Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 20, 1843, Image 2

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'Cif the right Of each elate to punish a for• otisnistatou44 animate the Jstnfen w ti4;:fag.
elect murderer, who in time of pea-e, gerhi4etnii'is 'feoescrigliiiiiA ',..,"' Oend
4sills an Ateerican citizen upon its own seil, his aotitinfiy, that the arrOliattiaarir .. rit: Militia
. .. : e ..
elthough an American Secretary of State man would feel!
taa basely surrendered it upon a threat , :I,et us then pass ae effteient militia lew,
•Aftev three days deliberation. His master- nerd the Volunteer bill which is now I e fore
Ae, x ,pseations of our unquestionble ti- us. Let us hold out suffieient induce
' ;le
. to the North Eastern boutelainy line, ; meets to our cia Zeus to turn out volute
were upheld by the decisions of Congress, .teers. Let their patriotism be stimulated
„eertel e he cleaeryes high honor for his oppo- ay seltainterest, and I have no doubt That
vision. to . a treaty, which gave a laree iti the day o f t r i a l there w ill b e arm i es of
witiAn of American territory to a foreign ' freemen in the field of sufficiently large
•rovernment.. . for our protection. Your state will then
The following sketch, coming from those be defended at a trifling comparat;ve ex -
• whe . knOw him best, and have known him pens.e, the liberties of he people will be
longest;' well 5-rves to place before the preserved, arid their willingness to bear
people of the country, a brief memoir infinew burdens will be 'continued.'
it statesman, who is treasured in their ar- . In October. 1815, Mr. Buchanan was
A-lent affections; and who is now presented , again elected to the Legislature. It was
..orthsviandidate of democratic Pennsylva- during this session that Mr. Buchanan he
sitant for - the Presidency. I came impressed with the danger, the in
in --e-Mr. Bacaortres first appearance in pub-lexpediency, and the unconstitutionalty of
4ieeirivas in 1814, a short time after the ' a U. S. Bank—an opini in to wh;ch he has
qaptur of W ashington by the British, That ; adhered ever since, and in the Infence of
high-handed and daring proceeding lighted whicn he has rendered such lasting servi•
apt Raffle of patriotism which prevaded ', ces to his country in the Legislative Halls.
thowholis country. A public meeting was n Alter this session, Mr. Buchanan ap•
called in Lancaster for the purpose of : plied himself to his profession. in which
adesptiug measures to obtain volunteers to • he won so many proud he nors and divine
almitsh; for the defence of Baltimore. On ' thins.
' , abet Occatbion Mr. Brcit ANAINT addresssed In October, 1820, he was elected to-Con
•lntioflrlhiw-citszenreln a speech of great,spir- gress from the countie-r el' Lencaster,Dau
-intiir femur of a vigorous prosecution of the ' phitt and Lebarson. Ile was afterwards
•Wirea which he followed up by r egistering re-elected four time to C ingress in the
'li name at a volunteer among a company new district composed of the counties of
! ember young and rill ec hearts. A , Lancaster, Chester and Delaware. He
wornpany of Dragoons was formed upon the was a member of the House of Represen ,
ape yofwhich the late Judge, Henry Ship- ' natives io Cangress, during the 17th, 18th,
Oen, was elected the Captain. They 191.11. 20th and 21st Coneresses —embra
altaached to Baltimor, and served under the cite; the last four veers if Mr. Monroe, the
• command of Maj. Charles Sterret Ridgely lour years of Mr. Antenna and the
ontil - they were honorably discharged. , first years of (3-en. Jackson. In October,
This-early stand of Mr. BUCIIKNAN ilt , 1528, he declined a re-election to Con•
• firiSmirof the late wet, will serve to show : gress.
eslhathis feelings at that day were, at a time , Mr. Buchenan was the decided friend
elettett 'the country needed the strong arms ' of Mr. Monroe, during the whole period of
sista 'stout hearts of her citizens.—Hun- his administration. He was sire-mete np, i
fireds'of his political opponents in Lances- I posed to the ad minis , rani ,n of John Casiin• l i
ter eity will. bear testimoly to the facts 'cy Adams, from the commencement to the ' 1
'just-named.close. The early friend of Gen. Jackson, '
. 4 Btit it will be seen that Mr. Buchanan's lie has aiways beca cheri bed as one of
vistieffrientisttip in behalf of W. 5 country the old hero's firmest supporters. No '
Anil 'riot stop here. He was elected in Oc• . nine tendered his a dministration a more
tabor of 1.8 - 14 to the Legislature of Penn- hearty support, no o ne was more erre '
sYlitarria from the county of 'Lancaster. — ' ergstic in securing his electi in than
Etro the same fearless and patrioticspirit James Bechsean. The s ubsequeut inter
distinguished his career. An attack was course between these two distinguished
threatened against the city of Philadelphia. men is known to the whole country. Mr.
The . 'General Government was nearly re. B. was appeineed rnmister to the Couit of
&iced to a state of bankruptcy, and could , St. Petersburg by General J ickeen, in
scarcely raise sufficient money to maintain , 1832, and certainly in no portion of our
ttie regular ti (yip= on the remote frontiers n history have these states been more honor
so/ the
. country. Pennsylvania was obliged : ably and seccessfully represented at a
to'rely epon her riwn energies For her de- foreign court.
''fence,_ and the people were ready to do In all Mr . 13uchanan's clurse since he entered
-tffilifir iitmost iii the cause. Two plans the Untied States Cougress, even the most than
dened defamer c annot find a sing/ii tturc a g ainst
WeiiiVrO - rented in the Leeislature. The '
• ' Democratic principlef; and Oils fael slntie is a
orier'ivai what was calld.The Conscrip- .
. r oes w e re , sr senceritv 311(1 cons ,:c: eV•
• thin' Trill,' and similar to that which bad : ilurtng Mr Bus.hanan's ini-s , ffl no I.lle COl,l
been rejected by Congress, by which it rt` . St. Fetert-burg, Inc accomplishetl vs lilt had loeg
was proposed to divide the white male ie. : been most arde.itly desired by soir government
habitants of the state above the age of 15, , huit,a,',l:7enei"'dlite,'"ehli",l7 efl-,elnialtlet,s'ea'n"-
iiito &asses of tire.ity two men each, and
.`,:„. it,B,B,P.2.‘3'l.:B:',:iirfsl-17i',','„,'1, " of ` 'Et',:ipp',,l tint
td designate one man, from the members , e
..sar er.on7ll to r.,nlesi, snore d a y t he e nim: e ot
between the ages of IS and 45 of each class tine oc ean w.to the brifisli isl. et, the Rossi it , C a la
Who should serve one year, each class be- Ilea i 8 anxiims to c.tiimitate our fficetdsitie s? tin t
ing compelled to raise a sum of 200 dol .:
~a , , it : , ` l v c c i r i
n " ,, '" t: ';' , ,l," l ' i r , t:
, loi n, ;i yliiif," mime
las, as 8 bounty to the conscript. This or. The friendship of fluss . ta Iv this e. unti v for
my. was to be paid and' maintained at the • yattrs before bad been in trlohi; it iitL the nil -
eitpense of the state, and its estimated cost ; stun of' Mr.. Bin'-"- tn 11 ,V l • Suti,Nl,l to I,tn u til-11
would have been between Ihree and three , Ths inansisin orJ tines Bach ;nail to St. Peter:slut , g
.td mid die in ,,l solis!adtl3l results. Nat iii 'v
• and one-half millions of dollars per annum- , ' , ' i r id
In sinteicourse w t tli the eeverntrem itl f105:.1 . 3
. Officers were to be appointed by the ' streneth , n the In( ioh,, rtlanions belt. , ei it that
GOVfilinOr, by and with toe advice and con. , country and oar mvo, In iihe W i , .; 5'ire...... , [lll In
sentot t'r.e Senate. The other plan was s e a titehing f ee fin it T , Pn'y ev" , " fOl pried betwee,l
' Rus3i , i and the United Stat.s Be . ire the ac•
to, raise six regiments, wider the
alth°ll ' corn lishment . Of ti' tii IMO it taii . l. Tr'e'at ' our trade
ty'Offthe state, to serve for three years, or
eith P ßussia always; s'irax:e ' d an iniiM Ti ', :e aillitial
during the war, and to p iss efficient volute hi:ince against this eetentry; bet Mr. Buehan tit's
teer and militia laws. 1 rraly-ssun eltanaed all this. N nee , die p iris of
*Dttriog the discussion or these twit Russ a, Sot.lll an-. North, in the B a ltic, and Black
seas, be . iii . g ervially a e
ctrss : lido, to A . incrican naval
plane, Mr. Buchanan took an active and
enterprise, the advantage in favor oh tbs. commerce
highly. patriotic stand. of the Upitei States tit iv tin seen at a I Irice --
*During.the debate he said: 'since, then. This faint line of the lai i •py and im sortailt rit,tilts
Congress have deserted us in our time of f ront Mr. linCh'lllan'S nun-non to ithsjaisin sei v e
need; there is no alternative, hut, either to to show bin skill as a diplomsst, viien the rights
and interests of his : hem' ry are c oncerned. .
protect ourselves by some effieient meas
he friendship ot Mr. Buchanan to the ioreign
ures, or surrender up that independence Cr, who comes to this country sueltinsr a home and
which has been purchased by the blood of a re fu g e, li ts Mien strikingly m anifesi ed On a
our foreathers. No American can hesi- numler of nes-a-isle in he N,itional Ise g islature.
Late which of these alternatives ought to be ou 0n,.. ocsasem Mr. 13,10111T1a1l tern irked, lion,
Inne!l lie W•tr ., e, i:idelled to foreigners dorstig the
ado,pteil. 'rho invading enemy must be
reVrifi.l , loll itlltA 1.110 late War, and, a. a deinoerat,
erxpielleid from out shores; he must be he could not but extend a hearty wet': nine to e,e
tautitt to resPect the rights of freemen. rs warm hearted Irishman, or every infitistr I'M,
German, who came the share with us this gio.i
4141%.Buchanan opposed the Conscript out inhereanse of past days.
bill. because of its too palpable injustice. — on the ex!, ot January, 1638, Mr. Merrick uf
Speaking of this measure he said: 'this law . Mary land, it prominent whig Senator. moved to
is calculatei to be very unjust and vet y un- exclude all furcigners from the benefit 0 the ore
equal inits effects. Whilst it will oper- e o n, i t ii i t i t dn a
r bi t l l i n tl :: ( ‘d, 7der m d i " ' ri m" ' - 'm '
ir . 1. . i 1e•
i f l tr . i: r
ate es a CGTlSCripti Pa Law u p on the poor hi s speeeig.u.s‘smo.. that ' is ,,i,.„l, ', mi ld i n ' ,.., two, t(1)
rnan,..in the western parts of the State, min every poor foreigner who had S; lticd on the
whose property is not in danger, it will.be t public lanf'S, WHer thin laid) ii " , ifir Ilust I:' I.' ' hi-
I l i, : n i . ,tut of house ai ‘ ul no ; ! ta, a ll :,:.) !I anster IWI
but a militia law with the rich man in the
eastern part of the State whose property
6. t a t n e t I 1.),
r ° p P ro e r w l i v .ti fe ' tt b'o c u t a t i l n i l e f ' r ' f: t a p t r i;r: ti'n" ire
e a
r e e l: n o
. 1
it contemplates defending. The individuste 1
e most Vatni•tide 5;) , 11:1 1.11 , V aoi tin I No on it t."r
ale in each class are, to be sure, to pay the wheher the poor foreigner hnd deelared his inten
two hundred dollars hi proportion to their lion to be ome a enterer) or not; nay,tbe mi g ht e ve i
be . naturalized at the passage ot the aut; bat if
comparative wealth, ase bounty to the
lot had not ten done pre.vtuus to Ds.ceinber
substitute or conscript. It will therefire 1837, he
would base forfeited hi:
be just in its operation among the in right, hat i
i t .te. amendment p revailed.'
uals composing eaoh class. But how will In the Senate or the United States, Mr. Bin
_ chanan has al afa v s been distinguished for his do
lt be with respect to entire classes?
Twenty...tvvo men in the city of Philadel e
radical r ett e m it , e t t! , . t . r e , : c o
t, a t d v ci o eaff y or
t rhe string
‘A ti , i i i t yl i,
Oils, whose anited fottenes woula be „„ o , it ova
,e, , „„ined
t , i ,
I g.rnlortric,roalsi .
ad ' . t a n r it y i:stration
.vorth 2,000,000 dollars womild be compel. of Andrew Jackson, during the ii , ll l i days of the
ed to pay no more than twenty•two Melt p Illie—thil Ing the difficulties is ddi France, and
p eri t od t. whe r n ;hat sil'ttitstrious in t an retired,
n the western corintry who may vet be
, 1n?, ,, :e :
t ti r t e s
worth the one thousandth pant of that cio '
t stimi4 P o 3 f the Hermit :iv? . ‘ ,l !N n VI ril l S " e n at'l )
CII.XN AN ! \Vile was it that opi»-ed, with a.l
the [ never: of his reat 'tiled, the tederal scheme
o f a Mousier bank, when advocated by OW In la-.
trr intellects of the ar istocracy? i A ME'', ifti
Cil e NAN I Who was it that battled through
out the a dministration oh Mr. Van Buren. in de
ft nee of all the leadiner measures of the democrat
ic ( )arty, when assailed with the orgiiMz tii .i t ol
combined elements or a relentless opp sit mull
3AM ES BUCHAN AN . Ills support of the to
dependcnt Treaseiry—‘ll4 r eport on the North
Eastern Boundary—his eloquenee and perseve
ring industry as Chairman of tha Committee on
Foreign A tfairs —the resplendent success that
crowned a ll his struggle. wtth Clay and Webs Cr,
and other champioas of the opposition, have been
recorded in the hearts of the people, and are now
as familiar to them us household words.
Such may be said tube an imperreee Sketch of
the career of James Bueizanert;sod.the past treats '
ment,,and present claim; of kink imate.eterl - Papa ; .
Weenie. Many trier 3 latipOrtallt,fic4. tPFltilt
aireastr i tinicated, but these as cocutiicrelksilffiaitiot•
'After all, he continues, tI confess that,
in my opinion, an efficient volunteer and 1
ilitia bill, together with the troops which
.an be raised under the voluntary enlist
-rent bill, would be amply sliffici mit for
for the defence of the chy of Philadelphia.
We need rot he afraid to trust to the pa.
triotieui - Or courage of the people- of this
* when they are invaded. Let
them.biiie good militia officers, and they
vill eons be equal to any troops in the
vorlit Alava not the volunteers and mi•
itiaoffteer4 under Gen. Jackson c , ,vered
themeetrea with glory', Have not our
• ‘lalunteers and militia,- on the Niagara ,
Froutieirloultt its such a manner as to
?Yerit Ale gratitude of tae nations la it to
;e sup Jarthist .he same
,apirit of ptri
~ -
t i allow; *tat al the:etruzi rlkaitntls, iti•gt darneil . ~.-. .tomte•Stocaseseetee . Notee• • Freeefreeelfe .- Wiritparn
Buchnilad'ist-consisiOrieus foipublic in.ri - ;rival.? -, The reerinintertilat - i ' ort of Gov. Porter,4o 0.. Bea that tt ;' ,re '; v‘ oluttlitiiiirok t am- --_e__--- ------ -._ _
ncs, hia irttegri4as a democrat, and his last. - •,. ~.
Hg iserviesajo the cause orpoeular tights, and sm! the stock owned by the state, and ape pico Mt, the ltith I-hie:toe . I,ioi...tb' etif San PITTSBU DX. II :‘ , I ARK ET.
that 411 e claims of P e nnsylvania are indeed jure. , p ly the proceeds to the redemption of "re- Luis, of which we had netei a lew days ago REDOIVIED POP, TIM post DV lel\4C ll Al . LLI: . ..- ---
si siMe . Under ell these firennistanee his' ~..... Friday, Jarman- 20dr, 1843.
nun) , j., 0110 that we ptoudly pla, they are. called, meets with by way of New Yolk, the aim of the rev- The Ohio,
e bufnre the t lief news." as M o nnitgaliela, and Allegheny River*
c onittry, anti submit to the m 1 4114 decirdott of a ' general approbation from the Philadelphia lutioniets appears to be directed aginst the
is. are in excellent order and free'from lie; Freight'.
N ittieeal annocratic C,inventian. are very low and taken withoue•delav, This,.-a*-
We have arrived at a crisis in our g overnment ' pape"• Many of them now advocate the National Congress, ,and in g a v o t of Santa sortment of a lmoSt - alrkinds or goolia, especially
which demand. a m , steady, patriotic and en. project as warmly as they formerly type- Anna dynasty. The military and munciPal Groceries, S o uthern procice, and Pittsburgh man.
lig:it:nod heat
at tire helin. We have a
.1 .ufactures are excellent and the. prices ate , kar,
large and increasing public debt-a large ar d in- se' it. If this plan of relieving the state authorities were engage(l.in It. S,les are generally made by our. merchan4 for
cr , in noll'ic expenditure, with a decreasing had been adopted w hen fi r st recommended, Sixty oldie Texan. prisoners captured currency, but for par funde a Nir differencre is
revenue; and we have a gi eat Ir'sig•prnject. for the made or a premium given, except in the 11•16.9(
entire destruction of OM, National credit by ow , the stork might have been sold on excellent at San Antonia by General Well, after tar.
eireir, cuff e, &c , when it is understood aL. ilt
unc ,,nstiolti,inal assumption o f debts contracted terms, but now, it must be at a great retitle- eying at Saltillo for more than two weeks, time of sale, We have few changes in the market
upon the roil., not of the United States, but ot in- ' to report. Fleur sells from boots and. meow
tion from the prices that might have been left that 'ace the 9th November (or Meii-,
dividual States, and the issue of a paper money , at $275 and from stnies 83 per bbl. ~.. ~
Ike the a s,d 2 ,nitts and rieilidal.s of republican , obtained, if split when lost suggested. Rut co, all apparently in good health and spiri•s. G rein-Wheat 50, Corn 20425, Oats 12444.,pet - 1 .
France, or Vie enntinerilal money o f the revolu- bushel.
whatever may he the loss, it is better to stis• It is stated they are well treated. John
tion, and Ibis in a ttaic of profound peace, and Fruit-Dried Peache.sl 12ial. 25. •Iry Apples
with harvests sufficient to suPPIY hail the eivils ' lain it, than that the public shall be come Cunningham WIF, of the party. died of fe- 50 per b u . Gr e er, Apples 7.5 to. 81 25.
ized world. A s hes-Seorchinga 4 a 4e, Pot 40,5, reval 4 .
, palled, far another season, to endure the vet on the road from San Fernando; at
be defeated or the republic will be , .. per pound. ~
in daub r, arid the people baund to the car of wi , plundering operations of the infamous relief which place Messrs. Van Ness, Fitzgerald, Beans- per lanaliel 3740 cents. . :
unfechw e r, scrip aristorcrircy who fatten upon their ' I h aw. We hope that no time will be lost in and Hancock were left, for whose fate some Beans
-sales :22324 c=ola. • •
miseries. P r ovi.ion- Hogs Fells at $2, and good bet
Thi. , can be done only by a MI)? demoeratin. effecting thi: much desired measure, and fears are entertained on account of their Cattle Be. 75 to 350 per 100 lbs. Bacon, steatU
Prcaldrnt, selected by the voice ratite great demo- we feel confident that its consummatinn will having been formerly captured among the pale , trom 3 tn All
eratil party; and ..- e think that Pennsylvania. an • • Seerls-Vlarket nriee fir (laver, $3 a $3,2 5,
meet with the approval of eery citizen ex. Seam Fe prisoners. Timothy dull at 91; Flax.ced 75 a 80 eta. per.
uniform ani un w,verttig dem. rratie stale, whi , h
ha. never had a President or Vice President of the rept those who have found the depreciated Louisiume-The Legislature rif Louis- ' u'he t •
United Mates, is' e asitled to the c hoiee,when she . . 1 C r ocerie4.-Stnelc large and cheap, and of ea
means of picking the iana assembled un the 2,1 inst. In the! „.11„„! quality. Coiree-in l arge tots at 10 to 111
offers a sou nd repohlica a
m ac patriot and an state script an easy
ancomitlished jurist and st a ti , sman in the person pockets of the people. Senate t.li Hon: Felix Garcia was chosen I I 1 . -. eent•
&Thar nati,e sm , JAMES BUCHANAN. 'Peg-Y. [I. Tea 40 to 70 per ils- - ----- --
Strong efforts will be made by certain in- Presiedene(Horatio Davis, Secretary, and
H; would c onduct. the h over umen rpon pi re Imperea dn .6G in 80:
ly democratic principles, and would summon to dividuals durine the session, to draw the at- Robert K.eir, Repot ter. In the House, , G u npowder do 60 to 80
his Ind tic brightest spirits of that great popular tentien of the members from the question of Charles Derbiguy,Esq. was elected Speak- . I-on-Blooms are durtthe market priee abeut
pitty, and carry out its odiritnialryli in to the er, and Mr. Landry, Clerk. Fee° 1 mn.
wi.e and virtuous policy of icirers , n ,nd Jack- the small notes; new questions of discus' - ---- Pig motel-Sales of several small lots it $194
sun . Fioll will he started for the purpose of keep• 0, Scissors!- Same scamp has stolen a V-'0 a t-Tl.
This is the candidate, and these are the priori- 1 .
pies that we pre , ent to the de noeraey o f the Un- I'll; this "
matter back until it is too late to the editorial scissors of the Del Domin- 1.-i-s
Mo. We hope and Iris:. that he will be their t a d e pt t h e measures necessary for the re- ion. The editor says if the scoundrel
nutted c hoice, and that Pen,ylsantii will thns be 1 li e f
rewarded for her devotion to the (nose of pop, the people, or until a spirit of discord . will call again he will give him a shilling
to buy a halter and show him how to use
tar liberty; bit wo pledge o trselves to chide by i s fomented that will destiny the harmony
Pm selee'bru trt ide by a national notiveni ion, as- . it.
that is necessary for the consideration of
..embled agreeably to the usages of the democrat ' t
lc party. such an important question. We are told TWEN l'Y SEVENTH CONGRESS.
(Si.. , ..ned b; 1.1.:2 Delezates). BECOND SESSION.
that last year, a certain combination real
--------- . January 16, 1813..
tied fro n 880,000 to $lOO,OOO by the de•
J .1. )1 E S BIT CIIIN A. N , pressien of the sate scrip, and the man- , Mr. Allen presented a j iitit resolution
teeeer to Ina erese.,, o r e e n eeiee reeecerion. Beers in this mat•er, we learn, are now at frum the Legislature of Ohio, in favor of
---..---.---------• -------- 1------ I errisburg,reatly to aid in are policy which the repeal . of the bankrupt law
DA ILY MORNING - POST. offers a prospect that will induce the Leeis- Also a j mut resolimet, in favor of a re
of letter postage.
.eture to rise the session without adopting
~ 1' 1111.1 IP , k ,M. 11. SM Vril ~r OITOR 9AM C PRMPRIzTon, Mr. Calhoun presented petitions from
-- --- any measure fir the redemption of the tee Philadelphia and
scheme. other p ln alces. i fvor oem
_ lief notes. the exeheqiier presen n
tin a g . th
W e hope that the mem b ers who or „. 0 . Mr. C, took orca , ion to say that lie was Dirt
___ -.-----'1 i in favor of due scheme.
Ain't her ‘‘' 'eke , ' Warr. h eerely desirous of serving the people and
7.\ lr. Buchanan presented petitione from
The Philadelphia Times recounts a saving the state freer another year's pluni'er, Philadelphia;in favor of the scheme of Mr.
stran:e aff,ir that was developed before will make an early move in this matter, and W, C. Johnson, to i.me 200 millions of
the Mayor, and one that shows to what 'I leave no effort untried, to e ffect measure's State Stuck:.d
J 1
Mr Bayard, from the naval co . nmittee,
lengths some men %%ill go to get a little . that will weludraw the relief notes from cir-
to whom ha been referred the bill provide
rash. A circus rider named Hobb‘ . -a rulAti
. tin iti g for llltitl 11C1 . 1011 in the navy, reported
pleasapt, quiet, amiable man-roomed n ut . . the same wi•h sundry amendments.
31e.rican Inilenviity.-The N. 0. Bee
lame ago in Lodge alley, and with him a' Also a bill for the ielief ot the officers of
says:-We are happy to be enabled to in- ,
the Exploring Expeditit n. ft was twice
young mart, to whom ho became, on ac , ,
forth our readers, fi ion information receiv
count of his mild, gentlemanly manners. 1 • To Let.
.et from an ur vie-itionabie sleirco, that the reaAdf.:o.
the consitle_rat ion of a private bill 1 -----Ae re, rte,.. fled i 0,..,5.i n ,..,ivee e a i t ig lo._her
quo atuiell. 11 ,b 'is hail s tred perhaps . , ‘ l oo, :, tivo muy to iek dwelling homm WI I.
I terms Of of the VI e ximin I odem- the Senate took lip a resolution heretofore 15:_ . '
, payment- j,:-..*witii.table,ltar: Inge linese, etr., hi the ally pr
;..z.•;1000, by his economy aria ri tigalit y, in • offered. proposing . all amendment of the eep ,... e ,„ y , a , 0 ,„„ eee ,,, free , lire eq „,"„. The
oily have been agreed upon, an,/ the ile
itis promrssitit., atid 11.1 i sent to,oq, uf it . . • C.) stitutien, So tlytt tile U. 7. J udges shall how , 01,11,11n1 MOC.ern s':,!. will' a I , :tmtie D , nortporli
gol 'anon reSpeetifig Chem 3ettl,(l. ro; owl dodo;; mow, too In, :Mit ii . aniln:ip in rhe rear, - .
hot - TIC to Rennic , . l :y to his l eirents, I I be. . • m-r er r hal f.o . a limited oeri;id. Ulm resit)...
Ihe pay , nenis ite to be made in ten I ,„i „ n, alter some (pi ,,,,, 5 ,i ) ,, ; was hail inn ''"""'''''''l " i ' d ! !he uolin Itotillh'-": The 101 Is, wee V 0 4it ,
1 Ili lei! iii il cur li trees and ,Mrindiery and exietu a rota am.'
t ;diet) I,•, , ite of. Ali,er :•:300 he kept about •
hall yearly ins , a' inents. will) right per the table. I canal 27 5 f...i to aLO feel aired in lite rvar. .It Aims
him t ) fleet contingencies.
Otte night • . la! 111,11 n, Of 111 , lion. C. tr. Crier mid - latilreveGran
cent interest upon the principal. The ':-..e.nii*.e then adjourned. i'tnunio..ir iOPCIII Pon GM' tc , 1-1.. q.. of tile premisa , ,nrof
11 , i! Inner a'.oi, as he e:de reeiriee I i bed, Ids 11ot:se tt er Beraesee . ree Ives. ; the Ati'e ,, Pier, liViii4 Ili retillAreet below Ilay.litlillittli.
In rase an d (leli+y oeciirs in mooting the
it ionti ft.ay...: him throw flown 1:1s; rrlwney \, Mr. Wis. pi esereed petitions florri Bal‘l l'" -"-'. TIIO.I. I lrir% IN.
pay ;nett! s as they fall due, an additional 1 lirri ,, n , .„, 1(1 p hii , i ,i, di ,i i i,
•;„ favor of tel 1 -----
li?l'.. WI:Ieli lie car i 'led faqenr-1 around his , - Ihsoltitit , ii d f l'altaicrship,
•- i 1
1 ,,, 1y, ant i ~,,,,.( 0, ,,,1v as ,, eed him 1 ,,,,,,, touch . le" 1" r r'• is " 1 ' ' 3 1.1.-1 '-`) ' '' 2 P I " VI I" • ' Exchequer scheme, Several iither niem-1 riper: eeireee-eou reeeierere ex stele lettere. the
-...,,,,.!,, , eed , , , the former David 1.1 !: td 4 -
. 1.r0..
iII ease any dulav occurs io meeting the bets desired to present. ••etition; but there ' I- ,
1- 1,,,- -,, .1,-,,,,,, , d •%- 1,,,,,tat ion. I I,e t at -flees°, tie
merles Ito li el ahem him. lii th , . full ei,ri- .
payments as they fall due, an additional was a ditill outcry that peCcions, ‘vere n'it eee sour ii.oi c,,,,,e01e, , le: it,,viat,loya at ibe olds and
11 fence of fed ontlslii p. lie stated that his the regular order of btisilieSS. 50 the cm lir, of filth a. : : !k1..0,. I r.i. , .
ten per cent. is to be added to the principel. n teen 1.1.01 - D.
belt C ontaine an Sloo Treasury note, and , If e rse'proceeded to entertain resolittions.' wit. iircitts,
Previsions are made for the considera- NI-. Cliff ed iiirereel a resolutiou, direct-'' iin -2 134.3. I' A CIL TIUGUrt Jr,
a $lOO oti a New (Means Batik, and about
tier) iif seell claims as yet have ant been lug the judiciary committee to report forth- wo e ee. ewe:, are con liortzed to remlpi a ottl k etite
10l) in gild and silver coin. A moment
. presented or adjudicated, by appointing t wi - h, a hill for the uurptalified repeal of t, COP.IRTXERSHIP. •
after he refleeted—he had •been impludent, i the bankrudt law. 1 Win ilugus, JD. Bachman and P. ci„,,,, I,,imv :
commissioners to examine into them.
Intt it was ttn) late. Against this t esolution a point of order ';
ing entcred iiiio coyattnersliip tinder ilie firm 0(00 0
'f he payments, as they fall dile, are 1 I I:admin. cam, %via footnote we Dry Goods boslarla It!
Shortly tillet the hotHe was broken up I witi relied to the effect; that the result] lion 1 lire 01.11.. l o nd formerly occupied ny , David Idosd 4 co.,
guarantied by a mortgage upon the inter
and the friefid , parted. Hobbs never law , did ected the reporting of a bill, when there i „ nee - „f al a , k,., aods , l i ,rreo. where they ad keep.
R.:. a id I aartaitnnesit of Foreign uml Domesiee Dry Goode.
nal revenues of the Republic on which ne ie already one of the same character before
his friend again until Sunday last. That tete. *lupus,
plior lien exists. the House.
. 3 1) - II.A CUM AN. ;.',',
day a person named Wharton Peters cel- ___---------.. -- Mr. Clifford said this bill, which the iin 2 1E142. 1' • .UL HUSUS jr.
_Navin,geld inv Interest In the late film of David Lloyd
led on Hobbs. "Sir," id he, "have you The IVeeillier.-We shall never liereaf. resolution requires 10 have 'reported, was i e r..- ee. to' 'ei...,,. Ilugua. Ilariniont k Co., who I thew
a 8100 Treasory note, and a $lOO New ter, says the Baltimore San, put any faith entirely different futon the bill of Mr. Ev- I fully rlecommend as n ofthy of pulAic patron/4m '''- •t -,
jan _2:,t.___________DA via Lixaci .. .....
erett. The latter hail a proviso, declaring
Orleans Batik note, and $lOO in gold and in weather-wise prophets. Thick skinned
. that the bill a ft er
net effect cases corn- ,
FARM FO/2 Sil/..n. A valualtle farm on the Cettlik
silver coil)" Vet," siad Hobbs, in sur. onions, turkey hones and migreting squire menced up to December 1842, whereas ,ainriinv.oor,oion:ileterea:er rn i ) i ii , n n ty n ~
, 3 ,
,r r i t , i ; u p ,: t a t ei, l , o n . , v da r i, e c e e no o r i l cra ,trr i .
prise. " Well," said the stringer, "a man Irk may go to the ft/VI, though we doubt this proposed the repeal of the law without lia,i a Mick Image. o boist 45 feet square. • Ism' kw,
who used to toom wth you, named lien - whether dogs will cat onions, for we shall any proviso or quelification whatever. : fain, a stone grilll Mill in : end order, Willi, 11 geed dijaill•
tai at the mill; with Mlle r tieteseary °el bmtsec ' it wiee
The Speaker overruled the obi , ction to
ry Nlegary, told me 51), sled his been coax- hereafter go on nor own hook, and believe or !told for 6.5.500: one boor down and the balsas* i•
. the rereptien of the resolteion. 4 n - pral :pm il privot. A good and seilleleni .otle
mg me to jo:in with him in an attempt to what the weather is, only when we see it,
'V sa id•
rob you. • a you were to he at the According to sundry proplies, we were to . well ilf! ••1 VI, - 09,..5.5i0n lveu iintriediatrl • for nu
, Mr. Briggs moved to lay the resolution- P Y,t .
' then mrticu'ars ripply to .1 Ain ES Aft WITLAI.D.;, -
l on the table. This motion failed-yeas . 1, j „ e_ L j,L' . ,`'_ o _
nn the irtArditidli; i
corner of it'i and Market street this eve- have a remark übly cold winter, one which ' I SI, nays 110. ; el REEN .IPPLES.-hiti rec',l from HrilvereOrt.po
ping at S o'clock, and that we two could would throw in the shade any that has pre- 1 The previous question oa the adoption , 'UK tire- of Ronetatir apple.. welch I sell so c eats
of the resolution was moved and seconded.: P" r l"""l• ISAAC Mrs&
ea . 3 ilv fix your business, get the $3OO and celled IL in the memory of that very res. 14$ Liberty it
• The next qriestion was, 'shall the main t , 3111 0
escape. He says he succeeded in escaping, prciable and accommodating individual, CORN" .11E491..--',101,u-I,clA fresh 2 ,roeild "'fled 6n i . .
question on the adoption of the resolution,
b. 5 ,r ic .. : 1 1 . , re reirrets e entairtior 3 bushels, at 75 GAUP
after robbing a person in the \Vest of ''the oldest inhabitant."-Well, winter is he n „ w pat? ,
0:I this epees:ion Mr. Ever
s.looo, and if detected could escape now." lucre, and, if there has been ne mistake ett demanded the yeas and neve, which kln stert--Family Flom by thetiarret. •' f ,
eq IS tAC CRVillil.' '
Hobbs wa3 thunderstruck ! The man made in those interes'ing annuals, the Al- were ordered, sad resulted, yeast 116, nays j e-e------ -
88. S r the ma in question tin t h e a d o ptiee IVI AOK EREL —ln Fiore No. 2 Mackerel at $Bl per
had refused to agree to rob Hobbs,- and menace, we are in its very midst. Yet we !Tx barrel—half
of the resolution was ordered to he pui, and
hail infarmerl the Mayor of Megary's de- have had so fir no very hard weather; in-
being putt, the resolution was adopted by a t dram. very cheap. apply lo SA AC CRUEIre
sign, adding that the latter swore he would '. deed, the cold hae hardly reached a respect- vote of yeas 128, nays 7S. i jan 2.0 • 143 Liberty st
have the $3OO if he, had to corronir a murder. able point in the thermometer. Yesterday Mr. Wise offered a reso'ution directing '
m i g h t the judiciary committee le execute the re-
The fellow was arrested and yesterday was a day that even gentle May
cent order of the House, by retiring and re-
enmitted, and Hobbs is frightened al- envy; a warm, pleasant atmosphere, with
porting the bill 'forthwith.'
most to death at his narrow escape. 'an u nobscureil sky. The ladies were out Mr. Brigg-4 moved to lay the resolution
A men named "Thornton died in Phila
in all their beauty, anti seemed to enjoy the on the table. 'Fite motion failed, yeas 80,
. blandness of the breeze_ Indeed, we nays 109.
delphia on Friday, white drinking a cup The question Was then taken on the
should suppose some of them were rather
of tea. ____ _ ___ adoptien of the resolution, and the result
oppressed by the rays of the "dayegod,"
Chief Justice Taney is rapidly receiver- .' was yeas 112, nays 81. Si the committee
fur we saw then) sporting their sun-screens,
ag from his late severe indisposieion. , hed leave to retire far the purpose of excel'.
as if it were ir_id-summer. Surely sueh , tine the order of the House.
'Flue next bireinese was a resolution tall-
The N. Y. papers deny the report that'
weather has seldom been seen at this sea
' ill., for i e formation from the Treasury de-
Booed:, has refused to pardon the ,
son. -tee
partmenerelative to the removal of Jonathan
• . • - f Philp
FRIDAY, JAN t:Arzy 20, 1843
see Fir.l
pre e,nplion
,lize fighters. If he has not refused, we ;
[lt will be remembered that a writer in
hope he will, whenever application is made ~ the "Post," predicted, last November. in
to s-t. the ruffians at. larce.
-- ; the face .of all the prognc;sticatiens of cold
weather, that we would have a mild winter.
He laid down tite•reasone for hie belied in an
able and confident manner,and whether his
premises were correct or not, his couclu.
sions are confitmed by the . fact, for in
all quartersove see it stated that the weather
ie unusually mild.]
Birnlingltain along.—A corn
pauy of the H.rmingliam boys, endeavored ;
to make themselves happy doling the eve
ning of last Tuesday by raising considera , ;
Me of a fuss in the interesting village of
Sli2o. They proved their competenCy for
the task by knocking at the doors of.all the
tavern Ateepers 'n the neighborhood. One
poor disconsolate wretch plead for"heaven's
sektr io gets a 4 ,one swill. We'll not
publish Their i neinet to -day. •
The London -Gazette officially annoen
ces the ,appnintlxieU of Anthony Barclay.
Esq., as British Consul for 'New York.
Roberta, late collector of the port o
Mr. fit inghast offered a resolution in
structing the Judiciary committee to report
3.1 amendment to the bill fur the repeal of
the bankrupt law, so that the repeal shall
not effect cases which may be pending at
the time of the passage of this act.
Mr. Clifford moved to lay the resolution
on the table. The motion. failed. yeas 60,
nays 112. The resolution was then adopt
ed by acclamation. So the previous .action
Of the House on Mr. Clifford's resolution
amounts to nothing, as the new bill will be
reported in about the same shape to the old
onc.—Balt. Sun.
etommtrriall 4l Teino.
Suction Si"
Tuesday the 3lst January neXl; a'. 2 o'clock. lelhe
sii•rn 000 at tine lion.'" of Win.
G r een liel s d i . x
i S n o he di • 's i : ls o le 2 o n
finalirvilin, Washington rn, Pn•,hy
11101 is becomtug a Ware of I mportattwe.
as t he great National Road freni Cnmherinnd to Wises I -
Iniptseci:= the road front ritishorlit to Brownsville.
TI, .s will he a chnore for Tea tinder,i, Mechanics sad
el.- -ierm. whirlt wilt hr nrconintodating. Paid
lois :ire ;Ono , a SiOite'ri Ihrowfront the national road
and in Ihr cent e of the villagr.
foOrOing, at 10 o•Cinvic, will ext.,,
.iV as-or , me. ,l Or , oty Gond?. ran: 45110 g 01.1.0 hot.
1.11,-i owe re 4, : 4 :01 inr•lt.. Fla it t'n 11coecNInte. 4 , Det.Oes,
:la I %VIA alid a Variety Or other : , eln , onallir
J. It G G U
iodp l . llB. l ,E.
j A utfioneer.
S : HERIFF'S SAbE. ?,'
W ill br 541111 at RauFttinne',./,ononettlal;Awthm P nom*.
No, 110 Wood to roet, lly order of B. Weaver. EN .I , heir•
10%00 Monday, January 23, 11143, the. entire Stock
Goods of a Alerchant Tailor, c.ol,sitolntr,of
Sat:heti:4, 11,:av!rteem. 44
French I.inein,, ('nova s Bleached and
Brown Moslin:. Sewing silk, Patent Ihreil, Grp
iii•ttirir. esi , s 0 cr ,, iais, Siitinet Itnintqle.
d,i Winter and Slimmer
Sni rt. nd 1 r/ti,ver B and Sivin Sincto,
Cravat: ni.(lSitOpettlitz,. Sh.rt Co•lsrs
Gloves sil diiisierv. With a vAriniy of
n Tri 44
Trimming: inid Merrhsnitiv.v.
Par Itt.a.v. It. A. BAU.SMAN,
17 —*sit 'Au , v eer,
_;p E'er
_- r
...,__-,-_.....,.• ID _
.., 4.,
,T , ----.
_ ,-
, .
_, -
",..„ -::,.• ' -
fTIHIS. 19 71 safe and certain ewe for Conrks,
Asthma, Sore TAront. Pai,,s and Weakness of the
Breast Whooping , Cough. lioarseoexo, Irritation elk*
Throat, and malty diseases leadin.4 to the Coiescrtaption,..
T ry --only 6} per roll—preprited and *Ott Wifllklif :4'
!Ideas'," Retall by H. T. PRICE, Colifectioner;Vedira
gbelly City, and the principal Druggists of raw' ic
Be sure yuu ask for Price's Compound Cough
110 PLIYSICIAXS 441) o . THERs.—ror sate or to.
Let--that fine tal , k lirol.r and office adjoining tips._
village of Reallsville. Vl; a3hington co., in which now re.
siden Dr, Then. Fowler (who ',about quitting's Wonkier-$:4.
pt aelice to settle in rattstturea.l foe lot is 60 feet
185—a good eneloged writ or water. Smoke House. Milk
house ke• Itc.: good gallon and every convenience foes
family of respect ability. For further particulars ruulal ls
of Dr. Fowler on the premirra4tiv, te Mr. Solomon Cleat.
mod, a , hinist, Corner of Ferryt e d Front al& Pittalvoczb...
N. 8.--Said property woolit let on a tong k
if cold, almost all the purchase money may rernaid on
bond and Mortgage fora term of years.
Jan 10--cad2w w.4t.
N orm...E. -I Wore latest oat tenets arddettnistiatirld
OP the estate on Jahn Witsdn • tale of the Cift.
Pittsburgh, deed. AU !mittens indebted to tit ~ ,M
the said decrement. are retpsested to make lownenitta _:.
meet to at try rerideoce in Penn W. near Wartnltry,fikr w ;
those who Mee stiltits - Ste teettesied to previiier'.
duly proilited." - • •• • ' J ' .-k,,,•.
P WILSO , '+' 4 ". ,
Jo% 19-6tw.
.. -,