;MEE tai - L_N0.1.14. rIIIBLISHED EY .74108. PHILLIPS 4k W. H. SMITH, _ I:MINX& OF WOOD 4 1 FIFTH IT$. 4 111411446. --FIVE DOLLARS a year. payable In tailimpara. Riegle copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the eiirseet pl is cake. bad by Nelia Bays. The . litereaary and Manafacturer to leablistred WEEMS. at the fame °Mee, on a doable leedieten sheet. at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. .awes. Shield copies. SIX CENTS. Terms of Advertising. lint SCSITA RE OF TWELVE LINES Oft LESS: OM Insertion, 0.501 One month, SZ,OO Tine I iwasiens. 0,75 Two worts, 6,00 IrAssa lossertions. 1.00 Three MOM lig, 7,00 lOne wort. 1.50 1 Four mouths. 8,00 Two weeks. 3.00 Six month., 10.00 irbise weeks. 4.00 One year, 15,00 • -... YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CH 888888 t.y. sr nasal:ma. Oss /Worm Toe Syttarer Oft months, $lB.OO Six months, $23.00 OM year, 25.00 I One year. 35,00 Irrtoarter advertisements in prorortion. - CA RDS lir friar limo et! Domani a year. PUBLIC OFFICE S. &C. Carr Pore Orme Third between narked and Wood Streets—R. U Riddle. Postmaster. cictiregog Hues', Water, 4th door from Wood rt. Pet et iswee's beildieuts—Major John Wlllock, Collector. tree Taeastrae. Wood between First and Second fteeets—Jausets A. Bertram. Treasurer. Coombe retaliate. Third street, next door to the IrMkt treahrterian Chureh—S. R. Johnston, Treatorrer. itaxisiesOrvics, Fourth, between Market and Wood fralteft—Alexamier May. Mayor. ilsacatairr's Ezell &wag. Fourth, near Market M. RANKS. Pteessesissa. between Matted and Wood streets, on 'NSW& writ Poshreit streets. Illhameasinler awn allaautraverrazts • awn realigns' Da. fear Stat. (foraierty Seeing Feed,) Fourth, betwten Woad awl Mattel amts. illecuseres„Plftli street, we? Weed. HOTELS. blinseposasts Heim, Water street, near tore Firklge. Ressasses Horst., corner of Penn and Si. Clefs, Illiatessarrs• Elseet., corner of Third and Wood. Airaiseessr ilioror...coraer of Third and Smithfield. filitiretiattriores. tosser of Penn street and Canal. —.0401,11111 11 Sagas, Lilmerty Aram., near f3e.enth. Illesesits Moms)! Booms, Liseris St opposite Wayne liossawitsnr Moines Horse. Lean St. apposite Canal it 4 0 EKT IV 00 DS, ATTORNEY AND COENSELLOR AT LAW.—O teen fie l, laMwelniimams on Grtnt it.. neiktly opposite 'Oa WOW apart Hesse. pert roosts to John D. Mahon, gear. gel, 10 .THO'. R. ELLIOTT, M. D.— office reweered t• St. Croi Ovate, Seem; Pens Asa tiberly St i r, Akt.1411•811. • p 10 NEWGOODS.—Preston 4- Mackey, whr.lesale and . retail dealers ie English, French, ard Domestic Dry Romig, Nro. Ri, Market et ,Piitirhetrch rep 10 firCA.NDLESS & lIPCLIT RE, Attorneys awl Coals*Hors at Law: Office in the Dianronii, inict tithe Ohl Court !louse. Pittsburgh. P 10 WIIIIOIFA.4- R. Morrow, Alderman; offt• e north *idea Fifth at., between Wood and Smith fie field My. Fittatmegii. Per. jouN mrogyrrr, Whotesale Grocer Reclifb Ing pietas. And Dealer In Profiteer and ritithurzh lirseitraeisisd-Artieles. .Afe. 224 Liberty Street. Pitte rilneawk. Pen 10 11.144.4 t _H• W I. LE" • ft II S. DILWORIII LLUkaILS de DILWORTIT.--whoiewate Greeera Produce and Commission Mertaaniv, and iaaleta la Pillatatrib Maoufaciare4 artickt,,, No. 29, Wood street. p 10 WAX. O'HARA ROBINSON, Aoornry nt Ln Wien on the north side a the Dia inond,hciw , e Ante' awl Union streets. upin a Irs Fen 10 DURBORA.W, Alintrievy it La w; tetiderp A. his professional services to the public. Office cur. was o r Fifth and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd k Co's 'tore. Plashergh, Pa. Seri 10 Jogs e.gricatrr... . J. N. Ka&N SESIAFF & KEA.N, ManufaciprerA of Confer. Tsn. and Sheet Iron Ware, ISo 80. Front at., Fitis bare,. House Spouting and Steamboat work promptly firMided. sep 10 *norms s YOU • FRANCIS 1.. YOUNG. VOS. , B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware ROOlllO, lAnner of Hand at. it EXClißnse Alley. INFORMS wishing to purchase Furniture. will find it to Male adirantaee to ;live us a call. heinr fully watisfied that Wilt caw please as IR quality and price. rep 10 INITITTON HAMS,—Just received 160cholce Mut ten Hams, well cured and for sale cheap hyihedo wit retall,by I.IAAC lIARRtS, lap 10 N 0.9. Filth it ors BAG A.—' sopp'y of Landreth's Fresh Ku• to Saga, and other different varieties of Tornip Itead.feateeeelved eadfor late at aspects ?aes at the pats= sad See/ Store of F. SNO W WDN MID II N 0.1.134 Liberty street, head of Wood. Wmut CIJOSEYA Boot and Shoe Mattufacto• ry. No. 83 Fourth Bt., next door to the U. States gawk. Ladies Pronetla, Kid and Satin Shoes made .n Pe neatest wanner, and by the newest French patterns. Se, 10 5,000 MORUS MULTICAULUS. to Suss to suit P urchasers; to be disposed only F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Ltheriy street. head of wood. DABLIA BOOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds or ev . ery destriptios, can always hr had at the Drug sad lined store of F. 1.. SNOWDEN. sap 10 184 Liberty street. head of Wood. mirk LSS.llllnols Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for tiI.M.F sale at the Drug and Seed store of F. L SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 400 LBS. ?JEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, for seed; just received by F. L. SNOW DEN, No. 184, racily head of Wood at. GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding Calves, Pruning ,Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., Psi re atitend and for oak by F. L. SNOWDEN. Poole 104 Liberty street, head of Wood. CHOICE Venison Hams.—Just received a smaii sup toiyof very choke cured Venison Hams, on retail ila Mali lets ter current, money. ISAAC HARRIS. Agent, and Com. Merchant WTS Stitch ClO•ef Seed, Orchard Grass and ICtititcky Slue Grass, always on hand and for ifika tg, F. L. SNOWDEN. ;iserile N 0.184 Liberty street, head of Wood. Are. i mam it BUCHANAN, sittlerways at Law, dike alwarewi tram Übe Dimond, toA ttorworaßow ^ Ole* roartb street, between Market and Wo od ABM aepto MICISTILATES • IILAMIS. for proceedings In A. illoskoost seder thrusts law, for sale at this Office. tit ilALl4.—Cote oa tioNerth Out corner of Coal • low sad Iligb street. Apply to - $llll/, DA aunarom, Matte, !mar 4th pt. 1 11The=nales Beet eieed.Just recalvad add Got ea le µ the Drag end Seed 8.4. iNOWDiZN, 164 Übe*, 'treas. bead of Wood. Mem sf • poi ill rtiallOMMON Or 4111111111111Wmt beatieObre raw.. war WS UMW tad W» MIN MIIN ROPSWI44 teals day thadwail rf testemil osemeet. Rigby le witberised fer lioe Mile eattlei 1p tbe beiblese telebet ere litrep WILMAIII NUM. HN Tmorlwa4; • 11. • f . • N TONNSTONtr STOCICTON, Booksedtla. Printers and Piper M'nufaerurers, No. 37. Market at. pep 10-17 TORN ANDERSON, thaithdeld Foundry, Water it.. near that Monongahela Dottia.Malltantb• RAP 10-17 LEONARD S. JOHNS, Aldesmae,St.Cleir street , se. coed door from Liberty. sep 10-1 y DR, a. R, HOLMES, Ofßee la Second street, next door to Ilalvany if. Co's Glue Warehouse sep SFILYPIK. 4. FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Foorthst., near the Mayor's Mee, Pittsburgh. sop 10-1 y THOS. HAM ILTON, Attorney at Law. Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittshurith. sep 10-1 y HUGH TONER, Attorney at Law, North En'-t router afSmithfleld and Four' h streeiy. cep 10—ly =am= . . HANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 104. Wood if., where may he had a general supply of writing. wrapping, printing. wall paper, blank books. school books, fre, 4 e. pep lO—ly Li C. TOWN4END 4. co.. Wire Workers and Nawafactstrers, No. `ZI Market street. between 2d and 3d streets. sep 10—ly ExcIiANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and Si. Clair et reel in, by McKIBBIN 4- SMITH. Pep 10.—ly _ . BROWNSVII.T.F. JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward liiithes. Manufarinrar of Iron and Nails Warehouse f 10.2.5. Wood st.. Pittsburgh. sea 10 —ly M ETA L.-77 tons soft Pl_ Mein' (or sale by J. G . ir A. 0011.D1N , No. 12 Water street TIS B %cos HAMS. 16.000 lbs. Bacon 3 ,000 L Shoulders, for sn'e by JAS. PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, near Piltsiotrah, -Pa., Manufa , turer.,of I.ocks. Singes and Rohs; To• hocco, Pones, Mill and Timber Screws; Sottisen Screws for 61111154 sett 10--fe JOHN PVC LOS KEY . Tailor au4 Clot tier, Leber. e siieet, between Stith anti Virgin alley, South side. Jw BURBR11101.: lt CO., Wholesale Grocers and Chemin'gallon Merchants— Sreond street, between Wood and Swett Wield Af-,Prttshur:h. 'eh ly JG. 4- . GOT: Cnlllll.l4• 4 iim and Forwarding • Mrrrhant., Water PM giver glk. arr. 10-1 y IF,II r A MR.-4 cask,. Innis, a rood artiri., received per S R Corsair, and for latle by 3. f; . ¢ A. CORI - VON. ler 10 No. It Haler unmet QO3O It a MIIf.APjF.R---40 Mods !New olionos So kJ rim NO Ohio New Orleaot. Mntalo.e,c for pair_ two sop le 3. 0. A- A. GORDON; Q1:11; A R.-7 litsils form, N. n. Sankt, rersorre4 per S. 11 Maine, and fur salt hy 1 11 4- A. CallklX)N. sep 10 No. 12. Water to cee sfl K BACON CAS S.in co.dnr, nn nand and for Bale Ity UV imp 10 J. G. 4- A. GOR DON. Kn. 12. Wairr ar SUGAR AND MOl. ASSES.-1.1 Moir arid 4 %Ms N. 0. Atitnr, 32 hills N. 0. %loin it Ar • , rreriorri per Peorriboat (nor Tier, ;viol for gate by J. G a r A. CORDON, Pop 10 No. 12. Water greet 5 BBL& iI.AR 01 cm tatte hty R. A. FAB NF.STO 4 en , Ile II 0 corner of h • n.A W nod 1631 1' APRlUSGervanolowat Lamp Mark for Rale by 11. A. FAMMATOCK 4- co., Retp 111 corner of &band Wootio, 200 TAPS Prepared Chalk. for sale by B. A. F MINES rook- cO , pep 10 rny n ., nrfilil MIA WOncil.l CG .k 91(11, %SSE - S.-61i tilidA. N. I). Solrnr. S 25 Ishii:. do. do.. lOU do. Plefitail..n Molanrrr, (or wale by PeP 1:3 BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.- 1 o Iw usrd in Bankrnpiry procordonzsi, printed on a(gnl pa oer,a nd in t hi,fornte a pproved FyiheConn,farante at the Office of the Mercury and Democrat. aro 10 WM. 11111311.4. RD 7 Snl a fashiannblc bool nn shoe Manullicturer. 1111. Third s. reet, bet wee Wood audSmithfield streets. I'itt