misdates, are of necessity local at the start. i ..We ate all proud of Virginia, as the auther 4 is, a:. - -N E s n u IL, of,enuch that is great and good in our peel Subject to the deals o n of a tearatalti7Convernien Atka! history; and although Virginia has • given five Presidents to the union; Yet i' DA ILY 111.01INNC Pngrr , Canal commissioners. •Peensylvania never objected to the repeat,: • ._._ _ a l_ ____ _._ _ r ... „ a , ... We understand thatthe federalists ia the Legislature, intend to make another effort e s , , :•• •tietis of Virginia' s ' sel l s for the j -,- -- es. p - eireees e• - ,el i . ii. Shl-1- TH,3C -71 / 1 -- TOli e i ------------/LSO PROPLITICI OHS I i 7 reft Offices in the gift of the nation, that -----------. - - _ _ ._ _ __.__ 1 . 4,§pria dill not • "deserve a , m o nopoly of! TrttsftelaAl',l JANLAQY 19, HO. during the present session [o takefrom the Governor the appointment of the Canal Public home's. Never was it alleged ; -------------------___see H i rst p v..e. ---- ------- -VS in Pennsylvania had statesmen as j f ____. Commisioners, and to make them elective 7 Iti 'tboie of the Old Dorninion-that; The Legislature is "eoing it strong" on Iby the Legislature, or in some other mane o e . .fleVlesaista, was mole offer rive in the I the . r gs 'ecorrome' y•' police, ° and is lopping off j tier that will give the hopeless minority in cause of popular rights than Virginia-that ; every bit of . . . printin g that is not really n e .. I ennsylvania, a alight prospect of being a rinil Was richer-our position more I ; cessary to aid Ciern in the progress 4 hue lde in some contingencies, 10 annoy end t - miespOrtent, or our claims greater? No!- The response which Pennsylvania made lei/less. We like tins spirit of economy, embarrass the democrats in the manage . titles-in the democratic majoritiss A'hiCh but we think they might find more impo r . merit of the public works. The I ost r‘ dr ...r4ol* .gave at the polls, at every pal Lica: : taut objects t : i operate upon than the pri nt . less and impudent of them will net dare ' to . 41 "•=itatitest, dicing a period.of more than forty l• This is a portio n uf the expendis say that any misconduct has ever been "' e ye ors? Why then, should the first claim l m g' ie,..7ll4.Peonsylvania- -her first serious ari d I tunes by which the people are benefited, in aemmitted by a democratic Commissioner and meg na .. l as much as it affords the members means es-powerful appeal to the justice in the discharge of his official duty. nor count they, after spending a whole session rrimity of her eister states-be discouraged jto inform their constituera s what is going , • Van argtiment wnich she has never raised , on i - , n the Legislature. At present their e-; in rigid investigation, substantiate ose of ~s e gainat her sieter States? conomy is so rigid that no documents have I the charge s that were made against the taa- , Bat it is not only On the broad and iris , : the claims (ii . l been put fished except 150 copies of the ! , L ard by the corrupt organs of their party .. s. pregoeble foundatioa of , Governor's Message Those wh o h ave We may with confidence assert-and the „,, - ,:rennsylvatiia, that the present represents of every honest man who h ..,thres of the people of this commonwealth ' been disappointed in receiving documents , as 1 i from the members, will leant from this fact, Paid any attention to the matter vv . eethatae their appeal to the whole democracy ill bear ei-Of the Union,-The candidate in whom ' the reason of the apparent neglect on the us Out in the assertion -that since the dig. - : :"' - `fftelae claims are embrelied -the man I : part of the members. missal of Ritner's administration, the pub „.Aintegh whom these claims it is hoped will The members have n e yet made any _ be . respected -is one known to the whole! tic works have, under the management of --agaury, and eminently worthy of the sup- ! move to reduce their Own wages, nor d o officers who could act harmoniously togeth ret. of the democracy of the whole court- i we t hi nk they would enter • I tam sue i a pro- er, been gradually improving„ until they 1/, i st.--The name of JAMES BUCHA-1 .. foree the poor are now rendered a certain source of rev• - • position for a moment. To • ett4e.,N is nut confined to his nativn atate. - litafriends•are not limited to the disint er _ printers to work for "starvation wages," enue to the State, and will at no distant ..:Asseed democratic yeomanry of Pennsy Iva- (arid pay them that in Erie Scrip) is what day, if not interfered with by factious legis . appear to Hoists constitutes economy, pito but wherever the principles of des: ;they lation, be the means of relieving the peo scrany are understood and appreciated and beyond this we do not believe they pie from a large portion of the pecuniary ss ' ) ote e eame of JAMES BUCHANAN is as : burden under which they struggle. This offish known, as his virtues as a man, his ' will g o. __.______________ great good could never have been effected lyeeesty as a politician, and his services es Mr. istufte. adruittcd• i A. letter to the "San," frem H arrisbur Alreietnocrat, are enthusiestically by a board composed of men who were g itiri - nog the hardy and daring settlers of an, that this gentleman voted Fir the res- placed in power from partizan cnnsiderae -Oa-West, - he is spoken of in terms of fa- ! olution in favor of remitting Gen. Jack- ii.,ns alone, and in whose election, their a -ganef gratitude as the early and eloquent I . lattlenc.ate of preemption rights, again s t i son's line; the Sun athls very justly as we Wily to serve their party and their devo tion to party, were more considered than 'Offt•psiwer of federal: eloquen c e and fades • think, that Mr. H's. constituent s will ape I !4•14 persecution. On the New York Iron !prove of this vote. Nu man, who is not their competency to discharge [},© impoi :..tier_ be is regarded as the manly and fear- la political bigot nr a dewnright traitor, can tent duties of Canal Commissioners, let enemy of' the humiliating tereilrersas 'lyre may be many small matters in the . Itub - Of those who, with all the right on their ' object to this act of simple justice to the , greatest man in the nation; thejman who has management of the public improvementsin f? e, permitted the blood of outraged in lesoeisaerse to go unavenged, and would have rendered his country more important ser- the discharge of which the Commissioners een rejoiced to instruct our courts to pro ' • vices than any now living, may not have been at .le to please everyone ; in,itnce a verdict in favor of British ma-! We do not marvel that John Q,uincv but we know and see that iti all important 'murders. In Maine he is applauded as j Adams, who, in addition to the inborn ha- matters, they have permitted no considera., tWuriflinching statesman v ho, even for' 4tettieree would not see his country dishono r - 'tied he bears to every thing generous and lion to interfere with their desire to advsnce eed by a tame surrender of our territory ' petrieic, has personal reasons for opeos- the interests ef the pohlic works, the pre . 41114... inherent rights, to a governn ant ei ne t hi s tard Octf • • , ye. o justiee to Gen. Jack- . - P sti ' . eent ro erous condltion of the tri • am line, isriittie tew-ring ambition and love of do- ' ' . •., . re a a•eod evidencee of the ho st - son; we do not marvel that he should pout- - l ne. ) • and zeal *Non had just been rebuked by the op Fortune interposition of our represents.' forth all the bitterness of his evil and ma- with which they have performed their du Vete - at the French court. In Michigan licious heart, against the man who had 'i's 't noble effort of Mr. Buchanan, in 1837, I • pulledrim from the em ranee he had oh, lee:favor of the admission of that state into ' ilia.confederacy-an effort distinguished j rained by corrupt bargaining; but we do lity 'the advocacy of the right of Popular go• j wonder thatthe spiteful and splenetic sag, - 11ternment in its broadest, most universal gestions of such a min should find an eche sernse-e=will long be remembered to his ' from any press er person in our country, &Mon In Rhode Is'and the friends of We ate glad to find, however, that the the tempest of persecution would I fieasulTrage regard him as one of their) i responses to his malevolet t deliuncia ions, Aileen eloquent advocates, at a time too, minim are but few and far between, and Mr. 4avia sw e pt them from existence, and I Hultz we are confident, has but spoken the, when the dungeons of the landholders and will of a large majority of his constituents.'in progre,s. .Royid.chartists were used to frighten there j ----------- A man named . 4 foreliouse was arrest ibee 1141htnission.-In the South, the clear ! . 1 111 Incident. -Fl ow to attract attention. ed on Saturda VP • Wheeling, y e nig at for , wet perspicuous, and profound expositions 1 -During the visit of Henry Clay to the ~• 1 assing a counterfit tio:e in the Farmers (* . State rights, by Ja.nes Buchanan, al e ; Supreme Courtof New - Orleans, recorded among the productions of their , a crazy Bank of Steubenville. About three hun -1 man fired a piste!, which ahlest expounders. Each of these sepa- luckily produced dred in notes of the same bank and de -astnants is well known to every section of ino miler effect than to frighten most aw- nomination, were found upon his person - t ha - country, and esch, in rapid successem, , fully the persons present. The ball. says He was committed, his - won the applause of the, dsmocracy ofj the Tropic, lodged in the ceiling of the as _ • -gra Old One.-W e learn fro m the Potts the country. These alone, without eau-i i C'onzinendable.-Tho Secretary of the ' • court room, and the man who fired the pis.: , villa Emporium, says the Pennsylvanian, 'aerating the many other services lie hail Navy has resolved to make a change in that r I tut was immediatelv rent before Recorder 1 enus Coggins-Phcebus, what a rendered to the people, arid to the causelt . r '' • the mode of recurine f. se, by P o clothing or sailors name!-a n aged colored woman said to be y tire employment of destitute females in isnne,that-ameng all our democratic states- : and from his conversation and appearanc e 103 years of age, died in that place a few the making of this clothing. The econo miene there is no one whose eourse has j - ,is perfectly insane. When interrogated , days since. She retained her mental and Jseenaiore.generally known, or more ger). ' as , my of this ITIOV(! is apparent ; and the pe to the reason of his having acted in , , , physical faculties to a very extraordinary agelltadmired. They will also suffice t o navel ant itbisct ef Vlr Lio b I r is deservin r such a curious manner, he answered that of • - ''' ' 1 ') degree, and was able to walk about town Ihtivr how far his pretension are not based r all praise. We earnestly hope that in • otrloca/ cohaiderations alone. Ihe merely wiihed to cell Mr Clay' Wien.' , carrying out this measure, due may , till within five days of her death. The :4 alfe exampl e o f a ll oc r no I invi,,,,, fir )72 to lies case, an d h e thou g h t he woul d oe b -- • - regard- v enus "Coggerses," however, and other 0 madet o the reasses s f the the Presidency, is the vindication of weer. I most likely to catch his eve by firing a ": --e fe ma l es so elderly ladies of the same complexion, like employed, and that they may receive as - eivirtue, or patriotism, or talents, in the/ pistol. Dreyfuse is an old Fretichrnan,t7nd ! y Ce are Heth, very apt to think them persons of the several distinguished indi , much for their services as would be deem- i "- 1 states that heisinmournin g 1 • ' ' or iNapoieen. , , selves older than they are; but, if really , villoaii who have filed the Executive i ed a fair rice for men. P I When brought before rho Recorder he , centenariaes, the King of Englands re.. Chair of the Nation. ' looked likea ' • dilapidated Otara! , e in New t h eqa 1 - , specimen rifrine i .- Orleans, -On to mark to old Parr applies with equal force `Thus have been honored the sublime! I "£ the "Granite Walls" of the Emperor'sabout one o'clock in the u t., . morning, a, to them: "your life has been prolonged far and . high striated , dualities of the immortal party of men, supposed to number about ' Weshington-th e liberal and effectiv e r e . I I army; and with his bald, sun burnt for e beyond the ordinary lot of humauity five or six, went whooping and liallooip g to publicaniam of Jefferson -the profound head, iron-grey whiskers, shaggy ri ous pray what have yoe done more than other wisdom and pure patriotism of Ma•liscm- Cache, and fierce light blue eye, there was the house of Posey, residing on the peop l e go Old Parr naively replied, 041 stern virtues and daring .coterage of Carrollton Railroad, in Fauboure Bouli e • e something real) rorianc • • ,- • b g , please your majesty, ]did penance at the Jecksett. These are bright examples in j Y ' - 1 c eleou , . 11;8 T , ney s'neiteil to him t n coae out; appearance. He wore a rusty suit of n Y• age of one hundred and five," the punish our -.history; and they will eva.r remain j he rnee from his bed, and was in the act monuments alike of the gratitude and the I brown crape around his neck, ma a tricot ' meat being inflicted on the score of on ifli• sagacity of the American people. Yet, cred star and a piece of ribbon fastened to of making a light, when the vt indow shut. sit amour, as Parr was quite a Lothario at when a great State superaddsao her own i the collar of his coat. When asked his tars were forced open arid a musket fired ; t h at • his' period of existence, the young raa claims, based on the long and faithful and l at him. The ball passed throws)] his arm,' l name,he answered the recorder in the fob , . o ca , undeviating adherence of her people to the 'hen through his head, and perforated the principles of democracy, and rendered i lowing fashio n: ! The Hurricane in A lgiers. wooden) partition of the room. The mar. i Th e Paris correspondent oldie Boston Times powerful by her position, her resources.. 1 "Monsieur le Recorder. My name is he population, the irresistible claims ot 'Daniel Drayfuse, Chevalier of the Legion deters immediately ran away, making the g ives the following details of the teriffie hurt i.. thetasatv she presents, we might well sup., d'Honneur, and Minister from la b elie same savage demonstratier is of noise ; and ' cane which recently visited Algiers. From the pose the nomination made, ender such I , France. My father led the armies of the who they are, up to this time remains a itli till the 10th, and more particularly durin g - cireemstances, would not be ineffectual be- I 1G rand Monarch, and all the Dutchmen in m stery Mr Poeey died immediately' , tbe night of the 9th there fell such torrents of rain fore the American people. Penneylvania i this city are my servants ! .9h ! mon an I y -' ' ;as !be Eon - Titans who have been resident for I 1 after receiving the wound. No one can i twelve yrars in Africa never saw before, (he wind is this instance! Read over theist I tie Napoleon. I knew him Monsieurp isthe one publican States-and where . saw him open his grey coat afiet his escape I divine the cause of his having been made blowin g with imnicns e force from the north-west. whose career has - been more steady, more from Elba, and his I th e victim of the fury of these wretches. i In a fel, vhours after its commencement the city selfirecnfici;tg. mote effective in the deaeo with an unearthly light. There was a I and all the country round was inundated. Du. I ! . cratic cause'? Her history is ons that clanking of swords -and a murmur, like ring' this short time no less a euantay than six I sects honor equally upon herself and i the far off voice of the ocean rang along the Indies /drai n came down. The torrents formed thew cantors-rear statesmen and her sot , i line-the eye of each soldier flashed fire, ,on the.earrh were consequ nay overwhelming. -diers -have contributed Co many of the and you could see their swift winged tho'ts At Algiers two houses, and at Meatapha feat' ,ailit glorious events in our annals. Her form the burning words, Vice l'Empereur ! were washed down. At Blida?' fi ve were destroy vino#egii was signally exhibited in the war At that moment Judge Preval gave me an ed, and under the ruins ofone of these se.veral per , the Revolution, in nearly all the etrug iron cross and I was appointed to settle the sons were buried, but they were, ultimately got geds-of our infant people; and also on the differences between the United States aud safe out. In the new villages of Drarian,Achou r s the Northern frontier, or: the shores of thc Prance. My name will go from hereto and Donera, several unfinished buildings were , Chesapeake, and on the ocean in the war Washington-from thence to Louis Phil mach ahake n by the waters. It appears that this .011812. ger civic fame is equally honor-lippe-he will open a Cabieet, and we storm extended as far as Cherchell, where severa l Ablelo her. The name oilier PENN has plants- shall see whether I can obtain my walls and terraces were destroyeit and letters itself establiahed fir her, the character of • . -non in Bayou Lafourche '!" from the east have brought accounts to Algiers of peace And humanity. He went on in this style for some time, similar disaster... (Condusion, Toiogorrotv.) ' and at Fast the Reooniei gave hies iota the. F t `s ~f Ee r~ ,T PG", Pit.WILDENT, Ott DV, that a young lady was invited to a fashionable place of entertainment a few evenings since by a young gentleman ; the invitation was accepted and the parties went off together—when the entertainment was conc'tided, the lady accepted the arm of another gentleman, leaving the first men tioned individual to get home as he could !i The above particular instance occurred in Bos'on; such didoee are not unfrequent ly enacted in "these digging," if common rumor speaks true. But the young men should not get savage about it, as the girls are only in fun—ditches like sport as well as otter folks. hands of the officers, to -6 -kindly treated until the Attorney Gette:al was consulted as to his,ultirriate disposal. In the cnnsiderilion of thi4 matter, we I hope that no democratic member wid he found acting trill] the federalisls, as they most he assured Lilac the only object our op. portents can hare in seeking a 'change,' la to embarrass the democratic administraii,in and to bring the pub!ic improvements into, disrepute with the people, by de/eating the excellent tneasur , Js of ref.rrn that are now , Ileretabot*Oakiiippotidence.- . ~ .... HAREasusta Jan. 16, 1843'. , Gentlemen;—This day at 12 o'clock:the members of the Senate and House 01 Rep esentAtives met in the Hall of the House for the purpose of electing a State Treasti. A motion was made by Mr. llahn to postpone the election for one week... Upon this motion a discussion arose—the object of it was to defeat Job Mann the caucus candidate for the Democratic party for State Treasurer. The motion was lust— yes 42, nays 45. The names of a number of gentlemen who had been nominated as candidates by their revpective friends were then with. drawn, and the convention proceeded to an election. Upon the first ballut Job Mann received 79 votes—a large majority of the whole I/Umber—and was declared duly elected. A few Democrats refused to vote for Mr. ntnut but a large number oe Whigs sup, ported him, they having no regular eandi. date of their own rise I'resliet at .fllbany!—•[`lie freshet, says the Albany Argus of 'Thursday, con_ ' tinues unabated—the lower district of the city is completely submerged, and the ova_ ter in cellars extends nearly to Pearl street , as far north as Ferry street. In front of the Eagle tavern there has Leen a depth of about four feet water since Tuesday morn- The river is comparatively free from ice in front of city; we do not learn how far down it has broken up, but it is supposed to he stopped about New Baltimore. A ving lent rain on 'l'Lesday contributed to swell the current yesterday. I Cheering. Sign —Revival of Blaine:T. The Philadelphia Mercury says that an other of Ntr. Ripka's large Cotton Facto ries at Manaytink has gone into operatio within the last week, giving employmen to about 500 persons. Kensington Treavers.—The differences between the manufacturers and the weavers in this district, we understand, have been amicably settle& The men have all re. t urned to their work. •? Tall :Vame.—A new piece has been brought out in Philadelp'lia called "The Ice -witch and the Sun-spirit; or the Frozen Handl!" If it don't draw, it will not be for lack of name. The : 1 1111•+rites boa-t of a million of con veits ! Thie immenqe number of fanatics are chiPfly in New England and parts of New It r i , rk and New Jersey. The Boston Advertiser says there is no doubt that the two candidates that will he selected from the four by the House of Representatives will be John Davis and Marcus Morton, and that, the Senate will se lect the latter fur Governor. Several converts of the "battle axe" doctrine, a must licentious creed, have been lodged in the prison of Chester coun— ty, Pa.. within a week. Dr. Lan;lnt r is lecturing at Charleston. 1 4T v.,47-11ii Dra*--ThlP.,:si attri. bu:eallul bad inaSinessiiikeb is 'Ow l ' . ",iili * , , by the theatrical esiiiiiiiihmen4S io thirTlieniiinV to the LOTS dr PUBLIC JUCTIOX.—{ViII be sold oat cheapness of books at UM present time: it says afternoon "when books were act ad dear, the drama Bealleville, Washingto n eo. flourished; and thousands tarn spell-bound listen ing to the 81-,w unwinding o f the plot of a five :rrinla.ti,voteliheo3uOtehoJravvounry next; a; lolls v e t ~ i 2 o'clock le the 7 . a. Gre h e i nlieli flint village , which is [ woofing' a place of touportanas. a in s g itl i e nfe re'i r. ~ Dli sa i t Le e n 7 . 1 aßoade mfrvem,tis%'uunribeheerhatliton:ftiesrotowWegrrnek: act play; but now, when the most brilliant novels This will be a chance for Teamsters, erg—terms at sale which will be accommodating. A I N of the age con be boug:it for a shilling, and when aiont:iaoretheale.oeuottiae osilotithee'setilitire; front the national toad the whole tragedy and comedy of life comes be fore us every day in the morning papers, we get sui- Itn 19--101. ficient mental aliment without listening to playa." CI 'I r wlllsett ne ida-------- at**. paying good things. C lI There is force in this. Tutu Aurora is consta n tl y ' sir: aseortment of Dr Cl y morning at 10 J clock,T 'Jr onds, consisting Sal t inett oregiabo. tl.ii me res. e, F y lannels, CalleoesMottsoDlMlllllllN Shawls and a variety of other seasonable Goods. J. D. GUTHlllilt Auctions*. It is invariably the fact that men who arc big- oted, have but a poor underatan ling of the prin.' ' ciples to which they adherl. De wh -a abuJes his SHERIFF'S SALE. ntnerciagA action loots, for the sake of his opinions, displays on win he sold atßau stnanelCoiNo. 110 Wood•street, by order or Br Weaver, Esq.,Eibe r . its own part a lamentable degree of ignorance. hi, on Monday, January 23, 1843, the saliva &fa sf • Goods of a Xerchant Tailor, conshein o f e - Cloths, Cassimeres, Satirretts, Beaverteens.-4.4 French Linens, Padoing, Canvass. Bleachediread ; Br.. :4ns:ins, Sewing Silk, Patent thread, Gliss.- . tlernen's dress Coals, Over -oats, Satinet Ronorla— boutc, do Pativaloons, Winter and S e ep Shirts and Drawers, B wh:suine and Satin Stoo ests. ks, Cravats and Suspenders, Sinn Collars and Bosons, Glines aodflosiery. With a variety of Tailor!. Trimmings and other Merehatirlize. Teresa lob Par nrwry. I.t. A. BAUSIIIAN.--•• inn 17-3 i Auctioneer. 'he Fifth- rtarders go ahead in every thing. Their Singing school is the molt attracti of amusement. and ve p lacethe of its members is soul stirring. It meets on Saturday night. Our Exch !wage papers come very irregularly f .he past few days. Among atlicre, we fael the lose of the Baltimor e Sun the most. When it faile w fed all knocked into pi. What is tnc mat: 31.448achuterts.—'Fite Boston Times of tit! 12th ys: —Tnere is little doubt, from the evidence ex hibited by the balloting,' in Convention yesterday. that Marcus Morton will be. cho en Governor of the Commonwealth for the eusuing year. Ttlis seems now to be conceded by the Whigs, and hailed as a triumph by the majority of the peop e Com non wealth . The poser of democracy, like a huge wave of The ocean, h rolling resistlessly over thu country and sweeping away every obstacle to it. progress• TIP 3 dikes and barriers that the Whin. ,d* Massa chasetts have raised against the inuml,tion have been apparently fragile, and they most yield to the power of the storm. A Bombay paper, quoting a report that Ameri can cotton crop this year would be 2,500,000 bales, adds: "To give an idea or this immense quantity, it is only nece4sary to stale, that to put one bale at the end of another, would encircle the whole island of Great Britain, or wall it round three feet high and two feet thick' !! so that there will be no scarcity of the 'raw material." NVe learn from the Boston Bulletin, that it has been decided in an English Giurt, that a public lecturer sells the copyright of his lecture by the sale of his tickets. A Good idea. —The Mammachu3etta "Ir - oll'e of RepreaentailVeel, w filch consists uf upwa‘tds 0f350 members, has ordered fourteen newspapara per week for each member. Mr. Dickens' emoluments from the see of hi. Notcs on America, a moont to £5OOO, or nearly 825,000. iii. proits from the sale of his works fir the last fire yearn, it ii said, amount to $;5,, 000 per annum, The government s of France are shout-in fake the D•anta under their protection. The Diroel ois of the firkt and .9 econd rate theatres are beroatt,r t o be appointed by the Ministers. ----- The theatre in C.iarl-ston. 8. C , is flourishing under the manageme nt of Mr. Forbes. What's 1 0 a name . The Boston Courier has received a letter, inclo.sing two d.dlars for one quarter's subscriptio n to the Ci!urier, to be sent to 'Pill Garlick,' Post Office, Lexington, Mass. Sign —The editor of the N. Y. Union says: In 18.36 and 1837,new coats were all the fashion. A man could not then get trusted without a new Cost nn. Now tog. t credit among the merchants, a man must have a coat on well mended. It Shows RETRENCHVIEN T and a Cond WiFE.' The Delaware is clear of ice ion. What was the fracas on Tuesday night, in Pipetotvn. “London Assurance” has been produced again at the Boston Tremont. Negro Johnson and his Band immedi;- ately after their arrival at SI. Louis; they were arrested, and fined Sl° each, under the law which forbids free colored people to appear there without a license. Mr. Max Rahrer, announcr e a concert in Charleston, S. C. Why don the step this way? Senator Berrien, of Georgia,declines be ing instructed out of his seat. FIROD.FI OP THE PRE43.—Wa often fe•l voted and as often laugh at the blunierA which will oc• cur in the hurry of a daily paper, in the "hest r,g. ulated offleeA," and in spilt of the greatest alien. tion. A mnng the latest we have met with, are tl.e following: A New Flampsh;re paper speaks ofGert oral 51'. Neil as the "gallant bott/e