only 6t per roll—.prepared and sold Whole.
saleand Retail by H. T. PRICE, Confeetlbner,Taisal
at—Allegheny City, And the pfinetpal Drurzlsts o f Pitts.
Be sure you 4alt for rrke'S Comyeund Coach randy
rec. 17—rf.
NEW 4111.11ANCIF
Pas rage and itsstataxees tomer:fps% Craft irkaill sod
1 111 IE subscribers having concluded their arraventalt
for extending the:r busines..are at all thues prep".
red make arra , tgentent.. (or 1:17172 ota pasacrmrta
-hips °film art dart, American bni It, and commanded
by careful ant expert, need men who Are well and tillntt
.thly known In the trade. This Line being the oldest out
of the purl of New York, it in hardly necessary 10 say
that the rtrren2emento are mature and complete. and
from the fact that a ewer t Is sent out every siz days, It
is evident that no ummeres*ni% delay to parsengaxl
ocrur A tree pnneani re, stennthoat from Ireland or
Scotland, c an he eeeece.l, and when those settled for de.
cline cooling out, the money In always refunded to the
parties from Wham it was received, without deductlitio.
Apply to S SI UEL
Old established ralilee Office. 273 Pearl at.
10 Oorate Planes, Liverpool.
jeaftreit:rritheedxeohnantrc a . t ir ; l iv:t r
4. n n c it o r . cw r.an N ic it ers y a ,
Lorp. te
don, I: Crimphow .4- Co.. Lirerponl; the National Bank
of Scotland; Natioonl Blink of Ire4andi and Norther'
Banking Co. Apply to PETER R ATTICA N.
Chatham street, near tho Fourth street road, opposite
the Welch Church. dz 8 Sao
DR. DA NIEL AreAteiL. o . Wiest on ihtt grad
loottreen %.'ocra and Stolthfield streets, Pittsburgh,
der 10-IY.
i °• 73. 'fr Rout " 211 Pr. , . 114 '/IY $l. 2d door rm.
11-=ln Alley, The stiltseriitor resntselAtlly Worms tint
voblictimt lie has mow:iced the above Istsiness
la f}i
shop formerly ocenoiod by Mr. Henry Weloskey,
and tlint he Is now prepared to uttend to oil orders is his
line ()Nosiness with de.oatrh and on the most retwonairif
terms. From his lons exnerleure in the manufacture of
Position:llde Roots, he feels confident that all arficles
from his establish/sent will give vativilifiloh to his pa.
irons. A slim eol public patroune is respect folly solicit.
arp 10
Prraatraon, OCT. 22, i 84.
J. Daxictito—On Pri am . y ttie3flth of last month, about
9 o'cl. , ck at niebt.ihe Planing.GroovinE arid Parb Man
ufartory, owned by Cay, bliveinrth 4- Co. with a large
quantity of dreered and undressed lumber, was all conau.
The Iron afe which bouzht of you some ..6,
was in them ost exposed situation during the
was entirely red hot em plead In Inform you
oprned el the close of we dre.and all the honki,
4-e.saved;--thesis the tits, recommeadition I CHI Oft,
the wilily of your safes.
ort f Tun to 11177Yrr-
.1 'I MAY
_ .
. .
',7,... .
. 2 . . .
... i
4 '
.1 1
4 ..?
ir - -,.; .
• icnoLes D. t'nuemeet ..... • • ..... 1.9111,R•
C4O L k.A1.9.1r C 0 e tie:4 Aee u Ponie roller apt E
I.!ote m opMe rc hen Li vee Fitteeie. !Ok*lbatite-
M lee The y re.peetWllven ieltrnriwle..olll.4l.
Pittsburgh Lard 911 strannifictory•
C ~n ha .1d a snp.rroratllele tan'
Oil, warrartt.ii ht any I f!Ill oF 11114 •
crittr.l to the 1”•••1 strahlf.4 Spr.rm Oil. iyhpotit •
tlr,ll,quail cr•eaprr';'lliall • t
nf • .1.,
aclitr.'d gal.e,rilpr at he old trend. •i,
ruin rlrtlie Pout Onice•
j , n 4.1843
1 1
ICE would advi-e orranne who
tr . afflicted with Gout Rheunia'ism, Sf.rraintr;':
Contrnetrd Cords and Lirnb,v, arm irpimtiWouya or
the bark or body, which may be ligught. on byr
Cold- Exposure le the Weather, to call at TtJr.
ifth rtreet, mei procure a bnztle otitis , F:t'-' —
ahnvc Liniment, which will give immediate re.4* , , •,
iet" and vfr at a certain cure.
of -:: TUTTLX has ahn a firs' rare 4Afrdrtreeok
•annfl nizars and VirpiniaChewirf:
J •n 18. 1842.
DIM ..41,ETAL. —5O ion* Pig Mein/ in wore:and foe.
rile by 3. W. PURRRIDGE ¢ ro. ,
}nn Wnie. at. hr•twP , n Werct Smitf.fletd
E. H. Heastinge, .
tuna Walston, 40) vireet. nert'dour. 4 in tist,k e-
PittOmtglq where• ripritiest lons for Rtitiforiel.r. Fiyjoyfc 4 l:
Inv, Laying out and Vividing nd4l. enales t $0114111"-'
Morigei?, 4c. exieiiiiii-19434411
ticeurriry 'arid despatch • : . - - • -
P it hem tat, J :in. '261.843.-•3t
W lFlrr---Ire 17'
firs will Fe gtirOrtinti which have not neon herrtofore ea-
Pausengere wili tai ken n p cod s e ; dow n ag sea-
Mononv help House, Alerehno.s.'A merlon r nod Etc air:*
fin:ers, or at nay iIOUFC in INr vicinity of t swe
Extra reaches fUthlPhrd ht Us short's: nosier, with
priv,lrgenr going throutth direct, or 'tint to; nisa nighfle
rart.nt I holr option.
F os seals apply atihe rith , o In St ettifr "enter
or the EXehokle finief. 6 4 ettee to Watar er, !owl
!leer to the Moe Abele Bowe.
President opt tNi Mite" 1! ?!-*Ap ir-orrocirrozi.
t tkrit ;1"-
e Acme", Sas4slol
a 813.
_ _
r 3
`A rdL "
M ~ ~
4 1 031
1 , -_
• , i..I J
;: ~I