Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 04, 1843, Image 1

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Ten.:I44.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in
adentee. Pails copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the
stohhter of the *Mee, and by News Boys.
ke Mercury and Manufacturer
to.Detssh.d WEEKLY, at the game office, on a double
_grediaas sheet. at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad.
vanes. dingle copies. AIX CENTS
Term , ' of Advertising.
One Insertion, 0.50 One morn h,s:oo
furs Insertions. 0,75 Two moons. 6.00
Tbree Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00
tweet. 1.501 Four months, 8,00
Twirl/reeks. _ 3,00 Six months, 10.00
Time weeks. 4.00 One year. 15,00
- .
Oat Sysars. Tree Squares
Li mouths, $lB.OO Six months,
Coe year. 15,00 One year.
. „Irr Langer adverOsementa In prornrtion.
CAII.DS or four lines Six Dot.c►aa a year.
(re POST Orstot. Third between Market and Wood
streets-1. 41 Riddle, Postmaster.
Comma Rocas, Water, 4th door from Wood ♦t. Peter.
ussais kaildtatts—Major John Wilkie*, Collector.
Cvr Taaaatter. Wood between First and Second
Onsets—James A. Bertram, Treasurer.
Coutrer TIMASORT. Third street, next door to the
Third Presbyterian Chnrch—S. R. Johnsion,Treasurer.
Mayou'aOtratca, Fourth, between Market and Wood
was—Alexander Hay, Mayor.
Illucataires BICRAMOZ. Fourth, near Market et.
Pstritsanaos.between Market and Wond streets, on
raird ars4 Pokrth streets.
POSIT ILNIE. (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
Wood and Market infects.
Era &&&&& , Fifth street, near Wood.
_ -
MonerintuCL► Holm, Water street, near the Bridge
xcatp.Rox Horst., corner of Penn and St. Clair.
FacitArre limit, corner of Third and Wood.
Auaic►s fforrt.,corner of Third and Smithfield.
Nlissasan Stens. corner of Penn street and Canal.
Seas►a Eats, Liberty street, near Seventh.
!ell M &mom Hostas, Liberiy St. opposite Wayne
RitossirOltirr MLlltt7Oh Horst. Penn St. opposite Canal
1116 COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office remo
red to flakewell's offices on Grant st., neatly offnoalle
Me new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mahon,
trim ,--IFlrst floor. sett 10
111108. A. ELLIOTT, 1. D.—office ropier ed to
di. Clair street, between Pena and Liberty Ste,
• Pitts histek. • P 10
NEW GOODS.—Preston 4- Mackey, wholesale and
retail dealers In Ensiish, French, aud Domestic
pry Goods, No. SI, Market at , Pii taboret. sep 10
M'CANDLESS & LIPCLURE, Attorneys and
Counseilors at Law: Office m tlie Diamond, hack
erthe old Court Douse, Pittsburgh • sep 10
ItEM[OVAL. - R. Morrow, Alderninn; offse nocait
side of Fiftb st.. between Wood and Soil , hfield
ils,Fiitshurgh. $q 10
Jo lIN ArDEVITT, Wholesale G tor,r Rectif‘ing
Distiller, And Dealer in Prndnee and Pittshureh
14stif4etered Articles, Ne. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts•
rep 10
fLuAms holesnl
Grocers Product and COMM/Mien Merchants,
llsaideirs la Pittsburgh Manufactured article s , No. 29
Weed street. sep 10
WM. O'HARA. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law
4 001-e no the north lide of the thatisolid.betwre•
/arks! and Union streets. upstairs rep 10
A DILTRBORAW, Attorney at Law; truder
processiostal services with.. public. Office cur
Net of rink and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd 4-
more,Pil Weer:h. Pa. sup 10
/um 8. Sacairr JA... N. Rein
SIIERIFF 6e KEAN, Manufacturers of Covner
Tin. and Bhezt Iron Ware. No. 80. Front at.,
House Spouting and Steamboat work p:ompilt
executed. nep 10
115 4 ,11111 1 TOON . PRA NCIS 1., YOUNG.
B. YOUNG & CO" Furniture Ware
t..urner of Hand st. tr Cachange Alley.
♦resiess within: to purchase Furniture, will find it to
tlicisadvaistine In zive a+ a call. being fully satisfied that
sreCIR please as to quality and prier. rep 10
muTrom . RAMS.—Just received 160chnice Mut
leo Hama, well cured and for sale cheap by ,he dn
K• Or retail, by
asp 10
puTA BAG A..— t sup wy of La od.etli'm Fresti Itm
I. Saga, and other different varieties of Turnip
Pre I, jowl weeived and for sale at RICOCCED PRIC'III at the
Drop mid geed Store of F. L. SNOWDKN,
rop 10 No. 184 Liberty's; rect, bead of N'ond.
wimp LosEY Boot and Shoe ManuiTei;
v ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States
Sank. Ladies Pronella, Kid and Satin Sitoes made to
ateaLest manner, and by the newestyrench patterns.
tap 10
MORUS bf ULTICA WATS. to lots tosult
purchasers; to he disposed of by
No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
DAHLIA ROOTS. Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev
ery ileseriplion, can always he had at the Drug
and - Seed store of F. 1.. SNOWDEN.
yep l 0 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
1.80. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion geed, fo
• sale at the Drag and Seed store of
184 Liberty street, head of Wood
for seed; pisl received by
No. 184, Lll.ert y head or Wood st
Glednem TOOLS, consisting of floes. Fancy Spades
Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding
Knives. Pruning Knives, Pruning Akers, etc., Just re.
imslitrad and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN.
Ng 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wools.
oi nuo l og tregag on u.v,mi..—Jurt received a small cup.
4%,11 6 1
elot v^ery. choke cured Venison Hams, on retail
441, moan lota for current money.
ISAAC H %SRI'S. Agent,
sop 10 and Corn. Merchant
WHITE Duteh Clover Seed, Orchard Craw; and
goateetry Bine Grass, always on hand and for
No. IR4 Liberty street, head of Wood.
sate by
-p 10
EYSTEIR I BUCHANAN, dityriteys at Law, office
removed from the Diamond, to •iAttorney'sßow,"
ebady side or Fourth street, bettveen Market and Wood
MIiIfiTRATES'OLANICS, for proterrlinea to ,fit
tesksinst under the tate taw, for sate at this Office
ALE.—Lets on the North East corner of Coal
Line and Nigh street. Apply to
asp 10 SRN/. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th it.
100 LDS. Landreth's French Sugar Beet eeed,just
received and for sale at the Drug and Seed
184 Liberty street, head of Ward.
Moro of
sop IA
copartnership theretofore existing between Wile
ifissoised by mutual consent. William Digby is authorised
• sillotthe simmer. of the bras in settling up the business
Mielahe firm 'WILLIAM maim,
No 9, Flit II
r. . V
.., . , . . - .• .
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,1:: ..._ I . .: „: .:
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MORNING p0 r.'...r., •
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y,~: ~a
yoriNsToN k STOCKTON, Bookseller*, Printers and
Pnocr Manor/trio:yrs, No. 37, Market pt. pep 10-1 y
OHN ANDERSON, ttinablield Foundry, Water st
Jnear t he Monongahela House, Plitslurth. eep 10-ty
L EONARD S. JOIINS, Alderman, St. Clair street, so
cond door from Liberty. nen 10—ly
D R. S. R. 110131 ES, Office in Second street, next door
to Mulvany 4- Cos Glass Warehouse sett 111—ly
IQ/ JUNK it FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth sL,
1.7 - . near the Mayor's Office, Pltishcrsh• seP IG-1Y
THOS. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Flll4, hei wren
Wood and Smithfield sta.. Pittstnir:2ll. Rep 10-1 y
HUGH TONER', Atm, nev at Law. North Ea-t corner
SSmithfield . st reel?. sep 1 0-1 y
...J•NES "[TERM L.
H ANNA 4. Paper Warehouse. No.
104. si 0 where may be had a general supply
of writing wrapping. printing. wall paler, blank books.
school hooky, kc, kr. sep 10--ly
C. TOW N_ ENI) ¢ CO., Wire Workers and
AL, Alawnfaerxrers, No. :23 Market street, lioween 2d
and 3d streets., cep 10--1 y
fIOTEL, Corner of Penn and ‘-'l. Clair
st reel 9, by McISIBBIN k
Rep 10-1 y
ward Hn2hes. Mannfaelnter of Iron and Nails
Warehouse N 0.25. W3Oll Al.. PmeLnr . h . eel) 10 y
r r
16 M ETA L —77 long soft Piz Mrtnl for sole by
J. G. - A.GORD - /N,
No. 12 Water Fl reef
16,000 lbs. BaC.Oll
Shoulders, for sa'e by
.1. G. 4. A. GORDON,
No. 12 Water street
, JAS. PATTERSON, Jr..Rirmin;:harn, ~ear Pnishur2h,
Pa., Nana la. threr of Locks. Hines and Halts; To.
hacco. Faller, !till and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for
Rolling Millsolc. sep 10—iv
011 N lIPCLOSKEY, Tninir and (lei tier. Litier.y
neLween Siith and Virgin :Me', South side.
sep JO
• W BUR BIZ ,p co., wholc,a Grorers and
Cmm~iion Me chants— Secnad strevt, between
Vood and Smithfield sift., Pit tstairgh. cep 10— 1y
J. G. 4. G011(10N, emistnic.lon and Forvrarding
01, 111 , •rehant.., Miler cl..Piticinirgli. cep 10--I y
H. A MS._,...lenQkilt lin n .a food art". rerelVed Per S
B Corsair, and for sale by J. C. - A. GO Fll/ON,
sop 10 No. 12. %Valor street
SUGAR 4- Nt I OI•4SSUS . --40 11 illiS NeW Orleaop So
f.nr; ".(:) oblol New Orlrang Molas c es; for fmle by
Sep r 0 J. G. 4- A. GO fl DON.
SUG A It.--7 hbdt prime N. 0. Sazar, received ner S.
B Maine. and for sale by J. G. & A. GORDON.
No. 12, Water street
sep 10
511 BACON CASK 9,1 n order. on hand and for 'tale by
1 4.1 sep 10 J. G. A. GOGDON. No. 1-2, st
VG Alt AND MOE, A SSE.—I3 latds and 4 1,1 I, N. O.
Sat:lr.:l2 bids N.O. Mot:I.I4PQ, rereived per Steamboat
mportrr, and for sale by J. G ¢ A. GORDON,
sep 10 No. 12. Water street
MILS. LA RD OIL, for gain by
t, B. A. PA D ESTOCK 4- CO ,
sep 10 COI etrr nf flihand Wood:,
1631 rAPP,VS Germ .tbtowit Lamp Nark for sale,
by N. rAnNE,. , Tock k co..
corner , Ife.lll and iN'onilsio.
;) 0
,st/ I.ltB PreparedCb.iDi.rnr sa:r by
A. F %FINES ri) , N 4. CO
!ten 10 rnraer of fish and WilOollsl4
S UG.% IR AND MOL ASSF.S N. 0. S u g ar
25 bbis.ll”.llo., 100 do. Pin nlnTi. , n S 1 nla~rrr, fu
:ate b y J. G. J r A.GORDON.
gel, 13 No. 12 Water street.
o be used in Bankruptcy procerdiogv. printed on
votipaper,and in Vie formc approved by I be Courtfor sale
it the Otricr of the Mercury and Deivorrat. nep 10
W M. IIUBBARD, 1:18100u:1 tile hoot and
elioe tittihet tirer. No. I itl. Thi,d b . reel, het Wert!
Wood and Smithfield streets. I'ilts l itiri.:ll sell 10
. bait removed his. office 50 the corner or Four'
tree? au,' 'herry Alley, between Stifil htield and Grano
ireets,Pittsburgh, sr p 10
f ~: iJr
,g mA h En, No. 7, di. Clair sired, Pitts.
sep H./
1.1 supply of La toliel Garden Seeds, always 011
ond, and for sale al his agency, the Dm?, stor e of
184 Likriy street, head of Wood
D R. DAVID WARD hat his office and ff;111117C0
on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court noos e ,
second da Mime from Rusiistreel. lie will faithfully attend
all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should be
made at the door above the basement. Pep 10
EMOVA T. —Matthew Jones, Barber and Hale fires's
(lL Cr, htt removed to Fourth street oppositeihe flay
ors office, where he will be happy to:wail upon permanent
or transient customers. He solicits a share of public oat.
pep 10
A. %V. 4 RD, DENTIST, Penn tzt.
W door keiow I rwin st reel, Hours of hominess, from
9A. until SP. m . after which time lie will attend
to no one except in cases of actual necessity. H e
would further inform those who may think proper to
employ him, That he expects Immediate payment, without
the necessity on his part of sending in hills. sep 10
1011 N III'FARL‘ND, Upholsterer and Cabinet
.M-1. - er, Third st. D eleseen'Wood .1. Market streets,
respretful infqrals his friends and the politic that he is
prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, 13a.
tea as, Chairs, rallies, Bedstealls,Stand,•, flair and 'prim;;
Mat:raises, Curtains, Carpets, all ~ o rts of Upholsterinz.
work, which lie will warrant equal .0 ally made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. FeP 10
subscribers have remov,d to Wa
to between Wood and Smithfield sired.., when
olty witt continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis
slon business. and would respectfully solicit the patron,
ec: of t 3 heir friends J. W. BUREINDGE4' Co.
HO Word Street, Pittsburgh.—R. A. Hausman.
Auctioneer and Co.nitikSion Merchant, io now prepared
to receive and sell all- kinds of Goiws arid alerchandize,
at his large and capacious ionnis, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and fifth Btrrcas, FillshUrgb.
Regular sales uf Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries arid
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware, Cutlery. Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings.
Books, 4-c., every Saturday evening.
Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted
REFlCititiac VS.
John D. Davty, Esq.,
Bagaley Smith,
Hampton. Smith, 4- Co.
F. Lorenz 4- Co..
J. W. Burbridse 4- co.,
B. bl'hee 4- Co.
Capt. James 14• Gargill,
C. !Mosey', Esq.
Joon II 'Fadden Esq.
Logan 4- Kennedy.
J. K. !Moorhead 4- Co.
Jas. P. Stuart, Esq.
Robert Galway, EN:
Capt. Jul. May,
IdeVay.Banna, 4 , Co.
William Symms, Wheeling
B.G. Henry,
Smith. Rs galey 4.-Co
SI 10
'_t ~~,: , e ,
O TILE PUBLIC, and particularly to my former
patrons of chit, Mew—flaying retired from the
pram tee of AI edteine. I may be permitted to say. that It
has fallen to the lot of tut few persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or lane a share of ohst retriral practice as my
own has been for tit. last i 0 or 40 years.
The experience of that long period of art ive life, and the
fart of my having Mien twice, since 1830. associated with
1 Dr. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, In baths,
period of five years.) enables the to judge fully of the
meths ofhis ping.
So convenient, so efficient, and yet sit safe. (lid I esteem
these pills, that for the lasi five years In toy practice for
the core of c hronie disra=cs, of whatever name. and those
of females in particular, I have used more of them titan
all other medicines.
Like every oilier medicine, this must fail in some in
stances, hut in my hands there has been less disappoint.
ment and more sntisfart ion In :le administration of this
one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes
quite astonishing me.
If my patient required a safe aperient medicine either
• fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pi.ls were just
the thing I wanted.
If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach), combined
with costiveness nr Enact ivn y ofthe liver constituted the
disease of my patienL the pills were just the thing I
If I treated a case requiring an emnienagogue, the
Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance. or other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
1 1
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the 'turn
of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
Thus, without resuiet to the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the time I have had It under treat
ment, particular indications or symptons arising. •ere
al , nays moot promptly and most happily met by the
Wilson's pills.
That so great a number ofdiseases, and sometimes ap.
parently opposite ones, in which I have used these pills,
should be cuted more readily by then) than by any other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but
why it is so is as clear to my mind as that a great m any
persons should become thirsty from ;.s many different
causes, and yet all require that common and greatest of
all blessings, water tom:tench their thirst.
in concluelon, it is due the ieputation of he medicine
and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that
the Wilson's pills are the only combination I have ever
met with In my longcourse of practice, that really pos
eesresanythlng curative or specific for sick headache :
Yourasc•, DR. 5 11LOADARS.
The above Pills designed particularly for the Weir-
Haed.Aehe, Dyspepsia. Constipation of the Bowels 4c.,
Prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wltson, and for
saleowholevaie and retall.st bladwettingla Penn street,
below Martini.
.Oct I
HRIGBY—No. 121, Corner of Woodand Front
Streets, Pitrabs.reA has mg hand a complete as.
sortiuentof Queensware putted to the city or country
tirade. Also, a choke selection of pure white and gold
hand DINING AND TEA WARE, in large or small acts,
or separate pieces to snit purchasers.
A cask of 46, 60, or 84 piece sets, superbly painted
and gilt English China Teawa re, at very low prices.
Toy Teaware, plain, and rich painted and gilt, Della
1,00 to *6,00 per act.
Children's Mugs of every description.
White China Shaving Mugs.
Granite Dining aid Tea Services, in white and with
splendid American scenery printed In bige and black.
A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfa , t. Sets,
imported to match. complete,
Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the
Derby hire Potteries.
Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties.
Whidovr Glass, of every size.
Patent Buckets, Tubs and Keelers.
Stone Pipe Wads. 4-c. kc. 4 - c.
All of which are respectfully offered to the pub.
lie on the most favorable terms. Jan 26, 1842-1 Y
Ba2sltio coffee.
oct 4. • 4.. A. CORDON.
received this day from New York, a fresh supply o.
the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con
sumplion; and is ready to supply custornersat wholesale
or retail, at his Medical .Igency, 3d Fourth at.
nov 12
it'askionoble Boot Maker,—
tins removed to No, 34 Market street. between
Second and Third streets, where he woo d he happy
To see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos.
id to patronize him. He uses notlimr, but first rare
stock, and empluys the best of workmen; and as lie gives
his constant personal attention to business, he I ruststimt
lie will deserve ar,d receive a fair share of patronage.
sen 10
F RUITS, Il li Llt BAM,
A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the
politic that they can always find the best quality of tee
Creams. together with al: kinds of confectionary and
fruits. in t heir season. at his establishment—No. 11.
Fifth street, between Wood and Market,
N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with
cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished
with Bread.
cp 10
HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Mott street,
New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head•
ache, great debility. fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
burn, pain In the chest and stomach always niter eating,
impaired appt.the, SPVPIIIiOII of sinking at the Woniarh.
furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomiting', dizziness
towards nialii and reoleness. These had continued up.
ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr.VVm.
Evans. 100 Chatham street, and submitting to his ever
4necessfni sod agreeable !node of ireatment, the patient
was completely restored to health in the short space of
one inoni hi, a nil cratcfn I for the Incalculable benefit deity.
ed, gladly canoe forward and volunteered the above state
For sale V'holesale and Retail by
R. F.: SELLERS, Agent.
sep 10 No 20. Wood street. below Second.
I. RD. —Those who would wish greatly to reduce
their rsperse for light, should certainly purchase one of
the above named Lamp., as by their tlf.e there is a clear
.avitic of at least two., birds of the expense over 011 Anti
the obtained front this is pure and brilliant, and
wholly free from smoke or disagreeable smell. W e would
here state that Cart's Patent is the only one worthy the
anrution of the putdic, ns it Is the only one that is appli
cable to every variety or pattern of Lamps. and the only
nee lint will horn Lard WELL, al any temperature of cold
or heat. We have. in the short space of three mouths,
sold several and with scarce an exception,
those using them have espre , red Themselves hi:Illy pleas
ed with them. and fully conviticed of the great economy
by their we. as well as their superiority over either oit
or candles, in re•zaid In cleanliness and light.
The a boy e named lamps enn be hail only at
Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office,
Where is kept constantly on hand Britannia Metal, Tin
and Grass Lamps, of various patterns.
Glass lamp. sold at manufacturers' prices.
IVe lake plr vows in ofrerinz to the public the follow
rertificale, which is subscribed to by many respecta
inc izen:4.
We the iiiidersif tied. have 1 i led and are now Hsi on
Carr's Patent Lamps. for burning La•d or other animal
far, and we have no be<uatiou In saying Dim they give an
excellent tight—equal to any of the ordinary load s of
lighting a house, at about one-1111rd t lie cost. and wholly
free li OM smoke or other disagreechle smell. We take a
pleasure in recommending !hese lamps to the !while, as li .
their lose there is a areal poring Over either Pper r
or lard oil. or even candles; nod We believe them t
he more rleanly and less I rouldesome Dino either.
To he had at PilowN k PA.YMOND'H only, Third sl reel
licariv op t , it/ 'he root Office,
Ilea. W. W. linkmen, James !loon,
" A. M. flrtan, ch,rles Par !son,
" John 51Vron, C. Yeager,
N. G. Conics, Wm. Critham, Jr.,
" Robert Dunlap, E. Trovillo,
Dr. H. D. Sellers. Wm Douglass,
" E. D. Cazzam, Henry Atwood,
" Win. M. Wrighl, Isaac Cruse,
Robert D. Kerr, Esq., Georee W. Henry
A. Beckham, Rolieri McPherson,
"Pliomas Oilskin, John S. Shaffer.
George Miltenberger, Wnt. Eichlinum,
0. P. Shiraz, J. B Turner,
A. Millet. \'m. Marlin,
B. M. Riddle, rosi Master Denry Bor . Jesiter.
R o bert Gray, James S. Clar k , of t he A trier-
A llett Kramer, icon Hotel,
A. F. Marl hens, John 111,Camplisll
M. Stack house. L. A Iherfer,
Robert Johnston, James !Benin,
N. 11 Just received, nn Improved Patent !Atop. for
kitchen use. our 19-111 w k WI I
711",7777: - :- , rm,-.71
DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pill,. These
Pills arest rongly recommended to the notice of
the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing
those complaints peculiar to their sex, from went of ex
ercise, or general debility of the system. Tbry obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Uni
ted elates, and n.any Mothers. Poe sale Wholesale and
Retail, by R. E SELLERS, Agent,
sop 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second.
ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St.,
V V opposite the head of Smithfield at., Pittebnrgh.—
The subscriber haying bought out the stock of the late
Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business
in the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work in his line, In the bent manner
and on the shortest notice. He keeps cor sternly on hand
a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and
of the best quality. He so:lefts the patronage of the pub
lic and of the craft. WM. ADAIR.
cep 10
and Azle , for Carriages at Eastern,. Prices.
The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach,C and Ellittle Springs (warranted.) Juniata
Iron Axles, Sillier and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated Huh Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Handles and Hinges. ke ,4•e.
JONES d• rni.EAl AN.
Clair nenr I 1 e A ftrzlieny Rthict
HD.SELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling In Four
e near Ferry street. Rep 13-4
The attention tftho e who have been somewhat .rep.
tieal in reference to the oumernus certificate. published
in favor of Dr. Swavne's Compound syrup of Wild liter
ry, on :termini of the persons being unknown in this ger
lion of Ilse Stale, in respectfully directed to the followlng
certificate, the writer of which has been a ell lzen of tills
boroughs forseveral years.and is known as a gentleman
of Integrity and resnunalldiny.
To the Agent, Mr. J. Kin ET.
f have noted Dr Sten voe's Comp ttod Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a rough. with which I have been severely of.
Bided far about four months, and I have no hesitation
in saying that it is he most effective medirtne that I have
been °Melo procure. it composes all uneasiness. and
agrees well with my diet.—and mantalne a regular and
good appetite. I ran freely recommend It to alt others
similarly afflicted. J. Muster, Borough of Chambered'''.
March 9. Mil.
Pep 23
For gale by WILLIAM THORN No. 5.3 Market street.
pERSONS desirous of prnettrine Fruit, Shade. and
Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philndel
pl•ia or Netv Ynrk, are requested to make application AS
soon an . pnvsible. at the Druz and Seed Fiore of the Fllil
scriber, where ran be had ratalognes, sratulloustv, of the
most excellent .arieties. F. 1,. SNOWDEN,
arp - 21 No 184 T.ilterty street, head pf
mIRRLE NUFACTiIft Y.—Patrick Co w field re.
sPert fully arourtints hi. friend. and t hr public ern•
entity, that he bac commenced the Marble htigine..nl !lie
corner of Fin!, and Liberty where will be constantly
on hand, tomb Atones, mantes pieces, innnuments, head
and foot sloe", table slobs for cabinet ware, and every
art tele appertaining to the horrifies.. lie will warrant Itla
wort: to be well done, and his charges will he moderate
lie respect fully ask. a 'hare of public patronage. cep
H ANNA TUR.VB (IL L. Poorourrooo rns CL.
ILA Tow PAPER MILL. StetthenVille, Ohio. baying remn•
red their store from this city, bare appointed tioldship
4 Browne. No. 49' Market at, hetween 3rd and dt h. a
r ror trot Fate of different kinde of Paper manufac
tured ‘ o, v them, where their friend: , and ettatometya wills!
wayttlindiketikae supple oil-paper, riteh as/Cap and
P Writritg, plum and faint lined; Wrnnpinft rind Ten
paper; flonnet Poards, and Printing Paner of different sl
eet. and qualifier, ,nll of which wilt he sold on the mottt
arrommodstin f term..
floi.osnir 4 Rnownt, ntannrartnrers and importers of
Nail Pa nenn and Borders. keeps eonsta ntly on hand eve.
ry variety of Ent rv, Parlor and Chamber Papers, of the
, nirst stvkg and moat handsome patterns, whirl. they
will sell low and on neeontmodaling terms, wholesale
or wall.
nov IR—tr.
nrlal.6• Platform Settlea oil winch*, to weigh 2.500 Ihr, at
$55 Oil.
do do do 2,005 at 845 00
do do do do 1.500 at 35 00
do do do do 1,000 at 30 (10
do do do dosoo at 25 00
With raking levers an addition of $3 to earl' scale.
Horinant scales for the ur - e of Warehouses, Flouring
.tr.,the sante prices as above.
A IRO, While's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements, and a variety of other counter scales,
which they will sell for from 8 to r 5,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Mills. Sow 111111.5. Salt Works, d•c„ double and singe
geared glide tat hes,foot and oilier lathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door
and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or
without thrashing machines, a superior article; circular
saw shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tinner's ma•
chines and tools oral' descriptions.also for making black
log boxes, a superior article; governors for steam engine.
stocks. laps and dies, coffee mills, Itedatead or Joint hots
and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma
chinery made or repaired; printing press plattens turned
and printing presses repaired.
M MAY, A gen'
sep 2-2—lf
IN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Coniiiiis-
Jsion Merchant,..Afo. 106,corner of Wood 4. Fifth sts.
Pitts holih: Having been appointed one of the Auction
eere rot the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to Jot.-
berg, manufacturers and dealer,, who may be disposed
to make trial of this market• He is prepared to make
advances on consignments of all malleable commodities,
and trusts tosatisfy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy 'and favorable returns.
That the various interests which may he confided to
him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid
of his own experience In business and acquaintance with
merchandixe generally, the services of Mr. SAMUEL
Panamint/mg; heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement Is made.
Mean's. M. Tiernan, Pres't. or M. 4 M. '
" Darlington 4- Peebles,
" Robert Galway,
" James M. Cooper,
" James May,
" R. M. Riddle. Pittsburgh
Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres% I
of Exchange Bank.
Elarrtnion,Smith, 4. co.,
John D. Davis,
Samuel Church,
J. K. Moorhead.
Jaq. W. Brown 4. co.
" John El Brown. 4. co.
" smith f H matey,
• Yard!) , 4. [buena,
John S. Ittddte,
.. John Wird',
FAMILY / * Ultra:74*st receivlll i'fbw hereto of
Sopeoor Ftouri:io4oexpresoly for family ose.•For
sok by • - - AC CItIffIB, 148 Lib, St.
Store „yro barmaiiimpAour.
Improved F - Iriv
a nufect tired be
their filricliint
I. between nin•
Ali Greet, two
nee Uall, Plug
, anninetore and
and the follow
y composed o
lief of):
No. 1, Port
ble Nation)
r.) weigh s."l/ti
u ch. ,u I *63,
I }
.ep 10
For pab/isling a nese Daily Pape,. in the City of Pitts
6,gh, te be entitled tAc
rrHESlMseribers having made arrangements to merge
I the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Marco.
ry Into one Journal, have concluded to publkh a daily
paper with the title ef the Daily Morning Post.
The lattelhvO, Wet of the "Port" will be I be tEssemlna
lion and defence of the political principles that have here
tofore been ma\ntained by the Editors, in their respective
papers, and their best efforts will still be devoted to the
advancement and success of those doctrines.
Although, In politics, the paper will he thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and. Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat
(erased occurrences that conic property within the snhere
ofa Public Journal, to make their pane, sufficiently in•
erecting to entitle It to the patronage of the public, ir
respective of party considerations.
In addition to the political and general news that will
beroun:intie:Af o,7 ine b the Editorswill t ak e
painsoru:nil' 11e css comnywit h
tfmintestatdmtst Interesting
cuter from all parts of the country, and to have prepa
red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men in their several callings.
Teems.—The Posv wilt be poldished on a large Imperi
al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Journal) at lite unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum, payable in advance. It will also be sold by
news boys et the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy.
Advertisements will be inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
InrTWENTY active ladsare wanted to sell the Post
who will he engaged on the most liberal terms
August 31, 18.12
100 /lUDS. K y LEAF — TOBACCO. in 1 , tore and
fur sale by J. G. 4- A GORDON,
Na.l2. Water street.
111 a • • oirison s r Co. London, for sale only by 1 4 . t%
Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgil,
alley Piitshtirzh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. se plO
F ARM FOR SA Le.—The undersigned offers for eaten
tract of land situated 4 miles fm., freepoli, In the
direction or Kittanning, Buffalo 'township, Armstrong
county. containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of whiff) are in meadotv— a good square log
dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple
enchant of 80 bearing trees—and a spring of excellent
water croivenlent ho the house.
FOR TER MS apply to the sultscribers residing at the
Saltworlis on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free
T O THE WlSE.—nis now well understood how
much disorders of I he mind depend for their cure
noon a due attention to the body. It is cow understood
how valuable Is that medicine which will remove morbid
accumulations without weakening the bodily power. It Is
now understood that there to a reciprocal influence be.
tween the mind and the body. It Is now understood that
purging with the Prandreth Pills will remove a melon
rholy, and even insanity Is cured by perseveringly using
them: It Is now understood how much domestic harlot.
ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive
It (snow well known that the Brandreth Pills have
cured thousands of hopeless and helpless persons, even
when the first physicians had pronounced theni beyond ,
all human means of relief. It is now not only Weil
kegler!' that tile Hrandreth Pills's)" cure, bit ititrahnsialt."
derstood how they cure; that it J.thelr.porirylitgetie4
on the blot4that they r , 4 itteiti
The valiterif the medicine hi becoming moreand Thor*
matilfrst, it Is recommended daily from family to family,
The Brandreth Pills remove in an almost Imperceptible
manner all noxious accumulations and purify and invigo
rate the biood,and their good effects are not cuunterhalan
red by any inconveniences; being composed entirely of
vegetables they do not expose those who .use them to
danger; and their effects are as certain as they are sale
tary; they are aily nod say admnietert dto Infancy,
youth, manhood d , and old axe fe,l and to (
women in the most
critleal and delicateclrcumstancrs. They do not disturb
or shock the animal functions, but restore their order
arn!etablish their health.
Solite! Dr. firaeilreih's Office, No. 9i, Wood street,
Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents per box, wit It full directions.
MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh wherelhe genu
ine Pitts can he obtained, is the I.actor's own office, No.
98 Wood street.
sep 10
ripo THE L..IDIES —Why do you not remove that
1 superfluous hair you have upon your foreheads
and upper lips? By calling at Tarrt.es, 86 Fourth st.,
and obtaining a bottle of Gourand's Poudres Aubtlea.
which will remove it at once without affecting the skin.
You can also obtain Gouratol's fluty celebrated Ear de
Beaute, which will at once remove alt freckles, pimples,
eruptions of the skin. and inake your face look per ectly
fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding
more color to their cheeks, they can obtain sonic of Gott
rand's celebrated I.lrprld Rouge, which cannot be rubhtd
ollieven by a wet cloth. A Iso may be found a good as
sorfment of Perfumer y, such as Cologne, Bears' Oil, Al.
mond, Palm, Windsor; end other Soaps.
Remember. at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th street. I
Dec. 8. 1842
L ET invalids read the following account of a Sailor
cured of a cutnplication of afflictions in nineteen
days by the use or Brandreth Pills. It distinctly proves
there are herlat In nature which have affinity cure be
cause of disease, and Brandret les Pittance made fur them
Read and be convinced. Take the medicine andbe cured
JOHN SHAW, of Pembroke, Washington county, Maine.
being duly sworn, says, that tie was taken violently sick
about six months since. The pains in his head, breast,
hack, tell side and instep being so had that he was 'inn.
Met° help himself, and was taken into the Chelsea Hos.
pit& in the city of lloston. That after being In said
hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said he did not know
what wag the mattet with him, and that he could do
nothing for him, our could he prescribe any medicine
That he, therefore, was conveyed from the Chelsea Ilos.
pilaf to the Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he
WAS here physitked with nil sorts of medicine fora peri
od of tour months, suffering all the ime the most heart.
rending tioliterv..- That, besides big allection of ids bones
be was troubled oturh with a dlseat:eot the longs: some.
times I. would spit a quart ofpltlegm in the day; besides
this affection be had a bad Merril:ten, which had more
or less:it:ended film from the commencement of his sick.
new. That attittles Ile (Headed a stool worse than Ire
would have dreaded death; that be can comparethe feel
ing to nothing save that of knives passing through his
bowels. • Anerantrering worse titan death at the Sailor's
Retreat, on Staten Island, the doctor told him that medi
eine waa of no use to that he mu-I try to stir about.
At this time he was suffering the greatest misery, That
i his boues wt.re so tender he could not hear the least press
, um upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his Instep was
I most painful, that as the Doctor said he would give him
no more medicine he determined to procure some of Dr.,
Inrandreth's Pills, which he did, from 241 Broadway
New York; that he commenced with five pills, and some.
times Increased the dose to eight. Time first week's use
so much benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing
what e was using. said, mnow, Shaw, you look like a
man a g ain; if you improve in this way, you will soon he
well.' That he found every dose of the Brandrent
relieve him, first they cured him of the pain when at
stool; that they next rn red the dlarrhces, and nosily the
plies In hie bones;—That the medicine seemed 10 add
strength to him every day. Hetold the doctor pester
11... wel l, and also,
day the 11Ih instant, that he himself "
that he owed his recovery to ft , andreths Pills under
Prorcidence,that he had taken the medicine levetyday
for 19 days; that the doctor told hint If he had known he
' had been taking that medicine, he should not have stayed
I another day in the house. RP ronsiders It Ishii; drily to
make t his pnblie statement tot tbe Leneal ofan similarly
afflicted; that they may know where to find it medicine
that will cure them. JOHN SHAW.
' John Shaw being by me duly sworn this 12th day of
April, 1842, did depose and say that the foregoing state
meat is true. J. D WHEELER,ConimOsioner of Deeds
The BRAN - DRY: Tif PILLS are cold at Dr. 'lran ,
dreth's principal office. 291, BR O.4IDWAT: New York
' and at Ws prised pal Alm P 10.98 Wood streel,Pittsburgh.,
the OXLY PLICE In Pittsburgh where the genuine eau
be obtained 21--(lwha.
'Uncle, dear, sure it's all the pleasure in
life I'd have in accommodating you,' re
plied Grace, still continuing to twirl her
wheel. 'Only that, you see, I can't read
and spin at the same time.'
'Win,. news you tell us,' persisted Core
ney Burnett, or as he was commonly cal..
led 'B!ack Burnett;' 'what news you tell
us. Who ever expected you to read and
spin at the same time'? And, indeed, dear
Grace, it's glad of an excuse I'd be, set a..
;side the reading, to get you from ycur:a .
wheel; the burr and the twirl of it's never -"
out of my eyes nor ears.'
'lt's eager to make the linen I am, 'to
keep us clean and comfortable—and you,
above all, uncle; to see eon comfortable,
sure, is the pride of my life, to say nothing
of the blessing.'
'Thank you, Grace; I believe it front
my heart. And why shouldn't I? since the
day I promised my poor brother (God be.
good to him!) to be a father to both of
you, I never had an aching heart on your
account, anyhow.', .
'Nor on account of poor Michael, either.
uncle. Poor Michael, for the sense God
lhas left in him, is as good a boy as is to be
found in a month of Sundays.'
'Ay,' replied 'Lanett, sorrowfully; 'but
it's vary mournful to see him sitting there.
staring. into the turf fire, and seeming to 0-
care for nothing on the living earth but that
cur of a dog.'
'Snap loves him dearly; it's wonderful,
so it is, to see how he watches every turn
M chael takes; the poor baste's eye is neve
er tired looking at him, nor his ear never
shut to his voice,' said Grace, putting aside
her wheel and unfolding the remnant; of a
tattered newspaper,
'Read the news---read the news,' reitere
ated the half idiot boy, who had been, as
his uncle truly said, stating into the turf
fire, his dog curled round ha feet, and Lis
long, bony fingers clasped over his keees.
'Read the news, Grace. What you--tieet
wrong in others, mend in 5 - ourrelf —Whet
you see wrong in teliers, nerd in yourlelf;
is that the news, Grace?' - •
Grace could hardly forbear smiling at the
rapidityeseitk.Whish he pron .noted and re—
Peatetiletetrice that had obtained for him
she • think, Mick, honey, it would
tterksif people did so,'
'Ay," .replied the idiot, 'what you see
wrong in -others, mend in'yourself.'
'Hold your whist, will you?' exclaimed
Black Burnett. 'What name's to the pa—
per you've got, Gracel'
'That's more than I can tell' you, uncle'
dear;replied the gentle girlt'for t name's
clean tore off: but sure its no matter for the
name; one paper's as good as another.'
'Oh! be quiet, now; don't )0 1 . 1 mind that
some papers are fur one side, and some for
Cother—and both can't be right, that's an
impossibility. Ilowould is
can't tell that either, uncle; but it can't
be very ould, for just down here it says that
small bonnets are all the thing, and the last
time Mrs. Hays, of the grate house, was - •
past here, she bad a griddle; so, as she's
tip-top, she'd have tip top fashions. Why
not? So I sure the paper's not over a
fortnight printed, any way.'
'Well, read what tbey're after saying in
the big houses of parliment, and all about
Counsellor Dan; read every word, not as
you did the-last loan o7a paper I had; Bar.
ney loosen told me twice as much out of it
as you read, Grace.'
'Barney made it, theie'exclaimed Grace,
nevertheless coloring deeply, for she knew
the charge was not altogether unfounded as
she way in the habit of skipping a great
deal. 'Barney made the news, I say, un—
cle; for 1 read it from top to bottom, and .
then again, and again, and most of it hack
wards, to plaze you; it took me as long as
I'd spin a pound of flax—so it did.'
'I wish I knew if that paper was one of
the right sort,' said Burnett. without heed.. ,
ing her observation.
'l'm sure it is,' she replied; 'for at the ve
top it begins with 'Father Mulvane) 's
'A priest's sermon put on the paper,' re
pealed the good man, rubbing his hands
gleesomely, and drawing his "creepie'
ser to the fire; 'let's have it, Grace.. Nasr"
show y( ur fine larning, my girl; but asy,
there•—first let me light my dooden.—
Augh!' lie continued, after screwing up his
tobacco in a piece of dirty brown paper,
and thrusting it into a hole in the well 'for
safety." .Augh! Grady's tobacco . isn't
worth a farthing a pound-he always kelp t,
it in paper.'
'What you see wrong in others, me t hs s " 44 4,
yourself,' exclaimed the natural. . •-•• , . . 4
'He has you there,' laughed pretty. G *
as she glanced at the paper. ends sti
nut of the wall. • I'
'Read the sermon—on
e at a time,
Ir a ,
please, Miss Grace,' said Barnett, lookin" .
serious; but Grace, before she did•lier 1
cle's bidding, sprang up and . kissed, "
wrinkled cheek affectionately, whisperinw
'You are not angry with your own poor
Gracei' The seriousness passed from thirp
old man's brow, and Grace commenced
showing her 'laming.' She had not finish.
ed the first sentence, however, when she
stopped and said, 'Uncle, it's very strange,
but this sermon is spelt quare—not in good
'A mighty fine judge you are, to be etre:
Flow the London New Monthly blagazialt
The Last in the Leas?..-
'Why, then, grace. where was the good
of all the laming I gave you, girl darlint, if
you won't read us what's on the paper;
st,re its pleasant, at times, to hear the
• <l.
; 4