_ -- -- __________ --- in all human probability the word would , ~. - - :,,X 44 - ,; I~ itittis • , •_i -. fri,tr-Pttittlil2lVV-- .4?,-75•t La •e been his last, for the murderer's grasp j Alit E s i fs .u ioil was on the aim Of his intended victim, but si t'tz."." . —'.. it,M.;,.--:-..:1 Co".. "PP. lOW th r .,,. (.1 : i ! ,.„1 ,, p , . , u ~,,,e n. that Michael—the lialfidint M;chael— with _,,f,---.430b2, .„, ~. ~ .. _ .. a whimp arid a h:1110o, bearing a lighted Y ' I)•tILY MOlt ' NG po T. .0, in his hand, rushed so closely by them ______________ '.".met the Fp 1r kg of his wild brand starred Plill.lil , .l,' WM. 11. SMITII,CMITOR3 AND PP.OPRIICI ORS the stranger's cost; white Snap, hearing his —.....,-------- sri;:ster's voiee, harke I either tit gle , _: or an ----tpr. _ Hurroo! hurroe! Uncle, undo, here's the light lot your's or the devil's pipv! II tirroo! The A.,sumpt!wl. d i ght - roVers—ill-gathereN! liorr';o! hurroo! The Gazette declines to enter icto the and shouting and j;iiiipiniz, kept calculation submitted for its attention, before his nee, now r .oss;i z, hi t s into the air, and then whirint rit round hut "CO nCed eS it ‘4 ill take n "considerable head, long time" for 5 millions income to pay 6 Send the cub to hist- I e r-, said the Sll an• In:l l .ions interest and cancel the debt itself. Pet in so fierce a t id' voice, that the in r biiated Burnett notcd!ihe h o The Glzt , ,e, ange nd turn- however, says that the pro— ad to look at his corcrimion. • «;eili of the public lands have averaged Send the i':iot home, 4re continuo'', or, bv .59.000,000 for the last ten year s, and think the Lord, HI sen'l him Morn-wher e f''se; that ‘‘ hen the cmpli!ion of the country LI and, as he Fp ike , Ire drew a p frum Ins improved, they would be Touch larger !har vest. they have been for the List two years The sight of the we.aFn s There !the nil 1 Ihe Gazette's argument lacks force. The man in a moment. Stop, stop! h; exiTairn . ad, if you hurt a hair of that boys head, very depression of which it speaks has driv you'll pay f•r• it; that•s all. You're no true (r ) thousands from trade and mechanical man to draw a pistol on such a natural as alocations to agricultural putsitits, and yet lbw; besides, what use have you for the fire arms? the income of the public land sales has not Use, repeated the traveller; why, von exceeded 82,000,000. '1 he fact that the knnw your country has not the reputanon sales averaged , "..'3.000,000 in the• t pas ten of being the quietest in the norld. So for, • years, is 4111;1 to the immense specula— ',my own personal safety Lions which occurred during that time; a 'Quietest reputed Mown; ' taouble cause which never produced such an et - you not to say any thing agtAintt the couo try. I'm thinking you're tilt the sort I frit t befi ire, and, it is to be typed, never took you for—to offi-r to tire p or na Viral, whom every man in the piit i,li would 'fight to protect ; rod then to ahu4e Ireland, 'My g - )01 friend, intertupt.z.d the s:rans tilet me be of you to sold that inv borne; to trust our secn t with an idiot would be absurd in the extreme.' 'As to tr , ttio, :\ti , •l.,lci in, tv !too - 'chael would ra;ht r I,e out. I might as it ell tie a rat with a sugan. Tl:erc's irn use in I:airy:Aon. ! the poor n Murat. So 14m Win!, mg the n ght is wild, and that craN Ltd.!. so bent upon watching wll:,t r, that we'd,be ter go back; tome!' o w night will do as well. If you'd just let me frighten him w:th a flash in the pan. it Would send him to bed as eetole z,s a fact n. Flash in the pan! Cod help you, man alive! th e whisper rf a pit.,l even would iend Michael over the whole town hind before ynti could say B innacher; and !it'd have a crowd round us that %intik! hi , at a priest's tunFral to nothing. No, all we're fur tn-ni2ltt, is to af, back and stay. Burnett iris determined, anti his corn pani(m 'ens enmpelled to submit, ufier trt ing iir vain to impress upun the farmer's mind, that as it was the third niitht after the dream, it was particularly favourable for such an rid% e ure. Sure, the 000ld is there, pod if it has stayed then! f , r• mavhe a hundred or two t•I it away n • - fore tn.m , t - row ni . ht? ar , iied Black 13 Li 1 - • nett; but 1 inut.') iltuht if , he idea wii n ld have influenced ldun, had net the sight of the p ist ols',s;.icin,or, :is he said fihn=i If, if s had not carne over him, that cur: t=:l Lint homeward. - . rie tg th strower I shunt the cottnz', making himßelf latni liar with vvdry win di nod path in the and En iht , , as it is edict], to n ake Mends With Michael, Michael, however, Was true to his first feeling:. and eved the visiter a 9 a A; do .7 may be observed to r.'• Bard a p-rtim Win ha, trewe I lii!n .91 - cietly withh . irshnes9.and vet would wi-h to 1:e on nutwarl terms ,If, litt giri2ernrea ;—Nlwhattl threw it into the fire: not?—he flong them is hp. in the favfiur of Grace he made rot protTres- cith r. 1115 compliments were uhreL , ,arded; twd, In complete his rn.l,titiralio.i, the favoured ) g....,_ L carpenter came ther, fur a day nr Ile - could not Ip•Ip hat the c,:rpenter had been sent for, either he Grne err Mi eheal, as a s f y up nn !1i• - ; saw that every movem-nt he !nide, et C-ry word he spoke, was w itched, :oil pl, ll of action he had formed wH evi le tly frustrated for the prescnt. i- Benett talked to his guest ea r of the ted treasure; whatever susHeions or tears Wad been awakened in his min 1, had pa , scil away with the darkness or the night, and his habitual incaution :old natural obstinacy tendod to make him as t•:,y a prey as a murderer could desire, e next night it WIN a perfect hurricatvc—ty, s. q t ‘,1,-to rm which a strong twin can't stand in—and the thunder and lightning sported ficr, enes with the winds and rain. Tile dolr of the cottage was forced in more than ona, , and as the tire gleamed upon the strati [. , ,er. = face (for he had gathered him =elf utt, silen', moody, ald diprmin;cd, in Blref , tt's chiinnev•cerner.) Grace c , uld hardly for bear thinkiiiff him the incarna , ion of an ev il spirit. • If stinerstiti-ti detracts front our wisdom, it adds to our poetry; it is priest of a poetic mind, and I much (!,,,,ht if a vivid imagination could exist, ‘‘idiont There ig often more genuine poetry in tipr• mind of an Irish peasent than critics w0.d.l deem Foos,sil - Oe. 'Fire weather was such th , 2t ited venture out; and tho rnt , re e storm, the inure Michiel rn tlo leaped—he clapp"d his hands; like his sister, as if under the n that his uncle owed his safety rof elements, which shook to the a oft heir humble dwelling. At the visitor alt.l his hosts would pon the night, but was only to with discomfited aspe c ts to their Concluded Tn .llnrrow ) clay has been invited to Charles (itt yesterday."—This is a stand in southern paper:. Editors t be a miserable set. win the applause of the woi•IJ only can retain it. 'I'CE-DAY, F1:111Z1Lv;Y 7, 1843 Pag - , The If .Ibduction Cave.—Thich ex citement is felt in New York on the affair of a Mr. •Al ithier's abduction of his wife some time since which was noticed in the m ill a Pest last week. The Mayor of New gain. i Vo t k was, on Thursday, engaged from We at e compered hi conclade,then, tha t half past two o'de ale in the afternoon, till the rablie land " v u lm e s, e"" it Culi g nss ten in the evening, in the examination of had the uudeulited power to use them for the purprse, wonld not pay the state witneases for the alleged purpose of ascer editing to what place Mrs. Miller, if yet Debts, and that those who assert that they would accomplish this of alive, has been removed, or where she is.jeet eye hold- i ing out false and „ resat revs were entyttairtel that she was &captious ideas. But Imp .I,red. let us inquire how fari this stupendous plan, Neither Mr. Castles F. Miller, the bus udevised by London stock brokers, and par- hand, !Int. mi.,. C. miller, his wife, could ` ili t'd "der the im P"' i ''g g arb of -Relief he (onntl, al:hot:rah the w hole pollee eithe to the States," is likely to compass the el'_ Ise have been in search of them. All the ie. t desired. The share of Penns) Ivania i prison s converned at e persons of wealth should the gaud st [Mlle of plunder be con and tei.,:ptictuLtiity, and Borne iifth ,flad,,,p.. sum mated,i s set ;!,iw n at eleauts2o,ooo,ooo. ' , ty implicated in the eliduetion, as NCCCS— This would still leave her 52.0,000,000 8: ties — it is a State prison offence. in debt, and would titlark] lint hollow and imperfect relief from her di ( 'rent excitement has prevailed among fficulties. 'rho ilk , r,i,.,,,,„ ..f 1,,,. mw,,, since last weds People rtf Otis I '' l '" " . "'-'ld fin"! fist' 'l- " 451 ' eesdav week, to know , there she is, as no ed balm for their pecuniary troubles about lidiega have been heard ,rf her, and ugh.- as ri fficachnis as WaS the law chat ing ire known of her since she and her hue the Batik of the L. St -des 'l' 'i6, ' hid ' band crossed the Hail , m railroad that day, was croaked u11d...f all act wiih the de- ctT'ioui tiile to "Repeal the State(:2,..)th January) Tax." Missing ressel.—The N i'k Beacon S irne of the witto•sses boast( d of having i gays: -"Schr. Aimee', of Proviricerowti, But while tl!is AssaPr e Altm ill "'A re_ helped Miller, with money, &e., to arcom !love Perins lvani A and tole- r States eq tale ,• , , . sailed frem Tdrke la nd, Sept. 23, deeply posit ma wife's eh lee:liter, and they detail Iv involved, it w ill drag into the vortex ,t , holan with aalt, for Norfolk, since which err where they had secreted her Hi New .. , . ~.. 0 .. :be ,!5 debt and t xtravagaare, the States which 1, 1 i i. ..1 11,4 e of $:20,000. almine,i and ffi al ani; , l }via I ~...„ heart! irf her'.,e .. i , L ive kept not of t a an,,,,n y th us far, and iii n d 1,, hiii f,i4tisy _ ai ,ii..ii an nrp , ii.a. had i . i . i , itiar : l a .. qtrano i ty 'was,: master C a azi e p , a , Live!! surely cannot look upon the florin- ii,,n t i n di, , ,,,cii, ,i,,i , tii tin iieti,e ...teal ~f rill' t a ‘ t. rhtpe l . ve i n,, , :‘ , lrd, samti,i s 5.,!),r, derings if their:del:te] Siates r.vitli nit ade iini „ itititt, att. titiniciirned in the iii„.siigaiimi tat ~ ,, t rt„r wt„ ,5 stars mid, avid hi, left sire to avoid their r xamale. Niee of the and ("reit Jesuit. Great prevarication was a wir„; , w,,!,,1 . 1,, ,,,. ai ,,,, i .. i , n Nis m atiu 1 :at; States are out of i'chi—the'e are I" used in 3 e:iking of where !he fugi ives had F. ices, 1ia ,,,, i is. rp he ~1„," a ll h e l ot) , to he left to pursue their tl Ali independent gone hi. 0 and economical course, hut arc to becom e l'iie a . ), irit of the Times s rys, "1 re si t. e ' l , hi Pn"I "" to yr). She had two other harrowers against their will of money they satisfied ti ar - they are in P ilawi , iiiiia; rind Reamen, names and rem:Hence unknown. do not want.- What justice or utility is that yeaterdey they wi re eat vet y far from i lat:ilrlant Projert.—The Erie Obser thete in this? It would be much better to our o ffi ce :, vet says that several enterprising Pitts _ proceed e it bout disguise in the unholy pur i Cost of Liti:, , a/in a -- l'iot 11 laeor kV hig burgh glass manufat hirers contemplate es ' po , . of maki' the pmt indebted States l ' . elves a Ptah-Meat of the a:n eintrof Jury tablishina a Gleas Works at din place. A ahl" fit the fi g hts 01. the eth " s ; 'ive the ' and Sheriff's fees paid Li that coutity latter the us hole ,`'..200 000,00 th ,i,„ , qinntity of lake sand has already been an I then 1831; the aegragate t,f which is, for Jury ' 1""lighl to Il l's cit y and tested. It is un an oeeed to lay the soiveet States under fees 816525 06; Sheriffs. fees 811,152 25e dersto al to be superior to the sold now contribation pay it. This is the true end , Makiae a grand total of expense for Juror.: used here. a" ail" "I the inventory el the plan' anti :tad Siieriffs' attendance for nine vealei, of Th e e di tor of the I•lorida Journal, is a they should have the courage to avow it. t - I' seven thousa e d one hundred sixty- gentlem in of extraordinary courtesy. He W e look upon the whole plan as talon- t t (Wit! a").1 thirty'-one rent , describes the kind of mosey he will receive lilted to produce substantial benefit to the A N mine ma n named Geisse, said to be in payment of hills, an l :DU-a—We h tve stot k jabheis out Loth si le: of the Atlantis from 'Philailefphia, uoinmitte I suicide in keen led to make the above remarks, not and lit I'e! uli""9 I't "et). I III" irlftiest. Cumberland co., P a ., o n Ir'ridav last.— from any Want (?I' money; but merely to It us ill be found that those who have been Cll aer. Wan l ) ointo ent in I've. lie shut oblige o u r eubscrPling frienda, whose anx• foremost in every device fur inducing the the States to pursue a course of reckless ' I ints;eli Oil 011411 the heart with a pistol, fiery to pity us no doubt has caused them extravagance, are leading off in this tit just Sehools in New many uneasy hours. Jersey. o —By fl e report i attempt to make the prudent pay for it of the trusters of the schol fund, in the! Front Harrisburgh.—The Governor had It is well known that the embarrassments state, it appears that the whole number of t signed the bill for the ca s i t ic o e o l . l o a o ti o on s m of ,it t t l t r i e l of the times, in this country , have caused ' children between the ages of 5 and 16 in Relief IF sure, at the rate , large amounts o f Stat e bends to change: lhe State, is estimated at 100,000, of which until all are destroyed. een r i h n e good effect hands—they have passed n om !h e i r origi.. 2G,955 do not attend school. The whole. of . this . measure, , are seen as good ( e i a f s act wi t h h e a r t nal heldersa who ii , it;glit. them at their sta.. i number of school diet:lets in tl:e State is Er ic .crip is now neatly g tad value, to sperulato:3, who perhaps have about 1500. Re l ie fNotes. In the House, the Bill to form a new paid but half their price fur them. T" i , Cone reas . —Nothing has been transacted! , , nut of parts of A Ilegheny, NI, cs.- these Shylocki the Assump ti in it ould be in either branch worthy oftecording. The " lini i•Y and the; a glorious harvest. Even such a harvest oiegor, Bill, Gen. Jackson's Fine,moreland and Washington, to he railed as Hamilion made lot hi s dependants when , Assaf aTtion of State Debts seem to occue t Carroli, passed in Committee of the whole I::; 11:d his Assumption scheme adopted.— L e t th Ipy the attention of the members altogeth e, people look to it. They mill fold ara an d b u t little progress has been made i manv of the most arrive advocates of this in tile question=, sehezni3 to Le paper speculators and stock• i , rat 2 - - ea e O!.veland (Jerald thinks that as all :biters: Let the m b eware o f an y plan ol (CNCtpl. Mlle 1.1!) OW one hundred and fourteen 1. - "i ella" Ilrtt they would approve. inembirs ofthe Ohio Legislature are inarrieltneto "The .I.li:Thly Fallen."—Normati Hick,!the length of the t•esi-iiin will b e a very goo d iierion liii whidi to jit ige of the love they Lear tick, of N. V., who weighed Leanly 500 theirwive:.. pounds is dead. (J—Coal, said to be of a superior qtiality, has Specie—ls still 11.)whig into New Or- !,( en discovered in St. Clair county, Ala. leans. -162,000 dollars is the last. amount received To be hung , .—David Bishop, f u r the murder of his wife iu Essex county, New Jersey Child Burned.—A child of Mr. Henry Dibble, in Wesitbruok, Conn , was burnt to death on the 25:b. Another Afistake.—A man in New Or— leans appropriated to his own use his pat tiler's wife, as a pant of the goods of the funi—vvas whipped, &c. ::.Z , _.',.... . . _. *is okvm;itaiiyice*Lhe Of he StOri°l4osk sctii*e I ioifii:l4 i;itsiest t those ; to oppose that, countenance reptltilation.': Tiffs is t a most foul and slanderous imputation, and is known to bo such by those nho utter it. At the last session of our Legislature, res. olutions against repudiation in any shape or form, paved without a dissenting voice, and the sentiments of those resolu— tions were heartily endorsed by every press and politician in the state. About the same time Cost Johnson had a vote ta— ken on his plan, in Congress. But four' person s , all toll, were found bold or base enough to countenance his scheme of owl , der. Will its advocates dare to say that 1 all but four members of the present Con gress are advocates of repudiation? Those who approve Johnson's plan have no more desire to see debtor States shuffle uff their debts, ilmn they have to sec them paid by plundering the prudent and solvent Corn. rnonvvealth=. They desire to see the State bonds religiously paid: but they cairn n sanction the injustice of taxing all for the follies of a few. Legi.laiure of North Carolina, adjourn ed :hie die on the 35th tilt (1 - :J - COF Fi F.F. FROM SWEET POT/kW/ES IR warmly recommended. The potntoei are pared, sliced roasted, ground and steel cd, like the coffee-berry It is said to be very palatable, has the flavor or cocoa, and reciu:rcs little sugar. (7-The Alabama Tribune says the mere!' of the Schoolmaster has trodden down the confidence of women in MCI). and they believe in nothir.g, except the omnipotence of bustles and animal magnetism. ErThe*Democratic Festival• in Bowen, on the 9th, bids fair to be a rouser. - • S 4 rict Cou , d menterAlli g 111011Ixtoos.- i 0 1: against krcher Ar:Fc 'e? - ,'"ii''ere vacated on count of informality:' The -- !front -dings - were upon bciru,faciaA to,re‘tiv old judg ' merits upon Custom House bonds given by tile defendants in . 1829,-and Uy thus 'vaca ting these proceedings, the. lieu of the old judgments upon about $300.000 worth of property, is destroyed. This is an import. tart affair for Uncle Sam. I?obbery.—A youug man, calling him— self Adolph Connor, has been arrested at Now Orleans, for bursting open a tomb, and stealing from a corpse a large amount of jewelry. In this win Id vice is clothed in silks and satin, and flaunts in the sunshine of public fav r, while humble virtue is sneered at and despised. Going the Whole for Inclividualilespon sibility.—The Ohio State Journal says, that nu bill for the incorporatii.n of turn pike or manufacturing companies, iisuran ces, colleges, scientific associations, or for religious purposes, is now permitted to become a law, unless it has a section in it making every body subscribing to the char ter indivi 'oar) , liable for the debts of the incorporation. All the church bills bef ore the Legislature contain this new feature. Mr. John Bustard, who recently died at Louisville, Ky., has bequeathed to the Proiestant Orphan Asylum of that city $lO, 000. A spicy and spirited article, as the edi tor said when he sipped his hot. punch. The (*.Mowing toast was drank on the Ath of January in a neighboring town.— 'The memory of the mu) who raised the Corn, that fed the Goose, that bore the Quill that wrote the Declaration of Lido nemlerievr Temperance is going ahead finely in Keniucky. Great shaking among the dry Idones of the drunkards there. Mi. William Tims, in the State of New York, for a nu mber of years janitor of Geneva Ucllege, was found drowned in Seneca Like, ale •v days since. He was an intemperat e m rull-T - 11ER RE:but:Twig —The fure lb Baliimiire the Ntrioral Road Lire is again riduced horn e/ to $lO. .0 - A young follow by the mime of Wisc►y, re% siding somewhere 'out West,' in a fit of jealousy recently attempted to stub another by the name of Touwell. It seems the young lady who caused the dispute wag . 'One who loved not Wisely. but TOII 0 - —Atiout three millions of acrci of bad in Maine, still unsold, is owned by the state of Mas• ssehust tts. ANOTHER R Eft El , Y. —Wash the back of your melt every morning, Faye the Nantucket Islander, in cold water, and the teeth after each meal, and )on will scarcely ever have the toothache.— Try it. TIME or [IIOII‘VATEIt —Punch finds the time of high orator LIIMP:—TdIte a cheap Lodging in a cellar in Ratcliffe highway. 'IN hen the rats run out of their holes and over your bed, then the tide :a rising; and when the bed is gently floated up until your nose touches the ceiling, then it is high water. On the other hand, it: is low water when you cannot afford to pay ;Poor taw; 44 jt is then advisable to eb yourself. *74, *ewe - "Merl uul MillOP jle Vilif e 'k e e Hotta, OFaIORESONVIVIVEOI44W Is Jen. 3k;2843 ' r: 'The- 4 'of the C Mt tut' of Ways and Means, assenting toenost of the reasons and to the conclusions presented in the report of the majority against the prayer of the memorialists, asking the Federal Government to issue $200,000,- 000 of public stock in aid of the debts of the State, would also urgir, in addition, (without pretending to go into anything like a full developMent of their reasons,) that they deem the exercise of such a pow er, on the part of the General Government, unauthorized by the Constitution. The minority have always been induced te believe that the Federal Constitution was a compact to which the States acceded, and became parties; and that the powers of the Government accrued from that compact, and were defined in it. Before Congress is authorized to act upon any subject•matter, it must first be such a sub roe ever which power is specially granted in that instrument, or clearly to be inferred as absolutely necessary to carry out sotne granted power. They can see no positive grant of po t.er to Congress to authorize them to do what the memorialists desire. To assume such a debt, arid to create such a stock, binding upon posterity, is a very high exercise of sovereign power, and is, ir. its-11, independent and substan tive, and cannot be inferred as incidental to a grant over inferior subjects. There is a clause in the Constitution which declares that 'Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties im• l posts, and excises, arid protide fur com e mon defence, and genet al welfare of the Uflited States.' (Sec. 5 ) This poWer was net given to pay the debts of the ailed Slates.' These words define the confederacy or States as a whole, and as contradistiuguished from the separate and independent States. To assume that this power was given to authorize the Governs merit to pay the debts of the sepal tee Settee, contracted solely for their benefit rind for their local purposes, in to allow the different States to contract debts, and, through the Federal Government, to bind others to pay them; which would make this Government subservient to local inter earsand to State authority, and absorb 'the general welfare of the United States.' If this should be the established principle of the Government, it would be directly reimreating each State into a e ild car, et of reckless speculation, which would ire. evitably end in their separate existence, or in a consolidated despotism, where even their be .ndaries would he forgotten, amid the universal despair that would Mew the overthrow of consetetiered lieerty. The terms 'general welfat e,' in the C‘nistitwier e were designed as a mere de claration of extreme centime and the true intent and meaning of those whir used them wa-e that they should be a limitation to the apparently absolute arid uncentroll. ed peeer given 111 the same clause—'to lay scud culler; taxes,' 'te pay We debts,' & c . It way irtlei (led that this power should net be used wantonly or tiejusdy; but that Congress Slitr]ld ,triCtly consult that 'gen et II welfee at'ie United States,' and car. y ,ut the same only by coefirring i s full exercise te objects specially enumerated that lust' tiinent, and which are thereby declared to he national. These powers e tee nut intended to he applied to local interests. ur Slate debts; bat to tees- great national objects which were specifically declared by grants of power to be within the jurisdiction of the General Govern ment. It is not deni e d 'hat this Government is one powers, and that the Con stitution is intended to di-fine tlese pow, eta. By merely assurninq that it is na• tional. you cannot elr-ct objects nut emu-. Wel atcd, or not essentially necessary to ih,, se that are. The eon vermon nas pre— cisel defined those objects or powers that ire national, and Congress cannot legally under take to declare what shall also be na_ tional for other purposes not defined in Oa Constitution. --- To do so, is to do nothing more nor less Messrs. J. MlParland atd D. R.'.75/.lralis than to claim that Congress shall set up its, ,_, f i „ r unt s l r33 l I r E e N I 0 E 1 h r e I C T I I i m, 7 1 1; S 0 r Pit iskirsb and own discretion as to tli: objects of 'general --('''veic.-!;:dt:,, ake pities en - welfare,' instead of confining its action to Tuesday Evening, Februtry 1 7,144,3 4 7 . On will its...a:ocm wit he presented an mire NEW AND the specific enumerved powers of the Constitution itself. If tIN THE RING 4- ON THE STAGE. he 'general wel— seLEN•mil routine of performance fare' be the only limitation of the discretion ' Jr , . E. A Diclasson has volonleere. his servletil Ow g of Congress. All power was at once iv- ' this Hight only, fie will sing some o his best Ennis. en, and the judgment of Congress was And front their endeavors le pleag,:• thy b to ;Atari thereby declared to he the Constitution of , he patronnse of a GENEROUS PUBLC. °Pe - the confederacy. What right have we h) For particulars see 'smal hil's. ' set aside the judgment of the convention. ME W DISCOVERr. ,•• They choose, by enumerating the powers, ATEvy . DISCOVERY, Oil of; Tannin. I will make old to show what were intended to be national 'II !eat her 1:4 good as new, and stronpri everAPA Mk objects; and tho very enumeration excludes fiew,""Plica'"' It will also make bool,shori.and the idea of leL , islat ion upon subjects not ,it ~ : i v ,. ii , tr,.....r. b ., ,, p e e r g r i c: ,, cl l 4 r u % p ir o •a n ter ti t t. i . 4 t le t , io lr her y i r a bin it well lik, nd Is recent/- et/I' met al ed, i mended to all in p.eference to pultins onover shoes— Now you ea tiall leave your India ruithen Bittliko *hag The in; ow iv consider the proposition to go through theidamperttreets wltheOl ph dJe the faith of 1 his Government fur t e %t r ;t . t t i ' . ( kc h % °, o7; t a e n e d i. the redemption of 6200,000 000 of public 1 The shove can be obtained at TUITL'S Medical A-. stock to relieve the States, or pay their I ge"ey, 86 8" 11l street feb. 7, debts, as involving the %% hole taxing pow er of this Government It is a proposition to tax posterity, not for the existence and independence of the confederacy, but for put poses unknown to the Constitution, and at war with those principles of liberty whiiili secure to a free people the practical right to tax them selves alone, and to be prote - ted from the lawless profligacy of ihose who ii,ay have assumed to bind them in all future time. In all civilized countries, the line which limits the p wer of Government as to tax ation, is the line that defines enlighted lib erty. There are some of the States that I owe nothing, and many but little; and to compel them to become jointly liable, by the action of the Federal Government, for the debts of the other States, would be an act of such gross injustice to them, that it would create feelings hristile to the perma nency of the Union. The strength of our Union consists in the Government acting with wise forbearance upon subjects of doubtful import—in doing exact justice to all the parties—in imposing equal burdints —and mildly shedding arauad equal bles. sings upon alt. By such a course, it will generate feelings of devoted attachment in and_free people.-who will.ba- *ger ready to dpfend, it from assreasio, or fromirenenn at•fiorne.. The strength of. the Government does not consist in arbitrary or great power, but in the attachment of an intelligent people those great principles which make them flee and equal. If the Government ,an. slimes a doubtful power, the exercise's( which creates palpable injustice to whet,' communities, its operation will Ovum, abe feelings of those who suffer, and loosen the bonds that keep the confederacy to. gether. • The creation of - such, a . . Government. debt would only end in taxing the pmdue. tive industry of the country for the benefit. ofstockholciers and speculators. Thoins' who deal in Government funds, and live by the fluctuations of paper, might awn* fortunes; but the great laboring class Would be beyond tEe reach of its benefits, whilst i l they would be made finally to feel its bur. dens, in the future taxation of the Gotl e'rnment to meet the vast obligatiOna thus incurred. It. is wild and Visionary io - s.! pose that the creation ofigtielfSibek wouldr add anything to the national wealth. It would only lend to make the industrious and solvent liable for the debts of the aban doned and profligate. The.first ininnick , etc+ effect would be to swell. expansion, land stimulate a bloated paper currency., which would he felt in foreign exchange' setting against us, and a consequent de mand for gold and silver to adjust balsa. yes It would place our local currency a bove the level of the currency of the world, and create h drain for our specie to erpialiie it. This, of course, would inevitably end in explosion, like a iklistrissippi bubble tir the French assignats. Without intending to go into a full argument, but merely t o suggest the genet al grounds of op position, the minority look upon the whole schema as unconstkutional, wild, and visional: and full of fraud and the groseeninjustice. The undet signed therefore, proimse that the resolution of the committee Els amended by adding thereto the follhnl4 words: Iteinived, further, That. 0 adqpt the re , .:ommendstions of the said tnernoriafi would be•unconstitiitinnal; and daligerin to the h trmony of th. "Union. F. W. PIQKENSir JOHN W. JON'ESI C. G. AT H ERTON. Texad.--The report that the 300 fiX• ans who lefosed to return to Bexar with Gen. SomervAle —after the captute redo, and who went clown the river urtiker command of Col. Fisher—wele 'defeated by the Mexicans at Mier, is confirmed.?at is said that four hund re .1 Mexicans and on ly f Texan.; were killed; all the ret4.ea caped but two, who concealed themsetvea in a cane••break— , surrendering. U,putt terms it is not known. The 200 men' an der Gen. Soffit rville an ived safe, at BeXlit. Col. Caldwell, who signed the declaratinn of indepe Idence, and commanded the epy ‘company attached to the unfortunate §ag. la Fe extrditon, died at Gonallea, of pleurisy, a shirt time since. , r. Howes, a member of the Massaen setts. Assi.mbly, in ihe course of some remarks in the House, an 1112mday,:eatadiO ly, acknowledged that heretofore he G a d been imprudent with his money when he had earned it, and that otherwise he would not have been where he now atood.. Fu r he promised gentlemen that it was rinadiey alone which brought him to the Legiakt lure, since he knew better than to turt;- . rose h e had capacity to make good laws.Ca the State nf Nlat:sachuSetts. There iirafet not many memb , rs who would be equal ly frank, but, perhaps, several who are not better qualified. CIRCUS AND THEATR In front of Captain Bradlaterst'a i ' - On Penn Street. - • AinNINCADELA BRIDC, Fltt,buret February 6, 143, i' t' ..1 /ILA N election for President. Managers nd Officers of the Company for erectlnd a Bridge nee ther Moo • ondahela river opposite Pittsburgh, In theoanty orAl - , w ill be held at the toll house o.lll,ondahlh* 6111 of March nest, at 3IT'CIOCk P. M. feb 7-3Lw.* Could scarcely lelicre it?_{ lien I appld to Weloyeat at the. corner of Chesnut and Fourth mils, for a both; tie of Powell'r ftalsan of A aniseed. I coemed 01 3 11 0 1 . 1 , incredutous as to Its effects; but no soonehad tried 4 few balites than I became sensible it waste only med. icine from which I could hope relief. It It effectabill cured nie,and I am not likely to have a tern°, Astlillikt so long as I know where to find so Oberst a remedy. .8 4.1 Tiara: The nhove can lie procured only Phi/a at Tirrili'd Med.( teal Agency, 86 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. (eh 6. H. B. WIWI'. ICES. 11901114111 r, nrcitAT & Tiroamporr, G ENERAL AGENTS alld bierebials, ST.O UM, No. Refer to Meogra. Turbett, Royer. t 54cD0we1L; i „.,... W. rg. ti,canwheil 4. Co. !.."'"' Cope, Todbunter. k Co. 2-p h. Alorgaii,Croa.slter 4. Co. $ Warde r Yeatoan 4. Co,/ Bt Gls •as -wocks, Cb.loty At Co, $ Feb 4,--d3on JOH Treasurer