Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 03, 1843, Image 3

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1X021.10111 A'S Peel?.
FEBRUARY 3, 1343.
Robbed,—We learn from the Sun that
Mr. Uptin was robbed of a pocket
book containing $l5 and other valuable pa
perts. A man named Lawrence, who is
said to be a brother of the Lawrence who
some years ago fired a pistol at General
Jackson, was arrested on suspicion.
i The Chronicle, in its impotent ravings
'flout the City Printing, sets down our
Citculation at 300. We would just re
mark that our regular subscribers exceed
that number, exclusive of our daily sales !
'l' he Chronicle says its own circulation is
1500. Will any one believe that a:paper
with such a patronage, would be so anxious
to obtain a hundred dollar job, as' to bid
33 per cent. lower for it than any of its
Mr. Washington's Lecture
The hall of the Wirt Institute was filled
- 'with a large and intelligent audience on
Tuesday night last, on the occasion of the
lecture of Retitle Washington Esq. Other
engagements prevented our attendance,
• but we ate assured that the efforts of Mr.
W. were 'entirely worthy his eminent ta.
lents, and that his lecture was fraught with
instruction, and evinced great research and
depth of thought. It was received with
unequivocal mar ks of favor and satisfaction
by all who listened to it.
Where did he stop.—An innocent look
ing countryman, but poorly clad, without
money and without friends,—and about
half tore, (we mean spiritually, as well as
litrrally,) was seen wandering about on
Imil4t r ptinesday afternoon,begging for a nights'
shelter in a sti;re,shop, or any place out of
the cnld,which was denied him. If he 'did'ot
go, home till morning,' we would not give
much for all that's I •ft of him now, as that
• was the severest night that has been expo
tieneed here for.some time.
Snow.—There is about as much snow
on the ground as would do for Queen
Mab's aleigh—if she had one.
`•Them Gigars."—The controversy has
dosed. What comes next?
If any person has lost any spoons they
can call at the Mayor's office.
More rumors.—lt is rumored at Ha:-
'risbitrgh that if Jud,2;e Parsons gore to
Philadelphia, Col. MrClure Cumber
id, or Judge Anthony, of Wiili.onsport,
will succeed the station of Secretary
*e Commonwealth.
Another rutrwr at the same place says
that James Madison Porter, Esq., of Eas
ton, a brother of Gov. Porter, is io be S e e..
irctary of War, in place of Mr. Spencer,
who goes abroad—after the 4th of March.
River-9 feet water in the channel.
Feb 2.—New York, Smith, Lquisville,
Arcade, Ben ha, Cmcinna;i,
Harrisburzh.Smith, Louisville,
Herald, Dawson, Nen 0, Ican=.
The St. Louis Organ of the 231 says
that the River has risen- about 6 or 7 feet,
within the last two days, and is still rising.
'The ice in the Missouri river is hteaking
up. The latan arrived on Saturday from
the mouth of the Gasconade.
NAssm.LE, Jan. , 26.—The Cumberland
is still falling; about four feet and a halF
the Shoals.
The "Lida" is the name of a new steam
boat built at St. Louis.
The Allegheny is full of ice.
Goethe says that love is a sensitive plant,
...labia shrinks at the slightest tmich of vio
Smug-says it must be a fly trap, touch
it arid it holds on like thunder.
Smutch says it is a fly blister—is put
on easy, smarts like fury. sticks like wax,
as d hurts when you take it off.
Loafer's soliloquy to his torn coat.—
Now is a rent - helo to my discontent—may
*nine kind tailor or his son in York. and
all the journeymen that cabbage- in his
..houso—mend it! and in the deep pockets
414 !' of the coat all buried, there find a fip,—
Dr. Brockenbrough has been succeeded
as President of the Bank of Virginia, by
James W. Pegharn, Dr. B. held his of
fice for more than 30 years.
Fare Reduced,
,„ ON the great Central Route •ia..
National road and Baltimore and Ohio
Rail road fare from Pittsburgh to Bal.
thnore,eleven dollars, (ell) Pittsburgh to Philadelphia
thirteen dollars; Pittsburgh to Relay houseell; thence to
•-• Washington City tw•o dollar", total (813)—for through
tickets apply at onr office In Monongahela House, or as
ittimpeiner of the Exchange Buildings,
(City Dailies enpy) President of N. R. Stage Co
-DrssoLcrrrox.—Tlie partnership heretofore exist—
ing between the subscribers doing business as
Cliipentersin4 builders, nodes . the firm of Reed 4. A ns
- :ssay,l4 this day dissolved by mutual consent. Alt
'Whams against the firm to be presented to and paid by
irsk, 'Reed. and all aunts tine to the firm to be paid to the
said Seed, who alone Is nistkitrized to use the signature
Ortbe les Is settlement of the business.
Alallaineny City. January. 28th 1843.
Wil. HEED;
~.- _ - ..
000 D FARM FOR SALE.—A fine Farm contain
Inc. 170 acres, handsomely lying on the west•
bank of the Allegheny river, three and one half miles
above Freeport, It has about 60 acres cleared and a good
f rame dwetling house and a entail log house, stables and
good Improvements, and In a good neighborhood. It has
plenty of coal and limestone, supposed plenty of salt wa•
ter on it. It will be sold together or divided to suit pur
chasers who can make a good payment In hand, and a
good credit on a part. For particulars enquire at Muria'
General Ageary and Intelligence Office Feb I.
'Eleven other cheap Farms for sale as above.
.iln Ordznance makingAppropriationsfor
the year 1843.
Bit ordained and enacted by the citizens of
.11-, burgh, in Select and Common Council assembled,
That , the amount of monies to be collected upon the
persons,professions, trades and property of the City of
Fitteliorgh, made tazahlc, together with the monies DOW
in the 'treasury, as well as all monies arising front rents,
fines, forfeitures, licences, 4-c. algal' lie, and the saior are
hereby appropriated in the following manner, ',17.:
No. I Salaries of City Officers.
Mayor $7OO 00
Treasurer 510 00
City Solicitor 250 00
Wharf Master 500 00
Street Commissioner 500 (111
Clerk of Markets 200 00
High Consintile 300 00
3 cit." Constables eaclis 2,50 750 00
Clerk of Councils each $2,00 400 00
Messengers each $5O 100 00
Recording Regulator 250 00
Siliffi of Water Works in•
chiding Engineer S 1200 00
Asstssor f Reg'r of Water rents 400 00
Asessor of City Taxes for
wffich lie must furnish two C 75 00
setts of Duplicates --$6,125 00
No, 2.
Interest on City lon tin 29,346 70
do on Gas Stock 4,939 00 $94.2. 3 5 70
No 3 Politic Printing 300 011
No. 4 —Engine and Dose Companies
keeping their appnraiffit in repair I .:300 00
No s.—City watch 3:00 00
N 0.6 —City Water Works 4.000 00
No. 7 —Repairing paved Cart ways 1,000 00
No. B.—Cleaning, do do 1.500 00
No. 9.--Redemption of City Scrip 250 00
No. 10.—City loans, Vi 7;
due Wm. Smyth 3.001) 00
di: Ceo Rapp 2.S 000
do A Ilrohneli -2 .500 1)0
do James Ross_ 1,000 Oil
do Batik of Fitishurgh 3.000 00
do iViltiam Barr 5(10 00 12 500 00
No. 11.--Onisiandlng Warrants 3,78; 77
Interest of 1842 4.529 85 8.315 62
No. 12.--Monongahela Wharf 150 00
No: I:l.—Sanitary Fund 100 011
No. 14.--Cor tingent Fund 5000 00
$78.376 32
Ordained and eliarled into a law in Council.., this
30th day of January, A. D. 184:3
Arrtn-r: NV SI. Etc:MAI:M. Pre itiertt
E. J. lloncirrs, Clerk Common Council
Common Council.
A. hTit.l.krt, Clerk
seer l ('nttotcu.
A N Oit DIVA NCR for inrrea3ing the Rent pai , l
IV by the Weigh Master of the .31nrAet.
Sterms I. Be it ordained and errarted hr for citizens
of Pitt.l.ort:h In Select and Common Conocilsa , sembled,
That the rent of the Web4h Scales at the Marko for
the prea tit - year and hereafter. he ti‘ed at one hundred
dollars per annum.
SECTION 11. Be it ordained and enacted by the roll hor
ity aforesaid: That all ordinances:ls to rent of the Wrigl.
House he anti the same arc hero by altered and repealed
On'ained and enacted into a Law in Cou [lei's, tilts 30th
day of Jain:try, A, D 1243
ATTEPT: W Nl. EIC 11 n ADM. President
E. J. nOTIERTS (irrk rt./111111On COUII , II.
JOUN V 111 r-rns, rre,d,nt
A Lcx'n MlT.Lkrt, C' etl .e..•r( Connell.
SOeei ran nr
4NOIt DI N NCErrbaire to them.;: . a. , ter.
et.t . I,JI I, 1 , 1114
bIlr!:11 oli.hrfl: Thal
miirli of the 5111 rth.roh of a., rI,A
Hie 26111 of PA.ru, ri v. Ig2 . i. an 1 - 1,1.11.•• Ihal 11, What
I. 01311• w'irh mrill • of I 1 , I• -mu 01 ..".
Ih(Oh-nod darni,, he and i. lq.ut lit ;lilt,' d so 11,1 11,
••ive hood With stiretie. , ae herelaore i rovilh•d, 1.1 ilo. otim
or Ihrre I hoWand dollar?.
Ordained and enot.eil into a Law in Conerik
flay of Jatsunry A.D. I:;iL3.
ATTICPT: W3l. EI lIRAt M rrceident
E. J. nonkaTe. r'erk Common Cciincii.
Common Council.
JOIN Pn•=idrnt,
A LIICS . R NI ILL *ft, Clerk Select Council.
%VILMA M C. WALL, PhIIII. and Fancy Portrait
and Pieture Frame Alanufaeturrr, .Vv.
Fourth Street Pitts burgh. —Canvass Brosites. Varnish
ke., fur Artists, alwnes un hand. Looking, Glasses. t
promptly framed to order. nepairiog done :.t the .5 lwri
est notice.
Particular iiti chi lon paid to regilditig and johliitig ()fie
cry description.
Pergoits itcz lip ?team B11:41.3 or houses will find it It
heir iitiVon , Pee to Cal/. rip 10
t 001) cheep' Tavern - rent low--tlie only
/1 Tavern staed in the vicinity of East Fairfield--el4lll
miles this Side of New Lisbon, in Columbiana county
Ohin--adjaeent to several other Villages—and in a re•
speriatile neigliimrliood. ou the lead slate road ihrough
(thin--the Tavern house is large and convenient--a good
garden and lar2e food stable rf e. For terms, which us ill
hu low anti aceommodming to a good tenant, apply to
.101 iii Anderson on the premises, or at Harris' General
A:zciicy and Intelligence office. Jon 19.
The A tnellcan Pioneer; an excellent llonthly Pub
liealion. devoted to the object of the Logan Histariral
Society; or to collecting and publishina skete hen relative
to the early settlement and FI:VCCSESiVC iinproven,ents of
our country, •for my rinintry I rejoice in the flower of
Peace "—Logan, Tim ahove excellent work, F.dited by
John S Mltlianus, F. , m, Cincinnati, fur sale at $1.2. for
the lire t volume, and 2,1 continued In monthly Nos and
subscription, at $2 per annum received at Barris' A gen•
cy and Intelligence Office.
Pittsburgh, January 26, 11143.
1 ) It. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, Office in Sinitic.
field, between Second nbrl Third Sid., flours of
lat=inftss from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M.
Dr. E. M. manufactures Procelnin and Mineral teeth.
Dentists can he supplied by the 100 or single teeth. Blocks
of teeth with a beautiful cum in full sets, or parts
of setts, will be made to order at the shortest notice, by
forwarding an exact impression of Ihe mouth. A Ign,
for sale a few machines with emery wheels for s,ri ndi
and BMus mineral teeth so useful to the Dentist—all
wi I It.e sold low for cash. lie , 23.
13R OPOSALS.viII MR received until Wednesday, the
lit h day of February lit xt for the makinz and fur.
nishing, for the V.'S, iron Steamer, building at this place
the Anchors and Chains described as follows, viz:
Three Rower Ancliorg,f run Siork., each weighing 2700
One St ream A nchor, Iron sock, weighing, 900 ;tolintl.3.
One Kedge Anchor, Iron stork, welshing 600 pounds.
One Kedge Anchor, Iron stock, weighing 400 pounds.
Two Chain Cables, 1 3 8 inch Iron, 150 fat homs ear].
One set Shroud,, 918 do. 150 fathoms.
8-16 do. 50 dn.
All to he made of the hest quality Iron, agreeable to
instructions and specTrati - Jos which will he furnished,
and to be subject to such inspection and proofaq the Bu
reau of Equipment niny rrquire; to be delivered at Erie,
Pa., on or before the first day cf July next; the
proposals to state the price per pound, delivered free of
every other ec pense to We Government. For further
Information inquire of the subscriber at the Iron works,
corner of Front and Short sts„ or at the Monongahela
House. S, HART, N. A.
Jan 28—dt8F,
In the Court of Common Pleas of Alleghe
ny County, of March. Term, A. D. 1841,
No. 31.
in the matter of the
,j.q Assignment of Amos Clayton.
And now to wit, January 31,1843. Ac.
eonnt of Thomas Simmons and Wm. M.
Edgar. Assignees of the said Amos Clay
ton presented In open Court and confirmed nisi,and the
Court order that three weeks notice of the presentation
of the same to be Liven by publication In a weekly news.
paper of Pittsburgh, that the account will be confirmed
absolutely,Pnless exceptions be filed on or before the Ist
day of March nest. From the Record.
feb A. SUTTON, Pro.
~ ~~~~.
JOHN Sill ?TON. Pres , l[lr,l
frh. 1.
N. W Corner of Wood 4. Fifth Sts.
Tnx prOprielous of the Sloan ino Poar and MARCONI ,
AND MANDFACI ['DER respectfully Inform their Mends
and the palronaoftho±e papers, that they have a large
and well chosen nerortinent of
eIInICIP MAC 711E"' - 111( 31111.4
icaTX3',IIaIMAIUM - 111.4.6iVAV
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prt
ua:ed to execute
Bills of Lading, Cireularr,
Bill Beads, Cards,
Blank Checks, ❑at Tips•
I[ Roos of 13lankg,
Stage, Steamboat, and Carta/ Boat Bills, with appne
priatc Cats,
Printed on the shortest not ice and roost reasonable terms
We respeetruily ask the patronage of our friends and
he puhtit. in general in It branch or our business.
Pittsburgh, Sep - . 39, 1842. PHILLIPS 4' SMITH,
Bank of Pit toll r 2 It. par
Mercli. 4- Man. bk. par
E cellanze bank, par
Bk. of Germantowr.
Gaston lank,
I.ancasli.r kink, dis, 2
Bank of Cloister Co. par
Fanners' bk Bucks Co.
Doylesao . wn I.k do $.l
ilk of N America Phil. .• I
Rk of Northern Litieitiro.,•
Commercial Ilk. of Pa. •
Par. ti•
Ken,ington bk.
Ptilholt.liihia bk. •
Sclinvlkill I.k.
Southwark I.k.
lL'ustern bk.
Rk. of Pennsylvania, 14
Ilk of Nina . par
Man 4- Mechanics I.k 5
:Mechanic, hk. par
Moyarnensieg I.k. it
Girard ha.ik, 50
U. Stales hank. 60
Warren, --
Frank. 1.1; Waslil..ton, par
Miners bk of Pol isvlle, 10
Rk of 111°1w:ornery Co. par
Mon. bk Brownsville, 11
Erie Bank. 5
11arrishnrgh hank. .9
Far. Lk Lancaster,
Ilk of ‘llddielown,
Rk. of rhanilicrshurgh, Ri
Carlisle hank, 81
Ilk or N or! hombp rla nd, 81
Colurnhia Irk 4. B. cc.
Rk m , a Co- 1I
Rknf Ih•laware Co. par
Lebanon bk.
(1 4 ,1, rut) bk.
Vork hank,
Far. a• Orovers Lk. of
Wa yrl,olll
•• Cu? re vr y note,.
P1ti,411%;11 Siale Scrip, 5 7
Conr,try do do 9
Pe r ks co lank, f 5
f.etvistown, lt;
Mi,tintplr.l,l4tl I k
IL•r h. hk of S'irn.
relmorit IlatrA
Nl.trirtia I.k. itcw:r
hk U
110 ft ts4 l .
do Post mop:
I , :utku,
%tech k Traders Lk of
Clinton I.k or rolurrit,v.v,
Demn nit linfv f .
Circh•vi:t.., (11. r,:iwrence
( :111 r)
Zane.ville irk
nousEs Fon ifEvr.
For Sale or Relit;
ON aecoininoditi In:: tering. a V..ofel. well (Iola! ,
~i, -iL in] two lacy,sehoe D m
o:led Stone 110 C, With
_p_z - a fine I:Ai-ten. Shrubbery, /i.e., and li* acre,: of
zrott rill tinter 'he best runty:llion, with a 2.001 stable and
out tiiiiidings, exeellent Pullin or tl :tier at the door. and
a coot sprint of cot water In the cellar, and every port.
Bible terrinonettoion for n respectable family duiiii4 lot
5111(.8.3 in Poisburilli, as it is but It wilts out on the
Mlnersvllle turnpike, and will he sold or rented to a
flood len:int. Eight acres of ~ortil hind for meadow ur
farulloz eau be had with the above if wanted. The a
bove is the premises which Mr. Alex. Wilson ni.w writ
pie=--for particulars enquire of JNO. lIERRON.
felt 1—..-t 1. 'MI nersville.
FOR RE-VT.--A cousforiaSde new Isrick dwell—
:lliE inz house,isitorite in Coal Lane near 7th 'beet
1 11 11 For terms, which will Ise nloderatc,apnly to
dOTIN 111.1.0SKEY.
der 30--!1. Three Be!. door; idherly "As
FOR 5.3 F:,--The 8sorril.11151! and Lot now
o - chpied by M situate at the corner of
Diamond alley and the Diamond. in Ilse rile or
Piiiissurzis For seems apply to M D.tlyell oil the pretn—
se°, ssr.lislia
I will s oli for cast nr FIVE "OUSES,
on 11. e 4t It si rect road, in the rift of P.tisloirgh.
Three of thrtn are brick and Iwo frame. The
frames are welf ra'rula tell for badness houses; le ing
close to the Court house, They will he sold together or
separately fo suit puichasets. For further particulars
enquire no the p i of JAS. MORRIS,
Jan 7 1843—t I NI Proprietor.
THE 3d story of the bui , diog orenpied by R. A.
flau.onan rig an Auction store.--beretofore known
a s "Nesmith's Long Room.' corner of Wood and 31h
sireels Inquire of R. Morrow. sth si. jan 21.
For Rent,
r r: known an Ike Clinton Colin's,
1 sit nated on the lower bank Alle ,, heny cite, from inv.
Bank lane, possession given on the Int day of A pill lie :I.
G. It. WHITE k l'o,
jrn IG--113 , .v. Market et rent,
To Let,
rip WO STORES on Marl kct vt., between 3d and 4th
st reels
A LSO, two sparlons and convenient rooms in the sec
ond story opening he a !Sall on Market street; well adapt
ed fur Law offices, or for any busing's , - requiring a con
venient and ready access from a business street,
ALSO, the small store room nn Third st... nearly Op.
posite the Post office at present occupied by Brown 4-
Raymond as d Lamp store,
ALSO the Nellt and airy office on 3d st. at present oc.
chafed as the Atheneum.
ALSO, fur rent. several small !rouses near lite dwell
ing house of the soluarrOter In Pitt township, with a few
acres of Land attached to each
jan 13--tf
To Let,
TTIE store room ane dwcltin, On Market st, now oc
copied hs Thos Campbell 4- Cu A ploy to
'VARM FOR SALE,--About eleven small, middle
sized and large farms for sate at from 6 to 50 miles
from Piitrshargb, and at prices varying from 10 to $ lO
an acre--persons wanting to purchase farms. will pleas
call and examine the record at HARRIS'
jan 25. Gen. Agency ¢ intelligence office,
LOTS OR SALE.—Four hots in Manchester. One
and a fourth Acres of I.a•td on Holmes' 11111. Lots
nns. 41, 42,52, 53.54,181,182 and 184, in ecok's plan
of Lots, on lioltne's Hill Also, Lots 4105. 26 and 21, •in
Cook's plan ofLots on High street, near the new Court
House. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
gen 1 0
Q Mids. N, O. Sugar, this day received per steamer New
OR York, and for sale by S.C. 4- A. GORDON.
dee 10.
10, No. 12 Water it
C,•anr.n. 2
Norwalk. 2
Xenia, 2
Dayton, 2
Post nolea, 2
chillicoi he, 10
Fra n. IA ColarrilmA, 2
•G ranyl:le.
Cow. bk. Lakr Eric, 35
Far. hk: of Canton, 50
Urbana 65
Sirtte bk. 4. Brandies 2
Siate Scrip, 50
U 1.1 NO is
lik Rranc6ce, 60
S6awneeirmn, 70
Hank of Vir2lnia. 1,
do Valley, I
Far. hk. of Vi ginid, 14
EKrbant:e bank, 1
s ;• Weßl. Lank 1
%ler. F r Mer. do. lA
Baltimore Banks, par
Coon' ry Bank, 2
it 11 Pankq,
911 13.10,
par and 1
rcAlniry I.:1111;p
a 1
rd Rack , 1 10 1
Poston Ranks,
I 'olll4ll'V 4 -
Orle og ItTtfi t. 411041 . 5:1111
BA Lc,
souTii CA coLt NA
,11;,111.;;. 21
Good Bank 2Q
\I! Bank.. 7
.)f St. 10
no. tlo. 10
C 1N . \
G.• 0.1 fin 111
Erlsierlt Fxclin ogr
N,v k,
Rau 'more.
vvr•iern Exchamze.
Ciari ',ail, par
A'ller Hat., par
i i;(11.1) P JD : 4 11,V EV, par
N. 51. Third st
11011RINTING IN—The subscriber has just- testi.
A red an assortment of Book and News PRINTING
INK, from the old establisher' manufactory of Charles
Johnson, (formerly JOllll5Oll k want) of Philadelphia,
which he warrants to he of the first quality, put up in
kegs of frum 10 to 15 lbs. to suit purchasers.
lie intends to be constantly supplied, and all orders
accompanied by cash; will lie punctually attended.
Washington Printing Ofriec,3,l door west of Maj Irons'
HOtel, sth st. Jan 10-31 w.
oPt SV -
rill.' E subscriber has just received Hs annual supply of
1 Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part ofthe
owing kinds—ali of the last year'scrop dr warranted
Aaparag s Egg Plant, Parsnip,
Beets, Endive, Peas,
Beans, Kale, Pepper,
Leek, Pumpkin, Broscoli,
Lettuce. . Radmh, Borecole,
Water Melon, Rhubarb, Cabbage,
Musk, .. Salancy, Carrot,
Nasturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach,
Squash, Celery, Okra,
Tomatoes, Cur led Cress, Onion,
Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley,
Corn, Mustard, (white and brown)
&e. &c. &c.
Together w I ilia varlet y of Pot 4. Sweet herbs and flower
r,r- Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, kr. from Garden.
era and others will be received And promptly attended
to. P. L. *SNOWDEN,
Jan 11 No. Ig4 Liberty. head of Wood at.
SIO Reward.
STO' EN from Ike stable alba subscriber living three
miles west of Brownsville in Washinelon co. on the
night of the 5111 lost_—e dark brown horse, with a liar
in his forehead, about Ili handy Well, 5 yea rs old.lhin
in flesh, no slirws un hrhind, sliehtiv lime in both hind
feel, has a , ore or scar on the left jiw, nu whet marks
rre of leri
The a. ovr reward %%111 be !ken for the horse and
I hiei.or tivr dolly"; for either delivery of the to I he eutscrh•
het, or to John M Da vi 4, near Pittshtt r. 2 11.119 It I! St rong.
by sn.neried that the horse war taken In that direction .
JUST received. 3.000 Seasonable Buffalo Robes of if•
fcrent qualities from Extra No. 1 to 3.
A lot cf Bear and Cub Skins,
11.000 No. 1 and 2 Muskrat Skins,
A tot el Otterand Raccoon Skins.
All which areofferedat reduced acs fo cash or op
proved entre. Apply to
A. REELEN, at the American Fur Co, Agency,
Oct 12 -3m Corner or Front and Ferry et
AI'S—W. 4. M. DontenTv inform their friends and
I the public that they have commenced manull.cto
ring Hats, and thr.t they have now ready for bale, at
their Store, 148 Liberty street, between Market and 6th
street, an n;sortntent of the very best flats, which t:,ey
are anxious to dispose °fon the cheapest and mos: reason.
able :errns. Their stock consist of the very hest kinds,
v'z.—ft, aver, Otter. Neutria, Cestors.short Nal ped Rus•
ritr and Hats.
k M. Doherty are both regular hred Halters, they
have had extensive expertenee as Journeymen In the hest
esta , di:ltnients In the country; their Hats are all got up
under their own Inspection, a ndthey nitsure the public
that nothing but the very heft articles on the roost rea
, ona , de terms will he offered ''or ?ale. rep 10
R FOR SAI. 1: —Poplar plank, boards.
ILA wrnther boa rcl i and Scant lin:. A Iso ‘Vh ite oak
1%, rd.: of v:irinu= lenVl thiCknei , A, whe,l Orion for
hark •!..'•tart+..en.. of varlort; and 91-
zos, by wholesale or retail. A poly to
Prr. 21,1.111.13 --2 m.
rpRACT anti Saltitaih Sr.hoot Papers jo_i received
(root New York :1000 of the
Youth's. rtoperanre A droca•e, for January 1, 1843
an excellent and cheap paper, f o r farnillea youth,
ivith n St.thrialli School, Signior the Pleke kr. at 12 cis
per year. or 1 cent rash. 'Pentperance Hymn Rooky.
I‘'ayl t itt2ion Harpy, Tempt ranee Lyre., Sons 4-c. 300
c onves simml Total .AltYlittenre Society Speeches, and
Dr Sewtory Ptates and Paihnlmsy. Temperance Lee.
Fah(rs, 4,-; and Temperance Medal=.
500 Temperance certificates for adults and youth: 1000
s mo lt s o ithistit School Books from 1 to 121 cents each,
500 Temperance and Christian Almanacs( for 1843
woo enelisb, Cerntan, Welsh and French tracts, and
vari iv of very cheap Sabbath School Rooks, and Day
School Rooky raper and Stationary for sale on accotn.
dati, , lent , . in any quaniity to suit purrlinYerY.
Jan 23, 13.13. ISAAC: HARMS.
41,ent and Con Merenl. Nn 9, 5111 scree
P.,l l elany. Tailor, No. 49, Liberty St.
2nd Door above Virgin .Riley
II Ait.:,:ocn,i,,,o,lef.st
n i e m r. r .t t l n , s r s d o i r m l n o t n r;t
nod plait. heaver
cloth frock and overcoat.; heavy fine and Common pilot
cloth velvet tritninell,and plain; every description of dress
and frock cloth coats, fashionable colors and fresh cloths
plate and fancy rassinel pant., cloth and satinet do. of
sopetior quality' every description of vests suitable for
the easott, and will I e sold low for cash. Persons wish.
ing t . nave fashionable garments made of She hest ninteri•
al will and them at this establishment. Making warm)
ted equal loony in the c:ty. A fail stuck of goods are on
hand to make to order.
Messrs, B Donaghy and Thomas McCanre are at this
eAradishment and will be much pleased to have a call front
their several friends. Good fits Insured or no sale.
Pittslittrgh, Her. 1, 1842. TP
WIRT LECTURES.—Fourth Course.-The Lec
ture Cantimitee of the Wirt institute have the
pleasure of laying before the public, the following lis ,o 1
gentlemen who have consented to Lecture. vie:
nee J W Bakewell, I ntrodurtory Lecture.
John L Gorr. Esq, Washington.
Prod'. H J Clark, Meadville College.
Bon. Wen Wilkins, Pittsburgh.
Proff. A B Brown, Jefferson College.
David Richie,F=q., Pittsburgh.
Reed tt askington, Esq ,
ProtT..Blex.'r T McGill, West. Theo. Sr nilnnry.
Francis Johnston. Esq., Pittsburgh.
Troll% J Barker, Meadville College.
W II Lowrie, Esq., Pittsburgh.
Rev James L
Prof. Rich'd S Itl'Colloah, Jefferson College, will de
liver suvernl Lectures on Ast ronomy, embracing its rise,
progress and destiny. Revd Washintton, Esq., will also
deliver several Lectures on the subject he may select.
Arrangements are in progress io engage Professor Sil•
!Minn, of Yale College, In deliver in our city, a roll course
of lectures on Geology: also n Ith Josepn R. Ruchttnan,
'on Neurology. Other eminent Lecture's will he invited
In visit our city, when II mny be In the power of the In
stitute to engage their services.
The Lectures of this courre will lie on Liternry and
Scientific subjects exclusively. and It is hoped from the
eminent ability or the Lecturers, and the interesting na
ture of the subjects, that our citizens will liberally pa•
trnnige this laudable enterprise. The Iron City should
not be behind sister cities in her encouragement of science
and literature. The proceeds (If any) will be appropri
ated to the enlargement of a Library, already an honor
to the city.
al-Course Tickets, admitting a lady and gentleman,
32, and may I , e had of either of the Ceminntee. and at C.
11, Kay j• Co's Book Store, Monongahela and Exchange
!totes, and at Berford's.
Lectures commence on Thurrdas evenicir, Dee 1.
W. W. ‘V I LEON .
JOHN 9, COSOR AVE, }Committee
WM it, SCA I FE, 1
n 24-1 in JO6l B. SF.MPLE. J
TUT7'LE ha this day received from New York, a
fresh anpoly of Hewes' Nerve and' Hone Liniment,
and Indian Vegetable Elizir,a positive cure for Rileuma•
tism, Hoot, Controlled Cords and Limbs—also
Goarawrz Polars Statile, for completely and perma
nently eradicating superfluous hair from females' upper
lips, the hair concealing a broad and elevated forehead.
the stubborn beard of man, or any kind of superfluous
hair. Price $1 per bottle.
Goatraud's Eats de Hamar, or True, Water of
This French preparation t horouxitly exterminates Sallow•
ness, Freckles, Pimples, Sores, fllntchea, and alt cutaneous
e nations whatever. Realizing delicate white hands.
neck andarms, an d eliciting a he thyjnvenile
bloom ~-
Aleo. sevetal other valuable a totes, too numerons to
mention. The genuine sold o, y at
n - re-tt TUTTLE'S AIETYICAL JIO,EAVT: 36ltlsat•
wanly yarmue.
THE mbar, niers rrerteclnally cull the tittentiort 'of
their hien& and the politic generally, In their pre.
sent assortment of Paper Ildnfiq is, which contain. , a
large and eitenstee variety of patterns of the followl
descriptions ) whith upon Inspection will be found to be
ofsoperior quality and
Unglazed Wall Paper", of all descriptions, fer pa,lering
rooms and entrles,vt 2O cents per piece,
Glazed Wahl Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for
paperingrooms and entries. at 37} cents.
.American Wall Paper, of their own tnattufatittre, for
halls; Fresco and other styles for parlors and
cliambers.on fine satin glazed grounds.
Frenrh Wall Papers, Decoration and Fresco patterns, in
plain and rich colors,go/d and silver paper.
Velvet and Imitation Borders.
Landscape Papers, In setts, for papering hotels, halls
and dining rooms, at reduced prices.
Fire Board Prints, Statues, Ornalsotts,
Window Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different to
fors. _
Western merchants and othersare respectfully invited
to call and examine their stock and Fir ices, off which last
a liberal discount will be elven for cash.
From long experience in the I uslness, they are able to
manufacture papers In a superior manner, and ns they
are determined to keep up the character their papers
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re
ceive t he encouragement hltherioso liberally extended.
No 49, Market street, between 3d and 4th
Pillsbrirgh, Srpl, 19. 1842—davvil
JOHJV JIrCL'7BSEY. the old orlginat, hat, on hand the
r ost splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered
Wes illy nock is large, and lam disposed to sell at tho
lows I possible price. Mystock is heavy, and as the sea.
son is advancing, I wilt sell at lower prices than ever. I
ask only the pleasure of a call, feeling confident that a
ook is sufficient. Beware of Counterfeits. Remember
YEME `. n0v.23,184
LAntra Ovza SElol[ol.—The Ladies can now do away
with all kinds of over shoes, can walk through the wet
streets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept perfect.
IY dry:can wear tight shoes without having their corns
pain them; and eau have their short; wear twice as long
as ever, If they will use the ceebrated Om or TAmts,whieh
will make leather water proof, and render it as pliable
and soft as kid. It's an article well worth their notice,
and one which they will all value highly, as soon as they
try it. To Itc had only at TUTTLE'S
MIDICAL AGICNCY, 96, Fourth RI reel.
Price, $1 per boll'e. Jan 9
NOTICE,.—I have taken Unt letters or administration
on the estate on John Wilson. late of the City of
Pittsburgh, dec'd. All poisons indebted to the estate of
the said deceased, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to me at my residence In Penn it. near klarhury.and
those who have claims are requested to prevent them
duly prohated. J P WILSON,
MOLASSES. -16 barrels Molasses.
For sole by JAIkIES MAY
WI F:LDER. Attorney at Law; 011
Bakewelt's RaiWings, •early opposite thoe in
Court !tonne. nn Grant street. imp e New
BUCK WHEAT—Received from Harmony 15 half
barrels Buckwheat Fluuromilable for families, for
5, ale by ISA AC CRUSE, .
j.m 5 143 Liberty s,.
In store, Family Flour, a superior article for Bakers
2000 BUSHELS OF FLAX SEED. for hlch the
hl^hest price in milt will he give'
JAMES DICKEY 4. co Agts.
:Mechanics Line corner of Literty and Wayn areets,
Pittsburgh. uct '42.
LlBRARYolßeligious,Hialorlcat,PollUeal and M is
crllaneous Works, will be open every day, !UMW h ex.
cepled. 7 o'clock, A. M.. until 9, M., In the Ex
change Building, corner of St ;Clair street and Exchange
alley. wnere ,Hilsetua I attendance will be given by
rep 10 J. GEMINI!.
Unrivalled Blacking.,
VIANUFACT USED and sold wholesale and retail
171 Simi STREzr, one door below Smithfield.
oct 21—Iy.
JT. STEWART, Upholsterer and Paper Hanger,
• No. 49. Fitt hst rcpt. between Wood and Smithfield
dts. flunk and Straw Malts:mei always on hand All
orders executed with neat ness a nd despatch, on arson' mo.
sating terms. sep 20-19
ROBERT PORTER, Attorney at Lato.—Oatee
on thr corner of Forth and Smithfield sta. pep 10
ATTORNEr AT LA' W. _Office in Bears' Boliding,
Fourth street, rittPimreh. Nov. 5. 1842-
KEEN APPLES.—Just rec'd from Bellvernon, 56
bhls. of Romonile apple., which 1 sell for 50 cents
ni•r barrel. ISAAC CRUSE,
jen :0 143 Lfheri v St.
CORN .VEAL.--CO bu.nels fresh ground sifted Corn
Meal, In barrels containing 3 bushels, at 73 cents
per barrel;
In store _Family Flour by the tram].
WM.E. AUSTIN, Attorney nt Law, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Office in 4th street, opposite Burke's Building.
Wrcusse E. A varlet, E-q., will rive his attention to my
unfinished husinesri, and I recommend him to the patron-
age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD.
rep 10—ly
Dt. A. W. PATTERSON. i.rffiee. on Smithfield street,
near Sixth. sep 10
JOIIN BUTTER WORTD, Auctioneer and Commis.
Ilion Aferehant, I.onisville, ST., will attend to the
sale of Real Estate, Dry Goods,Gtoceries, Furniture, k e .
4-c• Rpgioars:iirg ev,,y Tuesday, Thursday. and Fri
day mornings, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made
on consignments. sep 10
OYSTERS, SARDINES. 4.e.; served up In the best
style at A. Hessen* No. 9 Fifth steert.
armaments are appropriated to gentlemen accompanied
by ladles. Also all kinds of Cakea and Confectionary for
parties, weddings, etc., for sale by
nov 19—if. A. NUNN ER,
Family Flour. '-
100 BARRELS Extra Family Flour. Jam received
and for tirt'e by J. W. BURBRI ME, 4- Co.
Water Street, between Wood and Smithfield.
Jan. 16th. 1843.
H T. PRICE, Wholesale and Retail Baker, Con.
feetloner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near the
Diamond, Allegheny ell y.
Every variety of Confectionary and Ornamental
Cakes, suitable for weddings and parties, manufactured
from the best materials, at short notice. nov 16
GF:OROE W. 1.4rX0. Attorney at Law. Office
N 0.54 Fifth st reel. near the Theatre, Pittehurgh,
sep 27-1 y
SUOJIR, -71,1CICERE 1 . 4c.-16tulds. Prime .!SL 0
10 Tierces Rice.
15 Kers Shad, Assorted
20 BI•lot. N 0.3 Mackerel.
Now landing from S. B. Culler, and for sale low by
B LOOMS. --25 tone Bioolllll in More and for ea le by
Jan 2 1243. Water between Wood 4 Smith
JUST received— -20 dozen good Corn Brooms,
5 do 1: S Ales,
150 lb fresh Roll Butter;
500 cuts Carpet chain;
4 dozen Socks;
Agent and Commisainn Merchant
FOR SALE on accommodating terms--
1000 quartor angers escorted. 10 doz c. a. ales,
shovels and spades. 150 ps cheap yelper hangings. 500
eutscarpet chain. '2O doz corn brooms. 250 doz win
dow sash and glass to suit. Na ifs and brads, hay forks
and grain shovels. ISAAC HARMS,
Agt. and Com, Merchant.
No 9, Fifth street.
cr •
• .
°I3 GII " CAI 4)
iv a ante nnJ certain care for Coughs, Colds
Asthma. Sore Throat. Fait's Weakness of the
Breast Whooping Coszh. Hoarseness, frritalion,of the
Throat. and many di.4ea.ees leading to t Ilf . Coasereprinn.
Try it—oniy,6; per roll—prepared and sold Whole•
saleand Retail by H. T. PRICE, Confectioner, Federal
st—Altegheuy City, and tile principal Dru*.isto of Pitts.
Be sure you ask for Priee'sCornpound Cough Candy.
now 17—tf.
. -~----~
/... dr
4 11 1
1 I Pik
we i 0 ii
-, ---.7.-:- ..- ....... _
Passage and Remittances to and frogs Groat Britain sea
/11111 E subscribers having concluded their artangentetti
for extending their husiness,are at all times prep! ,
red make arrangementx for ',rinsing ant pa.sengera bif
ships (tribe first class, American built, and commanded
by careful and experienced men, who lire well and 'aver
ah!y known In thetrade. Line I einz tht eldest mit
of the port of New York, It is hardly necessary to par
that the arrangements are mature and complete. and
from the fact that a yeast I IS sent out every six days, It
is evident that no unnnecessnry delay to passengers sate
occur, A f•ee pasine per steamboat front Ireland of
Scotland, can be engaged, and when those setthui for els•
cline coming out, the money is always refunded is tblll
parties from whom it was received, without deduction,
Old established Passage Offire,273 Peal! at,
10 Gorce Piazzas, Liverpool.
Drafis and exchanges at sight, and for any emOuoi
can be furnished on B. C. Glynn j- Co., Bankers, Lore.
don, It Grlinahasv k Co., Liverpool; the National !hall
of Scotland; National Bank of Ireland; and Northerd
Banking Co. Apply to PETER. RATTIOAN.
Chatham street, near the Fourth street road, °Divine
the Welsh Church. &it 8 3111
DR. - DJXIEL .AkME.4.L. Office nrEFirth street
between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh.
dec 1(1-1y.
WM. STEELE, (:ccessor to H. 51*Closkey) Fasts.
iomOle Boot Maker, Liberty st., 2d door Dow
Virgin Alley. The subscriber respectfully informs %WI
public that he has commenced the above business in the
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry Ill'eloskeY l
and that he Is now prepared to attend to all orders in WO
line °Dinginess with despatch and on the most reasonable
terms. From his long experience In the manufactnrs of
Fashionable Boots, he feels confident that all at - Udell
from his establishment will give satisttiction to his pa.
from. A share of public patronage is respectftttly sotietta
ed. Orr 14
PITTSBURCH, OCT. 22, 1844.
J. DetratNo—On Friday:the 30th of last month, shout
9 o'clock at nleht.the Flanlng.Groovins: end Sash Man.
ursetory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4. Co. with a lame
quantity of dressed and undressed !amber, wasall comm.
med by fire.
The Iron Safe which T bought of you Dome time !melt
was in the most exported situation doting the fire. and
wax entirety red hot —I am pleased to inform you tt Wll/
opened at the dote of the tire.and_ntl the books, paper*,
.le.saved;—thirii the hest recommendation T can give of
the utility of your sare!..
oet24—t f Tfir.MAS SCOT
IT R. Shop, NO, 69 Second si, between Wood and 9mlth•
Reid. where a actirmi assortment of Furniture may be
had at reduced prices for cash.
The superiintly of I hose Icdneads, consist In MI
fastenings, which for durnhilily and ease in nuntiiir up
arid taking down, is not ego:died by any oilier now In
use—and to all such its would consult 1 heir own comfort
In their nit!htly slumbers it should he remembered that
all classes of the Lug family are fa: tared ott: by these
r?" Rights for tounl les, DiA rici a, or Stairs for eels y
JOHN FOWLER, Pateroce...
We, the uodersigned. doreriify that 'Are have Oran:tn.
ed the above Bedsteaa Faslet ings,and have no hesitation_
pronouncing them the beet now In cue—COMille Up
fu. ')to the representation In the shove advertisement.
Wn. nraham jr., JosepbColtart,
Wm, ruin.
John 11.*:Gill,
novl. —3m
hlcLo6At D. Cottit •S. • .•. • . LOYD R. COULICAN.
COLEMAN ¢ CO.flenc‘t Agents. Fortvnrding DOlt
Commission bletehanil to see Pt teet, Viet* Imre,'
Miss They re.neet fully so lei t rnwl.l2vmpntx. 1121... tr
Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory.
ONST.IXTLY on hand a suncrior cf Lard
k_./ Oil, warranted to burn at any tenie.rature, any*
final to the be9t winter strained Sporm Oil, Wlllloit
ita olTpn.lve rinalitieF, and one third rilrapOr. Malt.
tilaclurrd by the cubscrlher at the old stand. Th!rd
ncarly opposite the Poet Office. DI. C. EDEY.
jan 4,1843
WE would advise all persons who maybe
afflicted with Gaut. Rheumatism, Sprains.
Contracted Corda and Limbs, and any stiffne.s of
the hack or body, which may be brought on by
Colds or Exposure to the Weather, to call at TUT.
Tut's 86, 4th street, awl procure a bottle - of the
above Liniment, which will give immediate re.
ief and atria a certain cure,
I.IW- Turns has also a first rate assortment
of Havanna cigars and VirginiaChevving Tobaceo.
J 18, 1842.
PIG ACETAL.-5.3 ton; Pig bletal In Enre,and Cot
sate hy J. W. BURBRIDGE t'o.
Jan 24. Witte, et. between Wood 4 Smithfield
E. H. Heastings,
man Watson, 4th street, nest door In the Bank
Pittsburgh; where applications for Regulating, Purvey
ins, Laying out and Dividing Landed estates, will be
reedA, Bond., Motigngrs, kc. executed with legal
accuracy and despatch.
Pittsburgh, Jan. 261.843.-3 t
WILY are Dr. II tbbeeells Family PHIS
held In !‘nett 104h:estimation. by the %undyed& or
families In this city who now keep them constantly oil
hand? Because the effect of these Piths on the atom.
arh is such as not to glace. Netther do they strain
the lirer so as to throw off black hilet•ttnt hey throw Q
the yellow bile freeiy, They ere the hest ever fold
for Dyspepsia, Read dehe, Rheum/sun. K r For
'diseases' peculiar to Females. tory are now uetd el,.
tensivety and give _rested satisfaction,
Thee excelleat Pits arc for safe in Pittargegilt oar,
at TUTTLICII—S6 4th 12i cehis,Per box.
Jan 31
_ _
- .
MUTE; lire is in full opera! inn, and it rives Pitts,lmre%
1_ (tail; at 6 o'clock, A AI, via Washlnr s oon Pa, and the
National Road, to Cumberland, ronrectine there with
Rail Road Co.s to all the above phres. Traveirre will
find this a speedy and comfort ablY route, It In in: a semi.,
rate and distinct Pittsburgh and Co rubcrland lire. faer.t.
ties will I. afforded which have not !tyro heretofore el.
toyed. Passengers win Iv taken tip anti Ell Bohn et the
Monongahela H 011 3 ,, erehan ts.'A merican and Er , i.ente
Dent any billife in the vir•inity or bee platits.-+
Extra conches furnished at the shoric-d notice, with the
privilmte of goinir through direr!, or of taking one night's
rest, at their option.
For Brats apply atttte nfftee In fit Clair ' , tree!, WIWI
of the Exeharne Hotel, or at the uffi,e In Water el, nut
door to the I•nonphela Howe.
President of the Nationl toad bop Compeep.
I C Acissee.Xerl. Jaa Lr{K•
Jacob I:ogde*.
George Singer.