Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 06, 1843, Image 3

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    lag IL Y•ti ag• DOW.
FEE4MARY 6, 1343
;_the Gaze 4. ut Thursisy give the
hroniele and American, a severe rebuke
fur publishing the binkrupt notice of Mr.
• P.,:ftea in such a manner as to evade
thejnblic eya. We think this departure
qm the ordinary mode of publishing such
matters has obtained for Mr. R's applica
,4on rather more notoriety than he desired.
- 1 1., winother "Dimier Case."—We under.
a"Aid , tgat the Election Board . of Ihe south
W ..have.or will be sued for their bill of
ik aoi
fare at.the late election. Fifteen dollars
-.. was the itntrunt appropriated for defraying
7 .,14ie expenses, arid it has heretofore been the
"Ntus'om (Abe officers to sign over the whole
/ .. ,
yiin ount to the landlord; but at the recent
f . 'aikeeial election some of the officers kicked
f'iaprinot the usage and refused to give more
than eight dollars. This:did 11‘)t. satisfy Mr
Duffy, who refused to take less than the
whole amount.
Oregon.—The Oregi,n Committee me t
on Saturday uight at'the Washington Hotel.
They appointed a sub-committee of three
with instrcctiona to make out a ri.pott
vithish they will submit to the meeting next
Saturatty night at tie old (13,w11,
We have a Bute snow• ;,L last—if' it only
does laal long enough to do any g;) , )d. It
was about 4 inches yesterday.
There was no fire on Saturday night
A man was killed in the Eagle Theatre.
Boston, on Friday week, by being thrown
down stairs
Thextlitrr of the Phila. Forum, saye,
is in favor of banging—on the bosom of a
I -44 a sweetheart
For the P.st
impt:sonment for Debt.
o . 11.
Why its it that the democratic preFses are
Piittle attentive , to ihe
mesas to restore the law of imprisonment
fot &bet Is there no hope fur peace to S 1.1
ferin 1, poverty in the only region undrr
'Heaven which pretends respect for its
+ ,, rtiere is no_ flesh in in .ri'6 c he irt
s n , t R roar.?"
Men, from humanity or p o pularity, a r e
ittraining every n , rve !o abolish capital pun•
ishment. They d eel are aga , nr:t lianEzin2
the murderet as a great cu - cry. It is
1 41somed sofft ient ponisihment for the
.eat off nce known to tht: laty, that
--- retstms should stiffer laroionled pool-h•
Thtizlo we exhibit to the world,
Our inconsi•een , y, or our lqwn-Ance, by 1.,-
Meting at the dictation of a cruel creditor,
the same k 1 - I,' of pu• i-IptiFt.tnprm the later
unfortunate de tor, as is soffote3 by the
lourderet t .
a How idle to talk or write ab•tut Ate -
Vine pr Bei n 3 in Rh de Island, and to
. prase on the subject I f Against lib,
erty in other States, while at home we are
Lent when-elTirts are made to tt-stor!
vilest abuse of power which was ever lil
- in a free cowitry—that one mail
From Caprice or resentment, shall have au
..thority to order a hailtil to take his neigh
bol. by the throat and drag him tdl• to prison
We care not from whence petitions to re
.surre this abomination of the common law
proceech, nor who may advocate the mea
owe, we denounce the authors as fit only
for barharous ages and cruel deeds, and
ID writing the severest reprehensions of hu
manity and jnt,tic,.. X• V. Z.
11 - 11. - V EU NEWS.
River-9 feet water in ilie el.annet
A4lll IVED.
fe 4 Belmont, Poe Wheelie
Of y. Nashville,
"iota, 1i ,son. Nt!W Or lea.
. MiSsissippi, after rising to an nun
. flu al iliiiihgocitte.seasni, has cornmenerd
Ic has fallen abAut a I,nit.
Tht annual ineelinl of the A Ilezlie l'ire Company
(*alba election of; . offirera will he held at their H.lll 4th
aarerl. on Monday eveninl the t;111 inst. :II 6.! o'clock.
Ely order, C. J. AGN EW, See'r).
. Celia scarcely t e/icre hen 1 a ppl,ett to I,Vrmys ,
art thP. corner Of Chesnut and Fourth si rer 1., {Or a Ito,
!lie of Poweirr Ralson of A 1111iSel.,1, ritt.fos.se:l ruy , rif
istCretfulousast to itit effects; t ut uo.ortiter halt f trit ‘1
feW, bottle, than 1 bucanto it the no'y used
iclue from which I Could hope r‘Tef. It tws etTertn.tily
lured rite..and I not not likely to have a 'rhino of A?tios,a
.SU long as 1 kuow where to (lAro f
:I remedy.
Pub Sp. o TimeA,
The above can he preen red o.dy at TVTTI.F.'S
esSettcY , Str) Fourth st re, t, rgh. f.ml' 6.
—- -
11b. Is;OTICE.
_THE Annual Meciiiiz of the .4,lire _Members of ilie
. Vigilant Fire Company will be 1,, , e at 1, Hail oir,
Ain street, on Monday evenin;; the Gill ioAt. al 7 o'clock.
runetnal attendance ig requir , d Ely oreer,
feb 6 . J. J. G NUL Nil CR. t,ec'ry.
~ 11. E. IeICAY. AI.FX. P. THOMPS O : 4
Mc2ff.4l,lr & TECOIVIPSON ,
ENEIt.‘L AGENTS and Convni...ion Merchants,
efer % . 01
' • Messrs. Turbett, Rnyer 4- IkleDowell II ~ .
, ll=Lu . :
.. W. il.ramploell s r vo. )
, :,.., .. Cope. T . gdhunti.r. k Co. ? ri. , ia.
ftlorcan,i:ruieher 4- Co. S
" w oo ds, Yeatinan Co,Z tit Louis
Woods, Christy 4• Co•
OttEralf APPLES. Just received from Mariitta, 0.
~ 4a 11,b1. Green Apples, coinprirtne every variety, in
OK ratearO,r. ISAAC CRUSE,
143 Iddierty fit
L4►aß AND TINOTWY SEED nlwaya on hand
slot; to Mit plretlasers, apply to 1: CRUSE.
142 Lihcrly ft
%whets Clever seed, for which the highe.l
he given
elt - Mau. PI, 0. Sugar, this dayreeeived per reamer New
C . MCP itelt;and for ate by J. C. 4 A.GOIDON.
-*silo.- , No. 12 Water st
-.. •,
,I ,
' ‘-`. ...,:4-;:'::
- ‘.5. t -,
._ 2 , -
-,=:-, ,1-:-. '-'l,- • - ..,'
- irr Tito RIVA celebrated rtgl berry Tooth Wash
CID be °hlloed al Terrte's Medical Agvney, 86 4th st
EOOll AND 40331
W Corner of Wood 4 , Fifth Sts.
Trim proprletois or the fttoeviNo Posy and Mescetur
•t+o MArerActrhEa respectfully inform their friends
and MC pal cons of those. papers, I hat they have a large
arid well chosen assurtment OI
arc. int r - Jir Mu" 311 9
Awn% Da - Elia META YAIIVA'a
Necessary 10 a Job . ..tinting Office, and that they arc prt
pared to execute
itinbs of 'Blanks,
Stage, Sleamboat, and Canal Rout Dills, with appro
priatr Otis,
Printed on t he Silarle , l 110IiCe and ntau rt asonahleterm.3
We le ,per , fully ask lie patron:i _he Publiu . tif our frtentis and
in i:euerat to tin: brand , of our Ittanitini. - n.
Pittsturrllli, Sep'. 39. 1342. 1•1111.L.IPS 4- SMITH,
A 0001) FOR SALE.--A line Farm contain
11 in.:. IN twit's, lying oo the Axest•
hank of the Allegheny tiver. t !tree and one half utiles
:Above Prvi•nort, d has about cteared and a rood
franc dive hog dothle and a small log house, stables avid
,00d incrrocearen~.d, and in 3 tIOOII 111"Ig11110010011. II has
p'''lug of coal Hod lino - slope, so. posed plenty of salt wa.
ter on il. It will he sold logo; hor or divided to suit put
chr k ier, who can wake a 20od payinesil in hand, and a
good credit nna marl. For pvtiralams elopiire at Harris
Geoeral Aura , y and Iniciiiiienee attire. Fol. I
K7-EI,Ve” other rhead Farms forsdle as :111,,U.t.
ES7-17'1: of John Hunker, late of the City of Pitts
liur2h Iter'd. rrrgons iiderrined will lake notice
ihai loiters of adininlittral inn on Ihe rianin of the said
drerdirtit,lloo her, duly gratond lit• the fist2iter of Nlio•
.21irny County, to Sto , alion Hunker. widow oh he said
aced; and all persons his or demand: a.
vitiod 111 , rr vite of ihe C:1 id ilsrodent, are regiontird to
make known Ihe 1. illte 10 Ilef a,l !Will 110 . 11 y. Her lesi.
doorti is in nand sari id, ri:y of fit , shurti.
SUN.\ 7CS \ 111 - NR VII,
GI, I- i %,.
v jou Fivto; cif J.; Rl' t ,1
Ilieu Dir--colu'•c Irtif :Ul.l will tint the ctju
Dye 1 , in Inr lerel e a ‘‘ll nn in plan, n. aver
of tart may be ap bed] lo the Irti. over night, the ti ,
Inrmn . .; the li2ble-t.- , r grcu hair it - , dart; hrOwn; and
by rp,p,1,1 a gornlel i rit ni2hr.lo a Jo! black, A ~y
1. 4 1 , 011 111 V, I',Cref , re, WOO lie le:1•11 itnotthle,
tern hi: hart any dark -made or a rr fern I,kiek. with ht•
en<itiyr ac.ttr.lert• lint 'he Mokydrr iJ Nril'ied to ihr
Wig trot en'or it. Tb..re 11 , C.Elorin7 ill ihiQ .I,[em,ml
tie any One may eaoty te-1 Cues are unnamed
by the the list ‘ , 0 . 0 i7;30111.7701pr ,
rnr 'ti.• at TUT l'l,l;'S, ttti Ftturill SI ret wltcre 71
3 7 7731 , 171 7 00 ticr3l , o 001.007 , Iliac atwitvs It.td
it tithrr a I.We-a '4' 01 11.1..01
For Sale.
111-!- , 111:!.S tr, 11 re PP:, 1,, a
forcrty ctal,ty, recr,A*. (I pc: s' en,er 1-111,1111, for ..:1 1 1.
PUBLIC S,l LE OF 17„ - 1T .11.1
RO.l D
WILL 1n..010 on Friday ILe 17In day 01 le , onary
n , nt the 11.trri.lior 111)10 hart n •
al,ont 2',0 ton , tint I.:, rail road Iron.
rononence 0 . 1 / CIC . 'hernia :lade t; nowt' 00
y cf rule
,lIIE'n. Mi ;01; r, RUCK FELLOW.
Fin 31 . _ . _
ST. Loris. Jan. 23
Bill!. or Lading, Citeu
Rill farad Cards,
Ftlar.k Tips'
For Sale or Relit,
4,..A (IN :,,•0,‘1,10,1,0 Ina It - it:l'o, a union!, writ littiOt
otl I wo story, oboe p'nri.le.l Sirr , e 11.v.1.e, trill!
1 k;:L ...... 3
fire CA; 1r.3. S3raYarry, A, ~ and I i arm: Of
~.3:.11 111111, r 'l'..• 1,... , 1 flr 3‘l
1iV31 , , W:11, 41 _ooil staille and
~al 1..,i411r.74, f s..el't 111 l'otnp of Y. atrr at Ille dour. and
3 2 41,1,..ri‘,2 4 .f N .,,1 1431,r in live crl ..4r.ontl every pus.
500... N eroPl,ll.ll.l i,.lll;ir n re. , 3.•,13 1, 1t . (31311 y 1101”2 111
...1,1.,1 irl 1',11.1.3rth, ac it is Int I} Intl,? toil 00 ll.e
I"itr e ft ecitst.ctl, t N1.13 , , , V 1 : 4 • 13r1 ,,, 1..., 3,1 ;Vill lip f ord Sr rr nild lo a
'l . td I..riall• . Ert.in l acres of good la it.l for otoadoo.. or
ON II -r Drat I', nt.al nwlte ~,,.1
~..- -1...'"l N; , . 1 .1 , I 1.• ',. .. • fO. i 13x3.13 ,, ran he t• id with the ntn.vi II W:111'1 , 1 'llw 3•
6.?;21;. :17 :7?".: : ' 1 .,:f .11;li::'0'.11.°I.7ri• i ' r ' , " .ll, ' l ' `,tl... " ;:t ' l . r . 2l ' :;ll t.... ' 3 ' 1 ° I"'" 1:1 " . r" , ‘ . .k . ''''' ""l'i" : % ir• . 4 ... 1 '. " . .I''" " ‘ V "'"
- ......
itnt..rc. vlvvott it-11:tr. , . ('3 II) I'llt-tat.,:ti In Pik ita.lciiitim ' ^i''' -- r , . , 0 :. ,1,,,01,-. , niq ,15,' of i\(l 111:11110N.
inlr'era &Wars; Pot -10 tr.., to 1:1•13 V Item.. i: I : t la- nr• .10 I f"l' I --'... !IV.o,lsNille.
\ v.. 1111.21,1 ('l'v , svn d,.' . ,r•, if,i,' , ! . .1 - -I, t Imo , . h ,
4-mid„ FOR R L.VT. -A r010c..131.', 11.,V I,flrF' .!lie"
lit keli;•irt'y 31 41/, ,lili-, n!. 11g1:-C1.7.3 r , .. l'oase or is , .-.-- -
• • - g ,•. 1 13.4 h11.. , ,,1iin1f . II Cu; it Title 1... ar it tt uteri t
I tit crivitt•r of Ow rxrli .t '.:, t'..i't!tt'tt , . 1 ijlrt. rot 1.,;:i-t, xvhittli i.ti,t! 7 ,- mat,' :Ito. , tiptst In
V. , .. - .l'---I . f . 1. W. S'''C I•g 'l . O `: pill N NII.:1.1)SK CV.
Ti;:,;. il;2 poor, I.ll.erly 4.
rrpt .
D( 5 I .' CL. 1 1 :0 1 ) ' , 1( ') ' : \ n " -- . 11) 1- ) . l' Cli I i :•:: : :P n. :l l' ' fI l', 1 1 : I I 'l r''' . 11 ' 1 .' - ' I l e . p e 2 ' l: 47-7-4'. _ i I i' l' a 't
• ..1 -1 1 1' . r: N . 1 - -1.3n:7',•1 s'47:i.l.li..."l.l.::::lctil'r":l;r"' it
Car, taro. and Illii!tlerc. 1140,, 111. firm of b red ,S. \ll • • i i:L ... d f),, : ,„„.1 a li o ,. - 1 ,„1 i h i . 1) . ,,„„„,i. in li o . clip of
ii,, , . 14 thi: day i lk,, , ,, iii he ii iiiiiiil rat's i•l. Aii i 1 , 1 ,,,,,,,i, For loans aptly t o \i I) , I 7.,)1 /11) III() ili pm_
li , r; .ill- - I' ,
,•!:, , ,..F. nznir.st Ow firm lin oi In ii ~, , ,ii , .l in 0 ,11,1..1 ~y ; ,r,, f,JJ'm 7 4 fin.. I r. 1...:1 , 11it'f.
W.ll nerd 31.1 all C , llll I(1110 to IkV firm 1., 1...1,,,h1 $o ft, , . —,
said Reed, wlm ; ,1,10 ~.. ;m11mr . ,, ,,,. . f . 'l,l 1110 •iViaillff, I I? 'II,'G.II:Vs! B,IRG,IIINS!
o f , 1,. firm in ~.iti,, iii of i;•ii i •I-if„ ...• Pi—iif3,,, i will .0,1 far nut iit t.nri,r, Fl V n '.(iT*-zr,s . .
A i r,, , ,ii, it IM . y, 1 il1,1:1', 1 : ._. .,L fill I , P WI ~' PP , I rimil. ill lII,' 141% I/ I P:t.•lovr! ,
L ': iij r7, Three ‘.l . them roe I , ,,rtz an d in n i'ininti. Tin.
fr..mi , :tie Wel' Mi'milMed for 101-it r'..: Inwi-i.F; !ii lip
Mm.,, , 1 1,.• :',:71 illiti,,,, 11,e )) . y 111 it. [Ol/I I orjg I lir ,or
ror Int I Iler n:iiiieulars
1 %F. nlnntti:2,
fel. 3 - 3' .t
W 11,1.1 111 r. tv t lA.. Pl , i . ""'l I''''"r!" P"' l '''''' ' ~.,,,,
~,,i,.iv in .11 t ......-ll:rtr...
~,f pi e!,,, F, r 4 111 e .11 , :nufac o otri . r, .\ - il. Si, .
;;; , q ,, ire 0 , ; ;;;;, ~,,,,,,,..„ ill
Four . ll, Sfr , ' Pit!,hur2qr. --Cdolv;o. , 1',.1 7 -1. , . Varhisi. Lin ~„ 1,‘4.,_, 11x1
kr , for A r11,1...11 , 1 , -on 11.11.1. 1.....!..i.e... (7'a•-r . .. r . —
hrrhopl!y r, ..,,-.1 to ores. I:el.:tilt:14 done: t the stool ; TO LET.
001 not ire. • . ri IL 1p F.. 3 I 01 , re of Ike buittlitoz occupied by ft. .1 .
ra'll' l n' ,,, 'II " , tliun l'l.iii 10 n't:iitit": 74 " ll j" . lelti"Fr''' C '''' I 8a11 , ,,,, ,, 11-. au Auction store.--heretoltre known
ore de-rrilcien. I . :I; “Ne. , ollo , 's 1.011! Ennio,' corner of \Vond and rift]
f , , , ,,,hi: ( * Wiwi 11 . , , 4 1":1111 110,0 or linoi-eri Will find it 11 ! A 00,10 I erillh'e or ft. Morrow. 3 , 11 st. jai t 2 3.
heir . . Ivan - : - .:e 10 ....:I. Fro 10 i
-- F 0 r it eaal ,
Goof, H.,•„„ Ta,,,, Stand for Will lOW --I 11. 1,1.1 - i. \
rfli r: (I,vellini: hott. , e, I. ti., , ti a- 'hef . i till on Co'. , ace.
A . i . --- --(I ''. i"—i-in°' .f I: F ' ir6 ' ld-- ' i2"l I it s wvl „. 0. the lower 1...10 1 / 4 Mr ,
iehri.v fill, froolil,:!
m ,i,, the: side of 1,•,v Lisbon, In Cott:mina ea Cohnly . 6.11,1, R,, ,,.
1. ,,,,.. 0 ,,,,,,,
~,, 011,„, 0 , 0 i ,
~,,„ of A mii neu
oitio_—ntljtre• t In ...re at other Villa•,4e.—ndld in a re . C. R. IV It IIIFF) 4 - Fn.
.pertalde neittlittot 10,41. no the le:loin:state rosethroti . lll ; . ..
3 in it;—.l.3,v, t\larket street,
Olno--the Tavern how.. is .a. le ,Lo,: rreven,rul—a , z0. , ,t '
w lop and h,,,, 1.,..1 c1i).14 , kr. For iron-.,whichwhichus ii: To Le t,
I,a low nod a rronono;ddie.r 10 a ,00tt te-not, soply
Or di li nn the pre
aill 11410,011 ...i...... ill ni,' Coiiiirili ,„reels
..tenry ;Ind I Illeiliileld, eiiir ii. 1,,,,
19, in /1 TO STO.RES on 'Mac tt., t et., Iletwren 3.1 :Ind dilt
' A I.Sf 1. two .pariwo. hod rqt,Vr,i••lll roon.f , in the ...r•
4 lIR 5..11,1., ..g..\ - r) sr:Bs(-I...ti'TIO.V.S I: 1.:1- /1/ 1), 0101 0 1 ;ov ~ pe,, ,r l ,Z I,V a 1131! oil ‘I trket .Ireo , ; well 11:1;.'•
rThr• A n o , . Ica t . Viderie,i a u ~X I I 11,11 Nteh.hiV POI , - l'd for I.pie idiwe., or for nov 1.11.).nr . .) jegnijin 1 a ruin,
I , .
lir.di.lo. ii, cols lii :Ile iii j •Ci Of I lie /.4Zil/1 Hti
ig.,Cdi Willi , . Rile re, , ..1,* hrre.....s from a hag• Tie, ,, Si Tliei,
S , /n,.!!; Or ! , 1 roi 0. 11112 dil i i 1 111 . 1'i:41d i , j, skrtrlo, rei,d we I ALSO, the .0.01 l .inre . onto for Third st . ernrly
111 , Il „, e .,... y . ~.; , .;1,.„1 , ,„. „,,....,,....,..vc .„,,,,,,,,,,..,.... a I ii i i iiiii• 111.. p,,QI ollirr at present curted I.j . 11rown k
. r ni e r :,, r ,, ........th 1 v ,, , ,,[ .. , •1:::r
. t i t. , •.. , .
; I i n i l :
r, l 1 , 1 .
e r V r I x
r f ,. .
I . j i i:: , ,: , fi
, ; ‘ ,.1 ,,
r i
I I: i . i
1 1 , 1: i . , .. , e .a r
l o it f , ,
lUAY'll,',.‘7l'llnitoenlitl.l.l?l":::..ll:o.irre; ed.., oft 3.1 AI. at ore.eol Or•
John Sll luta int., C.-q. Cor.rhinali. for sale at ;;- 2. for . hpied 0.. the Athelotton.
the fir-1 volume, and '2,1 rout i titled to oriel illy No , ir( - 1 ; .1 1.50, for rent . -everai snail thot. , l , hear the dwell.
... , seript ion. at $.! furl' anIt11:11 rereivell al Ilatils• A 'en- irl2illl - 111iiii of the rid'ig`riker il I - ill low Instill), iii illsa low
• '
r.> and 1 nteilizen. r (awe.. ;
acre= of Land 'Mario .1 to eilell,
riiigiiiirlll, Annul. v 211. IR-1.3- I jan 1:1--11 EFAV ft D. G \7.7. \\l.
I No 51 'l'll rd it.
—_ __ _- -- _
pJ,R. I.III.ItRI'FI', I)EN'rIST, ofr,c , ” s:mit a. i ._
field, berreen Sfroqd e,-1 Tlitrd S's., {loursof , To Le -
t, -
be-in=:,. i',,,,,, 9‘. m ,ill .1 P. M. 1 IrIIHE store room ant' dwelliniz on Market Ft. now or.
Dr. E. M. iiia,int•,c•orr,Prortilittn and Nlioeral teeth. ; Jl_ 1.1111,111111. p Tirol Uaniptietlk (7tl , Apply 10
n".11•11,1ran 're =opt , trrl I's dor 10;1 or rztorzlf r ro . pt h. lUork-r kin 17, 1 „ .12 JANIt: Fi 11 t.r.NR fiLY.
of t. sr tr with a (rr•anrifol r:ri or in frill seta, or parts, __ ___ _
or s, lie, il noora•trr to me t er at (ire silo, le:, n otice, i, v , WARM FOR M1.1;7,- -Al;nut e'evmt small, ii,j tOlii
for tr , irtlimz a , exlci immetistott of the south. , tan, ; .12 iieil niid lay.:tr lino , for sale from fi to 50 totlrs
f or ,at o a foi, ~,,,•10,,,i, .viii ooi or,i , v n o ok fir rz-i rrrihrz I . from Trite-burgh, and nt prir . r. vary Irv.: rt.,ni 1010 it - 10
and folio_ noon, ot I s, os,ifol to the Dentist—lCl nn iit",'--persona watti • o_ io loirritae Farm'. %slit plead
will tie Fold lito. for ca,ii. d o ,- - ti, ; call an desamine the record at 11.141121:v
' Olt ::!T, Con. ..iiteitry 4- I trlctrirzenre office.
NC HO l?S .1 NI) C I 1.11 ..1" S I'o Ii). TI LE , •
ir crrs roi: -.,. \LF.,—lour I,iit ,, in 7tlatirlie-tor, tin,
LAKE ST P.; ..1 .11 ER. , NA ._,,,i ~ 1-,,,,,,1, .‘,,,,,, of !arid on llo:ore:i.' Hill. html'
pIiOPOSALS,Iti lr r, er ~..., a ~ i 11 1 . 1 . •. , ,i1e , /1 iy, Lilt , t 0..., 41, 42,52. 51, :l 1, 131, 11:2 :‘,.1 IEI, ill ri , ,,lt'p plan
ran tit, VOl Fo'irll'ir v ii. xt 1.. r I 11.. atal. iiv:. ..,11 ft, lof 1,-1 on ,, nII 01.1.1 . -i. 111;1 Also, Lots tio4 t:t.i and -27. in
slotting for Ile , 1' :=, I roo r -, r , 1 air r, I,lllllllloz al I ilk place Cook': Wall of Lot: no Iligli strr , r. near lire ors Court
tit, iNti,ltors and utrArr,.: dr.-F. fl', ..,1 ;1•11.11,1,1WF, viz; , lion,: Fur trrins apply to 7.. W. RENIINGTON.
There (tower Anchors, Ir.. Stit,l,q, ' , aril w,,.21,:itg `2700 ' ,set, 111
1 , I'ollll4l • --...._.
toeezi e. :on %lir, %or, Iron < lir k wrir2,16 , 2 900 ..coinds. §fioilSCS to Let !
One Kedge ,Atte her, It on s'oek, oeb2lilog 61111 poll II :IR. rllO LET. and 11.1 4, ession given en the firsl day of 1
ffe A nehor. Iron stork, wei.lltini2 400 pounds. ..11_ .1 pr'l next, a Frame Dwelling Goose, rontaln ing 41
One Red
Two Chao) Gables, 1.1 fl inch Iron, 1511 fat hoots earl, r00n, , , kitchett, cellars . , and garde TI, on Liberty street.
7 , 1 0 Ludo
.ots. Alcoa very eotillortalde brick Ilomie on O'Hara kt rect. i
:: do now °erupted by I.IV. T 1"..
otten , q., l
-11; 40 . lit dl]. 1
be !node of ;Iv• hest no:110y Iron. agreeable to A l4O . 2 :hthe Ft. ry brick Hoopes on Pike ntreet.
Alt to
i„.„ 7 „,, i 0„, and , i ,,,,,n ~..1 . .“,.. „.1,,.., will t,,, furnished,Alec, several frame Dwelllng House's suitaide for ?mall
an Ito he aal , j , cl in caeli ineneetio, andproof as lhe Hu r ' in ' ille '
'llan, 2 small brick dwellitt; Houses . , in tte rear of the
real] of Equtpment may r. quire; to be delivered at Erie.,'
office of Dr aleNleal on 5t It street
pa , on or hr fore tl.e cosi Ott , : i f July next; the
AlsJ 2 Pnlioing Lot., on the bank of the Allegheny'
p"P" 310 10 "'We th e prior per plon I, delivered free of
rver, will be NI on an improvina kn., • at a low rent,
every other .N DenFe . to the Government. ror further
tarot - illation iliqutre of t 11
he 5 1 ISC ri , ,er at the Iron works, I'lie above houses are offered at reduced rents to
snit the times.
corner of Front and Short sts.„ or at the Monongalicia
feb 4-Itv
ja n 211 --illBF,
One set t.,lirowl.
NA! .4..yTED, a boy of front 13 to lti gems of rige. 4 school JZonm in the basement story of the EnOsh
V Application to i.e. made before the first of m a r c h to ini l utheran Church, 7th et Enquire of
I. fe e t 4 (4 YEAGER.IO3 Market f l
184, Liberty head of Wood st
CARDS)! CARDS' !! 1 THE genuine Nerve 4. Bone Linlinent, Invented by .1,
i B. Cochran, hnsbeen used for the cure of Itheunia.
TVS! l'il 888 CARDS en"meled, assurted ~isc.;
..i..) VisilitisCards. 416 llan), Glandular Swellings, Bruisrs , Sprains. fes, CW b.
Playing car.is, assorted qualities. 1 Burns. Scalds, and various other complaints, izlll
1 years, with unparalleled nieces'. It can be Nitric.,
A full supply of the above received Ibis day at the
tale 4. retail at the Ding store of F L.SNOINDEN.
Washington Job Printing Office, 3 doors west of Major 1 fibs. 148 Liberty. bead of Wood at.
iron's 901e1,.5tb street.
Also; Emerson's Spellers, Coltb's Reader, lieGnifey's
Eclectic Reader, and rrieting and Writing Ink. -
• feb 4-31.
Bank of Pittsburgh. par
!Bergh. 4- Man. bk. par
Exchange hank. par
Ilk, of Gerniantowl. -
.:astcn lank,
Lancaster bunk, dls
Bank of Chesser Co. par
Farmers' bit Forks Co.
Doylent own bk do
Bic of N A merica
Bk of Norl liven LiliertieS,‘
Commercial bk. of Ps.
Far. 4 - Mechanics bk.
Kenxingion bk.
Philadelphia ha.
Schuylkill bk.
Southwark bk.
Western bk.
Bk. of PennAylvaiiia,
Bk of Penn T. pc
Man. 4. Mechanics bk.
Mechanics bk.
Moyatnensinu bk.
1 Girard ba..k,
U. States bank. t.
Lumberinet,,:', Warren,
Frank. bk par
Miners bk of Pottsvile, 101
Bk of filont , 4ornery Co. par
Mun.l , k Brownsville, :I
Erie Rank, 5
tiarrislir2 ll bank, 91
Far. bk Lancaster, 21
lik of 11111411elown, Ii
' Bk. of Chu rgh, 81 1
Carlisle hank, 81
Rk of Nortlitimberla nd, 81
Cnlnnitea bk Brill2.e cc. :3
Bk Sn=quellantia Co. 11
Bkof Dclaware-Co. par
Lebanon bk.
Ceti vsleir2.ll
Verk hank,
Far. k f/mvers bk. of
linnt , 41 il,
P 01,10.21, surre Scrip, ,:, r
Country a.) do 9
Bei ks Co. bank, 1;5
Lewl,lovvrt, Is
Adoonrstrnir , x . i TOW.it'dl. _I
Mt,ll.llP,P.Nani bk
ray. bk or -ICU
hr• 11 v
do Curren , y uoies.
Columbiana I N New Lis
d. t,t cf N. R
IV NI fl;
I . A . \ • t; \
fi~ ~~ ~_'
Post notes,
Fran. hic Columbus,
C4)III Lk. Lake Cris,
Far. hk: of Canton,
State 5k.4- Branches 2
State Scrip, 50
MI hanks,
State Mr q• Branches, 60
Sharenectown, 10
Rank of Virginia, 1
do valley,
Far.lik. of Virginia, 1
'Elrliange bank, 1
N. West. bank
Mn.r Mei% dn. 1
I flaViinnie Banks, p.
All Prinks,
All Banks, par and
NEW Yorm.
ei,!. R,nkv. Par
(.afety fitt.d•) j a 1
Red Bark. to 1
Itit:+ton 1331,145, p;
Wa ynephulf
Country ‘•
Orleans Rinks, 5100
2 c SAI) k
2 P.9 , ..101'11 I:xc rg(
iNerr Vnrk.
21!!:Vt 'more,
bon PP, ;,,,41
do Post
, pll IC II 1 y
iwz, l.apkg
‘lerli. 4- Tradu , 9 Lk of ,
Ci:.riot,ii. sl'll - P , :erti rxejlalizze
utiffi,,,, I.k to( C.,ltlinl.t.:, !i• i pdp,ii, par
T),, , ,,n ad nofri• 2 T.OlliSVi,... par
CH' her it I , , (Fl. I.:lWrr tlre et.'Veirlllll, i die
l'a.hicr) ...'. Nllrrtiac, par
'2,G01 , 1 1 :* '4l) siI.VF.R, par
__ --.........
tk , ',We
I IRD SEEDS A fro& 'apply
_or Sara Seed!, coo
-1 Biotin: of Canary. berop.aild (tam just recePredt.y
fob 3. F L SNOWDEI4,I4B Liberty at.
, - - *...,, •
11_3RINTMG INKA,-41teslibse.tiber hen ins,. reciti- WAIT PAIMILS. - INEIVIT AIitILASIIIIMINZ
.R veil ali asaortment - of Book and Nett a PRINTING /111iP, f inh,%, 0,,..,, , f ,,,, , fe quity • cot Inc attention of 1
INK,- Crum the told establisher' manufactory 4 f Charles 2. o‘eir Intend- at ;:te iiiiidle ger eritlP%,lo their pre.
f 4.
Johnson, (formerly Johmon 4. i2urant) of s V hiladelpida, scut ;‘ ~ .inri mem et" 1 • ; •er .'lattrq . - If', s, ci" i"' eurti t'- a i s,i;
which tie warrants to ho of the tirr.t qualoy, put up In in r:4e and extelisivo % oriel% of I.;,ilerns "1 1..4 . Coilo., i .r, /t.
kegs of from 1010 13 Ih.l. to suit purchase's. de , crlptions, v, litch 11,1,,,, inspection will lm - f° 11 " t o " / , i
He Intends to be constantly suppli , d, and all orders ; oftsuperior ottani v and tleisli. -` r L t . , --A,
accompanied by cash; wilt he punctually attended. I Unglazed Walt Papers, of al! descriptions, fcr padering 1•- . warlfalrite
JOG N KNOX, 1 rooms and mil ries, bt - 25 cent. per piece.
Washington Printing 011Ice,3d door %vest of Maj 'rem , ' . Maz.ed Well Prtritiv.% neat and handsome patterns, for
Hotel, Slit et. jail 10-31 W. nape, Inv, rime's and cut r1. , ,i. at 37y tents.
American Walt Paper, of their own manufacture, for
; halls? Fresco and other smiles for parlors and
I cliainhers,on fine -rat in glazed grounds.
Fren:h Wall Papers, Decoration and Fresco patterns, in
plain and Itch colors, Aro/Li and sihter paper.
Velvet and Imitation Borders.
Landscape Papers, In setts, for papering hotels, halls
and dining rooms, at reduced price!.
Fire Bvard prints, Statues, Ornaments, li-e.
Iltindate Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different cc
Western mcreitants and others a re re:rpectfully invited
to call and examine their stock and pIICeS, off which last
a liberal discount will be given for cash.
From long experience in the I•usiness , they are able to
manufacture papers In a superior manlier, and on they
are determined to keep up 'tie character their papers
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re.
eel ye i ile encouragement bit he, to so liberally extended.
No 49, Market street. between 3d and 4th
Pitt .I,nreti, Sept. 19, 1342—dawIr
rrinE subscriber has just received his annual supply of
Landreth's Garden Seeds, consist in: in part ofthe
owing kinds—ali of the 1104 yearscrop t warranted
Gond Pn”k,
Vl [tankc,
W.111(1A N
P.k. of St. ('lair, 11l
Do. (10.1 11. SIT hlO
Proprir r
Apply 10
Egg Plant,
Endive, Peas,
Kale, Pepper,
Pumpkin, Bro-...c0..i,
Rad,sii, Borer()le,
Rhubarb, Cir bage,
Sabiary, Carrot,
Cawid macs, Spillaell,
Celery, Okra,
Cu, ie.{ Cress, Onion,
Cucumber, Parsley,
Mustard, (white and ind.wn)
Water Melon.,
Nast urtimn,
Totether h a varlet yof Pot Sweet herb= ar.d flower
tr)-Orders for Semis, Shrub: , ., Tri es, 4,- . from Carden.
ers and others will i c recrived and promptly encoded
I' L•
No. IS-I Liberty. cal of Wood st.
SIO Reward.
TO' UN from the stnhlr of t lie Fu!)-cril , er livln7 three
1 , 7 in des %. Itrown9vilie in W =lriu_ , or,t 0. 00 the '
of iho dark brown burr. with a slar
to hie forehead. abo.o 11:1011 4 hilt, 5 VI, r- obl,thin
h. fic-b, vow Qtoo s 1.1100 in 1,010 I litri
haq 0, ,•nt on tho. 0 .1!,, marks
The a ove a'arri ,v1;1 he tyiven car tar Ilor?e and
tlvn rit ;ler delirrry iPe tot he stlhccti•
rir to John NI 11.1v1,, !11.34
hat tilt! 13k,11111 dirl,il,lll
;.,Ii 111- J , rril NC TON
112:51' reeriv. (I. 3.1'00 Sra.ona Robe- of if•
cprent rptaldieF. from F. lra No. 1 to 3.
A lote l hear Find 1:1)
11.0111! \o. 1 and N111, , k rat
A lot f (Otter and Ilaci oon
All whirl) are.aered at r...luc , :d c. fo each or an
proved noieg. ANO to
A. luxi.r.,N, at the American Fur Co, Az.enry,
net 12 -.lto Cortirr or Front and F.•rty
I.ITF- W. Nl. DoncitTY inform their r iend. and nUCK %VIII: IT.--Itccelved from Harmony 15 ha,
.1. the pithiir that they have commenced niannfactra I lia rt 63 Buckwheat Flour,autiable for fainilica, for
nei, flat., and t hr.t they hove now ready for sale, at i ii."l'' by IS IAI7 CRUSE.
heir Siore,l4i3 Liberty street, helm:ern Market and 6111 I I.'" 5 14.3 Liberty s,-
.tria.t, on rasorteient of the very best hats, which Gey ! Ini store, Frani' y Flour, a , itperior article fur Bakers
ire ~,,i.0i.,i0 I i.,towei aim thr cheapest and mos. re:moral \‘ A NTED,
al,ie Crll, 'Throe stuck consist of the vvry heat kind:, !
V:7.. -1 , ,,r,r, inter. Nentria, Castors short Nra ped MI., 2000 BUSIIELS OF FLRX SEED. for hitch the
hizlie.it mi., in ^ash wdi lie Itivri
..:la. ror and Silt. Dols. I
, J N NIES DICKEY .i. Co Ayls.
ye. ~ M. Doherty arc both remise 1.r. , 11 ILO ter., 11,0 Y i Ilechanics Line. corner of Ill'erty and Waye ;reels,
hav e 5...1 extrusive ecnPr , rare as 1,111'11 , N Illell is the hest ; ritt, , n , l.. oct '42.
,itaitishinents in the COUttlly, lid it flats are ail cut iti, I .
, i ,,,,,,11,..1, ,xs•ri iti. , prelino, rind they a‘stite 1 I.( ,eildie i i)vrrsitußGH CIRCULATING AND fIEPERENCK
that not hint , imt the ye , : I ni.t articles on the nirat rea I. 1.11111 ABY of Religions,llistoricai,Politiralmed NI is
zonatile term , : woll,r. n'To'rd 'or .:.,:,lr. sep 10 t Ct lionoons Works. will hr- open every day, Saidinth ex.
-ii— t i r. - I m - 7,Tii7,71 - sALI:
_ 1 ,,,,, i. ,,. 1 , ; ,,,, L, hoards. i cepted, "intro 7 o'clock. .1 M., net it 0, P. M., in the En-
LA iventl,er hoar-tin: and gica,,iii,ic. m.M. mot, oa k eltatic , ,e Iliitidiee. corner n 1 St Clair street and F.xchatice
a tir:. c% nere ;kimonol attendance will lwa Ic
i v en e
10, rd- of voricnis toned s tint t oiiikue.s, wheel arm. for 1
1..10 , 1141 , 0 ...: •' • ~.11", . , ~.• v , nil ~, i , ‘,10,-21k and al- 1 _ PlO 1. (:}:}MIL.
7.4• i, It iv11,0. , , , ,,' , , , ~ f tciati .5 ;,,,1% i, ?IL' itzistGworz's
.1.01C: 4 C, CI:NI: 1 61i NS. liiel•ivalled illaciiirsg,
rlpr, ?1,t.1: , :i -- - 2,. . TUF %Ni - FAll'l Ull ED and Sold NS hole,dr and recall:
/ 1:311)E1?./1:VCE. . LYN_ Six rit .9 re.ci:r (OW door below Smithfield.
1 , 7 ACT and Sainiaili Scram' Paper , jtt,t rerriced" act 21-iv
I f ront , vew You". nral Pl:P:l+ , oo6a 3(910 o f the l ir T. sTENvART, tiplio!sterer anti Paper Drirtelq,
Wont Ws 1 rionerance \ .ivoc.tie, for Jannary 1, 1111.3 j •
N o 49, pifibsirrei, between Wood and Smithfield
an r Neel , . n 1 and rhea e rraier. f o r rin.lll, an' v 0111 11, dts. Desk and Straw oatirosscs ril.ii ova nn hand All
w lilt a S.Ii!.:4111 i. , i lm,ii, .... - i.,,,,,i1 the P 'nit ',' A -, • at 12 ''ii orders executed with neatness and dr:spitlcll, on aernineto
,at," terms- s,r 20- I y
tare year, or I c , lO each. Tem t
%Vast, iii.it att II ,Irz, l'e nl.
ip ..1 ,, Lyre•, cone: A.r. 200 _
11, oßr.'llTi,ove.TEß.,.litorney at Late.-Oflice
Coezrisaiiinil Tcrail ‘ti.t,or oi
nr ~, • 11'1'1Y Sliee rhea. and 1 - ' -
'1 on Ihe corner of ro. Ili and Smithfield at. .ier, I()
-rn. F e - nit's Plates arid Pal ',Ooze. Tonirern !ice Lee.
i 1 1 , 0,,. r a t c , 4.
, s 1". ll Oil Till, rPt:IFICV ,!ed,11., READI.; sv 4s.i i Is, G roN,
500 Tenor-ram, r erliPcates f , r adults ;Hid yon! I: loon A T TOR.V.F:I - AT LAU% -0111,c in Bears' iiiirling,
'nail , Foto , oln Filo,' Poora Croat
:iOO Temperance :11111 Christian A lino wire for In.i.i - 1 gl___.l-----TE-7F:::N".'f/'PLP:S.-liwt rec`it front flidtcPrrinit. :',6
.1000 Entle.ll, Cornian, Welsh tied F 11,1,11 I raci:. and „ IA hill, of ilon,at.tte apples, which I sell for 50 CPIIIS
vrArt Iv ofvery cheap Sat.loll SC11(1'.1 Cooks, :...1 1)•,y nil. barrel. I - 3A AC . CRUSE,
Sr innl F1,, , ;.-l raper and.."!.il ton:l , V I ° . •r ,310 l on aernin. jai .It l4s Liberty 1llt:
ititine terins, in ail) quotiiit y 1.1 innpurcinwer, --.....-..—
An ORA' .11E.97..--410 bra- eels fresh ground slftefit,„0:1111:
13.1 2.3, 1313. IS .% Ai: il ABMS, A....) Nleal, in barreLs tontaininzi ,I,stAbetsi;at..7.s cents
~,,44,ent and Call. Nlere WI . No 0. 5,1, s i,iei.
per hi - ore'.
111*./.lll'/IE lo Cf,() T II 1:4'1;. In store -Family rlene by thr barrcl.
jai 20 ISAAC. rnuizt , ..
BEAVER AN D ri..o . r clOlll Co \'l's, &c. Ivm. E. A IiSTIN, Atitiror y - at Law. Pbt.itittri.th, Pa.
p. ()elan v., Tnilor, No. 49, Lhi' rty St. 011i , e In .1‘ ii .irret, minosite Iltirke's Buildin,
2.'1 it floor above T'ir[,,in , q I/ey WILT I ANt r..IE,TIN,E-0., will nive hia at tent ion to my
utifit.islird loi , ine ,, , add I recomniend hint to I he patrOil-
TIAS COmpleled a ce n tral a-Fertnieid or Wilde , ("Milt „..,,,, at - a , r li - ica3 ,.... - NV A LTErt ronw Art I)
hi incl. C 01 1 , 1 ,11112 ill ;lac tor &mond and phi:, lie , Vet - ,,p 1 0 .. 1 y
clod , (roc' , :limit r.velecn.t . .; ilemiy ti ~ and ~,,iwrir.,l pilaf
loch VP IVCIIri.III7,I`II, ,I III ,'.air:. VOIy description ol dr.... D 1.,. A. IV. I' ATI r.'t SON :".:':9: eon SI,IO hfirld street.
and frock cloth roars, Ct , hi. , 11.0.1c crdot , and fre-11 rho It: ,tear Sis 111. sop 10
plain a ;111 far 1•N. I :1-Fdllel pain=, doll] ;Ind -al irtrt d0.,rl
- ,,,,,,, t ,, q „ ; ,„, r . ~,,,r ‘, , 1 „,.,, pi i 0 „ a ve ,,,,,,i 1 „,,,,, r „, JOHN 111; . 1' !TR Wi i Well. /Ira-Honest . and Cr 0177,1, l 3 .
sin?. iferchtt, , , I,:iisrilfr, S}'„ will atirnd to ili . .
Ihe , r a -cm, and n.sll l c acid low Inc cash. Person. wi-ilt
,t . !MVP fraliiotin i •te so rinent q made of the hr ' ' , we , i. =ale of Rea! Estoie, Dry Goods,Gtoreries. Fa rillinre, ,i• e
“. V e2 , 11a r Faiea eve , v Titraelay. Thursday, and Fri
'Ail nod them at tI, 1., eisialtlisionent. Nlabliie: iv.iri an
-mil many In tic el ii. A fit!! stork of coin's are on day I "" i ''''' ''''' 10 o'ciodi, A. NI. Cash advances made
on enn.i.lnnients. Fep 10
• :,... -
hand to mike to order.
Messrs, f 3 Donaghy and Mel'ance are at
eontdistiment and will hr lynch oleo: e.l to Lay.• a coil From
their several frieitik• Good ti's insured or ho
tier. I, 1;142.
137 IRT LECTUII FS.— Fuerth Courcr.—Tile Ler
's 4 lure of the lErrt Inseefalr have the
plcasure Gl I tying before the puldie, the following lie t ot
.gelnienien who have consented 10 Lecture, viz:
Rev ./ Raker:el!, leetrode, tor!. LeclUre.
.101 en I, Garr. ‘l:rishincion
11 .1 Cfac 3 r. Meadxille Col Irv , .
lion. !I'm lb ilkine, l'intshnrch.
Proff. . A E Beaten, Jelf,•rson (*.,dtege.
ThAvid Riders, v.sq., I itisbn,gh.
Reed H asle.'.n o treon.C.-ei •
Freer. Aleir NVesi . Thro. Si 'vinare.
Frances .lohnrlon. Esq., rittshurgli.
Protr. J Barfeer, Meadville College.
W II Lowrie, U.-q.,Piltsburgh.
Rev James L
Prof. Ricit'd S NrCulloch, Jefferson College, will de
liver several Lectures on Astronomy, en:lancing its rise,
Oreirrestr and destine. ReolsWashiti:,titit. Esq., will also
deliver several Lectures on the sithiriel he may select.
Arrangements are In loo,:rees to eni•age [rotes:so'
limns, of Ynle College, lo deliver in our Cily,a
of lecture's on Geoloe3:: also v *oh Josepti
011 Neliiiiinzy. Other eminent Let turets will lie trvited
In visit Mir city, when it may lie in the power of the in !
siilitte to engage heir gerViri L --- 2 5 tors Isto.e and fur sale
I y
The Lecilire4 of this course will he on Literary and t IL" W PURBEINII:.
s c iewifir s .r i l ] eeis exclusively and It is Jollied from I j;itt 2 I :ll 'r . _ ` ,! -
,J ler between Wood Smith
eminent ability of the Lei:hirers. mint the interesting tin 2, l end Corn 1 1 :roolns.
lure of the sult . teels, that our citizens will lilternliv pa Axes.
troiuse his laudable enterprise. The Iron City should j 150 Ih trait hash , ;
1101 lie behind nitner ri fl es lit her encourage:tie:A GI-science .500 fllloC3rliet 11,111:
p ocovilA (if any) 11111 rippropri• ' 4 dczen Enlek.;
aced to the eillar2eilie.ll l or a Library, already an 1101101.
0 t le co v.
KrCottree Ti , ltcts. admit I ins, a lads and er ntletna fl,
OR S-1 i. b: on accommodating terms_
$2, and may he had of either nettle temni it Ire. and at C. F ', WM i, X iig Ei Or Ur S. aIL
H. Kay k Co's Cook Sane, :\lonotiv:thela and E‘change 111011 'parlor au..zers assorted. 10doz r. - a. ;A-,e. " rtim
,:hoyels and spades. 150 n< clear rea;+cr liangin,..:s. .".fh, '
Hotels, and at Ilerfora's. i
Lectures commence on T1,u(13 , . , eventr s. Dec 1. cuts ca r pe t chain. '2O doz c o: br.On''• 2 1,0 "Z Win.
SA Wt. C. HUEY, ) dow sa , ll and glacs to suit. Nails and brads. hay forks r__.... " I ' -- ;. , ...:: -.. "'"' - qik , s ;
... "7 r air
w. vv. w ii.s()N, I and grain shove's. ISAAC IlAilflle,
....- ' k' 4l - -7 -'' ck 4L t eg
JOIIN S. COSe;:t AVE, `( Committee. /1;1. and loin. Sterchant. ca.--,...._____...
WNt B. Sr 1
Fri, 1. No 9, Fifth stre.T. : Fon. IY ..9SIII_VCi 'I ON CITY. BA LTI.MOtt E, PHILA.
11,11111:3 hi•c I. in full opera , ion. and d. :tyro Flab' nrgh
FRES(' ARRIVALS! Jr d,,it: nt 7 o'rlock, A NI, via Washies.o.i Po. and the
nil UTTLE has this Tiny received from New York, a 1 National Road, to Cantherianti• coi.m.cticz there with
JL fresh snpply of Hewes' 7.4 T rve and Bone Liniment, tall fl ,, mlCo.s In ail the above pl we. Tr; velers will
and Indian VeretahleElisir,a positive cure for It iteuma• 1 find It I, n vpeerty and rontri;r• aide note, it 1,, jog a nips.
lism, Gout, Contracted Cort's and Limbs—aso ate and distinct Pittslot;gh ;.n.d ( - nod I, la , il I re. facili•
OrTnraittra Pouire Subt , te,for completely and pet ma ties will I , e afforded which trove 110 . I, ra heretofore en
neatly eradicating superfluou• hair front females' upper j•tyed. Pa! , :. , Pilgerf. Will l'e t..i.f n It!, a. II se' f'o'o, II it l i.e
lips, the litlif eoncealins a broad and E•evateri forehead. 1 Mormosahela H .u.••. Nt erC ;In nt I.',i Ter-ica T. and Erchanse
the slubborn beard of man. On any kind of safterdnotla Flill l F' is a safe and certain corn for Cout-ts. Co/d.. 1 110r1s, or nt any hours in thP cictro, y of I.e.e pia5.....-
hair. Price $1 per bottle, Asthrin. Sore TAro7t. Poir , r. a-d Weal:ne.,s of the Estra coar.ltes ettrtit.ned at th. , E.i.ortt,4 ',mire, with the
Geimelui's Ems de Beattie, or Trite. Water oi Beauty.— 'frau. , t ff - hos;4l.t C,,:;,,,,h.. ?foal-soot:a, irritation of the privtlet:e or e c,i,.e„ !hrough threcl, or z , el:Ate; one rti,h Vs
i French preparation I horonahlY erterullnalcs• Sallow- Throat. and many disea?ce leading to lit. , , a
C.somPlios rest. at their option.
Nit. Fteckles.l9o . 3„xles.Sores.Blotches. and all cutaneous Ti V it—only 6/, per roll—prepared and sold Whole For seals apply attire office ;n St Clair creet, corner
e - IPttena whatever. Realtainz delivers while hands, l sale and Retatt by H. T. ['RICE, confeetioner.v.edf-ral of t'.e Exchange Hotel, or at the offve in Water it, r tit
elk and arms, and eliciting a helltbyinVenile bloom,—, sr-Allegheny City. and tire principal DrUg7,ists of Pals. 11 door to the Monongahela
noose.L. W STOCK TO ~
Alln. lutiretat other valuable articles, too numerons io ' burzh. L .
m ptlon. The genuine sold only at Be sure you ask for PrlceiCompound Cough Candy. Prs•irlent of the National road Etu i pp i t : ca l.
b2ll-1r TUTTLE'S .VEDICAL .IGEXC Y, 36 401 st• nov 17-11'; I C Acntacitt.ileei. • Jai9-4a.
- .... . ,
. . -
n 24-1 in
IOHN .31'CLISKET.11.erlIci orizionl, has on hand the
• r c , :t splendid a , sort merit of Clothing ever offered
Wes ltly :lock is tare, and lam disposed to sell at the
lows, t pnq=il.le price My sioek is heavy, and as the sea.
son is:advancing., I will sell at lower prices limn ever. I
esk only theplcavtre of a call, fcciinz confideat that
nok is sulTicient. Beware of Counterfeits. itemetriher
lit rimErc BIG DOORS. and the SIG-V . IN TILE
vRSI F; NT . nov 2.3.184
Lknies 6van SllOlLS.—The Ladies'crin now do away
with all kinds of over sit walk thronatt the wet
strcett , with thin shoes,./1 r feet kept perfect..
ly dry; can wear tieht:sl 6-11,.. ib5..006 . .v11l ,Naviota their corns
pato them; and ran have ktte r tr shnitelwrar twice as lone
n: ever, if ; hey will 115(+ the terkintert 0:4,0F TA N11.1,W
will make leather wa te r: 4,l:l;oo4e render it 1.
n pliable
and soft as kid. It's an artrcle well worth their notice,
and oar which they will all tialue hialtly.aWas they
rytt. To be had only at LE'S
ftlEntem. (lENCT, 36, Fourth street.
jan 9
r•ice,Sl per bott'e
OTI —I have taken old letters of admini.tratino
IN . on the e-tare on John Wilson. lase of the City of
dee'd. All nelsons indebted to the Wale of
the said deren. , ed, are renne.ted to mal:e intrrediate pav•
merit to me at toy re:ldenre in Penn O. near tirbury, it IA
tho.e who have claims are rcritiested to oreeent them
ditty prnbate•d. J I' WILSON,
Jan 19- -f:tw
3101.A.SSES.-16 harry's Moinsses
Tor sate by
W//.././ 213 f FLPER, Attorney nt Law; Otn
npkemor. ....early opposite the in
Crow PonT.T. 00 Grant Sr e Nevi
I IrS7'.ERS, Si.l , l4`d 1111 in I W :est
=lsle ni iII'NIRER'S, No D 1 . 1011 stottrt• Snita't!r•
apn,to!tt is are attpropri..ted to ntlenicri ricromitattltal
by !attics. Also 111 ki.ols of Cake. and Confectionary for
pat t W.Ctlttittg-t, etc., for Foie by
not: 19—tf.
Family, Flour.
100.1tA EEL E w
S xtra raly non r , "tveti
and for ,Yo• by 1. IV. TER ER IDE E, ,S• Co.
IV nt rot SI rr , !tr., wpro }Wand and Slott Idled d.
Jan. 161 h. IEI3.
T• PRICE, Wholesale and R I it Baker. Can.
1 . ceoioner and Fruiterer, Federal street, aca!
Diamond, ..11!etzlieny el; v.
Every VAriely or Confectionary and Ornamental
Cakes, stinatoe for wedlinls ania pill wanur.win , ed
from ! hosl . materl.l l, , at short not ter. floe 16
Gi.:o/WE W. L. 9 I.VO, At t Law. Odire
No. 34 fifth sirett, near ihe 'Meal re, l'ilts'aurgli.
sell 27-1 v
in. m.ic ER Fl., etc
1 - 0 t'n2ar
111 Tlrrl . o 4 nirc
211 1:1.1= No :1 Ma.•l: , rei
Nonw ,a 1,1111,; B. filler. nod n, r suo „ Inns
Y . 411 2' NI ES !".1 1Y
Jdi I t
Passage and Remittances to and from Croat Britain
pun sti'usctilers bantna conrinded their a rrangenseut
IL for evendine, the; r busincss,are al all times ;imps
red make arra Mt enieril: for brlit2inz ant pa=sen;:ers
ships of the first A nmtican hultt, nett commanded
by careful and expert, aced men. who are well and - arm'
ably known in toe trade. Line being hit oldest oat
of the po r t of Nov York, Il is hardly necessary to sag
that the a rrancements are mature end complete. end
frouirlie fart that a vesst I in sent out every six data, it
is evident that no unnneressary delay to parsengtra tad
oe'eifsit A Pee pasoace pm steamboat front Ireland at
Scotland, can be engaged, and when those stilloi for Ma
cline corning out, the money is always .refunded to the
parties from whom it was received, without deduction.
Apply to S %MUM. THOMPSON'S.
Old established Passage Offtee,273 Pearl at.
C. GRIMSHAW 4. co.,
10 Gorse Piazzas, Liverpool.
Drafts and exchanges at sight, and for any ;moult
can be furnished on c. C. Glynn co ,flanken , , Low
den, t. Crlnishaw & Co.. Liverpool; the National Bank
of Scotland; National Bank of Ireland; and Northern
Banking Co. Apply to PETER Ii.ATTMAN,
Chatham street, near the Fourth street road, opposite
the Vlielish Church. Liar. 8 3al
DAXIEL fittrtrn Wee.
I.l l r between %Wood anti Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh.
dee 10-Iy.
WM. I'EF.I.II, (successor to tl. M'Closkey) Farh•
to.m . ‘le Hoot Maker, Liberty at., 2•1 door Irons
Vi - 21n Alley. The subscriber respectfully Informs 'het
public that tie has commenced the above businese in thrl
shoo formerly ocrnnied by Mr. Henry NrCloskeyr
and that he Is now prepared to attend to all orders lµ h 1
line of 1111 AI !len with despatch and on the moat reasonaldst
terms. From his lons experience In the Tnarin fact tire elf
Fashionable Boas, he r,HI confident that all article*
from his est:ll4l.l,wpm will give satisfaction to his pa•
trolls. A shale'sl public patronage it respectfnlls solicits
ed. pep In
J. DeNnvo---On Friday. the ZlOth of last month, about
9 o'clnck at 111 , 21a.rhe Planing.Sroovinz and Sash Man.
ufariory, owned by Gay. Dilworth k Co, with a trite
quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all coast'.
uteri by fire.
The Iron Safe %I/114.h I botullit of you come time:Ude
was in the most expo , ed Filuation doting the fire, ttrai
Wag entirely red hot —I am pleased to inform you It was
opened at the etorre of the fire,and all the tooka, (rapers,
,f(c.saveri;—this is tile hest recommendation I can give or
MO utility of your rate!. r7WVII
-16 tithis. Prime N li
Au.e.nt and OuntnlY+inn nt
riY~"r ~ a. mow.
~~~ S.
0 - Ai 1.1 E 1'111:\'1' LI EDP lrE U
~..„''% ,:•_
.7 -. 1
rl4ii,4 A' .
i 1..:
..., -4.
, .r .
..1* 3 ',,,i,
. 4 Tif:••" 4 t
.•'. !;--' ----' - `.:••?. :,-' --,• -...-, .;;",. .. . • ;:•., b.:l
.„... , ..,.." 4.....,.....,......i.4. - -.,......
....:...., • •,71"..7.....-11
: i
, . ••i-- -- ---- - - --. 17-..." -- ' --4 -.: -• '•.t.. _ . _ i r,..32 ?..lii•
1 ie. ,........,...., e Arb.,..,4341, -- -...L.,..:: 1 f
„t 4
- .
1 1 .117NUF-e C TUR ED al Wrn. I,F,V BURN'S entinel
Shoo. No, 1;9 Second , bet ween Wood and smith•
fir Id. who! re a ceneml meal of Furniture may be
had at ,educed prices for rain.
The superiority r+f thrFe Berlstrntis. consist In the
c: , .teririrvr, which for tiuratiliiy nod eni=e in puttlua up
am! 111kiliV, 1111W11, IA 1101 y nnyoilier now in
11c17-1111ci tont! =nrh a; would consul, their own comfort
in Ibeir ni:zhily slumbers ,t be rcrliernbesed that
nil stases of the I tr; family ale fattened ou: by these
fat:ruinc- .
for Contilief. , . Irktr;cls,nr States for y
JOHN FOWLER, roteniec.
We, the. It ”der , i2neft: dorertily that the have essinio.
etl the above II.41:4 can Fastet ing,,and have 00 hesitation
,oronnuncitig, them the tiers oPIO. ht 13Se—coming up
to, ',tot herepresentationlnthe above arlvollisetnent.
(Ira bant jr., incept Coltart,
ruin. Jacob Vop,dec,
John \,-Gilt,
nov I. —3m
' , lcl:nr.ks D. 1-01.k7.1k.0
CoL E.41./IN Co„Ge.if.: t Agents, For riiitig and
C011111115 4 / 1 1 NIP 111 :41 yen Ft Viet:llmeg,
iss They reeneet Atilt's() let t rtnntignments.
on band a superior wtirle of Laid _
ig I , ttrii at any teineen.ture,
rtoril n, the tor , t %%hirer •traineci ?perm Oil, withelst
it. one 'hied rt.rappr: ortßo,
d be ll.e al Ibc Ohl SI/levd, Thfrit
I ,s arm the Post Office NI. C. EDF;Y: . •
j 4.111-13
would adviFe nll persenf; Hho may - ha
.afilic'ed with Gout Rheumatiam, Sprain*,
Cnntraetcri Cords and Limbs, and any stiffuess of
the back or body, which may be brought on by
Cntd nr ElpOßtlre to the %V cattier, !II call at TUT.
TUC'S 86, 4th Ftn.el, nil procure a bottle of the'
above Liniment, which will give immediate re
icf and dr , ct a certain cure,
TVTTI.t hae al:1 a firm reah risattnert
of Havanna cigars and Virginia Chewing Tobacco.
J n 18,1842.
METAL -50 ton? Piff hlrtal invore,nnd :or
/ snleDy ,L w, nUREIRIIIGE 4 Co,
lan 24 Wain• st. botiveen Mood & Smithfield
E. U. liteastings,
mart Watson, ebti o rect., unit door to the Hark o
Pltttborgh; tvhere oprili3O:oon for Reettiallog. florvey-
Int!, Laying out and Dlviding Landed estnie , c, It:id be
ec , ived,
Mori:arm, executed with legal
;Icy and despair!,
!'itt,lintiih, Jan 261.8
11V WIC Ille lir. illitheSli , A F: M - 11 - irTlig
1 V heist in .nett hi:ls:e-i tnsat lon, by the hoc riteds of
s ns
latl;es in lists. city vets , nem. keep them crsnciontly on.
(ha ts , t? Berta [lSt' the effs.rt of throe Pills on the stow.
so hin alien as not to sicken. Nrriber do they strain
I ILP liner so a.ss in threw off black biln; hut hey throw off
1'.. , yd Ipm blle fr , • ie. Thee are the be-t •Pftl' eve r sold
Issr Ityspep,tia , fir. .4 .le he, Itheartatisat. kr. r.,+- For
•ilkta, , ' ps,atiar to remain,. they are now ocrd e.l.
: len , ivnty :sits( zsre tzreateot .atisractinn,
Tte e excellent P , ll , ere far Pare in Pithbargek asibt.
!at Tr - r - 1 LE's—r,l; 4111 M. 114 ,C.P.4% PC/ box.
jan 31
A ,
George Singer,