Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 27, 1843, Image 1
OL 117. PUBLISHED BY THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, X. W. CORNER OF WOOD 4. FIFTH STS TERNI4.--FIVE DOT.LARS a year, payable in adviritee. Single copies TWO CENT:3—for sele at the hootiter of the office, and by News Boys. The 'Mercury and 'Manufacturer le published WEEKLY, at the same °Mee, on a double triennium. sheet, at TWO nOLLI, RS a year, In ad. *ante. Slagle copies. SIX CENI'S Terms of A PU SQUARE OF TVVE One Insertion, 0,50 I Two Insertions, 0,75 Three Insertions, 1.00 One weet, 1.50 Two week*, 3,00 Three - weeks, 4.00 REARUX ADVERTISEMENTS CHANGEABLE AT PIKABORK. One 'Square. Tice Spier es Ilkir months, 513.00 Six months, Gee year, 25,00 One year, irruor t or advertisements in prorortion. CARDS or tone lines Six DOLLARR a year. P U 13 LIU OFFICE S, &C. CITY POST Orrice Third between Market and Wood streets—R. M Riddle, Postmaster. Ctorroit House, Water,4th door from Wood st, Peter• iron's hoilelings—tlajor Jotut W Work, Collector. CITY Tsessoat, Wood between Fir,t and Second streets—Jaws A. Rartram, r,r. ll'Jons . rr Taeasuer, Third street. next door In the T_ bird Pteshyterian Chureh—rl. R. Johnsion,Tren , kirer. Mkynq's (lyrics, Fourth, between Market and Wood streets—Airsatilier Hay, Mayor. Mecen►nr ' a Eacnaae. Fourth. near Ma-ket BANKS Prreasuanit.between Market and Wond eireetft, on Tnird and Fourth !4treets. • Mita - K rs' sTIP MAPISar , TCRERS ' 40111 FARELERS' DE POSIT RA's, (formerly Saving Fund.) Fourth, het wren Wood and Marke , .'mete. &minxes, rift%) it reet.. near Wood. Metattan‘act.L nougz, Water forret, near 'he Bridge. Cxcakwas N» nu., corner of Penn and Si. Clair, MracskitTs' Hovel., corner of Third nod Wood. Hotat.corner of Third and Stull hfield. Thurso STATES. corner of Penn ,'reel and Canal. SOISEAD EAGLZ, y 'tree!, near Seventh. IMmtsaa 31 &won't llomm,l,iberiy St Oillio,jte Wayne 1111goiamllairr M kastott Penn Si. nonn.te Canal I.pRER'Ir WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. —Office remo IN to Dakewell's offieeo on Grant st , neatly opposite we new Court next rooms to John D. Mallon, Egg ,—First floor. ‘„," 10 :TIROS. H. ELLtorr, D.—office re-orourd JL St. Clair street, between Penn and Liberty sr, Pittehutek. s p 10 NEW GC/GDS.—Nemo!, Mackey, witk,lestile and retail ciraler4 in English, French, at d Doningtie Wiry Goode, No. Market Pt , Pot.herc II PYII ArCA.NDLESS & 111,CLIIRE, Ariorne:is and a t Law: Office in the Diamond, 'nick of the old Cedrt lloune, Pittstiurzh. Foil 111 ItEr V ot. A. F I: ;I - 4 11 2 . t Mor row. h i A :t ween Wood d o offs n e o s, Clltsburgh. ! 4, 1 , 10 TOIIN WDEVITT, IVholeeale Clrorcr Rertifslug •Manlier, Anti Dealer in Produce and l'itislmre,ll 114$11 , 1fAclUred Ariiclr4, No . 224 Liberty Street. bargh. sep 10 INti.t.tot 11. Wthick leilm S. WI-woe - Ili WILLIAMS AL DlLWORTll.—whoiesair race ro Product - aiitl Coin to tosiolt Merchant. and dealers in Pitteleirgli Mktitufaciered article, No. 29, Wno,l street. ei•p 10 )k/ILTAL ROBINSON, tioriley Law vv. Office on the north 4ide thanoonc;.hetwee• dlarket and Union (MIS. Siairs A I. DURBORA.W., Auorney nt Law; tender., hie profesei.lail services to ill( poltlir. Office tin- Oft, Or pint, and Market StreciA, above D. Lloyd el• Co', 'lore, Piltehureb, ra. p 10 JoMPI . .1•-. N. RELAX SHERIFF & KEAN, Mototfacluo-r4 of topper . Tin. and f‘nent. I ron tVUre, No 811. Front ut , ,o 1 , ,• bomb. House Sitnuiin2, and Sicandoout work 1, ortip , lV eutented. emit 10 TilOllllA9 X YOUN . FILANCIS t. YOUNG. )THOS. B. YOUNG Sr., CO., Furniture WarC AL Rooms, turner of !land at. tt. Exchange Alley. Persons wishing to purchase Furnitnre. will find it to tineiradvanisuze in give ua a call. twine fully ~gushed that we can please as in quality and price. sep 10 MUTTON H A-MS.—Just received 160 choice Mug ANA. fon Hams, well cured and for sale cheap by ihe do sea or reLall. by 4 ISAAC 11Alitt18, Pep 10 No.9.Fittii st RUTA &VGA.— i *upp'y or Land! Fresh Ru• la B qa, and other different varieties of Turnip P4se 'One received and for sale at REDVCLD PRICKS at the Drug and Seed Siure of F. L. SNOWDEN, sap 10 No. 134 Liberty siren, head oh Wood. WEBB CLOSEY,S Boot atilt Shoe Iddout.icio• ry.No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. Stales Rant. Ladies Prunella, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n he neatestroanner, and by the newestFrentli patterns. scp 10 59000 MORUS MULTICAULUS. tuts to suit purchasers; tole dispo.ed F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. DAHLIA ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev• ery desertrytion, can always be had at the Drug and Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN. pep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 50 LDS. Illtnuis Annual Mammoth Onion t-:eed, for sale at the Drug and seed store of F. L• SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood 400 L i ß:. se N td e k‘ j ' u J t Eß E i Y ed S I WE ET POTATOES, GA R DEI TOOLS, consisting of Hoe,t, Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, E.ldinr 'Foul+, Budding, IKahres. Pruning Knives, Pruning Slicar,t, etc., just re• eeived and For sale by F. L SNOWDEN. pep 10 1!14 Liberty street, head of Wood. 4CHOICK Venison Hame.--Just received a sinaii sup ply nt very choke mired Venison Heins, on retail Ms assail lots for current money. ISAAC HARRIS, Arsenr, and Com. Merchant WINNTE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Crass and teateeky Blue Gra4a, alwaya on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN, N 0.184 Liberty street, head of Wood. gee*, .a/ 10 Erimit 4. BUCHANAN, Attorneys at Lon,otilee sonomed fru= the Diamond, to -Attorney'Pßow," shady lido of Foarth street, between Market and Wood 'trete& rep 10 MAGISTRATES'IILANKS. for proceedina. in .Rt itteaketeat under the late law, for sale at this Othre FOg BALE —Lou on tile North East corner of Coal Lasearld High street. Apply to DARLINGTON, Market, near gilt st. 100 Lee. Laadreth'a French Sugar Bret seed..lum rianthred and for sate at the Drug and Seed F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty elreet, head of Wood. MO. ac ay. 10 DIIII I 10LUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.—The eoparteership heretofore existing between WIL -111"1111,GIBY Bed BENJAMIN HOPEWELL II thisda9 efiernheteilltyleoteet consent. William Dishy is authorised • 0.• thestornature of the in settling op the bosh:fess stailiellie - WILLIAM RIGBY. drertising. LTC LINES OR LESS: One month, $3.00 Two monis, 0.00 Three months, 7.00 Four months, 8.00 Six months, 10.00 One year, 15,00 F. T.. SNOWDEN', No. 144, Liberiy head of IVond si ■=NJ. T. HIREW ELL DAILY MOItNING - POST JoutasTori St"POCKTON, Booksellers. Printers and Paper Manufacturers, No. 37. Markel pt. PPP 10-1 y TOUN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water st.. near the Monongahela Doue, Piltsturgh. cep 10-1 y LEONARD 8. JOHNS, Alderman, St. Clair st rept, sc cond door from Liberty. sep 10-1 y DR. S. R. HOLM ES, Office in Second sires!, next door to Mulvany 4. Co's Glass Wm-choose sep 10—ly SHUNK 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Font - 111st., near the Mayor's (Mee, littstmt2tl. sep 10-1 y rktios. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Flit h, het wee,' Wood and Smithfield sis., Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y HUGH TONER, Alio , nev ni Law, North Eri , t rorner of Smithfield and Fourth sireet9. sep 10-1 y HANNA k TURNBULL'S raper Warehouse, No. 104, IVood st., where may he had a general supply ul writing wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank hooks. school hooks, kc, kr. Rep 10—ly R C. TOWN3END ¢ CO., Wire Workers and Manolactsrers, No. 23 Market street, between 2,1 arid 3d streets. sep 10-1 y CII A Is; E HOTEL. Corner of Penn and St. Clair E X st reels, by McKIBBIN 4 smrrii. pep io--iv BROWNSVILLE JUNI ATI% IRON WORKS--C.l ward flipzrir.::. Marrufarrorer of Iron arid Warehouse N 0.25, W101i:11., Pep -ly I,IG METAL —77 ions soft Piz Metal for Fale by J.G. 4 - A. GORD - )N. No. 12 Water street WIT 13 LBS. CON If A MS. 16.000 Ile:. IL„. on Shoulder?, I - or J. A. GoimoN, cep 13 No. 13 Wnlrr reel ir A. ATTERSON, Jr., flirmin;lnim, near Poisbursli, al M nufariorer of Locks. Ilinsps and Bolts; To harem, Pnller. Mill and Timber Screws; Housen Sr, ews for Rollins. Mills, 4s. sem TORN 11PCLOSKEY.Taiinr and Clothier, I.llter.y • Ft, eet , between Sixth ana N;irgin alley, South side, son 10 . _ %V rstyßontDr:l", 'Wholotale rneers and • ('nano t,joti fir re II:1 n I Srentid st reet , tint wren ‘Vilf)(l and S1110110..1(1 51F., P cliu sep 10- 1 y cor,ioN, Commtz:Rinn and Forwarding al • Mi•rcliani , , Water st..Pitislitirgh. peep 10-1 y rn,l,s ham..a good artvlr, rerPived per S tt anti for sale Ity J. G. A. GORDON, srp 111 No. 12, Waier siren( Q.(: AR A- MM. --4(1 Mots . New Orleans Su •Z M.ls New Orleans Molas.e.; for sale by SWM= oriror N. O. S.t7Rr. ret esved Trr, rt Maim!, nod for salt" icy J 11. A. COR )ON. JO BACON CASlitz.in order, on hind and for sale UPI, API) 10 1. C. ¢ A. C 0 R DON, No. 12., st It AND Rt(lf, iZSGS.—I3 hhin nnd 4 t 01.14 N. 0. Soonr, 32 1. 1 .1 s N. t 1. 'Bo! isse.r, rereiveil per S , Plllll l .oait I loporter, :mil (or .ale ley J. G 4- A. GO N "" PAILS. LA111) OIL. for salr by t) R. A. F TOCK PCP 10 r o , nrr of t;ilior,d Wood :ts 1631 r S 1 Icy 11.. ‘11 r. r m A I .sz .n E n . ? . ; .( l'. l l l a 7 r K !c For (1 ,1 1 Sep 10 enrner of 6111 and Wood fo`. 9410 LISS I'repan•A Cliart:.l . ..r mule f.y N li, A. F 111 N FOCK d• CC) rep 10 rnr ner Itr li and Wood AI, QI.TG R AND MO I. ‘SSES --61) 111.,15. N.V.swzar, 25 WO,. do. do., lilt) Via 1.t.t1 ion for Fale re (1 U BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, SI C.— 'lO be used in Batik rtiptry proceellitvz,i, piloted on good paper.and it; the forntii approved by ;lie :11 the Orin, Merril tV :11111 Dettiorrat. yip 111 I. 111.71111:tItI), _.ll 14 , 4' I:1,111,0.h. boot o 1 , 41 • V shoe No. 101, Third ..orrvt. elwrrn \Vood and r2h 5,1/ IJ BUCKMASTER,ADRNEY AT LAW, • im,reinoviM los officr to the corner of Fourth street andr7lierry Imiwern Smithfield and Crum streets.Pittsburelt FOR RENT.—Tliedwellitl; and lot containing 4 acres, iu A ilcalyenv, near Ihe Beaver ocrnnirdby Mr. Sanitiel Church. Apply ni Ihr \lerrhants and Ninnuracturers' I.l:ink, to %V. (I. DENN Y. ICII) SANDS, I% ATCH. & CLOCK „..-..2. D A ` -1 MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair sir,el, Pitt, 1i,.. bu , gh, DEALER IN iCATCHES,CLOCKS,BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, CO.M.N.S, 4.e. sep 10 LANDRETIVS GARDEN SEEDS.- A WI supply of Lantitelles Carden Seeds, always on band, and for sale atJiitt nenry, the Ding store of F. L. sNosy DEN, eI) 10 184 Liberty sired, head of Wood J DAVID WARD hat his office and residence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second dv.elltric front Ilt“sstrom. lie will faithfully attend all rails pertaining t o Ms profession. Night calls 5110(141 he made at the door above the basement. pep 111 REMOVAL—Matthew Jones, Barber nod flair Drece er, hap removed to roorth street, opposltet lie ay ors office. where he will be happy lo:wait upon permanent ur transient customers. Ile sulir Ilan share of public oat. rona2e. pep 10 W3l. A. W A RD, DENTIST, Penn st. three door helow Irwin street. Hours of hi! ,iness, from 9 A. M., uulil 5" P. x , after whirh llme lie will attend to no one except in rases of actual neresiiiily. Ile would further inform those who may flunk proper to employ Itini,l hat he expects Immediate payment, wit hoot the necessity his 'tart of sending in hHis. Pep 10 JOHN iIPFARLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet .111-her, Third st. betweea Wood 4. Market streets, respectful inflrnis his friends and the public that he Is prepared to exertite all orders for Sofas. Sideboards. Ru reaus.rhairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Ilalr and Spring Matirassec. Curtain:, Carpets, all ,orts of . Upholstering wort., which lie will warrant equal .0 any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 COMMERCIAL A UC7FION ROOMS, .A - o. 110 IVord Strert , Pittsburgh.—R. A. Itanaittaii, Auctioneer and C0.111111,10f. Merchtllti. is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goo.!s and Merchandize, at his large and capacious t onnts, No. 110, North Cast Corner of Wood and ram Streets, Hitt:burgh. Regular sales of Dry Cood., Furniture, Groceries and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware. Cutlery, Itry Goods, and Fancy articles, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Hooks. 4.c., every Saturday eV en'. op. Liberal erlyances wade on Consignments when wanted R rFER 1.:14( 111e, 4 , , r5. John D. Soy., Fta2nley k Smith, " Hampton, Smith, 4. Co. • F Lorenz 4. Co., J. W. Itortoidee 4- Co.. o S. M'6ee tr Co. Capt. James NrCargill, o C. filmset,. C.Q. Jonn N'Padden Esq. • Logan Sr Kennedy. • 3. K. Ilearttead Jas. P. Stuart, Esq. " Robert Galway, Esq: .. Capt. Jas. IA ay. " McVay. Hanna, 4. co. " William Symms, " 8:G. Eleary. statth.llavaci I Co EliEl HAIGBY—No. 1.21, Corner of Wood and Front . Streets, Pittsbkrei, hits on hand a complete as. sortmentof Queensware suited is the city or country wade. Also, a choice selection of pure white and gold linntl DINING A NOTEA WA RE, in large or small sets, or sepal nte pieces to suit purchasers, A cask of 96, 60, or 84 piece sets, seperbly painted and gilt English China Teawure, at very low prices. Toy Teawarc, plain, and rich painted and gilt, frOin 1,0010 $5.00 per set Children's Micas of every ileiTript ion. White China Shavina Rings. Granite Dining a. d Tea Services, in white and with splendid American scenery printed in Male and black. A Inrte varirty of Steamboat Dming and Breakfmt Stto, imported to match. compleia, Fire Proof stone baking places and dishes•, from the Derhrhire Pouncing. Slone Pipe Heads. ke. 4-c. All of which are respectfully offered to the pub. lir on the most favorable terms. Jan 26, 1842-1 y ti Bit coffee. 1J or 4. I_IIE.AS E . S lIOARIIOfIND C AND Y. —TP - rri.r has received this day front New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure fbr Cotizhs, Colda anll Con eumption; and is ready to supply customers at wholesale or retail, at his Aledical Agency, 86 Fourth st. now 12 DA VI It LI, A RK7.4,er. e'ashternable Boot .IBake,-, lins removed to No, 34 Market street. between Ftecond and Third si reel., where lie won d be happy to see his old custoniers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. lie uses nothing Intl ftrst rale and employs the best of workmen; and as lie gives his constant personal attention to business, be trusislital he will deserve aid receive a fair share of patronage. sen 10 FICONFECTIoNARY. tlllTe. t.ltEAttl, A Hunker respectfully informs his friends 3/1,1 the pultlic that they ran always find the best qiinlby of lee Creams. together with at kinds of confectionary and fruit:. In their senQon, al his esiabligliment— No. 11, F.(' is street, between Wood aad Market. N. I:.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything in Ilk line. Also families furnished wilh Bread. •ep 10 11 1 4 VANS7S CAMOMILE PILL LS.—A BR A HAM J. CLEM ER, residinz at 66 Molt street. New York, was afflicted with flyspepsia in its most arze.ravated form. The symptoms were violent head• ache. great debllit y, fever, costiveness, rough, heart. horn. pain in the chest and stomach always afler eatite4, impaired apprille, sersat ion of sinking at the stomach, furred looffne. nausea. with frequent vomitings, dizziness towards 1112111 and lestlencss. These had continued rip. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consul' ine Evans. WO Chatham street, and sultniittinft to Iris ever ance , s foi 9 , 1 d ao recahle mode of Ire/al meat, the patient was romoletely restored to heap ill in I lie short space of one moot 11.1 ind araiftfol for the incalculable benefit deriv !ladle came forward nod volnrocered the above strop For sale Wholesale and Retail by 1. G. 4 - A. GORDON I:EMEM:=II I=l .1 11 k N. 12 Wafer fl .er t Pittsburgh Wheeling Louisville Phila. PITTSBURGH, JANUARY 27, 1843. Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties Window Glass, of every size. Palest Buckets, Tubs and Kcelers. R. E. SELLE4S, Agent. NO 20. Wood curet. hrlow Sorond R R'S TEXT L. 6 Al PS. FOR BURXIX LARD.—'Phone who would wish greatly to reduce their expense for light, Shollid certainly purchase one of the above earned Lamp:, at by their use there is a clear =riving of nr least twa-i birds of the ex [p.n.,' over Oil,and the light ohtained front this is pure and brilliant, and wholly free front smoke nr dkagrerahle smell, 11'e would here slate that Carr's Patent i- the only one worthy the attention of the public, as it is the only one that is appli ratite to every variety or pattern of Lamps, and the only one that will Intern Lard WILL, nt any tertirwrature of cold heal. We have. in the short space of three niniribii, rrild several rhort-iands• and with nearer nn exception, those ri..ing bent have en ere—rd I iIeII , PCIVI'S highly pleas ed is II I hem. ahri fully crinvir.red of the great erring - tint' by their ti-e, as well as their superiority over either oil or candles, In regard In rleanliness mill light. The above natural I:utilise:lo Ire had only at R 0 WA^ R.IIaifONVC, gtrnfit, nearly nppn.lte the Post Where i. kept con.taltitv nn band Rritattnin Metal, Tin and Gin-. 1.:1mp , . nt v terns. Gin., lamp , sold at nianitbrturrri:' e 5. ‘N'e lake plensnre in nfrrtin7 In (lie pliblie the fnl , nw 1.2 i . f.rtaira , e, which Is sliliscriked To by many respecla hie rilirens. We.i he it odersiobed. have ;tied and are now 11S1 Carr'- 1%11.10 1,1111 p.. for lot mitt!! 1.:I , d or other amoral fol. and we linve on be-oat ion in ca Vine that th r y eivr till equal in any of the °Minor!: mod, of littlit Inc a lonise. at nbont one•I turd Ihe root, and w h o lly free l if,lll , lnritte or oilier dii!agreeettle %Ile Jobe a plertForr in II cOrfirtlenditi2 I Ilene lamps! tot he °oldie, as by their ii r there hr a great goring over either sperm or lard oil, or even candle..., nod we believe Mem to 114. 11101, riParly nod Ir.. I rotitilerrome than Pit To Ire had al Hoolva ¢ Haystortrds only, Third street, nra F'%' rlPtmsite the Post Office. Vey. W. lA'. Itakewell, James 'loon, " A. N. firenn, Cho Hen Par Icon, " John M'Crnn, C. Vertzer, N. C. Coll too, %Vm. Graham, jr., " Either' rilltliap, F.. Troritlo, Dr. H. D. Sellers. %V in. Dotioltta,r, " E. 1). Gozzann, Henry Atwood, " Wtn.M, Wright , ',mac Cruse, Robert H. Kerr. F-cci , Geortie W. Henry A. Beckham, Rniirri StrPhereon Thomaii °moon. John S. Shaffer, nenree !Miltenberger, Wm. Kiehbaum, 0. I'. Shiro., J. 1 . 1 Turner, A. Miller. Wm. hlartln. R. M. Riddle, Prim M ro.ter lien ry liarzesser, R o bert Crab•, James S. Clark, of lic A mcr• Allen Kramer. icon lintel, A. F. Nlarthens, John M.Comphell M. Sinekhouse. L. A liter!er, Rohm Johnston, Joiner. Medlin, N. B Just received, an improved Potent Lamp. for kitchen use. ❑ov 19—d Iry ¢ Wl' IVO THE PUBLIC, and rartionlurln to my format t patronet of this oily:—llaa•in retired from the prariirm of Medicine. I may be permitted 10 say. that it has fallen lu the 101 of I 01 few• persons 1 1 1 has , enjoyed so liberal Or larze a share of olisiretrical practice as my own has been for Imo 30 or 40 year+. The experience °Mint long period of active life, and he fart of my having been tw ice, since 1830,119130chiled with Dr. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, tin Gotha period of five years.) enables me to Judge fully of the merits of his pills. So convenient, so efficient, and yet so see, did I esteem three pill•, that for the lasi five yenta in my practice for the cure of chronic diseases, of whatever nem... and shone of females in particular, I have used more of them than all other medicines. Like every other medicine, this must fail in some in stance., but In my hands there has been less disappoint. inent and more satisfaction in Cie administration of I hia one remedy than of all others; its good effects sometimes ovine astoniching m , . If my patient rennired a safe aperient m , dicine either wfore nr after parturition, the Wilson's p. .k were just the thing I wanted. I (a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach. combined with costiven"ss or inactivity oldie liver, constituted the disease 11 my patient. the pills were jiist the thing I If I treated a ra.e requiring an emmenagogue, the Wilson's pills were Just the I hire,: I wanted. If palpitation, headache, flushed eountenanre, or other difficulties, indicating a disturhanee of the circulatory and .ecreinry syciems, Annoyed my patient at the 'turn of tife,' the W ikon's pulls were joust the tiling I wanted. Thus, without resti,,et to the name, a disease might happen to wear at the time I have had it under treat merit, particular indications or symptom: arising, were al - "nys nimt promptly and most happily met by the Wilson's pill a. That no great a number oldiseases, and sometimes ap. patently opposite ones, in which I have used these pills. should be clued more readily by them than by any other remedy, may atiirst seem strange and contradictory, but wby it is so is unclear to my mind as that a great many persons should become thirsty from roe many different causes and yet all require that _common and greatest i,f alt blessings, water to quench their Iblest. in conclusion. it is due the reputation of t'ie medicine and she nubile, to say decidedly and unconditionally. that she Wilson's pills are theonly combination I have ever met with in my longcoursa of practice, that really pos• eesreaanythiag curative or specific for sick headache 'km!' #e., DR. MILO ADAMS. The above Pilts designed particularly for the sick Haed.Aehe, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Rowels et., prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson. and for sale,whniesnie and retail, at his dwelling hf Penn street. below Marburg. 001 DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills areal rongly recommended to the notice of the Indies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of e:• ercuse, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections: These Pills have gained the sanction arid approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the Uni ted States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and aeeall,by R. F. izRLLERS, Agent. sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second. WM. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., opposite the heed of Smithfield et., Pittsburgh.— Tim nsthsrelbethnving bought out the stock of the fate Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business In the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work In his line, In the best manner and on the shortest notice. lie keeps corstantly on hand a large assortment ofshoe findings of alt descriptions and ratite best quality. ❑e solicits the patronage of the nub ile and of the craft. %VM. ADAIR. For sale by • k A. CORDON pITTSBURGIIMANUFACTORY.—Springs and Axles for Carriages at Eastern Prices. The anhaeribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coath,l7 and Mimic Sprlnfts (warranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plntild HO, Rands, Stomp Joints, Patent Lrathe•, Silver and Brass !.amp=, Three (aid Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Dandles and Hinges. ¢r ,(c.c. HtD.§FiLIi.F.IIS, M. D., office and dwellint in Fonrih peer Ferry street sep 13-1 y Tim rittentionVitho e who have iced somewhat prep. Ilcal in reference to the nunterninr certificate, rothli.med in fa vor'of Dr SwaVTIP . P Cron pound Syrup i.f W lid Cher rv, nn orrottn, onto , porcnn, helm. ❑nknnrvn in thin per lion of the • re.pertfully directed To the nolowing certificate.] he vvriler of which F 111! been a , •iliZen of thin hornueh for rtetiernl rears. and in known gentleman of Intevity and respona,bill,y. To the ..9,ecnr. Mr. 1. KIRBY. I have used Dr Swavne's Comp 111,11 Syrup of Wtl.l Cherry for a couch, with which I have been severely of Meted for about four months, and I have no hesitation In srlyinithat tl is, he most effective medimne that I have been ablelo pro(lhre. It composes all wriessiness, and avers well .filth my dlel.—and mantalnS a reetilar and cowl annettte. I ran freely rerommend ft to all others similarly afflicted. J. 511ISISICIC. Borough orCliambershlr. March 9. 1141). rep 23 rorsateby WILLIAM THORN No. 3:3 Market street . pr:RSON, .le4iroutt of procorlraz Frail. Shade. and Ornamental Trf,.. or Rhroliherv, from l'hllailel phis nr New Yri k, are reaine:ted to make flpplirnt ion na Qonn as pria,ible, at the Itroa and Seed Flora of the ant, arribrr, where ran be had ratalognec, xralnit onaly. of the most excellent aartet ire. F. 1.. SNOWDEN, Rep 31 No 1114 Liberty .0 reel Arad of WOO.' MA ft FILE M tiNtIF 'tt 'TOR Y.—Patrirk Ca wfield rei , pert fully arquaints his friend a tuft he nubile On. erally, that he ha , commenced the Marble businer , at f liey corner of h and Liberty o...where will he ronata oily on hand. tomb mantel pieces, monuments. bead and fool atones, table Flab , for cabinet ware, and every art icleapperlainina I o the Imainess. He will warrant lila work to lie well done, and his char-e, will he moderate : lie respect rally a , ka aidhare of fluidic patron:l7e. sep 10- 1 - 11.ff.V.V-4 Jr TURN" R (71.1.. Panentrrort• nr Tae ('1,11.r. Tan P .ertt MILL. Steubenville, Ohio. having rem, veil the, =tore frnin thi , city, have appointed linlrleitip Fr Brawn... No. 49 Market at., between 3rd and r. tense ror .t.t. 5111 P of the different Rill& of Paper manufar— lured by them, where their friends and roalomere will al Warr find a rcantor supply of paper, sneh ao Cap and r %yr - m.l, plain and faint lined; Wrappine and Tea paper, Bonnet Pnard , , and Printin; Pant r or different Pi • rea and goal it ie. , all of which will lir ?old on the moat accritionnitat or! term,. 1 1 nr.n•ntr k Il Rnte xe , trinllllricturer? and im nnn rre of Will Pan." , and Itorderv. krepri ronvti nriC nn hind ere. r y vi rip? y nf Ent rv . Parlor Rid rnher Pa pr , re, or the st !irk, null imps! Imis,!,som c rilterrts, « hirh !ties, S, ill cf.!! lOW and 011 OrCOMMOlialitl2 !Crisis, WhOirslile Or rerSiSi rioll Poi tsar Platform Scales Ott wheels, to weigh 2,500 111F,at 355 00. do rla do do 2,005 al 345 00 do do do do 1,5110 at 35 00 do du do do 1,000 at :10 00 ,In In do do 500 at 25 110 With raking levers an addition of $3 to each scale. Dormant scale: for the u-e of Warehouses, Flouring Mitts, S'r.,tltevante prices no above. A lon, White's PaiCIII Counter Scale, with 0. Young's improventrui s . and a variety of oilier (-outlier settles, which they will sell for front II 10 $ l 5, They also manufacture Slr•am Engines for Flouring Mills. Saw Mills. Salt Works. d•c.. double and sins e geared slide at hes.font and other lathes for wood 'undo,: machines for tenanting chairs, planing machine.. door and sash machines. Hall's paten; horse power, with or without thrashing machines, a ruperior article; circular saw shafts, machines for sowing lath, Tinner's nine chine , and tools ofall descriptions.also for making black log hoses, a superior article; governors for steam engine s torks, taps and dies, cot mills, bedstead or Joint tints and machinery for making the Fame. cotton factory ma• chinery made or repaired; printing vent plaitena turned and printing preaees repaired 3A al F:: ,1 MAY, Agent. Rep 23—ir YOUNG 4. BR A DRURY JOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis• sion Itlerchanl,No.lo6, corner of Wood 4. Fifth its. Pittsburgh: Having herr' appointed one• of the A uction• errs: rot the City of Pitshur:b. tenders his services to Jot • hers, manufacturers and dealers, who may he di-posed to Make trial of this market• He is prepared to snake advances on consignments of all saleable commodities, and trusts tosall-ly correspondents by quick sales, and speedy land favorable returns. That the. various interests which may i.e ronlided to him, shall he adequately protected, hr brings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise generallv , the cervices of Mr. Ss most. PsrisrusToet; heretofore advantageously known. as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement is made. REFER TO Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pres't. of M. 4- M. •• Bank. •• Darlington Q• Peebles, •• Robert Galway: •• James M. Cooper, James May, •• R. M. Riddle. s (' Pittsburgh •• Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres't of Exchange Bank. •• Ham piou,.s.mltlt. 4. co.. • • John D. Davis. 1 •• Samuel Church. •• J.C. Moorhead. •• Jas.. W. Brown 4- co •• John H. Brown. 4- Co. •• Profit, fft is,aley. •• Yardly ¢ el, very, ) Phitadel'a. •• John S. Riddle. •• John Datoeii, I cep 10 JONES 11. COLE,MAN. Si. Cleir al., nenr p 4 lierheeyPrMar LOOK AT THIS FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREE FAMILY FLOUR—Jost received • finfr barrels of 13aporior Floor, made expressly for family uge.:For We by . ISAAC CRUBB,I4B MD, St. lo Store 50 barrels gap. flour. For publishing a nem Daily Paper in the City of Pitts DAILY MORNING POST. /1111 E Subscribers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry Into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Doily Jeernix, Poet. The trading object of Ins ••Pore" will he the dautemina• lion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of Owe doctrines. Although. ht politics, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an !worst, candid history of pasaine Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intehigence. and brief notices of all oral ters and occurrences that come properly within the cohere of a Public Journal, to make their paper sufliciently in• ' , resting to entitle it to the pat ronage of the public, ir respective of pally considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will he found in the -Morning Pest,•" the Editors will take pains to fnrnikh the linsiness community with the latest and most interesting Commertct&L lirret.Lt• germs from all parts of the country, and to have prepa• red such accounts of the Markets and the Slate of Trade so will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business Men In their several callings. Tel-mos.—The Purer will be published on a large imperi al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this Jourrril) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per *num, payable in advance. It will also be sold by news.hOys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy, Advertisements will he im.erted ;I the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. Kr TWENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post, who will he engaged on the most liberal terms PHOS. PHILLIPS, W. H. SMITH. Aunts' :31, 1842. 1.00 HIIDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO. in store and for sale by J. C. 4. A CORDON. rep i 3 No 12,Waler street BY Morrison ¢ Co. London, for sate only by S. Pt Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittshurgh Pa. and 11. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Vk'mitern Pennsylvania. sep 10 FARM FOR SA Le.—The node' signed off• rs for PRie a tract of land situated 4 miles freepott, In the direction of Kittanning, Buffalo 'lown.hip, Armstrong county. containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of wilier) are in meadow— a good square log dwelling house and cahvn barn erected thereon—an npvle orchard of 80 heating trees—and a spring of excellent water convenient tot he liott.'e FOR TERM apply to the PITIF:CriiIPI'S residing RI the all works on the Penn, , ylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free sep 10 /110 TIIE WISE.--I Ivs note well millet - vim:id how timeh disorders of the mind depend for their cure noon a due ;Mem ion to the body. It is now iiiiderednit how valuahle is that aedirine ‘yliteli mill remnee morbid crumulat inns without we:Armin-1 the bodily power. It Is now insder,tood that there is a reciprocal influence he. I wren the mind arid the body. It le now understood thet purging with the Brandreth Pills will 'move a melan. 0101 Y, and even itisnelly In cured by perseveringly "sing I Item; 11 is now understood bow much domestic bappl. nrss depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive arrows. It in now well known that the Bran/teeth PM. have cured thousand. of linoeirss and !triples!, rferColl, eNren when the first physirians had pronounced them beyond all human means or relief. It is now not only well known that the Pr:lnfirm!) Pills no mire, Intl it in also un derstood how they rum; that it is by thelerturifyin: effect on the Mood that they restore the hotly tdlienith. The %mine of the medicine in beenntinx Thorn and mare ma itifent ,it is recommended daily troll' family In f anitry. The Brandrelh ruff; rrmove In an almost imperceptible ntanner all noxinit , accumulations and purify and inylvt t ale the bitnal,a nil their xond rfll•cls nyr nol eraihterha lan red by any htennyenieneen; twine composed entirely of vegetables they do not I , poFr those who tune them 10 flamer; and their effects are an mrtaitt an They are salu tary; they are flatly and safely admini,tert din Infancy. yniiihi. manhood, and old axe. anti to wortren in the most critical and deftcateclrcomslaner•. They do not disturb nr shock the a nitnal functions, hit rcs` ore ihreir order and ot tallish i heir health. mproved Hay nit fnel u red I , e heir fll acliiiii hrl wee.ln• ill Fl reel. RA is ire 11:111,1 1 iiI4 norm-tore and nil the follow. ig srales(wltol. composed of No. 1, 1 , 0,1 tile Platform Sold at Dr. Brand retli's Offirr, No. 9'l, Wond wirer% r Prire 25 rent. per lint, with fall directions. 1I AR K--The only glare in Piti,lmroi where the gents• in. , Pill. ran be obtained, is lie T.l,cior'n own offite, No 92 Wood el reel. rep 10 1110 7'IIE LADIES —Why do you not remove that voinerfluotie hair you have upon your forehead. and limier lip, 7 Ely calling at T0Tr1.16.. 86 Fourth el., and oloaining a bottle of Gourniore Pondree which will remove It at once without aff.•rllns the akin. You can oleo obtain Gottrand's huh , relebrated Eau de Beaute, which will at once remove all freckle•, Foliations of the skin, and nuke your fore• look per Emily fair; and to those who wima to assist nature by adding more rolor to their cheek., they ran obtain Arnim of Gott • rand's relcluated Liquid Rouge. whirtt eannot lee rolthe.d off even by a wet clot It. A lan may he 'found a good As. col - linen, of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Bears' Oil, Al. mond, Paint, %Vindectr; and other Soaps. ffeuicmher. at Tuttle- , Medical Agency, 86 4th street. Dec. R. 1812 ales oil WI, eigh 3otIU loutalz,di L ET Invalids read Ile following arronnt of a Sailor cured of a rompliraiinti of afflictions in nineteen days hy the use of Brandreiti Pill,, It distinctly proves there are herbs in natbre Whirl" have affinity rure he. rause of disease. and Brand roles Pills are made for them Read and be convinced. Take the medicine andlie cored EXTRA 0 R DINA RTC UR E OFR HE UMATISM DIA 12 RIICEA, AND AFFECTION or THE 1.(,N17:5 ions SnAll'. of Pembroke. Washiugton count v. Maine, twins ditty sworn, pays, Ilia. he was taken violently 'irk about sir mouths since. The pains in his head, breast, lurk, left side and Instep bring so had that he was urns. Melo help himself, and was taken into the Chelsea Hos. phut in the rile of Boston. That after befit , in said hospital five weeks, Doctor 'Otis said lie did not know what was the mallet Wien him, and that he could do nothing for him, nor could In prescribe tiny medicine Thal he, therefore, was conveyed front the Chelsea Hoe. I pit'al to the Bailor's retreat on Staten. ISialid. That he `was there physirked trill. all sorts of medic tie for a pert. ad offcur nmnths, suffering all the lime the most heart. rending misery,— Thai, besides his affection of his hones lie was troubled much with a diseam of the In ngs7 Caine times he would spit a gnarl of In the day; besides this affection lie had a hail Martin:4n, winch had more or less:Mended him from t In' commencement of his sick. neap. That at times lie dreaded a stool worse than he would have dreaded death; that ite can compare! he (vet te:, to nothing save that of knives parsing through his 1 bowels. A fier suffering worse than death it the Sailor's Bet rea t, on Staten Islam!, the doctor told him that ntedi• rifle was or no use to him. that he mu-. ry to stir:de - mt. A I this time lie was mtTering the greatest misery. That his bones were in tender he could 11(1i hear the least press. Itire upon the elhow or upon We knee, that his instep to as most painful. that as the Doctor said he would give him no more medicine he determined to procure some of Dr., Brandretli's Pills, which he did, from 241 Broadway New York; that lie commenced with five pill., and some times increaSed the dose to eight. Toe first week's line .0 much benefited him, that the doctor., not knowmg what he was union, said. inow,Shaw, yon look like a men aeain; if you improve In this way, you will soon be well.' • That he fated every dose of the Brandreth Pills relieve him, first hey cured him of the pain when at g 1001; that they next cored the dial rhree, cad finally the nains in his honest—That the medicine seemed to add .trrngth to him every day. He told the doctor miler day the 11th Instant, that he felt himself well. and 311 , 0, that he owed his recovery to Il•andreths rills under Providence, that he had taken the medteme tevely day for 19days; that the doctor told him if he hid known he had been taking that medicine, he should not have stayed another day in rue house. He considers ti is his dnijc to make thtspuhlic statement for the benefit of all similarly afflicted; that they may know where to find a medicine that will cure them. _ JOHN' SHAW. John Shaw lining hy me duty sworn I MS , 14th day of April. 1842, dtd depose and env the I the fbregotns state meet is trot.. J. ID EELER.Commhanovrer r)f Deeds Th. BRAXDRETH PILLS are Fold at Dr. Pron . . dreth'e principal ofkre. 241. BR 04D FrA T. New York and at itia principal office. N 0.99 Wood street. Pittsburgh, the aorzyrz,..sca in Pittsburgh where the 'entail* twit be obtained sep22—dw2at PROSPECTUS burgh, to bo entitled the WM. k PRIMP RAKER IIRANDRETII PILLS PRICE. TWO CENTS• DAILY MORNING POST• Public opinion Bighting in Regard to the Blessings of Paper-Money Banking. The annexed article, from the New Yolk Herald's money, writer, puts in a. strong light the main point which is pro.: during such a change in the mind of the people in regard to the paper•issuing' banks. It is not only the fraud and ruin growing out of the expansions, specula dons, contractions, and depreciations which belong to the banks of paper, but the or pression of the tax which ,vears down the protective industry LI the nation, to sup port the drones who hive in banks. Thin is the mischief which is inrurabie. We do not of to men who have amassed surplus capital investing it in loans, and es tablishing banking partnerships for the purpose. The, abuse grows out of the privilege by which men have ne :spits!, make it out of paper; and those who have doubling it in the same way; and then tax" ing the community to pr.) , interest on their promises to pay the bank obligationsis— sued as currency, which they are not able to pay..—Gleke. The great revolution which has been go.. ing on fore a few years in banking, will produce the most beneficial efects on the industrious classes. The country has _ been impoverished and swindled to an al. most inconceivable extent, .by a email class of bankers, under the pretence of fa. ciliating trade,. The once wealthy date, of Virginia has been impoverished by this villanous system. In bringing tpgetber figures, the results are absolutely astonish• ing, even to those who are in the same de gree prepared fur it. We will rook at the actual state of affairs in Virginia. The followisg is a list of five hawks, with their capitals, and that of their. bratithes; alio th e total number of Sttockhoidets: Bank Cupiial of Virginia and the ineitilPer if Stockholders. &Dellald. S:ockhold• era in era out of Capital. l'irginsn Virgeri Tot al. Planl;'of Vira $3 6420 N +hie 35 704 Filmier's Parn-k 2653:t3C0 532 2R 640 I'k 'attic '11•0'y 1.076100 137 29 266 N. Western irk 737,200 52 48 140 blerelis et M cc'cs' 516:500 114 42 153 .625,430 1.11 these 1,763 people, of whom 222 are foreign to the State., has been vested by law the sole privile•ge of furnishing the people of Vitginia (whose population, in 1830, Was 1,221,40 x; and, in 1840,1,239 e., 797—showing scarcely any increase) a paper curt enty. !tithe lan ten years; then, L,763 people 'ltalia received of the; mceeda of the industry of the remaining. 1,238,034, 87,600,000 in dividends, of which $912,000 has been sent oat of the State, This sum has been paid for the privilege of using their ipaper promises as cut rency, instead of the constitutional cut, r eery of gold and silver. The operation will he made more clear by taking the lar 7 gest bank separately the Bank of Vir- That concern went into operation in. 1805; and dining the time since elapsed: (being thirty seven years)h-s actually di— vided and paid amo ,g 704 individuals, ac-r rording to i s own sworn rettil Its, $17,179,. 080. This sum was paid by Virginians, in the proceeds of their labor, for the priv... ilige of using an annual average of $829,, 100, of the paptr promises of the associa ted 704 persons., as a currency. In the 184 S, the circulation of the bank was 81, 039,680, and the Richmond. office ' paid ad dividend o4' 23 per cent. In 1821, the• circulation fell to $114,379, and the Rich mond 'Ace paid buto percen'. In ]i837,. the circulation again reached $1,162,780. and again the bank paid 20 per cent divi dend. kVbat an abon inableswindleis this! If the bank had never existed. and the people, instead o f giving $17.119000 to the bankers for nothing, had spent $5,000. 000 for specie, the State would sow have had a sound currency, and not only been $12,000,000 richer, in hard cash. (equal to three entire tr3pa of tobacco,)but would have saved 2014 the losses that have grown out of the continual fluctuations of the bank. Now, while the people submit to this. immense taxation fur the benefit of a hand ful of individuals, they refuse to pay the debts of the State, because the tax, though small in comparison, is levied in a direct manner. This is very marked in the case of Pennsylvania. Take the case of . the Uni ted States Bank. The number of stock holders was as follows: ln Philadelphia 1,481 Elswhere in the United States 1.652 In Europe 1.390 The capital of this hank was 1335,000.,, 000, alid the profits in 20 years of its ex istenre amounted to $70,000,000, whereof 30 per cent. or $21,000,000 was sent In Europe, and 40 per cent. or $28,000,009 paid out of Pennsylvania—makirig Wok 000,000 paid voluntarily by the people who were shouting hosannas to the 41,523 persons who received this enormous a— mount (.4* money from them, as if they im parted enure great blessing by so doing.— In 1840, Pennsylvania was on the point of failure for want of 8800,000 to pay her in— terest. The Legislature of the 11th June levied a tax on personal propetty, ratima , ‘ ted tt, y ield 31.000,000. In January.. 1841, the Governer, in his message, stated, that none r.f the tax had bean collected, and that the county officers had taken no. steps in the matter. This was because taxation was..unpopular. 10 the-a:mem* From the N.Y. Herald. 222 1,70