Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 25, 1843, Image 3

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    DAISIES wranzati, poses
JANUARY 25, 1843
vm...urribug.--That snow storm yesterday
morning. Ittnade a tremendous fuss for
a few minutes, but all was over. We have
been ;:waiting patiently for weeks for a
: sleigh ride, and thought that we were a—
bodt to realize .the object of our dreams;
. but as the fellow said in the play "all hopes
afle4i" There is not as much snow on
&iound now as would sprinkle the of—
_icor in the morning.
- ,
Theloourierists* of this city had another
very large and interesting meeting at the
Ztlftut st. School house, on Monday night
alnistroug determination exists among them
Wgiiidiead with their project of cornmu
, -1111ftrsehielt is with them nearly original.—
edifying speeches were made on
4 . :cietasion, and the cDmmittee appointed
.at the .previous meeting was continued.
•We call them Fouriepirts hecause we know of
isfs otber name by .which tho idea of their eammu
tidy Cap be understood.
Slcilad Ward Election. —The follewing
is the result of the eleciion for a 'member
Pltati;Conarnon Council held in the second
•ward yesterday. It will be observed tha
the Marquis Lafayette Irwin has a major
ity of 4:
George Fortune,
M. F. Irwin,
1 1 , Fitzsimmons, Assessor of 2d W. 1
J Mcllroy, 1
.1 blcWillisms, 1
To morrow our readers may expect a
reporeof the "Tippecanoe case" which is
now in prngress in the District court.
.Ftri.—Lait- night a fire broke out in a
stable en Evans alley, on the bank of the
;.Allegheny, which was entirely destroyed .
Theflames communicated to the !umber
. .
,yard of Mr Lenuatd, end before arrested
Al the exettior,s of the firemen, a large 1-3 t
wof boards were consumed.
AlkTh the engines were on the ground
40 . 4 performed their duty as is their wont.
• .The Vigilant men say that they threw the
Itrit.stater on the fire.
- the firemen mot wishing to leave
-without a little fun, kicked up several fights,
. their weapons being water generally and
fists in particular.
P. S. We are informed that at' five per
sons were crossing the river in a skiff'.
bitittitt the time of the fire, their boat was
7 - ;4plised by a gust of wind, and three
. ;persons. John Corn Firs, Gdrtett Vapors
-'lfnn, alias '•Black Hawk," and a thi r d
•*. 4steon, whose name we did notleatn, was
••"..tk'owited. The. other -two were picked
up. much exhausted. rear the point.
94—B.Irnont, Poe, Vl heeling,
Mingo Chief, Devirinv.
Oe!la, B iwman, Brownsville,
xti He-schell. Allen, Brownsville.
Embasty, —, New Orleans.
Alpine.Cockburn, Brownsville•,
Minn Chief, Devinny, Wheeling,
. - New York, Smith. Lnufsvilie.
irer-8 feet water in the channel
What is the effect of Usury upon a
*,grontitryl This is an important question.
-It is one in which I have no personal
. strterest, and, therefore, I have no motive
bet to get at the truth about it. I will take
, up a controversy with no one, but throw
toot reflections, and let each one judge fur
It is paid that any usury, will, in the
lapse of time, concentrate all properly, in
the Usurer. Let us see.
'We may as well take a small capital as
s large one; the effect or principle is the
Say that in a country, there is no capi—
Aid but only 100 dollars, and that is all in
;,-ths hands ofone person. The account
:Abets stands thus.
' 100.00
..Suppose, then, that the Capitalist lends
Awl , en usury, and suppose that the total
fruits, profits or productions of the loan, is
'tap . if twelve per cent., and that the capital
4iet has 6 per cent., anj the workingmen the
lather 6 percent.. then at the end of 100
-imam the account would stand* thus:
- ,lElWoriginal cap
ital. $lOO,OO
ttittry 600,00 $600,00
You may carry it on for any number of
A theueands of years, this rule would never
Alwaßeentrate all the wealth in the hands of
capitalist, altho' his original advantage
4e:wealthier than the rest, would never be
holly lost.
Suppose now that the total productions
piressam the same, but that the capitalist gets
401 y 2 per cent,, and that the other 10 per
Amu. remain with the workingmen. Then
*the end of a hundred years the account
- `4iould stand thus
Ca pitalisL Workingmen
.41miginal cap
usury 200,00
*300,00 $lOOO,OO
* rce capitalist now, is gradually loosing
verse the scales, and give the 2 *.. -
taints* =workingmen. and th
Ittrtitts capitalist. Then I
Ilimmigtry, the result is u fo
Rest of the poopte
, "IP l talish Wetknigato l - • .1110911VAINII1 443 e
I -1444
• • .
1820 ti
ital. SlOO,OO
His usury 1000,00 0,00 ' N. W. Corner of Wood 4- .Flyth st..
This is wretched enough in all con—
science. But now suppose another result.
Suppose that Abe usury exceeds in any
In the above calculations, noamention is
made of the expenses of living, or the con
sumption of productions. for the capitalist
would spend as well as the workingman.
and would spend more, as his wants would
be more artificial and numerous.
It is a subject upon which I did not
think, until a few evenings ago, when my
attention was drawn to - it, at a meeting of
highly intelligent workingmen. Perhaps
some othet controlling ptincip'es may ex.
ist to remove these results in the combina
tion of society. Let the truth prevail,
whatever it ia. A FREE INQUIRER.
amount at all. the total productions arising
from the loan; say that all the productions
from the loan are 12 per cent. hut that the
usurer charges 14 per cent: Then at the
end of a century—(il6e people would
continue to live in that way) thefr affairs
would have this aspect:
Capitalist. Workingmen
His otiginal cap
ital. $lOO.OO
His usury 1400,00
$1500,00 $200,00 in
debt or less
• than Moth,
in? ! !
It is easy to calculate what the condi
tion of the world would be at any greater
excesq of usury; but the above is bad e
nough. as it enslaves all labor; anti we need
not go beyond that. And it enslay. sit
at once. You need not wait fur the centu
L'lN' T. X 7 47313 OP V. S. MAIL
/VMS line I. In full tiperat ion, and Ituves
cluilr al 6 o'clock, A al, via Wathington ra. and the
Nallocel flood, to Cumberland, connecting there with
Rail flood Co.s to all the shove ['hires. Travelers will
And !hi- a speedy and comfortable route. It bring a sepo.
rate nod dietiort Pittsburgh and Cumberin rid line. fecili•
ties will be afforded which have not !wet' heretofore en.
Joyed• Rasseneers will by taken up and set down at the
4leirliant4.• A Me. lean and Exritotexe
flo els. or at airy lott.e in it.- viriptt I, of I , ere
Ext ra roacheq foritti.lmil at the . 1 .1, - 11,1 eol lee, with the
'civil , :zeof :ointz through 4/tree'. or of taltinx one tit;ltt.'. ,
test, at their °Winn.
Mir seats apply at the Ohre in St Clair street, corner
or the Earllamle !Inlet, or at the offt .e in Water et, next
door to the Moitong theta Itott-e.
President of the N:illolial flood Stoxe COmpar.e.
C Arlti.110•;. •
.1 , 1 f.
To Let,
rIFO STO/YES on Nlttrrt.et it., het wren 3.1 -11 1 .
ALSO, Iwo.pnriau And rilitYr,j,el rnnri in I tip
And .tore Opening by n If:111 no 11:1rk, .irert; w.. 11
M for Law 001,,,, or for a trgnlrtnz a Cwi
V 1.1 0 ,111 :11111 1 41• , r1r<f. 11 1 fret,
MAW), 1110 -tiloa 11 Rio,. I trill Oil Third Si , Oit
pußitr MP , P 05.1 (a, 31 prvri•rit OCT uillCd Browit
Raymond as • L,llO
A the Itzlo :11111 airy attic 011 3,1 et. a' "c.
dopied an the \I liet.emn.
A LSI ) , for rear, al .n.lll hone; near tlen dwell.
ink Iton , e untie .taltseriher In Pill toWuslJp, wt, It a tow
arms br Land aitarnidio each.
13--1 i C9ICD 11 17. Z .
No 51. l'h , rd
FOR Storell , .nee and Lot now
n - ennied Iw M Datzel,. sumo.. at I . lie eoruer of
013111 , 1,11 alert' and the Vatoonl. in the ell) , of
Nllo4ll'lll Aeor io Ilr O.A Izeli on the pretr
%e.., or John Snyder. CaAtier. flee 30—tin.
torn Blooms ih rtnrr and tor Zg 7 -1/y
.1, %V 111JR11111DC
Pin 3 1211, tV in. bet Wee“
WILLIAM C. WALL, Plain cad Fancy Portrait
and Picturc Frame Jihmafacturer, 87,
Fourth Street Prttabergrh. —Canvars tirunlic? Varuinh
4-e., for Artiste. aiNVEIVS on hand. Look jog C;lnr,.ee. 4r,
prompilv (rattled to order. Ilepairing done; t the short
eat notice.
Particular atirtition paid to regilding and Jobbing ol%v
ery defcrip, iou.
Per<nns filthy; tip Sicam lioußns will find
heir navant -Into call. seri 10
AGOO/lel:cop To 7 avern Stand l' rent tow--1110 otHy
Tavern stand In the vicinity n( East Fairfield—eight
miles this side of New Lisbon, In Columbiana county
01110--ndjacent in several other Villages--and in a re.
spectelde neighborhood, on the leading state road throne,
Ohio--the Tavern house is ,arge and cenvenient—s goad
garden and large food stable 4-c Incite:, which will
ba low and accommodating In a good tenant, apply to
John Anderson on the proinkes, or at Harris' General
Agenry and I nteillgenre office. Jan 19.
JU:ST received— 20 dozen zo ut t 0111 Broome,
5 no C :A A zeii,
150 II frezli Roll Unticr;
500 mt.: enrpet chain;
4 dozen Suck.;
A•zenl and Commitoion Merril:ant
jetAND possession give'. on the Ist of A.
mii. Two ite,it 2 story Itrirk houses,
squats. on Peon PI I eet,(nonosite M'Ketyy`e
Row,) earblrotoni,dng four well finished
rooms, mite story, kitchen retlare, 4-e..
with a hall from the front dour. Rent, $75 per annum.
Four coinforiatile frame in M'Cormlrk's Row,
Penn et., each hones four looms, garret and
lartie yard, whit porches and yatila in front. Rent 1975
per aniinin.
One brirk house on the ember of Factory and Penn sts
suitable for the retail business. • Rent $9O per annum.
a tine 2ttory brick house adjoining; 'which communl
eater with the above) will be rented separate or together
Rem $5O per annum.
Two 3 story brick house+. and storm adjoluina the ca.
nal basin. (sth Want.) very eultahle for ilia - thoce,y and
produce business. Rent 8120 per amino n.
Two well finished 2story!briek houses, (recently built.)
situate on Pike street.each containing four rectum. garret,
cellar, fc., nod kitchen on the fiat floor. suitob;e for gcu.
tact private reidenres Rent $lOO per annum.
Also that well finished and comfortable brick dwelling
ham, situate on 011ain st., amt now In the occupancy
of W, 1. Totten, Req. Rent $ 160 per annum. A pi.ly to
To Let,
MAE store room an dwelling on Market st, now or
copied 6q Tilos Campbell 4- co , Apply to
jan 17.1842 JAMES TILAKELY.
Family Flour.
100 BA RRC LS Extra Family Flour, jusii received
and forsate by J. W ; RURRAIDGC, fr Co.
Water Street, between Wood and Bn3itbdeld.
Jan. 16111.180.
no •
TIN in a safe and certain cure for Coughs, Colds
Asthma, Sore Throat, Paine and Weaksess of the
Breast frkospiss Cengh. Hoarseness, Irritation (Vika
Threat, and many diseases leading to the Consumption.
Try. it—only fit per roll—prepared and sold Whole
e and ' Oral' by H. T. PRICE, Confeetloner,FedEral
AltetiOry City, tied the principal Druggists of Pitts-
et awe you ask for Price's Compound Cough Candy
nor 17--4 f.
Tule proprietots of the Moan Isis POST and 51 gIICCRY
♦ND MANUFACTVIICR respectfully inform their friends
end the pai tons of hose papers, that they have a large
and well chosen assortment of
*AFC. WIC r3/C 4 111111CIE")1E
sEVIVIED /A 1.% ortimTim EY_VAT_Ca%' gZ.T.S)S'
Necessary to a Sub Printing Office, and that they are pre
pared to execute
Books. Bills of boding, Circulars,
Painphiels, 818 Heads, Cards,
Handbills, Blank Checks, Bat Tipa• .
211 Mobs of 'Blanks,
Stage, Steamboat, and Cana/ Boat Bills, with app..°
ptliace Cats,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terEntt
We respectfully ack the patronage of our friends and
he public to general in this branch of our hustuer3a.
Pittsburth„ Sep:. 39.1642. PHILLIPS 4. SMITH,
Rank of Pinsbureb. par
March. ¢ Man. bk. par
Exchange bank, par
Ilk. of Germantowt.
Kastoft lank. l• _
Lancaster bank, die . 2
Rank of Chester Co. par
Farmers' bk Bucks Cu. o
Doylestown . hk do o
Bk of N America Phil. "
Bk of Northern Liberties,.'
Commercial bk. of Pa- "
aleelianics bk. o
Kensington bk.
Philadelphia bk.
Schuylkill Irk. •
Southwark bk. ••
Wesiern bk.
Ilk. of Pennsylvania, 14
Kk of Penn TI. par
Man. it Mechanics bk. 5
alrothanics bk. par
Moyamensing bk.
Girard ba..k, 50
1.7. Stales bank. 60
wliermens', Warren, --
Frank. bk Washington, par
Miners bk nf Pot isvile, 10
Ilk of NI nnigoniery CO. par
Mon,,bk Brownsville, 11
Erie Bank. 5
marrie.bareb I.nnk. 9
Far. bk Lancaster, 2
Bk of Middletown, R
Bk. of Chambersburgh, 81
Carlisle hank, lit
Bk of Northnnilicrland, 811
Columbia bk ¢ Bride/. ro. 3
Rk Ru= g nehanna Co• 11
Biro(' Delaware Co. par
Lebanon Ilk.
Ceti yslairch Ik. 81
York Lank. 8
Far. k wavers bk. of
~ ~ Currency pow , . 8
I,V%.oliiiiit brink, 20'
PP isti',l6 Stale Scrip, 571
C, try tic" do 91
Ilnrkft Co. hank, 65
I.r.iviotowp,, 11.1'
11 , ..1111 , v4,4wa1 1 t
I,k 411SIrti
FlP4mo,,t 1•k ..1
\larieita bk. flri❑aud
do riirrrti^y
I.k New LI,
Itott Ihttimr.d,
do Post p0t,..,
( ,!trviitttsill Nperie par
111,11. k Trader. I,k of
'l,lr PI:.
Clinic'', Ilk a r„lginibr..,,
Demand runty,.
(11. Latv retwe
t , k
.21 EMP L:--T hn uh , r riberq have. TC111.1V• dTO VC.,
111, tqr brdwren Woad and Stnithlield streets, where
hey will conlitme the tVlintesale Grorery and Coutnus
clan tni+ilir,s, and would re4pe , I hilly .nluell the palm,
av• friends J W. ttUft 1111111C:E 4 . Cu
I T. PRICE, Whnion.llP and R 0:411 Baker, Cu. o
ie,•tioner and r.rn erer, Federal street, near the
Diamond, alllee,heny
Evert , variety of Caufertionary awl Ornamental
Cot eg, suitable far werlillnzm• and pH uttfact It , ell
front the hest Innlvriatg, at .tiort notice. nos 16
GEORGE W. L.Arxn. AltDrnev nt Law.otiler
N.. 54 Firth Brent, near the Theatre, Pali rgh ,
27—1 y.
lIR. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, ofrei Smith
field, between Se - rood and Third .515., Hours of
I.u4iriss., from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M.
Dr. E.. M. manufactures Procelnln aml Mineral teeth.
[kWlsta ran be suppti,d by tlie. 100 or single If el 11. 1111t,k ,,,
of teeth with a beautiful gum In full sets, or parts
of ',tits, will be made in order at the shortest notire.lis
forwardins an exact ImprePslntt of the mouth.
for Pale a l'cw machines svitr eatery •wlierla Coe 27i nding
end fittia2 mineral teeth so useful to the Dentin—all
will lie sold low (or reah. der. 23.
FOR RENT.--Vromfortahlenew brick dwell.
1,11 tiowir,situnte in Coll Laile neor 7th strrett..
For terms, which whit he tooderato.rioptv to
dor 30--tf.
Avm. E. AUSTIN, Attorney nt Law, Pitt Antrgit, Pa.
°thee In 4111 street, opposite Burke e
WILLIAM E. Avg rim, will give leis silent Inn to my
unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patron.
age of nty friends. WALTER FORWARD.
serf 10—I v
LUMBER FOR S4LE —Yootar plank, hoards.
weather hoardin! anti Sraniling. Also, White oak
hp; Ms of various lengths and thickness, wheel arms for
Rtealohost hockPir. brace., ,to.. of various length and R I •
zee, by wholesale or retail. Apply In
Tor. Vet. 1443 —2to.
CREEN APPLES.--10.it rec'd from Beilveroon, 56
bid.. of Rom:trine apple+, which !Nell for 50 coots
per barrel. ISAAC CRCSE,
tan 20 143 Liberty st.
Dssolution of Partnership,
ril t i
i - II
t i E i:ooartnershin heretofore existing between the
subscribers under the firm of David Lloyd fen.,
g Ibis day dissolved by limirdtlon. The husinese of the
ate firm will he settled by,, David Lloyd at the old stand,
corner of fifth and Mftrket sts.
.s. ), {V Id .if UM'S.
Jan 2183 . PAUL IJUGUS Jr.
Wait'it P. Hazes are authorized to receipt and Nettie
ants in my - sbsenee, DAVIDLLOYD,
Wm Ilugus, .1 D. Bachman and P. Ilugus Jr., hay.
nil entered into copartnership under the firm of Ilugus
t Bachman 4- co , will continue the Dry Goode business at
the old stand formerly occupied by David Lloyd tt CO.,
corner of Market nod sth stre,ts. where they Intend keep.
ire a full assortment of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods,
Wal . HUGO: 4 ,
Jan 2 1842. PAUL DUGUR jr.
I have sold my interest in the late firm of David Lloyd
'S Co. to Messrs Mu;;ltg, Bachman 4. Co., who ',cheer.
fully racommenol as 1% °ally of public patronage.
Jan 20-6 t. DAVID LLOYD.
"'FOR SALR.—A valuable farm on the Ohio
river,ln,Beavercounty,3milesbelow Economy ,con•
raining 200 acres. ilt contains an abundance- of coal; it
has a brick house, about 4.5 feet square, a large frame
barn, a stone grist mill In good order, with a good dwell
ing at the mill; with other neceseary outhouses. It will
he sold for $5,500: one half dawn-and the balance in
4 equal antral payments. A good -end sufficient title
will be given—pusseasion given immediately; for fur
ther particulars apply to .1 MES A RifteCK LE.
lan 20-.1 t
No premises,
Bbads. N. 0. Bogor, this day rec J stnmer Sew
York, and for oaleby e ‘ge ° `GORDON.
poe 10. G4Water st
Maa.ik,n, 2
Sandusky. '2
Granen, 2
Dayton, 2
Post notea. 2
Chillicothe, 10
Fran.l4 Columbus. 2
gamitton, 35
Cont. bk. Lake Cale, - 35
Par. bk: of Canton. Su
Qrbana 65
State I.k. dr Brandies 2
Slate Scrip, 50
All books, 2
giat-e hk 4 Branches. 60
?bawiwetown, 7U
Rank or Virginia, If
do Valley, 11
Fur. hk. or Virginia. q
Exrivritige hank, 11
N. Weir, hank 11
Ater. /1-Mer. do,
Rail %more Ripka, if a r
Country Ranks. 2
All flanks,
AU Ha ;km
par and 1
ill) Raill , l7. plf
Colnlvy hank!.
(Rarely 8 1
Red Bark. Ito 1
Ramon Banks
Country .•
Orlent.e 13:ink!. *nod . 5810
Rank►. 21
(:nod fin
%II Rank..
11 4. of St. I'l:.ir.
(1...1 .1. H.
G ,, n4 inmk•
FlA•lerit Ex t•
Nnw V..rk,
. f.. 1 ern richa ntze.
Lotii,v par
si I.v r
Three Mt Dora,, Ilt , erty et
,_ _
~: -
.;..: , ,
- • - • -
onawrPOßTegotswito at ,Lievr.--.oltei
it) on the eortuir °Mettle and ereithnetit s. sep lp
ATTORNEY AT LAM —Office in Rears' Bnilding,
Fong li greet, rittshureh. Nov.s, 1842.
lr T. STEWART, Upholsterer and Paper Ranger,
• No. 49. FM h atrret, between Wood and SmlttiBeld
dts. Husk and Straw Mattresses al ways on hand. All
orders executed with neatness nod despatch, on accommo
sating terms. sep 20— 1 y
2000 BUSHELS OF FLAX SEED, for hidk the
highest price in cash will le gives
JAMES DICKEY 4- co Acts.
Mechanics Line corner of Litany and Wayn streets
Pittsburgh• Oct '42.
LIBRA RY Rellgious,fflaioilcal,Polltical.and
celleneons Worke,"wlll be open every day, Se:ihath ex.
cepted. "rant 7 o'clock, A. M., uni II 9, P. M., In the Ex
change Bullding,corner of St iClair streetand exchange
alley. wnere punctual attendance will be liven by
yen 10 1. OF:NMI!.
r:si * .). ii
Linrivalieg Blacking,
ANAlsxFAcTußnicerd sold whole .ale and retail
SIXTH STREIC, One door below Smithfield.
ocl 21—IY.
PRINTING INK.—Tlie aulisrriber has Jost recei
yea an assortment of Book and News PRI NTINO
INK, from the old e.dablisbee manufactory cf Clia• les
Johnson, (formerly Johnson dr Zurant) of Philadelphia,
which he warrants to he of the 81 . 4. quality, put up In
keys of from 1010 15 tbs. to suit purchasers.
He intends to be constantly suppli , d, and all orders
accompanied by cash: will he punctually attended.
Washington Print in: 011icc,3d door west of Mn) Irons'
Hotel. sth at. Jan 10-31 w.
WILI.L9AI ELDER, Attorney at Law; Office in
Batten',lra !Willing', warty opposite the New
C nun flrmi... nn Grant strevi. cr n 30—
DUCK IVllEAT.—Recelved from Harmony half
"JP barrels Buckwheat Flour,suitahle fur famines, fur
:sale Iry ISA At: en uso,
j to 5 143 Liberty is,
In store, Family Flour, a superior n r icle for linkers
SE N )5
A'i.%?C") I
V E subscriber has Just received Ida annual supply of
Landreth' Garden Seeds, C 0 1 ,11191 log in part of the
!lowing aluda—all of the lapt year•scrop wartanied
.‘Ppat.agup, Egg Plant, Parsnip,
Beets, e. Peas,
Kale, Pepper,
Radish. Borecole,
Wa , er Melon, lthitbat b, Cat bage,
Must, " Ss Isaly, Carrot,
Cauliflower, Spinach,
Celery, Oki a,
ii Curled C e'p, I )ni,m,
Turnip, Cucumber. Pat
Coro, Mustard, (whit,• and
&,. &c.
Tn.:ether tcl Ih.. varier y of Pot .1- Sweet herb,. art! flower
it Orders for Seed:, Shrub., Tr, ,i, kr. from Carden.
els and ()Inc.' , will be received and promptly attended
in F t.• NOWDIrC,
Jut 11 No. I s 4 !Aber' y. head of Wood st.
'0 /.E7'.—Those two inoriris brick dwellinz houses
I 3d street. httjnittitte the Post Office. They are
ear a:ltt commodious and have been arranged as tares
tt•ht itwelhh:. tor PI Ml , )cart The rent will he
moderate. For terms apply to
Jan 1 31v
To Let
.e-c e .t.2 N. convenient clwelt.n e eittinted in Diamond :alley
known ft, the "Hole in the Wall " It t . 01.111i1,1
'lo:7_ 9 r 0... 9 With a lar2e or I ntinclieti to It. it kt lit
he rented low ton food tenant. Pti.sesielett liven On the
of April, etniiiire al Stephen HuueA hat metre IVnittl
Alen, a Gwrilltol nine in Alleillietve city cuntaininz
5 voo-ii , Kith a Inr4e lot attachtd to il,renl $75--en.
quire neal.ove. jan 14--3' •
For Rent,
THE thveitttvz lionse, known as the Canton Cottage,
Ail nntrel On the lower hank Allegheny city, fronting
Bank lane, onsvessivn given on the igt day of April nett.
G . B. ti* Co.
J o 113---(113N Market street.
*lO Reward.
ST°EN Crotn the stable ofthe sub,criber living three
miles nest of BrotviStedin lu Washittstlon co. on the
nicht of the 5111 inst—e dark brown horse, with a stak:
In his forehead, about 16 hands high, 5 y e.l rs
h. fie.h, nn shoes on behind, slightly lonic In bolt I..ind
feel, has a r.o•e or sear on the left jut', no cube' marks
The a nye reward Irlil be riven fur 'nom , and
thiet.or Aolla TN for eii tier deltv,ry of the to the ttntocri•
lieu, or to .101 M M. Davin, near Plitehor•zit.a4 It 14 si rong•
ly Rllslpecied that the horse wag taken lu tiam direr! inn
A 8.11.3 KIR FOR SA LE. rot t,r 50 a.
cresol' Land In Maio town.diip. near Lebanon.
Ctmreit, and near 'lie MrKiTsoorl and Wrollitielon road
There i- shout 40 'icies cleared, a new stone Mange and n
square log barn, and n 7.00,1 young orchard on it and
is in excellent order. There Is an nlmarlance of coal
aed tinwsinn e on It. It lies about 8 tulles from Pitts
burgh, and will be sold nn nee'JMllllolial terms. En •
quire at Harris' Inielligenre office, No 9, sth street, or
of the subscriber on the premises.
LAutes OVER t , uok..—The can now do away
with all kinds of over shot., MI walk through the wet
streets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept perfect•
ly dry:can wear tight shoes without having, their corns
pain them; and can have their alto• s wear twice no long
as ever, if they will use Ilia rertirated Ott, or TANta.a hich
hill make leather water proof. and render it ac ptialtle
and soft as kid. fl's en nrlicte well worth their notice.
and one which they will all value highly,ns !otos ns they
try it. To he had only at Tit TT L
klentcs.c Aar Nit. 86, Fourth street.
("ice, $1 per hott'e. jan
FIATS—W. ,5• M. Dolmaslr inform their friends and
the public that they have commenced mannf:,ctu •
ring flats, and that they have now ready -for eale, at
their Store,l4B Liberty street, between Market and 6th
street, an assortment of the very best fiats, which I:.ey
are anxious to dispose of on the chenpestand most reason,
able terms. Their stock consist of the very best kinds.
viz:—heaver, Otter, Neutria. Castors, short Nat ped Rue'
silt, Fur and Silk Hats.
W. 4. M. Doherty are both regular bred flatters, they
have had extensive experience as JOUTIINmen in the best
eslatdislunents In the country; their flats are all gut tin
tinder Vick own Inspection, and they assure the pultiir
that nothing but the very best articles on the most run
snnaide terms will be offered for sale. sep 10
ANEAT end convenient two story (trick dwelling
house, with a very large garden and several fruit
trey.; situated on Federal et, Allegheny city, above the
north commons. Posse ion given the first day of April
enonire of Alderman Watson Pittrhurgh.
Jam 19 1843
CORN ,11 EA L.-80 btpnels fresh ground Pined Corn
Meal, in barrels containing 3 bushels, at 75 cents
per barrel:
In sinrc—Family Flour by the barrel.
VIACKEREL —ln store No. 2 ktackerel at 861 per
IVA. barrel—ha If barrela al 31: the Mackerel are offered
at these low pi ices to close sales—Also Codfish by the
drum, very cheap, apply to ISAAC CRUSE:
Jan 20 148 Liberty et
N 077 CE. -I have taken out letters of administration
on the estate on John Wilson. late of the City of
Pittsburgh. dec'd. All poisons Indebted to the estate of
the said deeensed, are requested to make Immediate pay
ment to meat my residence In Penn at. near Marbary. and
those Who have claims nre requested to present them
duly probated. J P WILSON,
Jan 19--Stw.
THE 3d oicry the hitiiditil occupied by R. A.
clansman as an. Auction siore--beretofare known
as "Neentlin's Long Room," corner of Wood and sth
streets. Inquire of R. Morrow, stb st. jan 23.
P. 1 1.11YLVANY-
Corner of 2d Nlnrkel ,d,r4tsi
TE rMlSeet rical
,thetafentrion 0)
their friends end the iathtic, .nerully,-trr 'IhelF
sent silent:hem of Paper Haiti-ill's, VPLir n conta , n ,
large and extensive variety of patterns of toe foltowi
descriptions, which upon inspection will he found to he
ofsuperlor ninth v and finish.
UR:lazed Wall Paper., of at! descnptione, fer pa,tering
rooma and cotrles,;,t3scents per piece.
Gla:ed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterna, for
papering room,* and eat rice, at 37} eente.
..dmerican Wall Paper. of their own manufacture, for
halls; Fresco and other styles for parlors and
eltambers,on ftno satin glazes! grounds.
Freon Wal l Papers, Decoratian and Fresco patterns, in
pinin and rich colors, frohi and silver paper.
Velvet and Imitation Borders.
Landscape Papers, in setts, for papering
and dinina roams, nt reduced prices.
.FTre Board Prints, Statues, Ornaments. 4.e.
!Higdon Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different co
lore. •
tVemtern merchants and others are respectfully invited
to call and examine their stock and pi lees, otT Which 10A
a liberal discount will he elyen.for cash.
From lone experience in the 1 usinesg, they are able to
manufacture papers in a superior manner, and pe they
are determined to . keep Up the character their papers
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue. to re.
ceive the encourngcment hithetinno liherally extended.
No 49, Market street, between 3d and 4th
Plltshrugh, Srpt, 19, 1842—dawtf
Jon N B I I YTRAWORTII, Auctioneer and Commie.
*ion Merchant, houireille, KY., will attend to tit'
sale of Real Estate, Dry Gnoils,Gtoceries. Furniture,. kr.
Ore.. Eegularsales every Tuesday, Thursday. and Fri
day mornings. at 10 o'clock, A. St. Cash ad vrt nceititnee
on consienatet4s. st•p 10
AMES HOWARDco„ Aranufactitrers of Wall
el/ Paper, No, IR, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pe.—
Rave 'always on hand an extensive assortment of Sat in
Claud and pain PAPER II A N't3INGS. Velvet and
Imitation Borders, of the leerst style and handsome
patterns, for papering halls, parlors and elm miters. •
They mannracinee and have or Italia at all times—
Printing. Writing. Letter. Wrapping anti Tea Patter,tion
net nail Fullers' Boards--all of which they offer for sale
on the most fmcommiAssin e trirms; anti to which they
ill Vile the attention of merehanla anti others.
ALSO—Blank Reinke °fail kinds and the hest quality
School Banks, Pie. always on hand and for sale as above
N. B Ram nd Tanners' Scraps' taken in exchange
irIYSTERI, SARDINES, 4.r.; c reed un in the hest
11/ style at A. flexxen's, No 9 Fiflli steel t. Snica'Oe
arnirtnients Are appropriated to gentlemen ncrompanir•d
by ladies . Alm-xll kinds of Cakes and Confectionary for
par tieg, weddings, etc., for sale by
nnc 19-1
TUTTLE: baR this day received fromNem York. a
fresh -I.npilly of Hewes' Nerve and Rone Liniment,
and Indian Vegetable posit ive cure for R heuma
(ism, Gout, rontraeled Cords and Limbs—also
Gamma's Pond's Sabt.le, for completely and perm*
nentiy eradicating superfluous hair from females' upper
lips, the hair conrealina a broad anti elevated forehead,
the stubborn heard of man. or any kind of superduous
hair. Price SI per bottle.
Govenud's Eau dl ßenute, OrTrim Water ni Beard v.—
This Pratte n preparation 1 hornuablv exterminates Ballow.
nem, Freck les.Pi m plea, SO/ PR, Blot ellefl. and all cutaneous
e. notions whatever. Reaiiainx white hands,
neck and arms, and ennoble a healthy juvenile b100m,,--.
A lens. several other valuable mantra, too nut eronsln
mention. The venulne sold only al
Tel -If TUTTLE'S 111EDICAL AIGEXCY, 36 40, gt
A. W. P rensoN. •'rfire on Smithfield street,
near Siith. sett 10
Til BM FOR SA I.F..—Tlte tincleretgoed offers foriale
his farm, !yin: in Ro , m Township 41 mites from the
City of Fit woirliti, eontaMinf 114 arres °Mind of which
60 ate cleared ttnd fence, from 15 to 20 acres of
meadow. 2 grod Orcharda of A ordev, a' few Peach and
Cherry rre , —t he Improvemenu are a large frame house
Colli intn: 10roe n na well fiirn kited • entente led tor aTs
vrrn private Owelline. a frame Barn 28 by 60,stone
bazeln.mt, and •tabtin±, sheds a nd other out housert
able for n tenement;— 2 eciari Gardena enrtnnotied with,
rorrnn' Int , Mes and a well . of excellent water, with a
pump in ni the front door. In relation to OP Pit tvltureh
and A Ile2tteny market. there is no Ware now offered for
, ttle with mnrvindorentent to Ilio4e tviOling to purchase
near riiisher r li.t he terms will Ime made moderate. for
fn tt her parttentn re a ptly to Ilie nrnnrtetnr at 104 Clothing
Sit), e. Litter y street, corner of Vir 2 ln Mier.
N. B. tr not .nld b.fore 111. Ist of October next. it
wilt be divided into 10 and 20 arre to xnit pnr , ha.
itag 19
Inetaito h newly .—T he extreme ....heauty of the
Teeth, their indispensable use. and the frequency of their
decay, hosted to mane inventlow for their praservation;
yet how to pre. set Trr t hem in a slate of health art pri,tine
beauty, to the latest periods of existence, wie entirely,
unknown unfit the dkw.overy of the above iiivaluittail
preparation. It forms a pure tincture composed of veg
'era hie ingredients, and is possessed of ?Lein. .t fidiCiOUN
odor. II eradicates tartar from the test it, removes moms
of inciplint decay, polishes and ptealervna the eitnmek t to
which It gives a pearl like whiteness, and, front its distn.
-feettey prrtprrliet, possesses the v ?. Of ,7iyin tWeetotSg
to the breath.
At an Anti Suirint,c, the clitrn.a!Ao share in ilAttranas
eedunt "finwerf; Scurvey k Prldvated frnm
heathy action and redreag indured, whiff.' 0ft . ..41001ft
entire of the inedirl praciltioner indubitable evirtenre of
their bran hful 9fale. It tins been uzaniinedotid OFoti In
Ferenil of ihe hest phvgirialw of whn 111110. no
itefiliation in rerOmtbendlo2 it as an excellent wash for
he Teeth, C:111114 Cir.
wont the reenoimentlations to the above are the
Boeing it-4rd Dr. "Trio7rr'n Ton Berry Tooth Wish,"
and become aeouainierl wilt the ingredient. of ila compo•
nit ion. I C heerfutiv my, I e oneldet it one of fete safest. as
it is one of the niont pleasant Tooth Nrosl•ea new in use,
Plitsrbitreh Rep, 15, 1x42 DAVID BUNT, Dentist. .
1 lake pleavere in !dating. having mode use of•rTliorn's
Tee Berry Tooth Wank," It et it i. one - of the hes deu
trilices In one. Being In a liquid fans, it tomlitnes neat
nets with convenience. While it cteannen the enamel
Rn d removes the tartar from the teeth. its perfumer velds
afragranee peculiarly deinirahle. i. P. TI BBETTS.
The underalrned Ironed tr.l'hnrn'a rompnond Tea
Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to bean ext renie.•
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a 111 , 11“ #llll6tary
once flier the Teeth arid Grim.; pretieraing therm Indis
pensable members from premature decay. preventing the
riecomnlnthin Tsrinr, nt-putifi ina the Breath. Hay.
ing thoroughly tented its virtue., we take pleamre In re
rmnmeoding it to the plthiir.lielieeing It to he t he best at
tide of the kind new in use.
Al RORERTSO,V, JA.mrs P .I.At'le.
ROB'T 11 PEEBLES, cffss B scatty.
c rmiumall, TV.If .Arc.9.IICDI.ESS,
.1...41 NuOßPrall), - JAS S CRAFT.
Prepared only by WILLI.; al THORN, Apothecary
and Chentiot, No 53 Market Greet, Pitt shnroh; for onle at
RUIN!. principal DrOrgiste, and Tuttle's M.dlent A !fancy,
Fowl h street,
OHN sick:F. the old has on hand the
, splen Ibi assortment of Clothin , / ever offered
Wes My - noel: la later, and lam disposed to sell at the
lows t possinle price. My vock is heavy, and ns the sea.
von isadsanclng. I will sell at lower prices titan ever.
ettk only the pleasure of a call. feetinp, confident that a
look is sufficient. Beware or Counterfeits. Rememher
/'" F: If F. NT nov 23,184
JUST received, 3.000 Senannurtle E'uffalo Robes of ir
fOrent min Mira from 'Film No. Ito 3. •
A lot rf Rear nod Cnh Skint.,
11.000 No. 1 nod 2 Ittoskrnt Mott,
A Int rfOtter and nneroon Skins,
AU which are offeredat reduced ten fo cash or an
proved Oftle}. At to
A. REELEN, at lite A merit:an Fur ro, AEMOCY.
00.12 -3m Corner of Front and Ferry at
P. Polauv, Tailor, No. 49, Liberty St.
2nd Door above Virgin ,Riley
HAS completed a•general arsortment of Winter Cloth.
ing. consisting in part of dlitiond and plait: heaver
cloth frock and evercilat.; heavy fine rind common pitot
cloth velvet trimmed,aud plain; every description of dre.s
and. frock cloth coats, fashienalile colors and fresh clot in
plain and rani.v eassinei pant, cloth and satinet do or
stipeilor qitaliry: every description of vestssuitable for
Ihe season, and will 1 es.rld low for cash. Perpona wish.
in I.cnnve fa.iiiionahle garments made of the heat materi•
al will Gild them at th establishment. Making warran
led equal to any in theca?. A full stuck of goods are on
hand to make to order.
111esers, ft florin;hv and Thotruhi Mernrten me
psi nbl khment p T,d will be lIIIIHI fliv/Ifzed to have a eel! front
their severnt friends. Gond fits insu red or no ?ale.
Pittsburgh, Der. 1, 1842.
. .
41.. .
,444 t.
Fasting)! and Pcra;trantes to cad frogs 'Oros!**
rrfiEi stiti,cr Hien! haring concluded their arra
for extending their huslnetts,nre ail ttnnenfOrylle
red-make airaiii;einents for bringing outpanties:Of 14
ships of the first clays, American Math, and torntiSMlSl
by careful and experienced men: who ore evellantili
ably known In the trade. This Line being the oldMlt
Or the port of New York, It le hard'? neCeibt* IMF
that itie arrnnEtements are mature and . comittattr i ,'illet
from the fart that a vessel is scot our every M 1.,.
_ltillit ta
is evident that no unnneeessary delay to pammurrlllt
occur . A liee ptiestr:e per steamboat from Innetsdrime
Scotland, can he engaged, rind when those sett ledliirds•
rn, coining out, the money - rertindedld - tb*
p,,,i from whom it was reeriveti l vittiMbit dedectlemk
Apply to GA NIUE!, TIMAIPEONS.„. I •
Old riitabll.hed l'ans.lenOtfice„273 Perir!,ll , l;,,
10 Gores Pateza,,L4i
Drafts and exchange s at nod for nny,it
can he furnished on It, C. Glynn d. Co , Ranters.:
don, E Grfitudwaw d Co., Liverpool; the psalm,* .
of Scotland; National Bank of irittand:
Banking CO. A pal) , to 'PETER RATTURA4I;
Chatham vtreet, near the Fourth street ro ll
• the Welsh Church. dee: 8_
.9_,P R. I.LINIEL MclifE.9l., Office on Finis !tee"
hottvievn liood and blinlittflekl streeir,`Pithantt
der „ 14-Iy.
WM. STEELE, (..ttcce , sor to ti.
VV' Boot Maker, Liberty sl.. thinks/IPo
'I'M: subscriber respectfully Mlo.l44lolhllit
public:that he has commenced the above 111,
shop formerly oecitpled by Mr. Henry
_ M'Cioaial,
nnd tint he is now prepared to attend to all arditstvilMlMlll
litteofbuidness with despatch and on like maataaaaeonie
ter ins. From Ills ions experienre in the manalfaCtinkikr
Fashion:tide Roots, he frets rontldertl that all . artitlikes
from his establishment will give satisfaction 10
Irons. A slotreol lithe patronage is respect fat ly *AMU
impo/. _
Pi TT SIM RG Oct. At 18451.,•
J. Drx!et No —0 n Vritlay. the 30th oflaslenistilli,lhoult
9 o'clock at he Nanintr.filronvins &Ind falK',ir
nfncrore, owned by Gay, Dit WOrt it it CO, w[Slta taete
quantity of dressed a nti.ainl reseed. lumber, was all wan.
nird by fife.
The Iron Safe which 1 lmti , :ht of yon "once lame
w•as in the mint espnaod satiation during the fl rioted
was entirely red hot —I am plea•nd to In form yak It wits
opened at the ("Inge of the fire,and all the books. popahrt‘
c.sayert;—t big in the hest recommendation I can gialrerr
the utility of your safe*.
T — o' l ' 3l 'Oßß.lT:R._rmirl.m4ln mancheotet, One
JL/ :Ind n fourt h A errs of lald on Holmes' HIM 1..0ts
nes. 41, 42,51 53, 54, 181, 182 and 184, in 1 . 7 ca11l
of Lots, on Nolrnen Intl A Iso, tots nos 28 and V, is
rook's p!nn of Lot? on Hizliorosq, npnr thentnt Oenitt
fkrune Tor ternesltoply Z. W. REMINGTON.
son 111 . -
/ ( 'Tit. tk PATENT eznstuAlk
31 A 5 X ,.0 7 ) : 7 .1 1 ... 07: .9 UR : E ,.. D n :1 ‘, 1 , %;t er :. E T, Y re ntjU d rit r • lt' d pl
firld. where a trPrerral assort agent of Farallon ailalr.lo6
had at reduced !triers fro' cash.
The superiothy of Ousel Bedsteads, tronshit hallo
filiernin. which for durnbilitv Mud easel* patllnelly
uhd taking down. la not ertwilled Iv any other 001111M0
ie. - rt.—and to nit ;gull ni weak, consult their marl colktri
In their niahlfy &anthers it should he remembero4lllllll
etasses of the Lug fatally are fattened eV hvhiiie
.1: , - Rivasfor Cootte!.. Dl4aleiv, or SInIM for sau by
1 . .
- , JOON 'FOW L ER, Patentee.
wr, Ole tfvfleratetred. docent rt that awe have exam in
...I the alalee BeGteno Pastel togs,and have no bestiattent
t , pronrxerritrz then, the twat uon 7 in ate r7 —iontilig . VIM
fn. • Nto the represep4a. ton in the nboveitirstineineekt.
%Vn. flrnnanijr, JoF;enlsColtail'- ' ,
IVn., tvin. ttar, , t , 'Voede l
re • ;
' John 5....G'i11, Georges Singer, t .--.:. 4 „ -
nov I. —3471.
A' i r . l in T ,
.‘,. !):'...06 tic 5, ,q . ..... .. .. .. . LOY 0 R. CoLititi,lit. ...
COl. V.VII,Y.k C t,!.,rlf:ae:.i .'l gent'', Fbrivardini o tad
l:•Jninti--vion Nietutwlti Lo tee. Fit - Eel. Vicktbrwr.
MI-. l'Oev rs-I , o , lfititv'ecOetl rrmtif2t,Trlpnot, ' r al 4 e , I
ilrg h Lard Oil DT arinfattorst. ?:,..
warranted 1., I 'lr., :111v ten-4.11.1r0,1114
egti;ll to t!,n hnvt o,nlrr .I rained F.,lerm 'Oll, wi*
It utrnil4,ve 41113,114-4, ;.rl.l our 112:0 c s
or. thn 4111.4^ -o , yr ni I6e 014 Pt and, Titttet Xt..
oppo.ile tl.c ro: - . 10tTlen• N. C. EDET;
jut 1.184 S
1.1/.1 will .ell for cash or barter, FIVE T I OUtTES..
On the 4ihatrect road, In the city of P:ttabtrreh.'
Three of them are brick - and two irame, 'The
frames are we). ra'rnlated for tro.mtes., honap.; hieing
etosv to the Cub rt house, They will he !old toretheeto
separately ro soil pitrehasets. For Coulter raitlieetarie
unlit ire no the proinisra of. i AS. MORRIR;
an 7 IR4 —lllll Prolniatt*,
rivir.sith!r rli , cr would reepectfully ic.form
_the &lust*
erPittaliUrgh. Allegheny end their vieirli*. nut! he
iae einnthencei inAttunictitrinu the article of Lard Ott
and Candies. lie intends mak In: but one qestity, *Welk
will equal the heat made in the Onion and out ,sriipeseed
by the best winter strained sperm nil r atter Inc machinery
or burning. without its otien.ive properties, and one
third cheaper.. THE .4BOT - E IS WARRANTED TO
tier wishes to impress distinctly on the publie miod that
IL to not necertgary to purchase any naa inneedis Ripe line
are daily palmed upon tbetri apt sing requisite to Loris the
lard oil in. Persons wishinu a_ pure and lirMlatti i ht
can obtain it by calling at the old siar.4,3d street, snarly
opposite the Post Office.
C. Erma% i
The attention of Wholesale dealers. Churches esiurila..,
chinfro4 tetpPri fully solieileil.
N. 6.—A1l the barrels will bear ale ninntifnettirier i ll
name. 2:. 1343-01
Of the Eficnc v of Dr. Swaynes ' Compound Syrgy
of P(1171:(8 Virainiana or Wild Cherry,
pAlf! And gliastly ohjertreur.ert by spitting I d led
cnae,h, with night sweat., A hoz, rFenealt. And
saved of the voice indicating an al:timing its* ordja.
Cage: m y clergyman was plain will, me, and ea tqed. that
I had but a frw day. to live; my sister a hu witnesiod
Condition. and was my anxious caretaker. made twit..
ry where elms would Letikrl3 to procure the ntOst cettlain
was told If Dr, SwaTITZ'S Colorl . GONDSYltat Of
Wit a CIIEStRY• failed in the cure, my life was ttrth tope.
leer. Dr. Swaines. Compound Strop of WO4 Ciwurri
wag taco procured, and the first bottle ef.Nla
by the time I hart commented the f.f , h hollle.elaireaskib
had left nirr end my Ftrength on much improve:L.oW I
was ahte 10 take the r, enh air. and in a short tfurersirla.,
I irety reenvertd my former broil!) For E. rorsidearatioa
of lie truth of the orrove alateirent you can rail "ii-ary
sinter who livei in Juniper street. one Amor WOW , itaiew
street, Philadelphia. Signed. ISAAC Moliaarr
ritarion.—A prenee-oione tom Ili , (vivnerbrietreedt
extent tor Il' % " Ite fietllirvu, ftrel enunti , •4ll: -
For AA'E. at tlw Driig Store of irw. - Twang:l%Ln
Market et PiireNjr?e,
SWVCNC'S Otßre. Nn. N 4 4r.rtti Sittlre..„,trelleoajt .
dour below Arch west title, PhilatlA difir.V4ll*4lllll,.
F .•
T . 1104118 SCOTT,
7:1 £44