Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 21, 1843, Image 3

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    .1).& Llkli7. SMOAI&/ - ffEkW(Cii .4:06t13.
JANUARY 21, 1843
den: Cass
This diatinguithed statesman and soldier
iv expected in this city to-day. We under
etand that preparationi are making to give
him-a proper reception.
P. S.—Last night a meeting was held at
the Mayor's office, at which arrangements
were made to escort GENERAL LEW
IS CASS into the city this morning at 10
tectock. He will be received at the Ex,.
change by the7Hon Wm. Wilkins. The
citizens ere invited to join in the escort.
Fire in Ross Township.—We regret to
learn that on Thursday night, the barn of
-Mr. John Davis on Wood's run, in Ross
'township, was totally destroyed by fire,
.irith all its contents, consisting of wheat
:and oats; together with two stacks of wheat
:Undone of oats and bay. A man named
Spence was the owner of the grain. The
Arms is immense.
The account of the epree of the Bit•
mingham boys in Sligo came rather to late.
The fellow who begged so hard for 'just
one horn" hwi no doubt, ere this, had his
thirst slaked—and also his ambition of dis
tinguishing himself as a loafer.
.Sll loses--A boy passed down Liber•
i'itrititiOn Wednesday night, who, it was
elorewdly'entnaised by some of the Mark
Meddles of that part of the city, was no
boy at all; but a romant.c miss attired in
her "brother's pantalouns" On some
wild adventure. Probably she thus dis
guised herself that she might the better
watch the manceuvres of a rival; or—per
traps she was a boy after all.
We neglected yesterday to notice the
fire in Pipelown on the night previous.—
tieve4al frame hoses were hurnt down and
fimilies turned out, but the hiss was tri
Mare Trouble.-7udging, from the frac
tious Jisposition of the Son we think that
onnaiderable of an eff,rt vr ill be made to
*trove Mr Wylie of the responsibilities of
this office of City Soliettor. His majority
masons, and a Mr Hunter asserts that he
voted for Mr Williams, which, if true, will
leave Mr W 3 lie in the —vocative." A.
tooug them be it.
Franconia, in New Hampshire, keeps
up its reputation for :he ....oldest places south
or the Pole. A lew days since the ther
mometer stood at ID degrees below zero,
and snow in the vallies was twenty three
feet deep.
The Oregon Territory.
The agent of a large company of emi.
wants to the Oregon ter rito , y, would most
rioapectfully repre s ent that he would he
much pleased to confer will] any of the cit
izeus of Pittsburgh who may wi3h to em ,
igrate to a cou ntry at once posses-ing d d.
vantages to the p .or man, never (gel he•
faire in this einnitty. The bill before
Congress plants the, flag of the U. Stares
.over three hundred millions aci es of land,
the boundary of the Oregon ten itory, pro
vidrs mithary prntertion, andgrants to each
emigrant 610 acres of land, 160 for his.
wife, and 160 acres fog each child born
there for 5 successive ye ors, and appropri
stets one hundred thousand cbdlars for eon
tiogencies. \Ze do not expert the weal.
thy to emigrate, they are happy here, but
we call on the energetic poor matt tu ac-
company us to a land where he may pos.
Mem himself with something which he ran
Atilt his own, a large tract of land 01 the
evergreen plains of the Oregon valley
where he will be free from inclement skies;
Mike free from pestilential or contagious
diseases, and rear his family in a climate
at once a guarantee of the impruvemrnt of
our species. Ni, spot on the whole conti
neat of America, is superior to the wealth
of the Oregon river, for a commercial city,
a city which would shorten our trade with
China at least 15 thousand miles, many
advantages might be enumerated, but we
must stop. Let our young men who in—
tend-.migrating. recollect th.at theie i s no
nosey cheek lasses in that country, and
though we would be glad of th e i r c o m p an y
• without a family, yet we advise them by
at? means 1' stir tip the ladies on the sub ,
jest and get them each a wife to accornpa •
.ey them. The representative of the emi.
grants may be seen at the Merchants Hon
tel, iu Wuod street, for a few days.
For the Post
Get a few handbills struck; put threin up in con
anus places in the neighborhood of. an inter
ensiling editor; get some person tocall his atten
to the same, and_l will bail it he advertises
*nee Tor yen gratis.
To obtain a second notice, edr'ress hinra nolit
'note esplanitury of your f.il u Con; in said not
attotaipate :your friend, whose i time has been in
. eldest/illy brought into the notice; and if his char
eater is fair and above that of the editor, you will
. ba sore to obtain a second,and larger spare in the
paper than the first; as that editor will always at.
tack those who possess such Chrisiiau virtue as
11fra can sower hope to attain to.
A third insertion will be uselesi, as the notice
will now be more general than at three insertions
-for oonsioikr.
Who advertised BEN N ETT'S HERALD
gratis? Can the Gazette tell? PAUL PRY.
- he 21—It.
.fitiver—Al feet water in the channel.
Jos.l9.—Utien,liElineGrU.cr. St . L oc o s .
Booriaan, Brownsville,
•Reillr9l......Mings Met; Devinney, Wh ee li ng ,
' Arcade, Beneett. inns! i,
• Alpi DO, Coekburn. Brownsville,
Bement, Poe, Wheeling.
• •
41•49. —Alpine. Cockburn, Brownsville,
se -mss'., SOWISIII, Browseville,
r • Alhhiab, Rougher. LoMiniHe,
MingoChief, Deviancy, Wheeling.
In front of Crrptailßroadhurst'B,
on l'eMl Street.
LES, DlONtii. Gt/ILLOT, Le Lion Hero,
w re -rot-aged for 3 nights more.
Friday Evening, January 20, 1843.
Mons. Gnillot, yielding promptly to the spun ta -
neons, enthusiastic and overwhelming demands
of the Citizens of Pittsburgh, Allegbepy, and their
vicinities has the honor to announce his re-engage
ment, for three nights knot r, at the Circus, prior
to his departure for New Orleans.
(:)—Mons. Guillot cannot possibly pert', rtn in
Pittsburgh, after this Engagement.)
2 4 1E1217 tiNXI OF 11, S. Mail.
TlifEl line in full operation, and haves Pittsburgh
daily at 6 o'clock, A M, via Wmihinglon Pa, and the
National Road, to Cnotherland, connecting there with
Rail Road C 0.5 to all the above places. Travelers wilt
find tlik a speedy and comfort Mile route, it ItOtig a sepa.
rate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cumberland line. rdelli
ties will I e at - Ponied which have not been heretofore en
joyed• Passengers will ho taken up and set dos nt the
Itimiengahela House, Merchants,'Americati and Exchange
IlMels. or at ally house in the vicinity of be=e places.--
Extra roaches furnished at the shortest notice, with the
privilege or going through direct, or of Wong one night's
rest, al t heir option.
For scntg apply at the office In St Clair oreet. , a , ner
of the Exchange Hotel. or at the office in Water at, next
door to the Monongahela llouFe.
Nostident of the National Road Stage Company.
J C A CHENON. Sery. . Jan 9—dif.
Pittsburgh 'Navigation and Fire Insurance
In compliance with rhe sixth section of an art of A..
setithly, entitled tAn Art to (rehire the capital stock 'f
the Atlantic Insurance Compan) approved A ptil sth
I t 42. the follomins. statement or the tesonrre. of Ihr
l'ottriturt!li Navintlim :Ind Fire I woiranrc Company
$2511,000 capital ir published:—
reoinissot y Notes (wit h approved en.
dorger , ,) $183.300 00
BM. wiled with do. 10.305 00
4::2 of-took itt Hank of Phil.—
orzh. par value. $5O each (rofo,) 24.298 94
'5 shares of stork in hlereltaiits%ait i l
Stanufaciurers . onnk, piloom rgh,
Par value $5l) each (cost.) 4.334 54
220 shares of stock of this Company,
(en , t.)
Premium Notes, (will] approved endor
sers,) 6,r,24 51
Ca.it drpn , ited in F.x:hannr Rank Pitt.,
tiler Jan'y dividend 522 07
r)". •111,r, 4- Man. do. 4 982 78
D. with C. filarales er, rhila. 3.i 20 88
CO.ll, 300.011
Premiums, etc, outstanding. 1,313 12
jan 1 34•" 1I
11 WO STORES on Marrket st., between 3d and 4th
Rt reels
A LSO, Iwo spatiotts acid runyenient roon.s in the ser
and story opening by a Will on 'lla rkri •treat; well adapt
ed for Law offices, or fur any businrs , trqutring a c o n
yenient nod ready access from a I , 4l.inesa street,
ALSO, the small store loon) nit Third st , nearly op
posits the Pust oltire at prydent occupied by Brown 4-
Raymond as a Lamp store,
A LSO the Itizlit and airy office on 3.1 at. at present oe
clipieil as the At iICIICIII4I.
A 1.60, for rent, ,e Vera) ■mall Inj r. ttenr the dwell.
in Itott-te of I 11 , stitts , rltter in Fitt towitshin, t tilt a few
aeret of . Land attached to each.
ii n 13-11
1.4 AR,LIS itelf .•11 1u re.,l or Ilirrr.
2,111 deal IVh.) wish to rrnl
(Aril", Of cork 011 he 41to cmptiry Igy
suns 1010 x is!l to purr 11,11 e, s tint yltprtp firm-;
Imvit 'hen. In trill or -oil 11...3' adynitro Ihrir noted
I.y rep ord/ft:4 Iltem effirt , Nit ;1 !Oh
j I 111-31
I.IIE Nl';
E would adyi>e all person. h 11111V . 111'
cd with Goat, Rheumatism, Sprains,
Contractcd Cord. and Litob4, and any stiff e-, of
the hack or body, which inav ba bronozlit un he
Cold; or EviN"oire to the Weather, to call at l ur
Ti.r.'s Hi. i vorore a bottle of the
above I,itro h) ch w;II give ilowedigle re
lief and dr et a certain cure.
f*'" TuTri.v. 11,s alai a l i lval rile, t4malment
o' IlavaFinn cliza r. and V irvril.,Cliew ing 'rob
J,n 18. 1842.
in Fein SALF;.-- Ilie Stott,Monte and Imt Imo
ruined InvM lialea.l. so utti 0 the corner of
11' Diamond alley and the Diamond. in Ilse city of
Pitletour2h For ierms.apply to M Datzell on the prem
eee, or John Snyder. efothier. dec sill—lin.
irt --LOUAI..--2.5 lolus Blooms in Store, nod for 'ate by
J, W 1111111111 I ()GE.
J to 2 1111 Wttle• hm.reiten Wood ,S. , Stunts
ILLIA Al C. WALL, Pfain and Fancy Portrait
and Picture Frame Manufacturer, ,No. 87,
Fourth Street Plan burgh. —Canvass Brushes. Varnudt
, fur Artists, always on hand. Lool.in Glasses. 4 r
promptly flamed to order. Lepairing done Lt the short
est nut ice.
l'articular :mention paid to regilding and jobbing ofev
ery de.eripiinit.
Persons tilting op Steam Boats or houses will find it ti
heiradvari•-"fe to rnli. vep 10
AG 00 0 cht.ail vcrn Stand In, rent low--the ropy
l'avern slamd in the vicinity of raet Fairfield—eight
miles this side of New Lisbon, In Columbiana ronni)
Ohln—adjare..t to several other Villager_—and in a re
spectable neighborhood, nil the leadiiiir.l.lntr. road I h tong
Ohm—the 'raven, honer. in ierge and Cl•livenienl--a good
garden and large (nod sutble r.. For terms, which will
he low and accommodating to a food tenant. ;tardy to
John A ndorgnn on the preotiPes, or at Harris' General
Agency and Intelligence ntflee. Jill 19.
JUST received— -20 dozen good Coro Brootng,
5 lin ir.! S A xe,-,
4XV potaeasion elven on the fat of A
Aril. Two neat 2 story brick h0n....,
f i situate on Penn PI rert,(nprosite wic e i v o i
Row.) eaehsontaining four well finished
rooms. attic ?dory, kitchen cellar., ,
with a ball from the front door. Rent. $7 5 per annum.
Four conifortahle frame hnit , es in M'Corntirk's Row,
Penn Id., each !WM.r rontnining four rooms, garret and
large yard, with porches and yards in front. Rent $75
per an n o n.
One brick house on !It^ corner of Fartnry and Penn sir:.
sithattle fur the retail business. Rent $9O per annum.
4 itte :2 story brick house adjoining, 'which rommuni.
rates with the Shove) wiM he rented separate ur together.
Rent 1.k50 per annum.
Two 3 story brick honses and stores, adjoining the ra.
Sal basin. (sth Ward.) very suitable for the Grocery and
Produce business. Rent $l2O per annual.
Two well finished 2story'brick houses, (recently built,)
situate on Pikestreet, 1'2(11 containing four rooms, garret,
cellnr„ . 4c., and kitchen on t he first floor, suitable for gew
toel prorate re , idencri Rent $lOO per annum.
Also that well finished and comfortable brick dwelling
hourteoritaate on O'Hara at., and now in the occupancy
of W, J. Totten, VI. Rent #l6O per annum. Apily to
To Let,
?TIRE store roam am dwelling on Market st, now or
1 eupied L 7 Thos Campbell 4" Co , Apply to
?Jan 17.1842 JAMES BLAKELY.
Family Flour.
00 BARRELS Extra Family Floor. Just received
and form'. by J. W, BURBRIDGE, 4. Co.
Water Street, between Wood and Smithfield.
Jan. 16th, Me.
Bbkda.N.O. Sogar, this day received per Weimer New
York, and for Welty J. G. 4. A. GORDON.
dec . l . o. No. 12 Mites at
Com prt Ity.
S 91,318 31
Ito Let,
N' 51. 9'll.rfl
150 111 fresh Rott Buller
500 Nit/. Caro,' chain;
4 doarti Socks;
Azent and Commission Merchant
3100$ AND 402
' N. W. Corner of frond 4.lfflh Sta.
THIC proprietors of the Mortuttro NIT and MIIICURY
AND 114surkevcruta respectfully inform their friends
and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large
and well chosen assortment of
ON - 111:1110113
/B,',CliD AU?, CYTLEaIak /01-lii'VeTASISAKTJ':3
Necessary id a Jul, Printing Office, and that they are pre
pared lo execule
Bills. of Lading, Circulars,
Bill Heads, Cards,
Blank Checks, I Hat Tlpe•
Pa mphlei
II andbill,
au tifttbs of 13tantis,
Stage, Steamboat, and Cana/ Boat Bills, with appro
priaic Cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice grid most reasonable terms
We respectfully a 4, the patronage of our friends and
be public, in general in 11114 branch of our business.
Pittsburgh, Sep:. 39.1842. PHILLIPS 4. SNIITH,
Bank of Pniebureh. par
Merrh. 4- Man. bk. par
Exchan2n hank, par
Bk. of Germantowt.
Easten lank,
Larirmorr hank, die 2
Bank of Chewer Co. par
Farmers' Irk Bricks Co.
Doylestown bk do •••
Bk of NI Amerira
Bk of Northern Liheilie9,•'
Commercial bk. of Pa. •'
Par, Merhanics bk.
Kennington lik.
Philadelphia bk.
etchnylkill hk. ••
Southwark bk.
Wcs'ern bk.
ilk. of Pennsylvania, 14
Bk of Penn Tr . par
Man. 4. Mechanics 6k. 5
Men:lianics bk. par,
Moyamensing 6k.
Girard lin.ik, 50 1
ELF-tales batik, GO
Lumbermere, Warren, --
Frank. bk Washington, par
Miners bk of Poi havile, 10
Bk of Montizomery Co. par
Mon. Irk Brownsville, !I
Brie Bank,
flarrialm rgh ha nk Ri
bk Lancaster, 21
Bk of Middlerown, RI
Ilk. of Chambersliurgh, 84
Carlisle hank, 8/
Bk of Northumberland, RI
Colombia bk ¢ Bridge co. 3
Rk Susrptellanna Can 11
Rkof Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk.
(lett t shirr:it bk. 81
York hank, 8
orrivers bk. of
Way neshu r ti,
•• Currency notes. 8
Wyoming hank, 20
Pit ['IWO' Slate Scrip, 5 7
Country do slo
Rcrits Co. bank,
Lewistown, 18
Nl,,untpleafit I,k 2
Par. k 61adh. bk of Sleu.
O nvitl., 2
Belmont bk of St. ('la Ira.
vine. 2
Good Bank:.
111 Bank?,
ilk. of Fr.
Do. dn. J A. H. Pn.ilhl
Good n‘ o I
New Ynrk ,
211:aiI !more.
!Siu iei Lk. Drina ntl
do rorreory
Colondoniin lik N ew Lis
do Post Mr; rS.
c . lll , illllat I spvc le pay
1112 hnFtks,
11,11 k Traders Irk of
I:ii nlnu Lk
Demand note,
, (11. Lawrence
7.nreesvith• hk.
IR7' LECTURES.—Y,urtIi Courgr.—The Ler•
lure Ciniinlll,•e of the Wirt InNtitute have the
I,lt•artire of trying before the public, ilie foilotvittg li. ,o;
.4rullouten who have rollSellled 10 ►,enure. viz:
hey J ly P,a4 creel!, I utroductory Lecture.
John !. Ours, Esq. VI" ashington
Proti J Clark, Meatr,iiP i'ol lege_
Ron. Wm Wilkins, Pittsburgh.
Prod' A r Brown, Jefferson. College.
forth( Riehie, 4 ",sq , Pittsburgh.
Reed It ushinrton, Esq ,
Proti. Airter T SleOill, West. Theo. Scmloury
Francis Johnston, Esq., Pittsburgh.
Prod' / Barker, Meadville College.
W larreries, Esq., Pittsburgh.
Rev James L Dinwiddis.
Prof. lireli'd S lufrerson College. will de
liver several Lectures on Astronomy, embracing its r , Fe,
progress and destiny. Revd WashinOrin, Esq., will also
deliver several Lectures on the su b ject he may select.
Arrangements are in progress to engage Professor Sit
!imam of Yale (7ullege, lo deliver in our clip, a frill r onree
of leciurrs oil GeMogy: also v itit Josepo It. Buchanan,
on Neurology. Other eminent Lertureis will be invtieil
lo visit our city, syliern II may he in the power of the in
st Uwe to (mange their services.
The Lectures of this course will he on Literary and
Scientific subjects exclusively and It is hoped from the
eminent ability of the Lecturers, and the interest ing na
ture of the subjects, that our citizens will liberally pa
tronise this laudable enterprise. The Iron City should
not In, behind sister cities in her encouragernent of 1., le fire
and literature. proceeds (If any) will he appropri•
aced to the enlargement of a Library, already an honor
to the cii v.
rie-Course Tirkelc, admitting a lady and gentleman,
$2, and may he lad of ,it her of the ( cetilitre, and al C.
Kay 4- Co'F. l!ook Fiore, Monongahela and L'..‘change
liole!s, and at nerford's.
Lerturei commence on Thordav evemrg, Dec 1
!WIN S COSGRstVE, ?Commuter
st - 24-1 in JOHN It SENI PLY:.
RE-VOPAL:ZTtir 111hF.r, riber, have remov.-d to V 1
ter between Wood and Smithfield streets. where
they will conlinue the Wholesale Grocery and COMMIS.
0011 biagitiese, and would rensectfully solicit the patron.
age (lithe's' friends J. W. Buntir, I DG E 4. Co.
firer 9
ui T. PitICE, Ivi‘ol,,,:op and Itel,ll (taker, Con.
temiriner and Flutterer, Federal street, near the
Diamond, Allegheny cil y.
Every variety of Confectionary and Ornamental
Cakes, suitable for weiiilint, and patties., matinfactuied
from the nest materials, at shot I notice. nov 16
GEORGE H'. LAYNO. Attorney at Law. Offiee
N 0.54 Ftith street. near the Theatre. Pittt.turgh.
step 27-1 y
DR. E. MERRIT T, DENTIST, Office in Sm ith.
field, between Seenxd and Third Ste., Flours of
business from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M.
Dr. E. M. manufactures Procelain and Mineral teeth.
Dentists can he supplied by the 100 or single teeth. Blocks
of teeth with a beautiful gum in full sets, or parts
of setts, will he made to order at the shortest notice, by
forwarding an exact impression of the mouth. Also,
for sale a few machines with emery wheels for grinding
and fitting mineral teeth so useful to the Denlist—ell
willue sold low for cash. dec 23.
FOR RENT.- —A comfortable new brick dwell
qil log house, situate in Coal Lane near 7th Atreet.
For terms, which will i.e morlerate.apply to
dee Three Rli Doors Liner' y 4.
WM. E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Office in 4th street, opposite Barkel Building.
Wit.Liest E. A carre,Esq., will give his attention to my
unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patron
age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD.
sep 10-1!
LUMBER FOR SALE.—:.Poptar plank, boards,
weather boarding and Scantling. Also, White oak
boards of variant' lenots and thickness, wheel arms for
steamboat buckets. brae's, of warless lettith and si •
sea, by sr bolasahe or retail. A pply to •
Dee. 21st . 1 R43.-2n
IA ooister
Ma/1 , 9110h,
Dal lon,
roFt notes, 2
Fran. Mt Columbus,
flatugton, 35
Com. bk. Lake Erie, 3-
Far. hk: of Canton, '5O
[Mama 65
State bk. ¢ Cranclies 2
State Scrip, 51
All banks.
111.1 NON
ai e bk 4- firanches. 60
!=•*tia wneetown, 70
Rank or Virginia,
do Valley,
Far. hk. or Virginia
F.grhange hank,
S. Wes!. hank
Mer. hMee. do.
C.ottni ry
All Rank!.,
111 Hanka
Ci. y Bhukv, P,
rointry hanl.
(safety fuhtl.) a
Red Bark, I In
Boston Banks,
Country ••
,ortenn. Brinks, !nod. .sall
Ranks, 2
Ranks, 2
coLum 111
we%tern fxch;;r_;
Cin , in,
L9u , , , it e.
SV her liar,par
i f;Ol,D f' ND SI IN ER. par
ROBERT PORTER, attar**, at Lea.--0111ce
ILL on-the oortiet of Forth and Smlthdeld'aia. sap 10
ATTORNEY 4T LAW. —Office in Reers'•
Fourth street, rittebn reit. Nov. 5, 1842- sk
ir T. STEWART, Upholsterer and Paper Hanger,
No. 49, Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield
din. Husk and Straw Mattresses always on %and. All
orders executed with neatness and despatch, on accommo•
satine terms. Fen 20— 1 Y
g ‘,% ANTED,
2000 BUSHELS OF Fl—eLE SEED, for filch the
mrefkluk, Iti:hest price in caeli will he give,
JAMES DICKEY 4- co Agts.
Mechanics Line corner of Literty and Way!. areete
Pittsburgh. °et '42.
LI BR ARY Religious, Histot ical,Politicrthand Mix
cr I Igneous Works, will he open every day, Sa:ohal h ex.
cepied. 'tom 7 o'clock, A. M.,untli 9, P. M., in the Ex
change Building, corner of St iCiair street and Exchange
alley, wnere punctual attendance will be given by
pep 10 1. GEMM
Unrivalled Blacking,
itrANUFAITI URED and sold wholesale and retail
Sixrn Sriterr, one door below Smithfield.
Oct 21-Iy.
PRINTING INK.—The siuhqrriher lins just ter, i
ved no assortment of Bonk and News PRINTING
INK, from the old e-tablishee manufactory of Cho-Ice
Johnson, (formerly Johnson 4- Zurant) of Philadelphia,
which lie warrants to he of the tir4 quality, put up in
ke!s of from 10 10 15 163.10 stilt purchasers.
Ile intends to be constantly supplied, and all orders
accompanied by cash; will lie punctually attended.
Washington Printing OfFice,3d door west of Mnj rone'
Hotel, sth v. }ln 10-31 w.
WILLIAM F:LDER, Attorney at Law; Offiere in
Rakewell'R 'early oppnaile the New
C mint flonFe. on Grunt =trey'. PeP
UCK EAT.--Rereiverl from Harmony 15 half
barrels Buckwheat Flour,sultattle for famillea, for
enlc by ISAAC CRUSE.
j in 5 14.3 Litifirty
In store, Family Flour, a superior article for Bakers
v0 4 R . : i1 7- 1 0
,1 . % e , t l s l /
rtifiE subscriber has just received bis annual supply of
JIL Landreth's Garden Seeds, consist ine In part of the
llowine kinds—all of the lasi yroro4 crop 4- warranted
Asparagus, Egs„r Plant, rit , .lll l ),
Rees, Eitdu e. Peas],
Beans, Kale, Pepper,
Leek, Pumpkin,
Letttreo, Radial*, Borecole.,
Water Melon, Rhubarb, Cat bage,
Musk. " Salgary. Carrot,
Nion a ri uliHower, Spinach,
Celery, Okra,
Tomatoes, Cur led Ct ere, Onion,
Turnip, Curuniber, Parsley,
Corn, Mustard, (white and bibwi,)
&c. ic. &c.
'l'n:retire,. %%lilt a varlet y of rot 4' Sweet herbs aid flower
CCrOrders for seed... Shrubs, Trees, kr. from Garden.
era and others will he received and promptly attended
to. P I. 'INOW PEN,
jan 11 No. 184 latterly. head of Wood st.
lio LET.—Those two stories hrick dwelling horses
11. id 3d street, adjoining the Post Office. They are
forge and commodious and have been arranged as offices
and dwelling.. for •o t n, vrary p:t•L• The rent will be
moderate. rot terms apply to
Corner of 21 Mnrket A•ertP
Jan 5 Sw
To Let
A convenient dwell.tig situ:tied in Diamond alley
known as the "Hole in the Wall" It roninit,
irglit,with n ;art, Ir;lnitarile.ll to it, it will
he rented low to n good lellant , Puerersion given on the
lig of April, eiirliiire rpiten liague+ hat store Wood
•it. Aka, a Givelliniz, !otir , c in AllnVicity city conliddlog
5 r 0071! lt NI a Irir;c lot dto it, rent 575--en.
qiii , e ne chore. 14--31.
For Kent.
11U: l• ' , own a , the Clinton Collate,
sit sated on the In aver bank Allev.heny eii V. from
Bank lane, puttre,tuil given on Ihe lst doe or A full 'telt
G. WHITE 4- i
j q- Mat ket cl reel.
10 Reward.
Slo' EN' (ruin the stable oftlic sule.criber livina three
miles YI est of Brownsville In Wadthigino rn. on the
ni21.1 of lie 5111 dui k brown bor,e, with a edar
in his forehead, about 16 bands high, 5 yea rs old,t his
in flesh, no shoes on behind, slightly lame in both hind
reel, has a sore or scar on the fell jaw, nu fillet marks
The a ove. reward wilt he 2lveu for Ihr horst , and
thtel,or five dollars for either delivery of the tothe eteisegi•
hot or lo John ki. Davis, near l'ittshort:li. an it is s , roitg•
ly suspected that the horn was taken in that direction .
ja n 16—:iw. JOSEPH BUFFING TON.
IN the Orolino's Court of said Count 2 /.
. ?; 1 6 •Zt
In the matter of the administration account
7 12.„' of E. Estep,Surviving adm.nistrator of Jo•
seph Estep. dee'd.
2' 7 And now to January 5, 184;3. On
*ZITO' motion of George I': Hamilton Era . Hie
above named account referred to auditors to adjust and
distribute the funds —Crp.'. Von Bonlion.l. Roht, Woods
and Rohl. Robb, Esets. auditors. By the i 'flirt-
The Anilltor4 above named will meet nt the office of
Goo. P. Hamilton. Esq. on qW M. Pittsburgh, on the
20tli clay of February 1843. at 3 o'clock P. M., for the
purpose cf their appointment.
VHS. VON nwtkor.sT.
noRFAT K s,
fat, 11011E1{1' It fin It•
6-11.11,r, FARM FOB SALE.— i i Fa rm, r 50 a.
errs In Mifflin township, near Lebanon.
Chinch, and near The NleKeeanori and tVashinginn rmid
There 1> about 40 acres cleared, a new alone bonse and a
square log barn, and n good young orchard on it and
Is to excellent order. There fa an abundance of coal
and limestone on It. It lies about 8 miles from Pitts
burgh, and will he sold on accommodating terms. En -
quire. at Barris' Intelligence rffice, No 0, 51 h street, or
oftlie subscriber on the premises.
LtIIIIN Osee Snoxs.—The i.adies can now do away
with all kinds of over shoes, can walk through the wet
streets with thin shoes. and have their feel kept twrrect•
ly dry; can wear tight shoes without having their corns
pale them; and call have their shot s wear twice as long
a+ ever, if they will use the ceebraled Ott. or TANIN,t, ill , ll
will make leather water proof, and render it as pliable
and soft as kid. It's an article well worth their notice,
and one which they will all value highly, as soon as they
try it. To he had only at TI'TTLE'S
Ed SDICLL AOLNCT, 36, Fourth PI rev!.
l'cice.3l per bot Ce. ian 9
HATS—W. ¢M. DOHERTY ',dorm their friend's and
the public that they have corunwnerd manuf..ciu
ring Hoix, and thm they have now ready (or sale, at
their Store. 148 Liberty street, between Ntarki. t and 6th
street, an assortment of the very best Hats, which tl.ey
are anxious to dispose faun the cheaper and most reason,
able terms. Their ritnek consist of the very hest kinds,
v;s:—Heaver, Otter, Neutria,Castors.short Nat ped Rus
sia. Fur and Silk Hate. •
W. it M. Doherty are both regular hreel Hatters. they
have had extensive experience as Journeymen In the best
estahlishmente is the country, their Hats are all got up
under their own inspection. and they assure the piddle
that nothing but the very beet articles on the most rea
sonable terms will be offered for sale. sep 10
A NEAT and convenient two story Brick dweltin
house. with a very large garden and several fruit
Irene; situated en Federal at, Allegheny city, above the
north commons. Possession riven the first day of April
enanire of Alderman Watson Pittrburgh.
Jan. 19 1843
To Let,
riurar well known Tavern Stand, 'ran of the BELL
JL Haan, on the corner of Beaver and Ohio streetii. to
the City of dliegkeny now occupied by Mr. Soared Fiera
The premises wit, be leaned for a number of years on
ritanonable terns. Appty to L. Dewariap adjoining the
Tavern or to GEO. R FIDDLE .
lan 19-3 t
-,mass !trims.'
THE ontalvilters - respect Hy call the attention of
their friends and the publinto9.nertil*.7lo their pre.
Sent assortment of Paper flenstrir.es, WI frt. rontalns a
!op.:• and extensive variety of nat•rrns nr thr follnwi
descriptions, which 011011 heApeclluu will Iw lotiltd to be
of eoperior quality and finish.
Unglazed W4ll Paper*, of at! descripttnns, for po,tering
room! and ent rIPP, lit 25 cents per piece.
Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for
papering room* and entries. at 37*
Anterican.Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for
halls; Fresco and other styles for parlors and
cliamhemon fine satin glnsed grounds.
French Well Papers, Decoration sad Fresco patterns. in
pinin and rich colors, gold and silver paper.
Velvet and Imitation Borders.
Landscape Papers, In setts, for Iloperin: hotels, hong
and dining. rooms, at reduced prices.
Fire Beard Prints, Statues, Orwastents,
IPiadolo Blind Paper, plain and figured, or different ra
Western merchants and °Mergere respect folly Invited
to rail and examine their stork and mire'', off which lay
a liberal discount will be given for cash.
From long experience in the lusinesa,they are able to
manufacture papers in n superior manner, and ns they
are determined to keep tip the character their papers:
have Uniformly remained, they hope to continue to re
eel re he encouragement bit her' n Ito liberally extended.
NO 49, Market street, between 3d and 4th
t slinrgli, Sept. 19, 1 /1-12—dawtf
JOHN RUT VCR WORTH, Auctimer asd Cosrm ii.
8/011 .Aferekopt, Louisville, KY.. will attend In 1h•
sale or Real Rita le, Dry Goods,Gtoceries, Pit ure, kr,
c. Regnla r sales every Tuesday, Thursday. and Fri
day mornings. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made
on consignments. step 10
JAMES HOWARD k CO„ Manufacturers of Wall
Paper, No. 18, Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Pa.—
Have always on hand an extensive assortment of Satin
Claud and Wain PAPER HA !MINDS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders. of the toast style and handsome
pat terms, for papering halls, parlors and chambers.
They manufacture and have on hand at all times—
Printing. Writing. Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,Bon
net and Fullers' Roards—all of which theyofer far wale
on the most accommodating. terms; and to which they
invite the attention of merchants and others.
ALSO—Blank Rooks of ail kinds and the hest qttaifty,
School Books, etc. always on hand and for sate art 'hove
N. B Bast nd Tactters' Scraps' taken in exchange.
inIYSTERS, SARDINES.Ire.; served up In the best
IL, style at A. HU:IRMO!, No. 9 Fifth stecrt, Snita%le
apart mend are appropriated to gentlemen accompanied
by ladies. Also all kinds of Cakes aid Confectionary for
parties. weddings, etc., for sale by
airy 19—tf. A. HUNKER.
firUT7'LE lin. this driy received from New York. n
fresh grimily of ['owes' Nrrvr rind Bone Liniment,
and I ndian Vegriable Elixir,a pmdilire cure for ftlieuma
iPlTl, Guut Vont rarird Cora!, and Limbs—atso
Govrand's Powlre Subt;le, for completely and permit
neatly eradicating superfluous hair from females' upper
lips, the hair concealing a broad nud eievated forehead.
the stubborn beard of men, or any kind of superfluous
hair. Price fri per bottle.
Georeaud's East de Beaute, or Trite Water of Ream v
This French preparation I horoughly exterminates Sallow
nee•, Freckles, Pimples, Sores, Blrochrs, and all cutaneous
e options whatever. Realizing delicate white hands,
neck and arme, and eliciting a healthy Juvenile bloom,—
Also. several other valuable articles, too numerons io
mention. The genu.ne sold only at
n.23-if TUTTLE'S MEDICAL AGENCY, 364th st
A. W. PATTERSON.Z , Iice on Smithfield street,
near Sixth. sep 10
LIAR M FOll LE.—The undersigned offers for sale
his farm, lying in Ross Township 41 miles from the
City of Pittsburgh, conta'rtios 114 arren ofland of which
60 ale cleared and under fence, from 15 to 20 acres of
meadow. - 2 :cod Orchards of Armies, a few Peach and
Cherry t ree.s—the improvements are a large frame house
containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for a Ta
verb tr. private Duelling, a frame Baru 2S by 60,slone
haeem.,nt, and si aiding., sheds, lid other out houses suit•
aide for a tenenienit--2 good Gardens surrounded with
currant hushes and a well of excellent water, with a
pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and A Itehetty market. there is no place now offered for
sa.e with morelorlorement to those wishing to purchase
near Pit tstiorgli,the terms will tie made moderate, for
forther partirolarganply to the proprietor al hisiCiething
Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Anev.
N. R. If not gold Wore the October next. It
will lie divided into 10 and 20 acre 1,0!, lama purcha
tiers PO
/sivaieabie Rewredy.—The extreme beauty of t•trc
Teeth, their inillspensahle use, and the frequency of their
decay. has led to many inventlons for their preservnilon:
vet how to pre- serve them in n it ate of health an pristine
beauty, to the latest periods of existence, was entirely
unknown until the discovery of the above invalinthle
prsparation. It forms a pure tinriorecowirosed elf wig
etahle Ingredients, and is pawned of the no St drTicious
oder. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, removes pu n ts
of incipient decay. polkites :Ind preserves the enamel, to
whirl' It rives a pearl like whiteness, and. from Its distn.
frctlnx properlies,possesses the virte ?. of giving sweetness
to the breath.
As an Asti Sevelst.,c, the t:umsn•e,tshare in its trans
cedent newer.; Starve) , is eradicated from them, A
I eathy action and redress is itidneed„ which offers to the
notice °fibe medic! practitioner indubitable evidence of
their heali hint stale. It line been examined and used by
severnt of the Item physicians of this city, who have no
berth:llion in reconnnendin it as an excellent wash for
the Teeth,
Amon; t lir recnmmendations To the above are the rot
Flaying tried Dr. “Tlinro'. , Tea Berry Tooth Wish,"
and become acquainted with the Ingredients of its -c.po•
sit ion,l cheerfully Pay, I consider it one of the safest, as
it is nue of the most Meant nt Tooth Wastes now in use.
Pit shit re It Sep. 15, 1842 DAVID BUNT, Dem
I take pleasure in marine. having made use ofoThorit's
'Pen Berry Tooth Warli.' tit is one of the best den
trifices In use. Being in a liquid form, it combines neat
ness with convenience. While it cleavers the enamel
and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume velds
a freelance peculiarly desirable. 11. 8. TIBBETTS. M.D.
The undersigned have used “Thorn's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth Wash," and have rowed it to bean extreme.
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a *vest salutary influ.
ence overtire Teeth and Gums; prefervine those indis
pensable members limn premature decay. preventing the
:accumulation of Tartar, and purifying The Breath. Ray.
ing thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in re.
comment - hug it tot he pantie, belieeing h so tee the best ar•
ticle pith. kind new in use.
Prrpared only by WILLI M THORN, Apothecary
and Chemins, No. 5:1 Market street, Pittsburgh; for %ale at
all the principal Drug:tits', and Tuttle's SlLdtrat A:L.lll7y,
Fourth street. sep
orkv Arc kr;sl E Y. the old oriental. has on hood the
C osi splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered
WCJS My stock is large, and lam disposed to sell at the
lows I possilde price Mvs , ock is heavy. and as the sea.
son icadvaneina. I will sell at lower prices than ever. I
ask only the pleasure of a call, recline confident that a
look is safficient. Beware of Counterfeits. Remetniter
VS: WE NT . 'toy 23.1134
jIJFIT received. 3.000 SraAnnalde Mink. Robes of if .
• ferent qualities from Extra No. Ito 3.
A lot r f Hear and Ctit, 14k4nR,
11.000 No. 1 and 2 Slitakrat
A lot of Otler and Ilacroon Skins,
All which &reoffered at reduced ees fo ea.+ - or ap
proved notes. A pplvto
A. REELEN, at the American Fur rn. Aeeney,
Oct 12-3 m Corner of - Front attil Ferry et
P. Delany, Tailor, No. 49, Liberty St.
2nd Door above Virgin Alley
HAS completed a general assortment of Winter Cloth.
ing, consisting in part of Almond and plain beaver
cloth frock and overcoats: heavy fine and common pilot
cloth velvet trlinmettritid. plain; every description of dress
and frock cloth coals, fashionable enlots and fresh cloths
plain and fancy ritssinet pants, cloth and satinet do. of
superior qrsalitv 'eery description of vests imitable for
the season, and will I e sold low for cash. Femmes wish.
ingt :nave fitohionalle earments made of the best Mated.
■1 will find them at this establishment. ilitiOng overran
ted equal litany In thecrty. A full rtoet of pats are on
hand to malts to order.
'Messrs. ti. Donaghy and Thomas WeCases are at this
estabfirtnmynt end will be melt pleased to page a eatt from
'heir ',vend friend& good fits inset red oir nonce.
Pittsbarsh, Dee. 1. Int.
Whf .41 . C./11(1)1..E.sli
Passage and Remittances to andfrou Grist Brasile sad
r V FIE subscribers having concluded their a riraullotaitallt
for extending the:r haslnes.,are at all times mat
red make arrangement:, for bringing out pa:venom by'
ships oft be first class, American Malt, apd commanded
by ra recut and ex perii need men. who are wetland 'astir
ably known in the trade. This tine being the oldest Sin
of the purl of New York, it is hardly necessary to say
that the a rrangementa are mature and coooktbit.anti
from the fart that a vessr I is sent out every az dam it
is evident that no unnnecessary delay lo parseuositi can
occur . A I•ert passage per steamboat hum fretted or
Scotland. ran be engaged, and when those settled for der
cline coming °maim money is always refunded to HMI
parties fl nni wham it was received, without deduction.
Old established Passage OtTice.2l3 roil pt. ,
G. Gal OffitiA _
10 Goree Piazzas. 4 11 lierilli4
Drafts and to.Ciluanges at sight, and for :Spy aiimialt
ran be furnished - on IL C, Glynn 4- CO., 811116401. .1L110.•
don, ft Crlinshaw 4 , Co., Liverpool; the National Wink
of Scotland; National Bank of Ireland; and Baiihernt
Banking Co. Apply to PETER BATMAN.
Chatham street, near the Fourth street road, opposite'
the Welsh Church. sin II 3a
Irk R. IMXIEL °Mee on rifth ,sitrert
JUlrbot %veva { food and Smithfield Areels, Pittsborlit.
dee 10-1 -
A /Vdt. SFECI.F.I, onccecsor to H. M`ClotiteyYralf•
ioaa'sie Bout Maker, Liberty st,, id door Mae
V1721n Alley, The subscriber re s pectfully Intibrsacttlto
public that he has commenced the above hosiseso io Chit
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry 111 • 011oekey,
and that he is now prepared to attendee nil orient Filth
line° fhusinexs with despatch and on the mast renouthiblo
terms. From his long experleons in the mannfactued of
Fashionable Boots, he feels et:Mildest that all art/Wife
from his establishment will give satisfaction to his pa-
trons. A share col public pat rana:e is respectfully solkilea
• .
PITTSBURGH, OCT. 23, 0342.
.1. Drwitnia—An Friday. the3Oth offset notonth.skstalt
9 o'clock el nicht. the Pin orlng.Gerrovins and iPtikr'
Uraefory, owned by Cay, Dilworth 4- Co. Mirk a tem*
qua II lit y of dreneed and undreesed lumber. weJ all coismi..
med by Ore.
The Iron Safe widely 1-tionyht of yon romretimettnair
was in the most PIIIOXPet rltunilow doting lb. Ilritilnkl
woe entirety red hot n m pleased to Inform yes ft was
opened at the Hare of the fire,n ad nil the 1.0011!, pipiktf.
4 - C.ERVed; is the heat recoaunendalLan I can ore or
the utility of your rater.
0 , 124-1 r
L OTS FOR SALE.—Four Lots Id FiTanchogei. Wio
and n fourth A,ros or Land Pn iformeetl4ll, Lots
nn*. 4r, 42. s 3. 53. 54.181. IR3 and Isl. IP Cook ., Plea
or Lois, on WA ma'i 11111 Also, 1.0151 nod!. 26 and 27, j.
rook's rdtin of Lot, on 'Sigh stritt•t, nea - r iftsvtlevlr 0E44
11101,Pe ror terntsaf ply 14) Z . UQ . itehIINITTLIN.
31sho„,tio. li9 SetriSad lot-,
where a general 11CIrtersetrt .of Ferutitteolllllol
hail at rerlutal priee‘ for etwli.
The strpertorily of thaw liedoteadt, tannin( In**
fordrirahtlfly afftl envy, In mottling.,"
and tnkluq 40 Wit r. nol ettoffiled hy ankothernaffir
n=e—nail to art Fmrlin, Would entrain thefr ogritvelliftort.
in their nightly s'itaihery It annuli, lie remffnotniontiign.
all Cta1.:4.11 or tlw hut! Ifat.fly ore fa: 'emitting: b7IIIINO,
iC R ig krt COltiiok. Di-t Sta Ws tor sets Sr
XWIW',OW .ER, Patentee.
Vv.", rile amlenktimpd.lk!eeri irr.3lollllfly have "Ka°44l
- ;1100.1e BethneanTaPieritrwopd . lcrvelpo 4tegitirtilmok
1 irronntinent: them the beet rep* fit init.-- , •4fr
in. .{lO the represents, ton4n tire' atfiretilmitalL
Wn. "'Graham jr., SofeptColfarts
John B. Bill,
nov I. —3m
1 / 4 "tc•tiot.•s 0. rotxxtm.....• .•.-..L0Y11 R .
0/. F.JII-s.lir rle *I Agents. Forwa rain and
t'omU bzsion e relumt vee 1 Feet .111019,14Li5,
1111 w I%m; te.riretitsllvf.o lei t rotteirments.
Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory.,
_ . ..... . -
--..-:-=----, - "-- -,-
-- 2 - __ --,.--
-.4. ~,_
_ .
. -..." ~___- ---.
••:-.--", , •
, - IF' - -' 7..-'44• 4 0' 0 11 t r ow . --
•A• ;..•• i` ,; - alai -4-4).
• • - '' t' .. ‘ e ' '' -" -..l7 ' ''' • -- •
• -...e,.... •.., , -
_ .
UNSTAN'I'LY hand a superior asiloac• or Lai*
Oil, warranteri born al any leiopertairl.lr.l44.
equal to the best %inter strained Sprain.. Oil s wlitlittiltA
ite orreo,ve qua'4ltes, and one 0140 / 14 •71*.r • SW" ,
ulaet tt red by be Sutler rihereirt,
i . 14,* Phi &land. Thlr4l
nearly oppogise 'the Post Office- raM.
Jul 4,1843
1 witl r ill for •enntt arta ner, - PIVE 9011849,
avon the street rund, in the city oftPNtohorrih.
Three ni them nre Aria artir two Trams, inist
frames are we!! ratenhtted for burbles,' -helm.; %blur
elope to the Court house, T troy •orlll'he sold ittorniievor•
sernrniety tn.ntt purtharen.... Vor Anther unetkeptlers,
Clllll , llFe .011'1 he'prriniG4 4AS. litOßintikt
nn 9 111413-1 lld rarielher.
WiEcuhicriler WOlll4 retpeelfully ie.forni chccitisena
of Allegheny and their visillties o that he
bas e.nninencel tnantifacluring the taticte •etfLard Ott
and Candles. fie Intend,: inakltic hut onevidilty, which
Nina' the hpol made in the Union and notattrnanserl
by the best whiter Fit:lined sperm oil ell her •415 r machinery
orhurning, without !is offensive properticii, and one•
third rhe nper. 7'l/E' ABOVE IS WASSIANTED , TO
la.r wishes to impre=s di.iliierly eu the *ldle mind that
it knot tiereA.ary ho pn re liase any Deli' ratlOelthilMlNgifild
are daily palmed 'Twill:env ne I•etnsg requisite tiititriftAi
lard oil In. Person; wI hjne a pore and Cdfflaht Mfrs
can obtain at lire uld sfeTid;3d stietcei, nearly
opposite the Lost 'Unice.
- - M. C. EDBY, r
I'lie :meet inn of Wtole.atiliiiiers,Chorcires and Ma
cliinil4.B reopeorketY Potici'ed•
N, B —Ail [he haTtel.witi Fear the rwinittairtuyinte,
MORE rmoorsi
Of th e Efficacy of Dr. Szvaynet' Conajewend —n
of Pettnas Viroinrana or Citerly. -'
pale and :1.41y object cawed by sinitifig wend a n d,
violent couch, will] n l / 4 111 sweat*, a koareeneesjAnit
sound of the e.tire indicating an alarming state or Ai..
ease; my clergyman was plaio with me. and stated that
I had but a kw days to live.; my sister who witnessed my
condition, nod was my elisions caretaker.. /made Wolf.
ry where site would ne Iticelyto pro's:llre the intiscleertail
relief; site was told if De, swayries Costrantaigiary Or
Wits enaaay.. ratted to the cure. my tire was Alien hope.
less. Dr. Swaines Componnd rap of *VA Chert,„;
was then postured. and the fire little lave ielitr. and
by the time I had COWI me n ecd. or kiss fl 0: botch, n* mil
had left me and my clies j ens so Nat be , ;.).lr.red; Nil I
was atoe so take She air. at d ie a seen iloto - I,..itee
direly recovered my russet heaiiii Fora eorrobotalattie
of the trilth of theakese samegic.i you ea. calf on my
sister who fives in Asa ifflte firma. one Moo Arkin, ire.
street. piiitadoyddits. ;wised. lAker Melt awe Ramnite.
preensattries Croat Maim veinal)* Tie"
t=ent's tat above ark.hatiairou and , ea oterSkic
For NV, as she Drug &kerne{ }4. Tapas. No. S 3
Markel Mi. rtskeitartlik • . .
Slar/Tat Mk '..;k..Noilhilsitit
done laclow Arch west tride,Pialedit
7110!4AS SCOTT
I acoh Vogde%
George Singer,