*1,4 iiiiirmom ItaiNdelQ. A N 20, 1543 Guillot. It will be seen. by the Circus ad vertise • ment, that this wonder lot perf , riner is re- engaged, and will exhibit this evening and to-morrow evening. The wonder excited by Isis tremendous feats still ;rows upon the public mind, and those who have seen him y times, are scarcely less astonished tlyey were at the first exhibition. On thal his bellefit night, atthe suggestion of certain persinses, who imagined that there was some humbug in the matter of pulling against two horses, and thought that the Circus horses -were trained to pull easy, a pair of abut and steady animals from a road wa onn were brought in. They were harnessed to ttii.,„,jAintless Guillot, anl exerted all their sfteaaohin a null against him; they pulled tentil•scries of "That will do," c tine from all pasts of the house. They were unable to move him an inch from his position! Ile afterwards pulled against fate,i horses with the santeresult, • We are not surprised ilidt persons.should hesitate to believe that he really does what he pt oinises, htt• • all who wish `to be eatisfi •d have but to go and see him': The regniar Circus perfortrrattre preen unabated attraction. ie riding of Mr. N ichols,and the wonderful arts of II am. lin, the Elastic man, and of Mr. MrFarland -on the Tight R 'pc, are enough to fill the house. 7be Theah•e —A 1. tier appeared in the, Sou of 3 - cbtcrday rtoroit:z rvlutivc to the affairs of Ow . nu' conductors of the The tic, in t hi. city, sinn •, 4 Chas Assehneau. We at a !.,o to know rrtirlis Mr. A. shiul , l h ivc kv , ,tvo I,.tter, ec• ree l) , to ca,t blame tip , tn Mr. Tuttle, the Treasti ,rer'. who is a resident of our city felt'! Ipr, persotia'l! tif the inYri . , or the quart., 4ntoween the pirti.34. ba• it tyLitti I. , n is n e• r• ttin documents in Mr. Tuttle's 111 id th it hi, 11 , 68 AO the husiucas were rolls an a id c i• tttrblj proper. Ili+ penct al character, 100, wuu'd .int4tce thie coneltimuin. Th- lytter try, •nittn nut have the effect to acquit Mr. A. 0 any rusrporilkibiltty Ite " m,y h :ye iu t.• NA, n ;my i.eapping up ‘u the su w:tiMi have. been mt..2reti atn t ,N 1 II a colt u t t 0.4 lay the Reese of R-Trer,?tit PI *signed the 1 V. 14, (the next day) to ge in to halletinz, for two ennilid.ttes fer Gev arnor and ler Lientenarit Gover lot, to the Senate. we teaTn rto,,, the 'MA v State Democrat that this was riot eft' et t d ale efr it, I.v eery air , \V hig mo,;llwrs die 111 r. P. Lit?' • ivevii , Iv , I,,•te t.+chc Setrat , • fro n t 11,‘. I".vniow Li I)isTliti ,01141 f hid seal, i'y not v•oe it H , '' -ef“l - vorr"r ;Awl (:.tverti .r. :11r. I tlr, i- ;. 1 mhe frier' the ..own ;\l,, in he takes his sea? Sow-ite, ‘t , hioh 11 , 2 rw-iv r may lint dii, he ri,h f ., 11;y rtntl eonq:itu• Initially helon i zi th. lieu-:r; and it, ar— guos erect. i:nutano - , 3.4',llriifiCe and I,,dit tral corritpti..n. irn ill any 1111 P. to Cllllll it ti.• l tt. in rvieqti .11114 atirtnpt .0) nn rv b,-; i t a rii . ! !! l bor MarW.field taut his .eat, (!id not 1.05,111 mi . favorablv to 1110 \V .!i.I thr W barely e ase:and vi.as Ic2:irl!ed more moderate and j‘ntiriong of that party with manifest regret.' The following are the st..unlin , 4 eurntnit lees of the select and encntnon Finance—Messrs Jackson, Bak, , w,-1 1 and L , nnillin i.f s. c. and Nlesqrs Monism. , Stoner, ertson and Mite;e I 14 c• C. Water , —Nles=rs Sheriff and Bakewell tics. c,.and Messrs Ilowatd, Edgar and Pratt of c. c. .4treets, Grading and Paving—Nl ;—ctists Lee, 'Sawyer and Galway as. e. and Messrs Matthews,Hays and Patrick of c.c. 'Wharves and Landings—Mr. Sawyer of s."e. lira Messrs Howard and Mason of c.c. 'Claims sad Accounts—Messrs Ogden st4,Sibbett of s. c. and Mess's Robertson Mcautcbeon and Kelly of c. c. Crap Lighting—Messrs Totten and Ly tle of a. c. and Messrs Edgar, Small and Hamilton of c. c. Appeals from City Asse9,4ineiits—Messrs Sibbett and Brunot of s. c. and :vit.:4Bra Kedf,y,,,O,Neal and Bowman Of c. c. Police—Mr Kincaid of s. c. and Messrs WilindSmall of.c. c. Markets—Mr Totten of s. c. and Messrs • 81411er-sod foreland of c. c. Lvtle of s c. and Messrs 13oyfr000 and Buerkle of c c. :Wrioden..Buddings—Mr Galway of a c. and Neetirs . iitunilton and Pratt ot c c. gory—Mr. Kerr of s c. and Messrs Lit&sod Mitohell of c c. "'Property— Messrs Sheriff and Lategbhe of s c. and Messrs O'Neal, Ma grew iind - Maithews ore c. ' . l o l :luting—Mr, Kerr of c. and Wilms Boteland and Bowman of c. c. tt , MARRIED. inst, bl. Jas. McCabe, I;-q. of IllihtirillOefiiPo:,bir.Tltootraos LOGAN to MIFF, RA Clll4 tgompr. - - all of Moon township, All, glieny TO •fET. Akr4r, and eonvettietit 1,0 fiery ttrick •11.181114 With a very large garden and acre,al fruit pn Federal ft, Alle:neny city, ;shore the .rosFei•sion :liven the furl day of .Bprii e W2tfon Pllttburch. _1143 , • To Let, rizitritell known Tavern Sian& rign or the Prt.t. } oft Ott corner of Beaver and Ohio sitretr, in the AliegltenY now 'occupied ny Mr. James, Flem ~. 14=10Z ne based far a 111:1010ef of yes n• on Apply to L. Oewsntsci adjotaintathe GEO, 111. RlDfbLg. CIRCUS- AND TREAT 3 RE- BOOM AND JOB , PRINT - LNG OFFICE . , In front of Capfainißroadhurses, TV. Corner of Wood 15- Fifth'Sla. oa ['eau I,rcet. ..."". TIIK plopo i. i.), ,r 111 , • MORS I 6 1 , 4 POST and !tii:rtcrnY RE.E.YOAOENENT OF TILE FRENCH III:nct . , z , m„,,,,er ,-. I,),Ft ri..tinctlully inform their friend. LI:S. lIIONS. GUILLOT, Le Lion new, , .te..A t he pal f otis cll 1 ill', PH"•I,, that I Icy hove :t large who Is reteeroged tor 3 nights more. 11).1 well r horn rt , .....iir, 1,1 at Friday Evening, January 20, 1843. Oa 41t11. AOC "AU 74116: - Alla' _Il 9 Mons. Guillot, yielding promptly to•the Fpont i . :\iN. - : 0 . , , N,..,, ~, -,-, ) -,,i - . 1 y t .l - - , ..:„ . \,-,, , , A ji,,,.. 1 ,ra-l t \l j '; : ;; octts . , enthusiastic an I nverwlielining -deindiuk ~,,,,,,, ~, ~, a j‘ ,„ : ,,,,„,„ 2 ~,t , ... „,,,, , 100 I ~,,, ~,. E .,. ofthe Citizenu of Pittaburgh, Allegheny, and !he r let :ril to ~, lIIP - his re er , ' - 'lVt` S n ' 1 1 C e l n l I , I: t r e: r i) threee s lh e n :14ohnto‘r long tit an r n , ou nt ne th e e Circus, 'pri.,r LEI TER PRESS PRINTIN - G, ,„ iti ,,, depnrinre for. New Orleans ENTIRE CHANGE OF PERFORMA (J None. Guillnt cnntmt pussibly Pittsburgh, nit r this Eni- wei,t NEW LINE OX' U. S. COACHES. YOr If'JISIIIXOTON CITY. P....11.T13R0RF:, 1/ELP111..1.9N1 ) NE if TORK. fV 11 Is' hoe fa in full opera! ion, and b aces daliy nt f; o'clock, AM, via Wm•III own!, Pa and the nnro , c ,, D n , National Road, to Cumberland. connecting there with Roil Road t'n.s in all the above pl!it rt. TraVelertt telll rINNsy '.VAN/A. find t!.!...1 speedy and enntfori able route. It 1, 1e7.11 Bank eif !ate and .I,Ftlurt Piti , burgh and Cumberined hoe. Merril. .1- Man. bk. par . g a xchne bank iex will 11 e a ford , whirl) hive not been heretofore en E par joyeil• ra., ,, ll:ZerS WM be taken up and ttel doe. n ct line Re. of Cermantowi Monongahela Ilituae, M errhants; Amer teat, and Exebance ! r ostt oI out ,. Ilo!els, or at any 11011 f, in lie viritlity of PP •e r bard, dir! Extra ennelimt foriiii•hed ni the shorie- 1 null irn, with the co. pried, ce or going through direct, or of taking oue night% Farmers' ink Roth" Co rest, at !hell Oililtrll. Dovle,town do Fur t w at , tti't'lY at the office In Rt Ctair st, rrt,r-ttlte r , Ilk 01 N A incrira Phil. of the Eke...1.102e lintel, or at the office In %Valer at, tel 111 , N „ ri ,,,,„ ie, Conntierrial Irk. Of Pn. I I, IV STOr KTf/N. Par. A- Ill..rlitio,r, Lk. PleF•hlool Of the N.dional [load SIP•Zr Con'P'lnV• K,„„1„ 00 ,, h k. J C .1(110N. Serf'. J''" 9— ' l ' f ' rhttatirlphin bk. ~ I'lllNi/frit:lf Nrf Vllf:tit loft and Flte Instinince :5 ,. t.)%1ki1 , ~k. .. CoMi.rt fly. r , •ntrift‘virk bk. .. In rilin 1 11 i ,nr, with • 11, s'x' It sect ion aid art or A , . 15'. , .,...ril hk. , rntl'lv. old Itlvd 'An Act to 'Ow .• the rapiral stork .f Ilk. of Pron.rylv.initt. If ihr Nt land,' 10=11r:ince ('omp:fn..' approved A pti I 310 llk of Fr , . Ti. pH I :41, the in , 1,,, in_ srliell,sti , nI I lie I e. 0,1,114 of the , Man A. Merit:lntr . , hk P.li-dir•111 Navivrth it and Fire I It-want - , Company i Ir''..bantr'l'kr• pa3ll $l2O 311,00 , 41. 1 ai i. , ont,ii,dred:— i flirfNantonsil ; hk. Prorni. , :or y Note. ,*.t. II npproved rn. ! Girard 1..1.4k, .;11, d0r,....r..) SI 1.12011 001 U. St ; - 0,.+ 1,..”1: . i.. 0, non, ,i , ... , w oe,' ~itl, la. 10,303 00 1 , I.trint•ernirn...,sVirr,rt, --,1 I.: -'firrn of .044 r-k in frank of 1'1.1._ , Fronk. bk IN'atriii.iton, pal . ,11 It tr v.itn••• Si (1 earl' , yrrkt 2, 24.89; 9t I‘l triers 1,0 of ;oti,vile, 10 1 ; ,:tvirt.. of ',fork in Stir.ltanie . and Ilk or Moirt.lornecv C , .. p, Matinc,,nrerle onnk, i'iti.drn rg.ll, ' 11.0 i.k [Sint% ti,vl . , , e, :I Oar value $5ll each (rani.) 4.134 31 , Er", Paoli. 2:11 .hare= of stock of I trii Colopttny, • II .-1-hirr r,, , 1 , F., I,li I..,'t' .er fl, ~I Nth:Melon., doorsl 111, )10.1on.ihela llou-e b approved endo e k fiNin-iced in Ex slier 11.%'n.not of I,ti'v I),1. tiler, k Vssn. in. I)'. ,vith ret§dipm , , , zlandin,2 jm 11 OM A- t, rivro .cro. , ,'E.s . • on 11:irri , t I.fiwrrn and ".I'`"'l"., Con,try r• Jo Ivn nrio!!.. vhh roe vtoth to the .er• tt ottettiel hr 1 . :111 .01 \l.,k!! •'v e tt .ot,o retkv l'o hank, dfor I,n w olfter , , or ler I ! nit. T•""" w "• ..!!is•fofro , ti hurter.. -trret, Town tut . A f. , 1). the cm.' i t ' , tore toot, nn 'rhodl,corly r!C• min) ^noth , Pr° , htre'r ft orrtliord Itru , v S. M " 1 ! , !*'... 1 !!!! I .k Itnyohltifl ric n I !!non - nr'. Ltr. k Merit. hk of '411.11 I:,, re I t zeeera! .4•11 - 0! hntt .•• ?e , r I ho • -11' e to rot tt 1,1, r• It tt. 1 ,1 : 11,-.,•nd L'l,l jrt, 4 1 29 ft SI 'tl • ' t:C11,1 Ar , •,cor %•,,tk no* . I, -• 11, lA' hlr Thi ..... ///: NERT"/,' 7.V/) IlU.tiF, ' • •• l• advt.(' PP, !'•1 - - \ ti! V iJIMI' (;o , t 1:11-1/"VPI,,a, kviiii• !-( 4') ,1r.1,., :I I ) n•• v.. 1 .. ,vh uln."C C ~, t r i I „ l'ro'f II .1 1;"1.. if ~ 41/. tits 1 1 111 A B Je.:1•1 , I`urt , l .1 Ili. Bro , l 11 ash 4 trelort, I . -lb - I _ , Ervvrt, F on _ Th.• oI 1101% 1111ri.fr. 11 e:oIvl rtiple4 hp 11 Il,!/ , •1. .10 nat.. 70 r.o or, of It'll Lowrie. Puri' Dt.tinorol allry 1,1 11, 1/1:toloof1. 10, coy of I,V 1. /fi , V9 , l! , r, ror term.: apply io 11 11.0zoll oolhe orem- ' l'oof It •1•11',1 11'1'11110 nr 1,0,0 S'ov.l-r. 17a.111r, rl,l - 110--1!o. ' ilvcr sovern I I.cclor ,, and 11r, Oolivor PPo'Pral fxrt ore, m A rran:eti , ents nro. nt pr Fri r h 31: • zi n' ll.icanni (;;11r,nT1 V,11 , 11 ,Cne•Av , ri'! . ! . prro "RE \I ENT ?BC, STR 1.:1: J n 18 Jll2 1.111 !ymn, of Y:tie C,ille2e. In deliver lit our en v, a lull enlirre VV 1 1,1;1 AM C. WA 1.14. P 14171 a nd Fancy Pert', i/ of lerltire. no Gentner ate., vit It Jonepit 11, lbw liana., and Firture Frenic illounraertorrr, .Vo. li7. 1 „ii Neat oirte,y, fuller eminent Lertnrre a will he invite.!' Fourth Street Prt(ehetreh. —Catty:lnc It niche. Vit rni-li In viol! nor tit v, w hen It u n it he in the power of the In ,fir , for A rliala, alwnvc on hand. Leoliiii , l 1110 ,, e4. kr ,lilnie In eenfe their , ervtrf li. prom idly f a nned lo order. Pena iring dove: l tie slitut The Leeittreit of tiles rrint.e will he 1,11 Literary and est not Ire. S c i,,,,tifi r ~,,1r,14 e[Olllllll4,lV ;11111 II 14 hoped from l lie Particular al !Pillion paid 10 regilding and Jobbing oleic i eminent nhil 11 oof thn Leentrern. and the Inlere+lln. MI - ery deseriptinti. tare of i lie AttbJeels. that nor eh ir.ens will libernlly pa Persons filling, tip Steam Hoot 9 or bora...es wlll !lira Ii I. I !rim.... thin 1 otidahle enlerprl.e. The Iron City nhetild heir ail v ant - ee to roll, rep 10 tint It , behind sister title' in her oneimrtieemettt of arienee ...)0,c11«ii; Tavern :Tland in Tent Inw --Ili^ on t and literal ore. 'Elie p °reed,: or any) will I,e ninirnpri. A . Tavern stand in the vielnlt vof Ens( rabfiebt--eialn aced in lite entarzemerti of n Library, already all honor miles i hi, F ide of New Lisbon, in Columbiana 1001+13, to the rtl v. Oldn_.—adj,,,e, lin several ether Villages--al.il in a re• Vi.rour'ir Ticket:. admit , ota 1 toils , and le n i1 e 1,,,,, 4 ~4 , 14 1 ,, 4 , 1 ,1,1 4 ",1, 00 ,1 4 " 4 , , 114 , 1,,,,,,,„, 3 ~,,,,, ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,), $2 4 1111 d liar 14.11,1.'1 ..111,s, of lit, I ii,nmit lee. and al I'. °lnn- -Ilie TaVtlflllloll-1 , 14 ..“-v , 3 1.11 c .,vp,,,c1,1--R [;odd I/. Kay k Co'n gook Stine, At o pronzn n e in and 1 - ,,,.1, ; ,,,,. Borden and lane bunt 41:011, .'r Par terms', wltich tit ill Ilnlebt. and in BertorrEA. bc low and accatitinuttoling to n good I enant, ilpply to Lectures commence on Thilrellat . eVentr r, Pie 1. John A Interco/1 nn the 11f4.11111 , 1,, at at Ilarrin . General SAM 'l, C. 11 I:EY . '') 1 gency and I ntelligelire rifler. .1 In 19. W, IV. 1‘'i1.801.4. 1 ___. -- JCIIIN 14 . et ISC/R AVE. committee. tl - Al . R, 'M 7A 1 FF., i it —tut24 lttliN 11, 'l', AIME, I I) F.M()VAD.--The .. illi.crtberi. 11.111 P reirinvi 11 in I ~ 1110 tar bet wren LS'ontl and Smithfield streets. whet t T. 'I AR 11 fS, they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Contnil, A ;tent n;.i! Coo-Ind...inn tlrarraint. ...01t litistne,,s, and would rieipeet fully %nlleil the patron ace of their friends J IN. 1113 II RIZ I Dt; Eit A'n. I(3,Ff e ryr verl— -20 Juzeuglnnll.ur a Brut/Mr , tin I; S A x.•c, 150 111 frerlt 801 l !lull, l; 5110 ruiA Cnriwl 4 dozen corks; FOR RENT, (ler :3 ..7.VD posseasion given on the let al A th ___,.. . 9 T. PRICE, IVnonntale and ltro-atl Baker, i on. pal. Two „e,,, - 2 story alttate on Penn et reet,(oppo,ile !%l'lcelv) 'a ni,,,t.,,,,i...11'ezhnne ri',. now,) rarlvrontaittitte four well finished I...Vr!r VV A rlr., V of coor.,,ioon.r nil flrnamental roomq. :Ilthr glory, kitchen cella,, t yr ra 6 ,`• -‘,0;0,, for weddi , .. , r - ~,," 1 Imtti,"s. manor:A(.lll,ml Wllll A hall from the froul door. Rent. 873 per annum. I from the beat mnlerial:, at short moire. 1111 e 16 Fot.r er nifiwahle f1:1111111 iliM,s in M'Cormick's Row, gr 1 EOR G. }.., if /...91".VG. Att, - )rtlev at La vv,OtTiee Penn CI., each lionse croon in; 1,2 int, t nom,, garret and N.:3 1 1 \n.sl rill . , al reel. near Ihe T 'lfni 1,, rot.orgh, tar,le yard, wiiii 1,0,c11,, aml yal de ot front. Rent s 7 -, ~,T 27-1 v per annuity One tirii k linwe cm Ili , . rattier of Factory and Penn tin. ili t. E . 1 1 Elan rr'r• I >ENTIST , (Y've in '''""h eit"atile for Ole rei ail luoitne , .. Rent $lll per :mount. -..--"r field, hritrseir gerund end Third SU? , flours of d one - ..1,a0ry Mack Imo-, ad} iiiiio , ... 'which commit “i. Illt'lio , .s i no, 9 A AI. Oil 4 I'. At . ' 3 ulm with Illeallove) t‘' di he ret.led :separate or teuel her. tie: E. !". era ..n Mein re, P.mMain and Al Mem! teeth. Rent $5O per ;melon. Delo ios con In , . 000 l,,• 4 1 Ire i lie 1011 nr ei 'tele leel 11. Block= Two 3 simy In, irk ~,,,,.....„, ~ ,i i ..0 , , ,,,. odi ,, iniiii2 tire ~, 01 . frelli Will a I , enn!linl run, in fnll cel..r. or parts nal ha,iii. ,31 ti 'Ward i n , -1 s: ,titahle for the Grin e, v and ' r'l .ell , . IA lit 1,.• made In order :V ,lie 010,0 , 1 11011fP, ire picture 1, 11• I !U . ,. RCN 11120 per sums 0. lin ward me nu eY i re impre.Rtnn or I tip 'milli. A ko, T n „ wilt fi„i,h,d .2",•1,,,,k ban ~., ~ ,,,,,,i, i m di .) ' far sale a l'ew inaellmo , tyll n emnr v ,v Iwo!: (Or tr. ntitne .ittiaie on l'ilie: , s reel .each .I)ol.linina r,„tr ,0,„,,,,.,.. and tilliO! niinerni 'cell , .0 mielaii 10 lire Den,fs)_all cellar, A-c., :14(1 kitchen 0.11 lie tin , ' floor. Finial, e for gr., 1" °I" ''' l ll l o w for rule --- der 23. Teel private re-aitence4 Gent 13100 per Ul4lllllll. I -- -_ - Also that well tinklied until ciananitable brick dweillie , : FOR REXT.- -A comfortable new In irK iIL, ell_ Itouse,rituate on O'Hara 0., and now in the occupancy IEI. hotv4r,situste in Coal Lane near 71 h 'greet :t_ e roc tenni , . whie.ll will Inc modernte.apptv to of W, J. Totten, lii.o. Rent $ 1(-10 per annum. Api ly to 1011 N M 'CLO:iii. EV . in 17-1 w J A NI ES 81, AN I:1.V. Three Pig Deaf,: 1,11.erl V 4 To Let,- • xv l'it R. A rATIN, Attnpne y nt. Imrr. rittsinirg.lt,ra. TUE Store WOW ant' dwelling on Market rd. now or. T r Of copied Ly Tilos Campbell 4. co . Apply to ficP. in 411 t steel ,Oppmite Burke' , fitilldinrz. Wrt.t.t.o4 E. - Arlo - or. rto., will give hie attention to tut An 17,1842 3 AMES RLARFA:I I unf-Irl t 0 , 1 . Ph InPitne.P. and 1 recommend him to the patron age of- my friends. WALTER FORWARD. rep 10-1 y --- Film'ly Flour. 100 BA R REI4I Extra Faintly Floor. just received - an d (Grave by . .3. W: SWUM DC; 17 , ti• Co. i - U.3IRER FOR S.,11,1•! —Sophie plank, hoards. Water Strt.et,Oltureen Wood and Smithfield. -KA wen, her hoarding and Seantitrig. Aka). White oak Jan. 16th, 184 " . boards of various lengths and thickness, wheat arms tn , ! steamboat buckcl f*. braces. 4.c., of Various length and Ili 112 WIS. N. 43. *MO. thllll6l.received per steamer NOW , zeS. by whoie•ate Or retail. Apply to V York , and for sate by .1 C.. 11. A. (70RDON. i JAM ES C, eUN. 4 S II ?IL doe 10. No. 1 - 2 water at Dec. 218 1 .1343 203. bk. S 91,5112 Vl , rk o, k, J 11 ES S. CII AFT. Ser'y k 111, of To Le , :Ind air v nt7un nu 3.1 -0 :0 prr-r”, 1 .,!ox1, P G‘77.‘m Th.r.l 4• ir.lllllV Iry rr - ions BIOUIIo3 ul ~tlsP 111,1 (tor ,11. , I , J.VV Valor 1...quv0.!11 ulr INEltr ul I.aihtt4, l'irrntlar,, Bill Howl,. I Carik, Rl:irk Check‘. I Hat Tips' It ttinbs of bull? lieu! SW!, uif4 Lipp , 4 1'1 . .0,1 on the wok.. anal tna. , t rea , onattlelernt. , %Ve • , pe. , fu.ly a.t. ilie pal ronnve of oar friends altgl Ile mann; in general in Ihl. kronen of our iMrii 11 eFF. It! , 1.110211. Sett:.:t9, 17142 I'llll.l,ll'S tS• SMITH. BASH NOI i EXI:II.kNGE. LIST. h h 51 Lank. - 22 117 Rk o 1 Ar~rl4uur~ , ^rand• 49;2 78 Co:titill.Kilik I 3 31 .3. tik Stt.ttellan..:l I n 1 11 , Ili-INworc I.V. 1 • 1 1 1..313 12 , I.k. Ininirc ESI=IIIIIII 131111=11111111111 k I 0:11112111111 =lll 1 1 ,I ‘'l °osier NI 1 ilon :=nrulti , l or M. P I k Neu n, litv 1011, Post nuie , . Chl!licot Fnn. FA C.)11110.0, Illll2= H O.M i!1(111 C; rnn•~clr Com. 6IL Like Erie. Far. Lk: of Uallione ..;11 I , 'liana INDIANA ,iatc liratlrl"•-• 2 tlrrirt. 641 COMM= II hank., 7 , 13. e lik Vrarr w nevi 01. 11, I . II',GINI A. rank 01 Virzinia do V e llpy. I Par. Lk. of V tt CN , 11;11.,:v bunk. Wes!. Link lj 111.. I. AI (IV I, \ ND. r. J I Itaio,, Como r v Rank-, fiEL \ X 111 E. 1M44:, J ER,=l.l ill L'.rit-, par 1 . ,1111 1 ti.lll-, 0 1 V j . ."1 1 R f .d Bark. 10 I Nrry r.twori P. 'cilro 1-1. I: 110. it ..nn f. Nr)nTil I.IP.OLIN SilT'lll C.l 01,1 N 1111.1'11!11 MUM= TENNE, ,, rt 1 NI Punk ‘111111(: d I.v IT ~ t it 11 II I 1N 1111 Mffill=M ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~ .~ \ •••!!'r ti I .1 v.: ' rll SI kV 1:17. pAr lII= ru , ;,..1.111.4 li ,0 e l Olit 41 I~~il I'. illrSr I• o L ol ,rll. Irtl. kill dr A sI ranomy, rmbractitg il. Mt.. ,•41 E.] ~ a 111 :11., o Il.r ,tltilltet llr Wt. y Pelect. nirelM to FOIVILTO PrOif t .Otr Slt pOBERT PORTER, Attorney-at Lars.-01Tsr on IIW corner of , Prirt nod ser. 10 REAM.: WASIII.NG -7 1 0 :C., ATTORNY:Y —Of in Rent,' Yft•li!ding. Fnnithslmet. Nov. 5. 1342.4„ T T. STEW:3IT, UplinlAerer and roper flan zPr. •IP . No. 49, twlwren Rood and S nlllllllO.l II tisk and Straw Mat I rn=es al ..eays on band All ord , n , executed with neatness and de , palch, on a cram tun• c, n 20 1 ANTEI) 9()008r.r." , 71ELS OF El-1X SEED for 'itch the Itit:lte•t prier In rott•th will he giver J DIcKF,V Nfrehani , s Line corner of I.iterty and Warn lr Pl'l A . jorrTsm. , nr,i sr: ND r: EPEE; Exc. BEI AUV of a!,Polieical.and iS• :1 l lnuron4 Worki=. will he open ev day. Cfl dalh en. cep' - roil) 7 n'elock, A. on' il 9. I. Nl., in the En rh:ln2e Bolldinil, of RI ,Clair slreel and Exeliaiige alley. MS nere punct n3l rifienclance he 2iwtn ha en 10 1. C P.llltl 11, PIZEINGTON'S Unrivalled Blackima. at • i:F Acl I: It and polil wh010 , 31 , . ;110 rriao 171 Sivri. : 7 4 rIZ EK role door bplow ^0 21—iv. pi N nivrG IN ili•—The Itas . ht+t I 0•r..1 viii nn :o,oriment of 110ok and News P111';TI INK, from the old establisher manufactory of Chrt•le. Jolrr ;I , rmeth . John-no d• iTorani) of Philndplph whi,h he warrant= to he of the tir•t on:Oily, pot op In km, of fr..m 10 , n 15 111 , .. to soli porrhm:ets. HM in In , r•on , anily cupnli , 4l. and all on!, nrYninnnnincl by rn.h: Will Ile pilnetnnny nnenllnd. JrIIIN 3,1 that wnct n %laj kin I w ANI r,,, 1 i in, 1,,v Ar: ii k rti,_ .M.r.ufner , neer, rf Halt e,IP paper, No. IR, (f'ord Street, Pittsburgh, Pe,— DIVIDE-NI). - have ,lwr iv , on h*, / { nil extrntive novorttnent of Merin i ~t, F. OF TIIV. A 1.t.F.11 , VV TIF I P,lt: Co C I IIII/2 04 and ronin f'l PER 11 INriINCR, Velvet and Den,..nit,er ,3IFI. P:42. 1 Imitation limiter.. of the lit'evt ~ tyle and ItandeOne! Tl".rniThl""*". As" .11.1-VA" I:I" of 1 he I pattern!, for papering hallo. relriOrn and rti/IITIIITF?. ••Cump.itty for erectit,2 a BritLe over the A Ile2he- : They ittlitoth , einre and Itave or hand at nil 'IMP,— tiv flier r, 0 pro,, 1 . 1 , 10.vir-zlt in the r nlllll 0 of A I Irezhe_ . Prllil inl. Writintr. Letter, 11' rennin! , and Ten raper,llon , fir... h.,l' 1,1. , fir/ v flrc!o eft a clivhipml of ..1‘ 0, r i en, nn : net and rime,' ntrl. /IC-111 of which they ofTer Ate rile ~,„.,,,,,,,,,, ~1 0, ~ 0 , ~,,, Paid ~,,,,,,,,,,,,.. Gil o f th e won ,„, 'on the moat neennin,ndattnr! term.; and to which they .. i tl.e I:10 'ic Irnioli..xvlrirh ii ill le , pall le !lie Srnrk. I il.Vo , •lllontionl , nn ni meret,ntit: and other=. I, I'd,. ~, ,: e , r le, ii rrprternllllll , '"• "" or after :l ie j A 1,90 fllnnk hook= ornil kind. and the hest littallic, ii,l, prn[4ll.ol jo i,N II \ft pi: r . 1 School Ranks, etc :IIIVIty! , on hand and tor tole as above Jiiii .;—itic ivrlt 'Urea , . rr I N. P. firt7.l nil Tar 'tore' Serape taken In evehaner. Ivf I. 1.1.11: V/. n i:R. A itornev :ii 1,q,, Offiro in 1 dihrSTERS. SfIRDI.VES 4- r• . ; served lin iiiihr i n .,4 It:ikon...ll' , Ilnildine., ,, , -4'nrlY oppo#,,e Ito' New 4 N." •tv le ol :1. iletrtiEn's, No 9 rin II vteert. Snit:C.le (•••••rl firm... np atrif.l et re, ~ r , ~,,_ , apart ,l,•10: fire anproprislled in 2,lll'r:tile!' AcrnmprtniPol filt - IV - 11 : 111.11 , iv ,1 1 It „„, Harmony I,i hair 1 , : : "." ;::" "" l''''' of ril/4'' 314 (.°nre ' timia ' y f " _FLAP barters Burke:heat Flintr,sithalde for f.linlliee, 1,, r , II: ' " ''''''"lg.', etc , for sale by I, V 14—tf air , I cy Is I,l'' (7111 . : 4 11. ) 0 . ' 111 I,iriN 1 ,, ~,„,,,, 1 . .,T,1 v Pleura -over kir 1r11 , 1 ,, 1,. Bakt.r., WN,!,irzion Printins (1 % 6 r E Ire- jq.al 1.111:11 orlwr 1..70111 , 0P nril4 tpa, Inn numerous in "ri 01111, mention Thn •!Pl , ll'n/...znlrt a'l of 1. , •• &. .(11, W.lffat'eii n2: 5 7 , 1 TrT77,l-7'S .MPT)/C-IL F.VC Y. lg .10- dt r F. f: .c l O \ Twe MI Smithfield ,4treel `Fen 10 1'.... t: ... 1',.., , • _ „_ _ ______ r i ll \I; 'll fI)Z aNI. r..--T1 r. .. 'III'. . ~ e,!"( ,• r . for ?•. le .!., l , •, l'err... 1'.,..T'...in. rill Irk ..:1 , 111, ly; , .z, in no., r0n”..• , ..., 4,', 1ii; 14^,. . from 11,e Ilia ' '''''', Cif VOr l'Al.,:•111 - :',,, r onta'...nz 11.1 rt....... oft ...d of ,chit , 1: .(I'. , 1:or. , of". ' i ,-) are I: Icl rrd and ...0e- f'.....re. from 15 ',, :0 j''''''' of izt,,; , ,..• , c , .. t , age. , „,,,„,i,,,,, 2 .21- 0 4 Orr'..artlo. of Apple:. a rr,v r....,, ',l a rat 51i1..1 . V. ( ..ar , rut, I cl,rrry rrtn , "..—. In. improveneents or" a large r , .nn''' aortae ('au itl,“s,', "ZipitiaCil, I I ~,,t .l iwipz lflrn,ma., well fur01 , 1,,,1, .•:Octi 1 ;i 1 r11 for aTH Ilk 1 n, ' v•-rn r. Pr.v• , " I ,, n!lir.Z. a frame l'aro 2:', I , v t - ,11,5 , 0 , r l',, tc i (7.e•.. .41 / ...... i , • t,,,,,,,.... i i. and r....i.1in!, , Iredi 4 rat other 6.11 110nr09....i. C. .....1...r, I'd. - 4 ...','. 3..1” 01/ 3 , ,- " , riswil , -2. , 20041 r.",.1.•—: ' , Ai rr. - ...n.Te.1 %v.... • .‘l. ,4. .Arri (••.! .1.• ria'i !R. .. ..., • • ''. . curva. 1 , 11...ii. , .= :1”.1 3 troll of ~.,•i!r ,1 w.oor, v. 11.1) a r.,“op in I I tiro 1,' , 1.1 ~ n ar In r.• -I , inn ....!...1`.....;....r....1. ~...::: -ills '‘l ~:(", ::, . 5.,. , ~.. , ,f , . or ~,. sw , „,„.,,, .„ ~ ,-,.,„, , ,•,:.:.,:..,..‘,::;- ~ r i a , , , , ,5, r , ~,- i, , , , :i n ,: ~ , , , ,, ,1 , , ..1n . i 0 , , , ,, - i= ,1,( 1 a l - o , j. ,' ~ ,...: i: : ~nor r: 11 1 :, :, , r7l l ,::,.: ,r -, "-• • ('.,r,4•,.....r flf..r.lntrel...l.r , lor - Jrnr will I, ..•.4.1. , ::..1-fnrnip. Ira k%' A t N l ' l '"'• Ni,lllri.lTV, '11'14.11, TM, 4'l, al:I! •,11, _wilt rer:f . i ,. . , l :140 i'..,"01" nn. f' I.• ••`.lr,VriEN. MEE how lo 10,1111 itll pri-11110 '() Lel• .•raat,', In 11telateFt twrinde of axl.rtm.ra, man rmiirnl, tititt „ tt t tt , t „ % , ltra now t . not di-to - Avery et . the e sitot . itt it it , ut , pre t , lftilittti. 3 mire tinettite romps-•, ~,„ ‘0 , :„.1 „, ,i In 0. 0 el:thie I,,ltrtUttnt-I. and in pn-n.r.r.nnnrl nt ii , iir - nnc r Lt tard tow to „toot , „tow ,. tyt,t,tt t‘tt "dor lhr it er , titlritratertar I'mnor the teeth, ,11141,•, of Irwin'r at decay, I lir pnnoltrll, 'Io i.l ji arid, from its than. a large lot atia-l„ •rn fl,rerti r..L'i.l";'")l'rni(!--''P°FsP"`"3l"" front li 1 , 1 1 1 1 I An an Rht; Seam/ grip. ; the 1%. , 1nn! ,,,, h0tre in iln trait: pnwrfP: Setirvey frnni a For" Relit. bandit' tiptlon and ntrerrio the d I 111,1.711tOnri tuRr :IT 101,er jIltNIIi'71111" rvirirmre of • wni• (II v, 4t,te 1,1.1 CX 'wined all It..i In nit the 1, tlav of April 11.-,1 .tovet7ll (6 . 141 ,, hef.t ' or ;‘ , 14 'cit . 3 , Ir3v, nn G. tz. Will H' u-r-nntitirlyiiog it rx;Pliel" lvaso' 1 "r P. 1,1.4.3 lbw (Inn,9 etc. Xlll 71t. nhove •. 1 1O II clv a ed. Q7 . r) , , - ., fro he ntalnle orthe three sorry Tono, m in and become ni•mmintril wb It I he Im2redlentn Of liP comor, n id of li.•• Mirk brown borne, with a $4 l, r ion. I clieerfoliV 'Any. 1 roil4itirt one cif fly, si+re-t, In Ili , : forelmml, ;Mom Ili ha ye . , en .1:1.1i:in or th e now „e. In (trail, no .Imen on In n•v in twit Ind „ 0 ,.. 10„...,/, set,. 15,1842 DAVID MINT, reel n +Car nn the loft j ni bet ttiark, , I lake plea,nre io clatine. having mode of•iThorn's r,roibnm.,l I Ten Perry Tooth Wn..11 : " : it in one of I Ine he+l don Th r a oee rewnril will be for the bor. , trifiren in i.e. ' l form. it cninh'ne.:.• neat- Ihrel On (Ivo Sirs filler dot r, ni • • " f ' " ".e neon wit h convenience. %V riteabcen Ihr minniel bin. or in .10Iin !II Pawl`, . 'irons anti removes the tarter from the teeth. i 4•••: twin . ll Mr' Ve'd ., le citcp,lf•ft hal 11111 , 1" W;14 1 :114., III:If direction tt cr„,ane, Pnrnlinrly,i,i,,-le. j. TirinrerTs. Jortr,lll si• yr' NerrnN. The onder‘inmeil [nave writo•ti's (" i bmmeind 'Fen Perry Tomb Naafi," and hove found it to bean et. retne 1 Y denilrriee, everrisin2 it moat pa'nt'ry multi core fiver lb, ere.ervinc nensnble membern nom premnltire dery v. prevent me Ibe nrcumnlnt iori of Taritir.lllo 1 , 11rIf 0,, !: the Prentb. Ins teoed ila el, we take ntemm re hi ro A LLE4IIII.:NY C niNTV, 5S qv. Oroll.to'.: Cowl or :,lid Collols. "-ot, ni I,lr , 11116,1 , 1r:0m. arcrmio trA of E. I:4o.T.Sitry , tog allitroiArdior of Jo• seph Ind now y 1`,1.11 11,, ti»non . hauled ac , 011111 rel . , red In autlilot ot In adJU.t and disirOmin lie Von BONirtorst. anti r,nm. R01•b, U.eq.n :minors. Ity Ihe Court THONIA:' , FA RLE:Ir, 'l•br Auditor, above named rvlll inert at tile off., or l;,•0. r. llnmiltun, Egli. on 1111 =l. I'lttrl,urtu, ou _.(bb flay of February 1}313, aI 3 WI:lock P. ftl., for the i pni po- , : of tlicir appointment. CHS. VON BON HORST. A T. F.11:31 FO R Si] I, F. t a. LI. err, of Land nt M idiot tOWlllthin. nrar 1. 0 1,1n(11.. I'lurn h, and near thr MetCeesnort and %VNdtinetnn rnad There 1- annul .40-acce, cleared, a new stone bons and a trej narn, o pelid a fforlil yotroti orchard on it end to in excellent order. There in an abundance of coal and liturgic)... on it. Il lien about R miles from Pot; burgh, and wig hr Qnl,l Cu,; arronurnildriting term , . En . quire:lt Hartle' Intellii2onie (Ace, No 9,511 t , itrect, or of the StiltSCrlher on the preniipe. jail 1S JI - 8 ,1 1 . 1P11 NGSTi I,DIFS Ikea . ..1141$e , U.l 1111 W dr , :1,, /I, with all kinds of over ntineir, nn walk thromill the is'el street= with thin yhOYn. said have their feel kepi perfect ly dry: ran wear th'ilit rhoec in.illtnnl havimit their int.''. pain them: and rail have their klinr e n, noire as ever, , if hey will Ilse I 1v cerebrated nit filch is 11l make leather watt , moot'. and reorter it a: pliable and soft an kid arts ile acre .earth their lit-hire. and one which they will lily ?non on they try it. Tn he had only at TI'TTLE'S Knlr It. anti,' s. If, ['north street jan 9 r ripe, IS I per hnt 'r ("ST receirpd, a Vt'ry prim•' arts tr r IN. O. S11.4:11' al I'or salc by the Larr , 1 o less (pant y \ AC CflrSr.T,ihrov t. I . Imitt:a-ry 11110(111 Iti , ir Wends 4. , 11 the public that They have commenced manufactu ring Hai., and t hr.t they have. now ready for sale, at their Score, 148 Liberty street, between Market and 6th street, an aysnriment of the very best Hata, which are anxious to dispose of on the cheapest and inns', reason., ahle , erms. Their etoek consist of the owl- hc..t kinds, viz:—Berver. Otter. Neill Ha, Clients. short Nal ped Rus sia. Far and Sin: Hale. W. 4. I. Duller! y are hot h'recttlar Ned !latter., they have had extensive . experienre as Journeymen In thetteia estatdlebmente In the eat:Miry; their Hsils are all Eat up ander thelr own InapectiOn, and they avian?* The Pala* that within! Wit tne very heel ertteles on - the most ren 'enable terms will be offered far sale. any 10 ort '- 32 ~4 _ 1, I'll , " o f ;11, 1-t of O. t,,1••, ov X - will he it ',tit,: I , l' 1(1 rd‘a Ttwv nre MV k Th.. reol sl.ll I.•• 1 ° 1)1 II --.4 fweriltrahlr -•rh. 1,• n n0,• ne ill • 1 , NI I• j, In h N1nr1,...1 11()Iii1111 IVOOIIB., rtrirly;_ • WALT. I'IaIZILS• rrn ,ttlwr..llwrlk ?ewunelfullv t ' nentinn °l* their friend , Wort tea ouhllr ?ever:ilk their sent a'.'Otirnnfil ivf tl. vsnialiV irtr.w and extenvive variety of 1.:::•c, its of .• r11:t, deEcriptiofin, which 4tr• o n 1w:1,er:1108. 4 % , ill be ;hued to be of surwriorrulaiii y nod fini<ii„ Llngriared ,Wall l'opero, or al'. deFcripl•olir, fur pa,tering "t rooms and rid tieg,ut - 25 cent. , per piece. ohr:erf /Va// Papers. oral and hand-once patterns, far ~: , p er, ,,,zirnoin.r ;lad vnt.nie .;a 371 Amer i ca wan paper. 'heir own manufacture, for h n iic: „Fresco and other .0 m ifs for parlors Bud e immi,erv, !ion' c.utin aluxed grouride, mot I. yet, .1)erell.1011"1 and Vetoer. ',antra +. iu pi n t o and r in;, out,. v,,nold and silver paper. Verne' and Itnitatiort J orders. I.andneapr Paper(', in 'tit.. for paperiog licuel4, and dialog roonia, at reditred priree. Fire Board B;aistes, Ornaments, ke. figured, of dilTertai If ;talon'. Elind Paper. tore. NVe..eern tw , reltanf 2 and °therm P,V rPsperifailv 0 rah and rttatninellte;r ginek and p'lrr'• w Ia .1 a cli,rnnnt Mr (11qh, rtann Inez etv , erience in 111,. 'Cry are ai•ln I, nainnfartnre eaper-t in a cnnerfar manner, and as I hey are determined In Leal tin .he characier Illaeir paper hava nulf,rnily s.al.dattled, they llnfte 10 coarin:le In rn. mice Ihe ennourng , eltrni hii Iwo In Arl liberal! exlen. 4 ed. TIOLIVS.IIII` Ilir)VV NE. Markel al sari. Inlyrern 3.1 and4?lr Pii I -lin, 21t. Sip , . 19, 1042 dn ‘,ll 1 - 011 N MITT 1:1: ‘Vrill TIT. Auctioneer ani Cu r aion I.oeignille. KY., %vill attend to 1 11. ~;de of Real F.-owe, Dry Cootltt,,Gtoreri , s. Vomit ore. (-ft , . I &•,• neetitar palrta r yr. y Ttletaitty. Thursday, and Fri day morttln.:g. at 10 o'clork A. M. Ca oh at: ya toaattpatltt tat II) Ml= FIZES4I ARRIV 11. S! I'll F: ha , tH 4141• rerelvorl from Now VOrk. 1 rt . r .11 ..nnrk. of f Nrrc , and Rollo Liniment, lonian m ime for Trlv9tinn ,i...,. and I,irnh , --ro.n Sahr , le, for rnmnlnfr•la and nnrinn T•on 7 7 " A T.r.— r T,O l, 111 11 nnc lip4lPr, o r ndirn inn .snotflttoti hoi , from fninn fir,,,r broad nnq n•nvronrl fnretotd. ,1.11 foorTh A , l , `. 01 . 1.11'Idi 4111 Itahrlf • lV LEM& t6r slio.hnrrt heard of roan. or any Idnel or ,I r prfionn. 4L az. 52 ! 5:3 : 54,151,152 and 134, i n -t, t oky, tdeja 'mfr. PrirP . 1 11 opr of r,. ~„ r l rti 1 , 4 0 4 11 4 ISO, T. 01? not 26 and , 27. fie Trnn n P. 1•111. iM"'S TY3n•nridll,: , 011 1/1:111.1r•pi n..nr ihe new om i t . orrivlrn.l. , nlllnroo , ll l l.• rstorrnlnntrn.llllo.N. TlOn•n !'or Inrnis appl) 10 7.. W. R rreek PI Millr. ` , ll, re. filfl,llYF, and fl I! rntunroirc r u;A Prall7.in± dolira.n rierk am! rn , 4. a hrnithv ilvvrnitr• blnnm, rort.rr of A'lcy• 1.1‘.1'1:1;NCEMITIlIELI h . 11, it 11:e 1,1 111.• f:..rio,ry of Or It thr rernmuttildntionm to ilir nt , ocr ari lh fol ron,inoodiott it in i ;Inhrir.beliretn , 2 ie. to he !till. c.f . I hr kind rwty in ncr. .if R,PRVItTs( , ..v. .7.4.11FS A'. 1.1 I 7 CHAS 1: SCCLI.r. C rviRRA ow, rr.ir .7 )11 Nt7ORF:r".4I). .L.gs S CRA FT. If L REVOICAL7', 7. S Pri pared only hy WILf.II NI TH l lfi N, .Apothccary nod Nn Mnri: PIITO, Pillyttiir7h; Ctn. ante nt I lir principal DruTgi.ts',nnd Tuttle. Azpncy, Fnnrlh ctrpm. A FEW monv, STILT flux jw•cc. -sKEI.. lie 111 211170. 11, 11.1 II:111f1 ihr sY , eidendlti rt..iortioto of I'lo * .inint , ever toferroi We,. My :lock I, Lit , anti 1:n$1 do:rowed in lOW• I ponriole orOe MV work 'ot heavv, and a= the vea , tort is :olvanni Ili!, 1 will :oil at lOW•f prirea than I n.k only lire pleasnre of p call, feetinz ronfidenl lhal a look enniniton. iieivnce of Onont•rfeltio. ft emember RIG 1)0( ) RS. and the'v SION IN 771 E t' A: . nov 23.181 P.I'FFII. O R()IIII:g. REAR slifNA I'RS yrs,' receiveri.3.ll(lo So:tavolalila flolfittln Rob, of if' .1 li rani ottani lea (mut Extra No 1 10 $. A Int f R•til mod olt I 1000 No. I and 2 41104r:11 Skin.. lot o(niter and Ilarronti skin!. :1 I 1 whirl) are ntrerritat reditrati fn rail or al. ' , roved omits., Apply to A. BIF,P,I,FIN. at il)• A InPrtrori Fitt Co. A lonry, f/rt 12 -3m Corirr rof Front all • •p..... 2.1 • SPEYTEIt CLOTHS:, RP .\V ER AID PILOT CLOT!! CO TS, &c. V. rtelit fly', To Mar, No. 49, Liberty' St. II 2nd Door above Fir' Iley Er %.5 completed :I 2nanraln , ..orttp, , inter Cloth- UK in,l. ran.i tinc in part ~ I . d•iiill:iii 4 J plain heaver rloth frock tad rwarcont-: heavy foNia ,;001 common 0104 din It velvet t r Inn lOPILItiIi plain; every tie•ertpt inn of el frog and fillet; ninth coat', Ct.hlemthle color: and (rfsol Cloth= pinta and fn nc t i naFlarii arintr, riot a and , al loot do. of eanolior 111,3111 x, every d.vrintinn of VPS r. enit.thlt for the season, and w ill t e .old low for rash, I'Prriona wirh. int! t i Once ftlithionaltle r nrmrros made of t he Hass irioir;ii. at wilt fi nd them at this eittaldiahment. Makin.: wagons led etrint many In the e:ty. A (oil stocks"( goods tot eh hied to mike.to order. . . Wm.. poraghy oat! Thump parecanre are let thiP Ateliitthetptvi 911 a 0114 be-stitch 'hewed to hareselit I free, their PP veral friends. Good fitsinsvred or no sale. ritteborgls, Dee. 1, 1842. tr .1111111M 1116 1843.. •!„ • `.4 e geed front West Brikalli Pussage a ,,d Remitter.- .f r, .1a al . Tun pio..terb... - r' 113° ." 7-P(' - nrf4161. ,:: i " t i ell ti e tt ni olev " • ihr.r . • for evteittlifirb, tor bon,„7,a Xn, rano. en, red mat.-Rio ro te, 00 . -^" the • 7 • olio are wet, A.Of , 0611 r :1 or! speri« nitre 11111.1)1. ton ." a li'v lc ii.v niii f trade. 1.1 periveifitr." t o • or ihr earl of Vow York, if 1. I T r a•• '‘eir :fiat. II". nrvionmi.enin are inait/t. " a nd •••• ( 7 . ,,,„` 711 d from 11, fart ve.rcrt) in nritil Mn PverY ,viarot Thor no onarintersnary delay RassillySeri calisk A 1 •er vanisher,. per ntinarntioat fen , ln lirnlnitd seri S,iiritia Moee writed for ibis-. rfonry i=alwnrn refnitind to thy` larlIPP nni - n i nenill *au Or'elven'f, 4041'1019R. Mt' c.f.-7150M re. owe ; , Oil iiisiiilitl4hed . Offier,273'.ritarl sr, GRTMIiiffA {V Cloriin Piazzas'. tiv;irllooli- Di :if,. a777 4 ...7i al Pl7lif. and for any anniiiiilr tori. 7-7,31 or. R.l.'. (:turn Co , Ilankeinn. „Lin— don, Cr! l'o.. Liverpool; the Nniirtrutl Rook r" . Nrdirplai Bank of irilarid: and Northers 4 11,174.in7i to. A 7 7,7 is In PRTER RATTICAN. ritailia n, al real . . near 17, e Coartil si rent road. opposite: , the IVehill Church. ri*e a Sin. MFINV A , '1 l' n. I >A:VI .Ife .41 P:.91, ()trier nn Filth strcre jP15,1 Vernt S.'u”.l nue t Are 10-1 . Iv3l. .t.. 4 e. or rifh /0.171 'IP hoof Maker.lillirrty Ft.. 24 doer &Oar . - 2 i n A lim v. Tlw nitliiirribry .I.ortnreliolly iC that roninirnrrri thr•ahnve bili4intion In the F;11 , 11 foripicriv orristiled by Mr. lienry hiTinsigry, and that hr I. nnui prrpnreti tryriltrnii In nit errloiry in hi , / I ihr oI I usinr.. with ilir•pntrh nnti Oh.? lin moat rearone,lo. , tme. From•ai.: I°,lE! rxiirrietire- lit I lir tnn nii ?lithium of hr mine - ern ihnl all aptirteli .Item will a Vf• inoirrneilnn in hl afm , troll , . A iihnre col public riatronnr,r bt•rearactrall7 ott. PeP DENNI'.\"G'S .PERF: PROOF 11%011 TITTSBURCTI, (ICT. 220842. I T . v , —nn'Pridn V. the 30; h liwt mor4h, ohms. 9 n'Hork ai niThr.tho rtatilrie.T4r4lovioff Pa;rti. libra• u Nero rv. owned hr Ca v. Dilworth A. hit little quart VOr dl-I,l,:QPit 11111111111ire56PWRIMberiW(154111XIMIL. mrd by Orr. Rhr.• whii'll or vmi I.l l lll P l7ll .l l ltelk ?he , lnosi rxpri,erl .11 wit ion dm ire )110 tire. sea lA/tlO O.IIII I PIV red hot —I a nt 1,4.7'<, dto inform you It wow ' wnrnnd nt ?hp elrice of Ille . nre.n nit oil propepp, iy the 1,:r1 recotrintroifitlionl enri . owit Ikr wilily of yew gifer i 41 , 12 : N I: P.ll ff;" 4 ....• ,v l i *, !XVI • V', ,c4 , 4,102•: . 14 +l4, ..t•i'' 4 7 4 • • ~.: r ':' ' ' 1 •0 i' .. 4 ....5 .f Oa • 1 'i •.-- ' 4 . , t '----, ' ' ' . . , . r 'll ; I ..Vr: C TUB E,I) :.1 11 111.. LE)" . Atie SOOO, Na. t,y :44,0,d rei cr., Wood tioit9ed l ol# 11, :41 I n--orlottill Or FiirollOrltbley.t. li;,,at rriturrd prl., 1.1 raal I, super..'lly I Ilu m• Itetklesitl.-VArrl4trr,6lllll. "Irro - i:„ :red IrRAI ill VIIIII*II , IO Irikittl! rimer, I/trollied Ito otnyyrrifter~4ll9l rr-e--Irrrd I. all -11 , II rf. errtterp,ll 'trek vrkirn.einidilleit io !heir ir, rirr ' - erlorrlel I.e remeMitrOffltliPlK: /51' • •' . . :.'0. ri l ir Iv: r 2r , "' artery , Of: bYtheelv • i• • .o. ler Count le..Dis , l rieta, or Stn hit for fnierhir Jon N yowt,En, Palower , . . , , ..,• , .i,,,... 2 „, , ,t d or p r • Ifv I i:;,1 t, 6. 1 gll'. o 1 - ;111110111- "11 111. nhfre..e . .P..0%.1.:111 F:1.1P1,ti.V,.;t11.1 ItitNl. no kir - ii . I .pi noon t,,2 thf 0.1.. he., 1t.1,V i1,..b..4,......rn11ii n 111. .110 11 , rcpre . -..,41...111 1.. 11111 obi,Ve afkrtptifkitit nt: ,. .. WO. ('.." ''"' I r • • j ~ Ti. C oßati, - ' ...I._ lN" ry 1)1.n V I I:111.03 1 1 1.111,,1A Cm. V.4111.1' Cti., , ;,! t uetllS, FOl'Vrardin e , r 11;1 tlt; :,( vre M. They re+prbri I -1110421,nt0 Pittsburgh Lard Oil rilatutthictellrs. . .., . . ~,-,--__, _ • ...4 , „--,.... _r_ ,1. S N , .._."5. , ...• .igoza; - 1... _ , ~..1 11t...-.._,..._,.-. f -- "' j -- • _ .• , N..- , : . - - .'.:. : ge -- -- .t•-•,-,--vs..- - , vii F..11(1 n xnprrior arl ef k_.! OP mirra ., ted I o burn WI - at v In lIIe in..t 11.11,1 pr 51r:tined FllO rilt Oil, 114 ofr,,,vp ,Inn'tttra, 1111.1 one third r Lheaporl artti rod I.y ILr qui •tli•er at the Old ,lawf, Third' ati« , nrnri V nnon.an. , Il r lath fiffica• N. C. EDITY. int .IAII 13.1 G.lll .S 7 19.11? G.ll NS! • I ,v rIVE: nn t , h rr.rl ro , nrl, In lltr, rllc of: PA i!r Thrnn of Onlnn , n .:4 an (lino r , ra , rutared -)'n .K; ,0 $ he. 1,01.1k 1 /., Tt rI %%411 tic{ -1.11Ar..11.1). In.ll r it , cl,n-e.. , . Tor Initter pitritcOkrgy,- ,I.lni•, nn 1 1 P prrtri ,, P of J a., 7 1^43— , 1'1 PI optie!str%,.„., PI"rTSI3ITLW 11 LARD OIL ATANLV-- rivlEnttittrttlier would retineet rutty inform 'the titreinnn ,'f P iitslmroi. A ileLillittly and Uteir vitioti isien i theit be los mobil Cent uring ibe a oink.' of and fie i it•nd , k iot.l tit ohr giu N lityobilkienien wII trinaltbnbrsi mittin'itt t Caine ,111 not serpassed Iv he heel w o tt,etl -iierionif either far machinery i.r 6 nfnin!, wit boat iin ntTennlive o t w rtiPP, and one. third rile:lller. .911()Y.F: riAßLtrivoing#l6. Bt; RN IN .9.Vi TEJIIPERATI7ItE.'. 'Vtie brr wi,tnet, to irnivre-is dnoineily on the in no! iiitt('ll'AT V 111 Tlllrr lia-enny new fttneted knpltbat- 4 are really then. a 5 let v g 1141,14410 to bird oil in. Triton , : winliinitt Miro unit brittiongitilii van obtain it by cabin.: 21 the 0111 011/114.3E) oppoaile !lie Vogt_ °dire. or.•e: Etr,o": •I•hr ollrnlmil of ll'linfeaale draterx. ettUrent9lo4 l StliCr ' chitrip.s rurit , rictffly N. B MORIP: l'iti)OFF. Of the Efficacy of Dr. STrupne. , ' Comfionntif Sqrippri. 01 PCII7IIIS Viroiniona or Wild Cherry, " - 113.VE oF I) vijiolGxEl , OVER TO ILK . F...4r4, r, sli I,F. , zs TYR 17'Y ea. At L win') wrl4erlegit,T pal, :m i l .zhiT,lty °hien; ranted by spitting, Wood a nd.4 Arri . , violovt ronsh, with turn( sweali,, a .hOArItnISFSF..IIIiI:IIS,7 ,-;;;;,1 of rho ~ire. indlelftn7 an 1 F.II ming 31;ifi , 9611.i. , ... ~C. 1.: ow rle72yman Wa4 Main with roe, And etaiesi s t,lint :.. i 113.1 bill a rosy dar, To live; eiyeimer wk.l3-wilnessed...inXt, ;•oodit ion, and ;eh< iny alixitais 4 arrt4y , r. mare „itirini r .,,- i whore ~.!.,. Is nuld.er likely in procure the runs( rerialo" . rof,p,sho was 1041 if' H". SWATIVeS rev rer N 0 e lm rylsr ., , IV; ris Calmer failed in the vire. my life was then Itotc, ~,. I, fir, ,A,,,a;46.`s enwoontolE rup of WWI Chev,r, r , ~,., th,,, I,,c.red, ant: the Pro I niOr save relleAßM, by the time I had ounsnenced owl he elf It :,iii h.", ;fly cotl i el, : 11:••41 loft no :Aid INV 63tenita' , u iee,l, ie.proyed, I h at .. 1.,„: was able to ;Ake rho f eii , ;or. ncir in a Olnrl lilo. I I' r;.. - ll , tly rsrovered ply l'orss•f SWAISI , Fee i rnrrontnetess:, 'of Ilre ;;;;In.• of the above statement yea can rail los lit, • , • 4 shiet who livenitt innipin I , t , ePi f OUP ' o oolr 1.1001/ lillnir , iirre+. rbilv;lClplitA :'/Z• ,, A1.1.40. - Itlnitirsnlkatleiask...4. Caurien.--A4l pstuara 1 lees Finn 11it,.: asilashis. Timor .., .evo.ro inr akinve are Gail iglu u tut eissieleafeih • n.:.••:: , •. - ... < , '• • ' , For sp , e at the Dtng Stott of.liVio. TnolidlafilOird • liairkol - sl.frietrhurLrh - -.. .'-:;!" 'AI: .f••.! :r: i I int. SWAYAZ'S Office, Net. !VI North Surto torero. osok door below Arch west side.rhiladis. dec 21`--.110 C IT Es.rs 'MoItAF SCOTT it's a' Icc vt• M ED:4-11C4D =MEM . LON I, R., 'Coi;xlok),,,;, _~ _. =-~=__ =_ FACTORY All Ili. , h:irt, vs ill I , ecir the Imutnufarilirtilif '- Jon 2:- -.-.-- f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers