Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 23, 1843, Image 3

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vilov4 ,ioix]rick,gelprZ) at.
JANUARY 23, 1843
Receptiott.etVenerat Lewis Cass.
- talk Saturday was a "gala day" with
the citizens of Pittsburgh. The arrival
staTaing is was unexpected to a large ma.
Jet4ty, drew forth immense crowds of peo.
,ple who were eager to get a glimpse of,
aid to take by the hand, the brave defend
isik or our common country. His reception
ietp'ihe "city of smoke" must have been as
gratifying to-himself as it was to the great
mass'ofour citizens; who, w thout party
•dialinctioe, turned out in one body to give
Um a cordial greeting.
:, - „,lie was escorted into the city at about
11.,o'clock, by a large concourse of citi
lieas in carriages and on horseback, who
d through the principal streets; their
'vetirch being enlivened by many national
airs performed by the Pittsburgh Brass
He was welcomed to the city by the Hon
Wm'. Wilkins, in a neat and a ppropriate
address; in which he took occasion to re
fer briefly to the brilliant career of the
diaistiniguished guest —tracing his progress
from tlit4 battle-held of 1812 to his power
ful and successful eflorts in r,•sisting the
encroachments of the strongest govt rn me nt
on earth, upon the riAts of Americans on
the seas.
G-eneral CABS replied vet y loi fly; thank
ing the citizens f,r their manifestations
of respect, and noticed the great imp , ir
tance of our manufacturing city, as holding
the keys of inland c ommunication bet ween
the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico and
the Rocky Mountatus. .He is a pleasing
Apeaker, having a good voice and a flow ~f
4ungusge,titgether with an easy and grace
rfui style of delivery, which is pecu!iar to
but few men of eminence.
After these ceremonies were concluded,
the dined with the committee of arratge
meats at the Excha-ge Hot' 1, at which
bouse he put up. At 3 o'clock he received
the visits of the ladies.
At about 4% o'clock he was waited u pon
-to the boat by the Hon. Harmer Denny.
Hon. Judge Shaler, Wilson M c Candless,
Esq., Dr. Day. U. S. Army, aka Roily
Patterson , when he took his departure
Lor his destination.
The intere4lincr correspondence 13Ptvve,rn
l'the4etieral and his Pittsburgh ft iends will
firmer to-morrow.
River —6 feet water
-Jan 21 --Ot 1,, B iwrnan. -Brow, • Ic,
West Point .(4rnve, Cincinnati,
nt P. e, h. cling,
Cuckbutn, Brown-v Ile,
In front of Captain Broadhurst s,
On Penn Street.
notiday. Tuesday and Wednr..day, Janu. 2..3, 244. 25.
eadettainmentd will commence with a Grand National
ree,eutii led
Song by Mr Barry
iliotoManship Ay Master lime
Danes by Miss Laura and Manley II Buckley
AllisitrinJ by Miss C Devine and Mr W Nichols.
song, by Mr Barry.
Stark Rope by Mr Buckley.
Indian, without Farldfr: Mr W Nichol.
, • lloniorlions, by Mr Hamlin.
Mr William NlehotP no four liorsen.
• The whole to conclude with the Grand Chivalric Ac.
Man Mid Ilumrmion, and Equestrian Romani.,
from Iho German of Schiller, u KAMP' Dll
DRACHEN" entitled
[For Particulars see small lAN]
Admission to Boxes 50 c Pit 2.5 cents.
Chine of Ring Performance every Night•
CORN .MEAL.--80 bturbrts fresh around sine_
Meal, in barrels cool ti trbig3 Ilti,llos, at 75 teats
per barrel.
inorc—Family Flour by Mellor' , I
,MACKEREL -- I n REL iii S. iore No. 2 Nlttcketel at $6l per
barrel--half barrels al Ji: I lie Mackerel me ell - Terra
at three low p. ices to clu•te sales— A ii,ol I:miti.' It by 11.,..,
draw. very cheap, apply to SA AC CRUSE:
jail 20 148 Lille' ly -1. -
a GT7 C E -I have inken if lii it' lief S
GA the /male on John NV li.•111, la e s,l - the City of
rittsbareh, deed. Ali pmeone indebted to the estate of
tlut said deceased, ere remivroett to make immediate pay
switesst tome at my residence in Penn st. near N 1 a ry , t
Ikea* write have clai ms are rrquected to present them di
drily prehateti. J P WILSON,
Jae 19.-61 w.
frissolution cf Partnership,
THE Copartiserrihio heretofore r .115111 W. hei wee. the
subscribers under the firm of David Lloyd 4- C o .,
thma Jay dissolved by limitation. The business Ur the
...Ale Gram will be settled by David Lloyd at the old stand,
*Ammer af fifth and Market sts.
imma 31843. PAUL HUGUS jr.
Wm. It P. Hague are authorized to rerelp , and settle
Acommultsla soy abaeore, DAVID LLOYD,
Wit Vagtia, I D. Bachman and P. Jr.. bav
.H 4 wolleresi into copartnership under the 6• sn u l
Bachman *CO will continue the Dry Goods bu.ine.s at
t aid viand (Ocularly occupied by David Lloyd 4. Co..
and 5t h reels. tv here they intend keep.
Jilt. asaartmobal at Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods.
Aso 2 1241 PAUL HUGUS jr.
I Yam wig my icaareat in the late firm of David Lloyd
ilmm.ba *tura Havus. Illtaehtnan 4- Co., who I cheer
./ bu rnico snoeed fs tcartlwof public patronage,
Li IVA SALE.—A valuable farm on the Ohio
Irehetr,lB,Belaaer Wont Y. 3 mfk. below Econouty.con
solatiogljaserea, It molting an abundance of coal; it
Mita briar. Imam. about 45 feet square, a large frame
„hat., a isoaegrtst mill In gond order, with a good dwell
ocher neeefeary oat houses. It vitti
bitloollt Oa 35,500; ono half down and the balance In
-4 awl anus, payments. A good and sufficient title
sustain givew—pia glsen- iannedlatelyr law far
lawaimmaisaws;garais ts JAMES AItIiVEELE,
on We prow
BOON AND ie• OD .:-,........
1 W
. fr. Corner of frond 4^ Fifth Sta.
iTim prnirrietoiS of the. Nine! , INO l'OeT and Illicacttat
1 AND NI x arcxcycamt. respectfoily infurin their friend.
VELMA AND NEW YORK. I and the pal rails of those papers. that they have a large
/INNIS line it In fill operation, and leaves Plits'iurch i
. and well chosen assortment of
1 daily at' 8 o'clock, A M, via Washington Pa. and the ,
National Rad; to Cumberland, connecting there with .11 - 41:311 0 WI 71C"IliC _1111L" F. ,
gall Road Co.O to all the above places. TraVelers wilt . , I vin-D /L\ w r, g j .T. :i - ; .- a- , ,,0i: IT.2 . 7k u e vs . , y,
find this a speedy and comfortable route, It being a sego.
' Nere-sar 10 a Ji.di :'tinting Odire, and that they are pn
rate and distinct Pittsburgh and Ctimbertand line. fitciii• 113. - ed la execute
ties will licadforded which have not been heretofore en
Joyed• Panengera will bll taken up and set 111:11 , 11 at i lie LET TER PRESS PRINTING,
Monongahela Howie, Merchttuts,'A merican and Exchange _
Holes, Or at any IiOtISC in lite vicinity of be-re place , ,--
Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice, with the
hrivitece of going through direct, or of taking one nl . 4lit'z
rest, at i heir option.
Fur srats apply at the office to St Clair •Irevr, I seer
of the Exchange Hotel, nr at the office in Water rut , nex t
door to the Monongahela !louse.
pisorts' iris orsvt. s. isselL
I, W
President of the National Road Stage Company.
J C ACHICSON. Secy. Jan 9-4111.
Nevi tit arm vivid Five liisvirsitice
In compliance %%to II ihe sixth section of an art of
t emmy, e mitted 'An Art to reduce the capital stmt..
illeAllantic Insurance Compant ,' approved Arlli
1342. the coliowittri statement of the resonrce- of the
Pinshurch Navitiailt n and Fire Intim:tore Company
$2511,0(0 capital putnislird:—
Protitissovy Notes (with approved en
13111,, dlsroonieli rsilh do.
482 shares of-lock io Rank _
burgh, par v.due, $5l )n (rroo.)
125 sharps of 'dock 11, Mrn haul and
Manlifacol tern' wank, P 01.1.110,01,
par parli
220 ,Olarrs of ,1,,r1, fool y,
v 0 ,1.1
Premium Norms, (wilh approved rido, •
('a4l deitozher In l! nle £.10., Coo , .
r.oer payro.:,,,t of .1:111'), (Iwo!. 10
nn. Mr.. h Mnln It.
D.,. ouh ,1.P1111,1
rrottow ,,, , rir , 0111, , .3 !It('
n 1 1 01,«1t
'I'O 144 , 1., I li ', , tAleS h.lllk
ril 1 (CO STO RES 011 51arrho .7., ~ r wren id :.nd 4. , ‘ i 1,n...1.. ,,,, ...'.
j_ 5i10..!.. l'ianl , lot. \V.i.111. , ,,.
A 1.50. ),,,, apart.) , - and ,t5.,0,,,,1i 1 . 11-1 1 1 a ilt I Ile , r j ~,,,,, ~,
. ii • ~,,1 1. .„0 , ..
maul .Itir v olitititti2 Iv a Ilan 1,11 %i el ti.l , 110c1; A 1.11 ,id.,, , , 111.
ii , \1L, ,,,
~,,,,,, , ('u.
oil lOr I.aw otlic ,, , or for L , or , LIIL.n ,-- "r1..." 1 .' .. \IO.I 1 k Vro.‘n..vo L.. .
cenient and read,. ACCO: , S ll' ~, A I,ll , liii•-.. Sllt i.I , El te Bank.
Al.: - . 1 . OP g111:11i SIOW 1,) , 111 Oil Till r.l , 1 . I , ,tri V on. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
;;:,,,, 9;
'''''''''l.••• r''''' Dili- '"' P r '''' '''''''''''' ''` It '''''' 4- i'.. , l 4; 1,:,.. , ., , , , —,
IZ a y111011(1 as a ,
L.a. , , , ..1.,,. B, 1 ,1 NI ~J. , ],,,,,,, ,
AL:4)111e hi 11.% aiiil airy olltar 011 .c.I = it . pre, ,I Or. ' /I, , ~,.,,,. , ~, ~,,,,. ~..
Chpied 051111. \ theriettiti (7,1;t 1 .• I.arik. tH
Vl.`“)., cir IN`ll. „ -eve , . al ;:•1.4 1 1 10,1 , 115/5 1.1•, f ia" 4,. , '1 , Ilk tai, Nort liti.W til
it•tiiri. V.(
j,,,, 1,-i1i..".;,(1111.... ,11,•-ri , •••1 1,1 I Fil lot\ ... .la. it 1111 a Iv, rato, , o „. Ilk 1; II;
..ipp ;
ii .1
lure, of I.anll UM(' 111 II lil ear h. Ilk 7 , ltiiii•ltall. , ( . 1 , 1 1
3ln I:',--•II f.'.GVII P. G \'/.'! \ \I L Ilkiit; I it-ta, arr i.,
~1. Iti rd 1,-.1,.,„„ , I.k !' i', tit. , r , ti' •
ril-1R.11..`..i Wa it-t t. it 1 .t. pa. , it ....; .\ - 11:Prf.,,14 .1 : r,,,, , ‘1.1,,, h I , k, 1 ' .= , r, , , it, d)4 a 1
.1_ zo nt .leal •.I . e -.ILI IL yi, Ir. till, , •.1, ,Vl.ll I, nu . . \ ork 1.,11.k, :. Vril !Sark, /to 1
tarn. , or r‘ °CIL. oo i' 1—' , . ,, L. L. a' , ... aL ^ 0L , 1 ,1 . ''Y I. n - Per ~ , LL lint In 1., ,ii ' NEW I:Ni:L \ Nio
~ wi,” ~,, . 1. , 7 , , , ckL , frr L-or , , chi• t't 1.. , :i' - . 9 , ;,olt• \Vaviti•tt'lli; :h. ",l'ottiin (*.ant.,
; • A11:011..11v
.11111, N,
hair 2 1:,.... 1.1 ~,,, ,—1 ~, IS ,f.i. •,,,-. ,P. II 11'.1,1,-, •• - ( • ::::•••::N I
by rrror1:111:, 11n1110 ~Ila , .- !•,, , t. LI , •• No II 11,,,,
trcri, I ;5 S'S in ~, , ,2 ~ ,.,, a
11E11 - Es' _V E I,' i' I.: .1 NI? I;().\ - ELI .v
,:00„,,v 41 P 41,1
I.IIE NT. , i;.•,k.t - 0 ~ ..„1..
Itt V f " ,' t yl " , Cu ''
::::v " : ir , ;1 ; : i . 1 5 1 1.": ; : : : :,,,' :,: i ' 5, ,. , l ,' : , ;: -- : : .-: .: 1 ‘ .‘ ." .
c,,,,,tr.rt , A Cord , awl {,nu',.., 0 , ,1 ~ it ) . te ,tY 1:• . • ./1 ', ,i,,,,„,,, , e „ '
',, ,
the Karl{ Sr , Is 1(1V, `A 101 . 11 1111 N, I/ • broo4f • Lit nn I.y '
rar. A- Niprok. id, ur :-.1,11
1 ("odd or Ec l uo.otru In til.• NA ,•-c,1.1. r, , o call lit I,r i „,
1 T ;-
t.r.'s G, Idi -11 -. rut, ::n' 11,10 51 I''' A i, l' I it• ‘,l ,I ie Hr,,,,,,„, I,k,lSi CI ~,..,
ahuvu Linn 'el', v.l, chi ~ •:M givu 1 :11/11 , li..tlc rc- , VOW,
lief :.,1.1 , ff ci d co I Ito cut c.
ir --- ? d t rri.F: It .r. al:. ;fr .. 'lce :,--rtunent ~'''.
of II ~n titii e: ,, tr , mil N' ,v, , ,, ,(• 1.,y,,, , 'l' 0, a , e , , 1 , . I" , ~, u , , n u., ...
"RE \ft.:Nl 11E;:, ,•:,..; I'. i l'.Cl'il ••••'• riZEE I -I' ik, ..lit:1u! , k Neu 1.5
koo iu , ,,...
J 31 iS I -,-1:2. , 11'1 P. , 1 11..
0 ., i , w ,1 1 ,, Ni I. 1, , ~ ~,,I, ~0 the 1.11111•1 11
il 11iliCi. 1)1,1111 .1111 .11 1 1,, .1,.1 111. 1111,...,1. , 11 1
i V1"....11r.:,1 FI, lerlll, •1',•,'1 1 , 14/ ‘I O. /,' I '
J tlt 2 19,
lik,V I l•l.I \Nll' 11 11.1.. I'la, 1,,,,1 FII I, p I',. trn,i ___ _,_ • - ------- ~_
etv,d I'l , ' , i ',,,• ' r •li ., •“'f' r '''''' • •\''• ' ..1, I\V I 11T IF! - 1 l'iir.S —F', (',11 ,,,, . TO , Lee
Fourt h ....: re , ! 1'i .. .• r , '.• C.11.v..-- rill-1.v.: V.l r o 1-11 lure 1' moo oleo of . I lie if.rt bostaer wins lb,.
N, . rar Alli-i,, .61,•“ , 11. Ii 111.1 1.1 ok ire,4 1;111,41 , . A I ~I , „,„ re ~, i eelii: t ,,,,,,. i 1,, ,
i " , ,, , ~,,, 1 - 0 ,, ,,, ,,, , „ 1
• iimpl iS. ii ',III.) 11 , older. 1:4.1.:1iiii04 d01.,' .1 Li .. ,111,1 „.,,,,,.,,,,,,, ,‘ I,„ finer r,,,,,,,,,,,, ~, /,,,,,,,,. vI .„
li , V .1 JO P, creel/. lulri.iii , lire Ie elm,.
„fell” I. (iele, 1',...q. IS :1.1.1v0z100
PrnlT. II .1 Clark, Mva4171114. Collel: , '
Itml. ll'm ftlll.•ino. Pitt , l),i , zO.
Proti ./ J? nr0.r0..1etr ,,,, 10 c.illege•
!)grid 1i t ,h1r..',..11.11 , 1- ,, ) , ',5•
Herd ft oshirrelorr. E... 1 ,
PrOlr. ./ilex • r 7' .1/r mu. We , J. Tiinn 1 4 1 whiny) ,
From, .1 ohn. f 0 , 1 . E.il., ritighittill ,
troll' J fl,nrk , e. N1,,,,1vi11 , C.,1tt.,-
IV 11 I.nv-ir.E.q ,1.11141.1 tit h.
Rev .7,tuieg 1, j/i,rtraddie.
T'rof li eli'll rr• NI Vlliiillill..l 4 f(.-r-m. Collear. will de
riv.er r.vi!; . .il Lecture- nil A , iri.t.oloy, en,l , i - nring lin rt,e.
1,"7.,e-...a•kil .I, , itiv. IZ,II IN':,liin-lon, r, , tl , Will al.,
dWiver Fever.l I,ci tIIi CS on the ,111.jrri In• tine relent.
A rmilv•itteio, a.r in progresA to ',._Wife l'?011,so, Sit
linian, of V :Of' Cilile4ii, iii tbiliirir ill tulle Cli V, il full I 011r,If`
of 11'1,11,q 11 0 Ge0IIII1y; OW v WI Josrpn It. Flti , ha Iran.
oi l Ne,,tilio , y. Oilier einiiteW. 1,4111 re ,, will he iliViled
I l i vl.ll our city, when ii fIIZIN' Inc in illi• power of lie in
1,1 i. - r.
l'nvi 11•11 1 nr ni len' ion IEIII 10 rcvldltl2 joillowe
❑ p FOr.,nl Of hoti , e 4 ‘ will find II I.
.r 0 10
; . o 1111,2
10.0 ",1111:111
(i(is:l I'.1.0( 7 4 1,1011 1.1 u . 1.1 10, Illi
Taveri, 1110 "I 1101 V of ra—
miles this side N' 1..10 .1 1111. ill Co.llollo.lnil 1.0111111.
Cthin--adjace fn lel n re .
he :c.d.: ,”:1:t Ifiloucll
.•,t l t• . I ,nl en t_
v,arde,l and tar:, kr AV111i • 1 0 1 01 1 1
Iw 10, 00/1 i 0 .1011111111i1.11110/ 10 apply to
John Awlerso,i 1n th, 111,1111 , t,, (10 at 11.1111S' l:ellerat
Agency and I ni.,lll..r.rtve ,•11 - ve. ju. 19.
1.1 reeelvt
alt.l !letch.tri
. .
K It E 'l',
_1:1"/lpossi•- 1,11, 1...ivi , 11 nn t lie 1.1 ol A
1011. Two or.it 2 ,rov toirk
111[1 F,lO - 11e0 , 1 rem, Iselyv
earlri - orliatitit l ;
roold ., •:. :ow Loehr,. cellar-,
with a ball from lire (I'oo door. ittott. 575 per mlllO
rolir cr•inforial ,l e frame 111 nrick • a
retM earl lion 1.11,1.:1111111 . ! (ow 10011,, fel 11
card, IVilh portlp \ lid In (runt. $75
pr r tolom
I Ine hni k net o f r.trinr itol 615
1110 .t.'.11) 1 1er
' t ee 2,tory I.rirk adj,1111,12 66666 11111 Ili
tares will, lire:OW:0 V\ 111 lK retried strip:trice or
Bent It srl per an on in.
Twii 3 -dory lii Irk h 0,,... :111t1 claret, tirrlnitlin.l the ea
„ . , 1 1 ,,,„ . - 111 , ~v. , „1 , ~,. "..,,,,„I,re ho i ire Grocety and n 21-1 ni ..
'^d"'" ' n - 111 1 ' ,4, Re” , 'll 2ii Per mini' ii. remove d to ‘v a
It P.. 1 11 „ 0 , 1 1 :
, :1 1, 1. ,. .. „ -- t. - , :'
1 ' \ ''' 4)::1!::::(rii‘;',"1:11:1t‘f::•'Inl' r tnnt reel
Tr") wt•II Its ”..11 , 1 _story Illteit 110,-...,, it ccentity I.unit, ,
situate , . Pike s heet. each co 0;0o no 2 four rouiii,.,,a,r,it. iticy will ,ioniiiiiie the tAI holesale Grocery and Commis
cellar, A'r., and kitchrui oe the tirol flour, suitali e for germ i 0 101,1.1... kw, and wdold rest. , I Cully solicit the pal eon.
- Co.
rod titivate reirideurcii Built $lOO tref aillitllll. av , orihrir friends J IV. 1:1711B1111 1 C C. iri
Also That well tini•lted and I' omr , rlahie brick dw.•1111142, D ec 3
hOtl,e,sillEile on O'liaTn Si- and now in lire oricrloarrr) Il IT. t,iti(.l,, \V1. , ,,11P -mil lict.ill Baker, c l oth
O. IV, .I, Totten, Esq. Bent 4; 1611 per annum. Ai, lip to r . 1 . 1 ,-, ii... 1 au.] I , futlen 1 , , Ecderar street, rich the
jot 17-1 w
--------j ;Si PS nil 'i
1. i ' l l Y • Diane-old, Aliceliiiiii . cir v.
To Let, Every yarn ty of Confectionary aii.l Ornamental
Caries, suitable for wriiiilint! , and thiiili•tr, manufactured
TINHE shire room am' dwellina on Market =l, II 0 %N . or.
from the hest nillerial , , al ,Ilori noijee. nos' If;
IL roped I.y Time Caolphett ,S. Co, Apply I” _
2 .1 A NI F. , =.
B LAKELY. G V2l/G . , Altdriley at Law, Odin
jail 17.1111 F... ouo F: IV. 1,11
- - --- Nri. 54 I . sfi'l vireo, near the Theatre, rittsourgh.
IF:itnily Flour.
I_oo n‘I'IREI.S Frail Fimoll/ Floor. ji.o received '
and for .:ad.i. liv J. W. BURRIDE, „cc Go. 1)1t. E. mcituirr, I)ENTIST, Office in Smith
field, been-tea Strand and Third Si 3 , iloUrF of
tit s. or Sir, fit, !wove. , sVood and Smithfield. - 4
4u.itiis, irool `,l A. 51. WI 4 P. 51.
Jan. Nth. 1843.
Dr. P. 51. lit.lllll rar 11l fr'S Pro,vlMn and Mineral leeili.
IQ lids.N.O. Foi:2:ir, ill's day received per 5 , e/inlrr ' . ..V nr . ,111,1 , Cl,l 'iv 40 illi , i• dby i lie MO ot ~,t17.1.. teeth. Block,
CI York, mod for ,dielly j. G. ec 5. GORDON. rii ti rill ,N oh a lift 1,111111 ill full sell, or parts
rco. 12 Water ft of soils . , whl be made In order al the 11(1fle,1 fIOIICP. ii,
jo r waratml an eclei iinoreAsion of the mouth, A Imo.
for sub a few tita , liiiie , wiiiiroi..ry iv 1tt , 013 for 2riodina
and fillim/ mmeral teeth ,o u..r!ful to the ilenticl—Rll
i,k illiie so'll low for r,,h. doe '.1.3.
It! C E'S
~,._„._ _
flints id a safe and certain cure for Congas, Cads - -
j. Asthma, Sort Throat, Pains and Weakness or- the ik .51. E. A USTI N, Attorney at La w , Pil isburgh. Pa.
areas tif /looping Cough. Hoarseness , irritation of the 1 V V -17
Office in 411 t street, opposite Burke s ftnilding.
Throat, end many diseases leading in the ConJosiption. i Wawa's E. A evils, Esq., will give his attention to nt
Try it—only 6} per 4.oll—prepared and sold Whole. nrainielied hosinees, and I recomW men ALTER d him FORWARD. to lite patron.
sale and Retail by 11. T. PRICE. Confectioner,Fedcrai i age of my friends.
st.. Allegheny City, and the prinelpal Drit:gists of Pitts. , rep 10-1 y
LUMBER FOR BILE. —Poplar plank, boards.
weather boarding and Scantlin:. A Iso, White oak
_ . hoards of various lengths on.l lltickneso, wheel arms fat
GR.E.E.Ar APPLES.-7 -Just recd from Bell eernon, 56 j steamboat bucket r. braces. kr.. of warmers lergttt ami si
Ws. °cal/manila apples, which I sell for 50 cents ' Les, by wholesale or retail. A poly to
jut ill 145 Liberty st. Dec. 21,0.1843-2 m
-. .
Be SUIT YOU 28k for PTICC , Compound Cough Candy
nov 17 tr.
PEN NI.V. N I 1.
liank of
mer,•ti. k 1l an. Lk. par
Ecehanxe hank,
Ilk. or Gf!rmantowt
I'b-den i a nk,
Latica.ter bank,
Bank of l'heFfer
Pal Pr•-• Lk Itoi 1., C. ,
(Ivy le , tnl%o hk do
I Ilk or N Vitiver;:i
Norlbrrn I, i to Ile?
I Ilk of
C u nltylvt - CC.II hk.
A- Mt. harm' , I,k.
Kprt -111g1011
522 117 , Iphla bk.
912 'kill hk.
3.. 2 11 ; Solon, t, k bk.
-211(1 ‘v,
1.31.3 l 2 I k ul I I i
It., of II
‘1,1,1 5 - Ale,
! hafil... l o,
11 0 , k
2011 '
40,305 00
24.293 94
4 3 - 1 54
1;, 24 :,1
NNI N I'. S. 'y
,„ 1,,,, tt 11L , It .\ fra t• tti
. ..I -1,.
lilo,l, 111,0! 11,
J, 1V 11" It VI: I III; E.
11'0,•• .ve, I VV., I ev
tikll,ll .tt ts, 8100111,
i.3(1 11. fri-Ah 1 . 0)1; ittiti,
5011 (O S 1,..1
4 J"z ..1 Buck
f. I! tutus
lI,IPi of liiiiliii:4, i I 'it cular , ,
Rill II vaili., hard?,
Pliiiik Checks, I Hal 'Tips•
All Itittbs of iilattUs,
Pa ill I tilt-i.
Handl ill,
Sr age, S'eambout, and Ca.al Bout Hills, with app. ,
priate Curs,
Printed on I lie sliorteio notice and mot rensonabie term.
Wi' re.yrrl fully a. , 1: I lie pal roilage of nor friend:: all
lie outdo_ ni geoiira' lir:loch of 011 r business.
PM:bur:zit, Sep:. 39. 1842. I•li I I.LI I'S iTII.
irtRV•TCU All EN
d - 2
p., r
11111113•11= 19
C,ll, r)
Z11111• ,,, ii •
their . rViCOS.
The Ler - lute; of tills font Fe lie oil literary and
Scientific Sllhjci•tr elehuaively and It is hoped from the
eminent aliiblY I,erturei., and thy intere.tiwg na
lure of Ihr stibjeriq, that our eilizen+ will liberally pa
troutse eeterpri.e. 'the Imu City Sholl l,l
grill hrhind sl,e ri ril 10 , in her enrOilr:lge:llC , ll rigeleen .
and literature. The p Orevoi , luny) u. ill lie a ipprOpri•
and to Ihe eiliar2elietil of a I.lllrat y, already an 'moor
1,, the roV.
Tick, a lady and
1,,. li iii ,f cl'her i,,• I ern oti , 1 ..P. and al C.
1/. I onotivlhrla auA E,rhangc
and al Itcrttprcr,
~I,Thur, " iv evl,lll - 1 , , 1 1 ,r 1.
SA 'WI, 4'. 111'1 , N, )
W. NV I I,Si •lti
,1081 E COSG It AVE, I . olllllllller
"k 1 R, SCA I FE.
.11111 N SE
gep 27-1,,
FOR. R E.VT. vom(oriato , Two . dwell
log Ituo,v,v , llinte in Coal Lane near "MI greet
3 For ter no=, which 01 Le roo.le,ttp. poly
Three Iti.z Lit•etiv
der 30--I
KRAMICR, onnKeat
\ or wa lk
im‘ ion,
11 Mien' he.
F rau . FI. Coln mbu
I; r tt% le
Corn. Lk. Lakr Erit
Par. Ws.ul raition,
INDI kN.k.
szi.op I.k. Br
I I. 1.! V uN
,181,• 61. A r.ratic
Pa,it 01 Virt!lnia
V A r. 114 10 Vt.
t.. 1"
wr. . do
51 It VI. %NI)
!Id .1,11.•
? ir end 1
\,l it., L
MN' Yon K
7%(•f: I II C.%1t01,1N
snl'lll 4'.1101.1N. 1
I" t:N N is
ros. or ezl.l
S' II Smith II
I'\\ NI/1
Nl,l I ' l / 1
t 111 . 1, 1 •,
k% c.o.t•rn I ‘c..iA
.:\ 1.3 C
.[,1:111,11 P v U 1 4 11 ,1 ; lai. It:It
T IpORTER, itteirrsisrat ,. Lar.... - O fF t oe
. -
or•theeernee ofrorthisbif 13011011.01 d sts. Pep 10:
RI ADE W A8111111iGTON•
ATTORNEY AT LAW. —Office In Pear.' Bnilding,
Fourth street, eltishurch. Novo. 1842.
JT. STEWART, Upholsterer and raper Hanel,
al • No. 49, Fitt h street, between Wood and Smithfield
dts• Husk and Straw Mattrasses always on hand Alt
orders executed with neatness and despatch, on accommo
voting terms. seri 20 - 1 v
9 , /k cin BUSHELS OF F1..13JC SEED. for Itich the
reol7 NJ NJ lii;ltest prire JA will he aivel
Nlechanles Line rorner ofl.tterty and Wayn gree 2. is,
oet '4
--- • -
!MIR ARV of Religious, II istot iral,and M fe
et Ilaneoua Works, will be open every day, Stfaboth
cepte.d. "tom 7 o'clock, A. M„ nut il 9. P. M., hr the Et
ch:m:le Bitilding,rorner of St ,Clalr etreet and Exchange
a Pry. wnere punctual attendance will be!livefit F,ltl n byMII.
5( 1 1 10 J.
Unrivalled Illac.king,
\ ITFAM ED and sold Wiloletaill and retail:
SIXTH STRI-Cr one door below Smithfield.
net 21-Iv.
RINTING pstbsrriber hag rem
an asortment of Book and News PRI 'VIA NG
INK, from the old e-tahlishre manufactory of Coa•le..
.101111P00, (formerly Johnson ¢ ;:nrant) of Philadelphia.
which he warrants to he of the first quality. put up In
ke2- , of loon 101 n 13 lbs. to sitlt purchasers.
lie intends to he constantly supplied, and all orders.
accomunnicd by cash; will he punctually a
JOtll Ntend KNOXed.
Washington Printing Olfice.3d door west of NI sj Irons'
limM.sthen. On 10-31 w.
W11.1.1.9M ELOVR. Attorney at Law; Office in
Bakewell'A Rnildingf, tlestrly oppottiie the New
C mint limo,. on Grant L treef . S , P 10—
BUt'FW II fIIT.--11fireiyeil from Ilarninny 15 ball
barrn , :i Buckwheat littr,mtitat.le for fondliefi, lor
to bv Is %Ai' CIIVSE,
pn 5 141 I.il,rriv +.•
In SIOIV, Family Finnr. a .llliPriOr :10 irle for itak,o4
40,1 WS
T II IF: ...i..erilier lit cjo,l rvieEved low aonoal -o;y
1.:Ii1110.111.,1;.Irlit'll "4,11,, COl,ll O 111:l in 1,111 011.1
110,M1112 kllll.lN—Oll of lov op A . .1111:11t1f.
\e a •e„
nieni inn. The recit ne sold only 111
I 1123- 1 1 TUTTLE'S .ifin (CAI. AGE:NV.I%36IO'st
I TIT:. '1 ‘V PNT VERSO 'ke ,'[fire nn Smithfield street,
11 , , I',lll cep 10
km . I, \f,, E ,,,, ~,
~ LE.
_ Tee
~,,ki.,,......,,,,,, Later; lift salei
lii- i.i. ,n, I Vllll. to 110`'`f rOW(l.llip 4111114411(0111 1i .e.
I eil vof l' ins .ii reit, crostamine 1 14 arrro nflann of which
I ' d rm ei •e• rtes reel and node - fence, from 1!-I to 20 are. 111 .
meadow. 2 grebl orchards of Apples, a ft w Pearl' and
jilt I I • 'l. .
Cherriet reps—t lie improvements are n large' frame booker
', rorl . haul!! 10 rolimd welt furnished. calculated for a Ta
1 1r ,,, ~,----- i ""'"11 bricki ~.,:r" .1"31 i l"'" , - ; "' cern 0. private liwehlne. s frame Barn ' , lt by 611.010ne
I ' 3 ' l ' lre° ' 3'''J'"l'''.l lie '''''''' cube' ' , '. ,‘•
Tk- rc k
hneenmell. and PI ahlin 1, shed. e tiet other out houses soli -
'' '''' ''' l ' Illu ”'" ''''". '''''' l h " s '' 1 ' 4. " . 1 " 1 3, " s ' '' '' 34 !". "r , " 1 able fora tenemeoti-2 smut r: ‘rdone surrounded \vitt%
1 kki ei s kmikkek- 1 , 2,1111' ea, 1, t -I' . 1 . 11 , rent will tie , .
corral' lie-lie.s and a well of evlleol waier,
look:erste. Pot terms apply to
P. NICI.V.‘ NV• P mop in al the front iloor. In relation to the Pittsburekle 1
i ~, .
career of 2, , 4 . ~,,k , , ~....,..! end A Ileki °env market , there is no place now offered for I '
- _ i ca'ke with morekinnue ement to those whaleinr to purchase i ,
'ir() laet• near Plll,llitrEll, 1 Ire terms will he inside tnoilerate, for I
‘ i onvenient 11.C11.11t -ituritrii in Diiimoted alley ' farther tia , limilarsariply In the prop. ietor al his Clot himi
rk * k. _now. ake 1 kie ••... .
k i ii I,k in Ile W:k II ••
I' ' °nisi.- k Store. Litwin y street, corner of Vireln Alice.
ii i :-.1 _„. 9 14..111 .1 , 1111 :I lar k iek t aril attached In 0, it to ill k
lee re •1'••I low to a 'Zoo.. Iv , .aill. “..,17.. ... lst of October next. it
- ' 1 l' - • - .in n given on the ' N. R. If onf -.ld before Ihe
' ' " ' k tA'reed ' will 1,0 dirt elr'n into 10 and 211 acre Lae to coil pole lea
I- I n e A n ent, emrlire :0,1.1,1 , 11 ..110111,1 0141 sIIIIC
-t. Also, .. 4.0,111w2 . oil. , in Are•Zill'ily Illy r.. 11,1111i111;!, . ...
r .: li .107 1.0
:' ''.. ' ''
o .to large lot t t" tritt t l t o 0 . , " . " 87 :' --1. " ' TiwrlN . .. 4 lE\ II 1.:11 RV I'ool'll I‘' ASll—.4 So-1,-
11111 e .1, :Jesse.
.1 01 14-- 11. 1
1 "" 1 . 0 " 14 l'''.e4Y.—The F.:el reme beauty of the
---- 're, t 11, their indispensable nor, and 1110 frequency of their
1.05' 'teal., ,
decay, has 10.1 to mane inventions for their preservation'.
rill' TIE d0,01,—, 111,-0,1.0.110 as the Clinton I . 'otlace, k , se , , 0, .
0, 10 pre
..,10 0 0 , hen, in a
,1,00 of 1,1.0101 an
e m wi led on t lie lower bank A lleiitic ny nil V. 11 , 1111 111.2, beauty, 11 , lee hoes,
periodsal. ,
,ea,,, ' ,arirety
PAM. tam.inekk - c'sime 'liven on the to env of April ne \l- I .',known unlit the itkoinvery of the above invaluable
ri. R. WHITE. A- c , .. r ,,, r ,th,". 5, roTIII9 a pure tincture compose,: or vetr
Markel stet el. enable i n e.erdients, and .5 possessed o! . Ili.. lit.-c 1 i lrlicinug
. ..,. 4 I 4) Reward., odor. II erailicaieS tartar fromthe teeth, removes 111,1 1 0
of ineipir n , decay. poll-he, and preserve: , the enn mel, to
TO' or (tool the sl iWe oil hp culeecriber livilez !Misr. , 1 w kid, it _tyro a
'earl like whilone, and. Iron, tier di-iii.
. -11 " 111 " " e ''' Of o'°l'iii'°.,itiC in Wi'-i.ii°l-1111. CO. oil ' h. ' . 1 rr,1117. properties,possesses lbe vi•te i of giviti; sweetness
,021 , 1 of the 31k irtill --2 nark brown ILOr-r, l :ilia sine
' to the breath.
in his notelieni about 11, leatinki high, S tell rke 01,1.1111n1 ~
"is an Anti Stort.,,c, the tlornalkeicisbare in its trans
in 110-h, no shoes on behind, she 1111 0 tamp in b o ll I end
rodent powers; Scurvey is eratheated from them, a
feet . Mike a kko c or,cat on the 101 l jaw, 110 1:,1101 Mali,:
homily action and redress is induced., which offers to the
ri collected., notice (Will, medic! prarlitiOner in l lllllllable evidence of
The a ice reward will he ' lien rer I he hers' 3 "" their heali Mill state,. It has been examined and 1.1, , ed lit
I hie t ,n, fie.. doilaf9 for either delivery Of the It 1 he suit-ei 1. 1 ~,,,,,,, of , io. , b „, p „,,,,„„ or no, Oily, till. have
l ' e ' • or l " • I '''''' ‘l Davis, ” P ''' . PlUkdn ' rk " .-11 ' a ' ' t i ''' s '''' r ' l l ' best ilation ill I,l.ollllltendillg it as an excellent wa...1. for
I y so,..rcird that the horse Wll , llllkPll in 111111 111ret 1.,.1 (lie 'Tenon, Gan.,
. 1.111 16- -3, . j(l4l ' . ' llt ni'lk.".'':.".'N' Anomie the recomnien.laliOne 10111 e above are 1110 fol.
6:.• .• 6,C
o.•. V:if iri y of• rot A- SVlt l ilf•rl , • a: d flow
Vri ItArt , ld,f r,,,M,Sitrlll“, Tr, rr, kr. . (7.lWe
.0111 (it he, n ke rer,wrd am' prOltiolly ato
I. y Not PEN,
No. 134 Lihrri y. head lVoo,l
J 3%;.
, , le, I
IN the Orohan's (Noirt of raid CoOnly
„ so . 1 n the matter nf the tolotio ea rat too acrOtint
:f. \ v . of E. E.dep, surviving atliii'lliAralor of Jo'
7:1 44 :sCith Esten. deCti,
.1 0 . T.,... . A st• Amd now to wit! January 3. ll{-13. On
.i . ta- r y.-ce” motion of Gem :Je l': Hamilton Fry . the
above named Orr omit roforr.,lth auditors In adjust and
di.Orol l e thc. clinds—Cli,. Von 110111101,1. Rold, Woods
and Row. Robb, I , ,rts.
audit. Ity !lie emir!.
The A ollitor4 above named will inect at the (llie of
1 (1 ,. 0 . P. ii „,,,,11,,,,, 1 , ,, i ..,,, 4.11, si. l'ill,lntrgll, nu the
ill il.ly of February 111.13, :it 3 o'clock P. M., for Ille
oirpme of their appointntem
11014EllT IVOODB,
1:011EIZT II01411•
jan 11--3 a
5.11.-11.1. FAILIf FOR SALE. —% F.ll - 11Inf a
1 rres of Land in Mifflin township. near Lebanon.
1'1.'1 , 0, and near the liicKersaort and Wwiliiiigt on road
almnt 40 acres cleared, n n •nr
bon, nod
~miare log barn, and n good you ing orchard on it and
i 4 in excellent order. There is :in nlmodance of coal
nod linie‘lone 011 it. It lies about h miles from Pieta
lough, and will he sold on accommodating tams. En -
quire at !lards' Intelligence office, No 9, sth soma, or
of !tic subscriber on the premises.
I,lnis Oysiit Stior.s.— roe ~.a.lies ritu irow do :I Wa y - - -
with all kinds of ever shore, cut walk thrort2ll the wet A FM MOl2 E t . ,-rILL.
streeis with thin shoes, ant have their feet kept heir. c i- 1 1 n HA' AI t . I,' Sh* EV. ll.e old ori t rinal. has on lewd the
Iv d r y; can wear light shoes wii hoot having limit times !cP • ost .iticedi , l :I ,, rullioe el of Cioi hill , : ever oirereil
pain them; and ran havo their shoe. wear 11,...• as low!. ! %Vv. Sly lock is tarize, and lam disposell to sell at the
as exec. if i hey will use the ceetwated Om or Ts hilti.rt hull I low. 1 possible prii c My sock ir, heavy, and :is the sea.
ri hi ma ke l e ather Wirier ',roof, arid render it as pliable ; soil is advanciiis. I will sell at lower prices Ilion ever. I
aed soft as kid. I , ',., an article well worth their notice,' ask nttly the pirti , e re of ,I rail, freliite confident th;.t a
and our whit In they will :ill value highly, as 9.0 e as they I took is .unieirmt. Derv-ire of Conoterfeits. itemenilier
try It. To he had only at TIITTI.E'S , I li.? TIIREP: BIG DOOR'S, and the ..ii;rax IN THE
Entett. AnENeY, 36, Four ilt si reel. 1 V, 7 , UF: .V7' . one 23.184
F•ice, S 1 per hoit'e. lin 9 ; ----
11 .
114—. a—\%'. k• M. Doittitiry iiitorm their Weans and BUFFALO iZOBES, PEAR •zi:INS ANDI.I. I ItF.
the puldie that r rev have commenced inanufoctit. , Tl'` I' rerrivocl.:Liil l o Sratle:ll , le Untrolo 9 ~ b ee nif if'
ring Hal., and tlir.l they liner now ready for ,ale, a t ! • lerent TVl:ntil , e' t .,, `111 Ell rn No li n 3.
their Store, 1.13 I.ilieriy styeet, hetweeir Markey nod 811 i A icit I 1 (tear and 1 - eh Slkli,,
street, Ito assortment of the very best Flats. which t..ry . 11.00( 1 No. 1 :old 2 !thiskrai ii , kiii•.
are anxious to de i t of on the cheapest and mos! rrasoll, A lot r f Otter and Gannon Skins.
ahle terms. Their sloek consul of the very hest kinds, NI which areolTeredal reduced ces to ra-tt or an
pi eyed cotes Apply to
v4..—Beaver, Otter, Neutria, Cus.lors.short Nal 'red Rua' '
sia. Fur and Silk Pals. , A. RI' . L at I Ire American For co, Atte.‘ry.
%V. 4- in . nolierl y are both regular tired flatters, they Oct 12 -.lm Corner of Front and Ferry si
have had extensive experience as Journeymen in the hest 1 "——
estahlishmenis in the country; their lints are all got ul. ;
111* Eir Tln R CL 0T 11 LNG.
under theft own inspection. and they assure the pithlir 1
that not Mira lint the very treat articles on the most rea I BEAVER AND PILOT CLOTH CO yrs.., &C.
ionalde lerms wall he offered for sale. s" 10! ' P. ()elan y, 'fa ilor, No. 19. Li berrt y Rt.
2nd floor above Virgin .?(ley
A NEAT and convenient twuaotyßrick i lwellin.2
lio.tse. with a very large gtirden and several fruit
'tees, Qtluatell on Federal e, A llegheny city, above the
north commons. Poettession given the fit day of .9pril
enquire of Aldertnan Watson Pittsburgh.
Jan.l9 1843
To Let,
WHAT well known Tavern Bland, sign of the tirt.t.
Fluke, on the earner of Beaver and Ohio street... in
the City of Allegheny now occupied by Mr. Sanwa Firm
The premises will tie leaned for n number of yearn on
rearonable terms. Apply to L. gervennp j
oiningadoi the
Tavern or to GEO. R. E.
-4.- ~9
• ,
I • I+
F . 4., ph
l ' t p I
Itor ,, 01
t A i 1,
p in
I Ittemr h
S, i ,vt
itl r
CU. i,!4 CI ()111,.11,
('tn•umLrr. Pa
.[i ati.t
r"T c.. ~-.ic~~^~ t >`,~'^ P• '~' - " . ",y-'F-""fir.: . .-"`w~s'[~i K`.= ~' '~- `_3 7 ~ „y~y".
. +., i-
''6lPettidlky,Wl ltB
1 their friends and, the nuttlint!enerallY,lnt their Ore
sent ss.4nrltnent nr Pope, Fanrirgs,
large and extensive verielv of (Atterns ni rodlotvi
deSCriTIVIOnS, iliCil nponitt.peclion alll be found to lie
of superior quality and finish.
Unglazed Wall Papers, of al! desermt , ons, fir pa,tering
rooms and enlripe,:il 25 cent.: per piece.
Mated Wall Papers, neat and handsome pallorns, for
papering moms and Cot rims. at 375 cents.
American Wall Paper, of t heir own manufacture, rot
halls', Fresco and other styles for parlors and
c hamber...on fine =olio alnzed
French lf nil Papers, Decoration and Fresco patterns , in
plain and I irli COIOrP, gold and silver paper.
Vets , . and Imitation Borders.
Landerape Papers, in setia, far papering hotek,
and dining rnnnis, at reduced prirea.
Fire Board Prints, Statues, Ornaments,
It indew Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different c,
Western merchants and othersare respectfully invited
in roll and extuninethe;r Slack and pliers, MT which la..a
a liberal discount will he riven for cash.
Prom Ines ex perienre In the I lIPIIIPPA. they are able In
manufacture papers in a superior manner, and as tiler
are determined in keep np the character their p❑per.
have uniformlv sustained, 11ev hope to continue In re
rojvp he enrutiragettlent hit hel loan liberally extended.
No 49, Mlrket street,between 3d and 4111
rilishnrgh, Scm. 19. 1242—dawif
TOIIN RITT TER WORTH. Auctioneer and Commix
0.) sir,. Merchant. Lvuisrille. KY.. will altPn d 10 I "
sale of Real E.:I air., Dry Goods,Gt oreries. Furnhure. 4-c
-11,'::111nr snit , . eye. y Tneßilay, Thursday. and Fri
dny morninz, , , allO o'clock, A. M. Cash advances mode
un com,i2nmems =en 10
WM. s 1' E ELE.. (successorto U. M'Closkey) Ptah
io.ta',le Bout Maker, Liberty et., 2d door Cron
Vi. - gin Alley. The subscriber respectfully Inform/like
public that he has commenced the above Wellies* In Ike
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M'Closkey.
and that he is now prepared to attend to all orders Innis
line ()Nosiness with despatch and on the most reasoniWe
terms. Front his long experience in the mannfaektre of
Fashionable Boots, he feels confident that all ntileks
front his establishment will give Foliar:loton to Ma pe•
irons. A share ol public patronage is respectfully poileile
ed. sep le
Prrrszunctt, Oct. a 1842:
J. Dr..sstso—!)n Friday. the 30th oflast *tenth, stout
I 9 o'clock at 1112111.0 e Planing,Grooving and Rosh Min.
uraciorr. owned by Go Dilworth k CO, witht Ism*
,innnl it voi dre,ol atilt titmice-teed lumber, was all COMM
tiled by tire.
The Iron Safe which I borigh' of you some time beck
A RRIN' ALS'. waa in the titic-i rxiirtved situation dining the fire. end
waa enlirelv re d hot —I iun itleneed to Inform you k grew
FruTThE.. ha- ibis dayreceived from New York . a
opened at the clove of the fire.nnd all the hooka, ruiners.
Inch =n 01 , 1 V ni Ni rye and Bone of
and 111111311 Vi,!
.Ulable Eli /11% !l
1 egit ive cure for Blicunia. beat re".""enda"un "Wgice
he ui Ili? y llf our safe,
Gnu:. cr.! •rle:rd rork . e and Limla—also
Gen road': roadre comniel , iy a ird pernm u"2-1--tC
nssas ‘s erasla stslz Ilion. hair from female.' upper ir ors rov s Lots in 51nItclie , ter., OM.
lip., :be has. rianrealin2 a Isrnad and erre:lied forehead. -11-A and it fottrth A crea of Land on 11111. Lies
wr slstlolloris l‘e,lrsl of flan. or any kind of supertluoila n" . . 41. 42. s'l. 54.131. 132 and 184, in I.lcole's "plan
boo. Price SI flYr 111.111 e. o r Ltir.,on Holtite'a /till Also, Loin non 36 and 21. In
Goiteamdbt Eau dr Beanie, or Trite Waler tteanle foov 4 Wan 011,sda ors Fliglielreet: near tire neer Court
, l tui F,Pnr h orepnra,ionthornnal,ly ss S 111 0, .• I'M . e }MT terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON,
orklP. PI 111:411`;‘, F. 1.•• • ,. 1110' 11..., and all cut aneons 1,1
e notion. , *sit ilever. Realizile delica'e while hand..
neck and art., :,nd Alen { „ g Ilea hy
seve,al other calualne all:rlei, too numerous io
1 AMLtit rinwAnD 4- . Co. 4 11dmikfacturers of Wall
Paper. No. la, Wood Street, Pillsbur,ol, Pa.—
'Nye a iwavii o n n an d nil eXtell.iVe ne.orttlient or satin
Clazod and pain I' PCB HANGINGS. Velvet and
Initiation Flouter.. of thri tweet style and handsome
patterne. for papering hallo, parlors nod chambers.
They innntifiteitire and have op hand ai all timer
Printin2 . , Writing. Letter, %V rappinst and Tea raper.Pon
net a nd pone,. of which they offer for !tale
on the sin-i riceommodattnis term,: and to which they
Invlle !lip alleotol'mrrchnnla and others.
Al, O— Blank Menke of ail kinds and the hest totality.
School Flank g, etc. :11avart on hand and tor sate ti alcove
N. B Ras.' nit Tar..,Pr,'Srrnple taken in ezehanse•
rsTl:ns. s 9 RDr.vrs &r. ; n, in he.o
,We al \ fixINNYFCS, No 9 Finn steer% Sitta'•
apart n,rnt= are appropri.LlE•ll In :e-nllenlen
I,' lain', Also rill kind: Cakr , r , roaredionary (or
plc , (or ,ale
I in,.
tried Pr i•Therii'. Ten fterry Foot 11
and tirritutc acmittinied nOh t ilelrediettis of its compo:,
,ii cheerfully cay, I c11111.1i1.7 ii one of lhe ilnfe. , t.ro:
it hi one of the wort pleasant Tooth Wllgi Cs now lit l ie.
Ptitshitrali Rep. 13, 1812 11AN'I 11 HUNT, Dew
rake pleasure in stating. having made use ofi - iThorh'c
'l'ea [terry Tooth %V ri it io ono of Iho he-t 1101
trinces lu u4e. Rein. Ina liquid form, it (multi:nes tieat•
urQs with convenient - P. While it cleattscs the enamel
and removes the tartar from the teeth, it,' TIIITCIIIIIe ce his
II frac' acme iwcalinrly deFiralle. J. I. TIRP.ETTS. M.
'Flue undersigned have. used "Thorn's Computool Tea
Berry Tooth Wash," Bud have found it to bean can erns
ly pleasant dentifrice, exerr.ising a most sa'utary intim
once over thr Teeth and Gums; preFeryill2 I Ito., trills ,
pemuilile titemlierq from premature itera v. prevent ilia he
accuwn lot ion of Tartar, and puTifvio2 the bream li. flay.
ilia Ihornnghiy icAtral its virtues, we take pleasure in re
commentlinz it to the public, Itelieeing it to be the best ar
dole of the kind new in use.
.11 RIIREIITSO.V, .1.92 1 1F.S J.9Ch".
, 12013'7' 11 PEP:III,I'S, CHAS 11 SCULLY,
Prepared. only by WI t.1.11.1M vicas. Apothecary
and Chemist, No 5.3 Mot ket at reel, Pill shit reit; for file at
all the principal Drutrgists', and Tuttle's Medical Agency,
Fourth street. Fro
_ .
Hk'S COMp!e , pil a zr n eral nc.ori IV rnt or ' , Winter (loth.
inf.'. P111151,11n2 in part of &won/ and plain heaver
cloth frock and Eike, rnirt-; l i erivr f i ne and common pilot
cloth velvet trlinrheiliniid plAiri; every dearritit ion of fire s:+
and frock r 18c il roa , +, f...011.,11711.1r retiOr+ and frekb clothe
plain rind Nova* ca , r-iiiiei ' ,wt., cloth and satinet t in, o f
atipertor 1.0310 V' were I:PSrrlpliOil of vets onitab/e for
the season, and .v ill 'P . lid low for 1.3,01. Persona wish.
1 inf t :. nave fa-ilotiable 'ln rmr nts made of the best rasters.
lal will And them rit this establishment . Making warren
' led i;tn e : to ma ke i l t ° l:e n t 7 o tn
order. '
fieed 7. A foil stock of good. are on
m e n r s, 8 riusa?.by and T homns *ferment are at this
establishment and wilt be ormeb otesmed *above a tall hom
their several friends- Good fis tnsu red or no sale.' •
Pitisbur;ll, Dee. 1 184 t.
. _
1 .... ' a h
.4 .0
fek- , • . *
/ /
• (Alit 141. 4.m' I, ' 41 :4 1
Paanagc and Inonittances Ca and from" Great Britain of
'l - VlE:subscribers having erincluded their arrangement
for exteudlna lliMzlinsitiess,are at all times Orr*.
red make artaletement:: for I,rlm/Ing out passengers by
Ailns (lithe first clue, American built, and commands
re rareful and ex pert. need men. who are Well and avor
dey known In the t rade. Thla Line being tha oldest out
If the port of New York, It is hardly necessary to say
.Id the a rraneements are maltire and complete. and
from the fact that a vest) is scot ow every ditys,. It
evidmit tint no unnnecessary delay to passengers eats
'recur. A i.ee passage per steamboat from 'lreland . or
Sroi land. ran be engaged, and when those settled for de-
Hine coming 00i,the money is always refunded to the
parties fr o m wham It was received, without dedactiOn.
Apply to S -I'4IT.TEL TlioeirsoN'S,
Old established Passage Office,2l3 Pearl sr.
10 Goree Piazzaa, Liverpool.
Drafts and eschnes,es nt sight, and for nay antetrlt
ran lir Inr , ,klied on R. C. Glynn k Cn.,Bankere. tan-.
(111111AI:1w h Co., Liverpool; the National, 8,.,k
0: Scot ta nil; National Rank of Ireland; and Plorthere
Itankin2Cn. Apply to PETER RATTIGAN.
Chat ham ra rnci , near the Fourth street road, oe$00"
the Welsh Church. dae Sas
AIeME.I.L. Office on Fifthlayette
botwepn ‘ectotl and Smithfield streets, Pittabiargb.
den 10-Iy.
1. 10:11
it \Nil 1. ` IATEN"I 8E.D.4 FELD
A :))
1,1: • •
,s •
27.vtiF..sy.crrRy!) Wu,. 1,1?.V N'S
I, Shop, No, 69 Sep a n dst,tn•tmrro Wood end
tiPlll. whore a , zenernl n ,,, ort!oont 'of Furniture inay be
had at reduced pre reN for
The ,operoolly se Bedstead', tousiat
wlitch for duatldlit v and core In orttinli 110 ,
dawn , and ta6ni¢ ls 1•01 vfloali.,l by tiny other now -1 , 4
a ,, e— a art to nll Flo has vv“cl . .il eonsell their own co re.
n I heir ni•zhily .'uull , eis it ,rhould hit remembered di&
all rhu,e,.4 of ISO l'afollv fa: felled osa. hythene
fa , irinift2 , •
11.gh1.4 fur Comoir.. Di--I Isrls, or Sinirs no wee br
- JOHN FOW LER, Patentee.
xv,., o n . ypmerOctred.docerlify that we ituVe eXan.lll -
ett I :li.OVI. Frt,tel and 11:1•e no liesiintiont
Fronneerloz them itte lent note iit tettett—COlTlTlpt
• Nlo the repre , euln,i - irt in the Above adverlhvarlt
Crahnin sr., lesephColiart,
ruin. Jacob Vogde.,
John 1.-. Gill. George Singe?,
nov 1. —3m.
'''ll - 1101.0 , D. rotrylxv ..... • Love R. et. 31•ItgAtt.
CO!. E.lf./.'sf CO.,flPle' t A .I.etit s, Forwarding Mod
commi4sioi. M °rem Z_.‘r reek, V leksbaig,
51 iev Tilry re.twet fatten rott.lli•trenti. volf:4r
Pittsburgh Lard Oil "Manufactory.
CA UNST -VT 1,1" - . 1:0Td •
warranivd 14, i•urit any tem on r:Aare, mut
equal lo the best winter riraiircd Sperm 00, withtiut
qqa'e :old nwo Ihir l cheaper. siftn.
lllarliirrd by iiae sith,,rii•er at 11,C . el.,
to•arly opposite the Poe;orn,.;.• m. C. 113)EY':: -
11.'11?G.31_ 1 1.S!liG 31 . 10 !
..eh for c 05.. ., or tmrter,Fl 110Ultelia•
nn II t• h •orrt wait, in tile rity oiftiisottersh.
= 4.1 ft..", brick and two !tame. The
fralneA are Wel! re. 4'W:tied (Or leisieeg. Plenary;
elope Io I Ile Conti Louse, ey willies voht lofellws or
, ett:trznely in ruff For 610 her puttitillgre
..onnire no Ow pretoists of J AS.. ..110R112. •
tin 7 1843-1 IM Plropriptor,-
on'.4 rec.Fecl folly inrorm Ibe chlzeor
of Pitt , t , u , 4ll, 111rdlieny nod t h eir 141 he
ectonienred lIIR ni,f:lcturlt , 7, the arTtrle of Lir& OD
( . “11411etz. fly ioiend , tintkitti: Ott one finality, vrbkl4
w II r qua! Ihe 14 , l wade in the Colon rind 'rot surphseed
ht th, best wittier SI raiined , perto 011 either for machinely
or ho nnin„ %sit bout ogive pron.:loe+, ond
lord I 11l .per. .11MIT, IS WARR.JNTEDTO ,
le•r \N nnTnt In impri n di,tieetty on the pedifie mind' that
n is not rteco , , ,- ari• to purr ha, any new font:led lamps Host
are tally palmed ociin thew as 1 eit g trriuieile to horn the
lord nil in. Peri-iins wishing a 7.nre «hit
Gut ohtnirt it by cnnine at 11. e o'd .tand,3ll'sllTPf.
onno,ite the Post Office
'5l. C. EntY.
trnt in, of Wltolcza' , Heaters, Churches and Ms.
chink repeottely
II N. 11 —.lll the 1% 0! V: tin mannfaelorets.
I t 11:1,1tP, .1.1“2.• 1343.-1 r:
:18411. -
_ .
MORE pßootts
of the F cnrr, 0/ 1:r. s v ,,,,me,e Crivh,unfi pap
of i ' lit az/ i iniana or Mid C4erry, --
isi . j , rt fa klr!•ea by ipit tree bloc $1 etia vetret
ymu•et 1, oh bight si.vrat.i, a lu arlepiepf., 404
iiidmatina an alatiniop state of
eacc: my der:liana w;tt plain with me. IPII etateo,4ese
I 1,:b.1 ! ut a II w aa) , to list"; my stater who poiwafred gay
C.)11 . 161: ton. ',bit my anxious caretaker. tilde 4'401.
ry %Alt: Y% calif! I.e likely to itrurure lite mein eetiMe.
iv.is told ir Dr. Guar Sea roxrorse RY/IX? 07
WILD I Irrßßv• fulled in the cure. my life wait (kin OW".
i7 . lvaitte'P Cumpotind Si rup e 1 Wi/ti ,CISCS.OI
wa. I bed per,cured, aut The first I•allte Vase relier..ll4ll4
by the little I had V3:11111 Witerti 11 , 1 I be fifth bottle. myVanilla
hod Irtl vv nod inc ,trestelb •irt /
wa , aide to take the 1.0..5h air, hurl n, a ;hurt lime
lindy M. 0591 , 11 my former health for A Cortabrptskfietil
of the I luth of the :,hove ftal ens uet can rail on my
ether who live. in tamper Sheet, one doer
street. Philadelphia. iztanpri. 'lsaac Moaseeltrevee:'
Caution. —All preparations from Ibis valueble l Tvrte
except the above ore fictitioup and rminierfeit. .
pee wale ru the.tlres Store et .IVrt. Tutialt. M0=.51
Markel it. Pktabergbi
s wk y e irelt Mke,h Fieob
; (toot below Mill west esfe.insiteMi 64/..5114.-4dIC