~3~ - r=•'tea - ~~~;~ t x:_``~' ttilliblor MADE, Ct.SeAlti .W.tttEHOUSH, Fear $l, too deer* trim the V B. Bank. if'si Tr rharrt ate.% r,., tirnilv Initrittr the ;whim ilia) h roved his ready made coffin warehouse to the g rerentl y netts pied by Mr. ft. G. Berford,direetly lllMl n sis old starlit, where he Is always prepared to at ptly to an 9 orders in his line, and by strict at. liestibit to all the details of the business or an Undertaker Siebarpss to meal public confidence. Ile will tie prepared atlittliouits to provide Hearses, liters, Carriages and every requisite on the moat liberal teg me. Calle from the Country will he promptly attended to. ale residence is in the same building with his ware 1 19 10 1 4 where them wig) need inn aonflece may fled hint 'Marty time. tailicatmcc.: ;w.*. tavrtn. Ages savocs, Irese* ?1470X. ■'CLDRI. I.P.R/11. WM 1A aD vaaltdau.d. il(111(S. P %IIPHLETS, I.ll,ANtCzt, VI,-;ITING CARDS, L kit ELS, A DDREs'S Do., OtipcKs, 111.'81N ESS Do., KO I'ES, II AND PI 1,1,5, BILLS OF LADING, CI Iwo). A RS, 4c, 4-c. Together with every tleverijoioh 'hf Leiter Press Print in;, furnished veil h neat nr?,.. and aesnatcli, and on mode rate terms, at the o'hce of the Daily Moroi.; Post. sep 10 . T 3 THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND Ti) PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—'Phis class of individuals is very Itituierotis. They are those who work in an unhealthy ainioflilieue. Printers, work men In feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead Manufacturers, are all 'nor, or Its; subject to disease at ., curd Inn to the Arent ill of their c . onstitiiiidtn. The only twei hod to r.. - evrilt disea,., is the occasional use of a merttelne which abstracts from the eirentat ion all delete rlons humors,anitexpeb, them by the bowels. Tonics in any form are injurious, an they only off the evil day to make it inure fatal. The use of Mandrel Ws Pills will Insure nes Itli, because they take all impure matter out of the blood; and the body is not weakened hut strentibelleq by their operation, fir tlir : and I rail as , ure yon I hat I am exceedire:ly py to have the pleasure of informing eon, that sineeiely and cordiall% speaking. 1 Can injustice reromruenil its fre quent use to all that unfortunate portion ef the human race throughout the globe who are now and ergot rig the moQi excrurnating pain for the want of a medicine prep n. rallon of exactly the same loth re of which yours is prepa red, and wino have for years been suffering, from the In print's. destructive and pernicious effects of worthies, tooth powders and other worthleu preparations. In ennepsion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth Wash hut for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly convinced that It is the hest now known. its Inestimable Virtues in preserving the teeth, (whirl' it kept in a :Toad anti handsome condi'ion, is the greatest emlfelishrneld than adorns the human structure.) are not to be excellent in easlittg and relieving the sufferer from Inoth ache, and restoring the gums to a healthy and purified randitiOn. and giving also a sweetness and fragrancy tu a disagreeably breath hitherto unknown. A crew my sit cere wish for your purees!, from Tours, irnly, JOSILTH 11141141XPA WIRT INSTITUTE. FIFTU COURSE OF LECTURES /11H E Committee on Lectures of the Wirt institute. 1. for the Fourth Course.respecifuly announce to the publ'c that they have made arrangements to commence the Lectures on Thursday evening, December 1. The Lectures of this course will be exclusively Literary and Scientific. The Committee, desirous of making the Lecture Room of tlic Institute a favorite resort of the lovers of ',Hera (tire and Science, an well as the fashionable, have spared no exert ions In prorrying popular and talented Lecturers, both at home and abroad. In the course ratty° werks a het of the Lecturers will he published, and tickets offered. SA \VI,. C. HUF:Y, W. w. WILSON, JOHN S. COS(;I? AVE, w M 11. SCA FE, JOHN SENI VLF„ nnv 9. if Committer. r t ~~•Y ITS. MAIL LINE or Splendid ras.wileer Steam l'ack• els from l'inrinnali ho Si. Lows 'l'lw new, splendid, feel towline. t‘: Held draught sietim Packels West trind and Nonpareil, will run 09 regular Packet , , from emelonati to Si. Look. Will leave I'M einimii and SI. Louis every Wednesday moruing, at 10 o'clock. Passengers from the Cast and West may rely upon heir Ntartiog, punriuully advertined. sep DR. WILLIAM EVANS'S SOOTHING SYRUP.— This iuLtllii,le remedy loin preserved hundreds when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the he child will ref( V. or. Th is preparation is so innocent, so ellic.aciotts, rind so pleasant, I hat no child will refuse to let its flume be rob tied with it. When infant.. are at the age of four months tho' there in no appearance of teeth. one bottle of the Syrup should he tined to open the pores. Parent.: ..Imn4l never lie wit hoot the Pyrup In Ilse nursery where iln•r, are young children, for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the _ants. the Syrup immediately L ivr-.. opening the pores, and healing the gums: titer, prevent in: Convu 3 ions, Fevers, kc. Far Sale Whole , ste amt Retail by R. E. 'SELLERS. se p 10 No. 20. Wood ctrerl. CIIEAP. -LACE AND H/BBOXSToIi E. Au 2 sr Char sere,. Laces and Ribbons, Wide and narrow arts, Lace and Muslin collar , . Infants' frock waists, Ladies, French Kid, Mohair, Lisle Thread. and Cotton G Black Mohair nets for Vcils—very cheap A large asserrtment of English Straw Bonnets. Alan a variety ofStraw, plain and fancy Tuscan braid MILLINERY of ix !local &rhino, and ■t exceedingly low rates. Thew goods are now selling nt at prices to Mil the Ladle g are revectllilly Invited to ralland purchase rep 16--tr L NcAerntrt,Oct. - 2fl, Iti4 2. atiiiskiigaisa. BENJAMIN BIIANDETH'S This vegetable slid truly Innocent n.edit.lne, snat rigs Toe isLoon, and immediately maps the further PRO• Gauss or DISILABZ, In the bodies of those whose powers of life arc not already exhausted. Where human means can avail, there scarcely is any complaint, or form of sickness, that the BRANDIIKTK PiLLR do nut relieve and generally cure. Although these pills produce n KNOWN rrecro hat elfect is not to prostrate lte body, as with other mcdieine-s, but the frame is invigorated by the le fewest of the cause of weeakiiess,t he morbid, the vitiated humors from the blood. Harmless in themselves, they merely Assisi NATURE To throw out the occasion of dickneecs from the body, and they rrertire no alteration in the dirt or clothing. In fact, the human body 'libeller ah'e to sustain with. nut injury, taw inclemency of the weather, while under the influence of this infection destroying,disease eradica iing Nletheine than at any other time. The importance of Brandreth's Pills for seamen and travelers is, therefore,self evident. By the timely Ilse of time itledicine how much anxiety and sickness, might we not prevent. Cold, Billious of fections, Typhus, Scarlet t nti fevers of all kinds, would be 1 1111(110wiit where sickness does exit, let no time lee lost, let the BR A N ETII'S PILLS be at once sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur liter lons of tin e --To BE R 101).K131CR /CD-- T lin I itrantiretli', Pt list Iheve stood a seven years' test in I I.e Untied Sillies. That they area vegetable and innocent medicine, yet all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic recant; infect ions or otherwise. Thal they purify the blood. and stay the further pro gress of disease in the human bully. That. in many Cite where the dreadful ravages of ulceration had raid leleP ligament and bone, and where, to all appearance, no human means could save life, have patients by the use of these pills, been restored to good health; the devouring disease having been completely eradicated. That each of the genuine has Upon it 7 Hitiar. COPYRIGHT That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Bra ntireih upon it. That there must i.e upon each hos three signatures, B nrt OCDRKTTS, M. D A nd ihree signatures, 1313:1= DR. FRANKLIN SAYR "All acute fevers ever require smite evacuation to bring twin to a perfect frißill null ?Olin ion, and that even by stools, which inns; be promoted by art when nature does not do I lie husioess itself. Out this account, an ill timed sc ruptilousnesl , about the weak nes.= of the body is of had consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to makeevacuatimis necessary, which nature attempts after ine humors are fit to he expelled , lint ha not able to accomplish for the most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly Its felt, and the debility ex reme, yet Noll one and the cliter have been restored h) il." The good elfect in he derived from the Mandrel!) Pills have to he experienced to Ito folly believed. By their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would ever assume their malignant rot ni. To appreciate to :be full extent ,the incalculable bene fits of BR A NUR ETH'S M.I.S. they must be used when he First Symptoms of ()Ise:lse present themselves. One done then, and their good effects will be felt throughniti the attack—lT IS TAKING THEM IN Tilt that ia the great secret in the core of all appearances of disease arising from bad blood, and I presume there are few at the pres rill day, will say anything of those diseases which affect the body when the Wood is pure. Such diseases I have yet to nee. !loping that some who read this may be benefited by so 1 nut respectfully, the public's servant, B. BRASDRETII, M. D. 241 Broadway, New York. THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOIS'. The pultiic wit, please observe that no Etratidtt th Rills arc genuine unless the box has three labile linoll 11, each containing a far Fllrlllin sig.noinrc of ray gland writing thus—R. Itrandret h. These labels are engra veil on steel, beautifully desi l tned, and done at an ex. pence nl . trerlal ihroirminl dollar,. Retiirrobt.C. I Ile 1011 —1111! side—a itil I he 1.0;10111. Ent red Irenrdpkg In ari of ("nn2rre , in lIIV tear 11141, by Bel fillllin Itr ndreili, in II r Oluire in V.ie Uls 1,1(1 Collri of Ille SO , tiler!, 'list r,rl of New York, Dr. B. iliantireth's nice offire, Nn. 110, II and Street riitsburzh. Only pt;.re u, l'ithrlorrOt It lie, the ;!euttliw Pills ran br nhiained. La le Vzent to lin fru , . Era titirelli 11111 reittlicali. of ,%grnr reill,Vr•dr,,lN I. eicelniq Pelf andll , lo or ter,o4) in -.ft non oilier ihan ii '.e .•iv ..41 from D• or hls general 4 gent. r:,le mall rugra ved except lie in Id- on II (IblletVe. 011 ria II ri/ rlitir•Ov ther e an exact cops of inn brie sin earl, I•ox r n. 2ravell therron. Purcln,er, .4e Iles tl.r rorrovin t ; of tlw labels MI I lir ce• tifir,lt•corre,,rood with law,c on lite Lon. Tl,e nr ITP Pr.'jl2rni. for I lir ,11r of Lin Ve,:ron I.• l'nuo PlUk. In nv co u ly, who are vti led wiTh iii, er boxes r Principal 11th..', No. 98, W o od 111,411er - Iy. Mr. Join •, Sir Krevort, Fi. RFFW LAND. Noble low FF. Jowl Ifltitcrox. Stewrerlel'oFvFF. part Duro A t.ti•NprB Asn•Le Clinton. FEW AR n Titoml son,Wilkinshorgli. G E rm Gl PrFRTKR. ieW. 11 °BERT rORTLR, TBI,BIIIIII. Flif.ahel Mown. C F. 1)1mi L. ERA I.ltorrl y, EAFFIra. PRERIII.MY IRWIN, rIeaRRIII DA.vtD 11 Coort Townrhip. %Vbs. 0. flt - Nreit— A Ilen't. FFIdl. F4ep 10 Pt 1.1:S cured by tin , •e or Dr. Harriett'. Compound Sirengtbonm: and German A perient MPH Dr. Ilarlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the A:ency flout you for the sal, of your medicine. I fumed an aconainienre wi h n lady of thin place. who was neverely afflicted with the Pile+. Poi eirlit or ten )ears this lady was subject to frcrtiment painful attacks, and her physician consiiii-red her rase so complicated, that tie very seldom piesci bed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she commenced usinn your Piths, and was perfectly cured. Yours, 4-c. J A NIES R. KIR BY October 3. 1840. Cliamtterstm:, Pa. - e °thee and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Simnel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. cep 10 INTERESTING CURE performed by Dr.Strayoe's Compound Syrup of Prunes Virginiano, or Wild Cher ry. Having made tire of I his invaluatile Syrup in my family, which' entirely cared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and clinking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, :Mended with constant cough, spasms, C . 011VIliSi011P, 4 c, of whirl, I bad given ti pall hopes of its recovery until I was advised in make t Mal ut this iiivaluahle medicine. A tier siring the rd - rile it had upon my child, and con eluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en tirely relieved me ofa cough that I war afflicted with for many years A ny person wishing to see one ran ea at my house in Beach Streel, above the Market, Kebsintoo. J. WIL.,ox. DR. SWAYNF.'S SYRTJPOP WILDCHERRI We rail the al imition of the public to the numerous certificates which bays ' , cell in circulation in nu , paper and some others of till,: city, highly recommending Dr. So. VNL's Compound St) rig, of Wild Cherry .—We have seen the Original certificates, find hove no (lonia hut they come front truly grateful hearts,expre,ove of the benefits which they have received from Mat valuable compound. We have aelpinintances who have frequently need the above medicine. who ran speak with confidence of its viittic,—: , qui day Chronicle. Firt.t.ow CITIZZNS:—With sincerity 1 would advise volt. uric and all, I , w h sick and well, always to have a heriteof Ile SwAysx'scompound Syrup of Wild Cherry volts house--it is invaluable in cases of emergency. ',nth as Spitting of Blood, it , thnin. attacks of violent roiOiliie, which is often the reuse of spitting of Mope. Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causes, producing swat alarm.• sudden colds from improper exposure. which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means bring ready at baud;—and as I have used Dr. r`W•INICS C011111(WIld syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly to my family, and always with innrked success—l ran recommend it with ronfidenre a, being one of the best family medicines which has ever been offered to the public.—Saturday Chronicle. Sold by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale k Retail, only aeon' for Ntisburgh. N 0.53 Markel Street. sep ID WILLI M REED, Merchant Tailor,—Recneetrully informs his friends and the public in general that he has commenced business at No. 11 Market street, second door from the corner of Front, where he hores by strict attention to business is srerit• shatter public patronage. N. B. The latest fashions regularly received:the pub k may depend on having their work executed acrordins u the latest style. sep 10 M== CM=! C 4213 1 Re. Talk - Kink% bin resPerstallyilo intenu the Ladies 'of-Pktshistegh and its vicinity that eite . has arrived di.- sect tram London, with a beautiful sasort meat aid Mutt. ry of the newest style. Her connexion t here will at all times enable her to introduce the latest fashion and should the Ladies honor ter with a share oft heir patroaage. site pledges herself to keep every thin: of the most styliall description, and pay strict attention to economy. is with confidence Mrs. T. tecoutntends her French and London made Corsets . ; also her splendid assnrimeni of Embroidery, which it, superior to anything yet intro duced iu this country: II includes Baby Linen. Conlloi tteurs: Orientals, Canes a la Cardinal, Demi, ditto. Bor. than for Evening Costume, Collars Cuffs, Pocket (land• kerchlefa, Morning and Night Caps, kc., wris.ch will be rendy for their approbation on the 91It of ()tumor liCit. Mrs. T. is waiiin2 the arrival of her Conners from Europe, at No. 2 Ferry sired, between Liberty and Fourth si reels. sept. 29 itf 11. M. MAMR•IV... Oi:O. P. II \MILTON. NIAGRAW*HA MI LION, Attorneys at Lam. have removed their Mire io the resielrnee of H.S. Ma. et:lire:on (ount') 51, Iwo doors above. Smithfield. sell ID t — "COFFIN WAR EIIOI:SE.—.Sto, 79. FottrtAt Street, Between Wood and Smithfield nts. Two doors from the corner of Wood street. Con mainly on hand nut assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every size and description; covered ones, with Cloth: Mahocany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar. and Pine Coffins. A I.SO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages fartii , hed; Graves procured; and all services renderee that friends may requite. A credit given in all caeca, either ofeofFins or carriages, requesred. HENRY BEAR ES, Undertaker. e p 10 175 BiILS. K HITE Lim E. a superior article, for sale by J. G. 4. A. GoRDON, sep 13 No. 12 Water .nreet. VA t I ETY.— Just received from New York, 3000 Temperance A Imnnace for 1843; 3000 copies.of the Journal of the American Temperance Union and Youth's Temperance Advocate for September. Also, 2000 Chris tian Almanacs, and a good assortment of Lootnis's Maga zine and Pittsburgh, and the Franklin Magazine and Corn. mon Almanacs for 144.3; by the gross, dozen or singe; 250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu siness Dirctory and Strangers Guide. for 6Hcents. Also, Cottage, Family, School and Pocket Bibles and Testa. meets, David's Psalms; Met hodist and Temperance Hymn Book-; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ. Harp.and almost all kinds of School Books; Guna's Do- Insure Itedicine; Day Books nod Ledgers; Writing, Let ter, rind Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red Ink, by the gross, dozen,or boll lc; steel pens, quills, slates. pencilsond us criers; Cyclopedia of Ilistory, Wrueern Pilot. and a con. sideraidevariet v of Books and Stationery, for sale on ac. commodating terms for cash or country produce, ISA AC RR'S, Agent and Commission Merchant, scp '2 No. 9, Fifth street J. ti. litoottuctD. C. F.. 147 .,...a5La. J. l'Atrct UNION COTTON FACTORY, Alleglic y City, al the end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stucking Varn,l 7o• ton Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting, and ale prepared tc fill orders at the shortest notice. having selected the latest and slOsit Improved maehi nery,a rid employed the ntannger who has attended to the Hoer PA. 'roan for the five years, they are manufactu ring a euperior article. Cotton Warps made to order, • Orders thruogh the Pittsburgh Post Offire.or left at the enure or J C. Painter 4. Co.. Liberty street; or Logan 4. Ke nn edy, tVood street; wilt meet w;I h prompt EVICII • I ion. Address—J. IC. 31 OOP, lIE %D 4. CO. sep 12.-1 y /lit) I'ENI A I,ES.— 'bete is a targe class 01 Females in this City who from their confirmed sitting, to which t heir occupations oblige t hem,are affected with costiveness which:lves rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex• motion, sense of Ilea vines , extenditez over the whole head, intolerance of lieht and sound .an inability of fixing the altrotion to any menial operations*, rumbling in the bow els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals n hen any exertion is used, no aoinx quickly up stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at mire to a few doses of the lira ntiret h l'lte °era. stun, I ti-e of this medicine would Faye a deal of tronhle and tear- of atifferin.z. ()or, or two, or even three rf the Ilr.indreili pals jit , Ferro, dinner, are of en found hizlity lien li-tat; rranv tine them eery advania2enrody in wit); !Iry aid :rad digesi ion, reonre Ihe bowed,: proper rm.i,tim..,,kiivrn the soirit=. impart clear the complexion. purify Ihr Wood. and promote a heals h arid ha Or. It :lik,- Olin,. No. 93 %Vonii sot el, - 25reni i per Lot. ,with full direciions. NIZK —The mill.' glare in l'ittsbor2ll, where the O I N s ILe Docior's own Of tire, No 91i Wood , ireni. ep 10 l[711G1t: \I, I NSTRI! MES TS' Sr Itt; 17. i. S RCSIENTS'— .11rCart hy, Cutler old Vorgiral I,,trioneut ifaker, Third street, ',turfy opposite the Post (Tee, Pitt, barrh (SIGN oF"rilr. r()LnEN: SIIT:ARS rhysicians. nentkiot and ftriitt2l%lP van have Ihnir in oilurnenltt made by the iuhsvt,her or a soper.or quality and at Ea-tcrn prime. Patent Shears and Scksora alwaya on hand also Hailers Shears. a superior :wide. Orders respect (oily solicited. N. R. All warranted or Ilte hrAt quntity. %Ind Johhinc done rt. 11 , 11.11 pep 10 11 - IVES CONIPLA I NT.—l'lrie disease ofien fermi- A naresin another of a more serious nature, if pro per remedies are tint resioried to In time. In all forme of this disease, Dr. Ilarllch's rorripound Strengitteniwr and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure —first by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver. by the 11,1' of the Ger man Aperient Pill9.aner which the Compound Strength. ening Pills are taken to give strength and lone to those teenier organs which require such treatment only to of a permament cure. These Pills are neatly put up In sma ll packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19 North F.lght St reet , Philadelphia. A Inn, for sale hy Sam• uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sts., Pittsburgh Pa. sep I() ALLEN KRANI ER , Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor ner of Hood and rhkrd Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.— Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, knight and sold. Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and hills, collected. Pittsburgh,Pa, Wm. Bell k Co., John D. Davin, F Lorenz, J. Painter ¢ Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson 4- Co.. John 11. Brown k Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M'Candless. St. Louis, Ala.. J. R. M'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, E.q. Pres'i Bank Ky. srp 10 pIOIOV A L.—The undersigned begs leave to inform the public, that he has removed from his old stand, to the corn , r of Penn and St. Clair at s., opposite the Ex change lintel, where he has fitted up a lane Pt•no Foals .rt Room, and now offers for sale the most splendid assoriment of Pt• Nus ever offered in this market. Hip pianos consist of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahognny. beautifully finished and mo deled. and ennui, meted throughout of the very best ma• terinls, w hick, for durability, and quality of lone, as well Its touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen bere. As lie has enlarged his manufactory. and made arrange. wi l ts to supply the increasing demand for this Inslrtt• mint, he respectfully requests those intending to par. chase to call and, xamine his assortment before purclia. sing elsewhere, as lie is determined to cell LOWIR, for cash, than any other establishment cast or west or the mountnltts. F. BLUME. Corner of Penn mid Pt. Clair streets. sep 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans*B Camomile Pills, CtRTIFICATES.—LeIier.rtOIII the itoit. Weld laii,Sullivtte County, Easl Tenne,see, Memherof Congress WASHINGTON, July 3d. 1838. Sir—Since I have been In this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and saris faction, and believe it to he a 111.34 valuable remedy. One of my xonstituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell - county, Tennessee. wrote to me to tend him some. which I did. and he has mployed it very surcesgully in his practice. tied sayslt is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place...thinks you would probably like an agent In Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as n proper per.con t 3 officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he is willing to net for you. You can send the medicine by water (tithe rare of Robert King 4- Sons. Knoxville county.Tuanes. see, or by laud to Graham 4. Houston. Tazewell. East Tennessee. I have no doubt but If you had agents in several counties in Ea-t Tennessee. a great deal of medi cine would be sold. I am going to take some of it home for my own lISP. and that of my friends. and should like to bear from you whether you would like an agent at Rluniville.Stillivan County. East Tennessee; I can get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Ycurs respectfully. ABRAHAM M'CLELLAN,of Tennessee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by R. E BELE ERS.Azent. sep 10 No. 20, Wood strect,helow Second. pall roof . I NMI eki WM; Afarlikalgroi ‘hr J°Aul Denning, SiztA street. abet!. .•-• odhaid strsavPittsbersk Pittsburgh, June la, 1839 Mr. loon Destriso:—Dear Sir-Ainving hren present, yesterday, at the experiment whirl' you were pleased to make. in the presence of a number of our business men, of the .nrety of dour IRON CHESTS, in case of fire, it gives me pleasure to sny, that so far as I was capahle of Judging, the test was fair, and the result exceeded my expectations. The Chest was a small one, about 30 inches high, by about 13 of 20 Inches in breadth and depth, and was pla• ced ou a block of wood about a foot in thickness, so as to elevate It about that height from the ground; several i books and newspapers were deposited Inside of It, in the manner in which Merchants and others would usually mace them—a large quantity of light pine wood [slabs from on adjoining Sa w !Mild was then placed around and above it, and the fire kindled on the windward side, sons to drive the name against the hack part of thechest. The lire was kepi up about three quarters of an hour, uui it you had none among the spectators and received from them their universal answer that the lest was sufficient. The chest was then drawn out of the fire, and cooled, and opened, and examined. The contents were all safe, rind the only injury done was bottle back of one hook which appearedto he a little charred. From what I witnessed, I think that these i•liests nre descry log of contideme, as affording, perhaps, the best security, to Merchants then. books and pa per. , , which they can have without building large, hick, and pen-ive vaults. I would consider them a better sec.irlty than many vaults which I have seen bud; • Your triend, SAMUEL Clll7llCli. We concur in the above statement, having been pre, sent when the chest was tested. o'. AN. Cooper, J. 11. Shoenber, ger, Rohl. Bell, J. linghlin, .1. Painter, A. Cordell, R. Miller, Jr. C L. Armstrong, A. H. Hoge Thomas Craig, S. O. D. Howard, J. W. Vogl. Extract of a Letter from Pugh. 17Irord, dated Cia 29t Mari A,1842 J. Denning., Pittsburgh, Pa. Re, , ,p , rd Priest!: We have the fat Whet 1011 to state as the I eat rerommendat ion we can give of the utility of your Iron Safes, that we hav- one of them which was in an exposed situation in our counting room, at the time of the fire, on the morn ing of the 101 II inst, which consumed our Poi k Home to. gether with a large portion of the meat, lard, kc, which it contained; —and that our hooksand papers which were in the Safe, were entirely uninjitied, and were taken front it after the fire; without ever being discolored. Yours, &cc. PUGH k AI. VORD. Extract of a Letter from Slater 1 , 5- Holbrook, dated St. Louis, Feb. 24th, 11141. Ma. Duman, Dear Sir: One of your ,zrconti sizechests was burned a few days ago, in a feather store—lt pre served its contents. Rosner' Bitty yours, sep 10 SLATER .- ❑OLBROOK. L 1 vEn COMPLAINT cured hy the use of Dr. Dar. compound Strengthening and Aperient rills. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa.. entirely cured of the above distressing disea , e Ills symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, leq , of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick head•ache, furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color, dal. culty of breathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de rang,emetit of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice of several phrt.cians, but received no relief. until using Dr. Medicine, which terming. fed in effecting, a pe -feet r a re. Prinripal Office. 19 North E 17.1 1 111 Street. Pititatit'lnitia For sale in PltiAlturf.th by Samuel Frew, corner of I,liter ty and Wood 51 reel s. p 111 CinetNuari, February 15,1340 SIVAYNK—Denr it:- Bet mil me to take the the sly of u siting to )011 at 'OS I 'mr 1./ I thy a pprhhat 1011, :Ind to recommend to the attention of heads of families and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginiatia, or Wild Cherry Bat k. In my travels of late I have seen lit age eat ninny instances he wonderful effects of ynur medicine in relieving chil dren of very folkslitialP complaints, such as Coughing, Wheezing, Chocking of Phlegm, A sibmat ir attacks, 4-c. kr. I should not have written this letter. however, at ( I v went, although I have fe;t It my duly to add my 'esti ninny In It for !mine time, bad it not been fur a late stance where the medicine filmy et alluded to was ins: ru. mental in restoring to perfect health an -only child," whnse case wa< almost hopele,a, in a family of my :lc. quatntanre. ••I thank Ileavr n," said the ditatina moth. ••r, "my child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 how T 'eared the releuilt Sr ravager But my child is safe! is safe!" Beyond all doubt Br. Swnyne's 17omponnit Syrup of Wild Cherry Is the most valuable medicine in l his or any other country. I ant rertain I 'ave witnessed more than one hundred cases where It liar been attendrd with corn. Write surress. I ant tislng it myself In an obstinate at. Lark of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual in a ex reedlngly short time, ronsidering the severity of rase. I run reromend it in the fullest confidence of Its superior virtues; I would advise that no family lie without it; It Is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth double and oßen ten times its mice. The public are as cured there is no quackery about it. R. JACKSON, D. I). Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, N. Y. Sold by WM. TIIORN. wliciiesale 4- retail, only agent for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. sep 10 ABOON TO THE HUMAN R ACE!—.. Discover what riff destroy Life, and you are a great seas. Discover what will prolong Life, and the world will call you Impostor." "There are faculties. bodily and intellectual, within us, with which certain herbs have affinity, and over whimh they hare power." Dr. B. Biandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment, which, by its extraordinary power:, abstracts Pain or Sorene-it; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, While Swellings, Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints, Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat, Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en largements. Tender Feel, and every description of in .inry affecting the Exterior of the Human Frame, are cured or greatly relieved by his never-to be sufficiently extolled remedy. CICRTITICATIC.—The following letter from Major Gen oral Sandford, as to the mean! ies of the External Rente dy, speaks volumes: . . Dear Sir—Will you oblige me wij h another bottle of your excellent Liniment? • It is certainty the best of the kind I have ever vein. It 'has clued entirely my son's knee, about which I was so tineasy,and I have found it productive of immediate relief in several cases of eater nal injury in my family. A tew evenings since, niv youns.est child was seized with a violent attack of Croup, which was entirely removed in twenty Inissacs, by rub Ling her chest and throat freely sit the External Rem. edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment for seneral use, instead of confining the use of it, as you have heretofore lane, to your particular acquaintance•. Von, s I oily, C. W. SA NI/CORD. DA . It. BRLIRPRZTFI. 241 ('roadway, N. Y. T.For Fate at 211 Broadway, New York, and at his Office ,No• 9 t Wood strrel,Pittaitrgh. PRICE-50 cents per bottle with directions. eeplo SIECRZTARY'P Fl ; arrisburg,h, August 241 h, 1842. ALF: OF THF.CANALS AND RAIL ROADS RE -1,71 LONGING 'l'o THE STAT E.—Notice is hereby gl• ven that in pursuance of the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and tweattcth Sections of I be Act of A sseaibly passed the . 2711 a day of July. 1842, prom:els will he rages ved at the State Department until the laiiii:day of Novem ber next. for the sale of all and each of the f.lartals and Rail Roads belonging to the Cuintnostwenliti. for which Stste,Siock.at par zalue, will be received in payment. Each individual or Company is required, specifically, to state. the particular line of Canal or Rail Road which they desireto purchase. the amount of their respective bids therefor, the given and surna toes of all concerned in the offer, together with their place or places or residence. In order that the same may be laid before the cell Legis ature. The proposals must besealed up and directed to the Secretary of Commonwealth with an endorsement on the samr: ...Proposals far the purclade aJ al: Pia lie Works." By order of the Governor. A. V. PARSONS, nen IR Secretary °One Comosonwes Nzw YORK, Feb. 9, 1842 a , ,APIS' , SAPIPTY -AI L -arPtioirli./ Atom Bottom .~ -•--~- >. ITIRAVELERS TAKE NOTICE—That alt -1- provided with the Safety Guard have their sbifia bills printed with a figure of the apparatus— and be etr ful you are tilt deceived by misrepresentations of ,A gentssiating their boats to be provided with the Guard, when'they are pot ',secured agate at The following ilia list of Wall supplied with the Rife ty Guard at the Port of Pittsburgh—all eseepi the'lvte first on the that have the improved apparatus with Whisk apparaws it is Impossible for an explosion to occur: SAVANNA, FORMOSA, RARITAN,' ILLINOIS, NIAGARA, DU QUESNE, ORLEANS, JEWESS, CANTON, MONTGOMERY, LADY OF LYONS, CADDO, VALLEY FORGE, INDIAN QUEEN, FORT PITT, GALLANT, BREAKWATER, QUEEN Of VIZ SOUTH EXPRESS MAIL, DUKE OF ORLFA.ISI!, ALPS, BRILLIANT, CASPIAN, EcLIPSE, VICTRESS, WEST WIND, Al VII IGAN, MARQUETTE, OSPREY, TALLEYRAND, PENEL3PE, PANAMA, BOW INA, CICERO, AGN Es, SARAH ANN, MESSEN&ER, : - NA R AG A NSETT, SARATOGA, AMARANTH, ORPHAN BOY MUNGO PARK, OHIO, NEPTUNE, CECILIA. ADELAIDE, J H BILLS, • NORTH BEND, GALENA, MARIETTA, MENTOR. BRUNETTE, COLUMBINE, STEAM FERRY BOAT, The traveling community are respectfully ritrept before they make a choice or a boat, to reflect a toOnie and Pee whether It would not be to their stPrartlolie aml security to choose a Safety Gnurd Leal, bolls fro', passaxe and freight, in preference tonne not PO guardid aping explosion—and that they will.bear in Anteci. that this Invention has the unqualified approbation of fifty steam engine bnilders—sentlemen whose irosluntt: it is to understand the sulicei, and who are entirely diel interested—besides a number of rertificales from acienti - lc ;pallet? en and others—all of which can he peep af my office, No 10. Water -tree!, where It would elve us ' pleasure nt all times to exhibit my invention to all,' who will cake toe trouble to call. sep 10 CADWALLADER EVANS. VA LILA RIX REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.— The subscriber offers for sale, al the present reds- red rates, the greater part of his real estate, sitvale is the rules nr ritionfo and A llegheny. via: Three of hi Brick Warehouses, nearly new, a 'substantially bon situate on Market st !Pei , I et ween Second and non*, etn• bracing a front of about 54 feet by 60 deep. For sale ea t ire, or separately to mil purchasers, and neon Isms ere?' its. Alm, .telert hitiltllnt. Int in A 11.2 finny city, 64 feet In breadth, It) upward or 350 irrt in depth, haying tnni nt, on the Pen nsy Iva ia canal arid ibis Otilet nn ‘VashinVon rcpt. A kr, t he Int rtsljoin in! the alkeve. 100 (Pet In breadth by nearly 350 fret in depth. Itirllt4lito: the large and ate- -ant man. lon linlige Which I now nernpy and nolhdild A a lot with two two dory hrirk ate on the corner or Mat ko anti Front Pt f rfIS, FOhjetlio motiorroo _round roil!, anti now orenoieti h 7 Mr. Boy( ALEX. BRACKENRIDGE. • gronery . Fri) 111 FI X Sk.F.:l) it .q.,4/RD —%% nnird to purl to to cwt., nr g00(19, a quo ni its of Floc and Timothy rePritr. Almost :111 kind? of Country Proem,. !alum is paya , ftit" for en.ti or rood? at II A linelligente niffirg and pro 31 Conlinn,ion %Var linure, No 4. Fifth Pt, ToIIN 11A RT. Commission Afereiltnit, Dealcr is pr., II duce altd American Manufacivrrs, .3;odisolG R Err R TO inn. Grier. E -A., P Aaron Hart, Janie, C , citran of R'd . Jno 0. Davis, M'Vay 4- Hanna, 4• Avery. Ozden k Co. •• Jon. Woodhourne, ALL 4IiLE FARM FOR SA 1.E.-1 will sell the V Farm on which I live, in Wilkins lownahlp.atent Braddnri.stield, conialnln7 one hundred and seventies acres; about 70 acres of which is cleared, and the Wave* well limbered. There me upon it three log dwellints, and a harp 63 feet.,l , y 34; an apple orchard of choirefriti . .; A I so, about seventy acres of coal. The soil is htlieired Its be equal to that ot any upland faint in the township. Terms made known on appliration In the talusq I Wei , ti.oll in the premises. WILLIAM WALLACE. prep It) WTILLIAM C. WALL, Ptak amd Farley Peer/rail and Plato,* Feasts .Manajaaarrer, 47. , Fouetk Street PittsburrA. —Canvass Brushes. Varnisb: /re., for Artists, alwsys on hand. Looking Classes. 4t, promptly framed to order. Repairing done st ►Le 000, es I not lee. Particular attention pout to regildiag and jobbing saw cry deccrip' ion. Persons fitting up Steam Boats or houses will fine It td theirativantage to call. Hp 19 WHITE LEA D.—The subscrilers urn now prepaeolly to furnish painters, and others who 'stab to dar• clias•e pure White Lend made of the hest materials - war e ranted equal, if not superior to any offerrd tot hc nobik. All old. - rs addressed to Dunlap 4. Hughes,eare of El Mitre 4- co . No.no Second street, Pittsburgh, will be prompt/ nllendefl to. DUNLA P 4. HUGHES. I A DIES FASHIONABLE SHOE STORE, Jr,. Fifth St.. on e door from Old Stood of X. Thadripiet W. The Subscriber respectfully Minutia the ladles Pittsburgh and vicinity that he has commented 1e tailing Shoes of his own ntanufactumat the ■hotre where he will keep conslaoily on hand a good eseeri• mem of all kinds of ladies, misses, and ehild►ea's..itQWC and slims, of the best quality. w Welt will he sold at 'psi. res lo the ;Imes Ile will also make to. order 211 kinds of fancy work—suet' as white and Meek' Witt slippers, colored gaiters, and buskins. Wien, mines and, children's ellsfrrs. silk gaiters, kc., 4-e. All of %Ida will hr made at the shortest notice. and in the best ma,. ner. Ladies will please call and esamine for thesoseks2.. as the subscriber feels confident tint he can gbh noes.' fi any article in his line they may want. •er sep 10 J. r. KIMIRA P. S. Don't forret the Otter—No.B, Fifth:at reet—oim door front Harrier!. Intelligence °dice,. and thine - doer from Market Street. J. C.M.. I L b L o i d. n s ID o I f G D B I o Y s h y a; I i t %Igo rzLL t r a w k the ea r w r belet tsi e a f. i tr i I V Liberty street and 42 Market street. begs to 'velem 'MI' I Ininkp to the numerous friends and customers 41111 me •• firm. for the very liberal support they have - 'twilit: Ist_ tended to him. In connection with Mr. Hopewell, 'ilia w Ishes t o assu re them that every exertion shall bo unottilts merit the continuation of the same. He would MN peer fu'lv Invite their attention to his present vtutir Clothlng.whleit be Intends selling at moth lowor yortabll lila" hos been ever offered, being db Nkomo of disposing of the whole of the stack of the Late Aram as quietly as arias he Intends to confine himself to an excluMMl cash businm, he feels confident no estaldishmedri tit surpass his stock. either in cheapness, durability, ar sulk new of workmanship. Please intake got keel hat every artitte sold, Is mans*. 7 trued in Pittsburgh. illoa Aln UEL !NOR ROW..lifeenfretaree ej 7tn. C.pper ir Skeet frost Ware, X 0.17 Fifth iltratt; ifikett*i: Weed awd JderkasStreete,—ls prepared to All all in his line at the shortest notice. Cellar) neltellliti and others an solicited wean and eziuniaelidainientlasik or wares, which wilibe sold wholesale or tetail,” at rents. House 'patio; sad stavitositairaysio 10$11011:: , ) imp 10 • - 4