Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 24, 1843, Image 3

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    i:;* 4 i 1)1 .L 1: NJ Pi CiVair4ri
The long expected trial about that "Tip
aoe dinnAlr That - wasn't paid for" comes
on soon. It will be interesting to the coon
oseloallita; and we will endeavor to "repor
it foitheir edification.
City Solicilor.—The daily papers are
still whacking away on ibis subject. Go it.
soon become a serious matter of
diispsite about the number of the editors of
the‘ebronicle. Some say six, others more•
The - ptprietor, we believe, writes all the
solid, philosophical articles which appear
4n its columns. He must be kept busy
'if he does all of it.
f'" ' :The Poet and Gazette have been ap
. yeitsted city Printers. All the Daily pa
*Ors except the Sim applied for it.
A friend informs us that there was no
tow in Herber.'s City Eating House.
haportant:—That very interesting paper,
the. Horning Chronicle, says that ot, last
Saturday, two droves of hogs passed
through this city, nearly all of which had
curly tails. The Chraniele was the only
paper that had the news!
The horse of a drayman named Bovard,
ran away yesterday efternoon in Libwrty at.
Soon after he started, the feet of the man
were caught in the chains of the dray, he
was dragged some distance with Iris head
upon the pavement. The horse ran foul
of, and broke Est Christy's carriage,
which was then passing. Mr..Bovald was
taken up in a dying slate. His recovery is
n Election to day in the South Ward
*wiii-be held for a Conant!man.
_The *lilies had a mystarious meetine
Iretit.Saturday night in Duffy's little back
"farm. What Were they abiot? Plotti ng
ckie the immolation of Mr. Singer, we have
:II!) doubt.
Accidext.—A coal digger in Alinersrille
was 'ter* badly injured yesterday, by the
- faliieg in of s'ate. in the pit in which lie
was et work. His name was Evans. lie
will be disabled for a lung time, if not fur
The Pittsburgh city elect ion give a
Whig majority it: the Ctturirils. The
Mayor is democrat tc.—Prutt. Chronicle.
, -. • . -
= A mall mistake. 1 - he .11 iy.ir is a good
thaug tie Owes his election to deni.
l'irte'ratit votes. %V did well at the eke
tipn. Err we elected a whit' at d came very
*ear devil, a derfinerzit.
Captain Sti!rgis says, that in all caves
*hip wreck ther
da.est course is to slick
. h. 0141 wreck while a pl ink r.tridins.
gx.Gov. Seward has resumed the prac
lice of the law at Auhurn.
—A man named Reynolds has been ar
rested in New Haven, Conn. fur setting
fire to his house.
Two young men have been brought
before the Nlayor of Philadelphia for eel-
Ong Lottery tickets.
Judge story is again ill
Gov. Pennigtnn of N. J. was hissed a t
a Temperance -Meeting in Trenton.
. -
` ' e.—Aleilow.in New York. claiming
'to bo a police office:, went behind a man's
`Counter and took a tot of ten cent pieces,
sledging that they were counterfeits and
walked Ef with them. This is new
!ere are 134 students is the
`College of Casdetnn, Vt.
River-8 feet water in tire cliantiel
AIM —New York, Smith, Cincinnati,
North Bend, Galia her, dn.
Patrick Henry, -- Nnw• Orleans,
'Herschel', Allen, Orown• villc,
23.—Alpine Cocicbu rn, dn.
.311.—Oella, Bowman, Brownsville,
' Arcade, Benne', Louisville,
Herschel!, Allen, Brownsville.
er diccident.—Th e Mary Tomp
:lima struck at the mouth of the Missouri .
,a few days since, breaking several timbers
and-planks. Sha was run on a bar irnme
and sunk in three feet water.
:Clirgo 600 bbl=. flour. The boat is not
H ` ariously damaged.
Sudden Deaths.— From th
_ e steamer
4aittio-Pike we learn that one of the bands
Write boat, a man named Richard Haugh
tott, wag killed on the night of the first in.
Asest v by having his head caught between
:AA OW and the deck. She also reportsH
illot Mr, Brewster, the clerk of Oliver
agSistithiand, wan killed by the cap
it'd). Princeton, on the 31st ultimo.
o. w" imam , boat Snagged. —The Little
elO, of the 28th ult. says: 'The
109 0 , 11 # 4 '/10 1 . 4 .
itrons Cincinnati fur this
11.1114 F1N114414 eon sad sunk, a few
44,11 1 .461, siosmt 'wren milei below this
11111415141 W Wetter , Very Mg. lugs
Oft" , • She io etpectest here
*POI Ant./
D %I'\\'lD LLOYD,
_DR. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, office in Smirk.
IV M. II UGUS. Jr field, between Second and Third Sta., Hours of
jan :111143.
PAUL lIIIGUF, jr. lat.inass front 9 A. M. till 4 P. M.
Win. .I• P. Hitvis a re anihorized to rer,-ipi and Fettle Dr. E. M. mnimfacturrs Procelatn and Mineral teeth.
accounts in toy alisenee.lD LLOYD, Dentists can he suppiii.d by the 100 or single teeth. Blocks
of teeth with a beanilful gum in full eels, or parts
r) , A V
Win Ilisgvic, J 9. liaentnaii and P. Itutgu-. Jr.. hay
in 2 entered into rop.;:iner , hip under the li in „( Ilugus forwarding an exact impression of the mouth. s Ise,
Bachman 4- co , ivi.l,-o,.tinu fit. f:,,
rDm ~,,, business at for, sale a few machines with emery wheels for grinding
the old stand formerly twit:tiled by David Lloyd 4- Co., of setts. will he ninde tn order nt the shortest notice, by
and fitting mineral teeth no useful to the Dentist—all
corner Of Market alt d 5, it Nt re •is. where they intend keep. I will be sold low for rash.
insa full assortment of Poreig,n and Domest ic Dry Goods der, 23.
IV al . HUG US, • rinHE k FOR RENT.--A comfortable new brick dwell.
1.1), BACH 11 AN,
log house, situate In Call Lane near 71.11 street
jan - 2 1842. PAUL HUGUS j,. i iael For terms, which will lie moderate. apply to
I have sold my interest in the late firm of David Lloyd i JOHN M'CLOSK EY.,
ii - Co. to Messrs Htnzus, Bachman 4- Co., who I cheer. I " 3111-15 Three Big Door s Liberty -it. *
fully recommend an u ort by of public patronage,
AV M . E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Jan 20-6 t. DAVID LLOYD.
Mice in 4th street, opposite Burkel Building.
FARMAR FOR SALE—A valuable farm on the Ohio Wit.cisa E. AVITII, Esq., will give his attention'to my
I.' river, in-,,Baaver county. 3 miles below Econo my, eon• unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patrott•
t 'lining 200 acres. It contains an abundance of coal; it age a iny friends. WALTER FORWARD.
has a brick house. about 45 feet square, a large frame I `en 10—Iv
barn, a etonegrist mill in good order, with a good dwell.
log it the mill; with other neceseary onthouses. It will I L UNSER FOR SALE—Poplar plank, hoards. wathar boarding end Swotting. Also, White oak
he walit for $5,500; one half down and the balance in
hoards of various lengths and thickness, wheel aria for
4 equal ansaf paymants. A good and suffictent title
wilt a lifetta—easeation given immediately; for fur- ' SW " nhiat hack i le • br ae." , ." ° " 4 " ( 4 14 . WO aad. 11 ., -
i see, by mahout, Of feilii. Apply to
they anteaters apply to JAMES A RBECKL.E. : ,
As 20-1 t on the premises. . 1
Der, 210.1841-2 m JAAtiaco_uffikuis.
. _ ft
vim well or V. s. UM -'S DPOICA73I7I aos 4 . . 44
ff • " N. ,Th N Ir. Cornet' of Wood 4. lifilirlti
__.aravia.:=, •
•...11.k.• - .-1;"'"
Tne proprielotsof the rdottritho Post and lifiractlav
1 kNO MANurAcTvera respectfully inform their friends
and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large
and well chosen assortment of
FOR ff.SSIIINGTON 0177...e.nraronE,
Yr fitB line Is In full operation, and leaves rgh
daily al 6 o'clock, A 11, via Washington Pa. and the
National Road, to Cumberland, connecting there with
Rail Flood Co.s to all the nhova places. Travelers will
find this' eaeed) , and comfort able route, It being n
rate and diatlnct Pittsburgh and Cumberland line • faclli•
ties will Ib afforded which have not been heretofore , en
Joyeil• Parseugers will he taken up and set dow n at the
~fonongohela House, Merchants,'Americatt and Exchange
or at any house In the vicinity of hese
Extra coaches furnished at the shortest not ire, with the
priviteze of goinir through direct, or of taking one
Teri. at t heir option.
For leafs apply at the office In St Clair street, Corner
of the Exchange Hotel, nr at the office In Water St, next
door to the Monongahela ❑ou-e.
rtelident of the Nallonnl Road Stage Compnny
J C Arrucsor. wry . Jnn
To Let,
WO STORES on Blarrkr•t 0., between 3d and 4U
1. streets
A ISO, Iwo Ppariolos and convenimit roon.s in the ver
and story opening by a flail on Market street; well adapt'
ed for Law offices, or for ally Ituvine:v reriotrirvz a c o o.
venieni nod ready accesi from a i.ll.illeS! ,
ALSO, tie totem store room on Third Fi nearly op.
posit' lill! Post office nt preornl occupied hy Brown k
Raymund na a Intuit More,
ALSO tile iltlht and airy officc on 3d sr. al prwent or
clopied an the Atheneum.
A LEO, for rent, Feveral small lion.o. near Ihr dwell'
ing honse fifth° sitharriher In f It township, with a few
acres of Land attached to each,
jan E,r)vv 1) D. G IZZ 111.
No 51. l'hird
WE would udvire persons , A Inaylbc
V afilic ed with Cunt. lihenuintiarn, Sprains,
Contracted Cords and Lintb•+, and any stale- , of
the hark or body, winch m a y he brought (kin by
Cold. or Exposure to the IVrath r, in call at 1 UT ,
TIA ' S N 6, 4th r , truet, ~, procure a ho r de of the
Eio.o wh clt w;11 immediate re
;.nd elf tt a cc (AM Cure.
Tc - rrf.P: his ah II fi a race a 4 ,ler t Wen t
of cigars and VirginiiiCiiewin g Tobacco
"RE ‘I 1 . :11BEit, 86 F STREE r."
J n 18. 1842.
I..UR Snitch, 11.• and Lul nr , o
Mr.iiE occupied by M Ualr.rd, nafii al the corm', of ;
Dlarnm,,l alloy 0,,41 the D1411,4..1. in the city or
pilighrir2h For Icrotc :Tidy in NI 11.11zeil on the prein
sew, ar /011
WuR and t Pty
• _
S. smith
i ear. In, .anrosler. 1 ,
lik r.f NI iddlrinwil, al
I i Bk. of Chamin:rni.or;li. 31 1
Oldih , bank, S? 1
11/ . I LLIAM C. 11 A 1.1„ Pint,/ and I.',lncy Po , tra:l i lik of Norilnimlirrln nil, 81
and Pirture Frame Alaremf.def,,rer, XlO. 07, (.0111, 11 1 1m 1 1k 4. 8ri.1..7c nu. 3
Paurth Street Pitts burgh. —Can./non flrunlicn. V.irni-11 ' Ilk S ll.l l. l ellania rii• 1 i
4. C., for A rlif•ts, :Own% s ,in 11ar..1 1,.0.1.i..2 tilanen. 4-/- ' Rico( nrlawore Co. p ar
promptly framed to older. Lepatriint done . I the short , I .rbaliOri bk. 8.1
Col not Ire.
Ceii inlmr.lll bk.
Partirtilan at teal ion p.. 4.1 In re , ;l4iltig and jobbing of , v , York hank, 8 8
r Far. k Movers bk. of ,
ViVavnenlmrlth, 8!
Pm 2 1 RI 3
Persons lining op ...'fr.4fti final= or 1 1 c11-4 , will fic.cl ii C.
sup 111
A (. 001) cheap T. 55111 SI .111,1 lo' te,.l 1,,, __lle. nn.)
,CS "1 . 3%,1' it ~ : 11,1161 I'll, Vi• miry of raqf P.itfi,l.l- -e1 , 2111
mile, /I,jc ,j l le 0 (
.11.;,.. L 10,1,1, In Un'tielhiana courtly i
(1103_3,1i, rel 4 if, ..ever3l 4111.er Vi 1 13:1-, __. t e / 1 in n re. '
3rerraltle nel2lo , nrlinod. n., lite le.ulite , +lat, rnr.4llllrnn2ll :
Otnn_ -the l'noern hone i+ ...1r.?.. tuft r , ,,,,,eni__r l g0,,,f !
2arden and 13rze 1',1n.1..:11151 e lir 1 , ,,, tern,, which gill
hr Inw 4ntl arLontmod.if In: in a , 2 0, 1;rminl, :Itypiv in Dill!.
John A naersOn on illt. promi.tow, .ir 31 113,1,' envier,, ' 11,, nntOlo.to”, hk
Alen , y and lovem•
vnce ,f1i,.... ),n 19. , l'Ar..{. Alf.ch. hk of Steo
1r 'T .2 , riVed - -.21/ 41.,z , o H
n 20,1 i 4.1 lc, ..,.n,., 13•Itrille.
Itrin.ont IA 1.15 . i. 471,1 r,
IN 3 /111 I' ;..7 A ‘.._.
1. - ,0 lir fri,ll C 0,.: PIO . ,
Slut! ,11T.,: Carpel , I, ,),,;
4 ,f ,, z,,, Sot k.:
. do 1;11flell , t' tinl,,,
1. " I.IIR l'3,
. l'olanibuioa hk New I.IA
.1 ,, i.t 3,1 Co.rolo- , lon 'T iif•ll3,:l
V() It It I.;N'll', , do po,L I
A t:inrii/ilaii ,plrfe pi V.
4A7),11.1.-At •-lor, .:.V.... 0.. 111.. INI 01
..,. r 1 . m „ 1 1. '1•.k... ~e.., 2 :,.. ' 1."'1.' h.r."-':' ‘ll,ll. k lall , rs Isk 01 ",,5,'”,
' ..wwe cm lino sl re•••H•tppo.ile \l'l,,lv. K
5, INe...terit
': 7l • c ow.) ea 'I , ' "" Ia '""'•- ,'( '"" " v " 6 "''''''' l cOoloo bk a c„iaffi., II I I .-- 4,..--:- , rooti. al lb .41,1 r% . kill 11,1 rei, 4..: . ii ..,,, a , ,4 ,
2 Looo.vole,
tvilli a hall from Ili, r ,, ..! door. 1t ,,, t. 5 7-, I.' """"' rtrrO•ville. f 11.1,auvree n , 1 levrr:uol,
POl.l C. , olior:al , ', fraoo , 1 ....1 , .... 1.. .‘f • ......111 , k . , Ro, ~,,,,r)
: , Viorelo,v,
,ronst . , mie , hou,. 1.010:Ii.1,11 r.'llr 10,1, v:11,1 ....II . 7„,,,,,,, i.k
2,1;()1.1) t - ,,;r) :4i1.1' cc
1.1 , :P 1 aul, wii tl porchts .tod
.1,11 , , in Lout . C all 1t,7.",
10'r a1i0..."
I. lC'TrliFs . — F ,, ii,i d Courrir —The Ler.
One hri. {, iiiiilaii Oil 111'. r iiiii, ill Pi , l'l'l . liii (. ..'ln s' •
IV fit
T r
:)1 I .. irr I i., , .
. 11 ,rt Inetifute have the
. i ~,,, ,,— . l O, r ,,, tbe rr lad buster., Kent tr.lit I,er a riii.iiii I ". eq ; "" "" "
iiiiiiiiiiire ill Living be - fere ilie nuldir, il, follow li• i 0:
dine 2 Aiory brick hoe, ai iiiiiii2 'which ' , Milli' iii. ..
~ , ~ , ~ . • . , , ' '• .
r. , ~,,•111 WI./ ii ft toI 11,1%.. I iiiiiii iiilif to tii•Cl lire, viz.
1 riiies "'lit the ahoy) Will he rented me lei r:i , e or iii.olt,„
- [ley J IV Bal,errtll. I r,l rotincloi y Lecture
Real 850 per annum.
'..3•/oho 1, G el e, E,q, 11. a.hinzlon
Twol ..1 Jr) brick lirei 4 " 4 anti q ""•• ".. 1 `"" 1 " 2 ' hie ' ..3
"'" rro'r . 11 J Clark. 11e.ii1,11e Col Irv.
"."• f i'h " cud . ) '''' ' -""''''' I "' '"" Gr "' l "Y "" ii . Hon. Hix $ 1, 11 , , , ..1 , 1 , 1..t,,,r,i,. '
pro,hiee 1.11-she.. Arne $ 120 luer a 111111 it.
„ Prot(' .1 II Ilroten. Jeire,nn l'olle"e.
Tn., well fi it.ln,J 2, , ,1i..,. hrirk nirli-e... ~f•eent', ~.,,I,? 0,,,,, je,,,, 17,, 1 ~,,,,,.), '
i •iiiiiiiii , MI 1 ' 11re....y t .-a s Is .0 .t.ilnin..; list (M.., ~,In•t
14 , ,rd
I .
~,k, , ,1 , 0 • • '' s •
ii, r.:.(1 ,
r'eliltr• kr.— 4l l'iLy'''" "'' its' lie-. lion r. - """ h ' dui .:'" ' Vrorr .ii,,•,- . 7 . .1/cow, w (-I . Ti., ,) s , minnr).
ifill W . W.11, ripi-iiiiii•ltif•i Lint 51111) iii, iiii II litill,
. i Er .117,.. joh.Attyll. EFti.. Ptilidilirgh
Alen that ,reil 1111,. , rd .1,14 i iiiiiiiii I Oil, lir i,k il Aiiliiii- Z I
Prod - J Barker. 51eadville Colo—,
hoiii , e,...ituaie on 0 11...1 -1. - mod n , i, iti the iiri'li 1,1 iir i • li , u f,,r,,, t, , ,,,i , poisi,,,rch. '
'/ oh SV. . 1 , 'Pollen, r,...i. it cm ,1 - 5 1611 per niiiiiiiii. 111 Iv ii.l
Rcv Joarss .1. Dinteiddie.
jinl7-It, J %MPS RLAKI.LN".
Prof flirted S Altulloth. Jr tfer.oo Collree will de
70 Let, liver arvei - a I Lrclures on Astronomy, embracing iie rice.
T UE store row?, Ise itweilitig nn Market irt, now or Univ.!, and deathly. Reed Washini,iiiii. Esq., will all:.,
cup ed Li' Thou C'aiiiiikell ii• Co Apply It, deliver several Lectures on the subject be rimy Adler!.
lan 17. 183_2 11 VI P.-1 RI, riK ELY . . Affatezt'ilients are in progress lo engage Prolessoi rid
----- ; hill/in. 01 Vale College., lo deliver In our rii v i a 101 l roil rite
Family Flow..
, "1 -, ,,ur.. ou Genius y• also v illi Julien!) R. But ha trait,
100 P. 1,9 Erirn Kuno, ("Noir, J...., rereiv e d , girl m Neology- Of her eminent LI, Inrrlq will he inviled
and for save by J. Wnrl: n RI ',GI:. kr n l in 'mil our illy, when it may be in the power of use
Wsisr Strcet, be tweet' Wood and Smithfield. ; 'adult to engage their nervir.cs.
Jan. 1111 h, 1841.
I The Lecture., of this ceiling,. will lie on Literary and
_ . _
1 9e/eolily suilecti exclusively and It is hoped froth IWI
8 lihrip. N, 0. Sii.lar, chi, Aar fereoved iwr v.-am', N.rh. i emine n t ability of the Lechirer. and the 'were.' log na -
'York, and foralehy JC • .S - l• Gou IHIN• i /tire of the subjects, i hat our citizens will iiheral Iv un
der. 10. No, 12 Watpr .1
ironuge (763 laUtlahl, enlerpriS,.. The Iron City should
_ '
not be behind Aister fli If' E in her encouragement of science
and Merril hre. The pinceell4 (if any) v. ill he apprOprt•
toed to Ili,. enlargement of a Library, already an honor
in the city.
it -A I-Course Tit ki.t.i, adniiiting a lady and RI - oilman,
$2. mid may he hail of either of the 1 eitiiiiit hie, and at C.
11. Kay k Co's rook Store, Alotiongaliela and U.‘cliange
llolets, nod al Rertor,r,
Lectures commence on Thor, ila v eveiiir9, Drc l•
T 111,3 i.. a c,r.. :111,1 Or' rfaio rum O far CUITLI . CONS SAM'L C. lIIIEY.
Asthma, Sore Throat, Pains acrd WralreArs or l'lre i W. W. W I LSON .
Breast frhoo;.;,,j Cough. llonraencss, Irritation of lAe ! JOIIN .9, COSGII AVE, committee.
, TA,-,,,,, soil n,a,,y 6,,,,,, kiltillll in !lie C'unsompt ion WM . 13, SCA I FE, I
T i vit —on v 64 'IOU roll—prpp:tred and:sold Whole. n 2 4 -1111 JOHN B. SEMPLE. _
, s u,' Remit by 11. T. f'n IC F., Confectioner, Ned. ia I W.Afor.,li,t__Thr 4 , ,wrriberi have retnov• ii to Wa.
s ates ‘, Ile glieny City, and the principal Druggists or rats. i tor het ween Wood and Smithtleld streets, where
Be sort vim ask l'or Price's Uompooltd Cough C ; they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis.
nov 17—I f. andy. 1 sion tiiiiiinc i n, and would respectfully solicit the patron.
ale of their friends J. W. aurdint DGE 4 . CO.
('IREEN Ap p LEs,--Jusl reed from Rellveroon, 56 Dec :3
Li T. pRic..E, Wholes.ile and Heist! Baker, Con.
ILI buts. orambanite apple., which I sell for 50 cents
I 11.. feet inner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near the
per barrel.
j‘n 0 14i: j.irrr , rl p
sr. , DiJmonit,..9lleglte l iv lilt.
I Every vartri v of Confect lonary ailli Ornamenin I
11l issolut i o in cf l'arinersliii), C ate., ..iiiiallie for wegfilitizs and patties, (11311111 - Rel 11 red
from the hest materials, at short nut ice. nov 16
riNHE Conartnershin heretofore rxistin4 between the
AL suhserillers under Die firm of David Lind 4- 110 .. 41:1 EORO E. W. I , IYNO. Attorney at Law, Orrice
s (ht. , day dissolved by Midi:okm. The husiness of li,,‘.X No. 54 lift') street, near the Theatre, Pitts'atirgli,
Me firm will he Srli IY(i lly David Lloyd at tile old italic!, Hen 27-1 y
corner of fifth aim Market ,t,.
SOB raEswelip.3",
Al\ Mi7P) aniavna M./AW.1AZ1ZZ.7,32
Necesary to a Jub r'rfrittng Office, and that they are pre
Da red to execute
hills of Lading, I Circulars,
Bill Beads, Cards,
Black Checks, flat Tips*
all Mobs of J3Lantts,
Staffe, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with apprn
priate Cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable term: ,
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
he ittilttle to general in this branch of our business.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 39.1942. PII I 4- SMITH,
l'a in Mlle, •
11 n
11111, 01 1111S110r211. /111 r
.Nlcrt - 11. 4- Man, bk. par
Exclianvc bank, par
Pk. of Gerninntowr.
11.15tr...n tank,
Lancaster bank,
Rank of Cheater Ca
Farmers' Lk Docks CO
IDoylestown Ilk do
Ilk of N America Plitl.
j Bk of Northern Libeities
Commercial bk. or Pa.
Mechanics bk.
KetiAltigion I.k.
Philadelphia Lk.
Southwark bk.
%vt.,:rPrn hk.
nk. of l'enn , ylatania, 14
Ills of n,•nn T 1 . par
i Man. 4- Merhanica hk
hk. rmri
di. 2
Moyaliterniii.g hk
Girard I, ~k,
U. Stares bark,
Lumbernirrp=', Warren, --
Prank. hk Washin 2ron, Par e
miner, hk of PIIiIVVIIe, VI
Rk of Mont ,:ornery Co. par!
3lnn. I.k Itrownsville, !/
Erie Rank,
finrrigbor...th kink,
'k I
I'll, rr my nolra, R
vnin (iv! Lank, 211
Purnl('(4ll State Scrip. i 7
(;inn try do (10 , 91
lirrkg I. hank
row ands
- 2
)Lrrirn❑ Lk . nrcg:ortil
IN. ooat er
SI 1 .c il 'II
Da) ton
'Post notes.
Fran. .k Coluno.
flamtnon, 35
Com. bk. Lake r,rie, 35
Far. bk:of Canton,
Urbana 65
Stale hk.4. firanclirg 2
Male 2;rr I p $0
K EtiTt3i7K
ill bulks
ILIA Nors'
Szia , e hk 4- o,a tic hes, 60
w fleet 01% n, 70
of V N I ' ll ir G z I M N I: 1 1 1 , 1"
do Valley.,
Far. I.k. of Vi
N. Wes!. hank
ei• Ver. dm
Coon. ry
All Bank,
par and I
%II Pahkm
ry hant,!
fund.) a
Red Bark, Ito
[tom on Ita loz
!)114,n. Rnnk. , , 200$1. 531
NOrrili CA ROLiN
Itiankc, 2
Good VA
I'I . :, , iNESEC
‘II rs.k•
Rh. of rt. Clair, 11
Do. 1 A. 11. Smith 11
l%; %OA
C r.nif han k .
E,i,tertt Etchangf
rh , i:1•1111.111.,,
l'n It Isnor •
--- -• •• •
kin J ---- IFFTirf ....
..rii. Anions the reeonstisendations to the above are the fol.
'--- E. --- -:- --- t -- ---1: ' ,, 717 1 - , I - a - Th '
i- -:
cresol' Land in Nlitlitti township. near Lebanon- , tnwto !
itavlng tr;ed Ilr. -Tit orn %.. Tea fterry Tooth VtThsh,"
Churn b, and near 'tic I t l rKeestiort and IVmdtingina road . •
arm werunte steno:lusted it Oh the hezreil Mots of Da eo , opo-
Th , re i- about 40 awes c ', ace d , 8 new scour 1,85, / . /I rid a vit ion, I rheerfoltv say, f eunslder it one of the safest. as
„mtare log Intro, atm a gond young orchard nu it and
it is ono of the most pteast, , ,l Tooth Wrisl'es now in use,
is ID excellent order. There i., an DIM itclant e °Scoot
l'illOutrgli Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Peittic.
and limestone nil ii• I' n" ai n't" 2 n ii/e3 f"411•11)en8 I lake plea;tire In swing, baring made use nfo'Phorn's
in t r a h, and will be sold on , ccommod.ititig I vror,„-ir, Lo • •
Pra..,flerry Tooth in,, tint II is one Of lite
den -
quire at flat cis' I 'Orlin:en. in 'Mice, No 9, jilt ;tree!, or
trillfees In use. Refine in a llotild form, it comlt'he , neat•
Olt he sultstrlber oil the premises,
nes" with convenience. While it clent,Yes the enamel
i.lll 1.3
and removes the i a rtat from the teeth, its petromp yptd,..,
',rusts Ovr.st IskIII!A —The 5A1411., ca n now do away a fragia,nee pernitactv desirable. J. P. Tmnr.TTP. M. D.
with all kinds of over shoes, ran walk throw:it lit wet The isnrlprsi2oed hat, aced oThr,o's Compound Tea
streets with thin shoe,, and hay,. I heir feet kept per fect• Perry Tooth ‘Va..h."ittid have found it to heat extreme.
ly dry; ran wear tight shoes without having their corns 11 , pfeasant dentiffiee, elereisfog a most salutary Istflo.
;min them; :sod ran have I livir rho , a wear twice as 100.1 Core over lire Teeth and Gloms; preserbint, I hese indis•
Fol ever if 111Py will nee Ihr reeltraterl 01 t, On I T
MILD hint pen ,- lIIIIe IneMlip), from premature dim y. preventing lhe
will make leather warm proof. a nil render it a: plialkle aerunittlation °I - Tartar. and purin log the Prerith. !lay.
and sort a. , kid. It's an article welt worth their notice. trig 1 hormizistv tested its virtues. vee take ptertstire In re
and 00 e which IbnY wilt all vorue highlY , an soon as they (-rot mending It in the public. beliceing It to be, t lie best a l'•
fry It. To he had only at
TUTTLE'S Help of the kind only its use.
_l/ ROR FRTSON, JA.TIFS r.mc ff.
Nice, $ I per trot rc.
-- -- -
1I A TS—W. 4- M. notricary inform their friend- -- „., m(),RF:,,n.
J. the public that they have commenced niontiC.cits H i RING ~,,,, 7 , ,
ring flats, and that they have now ready for sale, at
Permit-ea only Iry WILLI 1M THORN, AOM
t ear s
their Store, 148 Liberty street, between Market and
.611, and Chemba, No sfi Market si reel, Pilfehnreh;for sale at
street, an assortment of the Very best flats, which t.., - 1.
all the prineipal Druggists', and Tatile's Medical Ageney,
are mix ions to dispose aim the cheapest and most reason, p our , h
ct ,,,.
able terms. Their stoek consist of the very best kinds,
vlz.—Beaver, Otter. New ria, Custom short Nei p od Run. A FEW : 1 101111: STILL.
sla, Fur and Silk Hams.
1 OHN ..IFCI,' S KFY Abe old original, has on hand the
W. 4- Al, Doherty are, both regular bred fialter4. thy •10 r 001 Pplendid as•snriment of Clot bine ever offered
have had extensive experience ag RID nip ruien in tin.' be- 0 we, sly nod: to la cer, and tarn diaposed In sell nt the
estaldishments in the country; their Huts are all got lir , tow. I 00.0.10 price RI y stork is heavy, and an the sea.
under their own immeetion, and they assure the wittile sot i,naynnein,.. I wilt ...ot nt wee rtrirel than ever. I
that nothinc hut the very best artieles on the most rea ask only the pleassirr of a ran, feelintr, confident that a
sortable terms will he offered for ~,.ale.. sep 10 look is soft - sr-Mot. ite,,, re of Counterfeits. Vemember
l lrr THREE 811 DOORS. and the SIGN PH 7414;
r Fr; V ,: N7' .
strlV '2-1 '^ .
1 TO LET. .
..71,7:AT and convenient two story Rrtrk dwellittz ;
A house , with a very large garden end several fruit I
i Jr I'ST received. S.(too Senvonable f`dtffnto Robe. , of
t i trees; situated on Federal sr, Allegheny cit‘ , . above the
ferent rpialilies froth 81Irri No. 1 In 3.
nnrili commons. Pir . msession ,!iven Ihe filsl day of April l
, A lot r I Hen r and rub Skins,
cm' nire of hiderwan Watson Pitiihungli.
1;1'1.19 1543
11.000 No. 1 and 2 Muskrat Skins,
1 Int e fOrter and nacroon Ftkins,
All which ireolTeredat reduced ces fn cash or ap
CORN JI/FilL.--$0 buznebt fresh gronntl Alfred Corn ' ' • '
Meat, In barrels containing 3 bushels, at 75 cents , Pr ' Ved " nli. "`• A IVY If)
.4. REELFIN, at the American Fnr Co, Agency, t
per barrel.
(let 12 —3m Corner of Prim! and Ferry sir 1
In store—ranilly Floor by the barrel.
jan 20 ISAAC CRC,SE. 1 ------
100 PS ------- 7 .
Of dee E.O MORE
cary of Dr. &ma 'R
ples' Cotop9vpratS•rw.
of l'etinus rirEiniona or Wild CAtr*y .
Qinxt:ti 0 VA,II. FIGIVED OF - Ell 70 41 1 1 ; 7/
10 LESs P7.l.:R.V.f7'r Al , Al L w w
oo rraEsarb4Te
pale and glnualy object caused Itya:pnititaiiig,hhlogusd,Lea.
violent cough , with night switals, a hoe mesa
„c an a sh i m
- "'PIA' TER it' L 0 Tlll IXG. i Fnund of the voiee indicating
Paso: my clergyman wa? pi:ln with Mr. at.d st4lrd that
31.11CIFEREL --In store No. 2 Mackerel at $6l. per BEAVER !
AVER AND PILOT CLOTH COATS, S te , i I had Mil a few days to live; my sister who with
I condition. and {Va r n4,1111.7'10118 caretaker. wads. Wiqui
barrel—half ha ere is al 31: I lie Mackerel are offered
to procure tke mow ceitaii
at these low pi ices to clu=e sales—Also Codfish by the P. Delst oy. Teti lor, No. 49, Litter( y St.
drain, very cheap, apply to SA AC CHTTSt:
1 relief; she t o o u l f d d l " C M I r iice i3 l ‘ Y eAT N ea c tEri at Tor Nst tlyitzr ~,
2nd Door above Virgin .11iley
jai 20 l4B Liberty .t•
i WitoUrtsaas: failed in tbe mire, wy life was Wen h.-•
-- H AS completed a general a.snri went of Winter Cloth. 1
fi D t r. Swaitte's Comm:mud B" a p a f. inr ,"
log, conskling 1,1 part 01 - dlinond and plain heaver 1
'llkr OTI CF:. -I have taken out tellers of administration 1 c
d are
procured. and Ilse hrg,..nOtttp gave rr
loth frock and overrnat. ; he av y r une and common ripen
t ,
111 on the estate on John Wilon, late of the City of ' cloth velVel trimmed,and plain; every description of preps i by
..., 1 . e .. Me I bad' 'the gph kettle
Pittsburgh, der'eL All poisons indebted to the estate or
aniehi kap'
and frock cloth coati f , cliienable rotors and fresh cloths 1 b ad ell mean(
tile said deceased, are requested to make immediate rIA •
vlii in a_
e plain and tone. , ca.shiet rent-% cloth and :rtilnit. do. of j 7: 118 able .-
ment to meat my residence In Penn at. near 51arbary. a nef
superior quail, y" every description of vests suitable '
those who have claims are rcrinested to present them :
duly probated.' ' - • . rl' WIL4ON, the season, Rini will les ,lit low for cash. rere
: in..11,,,r,,,ec fathinnaloe ;nrments made of -
Jan 19_41w.
_ 1 • _ ,at will find [ben) at this establisher
led equal loony in the c:t.... '
. . 7'o LET. hand RI make lo orde
- ,
qua' 3d vim" , of.the building occupied by ii. A. , Messrs. a -
,A, autsipaitits apis AnCtiOn slOre.--hßtetofdre known euattlie'
11l sliterwitlb's Lona Remo.' corner of. Wood and .stll lb -
streets, Inquire of R . Molten , . sth st. jail 1-
W 4 q 4 v_tol
on it'll torhiir'of o pAndlfioit6Aetdele , FEF
llCAuifl""w'rigtlor Nar9N,
4 Troß,Arry 4T L4fV. —Office in pears' ftnilding,
Fourth street, pittsburab. Noir .5, 1842-
T• S v rawAßT, upholsterer and Paper Hanger,
CP • No. 49. Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield
dts. Husk and Straw Maltrasses always on hand. An
orders rzecuted with neat neas and despatch, on accommo
, tatine terms.
sen 20— 1 5,
21l 000 BUSHELS OF FLAX SEED, for Melt the
Illf•heat price to eneh will he /lye,
JAME tCo Aete.
slethanter Line corner of LIt S
and Wayn Irma,
LIBRARY of Religious, tlisiorieal,Polii ical,a rid Mis
ct Ilatieous Works, will be open every day, Sablialh ex.
cepled. - ram 7 o'clock, A. M„ tint II 9, h. 11., In the Ex•
chanxe Building, corner of St ;Clair streetand Exchange
alley. wnere punctual attendance will be given by
set) 10
Unrivalled Blacking,
NUFACI UR PM and sold wholesale and retail:
Int_ SIXTH STRY:Ir. one door below Smithfield.
ocl 21—tY.
'JAUNTING INK. Tlie 51 1 1,, rriber 1104 PlPtrecrd•
yed an assortment of Ronk and News PRI NTINC
INK, from the old tiablisired manufactory of Charles
Johnson, (formerly Johnson 4- Zuranr) of Philadelphia,
which lie warrant., to he or the fir.t quality, put up in
kegs of from 1010 15 W.. to su:t purchasers.
He intends to lint constantly supplied, and nit orders
accompanied by cash; will he princtually attended,
Washington Printing Officc,3d door west of Mnj Irons'
Hotel. sth sr.
Jan 10-31 w
.ELDER, Attorney at 1,311'; Office in
Flakewell'4 fin ittllngs, nearly opposite the New
C ourt (louse. nn Grant Firer,.
L VVII EA T.--Fter.etverl ont Harmony 15 half
barrels Buckwheat Fluuromitahle for fandliee, for
ale by
j in 5
In store, Family r Liher
Flour, a sunprior arlic;e for Fla kera
pt l - 1 - to
~osq.N /
T UT7'I.F: ha. this day received from New York, a
and Indian
fresh s Veg no etaoty of e
El i FIP ew es' Nerve and Untie Liniment,
blr,a positive cure for Rlieuma
t ism, Gout. contracted Cords and 'Jailor—also
Gettratvr: Poudre Subtqe, for completely and perms
rood I v eoradirating superfluous hair from females' upper
lips. the hair concealing a broad and eievated forehead.;
the oltilitiorn beard of man• or any kind of soperfitious
bale. Price !I per bottle. I
Geueaud's Eau de Beanie, or True lA'ater ni Reant '
This French preparation I horoughly exterminates Sallow-
nee., Freckles, Pimples, Sores, Blo•ches, and nil eutaneous 1
P notions whatever. Realizing delicate white' hands,
neck and arms, and eliciting a healthyjneenile toloom„!
Also, several other Valuable articles, too nutnerons in
mention. The •zeolline sold only at
n2ft-if TUTTLE'S JILEDIC./fL AGENCY; 36•11:•‘-t
Dr.. A. W. I' AT: ERSON...7':fice on Smithfield street,
roar Sixth.
nen 10 I
Eal A rim Pot: SA I.E.—The undersigned offers for sale
11_' his roc.). lying, in Ross Township 4; miles from the ,
Cit 1. of Pitt.' iirgh, emit:lining 114 acres ofla lid of which ;
go a: r cleared and untie - fence, from 15 to 20 acres of i
mention:, 2 grad Orchards of A pples, a few Peach and
Cherry trees—the improvements are a large frame house
containing , 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for e Ta
Vern o• private Dwelling -4 frame Barn 28 by 60.slorte
b a' • elm-' l, , and stabling. sheds , nd other out houses sort-
able for a tenrnicol!-2 good Carden. .nrrollnded With i
riirraol hushes and a well of excellent water. Willi a
pomp in an the front door. In relation to the Pilisionr , th ;
and A Ite:henv market, there In no place now offered for I
,ale with inorr indlicennont to those wishing to purchase
in.ar Pit islirgh. the terms wilt he made moderate, for
further particularsapply to the proprietor at Ills Clothing,
Store, Liberty , street, corner of Virgin Aare.
N. R. If tint . old before the Ist of October next, it
and Iv nallf.
I Stentler will be ilividod into 10 atid 20 acre It's to suit pureha
(141 10
' nwat in A
, lot atta. ti,
/11HORN's TE 4 rwurtv TOOTH WASH—JI Nell.
.11 /era/Cable Restedy.—The extreme beauty of the
; Teo ii, their indispensable use, and the frequency of their
etka• Beni.
; decay, basted in many inventions for their preservatton•
Til 11 if w, t'ing 1, 11 , 1-1., klltot, II :14 the Clinton Cottage, . . h ow • , - '
sett e them in a Cala of health an pri.tine
so oared 01111Ie In wee hank Allegheny Cllv, front 1. 2 i " r 1 to Pre
; !manly. to the latest periods of existenee, wall entirely
Rank how, pole Creep ,alvl,ll no the I.t d: n' afA i irti nett .
I unknown until the discovery of the above invaluable
G, R. WHITE. .c' co '
preparation, It forms a pure tincture composed of reg.
j•. 16 •- ,13 i r
Market stlprt,
l rialkle invr t l brats, and is no-r.rssrd of the reel delicious
8' 0 Reward. I odor. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, removes spots'
; of melon ni decay. polishes and preserves the enamel, to
- _ - .4 To • r.v. f ro , th e slam, oft he .12h-or iher living Three
which II tyresg pearl like laltitencas, and, from its tildn.
7_) in ib•s t, est of It row flSV'lle in Wa - 111112 , 0t0 CO. or. the'
1 feeling I, C need
the e t• V"!riT diving sweetness
night i,f Ille i'ylli inst--a dark Mona 110, , e. n'll I, .i s'ir
in bill torehead, about if; liantl4 high, 5 i 0., r: old. I it, I to
'trent h
As no Au fi Seerrt....r, the t;orns!did re in ire trans
.•, ile , ll, no .bore on behind, slightly 1.1110 , let hitt!) Vim! •'
ccrlent powers; Scurvey is eradicated from them, a
i', ro . has it - 0:1, or scat on [lie left jaw, no whet mar ks
1 hrolliy action and rearm; is induced, which offers to the
rr .,- .lll,,Al'it
~,,i i notice of Ihe coedit.' practitioner indlihitah}e evidrnce of
Th.. a one rewind will he riven for the
their limilthing stair. It has been eXamined and nsed by
thict.o, five doltals for Nth., deliver% of the to the , iit,sci i• I
• several of the lie,t physicians of this city, who have no
het. or to JOl/11 M. Davis near I l iilstolr,!1 1 , a, it i - . ronz
cellent wash for
ly oi.pecird that the horse was taken in Iha I /lir, it., ,' lir " ,"linn in r"nendi " ii a ' s an "
iii , FriNf;
rio: . theTreth. Gnu/R.4.1r.
J.tn 16--3 w,
_ _
r illiE soliscriber lien just received his animal no r pl y of
Landreth'' , Garden 5 4. 1 . ‘1., consul' iog in par; of the
!lowing kl ads—all of the last yen c-n crop 4• warranted
Is,,:t.'ig us, 1 7 , k r, 2 : Prptt, Par<iiip,
Vore'fl, F:inli• e. PV:iA,
B k!ti 11,, Ka I i., Pepper, I
Leek, - rtipkin• lira-. co , j,
LPLliiee. iIatLSII. Boreer,l , ', I
lVairr Melon, Rhubarb, (74 b ~ge,
NilltoC. " Sakary, Car: et,
1 Nasliirtioni, Ca tiai ~,,,, Siei,,iich,
5ri...11, Celer‘, Oh:a,
Too nto,,, Cur led C, era, Oni ,, n,
Turnip, Cm - ruutwr., Pa rsley,
I . '
r,, . Mustard, ( white and brow„)
&,-, ,S: 0. &r .
To:ei her x% I ih . varie, y of rot, - :9wcrt herbs al il flower i
4er , ,lc.
0-7-0' ders for Seed., Shrtihs, Tr. e s , .'r. from (4:mien. i
ery :ma or he's will he received nod inonmily aiiirided I
F' t,- 4Now DEN 1 .
No. 1444 Liheri).henti of Wood si. ; ,
'l lo :T—'l'hovr t Ay° morn . 'trick littreliimt hon , cit
.1 3d ...tree', /MI - didn't the Poo Office. They are
ti:m commaiiim, :Ind have horn :trranLted Ms ncrires
venue pi-t• The rent Will be
nito:erair. Poe terms apply lo
Porrwr of 2$ Nl:trkpt ;Irectx
Jan 1 air•
• _
'l'o Idel•
convenient de. Nllll/111'11 in DI;11 1 / 1 1/111 a Hey
k ;IQ Hole in the Vl',lll " It contain,
4 1.1. t with n lar2e t aril:litnclieti In it. II will
reu s ed Iniv In 21.nd ten ant. given WI the
•I ul April...rtiennen /1:12ne4 hal morn 1% -" nod
1,.n, aI. lVelllll2 nii,e nv city row:limn!:
1 ,1 11 . 11 , wllh a lone lot att;icin 41 to ii,rent $75--en.
it.esti at ',Latie.-0
mums parzem
T I HI sabop nt tho .teennelfoliy enU ntspoticut or
'their triends and the pnhlie:trnertlFlY:l4 their pre_
sent twxotiment of Paper Fanlinpr , whirr ronialli.
lar;;e and extensive va Hai vof paherns vi r , un,..e,
descriptions, which upon inspection will he found to be
ots uperiorquatily and finish.
Unglazed - Watt rapers, of I! deseript!ons, tc r pa,tering
moms and en, rles,:•l 25 cent+ per Mere.
Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterns. for
papering rooms and entries, at 37} runts.
American Wall Paper. of 'heir own manufacture, for
halls; Fresco and other style s for parlors and
chantherv.on tine satin glazed gronnds.
Freneh. Wall Papers, Deroratio a and Fresco
patterus, in
plain and deli colore,"041 and silver paper.
Velvet and Imitation Borders.
Landscape Papers, in sells, for papering hotels, halls
and dining rooms, at reduced priers.
Fire Board Pripet, Statues, Ornaments /tr.
lrindote Blind Paper, plain andtgured, of dltrerent
'stern merchants and others g re respect fillty invited
to call and examine their stock and pi ice!, of r which last
a liberal discount will he given for rash.
From long experience in the I usines,t, they are able in
mantifarture papers in a superior manner, and as they
are determined to keep up the character their paper,:
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue 10 re
ceive the encou rage:tient hit het to so liberally extended.
No 49, Market street, between 3d and 4th
Pit i slinrgli, Sept. 19, 1842—dawlf
JortN !HITTER WORTH. Auctioneer and Commis.
slow AlereAant, /.oifisville, KY:, will attend to lb.
sale of Real Estate, Dry Goods,Gtoceries, Furniture, 4-c•
kr!. Regulars:lles eve, y Tuesday. Thursday, and Fri
day mornings. al 10 o'clock, A. M. Corti advancer made
nn consignments.
Pen 10
1 1 AMES HOWARD 4' CO.. Manufacturers of Wall
•JP Paper, Xo. IR, Wood Street, Pittehatrgh. Pa.—
Have always nn hand nn extensive assortment of Satin
Glazort and pain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
imitation Border., of the lanai style and handsome
patterns, for papering balls, parlors and chambers.
They manufacture and have on hand at all times—
Printing. Writing, Triter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Pon
net and Fullers' 'Maids—all of which they offer for rale
nn the most accommodating terms; and to which they
invite the attention of merchants and others.
A LSO—RIn n k Rooks ofail kinds and the hest finality.
School Rooks, etc, always on hand and for sale, as above ;
N. R Ragst nd Tar.ners' Scraps' taken In exchange. i
O YSTERS, 5.4 RDIXES. 4 -, .; served up In tits best
style al A. Gusto:Fes, No 9 rim, steers. SuitaCle
apartments are aPProprialett In erntlernett acrOmpanted
Iry ladies. A lim all kinds of Cake. and Confectionary for
parties. weddings, etc., for sale by
nnv 19—I f.
1 ,0 I-1-- 0
/ lo :
.1 I,r. Cdige
Jn ila , e r.,
& co ne h ow io r
t al io / co s j en. , , ci;l can Salto n p ,,
-- • - ilia4kir kreo C . " jib. Leis* r a c j
• t h P* 1140 1044. Slell/4 All' bf •••• 10 Rile -
CitaidM.--11,11-,Fremaat Pala this V/Sib l6.ear
eXe . DI Ito! aloore sea • nod Kul f here , s•tatt. •- r
Jci! are at Ibis For vat. at rho - Mort-0 sh'ai. • 7
led *eilla vaa'fayr t ux , Ilhartret" 41, tharherf irgg fi , '' ~
''''''.- • 1".}.".
tnstir!'il or a° hr . ' 1 — Pr • Pwrirt• 0111r.ar',111_ -:;,..,
• -
r 4env lh Iva- Arch sear thiltaikaarar - lteltlikas --""
, ,
►itataarmsaciimmai m
IC IL• '
Posta g e •__-
end Rtitittances to end frog' 0 MIK Alrfamis *aid
rpflE subscribers having concieded their arganipeonent
for exlending thea lusslness,are akiltneePrelm•
red make arrangements for bringing out paresengess
ships of the first class, Atnerlean hell', and rontarrandial
by careful and experkined men, who are wetland rover
ably known in the trade. This Line being the oldest Stet
of the port of New York, it is hardly seminary to my
[but the arrangements are insinre and comities*. and
from the fact that a vessel is sent out every six darer it
is evident that no unnnecersary delay to passengers mut
Orcllr. A tree passage per steamboat from Irelsati or
Scotland, can be engaged, and when those settled for de.
clhcroming otzi, he money is always: rellinded to the
earlier from wham It was received, without dednetles.
Old established Parmee Offter,273 Pearl sr.
C .GRI 6 ISHAW4Goa.,
10 Gorse Piazzas, Ltl/OrPOOl.
Draßs and exchanges at sight, and for any aiarad-kr
ran be furnished on R „ C. Glynn 4' CO , Ranker,,, UM—
don, R Orliewitsw 4* CO., Liverpool; nail:MOßO*
of Scotland; National Bank of 'Mandl and Northers'
Rankine Co. A pply to PETER RATTIGAN.
Chatham stroet,
the Welsh Cliurc near the Fourth street read. opposite
dim 8 Era
between %/God and Smithfield *reels. Pittsburgh.
des 10-Iy.
(~,nece"o") pan
toAa',le Bout Maker, Liberty at., 2d door Winn
Wirain Alley. The subscriber respeet rally inthrtiut
publiclhat It has commenced the above fatalness In the
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Renry hr'Closlioy.
and tint he Is now prepared to rtnend to all orders in big
line o flit:linnets with despatch and on the *moat renaoaablia
terms. From his Toms experfenre In the mannfaetnre
Fashionable Boots, he feels confident that all articled
from hk establishment' will give rat Isfaetkm to hiplia•
trolls. A eta re of public patronage is respect fully nollcito
I. DENNING—On Friday, the 3011 t orlairt month. about
9 o'clock of ni2tn. the Planlnff.Grooylng and Seth INOn
iirartnry, owned by Gny, Dilworth it Co, with a' Inlrte
quantityor dresnerl and undressed lumber, wasall C 091113.
met, by tire.
The Iron Pore whirh Tbottzht of you *cone time back
WWI In the moat eininied altortion doting the llre, and
was entirely red hot —I am pleatted to Inform you It was
opened at the note of the nre.nna all the books', pitoer..
r.rnved•--thleie the heat recommend/Wen I can eve of
the Utility or your safes',
LOTS FOR9ALF.._Fnvr Lot. in ,nche.l".
and n fourth Acres of L.,'la nn Holmes' Hill. tots
nos. 41, 42.52, 53. 54,181, 182 a nd 184, in linok's...pkesi
or Lots, nn Utolnle's 11111 Also, Lots nes. 46 and *.
Conk's plan olLots on Higli street, near the new , Court.
Ronre For ternisapply to Z. W. R E Ail SCT9N.,
cep in
I kJ ,s PATENT acoarictu
- 11.4.11et'Fd:I.CruR'E D nu Win. I,EY HU 00
IL trli
Sin:TlN°. 69 S'eeond between Wood Stid
field. where a rPTIPTai aseottmenit of Fern:lmre inii) bit
hod el redtreed prices for cosh
The reuperinri.y thew Reilleads. 'corestelliaThe
ra.tentr, L ne. which ,for (NTrahilhy Arid rare it riming: ire.
and taking down, Is not equalled i,y any other beitirltiltt
use—an'd to all mcb Ai wonkl ronsult their Own eoinbitt
in their nighilyNlainhe-ry. it 3itottrd lee rememberedtlist•
nil cin.stes oTtlre hog farully are ja-stenti , tru: byrtfitien
R ighm h)r Von otteg. rlebi. or Steles Yoe tale by
Jr)HN }IOW L ER, Terrines.
vv.., the n "de rufgarted.doceo try Ilritt we have eXemin
tilP nbove Bedsleaci tra sterin g s t a m~ have no heslNlon
pl , ononneinz their, the beet 'row -hi ilee--emeriur
en. 'lto the represetftm ton in the above a dvert
%S'm, rvin, Jacob Vogde.
John b. ...till, George „Singer.
nov 1, —3m.
ICHOLAtD. L .0 7.V0t51.....,. • • .. Loyb R. Vocilust.
C OL EALLV k CO„r:ene:,t Agents, Fnrivnrdlng and
Commission Merchants Levee Street. Viektfin
qt ci
Miss Thry re.erlfillir !M it! t ronsitnments. n 22 t ,
lon band a superior article of Liar&
On, warranted to ' , Orli at any temeorasicno, *run
equal to ilie best winter siYained Sperm Oj . vs l 4l o gLl
otren.rVe . Ishii one thirst cheaßek moo.
tired e siihseril*.r at !lig old sialadl.ltrasrl rt:„
"earl!' anoosile the PO9l. Office. 64/IAEY.
Jan 4;1843
11.311'6%1 INS! 8./2R GAINS::
*HI .011 for rash or Martel', rimilmsueEs„,
oi l the .it rorert rood, In the riey ofkillhistroveh.
Three of them are brick and fwa Retest. The
fronex are wet' ra'cutated for busine,s. dons holog•
clowe in the Cohrl house, Tbty will he Nat tregethrr or •
Rep:ol4.ly to suit purchasers. For forego, preetirolore t
,eit t Ire oh the nreiniqrs of JAS. IC
an 7 1843--t I M
run E sifter iber would respect fully Inform the citizens
1 el Pittsburgh, Allegheny and their virhilies, that he
has ct•mmence•l manufacturing Ihe a rick. or Lard 011
and Candles. lie intends nut k In? hut one (unity, which
w II roust rite twat made in the Union and TIM IlUrpilliNd
try !tic hest winter strained sperm oil r hirer for machinery
or burning. Withal( lia offensive prorsrl les. and one.
third rhe a per. TEE 4novr. /6' ir.hiin.q.AcrsED 7.0
her wishes to impress distinctly on the p idle rithid this
it Is not necessary to purr ha Fenny hew fan led lamps tha.
are daily palmed upon them as tieing recto ite to torn the
lard oil M. Persons wishing a pore al d trillion lit*
can ()Main it by calling at the old stanlir street, pea rly
opposite the Poet Office.
111. el .. 2„ty
The alter:lion Wbole.ale dealers, Churches aid
Chihli , resfp•ct fully sallrired. Ma.
N, R.—All the barrels will hear the faawalbelaterlit
inn r.
_ _
~-. _,
.-.~,. x.s~