PUBLISHED BY S. _PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, N. W. COAXER OF HOOD q FIFTH BTB. MILIts.--FIVE DOLLARS a Year, pnfillie in ISFyseee. Vile& copies TWO CENTO—for sale at the Neater et Ike °Mee, and by News Beys. 1 010,101terenry and Xfaaufacturer ilitiliahred WEEKLY, at the same office, on 4 double nititahtai sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. nasees. Sin;le copies. SIK CENTS. Terms of Pea SCRIA RE OF TW :. *as its. Too". tioteismosis, Ot Wla,lweertlons. 1,00 Otte week. 1,50 Tire visite, 3,00 Twee Weeks. 4.00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. Owe Square. nes Sfautres eft sleuths, . $113,00 I Six months, 425,00 ass year, 25,00 One year. 35,00 frprArter advertisements In prorortion. "C.ARDdof fuer lines Ste Dot.t.ala a year. PUBLIC OFFICE S, &C. Crei Pore Orytme. Third between Market and Wood at esetts-1. al @Mite, Postmaster. oneeess Morns, Water,dth door from Wood at. Peter uss% isMiluas—Major John Wlhock, Collect or. t Ltet TIMAICIT, Wood between First and Secomi streets.—litutes A. Rartrarn, Treasurer. is 'rawesttax, Tbird street, next door to the Mid Presbyterian Chureh—s. R. Johnston, Treasurer, MaTon'a Orme, Fourth, between Market ■nd Wood ityseje—Alexander May, Mayor. 'ilbsteedrawr's ESCISAINIX. FOUrth, near Market st. BANKS Freststeeassablretween Market and Wood streets, on raglrilistad Fourth streets. ' • Iddiftiatirrs' anal fillammiraCTl7ltEßl' AXD FARINIMIS' DIC• = RAM. (formerly Saving Pund,) Fourth, between and Market 'tittle. fitClo.lllllll. PHth street, near Wood. ;or HOTELS. Illoilautoaarat• House, Water street, near the Bridge. Eatinasnoe Horst., corner of Penn and St. Clair, HOTZL, corner of Third and Wood. Aktstuctios Hovet.,eorner of Third and Smithfield. tfpritsSTates. corner of Penn street and Canal. Etot,a, Liberty street, near Seventh. illawnow House, Liberty Of opposite Wayne flimatrutntrr Mansion Hocsa.Penn St. opposite Canal. I°BERT WOO US, ATTORNE Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Ofire remo ved to Bakevrell's offices on Grant st..nosiff oppose ais wow Court Dottie, nest rooms to John D. Mahon, Ofi s r—Ptrat floor. srp 10 OS. H. ELLIOTT,IL D.—Office removed to al. Clair strait, odious Penn and Liesrly sf i r, 1141SahaigA. s p 10 N"'ODS.—Preston 4. Mackey, veliblesale and retail dealers In English, French, aid Domestic Sty Goode, No. fl. Market at ,Phtshargh. Pep 10 ANDLESS & IN'CLUNE, Attorneys and Ooansellom at Law: Office in the Diamond, hack old Cosirt House, Pittsburgh. aep 10 RISIOVA.L.- R. Morrow, Alderman; oil a north side of Fifth at., between Wood and Smithfield Os. Pltlemargh. lien 10 Tons ArDEvrnr, Wholesale Grocer Rectift ins el [Mettler, And Dealer k Produce and Pittsburgh Illserfaciered Articles, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts sep 10 %ILm►IR H. WILLItIIIII WILLIAMS & DILWORTEL—WhoIesaIe Grocers Produce and Commission Merchants, and dembses le Pittsburgh Manuractured article;, No. 29, Wood street. sep 10 %Via. 0 1 1 i A.R.& ROBINSON, Attorney al Law; ; VV . 4 Wire on the north side iir ihe Diannond.between j illarkilird Union streeta, upstairs rep 10 iWDU RBO RAW, Attorney at Law; lenders * lsis professional services to Wt public. (m eet° , Akar of fifth and Market Streets, about D. Lloyd 4- Co's otate, Pittsburgh, l'a. sep 10 Myr S. EIRSIt IF, JAB. N. Kean SIJERIFF de KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper. Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 80. Front at., put,: burgh, Hones Spouting and Steamboat work promptly ',meted. memo - 55054 5 5 TOON • FRANCO t.. YOUNG. riutos. B. YOUNG & CO., Furnture Ware ',IX Rooms, venter of Hand st. k Exchit4e All ey. remise wishing to purchase Furniture, will Ind It to their advantage to give us a call. being fully ratis ie d t h at we esa please as to quality and price. 16 i 10 Ditrrro:qDAMS.—Just rece!ved 160 choice /t ut . tern Hams, well cured and for sale cheap by %hai l ,. aans or retail, by ISAAC lIARRIS, • isep,lo N 0.9, Flub si RLITA BAG A.—A supp'y or Landreth's Fresh Ro ta Bap, and other different varieties of Turnip Pea 1, .at received and for sate at SIDUCID Patera at the Ares *ad Seed Store of F. L..BNOWDEN, dear 10 No. 189 Liberty street, bead of Wood. :V%BB CILASEYA Boot and Shoe Itlauufscio• ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States Saks. Ladies Prunetla, Kid sod Satin Shoes made in Yt weateat mitancr,and by the newest French patterns. rep 10 ORUS MULTICAULUS. in lota to suit 51000 M purchasers; to be disposed of by F.L. SNOWDBN, No. 184 Liberty street,, head of Wood. 4- ism 10 .arIOOLIA ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of es- JILY ers.deserlptioa, can always be had at the Deng ♦tri Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN. • sell 10 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood. 50 LllB.llttnois Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for sale et the Drug and seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 400 LBS. NEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, for Deed; JAwt received by F. L. SNOWDEN, No, 184, Liberty head of Wood et. GARIAN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Transplantlag Trowels. PACT., Tools, Budding 11r.alles, Pruning Knives, PrantagShears. etc., just re. Webowl and for vale by P, L. SNOWDEN. no 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. CHOICE Venison iinms.--Just received • email sup. ptyciferery choice cured Venison Hams, on retail Is mall lots for carre•t money. ISAAC HARRIS. Agent, •ad Com. Merchant • lee TO WHITK Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and Keatucky Slue Grass, always on hand and for owls kV F. L. SNOWDSN, sap 1. N 0.184 Liberty street, head of Wood. Firersa 4. BUCHANAN, dtterssys at Law, office reatovai (rum the Diamond, to A ttorneenßow." Mme/ a1eo( !earth street, between Market and Wood manila sett 10 414118TIILATES'8LANKS, for proceedings In At itsalloseat guiles theists law,for sale at this °Mee JrR RACE.—Lots on the North East corner of Coal Lase and nigh street. Apply to II() BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th at. 100 LBS. Landreth 's French Sugar Beat Seed.Juat received lad fer sale at the Drug and Seed P. L. SNOWDEN, 18441berty street, bead of Wont SW* .t sep It a ,:: l : l I 'eagiutWership bdinettstoni existing between WIL LIAM OfGOY and SU/1711N HOPEWZLL is tbisday dimiMMA by mutual congest. Midst Digby te authorized 4011. 1 % tbesigottsra of timbre la Minn ap the badness VIA& We 1111111. WILLIAM BIBBY. MP 10 r.vorzwELL, dvertising. LVE LINES OR LESS: One morph, V,OO Two monis. • g,OO Three months, 7,00 Poor. months, 8,00 Sits months, 10,00 One year, 15,00 lone; S. DILIVORI /1 i,,,:......;:,,,...,.....,;.;-'41`.7 ,T -i---'-'447 Mg . "tii,:.. -- . . ~ ._ . - .... .„- . --. .. . ..... - - ~....- . -.„, ...,- ill L Aai lir . .. ... .., .. . ... J OHNSTON 4. STOCKTON, Booksellers, Prlntent and Paper M asu Dictators,. No. 37, Market at. imp 10 4y J OHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Waler near the Monongahela Douse, Plitsturah. aep 10-1 y L EONARD S. JOHNS ,s alderman,Eit.Clair street, se eond door from Liberty. Inp 10-1 y D R. B. R. 1101,1 d 68, Otllcein Seeond street, next door to Malvany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sett 10-ly RUNG 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth IL. near the Mayor's 01Ore, Pnisburgb. seP 19-17 Proms. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth. between Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. rep /o—ly HUGH TONER, Attorney at Law, North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets. aep 10—ly TRONNION AAAAA .10116 Tritiveut L. HANNA it TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No. 104, Wood M., where may h. had a general satin& of writing. wrapping. printing. wall paper, blank books, school hooks, 1f e, Eke. Sep 10--ly R C. TOWNSEND ¢ co., Wire Worker* and .Manafeetare►v, No. 23 Market street, bet ween and 3d streets. Sep 10—ly EXCIIA !WE norm., Corner of Penn and St. els* streets, by IIeICISSIN 4.sallTll. Pep 111--ly BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward Hushes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Wood et., Pittsburgh. sep 10 —ly IG META L.-77 tons soft PI: Metal for sate by J. 0.4. A. GORE 3N. sep 13 No. 12 Water street LBS. BACON 11A MS. 16,000 lbs. Bacon 31000 Shoulders, for sa'e by 'WAS. PATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, . , Mattufartur.r of Locks, Binges and Bolls; To. bacco, Fnller , NM and Timber Screws; [loosen Screws for Rolling Mills, 4 , c. sep ]O-1y J OHN MICLOSKEY, Tailor and Clothier, Liber.y atieet, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South aide. scp J W. BURBRIDG ti• CO., Wholesale -Grocers and Commission Merchants—. Second street, between Wood and Smithfield str.,Plttsburih. rep 10- -I y JG. it CORDON , Commission and Forwarding • blt•rehants, Water at., Pittstiurg,h, aep 10—ly HAMS. -4 casks hi ms. a rood article, received ner 8 R. Corsair, and for sale by J. G. - A. GORDON. aep 10 No. 12. Water street SIJG AR .1 MOLASSES .-- 40 Mule New Orleans Su gar; SO bbls New Orleans Molasses; for sale by • seP tO J. G. 4- A. GORDON: SUGAR. -7 Midi prime N. O. Bazar, received per S. ft. Maine. and for sate by J. G. 4. A. GORDON. rep 10 No. 12, Water street 50 RACON CASKS,in order, on hand and for sale by sep 10 J. G. 4. A. GORDON. No. 12', Waler st SUGAR AND MOL A SSE:S.-1310111s ond 4 bblo N. 0 Sugnr, 32 bids N. 0. Molasses, received per Si rombo a Importer, and for sale by .1. G. k A. GORDON. vep 10 No. 12. Water street 5 BBLS. LARD Oil.. forsale by B. A. FAOXESTOCK k CO.. corner of 6th and Wood Ma. 1631 PA PERSGeronntown [Amp Mock for Plc by B. A. FAH N ESTOCK 4- co., corner of 6i b and Wand es. 200 LBS Prepared e Ch A alk r , f t o t r s ti a E le l r ,y ocK k co corner of 61 h and Wood sta S UG.IR AND MOLASSES.-611 hhds. N. 0. Stn r, 25 ROL d0.d0., 100 do. PlantaDon Mnhissrs, for sale by 1. G. 4- A.CORDON, sep 13 No, 12 Water sireet. B LANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, C.— o he used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on good paper,and in the forms approved by the Couri,for sale at the °arc of the Mercury and Democrat. rep 10 W M. HUBBARD, ladies' fashionable boot and shoe Manufacturer, No. 101, Third rreet, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh sep 10 nJ BUCKM ASTER, AT'RNEY AT LAW, . has removed his office In the corner of Fourth street andelterry Alley, hetwecn Smithfield and Grant streets,Piltsburgh. imp 10 r k AVID SANDS, IV ATM 45z. CLOCK A -. MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pills. • burgh, DEALER IN WA TeIIES,C LOCKS. BR EA STPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS. sep 10 1 .ANDRETIPS GARDEN SEEDS.— A run supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, always on nd,and for sale at his agency, the Drugstore of F. L. SNOWDEN, I\ 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. WDAVID WARD hat his office and residence uttrib Street, nearly south of the Court House, all calls pi ling seeded d lling from Ross street. He will faithfully attend • wining to hi. profession. Night calls should be made at th• oor shove the basement. sep 10 ripll EMOVA —M•ti hew Jones, Barber and Hair Dress -Lt. er, has m oved to Pourt h street , opposite' he May on office, where, will be happy to'weit upon permanent . transient cast \ ers. lie solicitor' share of public pat• 31. A. WA,,, DENTIST, Penn st. three w w door below [rue , '7 until $ p. x.. streei, Hours of business, from 1: not one except in er which time he will attend would further Inform tiles of actual necessity. He employ hint,tliat he expectwho may think proper to the necessity on his part ofrittfltale psyment, without ling in bills JOHN M'FARLAND, 411 . -kee. Teisst si. betioseek"erer end Cabinet respectful informs his friends afd 4' Market streets, prepared to execute all orders fortis public that he is reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Sp a , Sideboards, llu- Mattresses, Curtains. Carpets, all 4,11a1r and Spring work, which he will warrant equal or Upholstering city, and on reasonable terms. ny made in thin Pep 10 RE Af OVAL:—The subscribers have ter between Wood and Smithfield '.d 10 t9•a. they will continue the Wholesale Grocery •ds, where sion business. and would respectfully solicit Commis. age of their friends. J. W. 8U11.1311 I DIPnl con. Dec 3 Co. _ . limy patient required a safe aperient medicine either ...lore or after parturition, the Wilson's were just the thing I wanted. If a dyspeptic acid condition (tithe stomach, combfled C OMMERCIAL AUCTION ROoM— costiveness or inactivity of the liver constituted the 110 Word Street, Pittaburik.—R. A. Baird. disease af my patient. the pills were just the thing 1 wanted. Auctioneer and Commi s sion blerchatit, is now pre', to receiveand sell all kinds of Goods and Merchanlf I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the t. at his large and capacious looms, No. 110, North Z Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted. If palpitation. headache, Bushed Countenance, or other Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets, Pittsburgh, Regular tale. of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries a nt i , *etre, turn Hardware, Colliery, Dry aßetth ory systems, annoyed my patient at the ies, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory ' other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Goods, nod Fancy articles, on fe,' the Wilson's pills werrjust the thing 1 wanted. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Cu., without respect to the name, a disease might Hooks, 4.c., every Saturday evening, on to wear at the time I have had It under treat Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted. alNaniftier indications or symptons arisingt were Rarraitancus. Wilma' promptly and most happily met by the Thoi Ils. Messrs. John D. Davis, Esq., ) nareritreat a number ofdiseases, and sometimes ap. it Beesley 4 , Smith, 1 shouldtarite ones, in which I have. used these pills, ti Hampton, Smith, 4 , Co., l nemedYmd more readily by them than by any other ti P. Lorenz 4. Co., i why it is j fiat seem strange and contradictory, but si J. W. Burbridge 4. Co., I personas clear to my mind as that a great many st. B. Ill'Kee 4- Co. I pietsboroh. eausee,and Koine thirsty from r.s many diferent si Capt. lame/ 11PG2rgill, • all blessings: require that common and greatest of nt C. lbws/a, Req. Incooeduslkotteeni.h their thirst. Jones Irradden Esq. Logan 4. Kennedy. and the Public. tthe .sputetion of t'ie medicine J. K. Moorhead 4. Co. the Wiliam's pi idedly and unconditionally, that I Jas. P. Stuart, Esq. met with In my hicutily combination I have ever Robert Galway, Beg: eessesanything env.. , 0. praellec,that really pea Capt. JUL May, In** specific for sick headache : Itclfay,Hanna, 4. Co. The shelve Pills -1 . DR. fit ILO ADA Mil William Symms, Flaed.Actia, HYsPellsialel partkularly tbr the lick prepared by the proprietk of " le Bowels 4.c." 8.0. Heavy. , ssittrwilsisodillisli nu" R. A. Wilson. and for Smith. Bagaley 4 Co below II aritury. 'welling in Pesa . .thielt, * Oct 1 J. G. 4- A. GORDON, N 0.12 Wafer street We.the undersigned, have tried and are now using Carr's Patent Lamps, for burning Lard or other animal fat, and we have no hesitation In saying that they give an excellent light—equal to any of the ordinary triodes of lighting a house, at about onmtiturd the cost, and wholly free horn smoke or other disagrecebie smell. We lake a pleasure in recommending these lamps to the public, as by their use there is a great saving over either sperm or lard oil, or even candles; and we believe them to he more cleanly and less troublesome than either. To he had at BROWN 4. RAYMOND'S only, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office. lire. W. W. ttakewell, James !loon, " A. M. Bryan, Charles Nelson, " John ArCron, C. Yeager, N. G. Collins, Wm. Graham, jr., " Robert Dunlap, E. Trovillo, Dr H. I). Sellers, Wm. Douglass, " E. D. Gazzam, Henry Atwood, " Wm. M. Wright, !mac Cruse, Robert H. Kerr, Ern, George W. Henry A. Beckham. Robert McPherson, Thomas Ouston, John S. Shaffer, George Miltenberger, Wm. Eichbaum, 0. P. Shiras, J. ft Turner. A. Miller, Wm. Martin, R. M. Riddle, Pest Master ['gnu Bargesser, Robert Gray, Janice S. Clark, °Nile Amer. Allen Kramer. lean Hotel, A. F. Marl Jens, John M,Camphall M. Stackhouse. L. Albergeri Robert Johnston, James Mellin, N. B Just received, an Improved Patent Lamp, foe kitchen use. to• 19—dlar .fr wir T O THE PUBLIC, and parties/arty to air fame . patrons of this eitr—Hnving retired from the practice of Medicine, I may be permitted to say, that it has fallen to the lot of lut few persons to have enjoyed so liberal or large a share of obstretriest practice as my own has been for the last Si) or .413 years. The experience of that long period of active life. and t he fact of my having been twice, since 1830. associated with Dr. U. A. Wilson, In the practice of medicine, (In both a period of five years.) enable me to judge fully of the merits of his pills. So convenient, so efficient , and yet so safe, did esteem these pills, that for the last five years In my practice for the cure of chronic diseases, of whatever name, and those of females in particular, I have used more of them that's. all other medicines. Like every other medicine, this must fail In some fa stances, hut In my hands there has been less disappoint. ment and more satisfaction In tile administration of i one remedy than of ail others; its ;ood effects sometimes quite astonishing _ Wheeling Louisville • Phila. lI IIIGBY—X.. 121, Corner of Troectond Front as sort n . ren S t t o r t e " Gin ' c P c i n t :: i a l r r e f A s u' hue it ed o t c l i i b a n tit e d ri a t ye complete Pi e country e trade. Also, a choice selection of pure while, and gold band DINING AND TEA WARE, in large or small, sets, or separate pieces to snit purchasers. . A cask of 46, 60, or 84 piece sets, superbly painted and gilt English China Teaware, at very low prices. Toy Teaware, plain, and rich painted and gilt, Rota 1,00 to SS,OO per set. Children's Mugs of every description. White China Shaving Mugs. Granite Dining at d Tea Services, in white and with splendid American scenery printed In blue and black. A - large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Sets, Imported to match. complete, Fire Proof stone bakthg plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. !„. Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties . Window Glass, tlf every aim. Patent Buckets, Tubs and Keeler! Stone Pipe Heads, 4.c. ¢e, 4.e. All of which are respectfully oirertd to the pub. Ile on the most favorable terms. Jan 28, 1842-1 y 1 00 Base. a Rio Coffee. °et 4. For sale by ; • ¢ A. GORDON, DEASE'S 110-9RHOUND CANDY—Tama. has J. received Ibis day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Coldsand Con sumptlon; and is ready to supply customers at wholesale orrerall, at his Maio': At nnv 12 cagy, 86 Fourth at. D AVID CLARK, .0 9 et. Au hiottable Boot Maker,— Has removed to No, 34 Market street, hetweeu Second and Third streets, where lie wood be happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel clinic's. ed to patronize hint. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he shies his constant personal alien' kin to burliness, he truststliat he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. rep 10 F lt 11;r: CREAM, t pOIIr'EUTIONA RY.— A Hunker respect (Wig informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best quality of lee Creams. iosether with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits. in their sea, on, at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, hetwe n Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes, or anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. sep 10 VVA NS'S CAMOMILE PILL LS.—ABRA HAM J. CLEMER, residing at 66 Mott street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia In Its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head- ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sessation of sinking at the stomach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, dizziness towards night end restlenen. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when. on consulting Dr. Wm. Evans.looChatham street; and submitting to his ever fnecessrul and agreeable mode of treatment. the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of onemonth, and grateful tor the incalculable benefit dents , . ed. gladly came forward and volunteered the above stale For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, No 20. Wood street. below Second. CIARR'S PATENT LAMPS, FOR BURNING LARD.—Those who would wish greatly to reduce their experse for light, should certainly purchase one of the above named Lamps, as by their use there is a clear saving oral least 11.1 , 34 birds or the expense over Oil,nnd the light obtained from this is pure and brilliant, and wholly free from smoke or disatreeable smell, We would here state that Carr's Patent is the only one worthy the attention of the public, as it is the only one that is appli . cable to every variety or pattern of f.amps,and the only one I hat will burn Lard wstr., at any temperature of cold or heal. We have, In the short space of three mouths, 1004..slIlVeral thousands: and with scarce an exception, topp : luting them hove. expre.reti themselves highly pleas. 4AM them. and fully convir.ced of the great economy by their it , e, as well as their superiority over either.,lo.l or candles, in regard to cleanliness and light. The shove named lamps can be had only at BROWN k R4Y.MO.IYD'S, • Third tort el, nenriy oppnelte the Poet Office. Where Is kept conrtantly on hand Britannia Metal, Tin and Glass !Ammo(' vat ions patterns. Gla” lamp , : sold at manufacturers' pricer. We take pb.ssnrr In ofreiluz to the public the follow ins certificate, which is subscribed to by many respecta bie citizens. D R. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pil4. These Pillsare strongly recommended to the notice of the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex ercise. or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract ell Hysterical-and Nervous affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the (Jul. tad States, and many pothers. For sate Wholesnle and Metall, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, rep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second. WM. ADAIR, Boot and SAoe {fader, Libel) , St., opp•site the Axed ef Bath kfteld •t., Pitieb•ren,— The subscriber having bought out the stock of the Isle Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the old stand of Mr: R., and Is prepared to execute all descriptions of work In his line, in the best Wanner aid on the shortest notice. He peeps cot - stonily on hand a large assortment orshoe Settings of all descriptions and ofthe best quality. Re solicits the patronage of the nub. lie and of the croft. WM. ADAIR. Bep.lo PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY.—Springs and Axles for Carr-lags. at Eastern Prizes. The subscriber/ manufacture and keeps constantly on, hand Coach,C and Eliptle Springs (warranted,) Juniata Iron A s les, Sllverand Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Slump Joints, Patent Leather, Sliver and Brass- Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges. 4.e.,4'e. JONES COLEMAN. St. Chu r st.., near it e neaheny Bridge. D. SELLERS. N. D., office and dwelling In Fourth, near Ferry street. sep 13-1 y LOOK AT THIS. The attention ifthoie who have been somewhat seep. tical in referent:eta-the numerous certificates published in favor of Dr. Swaiine's Compound Syrup r•l'VVild Cher ry,on ncrount Ofthe persons being unknown in this ear thin of the Slate, is respectfully directed to the following certificate, the writer of which hus been a eh izen of this borough forseveral years. and is knonn at a gentleman of inte;irity and responsibility. To the :Iv MP. J. KIRBY. "1 tiove.osed Dr Swavne's Comp turd Syrup of Wild Cherry for ;ono., with which I have been severely of flitted for about four months, and I have no hesitation In saying that it lathe most effective medicine that! have been !Melo procure. It composes alt uneasiness, and agrees welt with my diet.—and moot/tins a regular and good appetite. I ran freely recommend it to all others atmharly afflicted. J. Minima, Borough of Chambersbig. March 9. ik4o. 23 For "ale by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market Pep street FIRM T, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. - - • 110111ERSONS desirous of procuring Fruit, Sbnde. and Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Plilladel phis or New Arn, k, ore requested to make application as noon as possible, at the Drag and Seed Store of the F lib grirlber, where can be had catalogues, TrafUltotlPly, of the meal excellent varieties. F. L. SNOWDEN, aep 31 No IR4. Liberty street, bend of Won,' 3/ A tIBLE NUF A CTOR Y.—Patrick enwfield ce speetrullyarglialnts his friends and he public !en era Ily. that he has commenced the Marble business at the, corner of Firth and Liberty sts.,Wlicre will he constantly ou hand. tomb stones. mantel plowes, monuments, bead and foot stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every artleile appertaining to the business, Re will warrant his work lobe well done, and hls charses will he moderate. He resrlect fully asks a share of auldle. pat ronaze. sep 10- TURNBULL, PROPRIRTOIti OP TAN CLIN. TOW PAPIR Attu.. Steohenvllle,Ohlo, !latrine remm red (herr store from Ilk city, have appointed Iloldsliip =Arne. No. 49 Market st., between 3rd and 4th. A fee rte sa ilmottbm different Winds afPi pe''statewfae toted he them, where their friends and ensinmers will al ways find a rnenlar supply of paper, ►itch as flap and st Writing, plain and faint lined; Wrapping and Tea paper; Bonnet Poards, and Priming Paper of different si• sem anti qualities, all of which will be sold on the moat secoMmodatinr terms. Her.o■nte & ilittnwar, manufacturers and Importers of It•alt rarer', and Bonk's. keeps cnnsta ntly on hand eve. ry variety of Entry, Parlor and Chamber Pa prra. of the infra stylre and most handsome patterns, which thry will aril tow and on accommodating term . ., wholesale or retail, no, 18—tf. Porta'de Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2,50011 s, at 855 00. do do do do 2,005 at:1145 00 do do do do 1,500 at 35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 00 do do do do 500 nt 25 00 With raising levers an addition of 83 to each scale. Dormant scales for the u^e of Warehouses, Flouring Mills, Ice., the same prices as above. A Isn, White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's improvements, and a variety of miter counter scales, which they will sell for from 8 to 615, They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mills, Saw Mills, Balt Works, 4-c., double and singe geared slide lathes,foot and other lathes for wood turning ntachinrs for tenanting chairs, planing marlines, door and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or without thrashing machines, a superior article; circular saw shafts, machines for riming lath. Tinner's ma chines and tools ofalt descriptions,also for making black lug boxes, a superior article; governors for steam engine. stocks, taps and dies, coffee mills, bedstead or Joint boss and machinery for making the same. cotton factory ITIa. chinery made or repaired; printing press plattens turned and printing presses repalred• JAMES MAY, Agent sap 22-1.4. 'JOAN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis. slots M e r chant,No.loficorser of Weed 4- Fifth ats. Pittsburgh: Having been appointed one of she Anti ion eersfm the City of Plisburgh • tenders his services to jut. hers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed to make trial of this market. He is prepared to make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities, and trusts to satisfy correspondents by quick sales, and speedy !and favorable returns. That the various interests which may be confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid of his own experience in business' and acquaintance with merchandise generalls, the services of Mr. SAstosx FAtinsirrocist heretofore advantageously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement is made. RIVER TO Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pres'l. of M. 4. M. AA Bank. 44 Darlington 4. Peebles, 1 I .. Robert Galway, SA James M. Cooper, I 44 James May. I .4 R. M. Riddle. Pittsburgh 4, Wm Robinson. Jr. Preu't 1 ~, of Exchange Rank, 4. Hampion,Smitti, it Co., 4 . John D. Davis, •' Samuel Church. 1 •' .1. K. Moorhead, is " Jae. W. Brown 4. co. / 4. John A, Brown. it CO: 6. Rishb if Rsisfey. .. Yardly 4- Ibirers, .. John il. Riddle, .. Joke Riddell, ---- INILY FLOUR —hit receirred a few barrels of XipetiOriPloar. made e.sksinily for family use `For Wally , ISAAC "CREISE,I4SI Lib, St. In Starealisreals sop. Roar, mproved Flay inufaciured he ih•tr !tlnchint between pia• Ih street, two ,re [lntl, Pitts nuracture and nd the fol'ow Iscreles(whol., composed of No. 1, p ort le Platform :Mee Oil *leis, "'elk; 3,5Uu u ilds,aL 1;63, YOUNG it BRADBURY Ph iladera I seP 10 PROSPECTUS' For publishing a new Daily Pape, in the City of Pitta burgh, to be entitled the DAILY MORNING POST. rivlESubtxribers having made arrangements to merge A the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu• ry into one Journal, IItIVC concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Daily Morning Post. The leading object of the "•Posy" will be the dtssemina• lion and defence of the political principles that have here• tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, in politics, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat• tern and occurrences that route properly within the enhere ofa Public Journal, to make their papet sufficiently in• cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, ir• respective of party considerations, In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the "Morning Poet," the Editors will take pains to furnish the ittisinewm community with the latest and most Interesting CO*IIIZRCIAL Ilerzttx mums from all parts of the country, and to have prepa• red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business Men in their several callings. Teests.---The Poerr will be published en a large imperi• al sheet of line paper, (manufactured especially for this Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per aanum,payable In advance. It wilt also be sold by news.boye at the low rale of TWO CENTS a copy. Advertisements will he inserted at the lowest mtes charged by the other daily papers of the city. 0 0 -T WENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post, Who will be engaged on the most liberal terms W. FL WM I T 11. Anzust 31. 1842. O fillDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO. In store and for sale by J. G. 4- A CORDON. No 12, Water street. Dl' Morrisui JUIII •-- 4. co L‘ ‘iondon, for pale only by .S. b. ...., Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. app 10 F ARM FOR SA LC.—The undersigned offers for sale a tract of land situated 4 miles Nog, rrreepou , In the direction of Kittanning, Buffalo 'township, Armstrong county. containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of whicti are In meadow.-- p good square log dwelling bourse and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple orchard of 80 bearing, trees—and a tpring of excellent water convenient Intim house. FOR TERMS apply to the subscriber, residing at the Saltworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, I nt:le above Free port. T O THE WISE.—I its now well onderstood how much disorders of the mind depend for their cure upon a due attention lo the body. It is now understood how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid accnniulat ions without weakening, the bodily power. It is now understood that there is a reciprocal Influence be. tween tile mind and the body. ft is now understood that purging with the Brandreth pine, win remove a melon choly, and even insanity is cured by perseveringly using them: It Is now understood bow much domestic happi ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive organs. It is now well knoWn that the Brandreth Pills have cured thousands of impa , less and helpless persons, even when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond all human means of relief. It is now not only well known that the Brandreth ['Bits° COTT, inn it is also oa• dendood how they cure; that it is by theft parifyingeacet on the blood thet they restore the body to health. The value of the medicine Is becoming more and more manifest,it is recommended daily from family to family. The Brandreth Pills remove In an almost imperceptible manner all noxious accumulations and purify and invigo rate the blood,and their Bond effectsare not cuunterhalan I ced by any Inconveniences; being composed entirely of Vegetables they do not expose those who use them to danger; and their effects are as certain as they are salu• Lary; they are daily and safely adminktenid to infancy, youth, manhood, and old age, and to women in the most critical and delicate circitmstancrs. They do not distort, or shock the animal functions, but restore their order and ntlablish their health. Sold at Dr. Rraadreth's Office, No. 91, Wood street. Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents per box, with fall directions. MA RK—Tite only place in pittsburth where t he genii• ine Pills ran he obtained, is the T. ,, ctor's own office, No. 93 Wood street. sep in T o THE I , IDIEB —Why do you not remove that superfluous hair you have upon your foreheads and upper lips/ fly calling al Terns's, 86 Fourth at., and obtaining a bottle of Gouraud's Poudres Aubtles, which will remove It at one% without erecting the skin. You can also obtain Gouraud's tinily celebrated Ear dr Beaute, which will at onre remove ail freckles, pimples, eruptions of the skin, and make your face look per ectly fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more color to their cheeks, they can obtain some ofGod-- rand'n celebrated I,irinid flouge, which cannot be rubbed off even by a wet cloth. Also may be found a rood as sortment of Perfumery, such as Caingne, Rears' 011, Al. mond, Palm, Windsor; and other Soaps. Remember. at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th street. Dec. 8, 1842 BRANDRETH PILLS. L ET Invalids read the following account of a Salto' cured of a complicatiou of afflictions In nineteen days by the use of Brandreili Pitts, it illstinctly proves there are herbs In nature which have affinity cure be cause of disease, and Bra ndret h's Pills are made for them Read and beconvinted. Take the medicine andhe cored EXTRAORDIX.9 R I' CURE OF RHEUMATISM DIARRHCE.4, AND AFFECTION OF THE L L.NO.S JOHN Slum. of Pembroke, Mlolloool' county, Maine, being dilly sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick about six months since. The pains In his head • breast, bark, left side and instep being so had that lie was nna. hie to help himself,nnd was taken into the Chelsea HOP. plial In the city of Bosinn. That after being in said hospital five weekt,Doctor Otis said he did not know what was the matte' with him, and that he could do nothing for him, noreould he prescribe any medicine. That he, therefore, war conveyed front the Chelsea Fibs. pita! to the Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he was there physicked with all sorts of medicine for a peri -lod of four months, suffering all the time the most heart. rending misery.- That, besides his alloection of his bones he was troubled much with a disease of the lungs: some times he would spit a quart of phlegm in the day; besides this affection he had a bad Olarrin:na, which had more or less attended him from the commencement of his sick. ness. That at !jams lie dreaded a stool worse than he would have dreaded death; that tie can compare the feel. Ing to nothing save that of knives passing through his bowels. An er suffering worse than death at the Sailor's Retreat, on Staten istand,the doctor told him that medi• tine was of no use to him. that he must try to stir about. At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. That his bones Ist re so tender lie could not hear the least press. ure upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his instep was most painful, that as the Doctor said he would give him no more medicine he determined to procure some of Dr., Ne Braw York; s ndreth' Mlle, which he did. frim 241 Broadway that he commenced with five pills, and some timesincreased the dose to eight. Tile first week's use so much benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing what he was using, saidonow,Shaw, you look like a man again; ifyou improve In this way. You will soon be well.' That he fatted every dose of the Brandretit Pills I relieve him, first they cured tamer the pain when at stool; that they nest cored the diatea, sad fi nally the trains in his bones;—That the me ',lee seemed to add strength to him every day. Retold the doctor }rester day the 11th Instant, that he felt himself well. and also, that-he owed his recovery to Riandreths Pills under Providence, that he had taken the medicine t eve' y day for 19days; that the doctor told him if he had known he had been taking that medicine, he should not have stayed another day in rum house. He considers It is his dot,' to make thlspnblic statement for the benefit oral: similarly afflicted; (hat they may know where to find a medicine that will cure them. JOHN SHAW. John Shaw hieing by me duly sworn this 13th day n. April, 1842, did depose and say that the foregoing state ment is tree. J. D. WHEELER.Commisaioner of Medi The BRANDRETH PILLS are sold at Dr. R ra pt dreth's principal office, 241. BR O.BD rf'd Y. Kew York' and at his principal office. fin: 93 Wood street ,Pittsburghe the ONLY PL.ICIS in Pittsburgh Where the ponds can be obtained ant y2—dw2m WNI. 4- PHILIP BAKER Matthew is a perfect jewel in his ways sober, attentive, and industrious; fond of his home—of his wife and children; wor thy to be held up as a pattern to all the married men in his county, whether poor or rich. I honor Matthew, and think hint (and that is saying a great deal) good as any English husband of my acquaint. l ance. When Black Burnett got up, he was not a little ~annoyed at finding that pretty Grace had disappearedcontrary to his desire; and though he well knew the cause of her absence, for once he had the prudence to keep his own counsel, saying only to his guest that she had gone to Russ. During the early part of the day, the visiter walked about as be had done be fore; but et noon the mason saw a strange boy give him a piece oftpaper—a note Of parcel—he could not tail which, it wa g go squeeged between their hands; but sottlei." thing of that sort it certainly . was. After dinner, the stranger proposed that he should accompany Black Brunett a lit.! tle way on the Ross road, to meet Grace on her return; nor did he object the poor Michael bearing them company. Th n alone mason (honest Brien) thought, ufter a little time, he would follow in the die.: ranee; though from the earliness of the hour. and the road being much frequent ,d, he had no apprehension of any thin g wrong; keeping, however, his eye - 06'0e map he hild been cautioned by his **h TIIE LITERARY POST. From the London New Monthly Magazine. The Last in the Lease. BY mni C. 8. BALL. CONCLUDED. Uncle, said Grace, drawing him gently aside, uncle, darlint, I want to spite • word to yr; it's about the lease, uncle. Mat. thew (her lover) has tould me that the land. lord himself will be passing through Ross to morrow, and he doesn't want any of tie to know it, because he's always-bothered about leases and the like; end you are sensi ble no Irish gentleman in the world like* to be tormented abuut business of any kind—. he'd rather let it take its own course with.• out toil; but Matthew says, uncle, that maybe as my mother nursed him, and poor Mike—weak though he is—is his own„,fos. ter-brother—if I watt:hea and could Ott 11, glimpse of him, he'd 'yak° to me, anyhow. I would'ut be under a compliment to hint for the lase, replied Burnett, proudly. May. be, Grace, it's more than himself I'll have one of these days. Sure it's no compliment, If we pay the same as another; and you were never a gale behindhand in your life. And, uncle, hoe, ry! if it's trusting to dltrames you You're not going to prache to me, are you? said the impatient man, interrupting her. No, not prache, only there's a louk be.. tv‘ixt yon rnan's two eves that has no mar cy in it. Uncle, a cushla—take care of himi You're a little fool—worse natural than Mike—thatftsei' hat you are! • But you'll take care—and about the lease? Let me alone, will yuu? Grace, you're a spiled girl; that's what yoe are; and it's myself spiled you, replied Burnett, turning again to look out on the night, which,fortu,, nate!) , for him, was worse than ever. It was long past two before ,e family retired to rest; but Grace's heed was to full to sleeps She was up with the lark; a calm andbeau tiful morning had succeeded. the sterin.--. Mattheiv, her handsome lover, *as soon roused from his light slumbers in the barn, and she counseled with him long and ear. neatly upon her plans. The Terror of that strange man leaves my heart when the daylight comes, said the in. nocent girl, and yet I don't like to quit hint alone with Mike and uncle. Mike thinks he'd have pitched uncle into the - gravelliriti,, - , Thdrsday night, but for him; to be sum. there's no inindinlic.what Mat hew thought differently; hi.eald het hadohaerved that at tintw, her brother vinced much intelligence. The landlord will be in_itoss.atacnat , I en, you say; and its a long walk troirf ,, ' A weary on the draffies! But for 16414* met, uncle himself would go, I knowren4.- yet there's tru h in them at times—and WI" wonderful how he knew us all. Matthew settled.' Can't Igo myself,and you nay-here! she continued. No; Mathew would - noi.tb - that - . I What, let her go doge, as if no one cared for her s , to meet her young and-hamhome landlordf:' He didn't care about the lease --not hei=4, but to suffer her to go alone ! If she thought it would make her mind easy, his brother Brien, the stone mason, should go: to work at the new pier tornent the house and he would be a safeguard• That was a pleasant proposal; and in her eager desire to obtain a promiie from :he landlord that he would grant her tin, d e a lease of years, she was more than hall', persuaded herself that her fears were ink 7 aginary. At all events, she argued, an harm ran happen him in the bames of the sun. I'll be back before night; and if I .tith. but bring the promise—the Written proniv ise, from the landlord—uncle will be in tt good humor; and then, maybe—maybe... I'd coax him over to .give up the dnaate, and take a fresh oath against the whiskey Poor, poor Grace. She wakened Michael, and telling him.' to take care of his uncle, promised him some fresh gingerbread if he was a good boy, and kept his promise; and having first left the breakfast ready, set off on her ad , - venture, escoted by as true a lover, and- Si sensible a friend, as ever fell to the lot of country girl. ~.. : ,wl-.; , ' ... ti•Ak.';'-'.4' tr." =ll3l