Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 27, 1843, Image 2

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    of January, 1842, the proceeds of this lax
tare stated at 63.3.000, instead of $l.OOO,
%DO. Now, why are the people willing io
give $70.000 000 to 4,500 people, f,ir
tlVl:wftit«ir and will not pay $l,OOO,
WO for the how', of the State ? I he--
bailie the robberies vf the batiks irive kft
thitib without the means.
The Time Prolonged.—Tho J out nal of
'esiwitneree has the lollowing tidings, Lich,
if true, are exceeding comfortables show -
iiss es they do, a respite ut the word fr o m
4lestruction, for a thousand years, h, in; a
.considerable postponement of Milleristo.
These modern prophets should brush up
thetr'srithmetic a tittle brighter, and not
frighten folks so with the r bad cyphering:
is understood that Miller and his as
46,tyclates have recently carefully renewed
iheralculation upon which they found the
prophecy of the near approach of the end
olihe world, when an s,rrcr was discovet
fd in the footing of one of the columns of a
thousand years. This is a very imporiant
triewovery just now—it will dispel the un
c'Etßiness about so sunden a go.otr, and give
promise that we are yet to witness the
tng of many a bubble. and realize the en
joyment of many a panht b e f o re th e and o f
all things. The 'ascension robes' which
many of the Milleriies on Long Island have
provided themselves, ore not likely to be
Ty!tinny at Sva
We believe more horrible deeds are clone
at sea, among its, sparse and transitory p‘ip-
Illation, than over the densely inhabited
'earth. Every ship almost becomes, after
it leaves one shore, and hefoie it retches
another, the scene of s - orne shocking troge.
dy, which wibuld convul:e. ;1 whole COMllill
inty of honest, virnous farmers, v% hose
natural instincts are kept heat ly by the
inoral influence of society, and the just res-
ErinsibiLity it imposes, Upon the solitude
of the ocean, the despot, who has no law
but his will, becomes as r tnorse!ess as the
'shark. .
From the N. 0. Tropic.
A murder exposed.—Y eet•rd iy morning
a man made the fillowia- statement before
Recorder Bald‘‘ in; but as no prosecution
has been regularly corn retired, we will
suppress names, and only speak of the affair
as we heard it. Some time in last July, a
certain ship !ell this Inv Great Urit
Previous to her sailina, a voting En;:, , ltsh
lad, while in a state or intoxicmon, was
shipped us an able sealnan on board this
v6esel, when in fact he should only have
been rated as a raw hand. The second
mate, ending the lad nut to answer his ex
pectations, heat hiin in a most unmerciful
manner; and when scarcely able to crawl
about from the treatment he had received,
co was made one day to go aloft, in order
to grease and scrape the masts. While in
this situation, he accidentally let fall a cop
per pot full of filthy slush upon Ilte deck,
and be was actually commanded An come
d own , and m ade to lick op what he had
spilt! From this and other brutal usage, be
fell sick and died. While on his deathbed,
he called our informant to him; desired him
to write to his father, and to say in his let
teethat he was killed by the manner in
which he had beely used. The person to ' 1
Whom this desire was male known, imme
distely called three of the s hip's crew to the
side of the dying boy, in order that they
Might hear and testlfy to his last words. As
soon as they arrived in f.ondon, our
roam proceeded to the house of the Ameri
can consul, who trick down the depositions
cif the witnesses. and promised to send the
ca . pkAin and second mate home irors; but
Wilißibow or other he failed to do so, and it
, .
iis stated that the two a,7cused are now in
this port—one in command of a vessel, and
the other promoted to the station of chief,
mate. ,The boy died on the , Ith day Au—
gust, 1842, and was buried in the Gull (if
Mexico. Our informant states that his
desth was occasioned by beatings and ilk
usage received at the hands of the second
mate, and that the poor bogy's Irrnlis, from
his feet up to his abdomen, were in a state
of mortification even before death.
The Recorder sent the narrator of this
Shameful transaction before Bailie P e yton,
ers., the United States district attorney, and
in a few days the wh.)le affair will be devel
/*ed to the public.
Oh Dear! Oh!—The editor of the Al
ban)! Microscope who is always to
things he 'hadn't otter,' }ward the following
confab the other day between a man and
his wife:
'My dear, youv'e always mended up
onr old chainy ware when it got broke—
now there'sthat of 1 teapot has ,eot its dear
pose knocked otT agin,dew mend it on,love,
160 n't ye?'
'No Susan,' reoliei thy ! zood twin, rot..
ling up bis eyes like a duck in a fit t h e
s parr i s h c hnl4 'no, it ain't n i u s e . W e
never use that teapai in the winter, you
'That's true, love, but we ounll Want. it
'Summer !' roared the Inp:hand in a
voice of thunder, intended as h tough im
itation of the great trumpet; • S uijimer ! w h o
Joks or summer, seed time tit,d harvest
They are things of the past, and belting no
mere to the future. No, Susan! We nev
er shall .want that old teapot ag .in—the
.3d Of April winds up the affairs of this
alrth, and make,. d—d small beer t:f teas
. Oats with broken noses.'
'Oh &Ott, ohl' cried the pour worry,n;
What shall I do? There's that nett bon
4let trimmed with red ribbins, and that are
bran, fire span neu silk gown not much
half moored out! and that neu tin
Allies pin—and the baby's 'rocco shoes! and
Abefslined cradle !! alI a•goin' to smash
,}ore they are half worn - eout,
,in the uni.
.fflokrairtlhiortailr of the airth !'
1-is universally' enaceaed, that the
vorto-iceett itry_ in wet heather is to eat
L4l 110
Ping PRELIMS?, • " • Stay W r -
viols has passed an act prohibiting the ask of any
JAMES BUCHANAN, property on execuliou, unless itheings 4:two-thirds
f!-.ANnject wine decision of a iiinifonal Convention. is valite,—not two-thirds of the present value,
but two-thirds of its value "in ordinary times."-
ILY MORNING POSTplaintiff who hastaken iv property execution,
• it o other person will ge the twosthirds of the
estimate vdlue, must Like it himself at that price ;
rotturs wms. 0. smi rH, EDITORS VID PROPRIZTORS Wll/1111 a year, or lose his p - efertnce over Littler
gment creditors-
The Hit was not a party question, but was
.lously advocated and opposed by members of
di party.
FRI DAY, J.INUAFtY 27, 1813
See First Page.
More Growling.
The appearance in our paper of 'rues- passed in all the Southern and South-western
states. Many of the people of those States are
thy. of the interestinff correspondence that
largely in lebted to our northern manufacturers
ti irk place between Gen. SASS anti a 11111T1-
• for their productions, and these Stay Laws are
her of our citizens, has excited the wrath th e th , e most uuctual means to prevent them from re
nt' the "Chronicle of the Crows Nest," and ahzing, any portiJn of their claims. The jealousy
in yesterdays paper they assail us for this of distant or foreign creditors will readily induce
ty't of courtesy in a manner perfectly char-I theleg,ish,tures to perpetuate such vexatious enact
acteristic of the spirit thut governs the black men's, ant ri die creditor weariness and disgust,
mail journals generally. When any of the;
i ' ready to sell his dem end for a trifle or abandon
it altogether. It is to remedy such evils as this,
distinguishe .1 men of our country visit our
that a bankrupt law is necessary. Under its pros
city and are received by our citizcns with-.
visi„ns, it ia p,ssible to force same of these debt
out distinction of party, we feel bound, ors (inany of whom we able to pay) into bunk_
when requested, to publish tile proceed - rupicy, and an equal listribution of their assets.—
lugs incident to their reception; and when The moral certainty of this will wring pi ) merit,
they happen to be men who have been dis• from men who, protected by :Aide stay laws
would hidd on to the la,t and defy th it honest atid
tinguishcd by the f2vors and confidence of
I pert aps i.atf.•riiig c reditors. We can not ace the
the Democratic party, it gives us additional
, me of •dav laws to the poor man—the act passed
I to nolice and approve the respect thts'state has c ertainly mit been of advantage no
sun} w n them. Gen. Cass Is tine of these; the disutute debtor; and the operation or' su h co
llo has been cherished by the democracy, : : ctments w d,ubti'ss the same every where j
and his high talents have been properly ap
preciated and rewarded. But he is neit h er
their first nor second choice fur the Presi
dency; nor is there the slightest chance that
he will receive the nomination of the Na-
Ilona! Convention. Our po-ition on this
question is well known, and we feel certain
is approved by the democracy, and it is
therefore labor lost for the pimps who cater
for the Chronicle to suppose, that they can
effect us with the democratic party by pay•
ing that venal sheet to iiisrcpresent us.
They ought to know that vi hat !rile respect
the public ever had for the statements o f
that journal, has lon l r, since been destroyed
by its mercenary course, and tli . men who
have been detect:A in the, his,st acts of
treachery and ingr.itioele to,‘ aid the man
who feeds them, and who, if eve are rightly
infiirined, are even now maiming a
project to break down his paper, are nut
the proper instruments to ri , .e in injuring
us in the estimation of our politic al friends.
We must apologize to our readers for oc
cupying so much space in noti ing this
matter, as we know the public does not ex
pect that charges from that source should
be repelled, as it has lung since been a set
tled question that the Chronicle may assail
any one with pet ftct impunity. lint wr
thought it necessary to inform those w'ro
"fetch and carry" for them, that they are
known, and we also deemed it a proper op
portunity to give the publisher a hint of the
project that the rats have in contemplation,
to desert his sinking ship and t I start a pi
ratical craft of their own.
A man mnr(Pred bp 11.1 s'ave.— A num rn:lned
11. m. was 'killed on the zitit inst., near Greenville,
['elm., by 0,,e 01 . li;' slay, s. It seems that the de
ceased and two of his slaves were engaged in cov
ering a c , al•pit, when some alteration took place
between the master and about his manner or uor
king,. which instigated the servant to cion in it the
minutes in the transmission, informs the
horrid deed, will a coaling
di 'vet' The lint blow 1 New York merchant's correspondent at
received entered at the edge of the hair, ii issing i
'..\i,' w Orleans of the receipt of a certain
down to the ear, severing all the flesh from the
bow:. The seiculid blow was just adore the ryes,
document, and gives him orders to pur
across the forehead, pens rating half through the, chase 25 bales of cotton at 9 cents per
•kal.—The t:iird bluw (.efter Mr It. had Cal en) pound, and 300 barrels of pork at 6 cents
was across the throw, severirg bidli arteries of, per p oun d. A transaction like this now
the neck, and cutting the throat from ear to car. I
requires at least four or five weeks.
The demon in human form finally took up a mats l
Considerable of a difference between 3
tech and struck it through the neck bone, leaving
minutes and 4or 5 weeks, we should say.
the corpse, fastened to the earth. The murderer i ,
was immediately arrested, and a special emu t has _
VurmOrts.—An effort was made in the
been called to investigste the Case. Mr Rea,
says the Greenville, S.C. Mountaineer, „, a , an Illinois Legislature to repeal the chatter
honest,industrious and wealthy man —a kiwi mss- granted the Mormons of Nauvoo. but it
tr r and most estimable citizen was laid on the table by a vote of GO yeas
to 43 nays. A brother of Smith, the pro-
Ne , ro Philosophy.—The ni go, lid wli i lately phet, who is a member ofthe House, made
pu t nut the eyes at a little white boy at Bi,ltimnro
a violent speech against it
by throwing a cup of vitriol in his lace, did it, as
it appears, merely t , i try u phdo-nphi , ;al experi-
lent. The name of the p'lllo-oplier I, 1, not
Cock e. Ile :lid sevcr,ll of ins c.kred a,s .ciates
had procured the vitriol fir the purpose ()I' throw
Mg it o some e,lored girl, who co ih. m
They v. tilted soine time, anxi,us
lor the spor., but the girls d.d it a pptai ; be.
Nunkr2 t ff,
ng kayo rft' wrlmut an experiment-
sup:: they tried it on the face or the in
y-uvig bhick are in
11. C
thc light hands to meet with their destrts
Death.—A Fir email on the Balt.
and Washington Rail Road was struck up
on the stomach by the short pole attached!
to the car, %vbile he was under the plat- 1
form, trying to connect the two cars, we.
paratory to their departure from the city
the next morning. The poor sufferer di
d from the effects of the intermd injury
lie received in about three quarters of an
hour after he was struck. He only spoke
twice and said, am very much smashed.'
'Lord, have mercy upon me.' His name
was Haynes.
A New Idea.—A Mr. Parker, a mem
bur of the, Texian congress from Houston
county, has introduced a bill providing
that but two lawyers shall be allowed to
practice in each coaoty, and that the) shall
be elected by the people!
[We may , xpect to see such laws as the above
The Picayune states, that a man was re
cently taken before the Recorder, on the
c harge of stealing umbrellas• lie at
tempted to justify his Conduct on the
ground that established usage had sanc
tioned the taking and carrying away of
umbrellas as a justifiable act.
Wood vs Stone.—Dublin and Cork are
to have wood- n pavements. Scotch fir is
the timber—teu shirtngs the squate yard,
;he cost.
woman's tongue has been found cc pa
ble en actual experiment, lately, to mov
2u91 Limes in a minute !—Think of that
and weep.
Whoever is honest, genet ous, coulte .
~us, honorable, and candid, is a true gen•
ilernan, whether learned or unlearned,
rich or pour.
A ('fiance for Soinebody.—The Compis
ler. published nt Richmond, in Louisiana,
in the Palish of Madison, has the follow
ing paragraph, whi.•ll some people v;i11
readily attend to. The editor says:—
'Our town is without a tailor or a shoe
maker—there i 3 not a pound of nails, a
bedcord, piowline, or a candlestick fot
sale in the place. Give us a hiu fot a
Compiler—mcrchandize wo dd be a bet
ter busines-.
Dr. Scudder, an occulist of repute, re
cently die 1 in t he Albany almshouse.
Goinr , it mil 1. —Professor Morse, in a
commutiicatimi relative to his Electro
at telic 'Telegraph, gives the following
ple f 'commercial communications,'
w Lich could he:llFt ttnitted floni N. V. to
New Orleans in three minutes.
Yre., Dec. 21, rcc. Buy 25 bale , c,at 9, and 300
I).,rk aL G
['hese are 36 , igns, ‘Nilich take only three
It is said that Van But en wi I be nomi
tutted fur the Presidency by the N. Y
The M issachuseits Legis'ature will
probably repeal all :existin .4 laws relative
to the sale o f ardent spirits.
1-bolt's Hotel, N. V. has been sold at
auction for '...i1.000,00131i
Rather Cool.—The Baltimor boys are
swim ming
Fresh shad have been caught in the Del
aware and Raritan canal.
A fellow named Woodmanson has sloped•
leaving the editor of the Crawford Dem
ocrat minus 13 dollars. Pass him found.
The St. Louis New Era of Jan. 14th
says: It may be a matter of interest to
distant readers to know, that the river is
nearly clear of ice, and that navigation, at
least to the South, may be resumed with
safety. The weather is mild, and 'llia
may soon be expected.
Isaac Hill is again achis work of disor
ganizing in New Hampshire. We hope
the "radicals" will give him a quietus this
time which will be remembered. '
In the Senate, Mr. Archer presented a
petition in favour of the 200 million land
scrip sheme t,f Mr. VT. C• Johnson.
Messrs. Buchanan and Bayard presented
petitions against the repeal of the bank•
rupt law.
Numerous other petitions on various
subjects, were also presented and appro
priately referred.
Mr. Bayard reported the House bill re
lative to the appointment of agents on the
subject of America water-rotted hemp.
A discussion then arose as to what
; business should have precedence. Some
were in favor of resruniug the consi , lera ,
tion of the Oregon bill, while others were
for taking up the bill to allow the Pitts
burg6 Railroad Company further time for
laying down their rails free of duty. The
latter bill was filially taken up l and deha.-
ted at some length, after which was pass
Tile Oregon bill was then taken up,
and ,Ir. Mothead conmenced a speech.
In the house, nothing was done wnt th
The leading Coons, who refuse to pay
Maj. Irons for preparing the "big feed" in
1840, say that a large portion of the pro;
was devoured by democrats, t% ho went to
see the show. if this is true, and the Tip.
Club will furnish us with the names of the
democrats who partook of the dinner, we
pledge ourselves that they will ['Fry a
proper proportion of the expense as soon as
a subscription paper for the purpose of
collecting the money is presented to them.
If no other means can be devised to pay
off this claim, we would reciimmenil the
Tippecanoe ladies who displayed so much
enthusiasm in 18/0, to get up a .•Charit
Fair" for the benefit of the universal whi t '.;
patty, and we have not the slightest doubt
but they will soon realize the corn neces
sary to pay off the debt and have a suffi
cient cut plus left for a small jollification.
We will contribute a Tippecanoe Ban
ner that has been lying in tie garret of
our office ever since the grea:. Coonvention
of 18-10, and which was used on that oc
casion to stir up the enthusiasm at the
corner of sth anti Wood streets.
The late City Coustnbles.
Thy s'rnne and abiding opposition of our
citizens of all parties to the late City Po
lice tended more perhaps, than an v other
circumstance. to the nnexPeetell defeat oil , General Jackson's fine!" said Mrs
Mr. James Thomson for Mat or, inasmuch : Q nizzle, as she studied a newspaper
/is the whole posse were openly engaged in through h,r
"To be sloe he
electioneering for that gentleman, and the l is—as floe as silk. Iv'e know'd that for
i:nression had gone abroad without contra- l twenty yews, and yet these editors and
diction that in eae of his election they' them Congressmen have just found it ow.
‘k ould he retained in office, while his oppo•
:To tell us that "Gen. 1.41 Jackson's fine,"
neat, Mr. Hat'. was pledged to remove'
at t h i s time of day! Why ih-te m ver was
them. Yet notwithstanding the very dect- a
finer man any where's.'' .
ded expression of opinion in regard to the Tom however remarked that, although it
dismissal of thew men, as e ti oc ed in the /i, true that 'General Jackson's fine,' yet
elecon of Mr. Hay, it appears we have 'Judge Hall was the ft er on one occasion
them among us who are determined kg far I I at least. to the amount of a thousand dol.
as they are able, to treat the public wi l l w i th I tars. But Mts. Q d.d not understand fi•
the utmost contempt. Among the most, nini,,, and refining in this sort of style—so
prominent of whom are Mr. James Thom- I the Loaner was finally disposed of, but not
son, Mr Wm. J. Howard and Solomon St n - 1 before little Pete'. who is underg , ing a
ner, and already, through their insirumen- I comse of the classics, had muttered from
tality, has Mr. Robert Hague, late City (3,,,, to, ' 'quern ad finem sere epenvia fad.
Constable, received from the Committee on !a bi t aduci o., .
l'ha t should have been left
Police the appointment of Lieutenant of to Dominic A. Hail to say; but he nidn't,
the Watch, and Mr. E. W. Co. k, late oe-cause, as happened at the battle of New
High Constable, the station of Sweeper Orleans, he wasn't there at the time.—
and Cleaner of the Markets; to effect whose p ennsj „ h , an i an.
appointments, both Thomson and How-
Money ley
ode and markets.
and went at a late hour in the Light to the
Bicknell of Tuesday last. says:—Our
home of one of the Market Committee in
mom y market is without change. But few
this Ward. Their next step we presume
transactions take place; little or nothing is
will be the procurement of some situation
doing at the Stock Board,— Some of the
at the expense of the city, for that political
martyr Joseph McGinnis, to whom Mr.
Exchange Brokers are quitting the Busi
'less. The out-door rates for g ood paper '
Thomson is indebted for his defeat in the
ratttlOt be quoted at a higher rate than six
sth Ward. We hey _ these gentlemen how
ever to remember that their movements are'
. cent. The doubtful or suspected can
known, and that in due season, the pu b l i c not he sold at all.
The New
„ York Express of Saturday
will pass on their conduct as it deserves.
sa) s.-- 0_ ur receipts i . Cotton
FIFTH WARD. ( t and Sugar
. from New Orleans are large. But as yet
For the POril 'little Flot:r or Grail) has reached us from
Messrs Editors:—None of the papers • that section of the country. 'The upper riv•
have given due credit to the Allegheny . ers are now closed, but as soon as
Company at the recent fire. She was not' they open, which will be early in March, a
only the first to throw water, but was 2: 1 8 - large quantity of provisions, flour, grain, &c.
hours on the ground after the other engines must find its way here.”
had left. Had it not been for the patience+ The correspondent of the Mobile Reg.
and perseverance of ho e r members, the loss . inter, writing from Tuscaloosa, Dec. 213th,
by the flames must have been tremendous.
Messrs• Editors: —A trifling communication ap
peared in the columns of your paper ori yi aterday
signed 'Allegheny,' which deserves our notice on
account of iis containing falsehoods, and which is
worthy of the source it emanated from. As re
gards the truth of his assertion as to the Alleghe
ny's throwing water on the fire at least fifteen
minutes before the Vigilant, we submit our con
test to some of the unbiassed spectators, who
were in attendance, and who will upon enquiry,
award rightful justice to the Vigilant. The wri
ter in the conclusion of his article, says 'what else
could he expected from such a set of persons as
helo:'g to the Vigilant at present,' alluding to our
charge of having threw water first. It is a prac
tice of ours never to notice puppies, but. when they
become insolent and bark crabbedly, we necessa ,
rill' kick them to our side. Allegheny mu t
have great conceit of his own reputation, but we
think it well for him that he appeared anony
mously, for had he come out opCnly his word
we fear would`nt have been credited by many.—
We have a kind of an idea as to who the author of
that article is, and in closing we:would say to him,
if you think we are all blackguards, you had bet,
ter call on us and openly avow it, then in order to
live up strictly to our custom we would quietly
kick your supercilious personage to our side
[Several Members' are mistaken in supposing
that it was a 'pJppy' that was barking at them;
we can inform them that he is a full grown deg,
whose mildest growl would give them all the *Ay.
Jan. 23, 1843.
For the Post
Lookihit,—Tie inviter* of the g
Machine in New Orleans is saidlp trilitto
gressiug rapidly.' Our citizens here anis
not be astonished if they should see some
thing curious in mid air co ring flora the
south•west some of these days. iNe will
thank Mr. Davidson for a copy of the
Tropic, containing tl,e latest news from
Texas, and also a choice selection of mut.-
; tiers, robberies, duels, &c.
1 o•murrow's Fwd.
We will give a Review of the "Tippeca
noe Case" with a sketch of Mr. McCand
lass's speech, in to-marrow's Post. All
who want to indulge in the luxury of a
laugh should read it. The works of fiction
are nothing in comparison to the antics of
the coons who won't pay fur their dinners
after they have "picked the bones bare."
Embezzlement—A later carrier in the Post Of:
five at Washington city, named Adams, has re
cently abAeonded, and is supposed to have embez
zled money at different times, to the amount of
51100 dollars. Another letter carrier, in the same
Ili .c,hai likewise been a delpilier.
A Ispect o/ a . grzirs in flos'on —The Boston Poet
of the :?Ist tays:—.The new adinitdistiation
enures in with the fin st weather ever known here
in January. Yesterday was like summer; the
street.: were alive with busir ess, end gay with
the !bitter of !wan'y & yen the whi. 4 s—
Juni-set! cheerful with the suillinv, asp Of
A fashionable lady lately g.Ne a party in
New Yuck the li.!hts for which c.ist $3OO.
That's the result I hard limes!
Our readers will find a very ab'e article
on the evils of paper money published on
our first page this morning. It takes a
view of the subject which is new and for
cible, and cannot be emitrovertod by the
most cunnina sophistry of the advocates of
the present banking system.
rile Tip Ilintwr Trial
'l' le report of this celebrated trial will
in our weekly to-morrow
111 .I'lllll
e ssrc. EDITOR,:
Gentlemen, as the Editors of the Chron•
icle, in their paper of yesterday, made two
propositions to dispose of the overplus funds
(10 rents,) found in tie City Treasury, by
the Committe of investigation, would it not
be well to appropriate it as part payment
to a Veriaiu Grover in Smithfield street, who
was so industrious in t:istributing I 1 I
segars and Whiskey, thereby bur
eha.ing votes for the Chitty. Cattlitlate
Alarrluis De La Fayette, Do you
The Senate this Morning passed the joint
resolutions., suspending' most of the banking
ivileges of the branches of the Mobile and
Dt catur, until otherwise directed, and sent
the bill to the Honse. There is no dcuht
that the Mobile branch will be closed, and
very little of the closing of that at Decatur.
There is a fair prospect, too, of obtaining a
general acknowledgement that the whole
system is radically defective, and must be
gradually but surely wound up.
..,,,, ln the 0, pilau's Court of ,aid enmity.
". J . 'Lithe matter of the antnitti:oration ac-
C... . ,0n.,1 of Joseph Lntle & John M'Clorg,
..- tf :'," Adini‘.i,oratnrs , f the estalt. Juan
4) •''....... -5.,"
Kirk p ttr telt, tlee'd late of the Cny of
l'it!stone,h, No. 9, June Term, 1.143.
And, now to wit, J imitry 19th, 1843, nt the in
st,,nce of James Cunningham, Esq., guardian of the
heirn uf John Kirkpatrick, dec'd., the Court app int
Col-Del:us Darragh, Robert Robb, and Charles Von
Bonhorst, Esqrs., Auditors, to audit and seule the
above mentioned account.
The Auditors above named, will meet for the pur
pose of their appotntment at the office of Hampton &
Miller, in the City of Pittsburgh, on Tnesday the
21st day of February A. D. 1843, at two o'clock
P. M., of said day, when and where all persons in
terested may attend
jan 28-3 t.
DR. LIBBY'S BITTERS are a certain care of
Dyspepsia and Nervous Affection'; they are pe
culiarly adapted to remove these distres •
plaints, not by constantly physicking,t y strength.
ening thi system. N., greater mistake can be aide
than to shppose that Dyspepsy, or any other dlavase
arising from debility, can be cured by (Frowstier*.
ed action on the bowels wi h purgative medicines.--
Whale these complaints exist, the system is alresslT
too weak, and every additional .lose tends to midi.
it more so. The Bitters, on the contrary, eating as
atonic, strengthen the digestive organs sod antbs
them to perform their functions as nature desivad„
fleece it is found to be efficacious also in those (tit- .
eases peculiar to females, which arise more fr.equesit
ly form weakness than any other cause. Items*
and infirm of both sexes, and per,ous of oreciteltary
habits prone costiveness, who have suffutd
loss of appetite, have experienced great heal& fro*
them. In convalesence from fevers, and other
acute nisorders, it restores strength, and iedividuals
afflicted with Nervous Headache, and other derstage
onits of the nervous funct.on, have been itatintly
cured by this remedy.
Are anti-bilious. anti-dyspeptic, and anti•lnereAriell,
nod in ty he j.istly considered a universal ar.dictiars
but they are peculiarly beneficial it, the fallowing
cn n ,piamt--yellow and bilious feversaeyer and
acne , dy. o epsia, croup, hver complaint., sick head.
ahce. jaodice, asthma, dropsy, rheumatism, enlarge.
melt o' the solecti, piles, cootie, female obstricti mt
heart burn, (lured tongue, natisea, distension of the
Sin nark alld bowels, incipient diarrhma, flatulency,
habitual costiveness, loss of appetite, blotches of
. a llow complexion, and in all cis.)e of torpor Of this
bowels, where a cathartic or a., aperient is nestled.
flier are exceedingly mild i t their operations, pro
rlorinir ne.ther n ill-ea, grip;c.g nor debility.
Gimarock . & TYLER, Whiilusale Agents:?fert
York. W M THORN,
L 'WILCOX, jr.
jan . 23, 1833. Agents fir pit,rmrsh.
By the Court,
A warranted cure for lofiammalory and
Chronic Rh,,uozatistn
IT give immediate relief, And mengtheus weak
limbs, extend- cnnt, acted cords, cures all numb
ness, takes down swellings, and removes iutlanicur
I I is fregio-title urged that Rhenmatirm cannot bit
cured by 1-X , rrflal application. Rut it IS certainty
!roe, that ii can be nal nn:y reached but entirely
clued by e.iectial and internal rernedilm usti at
the ,ante tint. TIUS the proprietor or the Liniment
Spe•-ttic is prepared to provn to the entire math
hrrtio., of eyr ry nne vino is affl.cted with.tikirearest
dt,ireAr og complaint, by .t literal ani unequivocal
warranter, that whoever wt.l faithfully use nue
of De:mower's Rheumatic L'niment exter—
oally, aod one bottle o f the lonian Rheumatic
cific internally, and return the empty hollow wbeere
!bey were purchased, ont cored, rha I 111+4 the
pnrenns.:e money rerun 'ed in full
Cons . r.n.7l: & TILER, Wholeca`e Arita, New
'att2- 1 — 1r A gent for PittlinriN
VOUXD— ()a vt'..dnnsday the 2511 ,al the roint.l
pair OS coar.c Boots and 1 pair of Ladies Slimier,.
Toe owner can learn where they now are, by apply*
this °dire Jan 26-31
1, - 1 R3l FOR SAE E.- - emit eleven small. wither
1: sized and large Gino:, for .ale at limn 6 ioso erlles
from P tr-lintgli, and at prices varying from 10 to lelP
an acre--persona wanting io purchase farms. will please
call and examine the record at HA ti,1112.4 * •
'ln 25. Gen. Agency k lulelligence
DIG A'ET. , I L. —3O ion. Pi; Metal in .inrcond
y J. W. BURP.RIDGE W re.
jan 24 st. between %Vont! Sr Smithfield.
TF. :11 P IM C E •
Tr r: AcT and Sa hhalh School Pape', jit4 recellpi
I_ from se" York and Philaileinikki. 3000, of
VOlll il'f 'temper:lll , r! Atlyora'e, flir January 1, 1443
n r-tretkoo and citrap raper. for tatnilica and yonoll.
,vlOll a S.thhatlt School, Signing the rledte Ake, as 112 . 0 a
per year. or I ern! each. Tentrerattre Hymn Ilgooki..
Waoi,o , m Harps, Tempt Vance I,yree. Song* kr. 300
I.tontrrs,ti..t,ll Tu'al Ahstinenre Soci.oy Speethey, 1041
ftr Sewati's Plates and Pathology. Tentretanee Lac.
lore!. Fal,'cA, 4.r. and Temperanre , ledatA.
.3 , loT , toperative, cerlifleateg fur Ranll,l and youth: 1000
czmaii II School roolok iroll Ito I ream rush.
500 Temperance and r,:lrisliaß for 18
00 Cl
30 Eneli , b, ern•an, W.dell and french Imes.
variety: - . 7 of very cheap ,1 1 ,liath SchOill B..oksi, and Th 4 y
school (took— Paper and zzlalionary for sale OR ace".
donne terms. rn an ) 11;1E1160y to Plait porch/own..
Jan :23, 1313. IS %AC HARM&
.44ent and Coin. Memo'', tio9,..srlialirrier
o the II unoratile, the inflow or the rt of:ine de ---
1 -
(Warier Sessions of the Peace. in and for the.cour—
y or Allii2tieny,
Tue petition o f John Sidon, of the 4th Ward of the
City of Allegheny, in the county a foresail', humbly andw.
et h:—
That your petitioner hat It provided himself with nuiLri '
a's for the nreonintolation of travellers and others; lit
his dwellln9 lonini city and vrt-d aforesaid, and
prays that your ',odors will pleased to grant hist tell•
eett.e to keep a Politic lIoit:e of E.dertaininent.. And
your petitioner ai in duty toundovill pray , . • - -1;
.1011 N 801.70.
We, thrsithsrriliers, ri•izen4 of the fonyi h ward of the
rity of A Ile , /hen v., do certify; that Ibe above - petitioner
b, of t !ood repute for hoorsty and tempernLer, end, t well
provided with house room end convetilenceit forAtrne•
connooda , ion and lodlioz, of strativrs and traveilers, *aid
that said tavern neces-ary.
S. Peppard, Leonard Waller , .
Wm. McElroy,
N, Vocglty,
J K cow n ,
A'salom Hays,
John Vo ohiv
J n 9.s—at
vvIRT LECTURES.—Fourth Coness.-.T r lte het
lure Committee of the Wirt lestilot• law. Oa
pi,ore of laying before the ouldir, the roi fowl.: Its ,44
gentlemen who have consented In Lecture, vie: .
Rev J IV Bakewelt, Introductory Lecture.
Jam J. Cure, Esq, R rishinclon.
Protr. J Clark. Meadville College.
lion. Wm Wilkins. tsbureh.
Proff A B Brown, Jefferson College.
David . I'iltshu,glt.
Reed Ili astOartax. Esq
Prod*. Ateer 7' McGill, West. Theo. 84 nilnery.•
Francis Jahvrten, Esq., Pittsburgh.
Prof. J Barker, Meadville College.
W . II Lowrie, Esq., Pitts b urgh.
Rev. James L Dinwiddis.
Prof. Rteli'd S M'Culloch. Jefferson College, 4011 e.
liver several Lectures on Astronomy, embracing its t•he.
prnzrecs and destiny. Rend Washinr.inn. Esq., will alas
deliver several Lectures on the subject he may sel,ej.
Arrangements are in pro:ress to enrage PsnresSee got.
limnn, of Yale College, to deliver in our city,* roil rint - flil
of lectures nn Geolney: also v hh Joeepn B. nar
on NPilroinzy. Other eminent Lecturers will ISe gtsited
to visit our city, when It may he in the power of the its
st lime to mime Iheir services.
The Lectures of this course will be on Literary elk
Scientific subjects exclusively and It is hoped freula
eminent ability of the Lecturers, ;Ind the interesting na
ture of the subjects, that our citizens will liberally pa
tronise this Inudable enterprise. The iron City sitaislil
not be behind sister cities in her encouragement of eeillse, a
and literature. The proceeds (if any) will be appals' IHrt
wed to the enlargement of a Library, already an how
to the city.
-Course Tickets, ndmitting a lady and gent haws ,
$2, and may be bad of either of the Cemmittet. eta%
H. Kay 4- Co's Rook Store, Monongahela arid Sidi\
Hotels, end et Flerford's.
Lectures commence on Thursday reentry, Dee
W. W. WILSON, f -
JOHN S. COSGR AV., }rommelkite.
Wld. B, SCA Iris.
JOHN B, smartx.
WE would advise all persona wiio
afflicted with Gout, RAeonsolissi, =elk
Contracted Cords and Limbs, and any ati of'
the back or body, which may be brought on
Colds nr Exposure to the Weather, to call' alit •
?tee 86, 4th street. and procure a bottle 94.
above Liniment, which will give immediate-ma ,
lief and effect a certain cure.
Torre. s has also a first rate assoetirese
of Havasuis cigars aad 11(oirginisChewing Totheasa
].to 18, 1842.
B •nton Reign!,
Aba,r'om Motrio.
Mathias Vorghty, •
Victor Set iba
Chg. Rumbaitgh.,