Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 14, 1843, Image 1

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    N.u:. ~--
0-iVOL L_NO. 106.
fatm 14.--p E DOLLARS ■ year, payable in
afteatte. Single conic: TWO CENTS--for sale ca the
al:Wafer of the °Mee, and by Nears Buys.
'ilia , altereur y and Manufacturer
Id published WEEKLY, at the saute saes. ono double
medium sheet, at. TWO DOLLARS * year, In ad.
trance. Eint,de copies. FM CENTS.
Tereus of
(like insertion, 0.50 fine month,
Twoinaertiono, 0.75 Two monis,
Three insertions, 1.00 Three months,
Otottweek, 1.50 Four months.
Two limpets. 3,00 I RI: months,
Three weeks. 4.01 One veer,
citototkate AT PI CASORIL.
Ono Syssors. Two Squarer
IRK months, ilrlg.oo 1 Six months, $23.00
One year, 25.00 One year. 35.00
'pl ,- ..burger advertisements In prorortlon.
CARDS of four lines Stx DOLLARS rt year.
etre Post Orrtce Third between Market and Wood
etreeta—R. 111 Riddle. Postmaster.
(*carom Hausa, Water, 4tlo door from Wood et. Peter
/Q.l'S baildlur—Major John W Mock, Collector.
ere TIMAIII7RY, Wood between FlrA and Second
streets—Jasca A. Bertram, Treasurer.
ConIITE TREASURY, Third street, next door to the
Presbyterian Chiireh—S. R. J nlinron, Treasurer.
asot's Herter, Fourth, between Market and Wood
ttreen—Alciander Hay, Mayor.
Maacnant's Excnalcoe. Fourth, near Market at.
Prersautaa.hetween flarket and Wood biennia, on
Third and Fourth rtreett.
Wert-notes' •RD SIAPIOT•CTCRIRS' AND F•Rtaßa' Dc•
watT 1111111‘.. (formerly - fErving Fund,) Fourth, batmen
Wnnel ant Market atseets.
Etc n fifth atreet. near Wood.
If crr Et,s.
Mnrialaafat,►lloosa, Water street, near the Bridge.
Ilwillasisie Horst., ensues of Penn and go. Clair.
Meacsa.stia' floret., Burner of Third and Wood.
Aosur.ats tiert&oeorner of Third and Smithfield.
Urturtmara - riet. corner of Penn street and Canal.
SeaisOrEaat.a,Libert y street. near Seventh.
‘ltLietts Maasinx Ilni-rtc,lrilteriy St opanAte Wayne
llan l / 4 011CIST att , lo , l Horse. Penn St. npinna de Canal
L COUNSELLOR ATL.A.W•—( /fTwe !from
:etflo flakewell's offireß o! Grant st., oeatlq OnPOSite
lie new Gnarl nou3e, pe‘t rooms to John P. Mahon,
Esq ,—First floor. pop 10
'IIIIOS. H. ELLIWF I', M. D. _ Office remored t
IL St. Clair street, betrcen Penn uwd Liberty St.
•Pitesinrob. P t 10
o c t i e V GOUDS•—rf , sion 4- Mackey, wli,,lrtelle and
retail dealer , in Enalit.h, French, at d Itorne.elr
Dry floods, 40. Market .t Pep 111
M.'CANDLES S & 1.11 9 C LOUR F,., A torneyit and
Counsellors et Law: Office he Diamond, hack
of Ihe old Court nowt, Po is..o 10
R E 110 V AL. - R. Morrow, Alderman; otTi•o nnrili
Side of Firth Fl., hoween Wood en d Smithfield
l'iltOnirei. " FOP I 0
TatlN M' DE v r rorur Iteri if. tuff
DiAttli , r, And rierlicr in Prorliiru and l'illshiirzh
Muniifirtured Na. 224 bitterty Street. Pitts
burgh. Pep 10
IN %,‘ '‘'lt.f.L...4* 1,.,41 I'LI.WORIII
G roe.. r. l'rollorr a ~d C.a. to iso,i , 11 err lin and
de...1..4 , 1 ie Pill Abu r:li red rfl it le:, N''•
IVookl etreut
i•rill.o'll.l.R.-11{t)BIN;SON. ;0
tilti 0! 011 I lie tun' h -I.le of the D 1411101.4
olarkEt rt , ts, lip vita irft Fel l 111
I. DURBOILINV, A ttOrOty at Law; I. thiler
ilrOcurNiJll:tl to Ihr tooth - . ltllire ear
nor of Finn and Nlarket Streets, above D. Lloyd k co'
Moro, Pinstoirolt, Pa. volt 10
-- . -
Jotin 11.:,-;ficHar J. N. K It.A.N
QIIERIFF & KEA N, Maltufacturer+ of Copper
1.7 Tilt, and Slleet Iron Warr, Nt,,) Si Front et , Fitis
hurOi. llouge Spoutmg and Stestill.i.Nt work p opli.th ,
e1...L1M-di. Set' 10
T1197dA9 B Y rp9 . PItA Net S I Vor NG.
ripllOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furuquie
r.notos, turner of Hand I. 4. Exchange A 116.
rersOns wishing to purclince Pornitiire, wilt find it to
their ailvantn2e to give us a call. heir! fully satisfied that
we car. please as in e quality and pi ice. Pep 10
mktir fON 11 .131 S.—Just rece , ved 160 choice Mut
-1.1.11. wit Hants, well cured and rot sale cheap by Ihedo•
sen or retail, by IS \-1(7 HARRIS,
cep t 0 Nu 9, Filth f
RjuTA BAG A.. - % 0 , uyp'y of Landret les Fresh Ro
ta Br2a, and whirl different varieties of Turnip
Fee :, Ora received and for PSIS at RYE/t C:ID PRICES RI the
pros and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN.
or') 10 No. 184 T.ilierty si reel, hcad of Wood.
'!' EBB CLOSEY,S Boot and shoe Slonni.,cio•
ry, No. 83 Fourth next door to It , U. State,
Rank. Lsdies PruneHa, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;
be neatest manner, and by the newestyrencti patterns.
sep 10
5,000 MORUS MULTICAULUS. in lots to suit
purchasers; to Le disposed of by
No. 184 Liberty street. head of Wood.
• mei) 10
DAHLIA ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev
slesnription, can al ways %e had at Inc Dr tie
and Seed tdure of F. L. SNOW DEN.
see 10 184 Liberty strret, had of Wood.
50 Lll.l. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion reed, for
sale at the Drug and Seed !lore of
184 Liberty street, heed of Wood.
for treed; just received by
N 0.184, Liberty heed of Wood at,
G,11D13,4 TOOLS, cnnsisiing of Hoes. Fancy Spades
Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tool■, Budding
Knives'. Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., Jos' re
ceived and for wale by F. L. SNOWDEN.
sep 10 IR4 I.lber•v street, head oC Wood.
C./HOWE Venison ilams.--Just received a small fall,
ply of very choice cured Venison flame, on retail
In small lots for current money.
HA AC Ageni,
and Com. Merchant
WHITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Crasq acid
Kentucky Blue Drags, always on hand and for
No. IR4 Liberty street, head of Wipod.
ASTER ft DUCH N Ati, Attorneys at Gar. OtliCe
reillkOCed from the Diamond. to *Attorney %Row,"
ossify side of Fourth street, between Market and Wood
*meets sep 10
MIIGISTRATES'ItIANKS , for proceedlnzs In At
tackweat under the late taw, for sale at this Office
r"SALE.—LoIa on the No. tli East corner of Coal
Laneaed lligh street. Apply to
eep 10 BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, near .1111 st.
100 LBS. Landreth's French Sugar Beet Send, just
waived and for gala ut the Drug and Seed
184 Litiety street, head of Wood.
Store of
■ep le
eopartnershlp heretofore existing between WIL
aiesolietalby Lutes! content. Wlllhtm Dlghe is authorized
o the zienatere of the Biro In settling up the business
t hel ate Sm. WILLIAM RIGBY,
see 10 T.HoPSWELL
TOEINSTON k STOCKTON, Rook:refers. Pi - Inters and
Paper Manureelorerft, No. 37, Markel et. Pep 10-1 y
JOHN ANDERSON, Smallfield Foundry, Water st:
near the Monongahela House, Fiord urgh. sett 10-1 y
LEONARD S. JOHNS, Alderman, St, Clair street, Fe
cond door from I.ll,erty. Rep lo—ly
DR. S. R. HOLM ES, Office In Second street, nes' door
to Mulvany ¢ Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly
SIIUNK k FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st.,
near the Mayor's ()thee, ritighttrgil. sep
11110 S. HAM I (.TON. Attorney nt l.aw, Fifth, between
Wood and Smithfield WIC. PRIPI.OPP.h. Pep 10-1 y
TONER, Atto , ney to Law, North l'Avd corner
1 of SnOt Wield and Four' h sna 10-1 y
EIA NN A 4- TI I RNRUI4I,'S raper Warrlolose, No.
11141, Wood si., whpre may had a gom.ral
411 writing wrapping. printing. wall naprr t blank hooks,
school books, kc, 4e. sop 10—ly
c. TOWN. END 4- co_ Wire Workers and
actu r ers No. 23 Market street, between 2d
and 3d streets, sep 10-1 y
E XCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Peon and 'l. Clair
reets, by MeKIIIIIIN 4 Sllllll.
pep 10--1
ward Filiahes. Mannino urer or Iron nail Nails
Warehouse N 0.25. Waal 41.. Pittsburgh. i.ep 10 -1 y
I 1G METAL —77 loos soft Pi! Mrlnt for sale by
J. G. sr A. GORDIN,
13 No. 12 Water greet.
6 3 000 LBS. B ICON !IA MS. 16.0013 lb Dnron
• Shoulders, for sa'e by
J. G. k A. CORDON,
SePl3 No 12 Wll ter street
S. PATTERSON, Jr.. R,rmingimm, near P.ihmurgh,
.0 -Pa., Manufa , itirer of Locks. Hinges and Boll:: To•
imeco, Faller. Mill and Timber Screws; Houten Screws for
Rolling Mills, 4.c. cep ta—ry
JOFIN NT. Los IiEV. Tailor and th !bier, t.thar.y
elect, between Sixth arm Vitlin Riley, South aide.
srp 10
W BURBRI E 4. CO., Wholcfia le Grocer, and
J Coninik.inn Merchanic— St.cnnd eur , rt, Iwl wren
Wood and r3roithlietd Pittshn..7.h. ye p 10— 1 y
G. 4. . GOll 110 N. I'..mnii••lnn and Forwardinl
CP • St•rrlnint•, Wnter -cp 10-1 y
El AM rnsi:s coml nr r irle, receired per S
aid for Fair by J. G. k A. GORDON,
Imp 10 No. 12. %% wet Pire•el
QuGArt M()I.‘SQFS --40 hints Nrw Orlennt Su
1.7 2nr; ^Q W. 1.; New Orlva ibg ‘10111,P.: for snlc I.y
tep 111 3 . G . 4. A.
St7C, me pr N. (r. S.i:ar, received t.er
arid Corea!'" by 3 G. 4- A. Clll noN.
S~BACON CAS .in order, on Itand and for rale be
sep 10 J. G. A. Gort t)()N. so, 12, "Valer st
Q . Cf; Alt A N SlOl. %SS:U.:S.-13111140 and 4 Id•Ir N. O.
'7l Sovir. 33 Idols N I Nlal se•, rerrivrd p.r Slenmllnai
hoporl.,, ar! for *air by J. C; A- A. GORDON.
• LA RI/ OIL. (Or CO. by
• or,. In CO! nr r fir CO h a Ilft t.\ooj c.
1631 E
PAPR IA Ge7 .l ,: i nto F lA A •tv il I N .1 . 1 : 8 4 1[ 1 : : :: , 1 , 3 . t- K k a. 6-; .1-0 -.1,1r
_IL by
rtr 1 it 1-yrrner I. 3.111 W 0,0 as
1.1:S •n - I.v
NO• I/ I:. 1. !INES K - ,
tier 3 n.l
\I: AND NI(II,4SSES —CII N.' , Sozg.,r,
hhh.. (10. ril t I ,
, 11. i.•••• •• f,,,
cdr l; k A 1:1r1R11()N.
11 \\ . :4l, l 101,1,
:.Or tt,o• t l in B.tr.k rti plc y prorr•f•ditl-, 1”1"11.11 01:
'rind p.iller.:ltlil ¶'lr 14,111, a pilrlit.l.ll he
Oliivi• of I Nll,ll, and Drivorrat. fell In
loCiton:thie Loki
, hoe Nl:lltitl..rturer. No. !HI, Third P l tret, l Tl , rel .
WOild and Smithfield Pi met , . I'M ent ri: 11 .el , l l l
ha , reno.ved hip oft,e '0 the corner of Fourth
.Ireel and Cherry A le y , het wee" t`fililltfield and Grant
pep 10
FOR RENT.- ThPlßVeri I II!! and lot coitioini lig 4
acresi, in A lleg hen v, near the Rea vet ft 'aiely
oertipiedity Mr. t=o mile. Church. Airply nt ihe Ilerrha nrr
and SI a etifari retie fl. to W. H. Il EN N
m Kim, No. 7 , Si. Clair sir.ei,
sep lU
supply iii h's Garden Seeds, always on
hand, nod for sale at Ins agency ,we Gin:: store of
F. 1.. ssownr.N.
Sep 10 184 Liberty RI reet. bead of Wood
DR. DAVID WARD loaf hip office and irofoidence
on Fourth Street, nearly sout h of the Conti House.
second dwelling from RoPs +tree!. He will faithfully attend
all calls perinining t o his ifrofession. Night call* should be
made at ihe door ntiove the hapenient. pm) 10
EMOVAL —Mali hew Jones, Barber and flair Ilreta
er. heir removed 10 Fourth si reef, pppti•ror the May•
ors office, where he will he happy io:waii upon permanent
or transient customers. He sullr.itsa share of public pat•
ronnee. pep 10
Al i M.
A. W A RD, DENTIST, Penn st. three
door below Irwin street. Flours of business, from
9 A. sr., until 5 P. nfuer which time lie will attend
to no one except in rases of actual neeessily. He
would further inform those who may think proper In
employ him, t hat he experts immediate payment. without
the necessity on his part of sendin: in hills. sep 10
JOHN IVITFARLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet
..11..ker, Third at. trettoeen Wood 4. Market streets,
respectful Inflirnis his friends and the public that he is
prepared to execute nil orders for Sofas, Sideboards, flu •
reaus, Chairs, rattles, liedsteads, Stands, !lair and Spring
Maturnsses, Curtains, Carpets, ail .orts of Upholstering
wort:. which lie wi11 . % arra at equal .0 any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10
110 Woed Street, Pittsburgh —R. A. Raiiiinian.
A lici iunrer and Merchant, is ono/ prepared
to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Nlercliandize,
at his laran and capacious looms, No. I TO. Not th Easi
Corner of Wood and Fifth Stcricis.
Rezular riles of Dry Goods, Furniture. (1 rocerier and
other art wles, on Mondayr and Thursday of each week.
Hardware. Cutlery. Dry Goods, and Fancy articler, on
Tuerrla v. Wednesday, and Thurrday evenins.
Rook.. .erery Snturnar evrn.
Lihe , atadvancen made on ConAigninentr when wanted.
t YF.
men.r.t. John D. Da veF. Rug
Lt Ihimorty {- Smith.
tt !tampion. Smith, 4 Co. .
P I..urenz 4- Co.,
J. WV. Kurbr 4- Co..
rt. liCkee 4 Ca.
.‘ coo. Jumps MN;argill. } Pittsburgh
.. C. Ihursea, Esq.
4 . Masa SCPadden Erna.
.• Logan d• Kennedy.
.. J. K. Moorhead 4- Co. 1
tt Jas. P.tAttrart, Esq.
Hobert Galway, EN;
•. Capt. hill. Mari
McVay, Hanna, fr Co.
s. Slams.
• Smith. Bagate7 t Co Phila.
itep 10
111611 Y—No. I'2l. Coerce of IYoodated Frrni
Streets, Pittsburgh, has on hand a complete as•
sortmentof Queensware suited In the city or country
tadc. Also. a choke selection of pure while and gold
hand DINING A N ()TEA WARE, in large or small sets,
or separate pieces to suit purchasers.
A cask of 46, tio, or 84 piece sets, superbly painted
and gill English China Teaware, al very low prices.
Toy Teawarc, plane, arid rich painted and gilt, from
1.00 to $5,00 per set
Children's Muzs of every description
Wilke Chinn Sin - mins Mugs.
Granite Dining a , d Tea dcrvires, In white and with
eplendid American Fernery printed In like and black.
A large varirty of Steamboat Doling and DreakfaQt Stls,
Imported io match. complete,
Fire Pronf stone baking plates and dishes, from the
Derbyshire Potreries.
Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties.
Window Glass, of every size.
Patent I:tickets, Tubs and Keglers.
Stone Pipe Grads. ti-e, 4-c. 4-c.
All of which are respectfully offered In the pub.
lie on the most favorable terms. Jan 26. 1842-1 v
J. PDX A 1.11E:4 in torney and Coassellor at
1 • Law. OM ra his profeotintml services to the cit
Izens of Pittsburgh and hopes for a shore 01 public pat•
ronace. He will execute all kinds of writing wit h neat
netts and dispatch. Cases in hankruptcy attended to un
reasonableterms.—Offire In Smithfield street, at the
house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil. to whom he refers.
cep 10 T. J. FOX A LDEN.
DAVI CLA RK, tinoltiottable Boot Maker,—
nos removed to No, 34 Market street. between
Second and Third streets, where lie wood he happy
to see his old customers, and all others who feel dispos.
ed to patronize hint. He uses nothing hot first rate
sloe A, awd employs the best of workmen; and as he gives
los constant personal attention to business, lie truthrit
lie will deserve at.d receive a Iltir share of patronage.
sett 10
ll' .1 ttilHA M. 4- cONVECTIttNAItY.-
11: A Hunker respect folly inform. his friends and the
public that they tan always find the Itet quality of lee
Creams. tosether with nl: kinds of confectionary and
fruits, to their sea.on, at his establishment—No. 11.
Fifth street, het ween Wood a nd Market.
N. B.—Partin? supplied on the shortest notice. with
esker, or onvlliing to his line. Also families furnished
With Bread. rep 10
HAM J. CLEM ER, receding at RH Mott limo,
New York, was afflicted with lyspep , la in Its mint
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head.
ache, great debility. fever, costiveness, rough, heart.
born, lain to the cliettl and stomach always after eating,
impaired appreile, sensation of sinking at 'be stomach,
rurredionFue, nnuwa, with frequent •omitings, dizziness
lowardc nlgiel and restleness. These lend continued up.
word of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Wm.
Evans. 14$f Clem ham street, and submitting to his ever
cuccrscfn I and agreeable a of t real meet, the patient
was compleirly restored alienlth to the short space of
nnemonth. and cf.-tient! for I iln incalculable benefit deriv
ed. tladli came forward and volunteered the above state
For s.tl e Wholesale and Retool by
R. E SELLERS, Agent,
Pop lit No 20, Wood mire.' below Seerrod
} LARo,—Tholiv cvlin would euh greatly to reduce
their ex 1 . .. r light, •hool ,! certainly puremaßr one of
above nanilhd Lamp, • an try their nor there lee clear
of at leart Irv, . hinds of the eanenxe over 011,and
time liTht n!rf nined front thin it pure and brilliant, and
wholly free (tofu ,rnokr. nr dioagrerable emelt. VVe would
here slate 111.11 l'arr's Patent i. the only one worthy the
atipnlinn nI - 111a pahlir,a, jI in the only one !hal Ir app',
raid,. In every vnnrly nr patlern .4'l,mi. and the only
011011181 will sir,, Lard wtll.. 111 any trmprratttre nfenid
rrt Wr• 11.1% , •, in I he. nllorl friva , r n 1 Ihree 1.011110..
ne,rral Ili , ni , an•ln . and rrh .rarre an ritention.
iholl` 11-1111 limn, Ilan, irinrP-ned then POvP• Richly
twin and lolly ropy. red ul the truer economy
t.v ir . ;IA their •Ili.erinrily over sillier mull
oVe.. t 01,7,11 In y l ,lnlinr,.. and 13,1:t
The Hnrvy Unwed [Amp. r.n I.e had Only ;0
r) IS' 1(• It A ?".%f 02% , " .
No. 12, ‘Vnter ptteet
No. 12. lVnter 4ireet
TIII,I r, rt. rto arty oponttilf. Ihr r.let
IC6attll fit lilllllll,l Metal. Tin
l: In-tt Lamp. 111 vn, lotto 1 ,1,,,, A.
Gla.- .11.1 at 11.110 en.
In? -W., rII4d In I, inotnv
‘VF• hive I ircl and are COO.
Cart ' . l'niror trumps for 1•orror r 1.a.11 Cr Winer anti/141
000 We 00 L e.. 041 ,on in nmy int! 11, 4 1 f ly.. an
Pin r rein, inrht—eq,nnn, In inc• of the ondinsnr, mod., 01
lin , littrie 4 llimoe, at nhorst one 11 , 1,1 Ike trod. :Ind wholly
her wrooke unr nlllrr (I.P4grneeldo• retell. We lake
nienn,,nne in,nf , oll , memilnl I turn? Limp. 10 ['WOO . . hy
ihr.rfr in n glen? .Hying Over nlllrr •re•rln
Of limit 011. or even rand'e.: and we he 11..? e %hem to
he mere rlrnnly nnA le.• 1,00 , 1..400w Ilion either
To la. had al PRO'S, PAY•iiman's only, Third .irrot
nenioy opor,oe 11, I'o.ll'lfirr.
Pee. W. W. B.tkewell, idinee Boon,
" A. 51 an. idea Faulann,
" John AI 'Cron, I'. Yeatier•
N G. I oflh.s Wm. Graham. Jr.,
" Robert Dunlap, F Trovl , ln.
Dr 11. (I Seller.. WIII nOUghll.,
" E. 11 C1177.A(11. lienre Atwood,
" Wm. AI. IVritlit, Cr,,,.'.
Robert H. Kerr. E.q Geortm W. Henry
A. Beckham. Rnheri MrPhereuri.
1' horn. (lust on
r:enr,7e Mil.enher,rer, wm. Efthhnnm
0. P. Sliirag
M I.lllllle, rocs astrr Tien ry itnr7rsser
M. min ck house.
011, 1
1 jOhllgt On
N. R Jn•t received, nn Improved Paten' I,amp, for
kitchen n•r. lIIIV 19—dlw k WI(
TO THE P URLIC, and particularly to 0 , 1
patrons of this city:—llaving retired from the
nraciier of Medicine. I mac he permitted io PO V. I lint it
lia. fallen to ilie lot of l lit few persons to have enjoyed
no literal or la 'hare of olio reit Ira! practice as my
own has heels for itt• last 3)) or 411 year,
The exrnirience of that loos period of active life, and the
fact of my having been twice, since 1830, associated with
Dr. 0. A. Wilson, in the ptactire of medicine, (in hot h n
period of five vears.) enables me toludge fully of the
merits of his pills.
Su convenient, on efficient. and yet sit safe, did I esteem
these pills. t hat fur the last five yents In my peach ire for
the cure of rhronic disease., or whatever natno. and those
of females in part icular, I have used more of them than
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine, this must fail in some In
Menem hut In my hands there has been lees disappoint.
ment and mono sati=fact ion In rm. adminktrat lon of this
one runtedy than of all others; Its food effects spinet Imes
quite anon kiting rn,.
If my patient required a safe aperient medicine eh her
• fore or after parturition, the Wilson'n pt Is were Just
the thing I wattled.
1(n dyspeptic arid condition of the stomach, combined
with rostivencys or inartivit y oft he liver 0°0511(10Pd the
disease 11 my patient, the pills were Just the thing 1
If I treated a rase requiring an eninienagogne, the
VVilson's pills were just the thire., 1 wanted.
I f palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or of her
difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and 5. erretory systems, annoyed my patient at the turn
of tife,' the Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
Thus. without resn.!et to the name, n disease might
happen to wear RI the time I have had it tinder treat•
merit, particular indications or symplons arising, were
moat promptly and most happily met by the
W 116010,0118.
That so great a number of diseases. and sometimes ap.
nareatly opposite ones, in which I iv,ve used these pills,
should he cut ed more readily by them than by any oilier
remedy, may at first Rem strange and contradictory, but
why it is so is as clear to my mind as that a great many
persons should become thirsty from t.s many different
Causes. a nd yet all requ ire that common and greatest or
all blessings, water to quench their thirst.
in conclusion, it isdue the eputation of tbe medicine
and the public, to any decidedly and unconditionally. that
the W its.m'a pills are the only combination I have ever
met with In my loneconrse of practice, that really hos
eeeresanyt 'ling curative or specific for sick headache.
The shove Pills designed particularly for the sick
Haed.Ache, Dyspepsia. Constipation of i lie Rowels 4-c.,
prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, and for
sale, wholesale and retail, at his dwelling In Penn street.
below Marhury. Oct
2 In p“ , 'ic Ihe (4sl
John S fahntrer
J. It Ttirner
m. 111,rtin
Jame, Ft Clark, of tile Amer
Iran Ilotel,
Jahn M.Cokniplwil
DR. GOODI'S Celebrated Female Pill 1 hese
Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of
the Indies an a safe and efficient remedy in removing
those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex•
ercisr, or general debility of the system. They obviate
cmdlveitess, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affections. These Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Uni•
tel States, and ninny Mothers. For sale Wholesale and
retail, by R. r. izELLERS, Agent,
sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street,below Second.
WRI. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St.,
opposite thre head of Smithfield at., Pittsburgh.—
Tl.e subscriber having bought out the stock of the late
Thomas RatTerty, deceased, has commenced business
in the old sinnd of Mr. R., and Is prepared to erectile
all descriptions of work In hisline, In the best manner
and on the shortest notice. He tceeps eor stantly on band
a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and
of the best quality. He Baehr the patronage of the nub•
tic and of tite craft. WM. ADAIR.
rep 10
mid Astes for Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The suhecrlhert manufacture and keeps constantly on
hand Coaeh,C and Ellptlc. Springs (warranted,) Juniata
Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated BIM Banda, Slump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Bram Lamp■, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Dandles and !tinges,
Si. eigir it.. eerie U e 4 nettle,' y Bridge
lID.SELLERS, M. D., of fi ce and dwelling In Four th ,
. near Ferry street. step 13—ly
The attention , fthme who have been somewhat seep.
ileal In reference to the numerous cerlifleatep published
in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher.
cc, on account critie persons being unknown in this see
lion of the Stele. Is respectfully directed to t he following
certificate.' he writer of which has been a eft Izen of this
borough forseveral yenta, and in known an n gentleman
of integrity and resi.onsibllity.
To the -1(ellt, Mr. .1. Kin BY.
I have used Dr. Swevne's Comp and Syrup elf Wild
Cherry for a rough, with which I have been severely nf•
flirted for about four months. and I have no hesitation
in Paying that it 'pill,. most effective medicine that I have
been nbleto procure. It composes all uneasiness, and
agrees well with my diet.—and mentalns a reenter end
good appet lie. I car freely recommend it to all others
•Inillarly afflicted. J. AI t eaten, Borough of Chamlierpleg.
March 9. 1.1411. pep t 3
flor Pale hy WILL I AM THORN No. 5.1 Market street.
PERSONS desirous of procuring Fruit, Shade. and
Ornamental Trcem, or Shrubbery, from Phltailei
pi is or New York, are reque.ted to make application rirt
poem am prigeltile, at the forty! and Seed Store of the mil..
arriker, where ran he had catalogue*, gritultonalg. of the
mom pit,lient wane! iCA. F. L. SNOW DEN.
*eft 21 Nn 1114 Liberty sweet. head of W0..4
NIA MILE M NUF .WToE:Y.—Patrick Cawrield re
•treetfolly arquainla his friend. and I he publir Zen
l that he hits rommeared the Marble httaineas al the
earner of Fi h and I..iherty where will he conata at ly
nn Imorl tom', Annex. mantel monument,. hest'
and loot Floor,. tali!, plates (or ealiiiiet ware. and ' , cry
article annerialnina to the hoprinean. He will warrant liis
wnrk lobe well done, and hi. rhartrea will he moderate.
Ile reaper, (ally .aka a cltAre of ooklic patronage. scp 10-
A M F. 14 A. V E 421:Y. Fere:reedier aid Commission
Anent for Stenaiho3t Cleveland and
renti•l Ivnion end Ohio line llnvion rented the ware.
r , o,rwriy or, impl.ql by liirlionnharn k Co.. No. !8
tv:o,. si•erit, Lei wren Woeit and 7'4[lli. I 4 prepared
1.1 rrreive nod forward noo.l+ la any port on the Ohio or
NI I ..i.•11.1t1 r !e'er ou rr3.lrl:ll.!f-tr,n,i
•Pp In
(10 l_11:7A F7ltlll P Tim,,s l 4. W. Illitntocln.
Isn•use arsuclaced soles Iscr under 1?,•
I rims 1, 1 . 1111V111.00 g‘lllll, wlll ronlititir the
11 t.lisior*. IT t !Inure reccully occupied I•V
ll,' pion izsussls 6 co where they 1. ill be -ecervinz In a
frt. On,- • n new murk of Cri'l and 11 Inlet nonslor. They
fr•rwr tfullt invite t hwir Old friettrl4, and merch• rO• errs.
visisinc Pitivlsurgh. to call and evsn'lnc !heir
Mork, Rept 28—.1.1m.
rorta'•lp Pl,tt ion!' Scute on wheels, to tkely,lt 2,500 'hs, at
555 (Po.
Ito do do do 2,005 al 545 (10
do do do do 1,500 at 55 00
do du do do 1,000 at :10 00
do du do do 500 at 25 00
With raking lecc,c an addition or titi to each stair.
Dormant .cales for the lief' of Warehouses, Flouring
Mills. 4,..the same pricer no shove.
A Inn, White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
' improvements, and a variety of 01 her roamer scares,
which they will sell for f R to $l5,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Mills, Saw Mills. Salt Works. Jrc„ double and sing e
geared slide lathes.fnot and other lathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines. door
nod sash machines. Hall's pat, nu horse power, with or
without thrashing titachiniN, a superior article; rlrcniai
saw shafts, machines for sawing lath, Ttnner's ma
i rhinos and tools oral, descriptions, also for making black
mg hoses, a superior article; governors fur steam
stocks, taps and dies, coffee mills, bedstead or Joint hots
and machinery for making the sa me. cotton factory ma
chlm:ry made or repaired; printing press pialtens turned
and printing presses repaired
JAMBS MAY, Ages'..
sep 22--tr , touric BRADBURY
JOAN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Coininie
sion Merchant. No. 1116, corner of Wood 4. FV'th. its.
Pittsburgh: fitivlnr . boon appointed one of the Auction
eers Int the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to job
bers, manufacturers and dealers, who may he disposed
to make trial of this market He Is prepared to make
jidvances on consignments or all saleable commodities.
and trusts to Pati•ty correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy rand favorable returns.
That the various interests whirl, may he confided in
him, shall he adequately protected, lie brings to the aid
of his own experience in business and acquaintance with
torrchandiae generally, the services of Mr. Ssmrst.
FAMPICSTOCE; heretofore advantageously known. RR an
tniporter and dealer In Hardware Ind Cutlery. with
whom a permanent engagement is made.
Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pres'i. of M. 4- M.
Darlington 4. Beehles,
o Robert Galway.
" James M. Cooper,
James Mny,
R. M. Riddle. Pittsbttrgit
• wm fioliittson. Jr. Pres% 1
of Exchange Bank.
flampion,Smith, 4. CO.,
• • John D. Davir,
.. Samuel Church,
.. J. K. Moorhead.
•• Jas. W. Brown 4- Co.
o John F! Brown, 4. Co
o Smith 4. 114idley.
Yardly 4. ti
o John S. 'Mille,
John Dateell
FAMILY FLOUR—Jost received a few barrel, of
Soperior Flour, made expressly for family use.' Fur
"Alm by ISAAC CRIJBn,I4B Lib, St
In Store 50 barrels gur. Sour.
For publishing a new Daily Paper in the City of Pitts
„1„E Subscribers loving made arrangements In merge
1 the American Manufacturer and flitahursh Pdercu•
ry into one Journal. have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the fhb., of the Daily ifornise Post.
The leadinz object of t ne °Parr" will be the thlaemlna•
lion and defence of the political principles that have here
tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective
papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the
advancement and success of those doctrines.
A ithosigh, In polities, the paper will he thorooghly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence. and brief notices of all mat•
ters end occurrences that rome properly within thesnhere
ore Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently ln•
erecting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, ir
respective of party considerations.
In addition to the political and general news that will
he found In the ...Worming Post," the Editors will take
pains to farni-th the business, community with
the latest and must Intt.resting Comxiatcur. laTILLI•.
czar . ..a from all parts of the country. and to have prepa
red ruck account, of the Markets and the State of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men In their several callings.
Tarim—The Pcnrr will be published en a large imperi
al aheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum, payable In advance. It will also be cold by
news.boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy.
Adverrisesteitis will he inserted at the lowest rates
chnrged by the other daily papers of the ay.
Dtr TW ENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post,
who will he engaged on the most liberal terms
Angus' 31, 1842- W. H. SMITH.
00 MIDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO, In More and
for sale by J. C. tt A GORDON,
gY Morrison d Co. London. for Pale only by S. N.
Wickersham, corner of Wood street and 'Virgin
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. wbo
le sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. . 4 0 sep 10
FARM FOR SA Le.—The undersigned offer' for sale a
tract of land situated 4 miles from P reepnti. In the
direction of Kittanning. Buffalo 'township. Arm bong
county. containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and ander good
fence; 10 of whlen are in meadow— a good square to
dwelling hone, and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple
orchard of 80 hearing trees—and a spring of excellent
water convenient tothe house.
FOR TERMS float) , to the syhtterihers residing At the
Snitworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Tree•
TO THE WISE.— I tlt now well mindeestood how
runrh disorders of the mind depend for their curs
noon., due attention to the body. It is now understood
how valuable is that medicine which will remorse morbid
accnmulations without weakentimt; time boslityliesrer. It is
now understood that there is a reenrroral influents be.
tween the mind and the body. it is now understood that
purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan
choly, and even Insanity is cured by perseveringly using
them: it is now understood how much domestic happl•
nes, depends upon the healthy condition of the diretthee
It to now well known thnt the Brandreth Pills have
cured thonoands of hopeless and helpless persons, even
when the first physicians had pronouneed them beyond
all human means of relief. It is now not only well
known that the Rrandreth Pills PO cure, bat it Is also on
derotoort how they em.; titat It I. by their purifying effect
on the blood that they restore the hotly to Moan.
The value of the medicine Is becoming moreand more
ntfron, it Is recoinnten , 'ed daily from family to family,
The itrandreilt Pill% remove in 3il nianost imperceptible
niann•r ntl nor lon* Ai-cumulation. and purify and mule°.
t hr hiood,and their good effects are not counterhalan
red by Inc Inconveniences: heing rontposed entirely or
reeciables they do note:pose those who use them to
den:Teri and their effects ere an certain as they are salu
tary; they are tinily and palely adininistend to infancy,
manhood, and old asc. and to women in the most
erst lest And delicate circumstance!. They do not disturb
or shock the animal functions, but restore their order
And el their health.
ri pro veti llv
nnfariore f t
IPlf Markin[
Fold itt Dr. Rrnitilreih's Orr N 0.91, Wood street,
rin star c h. Prtre j 5 rents per hot. will) toll direction*
HACK--The only pyre In Pittshirreli where the vino.
ior Pills ran be otitained, is the Loclor's own office, No
93 Wood streei. Rep in
Ivetwren DIA
h tl reel, IWO
,nr Pitt+
lararinre and
d Illr frd'ol
con, ogled of
DR, J. B. Ti BRITT'S, Respectfully Inform the till-
xens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. that he has return•
ed to the city. He hopes to shore the confidence of his
former patrons and the pithlic generally; End solicits a
renewal of a portion of their patronage. In connexion
he wonld observe, that the operation of Lithotrity, (or
breaking the stone In the bladder and allowing IlYo pan
of with the urine,) is every tvhere commanding the deep.
est Interest. lie hopes to extend the benefit of - this branch
„this profession to the afflicted. Strlcrares, Diseases of
the Bladder and K id neys,—w Melt occasionally foltow,—
will likewise receive attention.
No I, Port
le Platform
ales oa A Win,
undK.ai :63.*
Those from a distai.ce wishing further information
will apply personally or by letter, or it desired can be
accommodated at his dwelq in a retired rizrrt •or the el•
ty, on Third, between Ferry and Liberty sta, rep 10
LET Invalids read the following ;croon' of a Salhar
cured of a complication of afliictiona In nineteen
days hy the use of Brandreth Nita. it distinctly proves
here are herbs In nature which have affinity cure be
ranee of diacase, and Brandreth s a Piliaa re made for them
Read and beeonVlnced. Take the medicine anithe reined
John SHAW, of Pembroke, Washington county, Maine,
tieing dory sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick
.iliout six months shire. The pains in his head, breast,
bark, left side and :mien being so had that he was unit.
Me to help himseif.and was taken Into the Chelsea Hos.
filial in the city of Boston. That alter being In said
hospital five weeks, Doti or Otis said he did not know
Wlllll was the mattes with him, and that he could do
nothing for him, notcould lie prescribe any medicine.
That he, therefore, Was conveyed from the Chelsea Hos.
pital to the Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he
was there physirlced with all sorts of medicine for a peri.
od of four months, suffering nll the time the most heart.
rending misery.— That, besides his affection of Ids bones
he wan troubled much with a disease of the longs: some.
times lie would spit a quart of phlegm in the dayt besides
this affection he had a bad Merritt:en, Which had morn
or less attended him fl oor the commencement of his sick.
seas. Thai at limes he dreaded n stool worse than he
would have dreaded death; that tie ten compare the feel.
Int to nothing nave that or knives passing through his
bowels. Aflersuffering worse rha n death at he Satior'is
Retreat, on Staten Island,the doctor told him that medl.
eine was of no use to him. that he mtv,t try to stir about.
Al this time lie was suffering the grraie.st misery. That
his bones wire so tender he could not hear the least press.
ore upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his Instep was
most painfhl, that as I Ire Doctor said he Woold give him
no more medicine he determined to procure some of Dr.,
Itrandreth's Pills. which he did. from 241 Broadway
New York; that he commenced with five pills. and some.
Imes inerensed the dose to eight. The first week's use
so much benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing
what he was using, said, 'now, Shaw, you took like a
man again; if yon imprOve in this way, you will short he
Welt.' That he bond every dose of the Brandreth Pills
relieve him, first they cured him of the pain when at
stool; that they next cared the diarrhrea, aid finally the
pains In his bones,.-That the medicine seemed to add
strength to biro every day. fiefold the doctor yester
day the 17th Instant, that lie felt himself well, and also,
that he owed his recovery to Brandreths Pill. Under
ProVidence, that he had ratter, the medicine 1 evely day
fOr 19days.; that the doctor told him if he had known he
had been taking that medicine, he 'lion Id not have stayed
another day In the home He considers It labia linty to
make thiontildie statement for the benefit ofall similarly
afflicted; that thee may know where to find a medicine
Mt Wingate them. JOHN SHAW.
John Shaw i•oner h• me Only sworn this 12th day of
A OW. 1542, did d•po•.• rind .1 v rhn I the foregoing slate.
meet Is imp. J.ri w F.F.l.P.R.ennrsfrsioner or Maids,
The EId4.ArDRETH MIA are gold at Dr. Riau
dreth's principal Oben, 241. BROADWAY'. New York,
and at his prineipal Aire. '°. 95 Wood at real.
the ONL r pr,..yez In Biltsburth arbor/ the genesis@ e
bs obtained sop 211-4.wbs
rep 10
Net. 12, Water street
The parted year has passed away
Unto that dreary land,
Where ages upon ages steep,
A mighty, slumberini band;
And, like a blond•straineJ col in tie
Grown we/I.y of renown,
Hath yielded to the new-born year
MI sceptre and hie crown.
flushed now should be each lose o r glee,
Um:putrid the sparkling sal ne,
While Love and Grief bow head is band
To Itlllusory's sacred shrifts;
E'en han,ghty Pride should humbly bead
Dawn frons.his lofty steep,
And from the banquet, laughing Mirth
Should turn aside and wee.
Unwearied Thought, with solemn brow,
Droops o'er the heart's deep urn,
And tr-ces on its glowing face.
"The Past will neer return I,"
While Futrey Item her starry height
Returns with mournful eye,
And folding up her rainbow wing.
Stands meekly, penti4e by.
Hark'. the low winds ate Singing now,
O'er the depart. d year,
And gathering in dun autumn leaves,
To strew upon his bier;
White the telt treessuired leaden isse4,
Unstirred by summers breath,
Like mourners felt •of every baps
Above the couch etriesth.
But riots the sepulchre of years
Huth closed its ports's o'er
The term of the departed yew.
in silence as ibefine;
And the Naw 'rasa with Stately tree/
Steals -slowly e'er the earth,
Robed in the garments -of his stata„
A monarchilruen his birth. -
Could we 'but iitt Thettrri'dcsmed veil,
O'er buried ages Cast,
And bring to light the darkened-things
That slumber with the past,
Sad mysteries, undreamed of now,
One g'ance wouli then unfold,
And many other 'mourns's:l things, 4 .
Too mournful to be told.
The cold, the dead,:the •beautiful,
E'en now they aileut,pass,
Like floating aitadowsoue by one
O'sr Memory's faithful glass;
And Hope and Love start fondly imp
To greet them as OrToro,
But something whisinre unto each
MAI, they are•no more!"
Time, ceaseless Time, we 'know ndt aline
Thy Wandering began,
The dreamy peat •is sealed touts,
The future .none mey•aeeo;
We only know that Toyed thy path
Dark ruins have been hurled,
That 'neatli thy a ing Destruction •reiea
His altata ~"er the wu Id.
E'en Science, frotn his , cagle height.
So little can forerme,
He eilentlurned abashed awv.
If wo but ask ofthee;
And it to Eloquence we turn,
Mute is her silver
As if upon her spirit's lyre
The d.ers of death were hung.
Still onward, onwara,llion Most area
With dow and measured 'tread,
Peopling with cold and lifeless forms,
The ci •ies of the dead;
Throw i,.g around the young and 'fair
The shadow of thy wing,
And stealing from each human heart
Some low rd and cherished thing.
M Lissom rt Eloquence.
The St. Louis gives the substance of
a speech recently made before the Leg—
islature of Missouri. It seems that la men
lotion was introduced to repeal the wolf
scalp law, and (3! Jehu, if the anfottunate
individual who made the pteposition
didn't firncy himself among a race of fast•
ing wolves. Six members from Wolf coun
ties got the floor at the same time; all of
them had been studying the wolf question.
and had been biting for mix months in an
ticipation elan attack on their constituent's
rights; their thunder bottles were Eo full
that it was dangerous to keep it longer
confined, After some diecassien, a mem
ber, called in his diggings, Wolfy Jim,
got the decision in his favor, and was jest
going to give a canine yell of victory when
the Spe.tker's hammer*, him to order.
'Hold up,' said he to Speaker, 'Pin
squar and shan't squeal, but I'll give
that gentleman from the refined diggings.
of Boonslick, particular josey, picklei in
indignation, 'Move your char' said belts•
another member, 'till I get a fair sweep at •
him,' and drawing out of his pocket a plug:
of highly concentrated Missouri broad leaf,.
be took a chew of it, and then threw a
glarsee of jagged lightning at the file of:
wolf scalp rights and tnue began:
"Mr. SPEAKER-I'm Wolf Jim from One
of the upper counties. I can whip the
toenails off a gi iaaely bar, and depopulate
wolf diggins of their inhabitants, just as fast.
'as a skin flint. A St. Louis yankee wquldi
wiggle himself into a money corporation,—
there'Ore I go hide, hair and eighteen,
squeals egin the invasion of eteriaidi,
rights. What, sink the liberties of th's
whole north eastern-most part of our eoun
ty, by repudiating the bounty of them, var
mint's head dresses, and all this Masa the •
Governor's little boy, Bill, may wear ruf
fle shirts; and that suck-in sheltie? shop St.
Louis, may keep her inhabistauts chiwite
up.river corn at a cheap (slice. Wtsy...
its monstrous! Do you happen On. knew,,
Mr, Chairman, that they have got in that
thar place a combination? You needn't
look as if a wild cat had lit on yott, fur they
Fire engines, steam sawmills, patent
machines, two hundred lawyers, u malty
doctors, a shop to make inure in. with a
to .v of steers boats all combined in an no--
dissolved philanx to wage an esitermine. _
deg. never-ending, grab all-you can lit
werfare'sgin the rights of the upper coot%