Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 24, 1843, Image 2

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    :11. Stops at the door on the poi ticu, and
caste a stupid stare in the face of each-per
son passing. especially the ladi, s.
12. Begins to talk loud, as anon as he
gets into the open air, and especially or.
3TAtit S
0 .1001.121.0 deChl 4 oo or a National Convention.
,711JESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1843
See First PASe•
The Bankrnpt Act.
4 , ' - sf)t reports of Omgressional proceed
au: - 7
ihga, it will be seen that the House, a few
Alaysmigo, repealedthe Bankrupt Act. Im- I European Agricultural Tour.—We ob.
'Welk and objectionable as that law is in serve by the last "New Genessee Farmer' ,
maapaaapeets, we do not think the House , that Mr. Henry Colman, (not the 'author
"Ikedisplityed wisdom in this hairy and un- of Crichton .and many other beautifu
drag es.') but late Commissioner of Agri
sAiLiortal vote of repeal. We believe
p e rarly all the mischief which a bank-; cultural Surveys of Massachusetts, contem'
rupt la w could produce, has now been done, i plated a visit to Europe shortly, with a
"Mr viielitiess and the dishonest, those who view of making a Survey of the Rural
ilomaDt deserve the immunity it. gives, have I Economy and Husbandry of England,
almost all availed themselves of it; they 1 and several of the best agricultural coup'
lostnp,time in ridding themselves of the 'tries on the continent. Hi s plan is to spend
Suktrayanees of indebtedness at so easy a a year in England, and another year on
pt,157,, ,But there are doabtle , s many hon- i l the continent, in examination of the Eng•
est men, who laok with repugnance upon lisp, French, Swiss and German cysterns
the ordeal of an insolvent court, and have •of agriculture, and their Manuel Eabro.,
lteseatruggling in every way to avoid what Schools and experimental Farms.
they i lOuk upon as a disgraceful alternative;' This move, which cannot be too highly
all such, if the bill is now repealed, will commended, will giro a new impetus to
be cut off from the advantages it gives the the cause of agricultural knowledge, which
down-trodden debtor. is now exciting the attention of a large
besidesthis unfair and unequal treat- number of our most duoinguished wen.
mane ofthe class who would go voluntari- While we see many men of science and
ly into _bankruptcy, there ought to be some fortune, devoting their energies to the ad
1/Ttitettima to the creditor who has trusted vancement of agricultural knowledge_
kialfoods to men who are able t:r pay 11 1 i practical farmers, who are more directly
learns part of their liabilities, but by means interested, should not hesitate to coat ib
afatay laws and other'perni....hrus means of ute their mite in aid of the caus.?-
procrastination, can stave off the day of
payment, until their creditor is himself
rendered bankrupt fur want of I- is just
giies. These evils can only he remedied
by a bankrupt law, and we think it much
better to amend the one we have, than to
abolish it with so much precipitancy.
" . 'in this State, if the bankrupt law be re
pealed, we must 1,111 back upon the odious
, and unjust law of Assignmen . , which gives
tia„,Alie dishonest man every advantage he
4Ald - desire. By means of prefsring cer.
tern persods who may or may not be real
itleditom he has it in his power to defraud
tkiti,try honest and unsuspecting man he
tea) , owe. The law is every way bad, e ,
ven if administered honestly, for by the
practice under it, Banks and Bank en
&niters. are al ways pail fir s st; and the man
who has furnished the assignor with any
thing else than money, must stand back
until the,broker anti banker are satisfied;
and the eases of those whose claims are
small are .never thought of and n-ver reach.
ed. Besides this, to repeal the bankrupt
act, now, would be to give a fresh impe.
tus to the credit system, which has receiv •
a salutary check, aui which, ove believe,
oughsto be still further restricted.
Fur. our own part, therefore, we think
that bad tho' the bankrupt law may be, it
is,far preferab'e to . our State insolvent law.;
—and we do hope that the Pi esiclent msy
save courage and firmness enough to veto'
the bill repealing the act, and to suggest
reforms in the present law ad ma y
make it tolerable to the most determined of
its opponents. Let corporations be made ' I
enbjett to its provisions. The objection of
the ultra State Rights men that this would ,
be giving the Federal Government ton
much control over State institutions we re
gird aut.utterly invalid, and as carrying the
Watchful jealousy of State rights which we
al,,vays hope to see cherished, to an ex.
trrivagrist length. The control of a bank
nerptlaw over the banks would always be
salutary, and for the public good. We do
riprsee bow it could operate on them in
gray other way.
lantlintana Senator.
'The Hon Alexander Porter has been
eVecled a U. S. Senator, by the Legislature
ol*Louisistna, for six years from the 4th
--)f. *arch next, in place of the Hon. C. M.
allrP B / 6 *
awed, whose term of service then ex
twee. Mr. Porter is a whig in polilics.
Mr. 'Porter was elected over Mr. Conrad
oh account of the indignation felt by men
orbit partiesin relation to the base eon
thipt of the latter on the question of remit•
quoits fine imposed on Gen. Jackson by
Judge Hall. There is no division among
tirtrpenple of New Orleans on this matter;
they have a proper understanding of the
rop,iseportauce of Gen. Jackson's setvi
c*and-iso political differences can ever
oillOratt their enduring gratitude. A
corespondent piths Globe in speaking of
ofits 'election, and the rebuke given to
CiAlad says, Mr.Conred,a few years since,
was-,tioneelf a Democrat; sad deserted his
party-Ametiocther feeling than one person.
al Otifietpt. • He was loudest among the
ad4Wra.4if Peuesal.Jackson t =anti when
that vateran.hero was the guast - ed the .eity
of Nevitliilkeanii, fit:4o4 ly: cffit t,;per
sonal iiihtaitryi: managed tO.gart himatalrip
ifiantectto,make. a welconataddresik:the
! .. -
old hero. In that address, the speaker—
in aSuphomorical style, to be sure, but
with praises before unexampled; delin3a
lied the character and services of Genoral
Jackson in a tone almost exceptionable to
the public for its servility and indelicate
commendation—even to the very act in
question. He leaps his rewards: first, as
!a deserter to long cherished opinions; se
cond, as the reviler of the venerable savi
our of Louisiana and his country. A most
tighteous judgement; and a lesson, through
all time,to the abusers of public feeling and
;the voice of the country.
Flour luipeclion
Our neighbor of the "Sun," slated yes
terday that he aas informed by hie Har
risburg correspondent that the legislature
contemplated "changing the laws regula—
ting the inspection of Hour, and appointing
au Inspeetot of Flour for this city and
Allegheny. We don't know what public
opinion says about this, but we favor the
proposed change."
The editor does not appear to be aware
drat there is an Inspector appointed anal
commissioned, but from the imperfection
of the law, he has no power to compel the
inspection of fl tar, and o' course the of
fice is worthless to him, and the citizen s
have no protection from the impositions
that are so easily practiced in the article
of ft Air. During the last session a large
portion of our citizens among whom were
all the principal flour dealers of our city,
made an tiff r! to have this law amended
but in the press of other business it was
passed over. But we find the matter is
again brought up at:d we 11.1pe our• mem
bets will do all in their power to have th!
much desired ref , rrn effected before they
"IA! the Poor Indians.''—The Little
Rock Gazette of the 14th, mentions that
among the passengers who went up from
that city, was Capt. Wm. Armstrong, Su
perintendant. of Indian Affairs, who was
carrying up with him SISO 000 in specie,
which is to be paid out to the Indians on
our western frontier. It was a beautiful
sikht, says the editor, to see the kegs ar
ranged in double files almost the whole
length of the Fpacious cabin of the boat.
and no doubt many a luckless wight wish
ed himself an Indian, that he might have a
chance to firger a potion of their precious
dnother Duel in the Navy.—The
adeiphia Enquirer has seen a letter dated
Genoa, November 30th, in which it is eta
; ted that Midshipman Beets arid Cook,
bo.h of Philadelphia, recently fought a
duel at twelve puce with pistols, and
Beers received Cook's hall in his
The wound will not e fatal, and the
patient was doing well. The quarrel
originated during the reception on boat d
the Columbus, of the Queen of Sardine—
both the yo•mg gentlemen being attached
to that ship. The patties have been sus.
pended by the Commander, and it is said
will be sent home for trial.
:Mother Forgery.—The New York
correspondent of the Philadelphia IT, S.
Gazette stales that a I:,rgery to the extent
of $6,500, on the Manhattan Bank, has
just been discovered. It appears that Si
meon Draper, Esq., had drawn a small
cheque and paid it as an advance upon
goods left fot sale. This cheque was co..
pied, four of which were paid at the bank,
amounting to the above sum, before the
forgery was detected. The party (Mr.
'Morrell) to whom the first cheque was
paid is in cuarody, and no doubt thu prin
cipals will be detected.
The Court.ol Engairy in the ease of the
Somers, has concluded its iabnrs, and we
may expect to . receiie its report soon.
.iii A ': "cthie.:. —er *Whe t - --- • o ~, ,al eine.
./Iffico.,;4l`te %I:overdo! 'oltie Ckiliin?. of ..4
r,.. , i -3-Aisitis.,i:,. ad. 21, 184
.. __
Lihetis; tea despatclieddtesaed Wihe tx- • ,Cseidetried:o , —ln thilk'. Uouie on TI
ecutive Committee of the American Coloni- day. Mr. Heckman's bill to reduce the num
zation Society on the 9th oflune last, states ber of Canal Commissioners to one was
that on his arrval at Bassa Cove, which discussed- at some length. It was finally
place he visited in February, 1842, he found referred to the committee on Inland . Nevi
anchored there a fast sailing schooner be- gation and Internal Improvement, That
longing to New York
The Captain refused to pay any port
charges, in defiance of the authorities, who
had no means of enforcing a compliance with
their regulations. The supercargo of the
vessel was a Spaniard. The Govet nor told
him he knew him to he a slaverait ordered
him to leave the settlement. The vesel
soon got under way and stood up the eoasts
but ii ts.o or fifteen days returned, and in
twelve hours took in a cargo of 250 slaves
and nut to sea.
TRIP Ca use
The late difficulty between. Mr. Walker
and Mr. Farr of Si. Louis, which ended in
a street fight and the death of the latter,
otiainated at a cotillion party, where W alk -
er, who was one of the managers, refused
to, ad In it Farr and the lady who accompani•
ed him. i n this refusal, the managers must
have at ted from personal motives alone, for
we find the St. Louis papers speak in the
highest terms of the reputation and stand
of the parties who were insulted. At a
meet•ng 4,f the members of the Bar, the fol..
'owing resolutions were adopted, and we
think they rare a sufficient endorsement of
, Farr's worth anti standing to procure him
admission to a Ball Room.
Resolved, That in the death of Ar. Farr,
we feel that the community has lost a man,
who in the flower of youth, and compara
tively a stranger, had already, by his aglia•
hle deportment and generous feelings, galip
ed the friendship of all who knew hi n.
Resolved, That the death of Mr. Farr
has deprived the Bar of a member who
oave every indication of future usefulness
and hrilli.mcy, and who was endeared to
his hrethren by every quality which adorn
the lawyer.
The Ledger sass that the lady wl.o ac
enmpaniel Farr, is one whose "reputation
the tongue of scandal dare not point its fin
ger at; for even the ruemies of Farr, speak
of her as a virtuous, pure and spotless maid-
Walker, We learn has been committed to
prison to take his trial for inunler.
On the 17th Cincinnati was inveloped
in a fog of smoke so dense that it was im
pos,ible to distinguish objects at the dis,
tance of a few paces. The event caused
numbers to think seriously of the Miller
prophecies, and added one day mere to the
life of many a pig, as their ruthless botch
ets suspended their murderous operations
to make preparations for their own end.—
But the matter all ended d 9 it had began
in smoke—and the people of the pig tail
city are now as hardened and as bloody
minded as ever.
There are in the United State just one
hundred soldiers of the Revolution on the
pension list over one hundred years of age.
The oldest (11311 Oil the list is Michael Hale,
o f T 7 inn county, Penit4ylvania, who is in
his 115 the year. We hope the old veteran
is hale anti hearty ton.
sheriff Porter.
A question has been raised among sev
eral of thePhila. journals,as to the elligibili
ty of Sheriff Porter, and Io it the grave
manner in Which it is treated by the Penn
sylvanian, we haveero doubt but the pre
vailing opinion is that Mr. Porter canno t
constitutionally discharge the duties of the
lowa —Girls are a scarce article in lowa.
Str'ng inducomen's are held out to the
Yankee girls to enter into their specu:a..
A public meeting was to have been held
in Cincinnati on last Satuidly by the
friends of Gen. Cass, for the put pose or
nominating him for the Presidency.
Mr. Koon: i= a member of the New
York legislature. Our legislature contains
a great many•
That's C( I. Digi,y's—'in
The Mexican indemnity is at length a
zreed to he paid. By and by, it will be
Doing. over work,—The Park street clock
at Boston wants a spree. The other night
after striking 12, it went to work and struck
all the other hours for the ensuing week
Good.—Parson Miller has decided that
no man can go up on the fifteenth of Febu
ary, who owes fur his newspaper.
A New paper has been gotten up in
Georgia called the "Gold Region Report
er." It is our opinion that its subscribers
should never be called on for pay.
A grand salute was fired in Boston on
the 15th when Gov. PeTorton took the oath
of office. The Post says it was the most
pleasant music hA had heard for three
Roger S. Baldwin has been nominated by tyears.
The proposition to reduce the pay of ar
my, navy snd civil officers is galling faVor
at Washington.
the Whigs of Connecticut for Governor; I 'Have you improved ,in riding'['
Reubin Booth Lieut.. Governor. I exactly, I have fallen off a great deal.'
committee I understand have agreed to re 7
port a bill, not to reduce the number of the
Commissioners, but to:chantre the appoint
ing. power from the Guvernot to the Legis
The Select Committee to District the
State into Congressional Districts have
agreed upon a Bill. 1 have been unable to
get a copy of it, and can only give you the
arrangement for some of the Western coun
ties from recollection. Erie, Warren, Pot
ter and M'Kean are attached together;
Crawford, Venango and Mercer; Beaver,
Butler, Armstrong and Venango; Washing
ton and Greene; Fayette and Westinore
land; Indiana, Somerset and Cambria;
&c. &r. The bill war adopted in Commit•
tee by a vote of 16 to 10. It will not, how•
ever, pass the House.
In the I-louse, to-day, there was a long
discussion on a bill to secure the wages of
laborers for incorporated companies, in
case such companies should make an as
signment. The bill passed the third read
ing, and was sent to the Senate. It is de-.
signed to meet a case of assignment to he
made on Monday next by the Philadelphia
and Reading Rail Road.
A resolution was adopted to•day, on MO -
lion of Mr. Sitars wood, to inquire into cer
tain proceedings of the Canal Commission
:Ors in relation to the awarding of a contract
(or carrying pa.sengers on the Columbia
Rnad. This will be an investigation
which will end in smoke, and was only or
dered because the motion seemed to reflect
upon the integrity of the Canal Commis-
Phe Printing Bill is yet in the Hands of
the Governor.
There was a resolution offered to-day to
authorise the Clerk to furnish each member
with a copy of Purdon's digest. It was not
agreed to. TO BE.
From the Bail illlOrC Sun
After the miscellaneous business of the
morning hour, the Senate proceeded to the
consideration of private bills.
As sown as the journal had been read,
there was a general rush of candidates for
the Speaker's eye.' But as by the laws
of the House., he can re:iognize but one : t
a tim-i each mernhet ha .1 to wait his turn.
Petitions on almost every s &jeer, were
presented and refered. Sonte were for
regulating the eurrency,others asking Con -
gress to make haste and pass the bankrupt
repeAl law, while not a lew insinuated that
such an action would prove the ruin of the
Mr. Fillimore wanted the House to go
into a committee of the whole, for the pur
pose of resuming the consideration of the
army bill, bet the House wouldn't.
Mr. Winthrop, from the committe on
commerce,to whom had been veered a me
morial from certain ship owners, com
plaining that free colored seamen are
prisoned on entering the ports of certain
States of the Union, made a report in favor
of the prayer of the memorial, accompani
ed by resolutions •
Mr. Rayner made a minority report, al
so accompanied by a resolution providing
that the committee be discharged from all
further consideration of the memorial
Mr. Kennedy of Md.. will is chairmen
of the committee,does not agree with either
repot t,but says he will make a report of his
own in few days. The reports and reso
lutions were ordered to be printed.
When the subject comes up we shall
have a warm debate.
The remainder of the day was devoted
to the consideration of bills on the private
caleu('ar• '
List evening after :Mr. Marshall had
concluded, Mr. Proffit withdrew his mo—
tion to reconsider the vote on the passage
of the bankrupt repeal bill. So far as the
House is concerned the passage of the hill
is final.
By a Statement fro n the Treasury De
partment, in answer to a resolution, it ap
' pears that complete returns of tha amount
'of revenue received during the 4th quarter
of 1842, have not came to hand. It '31)3
pears, however, from the reports sent in,
that the.cash duties amount to $3,116,370.
Duties received on bun& $1,436,565—t0'
' tal 84,552,935. And that the nett sum re
' ceived into the treasury' after deducting
'expenses is $3,950,000' As it respects
the sales of the public lands, it appears
that the sure actually received from the
lands sold in the last quarter of 1842 is, so
far as returns have bern received,s2s4,sl3.
' The estimated amount from sales fot which
returns have riot been received is $llO,
.426—total $362,939.
On Monday, the report of the committee
on ways and means relative to the exche.
quer scheme comes up as the special or—
der. The firin will be tremendous.
Sir: —The undersigned, a Committee of
die Citizens of - Pittsburgh appointed to
make preparations for your reception, have
the pleasure to inclose you a letier which
was designed to be forwarded -to you at
Harriaburgh. The receipt of a letter ans
nouncing your arrival to-morrow has indun
ced the Committee to make the following
You will be raceived by a sub-committee
at East Liberty, who will conduct you to
the city at such hour as will suit your con ,
You will be addressed on your arrival at
the Exchange Hotel by Hon %VlMaul Wil
Alex. Hay,
Win. Flinn jr.,
body Patterson,
Geo. R White,
Sir:—The un lersigmed citizens of Pitts
burgh, desirous of manifesting their respect
and confidence towards you in view
of your past public services—fur your faith •
ful and patriotic discharge of the onerous
duties corn i.itted to you• charge, in the va
rious honorable stations you have been call
ed to fill in your• country's cause, at a peri
od when thu Republicans of the western
country were roused from their peaceful
homes and firesitks, to p•otect their wives
and children front the hand aid tomahawk
of a foreign and a .savage enemy—when
danger and despair hovered over Our now
peaceful and happy country—where we feel
a heartfelt pride in recognizinz you as one
of is most brave and patriotic ill.'enders.
In your coutemplated journel through
the western states, we tender to you, sir,
individualy and collectively, the hospitali
ties of our "'mnky and manufacturing"
city, at whatever time it may suit your c.,n,
venience to fix upon.
Your fellow citizens,
Geo. R. White, Russel Errett,
Alex. !lay', Wm. Flinn,
R. C. Stockton Win. A Charlton.
John F. Whitten, S. Watson Carr
W. F. Willock,
Wm. Wilkins,
NrCandless. Thos. kinskinson,jr
Body Paterson, %V. Chamberlain,
Wm. NI. C. Harsh, Chas. Burnell,
P. C. Posey, Basil Sewall,
John R.Blaime, Rees C. Townsend,
G. W. Bradley, Col. John Ross,
H. N. Stone, Chanibt-rs McKibben,
Anthony Dravn jr. John Holmes,
A'ex. O. McCalla, Jelin 13. Glass,
R. 11. Hartley, Ddniel Wt arts,
Andrr w Millikin, David M'Clelland,
Chap. El. Paulson, 11. D. King,
Swill. Walker, Win. P. Mackey,
D. L. Sands.
Jan. 20, 1543,
Sir, The undersigned nn behAlf of very
many of theft fellow ci izens of Pittsburgh,
have the honer to invite you to a public din
ner to be given at any time convenient to
Be assured of the perfect cordial tv with
which this invitation is tendered, arid that
it proceeds from the wish of our fellow cit
izens to manifest to you their affection and
gratitude fur your many public services•
With very high esteem,
Your friends and fellow citizens,
To the Hon. LEWIS CASS.
Ilarniar Denny, James Findlay,
Rody Patterson, It. H. Harney,
Jas. Robinson, .1. B. Guthrie,
Hilary Brunet, James S. Craft,
C. Darragh, John Anderson,
11. Hampton, E. Trovillo.
Sand. W. Black, Chambers McKibbin,
Joseph Knox, Henry S. Magraw,
Wm. B• Thompson, James M. Cooper,
John Willock, Win. M. Edg.ir,
R. C. Greer. A Beelen,
J. B. Miller, Alex. Hay,
C. M. Robinson, Benj. Patton, Jr.
El. A. Leavitt, 1)r. S. W. Comfort,
Lieut. T.P. Itidman,ll. M. Smith,
Fr. R. Shunk, 11. H. Taylor,
Win. Flinn, jr. Cyrus Townsend,
James Gracey, Leonard S. Johns,
John Little. jr. G. Armor,
H. F. I:Linn - lan, W. Milner Roberts,
G. W. Bradley, Jas. C. Drumstin,
Fergus Aloorhead, W. R. Brown,
R. 11. Patterson, Charles Barnett.
Neil Mc llwayne, C. Shaler,
Win. Wilkins, H. D. Foster.
David Fuliwood,
Fayetteville (N. C.) Journal denies
that the newly elected U. S. Senator from
North Carolina is a Calbouoian. The
Journal says that Mr Haywood is anti -
Calhoun, and as ibotough a Van Buren
inan as Bedford Brown himself.
We are very truly
Your fellow citizens.
Wilson McCandless,
Harmer Denny, '
John Anderson.
Pittsburgh, Jan 20th, 1843
11. W okt-son,
James Irvin,
PITTSBURGH, Jaley. 21st. 1813.
Prrraatracn, Jan'y 21, '43
Gentlemen:—l have but a moment before
my departure to acknowledge the receipt
of your kind note of to-day, inviting me to
a public dinner, and to express my grateful
acknowledgements for the honor you have
conferred upon me. It would afford me
much pleasure to comply with your request,
but the oecessity of continuing my journey
without d-lay will not permit me to do so.
I am not, however, the less sensible of this
distinguished mark of your favor, which 1
shal (cherish with a lively reflection.
Very respectfully, gentlemen,
I have the honor to he
Your obl'g. and nh't Serv't.,
To J. B. Guthi ie. C. Darragh, Rody Pat-
terson, James Findlay. tlarmar Denny,
John Anderson, James Robinson, Esquires,
and othets.
"The Wreath" is the name of a nary
Boston paper
Excruciating.—The Providence agent
cle has the following.
A fellow having bid off a table at atm.
tion, neglecte . d.gevgrekdate to "
charges ; aiktaite it away:, The i t u
eer remarked
,thet , ht) wtHs tb un
coinjo,-- table man he. . ever saw; ~.....,—,...
Col. Herbutta.—A' trite' bill has been
found by the. Grand Jury atiiinettaii.
Mc Dougtld, for the inutder of Col. Rep.
The notes orthe Comtnerciii
Soiotx) were selling irt• PettsrewililPAlit
week at 50 per cent
Gov. Dori has been in Masisachasitta,
since the insuguration of Gqv, Morton.
The B card of Trade of this city is anxious USW
crease its nsefulness and respeetabillty,by
ing its reading relents with the leading petip
of the day, and increasing its newspaper Sub
Linn. To this end it is inducep
to appal tolls
friends and the pohlic for additional stippor•tr
The present memos of the a =sociatitna ate stills
cent In defray its current t spenst.s, but its slaw
ply of newspapers is too limited. It is belies*
that try sup..lying its rooms with the Icading bowls
and foreign periodicals, it will giro to them inter
est for an additional- dews •rif - reatirst
measure is recommended by the.faet, that access
to these interesting works cannot he had at any
institution in the city. Nn other institotitm tan
siipii!y them so cheaply, as this association
ready supplied with rooms.. dr.e., and all thiatidir
ti funds acquired may be applied. exclusively
to the purch,se of newspapers and periodicals~
The addition of one fourth In its means, will ire.
ble is usefulness and means of entertainment;
All the leading cities of the 'Union have a sinti.
lan institution. Our's ought not to be pernlitfibd
to I ingui.h or go d wit. It should be worthy of
the , ity of PittAurgli. Those who have contribtt•
ted to its support in periods of greater prosperity,
we trust is ill riot now starer it t i sink ta a period
of general depression. It is now it moat notdasthe
stip:sort of its old friends. If they have withdrnifn
final hustness, it is h trrid the, hive not lost their
interest iu the institution which grew up under
!heir eery. - • t
Such members of the B yird as may tint lave
lcirtrte licquent!y to visit the rooms, will ti . . 4 in
them the nientis or freq.-mod, interesting and-gra
til.3; log their furotrii fri iids. supplied with pit.
pets from all parts of the Union. the traveller
from any section mar here oht inn the latent littel
ligence from any desire d ; .qu i trier. To Ute Atop
tal reader, the rooms wilL tarroid catreerdiiiiiir e jeo
m e a n s r f a t riniring and enjoying the choicest 4it
erature of tie day, and at the leak. possible cast.
in sustaining the instiiiition, every citisew-Nif
Pit'shurg may contribute -to the elevation, stiAthe
character of the city.
To carry out. the propo=ed übjee's, the Boeltd
have appointed the following co.ninit ees tn. Oit
on the citizens of Pittaburgli and Allegheny4nd
solicit their subscript;on. •
Ist Ward—J. D. Davis, Alev. ()onion;
2d Ward—Wm. Barker, A'fred Vinton
31 Ward—J. ho Shipton,T. J. Bthatn,
4 6 -Ward-114 R.bertson, Liririleta riff
sth Ward-1 - 1, Brnnnt , Ales. Laughlin.
Allegh , rty City.
John Freeman, R. W. eoin 'exter..
By order of the Boar ,1
'llloz.z. B Prvsit.s-
lo front of Captain Broadhurst's-1P;
Monday. Tuesday and Writncrtlay, .la,!n. 2.3, 21 4. 25.
Enieriainmeilts will roinntence with a Grand
Song by 6fr ftnrr
Ay Masi rs
Dance by 1 3Tis limitra and Maier IT Rucktill
Nilemilnd by Mia C D,vine and Mr W Nieiile:'
Song, by Mr liar ry, -
Slick Rope by Mr (tuck Icy.
tviilmut iadtlir; Mr W
Comorilo,,s, by Mr Anmlin. '
Mr Wiliam Nleilois on lonr
The whole to eoiteitute with the (1, anti ChltilitiVAe•
Lion aid Herlltlie tluetrntion, ted I:gee:4 6 :Jorge*.
froth the Geiniao of S chiller, !, IcAJII.F' N ;.)111 , S.Alf
R .11 Cif EX" entl red
[For Particulars see small bill 143
Admission to Boxes 50 c. Pit 25 c.ntg.
Chatne of ti tog Perron:Nome - tvery tViertr• e
Tuesday the 31st January next; tr. 2 otelocticiaithe
afternoon at the bowie bf Win. Greenfield, lathe vttlagis cm
Beallsvitte, Washington co. Ya•, thirty cis buildribtlaawla
that village--which Is bcconflog a place of insporionee.
as the great National Road from Coniberland-10-Wltsal
hog. intersects the road from Pithsbargh to Opillivillipte.
This will be a chance for Teamsters, Mechattles aprolb-
C FS.--terms at sale wiitch will be accommodoitag,
lots are about a stone's throw from the satiate VW
soil in the centre of (lie •Illage,
jI n •
TE P ERA NCE•.'; •
/TAR ACT and Sabbath School Papers just received
_L from New York and Philadeititila. 300 ear the
Youth's '1 emperanrc Advoca'a, for Janolirti.
an excellent and cheap paper, for families anti b,
with a Sabbath Schoot,'Figning the Pledge te. et a
per year, or i rent each. Temperance Hymn
Witeltinzton Harps, Tempt ranee Lyres, Songs et.' '''llllo
Congressional Total Abstinence &defy Bpteibelik;bitb
Pr Sewall's Plates and. Pathology. TempersnoMilit.
titres, Fab!es, rVc. and Temperance Hittite , .
500 Temperance certificates Inc adults and youthi.4loo
Small Sabbath School Books (rout I to 111 cent/raga.
1300 Temperance and Christian Almanacs for„
300 English, German. Welsh, and Freneb
satiety of very cheap Sabbath School Books, and Do
School Elooks• Paper and Stationary for bide 611115011,111.
daring terms, in arty quantity to can purchasers.
Jan 23, 1313. IS %At; HARBII I .." '
No 0. sth "Ire.?
DIG .ME r/ IL. —.50 ton! riR Metal In winfeond:for
J. W.
Jan 24-
waif!. it. between Wood 4. Saikthaeld.
Tea, Grocery, and Produee Hiniaearia
' 4
At ?'o. 140 Liberty street. Pitas urg '1 .
rtHE .uhscriber being abut to live in the cragairgkAlt
derirous Greening out his stock and fixtures. _Tale
stock rondists of a choice and general- aelecUlott:o4l7
Coffees. 'Spices and a general assortment ofartaeles
ally kept by the trade. The fixtures are or the adiallimil
and asoetsubetantlat kind. The stand rinsurpartradiAl
any In tin: City, and at a reduced rent; being. welt oaktis
baled for a Wholesale anti Remit Grocery bosinessinfill
the subscriber has carried on in the same salminthe
8 years.
The above 'a an excellent opportnnity for any pswiteil
desirous of embarking in basinww, having a corraldwills
connexion in town and country. el ,
For Sale. also, col advantageous terms, a Twek
Brick Dwelling, with basement, vast', Indilllff . . . •
kitchen, 4.c. surstanitally built and wittl Ildilikeles
aced in Robilwoss street, Allegheny Cley,Oppattle '
son'', Row, being 22 ft front by 1' 0 doroP.laklb 15 IPk i a
Also, nearly two acres of land.heriskrotse wholis '
situated at New Troy, being a lovely; spot. I inllw tridet
the city, contalninz 1 Mall Frame Dwelling, a lbw knit
trees, and 2 wells of first rate water. -
A fro, L was tiAlaras of ft) sores, "ass few* iqdrinet
on the Fakti)Llberty road, contataing a Lad kesaine.S
Bank barn, wills Stables ander ibrywholia, beintr SIP
long, 25 wide, and 2 acres of photos Orebardingotdiallf ,
is of abort 200 grafted Pear. Appiet, titudinstr MOW
Treeta isad hearing, -t.41 4 4-1
t hart tio„ 101 ,isr the 3,l Presbyterian eltalith,llha
, idled ahem half way down the left aide from tbeentrasen.
240 Liberty street.
jai+ "4-411 w
Ou Penn Street.
ott Mon *.alto.